Toon - Tooniversal Tour Guide (SJG7604) - PDFCOFFEE.COM (2024)

WISH YOU WERE HERE! During Tooniversal Tours’ nine-stop journey, you’ll travel through danger, drama, adventure and - most of all - comedy! Lose yourself in nine riotous parodies of the most popular roleplaying and science-fiction genres. It’s all here in the Tooniversal Tour Guide! * Atomic Monster Theater - Where giant creatures like Squidzilla and Clamera rise from the ocean depths, and only you can stop them! * Dungeons and Toons - Loot dungeons! Slay dragons! Escape with as many Lead Pieces as you can carry! Isn’t this what roleplaying is all about? * Crawl of Catchoolu - Watch your insanity slip away as you battle the Elderly Gods and their minions. * CarToon Wars - Where the right of way goes to the biggest pies! You can arm your car to the teeth, load up on cream pies, and blast, boggle and bamboozle your friends to bits. * And more!

This PDF is a scanned copy of the last printed edition of Tooniversal Tour Guide. No changes or updates from that edition were made, but we have appended all known errata to the end of the document. GURPS, Warehouse 23, and the all-seeing pyramid are registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Pyramid, Tooniversal Tour Guide, and the names of all products published by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated are registered trademarks or trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated, or used under license. All rights reserved. Tooniversal Tour Guide is copyright © 1992, 2006 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this material via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal, and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the authors’ rights is appreciated.




Version 1.0 April 4, 2006


By Robert "Doc" Cross Edited by Jeff Koke and Steve Jackson Cover Art and Illustrations by Kyle Miller Useful Suggestions, Good Ideas and Other Stuff: Bruce Baugh, Loyd Blankenship, Avis Crane, Mark Goldberg, Steve Jackson, Mary Chriest Jones, Spike Y. Jones, Robin Laws, Tony Lee, Matthew F. Porter, David Pulver, Stephen M. Sechi and the contributors to Alarums and Excursions.

This book is dedicated to Mickey, Bugs, Donald, Porky and Daffy, who made me loony, and Zach, Sarah, Chris, Megan and Molly, who keep me that way.

Print Buying by Keny Havas


Playtesters: Scott Bennie, Megan Cross, Zachary Cross, Mark Denman, Frisbee, Sarah Gee, Christopher Kirkland, Molly Kirkland, Quentin Long, Mark Phaedrus, Elizabeth Wollcott, Curtis Whysong, Tiffany Whysong, and all the people who played in my Toon games at Dundracon, GenCon, Origins and Pacificon. Special thanks to Tooniversal Tours Inc. - "Any vacation you can walk awayfrom is a good one!" Extra Special Thanks to all the folks whose games, books, movies, television shows and other creative efforts gave me the idea for this book.

Toon and the all-seeing pyramid arc registered trademarks of Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. "Spam," "Jello." "Frisbee" and the names of various games mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Use of these trademarks in this product should not be construed as a challenge to their status. Tooniversal Tour Guide is copyright 0 1992 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. ISBN 1-55634-216-0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0


Table of Contents Introduction


Rules? What Rules? ........................... 5 Toon? What's That? .........................5 About the Author ............................ 5


How to Use This Book 6 Touring The Tour Guide ........................6 Rules & Shticks & More! Oh My! ................7 Recordsheets ............................... 10 Advice for Animators and Players ............... 10 Atomic Monster Theater 13 Welcome to Monsterworld! .................... 13 Character Types ............................. 14 Movies to See ............................. 14 New Rules and Shticks ........................ 17 Stuff ....................................... 18 Places to Go ................................ 19 People & Other Things To Meet .................20 Things To Do ............................... 22 The "What Created It" Table ...................24

Other Monsters ..............................70 The Insanity Loss Results Table ................. 71

Dungeons and Toons


Welcome to Dungeonworld! ................... 73 Character Types ............................. 73 Magic Rules ................................ 77 Normal Stuf .............................. 77


The "What Zaps It" Table

CarToon Wars



Welcome to the World of Autoduelling! ........... 25 Character Types ............................. 26 Building Your Car ............................ 27 New Rules ................................. - 3 0 Shticks ..................................... 32 Stuff ....................................... 33 Places to Go ................................ 33 Wsted Ridge, Colorado Map 34 People (and Other Things) to Meet .............. 37 ThingstoDo ................................ 37 Uncle Spud's Auto Stop & Comedy Shop Catalog 39 The Crash Results Table ....................... 48 CarToon Wars Record Sheet .................... 49

................. ....

Crawl of Catchoolu


Welcome to the World of Slurping Horrors! ....... 5 1 Character Types ............................. 52 The Catchoolu Mythos ......................52 New Rules and Shticks ........................ 54 Casting Spells ............................ -55 Stuff .......................................56 Places To Go ................................ 62 People (and Other Things) To Meet .............. 63 Things To Do ............................... 64 The Mousekafonic University Illustrated Guide to Formless Terrors, Slurping Horrors, Elderly Gods, Pretty Great Old Ones and Other Nightmarish Creahrres 65


Shticks .................................... 78 Stuff ...................................... 79 Money .................................. 80 Armor and Shields ......................... 81 Places to Go ................................ 82 The Town of Dale Map 83 ThingstoDo ................................ 87 Adventure in the Wilderness .................. 88 Cheeso Grabbins'Field Guide to Monsters 89 Emlo's Book of Popuhr Spe& 92 Newspells ................................. 98 MagicItems ................................ 99 The User-Friendly Dungeon of Splaming! ....... 102 The User-Friendly Dungeon of Splanning Map 103 The Spell Fumbles Table ..................... 105 The "I Wonder What This Potion Does" Table .... 105 The Astounding "Curse-0-Matic" Curse Creation Table ...................... 106 The Silly Snares and Temble Traps Table ........ 107


......... ...................


......................... 108

Welcome to Mekworld! ...................... 108 Strife Paths .............................. 109 Character Types ............................ 110 New Rules ................................ 110 PlacestoGo ............................... 112 People (And Other Things) to Meet ............. 112 Things toDo ............................... 113


116 Quick and Easy Guide to Mek Construction The Dreaded "Uh Oh. Equipment Failure" Table . . 120 The Failed Mek Transformation/Combination Table ................................... 120 Mek Record Sheet ........................... 121


......................... 123 ....................

Welcome To Outer Space! 124 Character m s ............................ 124 New Rules ................................. 125 New Shticks ............................... 126 Places To Go ............................... 127 Things To Do ..............................129 Aliens ....................................132 Building a Starship .......................... 134 Robots ....................................139 The Handy Dandy Alien Creation Table .........141 The "Aliens Are Strange People" Table ......... 142 The "We're Scanning Something Ahead" Table ... 142 The All-Purpose Science Fiction Plot Generator ... 143 Star Toon Ship Record .......................144 Robot Record Sheet .........................145



Welcome to Superduperworld! .................148 Character 'llpes ............................ 149 New Rules and Shticks ....................... 152 Stuff ......................................153 Places to Go ...............................154 People (and Other Things) to Meet ............. 155 ThingstoDo ...............................156 Superpowers ...............................160 Gadgets, Weapons and Other Cool Stuff ......... 168 Miscellaneous Other Stuff .................... 169 The Incredible Origin Generator! ...............172

The Great Superhero Name Creation System! .... 173 The Incredibly Silly Vulnerability Table ......... 174


.................. 175

Welcome To Blight City! .....................176 Character ?lpes ............................176 Glossary ................................176 Cyberspace and Netroaming ..................178 Toonpunk Perils ..........................178 New Rules ................................ 181 Stuff .....................................182 Places to Go ...............................185 People (and Other Things) To Meet ............. 186 Things To Do ..............................186 The Net Prof& Catalog 187 The "Technogeek Mistake" Table .............. 192 The Randomly Created Worldgram Table ........ 192



Toony Tyke Adventures 193 Welcome To Kidworld! ...................... 194 Character T)ps ............................ 194 New Rules and Shticks ....................... 195 Stuff ..................................... 195 Wild Zmagination ......................... 195 Places to Go ............................... 197 People (and Other Things) to Meet ............. 198 Things to Do ...............................200 The Treehouse of Doom ...................... 201 Treehouse of Doom Map

.................... 202

.................203 ......................204 ............................206 ..................207

Big List 0' Shticks Bibliography Index Character Sheets


Welcome to the Tooniversal Tour Guide! This book was written to accomplish two things: give Toon players a lot of new settings for their characters to explore, and help Animators run a long-term Cartoon Series in any of these settings. The Tooniversal Tour Guide describes nine new cartoon worlds. Each one is as detailed as we could make it, while still allowing for plenty of tinkering by all you Animators out there. Each chapter presents a basic description of one cartoon genre, in the clearest and silliest possible manner. Some of the backgrounds include new rules and shticks. There's also a new and expanded character sheet, and record sheets for vehicles, spaceships, mecha and robots. Throw in a few maps, several new and loony tables, a whole bunch of example characters and you've got this book! Using the Tooniversal Tour Guide will result, most of the time, in games that are a little more focused and a little less chaotic than the usual Toon game. This doesn't mean that the characters won't tear down half the town during a game. It just means that they won't be as intent on pulverizing each other as usual. That's because they will often be cooperating to get something done, be it destroying the Mutant Slugs or looting the Dungeon of Endless Twisty Little Tunnels. Of course, they may be competing against each other at the same time, but they'll still (we hope) have a common goal. But they'll have different (and sometimes several different) individual goals, too.



Rules? What Rules? The Tour Guide adds special rules for the different game-worlds. Can you switch them around, and use magic spells in a regular cartoon? Sure you can! Remember, the Animator can do anything. This book was written to give the Animator a lot more anything to do! Some of the new rules and Shticks can make character creation a little mol;e complex. But just a little bit! This will depend a lot on what world you're playing in and what type of character you choose. Making a superhero or a wizard takes longer than making a cowboy or a biker, because they have more Shticks to choose from and more details to fill in. Of course, if you need a PC in a huny, each chapter has several sample characters to choose from. And with these rules, you can actually build some of the things you'll use, like autoduel cars, starships, robots and other pieces of equipment. We've tried to make this as much fun as possible. Your Animator may set some limits on how much money you have for parts or exactly what your creation can or can't do, but within his framework, do whatever you want . . . as long as it's funny.

One thing you will notice while reading this book is that the style varies a bit from chapter to chapter. In some places, it looks almost like normal game rules! But just keep going and it'll get crazy again. We promise. What's going on here? Simple. Each Toon-world we've presented here is a parody of one of our favorite roleplaying game or movie genres. A good parody imitates the source material's style while mangling enough details to make the whole thing humorous. That's why the Cartoon Wars chapter goes into so much detail about weapons and other gadgets for your car . . . because the game we're spoofing, Car Wars, does the same thing! The difference is that Car Wars concentrates on things like autocannons and rocket launchers and we prefer cream pie cannons and bear trap mines. The same sort of "logic" was used in all the other chapters. How could we do Dungeons and Toons without a hatful of spells? Why would we try? (Wicked grin here.) This means that if you're having fun with the parody genre, your best source material is - that's right - the original game. Just go back and read it, but put your hat on sideways. . . or whatever you do to get silly. . .and you'll come up with entirely too many loony new ideas. (And we thank our friends and fellow publishers, the subjects of our Toonish lampoons, for taking it in such good grace. We can hardly wait to see what they do back to us.) We love Toon and want to make it even more fun. Let us know what you think of this book. Tell us what you did with it. Share your silly ideas. (We love Toon letters.) Who knows, someday you may see "Refurn of the Tooniversal Tour Guide"!


Toon? What's That? If you don't know what Toon is, you've picked up the wrong book. The Tooniversa1 Tour Guide, which you're holding, i s a supplement t o Toon, the Cartoon Roleplaying Game. Look around. It ought to be on the shelf right next to the spot where you found this one. It's got a red cover. See it? Check it out, then come back to this one. Still with us? Aww . . . All the copies of Toon must be gone. Okay, here it is in a nutshell. Toon is a roleplaying game - you pretend to be somebody else, and so do all the other players, and you have an adventure. It's like cowboys-and-Indians, but played inside, and sometimes with a little less screaming. Also, a roleplaying game has rules about when you fall down. But the difference between Toon and other roleplaying games is that you're not pretending to be a real person. You're a cartoon character: You can do all kinds of silly things. You can get whacked with hammers, fall off cliffs, and blown up with dynamite. But you never die. Nobody dies. You fall down . . . and in three minutes you get back up and start playing. Some roleplaying games are supposed to be realistic, with lots of rules. (We even publish a couple of that kind.) But that's not what Toon is about. Toon is for being silly and having fun. And that's all you really need to know.

About the Author Doc Cross was born and raised in Northern California. That could explain a lot of things. He has been a fan of cartoons since before he could walk and an avid gamer since 1977. He is a regular contributor to Alanunr and Excursions, the longrunning, award-winning and generally remarkable gaming APA. His other hobbies include watching movies, collecting accents and funny voices, writing fiction and being the World's Greatest Uncle. He presently lives near Sacramento, California, but ventures into other mas several times a year to attend gaming conventions. The Tooniversal Tour Guide is his first book.


Chapter 1:

How to Use This Book

Touring The Tour Guide Before we dive into the Tooniverse, here are a few suggestions for playing and Animating with maximum silliness. There are also a few new rules for you to use (or ignore, if you like). There are some special rules in the later chapters, like the magic spells in Dungeons and Toons, but we'll get around to them later. In the following chapters, we'll present nine new Toon worlds. Each one is laid out in the same general order:

Welcome To


The first section tells you about the world in general. It explains the setting, the ideas that the world is based on, and any particular titles we might be parodying. For example, the SuperToon chapter is based on superhero comic books. The CarToon Wars chapter is based on the game Car Wars. And so on . . . There are nine different worlds, covering everything from Space Adventuring to Horror Stories. Pick the one that sounds like the most fun and dive in!

Character Types Although you can be any species you want, each setting has certain vpes of characters that are most appropriate. Examples for the Toony Tykes chapter would be Kid, Parent, Teacher, Babysitter, Dog, Little Kid or Older Sister. Of course, you can play any character type you like, even if it is totally inappropriate to the setting! We've included a bit of typical dialogue for each character type, just to get you started.

How to Use This Book

-6 -

All the rules in this book are "Superstar Rules!" You can ignore any or all of them if you want to! We don't mini$ as long as you're having fun. Never forget: Fun is much more importQnt than rules!

New Rules & Shticks This book has a few new rules and a truckload of new Shticks. Most new rules or Shticks are designed specifically for the setting in which they appear, but some can be used in other settings as well. Because of that, you should always check the Big List 0'Shticks on p. 203. It will help you decide which Shticks are right for a particular world. Of course, your Animator may decide differently. Animators are like that.

Stuff A Toon character always needs the proper (or improper) equipment for causing mayhem in every new world. This section is where you'll find it! Everything from starships to swords, guns to glue is listed, along with descriptions on how they work. Of course, we couldn't think of everything, so go ahead and invent anything you can't find. Then write and tell us what it was!-AS with rules and Shticks, some Stuff can be used in more than one setting.

Places TOGO In a regular Toon game, you can visit places like Anytown, Outside of Town, Darkest Africa or Outer Space. The worlds in this book will take you to new and ridiculous spots like Blight City, School, The Dungeon of Teeyesarr, The Treehouse of Doom . . .

People (And Other Things) To Meet -

it fun to meet new get to lolow them and then hit them with a pie? Sure it is! In this section, you'll find good guys, bad guys, babysitters, aliens, monsters and about a zillion other characters. Bring lots of pies.

Things TODO Here is where we give you lots of ideas for Short Subjects, Feature Films or even a Cartoon Series! Most of the suggestions will be short and silly. Think of it as Compressed Instant Fun (just add players).

Rules & Shticks & More! Oh My! Now that you know how the chapters are laid out, it's time to look at some General Rules. We'll try to keep this brief, since we know most of you Toonsters are bored to tears by rules. Incidentally:


Shticks This book has lots of Shticks. Superpowers and magical spells are the best examples, but there are plenty of others. To see them all, turn to the Big List 0' Shticks on p. 203. In some worlds, characters are limited to the standard one or two Shticks. In others (like Supertoon, they may get a dozen, at no point penalty. Remember: The Animator's word is Luw, unlessyou can talk him into changing his mind! If you want to create new Shticks go right ahead, but remember that a Shtick should do something that isn't covered by an attribute roll or an existing skill or Shtick. That's why you still make a Drive Vehicle roll whether you're flying a plane, piloting a battlemek or driving a duelcar-

Maximum Boggle (5 points) Maximum Boggle is a Shtick that's used in almost every setting. To m&e it easier to use, we've presented it here once, instead of reprinting it in every chapter. In some chapters, like supertoon, it's presented as a Shtick that can be taken like any other Shtick. In other backgrounds, it's a special effect of some of the Stuff, like weapons that shoot Maximum Boggle cream pies. A Maximum Boggle is just like a regular Boggle, but if you manage to Maximum Boggle someone, he is Boggled for 3 turns instead of l ! Furthermore, he has l e he chooses. If to ibil three times on any ~ o g ~table you Maximum Boggle another player, you get double Plot Points!

skill Points One factor that might limit the number of Shticks you get is how many Skill Points the Animator allows. Skill Points are what you use to make your character, and the amount you need varies from world to world and even from character type to character type. For example, if you just want to build a regular Toon character with one Shtick and a standard 30 points for then a 40-point total will do the job. But if you want to build Ultrapig or the Mighty Pip-

How to Use This Book

squeak, you'll need around 200points! That's because superheroes have lots of Shticks - and they can even spend Skill Points for higher starting attributes. Again, Animators must make the final decision on Skill Points, but they should be fairly generous. After all, unlike most roleplaying games, having a grossly overpowered group of characters in Toon is just as much fun as having grossly underpowered characters (or just having gross characters)!

Maps and Ranges This is a new rule. It's really only necessary in CarToon Wars and perhaps Mektoon, but it can come in handy in Dungeons and Toons, and some Animators will want to use it all the time because it adds a visual element to the game. You'll need something to represent each character, vehicle, building, etc. Metal or cardboard miniatures will do just fine for characters. You can just draw buildings or other big stuff. If you don't have miniatures, use toy figures, blocks, dice, coins or anything else that's handy. A plastic Battlemat (available at most game stores) or a large sheet of paper marked with small squares will make judging movement and distance much easier. Use one square (one inch, or whatever) to represent 10 feet. If you don't have a map sheet, you can use a ruler or just guess. After all, this is still Toon. Certain things, like weapons, spells and superpowers, have Ranges. This is thefarthest distance at which they will have an effect.

How to Use This Book

Speed This is the other half of the Range rule. everything that moves has a Speed rating. This tells how many squares on the map it can move each turn. All characters and other living things have a Speed equal to their Zip plus I. Therefore, a character with a Zip of 6 will have a Speed of 7 and can move 70 feet per turn - or 7 squares on the map. Vehicles have Speeds, too. Falling objects always fall at 50 feet per turn, unless something special (lowerhigher gravity, magic, superpowers, the Animator) affects them. Characters may or may not be able to step out of the way to avoid getting konked. You may be able to find Stuff that can increase or decrease your Speed. The Animator may also come up with Speed-changing devices or situations, because Animators like to mess around with things like Speed.

Falling Down (Editor's note: This is Doc's house rule. It's not an "oficial" rule change, but if it works better for your group, use it!) Falling Down does not last for three minutes on the clock. Instead, it lasts for 3 rounds! Thus, someone who Falls Down misses 3 actions and is then back in the game. This is because in actual game play, three minutes is often far less than the time between one turn and the next, especially if the group is a large one. Besides, this rule allows a player to go grab a snack while waiting out his 3 turns.

New Names for Old Skills There are no new skills in this book because all the original skills work perfectly well 99% of the time. For that 1% of the time when an action doesn't exactly fit any skill, the Animator should just ask the player to make an Attribute roll based on whichever one is appropriate. However, just because we didn't make up any new skills, that doesn't mean that you can't think up a mess of different names for old skills! Why? Because "Pilot Starship" sounds better in a sci-fi setting than "Drive Vehicle," and "Examine Forbidden Book" is niftier than "Read" in a Crawl of Catchoolu game. Have fun with new names. We've even scattered a few of our own throughout the book.

Stuff In this book, Stuff means possessions. A character can still specify up to eight items in his Back Pocket, and pick up more (any number of things!!) during an adventure. Vehicles, pets, etc., don't count against the limit of eight. Remember that at least four of the beginning items must be normal things. The rest can be unusual items

- but these depend on the world! For example, an

Occult Investigator might be carrying a Field Guide to Unnameable Horrors, an Ancient Artifact (often with a Terrible Curse), a Slime Sample Cm-ying Case and an Ectoplasmic Radiation Detector. These are all normal items in Crawl of Catchoolu. But if he decides he wants a suit of power amor, then it will count as an unusual item. In most games, players find ways to choose possessions to abuse the rules. In Toon, when someone finds a way to abuse the rules, the Animator should give him a Plot Point. Then make him Fall Down, just to keep everything in balance.

Gizmoes In some worlds, a character could start off with more than one Gizmo. A Barbarian Swordsman might not have any gizmoes, but a Supervillain or a Scientist should have several. Remember: When in doubt, asW begfinbe the Animator!

Attacks There are several different kinds of "attacks" that can be made by weird weapons and spells.

Mental Attacks Mental attacks don't usually cause Hit Point loss, but they often cause Smarts or Chutzpah loss. Sometimes they do other things to the victim's mind. Transforming Attacks A transforming attack doesn't cause loss of Hit Points, but it will usually change the target's Attribute scores, Speed, etc. Sticky Attacks A sticky attack covers whatever it hits with a gooey substance. While this may or may not cause any loss of hit points, it will always reduce the victim's Speed and make him stick to whatever he touches. Binding Attacks These attacks are meant to stop the victim from moving. They sometimes do damage, but usually just hold you in place. Boggle Attacks Yep . . . these attacks Boggle the victim! They may do a small amount of damage, but never more than a couple of Hit Points worth. Energy Attacks Energy attacks do damage with energy, such as a lightning bolt, instead of mattel; such as a club or rock. Usually this won't make any difference, but sometimes the Animator will say "Whoops, that was an energy attack, so it got you anyway." Or, just to be fair, "Whoops, that was an energy attack, and you've got a gadget that stops all those." Magical Attacks These attacks can be any of the other attacks, but they are powered by magic. In most worlds, these attacks are very hard to Dodge or Resist.

Record Sheets On PP. 207 and 208, you'll find a new, improved, twice-as-big Toon character sheet, with more room for Shticks and possessions. The Shtick lines are blank so that you can write in whichever ones your Character has or gets. This will be very necessary for superheroes and wizards, who have lots o f s u ~ e ~ o w eand r s spells. If YOU end UP with more Shticks than there are lines, just Use a separate sheet of paper. The same thing goes for possessions. There are four other record sheets: CarToon Wars Vehicle Sheet: P. 49. This is for cars, motorcycles and other wheeled vehicles.

How to Use This Book

MekToon Record Sheet: P. 121. This is for giant battlerobots. Star Toon Ship Record: P. 143. This is for starships. Robot Record Sheet: P. 144. This is for robots as characters. Feel free to photocopy all these record sheets for your own use.

Advice for Animators and Players Whether you're a beginning roleplayer or an experienced Animator, you should always remember that Toon is differentfrom other roleplaying games. . . because other games are based on adventure gaming, but Toon is based on comedy! So it might be nice if your games follow a basic storyline, but it's far from necessary. Toon is a game for being silly, making things up on the spot, and doing things you can't do in other games. That's what makes it so much fun!

The First Rule of Toon: Keep It Fast! Toon is meant to be fast-paced. The gags and pratfalls should come one after another. One way to insure this is by not giving players too much time to think! When you (the Animator) ask them what they're doing, don't let them sit and plan! Instead, use the Five-Second Rule! When someone slows up the action by (gasp) thinking at the wrong time, just count to 5 (like this: "one chimpanzee, two chimpanzee . . ."). If the player doesn't say something, you get to choose what the character does! This will make the players blurt out all sorts of strange and funny things, which is just what a Toon game needs. But don't be a bully about it; if some of the players are young, inexperienced or just a bit too serious. cut them some slack. You don't want to take the game away from them. And remember: another way to keep things moving (and funny) is to recap at the end of each round. After each player takes their turn, quickly go over what has just happened and be as funny as you can! Animator: "Okay, so Dorky Dog has just been hit in the face with a lo-pound sack of flow. WHUMp! (staggers around for a second) Pete the Wonder Monkey, who hit Dorky with the flour, is about to be konked on the head by an anvil. FWWEEEEeeeeeee! The nearsighted Noodleman brothers are being fried by about a zillion volts of electricity. ZZZZTTT! ZZZZTTT! (falls on floor and shakes) And, last

- 10-

but not least, Spike Porcupine is tidying up the fridge, unaware that the blue pudding is actually an alien from the planet Ugfwiz! OOOOweeeoooOOOOlUl (makes eerie whistling sci-fi noises) Did I forget anyone?" Player: "What about Lance the Landshark?" Animator "He Fell Down when Spike shot him with his ray gun. He won't be getting up for two more turns."

Gunfire: Poa! Poal Poa! Machine gun fire: Poc~tapocketapocketapocketa! Getting punched in the nose: H O M Being Boggled: Aahooo~oghal EEEEEK! Hominahominahornina! ACK! S&, &id& &&/ , geeeeeeEEEEEOWWWWW! Ug, Ig, Ag, Oog! Piaiaiaiaieeeeel

Props A truly silly Animator will stock up on props. A few good ones are soft foam balls (they can represent anything from rocks to cream pies), toy guns (although your index finger and thumb will work just as well), hand buzzers (a classic!), toy carslspaceshipslairplanes, balloons, bendy figures, toy monsterslrobots, books and, perhaps the most useful prop, modeling clay or dough! With clay, you can make just about anything. But not on the carpet, please. -

The Second Rule of Toon: Keep It Funny! Did you notice the sound effects and acting hints? One of the best ways to keep things funny is by encouraging silly voices and accents, facial expressions and bodily movements. Toon should not be played sitting around a table. For Toon, you should make plenty of room for acting things out - like being boggled, fast-talking each other and the ever-popular Frying Pan in the Kisser. Although any damage is just a loss of Hit Points, it's fun to make up a new name for each kind of damage somebody takes. Examples of this (taken from actual Toon games) are: Fish Upside the Head Damage, Exploding Car and Weasel Damage, Slimeseeking Missile Damage, and the rare but painful Sheepdag Stuck in Your Mouth While Falling Down Stairs With an Anvil in Your Hands Damage. Magical or super-high-tech Stuff might protect against certain kinds of damage, too.

Sound Effects Sound effects are also important to a good Toon game. Here are a few examples that you can practice at home, while riding in your car, or even at school or work (as long as you don't mind getting strange looks). Falling down stairs: BAM! WHAM! BAMMITY WHAMMITY BAM BOOM BANG! Ray Gun firing: ZZZZAAAPPPP! Being squashed: Splork! Giant Monster eating a house: Chomp! Chomp!Chew, chew, chew! Buwrrp! Accidentally sitting on a hot stove: sizzle, sizzle, sizzle, YEEEEEEEOWW! The Ever-Popular Frying Pan In The Kisser: SPLAAANNNNNGGGGGG! Stream of seltzer water: Fwisssssssshhhhhh! Running into brick wall: pitterpat, pitterpat, pitterpat, WHAM! Injured dog running away: YIPE, yipe, yipe, yipe, yipe!

The Third Rule of Toon: Keep It Simple! In many roleplaying games, a well-thought-out storyline is an absolute necessity. In Toon, the characters often demolish the storyline immediately. If you like to write detailed, funny adventures, that's great. But you don't need to plan ahead at all, once you and your players get into the spirit! If you don't have a plot worked out, just tell the players something simple like "That evil mastermind, Dr. Gloom, has just broken out of jail! It's up to you, The Toon Titans, to find him and capture him!" In most Toon games, that should be enough for a couple of hours' gaming! If you want to stretch the game out, just throw in a few plot twists. For example, you could have Dr. Gloom rescued in the nick of time by Rockhead, his Felonious Four teammate. Or maybe, after he's back in jail, the Gloomy One could reveal that he has planted Boggle Bombs all over the city! That ought to keep the heroes busy!

The Cartoon Series This is a great way to turn several simple, short gaming sessions into a longer, slightly more complex story. For instance . . . "Toonquest!" This series uses the Dungeons and Toons chapter. The heroes find out that an evil wizard has taken control of a distant village. They decide to journey there, overthrow him and collect a nice reward. Session 1: Gather up necessary supplies and set off for the village.

Cream pie in the face: SPLOOONGE!


How to Use l%is Book

Session 2: They discover they're going the wrong way. Turn around and come back. Session 3: Still on the road, they travel through the Forest of Screaming Doom or the Desert of Gruesome Death, whichever they choose. Session 5: They deal with Sir Rounded, the Hard Day's Knight, who won't let them cross a bridge without a joust. Session 5: They reach the village and somehow manage to defeat the wizard, who escapes while vowing vengeance. (Villains always vow vengeance while escaping. Union rules.) Session 6: Spend a couple of days in the village partying. If this doesn't create a night's Tooning, nothing will! Session 7: N o of the characters wake up cursed! The party heads off to find a cure. Session 8: They arrive at the evil wizard's castle and fight their way in. Session 9: They chase the wizard through the castle and finally find a cure for the curses. Session 10: You take it from here! The thing to remember with a Cartoon Series is that each section should have a simple plot, but the whole series allows characters to have extended ad-

How to Use This Book


ventures, learn new Shticks, go lots of places and encounter all sorts of different people and things. This book is full of one-session ideas; combine a few and you've got a Series. Why, you could even have a dimension-hopping series, where the characters find themselves in a different world every week! What an idea! Now that we've covered all that important stuff, it's time to make the first stop on our tour of the Tooniverse. Just remember the following simple rules and you'll have a great trip!

1. Treat everyone you meet just like the folks back home! Or worse! 2. Eat the food! Drink the water! 3. Always make a bad situation worse! 4. Break things! Then try to fix them! 5. Logic is a bad word! Forget you ever heard it! 6. Always make a determined effort to Boggle everybody you meet! 7. Tell your friends to buy this book! (Well, it was worth a try.) 8. Cracking the Animator up is good! Do it often! 9. Always act before you think! 10. Keep things fast, loose and, above all, SILLY!

Chapter 2:

Atomic Monster Theater

Movies to See Most of these are available on videotape and appear regularly on late-night TV.

King Kong (the I933 version) The granddaddy of them all! Dinosaurs, a giant ape and a city to run amok in! What more could you ask for, except a happy ending?

Them, The Deadly Mantis, Tarantub The Amazing Colossal Man, Alligator These are the best of the Giant Creature movies, although one is actually a Giant Human movie. See what happens when you set off atomic bombs or leave growth hormones lying around?

Gorgo, The Beastfiorn 20,000 Fathoms, It Came p*rn Beneath the Sea

Nowadays, you can see these movies on videotape or "Creature Features" TV shows, but that wasn't good enough for us! We searched the Tooniverse until we found a world that was jam-packed with Giant Creatures and Alien Invaders - and you get to go there! No doubt about it, we here at Tooniversal Tours are just too nice! Monsterworld looks like Earth in the 1950s or early to mid-60s. The big difference is that humongous monsters are always popping in and terrorizing isolated communities or even large cities, especially in Japan. That is, until Our Heroes find a way to chase them off. The same thing applies to aliens from space. Apparently this little world is an irresistible prize for galaxy-conquering races. They come in droves, using all sorts of incredible weapons (including the occasional Giant Creature). Fortunately, the Forces of Good always repel them just in time. So far. . . Besides playing Our Heroes, you can also play the Giant Creatures or Alien Invaders! Go ahead, crawl out of a radioactive crater and eat a few houses! Step on cars and livestock! Square off against the Army, the Navy and the Air Force! Manipulate the minds of the puny, primitive Earth creatures! Raise an army of zombies! But don't forget that in Toon,just about everything can (and should) go wrong. So don't come crying to us when your 60-foot-long armadillo gets a stomach-ache from accidentally swallowing a game designer!

These are films about Giant Creatures from the Ocean Depths. It Came from Beneath the Sea has a really gnarly Giant Octopus that tries to destroy San Francisco.

The Blob (both versions) You just can't beat a good ShapelessMass-of-Protoplasrn-Attacks-a-SmallTown movie, and this is the best one yet.

Godzilla, Mothra, Gamera, Monster Zero, Destroy All Monsters, etc. Watch these to find out why you don't want to vacation in Japan. Several of these movies have Alien Invaders and Giant Robotic Creatures, too! These movies are perfect for "Tooning up" before running an adventure!

Invasion of the Saucer Men A great Sneaky-Invasion-Plot-Foiledby-Teenagers flick. The exact same script was filmed eight years later (in 1965) as The Eye Creatures! El cheapo movie making at its best!

Earth vs. the Flying Saucers and War of the W o r m No sneaky invasions here! These guys just charge in and start zapping! Can our heroes stop them, or is Earth doomed? There are hundreds of other classic andor terrible movies to use for ideas. Check out your local video store.

Atomic Monster Theater

Old Scientist This guy is brilliant and intellectual and knows just about everything! Unfortunately, he's so civilized that he wants to study or communicate with whatever is trying to destroy the world. This won't make him very popular, but it will get him in all sorts of trouble. In some cases, he may even be responsible for loosing a Giant Creature on the unsuspecting public! This usually comes about through an Experiment Gone Wrong. "Wemust try to communicate with it! Fighting it would rob Science of a chance to learn incredible things! Why, by studying that creature, we might even conquer dandmjJ!" (Silly accents are optional.) Young Scientist Almost as smart as the older fellow, but this guy knows that the Creature or Aliens must be destroyed! He is usually brave, strong and resourceful, though he might also be an obnoxious loon. Women tend to think he's a real hunk, especially after he rescues them from the menace.

"Dr. Crane, can't you see that there's no reasoning with that thing? Look at it! It's eating the city! I've got to use the molecular transmogrifier on it now, before the whole city is turned into Monster Munchies!"

The Woman Sometimes she's a scientist, sometimes she's a reporter, sometimes she's a wife/mother/sister/daughter to one of the other characters. She can be brave and smart or she can faint when things get scary. She often gets into trouble and must be rescued. She is a really, really good screamer! "Oh, Jim, what will we do? It's heading right this way! Skrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecccchh! Yaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!" Or, for those of you who want a tougher Woman: "Get out of my way, Jim! Haven't you and my father caused enough trouble? Gimme thut atomic displacer rifle! I'll take care of the Giant Echidna!" The Military Man This character is much like the Young Scientist, but he's pure G.I. He may figure out how to destroy the menace, but it's far more likely that he'll just find a way to use the invention that one of the scientists comes up with. If you have both a Young Scientist and a Military Man in your story, they may be rivals for the love of the Woman. "Hey, DK Beanbag, what ifwe shot that giant hypodemicfull of salad oil out of a giant atomic cannon?" "Why yes, Colonel Fang, thatjust might do it, if we had a giant atomic cannon!" "Don 't you worry about thut, Doc, I know where we can get a dozen of 'em! "

The Reporter This character will do anything to get a scoop! They are constantly getting into trouble. Reporters are often brave, but they are also stubborn and cynical. Reporters always have a wisecrack ready. Despite everything they go though, reporters almost never get a clear photo of the monster. "Yessir, there'll be a Pulitzer Prize just waiting for me when this is all over! Hey, Colonel, when can I radio my story to the wire service?" Teenagers Just out to have a good time, these kids always seem to be the first people to see the ~ i & Creature t or Alien Invaders. They always rush to the local police, but nobody ever believes them. In fact, they usually get accused of causing whatever trouble has just happened. Often, they have to destroy the menace themselves. Teenagers almost always have hot rods or motorcycles. In California, they also have surfboards. "I tell ya Sheriff Laws, there's a thing out there and it's already slimed 14 people! Lying? Why would I make up something like this?"

Dr. Amos Wandering The Doctor is a pudgy rabbit, four feet tall. He is a brilliant scientist. When he isn't destroying monsters, he's usually involved in experiments that end up creating them. Talk about job security! Doctor Wandering smokes a pipe and wears lab coats over brown suits, He likes to say things like "Imagine . . . a co*ckroach as big as a house!" or "Yes, we stopped it this time, but will we be so lucky next time?" Beliefs & Goals: We need to move beyond the boundaries of modem science! No experiment is too risky! Trust in technology! Make new discoveries every day. Experiment with radiation, hormones and other fascinating stuff. Hit Points: 7 Speed: 4

Muscle: 2 Break Down Door: 2 Climb: 2 Fight: 2 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 2 Throw: 3 Zip: 3 Dodge: 5 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 3 Jump: 5 Ride: 3 Run: 5 Swim: 3 Smarts: 9 HideJSpot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 11 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 SeeJHearlSmell: 9 SetIDisann Trap: 9 TracWCover Tracks: 9 Chutzpah: 3 Fast-Talk: 5 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 4 Sleight of Hand: 3 Sneak 5 Shticks: Weird Science: 10 Incredible Luck: 9

Atomic Monster Theater

Col. Rock Daring Col. Daring is the commander of the Toonited States Air Farce Experimental Weapons Station outside White Wolf, Arizona. With his rugged good looks and 6' 2", muscular body, Rock is a macholooking coyote. He always dresses in a khaki uniform, with hat. He's a real "take charge" sort and doesn't mess around where Giant Creatures or Alien Invaders are concerned. "Nuke 'em!" he says, "They're probably Commies anyway." He thinks Carol Wandering is a "heck of a gal" and is in love with her. Beliefs & Goals: The Air Farce way is the only way! Don't take any backtalk from alien scum. Do a job right the first time. Keep those civilians safe! Hit Points: 12 Speed: 7

Muscle: 6 Break Down Door: 7 Climb: 6 Fight: 9 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 6 Throw: 6 Zip: 6 Dodge: 8 Drive Vehicle: 8 Fire Gun: 9 Jump: 6 Ride: 6 Run: 8 Swim: 6

Smarts: 5 Hidelspot Hidden: 6 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 6 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 See/Hear/Smell: 6 SetDisarm Trap: 7 TrackICover Tracks: 8 Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk: 8 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 6 Sneak 8 Shticks: Incredible Luck: 5

Atomic Monster Theater

Cops Cops sometimes take the place of Military,Men. They are very brave and smart, but never seem to figure out that bullets don't hurt Giant Creatures. In a setting with Teenagers, the Cops will spend half their time chasing the kids. Cops always have lots of guns and patrol cars with radios. Giant Creatures love to stomp on patrol cars. "This is car 96 calling! You guys won't believe what I just saw! Send all available units to the old Goldberg place out on Route 13!" Little Kids These little scamps not only aren't affaid of the Giant Creature, they want to be its ffiend! And they are! The Creature might have just destroyed half of New York, but when it sees the Little Kid, it becomes as gentle as a puppy. The Kid will do everything he can to protect the Creature. "You can't hurt Squidzilla! He's my friend! I won't let you hurt him! Run, Squidzilh, run!" The Giant Creature Most Giant Creatures only want to destroy property, eat everything in sight and terrorize the countryside. In Toon, these are excellent Goals! Giant Creatures are usually very dumb, but they are also very, very tough. They are always hungry. In most settings, only one player should be allowed to play a Giant Creature. However, in a Japanese setting, several players may be Giant Creatures. They'll probably spend most of the game slugging it out for the coveted title of "King of the Monsters." Giant Monsters can usually only be defeated by one method. You can use the "What Zaps It" table on p. 24 or you can think something up on your own. Figuring out what to do about a Giant Creature can be a large part of the fun in these games. But remember, the Creature can always return in the sequel! "There'sno doubt about it, Professor Denman, immersion in mayonnaise will change Ducky Kong back to a normal duck! But it must be low-fat mayonnaise! " Alien Invaders Why do all these aliens want to take over the Earth? Some of them want to make Earthlings into mindless slaves, or to chase us away so they can have the planet for themselves. They consider Earthlings to be stupid and primitive, but that's a big mistake, because the Earthlings always outsmart them! (Of course, in Toon, the aliens may want something really silly, and once they're satisfied, they'll turn around and go home. Of

course, the misunderstanding can't be resolved without a lot of property damage.) Most aliens arrive in spaceships. If you want to custom-design one, see the Star Toon chapter, starting on p. 123. You'll also find several more types of aliens there after you defeat the ones in this chapter. Alien Invaders also have at least one Really Powerful Weapon. Things like Photon Beams or Hypnotic Gas or Unstoppable Robots. In Japanese settings, the Alien Invaders often use a Giant Creature to destroy Earth's cities. Of course, this forces the Earthlings to find a Giant Creature of their own! Like Giant Creatures, Alien Invaders usually only have one weakness. They usuallly have at least one incredible Shtick, too. Some of them have mind control powers! Other Aliens may be invisible or insubstantial. They may look just like Earthlings, or they may be very weird. No matter what they look like, all Alien Invaders have funny voices and say things like "Resistance is futile!" and "Your primitive technology is no match for ours!" When running an Alien Invaders game, Animators will find it useful to let half the players be Alien Invaders and the rest be Earthlings. In a matter of minutes, the game should get pretty crazy.

New Rules and Shticks The Zap Most Giant Monsters are only truly vulnerable to one thing. They may shrug off bombs and bullets (or they may Fall Down, only to arise again just as the heroes start cheering). But there will be one thing that defeats a monster permanently (until the next movie) - if the heroes can only find it. See the "What Zaps It?" table on p. 24.

Weird Science (5 points) With this Shtick, you can invent strange new weapons and machines using whatever you find lying around. That doesn't mean they will work the way you expect. The Animator will determine that. Animators have all the fun, don't they? You can even understand alien science! Although you are just a measly Earthling, you'll be able to figure out how the Alien Invaders' machines work in a matter of minutes! A "must have" Shtick for Scientists and inventor-type characters, including Dr. Nutzenboltz and Professor Mainspring from Toon.

Talk To Monsters (3 points) Available mostly to Little Kids, this Shtick lets you understand what the monster wants, even if it can't utter a sound! The monster can also understand you.

Flash Of Brilliance (4 points) When you use this Shtick, the answer to a problem will suddenly become clear. It may not be easy to accomplish, but you'll know what needs to be done. Animators should limit the use of this Shtick to once per

Carol Wandering Carol is Doctor Wandering's daughter and assistant. She is taller than her father, slim and pretty. She wears dresses under her lab coat. Although her father and Doug Graves are the "real" scientists, Carol always seems to notice at least one important fact that neither of them caught. "Excuse me, Dad, but don't armadillos normally eat insects?" Carol thinks Col. Daring and Doug Graves are both "wonderful guys" and doesn't know which one she loves. Beliefs & Goals: My father is a great scientist, but he needs me to look after him. I hate Giant Creatures! Don't let Rock or Doug know which one you like the best. Keep your eyes open for information that can stop the Giant Creatures. Hit Points: 8 Speed: 7

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 4 Climb: 5 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 4 Throw: 6 Zip: 6 Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 8 Fire Gun: 7 Jump: 6 Ride: 6 Run: 8 Swim: 6

Smarts: 8 Hidelspot Hidden: 8 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 10 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 See/Hear/Smell: 8 SettDisann Trap: 8 TracWCover ~ i c k s 8: Chutzpah: 4 Fast-Talk: 6 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 4 Sleight of Hand: 4 Sneak: 6 Shticks: Flash of Brilliance: 7

Atomic Monster Theater

player per game, since it means the Animator has to provide a really fumy answer to some important question.

Stuff Here are some things that Our Heroes or the Alien Invad may not have at their disposal. Giant Creatures don't need Stu

Guns, Hand Grenades, Flamethrowers, Cannons, Rockets, Missiles and Lasers They never do any good, but everybody likes to give them tary bases and police stations have lots of these weapons.

Cars, Trucks, Planes and Boats Great for getting away from some Giant Creatures and but others will still catch you unless you have Incredible may want to use these vehicles to attack the Giant Creatures - good luck!

Graves A 5'6" dog with a slender build. Wears white shirts and dark pants. Doug is an expert in the field of "Monsterology." He looks kind of wimpy, but he's actually brave and resourceful. Since he also has the Weird Science shtick, he always has a couple of gizmos in his Back Pocket. "You know, if I reverse the polarity on my portable razor, it just might set up a vibration that will drive the Giant Potato Bug back into its cave!" Doug thinks Carol is a "fine woman" and is pretty sure he loves her. Beliefs & Goals: Science is great, but not at the expense of human life! I'll frnd a way to stop this menace! I love to tinker with gizmos and gadgets. Keep an eye on Carol and that flyboy! Never leave the lab without a gizmo or two. Hit Points: 10 Speed: 6

Muscle: 6 Break Down Door: 7 Climb: 6 Fight: 8 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 6 Throw: 6

Zip: 5 Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 6 Jump: 6 Ride: 5 Run: 8 Swim: 6

Continued an nextpage. ..

Atomic Monster Theater

Oddly enough, this can make some Giant Creatures Fall Down, but only if they swallow a few lit sticks of it! However, dynamite can also be used for blowing up things like darns, bridges and Alien bases.

Scientific Stuff Laboratories are full of this stuff. It can be real, like hydrochloric acid or computer chips, or it can be nonexistent stuff like electro-flamboozle units and radioactive gleepium. Of course, most of it won't do anything to harm the monster until the end of the game, but finding out what works is part of the fun!

Radios and TV With these, the Scientists can stay cozy in their labs while listening to the other Heroes tell them how unstoppable the Giant Creatures or Alien

Invaders are. At least once per game, some disposable NPC should get ~ o g ~ l ewhile d talking on the radio to HQ, or while reporting live on the action in Tokyo. "It's heading right this way! AAAZZIZEEEEEE! (followed by static) !"

Places to Go Laboratory This will be full of all sorts of Scientific Stuff. Alien Invaders will have laboratories, too, and their labs are even stranger than Earthling labs. Sometimes, Our Heroes may even find themselves trapped in an Alien lab.

Military Base Our Heroes may spend most of their time on a military base. Often, this base is out in the middle of nowhere and is Our Only Hope! Other times, the heroes will be imprisoned there. Military bases not only have laboratories, they have planes and tanks and lots of GIs with rifles. If you're really lucky, there will be an atomic bomb or two lying around.

Small Southwestern Town Always 100 miles from anywhere except an atomic testing area, nuclear waste dump or meteor strike. Those places are only a few miles away. Small Southwestern Towns are always in the desert and seldom have more than 5,000 people, several of whom are scientists. Giant Creatures like these towns because they are bite-sized.

Coastal Fishing Villages These are usually in either New England, the Pacific Northwest, Japan or the British Isles. Although they are even smaller than Small Southwestem Towns, they are favorite stopovers of Giant Underwater Creatures who are heading toward the City.

