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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

BRICS Currency Unveil in 2024: What Next?

Fastepo: 6-22-2024

The BRICS nations are developing a new currency to reduce global reliance on the US dollar. This effort aims to enhance economic integration, diminish US influence, and offer an alternative for international trade and finance.

In the first week of June, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced this initiative during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The concept of a BRICS currency gained more attention following the 2008 global financial crisis, which exposed vulnerabilities in the global financial system dominated by the US dollar.

In 2022, during the 14th BRICS Summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin highlighted the need for a new global reserve currency to reduce reliance on the dollar and euro.

BRICS Currency Unveil in 2024: What Next?

Fastepo: 6-22-2024

The BRICS nations are developing a new currency to reduce global reliance on the US dollar. This effort aims to enhance economic integration, diminish US influence, and offer an alternative for international trade and finance.

In the first week of June, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced this initiative during the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

The concept of a BRICS currency gained more attention following the 2008 global financial crisis, which exposed vulnerabilities in the global financial system dominated by the US dollar.

In 2022, during the 14th BRICS Summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin highlighted the need for a new global reserve currency to reduce reliance on the dollar and euro.

To facilitate cross-border transactions among member states, the BRICS Pay system was introduced.

It leverages digital technologies and blockchain to provide a secure, transparent, and efficient payment platform.

This system is seen as a precursor to a more unified BRICS currency.

In 2024, BRICS nations announced plans to create a digital currency payment system, leveraging blockchain technology to enhance financial integration and reduce reliance on Western financial systems like SWIFT.


Malaysia Just Changed the Future of Asia with THIS One Move!

Cyrus Jenssen: 6-23-2024

Malaysia is moving forward and will be joining BRICS later this year! This is massive news for the BRICS alliance as Thailand has also announced similar intentions. Malaysia and Thailand joining BRICS is huge news and no one is more excited about this than China who depends on the Strait of Malacca for its oil imports.

Malaysia is joining BRICS to help boost it's local currency as the BRICS organization will be launching a new currency trading platform later this year! Let's break it down in today's video

0:00 - Intro to Malaysia Joining BRICS

1:16 - Why the Strait of Malacca is so Important

3:25 - China's Backup Plan

4:20 - How China Built It's Reputation in Asia

5:55 - Why Malaysia is China's Best Friend in Asia

6:55 - Why the World Wants to Move Away from US Dollar

8:30 - Why Turkey Will Join BRICS

9:05 - How Joining BRICS Will Help Malaysia


How BRICS Nations Are Overcoming Western Bias in University Rankings

Think BRICS: 6-22-2024

Discover how BRICS nations are overcoming Western bias in university rankings through innovative strategies and cooperation. Education, economic growth, and global competitiveness are at the forefront of this transformation.

This video explores how BRICS countries, under Russia's presidency, are enhancing education standards, establishing the BRICS Network University, and promoting eco-climatic literacy.

Learn about the significant efforts in higher education, such as the BRICS International Olympiad and the development of an alternative university ranking system. Key figures like Viktor Sadovnichy and institutions like Moscow State University are leading the charge for a fairer, more comprehensive evaluation of global education standards.

The video delves into the impact of Xi Jinping's policies on Chinese universities and the ongoing efforts to strengthen academic cooperation among BRICS countries.

Highlighting major events such as the BRICS Summit and the BRICS Rectors' Forum, it underscores the importance of policy change, mutual recognition of qualifications, and collaborative research.

This holistic approach aims to create a skilled human capital base crucial for economic growth and social equity. With a focus on shared prosperity, the video illustrates how BRICS nations are setting new benchmarks in global education.

00:00 Introduction to Education's Economic Impact

00:33 The Importance of Education in BRICS Countries

00:44 BRICS Education Initiatives Under Russia's Presidency

01:52 BRICS Network University Project

02:09 Mutual Recognition of Qualifications

02:15 Environmental and Cultural Initiatives

02:38 BRICS International Olympiad and University Rankings

03:19 Challenges in Global University Rankings

04:50 Alternative University Ranking Systems

05:47 Impact of Geopolitics on Education

07:20 China's Shift in University Rankings

09:01 BRICS Unified Regulatory Framework

09:45 BRICS Science Academies Meeting

10:39 International Scientific Collaboration

11:34 Successful Educational Cooperation

12:42 The Role of Education in Economic Growth

13:14 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Introducing the Official Gold-Backed Currency That Will Change Everything

On June 21, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Will the new BRICS+ gold-backed currency spark a global currency reset (GCR) and revaluation (RV) of currencies? Here’s its revolutionary design and purpose.

In This Article

Introduction to the new gold-backed UNT

Monetary Framework: A basket of currencies and gold

Stability and Resilience

Blockchain Integration and Future Developments

Introducing the Official Gold-Backed Currency That Will Change Everything

On June 21, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Will the new BRICS+ gold-backed currency spark a global currency reset (GCR) and revaluation (RV) of currencies? Here’s its revolutionary design and purpose.

In This Article

  1. Introduction to the new gold-backed UNT

  2. Monetary Framework: A basket of currencies and gold

  3. Stability and Resilience

  4. Blockchain Integration and Future Developments

Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (2)

The pending release of the UNT, a new gold-backed BRICS+ currency, promises to transform the global fiat currency system dramatically.

Keep Watching

The UNT aims to provide a stable and resilient global currency alternative, free from political influence, ensuring long-term purchasing power stability.

The UNT is not a cryptocurrency, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), or a stablecoin.

The UNT is backed by a basket of underlying assets, including gold, making it a unique and trustworthy currency system alternative that will shake today’s fiat currency financial landscape to it’s core.

