Cook your First U-Net in PyTorch (2024)

Cook your First U-Net in PyTorch (3)

U-Net is a deep learning architecture used for semantic segmentation tasks in image analysis. It was introduced by Olaf Ronneberger, Philipp Fischer, and Thomas Brox in a paper titled “U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation”.

It is particularly effective for biomedical image segmentation tasks because it can handle images of arbitrary size and produces smooth, high-quality segmentation masks with sharp object boundaries. It has since been widely adopted in many other image segmentation tasks, such as in satellite and aerial imagery analysis, as well as in natural image segmentation.

In this tutorial, we will learn more about U-Net, how it works, and cook our own recipe -implementation- using PyTorch. So, let’s go!

The U-Net architecture consists of two parts: an encoder and a decoder.

Cook your First U-Net in PyTorch (4)

Encoder(Contraction Path)

The encoder is a series of convolutional and pooling layers that progressively downsample the input image to extract features at multiple scales.

In the Encoder, the size of the image is gradually reduced while the depth gradually increases. This basically means the network learns the “WHAT” information in the image, however, it has lost the “WHERE” information.

Decoder(Expansion Path)

The decoder consists of a series of convolutional and upsampling layers that upsample the feature maps to the original input image size while also incorporating the high-resolution features from the encoder. This allows the decoder to produce segmentation masks that have the same size as the original input image.

You can learn more about the upsampling and the transposed convolution from this great article.

In the Decoder, the size of the image gradually increases while the depth gradually decreases. This basically means the network learns the “WHERE” information in the image, by gradually applying up-sampling.

Final Layer

At the final layer, a 1x1 convolution is used to map each 64-component feature vector to the desired number of classes.

We will do a very straightforward implementation, it will be good to put the above image in front of you while coding.


First, the necessary modules are imported from the torch and torchvision packages, including the nn module for building neural networks and the pre-trained models provided in torchvision.models. The relu function is also imported from torch.nn.functional.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torchvision import models
from torch.nn.functional import relu

UNet Class

Then, a custom class UNet is defined as a subclass of nn.Module. The __init__ method initializes the architecture of the U-Net by defining the layers for both the encoder and decoder parts of the network. The argument n_class specifies the number of classes for the segmentation task.

class UNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, n_class):

# Encoder
# In the encoder, convolutional layers with the Conv2d function are used to extract features from the input image.
# Each block in the encoder consists of two convolutional layers followed by a max-pooling layer, with the exception of the last block which does not include a max-pooling layer.
# -------
# input: 572x572x3
self.e11 = nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=3, padding=1) # output: 570x570x64
self.e12 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=3, padding=1) # output: 568x568x64
self.pool1 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2) # output: 284x284x64

# input: 284x284x64
self.e21 = nn.Conv2d(64, 128, kernel_size=3, padding=1) # output: 282x282x128
self.e22 = nn.Conv2d(128, 128, kernel_size=3, padding=1) # output: 280x280x128
self.pool2 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2) # output: 140x140x128

# input: 140x140x128
self.e31 = nn.Conv2d(128, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1) # output: 138x138x256
self.e32 = nn.Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1) # output: 136x136x256
self.pool3 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2) # output: 68x68x256

# input: 68x68x256
self.e41 = nn.Conv2d(256, 512, kernel_size=3, padding=1) # output: 66x66x512
self.e42 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=3, padding=1) # output: 64x64x512
self.pool4 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2) # output: 32x32x512

# input: 32x32x512
self.e51 = nn.Conv2d(512, 1024, kernel_size=3, padding=1) # output: 30x30x1024
self.e52 = nn.Conv2d(1024, 1024, kernel_size=3, padding=1) # output: 28x28x1024

# Decoder
self.upconv1 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(1024, 512, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.d11 = nn.Conv2d(1024, 512, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
self.d12 = nn.Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=3, padding=1)

self.upconv2 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(512, 256, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.d21 = nn.Conv2d(512, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
self.d22 = nn.Conv2d(256, 256, kernel_size=3, padding=1)

self.upconv3 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(256, 128, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.d31 = nn.Conv2d(256, 128, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
self.d32 = nn.Conv2d(128, 128, kernel_size=3, padding=1)

self.upconv4 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(128, 64, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.d41 = nn.Conv2d(128, 64, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
self.d42 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, kernel_size=3, padding=1)

# Output layer
self.outconv = nn.Conv2d(64, n_class, kernel_size=1)

In the U-Net paper they used 0 padding and applied post-processing teachiques to restore the original size of the image, however here, we uses 1 padding so that final feature map is not cropped and to eliminate any need to apply post-processing to our output image.