The City Alien Invaders and Giant Creatures love Cities because there is so much property to destroy and so many people to send into hysteria! Giant Creatures usually start out in the country and then head for The City except in Japan, where they rise from the sea at Tokyo and start smashing. Alien Invaders almost never go anyplace but Cities, unless they are part of a secret invasion.

P ~ O ~ ~ Doug SSOO Graves (Continued) Smarts: 9 Hidelspot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 10 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 See/Hear/Smell: 9 SetJDisarm Trap: 9 TracWCover Tracks: 9 Chutzpah: 5 Fast-Talk: 6 Pass/Detect Shoddy ~ o o d s5: Sleight of Hand: 5 Sneak: 7 Shticks: Weird Science: 8

Scoop Mellin Scoop was there when the Octopians hovered above Tokyo and demanded that the Earthlings surrender. He was there when the governments of Earth said "Aaah, yer mudda wears army boots!" And now Scoop is covering the destruction of most of Japan by Squidzilla, Slugasaurus and Clamera. Scoop always gets his story! Not bad for an overweight, balding rat in a cheap suit. He always carries a camera, tape recorder and press pass. Beliefs & Goals: I'm the best reporter around! Go where the action is! Don't let anything stand between you and a scoop! Get plenty of pictures! If it gets dangerous, run -but come right back. Hit Points: 7 Speed: 5

Muscle: 3 Break Down Door: 3 Climb: 3 Fight: 5 pick Up Heavy Thing: 3 Throw: 4 Zip: 4 Dodge: 6 Drive Vehicle: 7 F i e Gun: 4 Jump: 4 Ride: 4 Run: 6 Swim: 4 Smarts: 6 Hidelspot Hidden: 7 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 9 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 See/Hear/Smell: 6 Set/Ilisann Trap: 6 TracWCover Tracks: 6 Chutzpah: 7 Fast-Talk: 8 PassJDetect Shoddy Goods: 7 Sleight of Hand: 7 Sneak: 9 Shticks: Incredible Luck: 9 Know Obscure Facts: 5

Atomic Monster Theater

The Drive In, Lovers' Lane, The Burger Shack, The Dragstrip, The Midnight Horror Show and The Beach If your PCs are all Teenagers, these will be some of their favorite hangouts. They might see a Giant Creature or Alien Invader in one of these places, or they might decide to meet there after the Cops don't believe their story.

People & Other Things To Meet We haven't listed Attributes, Hit Points or other statistics for the following creatures, so you can give them any numbers you want. To find out where a monster came from or how to defeat it, use the "What Created It" or "What Zaps It" tables on p. 24. Have fun!

Squidzilla From out of the depths of the Pacific Ocean came this Giant Squid. Squidzilla is 500 feet long and can sink an oil tanker in less than a minute. Even worse, it can come onto dry land to wreak even more havoc. Since he has eight tentacles, Squidzilla can attack eight targets at once! (Yipe!) It can also shoot out a poisonous black ink that does 2 dice of damage! Bullets bounce off it, missiles only make it mad and electricity makes it stronger!

Clamera No one knows what created Clamera, but this enormous Mutant Clam is one of the most destructive forces on earth. Besides having a shell so hard that anti-tank shells won't even scratch it, Clamera can squirt a high powered stream of water that can knock bombers out of the sky, or do 3 dice of damage to a character! Clamera can also fly by spinning around until it becomes airborne (though it will be really dizzy when it lands)! This monstrous mollusk is 300 feet across and 90 feet high. Attempts to freeze it, blow it up and steam it have all failed.

Slugasaurus Imagine a 50-ton banana slug. Pretty gross, right? Well, now you know how the people of Santa Pequeiia, California felt as they watched it ooze slo-o-o-o-o-wly through their town, leaving a toxic slime trail behind it. In less than 24 hours there wasn't a garden or lawn left. There also wasn't much town left! Besides its slime trail, Slugasaurus seems to be protected by some sort of Force Field. Most bullets and other projectilesjust bounce off.

Giant Turtles Where does a desert tortoise the size of a 5-bedroom, 3-bath house go in the summer? All together now: Anyplace it wants! These titanic terrapins are slow-moving, but their natural armor makes them safe from every weapon known to man - even atomic bombs can't dent that thick shell.

The Glob This faceless terror seems to be made up of chunky-style peanut butter, but don't let that fool you! Different Globs live by absorbing different things . . . one of the worst kinds sucks in a character and then spits him out without any of his clothes or possessions! Since blowing it up would only create a jillion little Globs, science must think up a new way of dealing with it.

Hummingora Hurnmingora is a hummingbird twice the size of a jumbo jet! He can fly at amazing speeds and create devastating windstorms. The humming of his wings deafens nearly everyone for several turns after it ends. Humrningora also has a very long, very sharp beak that can poke through battleship armor. Humrningora has an enormous appetite and especially likes sweets; candy factories, look out!

Supreme High Commander Zok of the Planet Octopi& Zok looks like a human with four arms, four legs and green skin makeup. He wears a silver costume with a very high collar and red trim. He likes to laugh evilly and say things like "Prepare to die, puny Earthlings!" and "Squidzilla is completely under my control." which means that Squidzilla will be out of control in about a minute. Zok is alwayssurrounded by Octopian Slimetroopers, whose main job is to get trashed by our heroes during the Thrilling Finale. Beliefs & Goals: The Earth must be conquered. I am a fearless wanior! Octopians are better that Earthlings. Always do things dramatically. Always stay in control. Hit Points: 11 Speed: 4

Muscle: 3 Break Down Door: 3 Climb: 4 Fight: 4 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 5 Throw: 3 Continued on nextpage.


The Giant Hamster Forget the little exercise wheel - this rampaging rodent climbs buildings to keep fit! It can also burrow under buildings and cause them to collapse. It can hold tons of food in its cheek pouches and will eat almost anything. The Giant Hamster also likes to gnaw on skyscrapers, bridges and subway cars. It appears immune to most weapons, but stays away from pictures of giant cats.

Slime Aliens These yucky Aliens look like humanoid frogs, but are covered with a greenish slime. Most of them are only about 4 feet tall. They don't wear clothes, but do wear Electroprotection Belts that cause most attacks against them to be disrupted. Their spaceships look like enormous footballs and are armed with laser death rays. They also have teleporters,jelly bombs and slime beams.

Octopians Octopians look like green-skinned people with four arms and legs. They hate Earthlings and want to take over our planet. Their flying

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Atomic Monster Theater

Supreme High Commander Zok (Continued) Zip: 3 Dodge: 4 Drive Vehicle: 4 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 3 Ride: 3 Run: 4 Swim: 7 Smarts: 6 Hidelspot Hidden: 6 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 6 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 SeeMearISmeU:6 SetIDisann Trap: 6 TracWCover Tracks: 6 Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk. 6 PasdDetect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 6 Sneak: 7 Shtick: Weird Science: 6

Atomic Monster Theater

saucers are huge and anned with a variety of weapons, including snork beams, water balloon bombs, hyperelectrospectrum rays and molasses sprayers. They sometimes build bases deep within the Earth. Octopians may look tough, but outside their ships they're wimps.

Star Men Star Men look like us, but they are Alien Invaders. They can make themselves look like anybody and use that power to take the places of important world leaders. The fact that they hate chocolate is the only way to tell them from Earthlings. If a Star Man is cornered or outnumbered, he will make himself disintegrate, only to reappear back at base. Star Men spaceships look like big pie plates with sparklers sticking out from them.

Things To Do Invasion of the Slime Aliens Slimy, frog-like beings from another world have come to Earth. They have powerful ray guns, fast flying saucers and they want all of Earths' popcorn! Can they be stopped, or will the Earthlings have to buy potato chips at the movies?

Squidzilla! A huge squid creature terrorizes Tokyo! See buildings crumble! See people panic in the streets! See conventional weapons do nothing! Can anything stop Squidzila?


Attack of the Giant Tbrtles Giant desert tortoises, created by radiation, are crushing everything in their path. Soon, they'll reach the sleepy little town of Waterless, California! What can stop these lumbering, armored behemoths?

Billy Jenkins w

Squidzilla vs. Clamera Everybody's favorite Giant Squid returns to battle Clamera, a Giant Clam being controlled by the evil Octopians. Which monster will win? Will our heroes find a way to nullify the Octopians' Mind Control Beam? Will more monsters show up?

The Chunky Glob A jar of chunky peanut butter gets exposed to a high dose of 2-rays and comes to life. It's very hungry and grows every time it eats. A Small Town is in danger, but the police won't believe Our Teenage Heroes. How will they conGince the auhorities of the danger before it's too late? Featuring girls, guys, hot rods, rock & roll music and the biggest pile of peanut butter in the world!

Billy is a 7-year-old Little Kid whose best friend in the whole world is an 80foot-tall Hamster. No kidding! He knows that the Giant Hamster doesn't really want to hurt anyone. He's just looking for an exercise wheel big enough for him. Billy can talk to the Giant Hamster and wants desperately for people to stop trying to kill the creature. Beliefs & Goals: Giant monsters are people too. Try to stop the bad army men from shooting at the Giant Hamster and my other monster friends. Grown-ups are listen to you stupi4 but they'11 if you scream and cry enough. Hit Points: 4 Speed: 5

Muscle: 3 Break Down Door: 3 Climb: 5 Fight: 3 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 3 Throw: 5 Zip: 4 Dodge: 6 Drive Vehicle: 4 Fire Gun: 4 Jump: 6 Ride: 7 Run: 6 Swim: 5

It Came From the Garden Once it was a small garden slug, but then the pesticides mutated it into . . . Slugasaurus the Temble! No garden is safe while this 50-ton horror roams the countryside! Our Heroes must race against time to stop the monster, because it's getting ready to reproduce! AAIIIIEEEE!

Calling All Creatures Dozens of Giant Creatures are heading for Japan to compete in the 10th annual "Monster Mash." Property values in Tokyo plummet, and scientists from all over the world try to stop this impending disaster. Cameo appearances by all the Giant Creatures who ever lived! In this scenario, the players can be the monsters or Our Heroes - or both! Battles between monsters can be played out like championship wrestling bouts. "Clamera hits Squidzilla with a flying drop kick! Now Squidzilla attacks with a sleeper hold! The fans are going wild!"

Smarts: 5 Hidelspot Hidden: 7 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 5 Resist Fast-Talk: 6 See/Hear/Smell: 6 SetlDisarm Trap: 6 TrackKover Tracks: 5 Chutzpah: 5 Fast-Talk: 6 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 5 Sleight of Hand: 5 sneak: 8 Shticks: Incredible Luck: 9 Talk to Monsters: 10

Atomic Monster Theater

The "What Created It" Table 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36

Radiation A chili cookoff Pesticides Garbage Political speeches Decaying vegetation mixed with chemicals A pile of oily rags Scientific experiment gone wrong Too many late-night snacks Electricity Experimental growth hormones Experimental breakfast cereal Toxic waste Drugs plus radiation Just born that way Exposure to daytime TV Alien science Game designers

15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36

High voltage electricity Motor oil Tuna salad Sea water Sunlight X-Ray laser beam Mayonnaise Cold Sonic vibrations Moondust Darkness Grape juice Cheap after-shave Salt

Atomic Monster Theater

Explosions under the sea Volcanic gas Drank milk after the expiration date Ancient Mayan/AfricanMindulChinese/Hawaiiancurse Three straight days of music videos Water from a secret lake Genetic experiments Exposure to meteor fragments Uncontrollable need to destroy cities Radioactive Boggling Pizza with pepperoni, salami and mutagens Random mix of chemicals Imbalance in the local ecology Too much partying Magic spell Strange alien germs Strange alien cooking Any three of the above

45 46 51 52 53 54 55 56

61 62 63 64 65 66

Carrot juice Particle beam Vacuum Poison gas Tax forms Iron Dynamite Badjokes Cosmic rays Pesticide Gasoline Transmutator ray Nuclear blast Waffles

Chapter 3:

CarToon Wars

Welcome to the World of Autoduelling! Prepare to enter the fast, funny and dangerous world of combat car racing, also known as autoduelling! Part race and part shoot 'em up, autoduelling gives you a chance to build fast cars, arm them to the teeth and blow the other cars off the road! For big cash prizes, no less! But if racing around a track isn't exciting enough, there is always the thrill of driving through the Wasteland that lies just Outside of Town. The CarToon Wars world owes a lot more to The Road Warrior than to Days of Thundel: The Wasteland is full of outlaws, biker gangs and Mutant Creatures! Traveling through this desolate and dangerous area is something no person in his right mind would want to do. But then, this is Toon, so that's no problem.


CarToon Wars


O ~ Katt

A six-foot-tall bobcat. Head Driver on Uncle Spud's duelling team. Usually wears body armor in the team colors (yellow and purple). Wears his hair long and slicked back. He is a ladies' man and a partying kind of guy. Beliefs & Goals: Winning brings in the money and babes, so I'll keep on doing it. Try to look cool for pictures and interviews. Never pass up a chance to play a trick on someone. Hit Points: 9 Speed: 7

Character Types Driver This will probably be the most popular character type. A driver steers (or tries to steer) the car and gets most of the glory. Drivers also get most of the money. Drivers are usually vain and egotistical.

Muscle: 3 Break Down Door: 5 Climb: 7 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 4 Throw: 4 Zip: 6 Dodge: 6 Drive Vehicle: 10 Fire Gun: 8 Jump: 6 Ride: 6 Run: 6 Swim: 6 Smarts: 4 Hidelspot Hidden: 4 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 4 Resist Fast-Talk: 5 See/Hear/Smell: 6 Set/Disam Trap: 5 TracWCover Tracks: 4

Gunners This might be the next most popular character, since they actually get to shoot things! Gunners really like to shoot things. They are usually pretty smart and are armed to the teeth, even out of the car.


Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk: 7 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 7 Sneak: 8

If you are playing in a small group, then most of the characters will be DriverIGunners. Unless the players decide to cram into one car, in which case you may end up with lots of Gunners (and maybe lots of Drivers)! DriverIGunners are even more egotistical than regular Drivers. Since a Toon character can only do one thing per turn, a DriverIGunner will sometimes have to choose between firing the gun and steering the car. Uh-oh . . .

Shticks: Incredible Luck: 7

Mechanic This is another important character. Mechanics may be part of a Driver's team, or they may work on all the cars in a single arena. Mechanics just love fixing cars. Sometimes they add "refinements" that may or may not work the way they planned. Mechanics are always greasy and dirty. They may be good-natured, or they may be prima donnas!

Outlaws In the Wasteland, there are lots of Outlaws. Outlaws steal, lie, cheat, beat people up and have poor personal hygiene. They usually travel in small groups, with the biggest (but not always the smartest) Outlaw as the leader. Outlaws are usually tough and not too bright.

CarToon Wars


Bikers There are also Bikers in the Wasteland. They act like Outlaws, but they travel in large groups and ride big motorcycles. They like to have big, noisy parties.

Cops If you're going to have bad guys, you're going to need Cops to chase them. Cops can be smart, stupid, fat, thin, tough, wimpy, serious or goofy. The two most often encountered kinds of cops will be beat cops (in Town) or highway patrolmen (in the Wasteland). Beat cops walk around town keeping an eye on things. Highway patrolmen drive around in very fast cars with lots of armor and weapons.

Cars A talking car can be a player character! Just build a car using the vehicle sheet and then give it a personality by filling out a character sheet. You can decide if your car needs a driver or a gunner, or if the car can do it all. Arguments between a driver and a car will provide tons of opportunities for gags. And if the gunner is a combat maniac and the car is a pacifist. . . Other character types that might be fun to play are: Trucker, Used Car Salesman, Used WeaponsIArmor Salesman, Duel Track Owner, Little Old Lady From Pasadena or Anti-Duelling Activist.

Building Your Car Note for Animators: All characters (or teams of characters) should start with $10,000 with which to build their cars. This insures that no car will be too powerful, since nobody will be able to afford the best of everything. Tradeoffs will have to be made between car size, speed, weapons and armor. However, exceptional Fast Talkers might get better deals (or they might not, if they fail a Detect Shoddy Goods roll). Feel free to place limits where you think you'll need them.

The Car Construction Sheet The Car Construction Sheet is designed to help you build your car (or motorcycle) with a minimum of hassles. It also lets you keep track of what's what and what's where. It's all pretty self-explanatory, but you should remember that weapon spaces are not just for weapons. Some accessories will take up a weapon space. Ammunition can usually (but not always) be kept in the weapons, so it won't take up space. Passenger spaces are for passengers or cargo only. The Custom Add Ons section of the sheet is for writing in things like fuzzy dice, toaster ovens and other non-weapon/accessory things. Put on as many things as you want.

Buying A Car The first step in building a car is simple (well, as simple as things ever get in Toon). Just go to the nearest car dealer and buy a car! Of course, with the usual Toon group, this will take one whole session. For that

sarge Sarge is Crazy Bob's gunner and best buddy. He is a 7-foot-tall gorilla who always wears Army fatigues and a helmet. He smokes a big cigar. Sarge has a deep voice and speaks in a Texas accent. He calls women "Sweet Thang" and men "Hoss." Beliefs & Goals: Gun control is hitting what you aim at! Shoot first and don't bother to ask questions later. Random destructiveness is good clean fun. Always be polite to ladies. Hit Points: 12 Speed: 5

Muscle: 6 Break Down Door: 10 Climb: 10 Fight: 10 pick Up Heavy Thing: 10 ~ h r o w 10 : Zip: 4 Dodge: 4 Drive Vehicle: 4 Fire Gun: 10 Jump: 6 Ride: 4 Run: 4 Swim: 4 Smarts: 3 Hidelspot Hidden: 3 Identify Dangerous Thing: 5 Read: 3 Resist Fast-Talk: 4 SeeIHearlSmell: 4 SettDisarm Trap: 3 TrackJCover Tracks: 3 Chutzpah: 4 Fast-Tak 4 PassDetect Sleight of and: shoddy 4 G

O ~ ~ 4 S :

Sneak: 4

Shtick: Incredible Strength: 6

CarToon Wars

Jack Rabbit Five-foot-tall, brown rabbit and professional autoduel driver. Wears jeans, cowboy boots, a denim jacket and a Stetson hat. Speaks with a lazy Oklahoma twang. Jack is so laid back that he almost never gets excited. Always carries a bottle of orange soda in his Back Pocket. Beliefs & Goals: Relax and things will work out. Races are fun.Never back down from a duelling challenge, but stay cool. Hit Points: 9 Speed: 7

matter, so will the other steps in car building. If you don't want to spread the process out over 2-3 gaming sessions, it might be a good idea for the Animator or the players to make up a few cars in advance. If you do buy a car, remember that car prices are based upon the size of the car. Small cars go slower, hold fewer passengers and weapons and have fewer hit points. The advantage is that they are cheap. Below is a list of car sizes and their statistics. Size Small Medium Large Luxury

Speed 40 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. 100 ft.

Passengers 1 2 3 4

Weapon Spaces 2 4 6 8

Hit points 6 10 14 18

Price $500 $1,000 $2,000 $4,000

Animators should note that if it would be funny to allow six characters to cram into a small car, it's OK with us! However, the number of weapons and hit points should stay as is. Trust us.

Muscle: 3 Break Down Door3 Climb: 3 Fight: 4 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 3 Throw: 3 Zip: 6 Dodge: 9 Drive Vehicle: 10 Fire Gun: 6 Jump: 8 Ride: 6 Run: 9 Swim: 6

Smarts: 6 Hidelspot Hidden: 7 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 6 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 See/Hear/Smell: 7 SetlDisarm Trap: 6 TracWCover Tracks: 6 Chutzpah: 4 Fast-Talk: 6 Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 5 Sneak: 5 Shticks: Stunt Driving: 8

Motorcycles For those of you who think duelling in a car is for sissies, we've included motorcycles. Motorcycles only come in two sizes: Dirt Bikes (made by YamaHaHa) and Big Bikes (made by Hardly Dangerous). Their statistics are listed below.

CarToon Wars


Size Dirt Bike Big Bike

Speed 80 ft. 60 ft.

Passengers 1 2

Weapon Spaces 1 2

Hit points 6 12

Price $500 $1,000

There are a couple of special rules for motorcycles. First, a Dirt Bike can go off the road without lowering the driver's Drive Vehicle roll. A Big Bike that goes off the road gives the driver a -4 penalty to control it. A Big Bike can have a sidecar. Sidecars let the bike carry another passenger and 1 extra weapon. Sidecars that break loose from their bike always crash. Otherwise, building a motorcycle is the same as building a car. L

TiPes All cars and motorcycles come with tires that have 4 Hit Points each. You can find better tires in Uncle Spud's Catalog, starting on p. 39. You'll need them.

Weapons and Armor Once you have a car or bike, it's time to put some armor and weapons on it! To do this, just pick what you want from Uncle Spud's Auto Stop and Comedy Shop Catalog, starting on p. 39. Armor fits over the entire vehicle. Unless the Animator decides otherwise, each car may only have one kind of armor. Armor usually adds Hit Points to the vehicle. When the Hit Points are gone, so is the armor. Some armor doesn't add Hit Points, but gives extra protection from certain kinds of attacks instead. Cars may have any combination of weapons that the players can afford. Weapons can be mounted in any position the player chooses. All on the front, all on the back, spread about evenly, whatever seems most effective or most funny. Yes, this does include under the car and inside it! Motorcycles can only have weapons facing forward or backward. (If you're not playing with miniatures, any weapon can shoot any direction anyway.) Vehicles can never move faster than their basic speed unless they have some sort of accessory that lets them do it, like Go Go Juice, Nitrous Oxide or a Rocket Booster (see p. 46). A player-character Car can have Incredible Speed, but the Shtick is only good for getting a laugh, not winning a race. For instance, Mac the Truck could use Incredible Speed to leave the arena, go get a wash & wax job and then return to his position in the race so that he could ask Suzy Sportscar for a date!

Customizing Your Car Finally, add the little things that make driving fun, like AMIFM stereos (with CD players), reclining bucket seats, spiffy paint jobs and portable barbecues. None of these things cost any money, so players should load up on them. This gives more gag possibilities for players - and Animators. "Oops, the red hot bumto you were cooking in the microwave just fell out into your lap! Make your Drive Vehicle roll at -4!" Players should be encouraged to draw pictures of their cars or bikes. The more outrageous the design and colors the better. Put faces on them! Make the weapons look like arms and legs! Make the front of the car look

- 29 -

Betty Blastini Betty is a human female. She stands 5' 6" tall and has long, dark hair. Her favorite clothes are overalls. She is Jack Rabbit's Gunner and Mechanic. She doesn't like to shoot guns, so she mostly uses dropped weapons and grenades. She always keeps tools and makeup in her Back Pocket. Beliefs & Goals: Working on cars is fun! So is winning duels and being on TV. You can never have too many tools or too much makeup! Save up money to buy my own auto repair shop. Talk Jack into marrying me. Find new ways to win races without shooting anybody. Hit Points: 7 Speed: 5

Muscle: 3 Break Down Door: 3 Climb: 3 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 4 Throw: 4 Zip: 4 Dodge: 6 Drive Vehicle: 5 Fire Gun: 8 Jump: 5 Ride: 4 Run: 6 Swim: 5

Smarts: 6 HideiSpot Hidden: 6 Identify Dangerous Thing: 7 Read: 6 Resist Fast-Talk: 6 SeelHear/Smell: 7 SetIDisam Trap: 9 TrackICover Tracks: 6 Chutzpah: 4 Fast-Talk: 8 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 7 Sleight of Hand: 4 Sneak: 6 Shtick: Bag of Many Things: 5

CarToon Wars

like the back (this will confuse the other duellists)! It may confuse the driver if he fails a Smarts roll.

New Rules This section presents simple, silly rules for autoduelling. The point is to have a fast, funny version of the genre. If you want serious duelling rules, check out Car Wars.

Weapon Fire Hogg Wilde Hogg is a 6' 4" Biker warthog. He likes to wear a black leather jacket with lots of metal spikes and zippers. Always wears sunglasses, even at night. The back of his jacket says "What Are You Lookin' At?" Hogg has a very bad attitude about almost everything, but he really hates to be Boggled. His favorite band is Grunts & Poses. Beliefs & Goals: I am bad to the bone! Anybody who's not a Biker is a wimp! Always look for trouble! Start lots of fights! Pound anybody who boggles you! Hit Points: 12 Speed: 5

Each occupant of a car may fire one weapon per turn, or more if the car has a Weapon Link. If the car is a character, it may fire one weapon per turn on its own. Fire Gun skill is used to fire any weapon. On a successful roll, it hit. Otherwise, it missed. A miss may hit something else if the Animator thinks it's funny. Weapons are not destroyed when the car takes hits, though they may be stolen or destroyed by funny actions of opponents. Weapons are destroyed when the car loses all its Hit Points. A PC car which Falls Down will come back with broken weapons, requiring fixing. Keep track of ammunition. A weapon without ammunition is no good (usually).

Muscle: 6 Break Down Door: 10 Climb: 6 Fight: 10 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 10 Throw: 8 Zip: 4 Dodge: 6 Drive Vehicle: 5 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 4 Ride: 4 Run: 5 Swim: 4 Smarts: 2 Hidelspot Hidden: 3 Identify Dangerous Thing: 3 Read: 2 Resist Fast-Talk: 2 See/Hear/Smell: 2 SetIDisarm Trap: 3 TracWCover Tracks: 3 Chutzpah: 3 Fast-Talk: 3 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 3 Sleight of Hand: 3 Sneak: 3 Shticks: Toughness (Physical): 5 Detect Beer: 9

CarToon Wars

Driving Any driving maneuver (turning, stopping, laying rubber) takes only one turn. The exception here is crashing, which takes as long as the Animator or player thinks it's funny. You can shoot your weapons while crashing, at -2 to all Fire Gun rolls. Cars that lose all their hit points are out of the race unless the owners can fix or replace them before the race ends. But "live" cars are never destroyed - they just Fall Down. Boggled drivers lose a turn and will crash on a roll of 5 or less on 2 dice. Boggled PC cars will lose a turn and crash on a roll of 6 or less.

Ramming If you can reach someone, you can ram them. Make a Drive Vehicle roll to actually hit them. If you miss, you shoot past. If you hit them, the bigger thing takes 1 die of damage and the smaller takes 2 dice. (If they're the same size, each takes 1 die of damage. The Animator decides what's w bigger.) Characters may not ram, unless they're vehicles. But a large "real" animal, like a rhino or a Giant Mutant Thing, might ram a car.

Speed For races, use the Speed rules on p. 8. No car can move faster than its basic speed unless it is equipped with a special speed-increasing gadget. Incredible Speed may only be used for laughs, not winning races. That's all there is to it! Of course, the Animator may set up a strange track or have unusual qualifications for winning, but that's what makes arena duelling interesting.

Off The Road All of the rules for arena duelling also apply to duelling on the highways and byways out in The Wasteland. However, off-road driving is a bit harder. Any time a car goes off the road, the driver (or car) has to make a Drive Vehicle roll at -4 to maintain control and keep from crashing. If the Drive Vehicle roll is successful, the driver can drive off-road at -2 to Drive Vehicle and Dodge rolls. If you have Off-Road Tires, your Drive Vehicle roll is only -1, but you may have to make a lot of Dodge rolls to avoid rocks, cactus and other things. Dodge rolls are also at -1. Fire Gun rolls for all vehicles are at -2 while off-road. Nobody said it was easy to duel in the dirt. When two or more cars are slugging it out off road, they'll be kicking up lots of dust! This dust makes it hard to see, so all vision-related skills are at -1, in addition to any other penalties.

Crashing Any time a car or motorcycle crashes, the player or Animator must roll on the Crash Result Table (see p. 48). You can roll as often as you want. In one case, a car kept on crashing throughout an entire game. Any cars that are grazed or slammed into during a crash must also roll on the crash table. As you might imagine, this can lead to some huge pileups on the arena or highway. What fun!

Elwood "Jaws" Gator A 3-foot-tall alligator who dresses just like Hogg. Elwood is Hogg's biggest fan and favorite punching bag. He rides in the sidecar of Hogg's bike. Although he tries hard to do what Hogg tells him, he almost He hates the name Elalways goofs wood. His favorite weapon is a B-I-G mallet, but of the time, he misses what he aims at and hits Hogg. Beliefs & Goals: Hogg is really cool! I'm his best pal! Do everything Hogg tells me. Try not to mess up this time. Hit Points: 6 Speed: 5

Muscle: 2 Break Down Door: 2 Climb: 4 Fight: 3 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 2 Throw: 2 Zip: 4 Dodge: 4 Drive Vehicle: 4 Fire Gun: 4 Jump: 4 Ride: 4 Run: 6 Swim: 10 Smarts: 4 Hide/Spot Hidden: 5 Identify Dangzrous Thing:6 Read: 5 Resist Fast-Talk: 4 See/Hear/Smell: 6 Setl'isarm Trap: 6 TracWCover Tracks: 4 Chutzpah: 3 Fast-Talk: 3 Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods: 4 Sleight of Hand: 3 Sneak: 6 Shticks:

Fixing Things

cosmic shift: 6

Where would an autoduellist be without his mechanic? In a CarToon Wars game, the SetDisarm Traps skill allows a character to fix any sort of vehicle, weapon or other gadget, as long as he makes a successful roll. The time it takes to make the repairs is up to the Animator. A very good roll might mean that the car (or motorcycle or plane or whatever) runs better than before! Failures will mean that the mechanic has goofed up


CarToon Wars

Milton and Bradley Milton and Bradley are identical twin rhinos. They stand 7 feet tall and are always impeccably dressed, from their hats to their shoes. Both are polite and have excellent grammar, even when they're beating up someone who owes money to their boss, Harvey Hamster. Beliefs & Goals: There is no excuse for bad manners or bad grammar. If you dress well, people will respect you. Do your job to the best of your ability. Learn a new word every day. Hit Points: 22 Speed: 6

and made things worse. The mechanic will never know that he failed until someone tries to drive whatever he's "fixed." Tools are required, but they do not have to be regular automobile tools. A character whose only tools are a saw, a pipe wrench and an electric sander might be able to fix a bad transmission anyway. If someone tries to fix a player-character car, the car may or may not sit still for it. The mechanic might have to Fast-Talk the car into undergoing "surgery." Car characters can try to fix themselves, too. This skill can't create new devices; that's the Weird Science Shtick. That's all there is to autoduelling! Just remember to keep your gas tank full, your weapons loaded and your pedal to the metal!

Shticks Animators should let characters (and NPCs) have at least one Shtick, but not more than two. Two new ones are described below. Some Shticks from other chapters can be useful here, too.

Stunt Driving (4 points)

Muscle: 10 Break Down Door: 10 Climb: 10 Fight: 10 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 10 Throw: 10

Make a successful roll and you can drive up walls, jump canyons, crash through barriers and do other dangerous or impossible things. Make a bad roll and you'll crash and Fall Down! If you make a really good roll on a really wild stunt (like a backward jump with a full twist over a canyon), anyone who sees it is Boggled! This Shtick can (and probably will) be used by Computer Drivers (see p. 47). It will work for any sort of vehicle.

Zip: 5 Dodge: 5 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 5 Ride: 5 Run: 8 Swim: 5 Smarts: 10 Hidelspot Hidden: 10 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 10 Resist Fast-Talk: 10 See/HearlSmell: 10 Set/Dism Trap: 10 TracWCover Tracks: 10 Chutzpah: 3 Fast-Talk: 4 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 5 Sleight of Hand: 3 Sneak: 3 Shticks: Toughness (Physical): 7 Sense of Direction: 8

CarToon Wars

Sense of Direction (2 points) With this Shtick, you can always find out what direction anything is from where you're standing. Characters using this Shtick will stretch out one arm,point with their index finger and spin around like crazy for one turn. When they stop, they'll be pointing in the direction of whatever they wanted to locate, if they make their Shtick roll. If they fail, they'll be

going in either a random direction or the opposite direction (but they won't know it - the Animator makes the roll).

Other Useful Shticks Other Shticks that might be useful in CarToon Wars are Extra Hit Points (p. 162), Weird Science (p. 17), Teleport, Bag of Many Things, Toughness (p. 168), Invisibility and Cosmic Shift. Animators should allow any Shticks that might fit the setting or that are really funny. Letting one character in a duel know the Snooze spell would make for lots of laughs. So would running an arena event where everyone had Cosmic Shift. Just remember that the NPCs can have Shticks, too. Heh, heh, heh.

Stuff CarToon Wars weapons, armor and gadgets-are listed in Uncle Spud's Auto Stop & Comedy Shop Catalog, starting on p. 39.

Places to Go

Officer Canard Red-haired, green-eyed, female, humanoid duck Cop. She stands 4 feet tall and is always in uniform. Officer Canard is a no-nonsense cop who doesn't like duellists or speeders. She's tough and can handle herself in a fight. Her car is a rolling arsenal (and a fast one at that). Beliefs & Goals: Uphold the law! Keep duellists off the streets. Don't take any sass from criminals. Work hard and become a detective some day. Always have the fastest, best-armed car on the force. Hit Points: 9 Speed: 7

Muscle: 5 Break Down Door: 7 Climb: 6 Fight: 8 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 5 Throw: 6 Zip: 6 Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 10 Fire Gun: 9 Jump: 7 Ride: 6 Run: 8 Swim: 9


Around Town There are lots of Towns scattered around this world. Some are Small Towns, with a few houses and a gas station. Some are Big Towns, with shopping malls, hospitals, television stations and autoduel arenas. And there are Medium-Sized Towns, and that's the kind we're going to look at. This town is Twisted Ridge, Colorado, population 10,000. There is a map of Twisted Ridge on the next page. All the major points of interest are numbered. 1. Twisted Ridge Autoduel Arena This standard "figure 8" arena is very popular with the local folks. There are races every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Sunday race is the "two-way special," in which every other car on the starting line is facing in the opposite direction. There are lots of crashes, but the prize money is excellent. Anybody who wants to enter an event at this arena must pay a $20 entry fee. The arena is owned by "Big Ed" O'Lettuce. He's a real hustler and is always looking for new talent and new ways to drum up business. He has a very high Fast-Talk skill and is also the arena's announcer.


Smarts: 7 Hidelspot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 7 Resist Fast-Talk: 10 See/Hear/Smell: 8 SetIDisarm Trap: 8 Track/Cover Tracks: 9 Chutzpah: 5 Fast-Talk: 7 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 5 Sleight of Hand: 6 Sneak: 6 Shtick: Incredible Speed: 6

CarToon Wars

CarToon Wars

2. The Polished Plate Cafe This is a favorite hangout for duellists, mechanics, cops, bikers and even an outlaw or two. The owner and head cook is a huge grizzly bear named Bob Bruin. He's a pretty good cook, but gets very angry if a customer sends something back. His speciality is "Bob's Better Than Your Momma Made" stew. The waitresses are three pandas named June, Jane and Jean. They are identical triplets, and they hate it when customers call them by the wrong name. Other than that, they are pretty friendly.

3. Uncle Spud's Auto Stop & Comedy Shop #3964 This shop is owned and operated by Harvey Hamster. He is the highpressure salesman that other high-pressure salesmen wish they could be! If you go into his shop to buy a sparkplug, you might come out with half a dozen sparkplugs and a cream pie cannon! Harvey is always ready to make a deal and will sell things on the Easy Payment Plan: you make your payment every month or he sends his bill collectors out with a plan for rearranging your face. Pretty easy, right? Harvey's bill collectors are a couple of rhinos named Milton and Bradley. They are very polite, well-dressed and speak in perfect English. They will ask nicely for the money. If you don't have it, they'll do something terribly amusing to you, usually with dynamite or a huge mallet.

4. The Twisted Ridge Mall A typical shopping mall. Some of the stores you'll find there are: B. Dulltoon Books, Spacy's Department Store, Frederick's of Hollyweird, Taco Bowl, 2-Mart and the Toonited Artists Megaplex Theaters.

Giant Mutant Foogle Bird A 30-foot-tall, green, ostrich-like bird with a weird comb of feathers - every bird's is different, and each Foagle thinks his is the best. These Foogles have arms instead of wings. Beliefs & Goals: It's fun to play football or soccer with cars! Never let a duellist outsmart you. Eat any tires that come off a car or other vehicle. Hit Points: 40 Speed: 10

Muscle: 9 Break Down Door: 9 Climb: 9 Fight: 10 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 11 Throw: 10 Zip: 9 Dodge: 9 Drive Vehicle: NIA Fire Gun: N/A Jump: 10 Ride: N/A Run: 11 Swim: NIA

5. Police Department & Jail The police in Twisted Ridge all drive big, fast cars that are heavily armed and armored. If you do any duelling on the city streets, they'll come after you. The fine is $1,000 or 30 days in jail. 6. Stuff Unlimited This is Twisted Ridge's largest industry and biggest employer. The company makes all sorts of things, from housewares to gags and novelties. The factory is very large. In fact, it's so large that cars can drive around (and duel) inside it!

7. Wilde Bunch Hideout Located on the edge of town, in the abandoned Dooyoo Mine, is the secret hideout of the Wilde Bunch Motorcycle Gang! Their leader, Hogg Wilde (see p. 30), is a big, tough warthog who is always mad about something. He's not too smart and his gang is made up of clumsy dopes who get lost in their own hideout.

8. Motel 5%

Smarts: 5 Hide/Spot Hidden: 7 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 5 Resist Fast-Talk: 7 See/Hear/Smell: 6 SetlDisarm Trap: 9 TracWCover Tracks: 5

This is a pretty nice motel, owned and operated by h i e Dillo and his wife, Lily. Arnie and Lily are a jolly little couple and will "pop in" to their guests' rooms at all hours of the day and night to tidy up, chat or fix the plumbing.

Chutzpah: 3 Fast-Talk: 3 Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods: 5 Sleight of Hand: 4 Sneak: 7

There can be any number of other places to visit in Twisted Ridge. Animators can look around their home towns and then "Toonify" anybody or anyplace that looks appropriate for the setting.

Shticks: Cosmic Shift: 8 Incredible Luck: 7 Quick ChangeIDisguise: 7

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Uncle Spud (Spudbert Potato wski) A 6-foot-tall potato with arms, legs and a face. He usually dresses in expensive business suits unless he's doing a commercial. Then, he might be wearing anything from an Easter Bunny costume to a pirate outfit. Beliefs & Gods: Give the people what they want; if they don't know what they want, tell them! Never let a customer get away without a purchase. Hit Points: 8 Speed: 4

Out in the Wasteland Most of the Wasteland is nothing but lots of deserts and canyons and rocks. The roads that cross it range from superhighways to dirt roads. There are Outlaws, Bikers and Mutant Animals everywhere. For ideas about Mutant Animals, see Atomic Monster Theatel; p. 16, and Dungeons and Toons, p. 72. Most towns are at least 50 miles apart, so make sure you fill your gas tank before heading out.

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 4 Climb: 4 Fight: 6 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 5 Throw: 6 Zip: 3 Dodge: 5 Drive Vehicle: 9 Fire Gun: 6 Jump: 3 Ride: 3 Run: 4 Swim: 5

1. Falling Rock Canyon Highway 57 runs right through this canyon. Rocks fall on a roll of 7 or less - it's up to the Animator to decide how big the rocks are. Rubber armor will only help against small to medium-sized rocks. Big rocks mash whatever they land on. 2. Cactus Flats A 30-mile stretch of desert that is home to thousands of animated cacti. As long as treavelers remain in their vehicles, the cacti will ignore them. If they stop and get out (say, to fix a flat tire), the cacti will attack. Smarts: Hidelspot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 9 Resist Fast-Talk: 11 See/Hear/Smell: 9 SetDisarm Trap: 9 TracWCover Tracks: 9 Chutzpah: 10 Fast-Talk: 11 PasstDetect Shoddy Goods: 10 Sleight of Hand: 10 Sneak: 10

Shticks: Detect Money: 8 Weird Science: 7 Bag of Many Things: 6

CarToon Wars

3. Foogle Valley This is a pretty little valley between the Rolling Hills and the Superstitious Mountains. A road runs right through the middle of it. As the name implies, this valley is the home of Giant Mutant Foogle Birds. The Foogles really aren't mean, they just want to play. Unfortunately, 30-foottall Foogle Birds tend to play too roughly and their toys (visitors and their vehicles) often break.

4. Ghost Town There are several ghost towns in the Wasteland, complete with ghosts. Some ghosts are playful and some are mean. They all like to scare the wits out of the living. One of their favorite tricks is to hide the vehicles of anyone that comes into town. Outlaws and Bikers won't usually enter a ghost town.

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5. Cliff of Caves This cliff looks like a huge wedge of Swiss cheese. Outlaws live in the caves and spy on the nearby roads. You can drive into a cave at ground level and then drive around inside the caves, if you're brave enough. Of course, the cave you drive out of might not be at ground level!

6. Petrified Forest This looks just like a normal forest, but all of the trees are made of stone! So are the leaves, birds' nests, squirrels and anything else in the trees. Crashing into a tree here does 2d+3 damage. The Killer Sheep Biker Gang often has parties in this forest. They don't like intruders.

People (and Other Thing to Meet

George "Little Red" Corvette A bright red 1969 Corvette Stingray with a face. Little Red is a both a championship duel car and a championship duellist. He's nice off the track, but during a duel he plays to win. Beliefs & Goals: Real cars don't need drivers or gunners! I'mproof of that! Keep away from those little foreign sports cars because they'll only break your heart. Hit Points: 22 Speed: 11

In the sidebars are some characters that the animat use as PCs or NPCs. Interesting ideas for encounters cially in the Wasteland) can be found in Atomic Mons atel; p. 13, and Crawl of Catchoolu, p. 51. If you re to get strange, you could create a time warp that duellists into the Dungeons and Toons world (see p. 72)!

Things to Do The following adventure seeds can either be played as-is or combined into a Cartoon Series. For other ideas, see any "real" Car Wars adventure. Just take the situations there and make them silly (or sillier.)

Shootout at Misted Ridge The PCs are entered in tonight's big "Obstacle Course" race at the lbisted Ridge Autoduel Arena. They have to make sure their vehicles are in tip-top shape. They also have to keep the other duellists from sabotaging them! Of course, they may decide to indulge in a bit of sabotage themselves!

Mouseville Motorway Madness A "No-Rules" race (you can do anything to win, provided you don't leave the track) on the infamous Mouseville track. Unfortunately, half the players are in debt to Rocco Mouserelli, a powerful crimelord who wants them to lose the race. The other players are in debt to Iggy "Headbuster" Ignorantski, another mob boss who wants them to win. Upsetting either criminal is a very bad idea. Animators should try to have one playerfrom each group in every vehicle.

Muscle: 7 Break Down Door: 9 Climb: NIA Fight: 9 Pick Up Heavy Thing: NIA Throw: NIA Zip: 10 Dodge: 11 Drive Vehicle: 11 Fire Gun: 10 Jump: 10 Ride: NIA Run: 10 Swim: NIA Smarts: 7 Hidelspot Hidden: 7 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 7 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 See/Hear/Smell: 7 SetlDisarm Trap: 8 TracWCover Tracks: 7 Chutzpah: 9

Toonited Parcel Service Characters are all in two luxury-sized cars or vans (there can be more than one Gunner per car) and must deliver packages from lbisted Ridge to Mouseville, Rainbow Valley, Fnord City and Dogtown before the end of the work day (sundown). Along the way they'll have to deal with the usual Wasteland menaces . . . as well as people who won't answer their doors, guard dogs, traffic jams and speed traps.


F ~ s ~ - 10 ~ ~ 1 ~ : PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 9 Sleight of Hand: NIA Sneak: 9

Shtick: Detect Gasoline: 6

CarToon Wars

Spitball Run A race across the Toonited States! Racers must avoid Wasteland dangers and traps set by opponents. Since this is an illegal race, all the cops in the country are on the alert! Just to make things interesting, each participant in the race has bet $10,000 on his vehicle, with all the money going to the winner. Animators should change the game scale from 1 square = 10 feet to 1 square = 10 miles (or more). They should also pick six to eight towns that are official checkpoints - each racer must stop there. This would be a good game for a large group.


Duel Circuit

The Toad Wh0r The ~~d warrior is 6' 6- tall with a muscular build. He always wears a green leather jumpsuit and a helmet with a mirrored visor. He has a very deep voice and rides a big bike. Probably the most feared Outlaw i. the Wasteland. H ~ ' SdeJ;nitely the hardest to catch. Beliefs & Goals: Rob travelers, win duels, outwit the cops, eat bugs. Hit Points: 12 Speed: 11

Muscle: 9 Break Down Door: 9 Climb: 10 Fight: 11 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 10 Throw: 9

zip: 10 Dodge: 11 Drive Vehicle: 10 Fire Gun: 11 Jump: 10 Ride: 10 Run: 11 Swim: 10 Smarts: 8 HidefSpot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 8 Resist Fast-Talk: 10 See/HeadSmell: 9 Set/Disarm Trap: 10 TrackKover Tracks: 9 Chutzpah: 7 Fast-Tak 9 Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods: 9 Sleight of Hand: 7 Sneak: 8 Shticks: Incredible Luck: 9 Change Shape: 9

CarToon Wars

Held at the Dogtown Dueltrack, this race is restricted to dropped weapons andpistols only! The track is filled with booby traps like Invisible Oil Slicks, Pop Up Brick Walls, Randomly Thrown Pies and Pop-Up Jump Ramps. Dogtown fans are noted for firing rifles and other weapons into the arena. This race should be at least 20 laps long and have a fair amount of prize money.

Son of Duel Circuit This event is called "Autoduel Soccer" and is staged at the Mad Maxine Memorial Motorway. Of course, since this is CarToon Wars, it's not quite like a regular soccer game. To start with, there are four teams, not two! Weapons are limited to flamethrowers, cream pie cannons and misguided missiles. The playing field isn't booby trapped, but the ball (which is 6 feet across and made of steel) will fire off a burst of flame whenever the Animator thinks it would be funny. Firing on members of your own team is dumb and probably fatal. Prize money should be good.

Return of Son of Duel Circuit This is the big one, the Uncle Spud's Invitational, No Rules or Restrictions, Sole Survivor Wins It All, Autoduel Championship! This is held at Uncle Spud's Test Arena, and three separate tracks have been connected by several short roads. Some of the tracks are booby-trapped, some aren't. The vehicles include biker, cars, pedestrians and even a few robots! No restrictions on weapons or armor. This event lasts until only one person (or team) is left. The prize money is incredible and the winner is offered a job by Uncle Spud.

The Toad Warrior In this one, the PCs are deputized and sent out to catch a famous Outlaw known as the Toad Warrior. For stats on the Toad Warrior, see the sidebar. The Toad Warrior is quick and crafty, The PCs are going to have to work really hard to catch this fiend.

