Evaluation of Course Quality.Edgenuity.Health Sciences 2 (2024)


Reviewer NameA1. The goals and objectives clearly state what the participants will know or be able to do at the end of the course. The goals and objectives are measurable in multiple ways.Evidence from ArtifactA2. The course content and assignments are aligned with the state’s content standards, common core curriculum, or other accepted content standards set for Advanced Placement® courses, technology, computer science, or other courses whose content is not included in the state standards.Evidence from ArtifactA3. The course content and assignments are of sufficient rigor, depth and breadth to teach the standards being addressed.Evidence from ArtifactA4. Information literacy and communication skills are incorporated and taught as an integral part of the curriculum.Evidence from ArtifactA5. Multiple learning resources and materials to increase student success are available to students before the course begins.Evidence from ArtifactA6. A clear, complete course overview and syllabus are included in the course.Evidence from ArtifactA7. Course requirements are consistent with course goals, are representative of the scope of the course and are clearly stated.Evidence from ArtifactA8. Information is provided to students, parents and mentors on how to communicate with the online instructor and course provider.Evidence from ArtifactA9. The course reflects multi-cultural education, and the content is accurate, current and free of bias or advertising.Evidence from ArtifactA10. Expectations for academic integrity, use of copyrighted materials, plagiarism and netiquette (Internet etiquette) regarding lesson activities, discussions, and e-mail communications are clearly stated.Evidence from ArtifactA11. Privacy policies are clearly stated.Evidence from ArtifactA12. Online instructor resources and notes are included.Evidence from ArtifactA13. Assessment and assignment answers and explanations are included.Evidence from ArtifactB1. Course design reflects a clear understanding of all students’ needs and incorporates varied ways to learn and master the curriculum.Evidence from ArtifactB2. The course is organized by units and lessons that fall into a logical sequence. Each unit and lesson includes an overview describing objectives, activities, assignments, assessments, and resources to provide multiple learning opportunities for students to master the content.Evidence from ArtifactB3. The course instruction includes activities that engage students in active learning.Evidence from ArtifactB4. The course and course instructor provide students with multiple learning paths, based on student needs that engage students in a variety of ways.Evidence from ArtifactB5. The course provides opportunities for students to engage in higher-order thinking, critical reasoning activities and thinking in increasingly complex ways.Evidence from ArtifactB6. The course provides options for the instructor to adapt learning activities to accommodate students’ needs.Evidence from ArtifactB7. Readability levels, written language assignments and mathematical requirements are appropriate for the course content and grade-level expectations.Evidence from ArtifactB8. The course design provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student interaction, including opportunities for timely and frequent feedback about student progress.Evidence from ArtifactB9. The course design includes explicit communication/activities (both before and during the first week of the course) that confirms whether students are engaged and are progressing through the course. The instructor will follow program guidelines to address non-responsive students.Evidence from ArtifactB10. The course provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student and student- student interaction to foster mastery and application of the material.Evidence from ArtifactB11. Students have access to resources that enrich the course content.Evidence from ArtifactC1. Student evaluation strategies are consistent with course goals and objectives, are representative of the scope of the course and are clearly stated.Evidence from ArtifactC2. The course structure includes adequate and appropriate methods and procedures to assess students’ mastery of content.Evidence from ArtifactC3. Ongoing, varied, and frequent assessments are conducted throughout the course to inform instruction.Evidence from ArtifactC4. Assessment strategies and tools make the student continuously aware of his / her progress in class and mastery of the content.Evidence from ArtifactC5. Assessment materials provide the instructor with the flexibility to assess students in a variety of ways.Evidence from ArtifactC6. Grading rubrics are provided to the instructor and may be shared with students.Evidence from ArtifactC7. The grading policy and practices are easy to understand.Evidence from ArtifactD1. The course architecture permits the online instructor to add content, activities and assessments to extend learning opportunities.Evidence from ArtifactD2. The course accommodates multiple school calendars; e.g., block, 4X4 and traditional schedules.Evidence from ArtifactD3. Clear and consistent navigation is present throughout the course.Evidence from ArtifactD4. Rich media are provided in multiple formats for ease of use and access in order to address diverse student needs.Evidence from ArtifactD5. All technology requirements (including