Introduction to the new gold-backed UNT

The UNT, proposed with the ISO global currency code, is designed to be an apolitical currency, free from political interference, ensuring its neutrality in international trade and reserves.

Unlike traditional fiat currencies influenced by political and economic conditions, the UNT offers a more stable option. It will be exchangeable into and out of fiat currencies like the US Dollar, Euro, and more, facilitating a level playing field for international trade and transactions that will foster global economic stability.

The creation of the UNT addresses the need for a stable, resilient currency amidst the flaws of the post-Bretton-Woods financial system.

This new currency is expected to initiate a global currency revaluation (RV), significantly impacting exchange rates, especially against pure fiat currencies.

The gold-backed component of the UNT ensures strong purchasing power, making it a robust alternative to existing fiat currencies.

Also Read: Checkmate (Part 1) – How the BRICS Gold Currency will Force USA/Europe to an RV/GCR

Monetary Framework: A basket of currencies and gold

The UNT ecosystem operates on a fractal monetary framework, where each UNT token is backed by a basket of underlying assets, including a significant portion in gold (40%).

This structure promotes stability and reduces the reliance on any single national currency. By diversifying its asset base, the UNT aims to offer a more balanced and resilient global monetary system.

This framework allows for a new financial system that will operate independently of national currencies.

The UNT is not a cryptocurrency or a stablecoin. Instead, its value is linked to a basket of assets, and its market value will be influenced by supply and demand over time. This unique characteristic sets the UNT apart from other digital and fiat currencies.

Stability and Resilience

Designed to be more stable and resilient than national currencies, the UNT’s value will be less volatile than the components of its reserve basket. This stability is crucial for maintaining long-term purchasing power and trust in the currency.

The UNT provides a hedge against the volatility and political influences that affect fiat currencies.

The introduction of the UNT will create a significant revaluation of exchange rates (RV), especially against fiat currencies. This revaluation will lead to a global currency reset (GCR) for BRICS+ member nations adopting the UNT in global trade.

The UNT’s strong purchasing power will provide economic sovereignty and stability, making it a preferred currency for international transactions and reserves.

Blockchain Integration and Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

The UNT ecosystem leverages blockchain technology for node synchronization, reducing the costs and risks associated with rebalancing gold holdings.

This integration ensures that UNT tokens are free from capital controls and price manipulation, providing a secure and transparent system for international trade and finance.

The UNT is managed by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), which operates without central authority, ensuring democratic governance and transparency.

A DAO is an organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program, controlled by organization members, and not influenced by a central government.

This decentralized governance model ensures that the UNT remains apolitical and transparent, adhering to the governance rules without constant issuer coordination.

Future Developments

The UNT ecosystem plans to include mercantile and capital stock exchanges, with commodities and financial instruments priced in UNT tokens.

These developments will enhance the UNT’s role as a stable store of value, investment, and reserve currency. The UNT payment protocol will support secure transactions, adhering to the governance rule-book, making it a reliable currency for international trade and cross-border payments.

The implementation of the UNT into the existing financial infrastructure will support essential financial functions such as electronic payments, trade finance, and credit origination.

This seamless integration will address trust issues in the global financial system and protect participants’ financial sovereignty from political interference.

The Bottom Line

The introduction of the UNT represents a significant shift in the global currency landscape.

By offering a gold-backed, politically neutral currency, the UNT aims to provide stability and resilience in international trade and finance.

As the UNT ecosystem continues to develop, it promises to bring about a major currency revaluation and a global currency reset, positively impacting economies worldwide.

Stay tuned for future parts of this Ultimate Guide to the BRICS UNT Currency, where we will dig much deeper into its various aspects and global financial implications.

Also Read: Zimbabwe’s Golden History, BRICS, and A New Gold-Backed Currency

Supporting article: https://investingnews.com/brics-currency/

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20


Tishwash: Dozens of Iraqi companies participate in an investment summit in America

The US Ambassador to Baghdad, Alina Romanowski, announced on Sunday that more than 30 Iraqi companies will participate in a summit related to investment projects in the United States available to foreign companies.

Today, Romanowski wrote in a blog on the “X-Twitter” platform, “Best wishes to the 33 Iraqi companies heading to the SelectUSA Investment Summit in Washington, D.C., next week.”

She added, "The investment process is through linking Iraqi companies with American companies and resources to help them develop their businesses."


Tishwash: Dozens of Iraqi companies participate in an investment summit in America

The US Ambassador to Baghdad, Alina Romanowski, announced on Sunday that more than 30 Iraqi companies will participate in a summit related to investment projects in the United States available to foreign companies.

Today, Romanowski wrote in a blog on the “X-Twitter” platform, “Best wishes to the 33 Iraqi companies heading to the SelectUSA Investment Summit in Washington, D.C., next week.”

She added, "The investment process is through linking Iraqi companies with American companies and resources to help them develop their businesses."

Tishwash: The World Bank predicts Iraq's economic future in 2026

The World Bank expected, today, Sunday, that Iraq will achieve economic growth of more than 5% in the year 2026.

The bank stated in a report followed by Mawazine News, that “Iraq’s economic growth for the year 2022 reached 7.6%, and in 2023 it decreased.” To reach - 2.9%.

He expected Iraq's economic growth to decline in 2024 to reach 0.3%, to achieve growth in 2025 of up to 3.8%, and to achieve growth in 2026 of up to 5.3%.

