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The Magazine of Queens The Magazine of Queens College 1 Queens FALL 2011-WINTER 2012, VoL. xVI, No. 2 The Magazine - [PDF Document] (1)

Queens: The Magazine of Queens College 1

FALL 2011-WINTER 2012, VoL. xVI, No. 2

QueensThe Magazine of Queens College

After two decades in New York, educational reformer Jean-Claude Brizard takes

the top school job in the Second City

At the heAd of All ClAsses

The Magazine of Queens The Magazine of Queens College 1 Queens FALL 2011-WINTER 2012, VoL. xVI, No. 2 The Magazine - [PDF Document] (2)

2 Queens: The Magazine of Queens College

18 Have Passport, Will Travel | leslie JayOver the summer, education extends beyond borders for faculty, students, and staff

24 This Season at the Kupferberg CenterThe complete schedule of performances and exhibitions, all in an insert that's easy to tear out and save.

s e C T I O n s

4 Mailbox 5 News 20 Year of Turkey Events

21 Bookshelf 22 Giving Back

26 Alumni Notes

34 2011 Honor Roll

8 Starr Reporter Enters Eighth Decade on the Beat | bob suTerDavid Starr has helped revive a newspaper and a community

10 Class of 1941 Shares Memories | Merri rosenbergAt our 70th Commencement, members of the first graduating class look back

12 Jean-Claude Brizard Takes the Helm in the Windy City | Donna shoeMakerChicago tapped a veteran New York educator and QC alum to be CEO of its public schools

14 A Mater of Scholarship | Donna shoeMakerProfessor Emerita Helen Cairns mentored many of today's leaders in speech and communications sciences

16 Outstanding Grads Face the FutureThousands of talented students earned Queens College degrees last year; here are profiles of four

QueensThe Magazine of Queens CollegeFall 2011-Winter 2012, Vol. xVI, No. 2

12Old school ties: students drum up spirit on the quad.

14 5


Yearof Turkey

Exploring Past, Present, Future



AssistAnt VP for CommuniCAtions | Maria TerroneEditor | John Cassidy

CrEAtiVE dirECtor | Dyanne MauedEsign mAnAgEr | Georgine Ingber

stAff dEsignErs | Jefferson Caballero, Andrew Redwood, Kia Watkins

stAff WritErs | Leslie Jay, Jacquelyn Southern, Bob SuterstAff PhotogrAPhEr | Nancy Bareis


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Q U E E N S MaIlbag

A Forgotten HeroI was one of only two people from my graduating class to attend our recent 50th anniversary, and was pleasantly surprised to see a building named after Gregory Razran, who chaired the psychology department when I was a student. Equally, I was disappointed to find no trace or memory of Lt. Alan Rea ’55, after whom the old Air Force ROTC “building” (more of a hut, actually) was named. Lt. Rea was killed when he chose to stay with his malfunctioning plane and guide it away from a populated area in Europe rather than save himself by bailing out. He is certainly an alumnus worthy of QC’s respect and memory.Peter Suedfeld ’60Vancouver, British Columbia

Alan Rea ’55 graduated with a BA in economics and was awarded a commission in the Air Force. He and his wife Dorothy Hannigan ’55 (now Fabian) had a daughter, Cecelia. On May 28, 1957, Lt. Rea was killed when his F-100 Sabre-jet crashed near Soesterberg Air Base in The

Netherlands. In his last radio transmission, he told the traffic tower that he wouldn’t “ditch” his malfunctioning plane because it was headed for people on the ground; by staying with his plane until the end, he was able to avoid crashing it into a mental institution, thereby saving hundreds of lives. Lt. Rea was the first QC graduate of the Air Force ROTC to die in the line of duty. A year later, the AFROTC building was renamed Alan N. Rea Hall, with a dedication ceremony attended by the U.S. ambassador to The Netherlands, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the commander of the U.S. Air Force in Europe. A memorial plaque was donated by Lt. Rea’s Beta Phi fraternity brothers. The AFROTC program was phased out in 1959, after producing more than 200 U.S. Air Force officers. The building was removed to make way for parking for the rapidly expanding campus population. —Editor

A Hero RemembersFor their superb actions in eliminating Osama bin Laden, the Navy Seal Team 6 received the Presidential Unit Citation from President Obama. I am proud to say that, during World War II, I was part of a unit that also received this citation.

On August 13, 1944, a German reconnaissance plane sent a message that was intercepted by radio operators of the 3rd Radio Squadron mobile. The message, decoded by this writer, indicated that Allied landing craft in the harbor of Ajaccio, Corsica, had been spotted. This was a matter of importance to Allied H.Q., and they ordered us to increase our monitoring of those frequencies.

Two days later these landing craft took part in the invasion of southern France. The success of this invasion made it clear to the commander of the German Nineteenth Army, defenders of that entire sector, that they would soon be outflanked. The commander sent a message to Berlin requesting transport planes to evacuate almost his entire staff. This message also was intercepted and decoded by 3rd Radio, as was Berlin’s reply, which indicated the numbers, airfields, and times of arrival of these JU-52s.

The commander of the 9th US Air Force, Major General Hoyt Vandenberg, arranged to have fighter squadrons at the ready in the areas involved. Thus, when the transports picked up their human cargo, they were

pounced upon by our fighters as they took off. Virtually every enemy aircraft was destroyed.

A few days afterwards the men of 3rd Radio (located somewhere in the field between Normandy and Paris) were informed in person by Major General Vandenberg that he was requesting that the entire unit be granted the Presidential Unit Citation, and in March 1945 President Roosevelt granted us the honor. We were issued the special laurel leaf patch that is sewn on the lower right sleeve of our uniforms.Arnold Franco ’43New York City

QC & “Jeopardy”I greatly enjoyed the “Jeopardy” story (Spring 2011 issue) about the QC professor’s role in creating the computer voice of Watson. It should be noted that there was an earlier human QC voice: that of Frank Spangenberg '82, who was a “Jeopardy” champion. He first appeared in 1990, winning $102,597. In five appearances in “Jeopardy” tournaments over the years, he has won over a quarter of a million dollars.Joe Brostek ’55Retired Executive Director of Alumni Affairs & EventsNew York

Send your letters to Queens: The Magazine of Queens College, Queens College, Kiely Hall 808, Flushing, NY 11367 or [emailprotected].


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CLARIFICATIoNIn our Spring 2011 issue in a story about Homecoming 2010, one of our alums laments that there are no longer any fraternities on campus. Lament no more. We did and do still have a number of fraternities and sororities at Queens College.

Q U E E N S NeWs

Two substantial gifts will help QC expand its offerings in Middle eastern studies, building on existing classes in languages, history, and culture. nasser khalili ’74 (right), co-founder and chairman of the Maimonides foundation—a london-based or-ganization that promotes peace and understanding among Jews, Christians, and Muslims—has donated generously to support a visiting professorship in art history, with an emphasis on

islamic art.

The iranian-born alum owns the world’s largest private collection of islamic art, including the example of early 20th-century ottoman calligraphy at left.

“The nasser D. khalili Professor-ship will allow us to attract a major scholar as the college, with Dr. khalili’s

assistance, moves toward estab-lishing a chair in islamic and

Middle eastern studies,” says President James Muyskens.

“We are very grate-ful to Professor khalili for his generosity and his pursuit of peace among people of different ethnic and religious backgrounds, which aligns perfectly with the

college’s priorities.”Meanwhile, the shelley & Donald rubin

foundation—established by the husband-and-wife team behind the rubin Museum of art—has contributed a 21st-century gift: a website devoted to the arts of the islamic world ( filled with images from the khalili Collections, this virtual, interactive museum was transferred to QC to further the study of islamic arts.

Enriching the College’s Middle Eastern offerings

back in the 1960s and 1970s, eugene alexandrov, then a professor of economic geology at QC, regularly led student field trips to mines and rock quarries throughout the u.s., Canada, and europe, where they collected mineral and ore samples. before retiring in the early 1980s, alexandrov, who is now in his 90s, meticulously numbered, labeled, and cataloged the specimens—more than 5,000 in all—and assembled them into “a spectacular collection,” according to allan ludman, chair of QC’s school of earth and environmental sciences (sees). “gold, silver, copper, platinum, chromium, asbestos, trace elements of rare metals, one-of-a-kind crystals—you name it, the collection had it.”

but last year, with storage space in desperately short supply, lud-man and his colleagues faced a hard decision: The collection would have to go. “but there was no way we would discard or break the collection up,” ludman says. “We needed to find a new home for it.” With mining activity in the u.s. today a shadow of what it was a generation ago, he adds, “this is a collection that can’t be duplicated.”

so, last fall, sees asked the american Museum of natural history if it was interested in acquiring the collection. The museum’s curator of mineralogy came to the school, looked over the holdings, and said yes.

The transfer took place in the first week of august. “This was an intricate operation,” ludman says. “The rocks are stored in 15 metal cabinets, each weighing at least a ton and essentially unmovable.” so nine workers from a moving company emptied drawers from the cabinets, carefully labeling, wrapping, and boxing each specimen. The

preparations lightened the cabinets enough to move them onto a truck for the trip to a temporary site in brooklyn; later they’ll be taken to the museum for research and display.

once it is settled in its new home, the collection will initially be used for research. if it is placed on exhibit, it will be labeled, “eugene alexandrov Mineral Collection: Queens College of the City univer-sity of new york,” per an agreement between QC and the museum.

The transfer of the collection frees much needed storage space, but marks a bittersweet transition for those with warm memories of alexandrov. “eugene is a big, gruff, russian bear with a heart of gold,” says ludman. “generations of students accompanied him on his field trips and he remains a beloved figure to this day. his collec-tion was a true labor of love and we’re sad to see it go. but we’re happy that it’s going to a good home.”

QC’s Rock Collection Finds a Home at American Museum of Natural History

These mineral and ore samples were among the collection SEES donated to the American Museum of Natural History.

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“bob kapsis is truly passionate about the cinema, and what is wonderful is his willingness and desire to share his knowledge and insights.” That’s what laurence kardish, senior curator in the de-partment of film at the Museum of Modern art, said about robert kapsis (sociology and film studies).

kapsis, along with curator Charles silver of MoMa’s department of film, co-organized Charles Burnett: The Power to Endure, which took place in april at the museum. This film exhibition was the first major career retrospective on burnett, whom kapsis describes in his book Charles Burnett: Interviews (university Press of Mississippi), as “a groundbreaking african american filmmaker and one of this country’s greatest directors, yet he remains largely unknown. his films, most notably Killer of Sheep (1977) and To Sleep with Anger (1990), are considered classics, yet few filmgoers have seen them or heard of burnett.”

The exhibition presented 20 of burnett’s films, including feature films, student shorts, made-for-television movies, and documentaries, all of which explore some aspect of the african-american experi-ence in america. among them were The Annihilation of Fish (1999), Namibia: The Struggle for Liberation (2007), and burnett’s first studio-produced feature film, The Glass Shield (1994).

kapsis’ book served as the impetus for the exhibition. “i ap-proached MoMa with this idea to coincide the exhibition with my book, and they liked it,” says kapsis. When he first came upon the films of burnett, kapsis could not believe he had not heard of this master filmmaker. “i was amazed. his work is a reaction to the stereotyped representation of african americans, especially films in the 1970s that were filled with drug dealers, prostitutes, and pimps.

burnett was never interested in commercial success but in making films that were true to his experience. his work is a reaction against what he found around him.”

Turkey’s celebrated writer orhan Pamuk—whose accolades include the 2006 nobel Prize in literature—re-turned to Queens College october 17 as part of the year of Turkey celebration.

billed as “a Conversation with students,” Pamuk spoke in nearly perfect english to a more-than-capacity audience at Campbell Dome (including substantial numbers of faculty and staff) with a soft, lilting cadence that held those gathered in rapt attention. Pamuk noted that when young, his inclination was to become a painter. but raised in a family of civil engineers, he explained, “it was decided that since i was the artsy boy in the family, i would become an architect.”

Consequently, he enrolled in istanbul Technical university, only to drop out after three years. Despite his immersion in the visually centered disciplines of painting and architecture, he elected instead to try writing books that he believed would “address both the verbal and visual imagination.” indeed, Pamuk says writing is a profoundly visual process: “i am always imagining at first a picture in my mind. i pick out verbs that will help the reader to form the same picture in their mind.”

some of his remarks elicited laughter, such as his observation that, “in the end, writing a novel is composing some music while you don’t know what you’re doing; you don’t want to know what you’re doing. . . . but in five years i’m going to teach why i did it.”

Pamuk’s celebrated works include the novels Snow and My Name is Red and the memoir Istanbul. he previously was at QC in novem-ber 2006; in what proved to be serendipitous scheduling, his appear-ance as part of the college’s evening readings series occurred just weeks after his being awarded the nobel Prize.

Q U E E N S NeWs

Kapsis organizes Film Retrospective at MoMA

Nobelist orhan Pamuk Returns to Campus

Yearof Turkey

Exploring Past, Present, Future

Charles Burnett's Killer of Sheep (2007) included this childhood scene set in the Watts ghetto. (Courtesy of Milestone Film and Video.)

notes of ThanksThe generosity of an admirer of QC’s Aaron Copland School of Music is much appreciated by (l to r) Jin-xiang “Jx” Yu, Miguel Tepale, and Gary Garzetta. The singer, percussionist, and bass trombonist received scholarships made possible by the $1.6 million bequest of Forest Hills resident Beatrice Schacher-Meyer, a union musician who was no doubt

impressed by the highly regarded program. QC will name the Black Box Theater in the Music Building in her honor.

“at age 15 when i discovered the great louis armstrong, i had no idea that i entered a love affair which would last the rest of my life,” once wrote gosta hägglöf, a swedish banker who devoted 60 years to preserving the legacy of his musical idol. hägglöf met armstrong on several occasions and enjoyed a friendship that lasted until satchmo’s death in 1971. by the time häg-glöf died in 2009, he had amassed thousands of rare recordings by armstrong from all over the world—some had never been commercially re-leased—as well as videos, photographs, personal correspondence, and unique memorabilia, which he bequeathed to the louis armstrong house Museum (lahM), the world’s largest archives dedicated to a single jazz musician. (QC admin-isters the museum.)

lahM director Michael Cogswell noted that

it took four-and-a-half days to box hägglöf ’s col-lection to prepare it for shipment to america. ricky riccardi, the museum’s project archivist and an armstrong scholar, has been entrusted with cataloging the collection—some 72 cartons—which is expected to take two years. among the one-of-a-kind items in the collection are 17 CDs hägglöf made from acetate records of a 1947 boston concert of satchmo at symphony hall. another rare find was a CD hägglöf produced on his own ambassador label of the best dance selections performed live At the Cotton Club by armstrong’s big bands from 1939-40. both of these CDs can be purchased exclusively at the lahM.

Armstrong House Museum Receives Treasure Trove from swedish Fan

QC Mobile Apps Are Here

Free mobile applications are putting QC in good hands—yours. Wherever you are, you can call up maps, the campus directory, and calendars through web-enabled, mobile devices. Also accessible: videos and QC recordings on iTunes U. To

download the app designed for your device, go to and click on the appropriate icon.

once again, the Princeton review has named QC one of the country’s top undergraduate institutions. The renowned education services company features Queens in the 2012 edition of its annual college guide, The Best 376 Col-leges, and in its 2012 Best in the Northeast. in a nod to our extraordinarily diverse learning environment, the college ranked 11th in the united states for “lots of race/Class interac-tion.” This category reflects how frequently and easily students from different class and ethnic backgrounds interact with one another.

QC saw improvement in our Quality of life rating, outperforming fordham university, st. John’s university, hofstra, Cooper union, bard College, and all the suny colleges. That’s no mean feat, given our consistent top-20 finish in three other categories: “got Milk?,” which lists campuses where beer is scarce; “scotch and soda, hold the scotch” (no hard liquor); and “stone-Cold sober schools,”

which is “based on a combination of survey questions concern-ing the use of alcohol and drugs, hours of study each day, and the popularity of the greek system.”

Meanwhile, a re-port by the education Trust, a research and advocacy group, identi-fied QC as one of only five u.s. schools that do a good job of serving low-income students. The group evaluated 1,186 four-year colleges, looking for institutions where tuition does not exceed $4,600 a year after factoring in all grants for undergraduates from households earning up to $30,000 a year. in addition, half or more of the students have to graduate within six years, and at least 30 percent of the enrollees have to be on Pell grants.

Winning Reviews for Queens College

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Last July friends and colleagues joined 89-year-old newsman David Starr ’42 and his wife Peggy (Giffen) Starr ’42 in the big conference room at the Springfield Republican in Springfield, MA to celebrate a remarkable milestone: his 70th year in the newspaper business—all with Newhouse, the newspaper publishing division of Advance Publications.

“I knew in the fifth grade I was going to be a newspa-perman,” Starr says, recounting how he routinely read all 13 of the New York dailies sold at his father’s candy store. “I just became enamored of newspapers and what they accomplished and what a reporter was able to do.”

Following graduation from Richmond Hill High School—where he had been editor of the school news-paper—he enrolled at Queens as an economics major. “I thought economics was the most useful study for a news-paper editor,” Starr says. “I joined the staff of the Crown in 1938 and they elected me the editor in 1940.”

1940 would prove to be a significant year in his life. On a spring day at the Crown’s office, a staffer showed up with a friend, Peggy Giffen. “She was carrying a copy of the Cornell Widow under her arm,” he says, explaining that the student-run Cornell University publication was considered racy by the day’s standards. “I figured she wasn’t reading it, so I grabbed it. And she gave me hell.” That fall, he began dating the future Mrs. Starr.

1940 was also the year David Sinowitz became David Starr. He had submitted a freelance story to an editor at the Long Island Press. “He said to me, ‘That’s a pretty good story and I’ll give you a byline, but I don’t give bylines to college kids.’” Standing in the city room at that moment was Martin Starr, the press agent for the World’s Fair. “The editor said to me: ‘How do you like the name David Starr?’ I shrugged. I didn’t care.”

But a few years and many bylines later, he found a good reason to care. He was about to join the Army and didn’t look forward to the anti-Semitism that still plagued the country. In November 1942 he legally changed his name from Sinowitz to Starr.

Starr’s relationship with the Long Island Press (a Newhouse publication) solidified when he became a summer copy boy in July 1941.This was in addition to positions he held as QC correspon-dent for both the Daily News and the New York Times. And these were in addition to his appointment in 1940 by QC President Paul Klapper as the college’s public relations director. “I was paid $15 a week, and that was good money,” he recalls.

Following graduation in 1942, the Long Island Press hired Starr, “even though the editor, Norman Newhouse, knew full well that I would be going into the army very soon.” he remarks. When the war ended, “I went back to the Long Island Press and I went up the ladder.”

Groomed for advancement within Newhouse, Starr worked for a time at the Newark Star-Ledger as understudy to the senior editor of the Newhouse Group. He became editor of the Long Island Press in 1968, and in 1971 was named senior editor of the Newhouse Group, a title he retains to this day.

When the Long Island Press folded in 1977, Starr was sent to Massachusetts to take over a group of publications struggling in a depressed local economy. They survive today as the Springfield Republican and the website The surrounding area has rebounded in no small part due to the exceptional level of civic interest demonstrated by Starr and his wife.

Their philanthropic activities on behalf of local cultural institu-tions have been widely applauded. When saluting their gift toward the creation of a broadcast center for the local public radio station, WFCR General Manager Martin Miller said, “Very few people can stand shoulder to shoulder with Peggy and David Starr in their support, commitment, and demand for excellence. But because of them and through them we are all better citizens, living in an area made better because of their work.”

Despite predictions of their eventual demise as a feature of the American landscape, Starr remains cautiously optimistic about newspapers. Remarkable for a man about to enter his tenth decade, he has spent the past decade developing strategies to help the Ne-whouse papers survive in an age where the Internet offers people “thousands of other ways of getting information.”

“Our job,” he says, “is to persuade the public that we’re still the best, most trustworthy, most reliable, non-partisan and accurate gatherer of information.”

It’s a job David Starr’s been doing for 70 years. –Bob Suter

Well-wishers joined 89-year-old editor David Starr and his wife Peggy to celebrate his 70th year with Newhouse Newspapers.

Starr Reporter Enters Eighth Decade on the Beat

Remembering Friend and benefactor

Selma Kupferbergkupferberg Center for the arts and the entire Queens College community celebrate the life and legacy of selma kupferberg, who passed away on January 4, 2012. With Max kupferberg ’42, her husband of 65 years, selma was a generous and visionary benefactor. “Queens College mourns the loss of our dear friend and ardent supporter,” say President James Muyskens and Coo sue henderson. “We extend our deepest sympathy to Max; their son saul, a Queens College foundation board member; their daughter rhoda; and the entire kupferberg family.” The kupferberg Center honors her memory by continuing to offer world-class arts and entertainment to the public and rich educational opportunities to all of our students. “it has been my pleasure to work with selma and Max for over 30 years,” says Vivian Charlop, director of kupferberg Center Performances. “our programming represents selma’s legacy to everyone who loves the arts.”

At the opening of the arts center she co-founded with her husband, Selma Kupferberg received flowers from Vivian Charlop (above) and (at right) shared the spotlight with Drama Professor Susan Einhorn, Charlop, husband Max, QC Art Cen-ter Director Suzanna Simor, and Aaron Copland Music School Director Ed Smaldone. But her dedication to the arts began when her mother scrimped and saved to take her to Radio City Music Hall. In turn, Selma scheduled regular family trips to Broadway—she preferred dramas. "often, we'd read the plays beforehand," recalls her daughter, Rhoda Kupferberg Joss. "It was magical." "It stuck with me," adds Rhoda's brother, Saul. "My wife and I still go to the theatre a lot."

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By Merri Rosenberg

Their journeys started in the boroughs of New York City, informed by collective experiences like the Great Depression and their identities as children of immigrants. World War II would shape the immediate post-graduation plans of the 197 students who graduated in 1941 as part of Queens College’s first class, who originally numbered 400 when they entered in the fall of 1937. Several members of that first graduating class returned to campus this past Commencement to celebrate their milestone 70th graduation. Below are some of their stories.

GEoRGE SCHERR Born in Harlem, George Scherr commuted to Queens from the Bronx.

Even though Scherr recalls “showing up for the first day of classes with no blackboards; we had classes outside in the Qudrangle,” Queens College was more than worth the inconvenience and the daunting commute.

“What impressed me in retrospect was the competence of the instructional staff,” says Scherr. “It was exceptional. They were committed to teaching and they did it very well. People were devoted to doing the best job they could.”

A biology and chemistry major as an undergraduate, Scherr found time to be vice president of the Pre-medical Society, presi-dent of the Chemical Society, and vice president of the Alpha Gamma fraternity. He went on to receive his MA and PhD from the University of Kentucky.

During World War II, where he was trained in international Morse Code, Scherr taught cryptography to the air force. He also served as a rifleman and worked on a secret project in germ warfare, a fitting assignment for someone who was a micro-bac-teriologist. Now living in Park Forest, IL, Scherr was a tenured microbiology/infectious disease professor at the University of Illinois Medical School.

JoHN KINDER His studies at Queens College were a significant influence on John Kinder, who was a mathematics major from St. Albans. He also was a member of the orchestra, Mathemat-ics Club, and Phi Kappa Rho fraternity as an undergraduate.

Drafted into the army in September 1941, shortly after graduation, Kinder served in the Pacific and left the army as a first lieutenant. His mathematics background served him well in the artillery. He remained in the reserves, where he was promoted from captain to major.

Professionally, Kinder pursued computer programming, which led to his successful career in life insurance. Now living in Wantagh, NY, he is a retired vice president of the Adirondack Life Insurance Company in Uniondale, NY.

BERNICE ALTARAC’S 40-year career as an elementary school teacher in Long Beach, NY, was launched at Queens College. An encounter with the college’s first president, Paul Klapper, helped guide her career path. “He said, ‘If you want a way to be a kindergarten teacher, do elementary education,’” Altarac recalls, still marveling that

“we sat as though he was not the president of the college.”A graduate of Long Beach High School, Altarac also remem-

bers that “we were poor kids.” But that didn’t matter when she arrived at Queens College, where “supplies were so limited that for a phys ed course there was one golf stick for 15 kids. We took turns. I never got the ball off the tee.”

Nevertheless, despite the lack of supplies, a lunchroom, or cafeteria, “we thought it was heaven,” says Altarac. “We were so happy to have a college to go to.”

A French major as an undergraduate, she was a member of the Education Council, Inter-Fraternity Council, French Club, and Menorah Society, chairman of the Ring Committee, and chancellor of the Phi Tau Alpha sorority. Altarac, who taught education classes for two years at QC, is still an adjunct professor of education at SUNY/Old Westbury. Widowed since 1984, she has one daughter and lives in North Island Park, NY.

HAzEL GRAY, a French major, belonged to the French Club and the Girls’ Glee Club as an under-graduate. She served as an air raid warden during World War II, and then became a social worker in Suffolk County, NY, working with protective ser-vices for adults. Gray now lives in Roosevelt, NY.

BETTY STEINHoRN was only 16 when she entered Queens College. Raised in Sunnyside and now living in Fresh Meadows, NY, Steinhorn says that much of her undergraduate experience was defined by her acceptance into the Iota Alpha Pi sorority. “Being accepted there was quite a thrill,” she says. “I was a sorority girl. That was my life.”

Steinhorn was also treasurer of the Menorah Society and a mem-ber of the Junior Prom Committee and the Anthropology Club.

GUY RICCIo Another French major, Guy Riccio commuted to the college from Elmhurst in a Model A Ford. “It was an experience to drive to college,” Riccio says. “I’d park at the top of the hill. When the battery died, I’d start the car and then roll down the hill.”

