Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (2024)

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (1)


Vocabulary 1 Complete the sentences with the correct

words from the box.

wind-up essential low-cost energy-saving handy modern

efficient hi-tech

Most houses are better designed than old-fash ioned houses.

2 light bu lbs are better than traditional light bulbs.

3 Tradit ional light bu lbs are less _ _ _ __ _ than low-energy light bulbs.

4 Trevor Baylis invented the ____ _ _ radio.

5 lt's to burn less oil and gasto deal w it h climate change.

6 Mobile phones provide a _____ _ solution for people with busy lives.

7 Sorne old people find gadgets confusing and difficult to operate.

8 With petrol so expensive these days, people see bicycles as a good alternative to driving .

1 mark for each correct answer Score /8

2 Match the words to the definitions. 1 low-tech

2 inefficient

3 simp le

4 wind-up

5 complex

6 essentia l

7 low-cost

8 modern

a the opposite of expensive

b contemporary, current, not from the past

e operated by turning a handle ora dial

d easy to understand or operate

e hard or difficu lt to understand or operate

f necessary for something

g the opposite of effic ient

h the opposite of high ly technological

1 mark for each correct answer Score /8

3 Complete the sentences with the gerund or infinitive form of the verbs in brackets. 1 The campaigners wanted _____ _

(find) a low-cost solution .

2 (burn) fossil fuels damages the environment.

3 Scientists hope (e reate) an efficient alternative to oi l and gas.

4 Many people wi ll have to _____ _ ( change) their lifestyle.

5 They haven't finished _____ _ (measure) the results of the experiment yet.

6 1 haven't managed (find) any low-cost energy-saving devices.

7 They were prevented from _____ _ (build) a wind-farm by protesters.

8 We decided (insta ll) a wind-turbine in our garden.

9 1 remember (see) a TV programme about renewable energy last year.

1 O We didn't stop (tal k) and think about it.

1 mark for each correct answer Score / 10

Grammar 4 Rewrite the sentences with the words in

brackets. 1 He hasn't held a senior management position

at any time in his life . (never)

2 l'm sorry. Thé manager left the office sometime earlier. (already)

3 1 studied economics at university. When l left 1

didn't study it again. (since)

4 Scientists t ried to find a cure for cancer many years ago but they didn 't. They are still trying . (yet)

1 mark for each correct answer Score /4

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (2)

5 Write sentences in the past simple, present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. 1 we/look for/the car keys/for 20 minutes!

2 they/not decide/the winner/of this year's competition

3 Daniel Day Lewis/win/an Osear/in 2008

4 he/write/h is history essay/yet/?

5 1/just/come back/from holidays

6 1/live in this house/since 1997

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

6 Complete the sentences with the past simple, past perfect simple or past perfect continuous form of the verb in brackets. 1 After she had done her homework she

______ (have) a cola .

2 He (work) at the school for two years before he got promoted .

3 ]anet fe ll asleep on the sofa and ______ (wake up) at midday.

4 He _ _____ (be) a millionaire before his 40th birthday.

5 She was really ti red . S he _ _____ (jog) for over an hour.

6 He (play) footba ll for three hours before he noticed the time.

7 Ciare left school after she _____ _ (finish) her lesson.

8 Emma (read) her book for only ten m inutes when she decided it was boring.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /8



7 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support your view.

Often the best solutions are the simplest ones. There is little point introducing complex and expensive solutions to salve problems in the developing world where resources and finance are scarce . And the work of Professor David Morley is testimony to this. He started working in the field of chi ld health in Nigeria in the 1950s and he has been researching and developing low-cost teaching aids, diagnostic tools and health equipment ever since. There are few experts alive today whose knowledge and experience in this area is greater and at 80 years old he is still working .

Over the years , he has developed a range of simple low-cost health aids that can be produced local ly and used easi ly by families in the home. His simple innovative medica! kits such as flytraps, water purifiers and asthma inhalers which are made from plastic drink bottles have saved thousands of lives . Such simple solutions to everyday health issues have enabled women to care for and monitor the health of their ch ildren at home without becoming dependent on expensive medica! resources that they cannot afford . The two charities he has set up CTeaching Aids at Low Cost and Child to Ch ild) continue his work by helping to educate and inspire families and health workers around the world.

Professor David Morley still works in the fie ld of chi ld hea lth in Africa .

2 His work has allowed poor families to loo k after their children's hea lth independently.

2 marks for éach correct answer Score /4

8 Read the text again and answer the questions in your own words. 1 Why isn't it effective to solve problems in the

developing world with expensive solutions?

2 How is David Morley's work continuing today?

mark for each correct answer Score /2

1 1


' ,,

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (3)


1 Complete the sentences with an adjective with an opposite meaning to the underlined adjective. 1 My old camera was heavy and impractical but

my new camera 's really - 1 can just pop it in my pocket.

2 These days, having a mobile phone is _____ , but 1 think it's unnecessary to have one with a camera built in .

3 lt's amazing how, as the technology involved in developing computer games becomes more , operating the games gets simpler.

4 Whereas our old boiler was wasteful in its use of energy, our new one is really ____ _

5 Some gadgets are necessary in the modern world, but 1 think others are - they aren't really needed at all.

6 furniture is light and easy to assemble, whereas old furniture is often heavy.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

2 Write a compound adjective for each definition. 1 inexpensive

2 operated by a handle

3 using advanced scientific ideas

4 not wasting power

5 works by means of a battery

6 not modern

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

3 Write sentences from the prompts. Remember to use gerund or infinitive forms.

lt 1 be 1 not easy 1 give up 1 smoke 1 cigarettes

2 Last Christmas 1 we 1 decide 1 stop 1 send cards 1 to our relatives

3 I / can 1 not /afford 1 go out 1 tonight

4 You 1 should 1 enjoy 1 meet 1 new people 1 at tonight's party

5 ]ack 1 be 1 good 1 avoid 1 do homework 1 these days

6 In the past 1 young people 1 have to 1 work long hours 1 earn money for their families

7 On the way home last night 1 Tom 1 want 1 stop 1 get some money from a cash machine

2 marks for each correct answer Score /14


4 Rewrite the sentences with the present perfect and the time expressions in the box. Use each time expression once.

already yet for never since

]ane's grandparents moved there when they got married. So, yes, wow! Seventy years in the same house!

2 Worked late? On no! Bob hasn't done that in his life!

3 We're happy to announce that Flight 909 left New York twenty minutes ago.

4 1 saw Paulo on Friday. But that was the last time.

5 Patrick didn't tell Robyn about the change of plan. But l'm sure he will.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /5

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (4)

5 Write questions from the prompts in the past simple, present perfect simple or present perfect continuous. 1 How long/you/wait/ for me/?

Oh, only half an hour. But you're here now, so let's go.

2 they/watch/the match/last night/?

Yes. United are the champions!

3 Chris/chat to Fiona/long/?

Yeah. He's still on the phone!!

4 he/done/his homework/yet/?

No. But he's about to start.

5 Where/you/get/that vase/?

Oh, in Greece, on our last holiday.

6 How long/they/know each other/?

Oh, since school.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

6 Complete the sentences with the past simple, past perfect simple or past perfect continuous form of the verb in brackets. 1 After she ( eat) lunch, she

______ (go) back to work.

2 Sally (study) French at university for almost two years befare she ______ (decide) to change subjects.

3 Last Saturday, jane (fall) downstairs and (break) her arm .

4 Sue (be) really ti red when 1

______ (see) her. She _____ _ (jog) in the park for hours.

5 Clara (break) up with Simon after her friends (tell) her that he (chat) to another girl.

6 Tom (watch) a DVD for only a few minutes when his friends _____ _ (come) round.

% mark for each correct answer Score /7



7 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support yourview.

Ohen the best solutions are the simplest ones . lndeed, there is little or no point in implementing complex solutions when they may well prove to be a drain on local finances in an underdeveloped region where resources are scarce at best. And the work of Professor David Morley is testimony to thi s. He has been research ing and developing low-cost teaching aids, diagnostic tools and health equipment to serve the needs of ch ildren ever since he started working in thi s field in Nigeria in the 1950s. There are few experts alive today with such experience, and at 80 years old he refuses to retire.

Over the years, he has developed a range of low-cost health aids that can be produced local ly. What's ingenious about these aids is that you don 't need a degree in medicine to use them. The dependency on unaffordable medical resources that was once effectively a barrier to basic health ca re for many of Afri ca's impoverished people has been removed, and ord inary families are now empowered to care for their own. His simple innovative medical kits , such as flytraps, water purifiers and asthma inhalers made from plastic drink bottles have saved thousands of lives. And the hope is that what he has pioneered will outlast him . The two chari ties he has set up CTeaching Aids at Low Cost and Chi ld to Child) have a mandate to educate and inspire families and health workers around the world .

Professor David Morley still works in the field of child health in Africa .

2 His work has allowed poor families to look after their children's health independently.



2 marks for each correct answer Score /4

8 Read the text again and answer the questions in your own words. 1 Why isn't it effective to salve problems in the

developing world with expensive solutions?

2 How is David Morley's work continuing today?

mark for each correct answer Score /2

ELLE& , __ ¡

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (5)


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

take part in ban issue be unable to comply with tolerate

report not be considerate

The authorities an order to arrest the suspects.

2 Four men the robbery.

3 A witness the burglary to the police.

4 Certain countries to refugees.

5 My school has mobile phones.

6 Citizens shou ld the law.

7 Society shouldn't violence or antisocia l behaviour.

8 help the police with their enquiries.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /8

2 Replace the underlined phrases with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs from the box.

give out get on with take off work out put up with get into talk into set up

He has a good re lationship with his mum.

2 Ann got involved in trouble at school.

3 My mum started a new company last year.

4 1 had to deal with a problem at work today.

5 Go to the tourist information centre. They provide maps to anyone.

6 A friend persuaded meto cheat in my exam.

7 My parents won't tolerate smoking at home.

8 Internet TV is starting to become very popular.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /8


3 Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of the word in brackets. 1 In the UK, you are not al lowed to smoke in

restaurants or pubs. (can)

2 You are obliged to drive with a licence. (must)

3 Some students don't need to wear a uniform. (have to)

4 In all countries, people are advised to respect the law. (shou ld)

5 You are not permitted to break the law. (must)

6 People are advised to respect their neighbours. (ought to)

1 mark for each correct answer Score

4 Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb from the box and the correct form of the verb in brackets.

must . may should have needn't have have to musn't

______ (borrow)

your mobile phone, please?


2 They (arrest) the criminal, but they didn't.

3 They (call) the police. There was a fight in the street.

4 He (go) to the shops. We had enough food in the fridge.

5 You (use) your mobile phone whi le you are driving.

6 They (be) away. No one answered the phone.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (6)

S Rewrite the sentences using modal verbs of speculation and deduction. 1 Well done for passing your driving test! l'm sure

it wasn't easy.

2 ls that the phone? Perhaps it's jan . He said he would call .

3 They haven't arrived yet, perhaps they've got lost.

4 l'm su re they missed the exam. They weren't at school today.

5 l'm sure you didn't see jamie in town yesterday. He's in hospital.

2 marks for each correct answer Seo re /1 O


6 Read the text and choose the best answers.

The UK poli ce force has been undergoing a series

of comprehensive reforms since 2000. The government wants to create a police force which is able to deal with higher levels of crime while building

strong relationships with its communities. The aim is to empower communities by reducing their fear of crime, and increasing their confidence in the effectiveness of the police force. In building positive relationships between the police and its communities, the government aims to create strong and empowered communities that won' t deteriorare into crime and


In an attempt to help build relationships between the police and their communities, the authorities ha ve

come up with something called 'comm unity poli cing'.

'We want to bring back a more local approach to policing, where local people know their poli ce officers and where they can see more police officers on the streets,' said a spokesman.

'We are doing thi s by creating community support officers who will have a di fferent role to ordinary

police officers. They will have the authority to deal with minor offences but their main role wi ll be to build

relationships with ordinary citi zens and in doing so, build a stronger and safer society.'


Poli ce reforms have been m a de in arder to ...

a help reduce costs .

b increase the number of police services within the community.

e improve re lationships between the police and communities.

d create a more efficient police force.

2 The government wants to ...

a increase the public's faith in the police force.

b improve the image of the police within the community.

e make radical changes to the law.

d give the police force more authority.

3 The changes involve ...

a creating more efficient policing .

b providing a greater number of police officers on the street.

e creating a specia l task force.

d building community police stations where you can meet the new police officers.

4 Community support officers ...

a have more authority than regular police officers.

b have less authority than regular police officers .

e are only able to deal with teenage offenders.

d have to work with the local authorities.

mark for each correct answer Score /4

7 Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support your view. 1 The police force was reformed in 2000.

2 Levels of crime have been increasing .

3 Community police might help improve relationships between the police and their communities.

4 Community support officers won't have the power to deal with people who break the law.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /8

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (7)



1 Write a synonym for each of the underlined words. 1 You must obey the law. _____ _

2 Sally participated in a demonstration.

3 ]im has told the police about the crime he witnessed . _____ _

4 In many countries, smoking in restaurants is prohibited . _____ _

5 ]enny shows sympathy to other people's feelings. _____ _

6 lt's important to have an open mind about the opinions of people you don't agree with .

7 1 oppose governments that limit individual freedoms without good reason .

8 You shouldh't do something against the law.

9 In Britain, the courts give ASBOs to antisocial young people. _____ _

1 O Don't shout when you're angry. Learn to remain cal m and maintain your behaviour.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /10

2 Complete the sentences with prepositions. 1 lt was a difficult problem to salve but we

worked it __ in the end .

2 1 really get ____ my brother. In fact, we have a great relationship.

3 ]erry's online business was so successful that he wants to set __ another business soon.

4 Universities don't just let anyone __ . You have to get good grades.

5 Yo u should never put _ _ __ bullying at school. Tell a teacher.

6 Phil's friends talked him __ breaking the law. He regrets it now.

7 What do you want to get ____ this course? Why are you really doing it?

8 1'11 give __ instructions when everyone's he re.

9 ]oe got __ trouble with the poli ce.

V2 mark for each correct answer Score /6


3 Rewrite the rules using the negative form ofthe modal verbs in the box. Use each modal verb once.

must should need have to can ought to

Smoking is prohibited in restaurants.

2 No mobile phones in class!

3 The wedding's informal! Suit not necessary!

4 lt's a long walk so our advice is not too much in your backpacks, please!

5 Leave your coat here or take it home - as you wish .

6 You are advised not to walk home alone.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

4 Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb and the correct form of the verb in brackets. 1 1 (borrow)

your pen, please?

2 Peter failed all his exams. He ____ _ _ (work) harder.

3 1 think 1 saw Sue in the supermarket this morning .

No, it (be) her. She's in India.

4 Why didn't Karen cometo the party last night?

Because she ______ (go) home at nine. Her parents are strict.

5 Tom has four packets of sausages in his fridge. He (like) them a lot.

6 Why didn't Ben do well at school?

Well, he had problems with reading . In fact, he ______ (read) until he was ten.

7 lt's Sunday tomorrow so we _____ _ (go) to school.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /7

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (8)

--- 5 Complete the texts using past modals. 1 jack Lester was the best ath lete in the race

and he (win). However, he came last. His tra ining was very good, so that ___ ___ (be) the reason . However, he was ill a couple of days after the race, so he ______ (be) ill at the time.

2 Susie got up late this morning and she ______ (think) she was going to miss her train to work. But she _____ _ (worry) . The train was forty minutes late. In fact, it was so late she (spend) an extra half an hour in bed!

3 Richard (borrow) his sister's phone w ithout her permission. His sister was at home at the time, so he (tell) her he needed it. However, he _____ _ (make) an urgent phone ca ll so his sister wasn't too angry when she found out.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /9


6 R~ad the text and choose the best answers.

The UK police force has been undergoing a series of comprehensive reforms since 2000. Despite the w idely-held view that it is al llittle more than a cost-cutting exercise , the government insists that it intends to create a police force which is able to deal with higher levels of crime while bu ilding stronger bonds w ith its communities . Some voices in the liberal press have suggested it is an exercise in giving the police stronger powers but thi s appears to be an unfounded claim. The aim, according toa government spokesperson, is to reduce the fear of crime in some communities, and increase their confidence in the effectiveness of the police force . In build ing positive relat ionships between the police and its communities , the government ai ms to create strong and empowered communities that won't deteriorate into crime and lawlessness.

lmproving relationships can be challenging. The plan is to make the police closer to the community they serve. The buzz word they have come up w ith is something ca lled 'community pol ici ng' . 'The days of sending in task forces to problem areas is over. We want to bring back a more local approach to policing, where local people know their police officers and where they can see more police officers in and around their community' , said a spokesperson. 'We are doing this by creating community support officers who will have a different role to ord inary police officers. They will have the authority to deal with minar offences but their main role w ill be to build relationships with ordinary cit izens and in doing so, bui ld a stronger and safer soc iety. '


According to the government, police reforms have been made in arder to . o o

a help reduce costso

b increase the number of police services within t he community.

e improve re lationships between the police and communities.

d create a more efficient police force.

2 The government wants to .. .

a increase the public's faith in the police force.

b improve the image of the police w ithin the commun ityo

e make radical changes to the law.

d give the po lice force more authority.

3 The changes involve ...

a creating more efficient policing.

b providing a greater number of police officers on the street.

e creating a specia l task force.

d bui lding community police stations where you can meet the new police officers.

4 Community support officers ...

a have more authority than regu lar police officers.

b have less authority than regu lar police officers.

e are only able to deal with teenage offenders.

d have to work with the local authorities.

1 mark for ea eh correct answer Seo re 14

7 Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support your view. 1 The police force was reformed in 2000.

2 Levels of crime have been increasing .

3 Community police might help improve relationships between the police and society.

4 Community support officers won't have the power to deal with people who break the law.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /8

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (9)


1 Complete the sentences with nine words from the box.

focused proud dependable honest confident humble committed

ambitious courageous determined

1 was so when 1 saw my boyfriend win the race.

2 He wanted to work for a charity beca use he was ______ to helping people.

3 He was a brave man. Fighting in the war was the most thing he ever did.

4 S he was _____ _ to lose weight so she went on strict diet.

5 You can really rely on her. She's very

6 She fe lt very during the interview because she knew she would be good at the job.

7 He had to concentrate hard and be ______ in arder to win the race.

8 He was very ______ about his wealth. He never boasted about it.

9 Sally is very ______ . S he wants to get to the top in her career.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /9

2 Complete the compound adjectives with words from the box. Then match them to their synonym.







hearted willed minded handed













faced headed



cal m

fa ir



1f2 mark for each correct answer Score /6


3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 1 (see) him there unless he

______ (leave) befo re 1 arrive.

2 We (not ask) you to come if we (not want) to see you .

3 lf 1 (lose) my mobile phone, 1

(not buy) another one.

4 lf she (find) the right shoes, she (get) them.

5 lfwe (have) the money, we (move) to ltaly.

6 lfyou (get up) a bit earlier, yo u (not be) late for school every day.

