Hsk Level 5 (New Hsk) - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 7/29/2019 Hsk Level 5 (New Hsk)


    http://lingomi.com (This HSK Level 5 list was produced by Li


    HSKLevel-Order Word Pronunciation

    1 3-1 a1 yi2

    2 3-2 a5

    3 5-3 ai14 3-3 ai35 1-1 ai4

    6 3-5 ai4 hao4

    7 5-7 ai4 hu48 4-6 ai4 qing29 5-9 ai4 xi1

    10 5-10 ai4 xin111 3-6 an1 jing412 4-8 an1 pai213 4-9 an1quan214 5-14 an1 wei415 5-15 an1 zhuang116 5-16 an4

    17 4-10 an418 4-11 an4 shi2

    19 4-12 an4 zhao420 1-2 ba1

    21 3-8 ba3

    22 5-22 ba3 wo4

    23 1-3 ba4 ba5

    24 2-4 ba5

    25 2-5 bai2

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    26 2-6 bai327 5-27 bai3

    28 3-13 ban1

    29 3-14 ban130 5-30 ban1 zhu3 ren431 3-15 ban4

    32 3-16 ban4 fa333 3-17 ban4 gong1 shi434 5-34 ban4 li3

    35 3-18 bang1 mang236 2-7 bang1 zhu4

    37 5-37 bang4

    38 5-38 bang4 wan3

    39 3-20 bao140 5-40 bao1 guo341 5-41 bao1 han2

    42 4-27 bao1 kuo443 5-43 bao1 zi5

    44 5-44 bao245 3-21 bao3

    46 5-46 bao3 bei447 5-47 bao3 gui448 5-48 bao3 chi2

    49 5-49 bao3 cun2

    50 4-29 bao3 hu4

    51 5-51 bao3 liu2

    52 5-52 bao3 xian3

    53 4-30 bao3 zheng4

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    54 4-31 bao455 4-32 bao4 qian456 4-33 bao4 dao4

    57 5-57 bao4 gao4

    58 4-34 bao4 ming259 2-8 bao4 zhi360 5-60 bei1 guan161 1-4 bei1zi5

    62 3-24 bei3 fang1

    63 1-5 Bei3 jing1

    64 4-39 bei4

    65 5-65 bei466 5-66 bei4 jing3

    67 3-26 bei468 5-68 bei4 zi5

    69 1-6 ben370 5-70 ben3 ke1

    71 4-42 ben3 lai272 5-72 ben3 ling373 5-73 ben3 zhi474 4-43ben475 3-28 bi2 zi5

    76 2-12 bi3

    77 3-31 bi3 jiao478 5-78 bi3 li479 5-79 bi3 ru2

    80 4-48 bi3 sai481 5-81 bi3 ci382 3-30 bi3 ji4 ben3

    83 5-83 bi4 jing4

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    84 4-50 bi4 ye485 5-85 bi4 mian386 5-86 bi4 ran287 3-32 bi4xu188 5-88 bi4 xu1

    89 5-89 bi4 yao490 5-90 bian1 ji2

    91 5-91 bian1 pao4

    92 5-92 bian493 4-51 bian494 3-33 bian4 hua4

    95 5-95 bian4 lun4

    96 5-96 biao1 dian397 5-97 biao1 zhi498 4-53 biao1 zhun399 4-54biao3 da2

    100 4-55 biao3 ge2101 5-101 biao3 mian4

    102 5-102 biao3 ming2

    103 5-103 biao3 qing2

    104 3-34 biao3 shi4

    105 5-105 biao3 xian4

    106 3-35 biao3 yan3107 4-58 biao3 yang2

    108 2-13 bie2

    109 3-37 bie2 ren2110 3-38 bin1 guan3

    111 3-39 bing1 xiang1

    112 5-112 bing3113 4-63 bing3 gan1

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    114 5-114 bing4 du2115 4-64 bing4 qie3116 5-116 bo1 li5117 4-65bo2 shi4118 5-118 bo2 wu4 guan3

    119 5-119 bo2 zi5120 5-120 bu2 bi4121 4-66 bu2 dan4122 5-122 bu2duan4

    123 4-67 bu2 guo4124 5-124 bu2 jian4 de5125 1-7 bu2 ke4 qi51265-126 bu2 nai4 fan2

    127 5-127 bu2 yao4 jin3

    128 5-128 bu3 chong1129 5-129 bu4130 1-8 bu4

    131 5-131 bu4 an1

    132 4-70 bu4 de2 bu4133 5-133 bu4 de2 liao3134 4-71 bu4guan3

    135 5-135 bu4 hao3 yi4 si5136 4-72 bu4 jin3137 5-137 bu4mian3138 5-138 bu4 ran2

    139 5-139 bu4 ru2

    140 5-140 bu4 zu2141 4-73 bu4 fen5142 5-142 bu4 men2143 5-143bu4 zhou4

    144 4-74 ca1145 4-75 cai1

    146 3-42 cai2147 5-147 cai2 chan3

    148 4-77 cai2 liao4

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    149 5-149 cai3

    150 5-150 cai3 fang3

    151 5-151 cai3 qu3152 5-152 cai3 hong2

    153 1-9 cai4154 3-44 cai4 dan1155 4-80 can1 guan1156 3-45 can1jia1157 5-157 can1 kao3158 5-158 can1 yu4

    159 5-159 can1 ting1

    160 5-160 can2 ji2161 5-161 can2 kui4162 5-162 cao1 chang31635-163 cao1 xin1

    164 3-46 cao3165 5-165 ce4166 5-166 ce4 suo3167 5-167 ce4yan4

    168 3-47 ceng2

    169 5-169 ceng2 jing1

    170 5-170 cha1171 5-171 cha1 bie2172 5-172 cha1 zi5173 1-10cha2174 3-49 cha4175 4-86 cha4 bu5 duo1176 5-176 chai1177 5-177chan3 pin3

    178 5-178 chan3 sheng1

    179 4-87 chang2180 2-18 chang2181 4-89 Chang2 cheng2

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    182 4-90 Chang2 jiang1183 5-183 chang2 tu2184 5-184 chang2shi2

    185 4-91 chang3186 2-19 chang4 ge1

    187 5-187 chao1188 4-93 chao1 guo4189 3-52 chao1 shi4

    190 5-190 chao2191 5-191 chao2 dai4

    192 5-192 chao3

    193 4-95 chao3194 5-194 chao3 jia4195 5-195 che1 ku4196 5-196che1 xiang1197 5-197 che4 di3198 5-198 chen2 mo4199 5-199 chen42003-53 chen4 shan1

    201 5-201 cheng1202 5-202 cheng1 hu5203 5-203 cheng1 zan4

    204 5-204 cheng2205 4-103 cheng2 zuo4206 5-206 cheng2 dan1

    207 5-207 cheng2 ren4208 5-208 cheng2 shou4

    209 5-209 cheng2 du4210 5-210 cheng2 xu4

    211 5-211 cheng2 fen4212 4-97 cheng2 gong1213 5-213 cheng2guo3

    214 3-54 cheng2 ji4

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    215 5-215 cheng2 jiu4216 5-216 cheng2 li4217 4-99 cheng2 shu22184-100 cheng2 wei2

    219 5-219 cheng2 yu3220 5-220 cheng2 zhang3221 5-221 cheng2ken3222 4-101 cheng2 shi2223 3-55 cheng2 shi4

    224 1-11 chi1225 4-105 chi1 jing1

    226 5-226 chi1 kui1227 3-57 chi2 dao4228 5-228 chi2 xu4229 5-229chi2 zi5230 5-230 chi3 zi5231 5-231 chi4 bang3

    232 5-232 chong1233 5-233 chong1 dian4 qi4

    234 5-234 chong1 fen4235 5-235 chong1 man3236 5-236 chong2fu4237 4-107 chong2 xin1238 5-238 chong3 wu4239 5-239 chou1 ti52405-240 chou1 xiang4241 4-108 chou1 yan1

    242 5-242 chou3

    243 5-243 chou4

    244 2-21 chu1245 5-245 chu1 ban3246 4-110 chu1 chai1247 4-111chu1 fa1

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    248 5-248 chu1 kou3249 5-249 chu1 se4250 4-112 chu1 sheng12515-251 chu1 xi2

    252 3-59 chu1 xian4253 1-12 chu1 zu1 che1254 5-254 chu1 ji2

    255 5-255 chu2

    256 5-256 chu2 fei1

    257 3-62 chu2 le5258 5-258 chu2 xi1259 3-61 chu2 fang2

    260 5-260 chu3 li3

    261 2-23 chuan1

    262 2-24 chuan2263 5-263 chuan2 bo1264 5-264 chuan2 di4265 5-265chuan2 ran3

    266 5-266 chuan2 shuo1

    267 5-267 chuan2 tong3268 4-119 chuan2 zhen1269 4-120 chuang1hu5270 5-270 chuang1 lian2

    271 5-271 chuang3272 5-272 chuang4 zao4

    273 5-273 chui1274 3-65 chun1

    275 5-275 ci2 dai4

    276 4-122 ci2 dian3

    277 3-66 ci2 yu3278 5-278 ci2 zhi2279 5-279 ci3 wai4

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    280 2-25 ci4281 5-281 ci4 yao4

    282 5-282 ci4 ji1283 5-283 cong1 mang2

    284 3-68 cong1 ming5285 2-26 cong2286 5-286 cong2 ci3287 5-287cong2 er2

    288 4-127 cong2 lai2289 5-289 cong2 qian2

    290 5-290 cong2 shi4291 4-128 cu1 xin1292 5-292 cu4293 5-293 cu4jin4

    294 5-294 cu4 shi3

    295 5-295 cui1296 5-296 cun2

    297 5-297 cun2 zai4

    298 2-27 cuo4299 5-299 cuo4 wu4300 5-300 cuo4 shi1301 5-301 da1ying5302 4-130 da2 an4303 5-303 da2 dao4

    304 4-131 da3 ban5305 1-13 da3 dian4 hua4

    306 5-306 da3 gong1307 5-307 da3 jiao1 dao4308 2-29 da3 lan2qiu2309 5-309 da3 pen1 ti4310 4-134 da3 rao3311 3-73 da3 sao3

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    312 3-74 da3 suan4313 5-313 da3 ting5314 4-137 da3 yin4315 5-315da3 zhao1 hu5

    316 4-138 da3 zhe2317 4-139 da3 zhen1

    318 1-14 da4319 5-319 da4 fang1320 4-141 da4 gai4321 2-31 da4jia1322 4-143 da4 shi3 guan3323 5-323 da4 xiang4324 5-324 da4xing2325 4-144 da4 yue1

    326 5-326 dai1

    327 3-77 dai4

    328 4-146 dai4

    329 4-147 dai4 biao3

    330 4-149 dai4 ti4

    331 4-148 dai4 fu5332 5-332 dai4 kuan3333 5-333 dai4 yu43345-334 dan1 chun2335 5-335 dan1 diao4336 5-336 dan1 du2

    337 5-337 dan1 wei4

    338 5-338 dan1 yuan2

    339 5-339 dan1 ren4340 3-78 dan1 xin1341 5-341 dan1 wu5342 5-342dan3 xiao3 gui3

    343 5-343 dan4344 3-79 dan4 gao1

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    345 2-32 dan4 shi4

    346 4-153 dang1347 5-347 dang1 dai4

    348 4-154 dang1 di4

    349 3-81 dang1 ran2350 4-156 dang1 shi2

    351 5-351 dang3352 4-157 dao1353 5-353 dao3354 5-354 dao3mei2355 5-355 dao3 yan3356 4-158 dao3 you2

    357 5-357 dao3 zhi4358 5-358 dao4359 2-33 dao4360 4-160 dao4chu4361 5-361 dao4 da2

    362 4-161 dao4 di3363 5-363 dao4 de2

    364 5-364 dao4 li3365 4-162 dao4 qian4

    366 3-83 de5

    367 1-15 de5

    368 2-35 de5369 4-163 de2 yi4370 4-167 dei3371 3-86 deng1

    372 5-372 deng1 ji1 pai2373 5-373 deng1 ji4374 2-36 deng3

    375 4-170 deng3376 5-376 deng3 dai4377 5-377 deng3 hou4

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    378 5-378 deng3 yu2

    379 3-88 di1380 5-380 di1381 5-381 di2 que4

    382 5-382 di2 ren2

    383 4-172 di3

    384 5-384 di4385 5-385 di4 dao5386 3-90 di4 fang1387 5-387 di4li3388 4-175 di4 qiu2

    389 5-389 di4 qu1390 5-390 di4 tan3391 3-91 di4 tie3392 3-92 di4tu2393 5-393 di4 wei4394 5-394 di4 zhen4395 2-38 di4 zhi3396 2-37di4 di5397 4-178 di4 yi1

    398 1-16 dian3399 5-399 dian3 tou2

    400 5-400 dian3 xin5

    401 5-401 dian4 chi2402 1-17 dian4 nao3403 1-18 dian4 shi4

    404 5-404 dian4 tai2405 3-97 dian4 ti1406 1-19 dian4 ying34073-99 dian4 zi3 you2 jian

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    408 5-408 diao4

    409 4-186 diao4

    410 4-187 diao4 cha2

    411 5-411 ding1

    412 5-412 ding3413 4-188 diu1414 3-102 dong1

    415 3-100 dong1416 1-20 dong1 xi5417 2-44 dong3418 5-418dong4

    419 5-419 dong4420 5-420 dong4 hua4 pian1421 3-104 dong4 wu44224-194 dong4 zuo4423 1-21 dou1

    424 5-424 dou4425 5-425 dou4 fu5

    426 1-22 du2427 5-427 du2 li4428 5-428 du2 te4429 4-197 du3che1430 5-430 du4 guo4431 4-198 du4 zi5432 3-107 duan3

    433 5-433 duan3 xin4

    434 3-108 duan4

    435 4-201 duan4436 3-109 duan4 lian4

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    437 5-437 dui1438 2-47 dui4439 4-204 dui4440 5-440 dui4 bi3