Forward Method

The forward method specifies how the input is processed through the network. The input image is first passed through the encoder layers to extract the features. Then, the decoder layers are used to upsample the features to the original image size while concatenating the corresponding encoder feature maps. Finally, the output layer uses a 1x1 convolutional layer to map the features to the desired number of output classes.

 def forward(self, x):
# Encoder
xe11 = relu(self.e11(x))
xe12 = relu(self.e12(xe11))
xp1 = self.pool1(xe12)

xe21 = relu(self.e21(xp1))
xe22 = relu(self.e22(xe21))
xp2 = self.pool2(xe22)

xe31 = relu(self.e31(xp2))
xe32 = relu(self.e32(xe31))
xp3 = self.pool3(xe32)

xe41 = relu(self.e41(xp3))
xe42 = relu(self.e42(xe41))
xp4 = self.pool4(xe42)

xe51 = relu(self.e51(xp4))
xe52 = relu(self.e52(xe51))

# Decoder
xu1 = self.upconv1(xe52)
xu11 =[xu1, xe42], dim=1)
xd11 = relu(self.d11(xu11))
xd12 = relu(self.d12(xd11))

xu2 = self.upconv2(xd12)
xu22 =[xu2, xe32], dim=1)
xd21 = relu(self.d21(xu22))
xd22 = relu(self.d22(xd21))

xu3 = self.upconv3(xd22)
xu33 =[xu3, xe22], dim=1)
xd31 = relu(self.d31(xu33))
xd32 = relu(self.d32(xd31))

xu4 = self.upconv4(xd32)
xu44 =[xu4, xe12], dim=1)
xd41 = relu(self.d41(xu44))
xd42 = relu(self.d42(xd41))

# Output layer
out = self.outconv(xd42)

return out

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Congratulations on successfully implementing your first U-Net model in PyTorch! By following this recipe, you have gained the knowledge to implement U-Net and can now apply it to any image segmentation problem you may encounter in the future. However, verifying the sizes and channel numbers is important to ensure compatibility. The U-Net architecture is a powerful tool in your arsenal that can be applied to various tasks, including medical imaging and autonomous driving. So, go ahead and grab any image segmentation dataset from the internet and start testing your code!

For convenience, I have added a simple test script in this repository.

The script generates random images and masks and trains the U-net model to segment the images. It has a function called generate_random_data() that creates input images and their corresponding masks with geometric shapes like triangles, circles, squares, and crosses. The U-net model is trained using these random images and masks. The trained model is then tested on new random images and the segmentation results are plotted using the plot_img_array() function. The script uses PyTorch to train the U-net model and also uses various functions to add shapes to the input images and masks.

consider downloading it and running the tests using this snippet:

import test
Cook your First U-Net in PyTorch (5)

In conclusion, the U-Net architecture has become incredibly popular in the computer vision community due to its effectiveness in solving various image segmentation tasks. Its unique design, which includes a contracting path followed by an expanding path, allows it to capture both local and global features of an image while preserving spatial information.

Moreover, the flexibility of the U-Net architecture makes it possible to modify and improve the network to suit specific needs. Researchers have proposed various modifications to the original U-Net architecture, including changing the convolutional layers, incorporating attention mechanisms, and adding skip connections, among others. These modifications have resulted in improved performance and better segmentation results in various applications.

Overall, the U-Net architecture has proven to be a reliable and versatile solution for image segmentation tasks. As computer vision continues to advance, it’s likely that we’ll see further innovations and modifications to the U-Net architecture to improve its performance and make it even more effective in solving real-world problems.

Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts with me!

Cook your First U-Net in PyTorch (2024)


How to code U-Net in PyTorch? ›

UNet Class

Then, a custom class UNet is defined as a subclass of nn. Module . The __init__ method initializes the architecture of the U-Net by defining the layers for both the encoder and decoder parts of the network. The argument n_class specifies the number of classes for the segmentation task.

What is U-Net for image segmentation from scratch? ›


U-Net is a convolutional neural network architecture for fast and precise segmentation of images, especially in the field of biomedical image analysis.

What is PyTorch used for? ›

PyTorch is a fully featured framework for building deep learning models, which is a type of machine learning that's commonly used in applications like image recognition and language processing. Written in Python, it's relatively easy for most machine learning developers to learn and use.

What is the U-Net model? ›

U-Net is a widely used deep learning architecture that was first introduced in the “U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation” paper. The primary purpose of this architecture was to address the challenge of limited annotated data in the medical field.

How to prepare data for U-Net model? ›

U-NET dataset consists of raw images (jpg) and label (mask) images (png), usually using the VOC format to organize the dataset. Store the labeled data in datasets/train of tensorflow-unet-labelme, and create a new datasets/labels.

Why U-Net in diffusion? ›

One of the main features of the Unet is the residual connection between elements in the encoder to elements in the decoder, which improves the gradient flow and helps to preserve information.

Why is U-Net so powerful? ›

Now, what makes U-Net so good at image segmentation is skip connections and decoder networks. What we have done till now is similar to any CNN. The skip connections and decoder network separates the u net architecture from other CNNs.

How many layers are in U-Net? ›

The cropping is necessary due to the loss of border pixels in every convolution. At the final layer a 1x1 convolution is used to map each 64-component feature vector to the desired number of classes. In total the network has 23 convolutional layers.

Is U-Net an autoencoder? ›

Before both the last layer of the encoder stage and the input layer of the decoder stage, two dropout layers with rate = 0.5 has been used, to force the model not to learn identity function and to prevent overfitting during the training procedure.

Does Tesla use PyTorch? ›

Due to its strong offering, PyTorch is the go-to framework in research and has many applications in industry. Tesla uses PyTorch for Autopilot, their self-driving technology.

Is PyTorch better than TensorFlow? ›

PyTorch is ideal for research and small-scale projects prioritizing flexibility, experimentation and quick editing capabilities for models. TensorFlow is ideal for large-scale projects and production environments that require high-performance and scalable models.

Is PyTorch still relevant? ›

PyTorch is used for many deep learning projects today, and its popularity is increasing among AI researchers, although of the three main frameworks, it is the least popular.

When to use U-Net? ›

UNET is frequently utilized for its accuracy in picture segmentation and has become a popular choice in various medical imaging applications. UNET combines an encoding path, also called the contracting path, with a decoding path called the expanding path.

Why is U-Net better than CNN? ›

In CNN, the image is converted into a vector which is largely used in classification problems. But in U-Net, an image is converted into a vector and then the same mapping is used to convert it again to an image. This reduces the distortion by preserving the original structure of the image.

What is the advantage of U-Net? ›

Another advantage is that it can capture both coarse and fine feature information, leading to improved segmentation performance. Additionally, using a parallel UNet architecture with a residual network can enhance the features of the segmented image through skip connections, further improving accuracy.

How do I visualize a network in PyTorch? ›

To visualization the intermediate layers of a neural network in PyTorch, we will follow these steps:
  1. Step 1: Define the Neural Network. ...
  2. Step 2: Register Forward Hooks. ...
  3. Step 3: Forward Pass and Collect Activations. ...
  4. Step 4: Visualize Intermediate Activations.
Mar 27, 2024

What is AU net? ›

U-Net is a convolutional neural network that was developed for biomedical image segmentation at the Computer Science Department of the University of Freiburg.

How to calculate parameters in PyTorch? ›

To check the number of parameters in a PyTorch model, you can use the parameters() method of the nn. Module class. This method returns an iterator over all the learnable parameters of the model. You can then use the numel() method of each parameter to get its total number of elements.

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