1f2 mark for each correct answer Score /6

4 Read the sentences. Write second or third conditional sentences. 1 l've lost my keys. 1 can't open the door.

2 We went to New York. We saw Brad Pitt!

3 The police didn't arrive in time. They didn't catch the thief.

4 The dress is expensive. l'm not going to buy it.

5 They won the lottery. They bought a yacht.

6 S he didn't feel well. S he didn't go to school.

7 They haven't examined the evidence. They haven't found the criminal.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /7

1 1



Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (10)


5 Rewrite the sentences with the words in Reading brackets. 1 1' 11 do my homework only if 1 don't have todo 7 Read the text and answer the questions in

any housework. (provided that) your own words.

Table tennis might not be the most popular sport

2 lf he doesn't agree to go with her, she won't in the West, but in China it is one of the m ost


go. (unless) widely followed sports in the country. And one of

1 the greatest fem ale players in table tennis history ¡, is Deng Yipang from Henan Province.

3 1 wouldn't do bungee jumping whether they She first started playing at the age of five and by the time she was in her teens, she had started

paid me or not. (even if) competing professionally and winning titles. Even as a child, sh e was ambitious and was determined to be the world champion.

4 Snowboarding is not dangerous if you are In 1991 she won the world singles title in Japan careful. (provided that) and continued to win titles for the n ext seven

years. During her career she won 14 world titles and four Olympic gold medals. She retired at

5 He won't get fit if he doesn't do more exercise. the age of 24 after becoming world champion in

(un less) both singles and doubles ( with her partner Qiao Hong) for the third time.

In 1999 DengYaping was nam ed Chinese Sports

6 He'll get the job if he does well in the interview. Personality of the Century. Sh e is a motivating

(provided that) role model andan inspiration to sportswomen around the world, especially those who are focused on competing in the 201 2 London


7 You'll get to the airport on time only if you Olympics.

leave now. (as long as) When did Deng Yipang start playing table tennis?

8 You should eat more fruit and vegetables What did she win in 1991? although you don't like them. (even if) 2

2 marks for each correct answer Score /4

1 mark for each correct answer Se ore /8 8 Are the sentences true or false? Quote

6 Complete the wishes. words from the text to support your view.

1 He isn't very good at his job. 1 When she was in her teens, Deng Yipang

wanted to become a professiona l table tennis 1 wish pi ayer.

2 1 can't ski .

1 wish

3 l'd rea lly like sorne new jeans. 2 Deng Yipang has inspired the sportswomen lwish who are preparing for the London Olympics.

4 We didn't qualify for the World Cup.

lf only

5 1 didn't know they were leaving . 2 marks for each correct answer Seo re /4 1 wish

6 S he crashed her car.

lf on ly

1 mark for each correct answer Seo re /6

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (11)

Unit j


1 Complete the sentences with a suitable word. 1 You can rely on Peter. He's very

2 Sally isn't shy at al l. She's very _____ _ in her own abilities.

3 lan is probably the most person in the company. He's keen to get prometed.

4 Susan is very and always tells the truth .

5 ]enny is to helping poor people. She works very hard for charitable causes.

6 l'm very of my children . They have both done well at school and got places at university.

7 ]ack is so brave. You have to be very ______ to fa ce up to the problems he has and never complain .

8 jo is very in her work. She concentrates hard and gets the job done.

9 Matt is very modest, even ______ _ about his achievements. He never boasts or seeks attention .

1 mark for each correct answer Score /9

2 Complete the compound adjectives, then match them to their synonym. 1 strong-_____ _

2 two-

3 single-

4 even-

5 kind-

6 level-

D a generous

O b focused

O c determined

0 d fa ir

D e cal m

D t dishonest

Vz mark for each correct answer Score /6


3 Rewrite the sentences using the first, second or third conditionals. 1 l've lost my mobi le, so 1 can't text my friends.

2 1 may go to the party tonight beca use 1 want to see ]oe there.

3 ]enny didn't catch the bus. She didn't get to school on time.

4 The sports club is a long way away, so l'm not going to walk there.

5 Harry was ti red so he didn't go out.

6 1 want to have money to spend on holiday so l'm looking for a part-time job.

7 The burglar has escaped from prison because the security wasn't tight enough .

8 Tim didn't put his wallet in a safe place so he lost it.

9 ]ennifer and Stephen didn't get married last spring because they didn't have any savings.

1 O 1 want to play footba ll tomorrow but it might rain .

1 mark for each correct answer Score /10

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (12)

4 Rewrite the sentences using the words and expressions in brackets. 1 'Will you go to the rock concert, jenny?'

'Oh, 1 need to get a ticket first!' (provided that) jenny __________________________ __

2 'Will you leave early, jack?'

'Yes. But 1 have todo all my work first.' (as long as) jack __________________________ __

3 'Will you go to the match, Sally?'

' lt depends on whether it rains or not.' (un less) Sally ________________________ _

4 'Are yo u planning to have a birthday party, Susie?'

'Y es. And 1 don't ca re whether all my friends come or no t.' ( even if) Susie ________________ _

5 'Do you think you'll pass the exam, john?'

'Yes, but it depends on how hard 1 work in the next couple of weeks.' (un less) john _ ________________________ _

2 marks for each correct answer Score /10

5 Read about Dan's life. Then write his wishes using the ideas in the text.

(1) I'm hopeless atmaths and (2) I didn't do very well in m y exams last week. ( 3) M y teacher is always telling me I'm lazy. ( 4) I fell out with my best friend yesterday. (5) I don't have enough money and (6) I can't find a part-time job. (7) And I crashed my mum'scar!

He wishes

2 He wishes

3 He wishes

4 lf on ly

5 He wishes

6 lf only

7 He wishes

1 mark for each correct answer Score /7



6 Read the text and answer the questions in your own words.

Table tennis might not be the most popular

sport in the West, but in China it is one of

the most widely-followed sports in the

country. And one of the greatest female players in

table tennis history is Deng Yipang from Henan

Province. The popularity of the game is su eh that

many youngsters start playing at three or four

years old, and Deng herself first too k up the sport

at the tender age of five. Even as a child, she was

ambitious and was determined to be the world

champion, and by the time she was in her teens,

she had started competing professionally and

was winning titles. S he won regional and national

titles befo re finally winning the ultima te prize in

Japan in 1991. For Deng, however, this was only the

beginning. The world singles title she won that year

was only the first of fourteen, and she continued to

win titles for the next seven years. By the time she

retired in 1999 at the age of 24, she had become a

legend in the sport, anda role m o del for Chinese

sportswomen everywhere. lt's common knowledge

in China that while so many sports people prove to

be uninspiring, Deng, in contrast, is someone those

preparing to compete in the 2012 London Olyrnpics

look up to. In 1999 DengYapingwas named Chinese

Sports Personality of the Century, a fitting tribute to

a great champion.

1 When did Yipang start playing table tennis?

2 What did she win in 1991?

2 marks for each correct answer Score /4

7 Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support your view. 1 When she was in her teens, Yipang wanted to

become a professiona l table tennis player.

2 Yipang has inspired the sportswomen who are preparing for the London Olympics.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /4

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (13)


1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

scoop viewers editor article live broadcast tabloid press journalist

tune in head lines

S he had been the ______ of the newspaper for two years befare she left.

2 newspapers concentrate on gossip and celebrity news.

3 We saw a of the interview as it was happening .

4 The reporter had a rea l when he found out about the celebrity wedding befare anyone else.

5 The soon found out about the murder. There were photographers and reporters everywhere.

6 Mil lions of people watch reality TV shows and most are aged between 20 and 40.

7 He's worked in the newsroom for years. He's an award-winning _____ _

8 Every year millions of people _____ _ to the Osear ceremony.

9 Did you read the about the man who survived two plane crashes?

1 O Have you seen the newspaper ? The president has died .

1 mark for each correct answer Score /1 O

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. Use suffixes and prefixes. 1 He was so rude. His behaviour was

______ . (accept)

2 1 don't think it was so shocking. People ______ a bit. (react)

3 The president made an _____ _ yesterday. (announce)

4 We shouldn't ______ the power of the media . (estímate)

5 lt was an ______ piece of news . (ordinary)

1 mark for each correct answer Score /5


3 Rewrite the statements and questions in reported speech. 1 'Where did yo u go on holiday last year?' she


2 '1 finished my work yesterday,' he to ld me.

3 'Have you ever seen Titanic? she asked.

4 'We're going to play tennis tonight,' he said .

5 ' Do you want to go to the cinema tonight?' asked Damien .

6 'Why did the car stop?' she wondered .

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

4 Rewrite the orders, requests and suggestions in reported speech. 1 'Could you please buy me the newspaper?' he

asked .

2 'Why don't we go out for a pizza?' Richard suggested.

3 'Sit down and be quiet!' Ella told her students .

4 'Let's not have chicken for dinner again,' we suggested.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /8

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (14)

S Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. 1 You should phone after ten o'clock.

They advised ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2 We're sorry we're late. We apologized __________ _

3 Yo u can borrow my laptop if yo u want. He offered _______ _____ _

4 OK, we'll finish the work in two weeks. We agreed _ ___ _ _ _____ _

5 Stop behaving badly. He warned _________ ___ _

2 marks for each correct answer Score /1 O


6 Read the text and choose the best answers.

In 2007 British television faced the biggest challenge to its reputation in its long history. It had to admit that a number of phone-in programmes on the BBC and ITV had misled their viewers. Sorne of these were popular children's programmes and charity events on both TV and radio. Television audiences around the world were shocked.

The scandal concerned the selection of competition winners. In the programmes involved, staff had chosen the winners before the phone lines had closed. That meant that viewers and listeners who called in later had no chance of winning. In sorne cases, TV and radio staff had even faked competition winners.

Executives from the TV and radio channels were repentant and apologized immediately. 'It was very wrong to lie to the public in this way, and the programme producers have acted irresponsibly. We will do everything we can to find out what has gone wrong and to put it right immediately,' said a spokesman.

The BBC called an investigation immediately and cancelled a number of live phone-in programmes, but the damage had already been done. The question now is whether the public will ever be able to trust the media again.


l i ¡,






The article is about ...

a television circulation figures .

b TV reality programmes.

e misleading viewers and listeners .

d falling TV ratings.

2 The problem concerned ...

a TV advertising.

b reality programmes.

e dramas and soap operas.

d phone-in shows.

3 The TV and radio companies were in trouble for ...

a producing bad children's TV programmes.

b choosing competition winners befare lines had closed .

e misleading popular charities.

d showing too many phone-in programmes.

4 A spokesman said ...

a they would put things right immediately.

b they didn't know what had gone wrong.

e the public had been wrong.

d they wouldn't apologize.

5 The BBC ...

a investigated the audience immediately.

b suspended some of their production staff.

e stopped a number of programmes.

d stopped alllive broadcasts.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /5

7 Answer the questions in your own words. 1 What was the scandal?

2 Why does the text mention children's programmes and charity events?

3 What did TV and radio executives do?

2 marks for each correct answer Score /6

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (15)

· ·un; · :.--Test (extra)


1 Write answers to the questions. 1 What is the job title of the person who decides

what goes in a newspaper? _____ _

2 What do you callan exciting, exclusive news story that one newspaper publishes befare any other newspapers do? _____ _

3 What is a general word for newspapers and news magazines? _____ _

4 What do you call a sensationalist newspaper with lots of pictures in it? _____ _

5 What do you call TV coverage of an event happening right now? _____ _

6 What do you calla story or account in a newspaper? _____ _

7 What do you call the big words at the top of newspaper stories that are usually dramatic and make you want to read? _____ _

8 What do you call a person who writes for a newspaper? _____ _

1 mark for each correct answer Score /8

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets. Add a suffix and a prefix to each word. 1 He was so rude. His behaviour was

_____ . (accept)

2 1 don't think it was so shocking. People ______ a bit. (react)

3 What she said was ______ . lt made no sense. (logic)

4 They ran a very political campaign, and won very few votes. (success)

5 He's one of the most people 1

know. He often upsets people. (sense)

6 Her help can't be . Without her none of this would have been possible. (estimate)

7 There was a of the new opening times because nobody had heard them the first time. (announce)

1 mark for each correct answer Score /7


3 Rewrite the statements and questions in reported speech. 1 'Why do you think the press are here today?'

she asked.

2 '1 didn't meet my friends yesterday evening,' he told me.

3 'Did he go sailing in Croatia two weeks ago?' she wondered .

4 '1 must phone Patricia later this evening,' said Don.

5 'Why should they come now?' she wondered.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /1 O

4 Rewrite the orders, requests and suggestions in reported speech. Use the verbs ask, tell or suggest. 1 Paul : 'Why don't we have a barbecue with some

of our friends tonight?'

2 Tim : 'Listen carefully everybody!'

3 Steven: 'Would you mind not coming round · this evening, Diane?'

2 marks for each correct answer Score /6

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (16)

5 Rewrite the sentences in reported speech using the verbs in the box.

apologize agree warn offer

]oe: 'Don't come round until eight because there won't be anyone here.'

2 Shelley: ' l'm sorry l've not been as helpful as 1 shou ld have been .'

3 'You can borrow my mobile tomorrow if you needit.'

4 Paul and Simon : 'OK, we' ll work late next Friday.'

2 marks for each correct answer Score /8


6 Read the text and choose the best answers.

In 2007 British te levision faced the biggest challenge to its reputation in its long history. lt had to admit that a number of phone-in programmes on the BBC and ITV had misled their viewers. Surpris ingly, reality TV programmes, which

often rely on the publ ic phoning in to vote to determine w inners and losers, were not to blame. However, sorne of the programmes at faul t included popular and prestigious children 's programmes and charity events on both TV and rad io.

There are so many phone-ins on TV these days that it was, arguably, a scandal wai ting to happen. However, te levision audiences around the world were sti ll shocked. lt concerned the selection of cornpeti tion winners. In the programrnes involved, staff had already selected or even faked who had won befare the phone lines had closed. That rneant that viewers and listeners who called in later had no chance of winning.

Executives frorn the TV and radio channels , perhaps worried about fall ing TV ratings as rnuch as their reputation for integrity, were repentant and apologized irnrnediately. ' Jt was very wrong to lie to the public in th is way, and the programrne producers have acted irresponsibly. We wi ll do everything we can to find out what has gone wrong and to put it right immediately,' said a spokesman.

The BBC called for an investigation irnrnediately, and there were rnany ca lis for the suspension or disrnissal of senior staff in the press. In the end, the corporation cancelled a nurnber of live phone-in prograrnrnes. The damage, however, had already been done. The question now is whether the public w ill ever be able to trust the media again.


The article is about ...

a television circu lation figures.

b TV reality programmes.

e misleading viewers and listeners.

d falling TV ratings.

2 The prob lem concerned ...

a TV advertising .

b reality programmes.

e dramas and soap operas.

d phone-in shows.

3 The TV and radio companies were in trouble for .. .

a producing bad chi ldren's TV programmes.

b choosing competit ion winners befare lines had closed.

e misleading popu lar charities.

d showing too many phone-in programmes.

4 A spokesman said ...

a they would put things right immediately.

b they didn't know what had gone wrong.

e the public had been wrong.

d they wouldn't apologize.

5 The BBC .. .

a investigated the audience immediately.

b suspended sorne of their production staff.

e stopped sorne programmes.

d stopped all live broadcasts .

1 mark for each correct answer Score /5

7 Answer the questions in your own words. 1 What was the scanda l?

2 Why does the text mention chi ldren's programmes and charity events?

3 What did TV and radio executives do?

2 marks for each correct answer Score / 6

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (17)


1 Match the definitions to the words. 1 to feel anxious or worried

2 to feel as if you own something or someone

3 to sympathize with someone or something

4 to feel very happy, elated, full of energy

5 to rea lly hate something

6 to wish you hadn't done something

7 to be aware of oneself, to feel shy

8 to feel extremely sad

9 to feel jealous

a exhilarated

b feel sorry for

e possessive

d regret

e disconsolate

f nervous

g self-conscious

h envious


1 mark for each correct answer Score /9

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

go out with get back together fall for ask out split up

S he Tom the moment she saw him.

2 Vince is Lynne.

3 Eddie wants to ]ulie

4 Kylie and All an have

5 1 hope they'll again .

1 mark for each correct answer Score /5

3 Rewrite the sentences using too or enough. 1 You won't be able to wear those jeans if you

aren't slim enough.

2 She was too slow to win the race.

3 The coffee wasn 't strong enough to drink.

4 The car was too small for us to fit in .

5 The grass wasn't dry enough to play tennis.

6 The music at the party wasn't loud enough!

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6


4 Complete the sentences with the correct relative pronoun. Add commas where necessary. 1 llike reading books ______ are well

written .

2 This ltalian restaurant we sometimes go on Fridays is closing down.

3 M y friend goes out with a boy _____ _ sister is a vet.

4 That was the night ______ l first saw her.

5 Those people at the back are making all that noise are ruining the fi lm.

6 ls that the college in Oxford _____ _ you studied as a young man?

7 Can you remember the hotel _____ _ we stayed last year?

8 My neighbours son goes to school with my daughter are really nice.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /8

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (18)

5 join each pair of sentences with a relative pronoun. Omit the relative pronoun where possible. 1 Our neighbours go fishing regularly. They live

opposite us.

2 He married a woman. He met her on a blind date.

3 There's a great shop in town. You can buy cheap jeans there.

4 1 have eaten the cake. You made it for me.

5 Her brother does well in his exams. His teacher is really good.

6 1 saw the sea. 1 can remember the first time.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

6 Rewrite the formal sentences as colloquial ones. Omit the relative pronouns where possible. 1 Ella the tour guide, for whom 1 was waiting,

finally arrived.

2 l'd like you to meet the person to whom 1 spoke.

3 lt was a bad situation in which 1 found myself.

4 This is my boyfriend of whom you've heard .

5 Here's the house in which 1 live.

6 lt's the place to which we go every year.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6



7 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support your view.

When 1 first helílnl of 'speevl vilíltin0' 1 thou9ht it sounvlevl ver0 unromlílntic. But m0 best frienvl Ellíline met her bo0frienvlspeevl vilíltin0 lílnvlshe relíl/10 recommenvls it. He Wlíl5 lílctulíl/10 the first person thlílt she spoke to. You on/0 hlílve four minutes with elílch person Cthou9h most people líl0ree thlílt's enou9h time . to vlecivle whether the0're 0our t0pe or not!J When the be// rin9s, the bo0s hlílve to 0et up lílnvi move to the ' next tlílble. M0 frienvlslíl05 it isn't emblílrmssin0 lílnvl 0ou vlon't feelself-conscious. In flílct, it's the opposite. The líltmosphere is funlílnvl/ive/0. Ever0one there Wlílnts to meet someone specilíll After 0ou hlílve tlíllkevl to •· ever0one, 0ou mn lílrmn0e líl vilílte with the person •· 0ou like best - provivlevl thlílt the0 like 0ou too! Ellíline fe// for Geor0e !ílfter !ílbout 30 seconvls! Anvl /ucki/0 he fe// for her too. But Ellíline Slílivl thlílt she mlílvle other frienvls lílt the Slílme time. Al/ kinvls of people 90 speevl vl1í1tin9. Professionlíll people, who hlílve · bus0 mreers, finvl it líln elíl50 Wlíl0 to meet people lílnvl hlílve líl fun ni9ht out. Ellíline Slílivl if she lílnvi Geor0e ever split up, she'vi tr0 it líl0lílin!