He served as president of the Italian Club, secretary of the Alpha Lambda Kappa fraternity, and was a member of the French Club and Newman Club. Not surprising then that Riccio later earned a master’s degree from the Uni-versity of Wisconsin at Madison in Spanish, Portuguese, and Romance Languages, and ultimately enjoyed an academic career as a professor at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Maryland–Baltimore.

Riccio joined the navy a year after Pearl Harbor, where he was selected for a special training program in Japanese. He then served as a Japanese language officer in the Pacific theatre for 14 months. Riccio extended his stay in the navy to be an officer instructor at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, ultimately receiving a civilian appointment, and taught in the foreign language department. He now lives in Annapolis, where he is active with the Historic Annapolis Foundation and the American Red Cross.

HASKEL KASE Proud veteran Haskel Kase served in the air force in Europe during World War II. A history major, Kase commuted to Queens College from the Bronx. Now retired (“I’d rather not be,” he said) from the Manjim Company, his own mail order business, Kase lives in Fort Lee, NJ.

Looking back, “we made do,” says Kase. “It wasn’t the best of times [with the Depression and the war, but] we had a very small community and a great faculty.”

Class of 1941 Shares Memories

Snapshots of formal and informal events on campus, from the first issue of QC's yearbook, Silhouette.

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12 Queens: The Magazine of Queens College

teacher, physics teacher, principal, and executive director for secondary schools. In 2007 he completed leadership training at the Broad Superintendents Academy. The following January he became superintendent of the Rochester City School District.

Among his accomplishments upstate, Brizard points to increasing the rate of Regents graduations and dramatically decreasing the 17,000 annual suspensions through an in-school approach. However, disagreements over discipline policies, merit pay, charter schools, program cuts, school closings, and other issues led to his first battle with a teachers union. The Roches-ter Teachers Association voted 95 percent “no confidence” in Brizard last February. Becoming a lightning rod for their anger was difficult for an educator who describes himself as a “teacher’s teacher” who supports teachers unions. But the experience reinforced “certain core values that I was not willing to negotiate away,” he notes.

In April, when the Chicago Board of Education appointed Brizard as CEO of its much larger system, former Obama White House Chief of Staff and Chicago Mayor-elect Rahm Emanuel commented: “He’s not afraid of tough choices, and that is what Chicago’s students need today.” Frying pan, meet the fire. The Rochester district has 32,000 students, 52 percent of its 58 schools don’t meet federal testing standards, and 92 percent of its high school graduates in 2009 were minorities. The Chicago

on May 26, Jean-Claude Brizard ’85, ’90 MSEd, the controversial choice for CEO of the Chicago Public Schools, spent his first morning back in the classroom. The former sci-ence teacher bent his 6-foot-5 frame down to observe laptop science at the elementary school level and later talked with 8th graders and chemistry students about their lives.

A reformer and champion of an all-out campaign to save a generation of students, Brizard planned to visit a school a day dur-ing his listening sessions with stakeholders. While touting the Intel scholarship winners, “We can’t forget about the kids who are strug-gling to survive,” he emphasizes during a phone interview.

Science classes and labs are familiar turf. “One thing I learned as a chemistry major at Queens College is that systems are the answer,” the CEO says. He also holds a master’s degree in science education from QC and a master’s in school adminis-tration and supervision from City College of New York. “I’m a CUNY kid,” Brizard affirms. “I grew up in the New York City school system.”

His 21-year trajectory in the Department of Education propelled Brizard from substitute teacher in Queens to regional superintendent, along the way serving as junior high science

During listening sessions, Chicago’s superintendent of schools meets his most important constituents: students.

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Jean-Claude Brizard Takes the Helm in the Windy City By Donna Shoemaker

district has 409,278 students, almost 90 percent minority, and 80 percent of its 675 schools fell short of those federal standards.

Knowing what it’s like to live in public housing and be bullied, Brizard is keenly aware of the value of mentors and education in steering for the stars. That has increased his determination to close the opportunity gap.

In Haiti, where Brizard was born, his father was a principal and his mother a teacher. Fearing imprisonment under dictator François “Papa Doc” Duvalier, they fled to the United States in 1970. Unable to bring their three children, the couple left them in Haiti with their grandmother and aunt for six years. When Brizard was 12, the family settled in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, and later in Queens. His parents’ “teaching credentials didn’t mean a lot” here, Brizard says, so his father worked in a factory, an airport, and public transit, and his mother became a nurse’s aide.

Brizard did well at Springfield Gardens HS, graduating at 16. As immigrants, he relates, his parents thought choosing a college was similar to the high school process. Without even visiting cam-pus, says Brizard, “We just picked the school closest to home”: Queens College. “I got there by accident, but I had a fantastic education,” he enthuses. He was going to major in biology, “but then I took a chemistry course. I liked the idea of chemical reac-tions and loved the quantitative nature of the physical sciences. There were courses at Queens that really beat me up, but I came back at it. I never gave up.”

“I fell into teaching because my mom convinced me to give it a shot,” observes Brizard. In 1985, the New York schools deployed him to Rikers Island to teach detainees. There, “I saw what happens when the system did not work for kids—not just the educational system but the entire society,” he recalls. “Somehow, it gave me not just the courage but the moral imperative” to teach. “When I went to Rochester, one of the first places I visited was the county jail. It reminds you of how important this work is.”

In Chicago, Brizard faces a massive budget deficit and a possible teachers union battle. High priorities for him are performance-based leadership rewards, “really changing the way

we look at teacher education,” and “leveraging the profession.” That means moving away from basing teacher pay on “years of experience and how many credits they have,” but doing so “in collaboration with the union and parents, in open conversation,” he says.

As one option, Brizard supports charter schools. His wife, Brooke Stafford-Brizard, also an educator, is launching one in

Rochester. “I’m a huge proponent of choice, but for many par-ents, it’s a false choice,” says Brizard, noting that many can access only the school closest to their home.

“The U.S. has a 19th-century educational model, and it’s not working,” he states candidly. He wants his team to consider the next-generation classroom to reach young people immersed in multimedia. He has half-seriously proposed to his leadership team that “we should all put our kids in the worst school in the city and force it to become better.”

For any public figure “in this kind of environment,” says Brizard, “it’s too easy to get lost. I try to stay very, very grounded.” That is, except when he is making use of his private pilot’s license. Being a father and husband definitely helps that balance. The couple has an 18-month-old son; Brizard also has a 10-year-old daughter from his first marriage.

Thinking of every American’s child’s future, Brizard says that if he could do one thing to change public education, it would be to “stop the infighting,” to reduce the “angst and division within the profession” and find ways for “a concrete dialogue to take place.” In Chicago, “not much has been done with how teachers connect. If we can do that well, bring a level of coherence and consistency to how we do things, fix the system, make it work, this district will be one of the best in the country.”

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Going door-to-door to promote student attendance on the first day of the school year are Father Michael Pfleger, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and Brizard.

“If we can bring a level of coherence and consistency to how we do things—fix the system, make it work—this district will be one of the best in the country.”

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Jablon (’73, ’76 MA, ’86 CUNY PhD) calls Cairns, a QC profes-sor emerita, “our academic mother.” She notes, “It’s a wonderful phrase. It transcends the sense of mentor, the sense of nurture.”

Cairns, who guided Jablon through all three of her degrees, “mothered” generations of QC students who have become highly productive in psycholinguistics and related fields. At Marymount Manhattan College, for example, Jablon is a professor of speech-language pathology and audiology and program chair of commu-nication sciences and disorders.

In the mid-1960s, when Cairns was a senior at the University of Texas at Austin, a team of psycholinguists joined the faculty. “Absolutely blown away” by this brand-new field, she stayed for her PhD. Psycholinguistics, she explains, encompasses “the information-processing operations involved when one produces and understands sentences, first language acquisition by children, and second language acquisition by children and adults.”

Cairns began by researching adult language processing. Then she changed her focus to the acquisition of syntax by children, and more recently to how young children develop the ability to think about language, to perceive sentences as ambiguous, to distinguish between grammatical and ungrammatical ones.

Much of her work took place at Bayside Nursery School. “The director, Lenore Rappaport (’74, ’81 MSEd), was an extremely progressive, savvy educator who was delighted to have Queens College people doing research at her nursery school,” Cairns says. “Many dissertations have come out of Bayside.” Coaxing preschoolers to stay the course on longitudinal studies was sometimes difficult. “Here would be this kid, bouncing off the walls, and I would try to get him to sit down to answer my questions,” Cairns laughs.

Helen Cairns came to QC in 1971, when the department of communication arts and sciences (CAS) hired her at the same time her husband, Charles Cairns, joined QC’s new linguistics department. (His father, Stewart Cairns, a pioneering topologist, was one of QC’s original faculty members.)

Nearly a decade later, she agreed to be dean of graduate studies and research (1980-1989). Elected department chair three times, she presided over the reorganization of CAS into the de-partments of media studies and linguistics and communications disorders, chairing the latter department from 1997 to 2003. She and her husband retired together in 2004.

Cairns has written or co-authored four books on psycholin-guistics, most recently Fundamentals of Psycholinguistics, with co-author Eva Fernandez (Linguistics), which is used as a textbook in QC’s LCD Department. She co-edited three more, and pub-lished over 50 papers and reports, often with her students. “My doctoral students are my pride and joy,” she enthuses. “People like Ann [Jablon] have made major contributions to the world.”

Undergraduates marvel at the attention Cairns devoted to them. Amy Rakowsky Neeman ’79 signed up for independent study with Cairns, which led to a PhD at Brown University. Cairns “was so careful about making sure we understood things and that things are connected and that you could always see the bigger picture,” says Neeman, who teaches literature, communica-tions skills, ESL, and writing at Johnson & Wales University.

Susan Behrens ’80 was grateful that Cairns customized a CAS/linguistics major for her and served as her advisor. Behrens

met Jablon when both were helping Cairns with research. In 1995, Jablon hired Behrens at Marymount Manhattan. “Every day when I’m sitting with a student,” says Behrens, a professor of communication sciences and disorders, “I think, ‘This is what Helen was doing. She always had time for students.’”

Behrens’s recent book, Language in the Real World: An Intro-duction to Linguistics (co-edited with Ju-dith A. Parker), features many Helenites. Behrens begins her introductory course with Cairns’ chapter on how children ac-quire language (co-authored with former PhD student Janine Graziano-King).

As grandmother and “academic mother,” Cairns rejoices in her expanding families. The Cairns, who live in New Hyde Park, NY, have four children and seven grandchildren. At age 72, she is active in the QC Retirees Association and stays involved with CUNY’s doctoral programs in linguistics and in speech, lan-guage, and hearing sciences. “My best friends,” reports Cairns, “are my former students.”

While a graduate student waiting for a

bus with one of her professors, Ann Jablon

remembers being asked, “What do you see

yourself doing?” She launched into describing

her ideal career: compassionate

teacher, passionate

researcher. “oh,

you want to be Helen

Smith Cairns!”

the professor


She did.


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A Mater of scholarship Helen Cairns nurtured leaders in the field of psycholinguisticsBy Donna Shoemaker

Ann Jablon (left) worked closely with Cairns (r), completing three de-grees before becoming a professor in the same field as her mentor.

Cairns directed 21 dissertations and one thesis; her students are mentoring a new generation of experts in linguistics and communications disorders

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“I was always interested in biology and chemistry and the human body,” says Noel, recalling Saturdays spent with his mother’s sister, a pediatrician for the national hospital in Port-au-Prince. “She exposed me to the field and I really grew to like it.”

Despite demands in the lab and on the playing field, where he captained the soccer team, Noel was committed to helping others, regularly tutoring students in French, Spanish, biology, and chemistry. He also traveled to hurricane-ravaged New Orleans as a volunteer for Habitat for Humanity, and recently returned to the hospital environment as a volunteer at the Queens Hospital Center Emergency Room.

Noel has garnered several awards, including an American Heart Association Summer Research Fellowship, a CUNY International Student Essay Competition Award, and Region 15 Excellence in Sports and Academics Award.

His many efforts were rewarded with a full scholarship and stipend to the MD/PhD program at Penn State. –Bob Suter

A Passion for PlaywritingJonathan alexandratosFor Jonathan Alexandratos, graduating with an MFA in playwriting had more to do with fueling an obsession than completing required coursework.

Despite the fact he’s been writing plays since the sixth grade, Alexandratos never planned to pursue playwriting either academically or professionally. “I was always passionate about playwriting but considered it the same as playing with my action figures, more of a hobby than anything,” he recalls.

For a while it looked as if Alexandratos would spend most of his time studying law instead of story development. But he hated his three years as a paralegal in a midtown law firm. “I remembered working until 2 am and thinking why?” He became more obsessed with playwriting.

As part of that obsession, Alexandratos—who wrote short stories, movie reviews, and even a “Star Trek” spoof early on—recently co-founded a nonprofit theatre company, Playsmiths,

that includes an actor, a producer, and a director. “We found that companies in NYC lacked a comprehensive view of theatre and we tried to correct that,” he says.

He credits QC with helping him to write. “Queens helped me to focus and target my writing better.”

Alexandratos has already had several plays produced. In 2009 his play Death in Mozambique was produced at the Cherry Lane Theater in Manhattan, and another play, Red Christmas, was produced as part of the In a New York Minute Festival.

In addition to his work as a playwright, Alexandratos has a passion for education. He teaches English at QC and helps to coordinate the school’s MFA in art and MFA in writing project. As for his future plans, Alexandratos says he’ll continue to write plays as well as explore teaching and tutoring wherever there might be a need. “I don’t want foreign students to be afraid of English classes,” he says. “I want to help bring foreign and ESL students into the educational process.” –Phyllis Cohen-Stevens

Loving Numbers and Literature stacy-ann barnettAn accounting major with a minor in economics, Stacy-Ann Barnett says she will always be grateful to Queens College for igniting in her a passion for something that seems far removed from the world of numbers: literature.

“I always felt literature was very challenging,” she says, explaining how the logic she so easily found in math eluded her in the realm of words. “But I enjoy a challenge.

“Coming to Queens College and doing writing-intensive literature courses,” she continues, “I came to see that it was something that I could conquer. I eventually realized, quite ironically, literature is much like math; it does follow a pattern. It’s like knowing at the end of the movie this guy will die, but you have to be able to tell the story of how you got to that point.”

Barnett speaks glowingly of Noam Schiendlin (English) and his enthusiasm for the material he taught in English 120. “He did a very good job of challenging us to express ourselves.”

Barnett works hard in general, as evident from her 3.79 GPA. Schiendlin’s was one of the courses she took in the summer to complete her degree in four years while holding a full-time job.

An adult student and mother of a 14-year-old daughter, Barnett, who lives in Jamaica, Queens, emigrated from the island of Jamaica with her mother and three of four younger brothers when she was 19.

On meeting her self-imposed deadline to graduate, she remarks, “I don’t have a social life, per se. I tell my daughter all the time that I don’t have time to waste. If you waste it, you never get it back.”

While she plans to take the CPA exam, “I do see myself more in a field like auditing, a field where I can interact more because I do think I’m a people person.”

And who knows? If there is a great novel still to be written about the interior life of a Certified Public Accountant, it may well be written by Barnett. –Bob Suter

Seeking Economic Solutions anita sonawane Anita Sonawane’s path to becoming student speaker for Commencement last June included stops at the office of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Brookings Institution, the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, and President Barack Obama’s inauguration. The last experience—made possible when she won a CUNY-wide lottery—proved pivotal. “After going to the inauguration, I wanted to explore the city more, so I applied to intern at any think tank in DC. I could think of. I was incredibly lucky to get a position right where I wanted one.”

That was the Brookings Institution, where she landed in the office of senior fellow Alice Rivlin, whose career includes being founding director of the Congressional Budget Office and vice chair of the Federal Reserve. “She’s an incredible woman,” says Sonawane, who aspires to a career formulating economic policy in the public arena. “I learned so much about the federal budget from her.”

In the summer of 2010, to get “better technical skills,” Sonawane took an internship with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. “I wound up doing something completely different: working for a behavioral economist, Julian Jamison.”

Sonawane’s initial interest upon arriving at QC was psychology, which led her to the lab of Joshua Brumberg. “I would be working on lab-related stuff, and we would talk about politics. It really changed my perspective. Prof. Brumberg was the first one who gave me the idea that behavioral economics was something I could explore.”

Sonawane’s senior thesis carries that interest forward. “It’s about the over-extension in mortgage-to-income ratios among minorities prior to the housing crisis,” she explains of a factor that significantly contributed to the spike in foreclosures.

This concern also played out in “Think Impact,” a project she organized several years ago as president of the QC chapter of the Roosevelt Institute Campus Network, a nationwide student public-policy think tank. It sought to evaluate the role of state and federal policies in addressing the foreclosure crisis in southeastern Queens.

Says Sonawane’s Macaulay Honors College advisor Pamela Degotardi, “Anita’s passion for political causes is inspirational. In my opinion, Anita best represents the professional and intellectual excellence that Queens College produces.” –Bob Suter

Determined to Help and Healolivier noelWhen his plans to enroll in a Mexican medical school unraveled, Port-au-Prince native Olivier Noel followed the advice of his New York relatives: take advantage of the affordable education available from the city’s public colleges. After a year at Queensborough, he transferred to QC—a process made easier by his excellent

performance in class and on the soccer field.Biology Professor Nathalia Holtzman recalls Noel’s

arrival: “He was working three jobs and going to school full time; everything was a struggle, but he did his best to take everything in stride.”

Noel began research in Holtzman’s lab, studying the development of the embryonic

heart. “Olivier used drug treatments to reduce or remove the endocardium and looked to see how the shape of the heart was affected. This project will ultimately help us understand how these two layers of the heart ‘talk’ to each other to make the right shape heart.”

outstanding grads face the future

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Faculty, staff, and students cover new educational territory when they head overseas for research and internships; last summer's projects took participants to Asia, Europe, and Africa.

By Leslie Jay

1QC’s spring semester had just ended when 14 faculty and staff—selected through a professional development program connected to the Year of China—regrouped in Chengdu, the capital of southwestern China’s Sichuan

Province, for a two-week trip led by Marleen Kassel (Institu-tional Advancement/History) with the help of Mohamed Tabrani (Education Abroad). The QC team worked with counterparts at Sichuan Uni-versity and stopped at places of cultural significance, includ-ing Dazu, site of rock carvings dating from the 9th to the 13th century.

2 Experiencing field work first-hand, students joined Al-exander Bauer (Anthropology) at an archeological survey at Sinop, a historic Turkish port on the Black Sea coast. Mean-while, other undergraduates learned about the Byzantine and Ottoman Empires, saw Roman ruins on the Aegean Coast, and attended lectures at Bahcesehir University in Istan-bul through QC’s first Study Abroad program in Turkey.

3 In 2010, John Waldman (Biology) journeyed to Mon-golia to conduct preliminary research on taimen, which he describes as “a fish with croco-dilian tendencies.” A threat-ened member of the salmon and trout family, the taimen consumes small mammals and can weigh more than 100 pounds. Waldman—pictured with two examples that didn't get away—returned to Mon-golia last summer to continue his research, accompanied by QC biology major Ivana Ro-man ’12. He documented their project on CUNY’s Decade of Science blog, which features dispatches from CUNY scien-tists on expeditions to the far ends of the earth.

4 With dual systems for the majority Muslim popula-tion and the small Serbian enclave within it, Bosnia is a logistical nightmare—and a fascinating destination for Julie George (Political Science), who studies ethnic conflict and state building in former Communist countries. “It's stunning to realize just how complicated and difficult the politics are when former enemies are forced to collaborate,” she says. Emily Monaco ’12, who went to Sarajevo with George, im-mersed herself in local life and

practices, respectfully donning a scarf to attend a memorial service for people killed in the civil war (she’s at the far left in the photo).

5 Six QC students flew to Ho Chi Minh City, Viet-nam, to serve as interns in an English as a foreign language program hosted by the South East Asian Ministers of Education Organization. The interns co-taught classes to children ranging in age from 7 to 15 and had the opportu-

nity to tour the city and other attractions. “It was a pilot for paid international internships out of Queens College, and it was a joint effort of the Pro-vost's Office and the English Language Institute,” reports English Language Institute Director Donna Gruber. A second group of students will be chosen to go to Vietnam this year.

6 Rikki Asher (Secondary Education and Youth Services) and three fellow members of

Brooklyn-based Artmakers Inc. made individual presen-tations at Ghana’s second Kumasi Biennial Sympo-sium, a three-week event that’s concerned with the gap among contemporary Afri-can artists, the international artist community, and rural areas. In connection with the symposium, Artmakers created a site-specific piece for rustic Abetenim Village, where Asher and her colleagues adorned three walls of a new multipur-pose building with a mural and stencils.







Have Passport Will Travel

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Q U E E N S bookshelF

gumbo. hoppin’ John. barbecued ribs. since colonial times, american cuisine has owed a huge debt to the palates and kitchen talents of african americans. as Jessica Harris (seek, english) explains in High on the Hog: A Culinary Journey from Africa to America (bloomsbury), the trend began aboard slave ships: larders were stocked with ingredients familiar to the captives, who were considered valuable cargo and often ate better than

crewmen. after they were purchased, slaves lived on subsistence diets, supplementing their rations with whatever they could raise or catch and turning discarded animal parts into delicacies. food provided an avenue for advancement at every economic level. slaves sold produce and homemade goods at markets, surrendering most of the proceeds back to their owners; caterers, both enslaved and freed, became anchors of their communities. High on the Hog tracks this complicated story through several hundred years, acquainting readers with individuals like george Washington’s chief cook and kitchen manager, hercules, whose escape devastated the first president’s household.

in researching his landmark series “Jazz” for public TV, filmmaker ken burns came to the inescapable conclusion that louis armstrong was the most important figure in the development of america’s indigenous art form. if anyone else remains to be persuaded, they need only read Ricky Riccardi’s (louis armstrong house Museum) What a Wonderful World: The Magic of Louis Armstrong’s Later Years (Pantheon). a jazz historian and archivist, riccardi

reconstructed satchmo’s life from 1946 to his death in 1971. he presents a candid portrait of the man and offers details about performances, recording sessions, and armstrong’s relationships with musicians and personalities of the day. and for some there will be surprises in learning the extent of armstrong’s feelings about the injustices suffered by african americans and the lengths to which he—often unrecognized—went to address them.

in response to 9/11, esl teacher Roberta Seret ’67 created a film festival at the united nations, offering free screenings of foreign movies to students at new york City’s public high schools. each screening was accompanied by discussion of the history, politics, and social mores of the country that was depicted. seret grew her annual series into international Cinema education, a u.n.-based nongovernmental organization that uses movies to teach teenagers about global cultures. in World Affairs in Foreign Films: Getting the Global Picture (Mcfarland & Co.), she digests her extensive experience into a primer for teachers who want to stage their own festivals. The book presents background material and suggests pre- and post-screening questions for 13 recent titles from all over the planet, including academy award winners March of the Penguins, The Counterfeiters, and Tsotsi.

Winner of the Gregory Bateson Book Prize from the Society of Cultural Anthropology. a young couple poses before a painted backdrop depicting a modern building set in a volcanic landscape; a college student grabs his camera as he heads to a political demonstration; a man poses

stiffly for his identity photograph; an old woman leafs through a family album. in Refracted Visions: Popular Photography and National Modernity in Java (Duke university Press), Karen Strassler (anthropology) argues that popular photographic practices such as these have played a crucial role in the making of modern national subjects in post-colonial Java. Contending that photographic genres cultivate distinctive ways of seeing and positioning oneself

and others within the affective, ideological, and temporal location of indonesia, she examines genres ranging from state identification photos to pictures documenting family rituals. (examples appear throughout the text.) strassler illuminates the ways that everyday photographic practices generate visual habits that in turn give rise to political subjects and communities.

if you have an outsized talent, are you obliged to pursue it? and at what cost? Those are the questions facing allegra katz, protagonist of Four Seasons (knopf), the latest young adult novel by Jane Breskin zalben ’71. a prodigy who has been playing piano since she was four, allegra comes by her gifts honestly: she’s the daughter of a violinist and a singer. but at 13, she is tiring of a life that revolves around school, constant practice and pressure, intensive

training at Juilliard, and little else. as a former piano student herself, zalben—an author/artist with more than 50 books to her credit—draws on her understanding of music and adolescence to create a memorable portrait of a conflicted wunderkind.

Denied admission to Columbia university’s school of Journalism, Warren H. Phillips ’47 set off with his “modest clippings” to land a reporting job with one of new york City’s daily newspapers. after seven refusals, including a bum’s rush from the newsroom of the Daily News, the Wall Street Journal—“a thin, one-hundred-thousand circulation financial paper downtown at 44 broad street”—apparently saw something in him the others didn’t. Thus began the career Phillips recounts in Newspaperman: Inside the News Business at The Wall Street Journal (Mcgraw-hill). Phillips recalls his “passion for newspapers” that began with a childhood tour of the New York Daily News: “from the huge revolving globe in its lobby to its reporters hunched over typewriters to its mammoth presses, all were subtly seductive.” he spent 45 years at the Journal, years that corresponded with its growth from a small financial daily into one of the world’s most important news providers with an average circulation of nearly 2 million. by the time Phillips retired in 1992, he had risen through a variety of reporting, editing, and management positions to become publisher of the Wall Street Journal and Ceo of the paper’s parent company, Dow Jones & Company.

The Prehistory of the Black Sea and the Interaction between Climate and HumansWednesday, February 8 12:15 pm, Campbell Dome lecture by William b. f. ryan of the lamont-Doherty earth observatory of Columbia university, who has investigated the connection between the Mediterranean and the sea of Marmara to the black sea approximately 8,000 years ago.

The Importance of the Black Sea Wednesday, February 15 12:15 pm, Powdermaker Hall, Room 156 Discussion of William b. f. ryan’s feb. 8 talk led by QC school of earth & environmental sciences Prof. Cecilia Mchugh.

