David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ... · Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (2024)

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (1)


David L. Pelletier, PhD Professor of Nutrition Policy, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University

Academic Background: INSTITUTION DEGREE DATE University of Arizona BS Biology 1977 University of Arizona BA Anthropology 1977 Pennsylvania State University MS Anthropology 1979 Pennsylvania State University PhD Anthropology (nutrition minor) 1984 Expertise/Academic Emphasis: My academic work is dedicated to the study and improvement of nutrition policy development and implementation. My approach to scholarship is problem-oriented, engaged and transdisciplinary. This approach allows me to seamlessly integrate my academic appointment: 35% research, 15% extension, 40% instruction and 10% advising. Professional Distinction, Demand and Leadership:

• Recognized as one of the very few scholars studying the process of nutrition policy development and implementation.

• Participation in 45 invited expert committees, advisory panels and consultations for national and international policy organizations.

• Consistent participation in conferences and invitation-only high level meetings at national, regional and global levels, including 32 in the past five years

• Member of the writing team for the 2008 Lancet Nutrition Series; reviewer of three papers in the 2013 Lancet Nutrition Series; peer reviewer for the Global Nutrition Report in The Lancet;

• Past-member of the Executive Committee for the Global Nutrition Council of ASN; past-Chair of the Community and Public Health Nutrition RIS of ASN; member of the Executive Council of the Society for the Policy Sciences and, past-associate editor of the Policy Sciences journal.

• Associate editor of Food Security: the Science, Sociology and Economics of Food Production and Access to Food (2013-18);

• Founding Member of the Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition (2014) and first President (2015-18);

• PI for the African Nutrition Security Partnership Project, 2013-15: Two-year, $1.2M project funded by UNICEF to apply and test complexity-grounded methods for improving multisectoral nutrition policy implementation in four Africa countries.

• PI for the Mainstreaming Nutrition Initiative, 2006-09: Three-year project funded by the World Bank to assist and study nutrition agenda setting, policy formulation and implementation in five countries.

• PI for Strengthening the Theory and Practice of IYCF Advocacy and Policy Change, 2015-17: Two year project funded by FHI360 based on experiences in seven East Asian and two African countries.

• Project Director for the Implementation Science Initiative in Kenya and Uganda, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, 2018-20.

• Global Health Advocacy and Policy Research Project (Jeremy Shiffman, PI), Three-year project funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, involving researchers at American University and the Maxwell School of Syracuse University, to conduct a comparative study of the emergence and effectiveness of six global health actor networks

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (2)

2 Employment and Experience: Professor of Nutrition Policy, 2016-present.

Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University. Conduct teaching, research and public engagement related to the development, implementation and evaluation of food and nutrition policy.

Associate Professor of Nutrition Policy, 1993-2015.

Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University. Conduct teaching, research and public engagement related to the development, implementation and evaluation of food and nutrition policy.

Senior Research Associate, 1990-93.

Cornell Food and Nutrition Policy Program, Cornell University. Conducted international and domestic research on maternal and child nutrition interventions and policy, disseminated results to scientific and policy audiences, advised government institutions and international organizations, and developed a Cornell training program for planners and researchers from developing countries.

Research Associate, 1985-90.

Cornell Food and Nutrition Policy Program, Cornell University. Directed maternal and child nutritional surveillance activities and research while in residence in Malawi for 2 1/2 years. Collaborated with government departments, local university researchers and international agencies on the design and implementation of nutritional surveillance activities for the Government of Malawi. Conducted a three-year prospective study of the causes and consequences of maternal and child malnutrition. Supervised and assisted with surveillance work in Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho, Mauritius and Tanzania.

Postdoctoral Associate, 1984-85. Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program, Cornell University. Assisted the New York State Department of Health in developing a statewide nutritional surveillance system for formulating nutrition programs and policies for low income groups. Advised on the design and implementation of information systems, identification of relevant data sources, and development of methods for targeting nutrition programs by geographic area.

Principal Investigator, 9/81 to 7/82.

The Human Biology Program, Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Designed and conducted a study of the relationships between behavioral characteristics and biological risk factors for cardiovascular disease in Western Samoa. Developed and implemented protocols for measurement of dietary intake, physical activity, work performance, blood lipids and anthropometrics; designed protocols to measure household demographic, economic and subsistence characteristics. Performed all aspects of data processing, analysis and publication.

NIGMS Trainee in Human Biology, 11/77 to 7/79.

Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, research design, and field methods. Conducted analysis of the maternal and nutritional influences on prenatal and infant growth in American Samoa. Participated in health, nutrition and socioeconomic survey work in Western Samoan villages.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (3)

3 Recognition, Honors and Awards:

• Scaling Up Nutrition Global Gathering, Invited moderator: Functional Capacities for Governance of Multisectoral Nutrition Systems, November, 2014.

• Harvard School of Public Health, Invited lecture: Complexity and Mode 2 Research in Nutrition Policy: From Theory to Strategy. May 5, 2014.

• World Health Organization, Invited moderator for the global webinar on What should countries do to reduce childhood stunting? October 14, 2013.

• Human Biology Association, Invited plenary lecture on Food and Nutrition Policy: A Biological Anthropologist’s Experiences from an Academic Platform, April 2013.

• UN Standing Committee on Nutrition, Invited discussant at Meeting of the Minds On Nutrition Impact of Food Systems. Geneva, Switzerland, March 25-18, 2013

• USAID Core Group, Invited Closing Address, Call to Action to End Preventable Child Deaths: Challenges, Requirements and Roles of INGOs and USAID. Oct 12, 2012.

• UNICEF/NY, Invited Discussant, Global Technical Meeting on Long-Term Consequences of Chronic Undernutrition in Early Life. August 2012.

• College of Human Ecology Alumnae Association, Outstanding Advising Award, 2009. • Harold Lasswell Prize, from the Society for the Policy Sciences in recognition of the paper

entitled The Shaping of Collective Values through Deliberative Democracy: An Empirical Study from New York’s North Country. Policy Sciences 32:103-131, 1999.

• Dannon Institute Awards for Excellence, Honorable Mention for the North Country Project (Improving Food and Nutrition Security of Americans).

• Cornell Community and Rural Development Institute Innovator Award for research to develop a public policy education model for addressing community nutrition problems, November, 1995

• The National Institute of General Medical Sciences Traineeship, The Pennsylvania State University, 1977-79.

• Graduate School Fellowship, The Pennsylvania State University, 1977/78. • Byron Cummings Scholarship, The University of Arizona, Department of Anthropology,

1976/77. Professional Societies: Human Biology Council/Association (1976-2000) American Association of Physical Anthropologists (1975-1997) Council on Nutritional Anthropology (1981-1996) The Society for Applied Anthropology (1990-1994) The Society for Epidemiologic Research (1983-2001) Society for Risk Analysis (2001-2010) American Public Health Association (1994-2010) Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management (1996-2010) Society for the Policy Sciences (1998-Present) American Society for Nutrition (1992-Present) Society for Implementation Science in Nutritition (2015-Present) Committees and Consultations (External) Temporary Advisor, W.H.O. meeting on the uses of maternal anthropometry, Cali Columbia, February,

1992. Consultant, UNICEF meeting on the use of school height censuses in nutritional surveillance,

Guatemala City, March, 1992. Consultant, World Bank/EDI seminar on maternal nutrition and safe motherhood. March-May, 1992. Member, New York State Department of Health, Working Group on Child Growth Monitoring. Albany,

NY, January 1990 - 1992. Member, W.H.O. Expert Committee on Physical Status: The Use and Interpretation of Anthropometry,

Subcommittee on Women in the Reproductive Cycle and Fetal Growth. March, 1992.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (4)

4 Member, W.H.O. Expert Committee on Physical Status: The Use and Interpretation of Anthropometry,

Subcommittee on Children. March, 1992. Consultant, UNICEF consultative group on nutritional surveillance, September, 1991-1994. Consultant, Academy for Educational Development, to advise AED on issues related to its project on

nutrition policy analysis and research in Africa, Washington, D.C., September, 1993 Consultant, UNICEF/Indonesia, to review and recommend improvements in national nutritional

surveillance systems, Jakarta, Indonesia, October 1993. Consultant, UNICEF/NY, to participate in a meeting of UNICEF country representatives concerning

acceleration of the implementation of the UNICEF Nutrition Strategy, Bali, Indonesia, January, 1994.

Consultant, USAID/Ethiopia, to assist AID in designing the nutrition components of its country program, January, 1994, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Consultant, Consultative Group Meeting on child nutrition in the Support for Analysis and Research in Africa project, Academy for Educational Development, Washington, D.C., June 30, 1994.

Consultant, to USAID Bureau for Africa, Office of Analysis, Research and Technical Support, to review a report on Vulnerability Mapping and Geographic Targeting in Ethiopia, Washington, D.C., March 25, 1994.

Consultant, to the Pan American Health Organization, to participate in the Second Technical Meeting on the Uses and Limitations of Height Censuses, Washington, D.C., October 18-20, 1994.

Consultant, to the Pan American Health Organization, to organize and facilitate a meeting on the development of a PAHO Health Promotion Strategy, Washington, D.C., May 23-24, 1995, Washington, D.C..

Member, Technical Advisory Committee for the Food and Nutrition Program of the Pan American Health Organization, 1995.

Consultant, to the International Food Policy Research Institute, to review the appropriateness of their research and outreach methodologies, 1996.

Member, Expert Panel on the use of food stamps for nutrient supplements, Life Sciences Research Office, March, 1998.

Consultant, to the World Bank, to assess the contributions of the World Bank and UNICEF to nutrition policy in developing countries, 10/1999 to 1/2000.

Member, National Research Council Committee on Opportunities in Agriculture, subcommittee on food and health, 1/2001 to 9/2001.

Temporary Advisor, Global Consultation on Child Health and Development, March 2002. (WHO and UNICEF).

Consultant to the World Bank, to assist in the development of the World Bank’s strategy for nutrition in the Millennium Development Goals, June 2003-

Consultant to the World Bank, to review information on the nutrition situation in Gaza/West Bank, July 2003.

Member, International Food and Nutrition Forum, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Sept-Dec, 2003.

External Reviewer, to the World Bank, to review the draft Policy Note for nutrition. Washington, D.C., October 2004 and June 2005.

Consultant to the World Bank, to develop Day 3 of ten-day training course entitled Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: Poverty Reduction, Public Health and Health Sector Reform, Washington, DC, June 2004-February 2005.

Consultant to the World Bank to review the Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project, March-June, 2005.

Member, Institute of Medicine Committee on School Nutrition Standards, 10/5 – 6/07. Consultant to the Micronutrient Initiative, to develop a Framework for Reviewing Best Practices in the

India ICDS Program. January, 2007. Consultant to the World Bank, to participate in the design of the Peru Nutrition Results Project. Jan-

June, 2007.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (5)

5 Consultant to the World Bank, to deliver training in the training course entitled Progress Towards the

Health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other Health Outcomes". March 21, 2007.

Temporary Advisor to WHO Partner Agency Consultation: Landscape Analysis on readiness to act in nutrition. 5-6 November 2007, Geneva.

Participant, Expert Consultation on Effective Nutrition Programming for Children, UNICEF Headquarters, December 17-18, 2007, New York.

Member, Maternal and Child Undernutrition Study Group, for the preparation of the Lancet Nutrition Series, 2005-07.

Consultant to the Micronutrient Initiative, to develop a decision tool for strengthening the implementation and impacts of large-scale micronutrient programs, May-Oct, 2008.

Member, Technical Review Panel, Healthy, Agriculture, Food and Non-Communicable Diseases, Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 2011.

Consultant to the Academy for Educational Development, to advise on the evaluation of the advocacy and policy component of Alive and Thrive Project (Gates-funded), 2011

Member, Nutrition Guidance Project, Partners Committee, WHO, 2011-12 Advisor, Research Watch: The Nutrition Debate. UNICEF/Innocenti. 2013 Member, Nutrition Science Research Advisory Group (Implementation Research), New York

Academy of Sciences, 2011-13 Member, Nutrition Advisory Group, Bread for the World, 2011-13 Member, Healthy Growth Project, Advisory Committee, WHO, 2011-15 Founding Member of the International Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition, 2014 Member, Technical Advisory Committee, Compact 2025, IFPRI, 2015-17 Member, Scaling Up Nutrition Working Group on Functional Capacities, 2015-16 Committees and Consultations (Cornell) Member, Food and Nutrition Policy Workgroup of the NYS Food, Diet and Health Statewide

Committee, Cornell Cooperative Extension 1994-95. Member, Planning Group for Internationalizing Cornell Cooperative Extension, 1995. Member, Task Group on Public Issues Education in Cornell Cooperative Extension, 1995-97. Member, Steering Committee for the Community and Rural Development Institute, 1995 -1997. Member, Policy Seminars Steering Committee, College of Human Ecology, 1995-6. Member, Steering Committee for Cornell Program on Environmental Conflict Management, 1996-8 Member, Academic Affairs Committee, Field of Nutrition, Division of Nutritional Sciences, 1995-8. Member, Curriculum Committee, Division of Nutritional Sciences, 1997 to 1999. Member, Strategic Planning Committee, Division of Nutritional Sciences, 1999/00. Director, Cornell Participatory Action Research Network, 1999 to 2001. Member, Ethical, Legal, Social Issues in Genomics, Task Force, 2000-02. Member, Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Corporate Strategic Alliances, 2003-4. Member, Ethical Purchasing Working Group, (faculty senate representative), 2004 Member, SUNY Faculty Senate, representing the Cornell College of Human Ecology. Member, Seminar Committee, Field of Nutrition, September 2004-6. Member, Iscol Family Lecture Series, College of Human Ecology, 2001- Faculty Advisor to the Cornell Global Health Student Council (student organization), 2014- Faculty Advisor to Nourish International (student organization), 2009- Faculty Advisor to Cornell Health International (student organization), 2009- Member, University Faculty Senate, 2001-2013 Member, University Faculty Committee, 2005-7 and 2011-2014 Member, Curriculum Committee, Division of Nutritional Sciences, 2015- Ad Hoc Reviewer for: Agriculture and Human Values American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (6)

6 American Journal of Human Biology American Journal of Physical Anthropology American Journal of Public Health Annals of Epidemiology The Chicago Council on Global Affairs (monograph review) Ecology of Food and Nutrition Food and Nutrition Bulletin Food Policy Global Public Health Globalization and Health Health Education Research Health Policy and Planning Health Promotion Practice Health Research Policy and Systems Human Biology Human Organization International Journal of Epidemiology International Journal for Quality in Health Care Journal of Biosocial Science Journal of Nutrition Journal of Nutrition Education Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology Policy Sciences Public Health Nutrition Social Science and Medicine Nutrition Reviews (contributing editor) Nutrition Policy in Public Health (book review) World Development National Academy of Sciences, Food and Nutrition Board (review of committee reports) National Institute for Health Care Policy Research (proposal review) National Science Foundation (proposal review) SCN News (UN Standing Committee on Nutrition) The Lancet Professional and Editorial Positions: Member, Program Committee of the American Assoc of Physical Anthropologists, 1994-6. Member and Chair, Nominations Committee, Human Biology Association, 1994 -1996. Nutrition Reviews (journal), Contributing Editor, 2002-2006 Member, Public Policy Committee of the American Society for Nutrition, 2004-5 Chair, Public Health and Community Nutrition RIS, ASN, 2006-08. Member, Global Nutrition Council Executive Committee, ASN, 2011-2013 Associate Editor, The Policy Sciences, 2003-12 Member, Executive Council, Society for the Policy Sciences, 2001-03 and 2014-present. Associate Editor, Food Security, 2014-present. President, Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition, 2016-18 Past President, Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition, 2019-20 Active Graduate Field Membership (Cornell): Nutrition, Epidemiology, Public Affairs, International Development

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (7)

7 Funded Grants and Contracts (43 external, 50 in total) Engaged Cornell. Global and Public Health Sciences Major. 9/15-8/17 (PI), $80,000. FHI360 Strengthening the Theory and Practice of IYCF Advocacy and Policy Change. 1/15-9/17. (PI).

$60,000 (Cornell portion), $280,000 (Total project). UNICEF Regional Office/Dakar. Strategic Capacity and Adaptive Management in West Africa. 1/13 – 10/15. (PI). $965,035 UNICEF Regional Office/Nairobi. Strategic Capacity and Adaptive Management in East Africa. 10/13 – 10/15. (PI). $ 1,174,686. IFPRI. Realigning Agriculture for Improved Nutrition: The Role of Women. (PI). 5/13 - 4/14. $18,473 Micronutrient Initiative. Design Principles for an Integrated Community Nutrition Program in Haiti (PI)

5/12 – 1/13. $72,976 Micronutrient Initiative. Strengthening the Implementation of National Child Health Weeks in Haiti.

