[Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (2024)

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An update on recent technical problems and more from the admin: https://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/250292/on-technical-difficulties-mod-coverage-and-other-things/p1?new=1



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      Xeddicus Registered User regular

      October 2018

      It can get shot at random then burn some until it explodes. Also they shoot it down it seems.

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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      October 2018

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      Skull2185 Registered User regular

      December 2018

      Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.


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      Rex Dart Registered User regular

      January 2019

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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      January 2019

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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      July 2019

      No, it's not a new Metal Gear game. But this is a pretty cool interview about the original English translation of Metal Gear Solid, and more generally Woolsey translations vs literal ones.


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      Xeddicus Registered User regular

      July 2019

      Too bad Kojima didn't ask him to explain what he did or if he did didn't listen.

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      Stormwatcher Blegh BlughRegistered User regular

      July 2019

      I wouldn't call his work "woolsey". That's more or less the best practice... Especially in games where the game culture is the same as the target language or a made up culture. I.e. MGS is 100% America. World of Warcraft is made up with influences from all over the world. The only reason you would NOT localize like that is when you want to keep the source cultural flavour. And, even then, you should really rephrase anything that becomes awkwardly said on a straighjacketed translation.

      He's 100% right in what he did, MGS1 is by far the best "written" of the series in English. He intuitively arrived at the same conclusion we work with today.

      If you're good at translation in itself and you follow his ideas, you're already a top localization expert.

      Steam: Stormwatcher | PSN: Stormwatcher33 | Switch: 5961-4777-3491
      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (12)


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      miscellaneousinsanity grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother, i hurt peopleRegistered User regular

      July 2019

      i've followed mr. blaustein on twitter for a little while now, he's a pretty cool dude

      also worked on symphony of the night, the silent hill series, and one of my personal favorites, suikoden II

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (14)

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      BRIAN BLESSED Maybe you aren't SPEAKING LOUDLY ENOUGHHH Registered User regular

      January 2020 edited January 2020

      Appropriately enough, getting Liquid Snake to spout such sh*tbag nonsense is peak meme

      Cam Clarke is such a dude



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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      January 2020

      BRIAN BLESSED wrote: »

      Appropriately enough, getting Liquid Snake to spout such sh*tbag nonsense is peak meme

      Cam Clarke is such a dude

      The best YT comments have been along the lines of, "I am very worried Cam Clarke is becoming Liquid Snake."

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      AbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular

      July 2020

      Finally got around to MGSV and I'm currently dicking around in Ground Zeroes. Is there a way to make your helicopter leave when you don't want it there? The game says to walk away from it and it will depart, but I can hoof my ass all the way to the other side of the f*cking map and it's still hanging out until eventually it gets shot down. Am I missing something or is this a bug?

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (20)

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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      July 2020

      I believe you cancel it the same way you call it. Go to your I-droid and see if you can give an order to it when it's on station.

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      AbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular

      July 2020

      I could swear I've tried that and it only lets me pick a new landing zone. I'll have to check again.

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (23)

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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      July 2020

      I'll check it next time I play. It does expire eventually. Plus just by playing the game you'll get so much GMP you never really need to worry about depleting it unless you research everything at once.
      Plus Morpho's voice never changes so hey! He's just really lucky! Or has a large family. All for revenge!


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      BRIAN BLESSED Maybe you aren't SPEAKING LOUDLY ENOUGHHH Registered User regular

      July 2020

      You never see Pequod and Morpho in the same room, really makes you think


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      AbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular

      September 2020

      I am damn near to the end of MGSV. Good grief I've been playing this since July. There sure is a lot of game here for being unfinished.

      Currently stuck on extreme cloaked in silence. Is there an intended way to knock out Quiet non-lethally? The ol supply drop trick doesn't seem to work here, apparently she learned to dodge it. I've tried sneaking about and popping her with tranq shots, but she ALWAYS gets me with the one hit kill. If that sniper icon is up for more than a second you are dead meat.

      Also, hallelujah she's wearing clothes! Maybe my wife will stop giving me the side eye.