Contemporary Dance in Istanbul Wednesday, February 22 12:15 pm, Campbell Dome gurur ertem, artistic director of programming and research at the istanbul international Contemporary Dance and Performance festival, will discuss contemporary dance practices in istanbul and their relation to the transnational art scene.

Influx: Turkish Contemporary Dance Saturday, February 25 8 pm, Goldstein Theatre Traveling from istanbul, choreog-raphers/dancers Mustafa kaplan, ayse orhon, and filiz sizanli create work that challenges perceptions of dance. followed by a Q&a session moderated by gurer ertem.

Interwoven Worlds: Domestic and Nomadic Life in Turkeyorganized by the Godwin-Ternbach Museum March 9–April 30Flushing Town Hall Queens, NYfeaturing the carpets and textiles for which the Turks are celebrated.

Turkish and English: Salient Differences in Sound, Word, and Sentence StructureWednesday, March 7, 12:15 pm, Powdermaker Hall, Room 156 Discussion of Jaklin kornfilt’s forthcoming talk led by QC linguistics Prof. robert Vago.

Turkish: How a Language Migrated from Central Asia to the MediterraneanWednesday, March 14, 12:15 pm, Campbell Dome lecture by Jaklin kornfilt, profes-sor of linguistics at syracuse university and author of Turkish Grammar.

City of Cities: Byzantium, Constantinople, IstanbulWednesday, March 21, 12:15 pm, Campbell Domelecture by Talât s. halman, professor and chairman of the Department of Turkish literature at bilkent university and president of the uniCef Turkish national Committee.

Byzantium, Constantinople, IstanbulWednesday, March 28 12:15 pm, Powdermaker Hall, Room 156 Discussion of Talât halman’s March 21 talk led by QC anthropology Professor alexander bauer.

For RentPresented by Kupferberg Center and the LaGuardia Performing Arts Center at LaGuardia Community CollegeApril 11–14 and 18–20LaGuardia Performing Arts CenterLong Island City, NYTickets: $10 To order, call 718-482-5151.Written by acclaimed Turkish playwright ozen yula and directed by handan ozbilgin, this play explores the istanbul's criminal underworld through the desperate lives of the young people who flock there.

Zeynep Ucbasaran, PianoSunday, April 15, 2 pm, LeFrak Concert HallTickets: $36/$34 alumni. To order, call 718-793-8080.Turkish-born zeynep ucbasaran has given recitals and concerts worldwide. “an agreeable elegance pervades [her] playing,” proclaims The Gramophone.

Armenia and TurkeyWednesday, April 25 12:15 pm, Powdermaker Hall, Room 156 Discussion led by QC history Professor Mark rosenblum

Amulets, Nazars & Evil Eyes: Artists Looking Forward May 2–June 29Queens College Art Center For more information call 718-997-3770. Contemporary artists, writers, and musicians explore the Turkish evil eye and find commonality within their own culture. Curated by Tara Mathison.

Yearof TurkeyExploring Past, Present, Future

Amulets, Nazars & Evil Eye Exhibit

Zeynep Ucbasaran

Turkey is a country with a rich and diverse history, people, and environment. Throughout the 2011-2012 academic year, Queens College will present lectures, live performances, and art exhibits that will explore the many facets of Turkey: its politics, society, economy, ethnicity, art, literature, music, and film.

Additional funding provided by: Baklavavaci Güllüoglu LLC, Canada Council for the Arts, Flushing Council on Culture and the Arts, Friends of the Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Kiska Construction, Kuru Kahveci Mehmet Efendi, New York City Councilmember Elizabeth Crowley, New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, in partnership with the City Council, Office of the President of Queens College, Smart Juice LLC, Tadim, The Coby Foundation, Ltd., The Kupferberg Foundation, The Marmara Manhattan, The Natalie Bailey & Herbert J. Kirshner Foundation, The New York Community Trust, Vintage Food Corp.

SupporterS Official Airline of Year of Turkey: Exploring Past, Present, Future

Queens College Foundation, Inc.

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22 Queens: The Magazine of Queens College Queens: The Magazine of Queens College 23

Linda (Friedman) Singer ’76 felt right at home at Queens Col-lege. Not only did her mother (Florence Friedman ’79) work and attend classes on campus, but also, her father (Bernard Fried-man ’76) and her future husband (Mitch Singer ’76) graduated with her. “That gave me four extra years of friendship with my parents,” comments Singer, who majored in fine arts and minored in art education.

“Quietly spreading the good: that’s what she was all about,” is how she sums up her mother. At QC in the 1970s and 1980s, Florence was an administrative assistant in psychology, assisted in the president’s office, and then worked for a series of social sci-ences deans. “I would stop in and get a smile,” Singer recalls. “All my friends would stop in. She would give them a hug, a word of encouragement. She was going to college at night and understood the pressures.”

Enrolled in QC’s ACE Program, her mother studied liberal arts and her father accounting; both graduated with honors while persevering with parenting and jobs. “How in the world did she do it?” Singer wonders about a working mom who could put “beautiful meals on the table,” take her to operas, and write term papers long into the night. Singer’s father, a printing company comptroller, passed away in 1994 and her mother in 2008.

In Florence's honor, the Singers are investing in the college that “was such an important part of my mother’s life,” Singer observes. Their memorial fund at QC provides scholarships and supports new initiatives in the social sciences.

Coming from a Bayside family that together mastered college life, Singer now thrives in a family business. Husband Mitch, a communications and political science major at QC, is president

involved in student government, and where i was taught by some of the finest professors around.”

Davis names quite a few mentors, including Dave fields ’72, special counsel to the Cuny Chancellor; nathan leventhal ’63, a member of the QC foundation board and chairman of the Mayor’s Commit-tee on appointments; and Political science Department Chair Patricia rachal. “she pushed me and challenged me. i didn’t think that i could work that hard. and what i remember, too, was that my professors weren’t just the people in front of the class—they gave of themselves and were genuinely interested in seeing us succeed.”

Davis was not the first member of her family to attend QC: her mother started here in 1952, before andrea was born, but stopped to raise and support her family. she continued her education at QC years later and graduated in 1986, five years after her daughter.

as the head of the city’s in-house executive search firm—her

official titles are special advisor to the mayor for executive searches and executive director of the Mayor’s Committee on appoint-ments—Davis identifies qualified candidates for commissioner and deputy positions, as well board members for the city’s more than 200 boards and commissions. “When i interviewed for this job, i mentioned that i had seven filled rolodexes.”

and you can bet that Davis, one of the newest members of the Queens College foundation, makes it her business to keep in touch with the people in all of them, which brings us to her advice to stu-dents who wish to pursue a career in public service: “start network-ing now. see how you can give back to your community in new ways. Talk to your professors—take advantage of their knowledge and get summer internships. Put yourself out there and you’ll achieve things that you didn’t think were possible.”

Q U E E N S gIVINg baCk

Alum Creates Fund to Honor Her Mother, a QC Grad and EmployeeBy Donna Shoemaker

Florence Friedman (l) graduated from QC after her daughter, Linda Friedman Singer (r), who established a fund in her memory.

and CEO of PL Developments, which he co-founded in 1988. Sons Evan and Adam are on the executive team. The company manufactures, packages, and markets FDA-approved over-the-counter products for major drug and food chains.

Mitch kept encouraging his wife—who after QC had studied graphic arts at the School of Visual Arts—to join PL Develop-ments. “I was intent on having my own career first,” she notes. Following two decades in New York’s ad world—art-directing Polo Ralph Lauren, Avis, Tyco, and other top accounts—Singer finally signed on in 2005 to launch PL's creative services depart-ment. As VP, she manages the talented team of graphic designers who create the website, marketing materials, and thousands of packaging designs. Recently she returned to her QC art major roots and rekindled her love of painting by studying at the Nas-sau County Museum of Art.

“Throughout my career in advertising and graphic design, I worked in art departments where I was closely mentored,” Singer notes. “That’s why I do it now for the young people who come to work in PL Developments.” Her husband does likewise on the business side. The Singers recently brought on board two QC graphic arts graduates and a QC intern, and plan to recruit more alums.

Andrea Shapiro Davis Networks for New York City and the Queens College FoundationBy Sarah Gribetz Stern

you wouldn’t expect andrea shapiro Davis ’81, the first-ever female president of the Queens College student body and now a lawyer who serves in Mayor Michael bloomberg’s administration, to tell the following story.

“i was a shy, quiet, insecure, overweight little girl and no one wanted to be my friend. i was in fourth grade and this girl Judy had a birthday party and she invited the whole class except for me. i couldn’t believe it. so i asked her why, and Judy said, ‘i don’t have enough chairs for the whole class.’”

in that moment of rejection, Davis vowed that she would never leave anybody out in whatever path she chose. it is fair to say that not only has she kept her promise to herself, but has also surpassed her own expectations.

she credits Queens College for making her the person she is today. “Queens College changed my life,” says Davis. although she admits that in high school she started to come out of her shell, it was at Queens that she found the confidence to be the person she was meant to be. as QC president, she was awarded the Chaney goodman schwerner Civil rights award.

“at Queens College i learned how to ask questions—that there is no such thing as a stupid question. it was here that i became

Addressing alums at last october's Homecoming, Andrea Shapiro Davis dug into her supply of college souvenirs, finding this brick, among other items.

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26 Queens: The Magazine of Queens College Queens: The Magazine of Queens College 27

of the Wisconsin Judicial Commis-sion. in 2005 he won the lifetime achievement award of the law and Courts section of the american Political science association. at QC Joel was a political science major who played varsity basketball and freshman baseball and was both sports editor and associate editor of the Crown . . . 1958: Martin Schwartz, an expert on stuttering, was consulted for the oscar-winning film The King’s Speech. he has himself been likened to lionel logue, the australian speech therapist who treated king george

Vi. as executive director of the national Center for stuttering and retired research professor of speech pathology at new york university Medical school, Martin continues his research into cures for stuttering. in fact, his wife, Judith Stockheim Schwartz ’64, credits him with having cured her of it. his sister-in-law Stevanne Stockheim Auerbach ’60 takes credit for having introduced Marty and Judy some 52 years ago . . . 1960: Peter Suedfeld notes that “i have been living in Vancouver, british Columbia (the most livable city in

the world) and teaching at the university of british Columbia since 1972; i’m happily married to Phyllis J. Johnson, a faculty member in the Department of sociology at the same university. i have two children (by a previous marriage) and five grandchildren living within a 45-minute drive from Vancouver and 5 minutes from each other. i have spent three research summers in antarctica and parts of six seasons in the Canadian high arctic, and have traveled all over the world to participate in conferences, research, and invited lectures” . . . 1961:

Jenny Snider won the rome Prize, and will spend a year in residency in rome. she retired in 2006 after 19 years of teaching studio art at QC (having taught previously at Pratt and Columbia), and received a teaching award in her last year at the college . . . 1963: Elaine Cohen Klein, professor emerita of

linguistics at QC and the Cuny graduate Center, is a specialist in second language acquisition. she is working with the

Q U E E N S aluMNI NoTes

1947: Esther Bearg (Mse ’61) writes that after leaving QC, she and her late husband moved to new Jersey, where she enjoyed teaching, working as a guidance counselor, earning her edD at fairleigh Dickinson, and raising twin sons and a daughter. “along the way i received some recognition as the County Counselor of the year, etc. all in all, my life, personal and career, has been wonderful and i hope i have made some positive contributions to the community on the way. in terms of nyC’s education system, and QC in particular, i can only say how grateful i am. Without the education i received there (and it was free when i went) i could not have achieved as much as i have.” Though retired, esther has written a column for a parents’ guidance newsletter since 1990 . . . 1952: Albert Kapikian, chief of the epidemiology section of the national institute of allergy and infectious Diseases (part of the national institutes of health), recently received the Maurice hilleman/Merck award from the american society for Microbiology in recognition of his research on pathogenesis, vaccine discovery and development, and the control of vaccine-preventable diseases. albert developed the first u.s.-licensed rotavirus vaccine and is the author of over 400 publications . . . “My experience at Queens College has stayed with me forever,” says Bob Korngold, who enjoyed a long career in the computer industry after majoring in accounting. so when the White Plains-based Center for Montessori Teacher education/new york (CMTe/ny) was scouting sites for its summer academic institute, bob thought of his alma mater, with facilities that include conference rooms and overnight accommodations in The summit. admittedly, CMTe/ny is another organization that’s important to this alum: his wife is the center’s executive director and their

daughter is a member of its faculty . . . Anna Meadows retired recently from the Children’s hospital

of Philadelphia, officially speaking, but continues with the work she has built up and mentored over the past decades: research and clinical practice dedicated to the long-term good health of cancer survivors, especially among children and young adults. Typical of the time, when she applied to harvard Medical school in 1962, its dean admonished anna to stay home with the kids, but in a fortuitous meeting, Dr. benjamin spock urged her to apply elsewhere. luckily for many cancer survivors, anna went on to become an oncologist and, contrary to then existing clinical protocols, she began noticing undocumented health and psychological effects of cancer treatments. her research was largely responsible for ending the aggressive use of radiation against childhood leukemia and substituting less harmful chemotherapy regimens. now an international leader in the study of childhood cancer and an advisor to the national Cancer institute, she remains committed to identifying and changing treatments that fight cancer but have other, damaging effects on patients . . . Rev. Canon Paul Wancura marked his 16th consecutive year preaching the final service of the summer at union Chapel in the grove in shelter island heights, ny; that service is a 137-year tradition, with guest pastors chosen by the trustees. Canon Wancura is rector emeritus of Caroline Church of brookhaven in setauket, and serves at the Church of the holy Trinity in greenport. he lives in silver beach,

ny . . .1955: Theodore Rosov reports that he is living in gainesville, fl, where he and his wife of 43 years, Joan Cullman-

rosov, moved after his retirement from dentistry. During the years of his practice, he also played saxophone or clarinet in more than 450 performances in the Palm beaches. “While at QC i was a member of alpha epsilon Pi, and ran track and field and cross-country under the guidance of Dr. John J. Theobald (president of QC and honorary coach of the teams),” he writes. “i remember my years at QC

with fondness, and enjoyed campus activities and socializing on the Quad and the old cafeteria (near what is now fitzgerald gym). i also wrote a sports column for the Crown weekly newspaper. (it and the Rampart ceased publishing sometime after ’55.) P.s. When i graduated the newest building on campus was the klapper library, and remsen hall

was new when i enrolled in January ’52” . . . 1956: Don Blauweiss, who did graduate work at the Cooper

union school of art, was recently inducted into the Cooper union hall of fame. Don worked at Doyle Dane bernbach as art director, later moving on to other top agencies here and abroad. Today he is principal of Don blauweiss advertising & Design and a trustee of the Cooper union school of art . . . 1957: Joel Grossman completed his 48th year of teaching political science and law. now at Johns hopkins, he was for many years at the university of Wisconsin at Madison. he has been editor of Law & Society Review and was chair

With his baton, harold rosenbaum ’72, ’74 Ma directs both renowned soloists and amateurs, from youths to seniors, up dizzying choral heights. over four decades he has sounded these high notes: choral conductor with 450-plus world premières and more than 1,500 concerts—almost 100 in europe . . . founder of six choral groups and maestro of about 30 others . . . collabora-tor with more than 100 leading orchestras, opera companies, and other ensembles . . . associate professor of music at the university of buffalo . . . faculty member at his alma mater (1972-1998) . . . namesake of the choral music series of the world’s largest music publisher, g. schirmer Music . . . organist and choir director at st. luke’s episcopal Church in katonah, ny . . . pianist, editor, com-poser, coach, consultant, and clinician.

rosenbaum “is not scared stiff of anything offbeat,” notes allen brings ’55, composer, pianist, and QC professor emeritus of music. Contemporary choral composers find in rosenbaum and his new york Virtuoso singers the ideal interpreters. This profes-sional chamber choir, which he founded in 1988, is undaunted by their most complex compositions.

While he has commissioned 50 of today’s best choral compos-ers, rosenbaum also champions what he calls “the up-and-comers who need the money.” for his annual competition and from unso-licited stacks, each year he reviews 400 to 500 scores—8,500 to date. “i get immense pleasure in finding a jewel,” he says. “i always call the winners because i like to hear their happiness.”

rosenbaum “has perfect pitch of a very highly refined nature,” says raymond erickson, QC professor emeritus of music, early music authority, and harpsichordist. “That’s one of the rea-sons he can take on this extremely difficult music—he can hear it in his head.” adds erickson, “intense, uncompromising, rosenbaum lives for the art and not the applause. There are few people in the artistic world who are so fundamentally self-effacing.”

fortunately, others have beamed the spotlight on rosenbaum, including asCaP and its 2010 Victor herbert founders award.

This past June, Queens College awarded him an honorary degree. “Music was in my blood,” rosenbaum observes of his early life

in flushing. his father was a musician and cousin of Victor young, composer of “When i fall in love” and other hollywood favorites. he began piano lessons at age four and in his youth earned $25 a year soloing with a Jewish choir. in new york’s all-City Concert Choir, he was one of 16 chosen for a summer music camp, which directed his career thoughts away from architecture and art. as a teen he would “go to the piano, and dozens of kids would gather around,” he remembers. “name some songs, and i’ll play them,” he would say. “i didn’t know any classical music. To say that Queens College was a rigorous course of study is an understatement. i loved every minute of it. it opened up a world of music.”

When he was about to get his Ma, rosenbaum started a chamber choir. “i realized i needed to start my own chorus, to have my own instrument,” he relates. he advertised for amateur singers for Canticum novum singers (, now entering year 39 of presenting early music and works from other periods. renting Carnegie recital hall for its first concert “was bra-zen for a 23-year-old,” he realizes. but from that first New York Times rave review in 1973 has risen a crescendo of acclaim.

rosenbaum had organized a prep chorus, too. With ecumeni-cal enthusiasm, he brought together the QC Preparatory Choir, Transfiguration lutheran Church Choir of harlem, and Westches-ter Jewish Choral society (which he also founded). not on campus. in Carnegie hall—to perform haydn’s Creation.

among other concert highlights, the conductor cites his six ravel premières in Paris “to huge audiences” and a tribute to henry Wadsworth longfellow with all five of the author’s great-great-grandchildren present. he is excited about being named lead choral conductor of Parma recordings “because we’re going to be making so many CDs.” (information about rosenbaum's many projects is available at

rosenbaum’s repertoire includes QC composers and performers. Music for Voices by Allen Brings, recorded in lefrak Concert hall in 2004 with the new york Virtuoso singers and others, is among the CDs the composer considers his best. brings says he turned to rosenbaum because “you realize how hand-in-glove he is with his performers.” he recalls rosenbaum as one of the few singers in his sight-reading class

“absolutely able to do anything i asked them to do.”The night before our phone conversation, rosenbaum had

been teaching a business student the rudiments of choral conduct-ing; the 16-year-old had won lessons from him in an auction. The conductor’s bio doesn’t even mention the 75 high school clinics he has led over the years. “i’m very parental. i love passing on wisdom and guidance to the young,” he says. he and his wife, edie, who directs the Canticum novum youth Choir, have two daughters and two grandchildren.

in 1983, while studying in london, rosenbaum went to hear brahms’s Requiem. Transfixed during the soprano solo about para-dise, he had a vision of their son Joshua’s soul “carried aloft in a ray of light,” he recalls. “i heard the next morning that he had died. he was my best friend.” Joshua, age 11, had accidentally touched a power line on a long island beach.

That fall, while directing the Queens College Choir and orchestra, rosenbaum somehow got through a performance of the same requiem, which he had scheduled to conduct the previ-ous spring. as he movingly stated at Commencement last June, “Though the pain never goes away, the desire to survive with dignity and the need to do good deeds, and to make people happy, in my case through music, drive me forward and sustain me.”

–Donna Shoemaker


Rosenbaum's choral conducting career has taken him from QC stages to major concert halls throughout the United States and Europe.

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of music software, often having collaborated with artists, architects, mathematicians, engineers, and computer scientists . . . 1975: Composer Charles Greenberg (Ma) had another critical success with the family musical Sky Boys: How They Built the Empire State Building. The New York Times said of a production last february that “it never fails to entertain. it also gives history a human face” . . . Peter Hoffman writes, “my career was helped by the training, education, and experience i received at QC”—high praise when you consider that he has been a writer, director, and principal at the city’s top ad agencies. Peter worked on “some of the most notable and even storied ad campaigns in advertising history,” from nike to “our cherished and local ny Mets,” and received two Clios and dozens of other awards. in addition, he writes frequent op-eds, features, and essays for newspapers, has authored plays that were performed and read on and off broadway, has published poetry and fiction in literary magazines, and has won three national recognitions from the Poetry society of america. “i was a mass communications major, minors in drama and english. i was one of the founding teaching members as an undergrad of the Writing skills Workshop at QC, where i taught other undergrads and adult ed students. all of which was wonderful and valuable training for my career,” he recalls . . . Barry Mitchell has donated to QC some rare recordings he made at campus events in 1972 and 1973 as a reporter for WQMC, the college’s radio station. “i was sorting through some old audiocassettes recently and realized these tapes have taken on historical significance,” says barry, who has had an eclectic career as a journalist, TV personality, and comedy writer. “They’re a window into the mind-set of a specific time and place: the waning days of the Vietnam War and the 1972 presidential election.” The recordings include actress/anti-war activist Jane fonda singing “nothing Can be finer than to be in indochina” while QC students whoop their approval; clips from

russian poet yevgeny yevtushenko, journalist Jimmy breslin, and feminist gloria steinem; and oddities such as a WQMC promo recorded by comedian henny youngman . . . Steve North can often be found online in the huffington Post, one of many newspapers and magazines for which he writes. in his day job, he’s head writer for the “Cbs early show,” a position that follows on many years in radio and television . . . Alan Sadovnik was named Distinguished service Professor by the rutgers university board of governors. known internationally for his research in the sociology of education, he is on the faculty of the rutgers school of Public affairs & administration and the department of urban education. alan accepted the award on behalf of his late mother, ruth haas sadovnik, who escaped berlin in 1939 at the age of 11 on the kindertransport, then spent her life working to ensure that “the world would never forget the atrocities of the holocaust.” he noted, “My receiving a university professorship for service would have made her prouder than any other type of honor, and in receiving it, i honor her life of sacrifice, commitment and service” . . . 1976: Dov Apfel received the Dan Cullan Memorial award, a

national lifetime achievement award given by the american association for Justice. he was hon-ored for his

advocacy of children born with birth injuries, including a landmark law review article he wrote on representing children who receive brain injuries during delivery as a result of negligence. Dov is a partner in Janet, Jenner & suggs, llC, in baltimore, where he concentrates on cerebral palsy and birth trauma litigation . . .Rosalie orlando Hatch illustrated her first book The I Love You More Book, written by Debby herbenick (storyPeople Press) . . . Jerry Kelly published The Art of the Book in the Twentieth Century (riT Cary graphic arts Press, 2011), a study of modern typographic design and printing. Jerry is an award-winning

Q U E E N S aluMNI NoTes

nyC Department of education and the new york Community Trust on interventions for newly arrived adolescent immigrants who are not literate in their native languages and who struggle to succeed in u.s. schools. elaine has written two books and, in 2002, received the QC President’s award for excellence in Teaching. she conducts workshops for teachers around the world . . . 1964: Felice Picano co-edited a collection of fiction

titled Ambientes: New Queer Latino Writing (university of Wisconsin Press, 2011). felice is an author, editor, publisher, journalist, screenwriter, playwright, and one of the founders of the Violet Quill, a path-breaking literary circle of gay writers . . . 1967: Sandy Lanton is the author of Still a Family: A Young Child’s Book About Divorce (lantern Press) . . . 1968: Ira Lurie received his PhD in chemistry last May from the university of

amsterdam . . . Al Scudieri is president of the society of former special agents of the fbi—a group that looks after its own. about 8,000 former agents help out retired agents and provide college scholarships to relatives of fbi agents. as a special agent for the fbi, al worked on many storied cases, and retired as the Tampa bureau’s white-collar crimes chief. he helped convict the president of florida Power of bribery, put away county commissioners for the same crime, and investigated Mafia godfather santo Trafficante. in retirement, he continues to investigate crimes against the government, working for a law firm started by former federal prosecutors . . . 1969: Leslie King-Hammond and Lowery Stokes Sims ’70 co-curated a highly acclaimed exhibition, the Global Africa Project, at the Museum of arts and Design (MaD) in Manhattan. The exhibition showcased contemporary african art, design, and craft around the world, with special attention to young african artists and their global influence. leslie is graduate dean emeritus and founding director of the Center for race and Culture at the Maryland institute College of art. lowery is MaD’s Charles bronfman international Curator . . . Abe Macher is retired in name only. a physician and a commis-sioned officer with the rank of captain, he for more than 30 years pursued infectious diseases with the u.s. Public health service, national institutes of health, and the former armed forces institute of Pathology, for which he was director of the Collaborative Center for the investigation of aiDs during the dark days of the 1980s when aiDs was new and poorly understood. More recently, he has volunteered in city and county jails and state and federal prisons and treated hiV-infected inmates. he is a volunteer educator for the american Jail association and, since 1999, has written a medical column for the bimonthly magazine American Jails . . . John o’Donnell was selected as fifth president of Massbay Community College by a unanimous vote of its board of trustees . . . Marilyn

Singer published A Full Moon Is Rising (lee & low books, 2011), a children’s book in verse that celebrates the human experience of the full moon around the world. Many of her books have won awards, and this one, too, has been getting enthusiastic reviews . . . 1971: Mark Rosentraub holds the bruce & Joan bickner endowed Professorship in sports Management at the university of Michigan (ann arbor). his most recent books are Sports Finance and Management: Real Estate Entertainment, and the Remaking of the Business (CrC Press, 2011) and Major League Winners: Using Sports and Cultural Centers as Tools for Economic Development (CrC Press, 2009). recently he worked with several others to help establish an endowed chair honoring urban studies Professor Marilyn gittell., who was Mark’s mentor . . . 1972: Nunzio DeFilippis is a business-man with a passion for opera. at the age of 51 he began teaching it—op-era history, italian opera, Verdi, the bel Canto operas, Mozart’s operatic works, and so on. This past summer he gave a pre-opera lecture on Verdi’s Il Trovatore at the Warner Theatre’s summer with the Met series in Torrington, CT. nunzio has been featured in the New York Times, and his volunteer efforts as a teacher were recognized by former ny governor george Pataki . . .