    441 1-23 dui4 bu5 qi3442 5-442 dui4 dai4

    443 5-443 dui4 fang1444 4-206 dui4 hua4445 4-207 dui4 mian44465-446 dui4 shou3

    447 5-447 dui4 xiang4448 5-448 dui4 yu2449 5-449 dun1

    450 5-450 dun1

    451 4-208 dun4452 1-24 duo1453 5-453 duo1 kui1

    454 3-113 duo1 me5455 1-25 duo1 shao3456 5-456 duo1 yu2

    457 4-212 duo3458 5-458 duo3 cang2459 3-115 e4460 5-460 e4lie4

    461 4-214 er2

    462 3-116 er2 qie3463 4-216 er2 tong2464 1-26 er2 zi5

    465 3-118 er3 duo5466 1-27 er4

    467 4-220 fa1468 5-468 fa1 biao3469 5-469 fa1 chou2470 5-470 fa1da2471 5-471 fa1 dou3

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    472 5-472 fa1 hui1473 5-473 fa1 ming2474 5-474 fa1 piao4

    475 3-120 fa1 shao1476 4-222 fa1 sheng1477 3-121 fa1 xian44785-478 fa1 yan2479 4-224 fa1 zhan3480 5-480 fa2 kuan3481 4-225 fa3lv4482 5-482 fa3 yuan4

    483 5-483 fan1

    484 4-226 fan1 yi4485 4-227 fan2 nao3486 5-486 fan2 rong24875-487 fan2 shi4

    488 4-228 fan3 dui4489 5-489 fan3 er2490 5-490 fan3 fu4

    491 4-229 fan3 ying4

    492 5-492 fan3 ying4

    493 5-493 fan3 zheng4494 1-28 fan4 guan3495 4-231 fan4 wei2

    496 5-496 fang1

    497 5-497 fang1 an4

    498 3-123 fang1 bian4

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    499 4-233 fang1 fa3500 4-234 fang1 mian4

    501 5-501 fang1 shi4502 4-235 fang1 xiang4

    503 5-503 fang2 ai4504 5-504 fang2 dong1505 2-54 fang2 jian15065-506 fang3 fu2507 4-237 fang3 wen4

    508 3-125 fang4509 4-239 fang4 qi4510 4-240 fang4 shu3 jia45115-511 fang4 song1512 3-126 fang4 xin1

    513 5-513 fei1514 2-55 fei1 chang2515 1-29 fei1 ji1516 5-516fei2 zao4517 5-517 fei4

    518 5-518 fei4 hua4519 5-519 fei4 yong4

    520 3-129 fen1

    521 5-521 fen1 bie2522 5-522 fen1 bu4523 5-523 fen1 pei45245-524 fen1 xi1

    525 4-245 fen1 zhi1

    526 1-30 fen1 zhong1

    527 5-527 fen1 fen1

    528 4-247 fen4529 5-529 fen4 dou4530 5-530 fen4 nu4

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    531 4-248 feng1 fu4532 5-532 feng1 ge2533 4-249 feng1 jing35345-534 feng1 su2535 5-535 feng1 xian3

    536 5-536 feng1 kuang2537 5-537 feng3 ci4538 5-538 fou3 ding45395-539 fou3 ren4540 4-250 fou3 ze2541 5-541 fu2542 5-542 fu25435-543 fu2 cong2

    544 2-58 fu2 wu4 yuan2545 5-545 fu2 zhuang1

    546 4-251 fu2 he2547 5-547 fu3 dao3548 4-253 fu4549 3-132 fu4jin4550 5-550 fu4 kuan3551 5-551 fu4 nv3

    552 4-255 fu4 qin1553 3-133 fu4 xi2554 4-257 fu4 yin4555 4-258fu4 za2

    556 5-556 fu4 zhi4

    557 4-259 fu4 ze2558 4-260 gai3 bian4559 5-559 gai3 ge2560 5-560gai3 jin4561 5-561 gai3 shan4

    562 5-562 gai3 zheng4563 5-563 gai4564 5-564 gai4 kuo4565 5-565gai4 nian4

    566 4-261 gan1 bei1

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    567 5-567 gan1 cui4568 3-134 gan1 jing4

    569 4-263 gan1 zao4

    570 3-135 gan3571 4-265 gan3 dong4572 5-572 gan3 ji1

    573 4-266 gan3 jue2574 3-136 gan3 mao4

    575 4-268 gan3 qing2

    576 5-576 gan3 shou4

    577 5-577 gan3 xiang3578 4-269 gan3 xie4579 5-579 gan3 jin35805-580 gan3 kuai4581 4-270 gan4582 5-582 gan4 huo2 r5583 3-137 gang1cai2584 4-272 gang1 gang5585 5-585 gang1 tie3

    586 2-59 gao1587 5-587 gao1 dang4588 4-274 gao1 ji2589 5-589gao1 su4 gong1 lu4590 1-31 gao1 xing4

    591 5-591 gao3592 5-592 gao4 bie2593 2-61 gao4 su5594 5-594 ge1bo5595 2-62 ge1 ge5

    596 5-596 ge1 zi5597 5-597 ge2 bi4598 5-598 ge2 ming4599 5-599ge2 wai4

    600 1-32 ge4601 5-601 ge4 bie2602 5-602 ge4 ren2

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    603 5-603 ge4 xing4604 4-280 ge4 zi5605 4-278 ge4606 5-606 ge4zi5

    607 2-64 gei3

    608 3-144 gen1

    609 5-609 gen1

    610 5-610 gen1 ben3611 3-145 gen1 ju4612 3-146 geng4

    613 5-613 geng4 jia1614 5-614 gong1 bu4615 2-65 gong1 gong4 qi4che616 2-66 gong1 jin1617 5-617 gong1 kai1

    618 4-287 gong1 li3619 5-619 gong1 ping2620 2-67 gong1 si16215-621 gong1 yu4622 5-622 gong1 yuan2

    623 3-150 gong1 yuan2624 5-624 gong1 zhu3625 5-625 gong1chang3626 5-626 gong1 cheng2 shi1627 4-290 gong1 ju4628 5-628 gong1ren2629 5-629 gong1 ye4

    630 4-291 gong1 zi1631 1-33 gong1 zuo4632 5-632 gong1 fu56335-633 gong1 neng2634 4-293 gong4 tong2

    635 5-635 gong4 xian4636 5-636 gou1 tong1637 1-34 gou3638 4-295gou4

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    639 5-639 gou4 cheng2640 4-296 gou4 wu4641 4-297 gu1 dan16425-642 gu1 gu5

    643 5-643 gu1 niang5644 4-298 gu1 ji4645 5-645 gu3 dai4646 5-646gu3 dian3647 5-647 gu3 lao3648 4-299 gu3 li4649 5-649 gu3 wu36504-300 gu3 zhang3651 5-651 gu3 piao4652 5-652 gu3 tou5653 5-653 gu4ding4654 5-654 gu4 ti3655 4-301 gu4 ke4656 3-153 gu4 shi5657 4-303gu4 yi4658 5-658 gu4 yong1659 3-154 gua1 feng1

    660 4-305 gua4661 5-661 gua4 hao4

    662 5-662 guai1

    663 5-663 guai3 wan1664 5-664 guai4 bu5 de5665 5-665 guan1

    666 3-155 guan1667 5-667 guan1 bi4

    668 5-668 guan1 huai2

    669 4-307 guan1 jian4

    670 3-156 guan1 xi4671 3-157 guan1 xin1

    672 3-158 guan1 yu2

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    673 5-673 guan1 cha2674 5-674 guan1 dian3

    675 5-675 guan1 nian4

    676 4-311 guan1 zhong4

    677 4-312 guan3 li3678 5-678 guan3 zi3679 5-679 guan4 jun16805-680 guan4 tou5681 4-313 guang1682 5-682 guang1 hua5

    683 5-683 guang1 lin2

    684 5-684 guang1 ming2

    685 5-685 guang1 pan2686 5-686 guang1 rong2687 4-314 guang3bo1

    688 5-688 guang3 chang3

    689 5-689 guang3 da4690 5-690 guang3 fan4

    691 4-315 guang3 gao4

    692 4-316 guang4

    693 4-317 gui1 ding4

    694 5-694 gui1 ju5

    695 5-695 gui1 lv4696 5-696 gui1 mo2697 5-697 gui1 ze2698 2-70gui4699 5-699 gui4 tai2700 5-700 gun3701 5-701 guo1702 5-702 guo2ji2703 4-319 guo2 ji4704 3-160 guo2 jia1705 5-705 Guo2 qing4jie2

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    706 4-321 guo3 ran2707 5-707 guo3 shi2708 3-161 guo3 zhi1

    709 2-71 guo4710 4-324 guo5711 4-325 guo4 cheng2712 5-712 guo4fen4713 5-713 guo4 min3

    714 5-714 guo4 qi1715 3-162 guo4 qu5716 5-716 ha1

    717 2-72 hai2718 3-165 hai2 shi4719 2-73 hai2 zi5720 5-720 hai3guan1721 5-721 hai3 xian1722 4-330 hai3 yang2723 3-167 hai4 pa47244-332 hai4 xiu1725 4-333 han2 jia4726 5-726 han3

    727 4-334 han4728 1-35 Han4 yu3

    729 4-336 hang2 ban1730 5-730 hang2 ye4731 5-731 hao2 hua2

    732 1-36 hao3733 2-76 hao3 chi1

    734 4-339 hao3 chu5735 4-340 hao3 xiang4

    736 2-77 hao4737 4-342 hao4 ma3738 5-738 hao4 qi2739 1-37he1

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    740 3-174 he2

    741 1-38 he2742 5-742 he2 ping2743 5-743 he2 bi4

    744 5-744 he2 kuang4745 5-745 he2 fa3746 4-346 he2 ge2747 5-747he2 li3748 4-347 he2 shi4749 5-749 he2 tong5750 5-750 he2 ying3

    751 5-751 he2 zuo4752 5-752 he2 xin1753 4-348 he2 zi5

    754 2-80 hei1755 3-176 hei1 ban3756 1-39 hen3757 5-757 hen47585-758 heng2759 2-82 hong2760 4-353 hou2 zi5

    761 4-354 hou4762 5-762 hou4 guo3763 4-355 hou4 hui3764 4-356hou4 lai2765 1-40 hou4 mian5766 4-358 hu1 ran2767 5-767 hu1 shi47685-768 hu1 xi1769 5-769 hu2770 5-770 hu2 die2771 5-771 hu2 shuo17725-772 hu2 tong4

    773 5-773 hu2 xu1774 5-774 hu2 tu5775 4-359 hu4 shi5776 3-180hu4 zhao4777 4-361 hu4 xiang1778 3-181 hua1779 5-779 hua1 sheng17803-182 hua1 yuan2

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    781 5-781 hua2 bing1782 5-782 hua2 chuan2783 5-783 hua2 yi47843-183 hua4785 5-785 hua4 ti2

    786 5-786 hua4 xue2787 5-787 huai2 nian4788 4-365 huai2 yi27893-184 huai4790 2-84 huan1 ying2791 3-186 huan2

    792 3-187 huan2 jing4793 5-793 huan3 jie3794 3-188 huan47955-795 huan4 xiang3796 5-796 huang1 zhang1797 3-189 huang2798 5-798huang2 gua1799 5-799 huang2 jin1800 5-800 huang2 di4801 5-801huang2 hou4

    802 5-802 hui1803 5-803 hui1804 5-804 hui1 chen2

    805 5-805 hui1 xin1

    806 5-806 hui1 fu4

    807 1-41 hui2808 2-86 hui2 da2809 4-374 hui2 yi4

    810 1-42 hui4811 3-193 hui4 yi4812 5-812 hui4 lv4813 5-813 hun1li3814 5-814 hun1 yin1

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    815 4-377 huo2 dong4816 4-378 huo2 po5817 5-817 huo2 yue4

    818 4-379 huo3819 5-819 huo3 chai2820 1-43 huo3 che1 zhan48215-821 huo3 ban4822 4-381 huo4 de2823 3-195 huo4 zhe3824 5-824 ji1ben3825 4-385 ji1 chu3826 3-199 ji1 hui4827 5-827 ji1 qi4828 2-89ji1 chang3829 2-90 ji1 dan4830 4-387 ji1 dong4831 5-831 ji1 lie48323-198 ji1 hu1

    833 4-389 ji1 ji2834 4-390 ji1 lei3835 5-835 ji1 rou4836 3-200ji2837 4-392 ji2 qi2838 5-838 ji2 ge2839 4-394 ji2 shi2839 5-839ji2 mang2840 4-393 ji2 he2841 5-841 ji2 ti3

    842 5-842 ji2 zhong1844 4-395 ji2 shi3845 1-44 ji3

    846 4-397 ji4

    847 3-202 ji4 de5848 5-848 ji4 lu4849 5-849 ji4 yi4850 4-399 ji4zhe3

    851 4-400 ji4 hua4852 5-852 ji4 suan4853 3-203 ji4 jie2

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    854 5-854 ji4 ling3 dai4855 5-855 ji4 lu4856 5-856 ji4 lv48575-857 ji4 nian4858 5-858 ji4 mo4

    859 4-402 ji4 ran2

    860 4-403 ji4 shu4861 4-404 ji4 xu4

    862 1-45 jia1863 4-406 jia1 ju4864 5-864 jia1 ting2

    865 5-865 jia1 wu4866 5-866 jia1 xiang1867 4-407 jia1 ban18684-408 jia1 you2 zhan4869 5-869 jia1 bin1870 5-870 jia1 zi5

    871 5-871 jia3872 4-409 jia3873 5-873 jia3 ru2874 5-874 jia3zhuang1

    875 5-875 jia4876 4-410 jia4 ge2

    877 5-877 jia4 zhi2878 5-878 jia4 shi3

    879 5-879 jian1880 5-880 jian1 bang3

    881 4-411 jian1 chi2882 5-882 jian1 jue2883 5-883 jian1qiang2884 5-884 jian1 ju4

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    885 5-885 jian1 ku3886 5-886 jian1 rui4887 5-887 jian3888 3-205jian3 cha2889 3-206 jian3 dan1