Everybody agrees tour minutes is enough to know if you fancy a person.

2 Elaine thinks speed-dating is fun and it doesn't make you feel nervous.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /4

8 Answer the questions in your own words. 1 What did the speaker originally think of speed


2 Why do professional people go speed dating?

3 In what circ*mstance would Elaine consider going speed dating again?

2 marks for each correct answer Score /6

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (19)


Vocabulary 1 Write verbs and adjectives for the

definitions. anxious or worried

2 feel as if yo u own someone

3 happy and elated

4 to really hate

5 to wish you hadn't done something

6 shy about yourself ___ _

7 extremely unhappy

8 jealous

1 mark for each correct answer Score /8

2 Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs in the correct form . Use the verbs and particles in the box.

go out get back fall ask split up with (2) for out

Sa lly ____ Ti m the moment she saw him. He was so good-looking .

2 Have yo u heard? Paul is _____ _ Kerry. They've had three dates already.

3 Dan and ]u lie have ____ together again . They love each other after all!

4 ]osie has ______ her boyfriend Wi ll iam because she didn't like him anymore.

5 Ben is nervous beca use he's going to __ Susie __ . He rea lly hopes she wants to go to the disco with him.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /5

3 Complete the sentences using too or enough and the adjectives in the box.

dry tight late hard well old

Q Why aren't you wearing that new dress?

A lt's size 8 and l'm size 1 O, so, unfortunately, it _____________ _

2 Q Why didn't you play tennis?

A Because it had been raining, and the grass

3 Q Why didn't you take the bus home?

A lt was 1 O and the last bus was at 9, so, unfortunately, we

4 Q Why didn'tyou go to the night club?

A Well, l'm only fifteen, so 1

5 Q Why didn't Charlie cometo the party?

A Well, he was a bit ill during the day, so he

6 Q Why didn't you pass the exam?

A Well, 1 did a lot of work, but 1 think the questions

1 mark for each correct answer Se ore /6

Grammar 4 join each pair of sentences with the correct

relative pronoun. Add commas where necessary. 1 llike watching movies. The movies have really

good plots .

2 The old coffee shop is about to close down. We often go to the coffee shop for coffee and a cake at the weekend.

3 My best friend is working with a guy. This guy used to live next door to us.

4 That was the summer holiday. 1 broke my ankle on that summer holiday.

5 Those people at the back are ruining the film . The people are making a lot of noise.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /5

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (20)

S Read the text and rewrite it using relative clauses.

M y old school was very traditional. lt had really strict teachers. I remember one teacher in particular. She used to make us sit in rows in silence. The school uniform was starchy and uncomfortable. I had to wear it every day. The classrooms were huge and painted white. They were incredibly cold in winter. Oh, and the school radiators were never switched on. They had only recently installed them.

My old school __________ _

2 1 remember one teacher in particu lar __ _

3 The school uniform ________ _

4 The classrooms __________ _

5 The school radiators ________ _

2 marks for each correct sentence Score /10

6 Complete the formal sentences with prepositions. Then rewrite the formal sentences as colloquial ones. Omit the relative pronouns where possible. 1 Ella the tour guide, __ whom 1 was waiting,

finally arrived.

2 l'd like you to meet the person __ whom 1 spoke.

3 lt was a bad situation __ which 1 found myself.

4 This is my boyfriend __ whom you've heard.

5 Here's the house __ which 1 live.

6 lt's the place __ which we go every year.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6



7 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support yourview.

When 1 first heard of 'speed dating ' 1 thought it sounded very unromantic. But my best friend Elaine met

her boyfriend speed dating and she really recommends it. He was actually the first person that she spoke to. You only have four minutes with each person Cthough most people agree that's enough time to decide whether they're your type or not!) . When the bell rings , the boys have to get up and move to the next table . My friend says it isn't embarrassing and you don 't feel self-conscious. In fact , it's the opposite. The atmosphere is fun and lively. Everyone there wants to meet someone special. After yo u have talked to everyone, you can arrange a date with the person you like best - provided that they like you too! Elaine fe ll for George after about 30 seconds! And luckily he fell for her too. But Elaine said that she made other friends at the same time. Al l kind s of people go speed dating. Professional people , who have busy careers , find it an easy way to meet people and have a fun night out. Elaine said if she and George ever split up, she'd try it again!

Everybody agrees four minutes is enough to know if you fancy a person.

2 Elaine thinks speed-dating is fun and it doesn't make you feel nervous.

1 1


2 marks for each correct answer Score /4

8 Answer the questions in your own words. 1 What did the speaker originally think of speed


2 Why do professional people go speed dating?

3 In what circ*mstance would Elaine consider going speed dating again?

2 marks for each correct answer Score /6

E ASEE 1,." 1

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (21)


Vocabulary 1 Complete the sentences with the words in

the box.


brand loss barriers rights mu ltinationa l piracy access profit

A Who owns the distribution to the new james Bond fi lm?

B 1 don't know. lt cou ld be Miramax.

2 A Has your company made a this year?

B No. We did badly this year. We made a of El 70,000.

3 A What can we do about in the film industry?

B Check the name on the DVD cover and if you can't find one, don't buyit.

4 A How do you the site?

B just type in your password.

5 A What's your opinion of companies?

B l'm not sure. Sorne people say they break down between cultures but others think they destroy cultures .

1 mark for each correct answer Score

Complete the sentences with the correct form of six of the words in the box.

earn hope miss career remember degree wait

sensible remind win

sensitive lose

Can you ______ meto bring home sorne milk?


2 Elsa was ______ that Marc would ask herout.

3 l'm determined to ______ a good salary when 1 start working .

4 Rick wants to leave university with a good

5 the bus. lt went without me.

6 She's a girl. She cries whenever she has an argument with someone.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

arguments recorded

eventually support marks involved

S he got excellent ______ for her essay.

2 lt's good to have someone to _____ _ you when you are having problems.

3 We had to wait for 20 minutes but ______ the bus ca me.

4 They became in a long discussion about the war.

5 The Beatles their first al bu m in the 1960s.

6 The band had so many that they fina lly split u p.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

Grammar 4 Transform the sentences from active to

passive. 1 The police are questioning Mr Williams at the


2 They haven't interviewed Mrs Porter for the job y e t.

3 They distributed the rights to the film six months ago.

4 The author must sign all the books today.

5 They had already sold the car.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /10

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (22)

5 Rewrite the sentences in the passive beginning as shown. 1 Marina's husband has bought her a new

laptop. A new laptop ___________ _

2 1'11 send you this month's report tomorrow. You _____________ _ _ _

3 People say that the economy is slowing down. lt ______________ _

4 The producers had shown the visitors the new recording room .

The new recording room ___ _ ___ _

5 Experts say that wind power is a cheap, safe and efficient alternative to fossi l fuel. Wind power _ _ _ _ ________ _

6 The organizers sold us some tickets. We ______________ __

7 People believe that education is the key to a successful future. Education _ ___________ __

8 Experts believe that the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing . lt ____________________________ _

1 mark for each correct answer Score /8

6 Rewrite the sentences beginning as shown. Use hove 1 get something done. 1 A new swimming pool will be built next year.

The counci l ____________ _

2 Our house hasn't been painted yet. We ___ _ __________ __

3 My neighbours' windows are being replaced . My neighbours _ _ _ _______ _

4 His suit has never been cleaned . He _ ______________ _

1 mark for each correct answer Score /4



7 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support your view.

lt is said that downloading from the Internet is now becoming the most popular way for young people to access

music. S ome media experts believe that CDs will soon be a thing of the past and that in the future al l music will

be downloaded from the Internet. lf you haven't started

downloading already, then you could be spending more '

money on music than you need to. Downloading is an easy,

low-cost way of accessing new music and unknown bands ¡¡:

but it can seem a bit daunting if you're new to it. However,

files can be downloaded easily and quickly if you follow these


1 6rowse You needn't be tempted to download music illegal ly - there

are lots of excellent legal sites to choose from. Browse a few sit es befare you decide which download service to use.

lt's important to choose ones that have the music you're

interested in. This will save you lots of t ime. And don't worry,

you can browse most sites without having to register.

:2 Cnec::k lf you're using a portable MP3 player, check that it can be

used with the download sites you've chosen.

3 C lips

Most of the sit es offer short clips of songs that you can

list en to before you download. This will also save you t ime.

4 6roadband Downloading m u sic on an ordinary dial- up connect ion can

take hours, so make sure you use a broadband connection .

Many companies these days offer inexpensive monthly


Downloading is cheaper than buying CDs.

2 You can browse all sites without registering .

2 marks for each correct answer Score /4

8 Answer the questions in your own words. 1 What do most sites offer before yo u download?

2 Why is it best to have a broadband connection?

2 marks for each correct answer Score /4

Total test score /50


Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (23)



1 Complete the sentences with the missing nouns and adjectives. 1 Music is a rea l problem. lt

involves making and selling illegal copies of CDs.

2 The names of some products, such as Prada bags or Levi's jeans, are as wel l-known as the products themselves.

3 Lawyers are arguing over the distribution ______ of a new Hollywood film .

4 1 bought my bike for El 00 and sold it for E200, so 1 made a rea lly good _____ _

5 ]ill works for a company which has offices in London, New York, Madrid and Paris.

6 Our company has made a of over a El 00,000. lt's very worrying.

7 More and more people in the world have ______ to the internet as technology makes it more available.

8 A Spanish company has made a ______ with a ]apanese company to import motorbikes from ]apan .

1 mark for each correct answer Score /8

2 One word in each sentence is wrong. Find the word and correct it. 1 1 work long hours but 1 don't win much money

each month in my job. _____ _

2 The alarm didn't go off so we lost the bus and were late for school. _____ _

3 Could you remember meto stop at the shop on the way home? _____ _

4 'What have you missed?' 'My watch. 1 can't find it anywhere.' _____ _

5 ]enny is the most sensible girl 1 know. She cries whenever she argues w ith someone.

6 Are you hoping forme? 1'11 be as quick as 1 can .

7 At university, Sue took a career in sociology.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /7

3 Complete the sentences with a false friend. 1 1 Manchester United . They're

my favourite team .

2 ]oe got top in t he exam.

3 We had to wait for 20 minutes but ______ the bus came.

4 l'm out tonight. Can you ______ the film on Channel 1 forme?

1 mark for each correct answer Score /4


4 Transform the sentences from active to passive in two different ways. Write two sentences.

The academy is presenting Doctor Hughes with an award this afternoon .

2 They haven't offered Mrs Price the job yet.

3 People say that the economy is starting to slow down.

4 The university gave students courses in Art History last year.

5 People believe that literature isn't as interesting as it used to be.

6 Simon is sending friends home-made Christmas cards next year.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /12

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (24)

5 Read the text. Use the information to write seven sentences in the passive.

In this week's Oispatches, undercover reporters have investigated claims that last year crimina l gangs employed thousands of illegal workers in factories across the country. The gangs are paying the workers very low wages and they expect sorne workers to work fifteen-hour shifts . Sorne workers may earn as little as two euros per hour. Sorne people say that this kind of criminal activity is on the increase, and that somebody must stop it.

In this week's Dispatches, claims _ _ __ _

2 Thousands of illega l workers _____ _

3 The workers _____ _ _ _ ___ _

4 Sorne workers __________ _ _

5 As little as two euros per hour _ _ ___ _

6 lt is _______________ _

7 lt ______________ _

1 mark for each correct answer Score /7

6 Rewrite the sentences beginning as shown. Use ha ve/ get something done. 1 The council are going to build a new swimming

pool in our town next year. The council ____________ _

2 The decorators have worked on my house. l _______ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __

3 The door was broken so we called a ca rpenter. VVe _______________ __

4 His suit was dirty but it looks great now. He ________________ _

1 mark for each correct answer Score /4


7 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support yourview. 1 Downloading is cheaper than buying CDs.

2 You can browse all sites without registering.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /4


lt is soid thot downlooding from the Internet is now

becoming the most popular woy for young people to occess

m u sic. You'd th ink thot the purchose of o CD, o simple

piece of plost ic, would prove cheoper thon going online

for your music, but you'd be wrong. In foct, some medio

experts believe thot CDs will soon be o th ing of the post

ond thot in the future oll music will be downlooded from the

Internet. lf you hoven't storted downlooding olreody, then

you could be spending more money on music thon you need

to. Downlooding is on eosy, low-cost woy of occessing new

music ond unknown bonds but it con seem a bit dounting

if you're new to it. However, files con be downlooded eosily

ond quickly. Follow these steps.

1 6r-owss You needn't be t empted to downlood music illegolly - there

ore lots of excellent legal sit es to choose from. Browse a few sit es befare you decide which downlood service to use.

lt's importont to choose ones thot hove the music you're

interested in . This will sove you lots of t ime. And don't

worry if you're concerned obout reveoling personal detoils.

A lllegol sites ore perfectly sofe, ond most ore hoppy to let

you browse their products without hoving to go through the

t ime-consuming r igmorole of registering.

:2 Cnsck lf you're using o portoble MP3 ployer, check thot it con be

used with the downlood sit es you've chosen.

3 C lips Most of the sit es offer short cl ips of songs thot you con

list en to befare you downlood.

4 6r-oc:~dbc:~nd

Downlooding music on on ordinory diol- up connection will

st ill result in you getting the some product os you would

using broodbond, but, it con toke hours, so moke sure you

use a broodbond connection if you con . Mony componies

these doys offer inexpensive monthly poc oges.

8 Answer the questions in your own words. 1 VVhat do most sites offer before you download?

2 VVhy is it best to have a broadband connection?

2 marks for each correct answer Score /4

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (25)

The history of the wheel Can you imagine life without the wheel? No bicycles, no cars, no trains, no buses, no planes. Without wheels, many forms of transport would be impossible. Wheels form an integral part of most machinery as well as countless other devices that we simply take for granted. In fact, the applications of the wheel in modern life and technology are virtually infinite.

Most historians consider the wheel to be one of the most ancient and important inventions. The earliest known wheels were constructed in Mesopotamia and date from about 3500 to 3000 BC. These were used mainly by potters - people who make things like cups and plates out of clay - to turn their creations. Wheeled vehicles are believed to have appeared sometime after the invention of the potter's wheel, and the wheeled cart soon replaced the sledge - a kind of vehicle without wheels - as a means of transportation.

In its simplest form, the wheel was a solid wooden disk mounted on a round axle, secured by wooden pins. Eventually sections were cut out of the disk to reduce the weight, and

1 Read the text and answer the questions in your own words. 1 Why is the w heel such an important invention?

2 Why were the ea rly wheels heavy?

3 What was t he effect of t he wheel on agricu lture?

4 Why did it take so long to invent the wheel?

2 marks for each correct answer Score /8

2 Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support your answer.

There are almost no limits to the applicat ion of the w heel in modern life.

2 lt is thought that the idea for the potter's wheel ca me after the invention of w heeled vehic les.

3 Humans have been making wheels for 143,000 years.

4 Pottery w as invented by a bril liant individual.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /8

radial spokes were devised about 2000 BC. The wheel led to more efficient use of animal power for agricultura and other work. It quickly became an invaluable mechanical means for controlling the flow and direction of energy.

. When you think about it, it seems incredible that horno sapiens sapiens - humans- existed 150,000 years ago but for 143,000 of those years, they remained 'wheel-less'. So why did people with physical capacities equal to our own walk the earth for



so long before creating the wheel? Palaeontologists say it is because human populations were extremely small and nomadic during most of this period, and the wheel, which requires an axle and support to be useful, is not as simple a device as it may seem. Making and balancing a wheel requires a skilled expert, and humans simply didn't spend enough time in one place for expertise to emerge.

Amazingly, although the invention of the wheel was a major turning point in our civilisation, we will never know who to thank. Unlike other earlier inventions such as pottery, the wheel is thought to have been the creation of a single, brilliant but unknown inventor.

1· 1


1· 1

3 Choose the best answers according to the text.


1 The w heel revo lutionized agriculture beca use ...

a it allowed people to t ravel greater distances.

b it allowed people to control the f low of water.

e humans could use an imal power more effectively.

2 The f irst w heels were ...

a rep laced by meta l ones.

b later developed to make them lighter.

e changed before 2000 BC w hen rad ial spokes were invented.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /6

4 Find synonyms or antonyms for these words in the text. 1 A synonym for almost. _____ _

2 An antonym for increase. _____ _

3 A synonym for created. _____ _

4 An antonym for famous. _____ _

2 marks for each correct answer Score /8


Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (26)


Cause for alarm? Stealing from shops, or shoplifting, has existed for centuries. Keeping police and the courts busy, shoplifting is one of the most common property crimes in the world. In the mid 20th century, as self-service shops became more common, shoplifting increased considerably. Experts say that shoplifting causes considerable damage to business and customers by forcing shops to increase prices. In 2007, it was reported that shoplifting cost US retail shop owners $25 million a day. Other studies claim that the majority of what is reported as shoplifting is actually either employee theft or fraud.

Befare the advent of closed-circuit television (CCTV), shoplifters were rarely caught. When they were caught, the store would not usually report the theft to the police be cause of the complicated legal procedures involved. Shop owners would commonly fine the offender, tell him or her never to return to the store, and let him or her go. Technological advances, however, have helped increase security. Closed-circuit television cameras are common now in all shops. With this system, customers' movements are

recorded and anybody trying to steal or damage property can be detected. However, retailers trying to reduce theft in this way often have to devote a lot of resources to the job as CCTV requires full-time, human monitoring of the cameras. This means that the shop has to hire someone to sit and stare at the camera all day which is, in itself, expensive. In addition, sorne thieves are so skilful that they are not caught and rarely even detected.

These days, most retail establishments rely on electronic security tags which are attached to products. The tag can only be removed by employees with a special device. If a shoplifter tries to leave the store with a stolen article, the scanners installed at the front of the store will detect it and an alarm sounds.

Curiously, many people who shoplift are actually wealthy. In the last few years, many famous actors and actresses have been arrested for shoplifting, among them the American actress Winona Ryder.

1 1 ~ 1





1· 1

~========================================~~~==.~======================================~·~~~~~ .. ·' 1 Read the text. Are the sentences true or

false? Quote words from the text to support yourview. 1 Self-service shops have made shoplifting more


2 Employee theft costs the retailer a great dea l in lost profits.

3 lt is qu ite simple to send a shoplifter to prison.

4 You can easi ly take the safety tag off goods.

3 marks for each correct answer Score /12

2 Find words in the text that mean ... 1 harm something physica lly.

2 made an official statement.

3 deve lopments.

4 a machine or piece of equipment.

3 marks for each correct answer Score /12

3 Choose the best answers according to the text. 1 Shoplifting in crea sed beca use .. .

a the police and courts are busy.

b retai lers increased prices.

e self-service shops became more common .

d of employee fraud .

2 Closed-circuit television ...

a has not really helped to catch shoplifters .

b is an inexpensive technological improvement that helps stop shoplifting.

e was invented after security tags.

d in creases expenses for the shop.

3 Electron ic security tags ...

a cannot be removed by customers.

b can be removed by employees with their hands.

e require television monitoring .

d are often not detected by scanners.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /6

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (27)


The gender gap in sport Will women ever be able to run as fast as men? Andy Tatem of Oxford University, who has conducted research into the sprinting speed of men and women athletes, believes there is a good chance that they will. But not until 2156!