Frances Karliner is director of development for the long island Crisis Center and president of the association of

fundraising Professionals’ long island Chapter. she is also past presi-dent of soroptimist international of nassau County, and held elected positions as school board trustee and president of the Plainview-old bethpage school District. fran lives in old bethpage, ny, with her husband and has two daughters . . . 1974: Noel zahler is dean of the school of Visual and Performing arts at the C.W. Post Campus of long island university. noel, who had been head of the school of Music at Carnegie Mellon university, has had a distinguished career as a musician, composer, and even a programmer

Mathematics, if not biology, was destiny for three siblings who graduated from QC in the seventies and went on to careers in medicine. “i was originally a chemistry major,” recalls cardi-ologist gary berman ’75. “i switched and took lots and lots of math classes.” he also studied three languages, among other subjects that weren’t part of a standard premed curriculum—he had won a slot in an elite pilot that encouraged aspir-ing doctors at QC to get a well-rounded education before they were formally admitted to Cornell Medical College. “i never took the MCaTs,” notes berman, a new Jerseyan who practices at st. barnabas hospital and at his office in West orange. “Cornell thought enough of the faculty and competi-tiveness of Queens College to create this program, which also involved swarthmore.”

The program was no longer operative when berman’s brother and sister came to QC, but both majored in math and then enrolled in med school. kevin berman ’76 is a cardiologist in Phoenix, az; susan berman blank ’79 is a psychiatrist in Clark, nJ. Whether this is a coincidence or a statistical fluke is hard to say. Perhaps the bermans’ family heritage predisposed them to success at QC. Their mother earned bachelor’s and master’s degree here and their father, a master’s.


The future doctors Berman pause for a photo op, 1970s-style: Gary (left) and Kevin flank their sister, Susan.

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type designer, calligrapher, and printer working independently in new york City . . . Classical pianist Laura Leon has had a busy performance schedule. in March she gave a concert at ny’s steinway hall on the occasion of Peter schickele’s 75th birthday season (for which he was in attendance). she also performed at heifer international’s bee Day Celebration; on the emmy award-winning documentary The Hidden Life, for which she was music director; the multimedia work Found in Nature, with music by QC Professor emeritus leo kraft, performed live in conjunction with the QC art Center’s exhibition Homage to Leo Kraft; and the late

QC Professor hugo Weisgall’s The Golden Peaco*ck, with soprano emily Duncan-brown, at the Center for Jewish history’s international symposium, Imagination and Catastrophe: Art and the Aftermath of Genocide. she recently released a re-recording of the acclaimed Matilda Variations by nyu faculty member and QC graduate Steven Rosenhaus ’75 (Ma ’80) . . . Marise McDermott is president and Ceo of the Witte Museum in san antonio, TX. Though far from her native huntington, ny, she originally joined her parents in Texas after graduation; her father John McDermott, former dean of

arthur Cohen ’50 was running ibM’s Watson scientific Computer lab at Columbia university when he was asked to pull up stakes and move to Washington, where he had worked

for the company in an earlier assignment. ibM had new plans for him.

it was 1959, and preparations were under way for the nation’s first effort to put a human being in space. Cohen’s assignment: take charge of the development and implementation of computer and communication systems for the program, dubbed Project Mercury.

Cohen wasn’t sure what to expect. “i didn’t really know much about space,” he admits. “My background was in mathematics.” but as it turned out, mathematics was what space flight was all about.

at Cape Canaveral, fl, two years later, astronaut alan shepard, sealed into a space capsule atop an 83-foot redstone rocket, was launched 115 miles into space on a suborbital flight down the atlantic Missile range. The 15-minute flight propelled shepard at 5,000 miles an hour. Cohen’s contributions figured crucially in the success of the mission and factored into subsequent u.s. manned space flights for decades to come.

“i had the privilege of working with a great team of people,” he says. “but none of them are well-known, nor are most people aware of the computer support that made Mercury and other space missions possible.” Computing, Cohen says, “was the silent partner.”

2011 marked the 50th anniversary of shepard’s historic flight—and an occasion for Cohen, now 83, to look back on the challenges and triumphs leading up to it. he was interviewed widely in the media and spoke at Cape Canaveral on behalf of ibM. at the

1911-2011 ibM centennial celebration last June, he and many of his surviving Project Mercury colleagues were honored for their accomplishments.

Cohen didn’t start out with his eyes on the stars. “i enrolled in QC as a chemistry major in 1945, but left for the army toward the end of World War ii,” he says. after resuming his studies in 1947, he switched his major to math. When he wasn’t in class or studying, he played soccer and hung out with the Dead end boys, a non-greek fraternity that drew members from all races, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds. among his proudest accomplishments at QC, he says “was being elected king of the Campus in 1949.”

after graduating in 1950, Cohen worked as an actuary and an economic analyst, eventually signing on with ibM’s new applied science department in 1952. it was at the department’s data-processing centers that he gained his first experience using mathematics and computers, running literally hundreds of different jobs, from market research to gravimetric analyses for oil exploration. in 1959 he was named manager of the ibM space Computing Center in downtown Washington. his assignment: help

liberal arts at QC, had accepted a position at Texas a&M as professor and head of its department of philosophy and humanities. after some years as a journalist and then a museum professional in Texas and iowa, Marise was recruited to return to the Witte and revitalize it. her current capital campaign has raised more than

$22 million despite the recession . . . Rhonda Goldmintz Samuel is executive director of the integrated Medical foundation in Melville, ny, which seeks to save lives that otherwise would be lost to prostate cancer. under her direction, iMf offers free educational programs, free cancer screenings, and support

groups . . . Jeffrey Schwartzberg was elected mayor of roslyn estates, where he lives with his wife and two sons. Jeff is senior

director of Colliers international and past president of the Commer-cial industrial brokers society of long island . . . David Kenneth Waldman earned his PhD in public policy and public administration from Walden university. he is founder, president, and Ceo of To love Children educational foundation international, an ngo with special consultative status to the un economic and social

Council. David teaches public policy at the university of Phoenix . . . 1977: Ellin Lee Sradnick Berger notes that “i was thrilled to see susan isaacs’ smiling face in the latest issue of Queens, which, incidentally, is also a thing of beauty. i had the pleasure of meeting susan at a selfhelp senior center where she was a guest speaker. she impressed me by her lack of airs despite having written a best-selling novel. she was just like me, down to the fact that she also attended Queens College. (i graduated with a ba in english and sociology, making this aspiring writer the only secretary in the steno Pool who could call herself a socio-journalist

with a straight face). now, more than 30 years later, i am editor-in-chief of the Scheuer House Newsletter, so i feel that i have accomplished my goal as far as journalism is concerned. as for the sociology, i am an animal rights activist and a Woman’s liberation pioneer. bella abzug was an inspiration who encouraged my conception of Drug abuse Prevention Programs in the public schools; by the 1980s this program was established and

running in Jhs 173 in fresh Meadows” . . . Ira Cohen recently opened a law firm, henkel & Cohen, P.a., in

Miami, fl. ira, who has practiced intellectual property law for almost 30 years, also teaches business and constitutional law at the university of Phoenix’s south florida campus . . . Howie Shareff published a wellness book with DVD, Sit Stretch

Smile (Createspace, 2011). it builds on his personal experience with arthritis and the pain of sports traumas, which led

him to retire early from his dental practice and seek healing through yoga. howie is director of you Call This yoga, a nonprofit organization . . . Douglas Roll recently became

make Project Mercury happen.Within a year, Cohen and most of his team relocated to

nasa’s goddard space flight Center, which had just been built in greenbelt, MD. “There was mud everywhere,” Cohen recalls. “The bathrooms had no door, so i hung sheets of tarpaper over the entrance to provide some privacy.”

Cohen and his team did much of their work using two transistorized ibM 7090 computers. Their role would be to determine flight trajectory parameters and the present position of the spacecraft, allowing Mission Control at Cape Canaveral to make the critical decisions required to ensure shepard’s safe return.

Cohen led his team in developing systems that would drive and control every aspect of the mission—launch, orbit, reentry, and, if necessary, abort. all data about the spacecraft in flight, including its position and speed, were tracked by radar on earth. “We were processing real-time asynchronous data from all over the world—bermuda, africa, australia, hawaii,” Cohen says. The information streaked in at the scorching rate of 1,000 bits per second. Today’s wireless data move 5,000 times faster.

it all came down to the morning of May 2, 1961, when the redstone rocket was slated to lift off. but poor weather forced delays, and the launch was pushed back to May 5. anxiety was in the air—but it was the potential for hardware glitches, not computer failures, that concerned Cohen.

“you had a guy strapped into a little capsule being fired into space at 5,000 miles an hour, experiencing 11gs of force [rate of acceleration],” he says. “all kinds of things might happen.”

During those last nights prior to launch, Cohen and his team slept at goddard, many in sleeping bags on the floor. “i slept on top of the 7090 console and dented the vent,” Cohen says.

his anxiety proved unfounded. launch, flight, and recovery went without a hitch, and shepard splashed down in the atlantic exactly where the computers said he would. america was finally in the space race.

Cohen remained with Project Mercury through the John glenn

mission—nasa’s first orbital flight—in 1962. Members of his team supported all of the Mercury flights as well as the gemini and apollo missions and the space shuttle program. Today’s air Traffic Control system and the Passenger airline reservation system (a.k.a. sabre) were based on concepts learned from Mercury.

after Project Mercury, Cohen continued to apply mathematical models, management science, and computers to help ibM better manage its business. since retiring from the company in 1988, he has been an adjunct professor of mathematics at nassau Community College.

in the years since Project Mercury, the united states has put a man on the moon, sent back photographs of the Martian surface, dispatched exploratory rockets to the edge of the solar system, and completed its space shuttle program. “it’s incredible what nasa has accomplished,” Cohen says. “but they’re standing on the shoulders of men and women who came before them, and mathematics and computers played a key role.” –Bruce Felton

Above: Art and Marion Pagel Cohen on campus; opposite page: Cohen, fourth from left, with IBM and NASA personnel, includ-ing astronauts Gus Grissom and Deke Slayton (fifth and second from right).


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executive director of sheba, a nonprofit organization in Jackson heights that helps new immigrants acquire skills needed for life in the united states. one special focus is women over 40, a group Tamanna believes is especially vulnerable. The organization won recognition from the City Council earlier this year . . . 2008: Ellen Doyle has received a Distinguished fulbright award in Teaching. she will use the award to go to india to study how indian teachers and students function under their country’s recently adopt-ed education programs and find ways to incorporate their practices into her own teaching. ellen teaches social studies at international high school at laguardia Community College. she credits her flourishing career to the teachers she had during her graduate work at QC. “i was very fortunate to have had wonderful mentors,” she says. “all three professors in the social studies secondary education department—David gerwin, John gunn, and Jack zevin—have influenced my teaching career” . . . David Nochimson (Mls) is branch manager of the Van nest library in the bronx . . . 2009: Meghan Day (Mls) was recently made the new children’s librarian at Waldwick (nJ) Public library . . . Will Rosinsky changed his career path after graduation from teacher to emergency medical technician—work he is enjoying. he also graduated from amateur to professional status in boxing; he is now a prizewinning fighter who can be seen on TV. . . 2010: Yvette Heyliger (Mfa) returned to campus in July as a guest artist and spoke to students in the summer institute for the humanities & social sciences. in august she received the first national black Theatre festival emerging Producer award, along with her twin sister yvonne farrow, who is also her part-ner in Twinbiz, their production company. Twinbiz produced yvette’s Mfa thesis project, an antiwar comedy titled White House Wives: Operation Lysistrata! that was presented at the Planet Connections Theatre festivity in Manhattan.

IN MEMoRIAMstephen C. barto, Mls ’01June M. Cooper ’54ruth rosenberg Corenthal ’41zelda David ’66sharon edelkind ’91Jennifer esposito ’05rose holz fisher ’68steven William fisher ’68Charles W. fleischmann ’57alan fliesler ’52Joyce elfenbein goldberg ’58sandee goldstein ’71hervert gresser ’57Vivian Thackaberry harway ’47Jean Trauth hinchey-schneier ’43Walter hirsch ’41Doris strecher kneidel ’76rae gold koppelman ’47Thomas laidman ’50Joseph leshen ’71 Marilyn gordon levine ’54leo lobl ’41sigrid a. Marquis ’72John W. Marshall ’41nathaniel h. Martin, Jr. John McConnin ’54Charles f. Milici ’42 rolando Minguillon ’83george Morfesi ’50Jason Peck ’11robert rand ’42Caroline Paternostro reale ’50ursula roth reynolds ’42Michael aaron rosenthal ’73Michael V. santopolo ’42 harriet schenk schwartz ’66 & ’71esther b. Winkler shapiro ’41florence kapal stillman ’50Margaret Dwyer stronski ’55george sutton ’52Thomas Walsh ’53arthur h. Weinstein ’44barbara blackman Weintraub ’64, Ma ’68roslynn ganger Weiss ’75Jane Williams ’69Mary zorovitch Msed ’68

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Newsday, the Daily News, and the Queens Chronicle. robert and his wife, giovanna, have a son, Matthew . . . 2003: Kerin Coughlin (Ma) presented the u.s. perspective on antitrust regulation of intellectual property licensing at a seminar in seoul, korea. she also taught a seminar on u.s. antitrust litigation and procedure at the korea university law institute . . . 2005: Krystal D’Costa earned her Ma in anthropology at the new school for social research, where she first immersed herself in digital sociality—expertise she uses as a digital strategist in the creative services department of human resources consulting firm harris, rothenberg international. she also writes the blog anthropology in Practice, which was added to the Scientific American blog network last summer . . . Liliana Polo is going back to school: The founder and principal of West brooklyn Community high school has enrolled in the harvard graduate school of education to pursue a doctorate in educational leadership, a relatively new credential. “The pro-gram at harvard is attempting to do something that no other school has done before: to merge the education, policy, and management sector and foster the type of leadership that can transform american schooling using all three,” she says. liliana was teaching global history at boys and girls high school in brooklyn when her mentors there urged her to enter QC’s educational leadership program; subsequently, she attended the prestigious Principal leadership academy run by the new york City Department of education. liliana used her training to launch West brooklyn Community, which serves 200 formerly disengaged students, ages 16 to 20, who want to complete their high school requirements and prepare for college work . . . Juan Nicolas Tineo (Msed) recently organized the fourth hispanic and latin book fair of new york, which was sponsored by nys senator José Peralta ’96 and nyC Councilmem-ber Daniel Dromm and held in Jackson heights. Juan is cofounder and director of the book fair, which

included writing workshops and a number of distinguished speakers and visiting authors. a published poet, he described the book fair as a way “to honor these authors and to help open doors for hispanic and latino authors in the united states” . . . 2006: Kristen Bagnall was

admitted to the doctoral program in english at the university of rhode island . . . Elizabeth Frascoia (whose

performing name is elizabeth!) is a jazz vocalist, trombonist, songwriter, and teacher. she began her music studies at the age of 7. “My dad is a musician, so i grew up listening to live jazz: going backstage, lugging gear, learning the ins and outs,” she says. “and my mom had great taste, playing Motown and folk music at home.” elizabeth played in a jazz band while studying neuroscience at harvard, and then earned a master’s degree in jazz at QC. she has performed across the united states, Canada, south america, and europe. her latest recording is Brainchildren (Canopy Jazz) . . . John Rodger has an active calendar as a tenor with opera companies and as a recitalist. During the past two seasons he has been on the roster of nyC opera (for Esther, composed by the late QC Professor hugo Weisgall), nyCo Vox festival, glimmerglass opera, and sarasota opera; future engagements include opera in the heights in houston and Taconic opera in Westchester. John has been getting impressive reviews and is considered “a force among today’s young artists” . . . John Wykoff is assistant professor of music at lee university in Cleveland, Tn . . . 2007: Rafael Espinal won a hotly contested special election for the 54th state assembly District seat, representing bushwick, Cypress hills (where he grew up), City line, east new york, and parts of bedford-stuyvesant (where he was born). rafael had been chief of staff for City Councilman erik Martin Dilan . . . Tamanna Yasmin (Ma) is

Construction auditors. This designation is awarded to account-ing, auditing, and consulting professionals whose primary experience is in the field of auditing and evaluating internal controls in the construction project environ-ment. Michael and his family live in Massapequa, ny . . . Stephen Pekar, an associate professor in earth and environmental sciences at QC, was selected by the Consor-tium for ocean leadership to be a distinguished lecturer for the integrated ocean Drilling Program (ioDP). The first Cuny professor chosen for this honor, he will travel around the country over the next year to lecture at universities and educational organizations. The ioDP is a world leader in the study of climate change and, stephen writes, “the closest thing to star Trek. ioDP is the largest, most successful terrestrially based science program the world has ever seen. over 20 countries work together without the nationalistic posturing, etc., but working in the spirit of mutual cooperation in the pursuit of scientific discovery” . . . Michael Wildes returned to QC to speak to students about u.s. immigration law, compliance, and the procedures necessary for foreign-born individuals to live and work in the u.s. legally. he also fielded questions on hot topics in immigration. Michael, a managing partner in Wildes and Weinberg PC, an immigration law firm, is a former mayor of englewood, nJ . . . 1988: Vincent D’Amelio was appointed executive managing director of k2 global Consulting in new york City. a specialist in forensic accounting, Vince has investigated complex cases of accounting and financial-statement fraud like the Madoff and various Ponzi schemes, and he led financial oversight of demolition and debris removal at the World Trade Center. he also teaches forensic accounting at Tobin College and new york university . . . 1989: Ayall Schanzer was appointed chief strategy officer of salient Management. ayall was formerly assistant district attorney in new york County, where he served under robert Morgenthau . . . 1993: Michael Simanowitz was

elected Democratic assemblyman for the 27th District, representing College Point, parts of flushing and forest hills, and adjacent areas. Michael, who lives in electchester with his wife, Jennifer, and four children, won by a landslide. Previously he was chief of staff for his recently retired predecessor, nettie Mayersohn . . . 1999: Tara Helfman, an assistant professor at the syracuse university College of law, is teaching contract and international law. Tara has won awards for her articles on anglo-american legal history, fiduciary law, and the laws of war . . . Kenneth Ryesky is a tax attorney who teaches in QC’s department of accounting & information systems. he recently was a panelist at a professional education seminar where he discussed the impact of the sarbanes-oxley act on the governance of tax-exempt organizations . . . 2000: Jennifer Grimaldi Toohey has been singing a demanding slate of lieder and symphonic and operatic music—no-tably Mahler, whose work she first performed at QC. she was in Mexico City at the Minería festival this summer for Mahler’s 8th symphony, will sing Wagner’s Wesendonck Lieder with the new york repertory orchestra this winter, and will perform Vaughn Williams’s A Sea Symphony with the flint symphony orchestra this spring . . . 2001: Chris Ferraro’s essay “Teaching the long nineteenth Century (1750–1914) in World history” was recently published in Teaching World History in the Twenty-First Century (M.e. sharp). he is studying for his doctorate in modern world history at st. John’s university while teaching history on the high school level in the hudson Valley . . . Mark Plane is the coeditor of American Indians and the Market Economy, 1775–1850 (university of alabama Press, 2011) . . . 2002: Robert Trotta has spent most of the last 12 years teaching english and journalism at John adams high school in ozone Park, Queens, the same high school from which he graduated. he also keeps busy acting as the faculty advisor for the school newspaper and doing freelance writing for

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suny Cortland’s energy manager, the only such position in the suny system. he is in charge of reducing the college’s energy use, lowering its power bills, and ensuring that all new construction meets the highest practical “green” standards. a former middle school biology teacher, Douglas has an engineering degree from Cornell university . . . Michael Singer is a motion picture production publicist with more than 50 films to his credit, among them the second, third, and fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movies and Batman Returns. he has also written 10 books on film subjects . . . Rob (Roberta) Valente received the 2011 sharon l. Corbitt award from the american bar association Commission on Domestic Violence. The award recognizes attorneys who provide exemplary service to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking—an area in which rob is deeply immersed. she works with the national Council of Juvenile and family Court Judges, and was one of the lead national coordinators of legislative work to reauthorize the Violence against

Women act . . . 1978: Harry Groveman (Ma) retired after 13 years as school superintendent in saddle book, nJ, only to step in as interim superintendent in bogota, nJ . . . Juliet Papa received a 2011 gracie award, an industry award for women in media. Juliet was named an outstanding reporter/Correspondent for her excellence in multimedia journalism, consisting of news broadcasts at 1010 Wins radio combined with online reports and a blog . . . 1981: Evan Ginzburg (Ma ’82) has enjoyed a richly varied career in the performance arts—as a film producer, an agent, and co-host of legends radio—besides his work as an author and editor. his most recent project is as producer of Theresa Sareo—Alive Again, a documentary about a woman who lost her leg when she was hit by an impaired driver . . . 1986: Michael J. Costa, a founding partner at garden City-based armao, Costa & ricciardi, CPas, PC, has been granted the designation of Certified Construction auditor by the national association of

THE RACHEL T. WEDDINGToN EDUCATIoN AWARDin the summer of 1963, 16 Queens College students, inspired and guided by Professor rachel Weddington, spent six weeks in Prince edward County, Va, teaching african-american children who had been deprived of school for four years because of “mas-sive resistance” to school desegregation. Prof. Weddington, then one of the very few african-american professors at QC, helped to organize the summer’s activities and prepare us to teach. More important, she set a powerful example of commitment by accompanying us for the six weeks as our advisor. for the nearly 50 years since that eventful summer, she remained a friend and mentor to many QC students.

Prof. Weddington died in 2010 in her mid-90s. Those of us whose lives were irrevocably changed by knowing her have joined together with the college’s Division of education to create an annual award in her honor that will be given to a student who has demonstrated a commitment to teaching in an inner-city school. We hope all who were touched by Prof. Weddington will join us in honoring her memory. Checks, made out to the Queens College foundation, must have “The rachel T. Wedding-ton education award” in the memo line. send your contribution to the Queens College foundation, 65-30 kissena boulevard, kiely hall 1306, flushing, ny 11367. Thank you. –Michael Wenger ’65

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Lawrence & Susan Steinberg Sills ’62

Estate of Lois Jean SmithNazaret TahmisyanRaymond ’54 & Tomiko

TaylorTD BankAvonelle S. Walker David C. Weinstein Whitehall Foundation,

Inc.Robert & Jacqueline

Snitow Willens ’70 The Winston Foundation,

Inc.Estate of Joseph & Helen

Breitwieser Wittko ’41 The Woodrow Wilson

National Fellowship Foundation

W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.

Michael S. & Renée Kroll Zarin ’54

Rony ’94 & Yael Zarom Erwin A. & Margaret A.

Zeuschner ’57/’99Aldo Charles Zucaro ’62

Dean's Circle ($5,000–$9,999)Adesa Corporate Office

USAAmerican Insurance

Service GroupAnn and Gordon Getty

FoundationAnonymousClaire M. Bernstein Joan Bluestone Boscov’s Department

Store, LLCJoseph R. & Carol Heiser

Brostek ’55/’54Barry A. ’69 & Meryl

Wiener Bryer Henry Burnett ’78 Capstone DevelopmentChartwells Dining ServiceConsulate General of

GreeceDinah Levy Danseyar ’45 Morris & Rose Danzig Heidi Rothstein

Finkelberg ’63 In memory of Zachary

Finkelberg ’62Brian H. & Clara

Camacho Franke ’83 Frederic & Agnes Maloof

Foundation, Inc.Lester Gerson

Arnold A. & Ellen Saul Gruber ’64

Talat G. Hamdani ’98 Insurance Auto AuctionsElaine Marcus Kaplan ’55 James B. Klutznick Laurence M. Leive ’78 Carl Marc & Beth

Weinstein Lieberman ’68 Estate of Joseph MachlisMana Products, Inc.Markos & Maria

Marinakis Howard A. ’58 & Joy

Mileaf PGEI of American

Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Raphell Sims Lakowitz Memorial Foundation

Stephen & Marilyn Reichstein

Douglas E. ’76 & Amy Ress

Richard J. ’67 & Wendy Rudden

Patricia Ann Schwarz Sinai Chapels, Inc.Richard ’82 & Faith

Steinberg Tides FoundationUnited Jewish Appeal

Federation of Jewish Philanthropies NY

Edmond & Cynthia Villani

Michael Paul ’71 & Carol Weisman

Faculty Circle ($2,500–$4,999) American Friends Service

CommitteeAmerican Phoenix

Enterprise LLCAnonymousAtran Foundation, Inc.Martin M. & Mary Ann

Baumrind Robert Bloom ’66 BlueWater

Communications Group LLC

The Coca-Cola CompanyMitchell H. ’83 & Carla

Cooper Lorraine Coyle ’72Anita J. Dreichler ’76 Lawrence W. Eisman ’55 ExxonMobil FoundationAngela Greenman John B. & Diane Haney

The Harkness Foundation for Dance, Inc.