    890 5-890 jian3 li4891 5-891 jian3 zhi2892 5-892 jian3 dao18934-414 jian3 fei2894 4-415 jian3 shao3

    895 2-93 jian4896 3-208 jian4 kang1897 5-897 jian4 shen1fang2898 5-898 jian4 li4

    899 5-899 jian4 she4

    900 5-900 jian4 yi4

    901 5-901 jian4 zhu4902 3-209 jian4 mian4903 5-903 jian4 pan29044-419 jiang1 lai2

    905 3-210 jiang3

    906 5-906 jiang3 jiu5907 5-907 jiang3 zuo4908 4-421 jiang3jin1909 4-422 jiang4 di1910 5-910 jiang4 luo4911 5-911 jiang4you2912 3-211 jiao1

    913 5-913 jiao1

    914 4-424 jiao1

    915 5-915 jiao1 huan4916 5-916 jiao1 ji4

    917 4-425 jiao1 liu2918 4-426 jiao1 tong1

    919 4-427 jiao1 ao4

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    920 5-920 jiao1 qu1921 5-921 jiao1 shui3922 3-212 jiao3

    923 3-213 jiao3

    924 5-924 jiao3 du4925 5-925 jiao3 hua2926 4-430 jiao3 zi5

    927 1-46 jiao4928 5-928 jiao4 cai2

    929 5-929 jiao4 lian4930 2-95 jiao4 shi4

    931 4-433 jiao4 shou4

    932 5-932 jiao4 xun5933 4-434 jiao4 yu4

    934 3-216 jie1935 5-935 jie1 chu4936 5-936 jie1 dai4937 5-937jie1 jin4938 4-436 jie1 shou4

    939 5-939 jie1 zhe5940 3-217 jie1 dao4941 5-941 jie1 duan49425-942 jie1 shi5

    943 5-943 jie2

    944 3-220 jie2 mu4945 3-221 jie2 ri4

    946 5-946 jie2 sheng3947 4-443 jie2 yue1

    948 5-948 jie2 gou4949 4-438 jie1 guo3950 5-950 jie2 he29513-218 jie2 hun1

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    952 5-952 jie2 lun4953 3-219 jie2 shu4

    954 5-954 jie2 zhang4

    955 5-955 jie3 fang4956 3-223 jie3 jue2

    957 4-446 jie3 shi4958 5-958 jie3 shuo1 yuan2959 2-96 jie3jie5

    960 5-960 jie4

    961 3-224 jie4962 5-962 jie4 kou3

    963 2-97 jie4 shao4964 5-964 jie4 yan1965 5-965 jie4 zhi59661-47 jin1 tian1967 5-967 jin1 shu3

    968 5-968 jin3969 5-969 jin3 ji2

    970 4-451 jin3 zhang1

    971 4-450 jin3 guan3972 5-972 jin3 shen4

    973 2-99 jin4

    974 5-974 jin4 bu4975 5-975 jin4 kou3

    976 4-454 jin4 xing2977 2-100 jin4978 5-978 jin4 dai4979 5-979jin4 li4980 5-980 jin4 liang4

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    981 4-455 jin4 zhi3982 4-456 jing1 cai3983 5-983 jing1 li4

    984 4-457 jing1 shen2

    985 3-229 jing1 chang2986 5-986 jing1 dian3987 3-230 jing1guo4988 4-460 jing1 ji4989 3-231 jing1 li3

    990 4-462 jing1 li4991 4-463 jing1 yan4992 5-992 jing1 ying29934-464 Jing1 ju4

    994 4-465 jing3 cha2995 5-995 jing3 se4996 5-996 jing4 ai4

    997 4-466 jing4 ran2998 4-467 jing4 zheng1999 4-468 jing4zi5

    1000 4-469 jiu1 jing41001 1-48 jiu31002 3-233 jiu31003 5-1003jiu3 ba11004 3-234 jiu4

    1005 2-102 jiu41006 5-1006 jiu41007 5-1007 jiu4 hu4 che1

    1008 5-1008 jiu4 jiu51009 5-1009 ju1 ran21010 5-1010 ju2 zi5

    1011 5-1011 ju31012 4-474 ju3 ban41013 3-236 ju3 xing2

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    1014 5-1014 ju4 bei41015 5-1015 ju4 ti3

    1016 5-1016 ju4 da4

    1017 5-1017 ju4 hui41018 4-476 ju4 jue21019 5-1019 ju4 le4bu41020 4-477 ju4 li21021 5-1021 ju4 shuo11022 3-237 ju4 zi510235-1023 juan1

    1024 5-1024 juan31025 2-103 jue2 de5

    1026 3-239 jue2 ding41027 5-1027 jue2 sai4

    1028 5-1028 jue2 xin11029 5-1029 jue2 dui41030 5-1030 jue2se41031 5-1031 jun1 shi41032 5-1032 jun1 yun21033 2-104 ka1fei11034 5-1034 ka3 che1

    1035 1-49 kai1

    1036 5-1036 kai1 fa1

    1037 5-1037 kai1 fang41038 5-1038 kai1 mu4 shi41039 2-106 kai1shi31040 4-484 kai1 wan2 xiao4

    1041 5-1041 kai1 xin11042 5-1042 kan3

    1043 1-50 kan4

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    1044 5-1044 kan4 bu5 qi31045 4-486 kan4 fa31046 1-51 kan4jian41047 5-1047 kan4 lai51048 5-1048 kang4 yi4

    1049 4-488 kao3 lv41050 2-109 kao3 shi41051 5-1051 kao3 ya110524-490 ke1

    1053 5-1053 ke1

    1054 4-491 ke1 xue21055 4-492 ke2 sou51056 3-246 ke31057 3-247ke3 ai4

    1058 5-1058 ke3 jian41059 5-1059 ke3 kao41060 4-495 ke3lian2

    1061 2-110 ke3 neng2

    1062 5-1062 ke3 pa41063 4-497 ke3 shi41064 4-498 ke3 xi110652-111 ke3 yi3

    1066 3-250 ke41067 5-1067 ke4 cheng21068 5-1068 ke4

    1069 5-1069 ke4 fu2

    1070 2-112 ke41071 5-1071 ke4 ku31072 5-1072 ke4 guan11073 3-252ke4 ren2

    1074 5-1074 ke4 ting1

    1075 4-503 ken3 ding41076 5-1076 kong1 jian11077 4-504 kong1qi41078 3-253 kong1 tiao21079 5-1079 kong3 bu4

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    1080 4-506 kong3 pa41081 5-1081 kong4 xian21082 5-1082 kong4zhi4

    1083 3-254 kou3

    1084 5-1084 kou3 wei41085 3-255 ku11086 4-509 ku31087 3-256 ku4zi51088 5-1088 kua1

    1089 1-52 kuai4

    1090 2-114 kuai41091 2-115 kuai4 le41092 5-1092 kuai4 ji4

    1093 3-260 kuai4 zi51094 4-515 kuan11095 5-1095 kuang4 quan2shui31096 4-516 kun4

    1097 4-517 kun4 nan51098 4-518 kuo4 da4

    1099 4-519 la11100 4-520 la1 ji1 tong31101 4-521 la41102 5-1102la4 jiao11103 5-1103 la4 zhu21104 1-53 lai2

    1105 4-523 lai2 bu5 ji21106 4-524 lai2 de5 ji21107 5-1107 lai2zi41108 5-1108 lan21109 3-262 lan21110 4-526 lan3

    1111 5-1111 lan41112 5-1112 lang21113 4-527 lang4 fei41114 4-528lang4 man4

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    1115 5-1115 lao2 dong41116 5-1116 lao2 jia4

    1117 3-263 lao3

    1118 5-1118 lao3 bai3 xing41119 5-1119 lao3 ban31120 4-530 lao3hu31121 1-54 lao3 shi11122 5-1122 lao3 shi51123 5-1123 lao3shu31124 5-1124 lao3 lao5

    1125 5-1125 le4 guan1

    1126 1-55 le51127 5-1127 lei21128 5-1128 lei41129 2-119 lei411301-56 leng31131 4-535 leng3 jing41132 5-1132 li2

    1133 2-121 li21134 5-1134 li2 hun11135 3-269 li2 kai11136 5-1136li2 mi3

    1137 1-57 li31138 5-1138 li3 bai4 tian11139 4-542 li3 mao411403-271 li3 wu41141 4-539 li3 fa4

    1142 4-540 li3 jie31143 5-1143 li3 lun4

    1144 4-541 li3 xiang31145 5-1145 li3 you2

    1146 5-1146 li4

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    1147 5-1147 li4 fang11148 5-1148 li4 ji2

    1149 5-1149 li4 ke4

    1150 4-544 li4 hai51151 5-1151 li4 liang51152 4-545 li4 qi511534-546 li4 ru21154 5-1154 li4 run41155 5-1155 li4 xi11156 5-1156 li4yi4

    1157 5-1157 li4 yong41158 3-272 li4 shi31159 4-548 lia3

    1160 4-549 lian21161 5-1161 lian2 mang21162 5-1162 lian2 xu4ju41163 5-1163 lian2 he2

    1164 4-550 lian2 xi41165 3-273 lian3

    1166 5-1166 lian4 ai4

    1167 3-274 lian4 xi21168 5-1168 liang2 hao31169 4-553 liang2kuai51170 5-1170 liang2 shi5

    1171 2-123 liang31172 3-276 liang41173 4-555 liang41174 4-557liao2 tian11175 5-1175 liao3 bu5 qi31176 3-277 liao3 jie31177 3-278lin2 ju11178 5-1178 lin2 shi21179 5-1179 ling2

    1180 1-58 ling2

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    1181 5-1181 ling2 jian41182 5-1182 ling2 qian21183 5-1183 ling2shi21184 5-1184 ling2 huo2

    1185 5-1185 ling3 dao31186 5-1186 ling3 yu4

    1187 4-561 ling4 wai4

    1188 4-562 liu21189 4-563 liu2 xue21190 5-1190 liu2 chuan211914-564 liu2 lei41192 4-565 liu2 li4

    1193 4-566 liu2 xing21194 5-1194 liu2 lan31195 1-59 liu411965-1196 long2

    1197 3-281 lou2

    1198 5-1198 lou41199 2-126 lu4

    1200 5-1200 lu4

    1201 5-1201 lu4 di41202 5-1202 lu4 xu41203 5-1203 lu4 qu312045-1204 lu4 yin1

    1205 4-570 luan41206 5-1206 lun2 liu2

    1207 5-1207 lun4 wen2

    1208 5-1208 luo2 ji5

    1209 5-1209 luo4 hou41210 2-127 lv3 you21211 3-284 lv41212 4-573lv4 shi11213 1-60 ma1 ma5

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    1214 4-575 ma2 fan51215 3-286 ma31216 4-577 ma3 hu51217 3-287ma3 shang4

    1218 5-1218 ma41219 1-61 ma51220 1-62 mai3

    1221 2-131 mai41222 5-1222 mai4 ke4 feng11223 5-1223 man2tou5

    1224 4-582 man31225 3-291 man3 yi4

    1226 5-1226 man3 zu21227 2-132 man41228 2-133 mang21229 1-63mao11230 5-1230 mao21231 5-1231 mao2 bing41232 4-587 mao2 jin112335-1233 mao2 dun41234 5-1234 mao4 xian31235 5-1235 mao4 yi412363-295 mao4 zi51237 1-64 mei21238 1-65 mei2 guan1 xi51239 5-1239mei2 mao51240 5-1240 mei2 tan41241 2-137 mei31242 4-592 mei3li41243 5-1243 mei3 shu41244 5-1244 mei4 li4

    1245 2-138 mei4 mei5

    1246 2-139 men21247 4-595 meng4

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    1248 5-1248 mi2 lu41249 5-1249 mi2 yu31250 3-301 mi31251 1-66mi3 fan4

    1252 5-1252 mi4 feng11253 4-598 mi4 ma3

    1254 5-1254 mi4 qie41255 5-1255 mi4 mi41256 5-1256 mi4 shu112575-1257 mian2 hua51258 4-599 mian3 fei41259 3-303 mian4 bao112605-1260 mian4 dui41261 5-1261 mian4 ji1

    1262 5-1262 mian4 lin21263 3-304 mian4 tiao21264 5-1264 miao2tiao21265 5-1265 miao2 xie3

    1266 5-1266 miao31267 5-1267 min2 zhu31268 4-602 min2 zu212693-305 ming2 bai5

    1270 5-1270 ming2 que41271 1-67 ming2 tian11272 5-1272 ming2xian31273 5-1273 ming2 xin4 pian41274 5-1274 ming2 xing11275 5-1275ming2 pai21276 5-1276 ming2 pian41277 5-1277 ming2 sheng4 gu3ji1278 1-68 ming2 zi51279 5-1279 ming4 ling41280 5-1280 ming4yun4

    1281 5-1281 mo11282 5-1282 mo2 fang31283 5-1283 mo2 hu512845-1284 mo2 tuo1 che11285 5-1285 mo4 sheng11286 5-1286 mou3

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    1287 4-606 mu3 qin11288 5-1288 mu4 biao11289 4-607 mu4 di4

    1290 5-1290 mu4 lu41291 5-1291 mu4 qian2

    1292 5-1292 mu4 tou51293 3-308 na21294 1-69 na31294 1-69 na3r51295 5-1295 na3 pa4

    1296 1-70 na41296 1-70 na4 r5

    1297 3-311 nai3 nai51298 4-612 nai4 xin11299 3-312 nan2

    1300 3-314 nan21301 4-615 nan2 dao41302 5-1302 nan2 guai413033-315 nan2 guo41304 5-1304 nan2 kan41305 4-617 nan2 shou4