The bank's report indicated that "oil exporting countries from outside the Gulf Cooperation Council will help the expected recovery in the oil sector in 2025 boost growth in Iraq and Algeria." link


Tishwash: Baghdad to Host Iraq’s Largest Tech Event

Baghdad will host the Digital Transformation Initiative (DTI) Youth Forum on July 22, Iraq's largest tech event, sponsored by the Iraqi Prime Minister’s Office.

This landmark two-day event will bring together over 8,000 attendees, including youth, entrepreneurs, and companies, to explore technological trends and digital solutions.

The forum aims to raise awareness about technology among Iraqi youth and will feature 20 local and international experts. Notable speakers include Safa Salwan, VP of Investments at JPMorgan; Mustafa Nooraldin, CEO of Acksession; and cybersecurity expert Saif Alshoker. Topics will cover the Internet of Things, start-ups, cybersecurity, digitalizing the government sector, the digital economy, renewable energy, and more.

In addition to the conference, the event will include a Youth Initiatives Exhibition showcasing local projects, a Companies Exhibition promoting IT services and products by young innovators, and the launch of reports and data on Iraq's technology sector.

The DTI Youth Forum seeks to unite the efforts of youth, the private sector, and digital companies to drive digital transformation in Iraq, connecting Iraqi youth with the latest advancements in technology and innovation. link


Tishwash: Finance begins distributing estimates of current expenditures, revenues, and investment projects for 2024

Today, Saturday, the Ministry of Finance announced the start of distributing estimates of the state’s current expenditures, revenues, and investment projects for the year 2024.

A Finance statement received by Al-Rabaa stated, “The Budget Department calls on all ministries, governorates, and entities not affiliated with a ministry to send their authorized representatives tomorrow, Sunday, for the purpose of receiving estimates of current expenditures, revenues, and investment projects for the current year, approved by the House of Representatives, according to what was stated in Parliamentary Resolution No. (64). ) for the year 2024 and was held at its session numbered (27) on June 3 of the current year. link

a different version

The Ministry of Finance announced today, Saturday, the start of distributing estimates of current expenditures, revenues and investment projects for the year 2024.

The Ministry stated, in a statement, a copy of which was received by Al-Mustaqila, that “the state has begun distributing estimates of current expenditures, revenues, and investment projects for the year 2024 to the state.

She added, “The Budget Department ofthe Ministry of Financecalls on all ministries, governorates, and entities not affiliated with a ministry, to send their representatives tomorrow, Sunday, June 23, 2024, to receive estimates of current expenditures, revenues, and investment projects for the current year, which were approved by the House of Representatives in accordance with Parliamentary Resolution No. (64) of 2024, adopted at its session numbered (27) on June 3 of the current year.”

This step comes as part of the government's efforts to improve financial planning and ensure a fair distribution of resources in a way that enhances the quality of public services and contributes to achieving sustainable development inall regions of Iraq.

Mot: ... its soooo Hot Outside -- Right!!!!

Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (3)

Mot: .. Already Exhausted I Am !!!!

Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (4)

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20


BuckEyeTree: We have had a week of extreme heat in most of the USA. That brings to mind the situation in Iraq with its monetary reform.

In My Opinion, the Heat is on to reach the goal of monetary reform, the RI, and bring to pass the promise of purchasing power to the citizens, the HCL, etc. The heat / pressure is good in this case with ATMs and latest from their leaders Sudani, Alak snd Barzani.

I rremember seeing a video of Sudani walking among the citizens in the street. They appreciate him, and he wants the best for them and Iraq, quite the opposite of some leaders in the past. IMO


BuckEyeTree: We have had a week of extreme heat in most of the USA. That brings to mind the situation in Iraq with its monetary reform.

In My Opinion, the Heat is on to reach the goal of monetary reform, the RI, and bring to pass the promise of purchasing power to the citizens, the HCL, etc. The heat / pressure is good in this case with ATMs and latest from their leaders Sudani, Alak snd Barzani.

I rremember seeing a video of Sudani walking among the citizens in the street. They appreciate him, and he wants the best for them and Iraq, quite the opposite of some leaders in the past. IMO

Clare: Parliamentary Economy explains...Does the fluctuation of oil prices affect the economy of Iraq?

6/22/2024 Baghdad

The Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee confirmed today, Saturday, that the fluctuation in oil prices does not affect the Iraqi economy.

Committee member Ali Saadoun Al-Lami said, “The 2023 budget tables came to the House of Representatives when a barrel of oil was calculated at 74 dollars.”

Al-Lami added, “There are 10 moving dollars on the price of a barrel, so the rise or fall of oil prices does not affect the economy.” LINK


Clare: To confront the electricity crisis...a parliamentary call to oblige state departments to adopt solar energy

6/22/2024 Baghdad

The Parliamentary Electricity and Energy Committee called, on Saturday, to oblige state departments to adopt a solar energy system to confront the electricity crisis in the country.

The committee said in a statement, seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “in light of the climate that the country is experiencing, with temperatures rising above 50 degrees Celsius and increasing power outages, the citizen is suffering from a real crisis of energy shortages. The committee calls on the government to :

1- Reconsidering the mechanism for distributing electrical energy, rehabilitating generating units, and maintaining the dilapidated network, and the need to take urgent measures to address the above problems.

2- The committee calls on the Ministry of Electricity to bear full responsibility for providing electrical energy to citizens and distributing electricity fairly.

3- The committee calls on the Prime Minister and the Minister of Electricity to replace the general managers and branch managers who were proven to be negligent in performing their duties in overcoming the crisis. And those who have held positions for long periods.

4- Requesting the Prime Minister to oblige all state departments and the private sector to install and establish a solar energy system at a rate of 25% of their departments’ consumption, provided that it is implemented during a period not exceeding three months.