A mathematical analysis over the past hundred years, shows that women's performance is improving significantly faster than men's. If this trend continuas, the fastest person in the world in 2156 will be a woman athlete able to run the lOO metres in 8.079 seconds. However, the margin of error in the calculation means that this could happen as soon as 2064 or as late as 2788.

In the first women's 100-metre Olympic final in Amsterdam in 1928, the winning time was 12.2 seconds. The men's final was won in 10.8 seconds, so the difference was 1.4 seconds. By 1952, the difference between the women's 100-metre time and the men's was down to 1.1 seconds. And in four of the five Olympics between 1988 and 2000, the difference was less than a second. Tatem's theory was looking good until 2004,

Read the text and complete the sentences with appropriate information. 1 Researchers allow for a of

in their results - t he distance ----between two extremes of research fi ndings.

2 The between t he fastest man and the fastest woman in 1928 was 1.4 seconds.

3 The world's fastest man can run ___ _ metres in just less than seconds.

4 The who holds the current women's world record is Florence Griffith-]oyner.

1 .5 marks for each correct answer Score /6

2 Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support your view. 1 Andy Tatem believes there is little chance of

women running faster than men.

2 Since 1928, women's 1 00-metre sprinting times have improved steadily compared with men's.

3 Researchers believe t hat athletes of both sexes wi ll eventua lly reach t heir natural limit .

4 Abi Oyepitan agrees with Andy Tatem.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /8

when the gap widened to 1.08 seconds, as female Belarussian, Yuliya Nesterenko, won the Olympic final in 10.93 seconds while American male, Justin Gatlin, won in 9.85. Then, in the 2008 games, the gender gap increased to 1.09 seconds as Jamaican Usain Bolt broke the men's world record with a time of 9.69 seconds. Shelly-Ann Fraser won the women's final, the same year, in 10.78 seconds. Another flaw in Tatem's theory is the fact that women athletes have not been able to beat Florence Griffith-Joyner's world record set in 1988.

Many researchers believe that, at sorne point, neither men nor women athletes will be able to run any faster. Others believe that men will always win because of the size of their bodies, testosterone production and muscle mass.

Abi Oyepitan, Britain's leading sprinter, is sceptical of the Oxford researcher's claims. 'I don't believe women will ever run faster than men', she stated. 'I don't think it 's physically possible. There's now a second between men and women in the 100 metres, and that will always be the case. But if it happens in the next 50 years, I'll remember this conversation'.

3 Choose the best answers according to the text. 1 A mathematica l analysis shows that ...

a men and women are both improving their ru nning speeds.

b eventually women wi ll increase t hei r speed more than men.

e Andy Tatem's theory is not fl awed.

2 So me believe t hat m en will always w in as ...

a t hey are physica lly stronger.

b t hey have always won befare.

e Usa in Bolt seta new male's record in 2008.


3 marks for each correct answer Seo re /6

4 Find words in the text that mean ... 1 a large diffe rence between grou ps.

2 a gradual change that produces a part icular result.

3 a mistake.

4 an athlete who runs fast over short distances

5 a statement that something is true.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /10

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (28)


Cosmic conspiracies Since ancient times, people have seen unexplained lights or objects in the sky. We now cal! these Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs. The first, widely publicized, sighting of one of these in recent times was in Roswell, USA.

The name of Roswell, New Mexico has now become synonymous with UFOs in popular culture. On July 7, 1947, alien-looking materials were recovered there. There is much debate about what actually happened and the evidence itself is widely disputed. However, according to conspiracy theorists, a crashed, alíen spacecraft and bodies were recovered. Further, the US military attempted to cover-up this 'evidence'. The military claim, in contrast, that what was actually recovered was debris from a secret, experimental, high-altitude surveillance balloon. Whatever the truth of the Roswell incident, it ranks as one of the most publicized and controversia! ever.

Many thousands of similar observations have since been reported worldwide, including recent sightings in the skies above London. However, sceptics claim that there are many rational explanations for UFO reports. These range from human

1 Read the text and answer the questions in your own words. 1 Are UFOs a recent phenomenon?

2 How are UFO sightings explained by sceptics?

3 Why do scientists reject the idea of UFOs?

4 marks for each correct answer Score /12

2 Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support your view. 1 The US military eovered up UFO sightings.

2 Roswell was a proven UFO ineident.

3 Scientifie opinion is evenly divided over the possibi lity of inte ll igent life on other planets.

4 Dr David Clarke believes that the UFO eontroversy w ill go on.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /8

activity, such as satellites or aircraft, to natural phenomena like peculiar clouds, meteors or stars. Critics go further and point out that many people these days like to attract public attention by engaging in hoaxes or may, simply, be experiencing drug­induced delusions.

Though no scientifically valid evidence supports belief in UFOs, this does not, of course, exclude the possibility that extraterrestrial civilizations actually exist. In fact , many scientists agree that it is possible - sorne say even probable -that sorne kind of extraterrestriallife is 'out there'. The issue with UFOs is simply a lack of hard evidence.

In 2008, secret files on UFO sightings in the UK were made available for the first time by the British National Archives. Dr David Clarke, who is a lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme, "I doubt the disclosure of these files will convince those who believe there is an official cover-up. Inevitably, sorne have already dismissed this release as a whitewash. For them the 'truth' still remains out there, hidden no doubt in more top secret files concealed somewhere else."

3 Choose the best answers according to the text. 1 The USA mi litary claim that what was aetual ly

recovered at Roswell was ...

a a seeret mi litary craft.

b dangerous satell ite material.

e satellites.

2 Most scientists seem to think that intelligent life on other planets is ...

a probable.

b possible.

e un likely.

3 marks for each correct answer Score /6

4 Find the underlined words or expressions in the text. What do they mean in the context? Choose the best answer. 1 debris 2 hoaxes

a weapons a experienees

b satellites b trieks

e remains e erit icisms

d experiments d publicity

2 marks for each correct answer. Score /4

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (29)

The benefits of a good night's sleep

We all know that a good night 's sleep helps learning. Parents say so, teachers say so, doctors say so. But is there an explanation for this or is it an excuse that adults use to send teenagers to bed early?

Until recently, sleep was considered to be just a period of time when a person was not awake. However, as a result of studies conducted over the past 30 years, we now know more about what goes on when we sleep and the different stages of sleep. Scientists have discovered, for example, that our brain remains active while we sleep and that it performs a variety of tasks. For instance, certain stages of sleep help us feel well rested and energetic the following day, and other stages help us learn more effectively or even create memories.

In the last few years, sleep researchers have focussed intently on the relationship between sleep and memory. They have

1 Read the text and answer the questions in your own words. 1 What do the different stages of sleep help us do?

2 Why can people who are taught menta lly challenging tasks do them better after sleeping?

2 marks for each correct answer Score /6

2 Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support your view. 1 We continue learning while we sleep.

2 Before an exam, we remember things more easi ly if we stay awake all night.

3 The more we sleep, the fewer things we remember.

4 What we eat has an influence on the effectiveness of our learning.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /8

discovered that the brain consolidates and practises what it learned during the day after we go to sleep, so learning continues while a person is sleeping. That means that people who are taught mentally challenging tasks do them better after a good night 's sleep. Research also suggests that sleep is needed for creative problem solving. This is true in human beings of al! ages. It means that sleeping after a lesson is learned is as important as resting well befare a test or an exam, something that very few people do. What is much more common is to stay awake all night studying. We think that one last minute of revision is going to help us perform better. Big mistake! Tests done with students at Harvard University Medica! School have shown that learning a new task and remembering information of any kind will be facilitated and improved by adequate sleep.

However, there are other factors that contribute to learning well, such as a healthy diet or low stress levels. So, if we want to improve our academic performance , maybe we should have another look at what we eat and drink and the things we do.

3 Choose the best answers according to the text. 1 The different stages of sleep help us ...

a keep our brain active.

b perform different tasks while sleeping .

e form memories and be more effective learners.

2 Researchers have discovered that ...

a remembering is improved by a good night's res t.

b sleeping after learning something is ineffective.

e only young people's brains can learn during sleep.

3 marks for each correct answer Score /6

4 Find words in the text that mean ... 1 something that you can remember

2 people who study to find new facts or information ___ __ _

3 activities or exercises _____ _

4 elements or components _ ___ _ _ _

5 anxiety or tension ____ _ _ _

2 marks for each correct answer Score /10






,' ,


Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (30)



Border security As a response to the September ll, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre buildings and the Pentagon, the United States began increasing security measures for all foreign visitors, including Western Europeans. Transatlantic travellers soon found they had to pass through tighter security on their arrival at US airports and recently the levels of security have increased again. Prior to the tightening of security measures, Britons and sorne other travellers had not needed a visa to enter the USA (unless they were staying more than 90 days). But in recent years there ha ve been two rounds of increased security measures.

First of all, in 2004, European travellers were obliged to get

we have not had any negative feedback. The process is digital. It doesn't involve any ink and the scanning machine is a very simple device. '

However, since 2007, travellers have been forced to give fingerprints of all lO fingers befare being allowed to enter the country. These new security measures now apply to passengers from Western Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Brunei and Singapore. Only diplomats, children below the age of 14, and adults over 80 are exempt.

Curiously, these new security measures have not caught any terrorists, nor have they been effective in screening for bombs. But the system has uncovered severa! 'undesirables' such as common criminals.

visas (unless they had a machine-readable passport). On arrival, Newspaper journalist Charles Starmer-Smith reports that they had to be photographed and have their fingerprints taken 'overseas travel to the United S tates is 17% lower than it was

; :

too. Originally, these security procedures were relatively befare the September ll terrorist attacks, while worldwide 1:

painless - fingerprinting took around 15 seconds and only travel has increased by 20 per cent during that time'. This involved the index finger of the right hand. 'We have been taking indicates that the decrease in tourism in the USA could be 1

finger scans of British nationals since January, 2004,' said related to the treatment visitors receive on arrival at US 1