hardware, browser, software, etc...) are specified.Evidence from ArtifactD6. Prerequisite skills in the use of technology are identified.Evidence from ArtifactD7. The course uses content-specific tools and software appropriately.Evidence from ArtifactD8. The course is designed to meet internationally recognized interoperability standards.Evidence from ArtifactD9. Copyright and licensing status, including permission to share where applicable, is clearly stated and easily found.Evidence from ArtifactD10. Course materials and activities are designed to provide appropriate access to all students. The course, developed with universal design principles in mind, conforms to the U.S. Section 504 and Section 508 provisions for electronic and information technology as well as the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0).Evidence from ArtifactD11. Student information remains confidential, as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).Evidence from ArtifactE1. The course provider uses multiple ways of assessing course effectiveness.Evidence from ArtifactE2. The course is evaluated using a continuous improvement cycle for effectiveness and the findings used as a basis for improvement.Evidence from ArtifactE3. The course is updated periodically to ensure that the content is current.Evidence from ArtifactE4. Course instructors, whether face-to-face or virtual, are certificated and “highly qualified.” The online course teacher possesses a teaching credential from a state-licensing agency and is “highly qualified” as defined under ESEA.Evidence from ArtifactE5. Professional development about the online course delivery system is offered by the provider to assure effective use of the courseware and various instructional media available.Evidence from ArtifactE6. The course provider offers technical support and course management assistance to students, the course instructor, and the school coordinator.Evidence from ArtifactE7. Course instructors, whether face-to-face or virtual, have been provided professional development in the behavioral, social, and when necessary, emotional, aspects of the learning environment.Evidence from ArtifactE8. Course instructors, whether face-to-face or virtual, receive instructor professional development, which includes the support and use of a variety of communication modes to stimulate student engagement online.


Content A Reviewer 12The goals and objectives are clearly stated in the course quality document as well as in the online course. The goals and objectives can be measured in multiple ways. 3The course content and assignments are aligned with the CTE blueprint for Health Sciences II. This is noted in the course quality document as well as in the course.2The course content is not very detailed as noted in the online course. The assignments tend to be answering multiple choice questions or completing quizzes. There are no writing or reading activities noted in the current composition of the online course. The rigor of the design seems to be lacking.2Resources are present in the online course to imply that information literacy and communication skills will be used as part of the curriculum. I cannot see exactly how communication skills will be utilized during the instruction in each unit.3There are assessments, online resources, and instructions to use the online course found in the Student Handbook. The quality course document provided by Edgenuity supports this as well.3A clear, complete course overview and syllabus is available in the online course.3The course requirements are consistent with the course goals. Both requirements and goals are stated in the online course. 3There is a student handbook outlining how to communicate with the instructor as well as the course provider. There is a chat box, email and collaboration corner for communication.3The course appears to have current content that will allow for multicultural education, free from bias and advertising. The introductory video uses an African American female to narrate. There are a variety of vignettes showcasing different careers that show varying backgrounds for the professionals in the vignettes.3All information regarding academic integrity, use of copyrighted materials, plagiarism and netiquette are addressed in the student handbook on pages 17-28. 3Information about personal information and privacy surrounding that is addressed in the Acceptable Use policy in the student handbook.3There are varying resources available to the instructor through the eCommunity. There is a section for best practices for instructors to utilize as well.3Assignment and assessment answers are included in the student online course. 3Evidence from the course and course quality document match and support. Varied ways to learn: Courses use video lectures, graphic displays, simulations, video captioning/transcripts and text-to-speech to support learning. In addition to audio within the videos, there are lots of visual cues through underlining and highlighting to emphasize key points. Graphic organizers are provided.
Varied ways to master the curriculum: Self checks through reading, ability to highlight and use sticky notes while reading, final quiz/assessment, multiple types of assessments (pre to post, formative and summative).
3As evidenced from the course, from a student's view, I can see overview with objectives. The objectives are describing unit requirements, including activities, assessments, etc.
