Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (2024)

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (1)

(shorts, tank <- don’t miss out on the sale!)

8.11 miles @ 8:12 pace in our favorite canyon.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (2)

I need to start and finish at a bagel shop more often so I can easily grab fresh bagels to bring home after a run.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (3)

When I got home, Skye was ready to go for her mile. This girl smiles basically the entire run.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (4)

I don’t make green smoothies happen as often as I would like these days, but when Andrew is home to make them, I drink them and feel happy that I don’t have to think about eating any other vegetables for the day;)

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (5)

These two are truly solar-charged. All of the time outside gives them more energy; it does not slow them down. I’m going to tell myself I am solar-charged during my race on Thursday, too.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (6)

And from yesterday’s reading of this book: “It is the mind that is the ultimate limiter of performance.” I truly believe this. My best races are the ones where my mind is focused and in the flow. My best races aren’t necessarily when I am my ‘fittest’ physically but when I truly believe in my goals and don’t get sidetracked in what is going wrong. It’s when I am stuck in my good emotions. My hardest races have been when I get lost in my thoughts of everything that is hurting and then I start doubting myself and slow down with each mile. My best races are also the ones where I spend time EACH week training my mind… and not just focusing on progressing in my workouts.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (7)


Now for today’s tangents!

*I HAVE A NEWSLETTER AND FUNCTIONING DAILY EMAIL! This has been such a headache over the years (I’m sorry!) because I’ve always tried free (for me) subscriptions services but now I’m ready to pay to have it finally done CORRECTLY (free for you!!!). You can sign up at the bottom of my blog or HERE! I’m so happy to be able to chat even more:).

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (8)

*Skye has been dying for a fancy pair of running shoes and really, it didn’t take much convincing for me to get her these.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (9)

*Rewind to Sunday’s Women’s 1500m, and the times were unreal. Cory McGee ended in 5th with a 3-second PR (3:57 and she has been wanting to break 4:00 for a very long time). She has previously competed in this event at the Olympics (2020) and finished 5th with a PR?!? At what point will we plateau with times?! It’s amazing to watch these times drop.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (10)

*When Andrew was running into the store to get donuts for my nieces and nephews, he asked me what I wanted and I replied a glazed donut. He came out with a 4 lb glazed donut for me. Andrew does not do anything halfway in life… go big or go home;)

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (11)

*While in St. George, I came across a spin bike and it was the exact same model of the one I taught on for years. Do you have times in your life that you look back on and it feels like it was actually a different life? That is how that time of life feels for me… I know it happened but I don’t think it did at the same time, ha.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (12)

*I had requests for more songs with a fast cadence, which are my absolute favorites for a run. I NEED songs with a fast beat, and these ones do it for me:

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (13)

Ever start a run from a food/drink place so you can grab something when you finish?

Tell me a tangent or two!

Any Olympic Trials results that you were shocked by?

Reading anything good right now?

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Marathon Training Summary for the week!

Happy Sunday!

The temperatures were perfect (40 degrees is just heaven for me… gloves + shorts + tank), the people were the best and the views were gorgeous.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (15)

I sort of had a mini taper leading into this workout so I was very excited to get MOVING again after dropping down my mileage. I woke up at 5:45 and ate my UCAN and a banana and then I got ready and met the team at 6:30. We did a 2.25 mile warm-up nice and easy and then started our 6.2 mile workout. I was really hoping that my calf would stay happy during that first mile and I’m so happy to say that I didn’t feel a thing the entire run.

I felt in control of the pace and Emilee and I ran right next to each other pretty much the entire time. We averaged a 6:01 pace for the 6.2 mile workout and with the amount of hills, turns and jumping on and off sidewalks, I am very happy about that. It was quite a confidence builder. We were very lucky with the stoplights etc because we never had to stop once.

And then we did a cool-down all together for a few miles. The rest of our day was spent celebrating Knox’s bday (we don’t have him this year on his bday) and I’ll share that all on Monday. I hope your weekend has been great so far.

PS I have been off caffeine for a while now and I took some yesterday before my run and BOOM… I felt it. Caffeine helps me out so much more during a run if I don’t have it for a while!

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (16)

Well, I really went crazy with the tapering this week but rest is what my body needed and some extra rest is what I gave it!

Monday: 8 miles @ 8:17 average with Emilee.

Tuesday: Decided to take a few days off from running because of how my calf felt Monday after my run but I did some strength training at the gym instead.