(PI). 1/12 – 6/13. $65,613 World Vision/Haiti. World Vision Haiti MYAP Mobile Clinic Research Phase 2. (PI). 5/1/12 -1/30/13.

$27,952 Cornell Institute for the Social Sciences. Implementation Research for Global Nutrition: Opportunities

for the Social Sciences at Cornell. 1/1/12 – 12/31/12 (PI). $6,000 World Vision/Haiti. World Vision Haiti MYAP Mobile Clinic Research Phase 1. (PI). 5/11 – 9/30/11.

$35,786 Micronutrient Initiative, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition and Centers for Disease Control

(consortium funding): Development and Testing of a Micronutrient Program Assessment Process (PI). $100,000 (direct costs), 2008-10.

National Institutes of Health: Connectedness, Participation, and HIV Risk Reduction among Marginalized Youth (1R21NR009764-01A1). $275,000 (direct costs) (collaborating methodologist), 2007-09.

World Bank/ICDDR,B: Mainstreaming nutrition in maternal and child health programs (PI). $750,000 (direct costs), 2006-08.

Nutrition Investments by the Gates Foundation. McKinsey/Gates Foundation. $40,000. (PI) 5/06 – 6/06.

Institutional Capacities and Commitments Related to Research and Advanced Training to Address Nutrition Problems. Lancet Series on Nutrition. $8,000. (PI). 5/06 – 9/06.

Cornell Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension System. Experts, Stakeholders and Citizens on Risk Advisory Committees $86,000 (direct costs), (PI), 10/05 – 9/08.

UNICEF: Participatory Research Within the Context of “What Every Adolescent Has a Right to Know.” $23,400 (direct costs), 1/15/03 - 8/15/03 (D Pelletier, PI)

UNICEF: Participatory Research Within the Context of “What Every Adolescent Has a Right to Know.” $31,093 (direct costs), 1/15/02 - 8/15/02 (D Pelletier, PI)

Cornell Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension System, grant to develop and evaluate a cohort model for strengthening public issues education. $90,000 (direct costs), 7/1/00 to 6/30/02 (co-PI with Scott Peters)

USDA/ ERS Food Stamps, Ethnicity and Nutrient Supplements, $30,100 (direct costs), 10/1/99 to 9/30/00

Cornell Agricultural Experimental Station, Hatch grant to study Community Food Security in the North Country, $12,000 (direct costs), 10/99 to 9/01

USDA/CSREES Functional Consequences of Iron Deficiency and Excess, $59,084 (direct costs), 10/1/99 to 9/30/01

USAID/ Academy for Educational Development. Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project, $675,722 (direct costs), 10/1/98 to 9/30/08 (co-investigator with E. Frongillo [PI] and K. Rasmussen)

Northeast Regional Center on Rural Development and Penn State University, to study Public Issues Education and Collaborative Problem-Solving in the Northeast: Building Cooperative Extension's Capacity through Partnerships. $24,551 (direct costs), 1/1/97 to 9/30/98

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (8)

8 CaRDI/Hatch grant, to study Cooperative Extension's Capacity for Public Issues Education: The Role

of CCE Boards and Local Officials. $12,481 (direct costs), 10/1/97 to 9/30/98 CDC via USDA, Grant to Cornell University, co-funding to develop, implement and evaluate

community-based approaches for improving food and nutrition security in counties from upstate New York. $184,000 (direct costs), 10/96 to 9/98

National Cancer Institute and Penn State University, Sub-Contract for Research Grant to Cornell University, Northern Appalachian Leadership Initiative on Cancer, $75,467 (direct costs), 9/30/95 to 9/29/98 (continuation of seven-year grant)

USDA/CSREES, Research Grant to Cornell University (Division of Nutritional Sciences), co-funding to develop, implement and evaluate community-based approaches for improving food and nutrition security in counties from upstate New York. $85,822 (direct costs), 10/94 to 9/99

New York State Department of Health, Research Grant to Cornell University to study the effects of commercialism on children, analyze NHANES III dietary data, and develop a methodology for targeting emergency food assistance within the state. $107,000 (direct costs), 7/95 to 6/96 the effectiveness of interventions to improve child growth and development.

Cornell Agricultural Experimental Station, Hatch grant to study the formulation of nutrition policy at the federal level in the U.S. $10,000 (direct costs), 7/95 to 6/96

Cornell Agricultural Experimental Station, Hatch grant to study the dietary intake of users of nutrition supplements in the U.S.. $10,000 (direct costs), 7/1/94 to 6/30/95

New York State Department of Health, Research Grant to Cornell University for continuation of the Community-Based Nutrition Monitoring Project and diet-chronic disease project, $105,194 (direct costs), 4/94 to 3/95

New York State Department of Health, Research Grant to Cornell University to conduct analysis of policy issues related to diet and chronic disease. $80,000 (direct costs) 4/93 to 3/94

UNICEF, Research Grant to Cornell University for developing a generalizable methodology for estimating the contribution of malnutrition to child mortality in developing countries. $11,338 (direct costs) 7/1/93 to 3/31/94

USDA/CSRS, Research Grant to Cornell University (Division of Nutritional Sciences) to study implications of increased plant food consumption in the U.S.. Team member responsible for economic and demographic component. $210,439 (direct costs) 10/92 to 9/94

UNICEF, Research Grant to Cornell University for cleaning, documentation and archiving of data from the Malawi Maternal and Child Nutrition Study. $20,000 (direct costs) 6/92 to 6/93

UNICEF, Training Grant to Cornell University for a three-year training program in food and nutrition policy analysis and surveillance for professionals from developing countries - $177,628 (direct costs) 5/91 to 6/94

Carnegie Corporation of New York, Training Grant to University of Malawi (with Louis Msukwa) to support the establishment and training of a network of government and university analysts in Malawi to incorporate the results from the Malawi Maternal and Child Nutrition Study into policy and program planning. $47,000 (direct costs) 4/91 to 6/92

WHO, Technical Service Agreement to Cornell University for analysis of maternal anthropometric predictors of low birthweight and prematurity using data from the Malawi Maternal and Child Nutrition Study. $12,273 (direct costs) 4/91 to 12/91

UNICEF/Ethiopia, Training and Technical Assistance in Nutritional Surveillance; a project to train members of the National Technical Committee on Nutritional Surveillance, to develop a plan for the National Nutritional Surveillance System and to advise on the implementation of the plan. $69,329 (direct costs) 6/90 to 6/93

UNICEF, Grant to Cornell University to examine the validity of clinic-based nutritional surveillance data in Malawi. $61,818 (direct costs) 12/90 to 12/91.

New York State Department of Health, Grant to Cornell University to assist in the implementation of the New York State Child Growth Monitoring Project (With Cutberto Garza). $28,070 (direct costs) 6/90 to 8/91

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (9)

9 Thrasher Research Fund, Grant to Cornell University to analyze the effects of maternal health and

nutritional status on prenatal growth, infant growth and infant mortality using data from the Malawi Maternal and Child Nutrition Study. $91,604 (direct costs) 10/90 to 8/92

The Rockefeller Foundation, Research Grant to Cornell University to support analysis of child anthropometry-mortality relationships using data collected in Malawi. $48,238 (direct costs) 6/89 to 6/92

The Carnegie Corporation of New York, Institution Strengthening Grant to University of Malawi (with Louis Msukwa). $253,000 (direct costs) 3/88 to 3/91

The International Development Research Centre, Research Grant to University of Malawi (with Louis Msukwa) to continue the Malawi Maternal and Child Nutrition Study. $160,000 (direct costs) 12/87 to 12/90

Rockefeller Foundation, Research Grant to Cornell University to undertake a study of the relationships between child anthropometric indicators of nutritional status and risk of mortality, as a supplementary component of the Malawi Maternal and Child Nutrition Study. $90,950 (direct costs) 3/87 to 3/90

The World Health Organization, Research Grant to University of Malawi (with Louis Msukwa) to initiate the Malawi Maternal and Child Nutrition Study, a three-year longitudinal study in northern Malawi undertaken in collaboration with the University of Malawi. $104,000 (direct costs) 12/85 to 12/87

The National Science Foundation (Anthropology), Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Award - $7,730 - 6/81 to 6/82

The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Doctoral Dissertation Research - $1,354 - 6/81 to 6/82

The Hill Foundation for Anthropological Research, Doctoral Dissertation Research - $3,890 - 6/81-82 Teaching Experience:

Instructor, Developed and implemented a capstone course on Explorations in Global Health for

students in the global health minor (NS4600), Spring 2009-present. Instructor, Developed and implemented an introductory course Epidemiology in Context (NS3500),

Spring 2009-2014. Instructor, Developed and implemented an upper-level course on Actors and Interests in Global

Health, offered in the Cornell in Washington Program, 2008-9. Co-Instructor, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Co-developed and co-implemented the curriculum for

a graduate course Assessing Food and Nutrition in a Social Context,(NS650), with Dr. Pelto, 1999-2006.

Co-Instructor, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Co-developed and co-implemented the curriculum for a graduate course Food and Nutrition Action in a Social Context, (NS651), with Dr. Pelto, 1999-2002

Co-Instructor, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Co-developed and co-implemented the curriculum for an upper-level undergraduate course on U.S. public health nutrition (NS450), with Dr. Rasmussen.

Instructor, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Developed and implemented a course on the ethical, legal and social implications of genomics (NS453), taught at the Cornell-in-Washington Program, Fall and Spring, 2002/03.

Instructor, Cornell Food and Nutrition Policy Program. Fall, 1990-1992. Developed curriculum, lectured, and guided instruction on principles, methods and case studies of nutritional epidemiology and surveillance, for developing country planners, university lecturers and Cornell graduate students in nutrition, agricultural economics, and related fields (NS 660:51)

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (10)


Current: 1 Yuuki Nakayachi, Nutrition, PhD candidate

Total Completed: 22 Jin Shang, Nutrition, MS, 2019 Elizabeth Fox, Nutrition, PhD 2017 Djeinam Toure, Nutrition, PhD 2017 Isabelle Michaud-Letourneau, Nutrition, PhD, 2014 Erica Phillips, Nutrition, PhD, 2014 Jessica Bliss, Nutrition, PhD, 2014 Judy Pham, International Development, MPS, 2013 Olutayo Adeyemi, Nutrition, PhD, 2012 Christine Porter, Nutrition, PhD, 2010 Alex Lewin, Nutrition, PhD, 2009 Renee Hill, Nutrition, M.S., 2009 Alison Tumilowicz, Nutrition, PhD, 2005 Lidan Du, Nutrition, PhD, 2005 Min Tao, Nutrition, PhD, 2005 Rafael Escalona, Public Administration, MPA, 2005 Andrea Azuma, Nutrition, M.S., 2003 Yrjo Pietari Grohn, Public Administration, MPA, 2003 Patricia Ladipo, Nutrition, PhD, 2002 Katherine Asher, Nutrition, M.S., 2001 Christine McCullum, Nutrition, PhD, 2000 Uriyoan Colon Ramos, Public Administration, MPA, 2000 Claudia Nieves, Nutrition, M.S., 1999 Ulla Uusitalo, Nutrition, M.S., 1997 Elizabeth Rauseo, Public Administration, MPA, 1997 Andrea Azuma, Nutrition, 1993 GRADUATE MINORS:

Current: 8 Yaeeun Han, Nutrition, PhD candidate Jennifer Peregoy, Nutrition PhD candidate Kathryn Merckel, Nutrition PhD candidate

Total Completed: 25 Brian Lo, Nutrition, PhD, 2019 Emily Bielecki, Nutrition, PhD, 2016 Moshood Omotayo, Nutrition, PhD, 2016 Rukundo Kambarami, Nutrition, PhD, 2016 Roseanne Schuster, Nutrition, PhD 2017 Amy Weissman, UNC Chapel Hill, DrPH, 2015 Sarah Luna, Nutrition, PhD, 2015 Edna Gamboa Delgado, Population Nutrition at INSP/Mexico, 2014 Lesli Hoey, City and Regional Planning, PhD, 2012 Rafael Escalona, City and Regional Planning, PhD, 2012 Sara Sywulka, Public Administration, 2009 Emily Levitt, Nutrition, PhD, 2009 Suzanne Gervais, Nutrition, PhD, 2006 Diana Jyoti, Nutrition, M.S., 2005 Rachel Bezner-Kerr, Development Sociology, PhD, 2005 Naomi Geneene Penney, Policy Analysis and Management, PhD, 2004

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (11)

11 Keiko Goto, Nutrition, PhD, 2004. Staci Lowe, Policy Analysis and Management, PhD, 2004 Carlos Piedrasanta, International Agriculture, MPS, Cornell University, 2003 Rukmini Potdar, Population and Development, PhD, Cornell University, 2003 Jane Seymour, Nutrition, M.S., Cornell University, 2002 Andrea Moreira, International Development, MPS, Cornell University, 2002 Alison Goldberg, City and Regional Planning, M.R.P., Cornell University, 2000. Jennifer Cohen, Nutrition, PhD, Cornell University, 1999. Deena Alasfoor, Nutrition, M.S., Cornell University, 1996. Shively, International Development, MPS, Cornell University, 1996. Jay Ross, Nutrition, PhD, Cornell University, 1994. Dan Galanis, Nutrition, PhD, Cornell University, 1994. Jan Low, Agricultural Economics, PhD, Cornell University, 1994. Austen Davis, Nutrition, M.S., Cornell University, 1991. Ligia Rodriguez, Nutrition, MPS, Cornell University, 1990. Karen Isakson, International Agriculture, MPS, Cornell University, 1991. Peter Mvula, International Development, MPS, Cornell University, 1991.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (12)



(by category and chronological order) A. Journal Articles

1. Bindon, J.R., and D.L. Pelletier. 1985. "Patterns of Growth in Weight Among Infants in Rural Western Samoa Village." Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 18(2): 135-143.

2. Pelletier, D.L., and J.R. Bindon. 1985. "Patterns of Growth in Weight and Length Among American

Samoan Infants." Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 18(1): 1-17.

3. Campbell, C.C., J. Weber, D.L. Pelletier, and J.M. Dodds. 1987. "The Development of a Surveillance System to Monitor Emergency Food Relief in New York State." American Journal of Public Health. 77: 1350-1351.

4. Pelletier, D.L. 1987. "The Relationship of Energy Intake and Expenditure to Body Fatness in Western

Samoan Men." Ecology of Food and Nutrition. 19(3): 185-199.

5. Pelletier, D.L., and P.T. Baker. 1987. "Physical Activity and Plasma Total-and HDL-Cholesterol Levels in Western Samoan Men." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 46: 577-585.

6. Pelletier, D.L. 1988. "The Effects of Occupation, Leisure Activities and Body Composition on Aerobic

Fitness in Western Samoan Men." Human Biology. 60(6): 889-900.

7. Ruel, M., D.L. Pelletier, J-P. Habicht, J.B. Mason, C.S. Chobokoane, and A.P. Maruping. 1990. "A Comparison of Mothers' Understanding of Two Growth Charts in Lesotho." Bulletin of W.H.O. 68(4): 483-491.

8. Habicht, J.P., and D.L. Pelletier. 1990. "The Importance of Context in Choosing Nutritional

Indicators." Journal of Nutrition. 120: 1519-1524.

9. Pelletier, D.L., and L.A.H. Msukwa. 1990. "The Role of Information Systems in Decision-Making Following Disasters: Lessons from the Mealy Bug Disaster in Malawi." Human Organization. 49(3): 245-254.

10. Ruel, M., D.L. Pelletier, J-P. Habicht, J.B. Mason, C.S. Chobokoane, and A.P. Maruping. 1991.

"Comparison of Two Growth Charts in Lesotho: Health Workers' Ability to Understand and Use Them for Action." American Journal of Public Health. 81: 610-616.

11. Pelletier, D.L., J.W. Low, and L.A.H. Msukwa. 1991. "Sources of Variation in Child Anthropometry in

the Malawi Maternal and Child Nutrition Study." American Journal of Human Biology. 3(2): 227-238.

12. Pelletier, D.L., J.W. Low, and L.A.H. Msukwa. 1991. "The Malawi Maternal and Child Nutrition Study:

Study Design and Anthropometric Description." American Journal of Human Biology. 3(3): 347-362.

13. Pelletier, D.L., L.A.H. Msukwa, and U. Ramakrishnan. 1991. "Nutrition in Project Planning: Intra-

household Risks and Determinants." Food Policy. 16(2): 127-139.

14. Pelletier, D.L., and L.A.H. Msukwa. 1991. "The Use of National Sample Surveys for Nutritional Surveillance: Lessons from Malawi's National Sample Survey of Agriculture." Social Science

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (13)


and Medicine. 32(8): 887-898.