    1306 2-145 nan2 ren2

    1307 5-1307 nao3 dai41308 1-71 ne51309 4-620 nei4

    1310 5-1310 nei4 ke11311 4-621 nei4 rong2

    1312 5-1312 nen4

    1313 1-72 neng21314 5-1314 neng2 gan41315 4-623 neng2 li413165-1316 neng2 yuan21317 1-73 ni31318 1-74 nian2

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    1319 5-1319 nian2 dai41320 3-320 nian2 ji21321 5-1321 nian2ji41322 4-627 nian2 ling2

    1323 3-321 nian2 qing1

    1324 5-1324 nian41325 3-322 niao31326 2-150 nin2

    1327 5-1327 ning4 ke31328 2-151 niu2 nai31329 5-1329 niu2 zai3ku4

    1330 5-1330 nong21331 4-632 nong2 cun11332 5-1332 nong2 min213335-1333 nong2 ye4

    1334 4-633 nong41335 3-325 nu3 li41336 4-635 nuan3 huo51337 1-75nv3 er21338 2-153 nv3 ren21339 5-1339 nv3 shi4

    1340 4-638 ou3 er3

    1341 5-1341 ou3 ran2

    1342 3-328 pa2 shan1

    1343 5-1343 pai11344 5-1344 pai2 dui4

    1345 4-640 pai2 lie41346 5-1346 pai2 qiu2

    1347 5-1347 pai41348 3-329 pan2 zi51349 4-642 pan4 duan413505-1350 pan4 wang41351 2-154 pang2 bian11352 3-331 pang4

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    1353 2-155 pao3 bu41354 4-646 pei21355 5-1355 pei2 chang2

    1356 5-1356 pei2 yang3

    1357 5-1357 pei4 fu2

    1358 5-1358 pei4 he2

    1359 5-1359 pen21360 1-76 peng2 you51361 5-1361 peng4 jian4

    1362 5-1362 pi1

    1363 5-1363 pi11364 4-648 pi1 ping21365 5-1365 pi1 zhun313664-649 pi2 fu11367 5-1367 pi2 xie2

    1368 3-334 pi2 jiu31369 5-1369 pi2 lao21370 4-651 pi2 qi4

    1371 5-1371 pi3

    1372 4-652 pian1

    1373 2-157 pian2 yi5

    1374 4-654 pian4

    1375 5-1375 pian41376 5-1376 pian4 mian41377 5-1377 piao1

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    1378 2-158 piao41379 1-77 piao4 liang5

    1380 5-1380 pin2 dao41381 5-1381 pin3 zhong3

    1382 4-657 ping1 pang1 qiu2

    1383 5-1383 ping2

    1384 5-1384 ping21385 5-1385 ping2 chang21386 5-1386 ping2deng31387 5-1387 ping2 fang11388 5-1388 ping2 heng21389 5-1389ping2 jing41390 5-1390 ping2 jun11391 4-659 ping2 shi21392 1-78ping2 guo31393 5-1393 ping2 jia41394 4-660 ping2 zi5

    1395 4-661 po4

    1396 5-1396 po4 chan31397 5-1397 po4 huai41398 5-1398 po4qie41399 3-339 pu2 tao51400 4-663 pu3 bian4

    1401 3-340 pu3 tong1 hua4

    1402 5-1402 pu3 su41403 1-79 qi11404 5-1404 qi1 dai4

    1405 5-1405 qi1 jian11406 2-162 qi1 zi51407 3-345 qi21408 4-668qi2 ci41409 3-343 qi2 shi2

    1410 3-344 qi2 ta1

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    1411 5-1411 qi2 yu21412 4-671 qi2 zhong11413 3-356 qi2 guai414145-1414 qi2 ji4

    1415 2-163 qi3 chuang21416 4-674 qi3 fei1

    1417 4-675 qi3 lai2

    1418 5-1418 qi3 fa11419 5-1419 qi3 tu21420 5-1420 qi3 ye414215-1421 qi4 fen1

    1422 4-676 qi4 hou41423 5-1423 qi4 you21424 2-164 qian1

    1425 5-1425 qian11426 4-678 qian1 wan41427 3-349 qian1 bi314285-1428 qian1 xu11429 4-680 qian1 zheng41430 5-1430 qian1 zi414311-80 qian2

    1432 1-81 qian2 mian41433 5-1433 qian2 tu21434 5-1434 qian314355-1435 qian41436 5-1436 qiang11437 4-683 qiang21438 5-1438 qiang2diao41439 5-1439 qiang2 lie4

    1440 5-1440 qiang31441 4-684 qiao11442 5-1442 qiao1 qiao114434-685 qiao21444 5-1444 qiao21445 4-686 qiao3 ke4 li41446 5-1446qiao3 miao41447 5-1447 qie1

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    1448 4-687 qin1 qi51448 5-1448 qin1 ai4

    1450 5-1450 qin1 qie4

    1451 5-1451 qin1 zi41452 5-1452 qin1 lve41453 5-1453 qin2fen41454 5-1454 qin2 lao2

    1455 5-1455 qing11457 3-352 qing1 chu51457 5-1457 qing1 shao4nian2

    1458 4-688 qing11459 5-1459 qing1 shi4

    1460 4-689 qing1 song11461 5-1461 qing1 chun1

    1462 5-1462 qing1 dan41463 2-167 qing21464 5-1464 qing2jing3

    1465 4-692 qing2 kuang41466 5-1466 qing2 xu4

    1467 1-82 qing3

    1468 4-694 qing3 jia41469 4-695 qing3 ke41470 5-1470 qing3qiu21471 5-1471 qing4 zhu41472 4-696 qiong21473 3-355 qiu114745-1474 qiu2 mi2

    1475 4-698 qu1 bie21476 5-1476 qu1 shi41477 5-1477 qu31478 4-699qu31479 5-1479 qu3 xiao1

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    1480 1-83 qu41481 2-170 qu4 nian21482 5-1482 qu4 shi4

    1483 5-1483 quan11484 4-702 quan2 bu41485 5-1485 quan2 mian414865-1486 quan2 li41487 5-1487 quan2 li41488 5-1488 quan4

    1489 4-703 que1 dian31490 5-1490 que1 fa21491 4-704 que1shao3

    1492 4-705 que4

    1493 5-1493 que4 ding41494 5-1494 que4 ren41495 4-706 que4shi2

    1496 4-707 qun21497 3-358 qun2 zi51498 4-709 ran2 er21499 3-359ran2 hou41500 5-1500 ran2 shao11501 5-1501 rang31502 2-171rang4

    1503 5-1503 rao41504 1-84 re4

    1505 5-1505 re4 ai41506 5-1506 re4 lie41507 4-713 re4 nao515083-362 re4 qing2

    1509 5-1509 re4 xin11510 1-85 ren2

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    1511 5-1511 ren2 cai21512 5-1512 ren2 kou3

    1513 5-1513 ren2 lei41514 4-716 ren2 min2 bi41515 5-1515 ren2sheng1

    1516 5-1516 ren2 shi4

    1517 5-1517 ren2 wu41518 5-1518 ren2 yuan21519 5-1519 ren3 bu5zhu41520 4-717 ren4 he2

    1521 4-718 ren4 wu5

    1522 1-86 ren4 shi51523 3-365 ren4 wei2

    1524 3-366 ren4 zhen11525 4-722 reng11526 4-723 reng2 ran2

    1527 1-87 ri4

    1528 5-1528 ri4 chang2

    1529 5-1529 ri4 cheng21530 4-725 ri4 ji41531 5-1531 ri4 li415325-1532 ri4 qi11533 5-1533 ri4 yong4 pin3

    1534 5-1534 rong2 hua41535 5-1535 rong2 xing41536 5-1536 rong2yu41537 3-368 rong2 yi4

    1538 3-369 ru2 guo31539 5-1539 ru2 he21540 5-1540 ru2 jin115414-728 ru4 kou31542 4-729 ruan31543 5-1543 ruan3 jian4

    1544 5-1544 ruo4

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    1545 5-1545 sa31546 1-88 san11547 3-371 san31548 4-732 san4bu41549 5-1549 sang3 zi5

    1550 4-733 sen1 lin2

    1551 5-1551 sha11552 4-734 sha1 fa11553 5-1553 sha1 mo415545-1554 sha1 tan11555 5-1555 sha3

    1556 5-1556 shai41557 5-1557 shan1 chu2

    1558 5-1558 shan3 dian41559 5-1559 shan4 liang21560 5-1560 shan4yu21561 5-1561 shan1 zi51562 1-89 shang1 dian41563 4-736 shang1liang51564 5-1564 shang1 pin31565 5-1565 shang1 ye41566 4-737shang1 xin1

    1567 1-90 shang4

    1568 2-179 shang4 ban11569 5-1569 shang4 dang4

    1570 3-375 shang4 wang31571 1-91 shang4 wu31572 4-742 shao1wei11573 5-1573 shao2 zi51574 1-92 shao31575 5-1575 she2

    1576 5-1576 she2 tou51577 5-1577 she3 bu5 de51578 5-1578 she4bei41579 5-1579 she4 ji41580 5-1580 she4 shi11581 4-744 she4hui4

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    1582 5-1582 she4 ji11583 5-1583 she4 ying31584 1-93 shei215855-1585 shen11586 4-746 shen1

    1587 5-1587 shen1 ke41588 5-1588 shen1 cai21589 5-1589 shen1fen41590 2-183 shen1 ti31591 4-747 shen1 qing31592 5-1592 shen2hua41593 5-1593 shen2 jing11594 5-1594 shen2 mi41595 1-94 shen2me51596 4-750 shen4 zhi4

    1597 5-1597 sheng11598 2-185 sheng1 bing41599 5-1599 sheng1chan31600 5-1600 sheng1 dong41601 4-752 sheng1 huo21602 4-753sheng1 ming4

    1603 3-382 sheng1 qi41604 2-186 sheng1 ri4

    1605 5-1605 sheng1 diao41606 3-384 sheng1 yin11607 5-1607 sheng2zi5

    1608 4-757 sheng31609 5-1609 sheng3 lve41610 4-758 sheng416115-1611 sheng4 li4

    1612 5-1612 shi1

    1613 4-759 shi1 bai41614 5-1614 shi1 mian21615 5-1615 shi1qu41616 4-760 shi1 wang41617 5-1617 shi1 ye4

    1618 4-761 shi1 fu5

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    1619 4-762 shi1 run41620 4-763 shi1 zi51621 1-95 shi2

    1622 4-765 shi2 fen1

    1623 5-1623 shi2 dai41624 1-96 shi2 hou51625 2-189 shi2jian11626 5-1626 shi2 ke41627 5-1627 shi2 mao2

    1628 5-1628 shi2 qi11629 5-1629 shi2 shang41630 5-1630 shi2hua41631 4-768 shi2 ji41632 5-1632 shi2 jian4

    1633 5-1633 shi2 xi21634 5-1634 shi2 xian41635 5-1635 shi2xing21636 5-1636 shi2 yan41637 5-1637 shi2 yong41638 4-769 shi2zai41639 4-770 shi2 pin31640 5-1640 shi2 wu41641 5-1641 shi2tou5

    1642 3-388 shi31643 5-1643 shi3 jin4 r51644 4-772 shi3 yong416455-1645 shi3 zhong11646 1-97 shi41647 5-1647 shi4 fou31648 4-774shi41649 5-1649 shi4 juan41650 5-1650 shi4 bing1

    1651 4-775 shi4 chang3

    1652 5-1652 shi4 de51653 4-776 shi4 he2

    1654 4-777 shi4 ying41655 4-778 shi4 ji41656 3-390 shi4 jie4

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    1657 2-191 shi4 qing51658 5-1658 shi4 shi21659 5-1659 shi4wu4

    1660 5-1660 shi4 xian1

    1661 4-781 shou11662 5-1662 shou1 huo41663 5-1663 shou1 ju416644-782 shou1 ru4

    1665 4-783 shou1 shi51666 2-192 shou3 biao31667 5-1667 shou3gong11668 2-193 shou3 ji1

    1669 5-1669 shou3 shu41670 5-1670 shou3 tao41671 5-1671 shou3xu41672 5-1672 shou3 zhi31673 4-786 shou3 du11674 4-787 shou3xian11675 3-394 shou41676 4-789 shou4 bu4 liao31677 4-790 shou4dao4

    1678 5-1678 shou4 shang11679 4-791 shou4 huo4 yuan21680 5-1680shou4 ming4

    1681 1-98 shu11682 5-1682 shu1 jia41683 4-793 shu11684 5-1684shu1 ru41685 5-1685 shu1 cai41686 3-396 shu1 fu51687 5-1687 shu1shi4

    1688 3-397 shu1 shu51689 5-1689 shu1 zi51690 5-1690 shu2lian41691 4-796 shu2 xi11692 5-1692 shu3 biao11693 5-1693 shu3yu21694 3-398 shu4

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    1695 5-1695 shu4 ju41696 4-798 shu4 liang4

    1697 5-1697 shu4 ma31698 3-399 shu4 xue2

    1699 4-800 shu4 zi41700 3-400 shua1 ya21701 5-1701 shuai1

    1702 5-1702 shuai31703 4-802 shuai41704 3-401 shuang11705 5-1705shuang1 fang1

    1706 1-99 shui3

    1707 1-100 shui3 guo31708 3-404 shui3 ping21709 5-1709 shui417101-101 shui4 jiao41711 4-808 shun4 bian41712 4-809 shun4 li417134-810 shun4 xu41714 5-1714 shuo1 bu5 ding4

    1715 5-1715 shuo1 fu2

    1716 1-102 shuo1 hua4

    1717 4-812 shuo1 ming21718 4-813 shuo4 shi41719 5-1719 si117205-1720 si1 chou21721 5-1721 si1 hao21722 3-407 si1 ji11723 5-1723si1 kao31724 5-1724 si1 xiang31725 5-1725 si1 ren2

    1726 4-815 si31727 1-103 si41728 5-1728 si4 hu11729 5-1729 si4miao4

    1730 2-200 song4

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    1731 4-818 su4 du41732 4-819 su4 liao4 dai4