5- Activating and adapting the Central Bank’s initiative regarding solar energy for citizens and accelerating its implementation in order to support the national grid.

6- The Ministry of Oil must provide the fuel share for stations under construction and invest in the associated gas.

7- Intensifying the efforts of the Ministry of Electricity and accelerating the transformation of the electricity system into a smart network and implementing all projects that will preserve the use of electrical energy in the optimal way.

The committee confirmed, according to the statement, “that it will approve the evaluation form for general managers and branch managers and submit it to the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Electricity to take the necessary measures according to the evaluation issued by the committee.” LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: Television is showing a big meeting where Sudani is giving 4 million dinar grant to all displaced families that are currently in camps in Iraq... FRANK: 4 million dinar for the displaced families is an insult at 1320 but it is a blessing at 1.32.

Militia Man Iraq says they're opening a copper recycling plant. We talked about phosphates...sulfur...liquid natural gas and now we're talking about they're opening a recycling plant to do what? To help their infrastructure. Infrastructure is what's driving the...Development Road Project. They're going to need thousands of tons of copper rods annually. They're going to be able to produce that...They have so many raw materials... It's nothing but bullish for this country.

Major Banking Giant To Sell $63 Billion In US Treasuries – Expect Bigger Failures & Losses

Sean Foo: 6-22-2024

In a sudden twist, Norinchukin Bank in Japan is in crisis with massive losses surfacing. This has prompted them to dump tens of billions of US & EU bonds.

The collapsing Japanese economy, weak Yen and Fed rate hikes are causing one of Japan's oldest banks horrible losses. This isn't good for the global economy.

Timestamps & Chapters:

0:00 Japanese Giant In Crisis

2:43 Massive Losses & A Panic Dump

5:55 Systemic Banks Taking Big Risks

8:34 Crazy Derivative Bets Coming

11:21 Higher Rates Breaking The System


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Iraq News Highlights and Points To Ponder Sunday AM 6-23-24

After The Decline In Inflation Rates... Economic Calls To Improve Financial Policy Management In Iraq

Money and business Economy News – Baghdad Today, Sunday, financial specialists called for the need to improve financial policy management in Iraq after it witnessed a decline in inflation.

Financial expert Abdullah Al-Bandar said, “The International Monetary Fund was optimistic about Iraq due to recording a clear decline in inflation during the first quarter of this year compared to the last quarter of 2023,” indicating that “economic policies in Iraq are going well and that the government is taking into account Fund directives regarding this.

He added, "The IMF's assistance to Iraq is usually conditional on the extent of Iraq's commitment to its directives and advice. Therefore, the government and relevant parties must move towards improving the management of financial policy in Iraq and making it consistent with monetary policy, since our monetary policy is dependent on oil revenues."

Iraq News Highlights and Points To Ponder Sunday AM 6-23-24

After The Decline In Inflation Rates... Economic Calls To Improve Financial Policy Management In Iraq

Money and business Economy News – Baghdad Today, Sunday, financial specialists called for the need to improve financial policy management in Iraq after it witnessed a decline in inflation.

Financial expert Abdullah Al-Bandar said, “The International Monetary Fund was optimistic about Iraq due to recording a clear decline in inflation during the first quarter of this year compared to the last quarter of 2023,” indicating that “economic policies in Iraq are going well and that the government is taking into account Fund directives regarding this.

He added, "The IMF's assistance to Iraq is usually conditional on the extent of Iraq's commitment to its directives and advice. Therefore, the government and relevant parties must move towards improving the management of financial policy in Iraq and making it consistent with monetary policy, since our monetary policy is dependent on oil revenues."

Al-Bandar called for "the need to focus on developing non-oil economic sectors because they are very few compared to oil revenues, such as developing border crossings and developing the customs law, as well as the private sector's contribution to the domestic product, and reconsidering the customs tariff because Iraq is an importing country."

For his part, financial expert Manar Al-Obaidi explained in a post on his Facebook account, “One of the most important economic standards that countries always take into account in determining their data, because of its important role in formulating the country’s economic policy, is the monthly and annual inflation rates, which plays a role.”

It is important in the overall daily life of the citizen and in the various economic sectors,” noting that “according to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the annual inflation rates in Iraq decreased from 4.5% at the end of 2023 to reach 1.6% in March 2024.”

Al-Obaidi added, “Countries seek to reduce inflation rates according to their economic policies, as some countries try to target fixed inflation rates that do not increase or decrease, while others are looking for high inflation rates, especially producing countries, and they differ according to the economic policy of each country,”

pointing out that In Iraq, “there is no clear target for inflation rates except for one phrase mentioned in the strategic development plan that talked about keeping the inflation level below the 10% level.”

Al-Obaidi explained that "the decline was not the result of a significant increase in prices, but rather is due to three basic factors that contributed to the inflation rates reaching these rates, which are considered among the lowest levels of inflation in the world and the Middle East."

He stated that "the first level is a change in the weights of goods, as the process of determining inflation depends on determining a weight that represents the relative importance of each commodity, meaning that the importance of bread to the citizen is not the same as the importance of clothing, for example. Therefore, the weights vary according to the importance of the commodity.

At the beginning of 2024, the Central Bureau of Statistics changed the weights." For each commodity, the relative weight of some commodities was increased, such as food, beverages, tobacco, education, and health, in exchange for reducing some of the relative weights of other goods and services, such as housing and transportation, which includes fuel, for which the price of improved fuel was raised in 2024, in addition to household equipment.

This change played an important role in Reducing the inflation rate because some of the goods whose weights were increased did not increase much compared to those whose weights were reduced.