Beyond Blunderdome All the PCs have to do is escape from Blunderdome Prison (which is specij?cally designed to hold cartoon characters), find their cars in the Parking Lot of Doom, escape across the Wasteland and get the evidence that proves their innocence out of the safe in Rocco Mouserelli's hideout.


Medium Armor Spend a little more, get a little more. If you're

Medium Armor - Costs $150 and adds 15 Hit

edy ShopsTM are the numberRememive Spud, the wrong with

It's a tough world out there, and it takes tough armor to survive it. All our regular armor is available in a wide range of colors and textures. Custom colors and two-tones are available at a slightly higher rate. Only one set of regular armor can be placed on each vehicle.

Light Armor Great for the family car, the beginning duellist or anybody on a budget. This armor looks sharp and gives good protection. And, like all of our armors, one size fits all? Light Armor - Costs $100 and adds 10 Hit Points to the vehicle's total. Speed is not affected.

They'll think they know how tough you are, but you have a secret. Uncle Spud's invisible armor adds valuable Hit Points to your vehicle without letting other drivers know! New for this catalog, we expect this to be a runaway hit. Order now and avoid possible sellouts! Invisible Armor - Costs $300 and adds 15 Hit Points to the vehicle's total. Reduces maximum speed by 10 feet. Except for being invisible, this is just like normal medium armor.

Heavy Armor When you play with the big boys, you're going to get roughed up! But with Uncle Spud's heavy armor, you can take what they dish out! Heavy Armor - Costs $200 and adds 20 Hit Points to vehicle's total. Reduces maximum speed by 20 feet.

Special Coatings Oh sure, you've bought armor for your car, but is it good enough to withstand those "special" attacks

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that your opponent has up his sleeve? Why take chances? Order some of our custom armor and the joke will be on them! Either or both (! !) of these special coatings can be added to a layer of regular armor.

Teflon Coating Watch those cream pies, paint bombs and other messy attacks just slide off when they hit this incredible non-stick armor! Comes in a wide variety of neat colors and even adds a few Hit Points to your car! All this at a price that you won't want to let slide by. Teflon Coating - Costs $150. All sticky, gooey, yucky, slimy attacks do no damage to the car, but may affect the tires or weapons. Rubber Coating He's got you in his sights, but surprise! - the bullets are bouncing back at him! He didn't know you had Uncle Spud's patented Rubber Armor Coating! Looks just like normal armor, but oh what a difference! One of our biggest sellers, so don't delay, order yours today! Rubber Armor Coating - Costs $150. Does not add Hit Points and has no effect against sticky attacks. All other attacks do only one Hit Point damage and then bounce off, hitting the attacking vehicle for normal damage. A ramming attack does half damage, but the attacking vehicle will bounce off and be out of control.

Weapons Let's face it, on the track or on the street, it's the best weapons that get the most respect and the biggest laughs! Here at Uncle Spud's Auto Stop & Comedy Shop, we stock a full line of the best and strangest weapons. Just ask any of our thousands of satisfied customers or their surviving family members! Remember that you can only have as many weapons as you have spaces for. Except for Computer Drivers or Gunners, no other weapons or accessories can be put in a passenger seat.

Cream Pie Cannon Looking for a quick way to boggle your opponent so you can get off an extra shot? Well, look no further! This baby can fire a jumbo cream pie with pinpoint accuracy! The poor saps will never know what hit 'em! It's made by Jackson Armaments, the leader in comic weaponry, and Uncle Spud is selling them at rock-bottom prices. Get yours today and don't forget: He who boggles first, boggles best! Cream Pie Cannon - Costs $300 and fires one cream pie per turn. Must hit the front of a vehicle in

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order to boggle the occupants (or the Car, if it's a character). Holds 6 pies.

Machine Gun High firepower at a low, low price! This is one of Uncle Spud's personal favorites due to its low cost, rapid rate of fire, wide assortment of ammo and plentiful laughs per minute. A great way to dispense lots of comedy and mayhem. What the heck, buy two and really have some fin! Machine Gun - Costs $250 and fires 3 rounds per turn. Damage is determined by bullet type (see Ammunition, p. 42). Rifles and Pistols Just the ticket for defending your home, taking potshots at other duellists or letting duel referees know what you think of them. These are not mounted on vehicles and cannot be linked to other weapons. Rfles - Cost $150 each and fne one round per turn. Rifles hold 10 bullets. Damage is determined by bullet type (see Ammunition, p. 42). Pistols - Cost $100 and fire one shot per Nrn. Pistols hold 6 bullets and use any bullet made for machine guns or rifles. Bubblegum Bazooka If "gumming up the works" is your way of getting laughs and winning duels, this little number is right up your alley! Using the latest advances in bubblegum technology, Uncle Spud has come up with a gum shooter that is accurate, lightweight and inexpensive. Mount it on your car or carry it with you! Stickiness has never been so much fun or so easy. Only from Uncle Spud, the Duellist's BudTM. Bubblegum Bazooka - Costs $200 and fires one bubblegum rocket at a time. May be vehicle mounted or hand-held. Anyone standing directly behind a Bubblegum Bazooka when it is fired takes 2 points of damage, is deafened for Id turns and is sent flying through the air. Firing one inside a closed space is really silly and will deafen everyone in that space for 2d turns. This weapon must be reloaded by hand. This is easiest if the vehicle is not moving. Damage is by rocket type. Portable Hole Dropper They'll really be down and out when you lay a few holes on the track! This compact, high-tech piece of equipment was developed for us by Itchiscratchi Electronics of Japan. Just load it up with holes, press the trigger button and laugh yourself silly watching those other morons drop out of sight. Can also be set on automatic, freeing your hands for driving or applying

makeup. Only Uncle Spud could come up with something this loony! Portable Hole Dropper - Costs $250 and holds 5 holes. Drops a hole every time the trigger is pulled or once per turn when set on automatic. The holes are big enough for any size car to fall into. If more than one hole is on the track, vehicles will come out another hole (Animator's choice) on the next turn. They will be going at the same speed as when they fell in, but can be facing in any direction the Animator chooses.

Spray Gun Give the other duellists a little something extra to worry about with Uncle Spud's new, improved Spray Gun! This handy gadget can hold anything from tar to salad oil. Want to make things slippery? Spray a little grease on the track! Feel like stopping them dead? Lay down a puddle of glue! The possibilities are endless! Spray Gun - Costs $75 and can spray one space per turn. Can be filled with any liquid or semi-solid material the Animator allows. Damage or effects will Misguided Missiles If you don't mind taking a little risk in exchange for some heavy-duty firepower, this is the weapon for you! You see, a few months ago, Uncle Spud bought out the entire inventory of the Melrnan Missile Factory. Unfortunately, a few days later, we found out that the guidance systems on the missiles were not completely reliable. As a result of this, we decided to sell them at below cost to those of you who don't mind taking a few chances in exchange for hitting your opponents hard! Notice: Uncle Spud's Auto Stop & Comedy Shop, Inc., is not responsible for any damages, real or imagined, caused by using these missiles. USE THEM AT YOUR OWN RISK! Misguided Missiles - Cost $300 each and do 2d+3 damage to whatever they hit. On a roll of 7 or less, the missile hits what it was aimed at. A higher roll means that the missile has turned back toward the vehicle that fired it. The Animator may allow a Fast-Talk roll to convince the missile to turn around. Cars may carry as

many missiles as they have space for. Motorcycles may only carry one, but firing it will do ld+2 damage to the occupants of the bike and to the bike itself.

Water Balloon Launcher Wet 'em down and wipe 'em out with Uncle Spud's Water Balloon Launcher! This is one of the biggest laugh getters we sell, and with good reason! The damage is pretty impressive, too. A good, inexpensive weapon and, of course, it comes with Uncle Spud's famous 90-day guarantee! Water Balloon Launcher - Costs $100 and fires one balloon per turn. Can hold 3 balloons. Hits on a 8 or less and does ld-2 damage. All-Purpose Dropper When you use this, they'll never know what to expect! Uncle Spud himself invented this gadget and the tried it out at the Tex Avery Memorial Autoduel Arena. He won the duel! Just load it up with whatever you like and spread a little chaos around the track. Holds everything except portable holes. This is bound to sell out, so buy today! All-Purpose Dropper - Costs $150 and can drop one weapon per turn. Holds 6 weapons. Ping-Pong Ball Cannon Hey, sometimes you just don't have time to take aim! That's why Uncle Spud developed this beauty. It fires up to 6 ping-pong balls at a time, so you're bound to hit something! Maybe several somethings! Ping-Pong Ball Cannon - Costs $300 and fires up to 6 ping-pong balls at a time. Each ball does 2 points of damage. It is up to the Animator to determine the size of the area affected, but generally speaking, the farther they travel, the more they spread out. The gun can hold up to 18 balls and can only be loaded with ping-pong balls. Helping HandTM Ever wished you could just punch another duellist in the kisser during a race? Well, now you can! Introducing the Helping HandTM, Uncle Spud's latest and

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screwiest weapon! Just press a button and a 10-footlong mechanical arm pops out of your roof and punches whichever target you choose. Absolutely guaranteed to get laughs and do respectable damage! But wait, there's more! For a slightly higher fee, you can arm the Helping HandTMwith a hammer, frying pan, seltzer bottle or baseball bat! Supplies are limited, so order yours today! Helping HanflM- Costs $400 and does ld+l damage. It can attack anything within 10 feet once per turn. The Helping HandTM cannot pick things up. The attachments add $150 to the cost and raise the damage to 2d. In addition, the seltzer bottle makes the track wet and slippery.

now, because these old favorites are always "hot" sellers! Flamethrower - Costs $300 and does Id damage per shot. Can be fired once per turn. On a roll of 4 or less, the target car continues to bum for 2 turns (taking 3 points damage per turn) or until put out, whichever comes first. Rubber Armor takes ld+2 damage and burns until put out, taking 3 points damage per turn. It smells very bad and also creates a 2-inch-square smoke cloud for every turn it bums. Smoke clouds have the same effect as Confetti Clouds on Drive or See rolls. The smoke cloud lasts for 4 turns. If a car carrying a Flamethrower crashes, a roll of 6 or less on 2d means that it explodes. This is not good.

Battering Ram Whether you're giving them a boot in the pants or getting rid of unwanted tailgaters, Uncle Spud's patented Battering Ram is the tool for you! Great for creating pileups on the dueltrack, too! Just flip a switch and the ram extends itself 6 feet with lightning speed. Self-retracting and available in many popular shapes. Battering Ram - Costs $150 and does ld+l damage. Can strike once per turn. Can be mounted only on the fiont and rear of cars. The ram head can look like anything, even a ram.


Flamethrower The other guy has rubber armor and all your shots bounce back. What can you do about it? Try melting it with Uncle Spud's "Little Hot Foot" Flamethrower! Works great on other types of armor, too! Buy one

CarToon Wars

A gun is no good without ammunition, and Uncle Spud has more types of ammo than anyone else! And if you buy ammo by the case, we'll cut the price in ha&' Who says Uncle Spud doesn't treat you right? (Note: Bullets, peanuts and jellybeans will work in pistols, rifles or machine guns.)

Normal Bullets For you traditionalists out there, Uncle Spud stocks only the best bullets money can buy! Normal Bullets - Cost $25 per box of 24 or $50 per case of 100. Each does Id damage. Armor-Piercing Peanuts Tired of chipping away at armor before you can get to the guy inside? Well so was Uncle Spud! That's why he had the gang over at R & C (Research & Comedy) come up with these! The secret is in the

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heavily salted shell, which lets them cut through armor like a hot knife through butter. The peanut then bounces around inside the cat; doing lots of damage and getting lots of yuks! So load up with these and have a little fun! Armor-Piercing Peanuts - Cost $75 per box of 25 or $150 per case of 100. These peanuts do 1 point of damage to a vehicle's armor and then do Id damage to everyone inside the car. They only work versus rubber armor on a roll of 2 or less.

High-Density Jellybeans Now you can do normal damage and sticky damage with the same bullet! We tried these out at the Mouseville Motorway and not only won the race, we sold a truckload of jellybeans! Available in 42 flavors. You only get idiocy like this from Uncle Spud! High-Density Jellybeans - Cost $75 per box of 25 or $150 per case of 100. They do ld+l damage, half of which (rounded up) is sticky damage. Super Boggle Bullets They said it couldn't be done, so Uncle Spud did it! These bullets will strike fear into the hearts of duellists everywhere, because they have the same effect as our popular Super Boggle Pies! Sure they're expensive, but worth every penny of it. If you play to win, you need these bullets! Super Boggle Bullets - Cost $25 each! They do no damage and will not penetrate armor, but anybody hit is instantly boggled for the next three turns. Animators should roll three times on the Boggle Effects Table in Toon and tell the victim what happens. Anyone hit three times by Super Boggle Bullets will go completely insane and become immune to boggling for the rest of the game!

Cream Pies - Cost $100 per box of 6 and do 1 point of damage. Anyone taking a cream pie in the face or on the windshield is automatically boggled. Car PCs are boggled from any hit to the front of the car. What happens to a car on the track during a boggle is up to the Animator.

Heat-Seeking Pies Tired of having the other guy dodge out of the way before you can boggle him? Help is here, amigos! Fire one of these at somebody and then get set to laugh! These pies will follow any heat source over 200 degrees, such as a car engine or hot microwave burrito. Let them try dodging now! Exclusively from Uncle Spud! Heat-Seeking Pies - Cost $200 per box of 4. Damage is the same as regular pies. To avoid a Heat-Seeking Pie, a player must make his Dodge roll at -1 for 3 turns in a row. If he succeeds, the pie hits the ground. Heat-Seeking Pies will turn to follow another heat source (including other cars) if it passes between the original target and the pie. Super Boggle Pies This is one of the most feared items in all of autoduelling. Drivers have been known to faint from terror before the pie could even hit them! With these on your side, the battle is as good as won! Super Boggle Pies - Cost $100 each. They do 3 points damage and boggle the victim for 3 turns. Animators should roll three times on the Boggle Effects Table in Toon and tell the victim what happens. Anyone hit three times by Super Boggle Pies will go completely insane and become immune to boggling for the rest of the game! Ping-Pong Balls Get more bounce per ounce with Uncle Spud's Ping-Pong Balls! We pack 'em in a carton that fits right into the cannon. Never worry about spilling while loading again! These balls come in red, blue, silver, purple and neon orange. Ping-Pong Balls - Cost $50 per 6-pack and do 2 points damage to whatever they hit except rubber arm01:

seller! Packaged 6 to a box. flavors!

an mix or match

Exploding Ping-Pong Balls Yes friend, you read correctly! After years of grueling, pointless research, Uncle Spud's munitions experts have finally produced Ping-Pong Balls that pack a real punch! Buy today and get a free Uncle Spud key chain! Exploding Ping-Pong Balls - Cost $200 per 6pack and do Id damage to whatever they hit. On a roll of 4 or less, they will even damage rubber armor. If a

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car carrying these crashes, a roll of 5 or less on 2d means that they explode.

Hand Grenades Want to give somebody a quick sky-ride? Forget old-fashioned dynamite. Pull the pin and do them in. Blow them WAY up with Uncle Spud's grenades. Hand Grenades - Cost $100 per 3-pack. Do 2d damage to everything within 10 feet. Itching Powder Grenades When you've got an itch, you've got to scratch it! But thanks to Uncle Spud, you can give the other guys dozens of itches to scratch! The crowd will crack up. Meanwhile, you sail through the finish line! Itching Powder Grenades - Cost $100 per 3-pack. Do 1 point of damage to all living things within 10 feet. Also causes unbearable itching for Id turns. Anyone affected makes all rolls at a -1 or worse, depending upon the Animator's mood. Rolling around in mud for 3 turns will stop the itching. Glue Grenade Tell 'em to "stick around" and then "make it stick" with one of our Glue Grenades! Each grenade is filled with the stickiest rubber cement we could find. Now available at a new, lower price! Glue Grenades - Cost $75 per 3-pack. Affects everything within 10 feet. Does no damage, but makes things very, very sticky! All Muscle or Zip rolls are at a -3. If a car's tires are affected by the glue, its Speed is cut in half. It takes Id turns to get free of the glue.

Dropped Weapons Uncle Spud is really proud of his new line of Dropped Weapons! All of them fit into our All-Pwpose Dropper and any of them are perfect for use on the dueltrack or the open road.

Bear Traps Lay down a couple of these and it's goodbye tires! These extra large Bear Traps really clamp down and do lots of damage. The captain of our duelling team, "Wild" Bob Katt, uses these all the time

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and credits many of his wins to them. Priced with your pocketbook in mind. Bear Traps - Cost $25 each and do ld+l to whatever they close on. If they clamp down on a character, he must make a Muscle roll at -2. Traps may be reset with a successful Muscle roll.

Instant Tree Seeds Win the race and help the environment at the same time! The genetics wizards at WeedCo made these for Uncle Spud and boy, are they great! Every time you hit the drop button, three tree seeds are released. A few seconds later, they grow into full-sized pines, oaks, palms and other popular species. Turns any stretch of road into an obstacle course! Quantities are limited, so order now ! Instant Tree Seeds - Cost $150 for three seeds. Any vehicle hitting a tree takes Id damage, plus an additional point of damage for every inch of Speed they are going at the time. Trees have 30 Hit Points and take 2 points of damage from each crash. Weapon attacks do normal damage. At the Animator's discretion, these trees can be alive and able to hit back, throw fruit, talk, etc. They cannot walk. Instant Wall Another old favorite of Uncle Spud's. These brick walls are just the ticket for blocking enemy fire, adding obstacles to the track or just plain getting laughs! Sold in handy twin packs. Instant Wall - Cost $100 per pack of two. One pellet is dropped per turn and instantly turns into a 10'

tall x 10' wide x 2' thick red brick wall. The player can choose whether the wall runs across the track or parallel to it. Hitting a wall does ld+2 damage, plus an additional point of damage for every inch of Speed the car is going at the time. Walls have 50 Hit Points and take 2 points of damage from each crash. Weapon attacks do half damage.

Confetti Cloud They're colorful, they're funny, they're cheap and they're dangerous! Confetti Clouds just can't be beat for causing crashes and pleasing spectators. So much fun, we sell 'em by the 6-pack! Made from 100% recycled comic books! Confetti Cloud - Cost $100 per 6-pack. Each pellet releases a cloud that covers a 20-foot square for 4 turns. Anyone driving through a Confetti Cloud must make all Drive rolls at -4. If a vehicle's windshield is covered with sticky stuff, the confetti sticks and adds another -1 to all rolls that require sight. A flamethrower will destroy a Confetti Cloud in 2 turns. Unfortunately, for those 2 turns it becomes a Flaming Confetti Cloud! It then does ld+2 to anything that passes through it, except rubber armor, which takes 2d damage. Grease Puddles When you hit one of these, it's "slip and slide" time on the old pavement! Our high-quality Grease Puddles are made of axle grease and set to cover a large area. Really gets things happening on those tight turns! Grease Puddle - Costs $25 each and covers a 20' x 30' area. All Drive or Run rolls are at -3. The grease can be set on fire and will burn for 4 turns. While it burns, it does the same damage as a Flaming Confetti Cloud. Mines A big bang at a low price! Mines - Cost $150 each and do 2d damage to everything within 30 feet. After exploding, it leaves a hole on the road 20' square and 10' deep. Crashing into the hole does Id damage.

balancing, valve stems and air are all available for a fee.

Puncture Resistant Tires You say the tires that came with your car are too wimpy? You want something better? Say no more, buddy, because Uncle Spud has what you need! These tires are twice as tough as normal tires and come in 27 different colors and patterns, too! Now you can look sharp and avoid annoying flats! Only from Uncle Spud! Puncture Resistant Tires - Cost $50 each and can be in any color or pattern the player desires. Each tire has 8 Hit Points. Steel Belted Radials Our most popular tire at a new low price! These puppies can really soak up the punishment of a heated duel or a long family vacation. Now with attractive "Uncle Spud" buckles! Steel Belted Radials - Cost $75 each and have 10 Hit Points per tire. These tires are wrapped in a big steel belt with a buckle that looks like Uncle Spud. Oddly enough, this has no effect on driving the car. Off-Road Tires Uncle Spud's Off-Road Tires will let you keep everything under control! Backed by the Uncle Spud's Guarantee and priced right. Sorry, but these tires are only available in red, green, purple and tiger-striped. OfS-Road Tires - Cost $100 each, have 10 Hit Points per tire and add +1 to a driver's Drive Vehicle roll when off the road.


Tires Ya gotta have tires, so Uncle Spud stocks the largest selection of tires in the known Tooniverse! All our tires are made to Uncle Spud's demanding specifications by the Flatt Tire Company, a name you can trust. Whether you'll be driving on the road or off, when it's time to "re-tire," come see Uncle Spud! Mounting,

Balloon Tires They've got you surrounded! What can you do? Well, if your car is equipped with Uncle Spud's "Montgolfier" bran&Balloon Tires, you can just say "Up, Up and Away!" Lots of fun at picnics and barbecues and a great advertising gimmick, too! Available in a wide variety of shapes and colors - or call us about custom work.

CarToon Wars

Balloon fires - Cost $100 each and have 6 Hit Points per tire. These look exactly like puncture resistant tires until the driver or gunner presses the "Inflate" button. They then become huge balloons in one turn and lift the car 2d+20 feet into the air. The car will stay afloat for at least 6 turns. Animators should remember that a floating car is at the mercy of the wind, sharp-beaked birds, weapons that can fire up and kids with B-B guns.

Accessories Be it bod)' =or, rocket boosters or a computerized gunner, your old bud, Uncle Spud, has what you need!

Elevator Suspension cars when you can worry about passing go Over them? Our crack R&C department has come up with the perfect way to head On and rush hour traffic! A great laugh getter in the arena, too! Buy a set today and have an "uplifting" experience. Sorry, not available for motorcycles. Elevator Suspension - Costs $200 per set of four lifters. PRess the button?and your car rises 20 feet int0 the air on extended shock absorbers while the wheels stay on the ground- You can then drive Over anything that is 20 feet tall or less. The driver must make a Drive Vehicle roll at -3 whenever a lifted car has to turn, stop or do anything other than go straight.

known as Laughing Gas. A bottle that bursts open will create a 4 0 ' ~ 4 0 'cloud which will last as long as it's funny. Of course, when you inhale laughing gas, everything is funny . . . so a cloud of Nitrous Oxide might last for years.

Rocket Boosters When you need to make the fastest getaway possible, you need Uncle Spud's RoadrunnerTMbrand Rocket Boosters! Hit the switch and get ready to bum up the road! Guaranteed to double your speed or we'll give you (or your next of kin) your money back! Motorcycle-sized boosters are also available! Rocket Booster - Costs $750. Using a rocket booster will double your speed for one turn only. After that, the booster is burnt out and must be replaced. When you use a booster, you have to make a Drive Vehicle roll at -2 just to avoid crashing. Any other maneuvers are done at a -4. Crashes that happen at boosted speed should be extraordinarily spectacular.

Go Go Juice Sometimes, a little extra speed is all it takes to win the duel. With our new, improved Go GO Juice, YOU get the speed you need at a price that's right! Just pour a bottle in whenever you fill up with gas and then tell the other guys to eat your dust! Exclusively from Uncle Spud! GO GO Juice - Costs $25 per bottle and adds 10 feet to your car's top speed. This lasts until you run out of gas or refill your tank. If YOU don't add more Go Go Juice, you lose the extra speed. Note to Animators: It is an interesting coincidence that Go Go Juice is yummy and purple, and a failed Read roll will interpret the label as Grape Juice. The effects of drinking it depend entirely on the Animator's whim.

Nitrous Oxide When an

biker gang is hot On your you'll be glad you've got one of Uncle Spud's Nitro Kits installed! Just push the button and it's adios, amigo! and adds 30 feet a Nitrous Oxide - Costs vehicles speed for 4 turns. Refills cost $75 each. Animators should be aware that Nitrous Oxide is also

CarToon Wars


Ejector Seats Has your gunner goofed up again? Is that hitchhiker acting strange? Got a back-seat driver? Aren't you glad you've got one of our new, finely upholstered Ejector Seats! Uncle spud got a great deal on these from the Air Farce and he's passing the savings on to you! Firing button can be mounted anywhere for easy access. Ejector Seats - Cost $200. When the firing button is pushed, a section of the roof slides back. The seat bounces up on springs, throwing its occupant out the roof, and snaps back for instant re-use. Landing does 2 points of damage.

~~d~ Armor Ayailable in several styles and colors, this armor is really classy looking. Improve your image and your ~~d~ Armor! odds bf survival with Uncles Body Amor - Costs $150 and adds 10 Hit Points to the character's total. The Animator may decide that stuffw in some areas body is considered and those wearing it are ripe for teasing or attacks.




iGoggles - ~






Let's face it, brothers and sisters, one good hit with a cream pie can turn the thrill of victory into the agony of defeat. Boggling is a duellist's biggest fear. But your old bud, Uncle Spud, has developed Anti-Boggle Goggles! Anti-Boggle Goggles - $300 each. Anyone wearing these goggles is affected by Normal Boggle Attacks only on a roll of 2 or 3. If a Super Boggle Attack is used, the wearer is boggled only on a roll of 5 or

less. If the wearer of the goggles is involved in a crash, the goggles will be destroyed on a roll of 6 or less.

be added. A crash will destroy Id weapon links on a roll of 5 or less on 2d.

Fake Weapons Sometimes trickiness can work better than bullets or pies! Just mount a few of these authentic-looking fake weapons on your car and watch the other duellists panic! Available in any type weapon that we stock and priced to give you a break. A perfect birthday gift! Fake Weapons - Cost $25 and do absolutely nothing but make you look better armed. They still take up space, but can only be detected as fakes on a Detect Traps roll made at -5.

Drag Chute Oops, you need to stop, but your brakes won't work! No problemo, dudes, because you've got one of Uncle Spud's Drag Chutes! Now you need never worry about stopping on icy, greasy or wet roads. Choose from 19 colors and 34 patterns! Drag Chutes - Cost $100 and can be reused indefinitely. Gives a +4 to Driver roll to stop even in bad conditions. If used when a vehicle is plunging over a cliff, the vehicle takes only 3 points of damage when it hits bottom.

Computer Driver or Gunner Yes, being a DriverIGunner sounds glamorous, but we all know that it's hard to drive well and fire accurately. So what can you do about it? Buy a Computer Driver or Gunner from Uncle Spud and kiss your worries goodbye! Please specify Driver or Gunner programming when ordering. Computer Driver or Gunner - Costs $250. Once the computer is hooked up, the character can drive or shoot (whichever the computer isn't doing) at his normal skill level. If the car is destroyed, so is the computer, but the personality will reappear wherever the Animator wants. Animators should give the computers definite personalities. See the Robots and Computers section of the Star Toon chapter (on p. 139) for more on this. Sidecars Sad but true: a motorcycle can only mount two weapons! Well bros, Uncle Spud has got what you Sidecars are roomy, stylish and need! Our Tag AlongTM can mount just as many weapons as a bike! Now you're playing with firepower! Sidecars - Cost $200 and can hold two weapons (one front and one back) and a passenger. Unless the weapons on the sidecar are linked to the weapons on the bike, they must be fired by a passenger. Sidecars can also be used to haul cargo. Weapon Links Since their introduction five years ago, Uncle Spud has sold over 5 million Weapon Links! Why? Because they're cheap and they vastly increase your firepower! Why fire just one weapon at a time when you can fire 2 , 3 or all of them? Order yours now! Weapons Links - Cost $25 each and can link any two weapons. Once linked, the weapons will always fire together. Each extra link allows another weapon to


Mole-O-Matic Got something blocking your path? Then just bore right through it with a BombCo Mole-O-Matic from Uncle Spud! This little gadget will let you bore through rock, concrete, wood or other materials like a hot knife through butter! WARNING: Use of the Mole-O-Matic may be prohibited in some areas! Check with local law enforcement agents! Mole-O-Matic - Costs $750 and lets a vehicle move through solid matter at half its normal speed. The tunnel behind you doesn't close up, so other vehicles can follow you at theirfull speed! RoboMechanic Just think, an entire pit crew in one robot! No job is too large or small for RoboMechanic and he's extremely user friendly! Uncle Spud has one in every company car and so should you! Special low introductory price! RoboMechanic - Costs $350 and takes up one passenger space. RoboMechanic has the Set/Disam Traps skill, plus the Coat of Arms, Incredible Strength and Incredible Speed Shticks, all at Skill Level 9. However, on a roll of 2, he will mess something up badly, and on a roll of 12, he will repair something so that it works better than before! How badly or well he does his job is up to the Animator, but he should always repair things at a rate of 6 Hit Points per turn or 1 item per turn.

More and Sillier Gadgets Anyone with the Weird Science Shtick can invent new gadgets. Animators can create their own, and anybody can suggest a device. Animators can also allow things from the Mektoon or Toonpunk 20201/2 chapters. But when things get weird, don't blame us!

CarToon Wars

The Crash Results Table Roll as many time as you like on each table.

Part One: During the crash, the car will. 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36 41 42 43 44 45 46 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 63 64 65 66


Skid sideways for 2 d ~ 1 0feet Bounce off a stationary object Flip end over end 2d+3 times Spin around 15 times Careen off a wall Slam into another car Turn into a spinning top Roll 1d+2 times Fly 30 feet through the air Bounce off ld+l stationary objects Go over a cliff Go under a cliff Turn inside out Lose all of its tires Turn into a ball and bounce around Fly 30 feet through the air upside-down Smash head-on into another car, doing massive damage to cars and passengers Smash head-on into another car, doing no damage. but swapping passengers Balance on one comer of the front bumper and spin like a top Leave the track and go into the grandstand Explode Explode and come back together Hit a wall and mash flat as a pancake Smash head-on into another car, but pass through it like a ghost Turn into a missile and fly 10,000 feet into the air Hit a wall and collapse into an accordion shape Go up the side of a mountain, flip over on its roof and slide back down Roll, bounce, roll, flip, bounce, bounce, roll and bounce Roll, roll, flip, roll, bounce, flip, skid, flip and roll Get hit by passing train Get hit by passing plane Go into nearby pond and come out full of fish Careen out of control through a chicken house Smash into 2d other cars Crash through the arena concession stand Stop, fall apart, explode

Part Two: After the crash.. 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36 41 42 43 44 45 46 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 63 64 65


CarToon Wars


All occupants of car are Boggled Car stands up, digs a grave, jumps in Ambulance arrives to take away crash victims Ambulance arrives to take away car Car starts back up and drives away yipping like a dog Crowd gathers to look at wrecked car Crowd gathers to strip wrecked car Crowd of cars gather to strip wrecked occupants Car starts chasing occupants around arena Car stands up, pulls driver out of seat, beats him to a pulp Everyone within a mile is Boggled Car is in fme shape, occupants are all smashed up Cop appears and starts writing ticket Cop appears and asks for driver's autograph, then writes ticket 50 cops appear, fight breaks out over who gets to write ticket Owner of dueltrack presents bill for damages Occupants of car leap out of car and run away at Incredible Speed Driver leaps out yelling "It's gonna blow!" - car stands up and plays a sax Car stops, occupants sigh with relief Car stops, occupants sigh with relief, car explodes Car melts into a puddle, occupants are OK Occupants are Maximum Boggled Car stops, looks like a ton of scrap metal (with sign saying "Recycle Me") Car stops, looks like work of Modem Art (with sign saying "$250,000.00") Car skids to a halt, losing parts until only the occupants and seats are left Car stops, flips over on its back and an angel car rises from it strumming a harp Car starts up and heads back into the race Car and occupants collapse into a pile of parts Occupants get out of car, walk six steps and fall on their faces Occupants get out of car, walk six steps and explode Car gets smashed by falling rock Car gets smashed by falling rock band Car and occupants get into argument about who caused the crash Insurance agent shows up with check for price of new car Insurance agent shows up with 1,739 forms for occupants to fill out Roll three more times and combine the results

CarToon Wars Vehicle Sheet TYPE OF VEHICLE: SIZE:






CarToon Wars Vehicle Sheet SIZE:





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CarToon Wars

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Chapter 4: -

Welcome to the World of Slurping Horrors! Eons ago (an eon is about a gazillion years), the Earth was chosen as a retirement home by a race of huge, powerful and generally gross-looking aliens known as the Elderly Gods. After looking the planet over, they went off to decide how it ought to be remodeled to suit them in their twilight eons. Th take about 10 million years.

-51 -

Crawl of Catchoolu

The Catchoolu Mythos Most Crawl of Catchoolu adventures will take place on present-day Earth. The Pretty Great Old Ones have been on Earth for 5,000 years, and there are many stories and legends about them and their servants. Some are true and some aren't. The largest percentage of these tales are about Mighty Catchoolu. Because of this, the whole thing is referred to as "The Catchoolu Mythos." There are many books that contain information about the Pretty Great Old Ones, the Elderly Gods and all of the other Slurping Horrors. Most of these books are written in ancient languages that are hard to read. For more information on these forbidden texts, see the Stuff section, pp. 5658.

Crawl of Catchoolu

But they immediately got into an argument about which continent was right for the golf course! They bickered and yelled and planned and replanned until their 10-million-year discussion turned into a 500-million-year battle between those who wanted Africa because of the Sahara sand trap and those who wanted North America because of the Great Lakes water hazard. In the meantime, we measly Earthlings had evolved and spread across the face of the world. When they found out what had happened, the Elderly Gods were mad. They sent their servants, the Pretty Great Old Ones (led by Mighty Catchoolu), to clear the trespassers out. The Pretty Great Old Ones took along a bunch of their servants and pets, because they weren't sure how long this job would take. When they finally reached Earth, the Pretty Great Old Ones settled in and got ready to start exterminating. Unfortunately, something in the atmosphere put them all to sleep. They now lie in various hidden places, dreaming their hideous dreams and waiting for someone to wake them up. On the other hand, the servants and pets of the Pretty Great Old Ones are alive, awake and trying to figure out how to awaken their bosses permanently! If they do, things are going to get very horrifying very fast! However, all these powerful creatures share one weakness. Because they do not belong on this world, they don't recover quickly when they Fall Down. A Catchooloid who Falls Down will always vanish back to its home dimension. Some can return relatively quickly - say, in a year or so - while others will be gone much longer. Certain magic spells or artifacts may even banish them forever!

Character mpes There are actually only three types of characters in Crawl of Catchoolu: Investigators, Cultists and Everybody Else. Within each of these types there can be all sorts of occupations someone might have Scientist, Scholar, Private Eye, Student, Reporter, Occult Expert, and so on. But the general type is the most important thing, because it defines your role in the game.


Investigators These are the heroes who want to stop the Elderly Gods and the Pretty Great Old Ones. They check out reports of strange incidents and occult happenings. They study the ancient forbidden books in hopes of finding a way to drive these inhuman horrors off forever. Some investigators work on these cases for money (private eyes), some for knowledge (occult experts, students, scholars) and some for revenge (anyone who has had a friend made boring and normal (driven sane) by a Catchooloid creature). Investigators may or may not have plenty of money or equipment. It depends on how the Animator wants to run things. If they are just doing their investigating around their home state, they won't need as much stuff as if they fly off to Tibet or South America every week. The biggest hazard faced by most investigators is going sane (see p. 54). The longer someone messes around with Catchoolu and his gang, the more normal and boring he will become.

Cultists Cultists are the loonies who want the Elderly Gods to return to Earth! They think the Elderly Gods will reward them for their loyalty. In fact, the Elderly Gods will probably eat them! So much for gratitude. Cultists study the same books that the Investigators study, but the Cultists are trying to learn spells and ways of summoning Catchooloid creatures to help hasten the end of the world! Since both sides want the same books, there is always a lot of interest when a new book or scroll turns up. They also do plenty of stealing from each other. Cultists might be working alone or they might be part of an organized group, depending upon what God they worship. No matter how big or small a cult is, they are always plotting, scheming and planning despicable acts and atrocities. Fortunately, the Investigators are (almost) always able to stop their nefarious deeds. Many Cultists have already gone completely sane from too much association with awfulness. Others are just as wacko as any other Toon character. But even the sane cultists can be cunning adversaries. Their homes and temples are filled with traps and (shudder!) guardian monsters! Cultists like nothing better than to trap a few investigators. The normal ones will do something silly with their victims, while the sane ones will just feed them to the sharks, but either one can ruin your whole day. Individual Cultists may or may not be wealthy, but large, organized groups of Cultists always are. They can send cultists all over the world to get sacred objects, free sleeping monsters or just foil the Investigators.

Everybody Else This type of character either doesn't believe in the Catchooloid menace (such as a reporter who thinks it's all hooey, but good for selling newspapers), or doesn't yet know about it (such as the woman who hires the investigators to find her missing father). They can have several reasons for hanging out with the Investigators, but after actually seeing a Catchooloid monstrosity, they will most likely become Investigators too. The exception to this is the occasional disbeliever who refuses to believe the menace is real even after he sees a monster. Some of these guys are just hard-headed.

Professor Wilfred Wijjfleman A portly, 4-foot-tall gopher dressed in tweeds and wearing wire-frame glasses. He speaks with a whistling lisp. Professor Wiffleman is the world's foremost authority on "Things Gophers Were Not Meant To Know." Unfortunately, this has driven him completely sane! Luckily for him,no one can tell that he's not crazy, because he was relatively boring even when he was normal. He is totally obsessed with learning more "Forbidden Knowledge. " Beliefs & Goals: Find out everything about the Elderly Gods and their servants! Let nothing stand in my way! Lecture about Forbidden Knowledge to anyone you see. Always carry at least one Forbidden Book around with you. Hit Points: 7 Speed: 4

Muscle: 3 Break Down Door: 3 Climb: 4 Fight: 3 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 3 Throw: 3 Zip: 3 Dodge: 5 Drive Vehicle: 3 Fire Gun: 3 Jump: 4 Ride: 4 Run: 5 Swim: 3 Smarts: 9 Hide/Spot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 11 Resist Fast-Talk: 11 See/Hear/Smell: 9 SetlDisarm Trap: 9 TracWCover Tracks: 9 Chutzpah: 4 Fast-Talk: 6 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 4 Sleight of Hand: 4 Sneak: 6 Shticks: Incredible Luck: 9 Know Obscure Facts: 9

Crawl of Catchoolu

Dexter Trembly

New Rules and Shticks

Dexter is Professor Wiffleman's newest student assistant. Dexter is a 6-foot-tall, skinny cat. He is also a nerd and a coward. He wears white shirts and checkered slacks. He only took this job to be near Rachael Raccoon, whom he has a big crush on. Dexter always cames 23 pens and pencils in his shirt pocket, and a notebook computer. Beliefs & Goals: Avoid danger! Try to persuade Professor Wiffleman and Rachael to avoid danger! Watch out for monsters, they're everywhere! Rachael is swell. Hit Points: 6 Speed: 6

Insanity All cartoon characters are insane - usually. Sometimes a character can "go sane" and become serious and boring. This happens a lot in Crawl of Catchoolu. Luckily, there are ways to regain at least part of your insanity. After all, what would a game of Toon be like if all the characters were sane? Every Toon character has an Insanity Score which is used only in Crawl of Catchoolu. To find this number, start with 50. Subtract you Smarts score. Add the number of goldfish . . . oh, never mind - it's just 50 minus your Smarts. Write your Insanity Score at the bottom of your character sheet. Though you start out as insane as any cartoon character, exposure to the boring, obnoxious minions of the Elderly Gods can cause you to lose your insanity, becoming more and more normal. Every time you lose insanity points, subtract them from your total. When half your insanity is gone, you must roll three times on the first part of the Insanity Loss Table (p. 71) to see what strange mental or physical quirks you have developed. When you lose all of your insanity, you must roll three times on the second part of the Insanity Loss Table (p. 71) to see just what sort of obnoxious mundane boor you have become.

Muscle: 3 Break Down Door: 3 Climb: 4 Fight: 3 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 4 Throw: 3 Zip: 5 Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 6 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 5 Ride: 5 Run: 8 Swim: 5 Smarts: 8 Hidelspot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 9 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 See/Hear/Smell: 8 SetlDisaim Trap: 8 TracWCover Tracks: 8 Chutzpah: 2 Fast-Talk: 2 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 2 Sleight of Hand: 2 Sneak: 5 Shticks: Quick ChangeDisguise: 6 Incredible Speed: 5 , Weird Science: 4



Crawl of Catchoolu

Effects of Sanity When someone goes completely sane, the Animator should make a Fifty Percent Roll to decide whether it's immediately obvious or not. An obviously-sane character will begin to act normal. A character who is trying to hide his sanity will still try to play jokes, etc., but they will not be funny! A sane character will no longer have a sense of humor. He cannot use any of his Shticks unless he can find a logical and reasonable way to use them. He will be puzzled or annoyed by others' attempts at humor. It may sound like being sane is no fun. It's not. . . for the charactel: But the player of a sane character can have a lot of fun by being as annoying as possible. Make reasonable suggestions! Be logical! Criticize the other

players' silly ideas and irresponsible actions! Don't stop until they make you Fall Down! And, worst of all, any sane character will want to help his friends become sane. There is a Fifty Percent chance that he will decide to do this by betraying them to the Elderly Gods, and a Fifty Percent chance that he will try other means instead. (Thus, half of all sane characters are secretly or openly - servants of Catchoolu!) The animator makes this roll, too. So when someone loses all his insanity, the Animator must notify him, by note, whether he is'now obviously sane, and whether he is now a servant of Catchoolu!

Regaining Insanity Various means may be found to restore lost insanity. Some are suggested below. But note that anyone who has become totally sane will like it and will oppose any attempt to restore him to normality. Tricks or force will be necessary. Awwwww . . . If the character regains any insanity at all, he can now act normally again. If he had become loyal to Catchoolu, he'll stop! Any sane person who suffers Maximum Boggling (see p. 7) will regain his insanity totally ifthe person who made the die roll rolls a natural 2 (a 1 on each die) Bonuses and penalties on the attacker's Shtick roll have no effect on the regaining of insanity.

Know Obscure Facts (4 points) Someone with this Shtick can make a roll to see if he has ever heard or read anything concerning a given topic. These facts will always be about the current topic of interest, but may not always be useful or accurate. Obscure Facts (true or false) are a great way for Animators to get things moving in a different direction or set the characters up for a gag. A sane character with Know Obscure Facts will constantly regale his friends with boring obscure facts of no interest whatsoever to a normal loony.


Casting Spells In a Crawl of Catchoolu game, there are two kinds of spells. The first is "normal" magic, using the spells from the Dungeons and Toons chapter. The GM doesn't have to allow normal magic at all, but he can if he wants to. So there. The s e c o n d t y p e i s t h e special Catchooloid magic, which relates only to the Elderly Gods and their minions. Anybody can try this sort of magic, but it almost always requires a special book (see p. 56) or an artifact (see p. 60). The GM can let someone learn a spell some other way, but fhis should be hard and carry a isk of Spellcasting via a Catchooloid book or talisman will drain insanity from the spell Caster (2 points Per try). Using this Shtick successfully will almost certainly drain even more points and might cause you to Fall Down. If a spell is cast improperly, it could make everybodynearby Fall Down! There are only a few basic types of spells. Some of them are Summon (brings a creature to you), Bind (keeps it in one spot so it can't eat you), Control (lets you order it around), Speak With. . . (lets YOU talk to a Catchooloid), Banish (lets you send a creature back to where it belongs) Destroy (lets you destroy it forever). These spells are used in dealing with Elderly Gods, Catchooloids and their servants and pets, each of whom is only affected by spells designed specificallyfor rkm Continued on next page.


Crawl of Catchoolu

Casting Spells (Continued) There are also spells called Close (mostly used for shutting cosmic gateways), Open (opens cosmic gateways) and Transport (for teleporting through Time and Space). The casting time, duration, physical ingredients and any other important aspects of spellcasting are left up to the Animator to invent. They can even change from book to book. Just remember that all spells are very dificult to cast properly and take at least 6 turns to cast. Casting a spell that has anything at all to do with a Pretty Great Old One will drain a minimum of 2d+2 insanity points per casting. Spells of this type that go wrong will drain even more insanity than that! One final thing to consider is that the more powelful a Slurping Horror is, the harder it is to affect it with a spell. If a spell does affect a very powerful creature, it won't last as long (or be as effective) as it does on a less powerful thing. This can lead to problems, injuries and, in extreme cases, the end of the world.

Crawl of Catchoolu

Stuff Stuff in Crawl of Catchoolu can be divided into four categories: Books, Artifacts, Occult Research Equipment and Normal Stuff. Normal Stuff can be anything from tennis shoes to poison to jet fighters, and isn't listed here - Animators can handle their prices, effects, etc., however they want. Animators can also assign limitations on possessing certain items. The other types of Stuff are listed below, along with some examples.

Books Finding, translating, reading and even destroying books concerning the Catchoolu Mythos is an important part of an Investigator's (or Cultist's) job and the game. Animators should give out hints that a new text has been discovered, an old one has been found, a cult has a copy of a powerful book or any other book-connected event has taken place. This will often be all that you need to get an adventure started. Books are also the most usual way to cast spells (see sidebar). Many occult books are written in ancient languages that most people have never even heard of, such as Pig Latin. The Animator may set a large penalty to the Read roll, or he may require the characters to find a clever way to translate the book (such as finding a pig to read Pig Latin, or holding it up to a mirror). Only a hopelessly sane character would ever think of trying to learn one of those ancient languages.

How To Get Forbidden Books There are two ways to get magical books. The hard way is by hearing a rumor that a booWscrolYstone tablet/whatever has been found in some

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far corner of the globe. They will then have to get to this place ahead of any other groups who want it. Once there, the Animator can tell them several things, such as: the rumor was false, the rumor was true and another group got there first, the text is on its way to an auction in a major city, the text is there but guarded by Horrid Slimy Things or the text was sent to a buyer somewhere. No matter what the Animator decides upon, the heroes should have to go through a long, action-packed adventure to get the book. If the book is extremely rare, other groups will certainly try to steal it from them. This can lead to even more frantic running around. The other way to find Mythos books is the Easy Way. Using this method, the PCs just look in the yellow pages under "Ancient Occult Books" and choose the bookstore closest to them. Or they could go to the local B. Dulltoon bookstore and head straight for the "Arcane TextsIForbidden Lore" section. There they can find titles like Arcane Ritualsfor the Beginner, Catchoolu and Me: A Memoil; 1001 Facts About the Elderly Gods and Dangerous Spellcasting Made Easy. They might even notice that the children's section has titles like The Pop-Up Book of Forbidden Knowledge, My First Book of Slurping Horrors and I Can Summon It All By Mysel$ Prices, of course, may be a bit on the high side and pitched battles (including gunshots and thrown pies) with other patrons may take place. Another variation on the Easy Way would have the characters getting a letter in the mail, reading something like this . . .