    1733 5-1733 su4 she41734 4-820 suan1

    1735 4-821 suan41736 3-410 sui1 ran2

    1737 4-823 sui2 bian41738 5-1738 sui2 shi21739 4-824 sui2zhe5

    1740 1-104 sui41741 5-1741 sui41742 4-826 sun1 zi51743 5-1743sun3 shi1

    1744 5-1744 suo1 duan31745 5-1745 suo1 xiao31746 5-1746 suo3

    1747 5-1747 suo31748 5-1748 suo3 wei41749 2-202 suo3 yi317504-828 suo3 you3

    1751 1-105 ta11752 1-106 ta11753 2-205 ta1

    1754 5-1754 ta3

    1755 4-832 tai21756 4-833 tai2

    1757 5-1757 tai2 jie11758 1-107 tai4

    1759 5-1759 tai4 ji2 quan21760 5-1760 tai4 tai51761 3-417 tai4yang21762 4-836 tai4 du5

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    1763 4-837 tan2

    1764 5-1764 tan2 pan41765 4-838 tan2 gang1 qin21766 5-1766 tan3shuai4

    1767 4-839 tang11768 3-418 tang21769 4-842 tang31770 5-1770tang41771 4-840 tang41772 5-1772 tao21773 5-1773 tao21774 5-1774tao2 bi41775 4-843 tao3 lun4

    1776 4-844 tao3 yan4

    1777 5-1777 tao41778 3-419 te4 bie21779 4-846 te4 dian317805-1780 te4 shu11781 5-1781 te4 yi4

    1782 5-1782 te4 zheng11783 3-420 teng2

    1784 5-1784 teng2 ai41785 2-207 ti1 zu2 qiu21786 5-1786 ti217875-1787 ti2 chang41788 5-1788 ti2 gang11789 3-423 ti2 gao11790 4-851ti2 gong1

    1791 4-852 ti2 qian21792 5-1792 ti2 wen41793 4-853 ti2 xing3

    1794 2-208 ti21795 5-1795 ti2 mu41796 5-1796 ti3 hui41797 5-1797ti3 ji11798 5-1798 ti3 tie1

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    1799 5-1799 ti3 xian41800 5-1800 ti3 yan41801 3-424 ti3 yu418025-1802 tian1 kong11803 1-108 tian1 qi4

    1804 5-1804 tian1 zhen11805 3-426 tian2

    1806 4-857 tian2 kong41807 5-1807 tian2 ye3

    1808 3-427 tiao2

    1809 4-859 tiao2 jian41810 5-1810 tiao2 pi2

    1811 5-1811 tiao2 zheng31812 5-1812 tiao3 zhan41813 2-210 tiao4wu3

    1814 1-109 ting11815 4-862 ting2 zhi3

    1816 4-863 ting31817 5-1817 tong1 chang2

    1818 4-864 tong1 guo4

    1819 5-1819 tong1 xun4

    1820 4-865 tong1 zhi1

    1821 5-1821 tong21822 4-866 tong2 qing21823 5-1823 tong2shi21824 3-430 tong2 shi4

    1825 1-110 tong2 xue21826 3-432 tong2 yi41827 5-1827 tong3yi11828 5-1828 tong3 zhi41829 5-1829 tong4 ku3

    1830 5-1830 tong4 kuai41831 3-433 tou2 fa5

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    1832 5-1832 tou2 zi11833 5-1833 tou4 ming2

    1834 5-1834 tu1 chu11835 3-434 tu1 ran2

    1836 3-435 tu2 shu1 guan3

    1837 5-1837 tu3 di41838 5-1838 tu3 dou41839 5-1839 tu418405-1840 tu4 zi51841 5-1841 tuan2

    1842 4-873 tui11843 4-874 tui1 chi2

    1844 5-1844 tui1 ci21845 5-1845 tui1 guang31846 5-1846 tui1jian41847 3-436 tui31848 5-1848 tui41849 5-1849 tui4 bu41850 5-1850tui4 xiu11851 4-876 tuo1

    1852 4-877 wa4 zi51853 5-1853 wai11854 2-213 wai41855 5-1855wai4 jiao11856 5-1856 wan11857 2-215 wan21858 3-439 wan2 cheng218595-1859 wan2 mei31860 4-882 wan2 quan21861 5-1861 wan2 shan418625-1862 wan2 zheng3

    1863 2-214 wan21864 5-1864 wan2 ju41865 3-441 wan31866 2-216wan3 shang51867 3-443 wan41868 5-1868 wan4 yi11869 5-1869 wang2zi3

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    1870 4-886 wang31871 5-1871 wang3 fan31872 4-887 wang3 wang318734-888 wang3 qiu2

    1874 4-889 wang3 zhan41875 3-444 wang4 ji41876 5-1876 wei1hai41877 4-891 wei1 xian31878 5-1878 wei1 xiao41879 5-1879 wei1xie21880 5-1880 wei2 fan3

    1881 5-1881 wei2 hu41882 5-1882 wei2 jin11883 5-1883 wei2rao4

    1884 5-1884 wei2 yi11885 5-1885 wei3 ba51886 5-1886 wei3 da4

    1887 5-1887 wei3 qu11888 5-1888 wei3 tuo1

    1889 1-111 wei41890 5-1890 wei41891 3-446 wei41892 3-447 wei4le51893 2-218 wei4 shen2 me5

    1894 3-449 wei41895 5-1895 wei4 zhi51896 5-1896 wei4 bi4

    1897 5-1897 wei4 lai21898 4-897 wei4 dao41899 5-1899 wei4 sheng1jian11900 4-898 wen1 du41901 5-1901 wen1 nuan31902 5-1902 wen1rou2

    1903 5-1903 wen2

    1904 3-450 wen2 hua41905 5-1905 wen2 jian4

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    1906 5-1906 wen2 ju41907 5-1907 wen2 ming21908 5-1908 wen2xue2

    1909 4-900 wen2 zhang11910 5-1910 wen31911 5-1911 wen3 ding419122-219 wen41913 5-1913 wen4 hou41914 2-220 wen4 ti21915 1-112wo31916 1-113 wo3 men51917 5-1917 wo4 shi41918 4-905 wo4 shou319194-906 wu1 ran3

    1920 5-1920 wu1 zi51921 4-907 wu21922 4-908 wu2 liao21923 4-909wu2 lun4

    1924 5-1924 wu2 nai41925 5-1925 wu2 shu41926 1-114 wu319275-1927 wu3 qi4

    1928 5-1928 wu3 shu41929 5-1929 wu4

    1930 4-911 wu4 hui41931 5-1931 wu4 li3

    1932 5-1932 wu4 zhi41933 3-456 xi1

    1934 2-224 xi1 gua11935 4-914 xi1 hong2 shi41936 5-1936 xi1shou11937 4-916 xi1 yin31938 2-225 xi1 wang4

    1939 3-459 xi2 guan41940 2-226 xi3

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    1941 3-461 xi3 shou3 jian11942 4-920 xi3 yi1 ji11943 3-462 xi3zao31944 1-115 xi3 huan5

    1945 5-1945 xi41946 5-1946 xi4 tong31947 5-1947 xi4 jie219485-1948 xi4 ju41949 5-1949 xia11950 5-1950 xia41951 3-467 xia4

    1952 1-116 xia41953 1-117 xia4 wu31954 1-118 xia4 yu3

    1955 5-1955 xia4 zai31956 3-468 xian1

    1957 1-119 xian1 sheng51958 5-1958 xian1 yan41959 4-929xian21960 5-1960 xian3 de51961 5-1961 xian3 ran21962 5-1962 xian3shi4

    1963 5-1963 xian41964 4-930 xian4 dai41965 5-1965 xian4 jin119665-1966 xian4 shi21967 5-1967 xian4 xiang4

    1968 1-120 xian4 zai41969 4-932 xian4 mu4

    1970 4-933 xian4 zhi4

    1971 4-934 xiang11972 3-471 xiang1 jiao11973 5-1973 xiang1chu3

    1974 5-1974 xiang1 dang1

    1975 5-1975 xiang1 dui41976 4-936 xiang1 fan3

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    1977 5-1977 xiang1 guan11978 5-1978 xiang1 si41979 3-472 xiang1tong2

    1980 3-473 xiang1 xin41981 4-939 xiang2 xi4

    1982 4-940 xiang3

    1983 1-121 xiang31984 5-1984 xiang3 nian41985 5-1985 xiang3xiang41986 5-1986 xiang3 shou4

    1987 2-234 xiang4

    1988 3-476 xiang41989 5-1989 xiang41990 5-1990 xiang4 lian419915-1991 xiang4 mu41992 5-1992 xiang4 pi21993 5-1993 xiang4 qi2

    1994 5-1994 xiang4 zheng11995 5-1995 xiao1 fei4

    1996 5-1996 xiao1 hua4

    1997 5-1997 xiao1 mie41998 5-1998 xiao1 shi11999 5-1999 xiao1shou42000 4-944 xiao1 xi52001 1-122 xiao32002 5-2002 xiao3 chi120035-2003 xiao3 huo3 zi52004 1-123 xiao3 jie52005 5-2005 xiao3mai4

    2006 5-2006 xiao3 qi42007 2-237 xiao3 shi22008 4-948 xiao3shuo12009 5-2009 xiao3 tou12010 3-480 xiao3 xin12011 2-238xiao42012 4-951 xiao4 hua4

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    2013 4-952 xiao4 guo32014 5-2014 xiao4 lv42015 5-2015 xiao4shun4

    2016 3-482 xiao4 zhang3

    2017 1-124 xie12018 5-2018 xie12019 5-2019 xie22020 3-484xie22021 5-2021 xie2 tiao22022 1-125 xie32023 1-126 xie4 xie520242-242 xin12025 3-488 xin1 wen22026 3-489 xin1 xian1

    2027 4-961 xin1 ku32028 5-2028 xin1 li32029 4-962 xin1 qing220305-2030 xin1 zang42031 5-2031 xin1 shang3

    2032 3-490 xin42033 5-2033 xin4 feng12034 5-2034 xin4 hao420354-964 xin4 ren42036 5-2036 xin4 xi12037 4-965 xin4 xin12038 4-966xin4 yong4 ka32039 4-967 xing1 fen42040 1-127 xing1 qi1

    2041 4-969 xing22042 5-2042 xing2 dong42043 3-492 xing2 li5xiang1

    2044 5-2044 xing2 ren2

    2045 5-2045 xing2 wei22046 5-2046 xing2 cheng22047 5-2047 xing2rong22048 5-2048 xing2 shi42049 5-2049 xing2 shi42050 5-2050 xing2xiang42051 5-2051 xing2 zhuang4

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    2052 4-971 xing32053 2-244 xing42054 4-973 xing4 bie2

    2055 4-974 xing4 ge2

    2056 5-2056 xing4 zhi42057 4-975 xing4 fu22058 5-2058 xing4kui12059 5-2059 xing4 yun42060 3-494 xing4 qu52061 5-2061xiong1

    2062 5-2062 xiong1 di42063 3-495 xiong2 mao12064 5-2064 xiong2wei3

    2065 4-978 xiu12066 5-2066 xiu1 gai32067 2-245 xiu1 xi520685-2068 xiu1 xian22069 5-2069 xu1 xin12070 3-497 xu1 yao42071 4-981xu3 duo1

    2072 5-2072 xu4 shu42073 5-2073 xuan1 bu4

    2074 5-2074 xuan1 chuan22075 5-2075 xuan3 ju32076 3-498 xuan3ze22077 5-2077 xue2 qi12078 1-128 xue2 sheng52079 5-2079 xue2shu42080 5-2080 xue2 wen42081 1-129 xue2 xi22082 1-130 xue2xiao4

    2083 2-249 xue3

    2084 4-987 xue42085 5-2085 xun2 wen42086 5-2086 xun2 zhao320875-2087 xun4 lian42088 5-2088 xun4 su4

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    2089 4-988 ya1 li42090 4-989 ya2 gao12091 4-990 Ya4 zhou1

    2092 4-991 ya5

    2093 4-992 yan22094 5-2094 yan2 chang22095 4-993 yan2 ge220965-2096 yan2 su42097 4-994 yan2 zhong42098 4-995 yan2 jiu1sheng12099 2-250 yan2 se4

    2100 4-997 yan3 chu1

    2101 4-998 yan3 yuan22102 3-504 yan3 jing42103 2-251 yan3jing52104 5-2104 yan4 hui42105 4-1001 yang2 guang12106 2-252 yang2rou42107 5-2107 yang2 tai22108 5-2108 yang32109 4-1003 yang3cheng22110 5-2110 yang4 shi42111 4-1004 yang4 zi52112 5-2112yao12113 4-1005 yao1 qing3

    2114 3-507 yao1 qiu22115 5-2115 yao22116 5-2116 yao32117 2-253yao4

    2118 2-254 yao4

    2119 5-2119 yao4 bu42120 5-2120 yao4 shi52121 4-1009 yao4shi5

    2122 3-510 ye2 ye5

    2123 2-255 ye32124 4-1012 ye3 xu3

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    2125 4-1013 ye42126 5-2126 ye42127 5-2127 ye4 ti32128 5-2128 ye4wu42129 5-2129 ye4 yu2

    2130 4-1014 ye4 zi5

    2131 1-131 yi12132 1-132 yi1 fu52133 5-2133 yi1 ran22134 1-133yi1 sheng12135 1-134 yi1 yuan42136 5-2136 yi2 bei4 zi5

    2137 5-2137 yi2 dan4

    2138 3-516 yi2 ding42139 3-517 yi2 gong42140 3-518 yi2 hui4r52141 5-2141 yi2 lu4 ping2 an12142 4-1022 yi2 qie42143 3-519 yi2yang42144 5-2144 yi2 zhi42145 5-2145 yi2 dong42146 5-2146 yi2min22147 5-2147 yi2 han4