15. Pelletier, D.L., E.A. Frongillo, Jr., and J-P Habicht. 1993. "Epidemiologic Evidence for a Potentiating Effect of Malnutrition on Mortality." American Journal of Public Health 83(8):1130-1133.

16. Pelletier, D.L. and R. Shrimpton. 1994. “The Role of Information in the Planning, Management and

Evaluation of Community Nutrition Programs.” Health Policy and Planning 9(2):171-184.

17. Pelletier, D.L. and U. Jonsson. 1994. “The Use of Information in the Iringa Nutrition Program: Some Global Lessons for Nutrition Surveillance.” Food Policy 19(3):301-313.

18. Pelletier, D.L. and JP Habicht. 1994. “Continuing Needs for Food Consumption Monitoring Data for

Public Health Policy.” Journal of Nutrition 124(9S):184-1852.

19. Pelletier, D.L. 1994. “The Relationship Between Child Anthropometry and Mortality: Implications for Policies, Programs and Research.” Journal of Nutrition 124(10S):2047-2081.

20. Pelletier, D.L., J.W Low, C.J. Johnson and L.A.H. Msukwa. 1994. “Child Anthropometry and Mortality

in Malawi: Testing for Effect Modification by Age and Length of Follow-up and Confounding by Socioeconomic Factors.” Journal of Nutrition 124(10S):2082-2105.

21. Pelletier, D.L., E.A. Frongillo, D.G. Schroeder and J.P. Habicht. 1994. “A Methodology for Estimating

the Contribution of Malnutrition to Child Mortality in Developing Countries.” Journal of Nutrition 124(10S):2106-2122.

22. Pelletier, D.L. 1994. “The Potentiating Effects of Malnutrition on Child Mortality: Epidemiologic

Evidence and Policy Implications.” Nutrition Reviews 52(12):409-415 (Special Article).

23. Pelletier, D.L. 1995. “The Potentiating Effects of Malnutrition on Child Mortality: Epidemiologic Evidence and Policy Implications.” Food and Nutrition Bulletin 16(3):206-213.

24. Pelletier, D.L., E.A. Frongillo, D.G. Schroeder and J.P. Habicht. 1995. “ The Effects of Malnutrition on

Child Mortality in Developing Countries.” Bulletin of the World Health Organization 73(4):443-448.

25. Pelletier, D.L. and C.J. Johnson. 1995. “The Validity of Clinic-Based Nutrition Surveillance Data: A

Study from Selected Sites in Northern Malawi.” Food and Nutrition Bulletin 15(4): 308-319.

26. Pelletier, D.L., K. Deneke, Y. Kidane, B. Haile and F. Negussie. 1995. “The Food-First Bias and Nutrition Policy: Lessons from Ethiopia.” Food Policy 20(4):279-298.

27. Pelletier, D.L. 1995. “Nutrition Policy in the United States: Opportunities and Challenges.” Korean

Journal of Nutrition 28(6):508-524.

28. Pelletier, D.L. 1995. “Linking Information to Action: Experiences from the U.S. and Developing Countries.” Korean Journal of Nutrition 28(6):550-558.

29. Galanis, D., S.T. McGarvey, D.L. Pelletier and J.S. Sobal. 1996. “Ten-Year Changes in the Obesity,

Abdominal Adiposity and Serum Lipoprotein Cholesterol Measures in Western Samoan Men.” Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 48(12):1485-1493.

30. Pelletier, D.L. 1997. “Advanced Training in Food and Nutrition: Disciplinary, Interdisciplinary and

Problem-Oriented Approaches.” Food and Nutrition Bulletin 18(2):134-145.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (14)


31. Pelletier, D.L. and A. Kendall. 1997. “Supplement Use is Not Associated with Better Food Intake in

All Population Groups.” Family Economics and Nutrition Review 10(4):32-44.

32. Pelletier, D.L. and M. Rahn. 1998. “Trends in Body Mass Index in Developing Countries.” Food and Nutrition Bulletin 19(3):223-238.

33. Webb, K.L., D.L. Pelletier, A.N. Maretzki and J.L. Wilkins. 1998. “Local Food Policy Coalitions:

Evaluation Issues as Seen by Academics, Project Organizers and Funders.” Agriculture and Human Values 15:65-75.

34. Kraak, V. and D.L. Pelletier. 1998. “The Influence of Commercialism on the Food Purchasing

Behavior of Children and Teenage Youth.” Family Economics and Nutrition Review 11(3): 14-24.

35. Kraak, V. and D.L. Pelletier. 1998. “How Marketers Reach Young Children: Implications for Nutrition

Education and Health Promotion Campaigns.” Family Economics and Nutrition Review 11(4):31-41.

36. Pelletier, D.L., A. Kendall and A. Mathios. 1999. “Nutrition and Dairy Industry Benefits Associated with

Promoting Lowfat Milk: Evidence from the 1989 CSFII.” Family Economics and Nutrition Review 12(1): 3-13.

37. Neufeld, L, D.L. Pelletier and J.D. Haas. 1999. “The Timing Hypothesis and Body Proportionality of

the Intrauterine Growth Retarded Infant.” American Journal of Human Biology 11(5):638-646.

38. Neufeld, L., D.L. Pelletier and J.D. Haas. 1999. “The Timing of Maternal Weight Gain During Pregnancy and Fetal Growth.” American Journal of Human Biology 11(5):627-637.

39. Pelletier, D.L., V. Kraak, C. McCullum, U. Uusitalo and R. Rich. 1999. “The Shaping of Collective

Values through Deliberative Democracy: An Empirical Study from New York’s North Country.” Policy Sciences 32:103-131.

40. Pelletier, D.L., V. Kraak, C. McCullum, U. Uusitalo and R. Rich. 1999. “Community Food Security:

Salience and Participation at Community Level.” Agriculture and Human Values 16(4):401-419.

41. Pelletier, D.L., V. Kraak, C. McCullum, U. Uusitalo and R. Rich. 2000. “Values, Public Policy and

Community Food Security.” Agriculture and Human Values 17(1): 75-93.

42. Brabin, B.J., Hakimi, M., and Pelletier, D.L. 2001. “An Analysis of Anemia and Pregnancy-Related Maternal Mortality.” Journal of Nutrition 131(2S11):S604-615.

43. Wilkins, J., Kraak, V. Pelletier, D.L., McCullum, C. Uusitallo, U. 2001. “Agreeing to Disagree on Genetic Engineering: Views from a Land Grant University.” Sustainable Agriculture 18(2/3):167-201.

44. McCullum C, Pelletier D, Barr D, Wilkins J. 2002. “Use of a participatory planning process as a way to build community food security.” The Journal of the American Dietetic Association 102962-967.

45. Kraak, K, D.L. Pelletier and J. Dollahite. 2002. “Food, Health, and Nutrient Supplements: Beliefs Among Food Stamp Eligible Women and Implications for Food Stamps Policy.” Family Economics and Nutrition Review 14(2):21-35.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (15)


46. McCullum, C., Pelletier, D., Barr, D., Wilkins, J. 2003. “Agenda setting within a community-based food

security planning process: The Influence of power.” Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 35:189-199.

47. Pelletier, D.L. and E.A. Frongillo. 2003. “Changes in Child Survival Are Strongly Associated with Changes in Malnutrition in Developing Countries.” Journal of Nutrition 133:107-119.

48. Pelletier, D.L., C. McCullum, V. Kraak and K. Asher. 2003. “Participation, Power and Beliefs Shape Local Food and Nutrition Policy.” Journal of Nutrition 133:301-304.

49. Sheldon, J., and D,L. Pelletier. 2003. “Nutrient Intakes Among Dietary Supplement Users and Non-Users in the Food Stamps Population”. Family Economics and Nutrition Review 15(2):3-14.

50. McCullum, C., Pelletier, D., Barr, D., Wilkins, J.L., Habicht, J.P. 2004. “Mechanisms of power within a community-based food security planning process.” Health Education & Behavior 31(2):206-222.

51. Pelletier, D.L. 2005. “Sustainability of the Policy Sciences: Alternatives and Strategies.” Policy Sciences 37:237-245.

52. Pelletier, D.L. 2005. “The Science and Politics of Targeting: Who Gets What, When and How.” Journal of Nutrition 135:890-893.

53. Pelletier, D.L. 2005. “Science, Law and Politics in FDA’s Genetically Engineered Foods Policy: FDA’s 1992 Policy.” Nutrition Reviews 63(5):171-181.

54. Pelletier, D.L. 2005. “Science, Law and Politics in FDA’s Genetically Engineered Foods Policy: Scientific Concerns and Uncertainties.” Nutrition Reviews 63(6):210-223.

55. Pelletier, D.L. 2006. “Science, Law and Politics FDA’s GE Foods Policy: Scientific, Legal and Political Dimensions.” Food Policy 31(6):570-91.

56. Pelletier, D.L. 2006. “Theoretical Considerations Related to Cutoff Points.” Food and Nutrition Bulletin 27(4)(supplement):224-236.

57. Tao, M., Pelletier, D.L. and Miller, D. 2007. “The Potential Effect of Iron Defortification on Iron Deficiency Anemia in the U.S. Population.” Public Health Nutrition 10(11):1266-1273.

58. Goto, K, Tiffany, J., Pelto, G and Pelletier, D. 2008. “Use of Q Methodology to Analyze Divergent Perspectives on Participatory Action Research as a Strategy for HIV/AIDS Prevention Among Caribbean Youth.” AIDS Education and Prevention 20(3):301-311.

59. Bryce, J., Coitinho, Denise, Darnton-Hill, I., Pelletier, D.L., Pinstrup-Andersen, P. 2008. “Maternal and Child Undernutrition: Effective Action at the National Level.” Lancet 371(9611):510-526.

60. Tao, M., Pelletier, D.L. 2009. “The effect of dietary iron intake on the development of iron overload among hom*ozygotes for haemochromatosis.” Public Health Nutrition 12(10): 1823-9.

61. Levitt E.J., Pelletier D.L., Pell A.N. 2009. “Revisiting the UNICEF malnutrition framework to foster agriculture and health sector collaboration to reduce malnutrition: A comparison of stakeholder priorities for action in Afghanistan.” Food Policy 34(2): 156-165.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (16)


62. Levitt, E, Stoltzfus, R., Pelletier, D and Pell, A. 2009. “A Community Food System Analysis as Formative Research for a Comprehensive Anemia Control Program in Northern Afghanistan.” Food Security: The Science, Sociology and Economics of Food Preparation and Access to Food 1:177-195.

63. Goto K. Pelto G, and Pelletier D. Tiffany J. 2010. “’It Really Opened My Eyes:’ The effects on youth peer educators of participating in an action research project.” Human Organization 69(2):192-199.

64. Pelletier,D., Frongillo, D., Frongillo, E.A., Gervais, S.G., Menon , P., Ngo, T. 2011. “The Nutrition Policy Process: The Role of Strategic Capacity in Advancing National Nutrition Agendas.” Food and Nutrition Bulletin 32(2): S59-S69.

65. Hoey, L and Pelletier, D. 2011. “Bolivia’s Multisectoral Zero Malnutrition Program: Insights on Commitment, Collaboration and Capacities.” Food and Nutrition Bulletin 32(2): S70-S81.

66. Hoey, L and Pelletier, D. 2011. “The Management of Conflict in Nutrition Policy Formulation: Choosing Growth Monitoring Indicators in the Context of Dual Burden.” Food and Nutrition Bulletin 32(2): S82-S91.

67. Hill, R., Gonzalez, W and Pelletier, D. 2011. “The Formulation of Consensus on Nutrition Policy: Policy Actors’ Perspectives on Good Process.” Food and Nutrition Bulletin 32(2): S92-S104.

68. Menon, P, Pelletier, D., Frongillo, E.A., Stoltzfus, R.J., Ahmed, S., Ahmed, T. 2011. “Assessment of Epidemiological, Operational, and Sociopolitical Domains for Mainstreaming Nutrition.” Food and Nutrition Bulletin 32(2): S105-S114.

69. Pelletier, D, Corsi, C, Hoey, L, Faillace, S and Houston, R. 2011. “The Program Assessment Guide: An Approach for Structuring Contextual Knowledge and Experience to Improve the Design, Delivery and Effectiveness of Nutrition Interventions.” Journal of Nutrition 141(11): 2084-2091.

70. Levitt, EJ, Pelletier, DL, Dufour, C and Pell A. 2011. “Harmonizing agriculture and health sector actions to improve household nutrition: policy experiences from Afghanistan (2002–2007).” Food Security DOI 10.1007/s12571-011-0135-2.

71. Pelletier, D., Frongillo, E.A., Gervais, S.G., Hoey, L., Menon, P., Ngo, T., Stoltzfus, R.J., Shamsir Ahmed, A.M., Ahmed, T. 2012. “Nutrition Agenda Setting, Policy Formulation and Implementation: Lessons from the Mainstreaming Nutrition Initiative.” Health Policy and Planning 27:19-31.

72. Porter, C and Pelletier, DL. 2012. “Finding Common Ground: Perspectives on Community-Based Childhood Obesity Prevention.” Health Promotion Practice 13(6):826-34. DOI 10.1177/1524839911405844

73. Goto K. Pelto G, Pelletier D. and Tiffany J. 2012. “Young people’s experiences in youth-led participatory action research for HIV/AIDS prevention.” International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies 3(4):398-408.

74. Pelletier, D.L., Porter, C.M., Aarons, G.A., Wuehler, S.E. and Neufeld, L.M. 2013. “Expanding the Frontiers of Population Nutrition Research: New Questions, New Methods and New Approaches.” Advances in Nutrition 4:92-114.

75. Pelletier, D, Sarkar, S, Haider, R, Hajeebhoy, N, Mwadime, R. 2013. “The Principles and Practices of

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (17)


Nutrition Advocacy: Evidence, Experience and the Way Forward.” Maternal and Child Nutrition 9(suppl 2):83-100.

76. Pelletier, D.L. and Pelto, G.P. 2013. “From Efficacy Research to Large-Scale Impact on Undernutrition: The Role of Organizational Cultures.” Advances in Nutrition 4(6):687-696.

77. Pelletier, D.L. and Neuman, M.J. 2014. “Advancing the Nutrition and Early Childhood Development Agenda: Indicators and Guidance.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1308: 232–244.

78. Pelletier, D.L. 2014. “Food and nutrition policy: A biological anthropologist’s experiences from an academic platform.” American Journal of Human Biology (DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.22523).

79. Menon, P, Covic, N.M., Harrigan, P.B., Horton, S.E., Kazi, N.M., Lamstein, S, Neufeld, L, Oakley, E and Pelletier, D.L. 2014. “Strengthening Implementation and Utilization of Nutrition Interventions Through Research: A Framework and Research Agenda.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences doi: 10.1111/nyas.12447.

80. Pham, J. and Pelletier, D.L., (2015). “Mode 2 Approaches to Population Nutrition Research in Select Nutrition and Public Health Journals.” Global Health Science and Practice 3(2):287-299.

81. Bliss, J., Njenga, M., Stoltzfus, R. and Pelletier, D. (2015). “Stigma as a barrier to the treatment for

child acute malnutrition in Marsabit County, Kenya.” Maternal and Child Nutrition, DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12198.

82. Tumilowicz, A., Pelletier, D.L., Pelto, G and J.P. Habicht. (2015). “Combination of biological factors and care behaviors may lead to differences in the timing of growth stunting between indigenous Guatemalan girls and boys.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 102:1249–58.

83. Shiffman, J, Quissell, K, Schmitz, HP, Pelletier, DL, Smith, SL, Berlan, D, Gneiting, U, Slyke, DV, Mergel, I, Rodriguez, M, and Walt, G. (2015). “A framework on the emergence and effectiveness of global health networks.” Health Policy and Planning, doi: 10.1093/heapol/czu046

84. Shiffman, J, Quissell, K, Schmitz, HP., Pelletier, DL, Smith, SL, Berlan, D, Gneiting, U, Slyke, DV, Mergel, I, Rodriguez, M, and Walt, G. (2016). “The emergence and effectiveness of global health networks: findings and future research.” Health Policy and Planning. (2016) 31 (suppl 1): i110-i123.

85. Kambarami, RA.,Mbuya, M, Pelletier, D., Fundira, D., Tavengwa,N., Stoltzfus, RJ. (2016). Factors associated with village health worker performance differ by task in a multi-tasked setting in rural Zimbabwe. Global Health: Science and Practice. 4(2):238-50. PMID: 27353617

86. Omotayo MO, Dickin KL, Pelletier DL, Martin SL, Kung’u JK, Stoltzfus RJ. (2017). Feasibility of Integrating Calcium and Iron-Folate Supplementation to Prevent Preeclampsia and Anemia in Pregnancy in Primary Healthcare Facilities in Kenya. Maternal and Child Nutrition 13(S1):e12437. DOI 10.1111/mcn.12437

87. Michaud-Letourneau, I., and Pelletier, DL. (2017). Multisectoral approaches for nutrition: A Q methodology study to explore the perspectives of national key leaders on the coordination challenges in Mozambique. Food Policy 70:84-97.