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (27)


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      Burnage Registered User regular

      September 2020

      AbsoluteZero wrote: »

      I am damn near to the end of MGSV. Good grief I've been playing this since July. There sure is a lot of game here for being unfinished.

      Currently stuck on extreme cloaked in silence. Is there an intended way to knock out Quiet non-lethally? The ol supply drop trick doesn't seem to work here, apparently she learned to dodge it. I've tried sneaking about and popping her with tranq shots, but she ALWAYS gets me with the one hit kill. If that sniper icon is up for more than a second you are dead meat.

      Also, hallelujah she's wearing clothes! Maybe my wife will stop giving me the side eye.

      The supply drop trick still works, you just need to distract her by popping your head up when the box is about to bop her.

      Of course, I just ignored the whole non-lethal thing for that mission and called in a tank instead.

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      Jazz Registered User regular

      September 2020

      Worth noting in this thread if anyone missed it, but Metal Gear (MSX), Metal Gear Solid, and MGS2 are all up on GOG for PC folks.


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      AbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular

      September 2020

      Burnage wrote: »

      AbsoluteZero wrote: »

      I am damn near to the end of MGSV. Good grief I've been playing this since July. There sure is a lot of game here for being unfinished.

      Currently stuck on extreme cloaked in silence. Is there an intended way to knock out Quiet non-lethally? The ol supply drop trick doesn't seem to work here, apparently she learned to dodge it. I've tried sneaking about and popping her with tranq shots, but she ALWAYS gets me with the one hit kill. If that sniper icon is up for more than a second you are dead meat.

      Also, hallelujah she's wearing clothes! Maybe my wife will stop giving me the side eye.

      The supply drop trick still works, you just need to distract her by popping your head up when the box is about to bop her.

      Of course, I just ignored the whole non-lethal thing for that mission and called in a tank instead.

      I kept trying this but she would still dodge anyways. After like 5-6 attempts I gave up on it. I wonder if you could drop a tank on her...

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (32)

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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      September 2020 edited September 2020

      For the box drop trick to work, you still need to draw her fire to keep her in place. Get behind cover, call the drop, and pop up and fire at her direction and let her SEE you enough to fire back. You'll know that's the case when the laser/ring icon is on you. You have about a second to fire and get back into cover, or use rolling or diving.

      She also has a bolt action rifle, so she cant rapid fire it. The instant the bullet hits, you can pop back into her line of sight.

      manwiththemachinegun on


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      WhiteZinfandel Your insides Let me show you themRegistered User regular

      September 2020

      The easiest way to distract Quiet for the support box trick is to get her dancing in the rain. Call for a weather change to rain immediately after calling for the support box and she'll reliably take it to the dome.


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      klemming Registered User regular

      September 2020

      Jazz wrote: »

      Worth noting in this thread if anyone missed it, but Metal Gear (MSX), Metal Gear Solid, and MGS2 are all up on GOG for PC folks.

      Do they... work?
      I tried the original releases of MGS and 2, and neither of them wanted to work with my PC. Like, at all.

      Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.

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      Jazz Registered User regular

      September 2020 edited September 2020

      klemming wrote: »

      Jazz wrote: »

      Worth noting in this thread if anyone missed it, but Metal Gear (MSX), Metal Gear Solid, and MGS2 are all up on GOG for PC folks.

      Do they... work?
      I tried the original releases of MGS and 2, and neither of them wanted to work with my PC. Like, at all.

      They're on GOG. So yes.

      (I haven't picked them up myself. But this is kind of GOG's thing. Those old games that just will not work on a modern PC however hard you try... now they do.)

      Jazz on

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      Aistan Tiny Bat Registered User regular

      September 2020

      I'm playing MGSV again for some reason.

      Though not really "again" since I didn't get very far in the first time.

      Making the helicopter music Maneater really works well. On the one hand I am a lady who shows up at night and murders/kidnaps/robs a bunch of people then leaves before morning. On the other the song is about the unchecked greed of NYC in the 80s.

      It's almost too on the nose.