He continued, "With regard to the second level, it is changing the year of measurement, as the year of measurement in which a standard price was set for each commodity or product was the year 2012. The year of measurement was changed to the year 2022, and the increase or decrease in the prices of goods and services became dependent on the standard prices in 2022, not 2012, and this is The change greatly affects inflation rates in a way that reduces inflation rates,”

pointing out that “the third level is represented by the decline in the prices of some foodstuffs, such as bread, dairy, fruits, and drinks, which now represent approximately 31% of the total inflation account, and thus their decline or rise plays a fundamental role in Determining inflation levels. Therefore, general inflation decreased to 1.6%, while core inflation reached 2.7%.

Al-Obaidi wondered, “Why specifically were major changes made, whether at the level of weights or at the level of the base year, in 2024, during a critical period when there are radical changes in monetary policy and financial policy?” And why was the year 2022 adopted as a measurement year?

Is it really suitable to be a measurement year, especially since it is A year that comes after the Corona crisis, in which the world witnessed global inflation of various commodities, and it was not a year of global stability?

He concluded his speech by saying, “What we aspire to is for the data issued by various official bodies to be highly reliable and in line with the reality of the situation in order to formulate economic policies based on analyzing the gap between what is currently on the ground and the target value. No one can imagine.” The reaction of any citizen when you inform him that prices rose only 1% compared to the previous year.” Views 68 Added 06/23/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=44523

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The World Bank expects economic growth in Iraq to reach more than 5% in 2026

Money and business Economy News _ Baghdad The World Bank expects that Iraq will achieve economic growth of more than 5% in the year 2026, indicating that the recovery in the oil sector in 2025 will work to enhance growth in Iraq.

The bank said in a report seen by Al-Iqtisad News, “Iraq’s economic growth for the year 2022 reached 7.6%, and in 2023 it decreased to - 2.9%.”

He expected Iraq's economic growth to decline in 2024 to reach 0.3%, to achieve growth in 2025 of up to 3.8%, and to achieve growth in 2026 of up to 5.3%.

The bank's report indicated that oil-exporting countries outside the Gulf Cooperation Council will help the expected recovery in the oil sector in 2025 boost growth in Iraq and Algeria.Views 62 06/23/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=44528

Government Advisor: The Budget Imposed Discipline In Expenditures And Diversification Of Revenues

Economical 06/23/2024 The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Dr. Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, said that the budget for the current year 2024 has a number of advantages that will increase rates of sustainable development, raise the pace of projects, and diversify sources of funding, indicating that oil price estimates in the budget are still higher than the specified price of $70 per barrel, by A change of more than 16 percent, while he indicated that the budget has high discipline in maximizing non-oil revenues, especially tax and customs revenues, specifically after adopting automation, modern methods, and information technology in estimation, estimation, and collection.

Earlier, Chancellor Saleh played down the risks of an increase in the budget deficit, stressing that the increase in oil prices above the number specified in the “tripartite” budget means that “automatic financing of the deficit has become a reality.” Last month, the Ministry of Oil announced that the Basra Gas Company had exported its first A shipment of “semi-refrigerated” propane gas, amounting to more than 10,700 tons, indicating that it is “one of the large shipments that are marketed and loaded on the back of specialized tankers.”

While specialists believe that this step is very important and would maximize the country’s financial revenues, in addition to its necessity in meeting internal needs. Saleh confirmed during his speech to “Al-Sabah” that the budget enjoys high discipline in maximizing non-oil revenues, especially tax and customs revenues, specifically after adopting automation, modern methods and information technology in estimation, estimation and collection, in addition to its orientation towards imposing discipline on operational expenditures and keeping spending on them at minimum levels. Accepted.

Saleh also explained that “the tripartite budget was truly keen to raise the efficiency of investment spending and the operation of all approved projects, in order to ensure a high growth rate in the domestic product at a rate exceeding twice the population growth rate through the movement of new projects without delay or stop,” noting that “according to Given these data, we notice that the pattern of public spending, according to the schedules announced, is characterized by accuracy, objectivity, and self-savings, which contributes to reducing the resort to financing the actual deficit, even when there is a need for internal borrowing, and within limits that ultimately do not exceed the accepted international standard percentage for financing the deficit, which amounts to 3 percent of the total. The country's gross domestic product or slightly exceed it.

The financial advisor also explained that “the efficiency of annual spending in the operational and investment aspects is an important issue in determining the total annual public spending according to what is planned,” pointing out that the operating budget constitutes the greatest challenge in the financial policy lifestyle because it constitutes more than 70 percent of the total spending and is spent 75 percent of it is for salaries, wages, pensions, and social care.

Therefore, the transfer space in it is very limited, in our belief, or remains in a very narrow range. Developments in this aspect require that they be matched by high growth in non-oil revenues to confront the constraint on operating spending, and this is what it seeks.

The federal general budget is one of the measures to introduce digital technology and electronic collection within the governance principles stated in the government program, explaining at the same time that the distribution of investment allocations in the tripartite general budget is undoubtedly subject to the standards and indicators of national economic development plans and in accordance with a harmonious vision of investment spending priorities in the country.

Determining governorate projects, which are precise allocations that have the approval of both the Council of Ministers and the legislative authority, as the financial schedules for the year 2024 were recently approved, especially on the side of public expenditures and their operational and investment parts, whose development impacts have expanded in a hom*ogeneous manner throughout the political geography of Iraq.