88. Omotayo MO, Dickin KL, Pelletier DL, Cassano PA, Mwanga E, Kung’u JK, Stoltzfus RJ (2017). A

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (18)


Simplified Regimen Compared with WHO Guidelines Decreases Antenatal Calcium Supplement Intake for Prevention of Preeclampsia in a Cluster-Randomized Noninferiority Trial in Rural Kenya. Journal of Nutrition. 2017 Oct;147(10):1986-1991. doi: 10.3945/jn.117.251926.

89. Fox EL, Pelto GP, Rasmussen KM, Young SL, Rouzier V, Debrosse GM, Pape JW, Pelletier DL. (2017). Who knows what – An exploration of the infant feeding message environment and intra-cultural differences in message salience between health workers, HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected mothers in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Maternal and Child Nutrition (in press): doi: 10.1111/mcn.12537

90. Phillips, E, Stoltzfus, R, Michaud, L, Fils Piere Gracia, L, and Pelletier, D. (2017). Do mobile clinics

provide high-quality antenatal care? A comparison of care delivery, knowledge outcomes and perception of quality of care between fixed and mobile clinics in central Haiti. BioMed Central Pregnancy and Childbirth doi 10.1186/s12884-017-1546-7.

91. Schuster RC, de Sousa OL, Reme AK, Vopelak CM, Pelletier DL, Johnson LM, Mbuya MN, Pinault D,

Young SL. (2017). Performance-based incentives improve teamwork and empower health workers delivering prevention of vertical transmission of HIV services in rural Mozambique. International Journal of Health Planning and Management doi: 10.15171/ijhpm.2017.137.

92. Pelletier, D., S. Gervais, H. Hafeez‐ur‐Rehman, D. Sanou and J. Tumwine (2018). "Boundary‐spanning actors in complex adaptive governance systems: The case of multisectoral nutrition." The International Journal of Health Planning and Management 33(1): e293-e319.

93. Bliss, J., K. Golden, L. Bourahla, R. Stoltzfus and D. Pelletier (2018). "An emergency cash transfer program promotes weight gain and reduces acute malnutrition risk among children 6-24 months old during a food crisis in Niger." Journal of Global Health 8(1): 010410.

94. Fox, E. L., G. H. Pelto, H. Bar, K. M. Rasmussen, S. L. Young, M. G. Debrosse, V. A. Rouzier, J. W.

Pape and D. L. Pelletier (2018). "Capturing Changes in HIV-Infected Breastfeeding Mothers' Cognitive Processes from Before Delivery to 5 Months Postpartum: An Application of the Pile-Sorting Technique in Haiti." Current developments in nutrition 2(6): nzy017.

95. Fox, E. L., G. H. Pelto, K. M. Rasmussen, M. G. Debrosse, V. A. Rouzier, J. W. Pape and D. L. Pelletier (2018). "Who knows what: An exploration of the infant feeding message environment and intracultural differences in Port‐au‐Prince, Haiti." Maternal & Child Nutrition 14(2): e12537.

96. Theobald, S., N. Brandes, M. Gyapong, S. El-Saharty, E. Proctor, T. Diaz, S. Wanji, S. Elloker, J. Raven, H. Elsey, S. Bharal, D. Pelletier and D. H. Peters (2018). "Implementation research: new imperatives and opportunities in global health." The Lancet 392(10160): 2214-2228.

97. Tumilowicz, A., M. T. Ruel, G. Pelto, D. L. Pelletier, E. C. Monterrosa, K. Lapping, K. Kraemer, L. M. De Regil, G. Bergeron, M. Arabi, L. Neufeld and R. Sturke (2018). "Implementation Science in Nutrition: Concepts and Frameworks for an Emerging Field of Science and Practice." Current Developments in Nutrition.

98. Michaud‐Létourneau I, Gayard M, Mathisen R, Phan LTH, Weissman A, Pelletier DL. Enhancing governance and strengthening advocacy for policy change of large Collective Impact initiatives. Maternal & Child Nutrition 2019;15:e12728-n/a.

99. Michaud-Letourneau I, Gayard M, Pelletier DL. Issue Information. Maternal and Child Nutrition 2019;15.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (19)


100. Michaud‐Létourneau I, Gayard M, Pelletier DL. Contribution of the Alive & Thrive–UNICEF advocacy

efforts to improve infant and young child feeding policies in Southeast Asia. Maternal & Child Nutrition 2019;15:e12683-n/a.

101. Michaud‐Létourneau I, Gayard M, Pelletier DL. Strengthening advocacy and policy change for infant and young child feeding. Maternal & Child Nutrition 2019;15:e12749-n/a.

102. Michaud‐Létourneau I, Gayard M, Pelletier DL. Translating the International Code of Marketing of Breast‐milk Substitutes into national measures in nine countries. Maternal & Child Nutrition 2019;15:e12730-n/a.

103. Pelletier, D.L. & DePee, S. (2019). Micronutrient Powder Programs: New Findings and Future Directions for Implementation Science. Maternal& Child Nutrition, 2019:e12802

B. Books, Chapters and Monographs

1. Greksa, L.P., D.L. Pelletier, and T.B. Gage. 1986. "Work in Contemporary and Traditional Samoa." In: The Changing Samoans: Behavior and Health in Transition. P.T. Baker, J.M. Hanna, T.S. Baker, eds. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

2. Hanna, J.M., D.L. Pelletier, and V.J. Brown. 1986. "The Diet and Nutrition of Contemporary

Samoans." In: The Changing Samoans: Behavior and Health in Transition. P.T. Baker, J.M. Hanna, T.S. Baker, eds. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

3. Pelletier, D.L. 1986. "Blood Lipid Studies." In: The Changing Samoans: Behavior and Health in

Transition. P.T. Baker, J.M. Hanna, and T.S. Baker, eds. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

4. Haas, J.D., and D.L. Pelletier. 1989. "Nutrition and Human Population Biology." In: Human

Population Biology: A Transdisciplinary Science. M.A. Little and J.D. Haas, eds. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

5. Tucker, K., D.L. Pelletier, K. Rasmussen, J.P. Habicht, P. Pinstrup-Andersen, and F. Roche. 1989.

Advances in Nutritional Surveillance: The Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program 1981-87. Monograph No. 2. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Food and Nutrition Policy Program.

6. Pelletier, D.L., and L.A.H. Msukwa. 1990. Intervention Planning in Response to Disasters: A Case

Study of the Mealy Bug Disaster in Malawi. Monograph No. 6. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Food and Nutrition Policy Program.

7. Pelletier, D.L. 1991. The Relationship Between Child Anthropometry and Mortality in Developing

Countries: Implications for Policy, Programs and Future Research. Monograph #12. Ithaca, NY: Cornell Food and Nutrition Policy Program.

8. Pelletier, D.L. 1992. The Role of Qualitative Methodologies in Nutritional Surveillance. In: Rapid

Assessment Procedures: Qualitative Methodologies for Planning and Evaluation of Health Related Programmes. Scrimshaw, NS and GR Gleason (eds.). International Nutrition Foundation for Developing Countries, Boston, MA.

9. Pinstrup-Andersen, P., D.L. Pelletier, and H. Alderman. 1995. "Enhancing Child Nutrition: An Agenda

for Action." In: Beyond Child Survival: Enhancing Growth and Nutrition in Developing

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (20)


Countries. Pinstrup-Andersen, P., D.L. Pelletier and H. Alderman, eds. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.

10. Mebrahtu, S., D.L. Pelletier, and P. Pinstrup-Andersen. 1995. "Agriculture and Nutrition." In:

Beyond Child Survival: Enhancing Growth and Nutrition in Developing Countries. Pinstrup-Andersen, P., D.L. Pelletier, and H. Alderman, eds. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.

11. Pelletier, D.L. 1995. "The Role of Information in Enhancing Child Growth and Nutrition: A Synthesis."

In: Beyond Child Survival: Enhancing Growth and Nutrition in Developing Countries. Pinstrup-Andersen, P., D.L. Pelletier, and H. Alderman, eds. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.

12. Pelletier, D.L. 1995. “The Relationship Between Malnutrition, Morbidity and Child Mortality in

Developing Countries.” In: Kandiah et al. (eds.), Sex Differentials in Infant and Child Mortality. A Report from the Population Division of DESIPA, United Nations.

13. Garza, C, J.D. Haas, JP Habicht and D.L. Pelletier. 1996. Beyond Nutritional Recommendations:

Implementing Science for Healthier Populations. Proceedings from the 14th Annual Bristol-Myers Squibb/Mead Johnson Nutrition Research Symposium, June 5-17, 1995, Washington, D.C.

14. Habicht, J.P., D.L. Pelletier and C. Garza. 1996. “The Integration of Scientific Knowledge for Effective

Action.” In: Garza, C, J.D. Haas, JP Habicht and D.L. Pelletier (eds) Beyond Nutritional Recommendations: Implementing Science for Healthier Populations. Proceedings from the 14th Annual Bristol-Myers Squibb/Mead Johnson Nutrition Research Symposium, June 5-17, 1995, Washington, D.C.

15. Pelletier, D.L. 1999. “Nutritional Status: The Master Key to Child Survival.” In: Marchione, T (ed)

Scaling Up, Scaling Down: Capacities for Overcoming Malnutrition in Developing Countries. Gordon and Breach Publishers.

16. Garza, C., D.L. Pelletier, A. Mathios, C. Ranney, P. McNamara, J. Blaylock and S. Krebs-Smith

(eds.). 1999. U.S. Dietary Guidelines: Research and Policy Needs in the Nutritional, Health and Agricultural Sectors. Food Policy (Special Issue) 24(2/3):115-347.

17. Pelletier, D.L. 2001. Research and Policy Directions. Chapter 26, In: Nutrition and Health in

Developing Countries. R. Semba and M. Bloem, Humana Press.

18. Pelletier, D.L., C. Olson and E.A. Frongillo, Jr. 2001. “Food Security, Hunger and Undernutrition.” In: Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Eight Edition. B. Bowman and R. Russel (Eds), Washington, D.C.: ILSI Press.

19. Pelletier, D.L., M. Rahn, and E.A. Frongillo, Jr. 2001. “Low Birth Weight, Postnatal Growth Failure

and Mortality.” In: Nutrition and Growth. R. Martorell and F. Haschke (Eds), vol 47, Nestle Nutrition Workshop Series.

20. Pelletier, D.L. .2003. “A Framework for Improved Strategies.” In: Gillespie, S., M. McLachlan and R.

Shrimpton (Eds.): Combating Malnutrition: Time to Act. Health, Nutrition and Population Series, Washington, DC: The World Bank.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (21)


21. Pelletier, D. 2005. “Food safety and consumer choice policy.” In: Omamo SW and von Grebmer K (Eds). Biotechnology, Agriculture and Food Security in Southern Africa. Washington, D.C., International Food Policy Research Institute.

22. Peters, S., M. Hittleman and D.L. Pelletier. 2005. “The North Country Community Food and Economic

Security Project Case Study.” In: S. Peters et al., (Eds): Engaging Campus and Community: Public Scholarship in the State and Land-Grant University System, Dayton, OH: Kettering Foundation, 2005.

23. Pelletier, D.L., C. Olson and E.A. Frongillo, Jr. 2006. “Food Security, Hunger and Undernutrition.” In:

Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Ninth Edition. B. Bowman and R. Russel (Eds), Washington, D.C.: ILSI Press.

24. Garza, C and D.L. Pelletier. 2007. “Dietary Guidelines: Past, Present and Future.” In: Kennedy, E.

(Ed.). The Nation’s Nutrition. International Life Sciences Institute Press.

25. Pelletier, D.L. 2008. Beyond Partial Analysis. Chapter 34, In: Nutrition and Health in Developing Countries, 2nd edition. R. Semba and M. Bloem, Humana Press.

26. Pelletier, D.L. 2008. “The Politics of Nutrition Policy: The Search for Solutions that Fit the Nature of

the Problem.” In: Carrots and Sticks: The Political Economy of Nutrition Policy Reforms. Natalicchio, M., Garrett, J., Mulder-Sibanda, M., Ndegwa, S. And Voorbraak, D. (Eds). Washington, DC: The World Bank.

27. Pelletier, D.L. (Guest Editor) 2011. Mainstreaming Nutrition in National Policy Agendas: Successes,

Challenges and Emergent Opportunities. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 32(2): S53-127.

28. Pelletier, D.L., C. Olson and E.A. Frongillo, Jr. 2012. “Food Security, Hunger and Undernutrition.” In: Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Tenth Edition. S. Zeisel et al (Eds), Washington, D.C.: ILSI Press.

29. Jerling, J, Pelletier, D, Fanzo, J and Covic, N. Supporting Multisectoral Action: Capacity and Nutrition Leaderships Challenges Facing Africa, IN: Achieving a Nutrition Revolution for Africa: The Road to Healthier Diets and Optimal Nutrition. Covic, N and Hendriks, SL (Eds). ReSAKSS Annual Trends and Outlook Report 2015. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).

C. Published Abstracts

1. Pelletier, D.L. 1980. "Infant Growth Patterns in a Samoan Population." American Journal of Physical

Anthropology. 52(2):266-267 (Abstract). Paper presented at the Forty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, April 1980.

2. Schendel, D.E., D.L. Pelletier, and P.T. Baker. 1983. "Variation in Blood Pressure and Body Composition Among Rural Samoan Adults." American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 60(2): 251 (Abstract). Paper presented at the Fifty-Second Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, April 1983.

3. Pelletier, D.L. 1983. "Cardiorespiratory Fitness of Western Samoans, in Relation to Occupational

and Leisure-time Activity Patterns." American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 60(2): 237 (Abstract). Paper presented at the Fifty-Second Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, April 1983.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (22)


4. Pelletier, D.L., M.H. Green, and J.B. Green. 1983. "Plasma Total- and HDL-Cholesterol in Relation to Occupational and Leisure Activity Patterns." American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 37(4): 705 (Abstract). Poster presented at the Twenty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Society for Clinical Nutrition, April 1983.

5. Pelletier, D.L. 1984. "Dietary Patterns and Body Fatness Among Young Samoan Men." American

Journal of Physical Anthropology. 63 (2): 203-204 (Abstract). Paper presented at the Fifty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Philadelphia, April 1984.

6. Pelletier, D.L., J.D. Haas, and J.B. Mason. 1985. "A Comparison of Stunting and Wasting Indicators

of Malnutrition in Philippine School Children." American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 66(2): 213-214 (Abstract). Paper presented at the Fifty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Knoxville, TN, April 1985.

7. Pelletier, D.L., J.W. Low, and L.A.H. Msukwa. 1989. "Assessment of Nutritional Status from Upper

Arm Anthropometry in African Populations." American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 78(2):283 (Abstract). Poster session prepared for Fifty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, San Diego, CA, April 1989.

8. Pelletier, D.L., P. Mvula, and E.A. Frongillo. 1990. "Use of Internally— and Externally—Derived

Anthropometric Standards in Nutritional Analysis." American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 81(2): 279-280 (Abstract). Paper presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Miami, Florida, April 7.

9. Pelletier, D.L., E.A. Frongillo and JP Habicht. 1993. “Evidence for a Potentiating Effect of

Malnutrition on Child Mortality.” FASEB Journal 7(3):A513 (Abstract). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, March 28-April 1, 1993, New Orleans, LA.

10. Ross, J.S., D.L. Pelletier, K.M. Rasmussen and J.P. Habicht. 1993. “Factors Associated with

Patterns of Postpartum Change in Maternal Body Weight in Malawi.” FASEB Journal 7(3) (Abstract). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, March 28-April 1, New Orleans, LA.

11. Yip, R., D.L. Pelletier. 1994. “Why Does Muac Perform Better Than Other Anthropometric Indices in

Predicting Childhood Mortality? A Case of Age Confounding.” FASEB Journal I:899 (Abstract). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, April 24-28, Anaheim, CA.

12. Pelletier, D., E. Frongillo, Jr., D. Schroeder and J-P Habicht. 1994. “Estimating the Contribution of

Malnutrition to Child Mortality in Developing Countries.” FASEB Journal I:900 (Abstract). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, April 24-28, Anaheim, CA.

13. Ross, J.S., D.L. Pelletier, K.M. Rasmussen and J-P. Habicht. 1994. “Determinants of the Duration of

Full Lactation in Malawi.” FASEB Journal I:2560 (Abstract). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, April 24-28, Anaheim, CA.