Bob Mocny, deputy director of airport security systems, 'and airports. 1:

~~~~---====--=-=-=-=~~~-=---=-=====--~----=---=-=---=-==-==--=-==-~1 . '

1 Read the text and answer the questions in your own words. 1 lf you are a transatlantic passenger travelling to

America, where might you be travel ling from?

2 What does negative feedback mean?

3 ls an international terrorista common criminal?

4 marks for each correct answer Score /12

2 Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support your view. 1 In the past, British citizens only needed a visa to

stay in the USA for more than 90 days.

2 The first fingerprint ing process took about a minute for each traveller.

3 There have been comp laints about the system.

4 Elderly people don't get their fingerprints taken.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /8

3 Choose the best answers according to the text. 1 After the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks,

the USA ...

a targeted Western Europeans as potential terrorists.

b strengthened security measures.

e increased the number of scanning devices.

2 The USA's new security meas u res have ...

a decreased terrorist activity.

b caught sorne common crimina ls.

e received a lot of negative feedback.

3 marks for each correct answer Score /6

4 Find words in the text that mean ... 1 controlled very carefully and strictly.

2 an electronic device that reads documents.

3 allowed to ignore a ru le. _ ___ _

4 dangerous or involved in crime. _ ___ _

marks for each correct answer Score /4

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (31)

Term J


1 Choose the correct option. 1 Water is superfluous/essential to life, but in

sorne countries people have to walk/walking a long way to get it.

2 Old-fashioned/Expensive light bulbs are often very inefficient. lt's better using/to use energy saving light bulbs.

3 They had to invent/inventing a device to provide people with clean water. They made something that was complex/simple for anyone to use.

4 Cars are very handy/impractical when you need to get somewhere quickly, but we shouldn't to use/use them for every journey.

5 Trevor Baylis worked hard to promote his wind­up/complex radio . Making/to make the radio was the easy part!

1 mark for each correct answer Score /1 O

2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

report control comply considerate able to ban tolerate issue

part restrict

Did the police manage to the crowd?

2 Our teacher won't it if you're late for class.

3 All drivers have to with driving regulations.

4 The students took in an anti -war demonstration .

5 The government finally decided to _ _____ smoking in public.

6 When did the police officer the teenager with an ASBO?

7 ASBOs a person's freedom.

8 Did you the incident to the police?

9 Be . Don't play loud music late at night.

1 O He wasn't ______ stop the fight.

1 mark for ea eh correct answer Seo re /1 O

3 Rewrite the sentences using the correct phrasal verbs. 1 They want to put up with a new company next


2 People will work out trouble if they break the law.

3 We shouldn't have to get out of violence on the streets.

4 They couldn't get into the problem.

5 She's very positive and talks a lot into lite .

6 My friends thought they cou ld set me up going to the night club .

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6


4 Complete the sentences with the past simple, present perfect simple or present perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Dad (be) ill alllast week.

2 S he (not find) a house yet.

3 jeff (make) breakfast. Come and eat it.

4 (drive) for long. 1 passed my test last week.

5 (finish) my homework. Let's go out.

6 We (travel) for three months. 1

want to go home.

1 mark for each correct answer Se ore /6

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (32)











~ 6




Complete the sentences with the past simple, past perfect simple or past perfect continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 jack (study) to be a doctor

befare he became an actor.

2 The climate conference (start) three days earlier and there was still a lot to talk abo u t.

3 The editor (interview) journalists all week, but he still hadn't found the right person.

4 Tom Cruise (give) a press conference in Madrid last week.

5 He scored a goallast week. He (score) a goal at al l until then.

6 We (drive) round in circles for hours befare we finally found the hotel.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

Rewrite the sentences with modal verbs and modal perfects. 1 You are advised not to visit the south of the

country. lt's too dangerous.

2 lt was a mistake to go to work. You've got the flu .

3 l'm sure they are not at home. The lights are off and the car isn't there .

4 Tom brought a bottle of wine. lt was unnecessary. There's plenty.

5 Perhaps my uncle arrived at the airport on time.

6 lf 1 were you 1 wou ld have a rest. You look tired .

2 marks for each correct answer Score /12



7 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support your view.

I t happened last Saturday night. 1 had been out for dinner with my boyfriend at our local

lndian restaurant, and when 1 carne back 1 discovered that my house had been burgled.

The thieves must ha ve climbed through the living room window beca use when we got home it was wide open. The glass hadn 't been smashed so 1 suppose the window can't ha ve been locked. 1 remember locking both the front door and back door but 1 must have forgotten to check the windows. Anyway, they managed to break in so easily that 1 needn 't ha ve bothered worrying about the doors!

1 reponed it to the police, of course, and they carne round stra ightaway. They told me 1 should get new locks fitted on all the windows. 1 may ha ve to get a new lock on the front door too. The police officer looked at it and said that the lock was really ineffective and that most burglars would know how to break it quite easily.

So, it's going to cost a lot of money to m ake the house more secure . 1 can't really afford to get new locks fitted but 1 think 1 will ha veto do it.

The burglars got into the house through a window.

2 The owner of the house didn't bother locking the doors.

3 The police think she should change the window locks.


, ' ::

2 marks for each correct answer. Score /6

8 Answer the questions in your own words. 1 When did the writer realize her house had been


2 Why is the writer thinking of changing the front door lock?

2 marks for each correct answer Score /4

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (33)

Vocabulary 1 Complete the sentences with suitable words.

1 MP3 players are items as they're not essential to our lives.

2 Electric coffee makers are a really ______ invention.

3 light bulbs


are better for the environment than traditional ones. _____________ cars cause a

lot of pollution .

5 The best inventions are not _____ _ and tend to be quite simple, obvious ideas.

6 The first computers were enormous and very

______ to have in a normal home.

7 Trevor Baylis worked hard to promote his _____________ radio.

8 Most watches are _____ _

9 Electronic books are a _____ _ ______ version of traditiona l books.

1 O Most people say mobi le phones are ______ gadgets in our everyday lives.

mark for each correct answer Score /10

2 Complete the sentences with suitable words.

Six thousand people joined the peaceful march, and the police found it easy to _____ _ t he crowd.

2 1 can't ______ people who are prejud iced .

3 You have to with the rules if you want to play in the league.

4 1 have never taken ______ in a demonstration.

5 1 think drinking alcohol in public places should be _____ _

6 ASBOs a person's freedom .

7 The poli ce officer was to stop the thief so he ca lled the police station for more support.

8 1 the burglary to the police.

9 people take into account the feelings of others.

1 O 1 wasn't to finish the job on my own, so 1 asked for help.

1 mark for Parh rorrprt ;mc:wPr ~rnrP /1 n

3 Replace the underlined word or phrase with a phrasal verb.

1 1 tried to convince him to lend me the money.

2 They tried all morning to solve the crossword puzzle but they couldn't. _____ _

3 l'm sick and ti red of to lerating inconsiderate people. _____ _

4 l'm going to start a hairdressing business next year. _____ _

5 You w ill find yourself in a lot of trouble if you cheat in the exam . _____ _

6 Marie is a very motivated athlete who makes the most of every day of training. _____ _

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

Grammar 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form

of the verbs in the box.

start (not) score (not) wear interview (not) see read fee sleep pay drive

______ ill yesterday, but today 1 am much better.

2 The climate conference three days earlier and there was still a lot tota l k about.

3 1 glasses for very long. 1 bought these, my first pair, last week.

4 1 for lunch yesterday, so now it's your turn .

5 The ed itor journal ists all week, but he stil l hadn't found the right person.

6 She all day, but now she is awake.

7 Mum ______ the mess yet, she's going to be fu rious!

8 He scored a goallast week. He _____ _ a goal at all until then.

9 1 this book since March and 1

can 't seem to finish it.

1 O We round in circles for hours before we fina lly found the hotel.

1 mark for each correct answer Seo re /1 O

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (34)

5 Rewrite the sentences with modal verbs and modal perfects. 1 You are advised not to visit the south of the

country. lt's too dangerous.

2 lt was a mistake to go to work. You've got the flu.

3 l'm sure they are not at home. The lights are off and the car isn't there.

4 Tom brought a bottle of wine . lt wasn't unnecessary. There was plenty.

5 Perhaps my uncle arrived at the airport on time.

6 Don't walk on the grass! lt's not allowed.

7 1 was very sporty when 1 was young. 1 had the chance of being a professiona l footballer.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /14


6 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support yourview. 1 The burglars got into the house through a


2 The owner of the house didn't bother locking the doors.

3 The police think she should change the window locks.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /6


lt happened last Saturday night. 1 had been out for dinner with a couple of friends at our local lndian restaurant, and when 1 carne back, to my horror 1 discovered that my house had been burgled.

At first 1 didn't notice anything odd, but when 1 spotted that my brand-new flat screen TV was missing 1 started to panic. The thieves must have climbed through the living room window because when 1 got home it was wide open. The glass hadn't been smashed so 1 suppose the window can't have been locked properly. 1

remember locking both the front and back door but 1 must have forgotten to check the windows. Anyway, they managed to break in so easily that 1

needn't have bothered worrying about the doors! As well as the TV, they had stolen my DVD player plus a couple of hundred pounds that l'd left on the coffee table. Luckily they hadn't touched the jewellery 1 inherited from my grandma.

1 reported it to the police, of course, and they carne round straight away and inspected the damage and took fingerprints . They to ld me 1

ought to get new locks fitted on all the windows straight away and that 1 should consider getting a burglar alarm. 1 may have to get a new lock on the front door too . The police officer looked at it and said that the lock was really ineffective and that most burglars wou ldn't have the slightest difficulty in breaking it.

So, it looks li ke it's going to costa lot of money to make the house more secure. 1 can't really afford to get new locks andan alarm fitted but 1 think it wil l be worth the money as 1 can 't rest at night knowing that rny home is so insecure.

7 Answer the questions in your own words. 1 When did the writer rea lize her house had been




l. 1

2 Why is the writer thinking of changing the front door lock?

2 marks for each correct answer Score /4

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (35)


1 Complete the sentences with words from the box.

proud confident courageous determined ambitious focused

He was to pass his driving test.

2 1 was so when 1 passed my exam.

3 You have to be to get to the top of your career.

4 ltwas of them to stand up to the bullies.

5 He was completely on winning the race.

6 He was very that he would get the job.

1 mark for each correct answer Se ore /6

2 Complete the compound adjectives. 1 1 didn't like him. He was dishonest and


2 She was single- about completing the task.

3 He's a very nice, kind - person.

4 He was very level- during the crisis.

5 You need to be strong- to cl imb Mount Everest.

6 She had to be fa ir and even- at the meeting .

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

tune in headline live broadcast tabloid viewer

1 We watched a of the event.

2 The article hadan amusing _____ _

3 A wrote a letter of complaint about the show.

4 The journalist writes for a _____ _ newspaper.

5 Mi llions of people ______ to this radio station every day.

4 look at the prefixes of each adjective. Choose the correct meaning. 1 underestimate estimate too much/estimate

too little

2 re record record again /not record

3 un natural very natural / not natura l

4 overreact react too much/ react too little

5 extraordinary more than ordinary/ not very ordinary

6 international connecting more than one nation/ one nation

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6


S Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to make conditional sentences.

As long as l _____ (catch) the 8.15 train, 1 (get) there in time.

2 lf 1 _____ (have) the time, 1

______ (do) more cooking .

3 lf 1 (learn) to play the piano when 1 was a child, 1 (be able) to play now.

4 He ______ (not get) that job, un less he (do) well at the interview.

5 lf you (not waste) so much time getting ready, you always ______ (not be) late.

6 They ______ (not cancel) the flight if there (not be) a problem.

Yz mark for each correct answer Score /6

6 Choose the correct option. 1 1 wou ldn't have got the job, even if/provided

that 1 had been to the interview.

2 You won't find the crimina ls provided that/ unless you examine the evidence.

3 1 wish 1 haven't/hadn't said that.

4 He'll get better, provided that/ even if he takes his medicine.

5 1 wish he was/would be less annoying.

1 mark for each correct ans'!Ver Score /5

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (36)



Rewrite the sentences starting as shown. 1 You mustn't arrive late at the airport.

She warned us

2 1'11 take you to the conference if you need a lift.

He offered

3 Has the reporter interviewed Ms Knightley?

He wanted to know

4 You must study harder if you want to pass the exam.

The teacher insisted

5 Let's not argue about it.

She suggested

6 1 wou ldn't listen to Andy if 1 were you .

He advised me

2 marks for each correct answer Score /12

Write the reported questions, orders, requests and suggestions in direct speech. 1 She asked whether it was OK to change the


2 He told us that the office was closed.

3 S he asked where the new assistant had gone.

4 S he insisted that we pay for the damage.

5 He ordered them not to send that report by email.

6 She wondered what time the report had been on the news .

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6



9 Read the text and answer the questions in your own words.

S tories about ce lebrities are guaranteed to keep magazine circulation figures rising and editors know it. Britney Spears is a celebrity

the media love and who people love to read about. And unfortunately, this means that she can't go anywhere without lots of tabloid journalists and photographers following her every move.

Some say that the constant attention of the media has contributed to Britney's personal problems. lf you open any of the cheaper magazines or tabloid newspapers, you' ll see plenty of articles about her. and a photo of Britney can sell for as much as $100,000. So, should we ask ourselves when does journalism become harassment?

Following the death of Princess Diana in 1997, ce lebri t ies felt that they cou ld complain about unfa ir treatment from the media . Yet. today's newspapers continue to mislead the public and continue to ruin the lives of certain celebrities. Shou ld the government intervene to limit the powers of the press7 Some say yes. but others are against the idea as it would compromise free speech . Perhaps we have toas k the question, 'Can we have democracy without freedom of the press? '

What do magazine editors doto keep their circulation figures rising?

2 Why does the media target Britney Spears?

3 How has this affected her everyday life?

4 What may have contributed to Ms Spears's personal problems?

1 mark for ea eh correct answer Seo re 14

1 O Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support your view. 1 Some tabloid newspapers would pay up to

$100,000 for a photo of Britney Spears.

2 The government should intervene to limit the powers of the press.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /4

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (37)



1 Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective. 1 She was to be rich and famous.

2 My parents were so when 1 got my degree.

3 lf you want to succeed in business, you have to be very _____ _

4 The victim of the tsunami was incredibly ______ and tried to save her two friends befare saving herself.

5 They are really on finishing the project befare the summer.

6 l'm that 1'11 win the competition .

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

2 Complete the sentences with compound adjectives. 1 Most people wou ld have panicked in that

situation, but he managed to remain very

2 Helen says she was able to sail around the world alone by being _____ _ ______ and unafraid of a challenge.

3 My parents are such good, _____ _ ______ people.

4 lt's important for a boss to be very fa ir and

5 When 1 have a goal, l'm very _____ _ ______ about achieving it.

6 1 don't trust Mark at all, he's completely dishonest and ______ ·------

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

3 Complete the sentences with suitable words. 1 Every morning 1 to my

favourite radio station, Radio Dublin .

2 1 watched a live of the tragedy on CNN.

3 The newspaper said that 15 soldiers had died in the attack.

4 1 find broadsheet newspapers difficult to read, 1

much prefer _____ _

5 The TV programme has 3000 _____ _

4 Rewrite the sentences below using an adjective with a prefix. 1 He thought they wou ld only se ll 200 cars, but

he estimated too little.

2 We will have to record the song again, the quality wasn't good enough the first time.

3 Her fa ce doesn't loo k very natural, 1 think she's had sorne plastic surgery.

4 My reaction to the bad news might have been too extreme.

5 She hasn't had an ordinary life. She's done so many amazing things .

6 My school has many students from different countries.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6


5 Write conditional sentences for these situations.

Your friend wants you to help him with his homework, but yo u want him to help yo u clean the garage first.

2 1 can't play the piano. 1 didn't learn as a child.

3 He never eats fruit or vegeta bies. He's very unhealthy.

4 1 had prepared a party, but 1 had to cancel it because 1 failed my driving test.

5 They want to buy a house, but they don't have enough money.

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (38)

6 Complete the sentences with words from the box. Use each word only once.


provided that even if hadn't

unless wou ld

1 wouldn't lend you that dress, _____ _ you begged me!

2 You won't lose weight ______ you eat less.

3 She wishes she ______ shouted at ji m.

4 You'll be successful ______ you're willing to work hard .

5 1 wish you be quiet!

1 mark for each correct answer Score /5

Rewrite the sentences starting as shown. 1 You mustn't arrive late at the airport.

She warned us

2 1' 11 take you to the conference if you need a lift.

He offered

3 Has the reporter interviewed Ms Knightley?

He wanted to know

4 You must study harder to pass the exam.

The teacher insisted

5 Let's not argue about it.

She suggested

6 1 wou ldn't listen to Andy if 1 were you .

He advised me

7 l'm real ly sorry llost your camera.

She apologized

8 OK, we wi ll increase your salary.

They agreed

9 Please, don't send that report by email. He ordered

10 ls it OK to change the head line now? She wondered

1 mark for each correct answer Seo re /10


8 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support yourview. 1 Some tabloid newspapers wou ld pay up to

$100,000 for a photo of Britney Spears.

2 The government should intervene to limit the powers of the press.


r==============================, :: Stories about celebrities are guaranteed to keep magazine circulation figures rising and editors are wel l aware of this fact. Britney Spears is an example of a celebrity the media love and who people are extremely keen to read about. And unfortunately, this means that she can't go about her daily business without lots of tabloid journalists and photographers fo llowing her every m ove.

Some say that the .constant attention of the media has contributed to Britney's well-publicized personal problems. lf you open any of the cheaper magazines or tab loid newspapers, you'll see plenty of articles about her, many of which contain false information and cruel, unflattering photos. In the current market a photo of Britney can sell for as muchas $100,000 so it's not surprising that the paparazzi wil l stop at nothing to get a shot of the star. So, shou ld we ask ourselves when does journalism become harassment?

Fol lowing the death of Princess Diana in 1997, celebrities felt that they could complain about unfair treatment from the media. Yet, today's newspapers continue to mislead the public as well as invade the privacy of and ruin the lives of certain ce lebrities . Should the government interven e to limit the powers of the press? Some say yes, but others are against the idea as it would compromise free speech. The matter is made more complicated by the fact that there is now a new breed of celebrities who have risen to fa me via reality shows like Big Brother. Many of these people actua lly like media attention and go to extremes in order to attract it. Perhaps we have to ask ourselves the question, 'Can we have democracy without freedom of the press?'

9 Read the text again and answer the questions in your own words. 1 What do magazine editors doto keep their

circu lation figures rising?

2 Why does the media target Britney Spears?

3 How has this affected her everyday life?

4 What may have contributed to Ms Spears's personal problems?

2 marks for each correct answer Score /8

: '

i' ¡







I r


¡: 1

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (39)



1 Read the sentences and complete the words.

1 feel s_ r_ y for them . 1 can really sympathize.

2 She loathed and d_ te_ te_ going on blind dates!

3 1 really re_ re __ e_ splitting up with her. 1 wished 1 hadn't done it.

4 She was en_ io_ s of my re lationship with him.

5 1 was anxious and n rvo_ s about the exam .

6 He was so p_ s_ e_ s_ ve. He thought he owned me.

7 S he felt ex_ il_ ra_ ed after she had done the bungee jump!

8 He was shy and se_ f-con __ i __ s with girls.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /8

2 Complete the sentences with too or not enough and the words in brackets. 1 She hates speaking in public because she

___________ (confident) .

2 1 wouldn't read tabloid newspapers because ____________ (serious) .

3 1 couldn 't finish my meal beca use __________ (salty) .

4 The scientific evidence to support the argument (weak).

5 She didn't want to go out with him beca use he ____________ (attractive).

6 1 failed the test because it ___________ (difficult).

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

3 Complete the sentences with four of the words in the box.

loss rights

barrier profit multinational

piracy brand

______ is illegal in most countries.

2 Our company made a successful _____ of f50,000 last year.

3 The publishers own the to the book.

4 Nike™ is a famous sports _____ _