Lyn Stiefel Hill ’72 Eugene L. Holt ’57 Katherine Lao Hu ’01 J. Chester & Freda Stern

Johnson ’68Korean Consulate GeneralCasmira Wojciechowski

Leo ’58 Robert M. & Jane Rosen

Levy ’45 M. Joel & Ellen

Mandelbaum Mark & Carol Hyman

FundMark G. & Mary Clarke

Miksic Milton and Sally Avery

Arts FoundationNew York Community

Bank FoundationOmega Brokerage, Inc.Wilhelmina Hall Parris


Coopers LLPQueensborough

Community CollegeQueens College Women’s

ClubResearch Center for

Korean Community RCKC, Inc.

Richard S. & Lois Gunther Family Foundation

Ridenour Endowment Fund

Irwin ’59 & Marlene Savodnik

Bernard & Laurie Wasserman Spear ’64

Gerald E. & Dorothy Ascher Swimmer ’65/’74

Michael Arto Tahmisyan Theodore William &

Susan Forman Tashlik ’61/’68

United Way of New York City

David & Philippa Cohen Zemelman ’70/’69

Patrons ($1,000–$2,499)AHI International Corp.Louis M. & Ruth S.

Aledort ’55/’58Alma Realty Corp.Anonymous

The Atlantic Philanthropies Inc.

Lawrence & Deirdre Bader

Daniel R. & June Nebenzahl Baker ’54

Bank of AmericaSteven Baum ’64 Daniel Beller Pete Benenati ’87Joel S. ’79 & Lisa

Benenson The Bernard and Toby

Nussbaum FoundationChristine Bernardo ’70 Gene M. & Pam Bernstein Richard & Amelia

Fishman Bernstein ’66Thomas E. & Mary Lynne

Bird William A. ’80 & Eileen

Blancato Sharon C. Bonk Blaise C. & Judith

Priestley Bookis ’57/’75

Hilda Bechtold Bormann ’57

Kevin J. ’49 & Patricia Bradley

Barbara Brizzi-Wynne ’80 Henry M. & Lottie Hirsch

Burger ’51 Van V. Burger Cephalonian Brotherhood

of New York Inc.Stephen Cherpelis Warren A. & Dorothea

Christie ’68/’70Ruth Levin Cohen ’49 Jerome D. Colonna ’85 &

Barbara T. Chang Philip Conti ’66 Edwin M. & Judith

Cooperman ’64/’67Cord Meyer Development

LLCCorn Products

InternationalMichael ’75 & Sara Craig-

Scheckman Nicholas & Helen Athos

Criares ’57 Cyprus Federation of

America Inc.Frances Chaconas

DeBellis ’51Philip Z. ’68 & Linda A.

Dolen Bartholomew N. Donnelly

’63 Dunkin Donuts

Michael C. Dyce ’92 Robert Ebin EBSCO Industries, Inc.Sharon Beth Eckstein ’83Mark F. & JoAnn Golding Engel ’67 /’68 Eparhia Kynourias, Inc.Aline Euler ’77 Judith Evnin Jon ’88 & Joya Favreau Federation of Chians

Cultural Education Fund Inc.

Mary G. Fontrier Arnold C. & Beverly

Rosenberg Franco ’43/’46

Alvin E. Friedman-Kien Gary W. ’67 & Bernice S.

Garson Andrew I. Gavil ’78 Daniel E. & Victoria

Vicital Gawiak ’73/’65 Samuel R. Gische ’75 Ralph J. ’50 & Ursula

Ward Godfrey Norman L. Goldman Richard D. & Candice

Gebeloff Goldstein ’73/’74

Michael & Joan B. Gottlieb ’65/’72

Joseph J. & Kathleen Grano

Jeffrey J. Grant ’68 Grant Thornton LLPGreek News, Inc.Greek Orthodox

Archdiocese of America

Ronald Grosser Robert J. & Patricia A.

Gunther ’02 Russell W. & Diana Hahn Nathan & Pearl HaleguaRobert & Jeanne Thomas

Handschuh ’49 Patricia R. Hazell-Strother

’74 Hellenic American

Bankers Association Inc.

Higher Technology Solutions

David A. & Rochelle Cohen Hirsch ’66

Gil & Amy Hollander Mildred Dick Howard ’71 Lawrence & Cara Nash

Iason Mark R. ’69 & Gail


Robert M. ’52 & Jane Ingrassia

The Inner Circle, Inc.Iru, Inc.Jacobs Engineering Group

Inc.Michael V. Jameson ’79 JF Contracting Corp.Bernee V. Kapili ’73 Kefalos Society of

America Inc.Emanuel & Lita

Kelmenson ’64Thomas B. Kinsock KISS Products Inc.Harold & Shirley Cohen

Kobliner ’51 Lankler Siffert & Wohl

LLPRobert E. Lee Leon & Symma Miller

Memorial TrustAndrew Joshua Levander Nathan Leventhal ’63 Levitt Foundation, Inc.Lizardos Mechanical &

Electrical EngineeringErwin London ’74 Lovell Safety

Management Co., LLCEstate of Esta Green

Luster ’89 Thomas C. ’50 &

Margaret Walsh MacAvoy

John R. Magel ’62 Ezra P. & Reeva S. Mager Kristine Marames ’75 Charles Marangoudakis Paul A. Mauceri ’78 Wendy Maurer George Jay & Trudy

Morgan Mazin ’72/’74William & Kathleen

Butler McArdle ’61/’61

Medgar Evers CollegeMelrose Credit UnionJulius G. ’52 & Edith L.

Mendel Cordelia S. Menges Julius B. Mercado ’01Martin E. & Joan

Messinger Metzger-Price Fund, Inc.James & Roberta Brooks

Meyer ’68Jeffrey David ’67 & Irene

Miller Rene A. Miller ’50 Judith Mogul Susan Moldow

Queens: The Magazine of Queens College 35

Q U E E N S 2011 DoNor hoNor roll

Queens College thrives because of the generosity of alumni and friends. We are grateful to all of our donors for their commitment to our students and to the future of public higher education. In recognition of their support, we are pleased to present our Donor Honor Roll for fiscal year July 1, 2010--June 30, 2011.

President's Council ($25,000+)Alexander S. Onassis

Public Benefit Foundation

AnonymousStuart S. Applebaum ’71Russell M. & Alice

Feldman Artzt ’68/’73Norman & Carole Schoen

Barham ’68/’66Barry M. Blechman ’63Bogopa Service Corp.Jerry M. & Helayne Citron

Cohen ’73/’75Frances R. Curcio Cvision Technologies, Inc.Michael H. & Georgia de

Havenon ’94

C. Rutherford Fischer Amy Maiello Hagedorn

’73Nasser David ’74 &

Marion Khalili Max ’42 & Selma

Kupferberg Saul J. Kupferberg & Gail

ColmanMadeleine J. Long Allan Z. & Joan Friedman

Loren ’60/’60Richard A. & Joan

Friedman Newmark ’61

New York Community Bank

Family and Friends of Ruth Gordon Norman ’48

Estate of Virginia Frese Palmer ’42

The Pearl and Nathan Halegua Family Foundation

George L. & Dina Axelrad Perry ’71

Estate of Beatrice Schacher-Myers

Barry S. & Evelyn Springer Strauch ’60

University of ShanghaiRobert ’82 & Shirley


Provost's Circle ($10,000–$24,999)Arthur A. & Carole

Bonuck Anderman ’58AnonymousBenno & Evelyn

Feldmann Ansbacher ’61

CBIZ, Inc.Robert & Maruja

Coddington Peter P. ’71 & Margaret

D’Angelo Deloitte & Touche LLPSteven Errera ’69 & Edith

Korotkin The Frances & David

Rose FoundationSteven L. ’67 & Jane

GerardThe Goldsmith and

Cestaro Charitable Foundation

Susan Wallack Goldstein ’62 Allan E. & Muriel Sapir

Greenblatt ’54 Jeffrey R. & Paula A.

Gural ’05David Haghighi Charles H. Hennekens ’63 Richard & Carol J.

Schwartz Hochman ’71 John S. and Yorka C.

Linakis ScholarshipsShirley L. Klein Michael Kowal ’53 Ira B. ’69 & Ileene


The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation, Inc.

Michael & Cheryl Gumora Minikes ’65/’68

James G. Mitarotonda ’77 James L. & Alda M.

Muyskens ’88 Natalie Bailey &

Herbert J. Kirschner Foundation

Permanent Mission of Cyprus to the United Nations

John & Gloria T. Petitto ’77

Stanley Rosenzweig Paul H. ’78 & Barbara


34 Queens: The Magazine of Queens College

Alumni enjoyed conversation and good food in the Music Building, decorated with balloons and the occasional seasonal pumpkin.

Don’t miss out on the fun! All photos in this section were taken at Homecoming last october. This year Homecoming Weekend will take place october 12–14.

The Magazine of Queens The Magazine of Queens College 1 Queens FALL 2011-WINTER 2012, VoL. xVI, No. 2 The Magazine - [PDF Document] (19)

Queens: The Magazine of Queens College 37

Gerald ’76 & Lila Markowitz

Erica Ress Martin Edward L. & Alice

Eisenberg Mattison ’62

Sara Miller McCune ’61 Colleen McKean Harold T. & Corinne

Anthony Michels ’63 Mark J. ’72 & Paula K.

Mishler Vincent A. Misiano ’72 Harold W. Moehringer ’79 Daniel A. Moros Victor A. Mortellaro ’78

Daniel G. Moshief ’86 Nathan Muyskens Stanley Nabi Andre Nasser Earl L. ’76 & Melanie L.

Nelson Neil H. Offen ’65 Robert C. & Nina

O’Connell Ohlmann ’53 John Gregory ’74 & Rita

E. Palaszczuk Pella Publishing

Company, Inc.Anthony & Rita M.


Paul Alan Podrid ’68Patricia Sisterson Pollack

’82 Clifford M. Pratt ’91 Marva Wade Priestley Susan Margiolas Quinn ’76 Jennifer Raab Seymour J. ’56 & Julia

Reisman Howard Reiter Mindy Wach Rhindress

’93 Steven B. ’70 & Lynn

Rich Shaun P. Richman ’02 Carl Riskin

Martin ’48 & Rachel Roeder

Howard N. Rosen ’79 Paul & Ursula Reynolds

Roth ’42 Lawrence J. ’62 & Elaine

Rothenberg Mark B. & Sandra

Jennings Russell ’79 Otto Fitzgerald ’92 &

Maria J. Sabando Jonathan S. & Lisa R.

Sack Joseph ’71 & Jeanne


Steven B. & Rhonda Goldmintz Samuel ’76

Sholom Sanders Carl E. Schachter Stephen & Andrea Harris

Scheidt ’62 Molly Byron Schoen ’48 Kathleen P. Schuler ’85 Jeryl Lavay Schultz ’68 David B. ’42 & Adele

Chidapel Schwartz Geraldine Marcus

Schwartz ’62 Peter L. ’66 & Geraldine

Schwartz John E. & Joan Waidelich

Secor ’62 Lauren & Patti W. Seiler Warren L. & Thelma

Randby Serenbetz ’45 Diana S. Seuringer ’71 Sgt. Bonnano Scholarship

Fund Shine Electronics Co.Walter & Jeanne Brody

Siff ’50 Diana Kellman Silberman

’90 Alfred M. ’62 & Carol

R. Sils Abraham J. Simon

Richard S. Sobel ’65 Josef & Lorraine Hyman

Soloway ’79 Richard M. & Robin

Mayer Stein ’74 David P. Steinke ’04 Ralph & Judith Klein

Steinman ’65 Lynn M. Stekas ’72 Ricki A. Stern ’00 Peter Suedfeld ’60 Joyce Tang Harris C. & Diana Kahn

Taylor ’61/’62Estate of Janet Meldon

Taylor ’44 Kevin ’92 & Leontine

Tehrani Temple Beth Sholom, Inc.Michael M. & Kathy

Spieler Toner ’76/’75Nicholas S. Tsounis ’75 Rosette Winger/Teitel

Tucker ’61 Jerome E. Tuttle ’71 Robert D. Uher ’56 Ralph B. & Audrey

Friedman Wagner ’55 Gladys H. Watson ’90 Benjamin & Sylvia

Weinstock Elaine Greene Weisburg ’45 Alfred G. Williams ’61Allan S. ’66 & Danielle

Wirtzer Donna C. Yarri ’80 Veronica Maria Yurick ’76 Peter L. Zimroth Joseph J. Zitolo ’81

Friends ($100–$499)Alan M. ’61 & Selma L.

Aaronson Beth S. Aaronson Mark J. ’66 & Roberta

Aaronson Abbott Laboratories FundDonald J. & Dena

Lowenkron Abrams ’64/’65

Hal ’64 & Laura Ackerman

John B. & Laurie Adams Robert & Elizabeth

Mantione Adams ’87 Theodore Francis Adams ’84 Fred M. Adell ’81 Advanced Interventional

Radiology Services LLP

Lois Grimes Afflerbach ’42 Ilse Thode Albers ’53 Glenda Pines Albert ’55 Richard & Evelyn

Braunstein Albert ’50Mario J. & Norma

Singleton Albertini ’49Carl A. Alcindor ’77 Joel & Arlene Kitaeff

Alexander ’69 Rex Alexander ’48

Arnold ’64 & Elaine Alfert

Robert Allen ’80 & Sandra Immoor

Shameena Alli-Khan ’94 Mark C. & June Hoffer

Alpert ’77 Bernice Gross Altarac ’41 Joseph Altenau Harvey & Cora Wolff

Alter ’52/’57Edward J. & Mary

O’Dowd Amato ’70John P. ’83 & Lynn M.

Amato Herbert J. & Barbara

Schaffer Amdur ’70 Iris Willim Anderson ’75 John M. ’49 & Elsie M.

Anderson Joan DeFilippis Andon ’68 Laurie J. Ankersen ’69 AnonymousKarl D. & Karen D.

Anoushian ’00 Jonathan E. & Rosemary

Iuliucci Ansbacher ’83 Carol M. Anshien ’66 Yvonne Aponte-

Schellenberg ’01 Donna Otto Araneo ’83 Arthur J. & Carmela

Belardi Arnoldt ’87 Neil & Marian Difiglia

Aronin Ethan & Barbara

Quintana Aronoff ’58 AT&T FoundationSeth J. & Clare Russo

Atlas ’80 Ernst & Iris Ort

Auerbacher ’55/’56Arlene Marcus

Augenbraun Elizabeth E. Ausman ’57 Reginald & Inez C. Austin ’81 Sharon Ringelheim Austin

’66 Norma I. Aviles ’98 George & Beate Axelrad Jeffrey A. & Ellen K.

Axelrod ’78 Melissa Azrak Marian Dieterich Bach ’77 Shirley Rosenberg Bach ’53Michael & Sandra

Greenwald Back ’61 Stanley M. ’60 & Marilyn

Back Patricia Cinquemani

Giolitt Backus ’59 Werner Baer ’53 Louise M. Baietto ’74 Walter Baigelman ’68 Andrew Bailis ’68 Beverly Baker ’47 John C. & Carolyn

Schraut Baker ’67 Rudolph E. Baker Anisah Baksh ’09 Theo & Mary Baktidy Marsha Joy Baliff ’65

Sigmund R. & Elinor B. Balka

Babajide ’96 & Sarah Balogun

Jerome M. ’78 & Joy Balsam

Dennis A. Baltuch ’77 Paul M. Bannett ’61 Howard J. ’84 & Jung

Baranker James ’67 & Jane Baraz Norman & Shirley Bard Manuel L. & Laura S.

Bardash Simeon L. Bardin ’74 Richard A. ’08 & Susan

Barkey Helene Reibman Baron ’59 Kenneth & Margaret

O’Kelly Barrett ’60 Harvey & Rita Shapiro

Barrison ’67/’71Barron’s Educational

Series Inc.Jean C. Bartelt ’76 David Barto ’07 Barry D. ’74 & Denise

L. Bass Norma Roselli Bass ’63 Judy Koeppicus Basse ’61 Family of Lizzy Rapp

Bauer Ronald G. Bauer ’68 Sondra Cooperman Baxt ’53 Mildred Joyce Baynes ’56 Elmer H. & Flora

Beberfall ’72Susan L. Beberfall ’77 Bechtel FoundationLeland S. & Phyllis

Krawitz Beck ’73 Leon & Ina Kutz/Sarin

Beck ’49 Eugene & Harriet

Poserow Becker ’60 Ruth G. Becker ’56 Evon & Carole Grevious

Beckford ’84John W. & Dori Bach

Beckhard ’54/’55Gerald R. & Joan B.


Charleen Z. Behrschmidt ’54

Bell AtlanticLaurie Belony ’01 Howard S. & Alison

Lindsay Beltzer ’80 Bruce ’75 & Laurie

Bendell Leslie S. Bender ’70 Yvette Davis Benjamin

’50Fredric B. ’70 & Sheree

Starrett Bennett George W. Benoit ’58 Dominick M. Benvenuto

’56 Ivy Graber-Schiff

Berchuck ’88 Judith Goldberg Berger ’61

Robert G. & Catherine A. Morvillo

Joseph A. ’61 & Isabel D. Nardi

Kurt & Gloria Davidson Nash

Frantz & Kellee Miller Nazaire ’02/’00

Kenneth E. ’67 & Michele Newman

New Wave Electrical Contracting Inc.

New York Life FoundationNorca CorporationNorcross Wildlife

Foundation, Inc.Mary E. O’Connor ’50 The Options Industry

CouncilStephen S. Orphanos ’62 PACOAPan Gregorian Fund of

Metro NY and L.I. Inc.Pan Icarian Brotherhood

of New York Inc.Pearl Noywitz Pavane ’80 Ralph A. & Kelley

Perralla Robert A. ’55 & Veronica

Stinnes Petersen Richard B. & Rosemarie

Bello Petrocelli ’95 Warren H. ’47 & Barbara

Phillips Kenneth A. ’61 & Sandra

L. Pickar Robert Picken Robert L. & Amy G.

Poster Prestige Plumbing &

Heating Inc.Quebec-Labrador

Foundation, Inc.Barry Joseph & Susan

Black Ratzkin ’67/’67Joyce Redvanly ’58 Walter & Dorothy

Livingston Reid ’48 Peter M. & Janet W. Reilly Maurice S. ’76 & Joan

Tavel Reznik Vincent Riso Tamar Roodner Paul K. Rooney Mark E. ’85 & Allyson

Rose Peter L. & Barbara Peters Rothholz ’50/’55 Royal Waste Services Inc.Susan Schindler Thomas H. Schwartz Daniel Robert & Susan

Silver Schwarzwalder ’70/’73

Alexander ’60 & Annie Selian

Ferdinand Setaro Lois P. Sheinfeld ’61 Howard M. & Rhonda

Borgen Sipzner ’83/’84

Samuel & Stella Skura Society of Kastorians

“Omonoia” Inc.David H. & Margaret L.

Speidel Roberta Johnson Spencer ’43 Edward M. Spiro David & Peggy Giffen

Starr ’42/’42Jonathan S. Steinberg ’76 Stanley & Naomi Stolar Christ & Mary C.

Stratakis ’95 Judith Matzdorf Sussholtz

’61 Syllogos Nomou

Magnisias Argonaytes LTD.

Tashlik Kreutzer Goldwyn & Crandell P.C.

William E. ’63 & Nancy J. Thiele

Daniel R. ’78 & Robin L. Tobin

Topin & AssociatesTower Building Services

Inc.C. Scott & Lucia Van Cleef

VerizonJacqueline Scola Vierling-

Huang ’61 Robert A. ’48 & Freida

Wallstein Mansheng Wang Henry Waslo ’47 Matthew S. Watson Alan W. Weber ’78 Richard & Barbara

Weinberg Karen Weingarten-

Schwartz ’75 Ted & Nora Wells

Weinreich ’65 Peter J. Werner George L. ’55 & Adelia

Williams John R. Wing B. George & Rebekah G.

Wisoff Xerox CorporationAmy Yang David Zefu ’85 &

Angelina Yang James Zirin Jay & Nancy Zises

Sponsors ($500–$999)Susan Aaronson Ace Rental Corp.Aesculapian Thessalian

Brotherhood, Inc.Liliane Frank Akyali ’61 Vincent ’57 & Anne

Algeri Lewis Edwin ’58 & Diane

Ferguson Allen Jeanne Marie Altenau Michael F. Amezaga ’71 Robert J. & Julia B.

Anello AnonymousKenneth I. ’53 & Carole

S. Appel Robert S. ’61 & Genevieve

Babaian Paul Bardach ’75 Kirk J. Bauer ’90 The Baxter International

FoundationMichael ’72 & Sharon

Bekas Harvey E. ’61 & Stephanie

Talmud Benjamin Roy C. Bennett Lawrence & Rosalie

Schulberg Berman ’60Jeffrey ’73 & Joanne Klein

BlyeAmy Boscov Edward Braun Edward T. & Myra Finer

Braverman ’59/’64Albert Bronstein Enid Klein Brownstone ’53 Glen B. Brunman ’70 Grace Buzzi Burns ’47

Marie-Claude Butler Xiao Lan Cao ’96 Richard Caputo Douglas P. Catalano Cisco Systems, Inc.Saul B. & Miriam F.

Cohen Barry S. Coller Computing Research

AssociationValerie J. Cooke Edmund A.C. & Joan

Luskin Crouch ’63 The Dali MuseumSamuel J. ’74 & Judy

Daniel Kenneth R. ’96 &

Suzanne David Joseph & Louise Deluca George V. ’78 & Indawati

DeLucca Kevin G. & Marilyn

Huneken DeMarrais ’67

Nelson & Sandy DeMille Joanne Dempster-Murray

’92 Dennis C. Desposito ’01 David A. ’52 & Nancy L.

Dinneen Stephen V. ’61 & Paula

Dubin Louis & Janice Esposito Executive Monetary

Management LLCClaudio & Marcia

Edelman Fabbro ’56 Robert C. ’90 & Kathleen

B. Fabio Irene Rosensweig Fairley ’60 Steven L. ’78 & Robyn

Feld Michael J. & Regine B.

Feuer Sheldon & Nellie

Wiesenthal Fink ’52 Eileen Caroline Frey ’53Carol A. Fugosich ’75 Edgar N. ’43 & Mina

Gilbert Sol & Nina Gerstmann

Glasner ’74/’70June Omura Goldberg ’55 Susan Friess Goldman ’66 Nancy Goshow Barry A. ’82 & Barbara A.

Gotlinsky Ira ’65 & Mieko Greene Hafetz Necheles & RoccoGerard V. ’74 & Anne M.

Hannon Stephen H. & Arda

Nazerian Haratunian ’86

Robert L. & Monica Deutsch Hartman ’65

Richard Francis ’53 & Mary Hattan

Leonore Crary Hauck ’47

David A. Heimowitz ’78 Hellenic Society of

Constantinople, Inc.Sanford B. Helman ’59 Ronald A. ’68 & Sylvia B.

Henry The Henry Luce

Foundation, Inc.George J. & Linda K.

Hiltzik Bruce & Maxine Epand

Hollander ’68/’73 Bruce & Ruth Hollander ’77 Alan ’72 & Benita Holzer Herbert & Eleanor Horn Peter W. & Carol Villecco

Howe ’77 Geordan Hull ’04 IBM CorporationJane F. Isay John S. Isby ’81 Ferda Frank Isik ’81 Susan Jacobini-

Harrington ’79 Joan Schwartz Jakubovitz

’48Kenneth H. Jones ’67 Carol Schor Joseph ’65 Lawrence & Carol

Pasternak Kaplan ’55/’59

Amy Lynn Katz ’75 Sheldon & Judith Stern

Katz ’60 Hattie Heineman

Kaufman ’59 Belinda Kaye John W. Kinder ’41Alfred A. & Michelle

Davis King Donald F. ’67 & Senetta

Hill Koch George M. ’51 & Vivian

Kaplan Kramer David J. & Karen Simon

Krieger ’78 Bill Langsam Arnold B. & Theresa

Cerone Lederer ’48 Chester & Diana Jane

Lee ’70 Richard K. Lee Robert & Ruth Zwickler

Lesser ’63/’63Alan & Allison Levine Mark A. & Linda Kopell

Levine ’59 Jeffrey N. Levy Lisa Davis Lewis Lipper & Co.Edward J.M. & Mary

Shannon Little Loews FoundationRobert & Leola

MacDonald Andrew A. & Amy

Reichstein Mack ’94 Ralph Anthony Mahler

An action-ready Batman (left) and a honey of a bee (opposite page) were among the costumed participants at a Halloween party for children at Homecoming.

The Magazine of Queens The Magazine of Queens College 1 Queens FALL 2011-WINTER 2012, VoL. xVI, No. 2 The Magazine - [PDF Document] (20)

Mary Ellen Berger-Koehn ’89

Doris Bergman ’60 Gary M. Bergman ’73Susan Leviten Bergtraum

’72 Melvin BerkowitzWilliam Frost Berkowitz Allen I. ’67 & Edwina

Berliner Gary K. ’75 & Susan

Berman Jay Michael ’73 & Nancy

R. Berman Norman & Sara Jane

Witkin Berman ’58 Paul I. ’51 & Iris M.

Berman Stephanie Bermudez Harvey R. & Carole

Bernard Barton J. Bernstein ’57 Jeffry A. ’67 & Diane

Bernstein Mark J. ’69 & Susan

Bernstein Judith Caferri Bilello ’73 Lon F. & Janet Ilgner

Birnholz ’81 Martine Bisagni Eleanor Ingrid Bischoff ’64 Dolores Howell Bittel ’91 Mary L. Black ’00 Jonathan S. Bley ’03 Patricia Volk Blitzer David ’60 & Barbara

Bloch Eric ’62 & Judith Block David A. & Patricia

Galvin Bloom ’75Perry & Doris Racenstein

Bloom ’51 Harold & Gilda Levine

Bluestone ’50/’67Amy F. Boblas ’84 George ’80 & Eleanor

Eisner Bollag Anne McCarthy Bond ’59 Arthur ’64 & Dorothy M.