Wednesday: I jumped in the pool for 30 minutes to pool run. I’m telling ya, pool running is a workout! I was breathing heavy and definitely tired (physically and mentally;) after 30 minutes. PS I just used my AirPods while I was pool running and that was really nice to be able to listen to a podcast while I was in the pool.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (17)

This video is the best way to show how to pool run (it’s kind of old but it’s so important to do this right).

Thursday: 7 miles @ 7:57 average with a big smile because my body felt good again.

Friday: 8 miles @ 8:22 average in the rain

Saturday: 15.58 miles total @ 7:11 average with 6.2 miles fast @ 6:01 average.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (18)

Sunday: Off!!!

38.58 miles for the week! One more BIG workout and two smaller sharpening workouts and then the race will be here. I’m going to be sad to see this training cycle end because it has by far been the most fun I’ve ever had training for a race.


What was your best run last week? Worst run?

What do you have going on today?

Ever tried out poolrunning? What are your thoughts on it?

My own victim mentality…

We decided it would be a good day for the trails!

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (20)

Seeing this rock means I survived. The climb to this rock is about a mile long and feels like it never ever ends. Andrew and I did this trail on our second date and he told me later that he was trying so hard to act like he loved running and didn’t want to die making it to this rock;)

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (21)


Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (22)

An antihistamine and my inhaler are just part of my trail running in the summer needs.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (23)

Does anyone else love seeing a trail map as much as I do? This one is called ‘double bonneville’ and you can find all of my favorite trail runs in our area here.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (24)

Running tangent: During my most recent speed workout, I was hurting. I was running next to my amazing friend, Amy (she has SIX kids), and kept thinking I must be hurting more than she was because she wasn’t slowing down. I thought that my pain must be much worse than hers! And then I reminded myself, nope… She is hurting just as bad as I am and she isn’t quitting.

Sometimes, in races and workouts, I find myself thinking that this is just easy for everyone around me at the same point in the race and that I am the one truly suffering (victim mentality?). This way of thinking is SO unhelpful for me. When I realize the people next to me are suffering just as much as I am (misery loves company?!), it really helps me to stick with it and feel inspired rather than deflated.

Skye asked me to go out for a run with her when I got home and I could not keep up with her after trails.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (25)

IMO, the only correct way to make Rice Krispies treats is to double the butter and marshmallows. Nobody should feel dehydrated while eating a Rice Krispie treat.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (26)

The kids did a drink, treat and fresh cherries from our tree sale. They invested (their word, not mine) $30 into the company and made $40;)

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (27)

I found an Olive Garden gift card (thanks mom!) in my car and I am pretty sure my kid’s eyes filled up with tears when I told them we would go for dinner.

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On Sunday, I saw Pinch of Yum’s Chicken Salad recipe and had to have it myself… there is something about summer that brings this need into my life. This recipe was so so good.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (29)

And for just a few more random thoughts:

-How did January take 2 years to get through, and somehow June is going by in A BLINK?

*Anya Culling’s story is so incredible. A 4:34 marathon to a 2:36 in just 3 years?! “I think I progressed so quickly because being the fastest was never my intention. I never forced myself to train, and it has never felt like a chore,” Culling wrote in Marie Claire. “My progression, although pretty quick, has all been down to consistency over time and putting the work in, and my goal has always been to fit running into my life, rather than live my life around running, meaning that getting faster has always been secondary.”

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (30)

Knox went through the entire Epic Runs book and decided that he and I would do the Athens Marathon together someday. Um, okay!

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (31)

Tell me some highlights from your weekend!

Parents reading… what is your kid’s #1 favorite restaurant?

What is your #1 bucket list race or spot to run?

Do you ever think you are suffering more than the people around you when doing a workout or race?

I swear, I come across things about this…

(vest, shirt, shorts, headband)

A nice little 8.27 miles @ 8:31 pace, including a drop off of one of our friends along the way to her MBA program.

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What your glass of water looks like when you leave it outside on the curb while you run:

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Beck has reached the stage where he doesn’t want help getting dressed. In his head, I think he thinks he is Knox’s age.

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Beck’s favorite day of the week is when we go help in the Kindergarten. His day was made when he saw (and yelled for him) Knox playing during recess.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (36)

The eye squeezes when he hugs Andrew when he gets home from work.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (37)

We are bringing back our favorite winter salad. This stuff is too good.