1 mark for each correct answer Score /4

4 Choose the correct option a, b or c.

1 1'11 you to phone Mum.

a remind b say e remember

2 jerry was for the film to start.

a hoping b waiting e thinking

3 S he got good in her exam.

a points b marks e ideas

4 Doctors a good salary.

a find b win e earn

5 my purse when 1 was in town .

a missed b lost e regretted

6 He's a very talented

a picture b paint e artist

mark for each correct answer Score /6


5 Rewrite the sentences with defining or non-defining relative clauses. 1 Marco is married to joanna . He works for AC

Milan .

2 St Valentine was a priest. He lived in Ancient Ro me.

3 He's going out with a woman. He met her on a blind date.

4 There's a Hollywood actress. She was in a film recently. S he has just married her co-star.

5 1 read the article . Sadie was ta lking about it.

6 1 went to London. 1 used to work there.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (40)


6 Cross out the relative pronouns where possible. 1 The man who is shouting should be asked to


2 The tennis courts that we use are fantastic.

3 My sister fell for a boy whose parents are from Russia.

4 Do you remember the na me of the play that we saw at the theatre?

5 The day when we met 1 had just done my exams.

6 1 ate a meal recently which was really badly cooked.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

7 Circle the correct option. 1 This cake made/was made by Marcus.

2 Eva questioned/was questioned by the police.

3 lt is said that/say that crime rates are falling .

4 Multinational companies are believed be/to be very powerful.

5 They want getting/to get their house painted.

6 Why have you had your hair dyed/dying?

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

8 Rewrite the sentences in the passive form. 1 They have lost the rights to the film .

2 lt could change things for the better.

3 They're building lots of new housing estates.

4 The system will improve water supplies to many Africa villages.

5 She had already made the sandwiches.

6 They were redecorating the offices.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6


9 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to support your view.

H owever successful on ortist or bond mov be todov thev hove to foce the foct thot record soles ore no

longer whot thev used to be. The rise of the '1-Tune generotion·. who downloods songs cheoplv ond builds music librories rother thon buving costlv CDs. has chonged the music industrv for ever.

lt has been predicted thot music soles will moke up onlv 30% of o record lobel's income bv 20 lO so both bonds ond record lobels hove reolized thot profits hove to be found elsewhere: nomelv live performonces ond merchondise soles. As the record buving public grows weorv of their 'onvtime onvwhere' occess to recorded music. record lobels hove storted promoting the volue of live performonces ond it is poving off. Fans mov now expect to pov less for the recorded music thev downlood. but thev ore hoppv to pov much more to heor their fovourite bonds live.

When the Rolling Stones ploved Wemblev in 1990 thev were criticized for chorging L25 for their best seots. In 2007 their best seots cost L350. Tickets sold out within minutes ond nobodv mentioned the price. Similar stories con be heord ocross the industrv With more summer festivols in the UK thon ever befare ond numerous smoll venues opening up oll over the countrv. perhops the best thing to come out of the lotest storm in the music business is o return to its roots ond o new oppreciotion of live music.

There is more money to be made in record sales today than in the past.

2 Fewer people will buy CDs in the future.

3 Fans don't want to pay high prices for concert tickets .

2 marks for each correct answer Score /6

1 O Answer the questions in your own words. 1 What is different about the way young people

buy music today?

2 What are the two ways that record companies aim to make their profits today?

3 Why is it significant that there are more summer festivals in the UK than before?

2 marks for each correct answer Score /6

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (41)


1 Complete the sentences with suitable words.

1 feel for all the people who lost their jobs at that car factory.

2 1 absolutely cabbage1 it1S


3 Dominic really what he did and wishes he could change things.

4 You shouldn 1t be of what other people have.

5 11m a very anxious person and get quite ______ every time 1 fly.

6 Stop being so ______ 1 you donlt own


7 1 felt really ______ after 1 did the parachute jump.

8 Rob is a shy and _____ _ ______ guy.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /8

2 Complete the sentences with too or not enough and one of the words in the box.

evidence unfashionable difficult sincere honest confident

11 m to talk in front of large groups of people.

2 1 wouldn 1t trust him if 1 were youl hels not

3 This dress is for someone of my age.

4 There1s not to support the theory.

5 The manufacturers of these drugs are not ______ about their side effects.

6 This Sudoku is ______ 1

1 canlt do it on myown.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

3 Choose the correct option a b or c.

1 11 11 you to call Mum.

a) remind b) remember e) say

2 ]erry was for the film to start.

a) hoping b) waiting e) thinking

3 S he got good in her exams.

a) points b) marks e) ideas

4 Doctors good salary.

a) earn b) win e) find

5 1 my purse in town .

a) missed b) lost e) regretted

1 mark for each correct answer Score


4 Rewrite the sentences with defining or non-defining relative clauses. 1 Sam is married to ]ill . He works for Shell.


2 He1S going out with a woman. He met her on a

blind date.

3 Therels a Hollywood actress. She was in a film recently. She has just married her co-star.

4 1 read the article. Sadie was talking about it.

5 1 went to London . 1 used to work there.

6 Claridgels is one of the top restaurants in London. lt1

S very expensive.

7 That girl is Deirdre. Her mother was on a rea lity show.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /14

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (42)

5 Rewrite the sentences in the passive form. 1 People say that the violin is one of the hardest

instruments to play.

2 They believe that there is probably intelligent life in distant galaxies.

3 Experts think that we will run out of petral supplies within the next 20 years.

4 Charities raised over E2,000,000 for the victims.

5 The mechanics are repairing our car today.

6 The police had already caught the thief by the time the Smiths reported the burglary.

2 marks for each correct answer Score /12

6 Write sentences using the situations below and ha ve/ get something done. 1 My hair is too long .

2 My car tyres need checking.

3 We want a swimming pool in our garden.

4 Her internet connection isn't working .

5 Our windows are very dirty.

6 l'm going to dye my hair pink!

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6


7 Read the text. Are the sentences true or false? Quote words from the text to sup-port yourview. 1 There is more money to be made in record sales

today than in the past.

2 Fewer people will buy CDs in the future.

3 Music fans aren't happy to pay high prices for concert tickets .

1 mark for each correct answer Score /3


The music industry is going through so me of the biggest changes it has encountered since cassettes were made obsolete by CDs in the

90s. However successful an artist or band may be today, they have to face the fact that record sales have sharply decreased and are no longer what they used to be.The rise of the ' iTunes TM generation ', that down loads songs cheap ly (and in some cases, illegally) and builds music libraries rather than buying costly CDs, is significantly changing the way the music industry operates.

lt has been predicted that music sales wil l make up only 30% of a record labe l's overall income by 20 1 O, so both bands and record labels have had to adapt fast to the changing market and have rea lized that profits have to be found elsewhere: namely in live performances and the sale of merchandise such as T-sh irts and other memorabilia. As the record-buying public grows weary oftheir'anytime anywhere' access to recorded music, record labels have started promoting the value of live performances and it is paying off. Fans may now expect to pay less for the recorded music they download, but they are more than willing to paya high price to hear their favourite bands live.

When the legendary rockers, the Rolling Stones, played Wembley in 1990 they were criticized for charging !25 for their premium seats. Less than a decade later, in 2007, their best seats can set fans back t:JSO.Tickets sold out within minutes and nobody even mentioned the inflated price. Similar stories can be heard across the industry.With more summer festivals and gigs in the UK than ever before and numerous small ven u es opening up all over the country, perhaps the best thing to come out of the latest storm in



the music business is a return to its roots anda new apprec iation of live music.


8 Answer the questions in your own words. 1 What is different about the way young people

buy music today?

2 What are the two ways that record companies aim to make their profits today?

3 Why is it significant that there are more summer festivals in the UK than befare?

2 marks for each correct answer Score /6

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (43)

1 End-of-year exan1 (standard)

The future of technology

Predictions about life in the future have often

anticipated the rise of the machine and a world

where most manual jobs are done by robots. In fiction

and film we have predicted hi-tech forms of transport

involving voice-controlled computers, flying cars and

spaceships taking passengers to other planets. While

these inventions remain the subject of science-fiction,

it's undeniable that technological advances have

rapidly changed our world.

N ew communication systems have connected

the economies and cultures of the world ,

causing rapid globalization and creating political and

social improvements in many developing countries.

The digital revolution has made life easier for many of

us and created new forms of leisure and recreation. In

spite of these benefits, there are also some concerns

that the digital age has created systems that

governments and corporations could abuse.

Scientists predict that our future will be shaped

by radio frequency identification (RFID). This is

used already by supermarkets to protect products

that are easy to steal, such as CDs. The packaging

of the product contains a microchip. This sends

a signa! which can be followed by a detector. The

supermarket controls the detector and can use it to

track the product. However, anyone in the area with

the correct detector could al so read the signa!. Not

surprisingly, there are concerns that this system could

be used to collect information about the public in

ways that would infringe our privacy.

'The ways in which we use technology raises serious

ethical questions, ' said one high-profile commentator.

'For example, in some areas of France authorities are

using microchips to monitor the movement of primary

school children. The motivation is protection, of

course, but when does protection become control?

lt's easy to see how this technology could be abused

by governments and authorities in the future.'

1 t is certain that by 2020 a whole range of

technologies will be available to make our lives

easier, more fun and better organized. What isn't so

easy to predict is the degree of personal freedom

and privacy we may have to give up in order to enjoy

these benefits.

1 Read the text and answer the questions. 1 In what ways have advanced communications

systems been a good thing?

2 In what ways could RFIDs be abused?

1 mark for each correct answer Score /2

2 Find words in the text that mean ... 1 stories about things that are imagined.

2 something you cannot deny or say isn't true.

3 the process which is creating a single international economy and culture worldwide.

4 to use badly or in the wrong way.

5 a device that can locate the presence of a microchip.

6 moral.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

3 Are the statements true or false? Quote words from the text to support your view. 1 Governments and corporations misuse digital


2 Scientists believe that RFIDs will control our movements in the future.

3 RFID technology is not used today.

4 In some countries, microchips are used to protect children .

? rn;:~rh fnr p;:¡rh rnrrPct answer Score /8

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (44)

4 Do you agree with the statements below? Give reasons.

Globalization and technological advances have made the world a better place.

2 We should not use technology to monitor people .

1 mark for each correct answer Score /2

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 In recent times, we sometimes

______ (fail) to predict life in the future correctly.

2 lf we (not have) such advanced communications systems, the growth of globalization wouldn't have been so rapid.

3 Since the start of the digital age, society ______ (underestimate) the influence of new technology on personalliberty.

4 In spite of the problems of the digital age there ______ (be) greater benefits in the future.

5 There are concerns that some technological innovations in the future _____ _ (can abuse) .

6 Twenty-five years ago we _____ _ (not can) communicate using the internet.

7 Rapid improvements to our communications systems (make) in the past 20 to 30 years.

8 In which country they ______ (use) microchips recently to monitor school children?

1 mark for each correct answer Score /8

6 Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 lt's bad when teenagers hang around in gangs.


2 1 brought my laptop, but there's a computer here. (not need)

3 1 lost my purse. (wish)


4 1 don't want to miss my train, but it's 12.00 and my train leaves in 1 O minutes! (even if)

5 'Why don't we go to the cinema?' (suggested)

6 1 don't think that's Mrs Roberts in the supermarket. She's usually at work now. (can)

7 Sarah isn't answering her phone. ls she on holiday? (might)

8 'Are you going to the theatre tonight?' (asked)

1 mark for each correct answer Score /8

7 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. 1 By this time next week, 1 will finish my exams.

2 Globalization enabled us to trade more easily with other countries.

3 They had been studied at the Sorbonne for two years before they left.

4 Yo u needn't have borrowed his car without asking him.

5 We were feeling that the test results weren't clear enough .

6 You'll find our house even if you follow the map carefully.

1 mark for each correct answer Score /6

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (45)

1 (Drests Multi-ROM > Read and listen to these words from the listening text. Make sure you know what they mean. take something for granted to expect something to always be there

mould an object that was poured into a container as a liquid and hardened to take on its shape

maintenance work done on a piece of equipment to keep it in good condition

2 Read the introduction to the listening text. What do you think it will be about?

lnterviewer: We see them every day as we drive along our roads, in fact we take them so much for granted that most of us couldn't imagine life without them. The 'Catseye' is a simple device that is placed in the middle of our roads to light the way. They were invented 70 years ago by a Yorkshireman named Percy Shaw and now they are used to light roads and highways world-wide. So, why do you think the 'Catseye' is the greatest invention in modern times, Hamish?

3 (t'Tests Multi-ROM > Listen and choose the best answers. Only one answer is correct. Look at number O as an example. O The 'Catseye' was invented to .. .

a protect animals from traffic.

® illuminate the roads when it's dark.

e help cats cross the road.

d help people in Yorkshire drive on the roads.

The 'Catseye' is ...

a complex and hi-tech.

b simple and efficient.

e battery-operated.

d practica! but fashionable.

2 In the past seventy years ...

a a digital replacement has been invented .

b a battery-powered alternative has been invented .

e nothing has replaced it.

d it has been replaced by several other models .

3 The device is m a de from ...

a plastic, rubber and g lass .

b rubber, glass and metal.

e rubber, water and glass.

d metal, rubber and plastic.

4 The device gets its na me from the ...

a two glass balls that reflect light like a cat's eye.

b the rubber mould that looks like a cat's head .

e the metal case that ho lds rainwater.

d the man who invented it.

5 The 'Catseye' is efficient beca use it ...

a is low-cost.

b doesn't break.

e works eas ily.

d doesn't need any kind of power to operate it.

6 How was Percy's device different from similar inventions at the same time?

a lt was se lf-reflecting .

b lt was the first one of its kind.

e lt was cheaper.

d lt didn't require any maintenance.

7 How does the government plan to modify it?

a They want to place a small camera inside it.

b They plan to make them bigger and more efficient.

e They want to improve the light-reflecting mechanism.

d They want to design a more modern version.

8 What will be the purpose of this?

a To catch drivers who are driving too slowly.

b To catch drivers who are driving too fast.

e To catch drivers who have stolen cars.

d To catch drink-drivers .

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (46)

1 ~Tests Multi-ROM > Read and listen to these words from the listening text. Make sure you know what they mean. terrorize to frighten

estate an area where there are many houses, usually built at the same time by the same company

verbal abuseto speak to someone in an angry, offensive way

dysfunctional not behaving well or relating to others appropriately

community centre a building used by members of a community for meetings, social events, etc

2 Read the introduction to the listening text. What do you think it will be about?

lnterviewer: Hi, welcome to 'Sociallssues'. Our tapie tonight is social responsibili ty. We'll be talking to Marion Lewis w ho lives on the Walgrove Estate in Leicester; w here she and her neighbours have been terrorized by violent gangs of youths for the past five years. She'll be ta lking about life on the estate and w hat action her community has taken to improve things. Good evening, Marion.

ML: Good evening, Rosie. Thanks for inviting me on the show.

3 t1 Tests Multi-ROM > Listen and choose the best answers. Only one answer is correct. Look at number O asan example. O What problems has Marion been experiencing

on her estate?

G) Gangs of youths who are terrorizing people.

b Gangs with social problems.

e Young people who are being terrorized .

Why wasn't Marion able to leave her house alone?

a She was too ti red .

b She was frightened of her husband .

e S he was sea red of the teenage gangs.

2 The gangs of youths u sed to ...

a drink alcohol, shout and smash up cars.

b shout at the police.

e burn down houses.

3 What was the reaction of the police?

a They used to verbally abuse the children.

b They didn't use to cometo the estate.

e They used to give the teenagers ASBOs.

4 Why did the people on the estate write to the authorities?

a They wanted to tell the police that they had had enough.

b To ask for money to build a community centre.

e To ask for money to clean up the estate.

5 The people in the community confronted the gangs of youths .. .

a with the police.

b in sma ll groups.

e in large groups.

6 Why were the young people hanging around in gangs?

a They didn't have a good family life.

b They wanted to make new friends.

e Their parents told them to.

7 The local authorities ...

a support what Marion and the community are doing .

b don't support what Marion and the community are doing.

e support the community on one hand, but on the other hand they don't.

8 Who does Marion think should be responsible for the problem?

a The police.

b The parents.

e Everyone.

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (47)

Unit j

1 ~Tests Multi-ROM > Read and listen to these words from the listening text. Make sure you know what they mean. pioneer one of the first people todo someth ing important

ethical trading buying and selling goods in a way that is morally right

sustainable sources supplies obtained with mini mal long-term effect on the environment

animal testing the use of anima ls in experiments or research

2 Read the introduction to the listening text. What do you think it will be about?

lnterviewer: Helio and welcome to The Sunday Review' . This morning, we' ll be talking about one of the great female role models of our generation; Anita Roddick. In the studio w ith me today is Sarah Jones, w ho is currently researching Anita Roddick:S life for her next book Women in the Market Place. She'li be teliing us w hy Ms Roddick was such an inspiration and w hy she wants to write about her. Hi, Sarah . Thanks for coming on the programme.

SJ: Helio, Terry.

3 (i: rests Multi-ROM > Listen and choose the best answers. Only one answer is correct. Look at number O as an example. O Why is Sarah jones researching the life of Anita


a She thinks she was a great role model.

b She wants total k about her on this programme.

Q She wants to write about her in her next book.

d She thinks she was an inspiration .

What had Anita Roddick ach ieved by the time she died?

a She had leda generation of women .

b She had banned animal testing.

e She had become one of the most successful businesswomen of her generation .

d She had become a multi-mi llionaire.

2 What did she promote in her work?

a Green issues, women's issues and equa lity.

b Environmenta l issues, human rights and ethical trading.

e Fair trade, environmental issues and equality.

d Animal rights and free speech.

3 Anita Roddick changed the business world by ...

a making beauty products fashionable.

b giving women equal opportunities.

e being a successful businesswoman.

d making environmental issues important to others.

4 She motivated consumers and businesses to change by ...

a encouraging them to become environmenta lly responsible.

b making them buy more beauty products .

e introducing new methods of testing .

d inspiring them to become more sociable.

5 Were fair trade and eco-friendly products popular in the 1970s?

a Yes .

b No.

e In some places.

d Yes, but not in the UK.

6 How did she help change the law?

a S he campaigned for women's rights.

b Her company did a lot of charity work.

e She led a campaign against animal testing .

d She refused to test her products.

7 Her charity work involved ...

a campaigning on behalf of sma ll unknown charities.

b setting up Amnesty lnternational.

e setting up a business against anima l-testing .

d setting up her own charities.

8 What qualities helped her to become so successful?

a S he was able to focus on more than one project ata time.

b She was highly intelligent.

e S he was fiercely ambitious.

d S he was kind and approachable.

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (48)


1 (!:1Tests Multi -ROM > Read and listen to these words from the listening text. Make sure you know what they mean. cutting-edge extreme/y modern and advaneed

deadline a speeifie time or date by whieh yo u have todo something

update to give the most reeent information

relevant important or direetly related to the topie

2 Read the introduction to the listening text. What do you think it will be about?

lnterviewer: Hi, welcome to The Media Show'. Tonight, we'/1 be ta lking to journalist John Reeves about his la test project. As one of Britain~ top news j ournalists, Reeves has become famous for his cutting-edge work as a war correspondent, covering some of the most disturbing news stories in the modern age. But tonight he'// be talking about an on-line reference site for teenagers he has set up to help young people w ho are considering a career injournalism. Welcome to the show, John.

JR: Good evening, Melanie. lt's great to be here.

3 (!: Tests Multi -ROM > Listen and choose the best answers. Only one answer is correct. Look at number O asan example. O Reeves is famous for his work as a ...

a news presenter.

® war eorrespondent.

e news eameraman.