Course quality review document calls this view an interactive table of contents and reiterates this evidence.
Course is organized into units that follow this similar pattern throughout.
State standards are also available to students.
2As evidenced from the course, in the unit on Group Discussions, students have interactive graphic organizers. There are multiple self-check assessments throughout all units/instruction that require students to make choices. From Course Quality document, "optimizing choice and autonomy," students can stop and start units and instruction as needed. From Course Quality document and evidenced within the course, "The course includes a diverse array of reading materials." These types of activities are repeated throughout the course.
I did not see interaction beyond these points. I did not see interactive discussion forums as mentioned in the course quality document. While there is a collaboration corner as mentioned per the course quality document, I did not see where the assignments pointed to using it or any link/connection. This example of how the collaboration is provided within the course content (not a separate collaboration corner) needs to be provided for clarity. The "Listening in a Group Discussion" image provided within the Course Quality document is only one small piece of instruction from within a unit in the course.
3As evidenced from the course, in the unit on Group Discussions, students have interactive graphic organizers. There are multiple self-check assessments throughout all units/instruction that require students to make choices. From Course Quality document, "optimizing choice and autonomy," students can stop and start units and instruction as needed. From Course Quality document and evidenced within the course, "The course includes a diverse array of reading materials." These types of activities are repeated throughout the course.
I did not see interaction beyond these points. I did not see interactive discussion forums as mentioned in the course quality document. While there is a collaboration corner as mentioned per the course quality document, I did not see where the assignments pointed to using it or any link/connection. This example of how the collaboration is provided within the course content (not a separate collaboration corner) needs to be provided for clarity. The "Listening in a Group Discussion" image provided within the Course Quality document is only one small piece of instruction from within a unit in the course.
3The course quality document says that students are "empowered as they move through multimedia." Students have many options to make the content user friendly as is also evidenced by the course through "utilizing multiple types of media, including visual, audio, and text" with which students can interact.
Students also have many opportunities to check for understanding as they move through content and many different response options as evidenced by the course quality document and the course itself: The document says that the course offers "multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge and learning through a variety of mediums" including multiple choice, fill in the blank, word choice, and open-ended questions; these mediums are evidenced from the document and course.
2An exemplar is provided within the course quality document that shows a teacher view of being able to manipulate course content. While I am not able to reproduce this scenario within the course, I can see that this function can be enabled.
The piece that is mentioned several times that I cannot find evidence of within the document or course is the diagnostic/pre-testing tool. The course quality document says: "Diagnostic assessment is used at the beginning of each course and assesses student’s prior knowledge of content and establishes a customized learning path over the specific content. Pretesting can also be
enabled so that when students pass a predetermined threshold on pre-lesson quizzes, they move on to the next lesson’s pretest and only complete the lessons with content not mastered." Providing a link or image of this function is necessary for the document to show evidence.
3One glance at the course shows how this content meets students at all levels. As written in the course quality document: "Students also have access to a glossary and language support tools that allow them to have text read aloud and/or translated into their home language if applicable." Students have teacher guidance throughout. The course quality document also details how content was derived: "Edgenuity develops lessons using national and state standards as a basis for determining depth and bredth of course content and grade level."3Instant feedback on multiple formative assessments is provided and is evidenced within the course.
The course quality document also details that teacher interaction will occur: "Students interact with their teachers regularly. At the beginning of each course, the teacher establishes a schedule for synchronous instruction that includes tools such as live chat and whiteboard communication. In addition to structured synchronous instruction, teachers also initiate additional virtual academic sessions with students as needed and demonstrated through data." This interaction and review process continues throughout the course.
2As evidenced in the course quality document, at the beginning of each course, the teacher establishes a schedule for synchronous sessions that include tools such as live chat and whiteboard communication. Weekly sessions begin right away and are conducted via web-
conferencing, which allows teachers and students to hear and see each other and converse in real time.