14. Khan, A.D., D.L. Pelletier. 1994. “Growth of Intrauterine Growth Retarded (IUGR) Infants and its

Relation to Maternal Height.” FASEB Journal I:2561 (Abstract). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, April 24-28,

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (23)


Anaheim, CA.

15. Neufeld, L., D. Pelletier, J. Haas. 1994. “Agricultural Seasonality May Influence Body Proportionality in the Intrauterine Growth Retarded Infant.” FASEB Journal I:2648 (Abstract). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, April 24-28, Anaheim, CA.

16. Galanis, D.J., D.L. Pelletier, S.T. McGarvey. 1994. “Effects of Modernization on the Dietary Intake of

Western Samoan Men. A Longitudinal Analysis.” American Journal of Human Biology. 6(1):121. Poster presented, March 30, at the Human Biology Council Meeting. Denver, CO.

17. Pelletier, D.L. 1994. “Addressing Nutrition Problems from a Political Economy Perspective.”

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement 19 (Abstract). Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, April 1-4, 1994, Denver, CO.

18. Pelletier, D.L. and W.S. Wolfe. 1994. “Nutrition Monitoring and Action: Convergent Lessons from the

U.S. and Developing Countries.” Abstracts from the 122nd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, p.267. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, October 31-November 3, 1994, Washington, D.C.

19. Pelletier, D.L. 1995. “The Synergistic Effects of Malnutrition and Infection on Child Mortality.”

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement 20:169-170. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, March 30-April 1, 1995, Oakland, CA.

20. Neufeld, L., D.L. Pelletier and J.D. Haas. 1995. “The Timing Hypothesis and body proportionality in

the intrauterine growth retarded infant.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement 20:160. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, March 30-April 1, 1995, Oakland, CA.

21. Pelletier, D.L. and A. Kendall. 1995. “Supplement Use is Not Associated with Better Nutrient Intake

from Food in All Population Groups.” The FASEB Journal 9(3):A578 (Abstract). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, April 9-13, Atlanta, GA.

22. Pelletier, D.L. and A. Kendall. 1996. “Lowfat Milk Promotion: Reconciling the Interests of Public

Health and the Dairy Industry.” The FASEB Journal 10(3) (Abstract). Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, April 14-17, 1996, Washington, D.C.

23. Pelletier, D.L. and T.B. Gage. 1996. “Trends in Body Mass Index of Adults in Developing Countries.”

The American Journal of Physical Anthropology Supplement 22:183-184. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, April 11-13, 1996, Raleigh, NC.

24. Pelletier, D.L. and C. McCullum. 2002. “Power, Participation and Values in Local Food and Nutrition

Policy.” FASEB Journal 16(4):A254, 2002. Presented at Experimental Biology, New Orleans, LA, April 22, 2002.

25. Pelletier, D.L., E.A. Frongillo and M. Rahn. 2002. “The Effects of Malnutrition on Child Survival in

Developing Countries: A Longitudinal Analysis.” FASEB Journal 16(5):A745, 2002. Presented at Experimental Biology, New Orleans, LA, April 22, 2002.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (24)


26. Ruel, MT, Pelto, G, Menon, P, Loechl, C, Pelletier, D. 2003. “From Formative Research Data to

Program Planning and Policy: An Innovative Approach to Intervention Development.” FASEB Journal. (Abstract 680.2).

27. Du, L, Habicht, JP, Pelletier, DL, Pelto, G.P. “Differential Response in Efficacy Trial: Who Benefit?”

FASEB 2004 (Abstract No. 4640).

28. Du, L, Pelletier, D.L., Pelto, G.P., Habicht, J.P. “Studying the Policy Community of Food Fortification in China,” FASEB 2004 (Abstract No. 4713).

29. Pelletier, D.L. “The Science and Politics of Targeting: Who Gets What, When and How.” FASEB

Journal 2004 (Abstract).

30. Tao M, Pelletier D. “Iron fortification, iron deficiency anemia and iron overload in the U.S.: A microsimulation.” The FASEB Journal (2005), 18 (4):A515.

31. Pelletier, D.L., Tao, M. “Hereditary hemochromatosis: Microsimulation as a tool for integrating

science for policy analysis.” The FASEB Journal (2006), (Abstract).

32. Tumilowicz, A, Pelletier, D, Habicht, J.P., Pelto, G. “Timing of growth stunting differs between indigenous Guatemalan boys and girls and maternal education attenuates stunting in girls.” The FASEB Journal (2006) (abstract).

33. Pelletier D.L., Frongillo E.A., Gervais S, Hoey L, Menon P, Stoltzfus R.J., Ahmed A.M.S., Ahmed T.

“Advancing nutrition policy: Challenges and strategies.” Experimental Biology, San Diego, FASEB J March 29, 2012 26:269.1

34. Adeyemi, O.A. and D.L. Pelletier. “Perspectives of Nigerian policy actors concerning NCDs.”

FASEB J March 2012 26:1029.4

35. Phillips, E.L., Pelletier, D, Gervais, S, Stoltzfus, R, Young, S and Michaud, L. “Using Program Impact Pathways to Improve Anemia Reduction Programs.” FASEB J March 29, 2012 26:269.2

36. Phillips, E.L., Pelletier, D, Gervais, S, Stoltzfus, R, Young, S, and Michaud, L. “The Use of Mixed

Methods Evaluation for Effective Program Scale up.” FASEB J March 29, 2012 26:1029.5

37. Pelletier, D.L., Porter, C.M., Aarons, G.A., Wuehler, S.E. and Neufeld, L.M. “Expanding the Frontiers of Population Nutrition Research: New Questions, New Methods and New Approaches” (symposium summary). Advances in Nutrition, September 2012 3 728-729; doi:10.3945/an.112.002618

38. Heidkamp, R.A., Teta, I.N., Gervais, S, Stoltzfus, R.J., Pelletier, D.L., Habicht, J.H., Pelto, G, Philips,

E.L., Marhone, J. and Ayoya, M.A. “How are maternal-child nutrition activities integrated at the community level? Lessons from Haiti.” FASEB J March 29, 2012 26:1029.3

39. Adeyemi, O, Stoltzfus, R.J., Devine, C.M., Pinstrup-Andersen, P, Pelletier, D.L. “Who is

undernourished and who is overweight in Nigeria?” FASEB J April 9, 2013 27:1055.13

40. Adeyemi, O, Pelletier, D.L., Devine, C.M., Pinstrup-Andersen, P and Stoltzfus, R.J. “Why have NCDs received so little attention in Nigeria?” FASEB J April 9, 2013 27:1055.14

41. Phillips, E.L., Pelletier, D.L., Stoltzfus, R.J., Michaud, L and Gracia, L. “Antenatal care quality and its

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (25)


effect on nutrition interventions” FASEB J April 9, 2013 27:620.7

42. Pelletier, D.L., Gervais, S., Hafeez-ur-Rehman, H., Natamba, B., Sanou, D. and Tumwine, J. “Strengthening strategic capacity for nutrition in four African countries.” FASEB J April 2014 28:632.14

43. Pelletier, D.L. and Pham, J. “Population nutrition research at the frontiers: an examination of recent

literature.” FASEB J April 2014 28:384.1

44. Gamboa Delgado, E., González de Cossío, T., Colchero Aragonés, A., Pelletier, D.L., Quezada, A.D. and Rodríguez Ramírez, S., “Effect of a food aid program on BMI/A of Mexican children, mediated by diet.” FASEB J April 2014 28:251.3

45. Fox, E., Pelto, G., Rouzier, V., Debrosse, M.G., Rasmussen, K., Young, S., Strupp, B., Pape, J.W. and Pelletier, D. The Message Environment and Salience of Infant and Young Child Feeding Messages for Health Workers, HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected Mothers in Urban Haiti FASEB J April 2015 29:898.6

46. Toure, D., Rawat, R., Harvey, D., Mwanamwenge, M. and Pelletier, D. The Effects of a Nutrition-Sensitive Agricultural Intervention on Social Support, Food Security and Maternal Self-Efficacy in Complementary Feeding FASEB J April 2016 29:898.19.

47. Pelletier, D.L., Gervais, S., Hafeez-ur-Rehman, H., Sanou, D. and Tumwine, J. ,Multisectoral Nutrition: Feasible or Fantasy? FASEB J April 2016 30: 669.9

48. Omotayo MO, Dickin KL, Pelletier DL, Martin SL, Kung’u JK, Stoltzfus RJ. A comprehensive program model for integrating prenatal calcium and iron supplementation into primary healthcare in western Kenya. Micronutrient Forum, Cancun, Mexico, October, 2016.

49. Omotayo MO, Dickin KL, Pelletier DL, Martin SL, Kung’u JK, Stoltzfus RJ. Feasibility of Integrating Calcium and Iron-Folate Supplementation to Prevent Preeclampsia and Anemia in Pregnancy in Primary Healthcare Facilities in Kenya. Submitted to EB 2017

50. Omotayo MO, Dickin KL, Pelletier DL, Cassano PA, Mwanga E, Kung’u JK, Stoltzfus RJ. Impact of Dosing Regimen on Ante-natal Calcium Supplement Consumption: A Cluster-Randomized, Non-Inferiority Trial in Western Kenya. Submitted to EB 2017

D. Letters, Commentaries and Published Book Reviews

1. Pelletier, D.L., and Shrimpton, R. 1995. Response by the authors to Article Comments on `The Role of Information in the Planning, Management and Evaluation of Community Nutrition Programmes.' Health Policy and Planning 10(2):206-207. Oxford University Press.

2. Pelletier, D.L., 1995. Review of: Early Supplementary Feeding and Cognition, by E. Pollitt, et al.,

published in Social Science and Medicine 41(11):1600-1601. 3. Pelletier, D.L. 1997. Review of Nutrition Policy in Public Health, by F. Bronner (editor), published in

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 4. Pelletier, D.L. 2002. Review of Nutrition Politics, by Marion Nestle, published in the Journal of

Nutrition Education.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (26)


5. Pelletier, D.L. 2006. Transgenic science priorities. Nature Biotechnology 24(5):498-499.

6. Pelletier, D.L. with others. 2017. Stories of Change: Perspectives. Global Food Security 13:83–88. E. Invited Lectures and Presentations at Conferences

(To avoid double-counting, these presentations are separate from those reflected in the "Published Abstracts" section above)

1. Pelletier,, D.L. The Multidisciplinary Study of Human Ecology: Examples from High Altitude Peru and

Samoa. Invited lecture presented in the Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, April1982.

2. Pelletier, D.L., and T.S. Baker. Body Fatness and Sociocultural Correlates of Occupational Activity

Patterns in a Modernizing Polynesian Population. Presented at the Eleventh International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, August 1983.

3. Pelletier, D.L. Socioeconomic Correlates of Imported Food Use by Western Samoan Households.

Presented at the Association for Social Anthropologists in Oceania, Salem, MA, March 1985. 4. Pelletier, D.L. Implications of Interactions for Studying Nutrition-Agriculture Linkages. Invited paper

presented at a symposium on Nutrition and Agriculture: Exploring the Links, at the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., November 19, 1989.

5. Habicht, J-P, and D.L. Pelletier. The Importance of Context in Choosing Nutritional Indicators. Paper

presented at a conference on Nutritional Assessment sponsored by the American Institute of Nutrition, Charleston, SC, December 1989.

6. Pelletier, D.L. The Role of Nutritional Status Information in Government Decision-Making Following

an Agricultural Disaster in Northern Malawi. Invited paper presented at a workshop on "Nutrition-Agricultural Linkages, sponsored by USAID and held in Arlington, VA, February 12-13, 1990.

7. Pelletier, D.L. The Theory and Practice of Nutritional Surveillance: Lessons from Africa. Invited

lecture presented at the School of Public Health, Harvard University, March 6, 1990. 8. Pelletier, D.L. The Multiple Uses of Growth Monitoring: Lessons from Developing Countries. Invited

paper presented at the New York State Department of Health Seminar on Child Growth Monitoring, August 8, 1990.

9. Pelletier, D.L. The Role of Qualitative Methodologies in Nutritional Surveillance. Presented at the

International Conference on Rapid Assessment Methodologies for Planning and Evaluation of Health Related Programmes, Washington D.C., November 12-15, 1990.

10. Pelletier, D.L. The Uses of Information in the Iringa Nutrition Program, Tanzania. Invited lecture

presented at the Joint Meeting of the United Nations Administrative Coordinating Committees on Rural Development and Evaluation, New York City, May 7, 1991.

11. Pelletier, D.L. Nutritional surveillance in the Iringa Nutrition Program. Presented at a UNICEF

workshop to improve nutritional surveillance strategies, New York City, September 28, 1991. 12. Pelletier, D. L. The Implications of Nutrition-Mortality Synergisms for UNICEF Policies and Programs.

Invited lecture presented to UNICEF Headquarters staff, New York City. January 28, 1992.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (27)


13. Pelletier, D.L. Maternal Anthropometric Predictors of Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation in the Malawi

Maternal and Child Nutrition Study. Presented at a W.H.O. workshop in Cali, Colombia, February 17-19, 1992.

14. Pelletier, D.L. Towards an Improved Strategy for Nutrition Surveillance in the 1990's. Presented at a

meeting of the United Nations ACC-Subcommittee on Nutrition, Rome, Italy, February 23, 1992.

15. Pelletier, D.L. Principles for Evaluating Nutrition Information Systems in Tanzania, at Community,

District and National Levels. Lecture presented to government officials in Dar-es-Salaam, June 25, 1992.

16. Pelletier, D.L. Nutrition Surveillance for Policy and Planning: Moving from Theory to Practice in

Ethiopia. Lecture presented at the Ethiopian Nutrition Institute, Addis Ababa, July 30, 1992. 17. Pelletier, D.L. Nutrition Information Strategies as an Integrative Approach for UNICEF's Support to

Nutrition Information. Presented at a meeting of UNICEF field staff at UNICEF/NY, October 22, 1992.

18. Pelletier, D.L. The Implications of Malnutrition-Mortality Synergisms for UNICEF Programming.

Presented at a meeting of UNICEF field staff, Jakarta, Indonesia, February 6, 1993. 19. Pelletier, D.L. and JP Habicht. Continuing Needs for National Food Consumption Data for U.S. Public

Health Policy. Paper presented at the Atwater Centennial Symposium, Washington, D.C., June 2-4, 1993.

20. Pelletier, D.L. From Surveillance to Action: Experiences from Other Countries. Paper presented at a

National Symposium 'Nutrition Surveillance in Support of Policy Formulation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 25, 1993.

21. Pelletier, D.L. The Contribution of Malnutrition to Child Mortality in Ethiopia. Paper presented at the

Ethiopia Nutrition Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 23, 1993. 22. Pelletier, D.L. The Effects of Malnutrition on Child Mortality. Presented at a meeting of UNICEF

country representatives, Bali, Indonesia, January 15, 1994. 23. Pelletier, D.L. The Effects of Malnutrition on Child Mortality. Invited lecture presented at the

Academy for Educational Development meeting on BASICS (Basic Support for Institutionalizing Child Survival), in Washington, D.C., July 1, 1994.

24. Pelletier, D.L. The Effects of Malnutrition on Child Mortality. Invited lecture presented at the

International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C. November 1, 1994. 25. Pelletier, D.L. The Effects of Malnutrition on Child Mortality. Invited lecture presented at USAID

Office of Health and Nutrition, Washington, D.C., December 16, 1994. 26. Pelletier, D.L. From Information to Action: Some Recent Improvements in Theory and Practical

Implications for the Community-Based Nutrition Monitoring Project. Lecture presented at the CBNM Lessons Learned Workshop, Ithaca, NY, March 15, 1994.

27. Pelletier, D.L. Community Based Nutrition Monitoring in New York State: The Roles of Data,

Coalitions and Theory in Improving Decision Making. Invited lecture presented at Laval

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (28)


University, Quebec, Canada, August 22, 1994. 28. Pelletier, D.L. From Local Nutritional Status Information to Community Level Action. Invited lecture

presented at a Nutrition/Wellness Breakfast meeting, in Auburn, NY, October 25, 1994. 29. Pelletier, D.L. Community-Based Nutrition Monitoring and Action: An Assessment of Experiences,

Theories and Assumptions. Invited lecture presented at the first Canadian Conference on International Health, Ottawa, Canada, November 14, 1994.

30. Pelletier, D.L. Food, Nutrition, Agriculture and Environment: Global Trends and Relationships. Invited

lecture presented at the Environmental Awareness Committee of the Holland International Living Center, Cornell University, November 19, 1994.

31. Pelletier, D.L. Nutrition Surveillance at National, State and Community Levels: Are there Different

Information Requirements? Invited lecture presented to staff in the Division of Nutrition, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, February 21, 1995.