Saleh believes that if the annual investment allocations for the year 2024 are proportional to the extent of the ability to implement, in light of the indicator of the disruption of the percentage of financial resources previously allocated to projects that were not implemented according to the time course specified for them, then financing governorate projects has become a matter that is consistent with the ability to implement, which is represented in... Time itself is an indicator of investment in the time dimension, which means that financing development projects must, in all circ*mstances, be proportional to the ability to implement on the ground and in practice.

Here lies the spirit of competition in the priority of one governorate in optimal investment and on time without delay, that is, proceeding with the completed work in an optimal manner. It is necessary to complete the allocations and provide them according to the real investment rule within the specified time. https://alsabaah.iq/98384-.html

Provoking Thoughts and Points To Ponder On Adversity:

[A difficult childhood gave me] a kind of co*cky confidence. ... I could never have so little that I hadn't had less. It took away my fear.-Jacqueline Cochran

If you have been sunned through and through like an apricot on a wall from your earliest days, you are oversensitive to any withdrawal of heat.-Margot Asquith

I was lucky I wasn't a better boxer, or that's what I'd be now - a punchy ex-pug.-Bob Hope

At every step the child should be allowed to meet the real experience of life; the thorns should never be plucked from his roses.-Ellen Key

Hot water is my native element. I was in it as a baby, and I have never seemed to get out of it ever since. -Edith Sitwell



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Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20 Militiaman, News Dinar Recaps 20

Iraq Dinar- IQD Update -Iraq Reap Beneifits Artificial Inteligence-Global Economy- Renaissance

MilitiaMan and Crew: 6-22-2024

The Crew: Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraq Dinar- IQD Update -Iraq Reap Beneifits Artificial Inteligence-Global Economy- Renaissance

MilitiaMan and Crew: 6-22-2024

The Crew: Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..


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Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20 Frank26, KTFA Dinar Recaps 20


Saturday Night Conference Call

FRANK26….6-22-25…TOMORROW IS THE 23rd

This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#


Saturday Night Conference Call

FRANK26….6-22-25…TOMORROW IS THE 23rd

This video is in Frank’s and his team’s opinion only

Frank’s team is Walkingstick, Eddie in Iraq and guests

Playback Number: 605-313-5163 PIN: 156996#


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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

Ohio Woman Wins $15M Jackpot But Will Take Home Just $4.5M After Taxes — Did She Throw Money Down The Drain?

Bethan Moorcraft Sat, June 22, 2024

Lady Luck was present and accounted for when a woman from Sandusky, Ohio, won big in the state’s 50th Anniversary scratch-off game in June.

The winner, identified only as Jeanne, dropped to the floor when she realized she’d won a $15 million jackpot from a $50 scratch-off card, according to the Ohio Lottery Commission.

When she took the winning card to the clerk at Friendship #83 in Sandusky, they “both just cried,” Jeanne said in a press release. “There were people in line looking at me like I lost my mind.”

Jeanne had two options for how to claim her enormous prize: she could take an annuity of $600,000 for 25 years (which would total $15 million), or she could take a lump sum of about $7.5 million.

She opted for the $7.5 million cash option, a sum that will actually shrink to around $4.5 million, Moneywise estimates, once she’s paid her federal and state taxes.

That $10.5 million difference between the advertised $15 million prize and her eventual winnings begs the question, did she throw money down the drain by picking the lump sum?

Ohio Woman Wins $15M Jackpot But Will Take Home Just $4.5M After Taxes — Did She Throw Money Down The Drain?

Bethan Moorcraft Sat, June 22, 2024

Lady Luck was present and accounted for when a woman from Sandusky, Ohio, won big in the state’s 50th Anniversary scratch-off game in June.

The winner, identified only as Jeanne, dropped to the floor when she realized she’d won a $15 million jackpot from a $50 scratch-off card, according to the Ohio Lottery Commission.

When she took the winning card to the clerk at Friendship #83 in Sandusky, they “both just cried,” Jeanne said in a press release. “There were people in line looking at me like I lost my mind.”

Jeanne had two options for how to claim her enormous prize: she could take an annuity of $600,000 for 25 years (which would total $15 million), or she could take a lump sum of about $7.5 million.

She opted for the $7.5 million cash option, a sum that will actually shrink to around $4.5 million, Moneywise estimates, once she’s paid her federal and state taxes.

That $10.5 million difference between the advertised $15 million prize and her eventual winnings begs the question, did she throw money down the drain by picking the lump sum?

Taxing Mega Lottery Wins

The IRS requires all lottery agencies to withhold 24% of lottery winnings over $5,000 for federal taxes. On Jeanne’s $7.5 million purse, this amounts to tax of $1.8 million.

But as lottery winnings are taxed as ordinary income, a windfall of this size would land Jeanne in the highest federal income tax bracket of 37%, meaning she must progressively pay additional tax until she meets the bracket’s threshold. In the end, her total federal tax bill will land at around $2.73 million.

The Buckeye State also taxes lottery winnings like normal income. Jeanne’s $7.5 million lump sum win would place her firmly in the top state income tax bracket of 3.5% for 2024, which would eat approximately $262,000 from her total.

After all that, Jeanne’s total tax liability related to her win alone comes to about $3 million — meaning she’ll only get to enjoy around $4.5 million from her $50 scratch-off win (which is still a stunning return-on-investment).

She has big plans for her winnings. Jeanne says she wants to pay off her best friend’s mortgage, whom she’s stayed with for the past two years, and she’d love to buy a house in Florida.

But could she have achieved those goals and collected more money in the long-run by taking the annuity prize option?

Read more: Car insurance rates have spiked in the US to a stunning $2,150/year — but you can be smarter than that. Here's how you can save yourself as much as $820 annually in minutes (it's 100% free)

What If She Took The Annuity?