Links and images to show evidence of these items (as they are difficult for an "outsider" to find in the course) are needed.2The course quality document says that this interaction is readily available: "Students interact regularly with the online teacher via live-chat, phone, text, or email. Weekly sessions are
conducted via web-conferencing, which allows teachers and students to hear and see each other and converse in real time.
Students also engage in group discussions about lesson content." Again, links to this information would be helpful. The communication tab is available to administrators/instructors.3As evidenced from the course quality document, "The virtual classroom includes reference materials and tools for each course. Resources include: Toolbar, Translation Tool, Glossary and Lesson Transcripts, Captions, and Digital Notebook."
Within the course, I found evidence of these and more! 3Based on the course quality document, it is clear that Edgenuity has a plan, "Edgenuity assessments have been reviewed for validity and reliability."
I found evidence of the evaluation strategies upon my review of the course, and these are mentioned in the course review document: "The valid and reliable course assessments inform and guide instruction. The course includes formative, summative, and interim assessments to measure students’ attainment of state and national standards. All assessments are aligned to standards, just as instruction is. Students are formally and informally assessed within
each course."3I found both formative and summative assessments throughout my course review. According the quality document, "Courses include formative, summative, and interim assessments to measure students’ attainment of state and national standards. Formative Assessments embedded within a lesson check understanding of concepts and skills as they are presented. The students could receive mastery as they progress piece by piece.3I saw evidence of frequent assessments throughout each unit. The course document supports this statement: "Materials include multiple types of assessments (performance tasks, multiple choice, short answer, and free response)." These are completed in every unit.3In addition to instant feedback that students receive throughout the course and its assessments, the course quality document details how students will be able to see mastery: "Students are also provided tools to interpret or track their performance. When a student views a completed activity in the Virtual classroom, the grade bar will appear under the activity description and status. The grade bar contains the student’s percentage score for the activity—or the word “pending” if the activity has not yet been graded by a teacher.
If a teacher has left feedback or if there is an available rubric score, this will be indicated by icons at the right side of the grade bar. Students can click these icons to expand the bar and view teacher feedback or rubric scores. These icons will glow to indicate to students that there is unread information to be viewed." Images within the document help to support this.3As previously-mentioned reviews show, variety is the name of the game!
According to the course quality document, "Assessments are randomly generated from an item bank, so that different students see different test forms."
Students also take many different types of tests as is evidenced in the course.2According to the Course Quality document: "Rubrics are provided for grading, and these rubrics can be shared with the student. Open-ended questions also contain sample student responses, to help teachers assess student work.
A link or image would be needed to show the rubric or a sample.3Multiple images are provided within the course quality document that detail how to use the daily grading features.3Although I am not able to see this aspect in the course, the course quality document details pictures and explains how a teacher would go about such a task. 3According to the course quality document: "The learning management system provides educators the ability to set specific Start and Target dates for course completion. Districts can input their own school calendar(s), which automatically updates students' assignment
calendars. The start and target dates can be adjusted at the district, school, class, or student level, allowing students to track their progress against their own deadlines."
Support is provided for this information.3As evidenced by the course and course quality document, all units are set up in a similar manner with warm up, intro, post assessments, etc.: "There is a consistent look and feel throughout the course. Each lesson begins with an introduction, or warm-up, that focuses students on the goals for the lesson. The introduction presents an overview of the context for the lesson and ties prior learning to the lesson objectives." 3As evidenced by the course and course quality document, this course is student-centered. "The course is media-rich, making ample use of audio and video, as well as digital interactive tools." Many tools are used throughout consistently.
In the course, students can start, stop, pause, rewind, review as needed.3A student organizer is provided to help students: The operating system, processor speed, plug-ins and connection speed are all visible for students within the Student Organizer. Students can check the status of all necessary plugins from this screen." An image in the course quality document shows how this works.2No prerequisite technology skills are required per the course quality document. There is an orientation video that teaches them how to navigate the virtual classroom and move through their courses.
As evidenced by the course, students need to know how to use their audio.3As evidenced by the course, tools are in place and help students move along.
According to the course quality document: "All online tools are built directly into the learning management system and virtual classroom. No separate download or installation is required."