32. Pelletier, D.L. Estimating the Effects of Malnutrition on Child Mortality. Invited lecture presented at the

Eighth Annual Hunger Research Briefing and Exchange, Brown University, Providence RI, April 6, 1995.

33. Pelletier, D.L. Malnutrition in Africa and America. Invited lecture presented to high school students,

Norfolk, MA, April 7, 1995. 34. Pelletier, D.L. Nutrition Policy in the United States: Opportunities and Challenges. Invited lecture

presented at the National Nutrition Policy Symposium, Seoul, Korea, May 13, 1995. 35. Pelletier, D.L. Linking Information to Action: Experience from New York State and Developing

Countries. Invited lecture presented at a workshop on community-based nutrition programs, Seoul, Korea, May 15, 1995.

36. Pelletier, D.L. Interpreting Anthropometric Indicators of Stunting and Wasting. Invited lecture

presented at Cornell Cooperative Extension's Nutrition Update "Focus on Fat" held on May 18, 1995 at Geneva High School, Geneva, NY.

37. Pelletier r, D.L. Taking a Fresh Look at Community Based Nutrition Monitoring Based on Experience

in Upstate New York and Abroad. Invited lecture presented at the Centers for Disease Control Nutrition Surveillance Update, Atlanta, GA, May 22-24, 1995.

38. Pelletier, D.L. A New Paradigm for the Analysis and Interpretation of Nutrition Problems in PAHO.

Invited presentation at the Technical Advisory Committee of the PAHO Food and Nutrition Program, Washington, D.C., November 8, 1995.

39. Pelletier, D.L. Re-Visiting the Concept and Practice of Nutrition Surveillance Based on Experiences in

Developing Countries and the U.S. Invited lecture presented at the University of Toronto, Department of Nutrition Seminar Series, Toronto, Ontario, February 8, 1996.

40. Pelletier, D.L. Community-Based Nutrition Monitoring: Experiences from New York State. Invited

lecture presented at the Toronto Department of Public Health, Toronto, Ontario, February 9, 1996.

41. Pelletier, D.L. A Community-Based Nutrition Monitoring and Problem-Solving Model. Invited lecture

presented to participants in the USDA/ARS-funded Mississippi Delta Project, Little Rock,

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (29)


Arkansas, February 13, 1996. 42. Pelletier, D.L. Advanced Training in Food and Nutrition: Disciplinary, Interdisciplinary and Problem-

Oriented Approaches. Invited lecture presented at the IUNS/UNU Workshop on Institution Building for Research and Advanced Training in Food and Nutrition in Developing Countries, Manila, The Philippines, August 18-23, 1996.

43. Pelletier, D.L. Lowfat Milk Promotion: Opportunities in a New Policy Environment. Proceedings of the

1996 Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers, 55-62. Invited lecture presented at the 58th Meeting, Rochester, NY, October 22-24, 1996.

44. Pelletier, D.L. Community-Directed Programming: Overview and Key Concepts. Invited lecture

presented at the Fall Program Development Workshop, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Ithaca, NY, November 12-15, 1996.

45. Pelletier, D.L. The Role of Knowledge in Nutrition Policy Formation. Invited lecture presented at the

International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C., April 30, 1997. 46. Pelletier, D.L. Opportunities for Utilizing Public Issues Education as an Extension Program Modality.

Invited presentation to the CCE Board of Directors in Broome County May 21, 1997. 47. Pelletier, D.L. Linking Indicators to Policy and Program Decisions: Lessons from Experience in

Nutrition and Health. Presentation to the NYS Council on Children and Families, Albany, NY, May 20, 1997.

48. Pelletier, D.L. Ecological, Social and Institutional Influences on Nutrition Policy. Invited lecture

presented at the International Congress of Nutrition, Montreal, Canada, July 29, 1997. 49. Pelletier, D.L. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Breadth Required for Dealing with Food and Nutrition

Issues. Invited lecture presented at the International Congress of Nutrition, Montreal, Canada, July 28, 1997.

50. Pelletier, D.L. The Role of Public Nutrition in Policy Formulation. Invited discussant at a satellite

workshop on public nutrition in Montreal Canada, July 24-26, 1997. 51. Kraak, V., D.L. Pelletier, R. Rich, C. McCullum. Catalyzing Community-Driven Planning to Promote

Community Food Security: Insights Gained from New York State’s North Country. Presented (by V. Kraak) at the 1998 Joint Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Food and Society and the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society, San Francisco, CA, June 4-7, 1998.

52. Pelletier, D.L. The Effects of Malnutrition on Child Mortality in Developing Countries. Invited lecture

presented at the International Congress on Pediatrics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 13, 1998.

53. Pelletier, D.L. The Shaping of Collective Values through Deliberative Democracy: An Empirical Study

from New York’s North Country. Presentation at the 1998 Policy Sciences Institute hosted by the Policy Sciences Center at the Yale Law Center, New Haven, Connecticut, October 2-4, 1998.

54. Pelletier, D.L. The Salience of Community Food Security in Rural Areas: Perspectives from New

York’s North Country. Presented at the Second Annual Meeting of the Community Food Security Coalition, Pittsburgh, PA, October 23-25, 1998.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (30)


55. Pelletier, D.L. The North Country Community Food and Economic Security Project: Public Issues

Education as Good Politics for Extension. Prepared for a Cornell Cooperative Extensions video teleconference A Shared Agenda for Public Issues Education, June 8, 1999.

56. Pelletier, D.L. Assessing Community Food Security: Who Needs Information, What Type and for What

Purpose? Presented at the Community Food Security Assessment Conference sponsored by USDA, Washington, D.C., June 29-30, 1999.

57. Pelletier, D.L. The New Politics of the New Public Health: Experiences from Upstate New York.

Presented at the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, September 1, 1999.

58. Pelletier, D.L. Changes in Values and Beliefs about the Food System as a Result of a Participatory

Planning Process: Results of a Q Study in Six Rural Counties. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Atlanta, GA, September 2-5, 1999.

59. Pelletier, D.L. Child Malnutrition and Mortality. Presented at USAID, Washington, D.C., December 9,

1999. 60. Pelletier, D.L. Toward a Common Understanding of Malnutrition: The Contributions of the UNICEF

Conceptual Framework. Presented at a World Bank/UNICEF workshop on nutrition policy, in Washington, D.C., January 19, 2000.

61. Pelletier, D.L. Low Birth Weight, Postnatal Growth Failure and Mortality. Presented at the 47th Nestle

Nutrition Workshop in Santiago, Chile, April 4, 2000. 62. Pelletier, D. L. U.S. Nutrition Policy: The Players. Presented at the National Nutrition Policy Seminar

sponsored by ILSI in Washington, D.C, April 9, 2000. 63. Pelletier, D.L. Capacity Building for Nutrition Improvement: Summary of the UNU/IUNS Workshop.

Presented at the annual meeting of the United Nations Administrative Coordinating Committee, Subcommittee on Nutrition in Washington, D.C., April 10, 2000.

64. Pelletier, D.L. Regulation of Genetically Modified Organisms: A Policy Sciences Case Study.

Presented at the Summer Institute of the Society for the Policy Sciences at the University of Colorado, Boulder, July 7-9, 2000.

65. Pelletier, D.L. Agricultural Biotechnology: A Study of Viewpoints Among Faculty and Extension Staff

at Cornell University. Presented at the International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C. July 27, 2000.

66. Pelletier, D.L. Rationality, Sound Science and the Regulation of Plant Biotechnology: Implications for

Public Research, Policy Analysis and Collegiality. Presented at a workshop on the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Genomics, held at Cornell University, Nov 17-19, 2000.

67. Pelletier, D.L. The Roles of Science and the Public in Regulating Agricultural Biotechnology.

Presented at the BCERF Ad Hoc Discussion Group, Ithaca, NY, October 5, 2001. 68. Pelletier, D.L. Child Survival in Developing Countries: Malnutrition Does Matter. Presentation at

USAID, Washington, D.C., August 9, 2001. 69. Pelletier, D.L. How Much Evidence is Needed for Developing Nutrition Policy? Invited presentation at

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (31)


the International Food and Nutrition Forum Meeting, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, Washington, D.C., October 3, 2001.

70. Pelletier, D.L. Developing a Research Program on the Policy Process as it Affects Nutrition.

Presented at the International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C., April 20, 2002.

71. Pelletier, D.L. Child Survival in Developing Countries: The Role of Malnutrition and Policy

Implications. Presentation at USAID, Washington, D.C., November 2002. 72. Pelletier, D.L. A Multi-Criteria Matrix for Evaluating GM Food AID Options in Southern Africa.

Presentation at the International Food and Nutrition Forum Meeting, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, Washington, D.C., January 29, 2003.

73. Pelletier, D.L. Frontiers in Food and Nutrition Research: Emerging Issues for Research, Public Health

and Public Policy. Presented at the Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, March 25, 2003.

74. Pelletier, D.L. Sound Science and Good Politics in the Development of GM Food Policy: Urgent

Priority or Utopian Vision. Presented at the International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C., May 22, 2003.

75. Pelletier, D.L. Improving Child Survival: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Role of Malnutrition, 1976-98.

Invited lecture in the Health, Nutrition and Population Network, The World Bank, April 22, 2003.

76. Pelletier, D.L. Science, Law and Politics in FDA’s GE Foods Policy and the Implications for

Developing Countries. Invited lecture at a workshop on Food Security and Agriculture in Developing Countries, KVL University, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 23, 2003.

77. Pelletier, D.L. Food Safety: International and National Standards. Invited lecture at a workshop on

Food Security and Agriculture in Developing Countries, KVL University, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 24, 2003.

78. Pelletier, D.L. Analyzing and Developing Policy for GM Agriculture and Food Safety. Invited lecture at

a workshop on Food Security and Agriculture in Developing Countries, KVL University, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 25, 2003.

79. Pelletier, D.L. Scaling Up for Nutrition. Invited presentation for the Nutrition Achor, World Bank,

Washington, D.C., June 30, 2003. 80. Pelletier, D.L. Voting for Sustainability with Your Food Dollar: Making Food Choices that Reflect

Personal and Community Values. Invited Panelist. Annual Meeting of the Society for Nutrition Education, Philadelphia, PA, July 29, 2003.

81. Pelletier, D.L. The Interactions of Science, Law and Politics in Bioengineering: A Case Study of FDA’s

Regulation of Genetically Engineered Foods. Invited presentation in the Department of Bioengineering, Syracuse University, September 26, 2003.

82. Pelletier, D.L. Recent Developments in Food and Nutrition Policy: Opportunities and Challenges for

Producers, Consumers and Cornell. CCE Agriculture and Food Systems In-Service Week: Cultivating Links Between Agriculture and Health, November 11, 2003.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (32)


83. Pelletier, D.L. Food Security, Nutrition and Health: The Contributions and Limits of Technology. Invited presentation at the Trustee-Council Weekend Life Sciences Forum on Addressing Food Security and Global Nutrition. October 17, 2003.

84. Pelletier, D.L. Malnutrition and Child Survival: Impacts and Policy Implications. Invited presentation at

the Health, Nutrition and Population Learning Week, on “The MDGs: Walking the Talk” The World Bank, Washington, D.C., November 12, 2003.

85. Pelletier, D.L. FDA's Regulation of GE Foods: Sorting Out the Science, Law and Politics.

Presentation at the Cornell Plant Breeding seminar, Ithaca, NY, March 2, 2004. 86. Pelletier, D.L. Mad Scientists and Mad Publics: Social, Ethical and Policy Issues with Human

Genomics and Genetically Engineered Foods. Presented at the Cornell Club of Columbus, OH, April 27, 2004.

87. Pelletier, D.L. Mad Scientists and Mad Publics: Social, Ethical and Policy Issues with Human

Genomics and Genetically Engineered Foods. Presented at the Cornell Club of Cleveland, OH, April 28, 2004.

88. Pelletier, D.L. Mad Scientists and Mad Publics: Social, Ethical and Policy Issues with Human

Genomics and Genetically Engineered Foods. Presented at the Cornell Club of Pittsburgh, PA, April 29, 2004.

89. Pelletier, D.L. FDA's Regulation of GE Foods: Sorting Out the Science, Law and Politics.

Presentation at the Geneva Agricultural Experimental Station, Cornell University, Geneva, NY, May 5, 2004.

90. Pelletier, D.L. FDA's Regulation of GE Foods: Sorting Out the Science, Law and Politics.

Presentation at the Field of Nutrition seminar series, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, September 27, 2004.

91. Pelletier, D.L. Are We Looking Before We Leap? Social and Ethical Issues in Human Genomics and

Genetically Engineered Foods. Presented at the Cornell Club of Rochester, NY, November 3, 2004.

92. Pelletier, D.L. FDA's Regulation of GE Foods: Sorting Out the Science, Law and Politics.

Presentation at the Cornell Science, Technology and Society seminar, Ithaca, NY, November 22, 2004.

93. Pelletier, D.L. The Roles of Households and Communities. Presentation at the World Bank Training

Course on Strategies for Reaching the MDGs in Health and Nutrition. Washington, DC: March 22, 2006.

94. Pelletier, D.L. The Role of Evidence in Health and Nutrition Policy: The Need for a Broader

Framework. Presentation at the International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh, Dhaka: October 12, 2006.

95. Pelletier, DL, Lewin, A and Porter, C. The Whole Community Project: The Prospects and

Requirements for Preventing Childhood Obesity through Community-Centered Approaches. Presentation at the Annual Institute of the Society for the Policy Sciences, Yale University, October 28, 2006.

96. Pelletier, DL. Aligning Problems, Perceptions, Actions and Systems to Improve Nutrition.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (33)


Presentation at the Peru Nutrition Results Project workshop, December 11, 2006. 97. Pelletier, D.L. (with L. Laviolette). Review of “Best Practices” in ICDS. Presentation to World Bank

Mission in India. January 30, 2007. 98. Pelletier, D.L. Best Practices for Nutrition Surveillance for Decision Making. Presentation at the

Technical Workshop on Juntos for the Prevention of Malnutrition. Lima, Peru, June 4-5, 2007. 99. Pelletier, D.L. The Politics of Nutrition Policy: The Search for Solutions that Fit the Nature of the

Problem. Presentation at the Workshop on The Political Economy of Nutrition Policy Reforms, The World Bank, Washington, D.C., May 21, 2007.

100. Pelletier, D.L., E. Frongillo, R. Hill, L. Hoey, S. Kim, K. Lapping, A. Lewin, P. Menon and the

Mainstreaming Nutrition Team. Improving Nutrition Through Interventions in Decision Processes. The Scope, Limits and Strategies of Minor Policy Participants. Presentation at the Annual Institute for the Policy Sciences, Claremont, CA, October 26-28, 2007.

101. Pelletier, D.L. Shaping Effective National Nutrition Policy and Strategies. Presentation at the

UNICEF Expert consultation on effective programming for children, New York, December 17-18, 2007.

102. Pelletier, D.L., and The Mainstreaming Nutrition Initiative. Commitment, Consensus and Capacity: An

Evidence-Based Agenda. Presented at the 36th session of the UN Standing Committee on Nutrition, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 2008.

103. Pelletier, D.L. Commitment, Consensus and Capacity for Mainstreaming Nutrition. Presented at The

Global Nutrition Challenge: Getting a Healthy Start. Pacific Health Summit, Seattle, 2008. 104. Pelletier, D.L. A Micronutrient Assessment Tool: Theory, Rationale and Feedback to Date. Presented

at the Innocenti Micronutrient Program Meeting, Florence, Italy, September 23-25, 2008. 105. Pelletier, D.L. Strength of Evidence. Presented at the Innocenti Micronutrient Program Meeting,

Florence, Italy, September 23-25, 2008. 106. Pelletier, D.L. Advancing Nutrition: Some Experiences at Country Level for Consideration at the

Global Level. Presented at the meeting on The Global Architecture for Nutrition, World Bank, January, 2009.

107. Pelletier, D.L. What Works and How Do We Know What Works: Challenges and Approaches.

Micronutrient Forum, Beijing, China, May 12, 2009. 108. Pelletier, D.L., Corsi, A., Hoey, L and Houston, R. Experiences from Country-Level Testing of a

Micronutrient Program Assessment Tools. International Congress of Nutrition, Bangkok, Thailand, October 7, 2009.

109. Pelletier, D.L. Recurrent Challenges in the Movement of Country Nutrition Agendas. International

Congress of Nutrition, Bangkok, Thailand, October 7, 2009. 110. Pelletier, D.L., Corsi, A., and Hoey, L. Integration of contextual knowledge, experience and evidence

in program design and assessment. Experimental Biology, Anaheim, CA, April 27, 2010. 111. Pelletier, D.L. Integration of contextual knowledge, experience and evidence in program design and

assessment. Presentation to USAID Nutrition Staff, Washington, D.C., July 15, 2010.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (34)


112. Pelletier, D.L. Integrative overview of the session on Malnutrition in All Its Forms. World Congress of

Public Health Nutrition, Porto, Portugal. September 24, 2010. 113. Pelletier, D.L. (chair) Effectiveness and Appropriateness of Global Health Policy Networks. Panel

session at the Annual Institute of the Society for the Policy Sciences, Yale University, New Haven, CT, October 16, 2010.