"Dear Seeker Of Terrible Tomes: "Are you spending far too much of your valuable time chasing after rumors of occult manuscripts? Well, now SlimeLife Books introduces its new series, Arcane Books of The WorM. "Each month you'll be sent a new cursed, heretical writing to examine absolutely free in the comfort of your own home. If after ten days you aren't completely satisfied, just return the bookistone tablet/scroll/whatever and pay nothing! There is no obligation to buy! In addition, all of our texts are fully translated into 20th-century English! "Order today and receive, absolutely free, a handy desk calendar showing important occult dates throughout the yeaz Perfect for the Investigator or Cultist who likes to be organized!" Sharp-eyed Animators will notice that this letter didn't mention price per book, charges for returning damaged books, responsibility for accidental damage (either to the book, or to anything else) caused during the free trial period, guarantees of authenticity, or the exact nature of any curses the books might carry. Heh heh heh.

Books You Shouldn't Read, But Will Anyway Here are a few books that our tome-seeking investigators might stumble across, steal or otherwise obtain. The die roll in parentheses after each title is the amount of insanity you lose by reading any part of the book (except the title). The Scroll of Falling Down and Other Depressing Things (ld+2).This scroll was written by an ancient Egyptoon sorcerer named A'nkh Ankh. It gives information on the undead and their relationship to the

Rachael Raccoon Rachael is a shapely, 5-foot-tall female raccoon. She wears jeans, boots and flannel Sweaters. She loves adventure and be thinks working for the professor fun. Rachael is always cheerful and talkative. She seldom gets scared. Beliefs & Goals: Being an occult investigator is really cool! Professor Wiffleman is very wise and brave. Monsters aren't scary! Never run away from adventure. Try to help Dexter be brave. Hit Points: 10 Speed: 8

Muscle: 6 Break Down Door: 6 Climb: 8 Fight: 9 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 6 ~ h r o w7:

Dodge: 9 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 7 Jump: 8 Ride: 8 Run: 9 Swim: 8

Smarts: 8 HideISpot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 10 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 SeeIHearlSmell: 9 SetlDisarm Trap: 8 Track/Cover Tracks: 9 Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk: 8 PassfDetect Shoddy Goods: 7 Sleight of Hand: 7 Sneak: 9 Shticks: Purse of Many Things: 7

Crawl of Catchoolu

Catchooloids. It contains the incredibly rare and valuable spell Maximum Boggle the Undead.

Mule Gibson Mule is the professor's pilot, driver and expedition leader. He is a 6' 6" mule who always wears faded jeans, boots, a leather pilot's jacket and an Australian bush hat. He carries a pistol and always needs a shave. As he will be glad to tell you, he has been everywhere and seen everything! Mule is absolutely fearless until a really big monster attacks him. Then he gets angry! Mule talks to his plane, whose name is "Alice." Beliefs & Goals: If you get paid to do something, do it right! Monsters ain't so tough.Take good care of the Professor, Alice, and those fool kids. Hit Points: 12 Speed: 9

Muscle: 8 Break Down Door: 10 Climb: 9 Fight: 10 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 9 Throw: 8

Zip: 8 Dodge: 10 Drive Vehicle: 10 Fire Gun: 9 Jump: 9 Ride: 8 Run: 9 Swim: 8

Shameless Cults (Id). This book is big because it's a directory of cults around the world. It lists their beliefs, goals, practices, meeting times and places, by-laws, approximate membership, favorite spells, best known guard monsters and monthly dues. If a character needs to find out about a cult, this is the book to find. Magicks of the Old Ones (ldx4). This heavy book, bound in really tacky orange plastic, contains several terrible spells including Summon Tsaggywahaha in Tuxedo, Control Crisponion and Open Cosmic Gateway Just A Little Bit. Casting even the leastpoweijkl of this book's spells will require lots of preparation and drain a minimum of 2d+l insanity. As far as anyone knows, there are fewer than 10 copies of this book in existence. The Necronomicomizomicon (2dx8). This is it, the most terrible, mindshattering, soulcrushing, abominable, cursed, vile, degenerate, horrid, sickening, icky, arcane text of them all! There are only three known copies of this book, and the mere sight of one will cost you 2 insanity points! Inside the pages of the Necronomicomizomicon are the complete histories of the Elderly Gods and all of the lesser ghastly horrors they control, as well as prophecies, spells, curses and the complete statistics for every player on the Pretty Great Old Ones' Softball League. The books are bound with a sort of jellied slime and the text is written in blood (or red ink, nobody is really sure). If the players obtain this book, it's a sure bet that every other cultist or investigator in the world will try to take it from them.


Smarts: 6 HideISpot Hidden: 8 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 6 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 See/Hear/Smell: 7 SetlDisarm Trap: 9 TracWCover Tracks: 9

Chutzpah: 7 Fast-Talk: 9 PassJDetect Shoddy Goods: 8 Sleight of Hand: 7 Sneak: 9

Shtick: Incredible Luck: 8

Crawl of Catchoolu

Occult Research Equipment This equipment is used by both Investigators and Cultists. Its main purpose is to identify and analyze both physical and psychic evidence of mysterious events. Examples are given below, but it's even more fun to let the players choose what they need ("a digital, positronic, ectomolecular restructuring laser") and then let them build or find it. To build something, use the Weird Science Shtick (p. 17). To find

something, look for a mad inventor. Here is an example of the sort of clue that smart Investigators would follow up:

"Need a way to analyze that slime you found? Trying to measure the energy output of an Ancient Artifact? Well, just call Matt's Occult Toolshop and Thrift Store and we'll quote you a price over the phone on whatever it is you need! Call 555-0001 or drop by at 11991 Celeste Avenue, right next door to Phil's Rabbit Farm. At Matt's, occult science is more than a hobby, it's a way to make money!"

Temporal Polarizer This is a ray gun mounted (with its power source) on a small wheeled cart. When fired at any object, that object is frozen in time until the ray is turned off. Considering that the ray will heat up and burn out after 2d turns, the object won't be frozen for long. On roll of a 2, the ray will malfunction and cause a time warp to open, which could send characters to any time or universe (a good way to switch genres). These time warps stay open for ld+l days and then close up forever.

Rajid Rajid is Mule's business partner and buddy. He is a 4-foot-tall monkey who wears a turban and a white suit. He doesn't wear shoes. He speaks with an outrageous East Indian accent. Rajid is smart, but not all that brave. He will hide behind Mule if a monster appears. He is an excellent cook and very eager to please others. He likes to sing, but his singing voice is terrible and any lyrics he doesn't know, he improvises. Beliefs & Goals: It is making me most happy being Mule's associate! Monsters are very bad indeed, so I am letting Mule handle them. One day I will be having enough money to open a small grocery store. Singing is ever so much fun! As is cooking. Always be looking for new things to cook. Hit Points: 6 Speed: 6

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 4 Climb: 9 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 4 Throw: 6 Zip: 5 Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 6 Ride: 5 Run: 8 Swim: 5

Sonic Molecular Debonding Beam This weapon is big - about the size of a compact car. It projects a beam that causes the molecules in whatever it hits to stop sticking together. This essentially disintegrates the target. Although it is a devastating weapon (2dx50 points of damage) when used against Earthly life forms, it may not work so well against Catchooloids. The problem is that the strongest Pretty Great Old Ones (like Mighty Catchoolu), can reintegrate their molecules in ld+2 turns! As you might imagine, having to do this puts them in a very bad mood. Another thing to consider before using the Debonding Beam is that it is sometimes very hard to turn ofi In fact, only a Fire Gun roll of 4 or less will do the trick. As if that weren't bad enough, if the ray hits any explosives, the resulting explosion will be incredibly powe@l!

Smarts: 6 Hidelspot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 6 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 See/Hear/Smell: 9 S e t / D i s m Trap: 6 TracWCover Tracks: 6 Chutzpah: 5 Fast-Talk: 6 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 8 Sleight of Hand: 5 Sneak: 7 Shtick: Know Obscure Facts: 5

Subharmonic Disturbance Locator All Catchooloid creatures give off vibrations that no one but them can hear. Using this handy little gadget, you can locate Catchooloid things

Crawl of Catchoolu

Spade Marlowe, Private Eye

quickly and easily. The range is rather limited (one mile) but the device is quite dependable. What to do with the Slurping Horror you've located is another problem entirely.

5' 10" tall. Average weight for a 40year-old duck. Wears a rumpled brown suit, a trenchcoat and a brown fedora. Always looks tired. Specializes in investigating crimes with occult connections. Carries a pistol, handcuffs and a pint bottle of Jerk Daniels. Uses words like "dame" (woman), "roscoe" (pistol), "flatfoot" (cop) and "moolah" or "simoleons" (money). Doesn't get easily excited. Beliefs & Goals: Solve the mystery. Don't let anyone make a sap out of you. Never trust dames with sad stories. Always keep your roscoe loaded. Everyone is a suspect ! Hit Points: 9 Speed: 6

Psychorestorative Electropulse Helmet Theoretically, putting this helmet on a sane person will restore 2dx4 points of insanity. In actual use, it has just as much chance to electrocute the wearer or give him psychic powers and still not help him regain his insanity! To find out what happens, roll Id. On a 1 through 4, the patient is shocked and takes ld+l damage. On a 5 or 6, he regains 2dx4 insanity points. If the roll is an odd number, the patient also gains any mental power the Animator chooses from the Big List 0' Shticks (p. 203). This power will last for the rest of the game session and have a skill rating of 8. The helmet can only grant a power to a specific character once. If the same character tries to use it again, it will always shock him.

Muscle: 6 Break Down Door: 8 Climb: 6 Fight: 9 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 7 Throw: 7

Zip: 5 Dodge: 8

Chemoplasmic Analysis Unit If you manage to get a tissue sample from a creature, the Chemoplasmic Analysis Unit will tell you what the monster was made of and give you a fairly good idea of what it looked like. Unfortunately, this machine isn't very portable. It is about the size of a small house and weighs 7 tons. Hypervibronic Stunner This weapon does no actual damage, but it will stun anything - even an Elderly God. How long something stays stunned is up to the Animator, but when Mighty Catchoolu was stunned by one of these guns, he stayed stunned for 34 minutes and 29 seconds! Too bad the team that stunned him was convinced he'd be out for at least an hour. This gun is sturdy, dependable, cheap and almost impossible to find in working order.

Artifacts There are very few items that can be traced back to the time of the Elderly Gods. There are only a few more that belonged to the ancients who wrote the great books of Catchooloid knowledge. These Artifacts are priceless and in big demand by Investigators and Cultists alike. We present a few here for you to check out, but as with Occult Research Equipment, it's better to make up your own. Smarts: 7 HideISpot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 9 Resist Fast-Talk: 11 See/Hear/Smell: 8 SetIDisarm Trap: 7 TracWCover Tracks: 8 Chutzpah: 9 Fast-Talk: 9 PasstDetect Shoddy Goods: 10 Sleight of Hand: 9 Sneak: 11 Shticks: Incredible Luck: 4 Flash of Brilliance: 6

Crawl of Catchoolu


The Eraser of Yuk Once, millennia ago, the Pretty Great Old One called Yuk tried to destroy Catchoolu and assume leadership of the other Pretty Great Old Ones. One of his weapons in this battle was the Eraser, which looks like a large, fluffy, pink pillow. When any creature is touched with this Eraser, part of it will vanish as if it never existed; this causes 2d damage. How can someone get missing parts back? Good question! The Catchoolian Crystal This cubical crystal is the size of a large orange (a large cubical orange, that is) and is a color that cannot be described, but is gray. Looking at it for more than 3 turns will drain 1 point of insanity every new turn until the victim looks away. The Catchoolian Crystal is said to have been created by Mighty Catchoolu during his war with Yuk. If a powerful beam of light is shined into the crystal, a differently colored light will emerge from each the crystal's other five sides. Any Catchooloid horror struck by this light will be instantly banished to the home dimension of the Elderly Gods. Creatures banished in this way must remain banished for one year. If the light should strike a non-Catchoolian creature, they will be affected in any bizarre way the Animator thinks is funny, for as long as he wants. The Bulging Eye Of Bzarb A large (basketball-sized), apparently ceramic, eyeball. It is said that if you stare into the eye, you will be able to see anywhere on Earth. Depending on what you see, you may or may not lose insanity. The Talisman of Unthinkable Thoughts Anyone who places this talisman around his neck will first lose ldx3 insanity points and then be put into telepathic contact with any Slurping

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Doctor Marcus Malevolent (Dr. M) A very tall, thin, stoop-shouldered lizard. He is bald and wears very thick glasses. Always wears a black suit with a black cape and a black top hat. Has a really creepy voice. He is Professor Wiffleman's arch-enemy. He is also the leader of a Catchoolu cult. He is very evil and every bit as sane as Wiffleman. He walks with a limp because Mule Gibson once shot him in the knee. Beliefs & Goals: I will free Mighty Catchoolu and rule the world through proper diet and good accounting techniques! Wifflernan is a blithering idiot - I am the real occult expert! Destroy Wiffleman and his helpers, especially that fiend Mule Gibson! Hit Points: 7 Speed: 4

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 4 Climb: 4 Fight: 7 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 4 Throw: 5 Continued on next page.


Crawl of Catchoolu

Horror he chooses. Each time the monster speaks to him, he will lose Id insanity points. The wearer can ask questions of the creature and it must answer truthfully. While the character is wearing the Talisman, the GM should roll 2d. If the total exceeds the character's Smarts score, he will suffer a mind switch with the thing he's contacting. This will cause the Catchoolian to attack the nearest creatures and will cause the character in the monster's body to lose 2dx5 insanity points. This mind exchange lasts 2d+4 turns.

The Carbuncle of Charlie This is a rather ugly rhinestone earring. When worn, it gives the user the power to cast the spells Summon Deep Clown and Command Deep Clown, once each per day. However, it loses its powers in the presence of a saxophone.

Places To Go In Crawl of Catchoolu,the PCs will often find themselves traveling to the far comers of the globe, or even through time or into alternate (and scary) dimensions. Some of the commonest destinations will be:

Mousekatonic University

Doctor Marcus Malevolent (Continued) Zip: 3 Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 8 Fire Gun: 8 Jump: 4

~ i d e4: Run: 5 Swim 9 Smarts: 10 Hidelspot Hidden: 10 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 11 Resist Fast-Talk: 10 See/HearlSmell: 10 SetlDisarm Trap: 10 TracWCover Tracks: 10 Chutzpah: 8 Fast-Talk: 9 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 8 Sleight of Hand: 9 Sneak: 8 Shticks: Know Obscure Facts: 10 Hypnosis: 6

Crawl of Catchoolu

The only university in the world that specializes in occult studies. Mousekatonic U. is located in the town of Darkham, Massachusetts and is not a very large school. There are only about 350 students and 30 teachers. Many teachers and quite a few upperclassmen are sane or well on their way to it. The Mousekatonic library is an excellent place to do research, since they have the fmest collechon of ~atchool6idbooks in the world. A little-known fact is that they have a copy of the Necronomicomizomicon written on the wall in the men's room in the Antisocial Studies Building. Reading this drains only half as much insanity as reading a real copy.

It's pretty safe to say that more weird, bizarre and unnatural things happen in and around Mousekatonic U. than in any other spot on Earth. An interesting fact about the university itself is that it has at least six levels below ground. Whenever a basem*nt would begin to get full, they just dug a new one below it. Some basem*nts are connected by mazes of hallways. There aren't any maps for them. Most of the stuff in these basem*nts has been there so long that accurate inventories no longer exist. It is also rumored that "things" live in the deepest levels. Maybe the characters can go check out these rumors, hrnmm?

Tombs These can be small, simple structures, or they can be monoliths the size of the Pyramids of Cheop Suey. Tombs are always spooky and dangerous places. Monsters like to hang out in tombs, waiting for their next meal.

Lost Cities You can find a lost city or two on just about every continent. There are even a couple on the ocean floor. Lost cities are even more dangerous and scary than tombs and much larger! Sometimes, when they want to try and wake up a Pretty Great Old One, Cultists will gather at a lost city. This means that Investigators won't be far behind. Add to this the fact that there may be crazed native Cultists and Slulping Horrors around and you have the makings of a thrillpacked, scream-a-minute adventure.

Temples These are where Cultists have their headquarters. They perform unspeakably depraved rituals, play cards and plot terrible plots against Investigators and Everyone Else. Cult Temples are full of traps, creatures and armed guards. On the outside, a temple can look like (or actually be) any sort of building. A warehouse, mansion, abandoned subway station, old farmhouse or condemned apartment building would work out just fine.

Places Around Town There are also a few places in every town where characters always seem to go. The Newspaper Office is a good place to do research on a local subject. Gun Shops are popular, but guns don't do much to Catchooloids. Sooner or later, most adventurers wind up in Jail, or at least the Police Station. This is usually for questioning, but sometimes it's an actual arrest. Museums have information that the newspaper might not, as will the County Morgue. Besides all of those places, what adventure would be complete without a visit to the Graveyard? Who says visiting new places isn't fun?

People (and Other Things) To Meet Turn to p. 65 to see a list of all the shapeless horrors, formless terrors


Assistant to Doctor M. A chubby, 3foot-tall rat who wears a striped t-shirt, black pants and a derby. Has a co*ckney accent. Edgar is a bumbling boob who is loyal to Doctor M, though he is terrified of all monsters, including Doctor M's pet, Blorg. Edgar cannot resist the smell of cheese or chocolate. He has become sane many times, but always gets over it because he always suffers Maximum Boggling (see p. 7). Beliefs & Goals: Help Doctor M do whatever needs doing. He is a genius and will someday rule the world. I hate monsters, especially Blorg! Eat whenever you can, especially chocolate and cheese! Hit Points: 5 Speed: 5

Muscle: 6 Bkak Down Door: 6 Climb: 8 Fight: 6 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 6 Throw: 7 Zip: 4 Dodge: 6 Drive Vehicle: 5 Fire Gun: 4 Jump: 6 Ride: 4 Run: 7 Swim: 4 Smarts: 3 HideISpot Hidden: 4 Identify Dangerous Thing: 4 Read: 3 Resist Fast-Talk: 5 SeeIHearlSmell:5 SetIDisarm Trap: 4 TrackICover Tracks: 4 Chutzpah: 4 Fast-Talk: 4 Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods: 4 Sleight of Hand: 4 Sneak: 6 Shtick: Bag Of Many Things: 3

Crawl of Catchoolu

Blorg Blorg is Doctor M's pet monster, a 7foot-tall, 500-pound Deep Clown (see p. 67). Like all Deep Clowns, he is ugly and smells like rotten fish. He wears the typical clown costume of his race. He can't speak, but he can growl or gurgle. Beliefs & Goals: Do as Doctor M commands. Make Doctor M's enemies Fall Down. Hit Points: 35 Speed: 5

Muscle: 10 Break Down Door: 10 Climb: 10 Fight: 11 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 10 Throw: 10 Zip: 4 Dodge: 6 Drive Vehicle: NIA Fire Gun: NIA Jump: 5 Ride: 4 Run: 4 Swim: 11 Smarts: 2 Hidelspot Hidden: 3 Identify Dangerous Thing: 3 Read: 2 Resist Fast-Talk: 6 See/HearlSmell: 3 Set,Disarm Trap: 2 TrackICover Tracks: 2 Chutzpah: 2 Fast-Talk: 2 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 2 Sleight of Hand: 2 Sneak: 4 Shtick:

and pointless fillers the Animator can use. Sample characters are given in the sidebars throughout the chapter.

Things To Do Norbert Best, De-Animator What sort of blasphemous fiend would invent a way of de-animating living cartoon characters and turning them into servants of Yuk? Your crack team of occult investigators must put and end to this horror! Dare you confront Norbert Best in his own laboratory, in the basem*nt of his decaying mansion? Watch out for his ghoulish guards!

The Crawl of Catchoolu Horror so intense, we named this chapter after it! Deep in the bayous of Southern Loonisiana, a cult of crazed Catchoolu worshipers are just about to put the finishing touches on a complex ritual that will awaken Mighty Catchoolu at last! Can you, armed with several photocopied pages of the Necronornicomizornicon, stop them in time? And if you can't, can you defeat Mighty Catchoolu? Or will you just run away?

The Shadow Over Innsmouse Great Jumpin'Jellyfish! Everyone in the town of Innsmouse seems to be turning into Deep Clowns! Does this have something to do with recent sightings of Father Dorgong in the bay? Ehhh, could be! This sounds like a job for some fearless foes of the Elderly Gods! Too bad they're all out of town. Looks like you'll have to go.

The Slurping Fear Uh Oh! A group of Hamstur cultists has found out that He Who Should Not Be Smelled lies sleeping under a junkyard in Walla Walla, Washington. Now they're heading there to give him a wake-up call! Can you get there first and use the Seven-Fingered Hand Of Glook to drive Hamstur away forever?

At the Fountains of Sadness You're deep in the Amazon jungle, seeking the Lost City of Lo Dapasil, home of the Fountains of Sadness. It is said that the waters of the fountain can permanently improve the attitude of any occult abomination they touch! What a prize! But there are others who seek the fountain, villains who would use its magic to rule the world and make lots of money! Only you can stop them.

The Suitcase of Jay Dexter Ward Somewhere in the city of San Francisco, a man named Jay Dexter Ward has the wrong suitcase! He thinks it contains a set of encyclopedias, but it really holds four of the rarest Forbidden Books in the world! Now you, rival investigators, a team from Mousekatonic University and about 27,831 Cultists are tearing the city apart looking for him!

Crawl of Catchoolu

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The Mousekatonic University J

Illustrated Guide

To Formless Terrors, Slurping Horrors,

Elderly Gods, Pretty Great Old Ones and Other Nightmarish Creatures Note: Attempts to observe, take samplesfrom, capture, kill, communicate with, touch, photograph, videotape, scare, annoy, injure, get close to or otherwise make contact with any of these creatures will probably be the last thing you ever do! This list of monstrous terrors includes the description of the creature, how much insanity you lose the first time you see it, how much damage it does (and how it does it) and what can hurt it (if it even can be hurt).

Catchoolu This is the boss, the number one guy, the big kahuna, the leader of the Pretty Great Old Ones and master of all the lesser Horrid Things. Only the Elderly Gods themselves are more powerful than Mighty Catchoolu. Catchoolu looks like a 75-foot-tall humanoid cat with a dozen or so noses spread across his face. His eyes are totally black and he has tentacles instead of arms. His tail is tipped with a hammer head. Seeing

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Crawl of Catchoolu

Catchoolu drains IdxlaO insanity poiots the first time, and 1 more point every time he is seen, or 2 on Thursdays. Catchoolu hates all Earth creatures, but especially mice. When he attacks, he can choose to hit with his tentacles or tail, stomp with his feet or just lean down a+ bite with his razor teeth. All of these attacks do 2dx2 damage. When Catchoolu feels like doing major damage, he sneezes at his victims. This does 2dx4 damage to everything in a 30-foot-wide, 60-foot-long area directly in front of him. Besides the damage, anycme who is affected will be Boggled on a roll of 7 or less. Catchoolu is a very tougb creature to hurt. He has 300 Hit Points and Toughness versus everything but spells designed specifically for use against him. Bscause he is the Big Boss and the Elderly Gods' tavorite, some*of the other Pretty Great Old Ones hate GatchooLq, This especially applies to Yuk, who waats Calchoolu gsne so he can take over. Particularly brave (and possibly ingane) adventurers might be able to form some sort of partnership with Yuk to get rid of Catchoolu. With that done, all they would have to do i s d*efeatYuk,assuming he didn't eat them first.

onion6 are alive, can move around and ae,in a ~qaliy bad mood. T h w in one big, blodshot qye a d yow have a pretty good picture QE a Crisp~niorr~ These enornous, smelly @rrors spend; mask 06 their time underground where they pqtiedy aw&t a Summon Crisponioq spell, When thqy we findly s u m moned to the surface, their one mission is to dkstsoy. Seeing one drains ldx3 insanity and gives you-a php bia about grilled onions. SmelEing one doesn't d r ~ i ~ any insanity, but will make you gag far a tpm cg.two. Crisponions only have one type of-atQck. They crush everything in their path by roUing*overit, thing squashed by a Crispo~ione e s 2d+4 damage. On rare occasions, a victim will find himself unhurt, but inside the gruesome creature! Getting out will take at least 4 turns and be exceptionauy mesiy. Although the average Crisp~nion-has 150 Hit Points, they can be hurt by normal, non-rpagical damage. Bombs are not recommended, bqcause eveq piece of a Crisponion can bnction on i$s.ownand wiggrow to full size in ld+l days. Fire or acid are better weapons.


twice as big as any of them!'He has 300 HikPoints and does double the damage of a, nomal, C&ponion! kje can also cast spells, cause earthquakes and swallow

Imagine a pile of grilled onions the size of a house; all burnt to a crisp. Now, imagine that these burnt

Crawl of Catchoolu


Shadee Me1 Shadee Me1 is the wler of the Crispnions and is

full-sized luxury sedans in one chomp. Seeing this vile creature will cost you ldx6 insanity points. Shadee Me1 is only damaged by very powerful spells and certain magical devices.

Deep Clowns It would be hard to think of a more ridiculouslooking eldritch horror than a Deep Clown. To start with, they are seven-foot-tall fishmen. They have big, bulgy, lidless eyes and a mouth that never quite shuts all the way. Their fingers have webbing between them and their feet are big, wide and flat. They smell like rotten fish, But they all dress up like circus clowns! They wear big, baggy clown suits in all sorts of colors, clown makeup, clown shoes and even clown wigs! Worst of all, they carry horns, seltzer bottles and cream pies! Because they look so off-the-wall, seeing a Deep Clown costs no insanity. When Deep Clowns attack, they start with poison pies or acid seltzer. These do 2d of damage each. If the pies or seltzer don't work, they will try their claws (Id+2) or teeth (ld+4), which usually do the job. Deep Clowns have 50 Hit Points and are only affected by fire or magic, which do double damage to them. Deep Clowns never speak, but they do carry signs that say things like "Die, surface dweller!" or "Tonight, the Deep Clowns feast!" Groups of Deep Clowns will often travel around in teeny, tiny cars that can hold up to 20 of the fishy freaks. No one knows how they pack themselves into them. Maybe they learned something from sardines.

Father Dorgong and Mother Hydrant The king and queen of all the Deep Clowns are Father Dorgong and Mother Hydrant. They are much, much larger than normal Deep Clowns, about 20 feet tall. Both of them are especially strange-looking.They cost no insanity, but anyone seeing them for the first time must make a Chutzpah roll or be Boggled. For all other purposes, treat them like humongous Deep Clowns whose claws do 2d+2 and whose teeth do ldx3. They can also stomp (2d+4), use poison pies (2dx2) or even cast spells. Fire hurts them, but they don't take double damage from it like lesser Deep Clowns do. Elder Thugs These are the younger brothers and sisters of the Elderly Gods. For some reason, they all look like big barrels with seven tentacles and wings. No eyes, ears or other sensory organs are visible. Each tentacle has a single claw on the end of it. The first time you see an Elder Thug, you can kiss ldx3 insanity points goodbye. Elder Thugs have a rotten attitude about everything. They dislike all living things, even other Pretty Great Old Ones and the Elderly Gods! They think Investigators are wimps, but tasty wimps! Elder Thugs like to push other lifeforms around, steal cars and hang out on street comers. An attacking Elder Thug will use spells like Control and Bind on its victims and then attack with its claws. Each of the seven claws that hits does Id-1 damage. It has been rumored that Elder Thugs can also spray a cloud of tear gas at their prey. Elder Thugs are very tough. They have 150 Hit Points and only spells or other Mythos creatures can hurt them. On the other hand, if they are Boggled, they stay that way for 2d+2 turns and while Boggled will take double damage from freezing cold. If they are the subject of a Maximum Boggle (see p. 7), they will vanish from our world for 2dx2 centuries !

Crawl of Catchoolu

Hamstur the Unbearable (He Who Should Not Be Smelled) Hamstur is a 50-foot-tall hamsteroid creature who seldom bathes more than once every 3,000 years. He's pretty gross looking - and he smells terrible! In fact, smelling Hamstur drains more insanity than seeing him (ldx3 for seeing and 2dx4 for smelling)! Hamstur has 200 Hit Points. Hamstur is very smart and will often use lesser monsters like zombies or ghouls to herd his victims toward wherever he lies waiting. Hamstur also knows many spells and will use them to do nasty, mean things to the PCs. When he is done playing with his food, Hamstur attacks with his claws (2d+3) and teeth (2M). The only thing that will really do much damage to Hamstur are spells and baths. A good hot bath with scented soap will do 2dx10 points of damage and drive Hamstur off the planet for 1,000 years. Finding a bathtub, washcloth and bar of soap big enough to use on Hamstur is enough of a task to build an entire adventure around.

Flying Porklips These utterly grotesque things are giant pig lips with wings! They drool a vile green liquid that will kill plants, poison animals and take the paint off a car. Flying Porklips aren't much larger than the average character, but they're quite fast and highly dangerous. These slobbering monstrosities are often kept as pets by Pretty Great Old Ones, who send them out to destroy their enemies. Flying Porklips generally travel in flocks of from 3 to 9, but flocks as big as 20 have been sighted. Flying Porklips do a ldx4 insanity drain when you first see them. When they attack, they attempt to kiss their targets! If they succeed, the kiss does ld+2 damage and Boggles the victim. When he becomes unboggled, he will spend the next ld+l turns spitting and wiping his mouth off. After a character has been weakened by repeated kissing, a Flying Porklip will take him to its master (often Hamstur or Yuk) as a present. Flying Porklips have 35 Hit Points and only take one point of damage per attack by normal weapons. They take normal damage from magic, but the most effective way to destroy them is with mouthwash! Being doused with a minty-fresh mouthwash will do 2dx2 points of damage. If a player character bathes in mouthwash, Flying Porklips will avoid him for 2d hours.

Crawl of Catchoolu

Nyuknyuknyukyaschlep Theoretically, Nyuknyuknyukyaschlep is the messenger and servant of the Elderly Gods. In fact, he is an idiot and the Elderly Gods can't stand having him around. Most of the Pretty Great Old Ones feel the same way. In appearance, Nyuknyuknyukyaschlep looks like a fat, bald 30-foot-tall human. A first viewing of him drains 2dx4 insanity. He constantly mutters to himself. He usually attacks with a huge mallet (3 dice of damage). Nyuknyuknyukyaschlep is always hungry, so if the investigators can set up a huge table of food, they might divert his attention away from destroying them. Qwertyuiop Asdfghjkl Zxcvbnm (The Horror Whose Name Can't Be Pronounced) Little is known about this malignant entity because nobody can pronounce its name to summon it! Is it a Pretty Great Old One? A servant of theirs? A pet? How big is it? What are its attacks and how much damage do they do? Most importantly, how do you fight it? All these questions will remain unanswered until the secret of its name is unlocked! Tsaggywahaha Once, eons ago, Tsaggywahaha was the favorite stand-up comedian of the Elderly Gods. He could pack 'em in every night of the week at the big showrooms in the dimensions of L'asv E'gas and Atl' Ant Ic'Ci'Ty. He was a Big Time Entertainer.

But sadly, over the millennia, the Elderly Gods grew tired of Tsaggywahaha's same old jokes. Tsaggywahaha's career slowly went down the tubes. Now, this colossal comedian is stuck on Earth, still trying to get a laugh and crushing anyone who doesn't get his jokes. Tsaggywahaha stands 60 feet tall and looks like a cross between a human and a spider. He wears cheap suits and a really bad toupee. The sight of him will drain 2dx10 insanity. Tsaggywahaha begins his attacks by telling old, corny jokes. As long as the victims pretend to be amused, they are not harmed. If they should try to run away, heckle Tsaggywahaha or just quit laughing, he will attack with claws (2dx2) or by stomping (2dx3). Characters who try to last until he runs out of jokes are doomed to failure. Tsaggywahaha can tell jokes for 12,937 years without repeating himself or getting tired. The only attacks that can damage this lunatic laughmeister are magic and Boggling. To Boggle Tsaggywahaha requires either a cream pie 20 feet across or a squirting flower the size of an elephant. After being Boggled, he will go off to another part of the world to tell his terrible jokes.

just keep hanging around in extra-dimensional discos and nightclubs, trying out pickup lines on Unspeakably Diabolical Babes. These loathsome layabouts can be harmed only by magic or huge amounts of poisoned liquor. If Boggled, they will sometimes vanish forever. Other times they will just say "I don't get it, man."

Yuk Have you ever seen a 50-ton pile of rotting garbage with a vaguely human face and big, sharp teeth? If you have, it was probably Yuk and you aren't around to read this! Yuk is the number-two eldritch abomination among the Pretty Great Old Ones and he hates it! He is jealous of Mighty Catchoolu and wants to take his place. He also wants to have more cultists worshipping him instead of Catchoolu. He tries to attract them by giving away new cars, cash prizes and vacations in Puerto Vallarta. Unfortunately, he is rather forgetful and tends to devour his worshippers, which reduces their enthusiasm. Many choose to stay in Puerto Vallarta. Yuk is very powerful, with 300 Hit Points and a

Shiftless Spawn of Tsaggywahaha These are the offspring of the Unfunny One. They resemble him greatly, but they are only 15 feet tall and dress in polyester leisure suits and gold chains. They all have 100 Hit Points and drain ldx3 insanity on first sight. They can attack with claws (2d+l) or teeth (2d+4), but seldom choose to. This is mostly because the Shiftless Spawn of Tsaggywahaha are, hands down, the laziest of the Pretty Great Old Ones! About t h e worst they ever do to a potential victim is call them names! This has, as you might imagine, made them (and their father) the laughing stock of the Catchooloids. But the Shiftless Spawn don't seem to care. They

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Crawl of Catchoolu

2dx4 tentacle attack, but he is far more likely to attack by creating Slobboths (see below) to do his dirty work. Yuk is only takes damage from spells or the attacks of other Pretty Great Old Ones. His first appearance will drain 2dx10 insanity and his smell does 2dx2 gagging damage.

Slobboths These mindless killing machines are created by Yuk from his own odious body. They stand 12 feet tall and have a roughly humanoid shape. They generally have about 50 Hit Points. A slobboth's attack is simply to beat on its victim with its fists. This does ld+4 damage. Additionally, their horrible odor will Boggle the victim on a roll of 5 or less. On top of all that, they drain 2dx3 insanity points when first seen. Slobboths have Toughness versus all attacks, including magic! However, they can be damaged by all forms of attack - just not very much. Slobboths are only Boggled on a roll of 3 or less. Yu-Go, The Fungi From C'reveland Looking like small, flying, yellow mushrooms, these creatures have a terrible attack. Every time they score a hit, they remove one point from an Attribute, Skill or Shtick score (Animator's choice)! Since they travel in flocks of 6 or more, this can be incredibly dangerous! Lost points are fully regained at the beginning of the next adventure.

Luckily for those under attack, Yu-Go only have 25 Hit Points each and are fully susceptible to all types of damage. On the other hand, their Dodge score is always 9 or better. Since they are slightly silly-looking, they only drain 2d+l insanity points. It is rumored among students of the occult that the Yu-Go, being mushroomoid beings, will stay away from a group that is armed with saut6 pans and melted butter. They may also steer clear of anyone who smells of spaghetti or pizza sauce.

Zok-Hotdog Although he is one of the most powerful of the Pretty Great Old Ones, Zok-Hotdog is seldom encountered or worshipped. The reason for this probably has something to do with his looks. As his name implies, Zok-Hotdog is a 60-foot-tall frankfurter complete with a bun, two arms, four legs, a face and condiments constantly dripping from him. In other words, he's a perfectly normal, somewhat oversized cartoon character. Seeing him costs no insanity points, which irritates Zok-Hotdog no end. Zok-Hotdog (also known as "He Who Contains Beef By-Products") never attacks with his claws, teeth or feet. Instead, he squirts one of three kinds of deadly mustard at his intended prey. The yellow mustard does ld+l damage to whomever it hits. The spicy brown mustard does 2d+2 damage. Finally, there is the dreaded horseradish mustard, which does 2dx2 damage to its target and ld+3 nasal damage to anyone within 30 feet. Rumors that Zok-Hotdog can squirt catsup, relish, chili and chopped onions are still unconfirmed. Zok-Hotdog is unaffected by any attacks except those using magic or cheese. Other attacks only make him mad. He is very fast for a wiener, and will follow his prey anywhere except a baseball stadium or a backyard barbecue. Certain learned scholars believe that if Zok-Hotdog were lured into a huge cauldron of pork and beans, he would never return to this plane, and would make approximately 20,000 servings. The theory is sound and only awaits investigators brave enough to attempt it.

Other Monsters Almost any other conceivable monster could be a servant of Mighty Catchoolu and His Pals. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts and other creatures of the night are described in the Dungeons and Toons chapter. If you want something bigger, try Atomic Monster Theater for Giant Creatures of all varieties. Or create your own Horrors From Beyond!

Crawl of Catchoolu

The imam'ityLoss Results TabSe Ha


ld taste for ~$a@meT'V 1.2 C m ~ epqbTs t . g r m ~ l and r sptling 13 Say "'3%&'s %my'' all the b e W Sslp %h, 4 get &I Imtaev@'really get it 85 Ask es lave jdlm e~p:MRed 16 T r y . t ~ e t c p l & ~ t ~ ~ t h e r , g w a p k 2 Wcmy ixzt I d '&mt&come ax 12 Worry 3t bad about "fiimess" of rhlm"gsI I E "








a b u t his M n g hobbies e "&use -me, but . . ." g- .~ules (in ~har&&r)


42 Wa%oitsofp1yester 43 Sws&&m 44 Check mt~bIcs from the libfary C W sux S-&.zkc'Zc tapes f m r-tre library Make W y menus for himself 51 Makc daily *menusfor the rest of the party 52 Cmy h of pens wherever he goes 53 W ~ t r ; l b e ~ s 45


Bayaaew brief~m 55 Ham B;prry M d o w sop;l$is cotls"tantly 56 Maice little Iabds f aevqahing 61 Practice spaking in front @fmirrors 62 63 hoobid psychology Always talk b a m c m m e 55 Take vi&m every day 66 Sped Friday nights at home


If a characterhas last LIZ1 ~f h+shsaktty, 'he&H, 11 12 13 14 1'5 16 21 2 23 24 '25 Z6 31 32 33 34 35 36 41 42 43 44 45 46 51 52 53 54 55 56 61

62 63 64 65 6

-71 -


Become-an awountant Open a he* fobd store -Goto law school Became a mortician Collect Lawrace Wlk"memora'lrilia Drink ody tea with -roseqhi-ps Learn to waltz wear a mter mask whenever he goes bafside Start smoking a pipe Put plastic on all furniture (even others') Bity tapes of elevator music and play -them ci3nStaBTly Recite long theological prods Re;fmahcehis mo~gage Refuse to shake hands 64th people Bmsh his teeth after e v q meal Become a C a n t report& and secstd e v e w n g a n y m says Take up wargaming Become a philosophy professor Boil any liquid be%%&drinking %'t Take up counted cross sti$ch C q a portable W, b e d to m.0'1"kn e w Wootry .out loud about his net ~ r i h Try to become a conestant an a W game show Start each sentence with "It's a lirde-know f a c ~. . ." W w only gray sub Become an insurance salesman Insist an getting a 'weekly *cure Call T h e & Temperature whenever he's mear a $mne Constanrly whine about not getting jury duty lhcessantly complain about the humidity Write letters to his congressman abbut everything that bothers him Offer to mow people's lawns for free Give the scientific name for every plant or afiimal he sees Write a fan letter every day to Johnny ?&this Always drive 10 mph d e r the speed limit Quote obscure philosophers ("As LeiMz once said. . .")

Crawl of Catchoolu

Chapter 5:

Welcome to Dungeonworld! Ages ago, this world was a peaceful place, where there was no such thing as magic. Then, from nowhere, came the Egg and from out of the Egg came Teeyesarr. Teeyesarr was a great and powerful wizard who immediately began to inflict his will upon the creatures of the world. They tried to beat him at his own game, but since they couldn't comprehend the rules, they were doomed to failure. For the next 1,000years, Teeyesarr ruled the world, creating new monsters, magic items and, worst of all, homd underground labyrinths known as "dungeons." These dungeons were filled with great treasures and even greater dangers. They were crawling with monsters and terrible traps, so only the bravest of the brave or the stupidest of the stupid would dare seek out the treasures inside. Some did it by becoming mighty warriors. Others did it by becoming stealthy thieves or powerful masters of magic. Many ventured into the dungeons, but few returned. This is Dungeonworld! Tooniversal Tours hopes that your stay is pleasant and reasonably pain-free. Please remember that gold, jewels and certain magic items are subject to heavy export taxation. Have a nice day and stay away from dragons. A

Rover the Bold Rover is a big, strong Dog and a firstclass warrior, with a voice like Arnold Schwarzenegger's. He wears platemail and canies a broadsword. His long hair is black and he wears a helmet with wings on the sides. His sword is magical and is named "Slicendice." Both the sword and Rover love to fight. Rover will start a fight even if he is badly outnumbered. He says that he never gets scared, but he is scared to death of Zombies. Rover doesn't like magic very much. Slicendice adds +1 to Rover's Fight roll and does 2d of damage. Beliefs & Goals: I am Rover the Bold! No one is my equal with the sword! I do not trust wizards or magic. I live for fighting and carousing! Most other fighters are wimps! Hit Points: 20 Speed: 7

Muscle: 8 Break Down Door: 9 Climb: 9 Fight: 10 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 10 Throw: 8 Zip: 6 Dodge: 9 Drive Vehicle: 6 Fire Gun: 6 Jump: 8 Ride: 7 Run: 8 Swim: 8 Smarts: 4 HideISpot Hidden: 4 Identify Dangerous Thing: 6 Read: 4 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 See/Hear/Smell: 6 SetIDisann Trap: 5 TracWCover Tracks: 5 Chutzpah: 9 Fast-Talk: 9 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 9 Sleight of Hand: 9

Character Types

Sneak: 9

In Dungeonworld, players are limited to four races and three classes. You can be any combination of race and class that you want, but some will be better than others. That's because all races have good points and bad points. All of the races are basically humanoid and wear clothes and armor. An outside character visiting Dungeonworld has three choices: (1) Turn into a member of one of the four PC races.


Shticks: Toughness (vs. Physical): 9 Incredible Luck: 4

Dungeons and Toons

The Beige Mage


The Beige Mage is a mysterious wizard who dresses in a long, hooded, beige robe that hides her face. All anyone is sure of is that she's a female Squirrel. She always speaks in a spooky whisper. She cmies a Staff of Sneezing and wears a Ring of Protection vs. Cream Pies. The Beige Mage is extremely greedy for more spells and magic items. She will go to dangerous lengths to get them. Beliefs & Goals: Always try to be mysterious. Never let myone see your face. Magic is good and more magic is better. Help your friends, but don't bust strangers. Keep your robe clan! Hit Points: 9 Speed: 8

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 4 Climb: I0 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 4 Throw: 4 A

Dodge: 9 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun:NJA


Run: 9 Swim: 8

Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 10 Resist East-Talk: 10 Se&earJSmell: 9 SetlDisarrn Trap: 9 TracklCover Tracks: 9

Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk: 7 Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 8 Sneak 9 Shticks: Toughness (vs. Magic): 6 Bag of Many Things: 5 De:ect Item (Magic Scrolls): 6 Cosmic Shift: 5 Detect Magic: 7 Fork In The Road: 6 Greasy Spot: 6 Mudball: 5 Open/Close Door: 7 Spring Rain: 5 Blindness: 5

Dungeons and Toons

(2) Disgaise himself as a member of otie of &e Four PC rams. (3) Ignore the whole thing - witb h e Animam's appr-od h%be p r e p a d for native characters' comments: "1 never saw a Squirrel with a trmk before . ." In D~ungeonworld,dl race names we c~piMi;7ad.That's one of the Wizard's Laws.. You're not just a dog, you're a Dog,



The Player Character Races Dogs The Dog race is the dominant cam of D~ngeonworidThey have Mfa mighty kingdoms, delved into the secrets of magic md crez&danhfwekoas machines, They live in cities, towns, villages and ma1 areas, Dogs me basically g o d and tend to be nore tolerant of a&er races than they me of each other. The canine sense of humor is very broad and cnmge fmm subtle sarcasm to outrageous looniness. Dogs come in a variety of sizes, ranging &om the 4-foot-tall members of the Chihuahua tribe to the nearly %f00t-taU Great Danes, who sail &G far off lands for pillage and plunder. For ow puqmses, we'll a s s m e &at most Dogs are of the Retriever size, a b u t 6" tail anid 180 I t s , Dogs get +1 to any rolls coxemiag magic or science. They &o get 2 extra Hit Points and +3 on Smell or Hew rolls. Unless they are physicaily impaired, all Dogs get a minimum S p e d of 6, whatever &ek Z p xo13sDogs have no real preferences where weapons are concerned, The great enemies of the canines are the Pows. Dogs and p*rn s h a a hat& of one another that goes back centuries, A Dog will neve-r h w ingly lend aid to a Porc.

Squirrels Squirrels are children of the p a t outdoors. 'They take great delight in dancing, singing and generally having fun. Although this makes &em seem frivolous, Squirrels are actually brave in cornbaz and adept at using magic. They are superb hunters and trackers, A Squirrel's sense of humor tends toward the silly and absurd. Squirrels tend to think that Dogs are too ,:i but are amused serious and Badgers are downright dull. They like M by their love of peace and quiet. Most Squirrels stand about 5-11 and have slender builds. They are very proud of their big, bushy mils. Squirrels come in several colors, most commonly gray and red. Since they are fast and agile, Squirrels get +2 to all Zip-related skilis. They have excellent vision and get +2 to See rolls. While not as good at learning magic as Dogs, Squirrels still get $1, On the other hand, they get -2 on any roll concerning science or machines. Being a fun-loving race has one advantage: Squirrels are only Boggled on a roll of 5 or less. Squirrels can speak most Rodent languages (Mice, MoI-ish, etc.). For weapons, Squirrels prefer longbows, which they use at +2. Although they hate Porcs, they aren't as fanatical about destroying them as Dogs. But if a P o x attacks a Squirrel, he'll definixely have a fight on his hands. Badgers Living underground in ornately carved caverns, Badgers are a hardworking race of miners and jewelers. They aren't very talkative and heir sense of humor is almost nonexistent. They don't much care for magic,

but do like magical weapons. In combat, whether armed or unarmed, Badgers are ferocious. They are loyal to their friends and bad news to their enemies. If Badgers have a passion, it's for gold and jewels. They will risk life and limb to get them. Their feelings toward other races are mixed. They are impressed by Dogs and their creations. Badgers think that Squirrels are generally irresponsible goofballs, although they do respect their combat skills. They think Mice are harmless and lazy. Badgers rarely stand more than 4%' tall. They are stocky and very muscular. Because they spend so much time underground, Badgers can see perfectly well in total darkness. They also have an excellent sense of direction. Badgers are hardy and start with Toughness vs. Physical at 6. When it comes to magic though, they are at -1 to resist it. Boggling is another weak point with Badgers. Any attempt to Boggle them will Maximum Boggle (see p. 7) them on a roll of 8 or less. In combat, Badgers get a +2 to their Fight and Dodge rolls. Hard work has given the Badgers lots of Muscle, so give them an extra point. Speed for Badgers can never be better than 6, and Zip can never be better than 4. Most badgers like mallets or axes as their primary weapon with a shortsword for backup. Living underground has brought the Badgers into contact with the Moles, and boy, do they hate each other! If a Badger sees a Mole, he will go wild and attack it. The Moles will do the same with Badgers.