Evidence of content specific tools are included in the course, such as when definitions of words are available during reading.3As evidenced from the course quality document, "Edgenuity has a robust API that allows for easy interchange of data between systems. Edgenuity has successfully implemented a number of integrations with a variety of LMS and SIS providers." In the course, multiple languages are offered to student as well.2From the Course Quality Document, "All course materials are developed in compliance with copyright laws. Edgenuity maintains comprehensive records of permissions for all readings and images, as well as any third-party software used in the course. All copyrights are visible within course content." A link to copyright and licensing status is needed.3The course quality document details that the course does meet these standards. Here is some additional information from the document, "The accessible format of Edgenuity courses includes video transcripts and captioning, color and contrast
considerations, video captions, and adjustable timings. Students can have text read aloud in 7 languages and translated into over 17 languages. Additionally, courses are fully customizable to meet individual needs."2According to the Course Quality document, "Edgenuity makes every effort to comply with the Family Educational Right and Policy Act (FERPA). . The privacy policy and FERPA information are provided in the Student Handbook and on our website." Links to information suggested as "provided" would be helpful.3From the Course Quality document, "Edgenuity’s Research Department conducts efficacy studies, correlational, and longitudinal research in conjunction with partner districts." A link is provided.2As evidenced from the Course Quality document, "The course and learning system is continuously evaluated for effectiveness and improvements. Edgenuity utilizes a variety of methods to evaluate course effectiveness, including surveys, regular data pulls on assessment items, and outside reviewers." I do not see a timeline for frequency of course evaluations.3Course Quality document says that the courses are updated every three years along with regular third party reviews. A schedule for third party reviews that are mentioned is not provided.3Course Quality document says that all NC license areas are required.
Additionally, all "teachers have completed a criminal background check and fingerprinting as per the North Carolina Department of Education guidelines and regulations. The teacher has an academic degree in the field in which he or she is teaching."3Professional development about the online course delivery system is offered by the provider to assure effective use of the courseware and various instructional media available. Specific information about the development and its various levels is provided. "All employees participate in an annual review and evaluation."3According to the Course Quality document, "Customer support is available to teachers, administrators, staff, and students by telephone and email." I can see evidence of this when I click on "Support" in the tab area of the course.3According to the Course Quality document, teachers have been provided several resources to be prepared for teaching: "All Edgenuity teachers have taken the online course they are teaching and use the student experience to further implement successful strategies for online teaching. Teachers participate in an initial training session and receive a teacher’s handbook that addresses effective online facilitation. The Edgenuity training policy requires all faculty to take each class that they are teaching and work through each lesson/assignment as a student."3


Content A Reviewer 23The goals and objectives are clearly stated and are measurable in various ways.2The majority of course content and assignments are aligned with the CTE course blueprint for Health Science 2. The course lacks the availability of obtaining an industry credential in CPR and First Aid.2The content and assignments are appropriate to teach the standards but lack the rigor necessary for mastery of demonstrated skills (i.e. CPR, first aid, body mechanics, etc.)3Information literacy is addressed through reading and writing requirements. Communication is facilitated with the use of threaded discussion forums, chat, email, and teacher-guided whiteboard discussions.3The document provides evidence of various learning resources available to students prior to the start of the course. An orientation video, pretests and diagnostic assessments that measure prerequisite skills, instructional manuals and the student handbook are examples of materials available to foster student success. 3The course syllabus is clear and complete. Course objectives, student expectations, instructor contact information, the grading policy and content scope and sequence are present.3Course requirements are clearly stated and aligned with the course goals. 3The document demonstrates how students, parents and mentors communicate with the instructor. 2The language and content reflects multi-cultural education and is free of bias or advertising; however, some content areas do not represent current industry standards (i.e. CPR).3The student handbook clearly states expectations for academic integrity, use of copyrighted materials, plagiarism, and internet etiquette.3Privacy policies are clearly outlined in the student handbook.3Online instructor resources are available through eCommunity, an online resource that provides a variety of instructional tools, and the teacher handbook.3The document demonstrates a variety of assessment methods with the inclusion of answers and rationales. 