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

BRICS: Feds Acknowledge Sanctions Led To De-Dollarization

Geopolitical Analyst: 6-21-2024

BRICS kick-started the global de-dollarization program after the U.S. pressed sanctions on Russia in February 2022 for invading Ukraine.

The alliance members Russia and China went on a world tour convincing developing countries to ditch the US dollar for trade. They have been successful in their quest as a handful of trade deals were settled in local currencies and not the US dollar.

In the latest update, the US Feds acknowledged that pressing sanctions against Russia in 2022 has led to de-dollarization intensifying.

BRICS: Feds Acknowledge Sanctions Led To De-Dollarization

Geopolitical Analyst: 6-21-2024

BRICS kick-started the global de-dollarization program after the U.S. pressed sanctions on Russia in February 2022 for invading Ukraine.

The alliance members Russia and China went on a world tour convincing developing countries to ditch the US dollar for trade. They have been successful in their quest as a handful of trade deals were settled in local currencies and not the US dollar.

In the latest update, the US Feds acknowledged that pressing sanctions against Russia in 2022 has led to de-dollarization intensifying.

US Fed Governor Christopher Waller acknowledged that the White House placing sanctions on developing countries led BRICS to kick-start the de-dollarization agenda. “If these sanctions and policies are long-lasting, the shifting cross-border payments landscape, including the rapid growth of digital currencies, could also pose challenges to the dominant role of the US dollar,” said US Fed Governor Christopher Waller.

Waller explained that China and Russia are capitalizing on the geopolitical situation and pushing the BRICS’ de-dollarization initiative ahead.

Not just Russia and China, but even BRICS members India and the newly joined country UAE are aiding the de-dollarization agenda by settling trade in local currencies and not the US dollar.


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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20


Tishwash: An economist talks about the mechanism for overcoming the budget deficit

Economist Osama Al-Tamimi described: “Today, the budget deficit is planning, not executive, but he stressed that the deficit is real when the government is able to implement all its programs and spend the budget completely.”

Al-Tamimi told the Iraq Observer Agency: “This has not been achieved in any year, and here the percentage of completion from the real budget remains the ruling in determining the deficit, and the lower the percentage of implementation, the lower the arithmetic percentage of the deficit.”

The economic expert explained: “Noting that the budget numbers on the analysis side are hypothetical, the deficit can also be avoided by making transfers in some sections and putting pressure on the operating budget as well as internal borrowing.” link


Tishwash: An economist talks about the mechanism for overcoming the budget deficit

Economist Osama Al-Tamimi described: “Today, the budget deficit is planning, not executive, but he stressed that the deficit is real when the government is able to implement all its programs and spend the budget completely.”

Al-Tamimi told the Iraq Observer Agency: “This has not been achieved in any year, and here the percentage of completion from the real budget remains the ruling in determining the deficit, and the lower the percentage of implementation, the lower the arithmetic percentage of the deficit.”

The economic expert explained: “Noting that the budget numbers on the analysis side are hypothetical, the deficit can also be avoided by making transfers in some sections and putting pressure on the operating budget as well as internal borrowing.” link

Tishwash: Changes in the digital economy and their impact in Iraq

Researcher in finance and development affairs and academic Aqeel Jabr Ali Al-Muhammadawi

The beginning of the twenty-first century can be marked by the development of advanced digital technologies, a revolution in the information field, and the acceleration of the processes of economic globalization. Currently, the development of information technology plays an important role in society and the economy.

Individuals and society always seek to meet growing needs in a certain field of activity, while information technology expands the capabilities of all people, organizations and countries.

Information technology has not only changed the patterns of business and consumer behavior in the modern economy, but also laid the foundation for various processes: high-tech production and economic activity, development of financial services, changes in educational concepts and standards, digital transformation.

This infrastructure, formed on the basis of electronic interoperability, has become a new direction of global technology development in which economic activity depends on digital technologies.

The digital economy enhances competition and competitiveness not only within the country, but also at the global level. Therefore, any country, including Iraq, that seeks to compete and build competitive performance standards in the global market must properly exploit the potential of the digital economy and promote digital progress.

Iraq must catch up, accelerate the adoption of digital technologies, and ensure that everyone can access these technical benefits and modern information technology.

At the same time, fulfilling the promise of digital mainstreaming requires balancing risks and opportunities. As the world transitions to digital technology, preventive measures are critical to enhancing trust. Laws must be put in place to protect data, achieve cybersecurity, and create strong institutions to develop and enable robust, interconnected digital systems that can verify identity, transfer payments quickly and securely, and exchange data responsibly.

For Iraq to reap the benefits of technological and technical progress in digitization and artificial intelligence, and participate fully in the global digital economy?

In order to accelerate the pace of engagement in the digital economy community with deliberate and reliable steps, Iraq should adopt the methodology of the digital economy and modern financial digitization. My agencies:

1- Bridging the global digital divide: Despite the rapid spread of new technologies in various parts of the world, 37% of the population, each person, is still deprived of Internet services. In addition, a large percentage of Iraqis are not involved in advanced information technology applications.

2- Preparing for the jobs of the future: Innovation radically changes the nature of work: new jobs are emerging, and other jobs are developing. In order to compete and contribute to raising the level of competitive performance standards of the digital economy, Iraq will have to prioritize education, vocational education and training, and build the digital, technical and technological skills of its workforce.

3- The importance of developing safe and reliable digital systems: With the world’s shift to modern digital technology and technologies, strengthening capabilities in areas such as cybersecurity, data protection, and maintaining the modern digital financial and economic system has become more important than ever before.