Mice Mice are easy-going, comfort-loving homebodies. They live in neat, clean little burrows with gaily painted front doors and well-stocked pantries. Their small villages are quiet and peaceful, except when the Mice decide to have a party, fair or other social event. Most Mice would rather stay Rome than be dungeon explorers, but a few have found that they actually like adventure (and wealth and fame). The Mouse sense of humor runs toward puns and practical jokes. Although they have no racial enemies, Mice are skilled at using several weapons. These include slingshots, Frisbees, darts and bolas (see Weapons, p. 79). Being easygoing, Mice try to get along with the other PC races. They are in awe of Dogs with their cities, magical abilities and wide range of food and drink. Mice find Badgers acceptable companions, but too serious. Squirrels are fun to be around, even if they are a little screwy and far too fast-paced. The average Mouse is fairly chubby and stands just under 3 feet tall. A Mouse takes great pride in his appearance and will always be well-dressed. Mice are interested in magic, but are a little afraid of it. This gives them a -1 to

Snorin is a Badger and darned proud of it! He is also a good fighter and is pretty proud of that, too! Snorin is 3 feet tall and wears platemail. His weapon is a warhammer. Snorin is a little less gruff than most Badgers, but he still thinks Squirrels are immature and frivolous. He also thinks that having lots of money is good thing, which is why he loots Dungeons. Beliefs & Goals: Badgers are the greatest of all races! Don" trust thieves. Squirrels are nitwits. Treasure is good, so get a bunch of it. Never let anybody push you around. Hit Points: 18 Speed: 5

Muscle: 8 Break Down Door: 8 Climb: 8 Fight: 10 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 9 Throw: 8 Zip: 4 Dodge: 11 Drive Vehicle: 10 Fire Gun: 11 Jump: 10 Ride: 10 Run: 11 Swim: 10 Continued on nextpage.


Dungeons and Toons

Snorin Ironbelly (Continued) Smarts: 8 Hidelspot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 8 Resist Fast-Talk: 10 See/Hear/Smell: 9 SetIDisarm Trap: 10 TracWCover Tracks: 9

Chutzpah: 7 Fast-Talk: 9 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 9 Sleight of Hand: 7 Sneak: 8 Shtick: Toughness (vs. Physical): 7

learning spells. Since Mice favor thrown weapons, they get a +2 to all Throw rolls. Mice are quiet and cautious, so this gives them have a +2 on Sneak and Hidelspot Hidden rolls. Their short legs and portly bodies limit their Speed to 4, regardless of their Zip roll. But being tiny does give them a +2 on Dodge rolls. Mice are a bit gullible, so they are at -2 on Resist Fast-Talk rolls. As mentioned above, Mice have no enemies of their own. They do, however, help the Dogs in their wars with the Porcs. Mice have been known to engineer elaborate practical jokes that have made entire Porc villages Fall Down! This has not endeared them to the Porcs.

The Classes There are three basic jobs that a dungeon explorer can choose from: Fighter, Wizard or Thief. Each class has its own strengths and weaknesses. When you create your character, you might find that some of the Class bonuses or penalties cancel out or increase the Race bonuses or penalties. This is normal. Just build the character you want to have and remember that in Toon,failure is as funny as success!

Fighters These are the explorers who swing the swords, battle the monsters face to face (or whatever) and generally act as the muscle for the group. Fighters can use any weapon and wear any armor. All fighters get 3 extra Hit Points, Toughness of 6 vs. physical attacks, and +2 damage with the weapon of their choice. Badgers already have an automatic Toughness of 6, so Badger Fighters get that increased to 7. Fighters don't trust magic, although they will use magic weapons and armor. Because of their distrust of magic, fighters are -3 when using magic items except weapons, armor or potions. All metal armor types give fighters -1 to all Sneak rolls. Metal armor also adds +3 to damage from electrical, magnetic or flame attacks. To be a fighter, you need a Muscle score of at least 5 and a Chutzpah score of at least 4. Fighters may only have two Shticks (not counting Toughness). Good choices are Incredible Strength, and Incredible Speed. Of course, Incredible Luck is a very popular Shtick with dungeon explorers. Thieves Takefrom the rich and keep it, that's the thieves' motto! Thieves aid an explorer group by picking locks, disarming traps and sneaking up on monsters to do Maximum Boggles from behind. Thieves may only wear leather or magically-silenced armor. They can use most magic items, but can only cast spells from scrolls with -2 on their Read skill roll. For weapons, thieves are limited to knives, shortswords, whips and seltzer bottles. A thief's bonuses include +1 to all Chutzpah and Smarts skills. They also get the Maximum Boggle Shtick (see p. 7) at level 8, but only when they attack from behind! Thieves all have a Bag of Many Things and get +1 to Climb, Jump and Run rolls. Penalties for thieves include -1 to their Muscle score and a 75% chance that they are wanted by the law. Required scores to be a thief are a minimum 5 for Chutzpah and 4 for Smarts. Thieves may have up to four extra Shticks besides Maximum Boggle and Bag of Many Things. These should be subject to Animator

Dungeons and Toons

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approval, since you can't trust a thief. Some popular Shticks are Detect Item, Invisibility, Quick ChangeDisguise and Coat of Arms.

Wizards Wizards are masters of magic and are valued members of any band of adventurers. They can detect danger, cure wounds, remove curses, cast spells and blast monsters from a distance (this ability is very popular with fighters and thieves). Wizards can use any magic items except weapons and metal armor. The only normal weapons a wizard can use are knives, clubs (and this includes a wizard's staff) and water balloons. They can wear leather or worse armor. Wizards automatically get Toughness vs. Magic attacks at skill level 6. They also get the Magic Resistance Shtick at a 5. Other bonuses are +1 to Sleight of Hand, PassDetect Shoddy Goods, and all their Smarts skills. Since they spend most of their time studying spells, wizards aren't very athletic. This means they get -1 to both their Muscle and Zip scores. They also can start out with no more than 7 Hit Points. Smarts is the primary attribute of all wizards, so they need a score of 5 or better. They also need a Chutzpah score of 4 or more. Wizards can have three extra non-magical Shticks. There is no limit to the number of magical Shticks they can have, if they have the Skill Points to pay for them. Most wizards really like Bag of Many Things, Teleport, Change Shape and the ever-popular Cosmic Shift.

Magic Rules

Normal Stuff These are things that dungeon crawlers might need. Don't wony about how much things weigh, because characters can alWqs Cm heavy loads of 'quipment. Item Cost Aardvark repellant .......... 6 LP Animator repellant .......... 9,999 LP Accordion........................ 30 LP Ant Farm ......................... 5 LP Anvil ................................10 LP Baby bottle ......................3 LP Backpack .........................5 LP Basket..............................3 LP Bell ..................................6 LP Belt Pouch .......................2 LP Candle .............................1 LP Cannibal repellant ........... 6 LP Chain ...............................2 LP per foot Chest, small ................... ..4 LP Comb ............................... 2 LP Chest, large...................... 8 LP Cravons .......................... 4 LP Cream Pie ........................ 3 LP Cyclops repellant ............ 6 LP Dancing shoes ................. 5 LP Demon repellant .............. 6 LP Eating utensils ................. 2 LP Fairy repellant .................6 LP Fish hooks .......................2 LPIdozen Fishing line ...................... 1 LPl30 ft. Fishing net ....................... 5 LP


Magic spells are all Shticks. They're described starting on p. 92. Only wizards can learn spells. Anybody can use a magic item that contains a spell, but fighters will be at a -3 to their roll (if there is one) with any magic item except weapons, armor and potions. There are six important aspects to each spell: Spell Points (how much power is required to cast it), Range (how far it can be cast), Duration (how long it lasts), Casting Erne (how long it takes to prepare the spell


Continued on next page.


Dungeons and Toons

before casting), Area of EfSect (size of the area or number of beings it affects) and Damage (how much damage it does). Yes, this is a bit complex. Wizards study for years to learn this stuff, and still turn their friends into jelly rolls by accident. The Animator has thepnal word on what a spell does or does not do and anything else connected with it!

Normal staff (Continued) Item Cost Fishing pole .................... 3 LP Glass bottle ..................... 2 LP Glue ................................ 3 LPhottIe Goblin wpellant .............. 6 LP Gong ............................... 8 LP Hairbrush........................ 4 LP Hag repellant .................. 6 LP Hourglass........................ 5 LP Hour-and-a-half glass ..... 6 LP Idiot repellant ................. 6 LP Iron frying pan ................8 LP Jam,strawberry .............. 4 LPIjar Jam, blackberry .............. 4 LPIjar Jam, traffre ...................... 50 LFIcar Kettle .............................. 5 LP Ladder ............................. 12 LP Lamp ....................,......... 7 LP Lich repellant ................. 6 LP Lip gloss ......................... 3 LP Lock ................................ 5 LP Lunch bag ....................... 2 LP Lungfish repellant .......... 6 LP Magnet............................ 15 LP Map case................... .,.. 6 LP Maple syrup.................... 8 LP Minotaur repellant .......... 6 LP Mirror, small ................... 5 LP Mirror, large ................... 10 LP Moose call ...................... 10 LP Mouse call ...................... 5 LP Mummy repellant ........... 6 LP Music Box ...................... 22 LP Needles ........................... 5 LPIdozen Noodles............................ 5 LPIpound Qrc repellant ................... 6 LP Oil, cooking.................... 3 LPhottle Oil, lamp ......................... 5 LPhottle Oil, canola ...................... 8 LPhottle Paper ............................... 5 LP/lQ sheets Paper airplanes ............... 3 LP Pepper ............................. 4 LPfpound Perfume, nice.................. 15 LP/ounce Perfume, cfieap............... 3 LPIquart Ping-pong balls ................ 6 LP/dozen Pixie repellant .................. 6 LP Popcorn,. ......................... .7 LP/pound Quiver............................. 10 LP Cwtinued ~n next page.


Spell Points A wizard gets two Spell Points for every point of Smarts. Now you know why there aren't any stupid wizards. When you've used all your Spell Points, you can't cast any spells for 10 turns! After 10 turns have gone by, you'll start getting Spell Points back at the rate of 2 per turn. Wizards can also use Spell Points from Powerstones.. The Powerstone must be held in the wizard's hand while the spell is being cast. Once a Powerstone has lost all its Spell Points, it turns into a rutabaga. It is then useless for spellcasting, but you can eat it if you want.

Spell Fumbles If a wizard fails his Shtick roll while casting a spell, the player must roll on the Spell Fumbles table on p. 105. Really loony Animators can make the player roll more than once!

Touch Attacks Any spell that requires the wizard to touch something (such as HighVoltage Handshake or KAPOW!) requires a successful Fight roll, as well as a successful roll against the wizard's Shtick level for that spell.

Shticks Most of the new Shticks in this chapter are spells. They're listed in Em10 5 Book of Popular Spells, which starts on p. 92. Two important Shticks that are not spells are listed below. You might also want to check out some of the Shticks in Supertoon and Crawl of Catchoolu. Almost any Shtick in this book or Toon can be turned into a spell. The list of superpowers in the Supertoon chapter (p. 160) is a good place to start. We'll leave the details up to you.

Magic Resistance (15 points for level 3; 10 per additional level) With this Shtick, you get a chance to roll the dice and avoid being affected by a spell. Unlike most of the other Shticks in this book, Magic Resistance costs 15 Skill Points to start with, starts out at skill level 3 and another 10 for each additional point. We can't just have characters shrugging off the effects of magic all the time, can we? If you fail your Magic Resistance roll, the spell works normally.

Maximum Boggle This Shtick is very valuable for dealing with dragons, innkeepers and other dangerous monsters. See p. 7.

Dungeons and Tocns


Your bmty b a ~ dof adventurers will. need plenty of equipment to W e a g e the tmhowrm! b d in DungmaworId, there is no limit an the amount sf Staffyou can carry, F o ~ abmt t ""eightitem i~ your back pcket." YOU; am c q e~eqthingexcwt €hekitchen sink. Take the sink, too: Take two y w never h o w when yw"l1 need an exm, But if you don't wrik it down, yau don't have it. Sea tk sidebars on pp 80 md 8 1 for Dtmgear~wwldmoney and far the armor md shields you can buy,








Nk@pmsw Rsted here: wcoding to- the skill required to use them: Fight tor-b d wmprn*Fire Gun ~ Qmissile E weapons, Thow fix t b w weapms. The damage you do- with a weapon is based on your Muscle scme, as tok?lows:

MWJe 1 ~ w c r2 e

Musde 3 Muscle 4 Muscle 5 Muscle 6

1d-A1 1 die ldi-l ld+2 2 dice 2d+1

Af0nmd stuff (Continued) ~tem Cost Rock .............................. ..Free. Roll ......................... . , ..... 6 LP/dozen ................................ 1 LPlfoot. Rope Sack, small ......................3 LP Sack, large .......................6 LP Saddle, horse ................... 30 LP Saddle, dragon............... ..W T;P Soap................................. I LPhar Soap, prfumed ...............2 LPhar Squid repeltant ................ 6 LP Telescope......... ...,. ...... LP .a Tent,small ...................... .10 LF Tent, large...................... J . 5 LP Tent, circus ...................... 1QQ W r n e b ............................... 1 LP Twch, exploding gag ......5 LP Umbrella ....................... ..14 LP Vole repellant ..................6 LP Waterskin ..................... ..,3 LP Whetstone ....................... 7 LP Whoopie cushian ............ 9 LB Yak repellant ................... 6 LP Zombie repellant............. 6 LP

Money In Dungeonworld, nothing is free. You need monev. And all monev is made out of lead! This Is because the aicients realized that lead is common, so you could make many more coins from it than you could from gold or silver- More mean more wealth! These Lead Pieces (abbreviated "LP") only come in one size. A bag of 1,000 lead pieces weighs about 100 pounds, so you won't be running very fast with a backpack full of lead. Jewels and such things are worth many LPs, but gold and silver are nearly worthless.

Starting Money Different character classes start out with different levels of wealth. Fighters get 3dx10 LP; thieves get 2dx10 LP; and wizards only get 2dx5 LP. This money is used to buy basic adventuring supplies. After that, everyone earns their money the old-fashioned way: by beating up strangers and taking their property.

Buying Stuff Characters can buy whatever supplies the Animator allows. Animators should make the characters go to armor shops, weapon shops, magic shops, grocery stores, bakeries and dungeon delver supply shops . . . to startmith. Keep it up as long as it's funny. The party may spend their first few play sessions without getting out of the shop! Every shopkeeper is different. One might be a high-pressure salesman, but the next one might not care if he sells anything! On the next page, we've listed armor and weapons needed for dungeon delvers, and on pp. 77-79 are basic supplies and their costs. These lists of items can be added to, subtracted from or changed in any way the Animator wants. Players who think up really neat new stuff should get a Plot Point.

Why does it matter what kind of weapon you have, if damage is based on your Muscle? Sometimes it's interesting (or funny) to know what kind of weapon you're using. You can't cut down a tree with a rapier (unless you fail a Smarts roll). But you can poke that rapier through a keyhole to surprise a spying Porc. Also, some weapons do bonus damage, and magic weapons usually do extra damage or have other neat abilities. ~ i ~ h t e r s - m u schoose t a specific type of weapon when they enter Dungeonworld. They will get +2 damage with that weapon type, forevermore. Remember that you may not be able to find a wide variety of weapons in the town you start from. In that case, buy what you can get and hope you can find a better weapon shop in another town.

Melee Weapons (Fight Skill) Swords There are short swords, long swords, straight swords, curved swords, heavy swords and light swords. An average sword costs about 15 LP. You need Muscle 3 or better to use a shortsword or rapier, 4 or better for other types. If you hit something made of metal or stone with a sword, it might break. Axes Hitting something with an axe will not only cut it; if the axe is big and the thing isn't too heavy, it will knock it backwards. Axes can have one blade or two and can range in size from a hatchet to a battle axe. Big axes require Muscle 4 or more to use, and need to be swung with both hands. Hatchets can be thrown, and require only Muscle 2. A normal, doublebladed woodchopper's axe will cost about 9 LP. Sometimes an axe will get stuck in what it hits. You'll need a Muscle roll to pull it free. Polearms A polearm is a long pole (about 10' long) with a blade on the end. The blades come in more shapes than you can shake a stick at, so choose any shape you like. These are long p o l e m s , and can hit someone in the next 10' square! They are heavy and clumsy, requiring Muscle 5 or better and both hands to carry. Clubs and Hammers To be honest, any blunt instrument you can swing and hit someone with is a club. But the clubs we mean are hunks of wood (often small tree limbs) that have a skinny end with a handgrip and a fat end that you hit with. Being hit with a club will knock down small creatures and knock back others. The average club requires Muscle 4 or more to use. Unless bound with metal (in which case they're called "maces") or with spikes, no club will ever cost more than 3 LP (not including magical clubs or maces). A metal club is a hammer, and usually costs about 10 LP. Knives Knives come in many different types. Even a Muscle 1 wimp can use them, and they're small and cheap. A good dagger might cost 4 LP. Knives can also be thrown.

Dungeons and Toons

Other Weapons Some other weapons that might pop up from time to time are: Trident (a sort of barbed pitchfork), Quarterstaff (a 6-foot-long pole that really packs a wallop), Spears (which can also be thrown) and Whips (which don't do much damage, but can be used to grab things). Inventive garners will probably think of lots more weapons. The Animator can make as many rules about new weapons as he can stand.

Missile Weapons (Fire Gun Skill) BOWS There are two types of bows: shortbows and longbows. An arrow shot from a shortbow will go about 70 feet. An arrow shot from a longbow will go about 200 feet. Shortbows will sell for around 12 LP and require Muscle 2. Longbows will sell for 20 LP or more and require Muscle 4. You can fire a bow once per turn. Arrows cost 1 LP each. C~OSS~OWS These shoot short arrows called "bolts." A bolt will go about 120 feet. Crossbows cost about 25 LP. Bolts cost 1 LP each. You can only fire a crossbow every other turn. It requires Muscle 3 to co*ck a crossbow, but any wimp can fire it. A crossbow does +2 damage, based on the strength of the person who co*cked it. Blowguns A blowgun is a 4-foot-long tube that shoots a dart. Darts have about a damage, no matter who uses them. Any30-foot range and do 2 body can use a blowgun. If the darts are poisoned, they do 4 points damage every turn until the victim Falls Down. Blowguns cost about 5 LP. Unpoisoned darts cost 6 LP per dozen. Poisoned darts cost 24 LP per dozen and can only be used by Thieves.

Armor and Shields In a dungeon, almost everything wants Down, eat you, or both! to m*e you Armor and shields help prevent this. Sometimes.

How Armor Works Armor gives you a few extra Hit Points. The better the armor, the more points you get. If you take off the armor (say, because of Itching Powder), you lose the extra Hit Later, we'11 look at magic which has other bonuses.

Hit Points Armor 1 cardboard Paper Platemail 1 2 Vinyl Leather 3 Zippe'red Leather 4 6 studded & Chains 8 Banded Rubber Banded 9 Rock-n-Roll Banded 10 Chainmail 12 Platemail 15 Dragonscale 18

Cost 5 LP 7 LP 10 LP 30 LP 35 LP 50 LP 60 LP 80 LP 100 LP 115 LP 125 LP 175 LP 300 LP

shkus Shields let you block attacks and keep from getting hit. A small shield adds +1 to your Dodge skill and costs 10 LP. A large shield adds +2 and costs 20 LP.

Dungeons and Toons

Dayglo Smuggins Dayglo is pretty much an average Mouse. He stands 3' tall, is chubby, has big feet and likes to eat. He wears boots, pants, a long-sleeved shirt and a vest. He is a thief, and will steal anything that's not nailed down! Dayglo also has Fast-Talk (at 8) and will try to Pass Shoddy Goods (at 7) to anyone he can. He is also an incurable practical joker. Beliefs & Goals: Never pass up a dishonest buck. There is a sucker born every minute. Eat well and have lots of fun. Think up new jokes and try them out on your friends and enemies. Stay out of fights. Hit Points: 9 Speed: 5

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 4 Climb: 6 Fight: 6 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 5 Throw: 5 Zip: 4 Dodge: 8 Drive Vehicle: 5 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 5 Ride: 7 Run: 6 Swim: 4 Smarts: 6 Hidelspot Hidden: 8 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 7 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 See/Hear/Smell: 7 Set/Disarm Trap: 8 TrackICover Tracks: 6 Chutzpah: 7 Fast-Talk: 8 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 8 Sleight of Hand: 7 Sneak: 9 Shticks: Maximum Boggle: 9 Bag of Many Things: 6 Flash of Brilliance: 4 Quick ChangeDisguise: 7

Dungeons and Toons

Slingshots You know what these are, right? They have a range of about 100 feet and require only Muscle 1, but they do -1 damage. The rocks you use for ammunition are free; you can usually find some lying around anywhere. Slingshots cost about 3 LP.

Thrown Missiles (Throw Skill) Darts Darts look like fat arrows. Their range is 20 feet or so. Anybody can use them. Frisbees In Dungeonworld, these are not harmless toys, but weapons. Their range is approximately 100 feet and they do +2 damage! Frisbees cost 50 LP each. Bolas Bolas are three weighted lines about 3 feet long that are tied together to form a "Y." When thrown, the bolas spin through the air (range of about 60 feet), hits the target and tangles around it. The weights will do about 3 points of damage and will keep the victim tangled until he makes a Muscle or Zip roll. Muscle 2 is required to use a Bolas. Bolas originated in Spain, so the user should speak with a Spanish accent when using them.

Places to Go There are two main Places to Go in Dungeons and Toons: Towns and Dungeons. Outside of Town you can find the Countryside and the Wilderness, but in many areas the Dungeons are so close together that you will miss the Countryside if you blink at the wrong time.

Towns Towns can be large or small and can be found anywhere, from deserts to mountains to forests. Big towns will have lots of shops and inns where you can buy things or meet people with interesting information about unlooted dungeons. Big towns might also have law-enforcement officers, tax collectors and rival groups of dungeon raiders. Small towns are much quieter than large towns, but they also have fewer things to cause your group trouble. There are fewer shops and they will have less of a selection. Things will probably cost more. One good thing about small towns is that they are often closer to dungeons. (Well, some people think that's good!) Below is a description of a typical small town and its inhabitants. You can use it as is or change it around to suit your game. Some of the more notable citizens are described in the sidebars.

The Town of Dale Dale is a small town on the edge of a forest. There are 17 known dungeons within a day's ride of Dale, so it has become a favorite stop for explorers from near and far. The town has three inns, two general stores, an alchemist's shop, a weapons and armor shop, a baker, a stable and, incredibly, a newspaper!


- 83 -

Dungeons and Toons

The map on the previous page shows Dale and the road that passes through it. Several buildings in Dale are not listed in this description. You can make them into whatever you need: jailhouse, wizard's house, town hall, tavern, magic shop, healer's house or library.

Boris D.Spider Boris is a Giant Spider who lives in a Dungeon. He likes to read poetry and eat cookies. His web is decorated in a very homey style. Boris is a peaceful fellow, and hates to fight. He likes company, but most people just run away from him. He wears red sneakers on six of his eight feet. Beliefs & Goals: Always be polite. Try to share the joy of poetry and cookies. Keep your web neat. Rude intruders deserve to Fall Down. Hit Points: 40 Speed: 7

Muscle: 9 Break Down Door: 9 Climb: 11 Fight: 9 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 9 Throw: 9 Zip: 6 Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 6 Fire Gun: 6 Jump: 8 Ride: 6 Run: 9 Swim: 6 Smarts: 10 Hidelspot Hidden: 10 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 11 Resist Fast-Talk: 10 See/Hear/Smell: 10 Set/Disarm Trap: 10 TrackJCover Tracks: 10 Chutzpah: 4 Fast-Talk: 5 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 4 Sleight of Hand: 5 Sneak: 4 Shticks: Clinging: 8 Entangle (Web): 9 Magic Resistance: 5

Dungeons and Toons

A, B & C - Gettum Inn, Packum Inn and Keepum Inn These three inns are all pretty similar. There is a large drinking and dining area (called the common room) in the front half of the first floor, with the kitchen and pantry in the back half. Things can get pretty rowdy in the common room, since these inns are usually full of dungeon delvers. The top two floors have a total of 24 rooms, with only one bed in each room. Fights over who gets the bed and who gets the floor are common. A room costs 3 LP per night. With dinner and breakfast included, it comes to 5 LP. D - Potions R Us This is the alchemist's shop. Reggie the alchemist is a nice guy (he's a Bear), with a good selection of potions at fair prices. Unfortunately, Reggie has poor eyesight. This means that on a roll of 6 or less on 2d, he will misread the label on a jug and mix up the wrong potion. Since the customer can't see him doing it, they don't know a mistake has been made. But they'll find out, sooner or later. Fortunately, Reggie offers a money-back guarantee if you're not fully satisfied. Assuming you live to collect it.

E - The Weekly Dungeoneer Several years ago, a local Dog named Donovan went into the Dungeon of Horrible Doom to seek fame and fortune. He came out six months later with a tame miniature Dragon and a strange machine. A few weeks later, Donovan began using his strange machine to produce a four-page newspaper. He called it The Weekly Dungeoneer and it was full of news and gossip about the 17 local dungeons and even some in the next kingdom. After a few months, Donovan began to include information about monsters, magic items and spells. He now has the most widely-read newspaper in the world. Actually, it's the only newspaper in the world! It sells for 2 LP per copy. Donovan will pay dungeon delvers for interesting stories and rumors. How much he pays depends on the story. He pays the most to delvers that discover new dungeons. F - Bertram Bizzby's Bombastic Bakery Old Bert has been a baker for 40 years. His pies, cookies, breads and pastries are delicious, but since this is a Toon world, 99% of his profit comes from selling pies! Bert (who is a Mouse) makes 46 varieties of pies. Not only are they tasty, but they're perfectly balanced for throwing! Pie prices start at 2 LP (for an apple pie) and go up from there, depending upon the filling and size. G - Scotty's General Store and Andre's Supply Shop Both these stores will have plenty of bargains for explorers, ifthey can survive the shopkeepers' rivalry. Scotty (a Scottish Terrier) and Andre (a French Poodle) will go to outrageous lengths to steal each other's customers. Since their stores are right across the street from each other, the PCs will soon feel like the rope in a tug of war.

Scotty and Andre will cut prices lower and lower until the delighted delvers are getting incredible bargains. However, there will always be a few absolute necessities that are only found in one store and not the other. These will cost big bucks!

"Aye, me lad, Ay've goot some verrafine torchesfer oonly 25 LP each. Hoow many werre ye wantin'?" "Oui, ma frein', Andre 'as zee onlee rope een town! Eet ees 20 LP per foot. " Note: if one store is closed, the other one will also be closed. It's no fun selling stuff without a fight!

H - The Meadow Muffin Stable If the characters need to buy, rent or stable a riding animal, this is the place to go. The owner is Billy Bob Lee, a Raccoon with a southern accent. Billy can produce just about any riding animal you can think of and a few that wouldn't occur to anyone but him ("Saddle up the iguana, Tex, let's head on out!"). He also sells saddles, bridles and other gear. Billy is a nice guy and full of funny stories about his family "back home in Porkchop Holler." He has also heard a bunch of interesting dungeon rumors, and may tell them if someone wants to "sit a spell and jaw.'' I - Little Joe's Armor & Weapons This is the only weapon shop in town. The selection is limited, but the quality is good. Little Joe, the proprietor, is a 7-foot-tall Frog. He's really strong and likes to sing opera while he works. Joe has a short temper. If anyone criticizes his products, he'll challenge them to a fight, which he usually wins. On the other hand, if someone brings him a cherry pie from Bizzby's Bakery, he'll give him a discount.

Lance Dragon 100 feet long with big wings, long claws and sharp teeth. Lance is black with white polka dots. He is a bully and loves scaring dungeon explorers. Lance is greedy and very vain. He is also picky about what he eats and will always remove the armor from his snacks. Lance has a large treasure trove. Beliefs & Goals: My, what a beautiful Dragon I am! Scaring intruders is lots of fun. So is eating them. Collect lots of treasure, especially mirrors. Try not to bump your head on the ceiling of the lair. Hit Points: 400 Speed: 11

Muscle: 11 Break Doyn Door: 11 Climb: 11 Fight: 11 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 11 Throw: 11 Zip: 10 Dodge: 11 Drive Vehicle: NIA Fire Gun: NIA Jump: 10 Ride: 10 Run: 10 Swim: 10 Continued on next page.


Dungeons and Toons

Lance Dragon (Continued) Smarts: 7 Hidelspot Hidden: 7 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 7 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 SeetHearfSmell: 9 Set/Disarm Trap: 7 TracWCover Tracks: 7 Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk: 7 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 8 Sleight of Hand: 6 Sneak: 6 Shticks: Energy Attack (Flame Breath, 2dx3 Damage, 60-foot Range): 8 Toughness (vs. Physical): 9 Toughness (vs. Energy): 8

Dungeons and Toons

The Secret of Dale A little-known secret about the town of Dale is that it sits right above the Lost Dungeon of Arne's Son. This dungeon is huge and rumored to be the home of an unknown race. It may be entered through a large crack in the basem*nt wall of the Packum Inn.

Dungeons Dungeons are large structures made up of corridors and rooms. All of the corridors and rooms are 10 feet tall. Corridors are always 10 feet wide, except for secret passages, which are barely big enough for one character to squeeze through. Room sizes are always even multiples of 10 feet (20~20,30x30).This is another of the Wizard's Laws. Most dungeons are underground, but there are a few on the surface and even some in strange places like atop clouds or underwater. Dungeons are built in levels, with the top level (or the bottom level, if the dungeon is outdoors) called thefirst level. Some dungeons might have only one or two levels, while others may have a dozen or more. The lower (or higher) you go in a dungeon, the nastier the monsters are and the better the treasure. Many well-known dungeons have had their upper levels completely looted, so wealth seekers will have to brave the lower depths before finding the good stuff. Most dungeons have more than one way out, but not all the exits lead to somewhere safe. In fact, there are so many dungeons around Dale that often an exit from one dungeon leads to another. This is why at least one member of a dungeoneering party should make a map. Accurate maps


will let you get out of a dungeon in a hurry. But then, the odds of someone making an accurate map are pretty slim. Besides being full of monsters, dungeons are also full of traps and tricks. Some do physical harm, some Boggle, and some just catch intruders and hold them for the monsters! Animators may use the Random Trap Table on p. 201 of Toon, or the new Silly Snares and Terrible Traps Table on p. 107. Just roll the dice a few times, make a list of which traps are where, and you're ready to go! To make it easy for you to get right into playing Dungeons and Toons, we've provided a two-level dungeon (see p. 102). We kept the description to a bare minimum so the Animator can still surprise players who happened to read the description of the dungeon. You can use this dungeon more than once by simply putting the entrance in a different place and blocking off a few corridors at one end. Switching the levels around is a good idea, too.

The Countryside This is a land of peaceful farmers, wandering merchants and happy crossroads inns. There is little danger in the Countryside, except from monsters who can't find their way back to their Dungeon. The Wilderness This is a savage place, with wild beasts, thieves and robbers, savage tribes (who all worship huge lead idols) and the entrances to lost Dungeons. Those encountered in the Wilderness are probably up to no good, just like the PCs themselves.

Things to DO

Naht- Unkamen Naht-Unkamen is a mummy who lives deep within the crypts of the Dungeon of Smelly Puddles. He's tough and strong, but not too smart. He hates and thinks the dungeon belongs to him. ( ~act tually does, and he's got the deed to prove it.) He loves to creep up invisibly behind unwary adventurers, appear and ask them for their Dungeoning Licenses. If they can,t provide them, he,ll attack Beliefs and Goals: This dungeon belongs to me! See, here's the deed: Intruders should be made to Fall Down. But first YOU should play with them. Don't let anyOne grab your loose bandages- You're not as dumb as the other mummies say you are. Hit Points: 25 Speed: 7

Muscle: 9 Break Down Door: 10 Climb: 9 Fight: 11 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 10 Throw: 9

zip: 6

Here are a few adventure ideas. If your players get tired of regular monsters after a while, try throwing in a few from the Crawl of Catchoolu chapter (p. 51) . . . or the aliens from Star Toon (p. 131) . . . or even a mega-beastie from Atomic Monster Theater (p. 13.)

Toonquest F X ~ the O West, in a land known as Gloryoski, live a race of evil Ducks. They are plotting to conquer the known world by using secret humor from the world of Kayos Eeyum. Your king has chosen you to stop them! To help you, he has had his court wizard create a Wand of Pie Throwing and Armor of Pun Deflection! Now, it's all up to you. Tunnels & Moles Those evil creatures, the Moles, are up to something in the Dungeon of Long Stairs and Short Hallways. As it happens, your team is busily looting the very same Dungeon! What will you do when you find out about the Moles' wicked plot? Can you stop them? Do you care? Do the Moles really have a war machine made of solid lead and covered with jewels? Hmm, might be worth a look after all! The Dragonpants Saga Somewhere, deep in the Dungeon of Endless Rectangular Rooms, lives a huge Dragon. Unlike most Dragons, this one wears clothing and his pants are made of the purest lead! Can your group of fearless explorers

- 87 -

Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 6 Fire Gun: 6 Jump: 7 Ride: 6 Run: 8 Swim: 6

Smarts: 2 Hidelspot Hidden: 5 Identify Dangerous Thing: 6 Read: 3 Resist Fast-Talk: 5 See/Hear/Smell: 6 SetIDisarm Trap: 3 TrackICover Tracks: 3 Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk: 7 Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods: 7 Sleight of Hand: 6 Sneak: 8 Shtick: Invisibility: 8

Dungeons and Toons

Adventure in the Wilderness Although the characters in Dungeons and Toons will be spending most of their time looting dungeons or fighting dragons (or both!), they'll often find themselves traveling across the Wilderness. Usually this will be to get from one dungeon to the other, but occasionally adventures will occur that take place only in the Wilderness. Following are a couple of places Wilderness explorers might visit.

The Ancient Temple This may be just a ring of precariously balanced stones set in an intricate pattern that will tell your fortune if read correctly, or it might be a towering pyramid, large enough to contain an entire dungeon! Either way, there will be fanatic worshippers who do not want their temple disturbed.

sneak into his stronghold,"remove his pants and get out alive, all without waking him up?

Wanted: Undead or Alive On a dark and stormy night, you decide to spend the night in an old above-ground Dungeon. No sooner do you get inside than you discover that it's the lair of a Zombie Master! He's making lots of h e m and if he catches you, you're next! Did we mention that the place is full of traps? Well, it is! Oh yes, the Zombie Master is also a Vampire!

The Haunted Forest Every land has one black, spooky forest, full of magical monsters and a dark race of Squirrels. Adventurers can get lost and stumble upon a depraved ritual . . . in which they become the sacrifices.

The Forgotten Helms Legend says that in the lowest level of the Dungeon of Living Appliances, Housewares & Furniture are five magic helmets. One grants Incredible Luck. Another gives the wearer 20 extra Hit Points. The third makes you super strong and the fourth turns you invisible. But the fifth is the most powerful, since it gives Complete Immunity To Boggling! This is what dungeon exploring is all about! (Oh, yes, they all have interesting side effects. But the legends don't go into much detail . . .)

The Mysterious Castle This is always a dark, ominous place, guarded by fierce beasts and terrible traps. Sometimes it's the home of a villainous wizard who wants to be left alone. Sometimes it belongs to a kindly old rutabaga salesman, who can't understand why no one comes to visit him.

Dungeon of the Werecows Uh Oh! Werecows are terrorizing the countryside! What can stop these bestial bovines? Your new boss, Mark the Mage, has figured out that only the magical waters of the Fountain of 1,000 Points of Light (who names these things?) can cure the horrid herd of howling, homicidal heifers! Guess who gets to crawl through the Dungeon of Cavernous Evil looking for it? Good guess!


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Swords & Silliness A Town adventure! Half your group has just stolen the Crown of Ancient Kings and retrieved the Ancient King's Crown. The other half (who is on the other side of town) has stolen the King's Ancient Crown and retrieved the King of Ancient Crowns! When you all get back together, youfind out that you mixed the Crowns! What's bad is that they all look exactly alike! What's worse is that you have to put all the Crowns back in the right place before dawn! What's terrible is that one of you is cursed and changes shape at random intervals! Try not to get confused.

Cheeso Grabbins was a famous Mouse wizard who traveled far and wide. When he retired, he wrote a book that described hundreds of monsters and their habits. It became very popular with dungeon delvers and sold thousands of copies. Unfortunately, Cheeso didn't get a chance to enjoy his success. A Dragon named Obie didn't like what Cheeso had written about him, and ate him. Obie escaped from the Dragon's stomach, moved away and changed his name. Later editions of the book left out the section on Obie. In the excerpts that follow, we don't give exact scores for attributes, skills or shticks. Instead, we give guidelines and let you make up the details. Otherwise, players would always know how many Hit Points a monster had and what kind of damage he did. That wouldn't be any fun, would it?

of them are immune to normal weapons. Some of them dre immune to Boggling! Only magical weapons and certain spells will hurt them, so the well-equipped adventurer must have these things handy. If not, be prepared to run as fast as you can.

Skeletons Skeletons are the weakest of the Undead. Provided the weapon used is magical, even the clumsiest delver can destroy one. Of course, if you are outnumbered 50 to one, it's not that easy. Since they are only animated bones, Skeletons have no Smarts or Chutzpah and very low Muscle and Zip. Few have more than 6 Hit Points. The only skills they have are Fight and Run. Mummies

The Undead (als Next to Dragons, the Undead ;a the most terrifying creatures many dungeon explorers will meet. There are several types, from the weak and mindless Skeletons to the powerful and intelligent Vampires. All

highly flammable. However, a Mummy on fire will keep on fighting9so keep away from them until they are burnt to ash. hlwnmies who Fall llown this don't come back for i d days.

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Another way to destroy Mummies was discovered by the author during an expedition to the legendary Temple of Ra-Ra-Siss-Boom-Bah. We were attacked by two of them, and I was low on Spellpoints. Instead of casting a spell, I grabbed one of the creature's loose bandages and ran with it. The Mummy spun around at high speed until the bandages were gone. Imagine our surprise to find that there was nothing left! Thinking that we had found a perfect way to destroy them, we tried it with the other. This time, when all the bandages were removed, we beheld a skinny, wrinkled old man in polka-dot boxer shorts. He screamed and ran away. We celebrated our victory by sacking the temple, using our biggest sacks. Mummies have very low Smarts, no Chutzpah, low Zip and average or better Muscle. Most have a dozen or more Hit Points. They have the same skills as Skeletons.

possible. Luckily for delvers, Ghosts are usually restricted to a small area of a dungeon or other place. Once you've gone past a certain point, they can't follow you. Well, most of them can't. Ghosts have more than 30 Hit Points. They have no Muscle, but very high Smarts, Zip and Chutzpah. Ghosts also have all the Smarts skills, plus Fast-Talk and Sneak. Their only Shtick is a special one: Do Ghostly Things. Most have it at 8 or better.

Zombies These disgusting creatures are hardly more than Skeletons with a little meat on their bones. They smell terrible! They are just like Skeletons in most ways, but they do have a few more Hit Points. And Skeletons don't stink!

Vampires The King of the Undead is the Vampire. They are powerful, smart and can be just as screwy as a living character. This makes them terribly dangerous and hard to Fast-Talk. If you find out that Vampires are around, RUN! Vampires usually feed on the blood of the living, but a couple have been known to prefer grape soda. They always dress in formal clothes, and don't like to hear jokes about how they resemble waiters in fancy restaurants. They get pretty touchy about their accents, too. Vampires all have the Hypnosis shtick, but some are better at it than others. Do not look into a Vampire's eyes, unless you are sure that you can Boggle him that way.

Ghosts Although most of us associate Ghosts with haunted houses, they are actually found in a variety of places. Ghosts enjoy scaring dungeoneers until they panic and run blindly through the dungeon. Eventually, the terrified explorer runs into a monster or trap. Ghosts come in all shapes and sizes. Though 99% of them are evil, there are a few who are friendly. The other Ghosts think the friendly ones are insane. If asked nicely, these friendly Ghosts may guide explorers through a dungeon. If asked rudely, they will leave and tell an evil Ghost where to find you. Because they have no solid bodies, Ghosts are very hard to hurt or destroy. They only take half damage, even from powerful spells. In fact, since Ghosts can pass through walls, just hitting them is nearly im-

Vampires are very strong and very fast. They can also change into wolves, bats, mist and kumquats. Vampires hate garlic, mirrors, dance music and holy symbols. They aren't too crazy about fire, either. Vampires sleep in coffins during the day and that's the best time to drive a stake through their hearts. Remember, that's S-T-A-K-E, not S-T-E-A-K! More than one adventurer has Fallen Down after mixing up those two words! Another way to defeat a Vampire is by exposing him to sunlight. Of course, in a dungeon that might be pretty hard to do. Destroying a Vampire's coffin won't kill him, but it will make him cranky due to lack of sleep. Besides the weaknesses that have already been mentioned, Vampires cannot cross running water, ex-

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tei shop in the town of wits End.

Other Loathsome Creatures Porcs Porcs are a foul and evil version of the noble Pig race. Whereas Pigs are kindly, intelligent and jolly fellows, Porcs are mean, stupid and always in a bad mood. Porcs live in run-down huts made of mud and carpet samples. They never bathe and smell terrible. We won't even discuss their gross table manners. Porcs hate Dogs and most other races, but they are on good terms with Moles and Molekin. Dogs and Porcs have been at war for centuries. The Dogs have always won, so far. This is mostly because Porcs hate magic and refuse to use it. They seem to feel the same way about mouthwash. Individually, Porcs aren't very menacing, but they always seem to travel in groups of 500 or so, making them much more bothersome. Slimes The creatures known as Slimes are actually several different species, including Jellies, Goos, Oozes, Blobs and Mucks. They come in a variety of colors and sizes. Some Slimes eat meat while others eat wood, metal, cloth or even magical energy. All Slimes are disgusting to look at and some smell bad, too. As far as anyone knows, no Slimes are intelligent. Slimes can be found just about anywhere in a dungeon or in the world above. Each color of Slime has its own unique powers and vulnerabilities. Cold will destroy Red Blobs, but it makes Blue Oozes stronger. Yellow Goos only eat decaying leaves, but Orange Slimes eat metal. The list goes on and on. Dungeoneers should be very careful around Slimes.

Moles & Molekin Moles are an evil race that dwell underground. They are constantly digging tunnels and plotting mischief. Moles are short and ugly, with big noses and beady little eyes. They like to eat worms, too. Moles live in big, dirty, dark caverns. Bright light hurts their eyes. In Dungeons, any Moles you meet will probably be looking for treasure or fresh meat, meaning you! The Moles' favorite weapon is the spear, but some may have crossbows. If Moles and Badgers come in contact with each other, get ready for a fight. There are also two races of Molekin. The first is the Neandermole. They look like huge, stupid, primitive Moles. They don't Fall Down very easily, but they will become Boggled quite easily. Fast-Talking a Neandermole is easy as long as there isn't a Mole around. Their favorite weapons are clubs. The other Molekin race are the Shrews. These vicious little vunks stand about 1' tall and look like demented, miniature Moles. They never use weapons or armor. When they attack, they just claw and bite. The only words anyone has ever heard them say are bbI(ill,99bCEat,99 "Attack" and "Daytime TV."

Werecreatures There are as many werecreatures out there as there are normal creatures. I personally have seen Werewolves, Werepigs, Werekangaroos and, on one occasion, a Wereclam. All of them can only be injured by silver weapons. However, not all werecreatures are evil. Some may just be having a bad day, and others are gentle folks who mean no harm to anybody. The trick is in finding out who is who, as well as finding out who is Were. Ha Ha.

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Giants Just as there are lots of different werecreatures, there are also lots of different Giants. Giants look just like people, except they are BIG! Different kinds of Giants live in different areas. For example, Hill Giants live in the hills, while Frost Giants live in frosty places. Corporate Giants work in big companies, and the N'Ewy Ork Giants live in stadiums.

Dragons Dragons are the most feared monsters of all, and with good reason! Dragons are big - really big! An adult Dragon is about 150 feet long and weighs about 20 tons. They can fly, breathe fire and are so tough that even magical weapons barely scratch them! Even worse, some Dragons know spells! I am reminded of a time in the Dungeon of Mystifying Mists, when a spellcasting Dragon turned all of my fellow delvers into dill pickles! Dragons will eat just about anything, including zombies and slimes! Yuck! Dragons are very, very dangerous and there is only one reason to hunt a Dragon: TREASURE! Dragons are loaded with treasure! They sleep on huge mounds

One of the best-selling books in Dungeonworld was written by the well-known wizard Ernlo the Energetic. It covers a wide variety of spells that most wizards will find useful, especially when confronted by a monster the size of a four-bedroom house. We hope you enjoy it.

Affect Fires (2 points) Spell Points: 2 Casting Erne: 2 turns

Even More Monsters There are many other sorts of monsters in the world's Dungeons. A few to watch out for are Bee Holders (floating, one-eyed beehives), Hydrants (red, multi-headed creatures that breathe powerful jets of water), Heck Hounds (moderately evil Dogs who breathe warm air), Purplies (like Brownies, only purple), Bearbugs (teeny-tiny bears that travel in swarms) and Land Sharks (which use candygrams to lure their prey).

Armor (5 points) Spell Points: 1 Erne: turn

Range: 20 feet Area: subject

You can make any firein the affected area (magical or not), up to three times larger or smaller. If a large fire spreads because of this spell, it will not resume its normal size after 6 turns. This spell can be used against Fire Elementals, but it doesn't hurt them; it just makes them mad!

Duration: 6 turns N,A

This spell will cause chainmail armor to appear on one subject per casting. The armor is not considered magical armor, so don't expect it to do anything special! After 6 turns, it disappears.