3Course uses multiple ways to learn including differentiating in the way information is presented to students (to allow for differing learning styles), and there are different types of assessment that assess student needs from the beginning of the unit, throughout the unit, and at the end of the unit. 3Each unit and lesson is clearly presented in the course map section, providing an overview of all objectives, activities, assignments, assessments, and video transcripts for the lesson. Content is broken down into small segments of instruction and assessment, allowing for multiple learning opportunities for students to master the content.3Each lesson's instruction alternates between direct video instruction with graphics and supporting activities that help reinforce the direct instruction. Activities range from interactive to collaborative. There are tools in place that encourage active learning through reading including a tool for highlighting, a dictionary for all words in the course, a read aloud option for all activities and written text, and a tool to assign a digital sticky note to help students remind themselves of important topics/information.3Students may choose to complete remediation or enrichment activities as they are recommended throughout the course (based on student performance). Additionally, teachers may add required review and enrichment activities either through the course database or as an added activity the teacher creates himself/herself and inputs into the grade book. 3Assignments encourage students to use higher order thinking including synthesis, creation, and evaluation. Assignments provide real world connections that encourage students to apply content to the world around them. Examples of this include creating blogs, evaluating primary and secondary sources, and synthesizing online research on a topic relating to the content.3Teacher can adapt the entire course to a student's needs. Activities can be added or taken away from the course, and teacher can add in an assignment of his/her own creation.2Course content falls within the lexile ranges for 9th grade as set forth by the grade level standards, but it allows for flexibility when a reading is lower but contains higher level symbolism/figurative language or when a reading is higher but is given the appropriate scaffolding. Students have access to tools to help them navigate readings, including a read-aloud feature and an interactive dictionary. However, written language assignments are not addressed in the Course Quality document as meeting the standards for appropriate course content and grade level expectations. In a course that does require significant amounts of written assignments, these concerns should be addressed. 3Teachers and students interact in an online environment through weekly web conferencing sessions (with video and white board capabilities), and they can also provide additional remediation or enrichment sessions with students based on their progress. Teacher has access to a detailed log of student performance to draw from when assessing students, which includes time on task, basic performance, all notes students have completed. When a student submits an activity but does not achieve mastery, that student is required to attend a remediation session to review the concepts of the assignment. Students may also interact with teachers through email, web chat, phone, or text to receive extra help and additional feedback. 2There are many methods of communication and activities to encourage student engagement. Teachers set up a synchronous meeting schedule to go over course materials each week. There are no guidelines suggested to address non-responsive students. The document merely states that their program gets students involved early enough to get all students actively involved. There should be a plan in place to engage students who are initially and/or intermittently non-responsive.3Students and teachers interact regularly through live chat, phone, text, or email, and weekly synchronous meetings take place to review concepts and materials. Students interact with each other through discussion boards and/or the Collaboration Corner. Student activities that involve presentation are posted for peer review and assessment. 3Students have access to a toolbar throughout lessons and activities that provides additional support such as video transcripts, glossaries, translations in over 17 languages. Students also have access to their own e-notebooks where they can record their notes and reflections on course content. The course provides additional support for ELL and ESOL students through close captioning, read aloud (in different language translations), and dictionary tools. 3Course is clearly aligned to Common Core standards, goals, and objectives as demonstrated on the course map. Each lesson and assignment is clearly aligned to the standards and is clearly marked. Assessments are tested in three areas for validity and reliability through an internal review process. Assessments are given at the formative and summative level to assess student knowledge of the goals/objectives.3Assessment includes pre-assessment (at the beginning of the unit), formative assessments (within the lesson), summative assessments (at the end of each unit), interim assessments (after each lesson), and assignments (within the lessons). Teachers may customize content throughout the course, and the course assessments automatically adjust to reflect these changes.3Assessment includes pre-assessment (at the beginning of the unit), formative assessments (within the lesson), summative assessments (at the end of each unit), interim assessments (after