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And the new thing we tried from TJ’s–> I’ll rate them a 7.57/10.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (39)

Two tangents for today:

1. I got my brother a new headband because I was really afraid of the ONE (yes, one) that he had been using for the last few decades. One of his life goals is for all his hair to be white. It’s a good thing he has a few more teenagers to raise to help him get there;)

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (40)

2. I’m listening to ‘Raising Girls Who Like Themselves (it applies to girls and boys), and this part made me think about what running does for us:

“Feelings of self-esteem, in particular, and happiness, in general, develop as side effects of mastering challenges, working successfully, overcoming frustration and boredom, and winning. The feeling of self-esteem is a by-product of doing well.”

In running, we master challenges–> not stopping on the hill we used to have to walk up, completing a challenging track workout, or hitting a new distance we’ve never met before. Working successfully–> checking off each day on our training plans. We overcome frustrations and boredom left and right–> missing our goal time, injuries, setbacks, weather that holds us back, being bored on a run or the treadmill. And winning–> crossing that finish line we worked towards for ten months, hitting a fitness goal we set, or running our fastest mile in years.

I swear, I come across things daily that remind me why I love this sport and how much it gives to us.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (41)


Please include the last new food/store item that you tried and a rating.

Have a recipe or meal that you make most often during the winter?

Who is in school right now? What are you studying? If not, and you could return to school… what would you study?

Random q—> do you buy your running fuel in bulk or right before the runs you need them for?

What I’m using for marathon training (it’s a long ramble;), time with Mer and MOVING AGAIN!?!

Happy Wednesday!!

The highlight of their day was this:

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After my treadmill run we went over to Mer’s house to make smoothies and talk with her. She is the best.

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The kids were thrilled to see her.

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Lunch was this huge salad. I am not picky with salads… I could put anything on there and call it good.

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Dinner consisted of more salad, foccacia bread, smoothies and sandwiches.

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And Brooke’s meal came with a cookie.

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If we are grumpy the next few days it is because our life consists of packing/unpacking all of my stuff. Remember how I did that like just a few months ago!?

Worth it.

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Brooke is a good helper though.

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (50)

Anyone see this happen the other day? I love watching the Tour de France while I run on the treadmill…

His bike was broken from a crash so he just ran instead. No big deal.

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Let’s talk about marathon training! I’ve gotten a lot of questions about what plan I am using and what my goals are for my next marathon so now seems like a great time to talk about it!

Just the other day I was thinking about where I was at last year with my training compared to where I am at now. I was probably in the best shape of my life last July/August. I completed a 1/2 marathon in 1:21:50 (I think that is about a 6:11 average pace), I was knocking out 2:47s for my 10 yasso 800s. Most of my long runs ended with 6-10 miles FAST and I was following every single workout that my coach gave me. I would nearly have a panic attack if I didn’t hit the pace he assigned me each day.

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PS I LOVED working with my coach (Dave:) and if I was training hard again right now, I would train with him 100%.

Fast forward a year to now and boom… my easy pace back then is my ‘normal/just keep running and don’t quit’ pace right now. I am nowhere near the shape that I used to be in BUT my life has changed pretty much in every way possible recently and I couldn’t be happier about it.

I determine my runs now based on what time I have that day and who I get to run with. Andrew works really early in the mornings (but he gets home earlier which is the best:) so early morning runs are about a once a week thing because I’m usually home with the kiddos in the morning. If I’ve got Andrew to run with on the weekends then that is the easiest decision on the planet for me—> I’m running with him because it is my favorite. I used to do a lot of my speed on the treadmill and to be honest… I don’t know how my body is handling hormones. The last time I had any sort of hormone was before Brooke and I just don’t feel great whenever I run fast (yes, I know that no one ever does but it is much different from what I normally feel during speed). I’m going to give this IUD a few more weeks to see if it gets feeling better (and it has been getting better recently) but yeah, running fast doesn’t feel great.

That’s the beauty about running. You can do it in no matter what stage of life you are in. I still feel like my best memories with running were when I was pregnant. Brooke and I had many great conversations over the miles and I gained so much love for my body during those pregnant running miles:)

You can run when you are ready to bust out some crazy goals, you can run shorter when life is crazy, you can run ultras at whatever pace works for you or train specifically for a 5k, you can follow a plan perfectly or fit in what you can fit in and make sure the long runs happen, it can be in the top 5 priorities of your life or the top 20… and sometimes you walk away from it for a bit and come back hungrier than ever for a personal record. It’s always there for you in the exact amount that you need it. Right now it is doing the perfect thing for me and in the future it will be there when I want to push myself really hard again and shoot for some big goals.