Bag 0'Bees (3 points)

Range: 80 feet Duration: 6 turns Area: 10'square Damage: NIA

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of it! Rip off one Dragon and you're set for life! Unless he comes looking for you! One of the few ways to defeat a Dragon in combat is to tickle his belly. They quickly become helpless with laughter and then Boggled. Of course, deciding who in your group will tickle the Dragon sometimes takes several hours and physical violence. I personally would rather wrestle a Giant Spider than tickle a Dragon, but you may be braver than I. As with other monsters, there are a few nice Dragons. Unfortunately, most of them have no treasure. They do know where to find the Dragons who have it, so becoming friendly with one could pay off.

Spell Points: 3 Casting Erne: 3 turns

Range: 80 feet Area: 30' circle

Duration: 6 turns Damage: ld+2

The Bag 0' Bees spell causes a large burlap bag full of angry bees to appear above the target and empty its buzzing contents. This will usually cause quite a commotion. Dungeon raiders are not advised to stand in the way of panicking enemies.

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Deafness (4 points)

Blindness (4 points) Spell Points: 2 Casting Eme: 2 turns

Range: 60 feet Area: 1 creature

SpeU Points: 2 Casting Erne: 2 turns

Duration: 6 turns Damage: NIA

This spell makes its victim 100% blind for 6 turns. It also provides the victim with a cane and dark glasses for the spell's duration. If the affected creature has Radar Sense or a really good sense of smell, the spell may not protect you that much.

Duration: 6 turns Damage: NIA

The victim loses his hearing. If the victim is in a very quiet place, he may not immediately notice that he's deaf.

Detect Magic (5 points) Spell Points: 1 Casting Erne: 1 turn

Blurry Form (3 points)

Range: 6 Area: 1 creature

Range: 10 feet Area: 1 thing

Duration: 1 turn Damage: NIA

Blurry Form makes the subject, well, blurry! Anything trying to attack the subject will suffer a -2 on whatever skill or shtick they're rolling against. If the subject is standing in mist or fog, the penalty becomes -4!

When a wizard casts this spell upon an item or creature, he or she will instantly know if it is magical or not. If it is magical, the Animator must tell the player how magical it is, using a 1 (barely magical) to 10 (magical beyond belief) scale. The Animator should never give out more information than that until the group has experimented with the item or creature.

Change Clothes (2 points)

Dinsdale's Digging Dog (3 points)

Spell Points: 2 Casting Erne: 2 turns

Spell Points: 3 Casting l'frne:3 turns

Spell Points: 2 Casting l h e : 2 turns

Range: 20 feet Area: I creature

Range: 10 feet Area: 1 creature

Duration: 10 turns Damage: NIA

Duration: 12 turns Damage: NIA

Change the subject's clothes (or armor) into any other sort of clothes - a set of buckskins into a tuxedo, or a three-piece suit into a tutu, for example. The clothes will be freshly washed and look exactly as you want them to look. If you change magical clothing or armor into something else, the new clothes won't be magical. You cannot change the protection of someone's armor with this spell; it will always retain its original protection.

Color Change (2 points) Spell Points: 1 Casting Erne: 1 turn

Range: 30 feet Area: 1 thing

Duration: 2d turns Damage: NIA

Duration: 10 turns Damage: 1

When you need digging done, cast this spell. The dog that appears is definitely not a member of the Dog race! He's the size of a horse and has six legs! Once the spellcaster tells him where to dig, he will start digging at a rate of 30 feet per turn. Any creature standing directly behind the dog will be blasted with flying dirt and rocks. This does 3 points of damage and covers him with dirt. The dog will follow simple instructions like "dig down at an angle for 2 turns, then dig up for 3 turns." If it encounters a monster, the dog will ignore it. If the monster attacks, the dog will still keep digging, but disappear after taking 20 points of damage.

Changes the color of any living or non-living thing to whatever color the spellcaster wants. If cast upon someone wearing clothes, the clothes will become the same color as his skin, hair, etc. This may attract attention in some areas.

Control Small Creatures (3 points) Spell Points: 3 Casting lIrne: 3

Range: 20 feet Area: NIA

Range: 60 feet Duration: 9 turns Area: 2d creatures Damage: Varies

Control small animals and impress your friends! You can control any creature smaller than a chicken even if it's intelligent. They will do anything you say, provided it doesn't hurt them. If you are kind to them, intelligent creatures might continue helping you after the spell wears off.


Exploding Egg-Saladball (5 points) Spell Points: 3 Casting Erne: 3 turns

Range: 120 feet Area: 20'circle

Duration: 1 turn Damage: ld+2

The Exploding Egg-Saladball is an area effect attack. It hits a target and then explodes, doing ld+2 damage to everything in the area. Because of its speed, any attempt to block or deflect this missile is at -3.

Fast Food (2 points) Spell Points: 3 Casting Erne: 3 turns

Range: 10 feet Area: NIA

Duration: NIA Damage: NIA

You can make food and drink appear. It can be hot or cold, as you desire, and will feed as many as 10 normal-sized creatures. When everyone is full, the scraps and leftovers disappear.

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Fogman (3 points) Spell Points: 2 Casting Erne: 2 turns

Range: 10 feet Area: 60' circle

Gooey Spot (3 points) Duration: 2d+4 turns Damage: NIA

Spell Points: 2 Casting Rme: 2 turns

Range: 60 feet Area: 20 sq. feet

Duration: 12 turns Damage: NIA

Casting this spell creates a man-shaped, 6-foot-tall fog creature. The creature is mindless, but can be commanded to act out simple tasks within the area of effect. It can't actually pick things up or fight, but it can act as though it can. Under poor visibility conditions (dim light,-night, more than 100 feet away, looking through mist) the fogman will look like a real person.

This spell creates an area of sticky stuff on the floor. When a creature steps onto the sticky area, it becomes stuck and must make a Muscle roll at -1 to escape. If the first attempt fails, the next roll is at -2. Each time the victim fails, another -1 is added to the roll. Creatures with no hope of escape must wait until the spell expires.

Fork in the Road (5 points)

Grab (4 points)

Spell Points: 2 Casting Rme: 2 turns

Range: 30 feet Area: 120 feet

Duration: 10 turns Damage: 1

Great for slowing up pursuing monsters! A 7-foottall, 500-pound animated fork will patrol a 120-footlong section of road and let no one pass without a fight. Its Fight skill is 8, and it has 25 Hit Points.

Friendliness (5 points) Spell Points: 1 Casting llme: 1 turn

Range: 30 feet Area: 1 creature

Duration: 2d turns Damage: NIA

Friendliness will cause the affected creature to become a real pal to the wizard and his compatriots. The victim will offer to help them in any way he can, loan them money (if he has it), fight at their sides and all sorts of other things friends do. Be aware that when the spell wears off, the creature is going to be very, very angry!

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Spell Points: 3 Casting rime: 3 turns

Range: 30 feet Area: 1 thing

Duration: 6 turns Damage: N/A

This spell causes your extended arm to glow and then shoot out a beam of green light. When the light reaches the target, a hand forms and grabs it. The hand can become large enough to grab something the size of the average Dog. Creatures attempting to break free must have a Muscle score of 9 or more, and must roll a 6 or less on 2d. Once you've grabbed something, you can pull it toward you if it isn't stuck in place, heavier than you or stronger than you. Grabbing a fast-moving monster will get you dragged around the room, doing whatever damage the Animator desires.

Greaseball (3 points) SpellPoints: 1 Casting rime: 1 turns

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Range: 60 feet Area: 1 creature

Duration: 1 turn Damage: Id-1

Greaseball lets you shoot a 3"-diameter ball of gooey grease from your hand. It flies in a straight line and will hit its target with a successful Throw roll. It can be dodged, blocked or otherwise diverted from hitting the target.

This spell causes the caster's cupped hands to fill with sparkling dust. When sprinkled on something the size of a basketball or smaller (this includes living things and body parts), it will make that thing invisible for 12 turns. If immersed in water or rained on, the dust will wash off and the item will become visible.

KAPOW! (4 points)

Levitate (5 points)

Spell Points: 3 Casting Erne: 3 turns

Range: NIA Area: Self

Duration: 3 turns Damage: 2d

Wizards are usually thought of as wimps where hand to hand combat is concerned, but this spell will change all that! Once cast, the wizard's Fight level goes up to 9, his punch does 2d damage and any creature hit by it flies back 5 feet! Top that, Charles Atlas!

I ~ v ~ s - 0 - D u(4 s tpoints) Spell Points: 2 Casting llme: 2 turns

Range: ~~~~h Area: 1 sq, foot

Duration: 12 turns Damage: NIA

Spell Points: 2 Casting llme: 2 turns

Range: 6 Area: 1 item

Duration: 6 turns Damage: NIA

Levitate enables you to make an object rise straight up into the air. You can lift 10 pounds 10 feet into the air. For every 5 pounds after that, you lose a foot of altitude, so You can lift a maximum of 55 pounds 1 foot off the ground. You Cannot make whatever you lift move in any direction but up or down. If you drop a lifted object on someone's head, he takes 1 point of damage for every 10 lbs. of weight (or something else happens, if the Animator thinks it's funny).

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quite popular). The mouth must then be told what circ*mstances will trigger it. These can be simple (the Spell Points: 1 Range: 10 feet Duration: 4d6+1 turns first time something walks past it) or complex (a pie Casting Erne: 1 turn Area: 50' circle Damage: NIA fight between three or more Dog fighters wearing Upon casting this spell, a glowing lightbulb the chainmail and five or more Porcs armed with goosesize of a cantaloupe appears, floating 10 feet off the berry pies breaks out within 30 feet of the mouth on a ground, wherever the wizard wants it (as long as it's rainy Saturday). The mouth will wait as long as it takes within the same square as the wizard). The lightbulb to be triggered, even if it takes centuries. Once the will give off plenty of light and will go wherever the mouth has spoken its message, it disappears. wizard goes. This lightbulb cannot be destroyed, but the wizard can turn it off whenever he wants by pulling the small chain that dangles from it. In fact anyMirrorshades (2 points) body who makes a successful Fight roll can turn off a Spell Points: 2 Range: Touch Duration: 12 turns Casting Erne: 2 turns Area: 1 creature Damaze: NIA wizard's light. Turning it back on requires recasting the spell. ~ h e s ereflective glasses protect against several types of attack. Vampires can't look you in the eyes to charm you. The gaze of a medusa or similar creature Melvin's Mystical Mouth will only affect you on a roll of 3 or less, but the gaze (2 points) will bounce back and affect it on a 9 or less! Bright flashes of light will blind you on a roll of 4 or less. To Spell Points: 2 Range: 10 feet Duration: Special Casting Erne: 2 turns Area: 60 feet Damage: NIA top it all off, you'll look really cool wearing them! The talkative wizard Melvin Motormouth was extremely fond of leaving messages for others in the Naptime (4 points) dungeons he explored. He used this spell to do it. Once Spell Points: 1 Range: 40 feet Duration: 5 turns cast upon any surface (most often a wall), the mouth Casting Erne: 1 turn Area: 1 creature Damage: NIA can be programmed to speak any message of 20 words Naptime makes each creature it's cast upon lie or less. Furthermore, the mouth will say it in any voice down for a short nap. If the creature is attacked or or accent the spellcaster desires (Freddy Krueger is touched, it will wake up. Noise will not awaken it.

Light (2 points)

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Nervousness (4 points)

Rapid Transit (3 points)

Spell Points: 2 Casting Erne: 2 turns

Spell Points: 3 Casting Erne: 3 turns

Range: 60 feet Duration: 2d turns Area: 20 sq. feet Damage: NIA

All intelligent creatures in the area of effect will begin to become nervous as soon as this spell is cast. Their Resist Fast-Talk skill level drops to 3, their Fight level drops by 6 points and they must make a Chutzpah roll of 4 or less to keep from running away. A loud, scary noise might make them faint!

OpenfClose Door (3 points) Spell Points: 2 Casting Erne: 2 turns

Range: 30 feet Duration: NIA Area: 1 door, etc Damage: NIA

This spell will open any unlocked or locked door that isn't actually nailed shut. It will close any open door that isn't blocked by more than a 10-pound weight. Be aware that using this spell to open a door will trigger any traps it may have. However, the fact that you can use it from 30 feet away means that many thieves will pay you good money to cast it.

Peter's Perilous Pieball (6 points) Spell Points: 3 Casting Erne: 3 turns

Range: 80 feet Area: 40' circle

Duration: 1 turn Damage: Boggle

When you cast this, it's Boggletime for a bunch of folks! A small, glowing pie shoots forth from your fingers and heads toward a target square. When it reaches that square, it explodes, sending dozens of pies flying through the air! There is no chance of Dodging, but some spells might give protection. So will an Incredible Luck roll made at -3. Of course, every creature hit by a pie is Boggled. Make sure that the Animator and/or the Players involved act out every Boggle effect!

Rapid Transit creates a lO'x10' cloudlike carpet that hovers about a foot off the ground. Once all passengers are on it, it takes off like a shot. The carpet cloud will avoid obstacles and obey the commands of whoever cast the spell. If that person somehow falls off the carpet, becomes Boggled or Falls Down, the carpet will stop on the next turn and disappear.

Sidney's Stinky Sneakers (4 points) Spell Points: 2 Casting Erne: 2 turns

Range: 60 feet Area: 30' circle

Sound Bite (4 points) Spell Points: 3 Casting Erne: 3

Range: 80 feet Area: 60' circle

Duration: Special Damage: 2d

An effective (and loud) attack spell. Once cast, the affected area is subjected to all manner of incredibly loud sound effects. Gongs, cats fighting, glass breaking, explosions, you name it! The victims will take 2d damage per turn from the sound and suffer a 4-point penalty on their Hear roll for 4d turns afterward. If this spell is cast in a small house or other building, it will destroy it on a roll of 5 or less.

Spell Points: 1 Casting Erne: 1 turn

Rampaging Rabbit (5 points) Range: 60 feet Area: NIA

Duration: 6 turns Damage: 2 HP

Spring Rain (2 points)

Duration: 9 turns Damage: Varies

Protection will set up a glowing circle of blue light that Boggles any creature who touches it. This doesn't mean they can't step through it, just that they'll be Boggled for one turn after they do.

Spell Points: 2 Casting Erne: 2 turns

Range: 60 feet Area: 40' circle

Disgusting as it is, this spell is extraordinarily effective when fighting monsters who possess senses of smell. Once the sneakers (black hightops) appear, all creatures in the affected area will lose two Hit Points and be unable to do anything but choke and gag. Always cast this spell downwind from you.

Protection (5 points) Spell Points: 2 Casting Erne: 2 turns

Range: 200'Iturn Duration: 2d turns Area: 10' square Damuge: NIA

Duration: ld+l turns Damage: ld+2

A terrible spell to behold! The caster causes a cute little bunny to appear in a group of enemies. Suddenly, it turns into a homicidal hare and begins attacking every living creature in sight. ~h~ rabbit is so fast, it gets two attacks per turn! It has a Fight skill of 9. Wizards should know that the rabbit makes no distinction betweenfriendc and foes! Cast this one from behind a tree.


Range: 40 feet Area: 30' circle

Duration: 3 turns Damage: 1 pt.1turn

Avery screwy spell. When cast, the air 10 feet over the affected area will instantly get cloudy and steel springs will begin to rain down. Any creatures caught in this rain take 1 point of damage per turn. After the spell ends, the springs become mist and fade away.

Time Out (4 points) Spell Points: 2 C d n g Erne: 2

Range: 20 feet Area: 1 Creature

Duration: 3 turns Damage: NIA

Time Out stops all action and allows the subject to have three turns in a row. There are some restrictions. F h t , no damage can be done during ~ i m out, e although you could set up a damaging situation. Setondly, no spells can be cast or magic items used. Anything else you can think of is fair game!

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smaller creatures might have trouble with it. Fire will melt a hole through it in 4 turns.

Wall of Spam (4 points) Spell Points: 3 Duration: 10 turns Casting Time: 3 turns Damage: NIA

Range: 60 feet Area: 50-feet

This aromatic pink wall is 10 feet wide and lasts for 2 turns longer than the Wall of Jello. It will hold back all but the biggest, most determined monsters. It is unaffected by water or cold. Fire does not damage it, but produces a delicious smell. It can be tunneled through at a rate of 1 inch per turn, but the tunnel will collapse on a roll of 5 or less.

Tim's Terrible Toys (5 points) Spell Points: 3 Casting Time: 3 turns

Range: 20 feet Area: 1 toy

Wind Window (3 points)

Duration: NIA Damage: Varies

To cast this spell, the caster needs a toy of some sort. If there aren't any handy, either the caster or somebody else can try to pull one from a Bag of Many Things. Once a toy is found, the spell is cast and the caster selects what kind of boobytrap the toy has become! A triggering action must be stated. The trap can either do 2d+l damage, Maximum Boggle (seep. 7) or actually trap one creature. Animators have final approval on all traps. The toy will last until it is triggered or 500 years passes, whichever comes first.

Spell Points: 2 Casting Time: 2 turns

Creates a wood-framed, glass window that floats in the air about 4 feet off the ground. If you open the window, a 20-mph wind comes through it. This wind can blow out fires, clear out smoke or fog, knock over small objects, propel a sailboat or let fresh air into a room full of poisonous gas. With experimentation, you may find other uses.

Wall of Fog (3 points) Spell Points: 1 Casting Time: 1 turn

Range: 40 feet Duration: 6 turns Area: 30 sq. feet Damage: NIA

First of the much beloved "Wall of . . . spells, this one makes a 30-foot-long, 10-foot-high, 10-footthick wall of mist wherever the wizard wants it. This is a damp fog which will put out most normal fires. It is also chilly and very hard to see through (-4 to See/Hear/Smell rolls). It won't stop too many monsters, but it might delay them. "

Wall of Jello (4 points) Spell Points: 2 Casting Time: 2 tuns

Range: 50 feet Area: 40 feet

Duration: 8 turns Damage: NIA

Who thinks these things up? This wall is 40 feet wide x 10 feet tall x 10 feet deep. It can be any flavor the caster chooses, but lime is exceptionally nasty. It won't slow up big monsters unless they're hungry, but

Dungeons and Toons

Range: 10 sq. feet Duration: 12 turns Area: 2' square Damage: NIA


Zelda's Zombie Zap (2 points) Spell Points: 3 Casting Time: 3 turns

Range: 30 feet Duration: 1 turn Area: 2d zombies Damage: Special

When zombies came calling, Zelda sent them sprawling! Well, actually, she disintegrated them! Cast the spell and beams of yellow light shoot from your fingertips. Any zombies hit will instantly be turned to dust. Zombies who fall down this way don't come back for Id days. This spell has no effect on other undead creatures.

New Spells Now that you've seen the spell list, you'll probably want to create a few new spells. Making up new spells is lots of fun and Animators should encourage it. Just follow the format to be sure you remember to define all the spell's effects. Even a fairly serioussounding spell will end up having silly results. Of course, the silly spells will have even wackier results.

the weapon used) This curse can only be broken in one way, which is up to the Animator.

Magic Items The following items are all magical. It is entirely up to the Animator whether you can buy magic stuff in a shop or have to go out and loot dungeons and monster lairs to find it. We tend toward making playersfind magical things, but it's up to you.

Magic Weapons & Armor Magic weapons and armor usually look just like the normal versions. Even most wizards can't tell them apart just by looking. But when you use a magic weapon or put on magic armor, you'll instantly know that they are magical. You won't know exactly what they do until you've had them awhile, but you'll know that there's magic at work! You'll also find out if they're cursed or not! Cursed? Oh, no! If an item is cursed, the owner cannot get rid of it until the curse is broken. Details are up to the wicked Animator. Magic weapons are sometimes intelligent and may or may not like their new owners. If the item is evil, it may even try to control the owner> mind! Not a fun thought, is it? Well, okay, it is! For more examples of magical armor and weapons that can easily be warped into Dungeons and Toons magic items, just look through any fantasy roleplaying game or supplement.

Rubout Sword This mighty weapon does ld+2 damage when it hits and erases a portion of the victim! When all his Hit Points are gone, the victim is completely erased and Falls Down for 6 turns instead of the usual 3! If a victim escapes the attacks before being completely erased, it will take 6 turns for the erased body parts to come back. Note that they are not just invisible, they are gone!

The Nagging Sword When a character first sees this sword, it will look like a high-quality broadsword. If tested in any manner but combat, it will prove to be accurate (+1 to Fight roll) and damaging (ld+2 damage). A fine sword, right? Wrong! The first time it is used in lethal combat, the spirit of the sword (whose name is Newton) will begin to nag the owner about every little thing it can think of. "Why didn't you sharpen me this morning?" "Is this the best you can fight? It's only a measly troll!" "When was the last time you bathed?" You get the idea. Newton will only shut up when the Animator rolls a 2, 3, 11 or 12. It will then stay quiet until the Animator rolls one of the same numbers again. Rolls to nag or shut up should be made every 6 turns or so. To make matters worse, only Newton's owner can hear it! Other dungeoneers will soon think Newton's owner has gone crackers. He will have to make a FastTalk roll at -3 to convince them that the sword really can talk. Animators should let the cursed character learn of a long, involved way of getting rid of the sword. How he'll talk his friends into helping him is anyone's guess. The Axe of Zaxx Zaxx was an incredibly powerful Badger fighter who lived 300 years ago. His axe is the reason why he was so powerful. When the axe's owner swings it, he begins to spin around at a high speed. This spinning gives him 3 attacks per turn to all creatures (friend or foe) within 10 feet of him. Once he runs out of targets, he will stop spinning. Then the Animator will use the "Fifty Percent Rule" to see if he's dizzy or not. If not, he can step up to another opponent and swing again. If he is dizzy, it will take 3 turns to recover.

Bogglesword Although it only does 2 points of damage, this sword will boggle the victim if the attacker's Fight roll was a 5 or less. Note that this applies to the actual die roll, not the roll plus bonuses. If a creature is Boggled three times in a row, the third time is a Maximum Boggle (see p. 7). Lucy's Luckless Sword This sword was cursed by the insane Mouse wizard known as Lucy the Lunatic. It gives its owner Incredible Bad Luck at a skill level of 9! The Animator should roll for bad luck at least twice per game and at least once per combat. (it doesn't matter if the sword is - 99

The Monster Crushing Hammer This warharnmer (M.C. for short) is BIG! Only characters with a Muscle of 6 or better can use it. It does 2d+3 damage and its +2 bonus to the user's Fight roll. There is a rumor that it talks . . .


Dungeons and Toons

The Night Club By day, this is an ordinary club that does Id damage. But one hour after the sun goes down, the club and its owner undergo an amazing transformation! The club becomes larger and sprouts spikes, raising its damage to 2d+l. The club's owner also grows larger (by 2 feet) and gains 3 points of Muscle (which raises all his Muscle skills, too) and 4 Hit Points. He also becomes uglier, hairier and stupider (losing 3 points of Smarts). He will attack any monster he sees. One hour before sunrise, the club and owner will change back to normal with no memory of what happened during the night. This cursed club is extremely diflcult to get rid oj? And yes, the curse still works when the owner is underground or out of sight of the sun. Mick the Knife Long ago, Mick was a very famous Mouse wizard. Somehow, his spirit was transferred into an ordinary looking knife. However, Mick brought several interesting powers into the knife with him. He can speak and be heard by anyone within 20 feet. Whoever owns him has and one extra Hit Point. Used in combat, Mick does 3 points of damage. Mick's greatest power is the ability to carve miniature creatures that can aid his owner in times of peril. All that the owner needs are Mick, a piece of wood about the size of a bar of soap and 6 uninterrupted turns. Any sort of creature may be carved. When the carving is finished and set on the floor, it grows to full size and comes to life. It will then respond to simple commands. It exists for 10 turns (or until it loses 30 Hit Points) and then disappears. If ordered to attack a creature, it has a Fight roll of 8 and does Id damage. A carving may be saved for 6 turns after use, but no more. If it is saved for more than 6 turns, it vanishes. The Doublecrossbow Although this looks like an old, well-used crossbow, it is actually an enchanted weapon with both great power and an evil curse. The power comes from the fact that this crossbow can be fired once per turn and each bolt becomes two bolts just before it strikes its target, thus doing double damage. The curse is that bolts which miss the target (failed Fire Gun roll or successful Dodge) will come back afier the crossbow's owner! They have a +1 to hit him, too! Fenwick's Flaming Frisbee Fenwick Fizzkin, the reknowned Mouse adventurer, is said to have used this Frisbee to destroy Ignatz the Ice Demon. It will burst into flames as soon as it's

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thrown, fly with deadly accuracy (+2 to Throw) and then return to the thrower's hand after extinguishing itself. Anything hit by it takes ld+2 damage and is set on fire (unless the target is made of some fireproof substance, like stone or metal). Fire does 3 points of damage per turn. It will return to the thrower even if it has to curve around obstacles.

Chester's Concealing Chainmail This is normal chainmail with two enchantments placed upon it. First off, it has 3 extra Hit Points, making it equal to platemail. The other enchantment makes it blend in with its surrounding, giving the wearer a +2 to his Dodge and giving any attacker a -2 to hit him with any attack. Andrew's Alligator Armor This fine-looking leather armor was made from the hide of an alligator. Unfortunately, although it has 2 extra Hit Points, it also has a rather bizarre curse. At the Animator's whim, the wearer of this armor will become a a humanoid alligator named Andrew. Andrew is smart and strong, but he is also a terrible coward and will panic at the first sight of danger. Andrew is also very curious about magical things. This gets him into big trouble. Animators should make up a separate character sheet for Andrew and hand it to the armor's owner whenever the change comes over him. The best time for the first change would be in the depths of a dungeon, just as the adventurers encounter several monsters.

MiscelIaneous Magic Items Here we have several types of magic items. Some are rather weak and others are very powerful. A couple are cursed. All rules for identifying magical weapons and armor apply to these items as well.

Bouncing Boots These boots let the wearer leap 30 feet straight up and keep bouncing in place for as long as he wants. You cannot use them to leap outward. If you use them indoors, make sure the ceiling is more than 30 feet tall! Teacup of Taming If this silver teacup is filled with water and an animal drinks from it, that animal will become permanently tame and gentle. Teacup of Terror If this silver teacup is filled with water and an animal drinks from it, that animal will grow to the size of an elephant, become insanely angry and do every-

thing it can to destroy the person who used the cup and anyone around him! If the creature Falls Down (it has 50 Hit Points), it will fade away. However, it will reappear the next day and begin looking for its hated prey. This will keep happening until the cup's owner destroys the cup and breaks the curse. Needless to say, the cup is not easy to destroy. Animators should have the creature appear when the characters least expect it.

The Black Box A small black box, that when opened during an emergency, will either have the item the user most needs right at the moment or the absolute worst thing for the situation (such as a gallon of gas during a raging fire). The Animator should use the Fifty Percent Rule to decide what comes out. The Black Box is not cursed, so the owner can sell it, give it away or throw it away. It can't be destroyed. The Seven Stone Servants of Sarah Spaniel These are seven small stone statues that can be used once each for a single day. The statues will enlarge to 3 feet tall and do simple things like carry supplies, fetch water or food and build a campfire. At the end of each 24-hour period, the statue being used crumbles to dust.

Dabron's Doorway This is a 3-inch-tall door that, when pressed against a wall or other flat vertical surface, enlarges to normal door size. On any roll but a 12, the door will simply open onto the next open space on the other side of the wall (even if it's the side of a cliff). But on a 12, the doorway opens onto a spot that is at least 500 miles away. If the Animator desires, it can even open onto another world! The door only works one way. You can't go through it and then come back. Since the door cannot be reused without at least one intelligent creature passing through it, someone has to volunteer (unless you can trick a stranger into doing it)!

The Exploding Marbles of Moe This is a bag containing 2d+4 marbles of assorted colors. When thrown, the marbles will explode, doing 2d damage to everything within 10 feet. If the PC carrying the bag falls more than 15 feet, all of the marbles left in the bag will explode. This is known as going out with a bang.

Powerstones No one knows whether these magical rocks are created or natural. A Powerstone gives a wizard extra Spell Points. When a Powerstone is found or bought, roll 4 dice to determine how many Spell Points it has. When a Powerstone is used up, it becomes a rutabaga.

Wands, Rings and Other Things Magical wands, rings, staves, and other similar things can work two ways. They can let a Wizard cast a spell even though he doesn't know the Shtick. Or they can "store" several castings of a single spell, letting anybody use it at no cost in Spell Points (failed attempts don't use up a casting). Any Animator should be able to think up a dozen of these things in ten minutes. If you have GURPS Magic Items or a similar book handy, you can have them practically readymade. Just pick one and add looniness.

Scrolls Some scrolls have spells on them. Such a scroll can be used once - by a Wizard only - and then vanishes in some silly manner. A Read roll is required to make a scroll work; on a failure, the magic doesn't function. Scrolls have been known have nasty side effects; some turn into monsters which then must be fought! Some scrolls just have information which may or may not be true. A few have maps. Scrolls can be useful to an Animator and potentially profitable for an adventurer. Just let them find one with a map that says "Big treasure here!" with an "X" marking the spot. Greed will do the rest.

Potions Potions are pretty common in most Dungeons and Toons games. You can buy them at an alchemist's shop or find them in a dungeon. In shops they might be expensive, but you will usually know what you're getting.

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Potions found in dungeons are free, but the only way to find out what they do is to drink them. To find out the effect, roll on the Gee, I Wonder What This Potion Does? table (see p, 106). You can order custom-made potions from an alchemist, but they'll take several days to make and cost a bundle. And if the alchemist makes a mistake or is dishonest, you won't find out until it's too late.

The First Level Room 1 This is a big room with about 200 boxes of different sizes. Some of the boxes have money and treasure in them. Many are empty or filled with junk, and a few have traps in them. At least one should have a monster in it. Both doors to this room are locked.

Room 2 This is a large bedroom. It has a bed, a nightstand and a dresser in it. There is no treasure here. The door isn't locked.

Room 21/2 A small room with a wooden chest in it. Both doors are unlocked. The chest may or may not have treasure in it.

Room 3 Another bedroom, but this one looks lived in. Hmmm.

Rooms 4,5,6 & 7 These four rooms are hidden and can only be entered if the PCs find the secret doors near rooms 2 or 3. Each of these rooms has a treasure in it and a monster or monsters guarding it. The treasures get better (and the monsters get tougher) as the group moves from room to room.

The User-Friendly Dungeon of Splannng! This dungeon is located about 10 miles north of Dale, right in the middle of the Dark and Creepy Forest. The entrance is on the side of a small hill, between two trees. There are stairs going down into the darkness below. If the Animator is feeling frisky, he may have a moan or scream or some other noise echo up from below. Players enjoy these sorts of eerie sound effects. After walking down about 300 steps (and seeing graffiti on the walls that says things like "You'll be sorry!" "Doom awaits!" and "Aaaaiiiiieeeeee! "), the PCs will see a door. It is unlocked and may even be open a crack. This is the entrance to the first level, and says "The First Level" on it. All other doors in this dungeon are similarly marked: "Room 1," "This Way Out," "Closet," "Men," and so on. Are all the signs true? Maybe . . . Some are secret. These 'lso have signs, but are requiring a notice. smallj

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Room 8 This room has ten pools of water in it. Each pool is a different color and is actually a magic potion. Some are good, some are cursed. There may be monsters in here. In fact, one of those pools could be a slime! Both doors are locked and trapped.

Room 9 Oops! This is the home of a Giant Spider. If the adventurers barge in, the spider will get angry and chase them.

Room 10 A throne room! The throne is big and bolted to the floor, but it's also made of solid lead! What a treasure! There are also a few expensive carpets and tapestries lying around. Is the throne cursed or trapped? You decide.

Room 11 Behind the throne is a secret door leading to this room full of scrolls. Most of the scrolls are just about boring snrft like economics, government and hydroponics. A couple will have one or two spells on them,

The User-Friendly Dungeon of Splannng

and at least one spell will be completely new! (Put on your thinking caps, Animators.We're pretty sure you can come up with a few new spells.)

Room 12 A banquet hall. Roll 2d; on a roll of 6 or less, a bunch of monsters is having a party here. They don't want to be interrupted. Room 13 The kitchen. It's full of food and cooking utensils. If there's a party going on in room 12, it will also be full of monster cooks! Room 14 This room is empty except for a lever on the northern wall and a sign that says "To Enter Second Level, Please Pull Lever." If the lever is pulled, the secret door opens to Room 15. Room 15 There is a small landing here and stairs leading down into darkness. Room 16 The door to this room is trapped. If a thief fails his s e m i s m T~~~~ roll, a pit opens up under him and he falls 20 feet into marshmallow cream. He takes 2 points of damage and is sticky until he can wash off. The room is full of statues. Some are of explorers, some are of monsters. What happens if they get touched or messed with? Room 17 ~ ~doors t hon this room are locked. The room is full of wonderful treasures and a couple of traps. ~ 0 ever, all of them are invisible and the delvers won't know their there until they bump into them. There could be an invisible monster guarding them, too. Room 18 A room full of balloons and nothing else. H~~ long will it take the PCs to figure that out?

2d+10 turns. After it is used, the crown will explode and do 1d damage to everybody within 30'.

Room 20 This room is empty save for a large sack with 100 lead pieces and any three traps the Animator wants. Room 21 Big oops! This is the home of a large family of Porcs and a few Neandermoles. Any Dogs or Badgers in the party will attack them without hesitating! When the fight is over, the PCs will see the tunnel that leads off to "someplace else" (but not the second level). If they decide to go that way, the Animator is on his own because we didn 't create anything in that direction! Most likely, the tunnel leads to another dungeon.

The Second Level Room 1 This whole room is just a maze. Animators can put any traps or wandering monsters they like here. The door leading to Room 2 is not locked or trapped. Room 2 The "Tommy" Memorial Room. This room is a gigantic pinball machine! However, the delvers won't that looked around and mapped a bit. Animators should describe the bumpers as "stone pillars with steel springs wound around them" and the paddles as ''two pillars with huge, moveable sections of wall attached." The ball chute would be a "long hallway with a huge silver sphere sitting on a strange catapult." As soon as someone says "Oh no! It's a pinball machine!" (or something to that effect), the ~door- they came in will seal shut and a pinball will be launched the game- The flippers will flip, lights will flash, bells will ring and PCS will ~ a n i c !~ v time a ball goes down the pit, the secret door will flash with blue light. Eventually, the temfied adventurers will figure out that it's the exit. The game never runs OUt of balls, but there is a 3-turn gap between a ball going down the pit and a new ball being launched.

Room 19 Rooms 4-7 In this section, there are four strangely-shaped A secret door leads into this room. The room only rooms. They have beds, cooking areas and other indihas two things in it: a crown made of crystal and jewels and a five-headed Hydrant. To get the crown, the cations that somebody lives here, but there's nobody home. will slowly discover that the p c s have to fight the ~ ~ (no surprise d there, ~ ~ ~ The characters t shape of the rooms ''(IH OH. " When right?). Each of the Hydrant's heads looks like a difthe 45 Or that live here come through the ferent kitchen appliance, and all of them can breathe secret doors in the east wall. The delvers can either water, fire, peanut butter or whatever. fight their way out or 0 to sneak out. They can use any Whoever puts on the crown will have all of their attributes raised by 2 points, but only for the next the but the to leads back to the surface world.

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The Spell Fumbles Table

The "1 Wonder What This Potion Does" Table

When a wizard doesn't make his spell roll or a magic item acts weird, roll here to see what happened. If the results are wrong for the item or spell, roll again. 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36 41 42 43 44 45 46 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 63 64 65 66

Big explosion! ld6+2 damage to everybody within 60 feet Character changes shape (player's choice) Starts raining Starts raining jellybeans Starts raining fire Small monster appears Caster breaks into 20 miniature characters Big monster appears Ground cracks open (60-foot drop) All creatures within 40 feet switch minds at random Character changes shape (Animator's choice) Character loses one Shtick for the rest of the game All creatures within 100 feet start singing "Jingle Bells" Character is Maximum Boggled every time anyone rolls a 2 or 12 Animator chooses any table from this book and rolls for results Character becomes invisible from the waist down Character becomes invisible from the waist up Spell goes off, but affects wrong target (Animator's choice) Roll on "Things Falling From Sky" table in Toon Spell goes off, but it's the wrong spell Small explosion, all creatures within 20 feet take 2 points damage Two monsters appear, dancing a tango Four monsters appear sitting at a card table playing poker Character shrinks to 1 inch tall Character loses ld6 hit points and turns purple Spell works in reverse (if possible) Spell works, but uses ld6 extra spellpoints All creatures within 100 feet form two teams and play football All creatures within 60 feet change shape (Animator's choice) Character is Boggled and then Falls Down PCs are teleported 240 feet in a random direction Character moves in slow motion for 10 turns Ground turns to mud Ground turns to chocolate mousse Character loses hisher memory for 2d6+10 turns O a ~ Roll three times and add the results

All results last until the next time the victim Falls Down. 11 Grow twice as large 12 Control insects 13 Turn into a giant slug 14 Sprout wings 15 Turn pink and smell like a rose 16 Go berserk the next time a fight starts 21 Gain Body of Iron 22 Gain Incredible Speed 23 Gain 200 pounds 24 Turn into a small monster 25 Turn into a large monster 26 Become invisible 3 1 Raise one attribute by 2 points 32 Lower one attribute by 2 points 33 Fight level drops to 3 34 Immunity from Boggling 35 Split into two characters, one good and one evil 36 Speak only in rhyme 41 Get any superpower from Supertoon (Animator selects) 42 Suffer Maximum Boggle every time a skill roll fails 43 Perform three actions per turn 44 Change shape every fourth turn 45 Raise one skill by 3 points 46 Hair turns yellow with green polka dots 5 1 Poison! Take 3 points damage every turn until you Fall Down 52 Get 5 extra hit points 53 Float three feet off the floor 54 Gain any one point spell you choose at a skill of 8 55 Switch Smarts and Muscle scores 56 Grow two extra arms 6 1 Take 1 die +1 damage 62 Gain Body of Bubblegum 63 Turn blue and smell like garlic 64 All attributes increase by one point 65 All attributes decrease by one point 66 Roll twice and combine the results



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The Astounding "Curse-0-Matic" Curse Creation Table Use this table when you need a quick curse. Animators should decide if the effects of a curse are always on or if they come and go. Removing a curse should always be a long, involved process with several steps that must be done in a certain order. A quest to remove a curse should provide enough ideas for many game sessions.

If the cursed one. 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36 41 42 43 44 45 46 51 52 53 54 55

56 61 62 63 64 65 66


Makes someone Fall Down Eats candy Gets scared Fails a Fast-Talk roll Sees the color red Hears music Laughs Buys something Is Boggled Rolls a 12 on any roll Says the word "curse" Runs Takes damage FallsDown Reads a scroll Drinks a potion Sees a live dragon Has a spell cast upon himself Eats a vegetable Is Maximum Boggled Hears the word "attack" Smells something bad Goes to sleep Wakes up Gets lost Drinks something Makes any Shtick roll Gets hit with a pie Enters a dungeon Leaves a dungeon Finds some treasure Hears another character say "Oh No!" Opens a door Eats meat Is told to do something Asks a wizard any question

He will. 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36 41 42 43


Start crying Change shape (roll on any interesting table) Shrink to one inch tall Become a werecow Dance as he walks Sing songs instead of speaking Whisper everything Lose 4 points from all Zip skills Become really stupid Take Maximum Boggle damage Think he's a dragon Call everyone "Fluffy" Speak at the top of his voice Turn into an animated sausage Become a vampire Make all Skill and Shtick rolls at -2 Grow long purple hair all over his body Be very hungry Attack any monster he sees Get a Body of Mud Smell like a skunk 44 Hear things that aren't there 45 Become incredibly fat 46 Think he's a pig 5 1 Turn into a parrot 52 Have a Chutzpah score of 2 53 Have hallucinations 54 Become a coward 55 Think he's another Class 56 Think he's another race 6 1 Steal things 62 Become sleepy 63 Become mute 64 Have a very short memory 65 Have Incredibly Bad Luck 66 Become a robot


, until the next time he Falls Down.

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The Silly Snares and Terrible Traps Table This table lets you decide what is trapped and how it's trapped. We'll leave the damage and other effects up to the Animator. If you don't like what you roll up, just roll again!

Roll here to find out what's trapped.

Roll here to find out how.

11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36

11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36 41 42

Door Table Ceiling Wall Smallchest Empty sack Book Scroll case Painting Chair Stairs Candle Secret door Bed Fireplace Door handle Box Full sack

41 42 43 44 45 46 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 63 64 65 66

Bottle Lamp Carpet Cooking pot Cupboard Backpack Birthday cake Wall Pile of rubbish Largechest Pillow Pile of loot Statue Bucket Crystal ball Football Mirror Occupant of room

- 107 -

10-foot-deeppit Laughing gas Boxing glove on a spring Drops two-ton weight 10-foot-deep pit full of spikes Tear gas Gravity reverses in 10-foot-squarearea Sword pops out Pie in the face Drops a dozen eggs Drops a dozen chickens 30-foot-deep pit full of honey Fires arrow Firesflaming arrow Sprays seltzer water Mouth appears and screams for help Explodes 20-foot-deep pit full of whipped cream Drops wet cement Ceiling starts to descend

Dungeons and Toons

Chapter 6:

Welcome to Mekworld! It is the year 2244 and the Earth is threatened by Alien Invaders, Mutants and Criminal Masterminds. Every week, some new menace arises to terrorize the inhabitants of Earth! The Aliens want to conquer the planet (just like they did in Atomic Monster Theater), the Criminal Masterminds want to get fabulously wealthy and the Mutants . . . well, nobody really knows what the heck they want, but they sure do cause a lot of trouble! Yes indeed, the people of Earth are in big trouble! Who can they turn to for protection? Who will stop these evil creatures? Who will be Earth's champions in this struggle between good and evil? The Mektoons, that's who!



Yes, the heroes who pilot the giant robot warriors known as "Meks" are here to save the day! Armed with the most powerful weapons known, they valiantly go forward to defeat all those who would threaten the planet! Skillfully piloting 50 tons of awesome destructive power, they lay waste to the enemies of peace lovers everywhere! Unless they fail their die rolls ! Mektoon is based on the dozens of incredibly popular animated Japanese television shows about giant robots and their human pilots. In the United States, the best examples are the Transformers and Go-Bots animated series and such roleplaying games as BaftleTech and Mektun (great name, eh?). Animators and players are encouraged to watch a few episodes of these shows to get an idea of what they'll be playing around with. Most video rental stores have taped episodes of "Transformers," "Robotech" and "Go-Bots," as well as others. In this chapter, you'll be putting your character into huge machines that can level cities, combine to form even bigger Meks or even change into other types of machines! Some folks might think that putting irresponsible cartoon characters into such powerful robots is foolish and dangerous ! To them we say: You bet it is! And it 'sfin,too! But that's not all that goes on in a ~ e k t o o ngame! There are rivalries, love affairs, feuds with rival Mek groups, family problems and many other dramatic things going on (well, actually, in Toon they're comic things, but you get the idea). To help you figure out what sort of soap opera antics your PC is involved in, just follow the Strife Paths. These are tables that decide how many and what kind of problems your PC has in his private life. These problems should pop up whenever the Animator thinks they'd be funniest. There's nothing that will perk up your day as much as having your girlfriend or boyfriend tell you it's all over while you're right in the middle of a battle with Giant Mutant Toadstools! So climb into a Mek, power up, activate your weapons and go out looking for a little mindless violence and ridiculous humor!

Strife Paths To see what type of interesting, dramatic, stupid personal problems your character has, start by rolling a die. Go to the starting point with the same number. From there, you just keep rolling the die until you get to an End. You can go through the Strife Paths as many times as you want.

1: You have an enemy! Go to the Enemy section. 2: You are involved in a love affair! Go to the Romance section. 3:You have a family problem! Go to the Family section. 4: You have mental problem! Go to the Mental section. 5: You have a really weird problem! Go to the Weird section. 6: Roll twice. Ignore further results of L


~ h Enemy , Section

Your enemy is . . .. 1: An Alien. 2:A former friend. 3: A relative (Animator's choice). 4: A Criminal Mastermind. 5: AMek Pilot on your own side. 6: A former lover. Now go to the Motive section.

Continued on nextpage.



Character Types

Shife Paths (Continued) The Romance Section

The other person is .. . 1: A teammate. 2: A friend. 3: An Alien. 4: A criminal. 5: A former enemy. 6: A relative or lover of a friend or teammate (Animator's choice). Now go to the Complications section.

The Family Section The family member is . . . 1: Your brother. 2: Your father. 3: Your sister. 4: Your mother. 5: Your cousin. 6: An in-law. Now go to the Family Trouble section.

The Mental Section Sometimes, you . . . 1: Think everyone is out to get you. 2: Suddenly ihange personalities. 3: Go completely loony. 4: Develop a phobia. 5: Become obsessed with something. 6: Suffer a change in emotions.

Now go to the When section.

The Weird Section Something strange is going on . . . 1: You are under a curse (Animator's choice). 2: You have been contacted by beings from another dimension. 3: You lose and gain new Shticks at random. 4: Whenever you Fall Down, something weird happens to everyone around you. 5: onl living objects, including your Mek, can talk to you. 6: Being Boggled causes you to change in some way (your choice).

End (the weird stuff is enough of a problem).

Continued on next page.



The only character types we will cover in this chapter are Mek Pilots and Mek Techs. This is because we cover Alien Invaders in Atomic Monster Theater (and just plain old Aliens in Star Toon; see p. 124), Mutants (just another name for monsters) in Crawl of Catchoolu and Dungeons and Toons, and Criminal Masterminds (as Supervillains) in Supertoon (seep. 151).

Mek Pilots It takes a special type of character to be a Mek Pilot. They have to be strong, brave, resourceful and have excellent reflexes. But most of all, they have to be crazy enough to climb into a Mek and get shot at! Mek Pilots can have any level of Attributes, Skills or Shticks. They tend to be egotistical, probably because they get so much attention in the news. Most Mek Pilots love to take their Meks into battle (unless they're cowards) and will never turn away from a fight. Some of them like using a Mek's high-tech weapons, and some like slugging it out face-to-face with an enemy Mek. There are even a few who like fighting with Meksized swords or battle axes! Most Mek Pilots belong to teams. Some of these teams work very well together with no arguments or bickering. This is very un-Toonlike! Other teams argue and fight all the time. That's more like it! This will keep things happening, especially if the PCs have different Beliefs & Goals or personal problems generated on the Strife Path.