each lesson), and assignments (within the lessons such as writing assessments, speeches, presentations, etc). These are varied and frequent.3Students can see their progress through the unit with a progress bar at the top of the course info tab that indicates their performance on the course materials through color coding. Students also have an assignment calendar to help remind them to stay on task. Practice activities and formative assessments provide immediate feedback to let students know what they have done well and what topics they need to review. Students are notified when feedback has been left by a teacher and reminded by a glowing icon. 3Question banks exist to help provide teachers with a plethora of resources to retest and make up tests without writing their own questions. Questions are randomly generated from the bank so each student receives a different test. 3Rubrics are provided and can be shared with students at the discretion of the teacher. Also, teachers see sample student responses to help them assess student work.3Grading policy is clearly defined in the course syllabus, and it is easy to understand. Additionally, teachers may customize the grading policy and procedures throughout the course to allow for flexibility.3Online teacher can add content and activities as necessary either from the supplemental activities database or from a teacher's own files. Teachers may choose to provide remediation to a student before he/she can retake an assessment and/or move on to a different assignment.3Teachers can input their school calendars and target dates and the course will automatically adjust to meet those deadlines. Students will see where they should be in the course on any given day based on the target dates or school calendar the teacher inputs.3An outline of the course is present on the left menu with easy to understand navigation through each portion of each lesson. Navigation is clear and consistent throughout.3Course is designed to utilize multiple media formats throughout. Videos, interactive activities, support tools are incorporated in each unit/lesson. These formats promote differentiation and cater to different learning styles. In addition, students may access the course using tablets and even Chromebooks.3Students can see whether their device is properly enabled using the Student Organizer. Additionally, system requirements are identified and shared. 3There are no prerequisite skills necessary beyond basic online navigation and the use of computer, keyboard, and mouse. An orientation video introduces the course to students prior to beginning the first lesson/unit.3Tools and software (such as translation, read aloud, enotes, or Closereader) are used appropriately, encouraging students to interact with the online materials and gain a better understanding of the content. Tools and software provides instruction, remediation, enrichment, and support.3Data can be interchanged with other LMS providers. Course can be integrated into a third party system.3Copyrights are clearly found within each resource and are easily understandable. 3The course is clearly developed using the Universal Design for Learning. It is equipped with accommodations to help all students learn. Video and media content is supplemented with transcripts and audio read aloud to support students with visual or hearing impairments and translations are available for students who are ELL. Additionally, the course is customizable so that the teacher may accommodate specific student needs.3Privacy policy and FERPA information are provided in the handbook and on the website. There are defined course procedures for adhering to FERPA within the course.3Students and teachers can report issues throughout the course as they see them. Additionally, Edgenuity employs instructional designers and content experts to review their materials. Outside reviewers have also reviewed course content.3Course is continually evaluated for effectiveness. New courses are released three times per year, and their research department uses specific data from assessments to guide their instructional revisions. Revision and improvement are continuous.3Course is revised every three years, but constant monitoring and revision is ongoing.3The online teacher is licensed through NC in the appropriate area and has experience teaching the course. Only highly qualified online teachers are employed.3Extensive training is given to teachers upon beginning the online course. Throughout the year teachers participate in professional development to assure teachers are using the course effectively.3Technical support is available for teachers, students, and schools. Students may access how-to's to help guide them through the course and answer any questions they might have immediately. Customer support is also available for schools. Additionally, families are welcome in the family portal and can learn how to best support their student.3Virtual teachers are trained in the behavioral, social, and emotional aspects of the learning environment in the initial training for the position. They participate in ongoing professional development that helps them respond to the behavioral and emotional responses of their students. 3


Average Rating2.502.50202.50303030302.503030303030302.5030302.502.5030202.50330303030302.503030303030302.5030302.50302.50302.5030303030303


Total per SectionTotal of Section A36Total for Section B30Total for Section C20.5Total for Section D31.5
































































































Evaluation of Course Quality.Edgenuity.Health Sciences 2 (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.