As far as my training plan for this marathon—> Try my hardest and enjoy this sweet time of life that I am in. Run once a week with Josse (usually a long run) and then on the weekends with Andrew and whatever else I can fit in= awesome. Things might change more once the kids are in pre-school or when I start to get in better shape. I trained for the St. George Marathon 2 years ago right after an injury… I did it in about 8 weeks of training with lots of hills, the right long runs for me and little speed work and finished in 3:12 so I’m guessing I’ll be somewhere right around that this year. Who knows though!? I’ll probably decide closer to the taper where I am at based on my training and go for that time then. I do know I want to work hard, stretch, foam roll, eat better, run 5-6 times a week and love the process.

I think one of the biggest thing I’ve learned from social media about running/life is you gotta figure out what is best for you and your family at the time and stick with that. If you are doing things to post about them, get x amount of likes, or because ‘so and so’ is doing it… I don’t know if that is the best way to go about it. Run for you. Train for you. Dream for you. You know what is best for you and your time of life and stick to that. I love running a whole lot when I am following what I know is right for me at the time (whether that be working with a coach, training my hardest or running a race for fun)…

Enough rambling?

Anyways, I can’t wait to have my best friend as my training partner and to work together in every area of life.

This is a whole new world for me and I’m sure loving it.


Where are you right now with your training? What’s the season of life that you are in? Has running always been there for you?

Ever worked with a running coach? How did/does it work for you?

Are you picky about salads? Anything you do not like on them? Fruit on salads?

My dream marathon and kisses.

I sort of get a little excited when I make and eat a meal that is extremely cheap. Take today for example: Baked potato (costco ginormous one) with cheese, broccoli and a side of scrambled eggs (looked like death so I spared you the pictures of those and yes, eggs and a baked potato is a very strange combination) and an apple a few minutes later. The whole meal is pretty dang healthy and no more than $1.50. Why do I get such a high from saving money on my meals?

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So that Billy will take me to dinner on the weekends and froyo every other day but also so that I can talk him into letting me sign up for races that involve a plane ticket, hotels and going to all of the touristy attractions and in my case the candy stores that charge $12 per lb of sour patch kids.

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Chicago. I really really really want to run you October 2012. I feel good about shooting for a personal record on that course (if the temps don’t do crazy things to me.)

Speaking of cheap food:

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Looks like Terra Moody (ran a 2:32 at the Chicago marathon and her pr is 2:30) enjoys some cheap food too…a corndog before a PR race?!? Maybe Billy is onto something with his love of corndogs.

And just because I am in a really weird mood and have no direction for this post whatsoever, how about a picture that made me really happy today:

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What was the last veggie that you ate? How did you prepare it, or did you eat it raw?

-Steamed broccoli.

Has anyone run Chicago before? What did you think of it? Anyone wanting to run the Chicago marathon this next year?

What are you having for dinner?

-Taco soup!!!

Well, that was extremely hard and what crosses the line…

Goodness gracious that was rough. 6 mile tempo mile runs are no joke. I started with a 2.55 mile warm-up (can you tell I was procrastinating starting the workout?), 6 miles @ 6:35 average, .45 mile cool-down. About .2 miles into the tempo I knew I was in trouble and that my legs were tired and not wanting to have anything to do with tempofying (not a word but it makes sense to me). Every time I wanted to quit I did my favorite ‘pump your arms harder when your legs get tired’ trick and I kept reminding myself that I’ve done harder workouts in the past and survived those ones and so I would today too. And I survived… barely.

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I’m very glad I had my St. Patrick’s gear on for the run.

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Also, I’ve had a few people ask me about my nails. I have no talent whatsoever at painting my nails (also, for me they chip within hours of painting them) and so I go to a place called Essence (they are by far the best in Utah County in my opinion) to get shellac done. They charge $18 for removal and shellac and I probably go about once a month. They make me happy.

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PS Brooke is all about playing salon. My favorite service that she does is the eyeball blowdrying.

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We did the green milk and lucky charms for our 3/17 breakfast.

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And we got the chance to see our favorite happy man.

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Brooke always loves to attempt to mimic these inflatable things whenever we walk by one.