    2148 5-2148 yi2 wen4

    2149 5-2149 yi3

    2150 4-1024 yi3

    2151 3-520 yi3 hou42152 5-2152 yi3 ji22153 5-2153 yi3 lai221543-521 yi3 qian2

    2155 3-522 yi3 wei22156 2-260 yi3 jing12157 1-135 yi3 zi5

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    2158 4-1030 yi42159 3-525 yi4 ban1

    2160 3-526 yi4 bian12161 2-262 yi4 qi3

    2162 3-528 yi4 zhi2

    2163 4-1035 yi4 jian42164 2-263 yi4 si52165 5-2165 yi4 wai421665-2166 yi4 yi4

    2167 5-2167 yi4 lun42168 4-1037 yi4 shu4

    2169 5-2169 yi4 wu4

    2170 2-264 yin12171 4-1039 yin1 ci32172 5-2172 yin1 er221735-2173 yin1 su42174 2-265 yin1 wei42175 3-532 yin1 yue42176 5-2176yin22177 3-533 yin2 hang2

    2178 4-1043 yin3 liao42179 4-1044 yin3 qi32180 4-1045 yin4xiang42181 3-534 ying1 gai12182 5-2182 ying1 jun42183 5-2183 ying1xiong22184 4-1047 ying22185 5-2185 ying2 jie12186 5-2186 ying2yang32187 5-2187 ying2 ye4

    2188 3-535 ying3 xiang32189 5-2189 ying3 zi5

    2190 4-1049 ying42191 5-2191 ying4 bi42192 5-2192 ying4jian42193 5-2193 ying4 fu5

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    2194 5-2194 ying4 pin42195 5-2195 ying4 yong42196 5-2196 yong1bao42197 5-2197 yong1 ji3

    2198 4-1050 yong3 gan32199 5-2199 yong3 qi42200 4-1051 yong3yuan3

    2201 3-536 yong42202 5-2202 yong4 tu22203 4-1053 you1 dian322045-2204 you1 hui42205 5-2205 you1 mei32206 5-2206 you1 shi422074-1054 you1 xiu4

    2208 5-2208 you1 jiu32209 4-1055 you1 mo4

    2210 4-1056 you2

    2211 4-1057 you2 yu22212 5-2212 you2 ju22213 5-2213 you2lan32214 3-537 you2 xi42215 2-266 you2 yong32216 4-1058 you2qi22217 5-2217 you2 yu42218 5-2218 you2 zha22219 1-136 you322205-2220 you3 li42221 3-540 you3 ming22222 4-1063 you3 qu42223 4-1064you3 hao32224 4-1065 you3 yi42225 3-541 you4

    2226 2-268 you4 bian52227 5-2227 you4 er2 yuan22228 2-269yu2

    2229 4-1069 yu2 kuai4

    2230 5-2230 yu2 le42231 4-1070 yu2 shi4

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    2232 4-1071 yu3

    2233 5-2233 yu3 qi22234 4-1072 yu3 fa3

    2235 5-2235 yu3 qi42236 4-1073 yu3 yan22237 4-1074 yu3 mao2qiu22238 5-2238 yu3 zhou42239 5-2239 yu4 bao42240 5-2240 yu4ding4

    2241 5-2241 yu4 fang22242 4-1076 yu4 xi22243 3-544 yu4 dao422445-2244 yu4 mi3

    2245 4-1078 yuan22246 2-270 yuan22247 5-2247 yuan2 dan422485-2248 yuan2 gu4

    2249 4-1079 yuan2 lai22250 4-1080 yuan2 liang42251 5-2251 yuan2liao42252 4-1081 yuan2 yin12253 5-2253 yuan2 ze22254 2-271yuan32255 5-2255 yuan4 wang42256 3-547 yuan4 yi42257 4-1084 yue1hui4

    2258 3-550 yue42259 1-137 yue42260 3-549 yue4 liang52261 4-1088yue4 du2

    2262 5-2262 yun12263 3-551 yun22264 4-1090 yun3 xu32265 2-273yun4 dong42266 5-2266 yun4 qi52267 5-2267 yun4 shu12268 5-2268 yun4yong42269 4-1092 za2 zhi4

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    2270 5-2270 zai1 hai4

    2271 1-138 zai4

    2272 2-275 zai4

    2273 1-139 zai4 jian42274 5-2274 zai4 san1

    2275 4-1096 zan2 men52276 5-2276 zan4 cheng22277 5-2277 zan4mei32278 4-1097 zan4 shi2

    2279 4-1098 zang12280 5-2280 zao1 gao12281 2-277 zao3 shang5

    2282 5-2282 zao4 cheng2

    2283 5-2283 ze22284 5-2284 ze2 bei42285 4-1100 ze2 ren422861-140 zen3 me52287 1-141 zen3 me5 yang42288 4-1103 zeng1 jia122894-1104 zeng1 zhang3

    2290 5-2290 zhai12291 4-1105 zhai3

    2292 5-2292 zhan1 tie12293 5-2293 zhan3 kai1

    2294 5-2294 zhan3 lan3

    2295 3-559 zhan4

    2296 5-2296 zhan4 xian42297 5-2297 zhan4 zheng1

    2298 2-280 zhang12299 3-561 zhang32300 5-2300 zhang3

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    2301 5-2301 zhang3 wo42302 2-281 zhang4 fu52303 5-2303 zhang4hu4

    2304 5-2304 zhao1 dai42305 4-1110 zhao1 pin42306 3-563 zhao2ji22307 5-2307 zhao2 liang2

    2308 2-282 zhao32309 5-2309 zhao4 chang2

    2310 3-565 zhao4 gu5

    2311 5-2311 zhao4 kai1

    2312 3-566 zhao4 pian4

    2313 3-567 zhao4 xiang4 ji12314 5-2314 zhe2 xue2

    2315 1-142 zhe42315 1-142 zhe4 r5

    2316 2-284 zhe52317 2-285 zhen1

    2318 5-2318 zhen1 li32319 5-2319 zhen1 shi22320 4-1119 zhen1zheng4

    2321 5-2321 zhen1 dui42322 5-2322 zhen1 xi12323 5-2323 zhen3duan42324 5-2324 zhen3 tou5

    2325 5-2325 zhen4

    2326 5-2326 zhen4 dong42327 5-2327 zheng1

    2328 5-2328 zheng1 lun42329 5-2329 zheng1 qu3

    2330 5-2330 zheng1 qiu22331 5-2331 zheng3 ge4

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    2332 4-1120 zheng3 li32333 4-1121 zheng3 qi2

    2334 5-2334 zheng3 ti3

    2335 5-2335 zheng42336 4-1122 zheng4 chang2

    2337 4-1123 zheng4 hao32338 4-1124 zheng4 que42339 4-1125 zheng4shi4

    2340 2-286 zheng4 zai42341 5-2341 zheng4 ce42342 5-2342 zheng4fu32343 5-2343 zheng4 zhi42344 5-2344 zheng4 jian42345 5-2345zheng4 ju4

    2346 4-1127 zheng4 ming22347 5-2347 zheng4 qian2

    2348 4-1129 zhi1

    2349 4-1128 zhi1

    2350 5-2350 zhi1

    2351 4-1130 zhi1 chi22352 5-2352 zhi1 piao4

    2353 2-287 zhi1 dao4

    2354 4-1132 zhi1 shi5

    2355 5-2355 zhi2

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    2356 4-1134 zhi2 jie12357 4-1133 zhi2 de52358 4-1135 zhi2wu42359 5-2359 zhi2 xing2

    2360 5-2360 zhi2 zhao42361 4-1136 zhi2 ye4

    2362 4-1137 zhi3

    2363 5-2363 zhi3 dao3

    2364 5-2364 zhi3 hui12365 3-573 zhi32366 4-1139 zhi3 hao323674-1140 zhi3 yao4

    2368 5-2368 zhi4 ding4

    2369 5-2369 zhi4 du42370 4-1143 zhi4 zao42371 5-2371 zhi4zuo42372 5-2372 zhi4 hui42373 5-2373 zhi4 jin12374 4-1142 zhi4shao32375 5-2375 zhi4 yu22376 4-1141 zhi4 liang42377 5-2377 zhi4liao2

    2378 5-2378 zhi4 xu42379 5-2379 zhi4 yuan4 zhe3

    2380 5-2380 zhong12381 1-143 Zhong1 guo22382 3-575 zhong1jian1

    2383 5-2383 zhong1 jie42384 4-1146 Zhong1 wen22385 1-144 zhong1wu32386 5-2386 zhong1 xin12387 5-2387 zhong1 xun22388 3-577 zhong1yu2

    2389 3-578 zhong32390 5-2390 zhong4

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    2391 4-1150 zhong4 dian32392 5-2392 zhong4 liang42393 4-1151zhong4 shi42394 3-579 zhong4 yao4

    2395 5-2395 zhou1 dao52396 3-580 zhou1 mo42397 4-1154 zhou1wei22398 4-1155 zhu12399 5-2399 zhu2 bu42400 4-1156 zhu2 jian424015-2401 zhu2 zi52402 5-2402 zhu3

    2403 5-2403 zhu3 chi2

    2404 4-1157 zhu3 dong42405 5-2405 zhu3 guan12406 5-2406 zhu3ren22407 5-2407 zhu3 xi22408 3-581 zhu3 yao42409 4-1159 zhu3yi5

    2410 5-2410 zhu3 zhang12411 5-2411 zhu3 fu4

    2412 1-145 zhu4

    2413 3-583 zhu42414 5-2414 zhu4 fu22415 4-1162 zhu4 he424165-2416 zhu4 ce42417 3-584 zhu4 yi42418 4-1163 zhu4 ming2

    2419 5-2419 zhua1 jin32420 5-2420 zhuan1 jia12421 4-1165 zhuan1men22422 5-2422 zhuan1 xin1

    2423 4-1166 zhuan1 ye42424 5-2424 zhuan3 bian42425 5-2425 zhuan3gao4

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    2426 4-1167 zhuan4

    2427 5-2427 zhuang1

    2428 5-2428 zhuang1 shi4

    2429 4-1168 zhuang42430 5-2430 zhuang4 kuang42431 5-2431 zhuang4tai42432 5-2432 zhui1 qiu22433 2-291 zhun3 bei42434 4-1170 zhun3que42435 4-1171 zhun3 shi22436 1-146 zhuo1 zi52437 5-2437 zi1ge2

    2438 5-2438 zi1 jin1

    2439 5-2439 zi1 liao4

    2440 5-2440 zi1 yuan22441 5-2441 zi1 shi4

    2442 5-2442 zi1 xun2

    2443 5-2443 zi3

    2444 4-1173 zi3 xi4

    2445 1-147 zi42446 3-588 zi4 dian32447 5-2447 zi4 mu42448 5-2448zi4 cong22449 5-2449 zi4 dong4

    2450 5-2450 zi4 hao22451 3-589 zi4 ji3

    2452 5-2452 zi4 jue22453 4-1177 zi4 ran22454 5-2454 zi4 si124555-2455 zi4 xin42456 2-294 zi4 xing2 che12457 5-2457 zi4 you224585-2458 zi4 yuan4

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    2459 5-2459 zong1 he22460 5-2460 zong1 jiao42461 5-2461 zong3cai22462 5-2462 zong3 gong4

    2463 4-1179 zong3 jie2

    2464 5-2464 zong3 li32465 3-591 zong3 shi42466 5-2466 zong3suan4

    2467 5-2467 zong3 tong32468 5-2468 zong3 zhi1

    2469 2-295 zou3

    2470 4-1182 zu12471 4-1183 zu3 cheng22472 5-2472 zu3 he2

    2473 4-1184 zu3 zhi12474 5-2474 zu3 guo22475 5-2475 zu3xian12476 5-2476 zu3 zhi3

    2477 4-1185 zui32478 5-2478 zui42479 2-296 zui42480 5-2480 zui4chu12481 4-1187 zui4 hao32482 4-1188 zui4 hou4

    2483 3-594 zui4 jin42484 5-2484 zui4 fan42485 5-2485 zun1jing42486 4-1190 zun1 zhong4

    2487 5-2487 zun1 shou32488 1-148 zuo2 tian12489 2-298 zuo3bian5

    2490 1-150 zuo4

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    2491 1-149 zuo42492 4-1195 zuo4 sheng1 yi4

    2493 4-1196 zuo42494 4-1197 zuo4 wei42495 5-2495 zuo4 pin3

    2496 5-2496 zuo4 wei2

    2497 5-2497 zuo4 wen2

    2498 3-599 zuo4 ye4

    2499 3-600 zuo4 yong42500 4-1200 zuo4 zhe3

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    ngomi. Definitions provided by CC-CEDICT)

    Definitionmaternal aunt; step-mother; childcare worker;nursemaid; woman ofsimilar age to one's parents (term of addressused by child);

    CL:|[ge4]modal particle ending sentence, showing affirmation,approval, or


    interjection or grunt of agreement or recognition (e.g. yes,it's

    me!); to sigh

    low; short (in length)

    to love; affection; to be fond of; to like

    to like; to take pleasure in; keen on; fond of; interest;hobby;

    appetite for; CL:|[ge4]

    to cherish; to treasure; to take care of; to love andprotect

    romance; love (romantic); CL:|[ge4]

    to cherish; to treasure; to use sparingly

    compassion; CL:[pian4]

    quiet; peaceful; calm

    to arrange; to plan; to set up

    safe; secure; safety; security

    to comfort; to console; CL:|[ge4]

    install; erect; fix; mount; installation

    bank; shore; beach; coast; CL:|[ge4]

    dark; gloomy; hidden; secret; muddled; obscure; in the dark

    on time; before deadline; on schedule

    according to; in accordance with; in the light of; on the basisof

    eight; 8to hold; to contain; to grasp; to take hold of; ahandle; particle

    marking the following noun as a direct object; classifierfor

    objects with handle

    to grasp (also fig.); to seize; to hold; assurance;certainty;

    sure (of the outcome)