john Reeves has reeently .. .

a ended his eareer as a war eorrespondent.

b set up a journalism sehool.

e set up an on-line referenee site.

2 What is the main differenee between john's site and others?

a There will be information telling you how to work in journalism.

b The material wi/1 be presented by people who are working in journalism now.

e There will be a regular on-line debate.

3 When he did his researeh the young people told him that ...

a they wanted to know about eareer opportunities and salaries.

b they didn't want to ask serious questions.

e they expeeted to earn good salaries.

4 The site will include video clips of ...

a famous editors and journalists.

b people working in television news rooms.

e people writing front page stories and headlines.

5 In addition you'll be able to see ...

a live broadeasts of news stories.

b the news as it happens.

e interviews with top journalists.

6 Viewers will be able to learn ...

a how to write a news story.

b what it's like to eover a war ora natural disaster.

e what it's like when a disaster happens in the news room.

7 How often will the interviews be updated?

a Quite often .

b Sometimes.

e Regular/y.

8 The interaetive faeility will enable viewers to ...

a ask questions.

b do quizzes.

e wateh reporters talking about rea l situations.

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (49)


1 @ \Te sts Multi-ROM > Read and listen to these words from the listening text. Make sure you know what they mean.

courtship ritual a performance or display aimed at attracting a mate

display an arrangement of things for people to look at

reversa/ a change in something so that it becomes the opposite of what it was

headdresses a decorated piece of clothing someone wears on their head

chant to repeat a word or phrase rhythmical ly

2 Read the introduction to the listening text. What do you think it will be about?

lnterviewer: In this afternoons edition of Travellers Tips' we have Sophie Hamilton and Helena Grigson in the studio. They' ll be telling us about a very unusual courtship ritual practised by the Wodaabe people from Niger in northern Africa . Helio, Sophie and Helena.

S & H: Helio, Hugh.

lnterviewer: Sophie, as anthropologists you and Helena have travelled al l over the world studying different cultures and your latest book is about relationships and courtship ri tuals. Would you say these nomadic people, the Wodaabe, display the most un usual courtship rituals you've ever seen?

3 (D: rests Multi-ROM > Listen and choose the best answers. Only one answer is correct. Look at number O as an example.

O Sophie Hamilton and Helena Grigson have been working in ...

a South America.

b Nigeria.

e East Africa .

@ North Africa .

While in Niger, Sophie and Helena photographed the Wodaabe people, who are ...

a farmers.

b nomads.

e fishermen .

d hunters.

2 During the courtship ritual ...

a groups of m en perform for women.

b groups of women perform formen.

e single men perform for women.

d single women perform for men.

3 The costumes include ...

a colourful footwear.

b exotic hairstyles with feathers.

e colourful hairstyles .

d headdresses with feathers and beads.

4 The m en wear black make-up on their ...

a lips and cheeks.

b eyes and face.

e lips and eyes.

d ears and eyes.

5 Why do m en make strange faces at the women?

a To show the colour of their tongue.

b To show that they have all their teeth.

e To show the size of their teeth.

d To show the whites of their teeth and eyes.

6 The ritual includes . , .

a crying .

b chanting .

e singing .

d dancing .

7 What do the girls do as a sign of modesty?

a They cover their mouth with their hand.

b They cover their head with their hands.

e They cover their face with one hand.

d They cover their fa ce with both hands.

8 How do the girls choose their partner?

a They touch him with their hand.

b They touch him with their arm .

e They point at him with their finger.

d They clap their han'ds.

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (50)


1 @ .rests Multi -ROM > Read and listen to these words from the listening text. Make sure you know what they mean. borderthe officia lline separating two countries or regions

bureaucracy a sometimes complex system of rules or procedures

detrimentally in a harmful or damaging way

erodeto gradually reduce something in strength or importance

reindeer an animal with large antlers that lives in the Arctic and Northern regions of Europe and Ame rica

2 Read the introduction to the listening text. What do you think it will be about?

lnterviewer: Good evening, everyone. Hugh Pearson has been a travel w riter for over thirty years. He:S made six television series and w ritten ten books. On today:S culture •· and leisure slot he'll be talking to us about the changes hes experienced in his thirty­year ca reer. Hugh, in w hat ways would say your experiences as a travel w riter and j ournalist have been affected by g lobalization?

3 @ :rests Multi-ROM > Listen and choose the best answers. Only one answer is correct. Look at number O asan example. O Hugh Pearson is a travel writer who .. .

a has written six books and made ten television series.

b has made six television series and written thirty books.

0 has made six television series and written ten books.

Befare globa lization, crossing borders in remo te regions of the world u sed to be ...

a easier.

b more difficult.

e amusing .

2 Hugh feels that globalization has ...

a benefited cultural diversity.

b created cultural diversity.

e di lu ted cultura l diversity.

3 When local cu ltures become absorbed into the global village they can ...

a lose their identity.

b gain a new identity.

e become lazy.

4 Why might sorne cu ltures find it hard to preserve their traditional way of life?

a Because of pressure from local government.

b Beca use of the world economy.

e Because of economic pressure from multinational companies .

5 The Yamai-Nenet people are ...

a cattle herders in Slovenia.

b reindeer herders in Siberia .

e buffalo herders in Sri Lanka.

6 Their cu lture is ...

a gradually being eroded.

b affected by city life.

e still strong and active.

7 What is their future being threatened by?

a The oi l and gas industry.

b Deforestation.

e Wealth .

8 Hugh Pearson believes that globa lization is ...

a undesirable.

b inevitable.

e invaluable.

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (51)

Reading practice Unit 6

1 b

2 1 b 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 e

3 1 e 2 b 3 d 4 a 5 e 6 b

Listening practice Unit 1

31c 2b 3d 4d 5a 6b 7c 8a

Listening practice Unit 2

3 1 a 5 a

2b 3c 4b 6c 7b 8b

Listening practice Unit 3

3 1 b 5 b

2 a 3 d 4 a 6d 7c 8c

Listening practice Unit 4

3 e 2 a 5 e 6 a

3 b 4 a 7 b 8 b

Listening practice Unit 5

3 1 e 2 b 5 a 6 a

3 b 4 e 7 e 8 d

Listening practice Unit 6

3 1 b 2 e 5 b 6 e

3 e 4 a 7 a 8 b

Speaking Unit 3 Student A

1 two years 2 underage drinking 3 crime 4 confidence 5 travel 6 mature

Student B 1 respect 2 antisocial behaviour 3 adult lives 4 self respect 5 meet new people 6 the world

Speaking Unit 4 Student A

1 a young person 2 working with children 3 three A levels 4 outgoing 5 alone 6 recorded programmes 7 a CV

Student B 1 Let's Play 2 TV experience 3 communication 4 hardworking 5 as part of a team 6 live broadcasts 7 letter about yourself

Speaking Unit 6 Student A

1 f400 2 Lessons 3 on the west coast 4 )une 5 basketball 6 restaurants 7 London

Student B 1 f1250 2 activities and outings 3 five hours 4 September 5 Surfing 6 azoo 7 music events

Unit 1 Test (standard)

1 modern 2 Energy-saving 3 efficient 4 w ind-up 5 essential 6 handy 7 hi-tech 8 low-cost

2 1 h 2 g 3 d 4 e 5e 6f 7a 8b

3 1 to find 2 Burning 3 to create 5 measuring

4 change 6 to find

7 building 8 to insta ll 9 seeing 1 O talking

4 1 He has never held a senior management position .

2 The manager has already left the office.

3 1 haven't studied economics since (1 was at) university.

4 Scientists haven't found a cure for cancer yet.

5 1 We have been looking for the car keys for 20 minutes!

2 They haven't decided the winner of this year's com petition.

3 Daniel Day Lewis won an Osear in 2008.

4 Has he written his history essay yet?

5 1 have just come back from my holidays.


6 1 have lived in this house since 1997.

6 1 had 2 had been working 3 woke up 4 was 5 had been jogging 6 had been playing 7 had finished 8 had been reading

7 True. 'He started working in the field of child health in Nigeria in the 1950s and has been researching and developing low-cost teaching aids, diagnostic tools and hea lth equipment ever since.'

2 True. 'Such simple solutions .. . have enabled women to ca re and monitor their children at home without becoming dependent on expensive medical resources that they cannot afford .'

8 Because resources and finances are scarce.

2 His work is continuing with his two charities, which are educating families and health workers.

Unit 1 Test (extra)

1 1 handy 2 essential 3 complex 4 efficient/energy-saving 5 superfluous 6 Modern

2 1 low-cost 2 wind-up 3 hi-tech 4 energy-saving 5 battery-operated 6 old-fashioned

3 1 lt isn't easy to give up smoking cigarettes.

2 Last Christmas, we decided to stop sending cards to our relatives .

3 1 can't afford to go out tonight.

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (52)


4 You should enjoy meeting for their own (relatives).' 1 series of comprehensive new people at tonight's 'What's ingenious about reforms since 2000.' party. these aids is that you don't 2 True. 'The government

5 ]ack is good at avoiding need a degree in medicine wants to create a police doing homework these to use them .' force which is able to deal days. 8 1 Because there aren't many

with higher levels of crime.'

6 In the past, young people resources and there isn't 3 True. 'In an attempt to had to work long hours enough money to deal with help build relationships to earn money for their problems in a complex way. between the police and families .

2 He has set up two charities their communities, the

7 On the way home last night, to educate and inspire authorities have come up

Tom wanted to stop to get people. with something called

so me money from a cash community policing .'

machine. 4 False . 'They will have the Unit 2 Test (standard) authority to deal with minar

4 1 ]ane's grandparents have offences.' lived in the same house for 1 1 issued 2 took part in

seventy years. 3 reported Unit 2 Test (extra)

2 Bob has never worked late in 4 aren't considerate

his life! 5 banned 6 comply with

1 1 complywith 7 tolerate 8 was unable to 3 Flight 909 has already left 2 took part

New York. 2 1 gets on with 2 got into 3 reported to

4 1 haven't seen Paulo since 3 set up 4 work out 4 banned

Friday. 5 give out 5 is considerate

5 Patrick hasn't told Robyn 6 talked me into 6 be tolerant

7 put up with 8 take off 7 restrict about the change of plan 8 break y e t. 3 In the UK, you can't smoke 9 issue

5 How long have you been in restaurants or pubs. 10 control

waiting forme? 2 You must drive with a licence. 2 1 out

2 Did they watch the match 2 on with last night? 3 Some students don't have to 3 up

3 Has Chris been chatting to wear a uniform. 4 in Fiona (for) long? 4 In al l countries, people 5 up with

4 Has he done his homework shoÚid respect the law. 6 into

yet? 5 You mustn't break the law. 7 out of

5 Where did you get that 6 People ought to respect 8 out

vase? their neighbours. 9 into

6 How long have they known 4 1 May, borrow 3 1 You can't/mustn't smoke in each other? 2 should have arrested restaurants.

6 1 had eaten, went 3 had to call 2 You mustn't/can't use 4 needn't have gone mobile phones in class!

2 had studied/studied, 5 mustn't use 6 must b€ 3 You needn't/don't have to decided

wear a suit. 3 fe ll , broke 5 Passing your driving test

4 was, saw, had been jogging can't have been easy. 4 You shou ldn't/ought not to

carry/take too much in your 5 broke, told/had told, had

2 lt might be ]on on the backpacks.

been chatting phone.

5 You don't have to/needn't 6 had been watching, came

3 They might/may have got take your coat home.

los t.

7 True: ' ... he started working 4 They must have missed the 6 You shouldn't/ought not to

walk home alone. in this field in Nigeria in exam. the 1950s. There are few 5 You can't have seen ]amie in 4 Could, borrow experts alive today with such town yesterday. 2 st10uld have worked experience, and at 80 years old he refuses to retire.' 6 1 e 2 a 3 b 4 b 3 can't have been

2 True: ' ... ordinary families 4 had to go 7 False. 'The UK police force r _,, ... ...,. 1:1 .. "'

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (53)


6 couldn't read 4 1 lf 1 hadn't lost my keys, 1 7 When she was five years old .

7 don't have to go/ needn't go wou ld have been able to 2 The world sing les title . open the door.

5 shou ld have won, can't have 2 lf we hadn't gane to New 8 True. 'When she was in been, could (may, might) York, we wouldn't have seen her teens she had started have been Brad Pitt! competing professiona lly

2 must have thought, needn't 3 lf the poli ce had arrived and winning titles. Even as a

have worried, cou ld have in time, they would have chi ld she was 00 . determ ined

spent caught the thief. to be the world champion.

3 shouldn't have borrowed, 4 lf the dress wasn 't (so) 2 True. 'She is an inspiration to

could have told, had to expensive 1 wou ld buy it sportswomen ... especially

make those who are focused on 5 lf they hadn't won the competing in the 2012

6 1 e 2a 3 e 4b lottery, they wouldn't have London Olympics.'

7 Fa lse: ' ... has been bought a yacht.

undergoing a series of 6 lf she had felt well, she Unit 3 Test (extra)

would have gane to school. comprehensive reforms

7 lf they examined the 1 1 dependable since 2000.'

evidence they wou ld/could / 2 confident 2 Fa lse: ' ... reduce the might find the criminal. 3 ambitious

fear of crime in some 4 honest communities, and increase 5 1 1'11 do my homework 5 committed their confidence in the provided that 1 don't have to 6 proud effectiveness of the police do any housework. 7 courageous force .' 2 She won't go unless he 8 focused

3 True: ' .. . a more local agrees to go with her. 9 humble approach to policing, where 3 1 wou ldn't do bungee 2 1 strong-willed local people know their e

jumping even if they paid 2 two-faced f police officers and where me. 3 single-minded b they can see more police officers in and around their 4 Snowboarding is not 4 even-handed d

community, 00. 1 dangerous provided that 5 kind-hearted a

4 False: 'They wil l have the you are careful. 6 level-headed e

authority to deal with minar 5 He won't get fit unless he 3 lf 1 hadn't lost my mobi le, 1

offences ... 1 does more exercise. could /wou ld be able to text

6 He' ll get the job provided m y friends.

Unit 3 Test (standard) that he does well in the 2 lf 1 go to the party tonight interview. - 1 1 proud 7 You'll get to the airport on

1'11 see joe (there) .

2 committed time as long as you leave 3 lf jenny had caught the

3 courageous now. bus, she would have got to school on time. 4 determined 8 You should eat more fruit

5 dependable and vegeta bies even if you 4 lf the sports club weren't a

6 confident don't like them. long way away, 1 wou ld

7 focused walk there.

8 humble 6 1 wish he was/were better at 5 lf Harry hadn't been tired, 9 ambitious his job. he would have gane out.

2 1 level-headed (e) 2 1 wish 1 could ski. 6 1'11 have money to spend on

2 two-faced (f) 3 1 wish 1 could have/ buy holiday if 1 find a part- time

3 kind-hearted (a) some new jeans./1 wish 1 had job./lf 1 find a part-time job,

4 even-handed (d) some new jeans. 1' 11 have some money to

5 strong willed (b) 4 lf only we had qualified for spend on holiday.

6 sing le minded (e) the World Cup. 7 The burglar wou ldn't have

5 1 wish 1 had known they escaped from prison if the 3 1 will see, leaves

were leaving. security had been tight 2 wouldn't ask, didn't want enough ./lf the security 3 lost, wou ldn't buy 6 lf only she hadn't crashed had been tight enough, 4 finds, wi ll get her car. the burg lar wouldn't have 5 had, wou ld move escaped from prison.

1 1 1

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (54)


8 lf Ti m had put his wal let in a safe place he wou ldn't have lost it.

9 jennifer and Stephen would have got married last spring if they had had any savings./ lf jennifer and Stephen had had any savings, they wou ld have got married last spring .

1 O 1 w ill play football tomorrow if it doesn't rain./lf it rains tomorrow, 1 won't play footba ll.

4 1 jenny w ill go to the rock concert provided that she gets a ticket first.

2 jack will leave early as long as he does all his work fi rst.

3 Sa lly will go to the match unless it rains.

4 Susie will have a birthday party even if al l her friends don't come.

5 john thinks he'll pass the exam un less he doesn't work hard in the next couple of weeks.

5 He wishes he weren't hopeless at maths.

2 He wishes he hadn't done bad ly/had done well in his exams the week before/the previous week.

3 He w ishes his teacher wou ldn't tell him he is lazy.

4 lf only he hadn't fallen out with his best friend the day before/the previous day.

5 He wishes he had more money.

6 lf only he could find a part-time job.

7 He wishes he hadn't crashed his mum's car!

6 Yipang started playing table tennis when she was five.

2 She won the world singles title.

7 False: ' ... as a child, she was ambitious and was determined to be the world champion ... in her teens, she had started competing .... .. ,..... f'"'r ri An=-lh! 1

someone those preparing to compete in the 2012 London Olympics look up to ... '

Unit 4 Test (standard)

1 editor 2 Tabloid 3 live broadcast 4 scoop 5 press 6 viewers 7 journalist 8 tune in 9 article 1 O headlines

2 1 unacceptable 2 overreacted 3 announcement 4 underestimate 5 extraordinary

3 She asked me/ us where I/ we had been on holiday the previous year.

2 He told me that he had finished his work the day befo re.

3 S he wanted to know if 1/we had ever seen Titanic.

4 He said that they were going to play tennis that night.

5 Damien asked if 1/we wanted to go to the cinema that night.

6 She wondered why the car had stopped.

4 He asked if 1 could buy him the newspaper.

2 Richard suggested that we went out for a pizza./Richard suggested going out for a pizza.

3 Ella told her students to sit down and be qu iet.

4 We suggested that we didn't have chicken for dinner again ./We suggested not having chicken for dinner again.

5 They advised me/ us to phone after ten o'clock.

2 They apologized for being late.

3 He offered to lend me his/ her laptop.

4 We agreed to finish the work in two weel<s .

5 He warned me/him/ her/ ._ - - 11 . .

6 le 2d 3b 4a Se

7 A number of programmes on TV and radio had misled the public.

2 Beca use so me of the programmes involved were popu lar chi ldren's programmes and charity events.

3 They apologized immediately.

Unit 4 Test (extra)

1 1 editor 2 scoop 3 press 4 tab loid 5 live broadcast 6 article 7 head lines 8 journalist

2 1 unacceptable 2 overreacted 3 illogica l 4 unsuccessful 5 insensitive 6 underestimated 7 re-announcement

3 1 She asked me why 1 thought the press were there that da y.

2 He to ld me that he hadn't met his friends the previous evening/the evening before.

3 She wondered whether he had gone sailing in Croatia two weeks before/ previously.

4 Don said that he had to phone Patricia later that evening .

5 S he wondered why they should come/should have come then .

4 1 Paul suggested having/ (that) they had a barbecue with sorne of their friends that night.

2 Ti m to ld everybody to listen carefu lly.

3 Steven asked Diane not to come/go round that evehing .

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (55)


5 1 joe warned him/ her/ them/ 7 where 8 whose 6 self -conscious us/ me not to come round (sentences 2 and 8 need 7 disconsolate until eight because there commas) 8 envious wouldn't be anyone there .

5 Our neighbours, who live 2 1 fell for 2 Shelley apolog ized for not opposite us, go fishing 2 going out with

being as helpful as she regu larly. 3 got back should have been.

2 He married a woman he met 4 split up with 3 He offered to lend me his on a blind date. 5 ask out

mobile the fol lowing day if 1 3 There's a great shop in 3 1 is too tight needed it .

4 Pau l and Simon agreed town, where you can buy 2 wasn't dry enough cheap jeans. 3 were too late to work late t he fo llowing

4 1 have eaten the cake you 4 a m not old enough Friday. made forme. 5 wasn't well enough

6 1 e 2d 3b 4a Se 5 Her brother, whose teacher 6 were too hard

7 Sorne rea lity TV is rea lly good, does well in 4 1 like watching movies wh ich

programmes on the BBC his exams.

have rea lly good plots. and ITV chose phone-in 6 1 can remember the first

2 The old coffee shop we competition winners befare t ime 1 saw the sea .

often go to for coffee and the phone lines were closed, 6 Ella the tour guide, who 1 was a cake at the weekend is wh ich meant sorne viewers wa iting for, finally arrived . about to clase down./The w ho had entered t he

2 l'd like you to meet the old coffee shop, where we competitions had no chance often go for coffee and a ofwinning . person 1 spoke to.

cake at the weekend, is 2 They are popular and 3 lt was a bad situation 1 found about to clase down.

prestigious so it is more myself in . 3 My best friend is working

shocking t hat they are 4 Th is is my boyfriend, w ho with a guy who used to live involved in the scandal. you've heard about. next door to us.

3 They cancelled sorne live 5 Here's the house 1 live in. 4 That was the summer phone-in programmes 6 lt's the place we go to every holiday when 1 broke my and started apologizing year. ankle. immediately.

7 Fa lse. 'You on ly have four 5 Those people at the back

minutes with each person who are making a lot of Unit 5 Test (standard)

(though most people agree noise are ruining the film .

1 1 f 2 e 3 b 4 a that's enough time to decide 5 1 My old school, which was 5 i 6 d 7 g 8 e 9 h whether they' re your type or very trad it iona l, had really

no t.) strict teachers. 2 1 fell for 2 going out with 2 True. 'My friend says it isn't 2 1 remember one teacher 3 ask, out 4 split up embarrassing and you don't in particular, who used 5 get back together fee l self-conscious ... The to make us sit in rows in 3 1 You won't be able to wear atmosphere is fun and lively. si lence.

those jeans if you are too fat. 8 She thought it was 3 The school uniform, which 2 S he wasn't fast enough to unromantic. 1 had to wear every day,

win the race. 2 They have busy careers and was starchy and

3 The coffee was too weak to it's a fun way of meeting uncomfortable.

drink. people. 4 The classrooms, which were

4 The car wasn't big enough 3 lf she ever split up with incredibly cold in winter,

for us to fit in . George. were huge and painted white.

5 The grass was too wet to 5 The school radiators, which had on ly recently play tennis. Unit 5 Test (extra) been insta lled, were never

6 The music at the party was 1 1 nervous switched on.

too quiet. 2 possessive 6 1 Ella, the tour guide for 4 1 that/which 2 where 3 exhilarated

whom 1 wa~ waiting, fina lly 3 whose 4 when 4 detest

arrived ./ Ella, the tour gu ide 5 who/that 6 where 5 regr~t

who 1 was waiting for, finally arrived . L

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (56)


2 l'd like you to meet the person to whom 1 spoke./ l'd like you to meet the person 1 spoke to.

3 lt was a bad situation in which 1 found myself./ lt was a bad situation 1 found myself in.

4 This is my boyfriend of whom you've heard./ This is my boyfriend who you've heard of.

5 Here's the house in which 1

live./ Here's the house 1

live in .

6 lt's the place to which we go every year./ lt's the place we go to every year.

7 1 Fa lse: ' . . . though most people agree that's enough time to decide whether they're your type or not!'

2 True: 'My friend (Eiaine) says it isn't embarrassing at all and you don't fee l self -conscious.'

8 She thought it was very unromantic.

2 Because they are busy and this is an easy way to meet people and enjoy themselves.

3 Elaine wou ld consider going speed dating again if she split up with George.

Unit 6 Test (standard)

1 1 rights 2 profit, loss 3 piracy, brand 4 access 5 multinational, barriers

2 1 remind 2 hoping 3 earn 4 degree 5 missed 6 sensitive