114. Pelletier, D.L. From Global to Local: Country-level Factors that Influence Adoption and

Implementation. Annual Institute of the Society for the Policy Sciences, Yale University, New Haven, CT, October 16, 2010.

115. Pelletier, D.L. Multisectoral Nutrition Policy Platforms: Lessons from the Mainstreaming Nutrition

Initiative. Invited presentation at The Global Partners Meeting to Advance Nutrition, United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition, Rome, December 15, 2010.

116. Pelletier, D.L. The Program Assessment Guide: Structuring Contextual Knowledge and Experience to

Improve the Design, Delivery and Effectiveness of Nutrition Interventions. AED PAG Workshop, Washington, D.C., January 5-7, 2011.

117. Pelletier, D.L. The Program Assessment Guide: Structuring Contextual Knowledge and Experience to

Improve the Design, Delivery and Effectiveness of Nutrition Interventions. Annual Meeting of the USAID CORE Group. Washington, D.C., September 13, 2011.

118. Pelletier, D.L., Herforth, A, Gervais, S and Pinstrup-Andersen, P. Attention, Resources and Action on

Global Undernutrition: Recent Trends, Current Challenges and Future Strategies. Presented at the Annual Institute of the Society for the Policy Sciences, Yale University, New Haven, CT, October 14, 2011.

119. Pelletier, D.L. Critical Capacities and Research for Integrating Nutrition in Agriculture. Presented at a

workshop on integrating nutrition into agriculture, sponsored by the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Programme, Dakar, Senegal, November 11, 2011.

120. Pelletier, D.L. (discussant) Comparing Global Health Policy Networks on Agenda-Setting, Policy

Adoption and Implementation. Panel presentation at the annual meeting of the International Studies Associations, San Diego, CA, April 2012.

121. Pelletier, D.L. (chair) Expanding the Frontiers of Nutrition Research. New Questions New Methods

and New Approaches. ASN Symposium in EB2012, San Diego, CA April 2012. 122. Pelletier, D.L. and Gervais, S. Principles of Capacity Building. Presented at the launching workshop

for the EC/UNICEF regional project. Bamako, Mali, February 2012. 123. Pelletier, D.L. and Gervais, S. From Evidence to Action. Presented at the launching workshop for the

EC/UNICEF regional project. Bamako, Mali, February 2012. 124. Pelletier, D.L. (Invited discussant). Long-Term Consequences of Chronic Undernutrition in Early Life.

Global Technical Meeting (webinar). UNICEF/NY, August 2012. 125. Pelletier, D.L. (Closing Address). Call to Action to End Preventable Child Deaths: The INGO

Response. Challenges, Requirements and Roles of INGOs and USAID. CORE Group Fall Meeting, October 12, 2012.

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (35)


126. Pelletier, D.L. Policy formulation considerations in advocacy for complementary feeding in healthy growth promotion. WHO Advisory Committee Meeting for the Healthy Growth Project, Geneva, 2012.

127. Pelletier, D.L. (Keynote) Using Data for Impact: A Critical Examination Through the Lens of

Implementation Science. CORE Group Spring Meeting, May 2012. 128. Pelletier, D.L. The Program Assessment Guide: Structuring Contextual Knowledge and Experience to

Improve the Design, Delivery and Effectiveness of Nutrition Interventions. CORE Group Spring Meeting, May 2012.

129. Pelletier, D.L. The Forms and Purposes of Implementation Science: A Framework and a Vocabulary.

Presented to SPRING Staff, Arlington, VA, March 2012. 130. Pelletier, D.L. Closing Summary. Presented as the Annual Fall Meeting of the CORE Group,

Washington, D.C., November, 2012. 131. Pelletier, D.L. Research Priorities. Presented at the USAID's Child Survival and Health Grants

Program Technical Advisory Group Meeting, Arlington, VA, January 11, 2013 132. Pelletier, D.L. Disseminating Global Health Program Learning. Presented in a webinar organized by

the USAID Global Health Knowledge Collaborative, February 19, 2013. 133. Pelletier, D.L. Critical Capacities and Research for Integrating Nutrition in Agriculture. Presented at

the Workshop on Building Capacity to Mainstream Nutrition in National Agriculture and Food Security Investment Plans in Africa, Dar-es-Salaam, Feb 25-Mar 1, 2013.

134. Pelletier, D.L. Strategic Capacity and Adaptive Management in Nutrition. Presented at a meeting of

the Cellule de Lutte contre la Malnutrition, Dakar, Senegal, March 19, 2013. 135. Pelletier, D.L. and Gervais, S. Capacity Development and Regional Partnerships. Presented at the

annual meeting of the African Nutrition Security Partnership, Dakar, Senegal, March 20-21, 2013.

136. Pelletier, D.L. Cross-cutting Issues. Invited discussant at Meeting of the Minds On Nutrition Impact of

Food Systems. Standing Committee on Nutrition, Geneva, Switzerland, March 25-18, 2013. 137. Pelletier, D.L. and M. Neuman. Advancing the nutrition and early childhood development agenda:

indicators and guidance. Presented at the Symposium on: Every Child's Potential: Integrating Nutrition, Health, and Psychosocial Interventions to Promote Early Childhood Development. New York Academy of Sciences, April 4, 2013.

138. Pelletier, D.L. and Pelto, G. From Efficacy Research to Large-Scale Impact on Undernutrition: The

Role of Organizational and Disciplinary Cultures. ASN Symposium in EB2013, Boston, MA, April 23 2013.

139. Pelletier, D.L. What is Global Health? Presented at the Cornell Global Health Student Council

seminar. April 26, 2013. 140. Pelletier, D.L. The Ethics of Engaged Research. Presented at the Cornell Graduate Student Engaged

Research Conference, Ithaca, NY, May 21-22, 2013. 141. Pelletier, D.L. Food and nutrition policy: A Biological Anthropologist’s Experiences from an Academic

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (36)


Platform. Invited plenary presentation at the annual meeting of the Human Biology Association, Knoxville, TN, April 10, 2013.

142. Pelletier, D.L. (moderator). What should countries do to reduce childhood stunting? Global webinar

organized by the Nutrition Department of the World Health Organization. October 14, 2013. 143. Pelletier, D.L. (chair). Complexity in Nutrition Policy: Dimensions, Dynamics and Strategies. Panel

session at the Annual Institute of the Society for the Policy Sciences, Ursinus College, Collegeville, PA, October 26, 2013.

144. Pelletier, D.L. Multidisciplinary Tools, Methods and Approaches for Analyzing Policy Processes.

Workshop at the International Food Policy Research Institute, Nov.8-20, 2013. 145. Pelletier, D.L. The Ethiopia National Nutrition Program: Contributions of Cornell/ANSP. Presented to

the National Nutrition Development Partners, Addis Ababa, December 5, 2013. 146. Pelletier, D.L., Hafeez-ur-Rehman, H, Sanou, D and Tumwine, J. De-Brief: The Ethiopia National

Nutrition Program: Contributions of Cornell/ANSP. Presented to the National Nutrition Development Partners, Addis Ababa, December 11, 2013.

147. Pelletier, D.L., Hafeez-ur-Rehman, H, Sanou, D and Tumwine, J. De-Brief: The Uganda Nutrition

Action Plan: Contributions of Cornell/ANSP. Presented to the development partners at the Office of the Prime Minister, Kampala, Uganda, January 22, 2014.

148. Pelletier, D.L., Gervais, S., Hafeez-ur-Rehman, H., Sanou, D Natamba, B., and Tumwine, J., Putting

Multisectoral Nutrition Into Practice. Presented at the annual meeting of the African Nutrition Security Partnership, Entebbe, Uganda, April 10, 2014.

149. Pelletier, D.L. and Hafeez-ur-Rehman, H. Understanding Multi-Sectorality: Concept, Model &

Examples. Presented to the Ethiopian National Nutrition Technical Committee, Addis Ababa, April 15, 2014.

150. Pelletier, D.L. Action Research in the Ethiopian National Nutrition Program. Presented to the

Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Addis Ababa University and Regional Universities. Addis Ababa, April 17, 2014.

151. Pelletier, D.L. Complexity and Mode 2 Research in Nutrition Policy: From Theory to Strategy. Invited

lecture at the Harvard School of Public Health, Cambridge, MA, May 5, 2014. 152. Pelletier, D.L., Gervais, S., Hafeez-ur-Rehman,, Sanou, D, H., Tumwine, J., Building Strategic

Capacities to Strengthen the Enabling Environment for Nutrition in Four African Countries. Micronutrient Forum, Addis Ababa, June 6, 2014.

153. Marks, G, Durham, J., Pelletier, D.L., Gervais, S and Roche. Tools for Strengthening Implementation

of Large-Scale Nutrition Programs: An Evaluation of the Program Assessment Guide (PAG). Micronutrient Forum, Addis Ababa, June 4, 2014.

154. Pelletier, D.L. Political will, leadership and evidence-based policy. Invited speaker in a plenary panel

at the Micronutrient Forum, Addis Ababa, June 6, 2014. 155. Pelletier, D.L. (chair). The Policy Scientist as Cross-Boundary Observer, Clarifier, Facilitator and

Knowledge-Broker: Experiences with Multi-Sectoral Nutrition in Four African Countries. Panel session at the Annual Institute of the Society for the Policy Sciences, Brown University,

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (37)


Providence, RI. September 26, 2014. 156. Pelletier, D.L., Gervais, S., Hafeez-ur-Rehman, H., Tumwine, J., Sanou, D. Building the Multisectoral

Nutrition Systems in ANSP: Four Paths to the Same Destination. Presented at the annual meeting of the African Nutrition Security Partnership, Addis Ababa, October 15, 2014.

157. Pelletier, D.L. Action Research in the Ethiopian National Nutrition Program: Next Steps. Presented to

the Ethiopian Public Health Institute. Addis Ababa, October 16, 2014. 158. Pelletier, D.L. Strategic Capacity and Adaptive Management in Multisectoral, Multi-Level

Coordination in the Context of Decentralization. Session Moderator at the Global Gathering of the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement, Rome, Italy, November 17, 2014.

159. Sanou, D., Gervais, S., Pelletier, D. and The West African ANSP Team. Challenges in Advancing the Multisectoral Nutrition Agenda in Two Francophone African Countries. The Sixth African Nutritional Epidemiology Conference Accra, Ghana 21 – 25 July 2014.

160. Fox, E., Pelto, G., Rouzier, V., Debrosse, M.G., Rasmussen, K., Young, S., Strupp, B., Pape, J.W. and Pelletier, D. Closing the research-practice gap for breastfeeding support using ethnographic methods in Haiti. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Chicago, ILL, Oct 31-Nov 4, 2014.

161. Pelletier, DL. A consolidated framework for implementation research. Presented at the launching meeting of the Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition, Gandolfo, Italy, Feb 17-19, 2015.

162. Pelletier, D.L., Gervais, DG and Sanou, D., Building Multisectoral Nutrition Systems. Presented at the meeting of the Nutrition Network of Western and Central Africa, Dakar, Senegal, March 30-31, 2015.

163. Pelletier, D.L., Putting Multisectoral Nutrition into Practice: Mindsets, Strategies and Tools for Working at the Edge of Chaos. Presented at the Nutrition Section, European Commission, Brussels, March 27, 2015.

164. Pelletier, D.L., Malnutrition: Magnitude, Causes, Consequences and Solutions: Current Challenges and Priorities. Presented to the medical faculty of the University of Mozambique, Maputo, June 8, 2015.

165. Pelletier, D.L., “Coordination” in Multisectoral Nutrition: Who, What, When, Where, Why? Presented to the Mozambique Nutrition Partners Forum, Maputo, June 8, 2015.

166. Pelletier, D.L., Building Multisectoral Nutrition Systems: Challenges, Strategies, Capacities, Tools and Lessons from the African Nutrition Security Partnership (ANSP). Presented at the Functional Capacity Workshop organized by UNICEF and the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement, Nairobi, June 11, 2015.

167. Pelletier, D.L., Legacy Contributions of the Health Growth Project. Presented at the final meeting of the WHO Health Growth Project Advisory Committee, Geneva, July 22, 2015.

168. Pelletier, D.L., Gervais, S., Hafeez-ur-Rehman, H., Tumwine, J., Sanou, D. Building and Strengthening Multisectoral Nutrition Systems: Experiences and Lessons from the ANSP. Presented at the final meeting of the ANSP, Kampala, October 27, 2015.

169. Pelletier, D.L. Gervais, S., Integrative Development for Human Dignity:The Case of Nutrition. Presented at the annual Policy Sciences Institute, Washington, D.C., November 12, 2015.

170. Pelletier, D.L., Models and Methods for Nutrition Evidence. Presented at the Cochrane Nutrition Symposium, Vienna, October 2, 2015.

171. Fox E, Pelto G, Rouzier V, Debrosse MG, Rasmussen R, Young S, Strupp B, Pape JW, Pelletier D. The message environment and salience of infant and young child feeding messages for health workers, HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected mothers in urban Haiti. Poster Presentation. 2015 Experimental Biology, Global Nutrition. Boston, MA, March 2015.

172. Michaud-Létourneau, I., Gayard M., Pelletier, D. How can policy advocates influence the decision

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (38)


functions to improve infant and young child feeding in 9 countries: Insights from a real-time evaluation? Policy Sciences Annual Institute, Claremont McKenna College, California, USA, October 28th 2016.

173. Fox E, Pelto G, Young SL and Pelletier DL. An exploration of the infant feeding message environment and intra-cultural differences in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Poster Presentation. Society for Applied Anthropology 76th Annual Meeting. Vancouver, March 2016.

174. Pelletier, DL, Teaching Cultural Competency in Global Health. (Member of a webinar panel organized by United for Site, Yale University, Tuesday, December 6th, 2016.

175. Pelletier, DL, Putting Multisectoral Nutrition into Practice: Boundary-Spanning Actors as an Intervention in Complex Adaptive Systems. Presented at the Population, Health and Nutrition Division, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, May 4, 2016.

176. Pelletier, DL., Models and Methods for Nutrition Evidence. Presented at the Cochrane/WHO/Cornell Summer Institute, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2016.

177. Pelletier, DL, Key Equity Issues for Nutrition Outcomes. Presented at A4NH Gender, Equity and Empowerment Unit Consultation workshop on integrating equity in A4NH research. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, November 10, 2016.

178. Pelletier, DL., Systems Thinking in Nutrition Policies, Programs and Interventions. Presented at the Board Meeting of the Sackler Institute of the New York Academy of Sciences, September 15, 2016.

179. Pelletier, DL. Knowledge, Policy and Planning: Exploring and Strengthening the Connections. Presented at the Expert Advisory Group Meeting for the National Information Platforms for Nutrition, Montpellier, France, September 30, 2016.

180. Pelletier, DL., Implementation Research to Improve Implementation Outcomes of Micronutrient/Nutrition Programs and Policies. Presented at the SISN Symposium at the Micronutrient Forum, Cancun, Mexico, October, 26, 2016.

181. Pelletier, DL., Implementation Science in Nutrition: Forms and Functions. Presented at the plenary session of the Micronutrient Forum, Cancun, Mexico, October, 30, 2016.

182. Pelletier, DL., We Know What to Do But We Don’t Know How to Do It” Unpacking the Implementation Problem in Nutrition through Implementation Science. Field of Nutrition Seminar, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, November 14, 2016.

183. Pelletier, DL and Habicht, JP. Malnutrition and Child Mortality: What Do We Know, How Do We Know It, How Did We Learn This, How Did the World Learn This, What Difference Did it Make, What Now?. Presented at the Program in International Nutrition Seminar, Cornell University, February 2, 2017.

184. Pelletier, DL. Implementation Science in Nutrition: Rationale, Current Status and Ways Forward. Presented at the CDC National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Atlanta, GA, February 28, 2017

185. Pelletier, DL and Habicht, JP. Implementation Science in Nutrition: Theory, Methods and Practice. Presented at the Program in International Nutrition Seminar, Cornell University, March 23, 2017

186. Pelletier, DL. Comments on the Kaleidoscope Model of Policy Change. (Discussant). International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC, March 29, 2017.

187. Pelletier, DL. The Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition: Rationale, The Society and Core Concepts. Presented at meeting of the USG Global Nutrition Technical Working Group on Implementation Science, June 16, 2017.