    (informal) father; CL:|[ge4],[wei4]

    (modal particle indicating polite suggestion); ...right?;...OK?

    white; snowy; pure; bright; empty; blank; plain; clear; tomake

    clear; in vain; gratuitous; free of charge; reactionary;anti-

    communist; funeral; to stare coldly; to write wrong character;to

    state; to explain; vernacular; spoken lines in opera; surnameBai

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    hundred; numerous; all kinds of; surname Bai

    to arrange; to exhibit; to move to and fro; a pendulum

    to move; to shift; to remove; to transport; to apply

    indiscriminately; to copy mechanically

    team; class; squad; work shift; classifier for groups;ranking;

    surname Ban; CL:|[ge4]a teacher in charge of a class

    half; semi-; incomplete; (after a number) and a half

    means; method; way (of doing sth); CL:|[tiao2],|[ge4]

    an office; business premises; a bureau; CL:|[jian1]

    to handle; to transact; to conduct

    to help; to lend a hand; to do a favor; to do a good turn

    assistance; aid; to help; to assist

    a stick; club or cudgel; smart; capable; strong; wonderful;

    classifier for legs of a relay racein the evening; when nightfalls; towards evening; at night fall;

    at duskto cover; to wrap; to hold; to include; to take chargeof;

    package; wrapper; container; bag; to hold or embrace;bundle;

    packet; to contract (to or for); surname Bao;


    wrap up; bind up; bundle; parcel; package; CL:|[ge4]

    to contain; to embody; to include

    to comprise; to include; to involve; to incorporate; to consistof

    steamed stuffed bun; CL:|[ge4]

    thin; cold in manner; indifferent; weak; light; infertile

    to eat till full; satisfied

    treasured object; treasure; darling; baby; cowry;good-for-nothing

    or queer character

    valuable; precious; value; treasure; set store by

    to keep; to maintain; to hold; to preserve

    to conserve; to preserve; to keep; to save (a file etc)


    to protect; to defend; to safeguard; protection;CL:|[zhong3]

    to retain; to continue to have; to preserve; to maintain; to

    reserve; reservations; to hold back (approval or acceptance)

    insurance; to insure; safe; secure; be sure; be bound to;

    CL:[fen4]guarantee; to guarantee; to ensure; to safeguard; topledge;


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    to hold; to carry (in one's arms); to hug or embrace;surround;


    sorry; We apologize!; to feel apologetic; to regret

    report; CL:[pian1],[fen4]to inform; report; make known; speech;talk; lecture;

    CL:[pian1],[fen4],|[ge4],[tong4]to sign up; to enter one's name;to apply; to register; to enroll;to enlist

    newspaper; newsprint; CL:[fen4],[qi1],|[zhang1]


    cup; glass; CL:|[ge4],[zhi1],[zhi1]north; the northern part acountry; China north of the Yellow


    Beijing, capital of People's Republic of China; Peking; PRC


    (two, three etc) -fold; times (multiplier); double; to increaseor

    multiplyback; the backside; to do something behind someone'sback; to

    learn and recite something by heart; unlucky

    background; backdrop; context; CL:|[zhong3]by (indicatespassive-voice sentences or clauses); quilt; to cover


    quilt; CL:[chuang2]roots or stems of plants; origin; source;this; the current; root;

    foundation; basis; classifier for books, periodicals, filesetc;


    undergraduate course; undergraduate (adjective)

    original; originally; at first; it goes without saying; ofcourse

    skill; ability; capability; CL:|[xiang4],|[ge4]

    essence; nature; innate character; intrinsic quality

    stupid; foolish; silly; slow-witted; clumsy

    nose; CL:|[ge4],|[zhi1](particle used for comparison and "-erthan"); to compare; to

    contrast; to gesture (with hands); ratio

    compare; contrast; fairly; comparatively; relatively; quite;


    proportion; scale

    for example; for instance; such as

    competition (sports etc); match; CL:|[chang3],[ci4]

    each other; one another

    notebook; CL:[ben3]after all; all in all; when all is said anddone; in the final


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    graduation; to graduate; to finish school

    to avert; to prevent; to avoid; to refrain from

    inevitable; certain; necessity

    to have to; must; compulsory; necessarily

    to need; to require; essential; indispensable

    necessary; essential; indispensable; requiredto edit; tocompile; editor; compiler

    firecrackers; a string of small firecrackers; CL:[mei2]ordinary;plain; convenient; as convenient; when the chance

    arises; handy; easy; informal; simple; so; thus; to relieve

    oneself; to urinate; to defecate; equivalent to : then; inthatcase; even if; soon afterwards

    a time; everywhere; turn; all over; one time

    change; variation; to change; to vary; CL:|[ge4]

    debate; argument; to argue over; CL:|[chang3],[ci4]

    punctuation; a punctuation mark; to punctuate; CL:|[ge4]

    sign; mark; symbol; symbolize; to indicate; to mark

    (an official) standard; norm; criterion; CL:|[ge4]

    to voice (an opinion); to express; to convey

    form; table; CL:|[zhang1],[fen4]

    surface; face; outside; appearance

    to make clear; to make known; to state clearly; to indicate;known

    (facial) expression; to express one's feelings; expression

    to express; to show; to say; to state; to indicate; to mean

    to show; to show off; to display; to manifest; expression;

    manifestation; show; display; performance (at work etc)

    play; show; performance; exhibition; to perform; to act; to

    demonstrate; CL:|[chang3]

    to praise; to commend

    to leave; to depart; to separate; to distinguish; toclassify;

    other; another; do not; must not; to pin

    other people; others; other person

    guesthouse; CL:|[ge4],[jia1]

    icebox; freezer cabinet; refrigerator; CL:|[tai2],|[ge4]

    third of 10 heavenly stems ; third in order; letter "C" orroman"III" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; propyl

    biscuit; cracker; cookie; CL:[pian4],|[kuai4]

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    and; besides; moreover; furthermore; in addition

    glass; nylon; plastic; CL:|[zhang1],|[kuai4]

    doctor; court academician (in feudal China); Ph.D.


    neck; CL:|[ge4]need not; does not have to

    not only (... but also...)

    unceasing; uninterrupted; continuous; constant

    only; merely; no more than; but; however; anyway (to get back toa

    previous topic)

    not necessarily; not likely

    you're welcome; impolite; rude; blunt; don't mention it

    impatience; impatient

    unimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind; itlooks

    all right; but

    to replenish; to supplement; to complement;additional;supplementary; CL:|[ge4]

    cloth; to declare; to announce; to spread; to make known

    (negative prefix); not; no

    unpeaceful; unstable; uneasy; disturbed; restless; worried

    have no choice or option but to; cannot but; have to; can'thelp

    it; can't avoid

    desperately serious; disastrous; extremely; exceedingly

    no matter (what, how); regardless of; no matter

    to feel embarrassed; to be ill at ease; to find itembarrassing

    (to do sth)not only (this one); not just (...) but also


    not so; no; or else; otherwise; if not

    not equal to; not as good as; inferior to; it would be betterto

    insufficient; lacking; deficiency; not enough; inadequate;not

    worth; cannot; should not

    part; share; section; piece; CL:|[ge4]

    department; branch; section; division; CL:|[ge4]

    step; move; measure

    to wipe; to erase; rubbing (brush stroke in painting); toclean;to polish

    to guess

    ability; talent; endowment; gift; an expert; only (then); onlyif;


    property; CL:|[bi3]

    material; data; makings; stuff; CL:|[ge4],|[zhong3]

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    to step on; to tread; to stamp; to press a pedal; to pedal(a


    to interview; to gather news; to hunt for and collect; tocover

    to adopt or carry out (measures, policies, course of action);to



    dish (type of food); vegetables; vegetable; cuisine;


    menu; CL:[fen4],|[zhang1]

    to look around; to inspect; visit and observe

    to participate; to take part; to join

    consultation; reference; to consult; to refer

    to participate (in sth)

    dining-hall; dining-room; restaurant; CL:|[jian1],[jia1]

    disabled; handicapped; deformity on a person oranimalashamed

    playground; sports field; drill ground; CL:|[ge4]

    to worry about

    grass; straw; manuscript; draft (of a document); careless;rough;


    book; booklet; classifier for books

    toilet; lavatory; CL:|[jian1],|[chu4]

    test; to test; CL:[ci4],|[ge4]layer; stratum; laminated; floor(of a building); storey;

    classifier for layers; repeated; sheaf (math.)

    once; already; former; previously; ever; (past tense markerusedbefore verb or clause)

    to insert; stick in; pierce; to take part in; to interfere;to


    difference; distinction; diversity; disparity

    fork; CL:[ba3]

    tea; tea plant; CL:[bei1],|[hu2]

    differ from; short of; to lack; poor

    almost; nearly; more or less

    to tear open; to tear down; to tear apart; to open

    goods; merchandise; product; CL:|[ge4]

    to arise; to come into being; to come about; to give rise to;tobring into being; to bring about; to produce; to engender; to

    generate; to appear; appearance; emergence; generation;

    production; yield

    to taste; flavor; (past tense marker); already; formerly;ever;

    once; test

    length; long; forever; always; constantly

    the Great Wall

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    Changjiang river; Yangtze river

    long distance

    common sense; general knowledge; CL:|[men2]large place used fora specific purpose; stage; scene (of a play);

    classifier for sporting or recreational activities; classifierfor

    number of examsto sing a song

    to copy; to plagiarize; to search and seize; to go; totranscribe;

    to take a shortcut; to search and confiscate

    to surpass; to exceed; to outstrip

    supermarket (abbr.); CL:[jia1]

    imperial or royal court; government; dynasty; reign of asovereign

    or emperor; court or assembly held by a sovereign or emperor;to

    make a pilgrimage to; facing; towards

    dynasty; reign (of a king)

    saute; pan-fry; to fry; fried

    to quarrel; to make a noise; noisy; to disturb by making anoise

    to quarrel; to have a row; CL:|[dun4]


    carriage; CL:|[jie2]

    thorough; thoroughly; complete

    silence; uncommunicative

    to avail oneself of; to take advantage of

    shirt; blouse; CL:[jian4]

    to weigh; to state; to name; name; appellation; to praisetocall; to address as; appellation

    to praise; to acclaim; to commend; to compliment

    to ride; to mount; to make use of; to avail oneself of; totake

    advantage of; to multiply (mathematics); Buddhist sect orcreed

    to ride (in a vehicle)

    to undertake; to assume (responsibility etc)

    to admit; to concede; to recognize; recognition (diplomatic,

    artistic etc); to acknowledge

    to bear; to support; to inherit

    degree (level or extent); level; CL:|[ge4]procedures; sequence;order; computer program

    composition; make-up; ingredient; element; component; one'ssocial

    status; CL:|[ge4]

    success; to succeed; CL:[ci4],|[ge4]

    result; achievement; gain; profit; CL:|[ge4]achievement;performance records; grades;


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    accomplishment; success; attain a result; achievement;


    to establish; to set up; to be tenable; to hold water

    mature; ripe; Taiwan pr. cheng2 shou2

    to become; to turn into

    Chinese set expression, often made up of 4 characters ortwocouplets of 4 characters each, often alluding to a story or

    historical quotation; idiom; proverb; saying; adage; set

    expression; CL:|[tiao2],[ben3],[ju4]

    to mature; to grow; growth

    sincere; honest; cordial

    honest; honesty; honorable; truthful

    city; town; CL:[zuo4]to eat; to have one's meal; to eradicate;to destroy; to absorb;

    to suffer; to exhaust

    to be startled; to be shocked; to be amazed

    to suffer losses; to come to grief; to lose out; to get theworstof it; to be at a disadvantage; unfortunately

    to arrive late

    to continue; to persist; sustainable; preservation

    pond; CL:|[ge4]

    rule; ruler (measuring instrument); CL:[ba3]

    wing; CL:|[ge4],|[dui4](of water) to dash against; to mix withwater; to infuse; to

    rinse; to flush; to develop (a film); to rise in the air; to

    clash; to collide with

    battery charger

    full; abundantfull of; brimming with; very full; permeated

    to repeat; to duplicate; CL:|[ge4]

    again; once more; re-

    house pet



    to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco)

    clown; surname Chou; 2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m., 12thsolar

    month (6th January to 3rd February), year of the Ox

    stench; stink; smelly; to smell (bad)to go out; to come out; tooccur; to produce; to go beyond; to

    rise; to put forth; to happen; classifier for dramas, plays,

    operas etc

    to publish; to come off the press; to put out

    to go on an official or business trip

    to start out; to set off

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    an exit; CL: [ge4]; to speak; to export; (of a ship) toleaveport

    remarkable; outstanding

    to be born

    to attend; to participate; present

    to appear; to arise; to emerge; to show uptaxi

    junior; primary

    to get rid of; to remove; to exclude; to eliminate; to wipeout;

    to divide; except; not including

    only if (..., or otherwise, ...); only when; only in thecase

    that; unless

    besides; apart from (... also...); in addition to; except(for)

    (New Year's) Eve

    kitchen; CL:|[jian1]

    to handle; to treat; to deal with; to process; CL:|[ge4]to borethrough; pierce; perforate; penetrate; pass through; to

    dress; to wear; to put on; to thread

    a boat; vessel; ship; CL:|[tiao2],[sou1],|[zhi1]

    to disseminate; to propagate; to spread

    to transmit; to pass on to sb else

    to infect; contagious

    legend; folklore; tradition; it is said; they say that...