Boodaghian Matthew P. Born ’84 Susan Rema Boscov Erika Eichhorn

Bourguignon ’45

BP Exploration & Oil Inc.Eileen M. Bramswig ’83 Don & Joan Cowen

Brancaccio ’80 Richard B. & Renate

Seger Brandt ’56/’53Brandywine Realty TrustDonald & Norma Branson

’00 Jeanne Hershkowitz/Pores

Braun ’78 Max & Rhonda Brauner Helene Menger Bredes ’59 Allen B. & Barbara Becker Breslow ’64 Virginia Briggs Allen S. ’55 & Genevieve

Chinn Brings Bristol-Myers Squibb

FoundationJohn W. & Nancy Corbett

Bristow ’50 Erika W. Brockmann ’62 Robert Brian & Ruth J.

Brodrick ’78/’76Bert E. & Muriel Mohel

Brodsky ’67Joseph C. & Joanne

Reynolds Bronars ’56 Michael P. ’70 & Cheryl

Bronstein Kenneth A. Bronston ’68 Hannah Leah Brooks ’79 Ruth Brooks Ira N. & Betty Cohen

Brophy ’45/’45Brian & Barbara Block

Brown ’75/’76Stanley Monty ’64 &

Pamela Barsam Brown Theodore D. & Linda

Brown Clare E. Browne ’79 Scott M. Browne ’76 Jeffrey S. Broyde ’68 Rona Brozen ’72 Harvey ’64 & Joan

Bucholtz Daniel I. & Sherril

Bucosky Lawrence & Lillian

Budabin Sheldon & Harriet Heim

Bunin ’56/’56

Marion Burg ’42 Francis P. ’68 & Kathleen

A. Burke Charles & Marian

Burkhart Glen A. Burnett ’73 Elaine Chapline Burns George J., Jr. ’57 & Lillian

R. Burton George J. Burton III ’89 James R. ’91 & Kimberly

C. Burton Joel L. ’59 & Elaine B.

Burzin Alan & Barbara Rich

Bushell ’63/’65Eric Buvron ’92 John J. & Doris Renz

Byrne ’50 Charles E. & Helen S.

Cairns Mary J. Calabro ’45 Guy Robert ’87 & Nancy Calamunci Henry Calcanes Vincent D. & Margaret W.

Callagy ’01 Asimina Caminis ’68Canteen VendingMaurice Kenneth &

Myrna Pine Canter ’60 Robin Cantor-Cooke ’73 Brigitte Cappelli ’92 Richard A. ’68 & Delores

Caproni Emmanuel & Barbara

Caravanos Christine Carbia-

Andriotis ’08 Carmela Carbone ’46 Virginia Carew ’95 Louis J. Carino ’99 Sally Bennett Carp Paul Joseph Carr ’05 Roberta Carr ’65 Ruth A. Carr ’68 Anthony P. & Wendy

Willoughby Carter ’79 Franklin & Anne Pitts

Carter ’45 Gwendolyn M. Carter Joel & Susan Horowitz

Cartun ’62 Bruce A. Cassidy ’66

Steven ’74 & Amy Castar Marion Casteleiro ’67 Danielle Castelli ’09 Ruth Chin Catanese ’64 Steven R. Cerf ’66 Leo M. ’66 & Tanya

Chalupa Lydia Lai K Cham ’96 Kang-ray Chan ’08 Linda Lee Chan ’00 Charlene S. Chang ’94 Morgan & Eileen Yi-Yi

Yang Chang ’94 Jay & Minna Schreiber

Charles ’46 Julianne M. Chase ’76 Betty Y. Chen ’05 Fu-Wei ’89 & Hsiu-Chuan

Lu Chen Hsiaohsing Chen ’01 Jian Ping Chen Rich Chereskin & Lisa

Lamorte Erwin & Edith Mayer

Cherovsky ’57 Sandy Mong-Sum Cheuk

’89 Alan & Leslie Hartstein

Chibnik ’72 Ivan Hai Wing & Jean

Marie Chin ’91Pauline B. Chipperfield ’72 Ayesha N. Chohan ’08 Jeffrey H. ’78 & Nina M.

Chow MayKay Chow Robert Chrampanis ’68 Kelly P. Chu ’10 Josephine Segatto Chyatte

’50 John E. Cinturati ’08 John & Ann Ciorciari Marc D. Citrin ’77 Thomas & Marguerite

McCartin Clark ’76 Philip J. & Roseanne

Passero Clausen ’59 Gary E. & Rose Marie

Lopez Clemente ’73 Arlene Angela

Clementson ’03 Marie Clift ’03 Josh & Miriam Levy

Clivner ’81

Arnold ’72 & Laurie Cochin

Arnold ’68 & Peggy Cohen

Arthur ’50 & Marion Pagel Cohen

Barry J. & Beth Ann Fishman Cohen ’78/’80

David Richard ’78 & Carolyn Cohen

Harriet Cohen Lawrence G. & Patricia

Cohen Morton Cohen ’49 Richard I. Cohen Rosalind E. Cohen ’68 Sandra Edelman Cohen

’56 Seth J. Cohen ’88 Seymour Cohen Sheldon S. & Kayla

Scheer Cohen ’58 Arpy S. Coherian ’83 Benjamin Joseph Coleman

’97 Edmond M. & Miriam P.

Coller Cynthia Mays-Kelley

Collins ’68 John A. ’85 & Sallie S.

Colucci Robert E. Comer ’75 Catherine McGarvey

Conners ’42 Matthew T. & Marilyn

Shuart Connolly ’89 Ernest O. ’58 & Adrienne

W. Conroy Peter V. & Beverly Kruk

Conroy ’67/’67John V. ’59 & Frances

Conti Steven J. ’77 & Madeline

Contino Steven & Linda Cooke Daniel ’03 & Anne

Cooney Barry N. ’61 & Abby

Cooper Bruce N. Cooperstein ’70Richard & Fara Copell Thomas & Amy Madow

Cordero ’84

William & April Cornachio ’02

George Scott ’65 & Eileen L. Cornell

Richard H. & Cornelia Metz Corson ’61

Anthony J. ’71 & Miriam L. Cortese

Francoise M. Costa ’48 Irma Coster-Lynch ’03 Kerin E. Coughlin ’03 Courtyard by MarriottE. Richard & Angela M.

Covert James H. & Nancy Viganti

Cowles ’77 Len & Diana Gilbert

Craft ’78 Charles & LaVern Mae

Creech ’95 Grace C. Crocitto ’84 John H. ’62 & Anne

Croghan Donna J. Crouch ’85 Michele F. Crown ’65 Sergio Ant ’98 & Ana

Josefina Cruz Sylvia Crystal Jay ’59 & Harriet Cudrin Candace Cumberbatch ’85 Mary Whalen Cummings ’43 John P. Cunningham ’82 Peter J. & Fran Caleca

D’Agostino ’73/’74Adele W. Dahlberg John Paul & Diane

Kimmel-Bramson Dalsimer ’62

John & Maria Scarfalotto D’Angelo ’04/’84

Steven R. ’72 & Lynn M. Dannheisser

Philip & Gloria Robbins Darvin ’54

Amy Beth Dattner ’98 Andrea Shapiro Davis ’81 Charles & Karen

Normandia Davy ’90 Guillermo O. ’97 &

Carmen Daza Richard Stephen & Estelle

Grandon de Bear ’53/’51

Adelaide De Falco ’87

Sandy J. Defrancesco ’92 John F. Degregorio ’56 John P. & Antoinette

Badamo De Guardi ’56 Frank & Carol Buhr

Delany ’61 Matilda Badini DeLise ’49 Jack ’73 & Gloria S.

Delman Norman H. & Doris L.

Delman Michael A. Delmonte Alexandra DeLuise William & Maryann Stahl

Demaso ’94 Carmel Marie Demesmin

’92 Lynn Kennedy Denatale ’75 Marten L. denBoer Kevin J. Denning ’94 Mike & Rina Gharibian

Derian ’84 Martin D. & Sheila Fils

Dermer ’56 Susan M. DeSanti ’78Franklin T. Desposito ’53 Stanley Dessen Loretta Smimmo

DiCamillo ’72 Eli J. ’82 & Helanie Landy

Dicker Stephen A. & Barbara

Marschman Diehl ’96 John P. ’52 & Dorothy

Zimmerman Dietzel Donna M. Digioia ’71 Michael D. & Kathleen

Burlon DiGiovanna ’62/’68

Thomas DiGiovanni ’01

James J. ’70 & Virginia M. Discolo

Vincent M. Ditingo ’76 Leonard N. Divittorio ’93 Casimir P. & Janina

Dagys Dobkowski ’68 Thomas A. & Linda

Riebling Dollard ’66 Gary R. & Barbara

Kestenbaum Donshik ’65

Laurie F. Dorf Eve Dorfzaun Czareena S. Dotchev Craig L. Dotlo Ze-Li Dou ’87 William R. ’79 & Eileen

Doucette James F. ’78 & Patricia G.

Dougherty Sol & Pearl Meppen

Drabkin ’49 Roosevelt L. Drayton ’80 Edith Zucker Dressler ’86 Neil Paul ’67 & Lois G.

Dreyer Timothy J. & Janice

Grabowski Driscoll ’70 Joan Carol Drowne ’48 Al & Eileen Stricker

Drutz ’47 Martin D. ’69 & Linda A.

Dubensky Richard ’77 & Susan Kay

Dubroff Cameron & Rosanna

Braun Duncan ’61 Vincent J. & Patricia

Dunn ’62/’83

Patricia McParland Durkin ’75

Jason & Diane Leao Echevarria ’82

Jeremy A. Ecker ’98 Howard J. ’68 & Susan G.

Edenberg Jim & Ellen Mandell

Edmundson ’73 George M. & Jane Hewlett

Edwards ’45 Michael Robert ’76 &

Shelley B. Egger William J. ’70 &

Buenaventura Eglinton Richard S. Ehrentraut ’93 Sylvia Kaufman Ehrlich

’75 Stewart J. ’57 & Rhoda

Ehrreich Stephen & Florence

Josiah Eich ’48/’45Sheldon & Anita

Eisenman Harold ’80 & Lisa

Eisenstein Erik H. Eitel ’95 Maios & Alice Dakis

Eliades ’72 Eli Lilly & Company

FoundationMilton & Ruth Burg

Ellis ’42 Owen A. Ellis ’06 Melvyn Ellner ’64 James & Dawn Melody

Ellwood ’87 Howard & Robin Sosis

Elson ’69/’71Norman & Georgina Eng

Queens: The Magazine of Queens College 39

38 Queens: The Magazine of Queens College

Homecoming events included alumni visits to the studios of MFA students, who were on hand to discuss their work.

Nancy Engdahl ’73 Celia A. Engel ’01 Gladys Engen ’53 John G. & Janice Gangi

English ’77 Robert S. & Lorelei Susan

Kampf Ennis ’64 Charles M. & Loretta

Perettine Epifania ’49 Aaron B. & Jacqueline

Epstein Stephen G. Epstein ’71Michael Erdil ’73 Hilding Carl & Dorothy

Ellis Erickson ’58 Raymond Erickson &

Carole Desaram Margo Ermarkaryan Charles J. ’68 & Abby T.

Erreger Diego A. ’86 & Jo Ann

Escobosa Bruce ’65 & Paula

Esposito Milton & Jacqueline

Levine Esterow ’93 Robert E. Ettlinger ’68 Alan F. ’52 & Rella Eysen Jane M. Factor ’75 Brian Fadde ’03 Judith De Mori Falci ’89 Andrew S. & Ruth Rosoff

Falco ’86 Domenick J. ’75 & Helene

Falcone Deborah Falik ’72 Charles ’69 & Julia

Famoso Lawrence & Diana Piper


David S. Fankushen ’61 Jack & Vilma Farman Roy A. & Evelyn Shaw

Farquharson ’78 Patricia A. Farrell ’76 Ann M. Farshtey ’92 Fatama Grocery and

Halall Meat John L. & Sylvia Fleis

Fava ’48/’48Anthony & Judith C.

Fazzolare ’90 Federated Department

Stores FoundationCraig D. & Ellen M.

Fee ’95 Cecile L. Feeley ’99Irving W. & Zlatta Birch

Fein ’51 Blanche F. Feinberg Florence Diamond

Feinberg ’69 Robert M. ’85 & Kristina

Feingold Lawrence ’57 & Ruth

Feinman Ronald L. Feinman ’66 Jerome & Roslyn

Dubinsky Feinstein ’56 Bracha Feit ’07 Stanley & Haya Feld Irwin M. ’57 & Rita

Feldman Michael E. ’66 & Gloria

Feldman Joseph & Caryl Fried

Feldmann ’58 Faith Bruno Felix ’53 Eleanor Rifas Feller ’49 George J. Felos ’73

David F. ’75 & Nancy S. Fenster

Eugene J. & Tanya Fenster Lee ’68 & Ann

Fensterstock Matthew L. ’82 & Meta

Wagner Ferm Lionel ’55 & Rosewita

Fernandez Sidney & Leona Schloss

Fernbach ’51 Francis Ferrer-Gil ’06 Sarah Shakmoroff

Ferstendig ’75 Ronald P. ’85 & Denise

Fetzer Craig B. ’86 & Kimiko

Takeda Fields Dave & Linda Pugliese

Fields ’73/’77Charles ’48 & Janet E.

Fine Daniel H. & Joan Greene

Fine ’61/’63Eugene J. Fine ’68 Arthur & Rhoda Siegel

Finer ’53 Stanley & Barbara Fried

Finkel ’61 Bradley Scott ’80 &

Sandra Finkelstein Michael J. Firestone ’99 David M. & Meris Bloom

First ’74 Earl E. ’73 & Julianne

V. Fitz Richard L. & Eleanor

Anderson Fitzer ’62/’61

Lifetime Income for You – support for QC’s FutureQueens College Now offering Charitable Gift Annuities

Did you know that you can now partici-pate in the Queens College foundation’s Charitable gift annuity Program? To es-tablish a charitable gift annuity, you make a one-time transfer of at least $10,000 in cash or securities to Queens College. QC pays one or two individuals of your

choosing a fixed income for life in return for your gift, at a rate determined by the age of the individual(s). While there is no minimum age to fund a gift annuity, the beneficiary must be at least 65 years old at the time payments begin. at the end of the lifetime of the annuitant(s),

Queens benefits by retaining funds re-maining from your initial donation. To find out more about the benefits of a charitable gift annuity and the rate you are entitled to, please contact laurie Dorf, aVP for institutional advancement, at 718-997-3920.

The Magazine of Queens The Magazine of Queens College 1 Queens FALL 2011-WINTER 2012, VoL. xVI, No. 2 The Magazine - [PDF Document] (21)

Adrienne Almasy Gatto ’60 Alan K. Gaynor ’53 Jonathan P. Geen Mary Gegelys ’58 John & Jacquelyn

Schillinger Geissman ’50

Steven K. Gelb ’74 Edith Gelber-Beechler ’76 Eric R. Gelfand ’78 Lorna D. Georgalas ’77 Marie I. George ’02 Anthony & Meybol

Geramita ’94 Neil & Joan Rosenfeld

Gerard ’68/’68

Nicholas J. & Barbara Gerbasi

Homer & Dorothy Eichenberger Gerken ’77

Michael R. Giancarlo ’05 Joseph A. Giannotti ’72 Norbert Giesse Arlene Gilbert ’90 Rachel B. Gilbert ’98 Robert ’64 & Anita

Suzanne Gillary Sybil Terres Gilmar ’56 Jeffrey C. ’79 & Sandy

Ginsberg Robert Ginsberg ’62

Joseph J. & Lorraine Maria Giordano ’70

Norma Giorgetti ’64Paul E. & Susan Lombardi

Giovinco ’70/’73Victor & Lisa Nardi

Girgenti ’82Alexander & M. Emily

Sobenko Giris ’56 Evangelos & Frances

Gizis Frank Gladstone Donald A. Glasel ’80 Janie B. Glatt ’72 GlaxoSmithKlineEugene & Carol Price

Glazer ’66 Deborah J. Glick ’78 Harvey R. & Susan Scharf

Glick ’75Phyllis Gold Gluck ’54 Patricia A. Glunt ’91 John & Frances Schofield

Godine ’67 William & Barbara

Golden Goebel ’63 Jalal C. & Carol Elaine

Smith Gohari ’64 Carl Jay Gold ’77 Emily Messing Goldberg

’62Maricor Santiago

Goldberg ’06 Rita M. Goldberg ’54 Robin Goldenback ’81 Alvin & Elaine Johanson

Goldfarb ’72/’75David G. Goldfarb ’89 I. Jay ’55 & Arlene

Goldfarb Paul M. ’63 & Janice

Goldfarb Alan Goldman Alvin L. & Elisabeth

Paris Goldman ’64 Ilene A. Goldman ’75 Joyce Schulman Goldman

’63 Richard & Bridgit

Pilchman Goldman ’00/’98

James & Reva Hollander Goldstein ’74

Merle Goldstein ’68 Michael S. Goldstein ’61 Paul & Joy Honen

Goldstein ’69 Robert & Sandee

Goldstein ’71 Seth D. ’83 & Marjy

Goldstein Richard M. & Rita Kaplan

Gollin ’49/’49Helmut ’66 & Dorothy

A. Golz Rodney & Theresa

Capogna Gomes ’83/’85

Ronnie G. Gomez ’88 Vickie Gomez ’09 Aida Gonzalez-Jarrin ’85 Murray Joseph Goodman ’68 Renée R. Goodstein

Queens: The Magazine of Queens College 41

Arthur Kenneth & Patricia Mulcahy Fitzgerald ’56/’55

Thomas F. & Virginia J. Flahive

Patrick J. & Gigi Flannery Leslie B. ’65 & Rochelle

I. Flaum Carol Flechner ’67Judith Lacher Fleisher ’48 David G. & Elyse

Schwartz Fleming ’48 Morton & Helen J.

Fleshler Dominick ’03 & Anna

Florentino Mary E. Florin-McBride ’76 Arthur ’61 & Phyllis

Orlikoff Flug Rosemary ’63 & Ed Foehl John Aaron & Rita Tavel

Fogelman ’95 Glenn Foglia Evin A. & Anne

Mindermann Foley ’62 William J. Foote ’68 Eric M. ’67 & Karen

Forman Yvonne Lantelme Forrest Charles H. & Gail

Zierman Forsberg ’68 Joseph P. Fotos ’66 Joyce Pinn Fox ’64 Judith Rosenblum Fox-

Miller Frances C. Foy ’75 Desmond L. & Masie

Preddie Francis ’96 John E. & Anastasia

Frangos ’65/’72Alan Ted ’83 & Lynn

Frankel Alvin & Audrey

Sandler Berkowitz Frankenberg ’57

Barbara Weiss Franklin ’69 Eric John & Barbara

Mackie Franklin Bart A. Fraust ’75 The Freddie Mac

FoundationMitchell Freiband ’72 Michael W. ’73 & Virginia

Frenkel Lawrence S. & Gloria

Berkenstat Freund ’62/’62

Estelle Cooperman Fried ’49 Cindi Frieder-Goldberg ’82 Steven & Carol Grosser

Friedling ’67 Carole Holland Friedman ’72Edward & Roslyn

Marcovitz Friedman ’63 Marcia Kinstler Friedman ’47 Robert M. & Susan

Bienstock Friedman ’76 Sandor A. & Judith Brout

Friedman ’61 Stanley D. & Susan

Loeserman Friedman ’55

Steven G. ’76 & Heidi Friedman

Vinson J. & Judith Zucker Friedman ’70/’75

Daniel E. & Temeshia Lee Frooks ’06

Estelle Gershman Fruchtman ’46

Ester Fuchs ’72 Serena Amkraut Fujita Kenneth Fulk Waldo A. & Doris

Duggins Fuller ’72 Daniel Samuel ’42 &

Helen Fuss Kennie Gabriele ’08

Constantine ’59 & Helga Gajdjis

Brian J. Gallagher ’81 Victor Gallis ’67Wilson Gan ’07Barbara Franzblau Ganin ’74 Michael H. & Alice Klein

Ganz ’68Mark A. & Karen

Margolin Garbus ’64/’64

Veronica Garcia Zulma C. Garcia ’73 Fred & Susan Gardaphe Alfred J. & Margaret


40 Queens: The Magazine of Queens College

Goodstein Management, Inc.

James E. ’69 & Veronica Goodwin

Alvin A. & Elaine Kellerman Gordon ’55

Eric R. & Juanita T. Gordon

Nicholas K. ’61 & Ellen Wayman Gordon

Michael R. ’62 & Toby Lee Gorelick

Alvin & Jeannene Davis Gosey ’78

Andrew & Renée Poland Gottesman ’67/’70

Arnold J. & Ruth De Leon Gottesman ’52

Anita N. Gottlieb ’74 Jeffrey ’67 & Marian

Gottlieb D. Robert & Inge

Vollweiler Gould ’58 Vertell Govan ’76 Mark H. & Muriel G.

Graber Stuart L. & June

Mannheimer Graff ’67/’69

Christine A. Gralton ’89 Paula Gail Grande ’74 Mark L. ’79 & Karla

Grasso Arthur & Harriet

Goodman Grayson ’70

Joseph J. Graziano ’77 Greek American

Homeowners Association of NY, Inc.

Grace Shattyn Green ’41 Richard S. Greenberg

’71 William M. ’68 &

Wendy F. Greenberg Raymond Stuart &

Marsha Kass Greenberger ’67/’68

Jesse Greenfield ’67 Lisa Beth Greenfield ’76 Gina D. Greenlee ’86 Stephen & Marilyn

Greiner ’95 Herbert D. & Adele

Davidson Gresser ’57/’85

Arthur Joseph & Gloria Schmitt Gribbin ’54/’57

Douglas J. & Barbara Nalven Gribin ’69/’72

Dennis A. & Mary Cunningham Griffin ’78

Jane Munkenbeck Griffin ’88

Marian Savoca Griffin ’50

Mary E. Griffin ’99

Robert T. & Eve Ludemann Griffin ’75

Arthur C. & Maureen C. Grix ’93

Elizabeth Frey Grodsky ’67

Joseph L. & Catherine Albitz Groneman ’75

Jay & May-Lis Pihu Gronlund ’68

Alice M. Gross Allen Robert ’65 &

Karen E. Gross Margo Grossberg Peggy Grosser Joel B. ’57 & Mary H.

Grossman Joanne Grotheer ’85 Matthew P. & Marianne

Geller Gruskin ’60 Patrick A. & Evelyn

Costa Gubbins ’50 Richard R. ’66 &

Geraldine Guevara Vijay K. ’00 & Helen

Gupta Dennis Gurwitt ’62 Arnold M. & Leslie

Defren Gussin ’58/’69

Philip Guterman ’71 Harold E. Guttenplan ’48Rolf & Ann Marie Busch

Haag ’50/’54 Richard & Dara Uretsky

Haas ’05 William A. ’85 & Shari

Haas Gary Haber ’56 Brynne Levinson Haines

’57 Raziel S. ’67 & Frances

T. Hakim Merritt Dean ’63 &

Monica Halem Christine A. Hall ’70 George McDonald &

Loretta Wohlfart Hall ’63/’53

Jane Murray Hall ’64Jerome S. ’53 & Penny

Axelrod Haller Jesse & Rachel Trommer

Halpern ’54 Eugene & Miriam

Feigenbaum Halpert ’56

Charles & Eleanor Wynhurst Hammond ’50

Noel N. ’68 & Gwendolyn Diaz Hankin

Edward C. & Geraldine Grant Hansen

Virginia A. Harding ’92 John M. Hardisty ’77 Donald Frederick ’58 &

Eleanor K. Harle James M. Harrington ’04 Alaric Aaron ’86 & Jodi

Schapker Harris

Mike & Shirley Liftin Hartman ’46

Sheila Hartwell ’72Tamar Harutunian ’98 Elaine Klein Hauptman

’55 Allen W. Hausman ’64 Robert A. & Lauraine

Fleischman/Cleet Hawkins ’72

Paul & Joan Galkowski Hayes ’93

Andree M. Hayum ’59 Harold J. & Judith Spina

Healy ’56 Joseph A. & Florence

McGuire Heaney ’50/’46

Robert F. Hebron ’61William D. ’62 &

Francine Hecht Donald W. & Carol

Rudin Hegeman ’67/’66

Heinz A. ’69 & Evelyn Hegmann

Robert J. & Marie Law Heilen ’60

Gary Heitzler ’88 Herbert & Elke

Deichmann Hekler ’60/’68

Edward & Dorothy Gordon Helfeld ’49/’49

Garson F. & Velma Weiner Heller ’58

Paul & Ann Scherel Heller ’60

Sue Ethel Henderson Helen T. Hendricks ’78 Edith Hertz Henley ’55 John & Elizabeth

Veronica Hennessey ’03

Marite Ellen Hennessey ’85

Raymond L. ’69 & Laurie S. Herbert

John David ’61 & Susan Herman

Julio Luis Hernandez-Delgado ’75

Muriel Tucker Hertan ’60

Marc A. ’75 & Elaine Hertz

Stanley M. & Gale Messinger Hertz ’71

Carl P. & Carolyn Strauss Hetzel ’57

Josiah M. & Merlyn Deluca Heyman ’80

Kevin M. ’71 & Judith Hicks

Richard D. & Paula Ryan Higgins ’92

Leda K. Hill ’95 Hillcrest Jewish Center,

Inc.Robert C. Hinkle ’89 Charles E. & Jean Voigt

Hinojosa ’67

William R. ’69 & Iris Hippner

Walter & Lotte Landman Hirsch ’46

Sarah R. Hirschhorn ’50 Stanley M. & Barbara

Golden Hochhauser ’65 Herbert W. ’52 & Lucille

S. Hoell Maxwell & Ruth Eisner

Hoffenberg ’47 Mark D. Hoffer ’73 & Ann

Wax ’75William & Clarice

Eisenstadt Hoffer ’96Arlene F. Hoffman ’62

Harold M. & Lillian Hoffman

L. Richard Hoffman ’52 Martin S. & Judy

Karbowitz Hoffman ’73/’74

Robert G. & Linda Weiss Hoffman ’59

Maland & Barbara Morgan Hoffmann ’58/’59

Aaron M. Hoffnung ’96Steven & Estelle Levy

Hofstetter ’69 Edward J. & Theresa F.