188. Pelletier, DL. An Integrative Framework for Implementation Science in Nutrition. Presented in a webinar of the Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition, June 28, 2017.

189. Pelletier, DL. Implementation Science in Nutrition: What is it and how does it relate to public health programs and interventions. Presented at the Global Health Mini-University, George Washington University, Washington, DC, September 14, 2017.

190. Michaud-Letourneau, I and Pelletier, DL. Strengthening the Theory and Practice of Infant and Young Child Feeding Advocacy and Policy Change: Insights from a Real-time Evaluation in 9 Countries. Presented to Alive and Thrive staff at FHI360, Washington, DC, September, 29,

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (39)


2017. 191. Pelletier, DL. Implementation Science in Nutrition: Toward a Common Understanding. Presented at

meeting of the USG Global Nutrition Technical Working Group on Implementation Science, Washington, DC, October 31, 2017.

192. Pelletier, DL and Gillespie, S. Sharing knowledge, methods, and experiences on implementation: How can SUN Countries better implement priority actions? Presented at the Scaling Up Nutrition Global Gathering, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, November 7, 2017.

193. Pelletier, D.L. National Information Platforms for Nutrition: Strategic Opportunities and Institutional Challenges. Presented at the at the IFPRI-FAO Global Event on Accelerating the End of Hunger and Malnutrition, November 28, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand.

194. Pelletier, D.L. Capturing learning from multi-sectoral monitoring: Insights from SUN countries. Presented at the EC Nutrition Seminar, Brussels, March 20, 2018

195. Pelletier, D.L. Strengthening Skills and Capability for Effective Learning Opportunities. Presented at the EC Nutrition Seminar, Brussels, March 20, 2018

196. Pelletier, D.L. Implementation Science in Nutrition: Forms, Purposes and Application in USAID Advancing Nutrition. Presented at John Snow International, Arlington, VA, November 1, 2018.

197. Pelletier, D.L. Summary and Insights. Presented at the workshop on Nutrition ARISE: Adding Responsive Indicators to Stunting to Expand Early Life Nutrition Achievements, Boston, MA, June 12, 2018.

198. Pelletier, D.L., Implementation Science in Nutrition: Rationale, Frameworks and Introduction to the Society. Presented at Rollins SPH, Emory University, March 5, 2018

199. Pelletier, D.L. Implementation Science in Nutrition: Toward a Common Understanding. Presented at USAID, Washington, DC, March 3, 2018.

200. Pelletier, D.L. The Knowledge for Implementation and Impact Initiative (KI3). Presented at the at the IFPRI-FAO Global Event on Accelerating the End of Hunger and Malnutrition, Bangkok, Thailand, November 28, 2018.

201. Pelletier, D.L. The Spectrum of Implementation Knowledge. Presented at the KI3 Planning Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, June 21, 2018.

202. Pelletier, D.L. The Food Insecurity Experience Survey (FIES): Policy Perspectives. A Commentary presented at the FAO Workshop on the FIES Indicators, Rome, Italy, February 25, 2019.

203. Pelletier, D.L. Development as Learning and Adaptation. Presented at the annual meeting of the Expert Advisory Group for the National Information Platforms for Nutrition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 22, 2019.

204. Pelletier, D.L. The Role of Epidemiologists in Implementation Science. Presented in the Department of Epidemiology, Brown University School of Public Health, March 5, 2019.

205. Pelletier, D.L. Strategic Capacity. Presented at the African Nutrition Leadership Training for the National Information Platforms for Nutrition, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, November 2019.

F. Technical Reports (sole authored unless otherwise indicated):

1. Approaches for Estimating Unmet Need and Allocating Funds for Nutrition Programs for the Elderly in New York State. Working Paper No. 42, Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program, Ithaca, NY, July, 1985.

2. Technical Documentation for a Nutritional Surveillance System Data Base in New York State.

Prepared with K. Kurz, J. Weber, and D. Taren. Working Paper No. 41, Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program, Ithaca, NY, July, 1985.

3. Data Sources and Resources for a Nutritional Surveillance System in New York State. Working Paper

No. 40, Cornell Nutritional Surveillance Program, Ithaca, NY, July, 1985.

4. Nutritional Problems in Malawi: A Situation Analysis. Keynote paper presented at the Principal

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (40)


Secretaries' Symposium on Nutrition and Development in Malawi, held in Mangochi, Malawi, 31 July - 2 August, 1986.

5. The Coverage and Targeting of Agricultural Extension Advice in Malawi: Detailed Tabulations from the

1980/81 NSSA. Presented at the review the Performance of the National Rural Development Programme, Lilongwe, Malawi, May, 1987.

6. Development of a Food and Nutrition Information System in Mzuzu ADD: A Progress Report and

Proposed Future Directions. Prepared for the Government of Malawi, March, 1987.

7. An Examination of the Characteristics of Data from Underfives Clinics in the Northern Region of Malawi: Its Potential Usefulness for Nutritional Surveillance and Its Implications for MCH Services. Prepared for the Government of Malawi, June, 1987.

8. A Proposal for Monitoring and Ameliorating the Possible Effects of Agricultural Market Liberalization on

Local Food Prices and Household Food Security. Prepared for the Government of Malawi, October, 1987.

9. An Overview of the 1987 Nkhata Bay Nutrition Survey and Its Implications for Intervention Strategies.

Paper presented at the workshop on the Mealy Bug Problem July 13-14, 1987, Lilongwe, Malawi.

10. Proposed Interventions for the Mealy Bug Problem. Report of a Workshop on the Mealy Bug Problem

held in Lilongwe, July 13-14, 1987. Prepared together with the Nutritional Surveillance Subcommittee, Mzuzu, Malawi.

11. Possible Intervention Strategies for Coping with the Mealy Bug Disaster. Paper prepared for the

Workshop on the Mealy Bug Problem, July 13-14, 1987, together with the Nutritional Surveillance Subcommittee, Mzuzu, Malawi.

12. An Analysis of Deaths Reported from the Usisya Area, Nkhata Bay During the Period January 1 to

February 19, 1987. Prepared for the Government of Malawi, February, 1987.

13. The Nutritional Status of Nkhata Bay Residents in Relation to the Mealy Bug Problem. Report No. 1 of the 1987 Nhkata Bay nutrition survey, prepared for the Government of Malawi, April, 1987.

14. Cropping Patterns in Lakeshore Areas of Nkhata Bay District in 1986/87 and the Potentials and

Requirements for Diversification. Report No. 2 of the 1987 Nhkata Bay Nutrition Survey, May, 1987.

15. An Assessment of the Level of Knowledge Concerning Local Maize Cultivation among Residents of

Lakeshore Areas of Nkhata Bay, and Its Implications for Promoting Maize as a Cassava Substitute. Report No. 3 of the 1987 Nhkata Bay nutrition survey, May, 1987.

16. The Knowledge and Practices among Lakeshore Residents of Nkhata Bay Concerning the Mealy Bug

Problem and Methods to Minimize its Damage to Cassava. Report No. 4 of the 1987 Nhkata Bay nutrition survey, June, 1987.

17. Socioeconomic Characteristics of Nkhata Bay Residents in Relation to Options for Targeting Food

Assistance to the Vulnerable Groups. Report No. 5 of the 1987 Nhkata Bay nutrition survey, June, 1987.

18. The Malawi Maternal and Child Nutrition Study: Interim Results from the Baseline Census. Report

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (41)


presented at the Workshop on Household Food Security and Nutrition, Zomba, Malawi, August 29-31, 1988.

19. The Characteristics of Nutritionally Vulnerable Sub-Groups within the Smallholder Sector of Malawi: A

report from the 1980/81 National Sample Survey of Agriculture. Prepared for the Government of Malawi, June, 1988.

20. Food Stocks, Survival Strategies and Nutrition: Exploring the Links in Mzuzu ADD. Paper prepared for

the Malawi Food Security and Nutrition workshop, held in Zomba, Malawi, December 12-13, 1990.

21. Proposed Design for Ethiopia's National Nutritional Surveillance System. Prepared for and with the

National Technical Committee on Nutritional Surveillance, The People's Republic of Ethiopia, January 1991.

22. The Uses and Limitations of Information in the Iringa Nutrition Program, Tanzania. Working Paper No.

5, Cornell Food and Nutrition Policy Program, February 1991.

23. Report of the Operations Research Project in Support of the New York State WIC Child Growth Monitoring Project. Report submitted to the Department of Health, New York State, April 1991.

24. The New York State Child Growth Monitoring Project: Strategies for Strengthening the Use of

Information. Executive report prepared jointly with the Bureau of Nutrition for dissemination within New York State. December 1991.

25. Report of a Workshop to Review the Nationwide Food Consumption Survey, prepared for USDA,

August 1991.

26. The Validity of Clinic-Based Nutritional Surveillance Data from Selected Sites in Northern Malawi. Report submitted to the Ministry of Health, Malawi, February 1992.

27. Towards an Improved Strategy for Nutritional Surveillance: Report of a Workshop held at UNICEF

Headquarters, New York City, January 29-30, 1992.

28. Maternal Anthropometric Predictors of Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation and Prematurity in the Malawi Maternal and Child Nutrition Study. A report submitted to W.H.O. as part of the project on Secondary Analysis of Existing Data Sets on Maternal Anthropometry, March 17, 1992.

29. The Malawi Maternal and Child Nutrition Study: Preliminary Results on the Relationship Between

Maternal Anthropometry and Intra-Uterine Growth Retardation. Paper presented at the World Bank/EDI training seminar on Maternal Nutrition and Safe Motherhood in Iringa, Tanzania, May 4-9, 1992.

30. Nutrition Information Strategies as an Integrating Concept for the Design and Evaluation of Activities at

National, District and Community Levels. A report prepared for UNICEF and the Tanzanian National Nutrition Surveillance Evaluation Team, June 26, 1992.

31. The Ethiopian National Nutrition Surveillance System: Results of the First National Nutrition Survey.

Draft report prepared with the National Technical Committee on Nutrition Surveillance, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, July, 1992.

32. Towards a UNICEF Nutrition Information Strategy. Report of a meeting held at UNICEF/NY October

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (42)


22-24, 1992.

33. UNICEF Nutrition Information Strategy: Improving Decisions at Household, Community, District and National Levels. Draft strategy paper submitted to UNICEF/NY, April 20, 1993.

34. From Nutrition Surveillance to Nutrition Information Strategies in Indonesia. Report presented to

UNICEF/Indonesia based on a consultancy visit, December 27, 1993.

35. Options for Addressing Nutrition Problems in Ethiopia Through the Health Sector and Multisectoral Actions. A nutrition subsector analysis prepared for the USAID Mission in Ethiopia, February 2, 1994.

36. Lowfat Milk Promotion: Opportunities Created By A New Policy Environment. A Report to the New

York State Department of Health, June 4, 1994.

37. The CBNM Problem Solving Model: An Approach for Improving Nutrition-Relevant Decision-Making in the Community. With V. Kraak and M. Ferris-Morris. A training manual based on experience with the New York State Community-Based Nutrition Monitoring Project, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, 1995.

38. Using Communication to Improve Nutrition-Relevant Decision-Making in the Community. With V.

Kraak and M. Ferris-Morris. A training manual based on experience with the New York State Community-Based Nutrition Monitoring Project, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, 1995.

39. Recent Trends in Obesity and Chronic Disease in Developing Countries. A report prepared with Dr.

Tim Gage for the 2020 Vision Initiative of the International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C., May 1995.

40. Linking Indicators to Policy and Program Decisions: Lessons from Experience in Nutrition and Health.

In: McClintock, C. (Ed.). New York State College of Human Ecology Policy Perspectives Seminar, Spring. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

41. Involving Communities in Defining Public Health Problems: A Community Food Security Example. In: McClintock, C. (Ed.). New York State College of Human Ecology Policy Perspectives Seminar, Fall. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1997.

42. North Country Community Food and Economic Security: A Community Perspective. Interim Report, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, March 1998 .

43. The Orientations of Food System Stakeholders Concerning Community Food Security: Findings from New York State’s North Country. With V. Kraak, Ulla Uusitalo and C. McCullum. Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, October 1998.

44. Community Collaboration: An Opportunistic Survey of Facilitating Factors and Barriers to Success in New York Communities. With Laura Colosi. In: McClintock, C. (Ed.). Healthy communities: Concepts and collaboration tools. New York State College of Human Ecology Policy Perspectives Seminar, Spring. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1998.

45. Public Issues Education: Avoidance, Neutrality and the Expert Model. With David Kay, Mary Schlarb and Tahnee Robertson. In: Adult Learning 10(3):14-16, 1999.

46. Toward a Common Understanding of Malnutrition: Assessing the Contribution of the UNICEF

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (43)


Conceptual Framework. Paper prepared for an assessment of the contributions of the World Bank and UNICEF to nutrition policy in developing countries. October 15, 1999.

47. How Nutrition Policies Change: Lessons from the Promotion and Use of the UNICEF Conceptual Framework. IN: Gillespie, S., M. McLachlan and R. Shrimpton (Eds.): Ending Malnutrition: Defining the Challenge. A Synthesis of Findings from the World Bank-UNICEF Nutrition Assessment. World Bank, 2002.

48. Food Safety and Consumer Choice Policy. Paper prepared for the Regional Policy Dialogue on Biotechnnology, Agriculture and Food Security in Southern Africa, FANRPAN/IFPRI, Johannesburg, South Africa, April 25-27, 2003.

49. Lawrence Haddad and David Pelletier (with Michelle Adato, James Garrett, Stuart Gillespie and Bonnie McClafferty). The Nutrition Policy Process: A Proposal for a Global and Regional Research Program (GRP). Consultation document for discussion and comment, International Food Policy Research Institute, May 23, 2003.

50. Nutrition and the MDGs: Potentials and Pitfalls. Prepared for the Nutrition Anchor of The World Bank, September 25, 2003.

51. Pelletier, D.L., Shekar, M., Du, L. The Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project: Effectiveness and Lessons. Prepared for the World Bank, June 2005.

52. (unauthored). Nutrition Investments by the Gates Foundation: Strategy Suggestions. Prepared for the Gates Foundation by faculty and staff from Cornell University, The Academy for Educational Development and McKinsey and Company, July 2006.

53. A Framework for Evaluating Best Practices in ICDS. Report submitted to the Micronutrient Initiative, January 2007.

54. Hill, R., Gonzalez, W, Frongillo, E., and Pelletier, D. Mejorando la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición en Guatemala: Logros y Retos. Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University (mimeo), 2008.

55. Pelletier, D.L. and the Mainstreaming Nutrition Initiative. Commitment, Consensus and Strategic Capacity. SCN News #36: Standing Committee on Nutrition, Geneva, 2008.

56. Pelletier, D.L. and R. Houston. The Micronutrient Program Assessment Tool. Academy for Educational Development, Washington, D.C., 2008.

57. Commitment Building for Nutrition: Seizing the Moment. Report prepared for the Nutrition Section, Human Development Network. The World Bank, Washington, D.C., 2008.

58. Chopra, M, Pelletier, D, Witten, C, Dieterich, M. Assessing countries' readiness: Methodology for in-depth country assessment. SCN News (37)-17-22, 2009.

59. Pelletier, D.L., Process Evaluation for Advocacy Programs: Possibilities for the Alive & Thrive Project. Submitted to the International Food Policy Research Institute, December 9, 2011.

60. Pelletier, D.L., Gervais, S and Heidkamp, R. Report of the PAG Workshop for an Integrated Community Nutrition Program in Haiti. August 2012.

61. Pelletier, D.L., Gervais, S., Hafeez-ur-Rehman, H., Tumwine, J., Sanou, D. Building and

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ...· Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (44)


Strengthening Multisectoral Nutrition Systems: Experiences and Lessons from the African Nutrition Security Partnership. Final report, October 31, 2015.

62. Michaud-Létourneau I. & Pelletier DL. Strengthening the theory and practice of infant and young child feeding advocacy and policy change : real-time evaluation of progress in 9 countries – Final, Project Alive & Thrive, FHI360, Washington, June 2017.

63. Pelletier, D, Hanns-Christoph, E and Udomkesmalee, E. Scientific Evidence to Inform Decisions and Implementation: What Has Been Learned IN: Scaling Up Nutrition in Practice, April, 2016.

64. Michaud-Letourneau, I and Pelletier, DC. Strengthening the Theory and Practice of Infant and Young

Child Feeding Advocacy and Policy Change: Real-time Evaluation of Progress in 9 countries. (Final Report). Submitted to Alive and Thrive, FHI360, April 4, 2017.

Revised 2/6/2020

David L. Pelletier, PhD Academic Background: INSTITUTION ... · Department of Anthropology, The Pennsylvania State University. Obtained graduate training in human biology, nutrition, - [PDF Document] (2024)
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