    tradition; traditional; convention; conventional; CL:|[ge4]

    fax; facsimile

    window; CL:|[ge4],[shan4]

    window curtains

    to rush; to charge; to dash; to break through; to temperoneself

    (through battling hardships)

    to create; to bring about; to produce; CL:|[ge4]to blow; to playa wind instrument; to blast; to puff; to boast;

    to brag; to end in failure; to fall through

    spring (time); gay; joyful; youthful; love; lust; life

    magnetic tape; CL:|[pan2],[he2]dictionary (of Chinese compoundwords); also written [ci2dian3]; CL:[bu4],[ben3]word (general termincluding monosyllables through to short

    phrases); term (e.g. technical term); expression

    to resign

    besides; in addition; moreover; furthermore

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    next in sequence; second; the second day, time etc ;secondary;

    vice-; sub-; infra-; inferior quality; substandard; order;

    sequence; hypo- (chemistry); classifier for enumeratedevents:



    to provoke; to irritate; to upset; to stimulate; to excite;


    hasty; hurried

    acute (of sight and hearing); clever; intelligent; bright;smart

    from; via; passing through; through

    from now on; since then; henceforth

    thus; thereby

    always; at all times; never (if used in negative sentence)

    previously; formerly; once upon a time

    to go for; to engage in; to undertake; to deal with; to handle;to


    careless; thoughtless


    to promote (an idea or cause); to advance; boostto induce; topromote; to urge; to impel; to bring about; to

    provoke; to drive (sb to do sth); to catalyze; to actuate;to

    contribute to (some development)

    to urge; to press; to prompt; to rush sb; to hasten sth; to


    exist; deposit; store; keep; survive

    to exist; to be

    mistake; error; blunder; fault; cross; uneven; wrong;


    error; mistake; mistaken; CL:|[ge4]

    measure; step (to be taken); CL:|[ge4]

    to promise; to agree; to reply; to respond

    answer; solution; CL:|[ge4]

    to reach; to achieve; to attain

    to decorate; to dress; to make up; to adorn; manner ofdressing;

    style of dress

    to make a telephone call

    to work (do manual labor for a living); a part time job;tomoonlight

    to come into contact with; to have dealings

    play basketball

    to sneeze

    to disturb; to bother; to trouble

    to clean; to sweep

  • 7/29/2019 Hsk Level 5 (New Hsk)


    to plan; to intend; to calculate; plan; intention;calculation;


    to ask about; to inquire about

    to print; to seal; to stamp

    to greet sb by word or action; to give prior notice

    to give a discountto give or have an injection

    big; huge; large; major; great; wide; deep; oldest; eldest

    expert; scholar; mother earth; a type of green tea

    roughly; probably; rough; approximate; about

    authority; everyone

    embassy; CL:[zuo4],|[ge4]

    elephant; CL:|[zhi1]

    large scale; wide scale; broad scale

    approximately; about

    foolish; stupid; expressionless; blank; to stayband; belt;girdle; ribbon; tire; area; zone; region;

    CL:|[tiao2]; to wear; to carry; to lead; to bring; to lookafter;to raise

    to put on or wear (glasses, hat, gloves etc); to respect; tobear;

    to support

    representative; delegate; CL:[wei4],|[ge4],[ming2]; torepresent;to stand for; on behalf of; in the name of

    instead; to replace; to substitute (X for Y, or a number inan

    algebraic expression)

    doctor; minister of state (in pre-Hanstates);CL:|[ge4],[wei4]

    a loan; to provide a loan (e.g. bank); CL:|[bi3]

    treatment; pay; wages; status; salary

    simple; pure; alone; merely


    alone; by oneself; on one's own

    a unit; unit (of measure); work unit (one's workplace);


    unit; entrance number; staircase (for residential buildings)

    to hold a governmental office or post; to assume office of;totake charge of; to serve as

    anxious; worried; uneasy; to worry; to be anxious

    delay; hold-up; to waste time; to interfere with


    insipid; diluted; weak; mild; light in color; tasteless;fresh;

    indifferent; nitrogen

    cake; CL:|[kuai4],|[ge4]

  • 7/29/2019 Hsk Level 5 (New Hsk)


    but; howeverto be; to act as; manage; withstand; when; during;ought; should;

    match equally; equal; same; obstruct; just at (a time orplace);

    on the spot; right; just at

    the present age; the contemporary era


    only natural; as it should be; certainly; of course; withoutdoubt

    then; at that time; while

    to resist; to obstruct; to hinder; to keep off; to block (ablow);

    to get in the way of; cover; gear

    knife; CL:[ba3]

    island; CL:|[ge4],[zuo4]

    have bad luck; be out of luck

    direct; director (film etc)

    tour guide; to conduct a tour; a guidebook

    to lead to; to create; to cause; to bring aboutto movebackwards; converse

    to (a place); until (a time); up to; to go; to arrive

    in all places; everywhere

    to reach; to arrive

    finally; in the end; when all is said and done; after all; tothe

    end; to the last

    virtue; morality; ethics; moral; CL:|[zhong3]reason; argument;sense; principle; basis; justification;


    to apologize; to make an apology

    -ly; structural particle: used before a verb or adjective,linking

    it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct

    of; structural particle: used before a noun, linking it to

    preceding possessive or descriptive attributivestructuralparticle: used after a verb (or adjective as main

    verb), linking it to following phrase indicating effect,degree,

    possibility etc

    proud of oneself; pleased with oneself; complacent

    to have to; must; ought to; to need to

    lamp; light; lantern; CL:|[zhan3]

    boarding passto register (one's name)

    to wait for; to awaitet cetera; and so on; et al. and otherauthors ; after; as soon

    as; once

    wait for; await


  • 7/29/2019 Hsk Level 5 (New Hsk)


    to equal; to be tantamount to

    low; beneath; to lower (one's head); to let droop; to hangdown;

    to incline

    a drop; to drip

    really; indeed

    enemy; CL:|[ge4]background; bottom; base; the end of a period oftime; towards theend of (last month)

    to hand over; to pass on sth; to gradually increase ordecrease;


    authentic; genuine; typical;

    region; regional (away from the central administration)


    the Earth; planet; CL:|[ge4]

    local; regional; district (not necessarily formaladministrative

    unit); region; area; as suffix to city name, means prefectureorcounty (area administered by a prefecture level city orcounty

    level city); CL:|[ge4]

    carpet; rug

    subway; metro

    map; CL:|[zhang1],[ben3]

    position; status; place; CL:|[ge4]


    address; CL:|[ge4]

    younger brother; CL:|[ge4],[wei4]

    first; number one

    drop (of liquid); stain; spot; speck; jot; dot stroke (inChinese

    characters); decimal point; point; mark (of degree or level);a

    place (with certain characteristics); iron bell; oclock;alittle; a bit; some; (point) unit of measurement for type; to

    touch on briefly; to make clear; to light; to ignite; tokindle;

    period of time at night (24 minutes) (old); a drip; todibble;

    classifier for small indeterminate quantities

    to nod

    light refreshments; pastry; dimsum (in Cantonese cooking);dessert

    battery; CL:|[jie2],|[zu3]

    computer; CL:|[tai2]

    television; TV; CL:|[tai2],|[ge4]transmitter-receiver;broadcasting station; radio station;


    elevator; CL:|[tai2],[bu4]

    movie; film; CL:[bu4],[pian4],[mu4],|[chang3]

    electronic mail; email; CL:[feng1]

  • 7/29/2019 Hsk Level 5 (New Hsk)


    to fish with a hook and baitto fall; to drop; to lag behind; tolose; to go missing; to

    reduce; fall (in prices); to lose (value, weight etc); to wag;to

    swing; to turn; to change; to exchange; to swap; to show off;to

    shed (hair)

    investigation; inquiry; to investigate; to survey; survey;

    (opinion) poll; CL:|[xiang4],|[ge4]cubes of meat and vegetables;man; members of a family;

    population; fourth of 10 heavenly stems ;

    apex; crown of the head; top; roof; to carry on the head; topush

    to the top; to go against; most; to replace; to substitute;

    classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc; to agree orsupport

    (internet slang, similar to digg)

    to lose; to put aside; to throw


    east; host (i.e. sitting on east side of guest); landlord;surname

    Dongthing; stuff; person; CL:|[ge4],[jian4]

    to understand; to know

    to freeze; to feel very cold; aspic or jelly

    cave; hole; zero (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out

    numbers); CL:|[ge4]

    cartoon; animation

    animal; CL:|[zhi1],[qun2],|[ge4]

    movement; motion; action; CL:|[ge4]

    all, both; entirely (due to) each; even; already

    to stay; to stop; to pause (while reading); to tease (playwith)

    tofu; bean curd

    to read; to study; reading of word (i.e. pronunciation),similar

    to [pin1 yin1]

    independent; independence; to stand alone

    unique; distinct; having special characteristics

    traffic jam; choking

    spend; pass

    belly; abdomen; stomach; CL:|[ge4]

    short or brief; to lack; weak point; fault

    text message; SMS

    paragraph; section; segment; stage (of a process); classifierfor

    stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etcto break; tosnap; to cut off; to give up or abstain from sth; to

    judge; (usu. used in the negative) absolutely,


    to engage in physical exercise; to toughen; to temper

  • 7/29/2019 Hsk Level 5 (New Hsk)


    a pile; a mass; heap; stack


    for; to

    contrast; balance; CL:|[ge4]unworthy; to let down; I'm sorry;excuse me; pardon me; if you

    please; sorry? (please repeat)to treat; treatment

    counterpart; other person involved; opposite side; otherside;

    receiving party

    dialog; CL:|[ge4]


    opponent; adversary; match

    target; object; partner; boyfriend; girlfriend; CL:|[ge4]

    regarding; as far as sth is concerned; with regards to

    ton; Taiwan pr. dun4

    to crouch; to squatstop; pause; to arrange; to lay out; tokowtow; to stamp; at once;

    classifier for meals, beating, tellings off etc: time, bout,

    spell, meal

    many; much; a lot of; numerous; multi-

    thanks to; luckily

    how (wonderful etc); what (a great idea etc); however(difficult

    it may be etc)

    number; amount; somewhat

    superfluous; unnecessary; surplus

    flower; earlobe; fig. item on both sides; classifier forflowers,

    clouds etcto hide oneself

    to be hungry; hungry

    vile; nasty; of very poor quality

    and; as well as; and so; but (not); yet (not); (indicatescausal

    relation); (indicates change of state); (indicates contrast)

    (not only ...) but also; moreover; in addition; furthermore

    child; CL:|[ge4]


    ear; CL:|[zhi1],|[ge4],|[dui4]two; 2; stupid (Beijingdialect)

    to send out; to show (one's feeling); to issue; to develop;

    classifier for gunshots (rounds)

    to issue (a statement); to publish; to issue; to put out

    to worry; to fret; to be anxious; to become sad

    developed (country etc); flourishing; to develop

    shiver; shudder; tremble; tremulous

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    to display; to exhibit; to bring out implicit or innatequalities;

    to express (a thought or moral); to develop (an idea); to

    elaborate (on a theme)

    to invent; invention; CL:|[ge4]

    invoice; receipt or bill for purchase

    have a high temperature (from illness); have a feverto happen;to occur; to take place; to break out

    to find; to discover

    statement; utterance; CL:|[ge4]

    development; growth; to develop; to grow; to exp

Hsk Level 5 (New Hsk) - [PDF Document] (2024)


How many words do you need to know for HSK 5? ›

The HSK (Level V) is intended for students who have studied Chinese 2-4 class hours per week for more than two academic years. These students have mastered 2,500 commonly used words and related grammar patterns.

Is HSK 5 enough? ›

Passing HSK5 indicates you can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays, and give a full-length speech in Chinese. You can work and live in China with almost no language problems!

Is the new HSK harder? ›

The increased difficulty of New HSK standard. Compared to the current HSK 2.0, there is an obvious increase in the difficulty and number of words required for each band. In other words, if you took the current HSK 3 test and passed, that only equals the New HSK elementary level band 1/2.

How many hours to reach HSK 5? ›

Advanced level (HSK 5-6)

At the advanced level, you will be able to understand and use complex Chinese sentences and will be able to communicate effectively in a variety of situations. This level typically takes around 1,500-2,000 hours of study to complete.

Is HSK 5 considered fluent? ›

No, you may be able to converse in daily conversation but fluency is a very diverse spectrum to each individual. With HSK 5 you're still going to have a gap in vocabulary. Thank you. HSK 6 is still not fluent.

Which HSK is hardest? ›

Change #1: New HSK Exam Structure

Unlike Levels 1-6 which have their own exams, Levels 7-9 will be a single exam, where your performance will determine which Level you receive. The new Level 7-9 exams are not just more granular testing; they are substantially more difficult.

Which HSK level is fluent? ›

If you want to know what HSK level you need to be to put 'fluent' on a job resume I'd say that basic fluency is measured at level 4 on the HSK exams, while level 6 is when you can successfully express yourself in spoken or written Chinese.

Is HSK 6 advanced? ›

Those who score high in HSK6 are equivalent to the proficiency level of a Chinese middle school student. The HSK is only a test for your proficiency in the language itself, but it has nothing to do with the culture. Chinese students also learn literature and writing and old Chinese, poems, novels, etc.

What is a good HSK 5 score? ›

As for level 3 and 4, the HSK 5 exam will result on a score whose maximum rank is 300 points. It means that each section will give you a score of 100 points. A total score of 180 points will then allow you to pass the HSK 5. While the level is increasing, get at least 60 in each section might be difficult.

Is HSK level 5 good? ›

Test takers who are able to pass the HSK (Level V) can read Chinese newspapers and magazines, enjoy Chinese films and plays and give a full-length speech in Chinese.

Is HSK 6 hard? ›

There are a few things that make HSK6 a challenging test: 1) The strict time limit in each section, 2) the emphasis on reading speed and memory, and 3) the broad topics and (at times) obscure vocabulary. I think you need to have solid Chinese and good exam taking skills to do well in HSK6.

Is 1000 Chinese words enough? ›

1,000 Words (700 Characters)

At 1,000 words you should be able to communicate in simple everyday areas and understand basic sentences and frequently used expressions. This is a great time to start using graded readers.

How many words are needed for HSK vocabulary? ›

According to Hanban, the HSK test organizer, to pass HSK Level 1, you need to know 150 vocabulary words precisely. These words don't change between tests, and you can expect to see them on any given HSK 1 test (though not all 150 words will necessarily appear in one test). Here's the official guideline from Hanban.

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