Hogan ’82 Penelope Holland Jill Hollander Paul G. Hollander &

Nicole Perrottet Terrance R. & Marta

Garcia Holliday ’00Babette Solon Hollister David W. & Alice Wyche

Holton ’72 Jerome ’95 & Corinne

Holtzman Joy Mildred Holz ’54 Edith Holzmann-Lane Arnold ’48 & Dorothy

Honig Howard & Andrea

Labonez Honigsfeld ’97

Donald H. ’66 & Marcia Horn

Lynn J. Horn ’86 Peter P. & Anne

Silberman Horne ’69/’69 Dennis & Marc S.

Horowitz ’70 Rhoda Birnby Horowitz ’51Alan F. & Barbara

Dresner Horton ’70/’78

A. Victor & Sheila Epstein Horvitz ’65

Leonard ’42 & June Horwitz

John ’42 & Marjorie J. Hovorka

Eunice French Howes ’50 Wade A. & Adonija

Zilvinskis Hoyt ’64/’64Rong Ming Hu ’96 William W. Huang ’99

Richard & Roberta Huber Edward Martin Huff ’58 Nancy Hui Gerard G. ’51 & Marian

Laudadio Hummel William J. ’51 & Norma

Hyder Tina Steinberg Hyman ’64 Peter ’89 & Janet Wieser

Iacono Yosef Ibrahimi ’05 Annette L. Insdorf ’72 Cecile Weindling Insdorf ’67 Richard & Helen

Rakoszynski Isaacson ’67

Daniel & Elese Weinstein Itzler ’54

Theodore S. & Aimee Kaye Jackness

Howard A. ’65 & Ellen F. Jackson

Patricia G. Jackson ’64 Anne Jacobosky ’61 Norman & Esta

Jacobskind ’00 Edmund C. & Betty Weiss

Jacobson ’58/’58Stuart Leslie & Sandra

Morgenstern Jacobson ’76/’78

Charles Jaffe ’97 & Gayle S. Stone ’77

Herbert & Henny Jaffe John C. James ’05 Henry D. & Risa Chait

Jampel ’78 John L. Jance ’79 Chaitanya M. Jani ’99 Evan & Florence

Ettenberg Janovic ’54 Wolodymyr M. ’83 &

Sophia Jawdoszyn Herbert ’58 & Judith

Jernow Ling Jiang ’96 & Jin Ting

Gong ’99Martha S. Jimenez ’81 Benjamin & Gloria

DiTrapani Joannou ’78

Allen F. ’66 & Lori Johnson

Jeanne A. Johnson ’74 Olumuyiwa A. ’01 &

Kristan Jolaoso Robert J. & Roni Jossen Daniel & Linda Bantel

Juers ’61 Evelyn Julmisse Joel Kabak ’72 Lillian Kagan ’61 Evan & Michele Giorgi

Kahn ’89 Paul J. & Shirley Fraier

Kalina ’59 Bahman & Ruth Kamali ’01 Deborah Kamins Thomas E. & Esther

Kamm ’72/’89Francisca Verdoner Kan

’58 Ellen S. Kane ’70

Jeffrey & Janet Suib Kane ’74/’74

Constance Kanellopoulos Edgar Kann ’52Jed L. ’74 & Susan Kaplan Joel Norman & Dorothy

Marsha Jurist Kaplan ’63/’64

Saul & Carol Sarah Miller Kaplan ’69/’71

Laurie Kaplis-Hohwald ’75Phil Kapp ’94 Jennifer Karalis ’09 David Karen ’75 Martin E. & Naomi

Kaplan Karp ’48 Lynn Pulner Karpen ’70Cary S. ’68 & Michelle

S. Kart Richard B. & Rita Tall

Kashdan ’80/’71Melvyn M. & Joan

Borowick Kassenoff ’67 Hal & Lori Dolinko

Kassoff ’68 Emanuel G. ’56 & Marina

G. Katsoulis Constance Lubin Katz ’71 Gloria Fishbein Katz ’48 John & Laura Cherkis/

Lipitz Katz ’66 Lewis R. ’59 & Jan K. Katz Robert Katz Howard D. & Arlene

Rieger Katzen ’56 Beth Glaubman Kaufman

’75 Harvey P. ’66 & Judith T.

Kaufman Lily Kaufman Norman L. & Edith

Ceisler Kaufman ’54 Arthur D. ’74 & Betty

H. Kay Kenneth N. ’85 & Rhonda

Kaye Ann Ostrow Kaynard ’76 Daniel E. & Lisa Luhrs

Kearney ’93/’95Judith Keller ’68 David M. & Althea

Davenport Kelley ’82 Michael E. Kelly ’09 Wilma Zeiss Kelsey ’50 Michael T. Kelty ’72 Robert Kenler Allan ’67 & Tikva Frymer

Kensky William L. ’70 & Victoria

Keogan Robert Marc & Marcia

Davis Kerchner ’67 Tecla M. Kern ’43 Paul E. & Marlene Kessel

Kerson Irving & Janet B. Kesten ’78 Jeanne Nelson Caffrey

Ketley ’62 Peter N. Kiang Yunmi Kim ’06 Scott Douglas ’67 &

Bonnie Kirsch Bruce I. Kirschner ’73

Friends take time to reconnect—and put down the red QC tote. All attendees got a bag filled with commemorative items and a water bottle, just in case.

The Magazine of Queens The Magazine of Queens College 1 Queens FALL 2011-WINTER 2012, VoL. xVI, No. 2 The Magazine - [PDF Document] (22)

Barbara Rosa Kirwin ’73 Lawrence I. & Phyllis

Greenfield Kivel ’64/’66

Yuri Klarvit ’91 Ronald Klausner Howard B. & Marion

Horowitz Klein ’48 Kenneth Martin Klein ’58 Mark & Laurie

Schulsinger Klein ’76/’92

Robert & Elaine Cohen Klein ’63

Ralph ’80 & Lisa Kleinman

Kenneth J. Kleinrock ’75 Paul D. Kligfield ’66 Richard Steven & Frida

Polner Klinghoffer ’79/’80

Rosalynd Wolfson Klipper ’43 Paul & Carolyn Epstein

Knepfer ’57 Alicia P. Knight-DeBrady ’84 H. William ’42 &

Margaret G. Koch Robert F. ’56 & Helke

Koehler Helen McLaughlin

Koepfer ’64 Raymond S. & Elissa

Berliner Koff ’60 Behnam & Catherine

Baravarian Kohanim ’86/’02

Daniel & Ingolf Kohn Daniel & Linda Pitilon

Kohn ’79/’79Nina E. Kohn ’99 Ronald Charles & Marilyn

Knizak Kollmeyer ’56 Junko P. Kondo Anatole & Rosaria Puccio

Konstantin ’56 Clare Wright Kontos ’55 Frank & Gwyndolyn

Korahais Manfred Korman ’53Martin Korn ’91 Bryan J. ’74 & Debra

Kornreich John A. Kostecki ’69 Anna Maria Kostro ’01 Nick ’66 & Sandra

Koulichkov Maria Kovacs ’66 Vance R. ’68 & Katherine

Koven Lloyd J. ’70 & Sylvia

Krapin Lester J. Krasnogor &

Joan Mazza Stern ’59/’63

Neil F. & Andrea Schwartz Kreinik ’69/’69

Stephen & Laura H. Hershman Kreitzer ’67/’71

Nora Olchak Krieger ’71 Morris Krimolovsky &

Alene E. Schneierson

Stewart & Carol Yates Kriss ’68/’69

Steven Allan ’73 & Laurie Kritz

Arnold J. & Carolyn S. Kroll

David E. Kroll Mark J. Kropf ’75 Ivana Krstovska-Guerrero

’08 Allan & Francine Herzog

Krumholz ’66/’67Donald L. & Catharine Wenhold Kuhnsman ’50Betty Ng Kung ’71 Robert T.V. ’64 & Diana

M. Kung Celia Kuperszmid-

Lehrman ’79 Robert J. ’64 & Carole C.

Kurman Allen & Linda Michele

Rosenbaum Kurtz ’92 Edith Weiss/Schmidt

Kurzweil ’67 Verna Blatt Rubin Kushel ’44 Kenneth Kustin ’55 Robert W. Ladden ’53 Ezra Cesar & Monica

Friedlich Lagnado ’75 Carole G. Lamhut ’74 Herbert Barry & Sylvia

Spector Lamont ’46 Michele Lamorte ’08 William D. ’71 & Gail B.

Landau Aaron & Sora Eisenberg

Landes ’54 Alton J. ’75 & Patricia

Tinto Landsman George & Brenda Lane Linda Agin Lang ’63 Gudrun Ettwig Lange ’91 Marvin R. Lange ’68 Richard & Joan Walter

Lange ’61/’64Arthur N. Langhaus ’77 Paul ’68 & Charissa

Lansing Paul ’66 & Hannah

Lansky Marilyn Lantz ’61 Edward ’73 & Edith Lapal David E. Lapin ’72 John A. ’80 & Christine

La Rossa Kurt & Dorothy Schamel

Laser ’46 Bennett H. ’65 & Sharon

L. LastFannie Ng Lau Murray & Marguerite

Rocklin Laufer ’46 Barbara Burke La Valle

’64 Allan M. ’66 & Maxine

Lazarus Carl W. & Joanne Leaman

’67 Peter & Barbara LeavyAllen & Irma Kaplan

Leboff ’51Michael Ledesma ’05

April C. Lee ’76 Catherine Yue-Chin Chen

Lee ’86 James A. & Patricia Booth

Lee ’67 Roger A. & June

Macauley LeFevre ’43 Phyllis Koran Leffler ’66 Harold & Marilyn

Lefkowitz Roger F. ’70 & Patricia

LeGoffMartin M. ’75 & Barbara

Lehman Steven K. ’77 & Lisa

Leibel Alan B. & Ivy Suna

Leibowitz ’71/’74Rochelle Leibowitz ’71Joseph A. & Moira

Fitzpatrick LeMay ’56 William M. ’66 &

Catherine Lemmey Madeline Leno ’09 Robert & Cathleen

Blochaviak Lent ’96 Richard & Susan Williams

Lepre ’71 Bennett Lerner ’77 Howard Lerner &

Elizabeth GollRichard Paul ’61 & Julie

A. Lerner Barbara I. Leshinsky ’78 Maxine Zola Leslie ’60 James & Mae Bonin

Letsch ’81 John W. Leung ’72 David A. & Natalie Brodie

Levene ’61/’64Jack E. Levi Jay M. & Risa Frishtick

Levine ’70 Leonard Phillip Levine ’54Martin R. & Linda B.

Rubin Levine ’69/’72Stephen B. Levine ’69 Stewart B. ’76 & Elisabeth

Levine Ben LevinsonJackie S. Levinson Martin R. ’68 & Nicole

Levinson Randy Vogel Levy ’66 Barbara Greene Lewin ’69 LexisNexis CaresBingbing Li ’10 Li Fang Li Qian Hui Li ’05 Jin Ka Liang ’04 Christopher ’84 & Pamela

Liccardo Robert M. Lichtman ’98 Susan P. Liebell ’86 Erika M. Lieber ’80 Roger A. Lieberman ’60 Stuart Liebman & Lois

Greenfield Mary Jane Lilly ’78 Anthony J. & Maria A.

Limberakis Richard R. & Evelyn

Yonkus Link ’55

Queens: The Magazine of Queens

College 4342 Queens: The Magazine of Queens College

Salomon & Edith N. Lipiner

Jack Lippmann ’90 Robert E. & Sally Lipsey William M. Lipsky ’65 Andrew S. Lipton ’74 Harold & Rochelle Lipton Michael R. & Shirley

Lobel Yitzchak D. Lockerman Lockheed Martin

CorporationKate Loeb Steven H. & Martha

Weiner Loewenthal ’70

Claudio Lo Gatto Donald J. Lohner ’60 Linda R. Lohrius ’99 Francis J. ’70 & Christine

Lombardi Philip & Shelley Garb

London ’72 Michael ’73 & Ann

Loobman Vivian Schwarzwaelder

Lorber ’89 David & Karen Kronheim

Louick ’74 Albert R. Lubarsky ’61 Jay & Arlene Berger

Lubinsky ’68 Marsha J. Lubow ’66 Eileen F. Lucas Arthur L. & Judith

Trachter Ludwig ’72 Liane Winrow Lunden ’52Richard S. ’68 & Beverly

Luskin Allen J. ’54 & Roberta

Grower Lynch Victor T. ’79 & Maritza

Macchio Gerald J. ’55 & Gameela

MacDonald Robert Madden ’66 Madonna & Company,

LLPJoseph B. Maggio ’54 Noubar & Ann Vetzigian

Mahdessian ’57 Daniel A. & Amy L.

Mahler Howard Charles Mahler ’72 Sean C. Mahoney ’08 Allan W. Mahood ’71 Ronnie S. Maibaum ’64 Stephen Maitland-Lewis Patricia Pliester Maitner

’76 Janice Malcolm-Beeker

’86 Magaly Malebranche ’95 Sheldon Malev ’60Jeffery A. ’65 & Susan M.

Malick William J. & Gertrude

Johnston Malin ’68Despina Malliaroudakis Geoffrey & Kathleen

Zerrener Maloney ’63/’63

Robert T. ’52 & Graces S. Maloney

M. Milo & Isabel Bierman Mandel ’58

Laurence H. & Karen Grundfest Mandelbaum ’77

Robert & Marianne Doennecke Mangels ’61

John A. & Josephine La Puma Manicone ’60

Jerold & Priscilla Smith Mann ’47

Leslie A. Mann ’69Phyllis E. Mann Richard A. & Christa

Brinskelle Mannion ’81

Salvatore Mannuzza ’72 Richard J. Mansfield Jill B. Mante Gregory Mantsios ’73 Helene T. Manzi ’77 Daniel & Fanny Mao Teddy & Nancy Mao Marianne Marames ’75 Joel L. & Maxine

Rosenbaum Marcus ’78

Lawrence P. & Leah Rosenthal Marenstein ’89

Seymour & Judith Mollin Margolis ’62

Lynn G. Mark ’77 Market Velocity Inc.Allen & Rosalind Pfau

Markovits ’54 Erica L. Markowitz ’03 Alan B. ’74 & Mary P.

Marks Gail A. Marquis ’80 Mira S. Martincich ’75 Rudolf Maschke Philip A. & Mary A.

Mascolo Bonnie L. Maslin ’73 Stuart ’67 & Davita Mass Phoebe Carillo

Massimino ’81 Donald E. ’78 & Susan

Matthews Margaret Deacy Matthews ’75 Robert J. Mattine ’75 Peter H. & Leila O.

Mattson Anthony G. Matturro ’55 Susan J. Maturlo ’68 John Mavroudis ’01 Steven ’75 & Debra

Kesner Mayo

Margaret McAuliffe Robert T. ’70 & Gloria J.

McCahill John J. McDermott William F. McGovern ’77 John & Elaine Robinson

McHale ’77 George H. & Eunice

Wythe/Tiedemann McLafferty ’50

Andrew D. & Paula Chanley McNitt ’70

Paul T. ’57 & Emilie W. McSloy

Linda Meeth ’89 Fern R. Mehler ’78 Martin ’52 & Martha

Meisel Renée C. Meiselman ’75 Sid & Carole Axelrad

Meltzner ’58 Ellen Mendel ’57Ellen Fennell Mendonca

’05 David C. & Margaret

Sparkman Menninger ’80

Edith Mentle Franklin & Mary White

Mento ’66 Merck Company

FoundationBarbara Tucker Merola ’82 Ralph C. Merola ’51 Lawrence & Suzanne

Weidenbaum Merzon ’72

Milton & Barbara Roseff Meshirer ’55

Myriam Rosenberg Met ’66Jean M. Metallo ’70John & Irene C. Metaxas Janelle R. Meyer ’96 Michael L. Meyer & Sara

A. Hollerman Susan M. MeyerHelene Chassy Meyers ’54 Roberta S. Meyerson ’74 Ramona Roller Michaelis

’49 Charles & Ruth Hudes

Michaelson ’61 Phillip & Ronni Login

Michaelson ’69 MicrosoftRenzo G. Mieles ’85 Ashley Caine Miller ’09 Elinor Cohen Miller ’54 Renée H. Miller ’69

Sidney A. & Rona Miller Steven & Karyn

Perlmutter Miller ’75/’82

William M. ’72 & Maryanne Miller

Miller Realty AssociatesJeffrey Mills Allen D. & Penelope

Meade Mincho ’68/’71Joseph L. & Evelyn

Schulman Mindell ’41 Arlene Friedman Minkoff

’79 Martin & Sonya Sky

Minkoff ’69 Minuteman Press of

BellmoreSilvie Turabian Mirek ’98 Christopher J. ’76 &

Hilary English Misiano

Linda Joy Mitchell ’72 David Mittelman Harold A. Mitty ’54 Eugene P. ’68 &

Christine Moehring

Sonia Mohabir John F. Molinari ’73 Victor A. Molinari

’73 Jeffrey R. Mollin ’87 Christopher J. & Mary

DiPalmo Monaco ’83 Nicholas A. & Egle Banys

Monfredo ’67

Joseph & Janet Tarulli Montalto ’67/’68

Gerald E. & Dolores Teichmann Montella ’53

Gary T. ’74 & Judith A. Moomjian

Frederick I. ’59 & Judith Helene Mopsik

Thomas J. & Madeline Lawrence Moran ’50

Vincent W. & Victoria Dominianni Moran ’89

Charles & Linda Crosby Morant ’79

Jeanne E. Morcone ’88 Benjamin & Evelyn

Aponte Moreira ’75 Paul & Emily Gray

Moreno ’54

Richard J. ’82 & Patricia Morgana

Melvin B. Morgenbesser ’68

David & Debbie A. Morris ’74

David W. & Barbara Lipis Morris ’79

Howard ’61 & Marcella Morrison

Charles A. & Jane Wilson Geibel Morton ’73

Neda Morvillo Cliff V. & Mary Cipollone

Mosco ’77/’72Harvey S. & Harriet

Moser Andrea Harrow

Moskowitz ’72 David J. & Ellen Eagle

Moskowitz ’71 Donald J. ’79 & Ayxsa

Moss Bradley B. & Ann Maneri

Mott ’67 Chester H. & Jeanne

Higgins Mount ’48 Sanford K. Mozes ’76 Howard W. Muchnick ’66 John J. Mulhern ’97 Roseanne M. Mulligan

’84 Michael A. Mulvaney ’09 Nathan Munits ’02 Jose David Murga ’98 Ann Stein Murphy ’80

Arthur R. & Anita Soldo Murray ’63

Joseph N. ’55 & Lois Grant Muzio

Eugene & Ilene Trager Nadel ’59/’61

Joel S. & Renée Gershen Nadel ’66

Diane Walker Nadler ’81 Lee Soffer Nadler ’69 Paul Ira Nadler ’71Elliott Naishtat ’65 Anna Marie Napoli ’65 Fanny Narotzky Gloria R. Nash ’97 Ronald S. & Sharon Nash Joachim K. Nebel ’65 Jose Rios Nebro ’95 &

Karen R. Bardash ’89Ruth A. Nelson ’60 Neal G. & Jackwyn

Bartman Nemerov ’71 Howard A. Nenner ’56 Patrick & Nancy Parodi

Neubert ’74 Benjamin S. & Elizabeth

Fondal Neufeld ’48 Edmund C. & Olga Nunns

Neuhaus ’48/’47Gunter H. & P. Catherine

Neumann ’02 James & Pamela Cornell

Newsome ’82 Winnie Ng ’79 Chow Sim Ng-Lau ’00 Richard & Irene Bloch

Nicholas ’51 Richard A. Nicholas ’73 Waldemar A. & Marcia

Kaplan Nielsen ’42 Warren J. Nimetz ’76 Talma Nir ’86 Jerome S. & Elaine Block

Nisselbaum ’75 Steven M. ’71 & Betty


Albert Nitzburg Daniel Joseph Nizich ’79 William J. & Carolyn Butt

Noble ’46 Dorothy Noto-Lewis ’43 Michael & Julie Williams

Noulas ’80Joel Novack ’65 Herbert A. ’48 & Doris E.

Nuber Dale Houser Oakes ’57 Otto Obermaier Robert A. ’65 & Sheila P.

Oberstein Donald O’Connell Edward ’61 & Duck Hee

O’Donnell William & Patricia Watt

Oettinger ’59 Joseph S. ’74 & Elizabeth

Olwell Oppenheimer Funds, Inc.Irving & Ann Rubin

Oppman ’58 Alexander ’66 & Linda B.

Orbach Susan L. Orbach ’76 Allan & Bernice

Ashkenazy Orol ’68 Ralph Harry ’52 & Ghita

P. Orth Edith Francullo Ortola ’63 Morris OsalvoJames Oshinsky Richard J. ’68 & Nancy

M. Osikowicz Diane T. Owens ’97 Sharon Owens-Duff ’03Andrea L. Pack ’61 Samuel & Donna Packer Phyllis A. Padow-

Sederbaum ’65 Michael J. Padula Thomas J. & Mary Galvin

Page ’77 Louis V. ’67 & Martha M.

Pagliuca Elaine Ann Zounek Paige ’61 Susan Palazzato-

D’Andrilli ’67 Lalita D. Palekar ’60 Leonard Pallats ’64 John L. ’64 & Rae G.

Paltiel Gerald L. ’67 & Ewa Pane Elias G. & Irene Lagoudis

Pantelaros ’81 Richard A. Paolino ’72 Nicholas Papouchis ’62 Donald Pardew George Pardos ’67 Raymond Paul Paretzky

’83 & Karen Zacharia

Joel Jean & Diana Parisy ’00

James A. & Irene Wojciechowski Parker ’56

Dorn A. & Christine Foerth Parks ’71

Ismay Lawrence Parrish ’62

Samuel M. ’68 & Nancy C. Paskin

Gerard J. Passaro ’79 Vilma M. Patrucco ’57 G. Richard & Edythe

Wheeler Patterson ’62 Anthony V. Patti James C. ’92 & Michelle

Patti James R. ’57 & Marjorie

M. Paul Mary Paul ’79 Edward J. & Barbara A.

Paulinski ’94 Ann Orlando Paulson ’89 Jane Paznik-Bondarin ’66 Nils A.W. & Elizabeth

Schaeffer Pearson ’42 Pearson EducationLyle & Enid Pearsons ’61 Gary Pechar Eileen G. Peers ’75 Lester S. & Karen Penner Edward S. ’50 & Reine B.

Penzer Robert James & Deborah

Berendt Penzer ’81/’81Pauline J. Perahia Josette Herute Percival

’80 Barry S. ’66 & Joan

Perlman Joseph A. Peros ’04 John Stephen ’53 &

Barbara Perry Anne Sheahan Perzeszty ’75 Eric M. Peterson ’05 Jon A. & Mary Eaker

Peterson Elena Peters-Spencer ’87Charles J. Petkanas ’06 Peri Petras ’76 Loc ’90 & Carol Pfeiffer Pfizer Inc.Jeffrey N. & Susan Adler

Philips ’67 Barbara D. Phillips ’79 Morris Frank & Betty

Phillips Norman & Vivian Levine

Phillips ’42/’42Phipps Houses Services,


Students from the Aaron Copland School of Music presented

excerpts from the musical You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.

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44 Queens: The Magazine of Queens College Queens: The Magazine of Queens College 45

David D. & Antonietta Campeglia Picascia ’78/’79

Arthur S. ’70 & Carrell N. Pickoff

Stanley & Dorothy Pierce William & Pauline Burak

Pierce ’56/’54François ’94 & Georgina

Pierre-Louis Tracy Piombo ’03 Harvey & Florence

Goodman Pirofski Barbara Costa Pitts ’68Stephen & Susan Cooper

Plambeck ’73 Joseph & Carole Burns

Plate ’62 Walter & Yvette Lambert

Plotch ’57/’61Jerry & Esther Plotner Herbert & Rita Plush ’94 Joanna Poletti ’43Stuart B. & Ginger

Polishner Fred Pomerantz ’57 Steven C. ’68 & Karen

Port Joseph & Janet Koch

Potenza ’64 Robert D. Poulos ’81 Michael W. & Joan Bedel

Powers ’69 Stuart E. & Naomi Shafer

Prall ’70 Martin S. ’57 & Virginia

Prenske Marilyn Mintz Press ’62 Sandy Rubinfeld Siegel

Prinz ’57 William A. & Louise

Kaupes Proefriedt ’78 Michael C. & Hope

Ratzan Proper ’63/’64Dore Joseph ’98 &

Jennifer Provda Public Policy Associates,

Inc.Peter A. ’63 & Nesita

Purpura wDat Hoa Quach ’85Queens College Calandra

Italian American Institute

Queens College Retirees Association

Raul & Jeanneth Sangurima-Quiles ’88/’05

Robert M. & Phyllis Melita Quinn ’68

Luis & Martha Garcia Quiros ’80

Gregory L. & Clementine C. Rabassa

Robert Jay Rabinoff ’71 Pearl Nonin Radcliffe ’49 Robert M. Radick &

Lindsay MergensGeorge J. ’62 & Ellen Raff Peter A. Raiti ’71 James A. & Mary Louise

Salaices Ralph ’50

Darshanand Hooball Ramdass ’04

Mary Randolph ’98 Stephen I. & Estelle

Gottesman Rapoport ’62/’67

Phyllis Rappeport ’50 Nandal & Julia Casa

Rashti ’42 Arthur & Harriet Rath Patricia H. Raynor ’74 R.B. Lewis Associates, Inc.Lillian Zavoli Rea ’63 Leslie H. & Anne

Erickson Read ’87 Tara Rebele ’99 C. Felicia Reciniello ’97 Robert L. ’78 & Lori

Rediger George H. & Phyllis

Redlich ’56/’61Evelyn D. Reid ’03 George & Ruth W. Reisner Mark D. & Joan Reinhardt

Reiss ’58 Jack M. & Pauline

Fishman Reiter ’65 Noel ’60 & Elaine

Reitmeister James G. ’62 & Carolyn

D. Renfro Lawrence I. ’63 & Patty

Rennert Patrick & Renée Weaver

Requena ’90 Leo F. Rerek ’72 Nicholas ’49 & Dorothy

Rescher Guy J. ’41 & Eleanor P.