      Anyway I have a mod to give Quiet clothing and another mod to make her shut the f*ck up with the humming and it's basically a perfect game now.


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      Grove Los AngelesRegistered User regular

      September 2020

      I always rocked Rebel Yell as my helicopter song. It worked so f*cking well.

      Selling PS3 & 360 Madcatz TE Stick

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      Aistan Tiny Bat Registered User regular

      September 2020

      That song has never made sense to me. Also I don't drink whiskey, so probably not for me on any level.

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      cj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular

      September 2020

      So I happened upon this while looking for a Quiet comic...

      (or https://tapas.io/series/Metal-Gear-Solid-5-The-Silent-War )

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (42)

      It's pretty good! (lol)

      It's basically the artist's attempt to tell the 'proper' story of V with all the omissions. It starts out great, and rapidly goes into some serious fanfic territory, but the art is very nice.
      (Be warned, some chapters are NSFW, clearly marked.)

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (43)

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (44)


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      cj iwakura The Rhythm Regent Bears The Name FreedomRegistered User regular

      September 2020

      Grove wrote: »

      I always rocked Rebel Yell as my helicopter song. It worked so f*cking well.

      I used Only Time Will Tell, those opening notes just always hype me up.

      Sure as the suuuuun will crossss the skyyyyy

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (46)

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      Snicketysnick The Greatest Hype Man in WesterosRegistered User regular

      September 2020

      It was the Airwolf theme or Africa for me, Airwolf blasting out for chopper support calls ruled

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (48)
      D3 Steam #TeamTangent STO


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      AbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular

      September 2020

      I too use Maneater for the chopper music but had it set to Gloria for a while for the absurdity factor. Imagining all these guys pissing their pants whenever Gloria comes on the radio.

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (50)


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      WhiteZinfandel Your insides Let me show you themRegistered User regular

      September 2020

      I've had You Spin Me Round as my chopper theme for at least 100 hours because choppers spin their rotor blades around very rapidly. I like the idea of enemy soldiers cowering behind piled up boxes in the last moments before they get chaingunned down, thinking "They're not just playing that as a helicopter joke, are they? That's so du-GRK"


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      Dark Raven X Laugh hard, run fast, be kindRegistered User regular

      September 2020

      I just started playing Ground Zeroes again. Gonna spend the next 10 hours trying to extract f*ckin' Glaz and Palitz

      Oh brilliant


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      Drez Registered User regular

      September 2020

      Nyan Cat for me.

      Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar

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      Grove Los AngelesRegistered User regular

      September 2020

      cj iwakura wrote: »

      Grove wrote: »

      I always rocked Rebel Yell as my helicopter song. It worked so f*cking well.

      I used Only Time Will Tell, those opening notes just always hype me up.

      Sure as the suuuuun will crossss the skyyyyy

      Having the chopper unload gunfire or missiles (can't recall exactly which) while it's screeching 'MORE MORE MORE' was one of my favorite gaming moments.

      I really should replay that game.

      Selling PS3 & 360 Madcatz TE Stick

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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      September 2020

      For more sandbox fun, I can't recommend highly enough the Infinite Haven mod. You can essentially play custom settings forever. Enemy vehicles, patrols, Skulls and elites in open world. Custom base assaults. More player customization. It's an extremely minimal time investment which restores a ton of personality to the actual sandbox. You can even alter enemy and player health and vision values to be Rainbow Six style realism where one or two rifle shots can kill.

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (56)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_R9OFwQJyeA


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      BRIAN BLESSED Maybe you aren't SPEAKING LOUDLY ENOUGHHH Registered User regular

      September 2020 edited September 2020

      I put on one of Wham's iconic songs because not only is it roughly time period accurate, Morpho generally starts shooting the guns when the lyrics start goin' "boom boom" and "bang bang bang"

      [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (58)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIgZ7gMze7A



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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      September 2020

      Goes great with warcrimes!


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      manwiththemachinegun METAL GEAR?! Registered User regular

      November 2020


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    [Metal Gear Solid] Konami remembers it used to make games - Page 8 (2024)
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    Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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