4- More funding to provide Internet services and IT applications for all: Providing broadband services for all will require more than $100 billion by 2030, and the public and private sectors cannot do this alone. Governments must undertake bold reforms, and the private sector can reduce costs and risks and increase efficiency, innovation and leadership. link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Mnt Goat Just look at all the progress made just since December 2022 when Iraq announced they were finally entirely out of Chapter VII. And now the spigot is wide open... the final issues preventing the reinstatement are being dealt with one by one...It is June already and this month is proving to be a very significant month again...my contact in the CBI told me there is a very high probability that we would see the currency swap out in this month of June and so we watch and wait.

Militia Man Iraq says they're opening a copper recycling plant. We talked about phosphates...sulfur...liquid natural gas and now we're talking about they're opening a recycling plant to do what? To help their infrastructure. Infrastructure is what's driving the...Development Road Project. They're going to need thousands of tons of copper rods annually. They're going to be able to produce that...They have so many raw materials... It's nothing but bullish for this country.

Trifecta of Bubbles, All At Record Levels | Michael Pento

Liberty and Finance: 6-21-2024

There is a bubble trifecta: real estate, bonds, and stocks. And every one of these markets is at record levels by any measure. If these bubbles pop, this could be a “wipeout” for the markets, says portfolio manager Michael Pento

While the government has been able to prop up the economy when individual bubbles have popped in the past, “there’s not an easy out this time,” he says.

He discusses lies and distortions from the government and how to protect against financial crisis.


0:00 Intro

1:20 Economy’s direction

4:50 Banking system

13:34 Debt levels

15:24 Government lies

19:40 AI & job destruction

22:30 Inflation


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Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Afternoon 6-22-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

"Regulation S-P: Privacy of Consumer Financial Information and Safeguarding Customer Information" The SEC has moved the customer information protection amendments to the Federal Registry.

These guidelines were last updated in the year 2000. These amendments have been updated to coincide with the new digital asset-based trading system, and they will go into effect August the 2nd, 2024.

Any customer working with a broker-dealer relationship in financial assets ranging from foreign currency to local economic assets will now be covered under these new amendments.

Goldilocks' Comments and Global Economic News Saturday Afternoon 6-22-24

Good evening Dinar Recaps,

"Regulation S-P: Privacy of Consumer Financial Information and Safeguarding Customer Information"

The SEC has moved the customer information protection amendments to the Federal Registry. These guidelines were last updated in the year 2000.

These amendments have been updated to coincide with the new digital asset-based trading system, and they will go into effect August the 2nd, 2024.

Any customer working with a broker-dealer relationship in financial assets ranging from foreign currency to local economic assets will now be covered under these new amendments. Federal Register Finra

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Amendments to S-P Regulation |Youtube

Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (6)

Dinar Recaps Blog Page — Dinar Recaps (7)

Coin Week


TEHRAN, Jun. 21 (MNA) – Venezuela is at the doorstep of joining the BRICS group of nations and ready to offer its fuel and mineral resources to future partners, the country's Executive Vice President Delcy Rodriguez said. |MNHR News


Digital technology is undoubtedly the spear tip of innovation driving financial services forward.

And that spear tip is coming to include blockchain, or distributed ledger, technology. That’s because proponents of blockchain and on-chain solutions believe the tokenization of financial assets could one day reshape the operating models and transform the business functions around areas like wealth management. |Pymnts


Bloomberg reported today that Standard Chartered Plc is launching a spot crypto trading desk for Bitcoin and Ether in London, citing sources. The unit will be part of the FX trading desk.

An emailed statement from the bank said it had been working with regulators to support institutional demand to trade Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Banks such as Goldman Sachs run derivatives trading desks, but spot desks are relatively rare in banks.
Ledger Insights Bloomberg


During today’s Citi Digital Money Symposium, the bank unveiled its new Citi Integrated Digital Assets Platform (CIDAP) to serve the entire group.Citi (https://www.citigroup.com/)is involved in various digital money and tokenization projects.

Altin Hoxha, the lead for the platform, said it aims to “enable fast adoption of innovation and innovation which is in compliance with all these regulatory regimes around the world.”

Last year Citi launched its tokenized deposit solution,Citi Token Services (https://www.ledgerinsights.com/citi-tokenized-deposits-institutional-digital-assets/), with a cash solution for corporate treasury management and a trade solution. The cash side is live in the US and Singapore, enabling corporates to move money 24/7. Ledger Insights


Banks are in the process of interfacing cryptocurrency platforms as portfolio options going forward.

© Goldilocks
10 Best Crypto Friendly Banks in 2024|Koinly


Digital Future Launches to Advance the Digital Economy |PR Newswire


Digital asset platforms have become much more efficient, Goldman Sachs CIO says |Youtube


Do you see how Leveling the Playing Field works? 👇

China sanctions Lockheed Martin over Taiwan arms sales |TBS News


Tweaks to the Old Traditional trading platforms are currently being installed to accommodate the new digital asset-based trading system. More on this tomorrow.

© Goldilocks


Vietnam PM to attend WEF meeting.

"Chinh will attend the meeting in Dalian city, Liaoning province of China, and have working sessions from June 24-27.

The trip will be made at the invitation of Chinese Premier Li Qiang and WEF Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab."

The World Economic Forum normally meets in January at Davos, Switzerland. Invitation only meetings are called on for special purposes with recognized countries able to influence the Global Economy are invited.

The economy of Vietnam is showing a reclassification of their Global Economy, and now, have the ability to participate in the new Global shifts coming our way.

Interestingly, Vietnam has been invited to the table as they approach their new identity as a Market Economy. VN Express WEF

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