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Just the classic sweet potato/shredded bbq chicken combo (I went to Costco to stock up on my staples before unpacking any boxes when we first moved in… priorities).

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And we are on our very last two boxes. Moving is tiring. I’m probably not going to attempt that again for a very long time.

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I told you the other day thatMegan is in Hawaii and I opened up this snapchat from her the other day. They swam (I think she was in a cage type thing) with sharks all around them. I couldn’t do that. I would have to draw the line there. Bungee jumping is another thing that crosses the line for me…not going to happen (even though I went skydiving once and would do that again).

Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (66)

What crosses the line for you when it comes to this kind of stuff? Would you swim with sharks, bungee jump, skydive? What things freak you out too much?

What did you tell yourself during your last hard workout to keep you from quitting?

Have you eaten anything green today?

  1. Mental training is so necessary!! I lose that level of training faster than physically training.
    1500 lives rent free in my mind. I love that Elle took charge and held on strong. And still so so happy for Nikki.
    I’m still LOVING Kara’s commentating and was blown away by Emma Coburn’s steeple commentary.
    TdF tangent: I have a feeling UAE team was stronger in the Giro. I hope I am proved wrong.


    1. Yep yep yep. I can stick with the physical training and do each run but find myself slacking on the mental side quickly. Did you see Nikki’s journal entry before? I get goosebumps every time I think about it. I hope you are proved wrong too. Have a beautiful day, Molly!


  2. I absolutely love the new website! It’s beautiful ! Thank you for fixing me up just in time for your race! Definitely ordering these shoes for my girls! I know my oldest would love a pair of fancy running shoes. I have been in a reading slump (well I listen to audiobooks) this summer! I am finishing The Family Upstairs. I can’t recommend it but I wanted to recommend one from last summer that I LOVED. It called the Paper Palace. Anyhow, I am back and here for your recs because we have really similar book tastes. Thanks again for the help with my subscription.


    1. THANK YOU! I’m so glad I finally took the plunge! I hope your girls love the shoes too:) Off to get Paper Palace right now. THANK YOU and I am not hooked on the fiction book I’m reading right now either (but I have to finish it ha)… hopefully I have a great one next! Have a beautiful day and thank you, Shannon!


  3. Skye looks so grown up in her new running shoes.
    I know I said this yesterday, but I am going to need to get that book! So much good in it.
    We have a Starbucks very near the end of our favorite local trail. It’s nice to pop in for an iced drink after a hot run.
    One of these days I am going to get up to Utah to run that canyon. It’s so pretty!
    Have a good Tuesday Janae


    1. I know, right? They aged her! Please please please read it, I can’t get enough. Can’t wait for our canyon runa nd we can stop by Starbucks at the end. Thanks friend, you too!


  4. My favorite breakfast place is across from the beach and I intentionally start by long runs there and have my husband meet me after he surfs 😁 My happy place!

    Your comment about feeling like that was a different life.. I feel that. My previous marriage, living on the east coast, all of it feels like I never really happened. Like it’s someone else’s life. And I think in a sense it was!

    Olympics trials have me sooooooo excited for the Olympics!!! Can’t wait!

    Have a fantastic week, Janae! GL at your race! 💪


    1. Annemarie. That is truly the best setup possible. You both go enjoy your passions and meet for the most important part… breakfast with views! RIGHT?! We get each other! I absolutely love how our stories have ended up. And you are right… we were different people back then too. We are getting so close to the Olympics ahh. Thank you! I truly cannot wait! Have a beautiful day:)


  5. Skye is too cute in her fancy shoes!! We are cycling in the Dolomites this week and making sure our rides have a pizzeria toward the end. Gelato would work too but it’s cold here this week so hot pizza wins!


    1. WHAT A DREAM!!!!! Enjoy every second and finishing with hot pizza sounds perfect!


  6. Just curious, what does your newsletter consist of? I don’t really need daily emails because I check your blog almost daily regardless ha but curious about what the newsletter is? I don’t want to miss out…hahah


    1. Hey you!!! So my goal is to get out one every week or two! I’m not quite sure yet BUT I have a good feeling haha. Maybe just rambling and favorites and random thoughts? Thanks for visiting over here, it means the world to me!


  7. Kate, Florence and Regina. Basically my every emotion playlist…they do it all!


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Tangents + Humor Me in This Excitement + My Favorite Current Running Songs. - The Hungry Runner Girl (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.