3 1 marks 2 support 3 eventually 4 involved 5 recorded 6 arguments

4 Mr Williams is being questioned by the police at the moment.

2 Mrs Porter hasn't been interviewed for the job yet.

3 The rights to the film were distributed six months ago.

4 All the books must be siqned

5 The car had already been sold.

5 A new laptop has been bought for Marina (by her husband).




2 You w ill be sent this month's report tomorrow.

3 lt is said that the economy is slowing down.

4 The new recording room had been shown to the visitors (by the producers) .

5 Wind power is said to be











a cheap, safe and efficient alternative to fossil fuel.

We were sold some tickets (by the organizers) .

Education is believed to be the key toa successfu l future.

lt is believed that the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing.

The council is having/getting a new swimming pooll built next year.

We haven't had/got our house painted yet.

My neighbours are having/ getting their windows rep laced.

He has never had his suit cleaned .

True. 'lf you haven't started downloading already, then you cou ld be spending more money on music than you need to.'

False. ' ... you can browse most sites w ithout having to register.'

Short clips of the songs.

Because downloading on a dial-up connection can take hours.

Unit 6 Test (extra)

1 piracy 2 brand 3 rights 4 profit 5 multinational 6 loss 7 access 8 dea l

2 witt earn 2 le5t missed 3 remember remind 4 mmed lost 5 sensible sensitive 6 hoping waiting 7 eareer degree

3 1 support 2 marks 3 eventually 4 record

4 Doctor Hughes is being presented with an award this afternoon (by the academy) . 1 An award is being presented to Doctor Hughes this afternoon (by the academy) .


2 Mrs Price hasn't been offered the job yet./The job hasn't been offered to Mrs Price yet.

3 lt is said that the economy is starting to slow down./ The economy is said to be slowing down.

4 Courses in Art History were given to students last year (by the university)./Students were given courses in Art History last year.

5 lt is believed that literature isn't as interesting as it used to be./Literature is believed to be notas interesting as it used to be.

6 Friends will be sent home-made Christmas cards next year (by Simon)./ Home-made Christmas cards will be sent next year (by Simon).

1 In this week's Dispatches, claims have been investigated by undercover reporters.

2 Thousands of illegal workers were employed in factories across the country by criminal gangs.

3 The workers are being paid very low wages by the gangs.

4 So me. workers are expected to work fifteen-hour shifts.

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (57)



~ 5 As little as two euros per 2 1 True. ' ... the applications Unit 3 Reading test

hour may be earned by of the wheel in modern life sorne workers. and technology are virtually 1 1 margin, error

6 lt is said that th is kind of infinite.' 2 difference crimina l activity is on the 2 Fa lse. ' ... wheeled vehicles 3 100,10 in crease. are believed to have 4 woman/ athlete

7 lt must be stopped. appeared sometime after the invention of the potter's 2 False. 'AndyTatem [ ... ] who

6 The counci l are going to wheel.' has conducted research have/get a new swimming 3 False. ' ... humans existed into the sprinting speed of

~ pool bui lt in our town next 150,000 years ago, but for men and women athletes, year. 143,000 of those years, they believes there is a good

2 1 have had/got my house remained wheel-less.' chance that they will.' decorated. 4 False. ' ... the wheel is 2 False. ' ... unti l 2004, when

3 We have had/got the door thought to have been the the gap widened to 1.08 repaired/fixed/replaced by a creation of a sing le, brilliant seconds [ ... ] Then in the carpenter. but unknown inventor.' Beijing games 2008 [it]

4 He has had/got his suit increased further to 1.09 ... '

cleaned . 3 1 e 3 True. 'Many researchers 2 b believe that at sorne point,

7 1 True: 'lf you haven't started neither men nor women down loading already, then 4 1 virtua lly

ath letes will be able to run you cou ld be spending 2 reduce

any faster.' 3 devised more money on music than 4 unknown 4 Fa lse: 'Abi Oyepitan [ ... ]

you need to. Download ing is sceptical of the Oxford is an easy, low-cost way of researcher's claims. accessing new music.' Unit 2 Reading test

2 Fa lse: ' .. . most are happy 1 True. 'In the mid 20th 3 b

to let you browse their century, as self-service shops 2 a

products without having became more common, 4 1 gap to go through the time-consuming rigmarole

shoplifting increased 2 trend

of registering .' considerably.' 3 flaw

2 True. 'Other studies claim 4 sprinter 8 They offer short sections of that the majority of what 5 cla ims

songs to listen to. is reported as shoplifting

2 lt is best to have a is actually either employee Unit 4 Reading test broadband connection theft or fraud.'

because it is quicker. 3 Fa lse. 'When they were 1 No, UFOs have been

caught, the store would reported since ancient times.

Unit 1 Reading test usually not report the theft 2 They are explained as other to the poli ce beca use of the things mistaken for UFOs,

1 Because its uses are infinite complicated legal procedure such as satellites, pecu liar and it allowed humans to it involved.' clouds or meteors. They develop agricu lture and 4 Fa lse. 'The tag can on ly be are also explained as the transport. removed by employees with illusions or delusions of the

~ 2 Because the first wheels a special device.' viewer.

were made of solid wood . 3 Because there is no hard

3 lt helped humans to 2 damage scientific evidence.

2 reported use animal power more 3 advances 2 1 True. 'The US military efficiently. 4 device attempted to cover-up this

4 Because humans were "evidence" .' nomads that travelled in 3 1 e

2 False . 'Roswell ranks as one sma ll groups and they 2 d

of the most publicized and weren't in one place long 3 a

controversia ! UFO incidents enoughtoinventand ever.' make it.

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (58)


3 False. ' Many scientists agree that it is possible [ ... ] that some kind of extraterrestrial life is "out there" .'

4 True. 'Dr David Clarke [ ... ] · to ld the BBC's Radio 4 Today

programme "1 doubt the disclosure of these fi les will convince those who believe there is an official cover-up" .'

3 1 a 2b

4 1 e 2b

Unit 5 Reading test

1 They can help us feel more rested, do tasks the next day, or remember things.

2 Because our brain practises what it learned during the day whi le we're sleeping .

2 1 True. ' ... so learning continues while a person is sleeping .'

2 False. 'What is much more common is to stay awake all night studying [ .. . ] Big mistake!'.

3 Fa lse. 'Learning a new task and remembering information of any kind wi ll be facilitated and improved by adequate sleep.'

4 True. 'However, there are other factors that contribute to learning well, such as a hea lthy diet.'

3 1 e 2a

4 1 memories 2 researchers 3 tasks 4 factors 5 stress

Unit 6 Reading test

1 Western Europe (Spain, England, France, Germany, etc)

2 People don't approve of whatyou do.

3 No. Common crimina ls are thieves, etc.

2 1 True. 'Prior to the tightening of security measures, Britons and some other travellers had not needed a visa to enter the USA (unless they were staying more than 90 days).'

2 Fa lse . ' ... the process took about 15 seconds per traveller.'

3 False. 'and we have not had any negative feedback.'

4 True. 'Only diplomats, children below the age of 14, and adu lts over 80 are exempt.'

3 1 b 2b

4 1 tighter 2 scanning machine 3 exempt 4 undesirable

End-of-term test 1 (standard)

1 1 essential, to walk 2 Old-fashioned, to use 3 to invent, simple 4 handy, use 5 wind-up, Making

2 1 control 2 tolerate 3 comply 4 part 5 ban 6 issue 7 restrict 8 report 9 considerate 1 O able to

3 1 They want to set up a new company next year.

2 People will get into trouble if they break the law.

3 We shouldn't have to put up with violence on the streets .

4 They couldn't work out the problem .




5 She's very positive and gets a lot out of life.

6 My friends thought they could ta lk me into going to the night club.

1 was 2 hasn't found 3 has made 4 haven't been driving 5 have finished 6 have been travelling

1 studied 2 had started 3 had been interviewing 4 gave 5 hadn't scored 6 had been driving

1 You shouldn't visit the south of the country.

2 You shouldn't have gone to work.

3 They can't be at home.

4 Tom needn't have brought a bottle of wine.

5 My uncle might/may have arrived at the airport on time.

6 You should have a rest.

7 True. 'The thieves must have climbed through the window beca use when we got home it was wide open .'

2 False. ' 1 remember locking both the front and back doors.'

3 True. '[The police] to ld me 1

shou ld get new locks fitted on all the windows.'

8 When she came back from the restaurant.

2 Beca use the lock was ineffective and the police said that most burglars would know how to break it quite easi ly.

End-of-term test 1 (extra)

1 1 superfluous 2 handy 3 Energy-saving 4 Old-fashioned 5 complex 6 impractical 7 wind-up 8 battery-operated 9 hi-tech

1 () <>~u•nti;,l

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2 1 control 7 1 was very sporty when 3 He wanted to know if the 2 to lerate 1 was young and could reporter had interviewed Ms 3 comply have been a professional Knightley. 4 part footballer. 4 The teacher insisted that 5 banned we had to study harder

~ 6 restrict 6 1 True. 'The thieves must (if we wanted to pass the

7 unable have climbed through the exam).

~ 8 reported window because when we

9 Considerate got home it was wide open .' 5 She suggested that we

1 O able 2 False. '1 remember locking didn't argue about it.

both the front and back 6 He advised me not to listen

~ 3 1 tried to talk him into doors.' to Andy. lend ing me the money. 3 True. '[The police] to ld me 1 8 'ls it OK to change the

~ 2 They tried all morning to should get new locks fitted headline?' work out the crossword on all the windows.'

~ puzzle but they couldn't. 2 'The office is closed'

3 l'm sick and ti red of 7 When she ca me back from 3 'Where has the new

~ putting up with the restaurant. assistant gone?'

inconsiderate people. 2 Because the lock was 4 '(You must) pay for the

~ 4 l'm going to set up a ineffective and the police damage.'

hairdressing business next said that most burglars 5 'Don't send that report by ~ year. would know how to break it email.'

5 You get (yourself) into a lot quite easily.

6 'What time was the report of trouble if you cheat in the on the news?'

~ exam. End-of-term test 2 (standard) 9 They publish stories about

6 Marie is a very motivated celebrities. ath lete who makes 1 gets 1 1 determined 2 proud 2 Because people love to read a lot out of every day of 3 ambitious 4 courageous about her. training. 5 focused 6 confident 3 She can't go anywhere

4 fe lt 2 1 faced 2 minded without tabloid journalists 2 started/had started 3 hearted 4 headed and photographers 3 hadn't worn 5 willed 6 handed following her. 4 paid 4 Constant media attention.

= 5 has interviewed/has been 3 1 live broadcast 2 headline interviewing 3 viewer 4 tabloid 10 1 True. ' .. . a photo of Britney

~ 6 's been sleeping 5 tune in can se ll for as muchas 7 hasn't seen $1 00,000.'

~ 8 hadn't scored 4 1 estimate too little

2 False. 'Should the 9 've been reading 2 record again

government intervene to

~ 1 O were driving 3 not natural

limit the powers of the press? 4 react too much

5 1 You shouldn't visit the 5 more than ordinary Sorne say yes but others are

~ against the idea ... 1

south of the country as 1 6 connecting more than one

~ because it's too dangerous. nation

2 You shouldn't have gone End-of-term test 2 to work beca use 1 as you 5 1 catch, '11 get (extra)

~ have the flu 2 had, would do 3 had learnt, would be able 1 determined

~ 3 They can't be at home 4 won't get, does 2 proud because 1 as the lights are 5 didn't waste, wouldn't, be 3 ambitious

~ off and the car isn't there. 6 wou ldn't have cancelled, 4 courageous 4 Tom needn't have brought hadn't been 5 focused

--==- a bottle of w ine beca use 1 as 6 confident there was plenty. 6 1 even if 2 unless

~ 5 My uncle might have 1 3 hadn't 4 provided that 2 1 level-headed

could have arrived at the 5 was 2 strong-minded 1

airport on time. 7 S he warned us not to arrive single-minded

3 kind-hearted 6 You mustn't 1 can't walk late at the airport. 4 even-handed

on the grass. 2 He offered to give me a lift 5 sing le-minded

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (60)


3 1 tunein 2 broadcast 3 headlines 4 tabloids 5 viewers

4 He underestimated the number of cars they would sell .

2 We will have to rerecord the song, the quality wasn't good enough the first time.

3 Her fa ce looks unnatural. 1

think she's had some plastic surgery.

4 1 might have overreacted to the bad news.

5 She has had an extraordinary life, she's done so many amazing things.

6 My school has many international students . 1 My school is very international.

5 Possible answers

As long as you help me tidy the garage, 1'11 help you with your homework.

2 lf 1 had learnt to play the piano when 1 was a child, 1

would be able to play now.

3 lf he ate more fruit and vegetables, he wouldn't be so unhealthy now.

4 lf 1 hadn't failed my driving test 1 wouldn't have cancelled my party.

5 lf they had more money, they would buy a house.

6 1 even if 2 unless 3 hadn't 4 provided that 5 would

7 She warned us not to arrive late at the airport.

2 He offered to take us /give us a lift to the conference.

3 He wanted to know if the reporter had interviewed Ms Knightley.

4 The teacher insisted that we study harder if we wanted to pass the exam.

5 She suggested we didn't argue / stopped arguing about it.

6 He advised me not to listen to Andy.

7 She apologized for losing his 1 her camera .

8 They agreed to increase my salary.

9 He ordered me not to send that report by email.

1 O S he wondered if it was OK to change the headline then .

8 1 True. ' ... a photo of Britney can sell for as much as $1 00,000.'

2 False. 'Shou ld the government intervene to limit the powers of the press? Some say yes but others are against the idea


9 They publish stories about celebrities.

2 Britney Spears is an example of a celebrity the media lave and who people are extremely keen to read about.

3 She can't go anywhere without tabloid journalists and photographers following her.

4 Constant media attention.

End-of-term test 3 (standard)

1 1 sorry 2 detested 3 regretted 4 envious 5 nervous 6 possessive 7 exhilarated 8 self-conscious

2 1 isn't confident enough 2 they aren't serious enough 3 it was too salty 4 was too weak 5 wasn't attractive enough 6 was too difficult

3 1 Piracy 3 rights

2 profit 4 brand

41a 2b 3b 4c 5 b 6 e

5 1 Marco, who is married to ]oanna, works for AC Milan.

2 St Va lentine was a priest • •• L.-.. .... I: .. ..... ..J : ...... A ..... ,..: .......... + n ....................

3 He's going out with a woman who/that he met on a blind date.

4 A Hollywood actress, who was in a film recently, has just married her co-star.

5 1 read the artic le (that) Sadie was ta lking about.

6 1 went to London, where 1

used to work.

6 2 that 4 that 5 when

7 1 was made 2 was questioned 3 said that 4 to be 5 to get 6 dyed

8 1 The rights to the film have been lost.

2 Things could be changed for the better.

3 Lots of new housing estates are being built.

4 Water supplies to many African vi llages will be improved (by the system).

5 The sandwiches had already been made.

6 The offices were being redecorated.

9 False. ' ... record sa les are no longer what they used to be'

2 True. 'lt has been predicted that music sa les wi ll make up on ly 30% of a record label's income by 201 0.'

3 False. '[Fans] are happy to pay much more to hear their favourite bands live.'

1 O 1 They download most of their music from the internet, rather than buying CDs.

2 Through live performances and merchandise sa les.

3 Because it means that more people are interested in live music events .

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (61)

End-of-term test 3 (extra)

1 1 sorry 2 detest 3 regrets 4 envious 5 nervous 6 possessive 7 exhilarated 1 excited 8 self -conscious

2 1 confident enough 2 sincere 1 honest enough 3 too unfashionable 4 enough evidence 5 sincere 1 honest enough 6 too difficult

3 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b

4 1 Sam, who is married to jill, works for Shell.

2 He's going out with a woman who/that he met on a blind date.

3 There's a Hollywood actress, who was in a film recently, and who has just married her co-star.

4 1 read the article (that) Sadie was talking about.

5 1 went to London, where 1

used to work.

6 Claridge's, which is one of the top restaurants in London, is very expensive.

7 That's Deirdre, the girl whose mother was on a reality show.

5 1 The violin is said to be one of the hardest instruments to play.

2 lt is believed that there is probably intelligent life in distant galaxies.

3 lt is thought that we will run out petral supplies within the next 20 years.

4 Over f2,000,000 was raised for the victims by charities.

5 Our car is being repaired toda y.

6 The thief had already been caught by the time the

Smiths had reported the burglary.

6 l'm going to have 1 get my hair cut.



2 l'm going to have 1 get my car tyres checked.

3 We are going to have 1 get a swimming pool built.

4 She's going to have 1 get her internet connection repaired 1 fixed.

5 We're going to have 1 get our windows cleaned.

6 l'm going have 1 get my hair dyed pink!

False. ' ... record sales are no longer what they u sed to be'

2 True. 'lt has been predicted that music sales will make up only 30% of a record label's income by 201 0.'

3 False. '[Fans] are happy to pay much more to hear their favourite bands live.'

1 They download most of their music from the internet, rather than buying CDs.

2 Through live performances and merchandise sales.

3 Because it means that more people are interested in live music events.

End-of-year exam 1 (standard)

1 They have connected the economies and cultures of the world, creating political and social improvements in many developing countries. The digital revolution has made life easier for many of us and created new forms of leisure and recreation.

2 They could be used to collect information in ways which would infringe our privacy.

2 1 fiction (paragraph 1) 2 undeniable (paragraph 1) 3 globalization (paragraph 2) 4 abuse (paragraph 2) 5 detector (paragraph 3) 6 ethical (paragraph 4)


3 1 False. ' .. . there are al so so me concerns that the digital age has created systems that governments and corporations could abuse.'

2 True. 'Scientists predict that our future will be shaped by radio frequency identification (RFID) .'

3 False. 'This is already used by supermarkets to protect products that are easy to steal.'

4 True. 'For example, in some areas of France authorities are using microchips to monitor the movement of primary school children .'

4 Students' own answers

5 1 have, failed 2 hadn't had 3 has underestimated 4 will be 5 could be abused 6 cou ld not 7 have been made 8 have, been using

6 1 Teenagers shouldn't hang around in gangs.

2 1 needn't have brought my laptop.

3 1 wish 1 hadn't lost my purse.

4 Even if lleft now l'd miss my train./Even if lleave now, 1'11 miss my train.

5 He/She/They suggested that we went to the cinema./He/ She/They suggested going to the cinema.

6 That can't be Mrs Roberts.

7 Sarah might be on holiday.

8 He/She/They asked whether 1 was going to the theatre that night.

Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (62)


=a ---~






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End-of-year exam 2 (extra)

1 lt is an award for young people who have shown commitment and determination in sorne aspect of their lives.

2 They help show the positive side of youth culture .

2 le 2b 3d 4a Sb 6c

3 1 law-breakers (paragraph 1) 2 nominated (paragraph 2) 3 orphanage (paragraph 3) 4 with specia l needs

(paragraph 3)

4 1 could have done 2 have been awarded 3 shou ld be made 4 wi ll have finished 5 were abused 6 didn't have 7 were working 8 is being repaired

5 1 The vase must have been broken befare we arrived.

2 She asked what 1 had done with the report.

3- She told them not to forget to do their homework.

4 Unless we do more to stop global warming we wi ll encounter many problems in the future.

5 My best friend Kirsty, whose mum is Swedish, has just been to Stockholm on holiday.

6 We apologized for having taken the bike without asking permission.

7 She mightn't have seen him at the concert.

8 A dictionary has been provided for every student studying English.

6 Please remind her to call him later.

2 By October next year, 1

will have been living in my house for a decade.

3 1 have been going out with Kate for the four years 1 have lived here.

4 You really shouldn't drive so f::.<t

5 1 had been studying in Hamburg for five months befare l learnt German.

6 lf 1 had seen him, 1 cou ld have helped him.

Listening test Unit 1 Ob lb 2c 3b 4a Sd 6d 7a 8b

Listening test Unit 2 O a 1 e 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 e 6 a 7 a 8 e

Listening test Unit 3 O e 1 e 2 b 3 d 4a Sb 6c 7d 8 a

Listening test Unit 4 Ob 1 e 2b 3a 4b Se 6b 7c 8 a

Listening test Unit 5 Od 1 b 2a 3d 4c Sd 6b 7c 8b

Listening test Unit 6 O e 1 b 2 e 3 a 4c Sb 6c 7a 8 b


Examenes Ingles Definitions - [PDF Document] (2024)


How many questions does the ACT English test contain? ›

An actual ACT English Test contains 75 questions to be answered in 45 minutes. Be aware of the writing style used in each passage.

What is the hardest test on the ACT? ›

Do You Feel Confident in the Content? Obviously, it's not a good idea to take the ACT® unless you have a good grasp on the content that will be tested. The ACT® Reading and ACT® Science sections are both the hardest and easiest to prepare for.

Is a 16 on English ACT bad? ›

Understanding ACT score ranges and what they mean is crucial in evaluating your performance and determining where you stand in comparison to other test-takers. Each section has a test score range of 1-36: Below Average Score Range: 1-16. Average Score Range: 17-24.

Is ACT harder than SAT? ›

The SAT is not harder than the ACT. Both tests vary slightly in terms of subjects covered and structure. These variations can affect each test taker differently, making one exam more challenging than the other. Taking full-length practice tests of each type can help you determine which may be best suited for you.

Is the ACT English test hard? ›

The ACT English test is something of a paradox. Though it is undeniably the easiest test on which to make significant score gains, it is also the test that causes most students trouble the first time they take it–their low scores prove it. Even students used to getting As in English classes score in the low 20s.

What is the most common answer choice on the ACT? ›

For most of the ACT, there is no “best” letter to guess. Except… at the end of the Math section — then there is a best letter to guess on the ACT. Most people (and tutors) tell students that, if they have no idea on a question, to just guess answer choice “C” — the middle answer on most multiple choice tests.

What is the best strategy for the ACT English test? ›

ACT English Test Tips
  • Be aware of the writing style used in each passage. When responding to a question, be sure to understand the context of the question. ...
  • Examine the underlined portions of the passage. ...
  • Note the questions with no underlined portions. ...
  • Reread the sentence, using the answer you selected.

How do I get a good English score on the ACT? ›

Wrapping Things Up: 9 ACT® English Tips to Score a 36 on Your Test
  1. Know the ACT® English rules of grammar and rhetoric. ...
  2. Avoid redundancy and wordiness. ...
  3. Know the 4 most common question types. ...
  4. Think carefully before choosing “NO CHANGE.” ...
  5. Practice, practice practice! ...
  6. Pinpoint your weaknesses.

Is 30 a good ACT English score? ›

With a score of 30 on the ACT, there's no pressing reason to retake the exam unless your ideal school is looking for a higher score. As indicated above, most colleges consider an ACT score of 30 to be a strong fit for admission.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.