Mek Techs These are the experts who fix, modify and even create Meks and their weapons and accessories. Some Mek Techs are also Mech Pilots, but they are always better at fixing them than operating them. A Mech Tech will constantly be thinking up new ways to improve his team's machines. Often, these ideas take a while to get the bugs worked out. for that reason, many Mek Pilots don't want to try out new weapons. Just because a few new weapons have exploded or- melted or stopped working during combat, you'd think they all had! "Fearless Mek Pilots," hah! Most Mek Techs have the Weird Science Shtick (p. 17), and the ~ o o d ones have Set/Disarm Trap at high levels, since that's the skill yo; roll against for mechanical work of all kinds. They might also have Coat of Arms and Bag of Many Things, since these Shticks help them work faster and better. Mek Techs tend to get angry when their Meks come back from a mission all shot up. This tends to start fights betweenn Techs and Pilots.

New Rules The Strife Paths These are tables (see sidebars, pp. 109-111) that show dozens of interesting things that can mess up someone's life. In the Japanese "mecha" videos, the heroes spend as much time worrying about their lives and loves as they do in shooting up the mutants. That's just the way it is on Mechworld.

Start at the beginning of the sidebar on p. 109. Just remember that in Toon, no problem is so bad that you can't make it worse!

Strife Paths (Continued) The Motive Section

Your enemy hates you because. . . 1: You defeated him in combat and disgraced him. 2: You did four Maximum Boggles in a row to a relative of his. 3: You stole his or her lover. 4: You sent him to jail. 5: You foiled his evil plan. 6: You are a nicer person than he is.


The Complications Section

Mek Operation A Mek Pilot uses the Drive Vehicle skill to operate a Mek, and the Fight, Throw and Fire Gun skills for Mek combat. If a failed roll occurs when using a weapon, transforming or combining, go immediately to the proper Table and roll to see what happened. A Mek's Speed when moving on two or more legs is determined by the type of Mek it is and the pilot's normal Speed. If the Mek is using some other movement mode (flying, tunneling, etc.), then it will move at the Speed given for that type of movement. Any time a Mek Pilot is Boggled or Falls Down, his Mek will stop moving unless it has Autopilot. A Mek's Skill Levels for Muscle and Zip are the same as the pilot's. If a pilot has a Dodge of 7, so will the Mek. All Meks have Incredible Strength at 12, so you can pick up anything that is equal to or less than the weight of your Mek without making a Shtick roll. You will still have to make a Pick Up Heavy Thing or Throw roll.

Combining and Transforming Some Meks (see p. 116) can combine into a giant CombiMek. Whatever Mek is the Head of a CombiMek will be the one to roll for a successful combining. Some Meks can transform into different shapes. No Mek may use its weapons while transforming or combining.

Your love affair is complicated by the fact that . . . 1: Helshe doesn't know you exist. 2: Hislher family hates you. 3: You're completely mismatched. 4: Your family hates himher. 5: One of you is funnier than the other. 6: You don't know helshe loves you.


The Family Trouble Section The family member. . . 1: Is in trouble with the law. 2: Is working for Aliens or a Criminal Mastermind. 3: Is in financial trouble. 4: Has gone crazy. 5: Has disappeared. 6: Has become a Criminal Mastennind. End.

The When Section

Your mental problem occurs . . . 1: When you get into your Mek. 2: When you go into combat. 3: When you hear music. 4: When you get out of your Mek. 5: When you see a certain thing (Animator's choice). 6: When you get Boggled.

Money The Animator will decide on a starting budget. All characters get this much money to build their Meks. After that, repairs are free unless the Animator decides otherwise.


zax Solo Mek pilot and leader of Team HaHa. Zax is a 19-year-old rabbit. He's 6' tall and wears a black flightsuit. His hair is black. In combat Zax tries to be cool, calm and in control. Actually, he's an egotistical twit who makes lots of mistakes. Fortunately, the other members of Team HaHa never listen to his orders. This makes him mad, which causes him to make even more rnistakes! Zax always blames his mistakes on others. Beliefs & Goals: It's not easy being a famous Mek pilot. If the team would just follow my orders, everything would be okay! Try not to get mad and scream! Act cool, especially around girls. Hit Points: 10 Speed: 7

Muscle: 5 Break Down Door: 5 Climb: 5 Fight: 6 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 5 wow:5 Zip: 6 Dodge: 6 Drive Vehicle: 8 Fire Gun: 6 Jump: 6 Ride: 6 Run: 8 Swim: 7

HideISpot Hidden: 6 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 7 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 See/Hear/Smell: 6 Set/Dism Trap: 6 TrackICover Tracks: 6

Chutzpah: 5 Fast-Talk: 6 PasstDetect Shoddy Goods: 5 Sleight of Hand: 5 Sneak: 7 Shtick: Detect Cute Girls: 10


Places to Go The main reason to travel on Mechworld is to find a new place to smash up during a fight. You can fight in the city, the desert, the jungle or even under the sea. You will always cause huge amounts of damage wherever they fight, which is pretty normal in Toon anyway. Earth in the year 2244 has many enormous cities whose buildings are nearly a mile high and have aerial streets connecting them. Meks that fall or get knocked off of these high streets had better be able to fly or they'll soon look like scrap metal. Meks also fight in outer space. This is a strange place to slug it out because there is no solid ground and no gravity. When an opponent hits you, you will be knocked backwards and keep on going until you can fire your Thruster Rockets to stop. On the other hand, you can do all sorts of acrobatic maneuvers at a +2. There are some big dangers in outer space. The first of them is the Kazoolan Invasion fleet. This fleet has about a thousand ships and is parked in space about halfway between the Earth and the Moon. You can't miss it, because there's a big neon sign next to it that says "Kazoolan parking here." Asteroids are another problem. You never know when your Mek battle will drift into an asteroid field. Once you do, you'll be making lots of Dodge rolls until you get out. Or, if you want to stay in the asteroid field, you can use them to hide behind, bounce off of or even throw them at other Meks. Comets are big, fast and made of ice and rocks. If a comet hits you, you're in trouble. You'll take 2dx2 damage and be carried along by the comet at a Speed of 1,000 feet per turn. Even after you get offof it, you'll still be moving at 1,000 feet per turn until you can use your thrusters to stop. Re-entering Earth's atmosphere from space can be tricky and dangerous, too. To do it successfully, you have to make a Flying roll at -3. If you fail, you hit the ground. This does 2dx2 damage and leaves a big, Mekshaped hole. If two or more Meks hit the ground in the same spot, the hole will be much larger and when the Meks climb out (3 turns later), they will have switched body parts, be smashed into accordion shapes or just flattened out. We'll let the players choose which.

People (And Other Things) to Meet Criminal Masterminds These evil beings are out to rule the world, get rich and cause trouble. Some of them are insane, some are geniuses, some are insane geniuses and a few are just regular crooks who have gotten hold of too much power. They all do things in a very dramatic way and cackle whenever they get the chance. When you go after a Criminal Mastermind, you'll have to fight about a zillion of his hired goons before you get to him. Some will be piloting Meks, some will just be shooting at you with lasers and other weapons, and a few will be Mutants! Just wade right in and start shooting. Only the ones piloting the Meks will be able to give you a good fight. All the rest

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Jefl Poprok

will just get blown away by Maximum Boggles and heaps of damage. Boggle 'em all and let the Animator sort it out - that's our motto! Once you finally reach the Criminal Mastermind's lair, don't be surprised if he has a few dozen traps waiting for you! These can be simple things holes in the floor or complex Boggletraps. Some of them may be designed to affect the pilot, not the Mek. Even Criminal Masterminds know how expensive Meks are! The Criminal Mastermind may flee, or he may climb into a Mek and fight you. You can be sure that his Mek will be big, tough and armed with weapons you've never heard of before. But if you can capture it intact, you can take some of those weapons for yourself!

Mutants These evil creatures are tough and come in an astounding variety of shapes and sizes. To create Mutants, just pick some monsters from any chapter in this book (or from any other roleplaying game) and either use them as they are, or change them around until they're really weird. Some Mutants (especially vampires) may build criminal empires. They are even craftier and harder to defeat than normal Criminal Masterminds. They may also have struck a deal with the Alien Invaders. This means they will have access to Alien weapons, Meks and Weird Science. But that won't stop a brave Mek Pilot like you, will it?

Things to Do HoHoTech Your Mek Team has been called to a secret base in the desert to test HoHoTech's new Behemoth class BattleMek. This thing is 150feet tall and needs a minimum of five crewmen to run it! It has weapons that could blast a normal Mek into atoms and best of all, it can transfomz into a small starship! Naturally, you're more than willing to try this Mek out! But before the HoHoTech techs can give you complete lessons in how to operate it, Earth defenses spot a monstrous Kazoolan Mek approaching. Looks like you'll get to give this puppy a real test run!

Mek pilot and member of Team HaHa. Jeff is a chipmunk who stands 3 feet tall and has brown hair. He wears goggles all the time, as well as a gray flightsuit. Jeff is one loony character and will do anything for a laugh, especially in combat. He calls Zax "El Capitan," which Zax hates. His favorite weapon is an Itchy Ray. His favorite pastimes are driving Zax crazy and zapping Kazoolan Meks. Beliefs & Goals: Hey, if you've gotta risk your life fighting Kazoolan raiders, you might as well have fun doing it! Go for the big laughs! Find new ways to initate Zax. Find new ways to boggle Kazoolans. Don't lose your goggles. Give Lucky Larry new ideas for weapons, but make someone else try them out. Hit Points: 11 Speed: 7

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 4 Climb: 6 Fight: 6 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 4 Throw: 5 Zip: 6 Dodge: 8 Drive Vehicle: 6 Fire Gun: 7 Jump: 7 Ride: 6 Run: 8 Swim: 6 Smarts: 7 Hidelspot Hidden: 8 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 9 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 See/Hear/Smell: 7 Set/Disam Trap: 8 Track/Cover Tracks: 7 Chutzpah: 7 Fast-Talk: 8 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 7 Sleight of Hand: 7 Sneak: 8 Shticks: Maximum Boggle: 8 Bag of Many Things: 6 Cosmic Shift: 4


Project 0-No

The Kazoolan Raiders Kazoolan Raiders are very large humans who want to invade the Earth. Since they an look alike- each One wears an -'let a different number On it. Their leader is number 0000000001. The Kazoolan's favorite weapons are Destructor Kazoos (see p. 1191, work fine on a planet's surface, but are useless in space. All Kazoolans are crazy about tacos and will drop everything if they smell them within a few miles. Beliefs & Goals: Conquer the Earthlings and force them to make tacos for all of Kazoo1! Hit Points: 16

She claims to be an Alien Princess, but to you, she looks like a 14-yearold girl. But she does have awesome superpowers and there are Aliens and Criminal Masterminds after her, so maybe it was a good idea to assign you as her bodyguard. Now all you have to do is keep up with her!

Another Fine Mek You've Gotten US Into You found this really strange-looking Alien Mek in a crater on the Moon, so you brought it back to Earth. Then you and your teammates decided to start it up! Big mistake! Too late you found out that (A) you're sealed into it and can't open the door, (B) the communications system is dead and (C) the autopilot sometimes takes over for a few turns and attacks anything that moves! That's probably why your sensors detect a BattleMek from your own base closing in on you. Have a nice day!

Muscle: 7 Break Down Door: 7 Q Climb: 7 Fight: 7 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 7 Throw: 7 a Zip: 5 Dodge: 5 Drive Vehicle: 5 Fire Gun: 6 Jump: 5 Ride: 5 Run: 6 Swim: 5 Smarts: 5 HideISpot Hidden: 5 Identify Dangerous Thing: Read: 6 Resist Fast-Talk: 7 SeeRIearlSmell: 6 Set(Dism Trap: 6 TrackfCover Tracks: 5 Chutzpah: 5 Fast-Talk: 5 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 5 Sleight of Hand: 5 Sneak: 5 Shticks: Weird Science: 7 Detect Taco: 7


Mobile Suit Gumball Just who is this guy in the shiny red BattleMek that keeps popping up all over? And why is he attacking both Earth forces and Kazoolan Raiders? And what is the secret behind his Maximum Boggle Gumball Gun? (Hint: Don't ask us. We don't know!)

And Baby Meks Three! "Take a tour group of 7-year-olds and show them the inside of a fully armed Colossus BattleMek," your commander said. "What could possibly happen?" he asked you. Well, now you know what can happen, because five kids have taken it on a joyride into Kazoolan Space! Can you get them back before they get hurt, you get hurt or your commander gets beaten up by the angry mothers? A Toony Tyke AdventuresNektoon crossover adventure! (Note: If the Animator okays it, you can play both your Mektoon characters and the kids!)

Amy Chan

Lucky Larry Long Lucky Larry is Team HaHa's Mek repairman and chief inventor. He's a human who looks like Woody Allen. He gets his nickname from the fact that he has Incredible Luck (at 9). Larry is constantly creating new types of Meks, weapons and armor. They are usually pretty reliable, but sometimes have strange side effects, like the Shaving Cream Cannon that electrocuted the gunner who fired it. Larry's own Mek is fuIl of off-the-wall weapons. He has a big crush on J.T. Beliefs & Goals: The Team depends on me for repairs and inventions, so I'm not going to let them down! Get people to test my new weapons. Help Jeff devise new practical jokes. Ask J.T. if she needs anything, anything at all! Hit Points: 10 Speed: 6

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 4 Climb: 4 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 5 Throw: 4 Zip: 5 Dodge: 6 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 5 Ride: 5 Run: 6 Swim: 6 Smarts: 9 HidelSpot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 11 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 See/Hear/Smell: 9 SettDisarm Trap: 9 TrackJCover Tracks: 9

Ace Mek pilot and member of Team HaHa. She is a cute 5-foot panda who wears a black and white flightsuit and has short black hair. She is a much better pilot than Zax and lets him know it. In combat, she flies fast and tries to make her opponents Fall Down as quickly as possible. Amy's favorite weapon is a Fist of Doom missile. She likes to play heavy metal music very loudly during combat. Beliefs & Goals: Always do your best. In combat you should hit hard and fast. Show that dummy Zax who the real star of Team HaHa is. Buy new rock CDs every week. Watch out for your teammates, especially that crazy Jeff. Hit Points: 10 Speed: 6

Muscle: 5 Break Down Door: 5 Climb: 5 Fight: 7 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 5 Throw: 6

Zip: 5 Dodge: 6 Drive Vehicle: 8 Fire Gun: 8 Jump: 6 Ride: 5 Run: 7 Swim: 5


Chutzpah: 4 Fast-Talk: 4 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 4 Sneak: 5

Smarts: 7 HideISvot Hidden: 7 ~dentifiDangerous Thing: 9 Read: 10 Resist Fast-Talk: 10 See/Hear/SmeIl: 8 SetIDisarm Trap: 7 TrackJCover Tracks: 7

Shticks: Incredible Luck: 9 Toolbox of Many Things: 8 Weird Science: 8 Coat of Arms: 6

Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk: 6 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 6 Sneak: 7 Shtick: Incredible Luck: 4

J. T. Jones J.T. is a 6-foot-tall female human. She has short dark hair and green eyes. J.T. is pretty, but not beautiful. She has a slender build and prefers to wear a silver jumpsuit with red boots and gloves. Nobody knows her real name, or the fact that she is a Kazoolan Princess who has come to Earth to help the Earthlings in heir fight against Kazool. She doesn't talk much, She likes Lucky Larry, but is afraid he will find out she's a Kazoolan and hate her. Beliefs & Goals: I will fight the raiders my world has sent to Earth! Don't let innocent bystanders get hurt. Try as many kinds of Earthly food as you can, Keep your secret welI-hidden. I must stay away from dogs and cats, because I am allergic to them and will break out in orange spots. Hit Points: 15 Speed: 8

Muscle: 7 Break Down Door: 7 Climb: 8 Fight: 7 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 8 Throw: 7 Zip: 7 Dodge: 8 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 7 Jump: 8 Ride: 7 Run: 9 Swim: 7


Smarts: 6 HidelSpot Hidden: 6 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 10 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 See/Hear/Smell: 7 Set/Disarm Trap: 6 TracWCover Tracks: 6 Chutzpah: 5 Fast-Talk: 6 Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods: 5 Sleight of Hand: 5 Sneak: 5 Shtick: Weird Science: 7

GUIDE TO MEK As you go through this process, fill in the Mek Record Sheet. A blank is on p. 120.

Basic Body Choose what type of Mek you will have. The basic types are MiniMeks, TransMeks, CombiMeks and BattleMeks. They can come in any form, but most are vaguely humanoid -or animal-humanoid - in shape. A Mek Pilot who is a frog may have a froggy-looking Mek, and so on. Decide what the normal shape of your Mek will be. For TransMeks, pick alternate forms as well.

MiniMek These Meks are only about 10 feet tall and have a single built-in weapon. They may also carry a weapon, such as a rifle or mini missile launcher. No MiniMek may have more than 20 points of armor. MiniMeks can have any movement mode you want. MiniMeks move at the pilot's Speed plus 10 feet per turn. A MiniMek is essentially just powered armor. A basic MiniMek body costs $10,000. TransMek These Meks are about 20 feet tall, can have up to three built-in weapons and two carried weapons, may have up to 50 points of armor and can transform themselves from one shape to another. TransMeks may have up to three shapes, counting the original. The new shape can be anything from a car or hovercraft to a jet plane or AniMek - a Mek with any any animal form you choose. TransMeks (and CombiMeks) move at the pilot's Speed plus 30 feet per turn. TransMek bodies cost $30,000 plus an additional $20,000 for each form they can change into. CombiMek These are identical to TransMeks, except that they


don't change shape. Instead, they link together with other CombiMeks to form a BattleMek. Each Mek becomes a certain body part, either head, torso, arm or leg. These are the ~ e k that s most Mek Teams have. CombiMek bodies cost $30,000.

BattleMek BattleMeks are huge and awesomely powerful Meks that can destroy entire cities. They can have up to five built-in weapons and carry several more, depending on the weapon. BattleMeks may have up to 250 points of armor (on a Colossus). BattleMeks come in three sizes: the 40- to 50-foot-tall Giant class (moves at the pilot's Speed plus 50 feet per turn), the 55- to 70-foot-tall Titan class (moves at double the pilot's Speed) and the amazing 75- to 100-foot-tall Colossus class (moves at triple the pilot's Speed). The Giant and Titan classes may be operated by a single pilot, but the Colossus class requires a crew of three or more. BattleMek bodies start at around $50,000 for a small Giant and go up to $1,000,000 for a large Colossus. If your group has decided to play CombiMeks, figure out what body part you'll be. If you are going to play a Colossus BattleMek, decide who will be the pilot. Everyone else will be a gunner. As for naming your Mek, although many Meks have flashy sounding names, you can give your Mek a silly name or even a common one. Oh, yes, all Meks come with full life-support for the pilot, a communicator and a control panel. Just about everything else costs extra, but check with your Animator. He may be feeling generous.

Power Source This is what powers a Mek and its weapons. Power sources convert solar energy (sunlight) into electrical energy. If you are going to be using your Mek at night,

you'll need to buy batteries, which the powersource will charge up during the day. Each battery is good for two hours. You can have up to six batteries. Cost: $10,000 plus $2,000 per battery.

Movement ModesISpeeds All Meks can walk or run. If you want another way of moving, you have to buy it. If you have a TransMek, you must buy the right type of movement for it. No Mek may have more than three movement modes (that is, unless the Animator thinks it would be funny).

Amphibious Conversion Allows the Mek to move on or under water at its normal Speed. Cost: $3,000.

Rocket Thrusters Meks that might have to blast off from a planet into outer space will need rocket thrusters to do it. Going from the ground to space takes 4 turns. If there is an enemy Mek going up next to you, you can fight on your way to orbit. Normally, there is no Speed given for thrusters because you are going up toward space. But since strange, dangerous and funny things happen in Toon, you may need to know that rocket thrusters have a Speed of 1,000 feet per turn! At that speed, if you hit something, you're history! (for 3 turns, anyway). Cost: $20,000.

Jump Jets These give you a jet-assisted Superleap equal to five times your height. Cost: $5,000.

Wheels The old standby. Any Mek that turns into a car, van, motorcycle or truck will need them. They're also useful for roller skates. Wheels let you-move at your normal Speed plus 30 feet per turn. Cost: $1,000 per pair.

Hover Conversion Your Mek can hover up to 10 feet above the ground and move at a rate of 80 feet per turn. Cost: $4,000.

Tank Treads Good for going over rough terrain. If a tread gets shot off, you can only go in circles. Speed is 70 feet per turn. Cost: $3,000 per pair.

Jet-Powered Flight With these electrically powered jets, the Mek can move up to 300 feet per turn. Cost: $10,000.

Sensor Pack

Wing-Powered Flight If you want to build a Mek shaped like a bird, you'll need these metal wings to fly. Normal flight is 100 feet per turn, but gliding is only 80 feet per turn. Cost: $7,000.

A sensor pack is made up of whatever senses you choose to give your Mek. Sensor Packs are rated by the number of senses they contain. A "Type 1" has only one sense. A "Type 6" has six. Each sense costs $500 and has a range of 120 feet. Below are some senses that you can choose from. Your Animator will probably let you invent others.

Microscopic Vision This sense lets you get a close look at really small things! If your Animator allows it, this power will let you see things as small as atoms. Telescopic Vision With this, you can see things miles away. Maybe even into outer space! To see a long way in the dark, you'll need Night Vision, too. X-Ray Vision X-Ray Vision lets you see through any substance except one. You get to choose which one, but it has to be something pretty common like lead or rubber or chocolate pudding.

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Targeting Computer Gives you a +2 to hit with weapons or limbs. Cost: $500. Autopilot If the Mek Pilot gets Boggled or Falls Down, this computer will direct the Mek to continue doing whatever it was doing before the pilot got zapped. This may or may not be something safe, but the computer doesn't know the difference. Cost: $750.

Radar Sense Radar Sense allows you to "see" even in total darkness, dense fog or a smoke cloud for up to 60 feet. You can even see things that are invisible! You can sense shapes and distances down to the finest detail, but you can't detect colors. Neat Sense You can locate something or someone by the heat they give off. This sense will even work through solid walls, if they aren't too thick. If your target hides behind a hotter heat source, you can? see them. Night Vision This sense lets you see in very low light with no penalties to your SeefHearISmell roll. Unfortunately, when using Night Vision, a sudden flash of bright light will blind you for 1d+l turns. Superhearing Using this sense gives you a +3 to any hearing-related roll. It has a range of 90 feet, If you hear a very loud noise, like an explosion, you'll be deaf for ld+l turns. Detection This is a Detect Item Shtick, at level 9, possessed by the sensor pack. Pick any item you want your Mek to be able to detect.

Computer Systems The fsllowing computer systems are all common

on Meks. You may find ideas for others in Star Toon, Toonptmk 2020% or other chapters. As always, you can invent new ones.

Damage Monitor This computer can be set to sense when a certain amount or type of damage has occurred to the Mek. When it senses this, it will take over the Mek's controls and move it to a safe area. This may take a while, if your Mek is in the middle of a battlefield. The pilot can only regain control of the Mek by rolling a 3 or less on 2d. Cost: $900.

Accessories Accessories are just interesting or useful things that you have added to the Mek. Examples range from soda dispensers to a metal-flake paint job to an emergency radio distress beacon. The only restrictions on accessories are that they cannot do damage and they cannot be any of the other things listed in this section. There is no cost for accessories.

Weapons The size of your Mek will determine how many built-in weapons it can have and how many more it can carry in its hands. Weapons can be mounted anywhere on the Mek that you like, even in very silly places like the feet. All weapons have a range of 120 feet, unless otherwise stated. Costs for "normal" damage will depend on range and on the damage a weapon does. The formula is simple: for every $5,000 you spend, the weapon does Id damage, up to 4d! Every additional $1,000 spent gives a +1 to the basic damage (up to +3; this must be done after the initial damage is calculated). For example, if Ricky Raccoon wants a blaster for his Mek that will do 2d+2 damage each time it hits, it will cost him $10,000 for the initial 2d plus $2,000 more for the +2 bonus, for a total of $12,000. This assumes the standard 120-foot range. Halve these costs for a range of 40 feet. Divide costs by 4 for

a weapon that only works when you're standing next to your target, like a giant club. Weapons that do special damage (such as a Boggle Ray) will have costs listed. Besides all the weapons listed here, you can use just about any other weapon in this book, including huge versions of the ones in Dungeons and Toons!

Mini Missiles Mini Missiles are an exception to the weaponbuilding rule. All Mini Missiles only do 3 points of damage. But because they are small, you can put up to four of them into one regular weapon space. Mini Missiles cost $2,000 each and may be fired one at a time or all at once.

Anvil Launcher These do damage by slamming a big anvil into a Mek. A roll of 4 or less means that the target was knocked over.

Armor-Piercing Mini Missile The same as regular Mini Missiles, but they go right through the target's armor and do damage to the pilot. Cost: $2,500 each.

Boggle Ray Boggles everybody on board the Mek it hits. Its Shtick level is 8. Cost: $5,000. For double the price, you can do Maximum Boggling (see p. 7)!

Transforming Mini Missile These missiles are bad news, because just before they strike, they turn into large cream pies! The target Mek is blinded for two turns and the pilot is Boggled. Cost: $4,000 each.

Cold Cloud Causes the temperature in and around the target to drop rapidly. This will cut the Mek's Speed by 20 feet per turn and do damage to the pilot, but won't damage the Mek. Fist of Doom Missile This missile looks like a big fist. In addition to whatever damage it does, it has double the normal weapon range. But after it's fired, it's gone. Smart Missile These missiles can track the target's movement after they are launched. This means that the target's Dodge roll will be at -3. Cost is only half of normal, but once it's fired, it's gone. Itchy Ray This ray does no damage to the Mek, but the pilot will start itching like crazy and stay itchy for ld+l turns. While the target is itchy, he makes all die rolls at -3. Shaving Cream Cannon Shoots a huge glob of shaving cream that blinds all the target's senses (including radar) for two turns. These two turns must be spent by the target Mek wiping off the shaving cream. Does no other damage. A great anti-personnel weapon, too. Cost: $1,500. Destructor Kazoos These strange weapons were taken from captured Kazoolan Meks. They send out a sonic vibration that causes damage to a Mek's metal body. They don't affect living things.

Lightning Cannon A cannon that fires a lightning bolt. The bolt not only does damage to the Mek, on a roll of 5 or less it will damage any computers the Mek has. On a roll of 3 or less, the Mek's controls are fried. This means the pilot must make an Operate Mek roll at -2 every turn in order to control the Mek. Disappearing Hole Bombs These bombs are shot from a small launcher and have a range of 90 feet. They explode one turn after hitting the ground and create a 40-foot-wide, 100-footdeep hole in the ground. After 4 turns, the hole disappears and anything that fell into it appears on the opposite side of the planet! Watch your step around these things!

Armor Armor is simply a Mek's Hit Points. For every $10 you spend, you get another point of armor. The two special armors listed below add $200 to the price of your armor. You cannot have both Non-Stick and Rubber armor On the same Mek-

NOn-StickArmor All sticky, gooey and slimy attacks do no damage to the Mek, but may affect the weapons, if the Animator wants them to be affected.

Rubber This armor is no good versus sticky attacks, but all other attacks do only 3 Hit Points damage and then bounce off, returning to hit the attacker for normal damage.

- 119-


The Dreaded "Uh Oh, Equipment Failure" Table Animators should use this table whenever they need a piece of equipment to go haywire. This happens most often during combat. Weapon stops working Limb freezes up and won't move Limb falls off Viewscreen only displays in black and white Viewscreen only displays 1950s TV westerns Weapon gets very hot Mek falls to knees and prays Sound receptors shut off Mek cannot walk, runs full tilt when it moves. Mek stops halfway through a transformation Powerpack explodes Weapons fire wrong ammunition Targeting computer gives penalty to hit instead of bonus Mek will no longer transform Mek will no longer combine Air conditioning shuts off Air conditioning won't shut off Limbs only function on a roll of 4 or less Armor falls off

Mek will keep repeating its last movement until the player rolls a 2 or 12 Entire team's viewscreens show only the shocked faces of their teammates Mek can only walk backward Weapon explodes Short circuit in legs; pilot gets shocked every time the Mek walks Short circuit in legs; Mek begins to tap dance Communication with other pilots out Viewscreen displays video game Mek can only fue all weapons at once Targeting computer goes insane, takes control of Mek, targets teammates Mek changes movement mode randomly Limb explodes Weapon falls off Heating unit shorts out; temperature goes up to 300' All controls go dead every 2d turns Mek begins walking on its hands Roll again. Rvice.

The Failed Mek Transformation/Combination Table Combines into three-headed giant Transforms into refrigerator with ice maker Meks won't link up any way except head to head CombiMek changes shape every fourth turn Combines into snake Transforms into small, foreign car Transforms into giant toaster Combines so that it only has one leg Right leg is in control of CombiMek TransMek freezes in one form until fixed Transforms into garbage truck CombiMek won't separate into components Combines properly, but can only use one weapon Combines very badly; roll three times on the Equipment Failure table Transforms into giant duck Transforms with armor on the inside Transforms into choo-choo train Combines at the hands, looks like string of paper dolls Transforms or combines properly, but one system (Animator's choice) fails



42 43 44

Transforms into pinball machine with legs Combines into spaceship that blasts off Arms won't work unless you say "Pretty please with honey on top?" 45 CombiMek transforms 46 TransMeks combine 5 1 CombiMeks controls move from component to component at random 52 Transforms into ticking bomb 53 When Mek transforms, all nearby Meks transform 54 When Meks combine, all nearby Meks combine with them 55 Transforms into pig on rollerskates 56 Transforms into alligator 6 1 Combine into spider-shaped Mek 62 Meks combine OK, but retain individual movement controls 63 Transforms into giant beachball 64 Combines into a centaur 65 Combines, but falls apart every sixth turn 66 Animator's choice

120 -

Mektoon Record Sheet PLAYER:
































Mektoon Record Sheet PLAYER: &c




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Chapter 7:


Captain Jean Nuke Pickacard Captain Pickacard is the commander of the Confederation starship Oversize. He is a tall, bald-headed Eagle (yes, a Bald Eagle) who speaks with a British accent. He is a good starship commander, but he gets a little intense when he gives a speech. He gives lots of speeches. Beliefs & Goals: Be tough, but fair with your crew. Follow Spacefleet regulations to the letter, except when you bend them into pretzels. Try not to blast Aliens out of existence until you know if they are friendly or not. Always call Commander Stryker "Number 1M." Hit Points: 11 Speed: 6

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 4 Climb: 5 Fight: 6 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 4 Throw: 5

Continued on next page.

Welcome To Outer Space! Ah, yes! The final frontier! Space is really, REALLY big, but not too big for a few close encounters of the weird kind! In this chapter, you'll get a chance to build your own starship and cruise the spaceways looking for new worlds and adventures. Or maybe you want to join Spacefleet and help protect the worlds of the Confederation from the Rumuloids and other evil alien races who want to rule the galaxy. You'll be meeting lots of new races. Some of them are friendly and some of them are nasty. They're all pretty strange looking! Just treat them as you would anybody else, and you'll soon get what's coming to you. Heh heh. You say you want spiffy space gadgets? We've got 'em! You say you want starships? We've got 'em! You say you want robots? We've got 'em! You say you want incredible special effects? We say call George Lucas!

Character Types ..

Spacefleet Personnel The proud officers and enlisted beings of Spacefleet are the smartest, bravest, most physically perfect group of spacefarers in the galaxy. Well, a few of them are. The rest are ordinary folks who fell for the old line "Join Spacefleet and see the galaxy." Spacefleet members might be part of a starship crew, a scientific exploration team or the crew of a starbase. If they are a starship crew, most of the time they'll be cruising around Confederation space on some mission. They also might be ordered to explore unknown sectors of space or even go on a spy mission in enemy temtory. Spacefleet crews always seem to find plenty of adventure, whether they want it or not. Private Citizens This covers everything from civilian scientists to traders to colonists. Some of these citizens have their own ships (which may not be in the best of shape), and some don't. Colonists on a planet may never have a reason to go into space, so they might not have any ships. Other types of Private Citizen are scouts, missionaries, journalists, entertainers, miners, cargo ship crews and just ordinary space bums. Outlaw Spacers These are the pirates, smugglers, spies, con artists, gamblers and other crooks who travel the spaceways looking for new victims. Playing these nogoodniks can be fun because they can do anything they want without worrying about rules, laws or what's best for the Confederation. On the downside, Outlaw Spacers need to avoid planetary lawmen, Spacefleet vessels, and rivals to whom they owe money. Aliens Actually, Aliens can be any of the above types, too. Being Aliens, they will have different ideas about things than Earthlings do. An example might be a crew of Alien pirates who don't care about money or wealth; they just steal socks, hats and fried chicken.

Star Toon

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Aliens can have really bizarre starships and go on missions that make no sense to anyone else. A game whefie everyone was an Alien would probably get weird quickly. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?

Robots Robots aren't quite as strange as Aliens, but it's close. Robots can vary widely in appearance and behavior. Some are intelligent; some are dumb. A few have as many emotions as non-robots, but many have no emotions at all. There are even Robots with more than one personality! There are Robots on almost all starships, even Spacefleet ships. They are found on many planets, too. It is even rumored that there are planets where everybody is a Robot! Playing Robots is fun because they are all peculiar. Of course, playing an Alien Robot would be about a screwy as you can get, so you'll need to okay that one with your Animator.

New Rules Starships Characters can have starships, and use them for races, combat, or to try to earn money. (Of course, every planet has different kinds of money, and the Animator can get very strange with this. How many Goblollian FishHeads does it take to equal one Dweemish Slamdunk?) Rules for building starships start on p. 134. All starships have two Speeds. The first is regular Speed, measured on a map and used in combat or when flying over a planet. This comes from the ship's regular drives (see p. 135) The second is Warped Speed, used while moving from planet to planet or star to star. This comes from the Warped Drives (p. 135) and is equal

- 125-

Captain Jean Nuke Pickacard (Continued) Zip: 5 Dodge: 6 Drive Vehicle: 6 Fire Gun: 7 Jump: 5 Ride: 5 Run: 7 Swim: 6 Smarts: 6 Hidelspot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 11 Resist Fast-Talk: 10 SeeMearISmell: 9 SettDism Trap: 9 TrackICover Tracks: 9 Chutzpah:5 Fast-Talk: 8 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 7 Sleight of Hand: 7 Sneak: 8 Shticks: Incredible Luck: 8 Alien Empathy: 5

Star Toon

Commander Quill Stryker Stryker is the First Officer of the Oversize. He's a handsome Hedgehog who is stands 6' 6" tall. He has very muscular a beard and mustache. Quill is someone who believes in action, not words. He usuleads Away-We-GO Teams- His other favorite pastime is chasing women. He uses his Fast-Talk skill on them. Beliefs & Goals: Don't waste time with talking, do something! Protect the ship and crew at all costs. Try to meet new women on every planet You visit. Get a poker game together whenever you can. Hit Points: 14 Speed: 7

to Incredible Speed times about a jillion! Unless you are racing another starship, this Speed is just used to figure out how long it takes to get somewhere. The bigger the Warped Drive, the faster the starship can go (unless you develop engine trouble).

Alien Environments On any planet with higher than Earth-normal gravity, characters will lose one Speed point for every half G above normal. So, on a planet with twice n0~malgravity, all characters will lose 2 points of Speed. On planets with lower than normal gravity the characters gain 2 Speed points for every half G below normal. At zero gravity, they get 4 Speed points. The problem is that in zero G , you can't run! Instead, you can jump your full Speed distance. Be aware that stopping at the end of a leap might be harder than you expect. Any PC or NPC who goes into a hostile environment (vacuum, unbreathable atmosphere, corrosive atmosphere, energy field) will take whatever damage the Animator feels like giving out. This will continue every turn that the character is exposed to the dangerous substance.

Muscle: 6 Break Down Door: 6 Climb: 6 Fight: 8 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 6 Throw: 6 Zip: 6 Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 6 Fire Gun: 8 Jump: 6 Ride: 6 Run: 8 Swim: 6 Smarts: 3 Hidelspot Hidden: 4 Identify Dangerous Thing: Read: 6 Resist Fast-Talk: 3 See/Hear/Smell: 7 SetlDisarm Trap: 7 TrackKover Tracks: 3 Chutzpah: 6 ~ a s i - ~ a9k : PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 7 Sleight of Hand: 7 Sneak: 8 Shticks: Sense of Direction: 6 Alien Empathy: 4 Cosmic Shift: 4

Star Toon

New Shticks Alien Empathy (2 points) You can quickly learn why other races behave the way they do. It's very easy for you to get to know aliens, and they will like you better than others of your race. Any attempt to communicate with a new race is at +3. Anyone with this Shtick should spend a lot of time hanging around aliens and acting weird.

Strange Power (cost varies)

Commander Input

For some reason (alien parent, mutation, etc.), you have an unusual power that nobody else has. You can choose any Shtick in this book or you can make up a new one. If you make up a new one, the Animator sets the price. You must keep your Strange Power a Secret. You might let a couple of good friends know about it, but that's all. Be aware that in some places, having a Strange Power is punishable by imprisonment, or worse!

Although he is really an Android, Commander Input looks like a humanoid cat. Excepf of course, for his metallic gold fur and purple eyes. Input can't understand the concept of humor. He will only do fumy things by accident. It is absolutely impossible to Boggle Input. He can be made to Fall Down, but it's not easy. Commander Input is Science Officer on the Oversize. Beliefs & Goals: The crew of the Oversize are my friends, and I will help and protect them when necessary. Always follow orders. Answer every question in as much detail as possible. Learn as much as you can about everything. Try to be fumy and understand humor. Continue to ask questions about being alive. Try to let Commander Stryker win at poker sometimes. Hit Points: 30 Speed: 7

Muscle: 5 Break Down Door: 8 Climb: 8 Fight: 9 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 8 Throw: 9


Other Shticks You can use any Shticks from other chapters that the Animator allows. An especially good one is Cosmic Shift. In a Star Toon game, this lets the character work one miracle per adventure! This means that whatever needs to happen to save the day, you cause it! Engines fused into lumps of useless metal and the Rumuloid fleet is three minutes away? No problem, because you miraculously find a way to move the ship at Warped Speed without them! Alien virus turning the crew into jelly donuts? You discover that spraying them with root beer will kill the virus and change them back! You can only use it once per adventure, you have to use it at the last possible moment and it can only be used by the person closest to the problem (science officer, engineer, doctor, captain, etc.). It is perfectly all right for every character in a group to have this Shtick if they want it. After all, every major character in a very famous science fiction TV show does!

Places To Go Known Space Known Space is the civilized section of the galaxy, where you live. Depending upon whether you are playing a citizen of the Confederation,

Zip: 6 Dodge: 9 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 8 Jump: 8 Ride: 7 Run: 9 Swim: 7

Smarts: 8 Hidelspot Hidden: 11 Identify Dangerous Thing: 11 Read: 11 Resist Fast-Talk: 11 See/Hear/Smell: 11 SetJDism Trap: 11 TracWCover Tracks: 11 Chutzpah: 4 Fast-Talk: 5 PasstDetect Shoddy Goods: 7 Sleight of Hand: 8 Sneak: 8 Shticks: Incredible Strength: 9 Weird Science: 6 Toughness (vs. Physical): 8 Toughness (vs. Energy): 6 Toughness (vs. Mental): 8 Flash of Brilliance: 5 Cosmic Shift: 6 Sense of Direction: 9 Know Obscure Facts: 6 Incredible Speed: 9

Star Toon

the Rumuloid Empire or the Klangiron Empire, this will be a different area. You won't encounter too many unknown dangers in Known Space, because they've all been found or destroyed. What you will find are criminals, local wars, planetary emergencies, deliveries that need to be made, different laws and customs on each world and all sorts of unusual people who expect you to be very polite to them. Known Space is a good place for characters who want to fight injustice, be criminals or start some sort of business.

Enemy Space This is where your enemies live. For citizens of the Confederation or the Klangiron Empire, this generally means the Rumuloid Empire. The main reason for a Spacefleet starship to go into Enemy Space is a spy mission. If you go on one, just remember that you are surrounded by enemies, hopelessly outnumbered and all alone. Have a nice trip! Private citizens who go into Enemy Space are usually smugglers or pirates. Smugglers are pretty safe, if they avoid attracting too much attention, but pirates are shot on sight. This applies to Known Space, too. Some smugglers and pirates might also be spies or even double agents! This means that they will almost always be in some sort of trouble. What more could anyone want?

Unknown Space When they say "where no one has gone before," this is the place they mean! In Unknown Space, you can run into all kinds of strange and dangerous things, including . . .

Dr. Beaverly Crasher Dr. Crasher is a redheaded beaver, who is 5' 6" tall. She is the ship's Chief Medical Officer. She spends most of her time trying to cure weird alien diseases that get on board the ship. Beaverly always carries a medical kit with her. She is the only member of the crew who can call Captain Pickacard "Jean Nuke" without making him mad. Beliefs & Goals: Treat everyone for diseases several times a day! Have your medical kit with you at all times. Take tissue and blood samples from any crewman who looks even slightly sick. Hit Points: 8 Speed: 5

Muscle: 3 Break Down Door: 3 Climb: 4 Fight: 4 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 3 Throw: 4 ' Continued on nextpage.

Star Toon


Alien Artifacts Huge weapons, crazed computers, time portals, starships, you name it and Unknown Aliens have left it laying around some unexplored area of space. Naturally, the heroes will want to investigate it, destroy it or use it, as the case may be. Artifacts may also be the property o f . . . New Alien Races Some of them will be friendly and some won't. They will all be strange! For some good "fine Tooning" material, take a look at just about any science fiction book, movie or game. They may be space-traveling, or they may be pre-space, and live on. . . Weird Worlds These may or may not have intelligent life on them, but they definitely have some unusual aspect. One neat (and traditional) bit of strangeness is to have the world be alive and intelligent. For our purposes, the world should be alive, intelligent and loony! Just to keep the players off balance, the Animator can send the heroes to worlds with strange, primitive cultures (like the ones in CarToon Wars or Dungeons and Toons) or worlds engaged in desperate low-tech interplanetary warfare (like the ones in Atomic Monster Theater or MekToon). On their way to these strange worlds, the heroes will encounter. . . Natural Dangers This covers supernovas, black holes, rifts in the space-time continuum and plenty of other alarming, weird and downright bogus scientific stuff!

You usually encounter these things about five minutes before your ship loses all power, an alien vessel attacks or you receive an urgent distress signal. Some of the worst dangers come from . . .

Other Dimensions Occasionally a starship, or even just a few characters, will get thrown into another dimension. This is a good excuse either to make everything very weird, or (again) to drop the characters into another chapter of this book. But if he has the time to plan it out, he should think up something completely new! Characters that find themselves in a new dimension will probably spend most of their time trying to get back. One funny way to handle this is to have them spend a couple of games getting everything they need to open a dimensional portal. Then, when they activate whatever they've built, it fails! However, a couple of turns later, a door appears with a sign on it saying "This way back to your home dimension." Or their carefullybuilt portal might malfunction, sending them to new dimensions or even the past or future!

Things To Do Knock, Knock As you trek through the galaxy seeking out new life, new civilizations and new opportunities to make a fast buck, you come upon an enormous spacecraft. It's a kind you've never seen before and it appears deserted. Is it? And if it is, where did the crew go? And why did they just leave a

Dr. Beaverly Crasher (Continued) Zip: 4 Dodge: 5 Drive Vehicle: 4 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 5 Ride: 4 Run: 6 Swim: 6

Smarts: 5 Hidelspot Hidden: 8 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 9 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 See/Hear/Smell: 7 SetIDisarm Trap: 7 TrackKover Tracks: 7 Chutzpah: 5 Fast-Talk: 6 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 5 Sleight of Hand: 5 Sneak: 6 Shticks: Alien Empathy: 9 Doctor's Bag of Many Things: 10 Flash of Brilliance: 5 Cosmic Shift: 7

Star Toon

Lieutenant Porky LaGorge Porky LaQorge is a pig. He is 5 feet tall and fat. He is also blind and has to wear a special set of "Groucho Glasses" to see. If Porky takes more than 6 points of damage, the glasses fall off and he'll be blind until he finds them. Porky is the Engineering Officer on the Oversize. He loves to eat, especially desserts. Porky also wins quite a bit at poker because his glasses let him see through the cards. Beliefs & Goals: Engineering is the most important system on the ship. Make sure everythmg is in perfect working order. Run lots of tests. Invent things. Help Input learn about humor by telling him lots of jokes. Never pass up dessert unless the ship is under attack. Hit Points: 8 Speed: 6

perfectly good ship floating here? Are you going to answer these questions, or what?

Aye Aye, Robot Robot CD-BZ-B, better known as "Ralph," has experienced a slight malfunction of his personality chip. Now he's known as "Captain Ralph," and he has control of your ship! The navigating computers are heading you toward the Rumuloid Empire, and you can't get onto the bridge to change the settings. You might try shutting down the engines, but Ralph has booby-trapped them! Will you find a way to stop this cybernetic crazy, or will you get blown to bits by Rumuloid warships?

Planet of the Grapes Your ship is sent to negotiate with a planet of talking vegetables. Lettuce reason together. If we unite, we cannot be beet. There will be peas in our time!

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 4 Climb: 5 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 5 Throw: 4

Zip: 5 Dodge: 5 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 6 Jump: 5 Ride: 5 Run: 7 Swim: 6 Smarts: 6 HideISpot Hidden: 8 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 9 Resist Fast-Talk: 7 See/Hear/Smell: 8 Set,Disarm Trap: 7 TrackKover Tracks: 8 Chutzpah: 5 Fast-Talk: 5 PasslDetect Shoddy Goods: 5 Sleight of Hand: 6 Sneak: 6 Shticks: Incredible Luck: 6 Bag of Many Things: 8 Weird Science: 9 Flash of Brilliance: 6 Cosmic Shift: 7

Star Toon

Sunday at the Park The job you've just taken is a piece of cake! All you have to do is take a passenger, her package andher pet t o s o m e world called Ufgwiz. Of course, the passenger is a fugitive thief. Oh, and her package does contain a fortune in jewels she stole from the head of the Klangiron Mafia, who has put a $10 million price on her head. Did we mention that her pet sometimes turns into a huge, destructive monster? Yep, this job will be a real piece of cake!

The Trouble With Boggles Exposure to the radiation from a mysterious star has put your whole crew into a permanent state of Boggle! How can you find a cure, or even make it to the galley for lunch, with body parts flying off in all directions and smoke coining out of your ears?

Close Encounters with a Weird Mind He calls himself "Z" and has a weird and terrible Shtick: all his puns instantly come true? Can your crew deal with him? Can the Animator make it through the game without being throttled by the players?