Riccio Gennaro J. & Marie

Ciancio Riccitelli ’75 Robert J. & Susan Morgan

Richardson ’62 Robert E. ’59 & Rose M.

Richmond James ’59 & Kass

Riesenfeld Arthur & Eva Buschke

Rifkin ’58 Virgil J. ’79 & Susan

Rinaldini Kaysian Roberts ’02 Marie Michaud Roberts ’77 Murray ’46 & Phyllis

Robin Earl & Brenda Stokes

Robinson ’89 Lillian Estelle Gourdine

Rochester ’43 Jeannie Rodriguez ’05 Barbara Guzik Roehrig

’76Roland Rofe Christopher A. Rogers ’08 John P. Rooney ’91 David Bruce ’80 & Penny

A. Rosen Laurence S. ’66 & Janice

Rosen Yale & Carol Peltz Rosen

’56/’59Allen Rosenbaum ’58

Ira J. & Roberta Blumenfeld Rosenbaum ’64/’64

Carole Dick Rosenberg ’72 Helene Kuker Rosenberg Jerome L. & Shoshana

Gabriel Rosenberg ’44 Richard A. & Laura Kaye

Rosenberg Ronald H. & Roberta Katz

Rosenberg ’71 Ellis J. Rosenblatt ’67 Steven L. & Ruth Kluger

Rosenhaus ’80/’76Mark S. & Karen Harlow

Rosentraub Beverly Rosenzweig Joan L. Rosinsky ’07 John ’48 & Eva M. Ross John W. & Ellen Jandovitz

Ross ’58 Roslyn Ross Richard Rosselli ’08 John T. & Isobel Kriegel

Rossello ’44 Peter C. ’77 & Margo

Rossi Hyman & Dorothy Brown

Rostoker ’71 Richard ’74 & Mindy

Roth Robert & Kato Laszlo

Roth ’73 Jerome J. & Carol

Rothbell Bernard & Marilyn Savitt

Rothenberg ’70 Robert M. & Barbara

Partnow Rothenberg ’58/’58

Robert P. Rothenberg ’80 Rosalie Rothenberg ’91 Bert A. ’73 & Vicci

Buchman Rothman Warren ’65 & Nicoline P.

Rothman Lewis R. ’42 & Eva Lynn

Rothstein Abigail McAden Rubin

’99Harvey H. Rubin ’67 Mark D. & Gloria Miller

Rubin ’67/’70Mitchell D. Rubin ’64 Moshe & Esther Berman

Rubin ’79/’76Paul ’65 & Elizabeth

Smith Rubinfeld Louis I. Rubins ’56 William J. ’67 & Shirley

S. Ruby Eugene E. Rudman ’67 Christine Marie Rueb ’87 John E. ’82 & Polly A.

Ruehl Edward H. & Arlene

Brooks Ruff ’65 Owen M. & Betty Atlas

Rumelt ’81Joseph & Stefanie Ruskin A. David ’58 & Ina B.

Russakoff Dolores Birgeles Ryan ’51

Kevin J. ’92 & Catherine Ryan

Peter S. ’69 & Maria R. Sachs

Michael B. & Fran L. Sacks Peter Sacks ’68 Howard L. & Anita

Kladney Saffran ’71 Jerome Edward Sag ’68 Karen E. Salinas ’06 Stanley ’56 & Ellen Salles Robert & Sue Schulz

Salmons ’88 Harold M. ’77 & Caryl L.

Salters Arthur & Betty Salz Peter Rudolph ’70 & Janet

Schreiber Sammarco Fredric M. & Susan

Wolfe/Samanowitz Sanders ’61/’61

Scott ’80 & Jennifer Sanders

William H. & Patricia A. Sandholm ’89

Cardinal S. & Willie Belle Sandiford ’87

Irving & Lucy Freeman Sandler ’51

Louis & Carolyn Kupferberg Sapir ’46

Eric S. Sarner ’84 Vincent D. Sasso ’80 Richard & Hilda

Abrahams Satran ’50 JoAnne Sblendorio-Levy

’76 Gilbert R. Scalone ’62 Dominick & Rita

Wunderlick Scaringella ’89

Jonathan & Bette Gerber Scarlet ’66

Harvey C. & Iris Schachter

Paul A. & Marie Schaedler

Marc Alan Schaeffer ’74 David Schaffer Graham Richard ’54 &

Susan L. Schatz Sigmund J. Schebs ’72 Harris M. ’67 & Michele

H. Schechtman Ira Jay ’58 & Pamela F.

Scheer Robert S. ’68 & Judith

Scheinberg Harvey D. ’64 & Happy

Scherer Leslie ’59 & Susan L.

Scherr Jeffrey Schertz ’62 Howard M. ’73 & Diane

Lipson Schilit Lawrence T. Schimel ’62Michelle Schimel Joseph & Ida Zager

Schindelman ’67 Dorothy F. Schleimer ’78 Evelyn Cachia

Schlesinger ’67

Jack A. ’79 & Debra Oliveira Schmetterling

Donald E. Schmid ’62 Roger H. ’69 & Barbara V.

Schmid George J. ’55 & Margaret

T. Schnell Janet A. Schneller ’75 Mona Schnitzler ’79 David Schober Blanche Schoffman Rena Schonbrun ’62 Ruth Schorsch Fred & Ellen Koskowitz

Schreiber ’64/’64Marcia Friedman Schreier

’56 Beatrice Mausner

Schreter Clark Schubach John W. ’51 & Patsy L.

Schulenberg Leonard Jay ’68 &

Barbara Rogers Schultz

Barbara Ellen Schur ’54 Ellen Mathie-Zipperlen

Schutt ’73 Arnold M. ’67 & Susan H.

Schwartz Barry M. & Roberta Krebs

Schwartz ’86 Barry S. & Marian G.

Schwartz ’75/’75Edgar & Leila Schwartz ’76 Lewis & Beth M.

Schwartz Harold B. ’52 & Lois

Schwartzapfel Richard & Barbara

Schwarzchild Anna Bryan Schweiger ’60 John & Carolyn Lemke

Scorcia ’76/’76Brandon Scott Kenneth W. ’44 & Cynthia

Scott Robert Ira ’69 & Linda

Seaver Michael T. ’80 & Leslie

Seeley David B. & Barbara Ann

Smith Seeman ’54 Lee R. Seeman Stephen & Sharon Seiden Harold W. & Miriam

Altholz Seidman ’43 Ronald L. Seifer ’64 John C. ’49 & Eze Hazel

Seiferth Nicholas J. & Elaine

Chimel Sekreta ’71 Constance Boglia Selig ’70 Harry O. ’68 & Becky

Senekjian Robert C. & Diane Votsis

Sepe ’80 Stanley & Gina O’Dea-

Sochacki Serafin ’87/’87

Nancy Sunshine Seroff ’67 Vito Serra ’03 Anne M. Servillo ’93

Gerard T. Severynse ’54 Stanley S. & Eileen

Steingart Shaffran ’58 Paul & Carol

Wachenheimer Shaman ’69/’69

Howard L. Shareff ’77 Edward M. & M. Joan

Bergmann Sharkey ’73 Dovelet Shashou ’77 Helene Schindelheim

Shavin ’70 Frederick & Barbara Shaw Reynolds & Virginia

Burgess Shaw Leo ’53 & Ruth Shear Jonathan C. Shen ’91 Barbara M. Sher ’71 Ellen Sklarofsky Sherman

’75 Jonathan S. Sherman ’89 Norman & Sara Tifford

Sherman ’58 Stephen R. ’66 & Susan

Kottler Shestakofsky Myung S. Shim ’03 Myrna-Sue Kaplan

Shimberg ’64 Marcia Shorr Alvin & Lucille Gang

Shulklapper ’55 Paul S. ’69 & Bonnie

Sibener Judy Siboni Eve Lowenstein Sidlow

’88 Steven & Deborah Sach

Siegelaub ’83Ruth L. Siegmann ’76 Edward L. ’71 & Kathy

Sigall Phyllis Silberger ’48 Roslyn Rosenbaum

Silberman ’45 Arthur R. Silverman Richard D. & Victoria

Everett Silverman E. Bonnie Silvers ’67 Cary ’67 & Susan B.

Silverstein Phyllis Drucker Silvestri ’51 Kenny J. & Karen

Simansky Ellis B. & Tracey Berse

Simon ’96 Gregory A. ’76 & Joan

Simon George & Suzanna Simor Alan M. ’76 & Lori

Diamond Singer William L. Singer ’08 George J. & Carole Ann

Meyer Singhel ’65/’61Allison A. Sing-Wai ’06 Leonore Sinnreich Enid E. Sisskin ’71 Morton ’56 & Joan Sitver Beatrice DiPaolo Skala ’66 Maxine P. Slack ’95 Barrett & Marlyn Gross

Slavin ’57/’71

Edward M. & Karen Ajamian Smaldone ’80/’82

Francine Smilen ’69 Lillian Lari Smirlock ’42Arden & Susan Smith Gregory H. & Katherine

McNally Smith ’02 Joel K. ’45 & Barbara V.

Smith Marjorie Bach Smith ’44 Susan T. Smith ’93 Philip & Barbara Quinn

Smukler ’64/’64Robert ’56 & Harriet L.

Snyder Lawrence M. ’49 & Evelyn

Soifer Lonnie Haber Solomon ’61 Randi M. Solomon ’74Robert S. & Isabelle

Reisner Solomon ’61 Robert A. & Jeanne

Messing Sommer ’66 Ronald S. ’73 & Shelley

M. Sommer Albert A. & Doris Johnson

Sommerfeld ’53Michael R. Sonberg ’68 Sheldon A. & Nancy

Grant Sorokoff ’54 Catherine Mosalino

Sotiridy ’82 George W. Spangenberg

Ira L. Spar ’64 Steven N. Sparta ’73 Carl & Alice Theisen

Spatt ’42/’43Joel G. Spector ’67 Steven ’75 & Laurie C.

Spiegel Archie H. ’72 & Christine

Spigner Irma Barkan Spivak Salvatore & Barbara

Kobus Spizzirri ’72 Ruby A. Sprott ’60 Alan & Antonina Trapani

Squitieri ’78 Andrew H. ’78 & Gena L.

Stanek Donald M. ’68 & Judith

A. Stavis Alan H. & Marsha

Polonsky Stein ’68/’69Jeffrey S. Stein ’77 Louis Stein ’54 Stephen Steinberg Sheldon & Linda Blum

Steiner ’66 Mark & Carol

Blumenstock Steingard ’62

James Stellar Dan & Helene Levinson

Sterling ’51Alan M. & Rise Kleppel

Stern ’72

Richard E. ’85 & Shari Stern

Beth A. Stevens ’73 Dianne Poller Stevens ’72Howard L. ’60 & Diana

Fisher Stevens Richard K. & Elaine

Kasten Stewart ’65/’73Jane Sperling Stiefel ’72 Joann K. Stillman Kenneth L. Stoler ’69 Natalie Stoller ’67 Stephen & Dorothy

Friedman Stoloff ’63/’62

Joel R. Stone ’66 Marion Radgiff Stone ’42 Richard K. ’64 & Judith

E. Stone Ruth Schussler Stone ’47 Shepard Bruce ’73 &

Marlene Stone John R. & Carol Pototzki

Strahler ’74 Ira Lester ’67 & Susan E.

Strauber Warren J. & Isabel

Greenberg Streisand ’63/’64

Louis Strolla ’92 Victor A. & Margaret

Dwyer Stronski ’54/’55

Andrea Schwartz Stuart ’67

Elsa Suarez-Mejia ’93 Robert J. & Joan Rigney

Sullivan ’57/’53Donald ’53 & Ruth H.

Summers Paul Surovell ’68 & Judith

T. Kramer ’67Richard Sussman ’49 Linda H. Sutkin ’98 Arthur George Swanson ’56 Charles Leonard &

Suzanne Harris Swarns ’80/’88

Rita A. Sweeney ’86 Mary-Anne Szabaga ’64 Jaime Sznajder Frank ’56 & Loraine

Tabakin Mark S. & Shirley

Chassin Tabenkin ’41 Ira M. ’82 & Joanna Talbi Stanley J. Talbi ’74 Irina Y. Tananyan ’06 Edward ’71 & Claudie

Tanenbaum Marie Trentadue Tangredi ’53 Harry & Mabel

Tannenbaum Mary Palumbo Taormina ’85 Gabriel Taussig ’71 William C. & Carole

Coleman Taylor ’63 Garo T. ’69 & Carolyn


Jeremy H. & Jilian Temkin

Terence ’90 & Veronica M. Tenny

Aaron S. & Rita Weinberg Tesler ’61

William J. ’53 & Mary Ruth Theuer

Hugh W. & Juanita L. Thompson

Mary Thompson ’93 Judith Byer Thornton ’82 Hadassah Neulander

Thursz ’51 Richard L. Tierney ’75 James J. & Mary-Ellen

Gehentges Tietjen ’56 Roberto Enrique Tillman ’88 Mary Pesce Timson ’68 Peter & Barbara L. Tirado

’03 Dalia Bose Tole ’99 Demetra Bezas Tolis ’63 Robert T. & Elaine Sablis

Tolle ’57 Patrick Daniel ’77 &

Kathleen A. Toner Marvin & Helene

Spielman/Goldberg Torker ’79

Steven & Rena Singer Toubin ’73/’73

Teresa Williams Toulon ’76 Susan Boyar Townsend ’66

Michael & Cara Selinger Trager ’76

Gilbert Traub ’69 Kenneth & Mollie

Horowitz Traub ’64Richard & Rosalie Davey

Travers ’59 Eric Stephen ’72 & Ruth

Kaplan Treiber Barbara Trencher Edgar E. Troudt ’01 Naoum P. & Carol

Druzbick Tsaousis ’63/’62

Jennifer L. Tucci ’97 Arthur Tuchfeld ’70 Patricia M. Tuohy ’57 Austin W. & Ruth Israel

Tupler ’54 Jonathan S. & Wendy

Sonnenborn Turetsky ’09Teresa Santandreu

Twomey ’46 Jarrad Urbinder ’01Harvey Burt ’71 & Jill

Marie Ussach Claudine Vacirca-

Crabtree ’72 Arash Vakil ’05 Karen A. Valko ’87 Ed Vallone Barbara M. Van Buren ’51 Ronald R. & Joan Conti

Vanchieri ’87

Fraternities—such as Phi Epsilon Pi—sororities, and house plans were well-represented over the weekend.

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John & Mira Jedwabnik Van Doren ’52

Harriette Vedder ’63 Frank R. ’71 & Susan

Vellucci Anthony Michael

Ventimiglia ’68 Joseph & Mildred A.

Vergara ’70 Martin ’66 & Mary

Vernick Frank P. & Elizabeth

Casalini Viola ’63 John R. Viola ’79 Peter Paul Vitaliano ’69 David ’67 & Virginia

Vogel Christian D. ’72 &

Eleanora S. Von Dehsen

Robert J. ’54 & Deanna Von Gutfeld

Karine Vorperian-Grillo ’96 Alan G. ’47 & Sarah

Vorwald Gerald & Harriet Avner

Waanders ’68 Morton & Marcia Singer

Wachspress ’44 George Wachtel ’60Samuel A. Wachtel ’75 Kevin M. Wadalavage ’77 Geraldine Shannon Wade


Irving & Vida Silverstone Wagner ’51/’52

Reena Wagner-Novogrodsky ’84

Kai Wing Wai ’78 Adolf K. & Doris DeBella

Waizecker ’61 Mildred Evelyn Flad

Wakana ’49 Jessica Friedman

Waldman ’64 John & Carol Waldman Herbert Waldren ’79Mary E. Walicki ’76 Henry J. ’56 & Carol A.

Walker John P. Walker Michael L. Walker ’03 Cornelia Brady Wallace ’90 Andrew A. Wallman ’57 Marc A. Wallman ’63 Henry M. & Norma Horn

Walton ’49 Richard M. Walzer ’66 Jerald L. Wank ’64 Bennie R. & Eleanor

Proebstl Ware ’60 Marian Wassner ’66 Ama S. Wattley ’92 Lilyan Rosenberg

Waxman-Levine ’52 Rhoda Weill Gary R. & Sheryl Socol

Weine ’76/’76

Marsha Weiner Stephen A. & Mina R.

Weiner Jeffrey Weingarten Weingarten Group LLCDaniel M. & Dorothy K.

Weinman ’82 Burton & Esther Weiss

Weinstein ’84 Marvin Aaron ’55 & Julia

Weinstein Mitchell I. ’79 & Rose C.

Weinstein Richard & Eileen Odasz

Weinstein ’55 Arnold & Dorothy B.

Weinstock Leonard I. & Marilyn

Weinstock Carl & Judith Fellner

Weiss ’63 Daniela Weiss ’82 Franklin R. ’52 & Paulette

Weiss Herbert D. ’51 & Arlyne

Weiss Jerome & Dolores Sandak

Weiss ’48 Jonathan D. Weiss ’66 Kaye Schieren Weiss ’66 Norman & Bonnie Katz

Weiss ’62 Sarah F. Weiss ’08

Jacqueline A. Weiss-Thau ’80

Gregory Welch ’80 Wells Fargo BankEd & Katherine Kuhn

Wendel ’52 Leslie M. ’51 & Phyllis

Werbel David S. Werman ’43 Robert L. ’70 & Eleanor

Nelson Wernick Robert J. & Mildred T.

Wescott ’08Marc H. & Bernice

Katcher Wesley ’52 David L. & Mary Wefer

White ’66Marjorie Lynch

Whitehead ’46 Jeffrey & Jean Wieler Barbara Nertz Wien ’48 Sol A. & Rosalyn Telsey

Wieselthier ’55 Lester Wigler ’80 Marvin E. ’57 & Gertrud

Wildfeuer Arthur & Patricia Doyle

Wilen ’55 William Penn Life

Insurance Co. of NYEva Ann Stern Williams ’53 Juanita Washington

Williams ’04

Mark ’61 & Sheila P. Willner

Else Andreasen Wilmott ’57 Alfred & Audrey Kevy

Wilner ’60 Arnold & Susan Kuhl

Wilson ’86 Martin B. Wilson ’72 Alice A. WimpfheimerRobert M. Windwer ’71 Richard K. & Andrea

Mary Pelosi Winslow ’71

Mark S. ’68 & Fredda Wintner

Marshall M. Wise ’69 Stanley & Margaret

Minnis Wisniewski ’47 Fred Witte ’72 & Dorothy

Geiser ’72Kenneth W. & Joanne

Oechsner Wojdylo ’86 Albert M. & Sue

Freudenfels Wojnilower ’53

Fred E. ’55 & Anne Dursthoff Wolf

Arthur M. ’61 & Connie Wolfe

Robert J. & Theresa Holzman Wolff ’50/’54

Thad & Arelene Eyerman Wolinski ’55

Emily J. Wong Julius Wool ’80 & Andrea

R. Newmark ’82Gary G. & Carol Webster

Wootan ’59/’60Worldwide Books

CorporationXiao Ying Xu Neal Yaros ’76 Stephen K. ’85 &

Marianne Z. Yeh Elissa Yellin Roland K. & Sharon

Yoshida Alfred F. & Marilyn Mills

Young ’46/’51Glenn L. Young ’97 John & Elizabeth Crystal

Yovino ’61 Mengyun Yu ’08 Lili Yuan ’08 Mesrob Hratch Zadoian ’70 Margaret Paparillo Zaller

’48 Bernard G. & Rosanna

Tombrello Zallwice ’97

Paul S. & Brenda Saxe Zalon ’59/’62

George N. Zapantis ’00 Cynthia Zarin Daniel J. & Hilary Lenore

Zarin Albert Zaven ’52 &

Catherine A. Kapikian Alexandra Zedlovich ’80 Isabel E. Zeff ’90 Barry & Andrea Goldberg

Zetlin ’72/’72Deng Q. Zhang ’08 Simon Zhang ’08 Kungang Zhou ’01 Philip & Susan Zigman Leonard B. & Eva

Zimmerman Eugene D. & Roberta

Goldman Zinbarg ’57 Arnold ’73 & Judy G.

Zinman Elliot ’68 & Carolyn S.

Zisser Paul L. & Judith Schwartz

Zorfass ’63/’66Philip A. ’65 & Deborah

Gross Zuchman George K. Zucker ’60 Michael H. Zudiker ’67 Jeffrey & Sharon

Silverman Zwerin ’74 Mark ’73 & Suzanne


Gifts-in-KindBarrie and HibbertSteven Errera ’69Martin Frommer Arnold A. & Ellen Saul

Gruber ’63/’64Sesame WorkshopWilliam Charles Printing

Co.Mesrob H. Zadoian ’70

Student dancers who participated in the performing arts showcase take a break.

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48 QUEENS: The Magazine of Queens College48 QUEENS: The Magazine of Queens College

65-30 Kissena Boulevard, Flushing, NY 11367-1597

Celebrating a quarter century of operations, the Louis Armstrong House Museum threw its �rst annual gala on December 6, 2011, honoring QC President James Muyskens, legendary jazz record producer George Avakian, and trumpet virtuoso Jon Faddis. Muyskens, Avakian, LAHM Director Michael Cogswell, Faddis, and LAHM Board President David Ostwald took a group bow, above; Faddis, who chose his instrument in childhood after seeing Satchmo on “The Ed Sullivan Show,” also provided music for the party. “Every cent we raise from this event will go to fund operations,” promised Cogswell. The next big fund-raising event for LAHM takes place in February with the auctioning of a painting of Louis (left), painted and donated by legendary singer Tony Bennett. Visit to place a bid.

Museum’s First GalaRocks the House

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Queens College is highly regarded for its academic quality, diversity, and affordability.

What is the passing grade for CUNY Queens College? ›

Passing grades assigned by faculty are A+ through D; there is no grade of D–. Grades of A+ show on the student's record but are counted as an A in the grade point average (GPA).

Do you need an essay for Queens College? ›

Queens College requires a personal statement/essay as part of our review process.

Is Queens Public library free? ›

You may obtain a free library card if you live, work, go to school, or own property in New York State. Children 11 years old and younger must have a parent or guardian who resides at the same address sign for permission to get a library card.

Is Queens College a dry campus? ›

The unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol by students or employees on City University/ college premises or as part of any City University/college activities is prohibited.

What is the hardest CUNY to get into? ›

Hardest CUNY schools to get into?
  1. Baruch College: Known for its strong business and finance programs, Baruch College is one of the most selective CUNY schools. ...
  2. Hunter College: Another competitive CUNY institution, Hunter College has an acceptance rate of around 48%.
Feb 3, 2024

What famous person went to Queens College? ›

63. Alumni Fran Drescher, Ray Romano, and Jerry Seinfeld '76 all starred in hit comedy series that ran for years.

Which CUNY is most prestigious? ›

What is the #1 ranked CUNY school? The top-ranked CUNY school varies by the organization doing the ranking, but Baruch College has a reputation as being one of the best CUNY schools in many ways. Brooklyn College and the City College of New York also receive top marks from students and employers.

What is a 3.7 GPA at Queens? ›

Letter to Grade Point Conversion Chart
Letter GradeGrade Point
9 more rows

What is a 4.0 GPA at Queens? ›

Faculty of Law
Letter GradeGrade PointsDescriptor
B+3.3Very Good
5 more rows

What is a good GPA at Queens? ›

Only Western and Queen's you're good with 3.8 since GPA is a cutoff for them.

What is the GPA for Queens College? ›

The average GPA at Queens College is 3.39. This makes Queens College Moderately Competitive for GPAs. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA.

How hard is it to get into Queens College? ›

The acceptance rate at Queens College is 69.5%.

This means the school is moderately selective. The school expects you to meet their requirements for GPA and SAT/ACT scores, but they're more flexible than other schools.

What is Queens College ranked? ›

CUNY--Queens College Rankings

CUNY--Queens College is ranked #45 out of 178 Regional Universities North. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

Can Queens alumni use the library? ›

Queen's alumni and local area residents and visitors are also welcome to visit us and make use of select library resources. A list of electronic databases for alumni remote access are also available.

How do I access the Queens College alumni library? ›

To take advantage of free library borrowing, please consult the Alumni Services website in order to obtain your Queen's Alumni Card. You will also need a Net ID to access any library e-resources. If you don't currently have a Net ID, you can create one by signing up for a Queen's email address.

Can alumni use cuny library? ›

NYU New York: Alumni may register for in-person access to Bobst Library by completing the Alumni Access to Bobst Library Request form Please note, access must be requested at least 2 businesses days prior to your visit. For more information, email

Is Queens College library open to the public? ›

Who Can Visit the Library. Library access is limited to currently enrolled CUNY students, faculty and staff with valid CUNY IDs. Patrons from Empire State University and Adelphi University with valid school IDs also have access.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.