Lieutenant Snorf Snorf is a Klangiron, an alien whose people are now friends with the Confederation (see p. 124). He is nearly 7 feet tall and looks like a gorilla with a really lumpy head. Klmgirons are a warrior race who think that most things aren't very funny. whenever snorfgets ~ ~ or ~ Down, he feels disgraced and wants to hit something. snorfis the oversize> security and Weapons Officer. Beliefs & Goals: Never forget that you are a Klangiron warrior! Never let anybody else forget, either! Never disobey an order. Maintain the honor of the Klangiron race. Keep trying to win at poker. If you have a choice between using your raygun and using your fists, choose the fists! Hit Points: 20 Speed: 6

Muscle: 8 Break Down Door: 8 Climb: 8 Fight: 9 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 8 Throw: 8 Zip: 5 Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 6 Fire Gun: 7 Jump: 6 Ride: 6 Run: 9 Swim: 6 Smarts: 4 HideJSpot Hidden: 5 Identify Dangerous Thing: 7 Read: 5 Resist Fast-Talk: 4 See/Hear/Smell: 7 S e t D i s m Trap: 7 TracWCover Tracks: 7 Chutzpah: 5 Fast-Talk: 6 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 5 Sleight of Hand: 5 Sneak: 6 Shtick: Toughness (vs. Physical): 9

Counselor Banana Toy is a with long* dark hair and tight-fitting, low-cut clothes. Her main job aboard the Oversize seems to be the minds of encountered worried ~ Aliens l and~ then looking d Outabout what she Beliefs & Goals: We should communicate with Aliens, not shoot at them! I must the crew with any problems they might have. Give advice even if asks for Look prettyHit Points: 7 Speed: 5

Muscle: 3 Break Down Door: 3 Climb: 4 Fight: 4 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 3 Throw: 3 Zip: 4 Dodge: 5 Drive Vehicle: 4 Fire Gun: 4 Jump: 5 Ride: 4 Run: 6 Swim: 4

Ensign Wustely Crasher Wastely is a 14-year-old beaver and the son of Dr. Beaverly Crasher. He is an acting Ensign until he's old enough to be sent off to Spacefleet Academy, where he'll become a real Ensign. Wastely is averagelooking for his age and species. He is also a genius, especially when it comes to Engineering and Science. When some unknown malfunction hits any of the ship's system, Wastely usually figures it out and fixes it. Beliefs & Goals: Someday I'll be a Spacefleet Officer like the Captain and Commander Stryker! Try to do your job without getting in anybody's way. Have at least four scientific experiments going on in your room at all times. Invent tkings. Save the ship when all the adults foul up. Hit Points: 7 Speed: 6

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 4 Climb: 6 Fight: 4 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 4 Throw: 4

Smarts: 2 Hidelspot Hidden: 3 Identify Dangerous Thing: 4 Read: 3 Resist Fast-Talk: 2 See/Hear/Smell: 4 SetDisarm Trap: 3 TracWCover Tracks: 3

Zip: 5 Dodge: 6 Drive Vehicle: 5 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 5 Ride: 5 Run: 6 Swim: 5

Chutzpah: 5 Fast-Tak: 5 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 5 Sleight of Hand: 5 Sneak: 5

Smarts: 7 Hide/Spot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 10 Resist Fast-Talk: 7 See/Hear/Smell: 9 Set/Disarm Trap: 9 TracWCover Tracks: 9

Shticks: Telepathy: 10 Alien Empathy: 9

Chutzpah: 3 Fast-Talk: 3 Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods: 5 Sleight of Hand: 3 Sneak: 5 Shticks: Weird Science: 10 Cosmic Shift: 9 Flash of Brilliance: 5

Star Toon

Aliens Here are just a few of the alien races found in and around Known Space. They can be used as character races or NPCs. With the tables on p. 141, you can make up new races in just a couple of minutes. Just give them a funny name and you're ready to go.

Velcrons For most of their history, the Velcrons were very boring. Then a Velcron philosopher named Snakpak came up with a way of life that brought true contentment to the Velcrons. No, it wasn't logic (that was what made them so boring), it was fin! Snakpak correctly deduced that the Velcrons weren't getting enough laughs out of life, and it had made them dangerously cranky. Once the Velcrons gave fun a try, life on their planet got a lot better. They became famous throughout the galaxy as ambassadors of peace and humor. Velcrons look like tall humans with pointed ears and soup-bowl haircuts. At home, Velcrons prefer to wear robes or togas in bright colors and outrageous patterns. When two Velcrons meet, they give each other the high five. Then one of them will say, "Take my wife, please." The other will reply, "I don't get no respect.'' Because they have studied the science of humor for so many centuries, Velcrons can usually think of a funny way out of most dangerous situations. They also tend to look for funny ways out of normal situations. Creatures with no sense of humor would rather be eaten alive by tarantulas than meet a Velcron. One of a Velcron's most incredible abilities is the Velcron Mind Melt. Simply by touching another being's head with his nose, a Velcron can find out what that being is thinking. Of course, the being also becomes uncontrollably wacky for a few hours, but the

Star Toon

Velcrons think that's the way to be all the time. Many races, like the Klangirons and the Rumuloids, would rather dive headfirst into a black hole than go through a Mind Melt.

Rumuloids When humor came to Planet Velcron, not everybody laughed. Some renegade Velcrons fled the planet rather than wear gaudy robes and cut their hair like Moe. These renegade Velcrons became Rumuloids. Rumuloids look like short, grouchy Velcrons. They wear robes in drab, ugly colors. On their planet, Rumuloss, smiling is punishable by two to ten years in the Slug Pits, and laughing out loud is a capital offense. Rumuloids are the number one enemy of the Confederation. Besides Rumuloss, they control 37 other worlds that make up the Rumuloid Empire. Rumuloids are very aggressive and will attack any ship that comes too near their borders. They always have some plot brewing to cause trouble between the Confederation and the Klangirons. So far, none of these plots have worked, but the Rumuloids don't give up easily.

Klangirons Klangirons are big and strong. They look like gorillas with really lumpy foreheads and mustaches (on male Klangirons). Klangirons like to wear black, metal-studded leather, like fans of heavy metal rock music. Female Klangirons wear the same sort of outfits, but lower-cut. The Klangirons are a warrior race and all of them, male and female, cany at least three knives and a blaster pistol. Klangirons love combat and will fight every chance they get. They would rather look cool than eat.

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Klangirons really like practical jokes, especially violent ones, but hate it when they are the victim of a joke. If a Klangiron is Boggled or Falls Down because of a joke, he will first feel disgraced and then get angry. Angry Klangirons are no fun to be around.

But on Bozok, the Bozonians are not only safe, but they can do incredible things. They grow roses on the polar ice caps, turn sea water into gold, build skyscrapers that defy the laws of physics and perform a hundred other miracles every day! How? By being too dumb to know they can't! For that reason, other races are forbidden to set foot on Bozok. All it would take is one being saying "That's impossible!" and the wonders of an entire race would be destroyed.

Gummites Gummites are shapeless, sticky blobs that live on the planet Gluwee. They are about the size of automobile tires. Gummites have a mouth, three eyes, no nose and seven holes that function as ears. They can extrude as many arms and hands as they need. They don't wear clothes, but they can change their colors. Although they look like blobs of silly putty, Gummites are probably the best bioscientists and doctors in the galaxy. The Royal Gummite College of Medicine is the Confederation's number-one medical school. A peculiar quirk that most Gummites share is their love of Earth trivia, particularly from the 20th century. When more than two Gummites are in the same room for very long, a trivia contest will surely break out.

Zappulons Nerfians The Nerfians are a bizarre-looking race of peaceful beings. They live on two planets, Nerfoo and Oofren, that orbit the star Beta Origami. Nerfians look kind of like multicolored snowmen with really long arms, but they are made of a soft, spongy material instead of snow. This material is very light, so even fully-grown Nerfians (who stand about 6' tall) only weigh about 50 pounds. Nerfians seldom wear any clothes. The Nerfians are the galaxy's premiere starship builders and the 23 huge shipyards that orbit Nerfoo and Oofren are always busy. In their spare time, the happy-go-lucky Nerfians like to play "catch the cannonball," which their soft bodies let them do without getting crushed.

Bozonians These people look like green, humanoid pigeons and boy, are they dumb! The average Bozonian wouldn't last five minutes on any other planet but Bozok.

The Zappulons rule two star systems on the far side of Confederation space. They are a greedy, sneaky race who would really love to expand their territory. The fact that the Confederation outnumbers the Zappulon fleet about 20 to one has so far stopped any expansion attempts. Zappulons are almost identical to ducks, with two important differences. The first is the fact that Earth ducks only come in white, black and green while Zappulons come in red, yellow and purple. The second difference is the Zappulons' ability to generate an electric shock of about 20,000 volts. This doesn't hurt Zappulons, but any other race who touches them will get fried. Throwing a bucket of water on a Zappulon will cause him to short circuit and Fall Down.

Splorkoids Splorkoids come from the oceans of the planet Yeef. Looking for all the world like dolphins with four tentacles, the Splorkoids are one of the Confederation's few completely aquatic races. Because of this, Splorkoids seldom leave Yeef. The Splorkoids are very talented artists and their works are in big demand throughout the Confed-

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bold, daring and dramatic manner. They never just walk into a room, they leap in or swing fiom a rope or enter in some other flashy way. Arfturans always speak in either a French, British or Spanish accent. Their occupations can range from cabin boy on a pirate ship to king of a country. Many Arfturans have joined Spacefleet, but most of them leave because it isn't exciting enough. However, when the Confederation goes to war, the Arfturans are the first to enlist.

Building a Starship eration, the aangiron Empire and other parts of the galaxy. Like many artists, Splorkoids can be temperamental, moody and rather eccentric. They usually respend ta criticism by making the critic Fall Down. Repeatedly.

Dweeblings The best designers and Programmers of computers in the Confederation are e Dweeblings of planet Gwiddon- Dweebling mPuters are on board all Spacefleet ships and m st others as well. Dweeblings are a race of mice who are all superintelligent wimps, afraid of just about everything. As if being the cowards of the Confederation weren't enough, Dweeblings are also incredibly clumsy. The average Dweebling Falls Down 14 times a day, usually from self-inflicted, accidental injuries. They do a fair mmunt of Property damage, too. Between that and their cowardice, Dweeblings are ineligible for service in Spacefleet.


Before players start to build a starship, the Animator needs to consider a couple of things. First, are the PCs officers in Spacefleet or private citizens? If they belong to Spacefleet, they can have whatever size ship they want and it won't cost them anything. But private citizens have to pay for their ship and stay within certain size limits. One way to make things interesting is to have the citizens order their ship from a dealer who gives them lots of credit. Naturally, the fine print on the contract says that the interest rate is about 200% and payments are due monthly. Missing a payment means that the dealer will send rep0 men after the ship. The characters will either have to come up with the money every month or always stay one step away from the repo goons. Another thing to consider is how large a ship to let the characters have. A really large ship will need a crew of NPCs that the Animator might not want to create. Besides, really big starships can't land on planets to drop off cargo or passengers. The best size for a few characters, a couple of passengers and a robot or two would be medium-sized. Even a ship that size will

Arfturans About 5 0 0 years ago, an explorer from Earth left several books on pirates, musketeers and other 17th-century swashbucklers on the planet Bowowow. The curious doglike aliens of Bowowaw read these books and decided that the swashbuckling life was the life for them! And now, 5 0 0 years later, they're still buc ing their swashes! Arfturans do just about everything in a

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be incredibly expensive. If the players want lots of fancy weapons and stuff, the price will be even more outrageous. To create a ship, use the Starship Record Sheet on p. 144. If you want to build a really big starship, just use one record sheet for each deck level. Your finished starship can look any way you like. Draw its picture on the back of the record sheet. To give You an idea of what a finished starship looks like, we've included an example of a trader's vessel on p. 146. You can use it as is or modify it as you need to.

Size Starships are n~easuredby floor space, just like dungeons or castles or houses. This is because almost everything on board the ship takes up floor space! Each 10' X 10' square is one hull unit. This costs $3,000. The very smallest starship is a small scout ship. They have 4 hull units of space, generally four squares in a straight line. The largest starships are Spacefleet dreadnaughts, which have 24,300 hull units (90x270) of space on each of their 24 decks! It's pretty doubtful you'll want to build a dreadnought, but even a star cruiser is pretty big: 15x30, with 8 decks. If the characters are Private Citizens or Outlaw Spacers, they should probably stick with a ship that has about 10 hull units per deck and not more than three decks. ,By the way,/the decks of a starship do not have to be the same size. You could have the lower deck measure 10x10 and the upper deck measure only 6x6. This might lead to some funny-looking designs. That's all right. The number and size of compartments on each deck is up to you, but most systems control areas take up 1 hull unit or larger. Remember that hallways and corridors are made up of empty spaces7 so if you want them, you'll have to pay for them just like any other floor space. The outside walls of any compartment (the ones with Outer Space on the other side) are much thicker than the other walls. Each section of outside wall has 50 Hit Points. When the Hit Points are gone there will be a big in the and in the room will be sucked out into space! Most starfarers prefer to avoid this experience. section For an extra $l,Ooo Per of outside wall space, you can make these walls Double Hulled. That means that there is a second wall a few inches inside the real outer wall. This second wall has 25 Hit Points. You don't need to make the entire spaceship double hulled. You can just put it around the

important sections, like the mess hall and sauna, if that's all you can afford.

Drive Units A ship's regular engines are used for cruising around a planet. These engines take 1 hull unit each and cost $15,000 each. They will have to be refueled every 1 billion miles or whenever it's necessary to the plot. Fuel cost is about $300 per fill-up. To find the ship's regular Speed, divide the number of engines it has by its total number of hull units, and multiply by 100. This gives its speed in hundreds of miles per hour, furlongs per fortnight, map squares per turn, or whatever. Some ships will be much faster than others. For example, a fast scout with 4 hull units and 1 drive will have a speed of 25,000 MPH. For interstellar travel, though, the ship needs Warped Drives, which propel the ship at stupendous speeds by twisting space into a knot. Since something with a knot in it (like a rope) is shorter from end to end than something without a knot, you get where you're going much faster! Warped drives are rated by their top speed. Therefore, a Type 2 Drive can't go faster than Warped 2, but a Q p e 7 Drive can reach Warped 7! The fastest Warped Drive is a Type 10. Warped Drives cost $25,000 per Warped Unit, so a Type 4 Drive will cost $100,000! It sounds expensive until you have to outrun a heavily-armed alien ship with a Type 3 Drive! The Warped Drive takes only 1 hull unit, whatever type it is. Animators can also invent other drives, such as Jumpy Drive, Teleport Drives, Improbability Drives and Time Reverse Drives. Some of them are slow, others are outrageously fast. Time Reverse Drive gets you there before you left! Airlocks All ships need at least one airlock, especially if it's the only way on or off the ship! At least one wall of an airlock must be an outside wall of the ship. Airlocks take 1 hull unit each, and cost $1,000 each. Ship,s Systems There are 13 kinds of systems available for starships. Some, like Navigation, Engineering and Life are absolute necessities on ships. Others, like Sickbay, Teleporters and Security, are optional. To help you know which ones you must buy, next to the ve put (R) for system name. Each Ship System costs $5,000. Space requirements vary.

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Computer: A ship's computer isn't mandatory, but if you don't have one, you make all rolls concerning the ship's functions at -4. Computers may or may not have personalities - that's up to you (or the Animator). Computers require a 10x20 space.

~ n ~ i n e e r(R): i n ~ his is the place that controls the engines and most other stuff on board a starship. At least one wall of Engineering has to connect directly to the Drive Unit (see below). The space required for Engineering is one 10 foot x 20 foot area for every four Systems (including Engineering itself; r ~ u n d UP) Helm (R): You steer the ship from here. The Helm only requires one 10' square. Navigation (R): You plot your course here. Takes up one 10' square. Life Support (R): Without this system, you're in big trouble! Requires a 10' square. Sensors (R): Sensors let you scan a planet's surface for life (or whatever), detect things in space (like asteroid fields or enemy ships) and do scientific readings (the chemical composition of a comet, for example). Sensor systems need two 10' squares, but they don't have to be connected. Communications (R): How can you ask for directions to the nearest hamburger satellite without a Communications system? The method of communicating can be either audio only (half price) or audio and video combined. Communications requires only one 10-foot square. Galley: Well, it's only a necessity if you don't like eating freeze-dried gunk all the time. Please remember that a Galley is just the ship's kitchen. The dining area is the mess hall or chow hall. AGalley requires one 10' square for every 10 crewmen (round up). Science: This system lets you process and analyze scientific data from the sensors or computer. It needs a space 10 feet x 20 feet.

Star Toon

Weapon System: Again, not a necessity, but nice to have if you need it. This system controls all of a ship's weapons and its defense shields. It does not include any weapons or shields. These have to be bought separately (see below). he Weapon System requires a 10' square for every three weapons (or shields, tractor beams, etc.) that it controls. Teleporter Control: If you want teleporters, you need this control system to operate them. Takes up one 10' square for each set of 6 telepads. Security: This system not only controls the doors in the brig; it warns-of unauthorized intruders or tampering with restricted areas. Security control needs a 10x20 area. Sick Bay: Sure, Toon characters never die, but they get sick just about every other episode of Star Toon.A Sick Bay lets the ship's doctor find a miraculous cure in the nick of time. Sick Bays need two connected 10-foot squares for every five beds plus two more squares as a research area.

Weapons Weapons come in different sizes. All require a gunner to make a successful Fire Gun roll. The bigger they are (the weapons, not the gunners), the more damage they do, and the more they cost: $2,000 plus $1,000 per die of damage, up to 10 dice, unless stated otherwise. Weapons which don't do damage are bought differently; see the individual descriptions. For every $5,000 that a weapon costs, it takes up one 10x10 space. Weapons are usually mounted on the front, rear or sides of a starship, but you can put them anywhere you want. For additional weapons, see Mektoon and CarToon Wars. Just change the damage and prices to something appropriate. Or invent any kind of weapon you like. The "special effect" of damage can be anything you can think of: rabid gerbils, ugly sofa cushions, boring speeches about recycling . . .

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Anvil Torpedoes: These do damage by slamming an anvil into the side of a starship at 25,000 miles per hour! Ouch! These can do up to 20 dice of damage. Boggle Beam: Boggles 2d+l crewmen per hit! With this weapon, you aren't buying damage, you're buying Shtick points ($1,000 for each level of the Shtick)! For double the price, you can do Maximum Boggling (see p. 7)! Coconut Beam: Pummels its target with coconuts. Cold Ray: Causes the temperature inside to drop rapidly, which not only damages the ship, but the crew as well. For each 3 full dice of damage the beam does to the ship, it does 1 die damage to each crew member. Each die of damage costs $1,200. Hot Ray: Heats up whatever it strikes, to about 350 degrees! Great for cooking, but not so great for starship crews. Game effects are the same as for the Cold Ray, except for any silly details the Animator adds. If a Hot Ray and a Cold Ray hit each othel; there will be a massive explosion! Tickle Beam: Causes the crew to giggle for 3 turns. All rolls are made at -1 while giggling. Buy as for the Boggle Beam, but if it works, it affects the whole crew! Disruptor Beans: These beans materialize inside the target ship and bounce around causing trouble for the crew. They mess with controls, say rude things and

try to bite the crew! Each bean has a Fight skill of 7 and bites for 3 points of damage. Cost: $2,000 plus $200 per bean fired each turn (thus, a $3,000 disruptor weapon would fire 5 beans each turn). Shaving Cream Torpedoes: These explode into huge clouds of shaving cream, which can gum up Drive Units, cover viewports and attract Giant Space Razors. Cost: $3,000. Animator determines exact results of each successful hit. Electronet Cannon: A cannon that fires a huge net. The net is charged with 1,000,000 volts of electricity and will destroy a ship's computers on a roll of 3 or less on 2 dice. It may be fired every other turn. Cost: $2,500. Bloodhound Missiles: These missiles (which actually resemble bloodhounds) will follow a target for 2d+4 turns, no matter how fast it goes or what maneuvers it tries! They have a speed of 30,000 MPH. Each missile may be fired only once, and costs $500 plus $500 per die of damage. The space they take up is a Missile Kennel, and can be used for parties when the missiles are gone. Power Drain Ray: Bad news for the boys in engineering! This ray reduces a Warped Drive's top speed by one Warped Unit every time it strikes! The effect lasts 10 turns. The ray also does normal damage. Cost: $2,000 plus $2,000 per die of damage. Lasers: The old standby only does normal damage, but that's OK by most spacers. Just don't shoot at mirrors! Mutator Beam: This beam randomly changes some of the crew members of the targeted ship into other species, races or sexes. When the ship is hit, roll 2 dice for each character; on a result of 5 or less, they mutate! The beam causes no other damage. The weapon costs $2,000 plus $1,000 for each 4 turns that the effect lasts after a successful hit, up to 40. Static Cling Ray: This ray causes the target to become charged with static electricity. It will then start attracting small

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things like space dust, asteroids, smaller ships and loose socks. It will also make all of the target's computers function at -3. The beam causes no other damage. The weapon costs $2,000 plus $1,000 for each turn that the effect lasts after a successful hit, up to 10.

Defensive Shields Shields block damage from attacks. A Shield with 4 points of strength will absorb that m a y points of damage. So, if a shot doing 9 points of damage hits the 4-point Shield, only 5 points get through to the ship. Shields don't last forever, though. They have Hit Points, just like characters. When all of the Hit Points are gone, your Shields are down! Defense Shields get 10 Hit Points for every point of strength they have. The Shields lose Hit Points equal to the original amount of damage, before the Shields' strength is subtracted. If the ship takes a 10-point hit, the Shields take 10 points of damage (regardless of how much strength the Shields have). You cannot use Teleporters while your Shields are up. That means that if a battle breaks out in space while there are crewmen on the ground, they are stranded. Don't feel bad about it; it happens all the time. A starship's Shields only protect one half of it (front or rear), so you'll have to buy two if you want full protection. They don't need to have the same amount of strength. The different types of Defensive Shields are listed below. Each shield takes one 10x10 space for each $10,000 of cost. Force Fields: This is the form of Defensive Shield. It is invisible, except when something hits

it. Then, a small spot glows for a second or two. Cost: $2,000 plus $200 for every point of damage they absorb. Rebound Shield: This works just like a normal force field, except that it bounces back 2 points of damage whenever it gets hit. Note that it still takes damage normally, as does the ship it's surrounding. ' The bounced damage is just extra. Cost: $2,500 plus $250 for every point of damage they absorb. Viking Shield: This shield works like t h e Rebound Shield, but to another spaceship, you appear to be surrounded by a wall of berserk Vikings throwing battle axes! Any enemy failing his Smarts 1-011will be Boggled. Cost: $3,000 plus $300 for every point of damage they zibs01-b.

M~scellaneousStuff Magnetic Tractor Beam: With this piece of equipment, you can grab things with an invisible beam of magnetic force. The Magnetic Tractor Beam costs $1,000 and has a Muscle of 4. For each additional $150 You spend, You get another point of Muscle (UP to 8 extra points). The basic unit can look like a magnet, a tractor, a beam or anything else You want- It can be mounted anywhere on the outside of the ship and is controlled from the Helm. When two Magnetic Tractor Beams collide, which can only happen in Toon, they mn-wrestle to see which one is strongerAirtight Doors: Although regular doors are included with every 1O9-square(or bigger) room, You may want these instead. With them, if a hole gets blown in the side of your ship, you only lose the air (and equipment, crew, etc.1 in the damaged room (provided the door was shut). Airtight Doors cost $30 eachIntercom System: If you are the kind of captain who likes to be heard all over the ship when you announce impending doom, you'll want an intercom SyStern! It costs $20 for each corn unit and You have to have one in each room. It's UP to You if You want them in the hallways or cargo bays. Shuttle: If your teleporters break down, a shuttle is a handy thing to have. They can't go very far, have no Weapons Or defensive shields, Can only hold six passengers and aren't fast, but they do a swell job of

getting you from ship to planet and back again. Shuttles cost $50,000 and you must have a cargo or shuttle bay to park them in. They come with all of the Required Stuff that spaceships need. Cloaking Device: Having a cloaking device is like giving your starship the Invisibility Shtick! When the cloaking device is activated, the ship becomes invisible to both sensors and the naked eye. It takes a Spot Hidden roll of 3 or less to spot a cloaked starship. Then you'll see it skulking around in a big black cloak. Cloaking devices drain lots of power from a ship's engines, so they can only be operated for 10 turns at a time. After that, they have to be turned off for five turns or they'll explode! An exploding cloaking device does 2dx3 damage to the section of ship its located in.

Robots Robots (or just "bots" for short) are intelligent machines that 'Ome in a wide of and d~ of jobs. There are repair bots9 survey medical hots, hots and even joke hots! Robots can do many of the same things everyone else does, and they can do some of them better! Some robots have emotions and some don't. The Ones who emotions can be Bogg1ed' They can tell jokes, play hicks On people and even laugh! Robots who don't have emotions can never be Boggled or do any otherfun stufl This doesn't mean they can't cause tons of problems for everyone else, because they can (and do)! Most robots have two names. They all have a factory model name, which is usually something like "RU-1-2" or "QTn;" or "IM-2BZ." But many robots have nicknames given by the people they work for. These nicknames can be anything from "Speedy" to "Metalhead" to "Dr. Einstein." As with nicknames in the real world, they don't always stand for the robot's best quality. A robot that breaks down often might be called "Old Faithful," while a robot that always speaks too loudly might be called "Whispers.'" Since robots are machines, they have a chance to partially Or break down whenever they rake any a breakdamage. Animators give each down score when it is created. Then, when it gets damaged, the Animator should roll to see if a breakdown happened. If it does, a roll must be made to find out if

it was a total breakdown or just partial (using the Fifty Percent Rule - see p. 50 of Toon.). A full breakdown is a robot's version of Falling Down, except that they can't get back up until they've been repaired! If the robot is self-repairing, this only takes 3 turns. If they aren't, it can take longer. Fixing a robot requires a Set/Disarm Trap roll. If a robot has only broken down partially, it could mean that one of his limbs quit working - or he can't move or speak - or anything else the Animator can dream up! If the die roll was a 4 or less, the damage is to the robot's programming. This means that the robot forgets things, or has a personality change, or just plain goes nuts! Repairing this kind of damage also requires a Set/Disarm Trap roll, but the robot might not want to be repaired!

Building Robots The Easy Way Building robots is quick and easy with these standard p m and program chips. Just follow the steps and build the best (or the worst) design for the job. It's all up to you. Use the Robot Design Sheet (p. 145) to help you keep track of things. Note: Unless the PCs are Spacefleet officers, Animators may want to set a on how much they can spend on robots. Even then, the robots may have been built by a contractor who used Shoddy Parts. If that's the case, the robots could break down or be badly programmed. Why would an Animator want to do something like that to his innocent

Choose what size and shape the robot will have - as small as a mouse as big as an elephant. It can look e anything from a toaster to a meBody: A normal humanoid robot has two body sections so it can bend at the waist. You can give your robot as many as you want. If you give it lots of body sections, it might look like a snake or a centipede. Each body section costs $500, regardless Head: The robot's head can look like any creature's head or be something completely new. Robots can have more than one head, each with a different personality chip and a different set of senses. Their voices can be different, too. All heads come with Sight, Hearing and Speech systems. Other senses can Heads are $300 each. be added see


Star Toon

Arms: Each standard arm costs $150 and includes a five-fingered humanoid hand. You can choose other types of hands, claws or tools as Extras (see below). Legs (and other movement devices): Robots can travel in any way the player thinks will be useful or funny. They can have legs, wheels, tank treads, hoverfans, springs, skis, etc. Each type costs $300. So two legs cost the same as four legs or 20, but legs plus hoverfans plus wings is three sets, and costs $900.

Personality Chip Decide what sort of personality your robot has. If you like surprises, you can let the Animator choose. If you want your robot to have more than one personality, you can buy more chips. Of course, this will mean that you never know which chip will be in command of the robot, but that's only a minor detail. Isn't it? Chips are $300 each. A robot with no chip at all has no personality at all. Attributes Give the robot any attribute scores you want. A robot's Speed is figured the same as a character's Speed - its Zip score, plus 1. There is no cost for scores of 4 or less. Each point past 4 costs $10. Skill Chips Unlike characters, robots must buy skills separately from attributes. You can pick and choose whatever skills you want and leave out any your robot doesn't need. You can also create new skills, if you can think them up. There is no cost for scores of 4 or less. Each point past 4 costs $10.

Shtick Chips A robot can have any Shtick in this book, if the Animator allows it. The Animator also needs to decide how many Shticks a robot may have. If a robot has more than one personality, you can decide which personality controls which Shtick. There is no cost for scores of 4 or less. Each point past 4 costs $50. Extras Senses: Extra senses can be added for $300 each, including Smell, Taste, Touch, Infrared Vision (for seeing in the dark), X-Ray Vision (see through everything but lead), Telescopic or Microscopic Vision (see things that are far away or very small), Radio Hearing (tune into radio signals) and Super Hearing (hear much better than normal). For other senses, look in the Supertoon chapter. Hands: Weird hands can include Grippers (look like pliers), Crab Claws, Tentacle Fingers (with suction cups), Power Tools (laser drills, saw blades, wire cutters, laser welders, sanders), Surgical Instruments, Cleaning Tools (mops, brooms, vacuum cleaners), Weapons (any weapon in this book) and Scientific Instruments (anything from a camera to a biomolecular spectroscanner). Each arm can have one type of hand on it. Weird hands cost $200 each. Weapons: If you want weapons somewhere besides the hands, you can mount them wherever you want. As long as your Animator approves it, any weapon in this book is legal for robots. Weapons that do up to 2 dice damage are $200 each for robots; bigger weapons are up to the Animator. Weird Stuff.This would include things like drink dispensers, toaster ovens, automatic baseball pitchers, smoke alarms and sausage makers. You can get as loony as you like with these things. There is no cost, as long as they're not things mentioned above.


Star Toon

Pp Name, Serial Number, Job Now you can give your robot a name, serial number and job description. On Confederation starships, each robot has a specific job. On private ships, especially those belonging to spacers on a budget, the robots may have several jobs. Of course, othing says that the robot has to be good at his job. . . or like it!

The Handy Dandy Alien Creation Table To create a new alien race, just roll as many times as you like on each table. Remember, this is Toon, where no alien can be too silly looking!

Aliens resemble humans lumpy oatmeal lizard men cat men rocks glittering lights pygmies pig men giant ants vegetables bird men water ape men robots snake men tiny humans ghosts fish men octopus men molten lava chicken men armadillo men zombies giants walrus men wolf men slugs spiders insect men stick men penguin men mist beach balls dinosaurs moss men animated food


But with..


too many eyes psychic powers a temble smell too many arms a strange voice gills very long legs no face wings a tail a natural force field more than one head not enough eyes magical powers too many legs multicolored skin a shell tentacles two or more faces a poisonous bite more than one tail more than one brain not enough arms an electrical shock a very nice smell no nose antennae not enough fingers claws big sharp teeth quills no legs or feet Cosmic Shift at 12! a long neck feathers fire breath



an elephant trunk detachable limbs pointed ears Change Shape at 10 invisible skin suction cup fingers leaves and flowers long fur scales plastic skin X-ray vision acid blood Fast-Talk at 10 horns more than one mouth wheels a pouch no hair laser beam vision fins a stinger Incredible Strength Teleport at 8 no teeth metallic skin a really big head a really tiny head Maximum Boggle at 9 no ears rubbery skin wool like a sheep a long sticky tongue no head Hypnosis at 6 grass instead of fur a funny voice

Star Toon

The "Aliens Are Strange People" Table Use this table to see how a newly discovered alien race (or even a not so newly discovered race) behaves differently from Our Spacefaring Crew. Roll as many times as you like.

The Aliens. 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36 41


Believe they are meant to rule the galaxy Eat dirt and garbage Have no emotions Settle all arguments with combat Try to sell everything Are very primitive Try to guess everyone's weight Laugh at sad things and cry at happy things Do everything backwards Hate all other races Never go out after dark Try to buy everything Think the characters are Gods Go insane once a day Are extremely emotional Consider all other races to be savages Get drunk on water Are afraid of nearly everything Have no sense of humor

Never bathe Think all other races are crazy Eat other races Are ruled by computers Change shape when angry or scared Have to discuss and vote on any action Take nothing seriously Are incredibly greedy Age in reverse Go insane if exposed to radiation Argue about everything Call everybody "Fenwick" Steal anything they can Eat metal and plastic Are fanatical about cleanliness Communicate by pantomime Are all completely insane, but act normally until something (Animator's choice) triggers their insanity

The "We're Scanning Something Ahead" Table 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36

An asteroid field A planet A ship of unknown origin Acomet A derelict ship An unstable area of space A commercial A living organism A star A black hole A ship of a known race Something really bizarre A distress buoy A rift in the spaceltime continuum An alien space fleet An ancient satellite A solar system An incredibly powerful energy source

Star Toon

41 42 43 44 45 46 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 63 64 65 66

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A minefield A huge robot ship A pulsar Anebula A badly damaged Confederation ship A forcefield A planet about to blow up A starship the size of a small moon High-level radiation An energy source in the shape of a hand An artificially constructed world A ship identical to our own Old time radio or television transmissions An enemy ship with its weapons armed A volley of missiles from a nearby planet A time warp A star about to go nova Roll twice

The All-Purpose Science Fiction Plot Generator No dice needed here! Just choose one or more entry from each step to come up with this week's storyline. After that, all you need is an ending. If an unknown alien race is needed, use the Handy Dandy Alien Creation and Aliens Are Strange People tables to build it.

Step One: "While on the way to


Shore leave at Spacebase 9 Deliver supplies to a colony world Explore a new sector of space Answer a distress call Investigate a strange phenomenon A battle with an old or new enemy Drydock for much needed repairs Deliver passengers to their destination Spacefleet HQ Perform a secret mission Their home base Transport ambassadors to peace talks

Step Two: "The characters encounter..


Wants to destroy them Wants to eat them Propels them backward or forward in time Wants to imprison them Threatens all life in the galaxy Must be stopped Threatens all life on a nearby world Transports them to another dimension Wants to play games with them Needs to be investigated Wants the ship Is destroying everything in its path Wants their bodies Is growing stronger, larger or both


The ship A crew member (Animator's choice) Almost all the crew The (choose one or more of the ship's systems) A passenger The robots The (choose anything on board the ship)

Step Five: "Is being affected by


An incredibly powerful godlike alien A derelict ship of unknown origin A time warp A dimensional warp A new alien race A planet just like Earth during (choose any period) An impending natural disaster An incident that could lead to war An enemy from their past A strange scientific anomaly A deadly lifeform A strange new world where things aren't quite right

Step Three: "That.

Step Four:


Radiation A strange disease Mind control A chemical leak A power surge SpaceRime distortion Sabotage An alien stowaway Unknown forces Cosmic energy A faulty piece of machinery Something that appears to be supernatural A computer virus A relic of a lost civilization

Step Six: "Which causes.


Erratic behavior Slow Falling Down Violent behavior Mutation Rapid Falling Down System malfunction Wimpy behavior Madness Loss of power Rapid aging Dreams to become real Memory loss Strange behavior Body switching Recurrent Boggling Hallucinations System shutdown False instrument readouts Power surges Duplication Something really weird to happen Loss of control Changes in the spaceltime continuum Uncontrollable shapechanging

Star Toon

Star Toon Ship Record NAME OF SHIP:






Star Toon

- 144 -

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Star Toon

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Star Toon

Chapter 8:

Welcome to Superduperworld! Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a . . . flying pig? Yes, but not just any pig! It's Ultrapig, scourge of evildoers and lover of mudholes! Why, just look at those bulging biceps! Check out that steely gaze! Get a load of those incredibly tight leotards! What a hero!


But don't give up hope. The world is also full of mighty heroes who can stop these villains! (Well, most of the time they stop them.) These are the superheroes like UltraPig, Captain Cheese, the Mighty Pipsqueak and the Green Sparrow! Some have amazing powers and some just use amazing gadgets. A few have both! All of them are dedicated to truth, justice and the loony way! This chapter has all the information you need to build a superhero (or villain) and equip him with lots of neat stuff. There are tables to help you choose an origin, a name and a vulnerability. Forget Kryptonite; try being vulnerable to mother-in-law jokes or sausage pizzas! When it comes to superpowers, we've given you a big selection. Just pick the powers you need and you're ready to go. For those of you who want to play supers without superpowers, we've got lots of neat gadgets you can use. Want to form a superteam, build a super vehicle or have a spiffy hideout? We'll tell you how to do that, too!

Character Types Super-characters can be built with lots of Skill Points. A regular character starts with 30. A super should have at least 100. If you want to play a campaign with 250-point or 500-point characters, go right ahead! It's also all right to give a super-character attributes over 6. If the Animator wants the campaign to be really funny, it's a good idea to allow only two attributes over 6 . . . otherwise, the supers will get too good at what they're doing! (NPC villains can have stats as high as the Animator likes.) There are really only two occupations for a super: hero or villain. What we've done here is list the various personality types that heroes and villains might have. If you want, you can mix them up to create a StrongJawed Hero Alien or a Hotshot Comedian. Use whatever feels right.

Hero Types Strong-Jawed Hero These are big, strong, classic heroes. They don't talk much, but when they do, they use proper grammar and are very polite. Strong-Jawed Heroes often give long, boring speeches about the evils of crime, the need

UltraPig Walter McSwine is an extremely athletic-looking, 6'-tall, humanoid pig with short dark hair. In his superhero identity, he wears a silver jumpsuit with red trim and a big red "U" on the chest. His boots have tiny wings on the heels. He also wears a silver mask. In his secret identity as Walter McSwine, real-estate tycoon, he wears three-piece suits and designer glasses. UltraPig is a tough fellow, but he's vulnerable to eggs. Being hit by eggs will do Id6 damage per turn to him until they're washed off. You know how pigs are about ham & eggs. Beliefs & Goals: I must use my powers to help the helpless and defend the innocent. The Toon Titans need my leadership. Dr. Gloom is my worst enemy. Stop his evil plans at all cost! Hit Points: 22 Speed: 9

Muscle: 9 Break Down Door: 11 Climb: 10 Fight: 11 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 10 Throw: 9

Zip: 8 Dodge: 10 Drive Vehicle: 8 Fire Gun: 8 Jump: 10 Ride: 10 Run: 10 Swim: 10 Smarts: 6 Hidelspot Hidden: 7 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 7 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 See/HearlSmell: 9 SetlDisarm Trap: 6 TracWCover Tracks: 6 Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk: 6 Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 6 Sneak: 7 Shticks: Incredible Strength: 10 Extra Hit Points: +10 Toughness (Physical): 10 Toughness (Energy): 10 Superleap: 9 Supersenses: 8 Instant Change: 8

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for justice and why other heroes should be as serious as they are. They're very serious about fighting crime, sometimes too serious. Other supers, on both sides of the law, might make fun of this and play practical jokes on them. The Strong-Jawed Hero might take this in painfully good grace, or he might get mad. You don't want him mad at you. Strong-Jawed Heroes usually have a secret identity. Most of them prefer bright-colored costumes (with capes). Being very patriotic, they often adopt the colors of their country's flag, or even use the flag as part of their costume.

Hotshot These are the showoffs. They are usually the first to get into a fight and often start them. Hotshots are publicity hounds and will always stop to give an interview or sign autographs. They are vain, egotistical and love to wear flashy costumes. They love powers with flashing lights and sound effects. Most Hotshots don't have secret identities.

Captain Cheese Captain Cheese is a 5' 10" slice of Swiss cheese with arms, legs and a head. He wears a blue cape with big holes in it. He doesn't wear anything else. He has no secret identity, but he uses his real name (Jack Wedge) for check cashing, etc. Captain Cheese is definitely a Comedian. He is vulnerable to fire and will take ld6+1 damage from it if it touches him. Beliefs & Goals: Life should be one laugh after another! Villains make great practical joke targets, especially that tinplated weenie Dr. Gloom. Sooner or later I'll make Ultrapig laugh at a joke of mine. Hit Points: 12 Speed: 6

Muscle: 5 Break Down Door: 6 Climb: 9 Fight: 10 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 6 Throw: 7

Zip: 5 Dodge: 10 Drive Vehicle: 5 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 6 Ride: 5 Run: 6 Swim: 5

Continued on nextpage. ..


Comedian Any super in Toon is likely to be silly, but these folks work at it. They are constantly making wisecracks and joking around. Instead of just catching a villain, a Comedian will make fun of him, embarrass him, play tricks on him and then catch him! Comedians aren't very well-liked by the police, but the newspapers - and the public - love them! Most Comedians have secret identities. They wear all sorts of costumes, not just flashy ones. Aliens These supers come from other worlds, times or dimensions. They might also be robots or mutated animals (you know, turtles or something). They are completely unfamiliar with their new homes and are constantly making mistakes. An Alien might think that there are little people inside the television, that dog food is candy or that "yo'mama!" is a polite form of greeting. Aliens might have different diets than normal Earthlings (coffee grounds and motor oil for breakfast) or different ways of expressing emotions (punching their friends in the kisser to show affection). They don't usually understand jokes. Most of them dress oddly, too. It is almost impossible for an Alien to have a secret identity. Aliens usually live in abandoned warehouses or sewers, and they sometimes dress up in elaborate costumes to try to look normal. Genius This might be a normal human who is so smart that he built gadgets to give himself super-powers. Or it might be someone with "real" superpowers who also happens to be very smart. Either way, the Genius specializes in being cleverer than his foes. Many Geniuses are totally stuck up. Split Personalities These supers have the ultimate secret identity because they actually change into a dzrerent character when a certain thing happens! The change could be triggered by anything from the taste of chocolate to getting angry, but it's always the same after the first change. Most of the time, the super has no control over what changes him from one form to another. Many Split Personalities don't want to change into their other form. Unfortunately, they can't do much about it.

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Most Split Personalities are normal in one form and have super powers in another, but a few might be super in bothforms! Some might even be a hero in one form and a villain in another! No matter what the combination, the player has to make up a separate character sheet for each form. Some Split Personalities wear costumes, and some use gadgets. Some do neither.

Wannabe This is a normal, non-super who wants to be a superhero. They put on costumes and go out to fight crime, though they have absolutely no powers! Even their gadgets are useless most of the time. Most Wannabes think they have powers and cannot be convinced otherwise. Wannabes tend to drive other heroes, villains, the police and just about everybody else crazy. They are constantly getting into danger. However, many Wannabes have the Incredible Luck Shtick. These pests manage to bungle around and catch villains almost as often as real supers! The real supers hate that! Wannabes always have secret identities and usually wear really cheesy-looking homemade costumes. Their gadgets and vehicles are also homemade.

Supervillain Types Supervillains can be any of the types listed above (but evil, of course) - or the ones listed below - or any strange, wicked combination you can come up with.

'World-Conquering Genius The name says it all! These baddies want to rule the world, and they're

Captain Cheese (Continued) Smarts: 4

HideJS~otHidden: 5 1dentif; Dangerous Thing: 7 Read: 4 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 See/Hear/Smell: 6 SettDisarm Trap: 5 TracWCover Tracks: 5

Chutzpah: 8 Fast-Talk: 10 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 10 Sleight of Hand: 9 Sneak: 8 Shticks: Bind (Melted Cheese): 9 Body bf Cheese: NIA

s lid in^:

Matter Blast 9 (Cheese Balls): 8 Stretching: 9 Note: Captain Cheese's Body of Cheese

-gives him an extra mint of Gliding and

Stretching. It also iives him an e&a 2 points of Dodge (because of the holes). However. he can never have better than a 5


The Mighty Pipsqueak Tina Little is a 4'-tall squirrel. In her Mighty Pipsqueak identity, she wears black leather boots, pants and jacket. All of these are covered with zippers and chains. Pipsqueak's hair is cut in a short, spiky punk style. She uses makeup to put a black and silver mask on her face. In her Tina identity, she wears a long brown wig and dresses like the children's doctor that she is. Her personality is somewhere between Strong-Jawed Hero and Hotshot. Beliefs & Goals: Keeping the crime rate down is important and fun. Women are at Ieast the equals of men. Rock & Roll will never die! Set a good example for kids. Try not to destroy too much property while fighting crime. Hit Points: 22 Speed: 8

Muscle: 6 Break Down Door: 7 Climb: 10 Fight: 10 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 7 Throw: 7 Zip: 7 Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 7 Jump: 7 Ride: 7 Run: 8 Swim: 7 Smarts: 9 HideJSpot Hidden: 10 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 10 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 See/Hear/Smell: 9 SetIDisarm Trap: 9 TrackICover Tracks: 9 Chutzpah: 5 Fast-Talk: 5 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 50 Sleight of Hand: 5 Sneak: 7 Shticks: Shrinking: 10 Incredible Strength (Linked): 8 Superleap (Linked): 8 Toughness (Physical, Linked): 8 Extra Hit Points: +I0 Note: All linked powers are only available while shrunk.

thing around them - if they even notice. The only jokes they laugh at are their own. Tough But Dumb supervillains don't have secret identities. Most of them just wear street clothes, but a few wear flashy costumes. Despite being stupid, these villains are hard to Fast-Talk, probably because they're too thick-headed to listen. They should have a Resist FastTalk roll of at least 7.

Insane Even for cartoon characters, these guys are crazy! They act unpredictably, become obsessed with people or things and generally act like nutcases. However, this doesn't mean they're stupid. Many insane villains are also geniuses who have lots of bizarre gadgets or powers. Insane villains can be world-threatening or fairly harmless. A few are also Comedians or Hotshots. Insane villains usually wear strange costumes! Only a very few have secret identities.

New Rules and Shticks There are only a few new rules in this chapter, but boy, do we have a ton of new Shticks! That's because every supelpower is a Shtick! The new rules just govern how to buy and use these powers. In Supertoon, there is no limit to the number of Shticks a character can have, and there is no extra cost for buying multiple Shticks - pay the listed price for each one.

Using Superpowers Superpowers are activated in three ways: Normal, Switchable and Always On. Some powers can be bought that allow you to choose between two of.these, such as Switchable or Always On for Invulnerability. Choosing an activation mode doesn't cost anything. Using a Normal power requires a successful Shtick roll every time you use it. If you fail, the Animator will tell you what happened. Animators are encouraged to be very creative. A Switchable power only needs to be turned on once, but every time it is used the Animator can roll to see if it works the way it should. Failures are handled the same way as for Normal powers. Once turned on, the power stays on until the character turns it off. Powers that are Always On require no Shtick rolls to activate, because they never shut off. Animators may make the same use roll as above, if they want to make things funnier. If you want a power to be usable on others, as well as yourself, you must buy the Usable on Others Shtick for each power that you want it to affect. Some powers, like Elemental Control and Energy Blast, can be bought several times with different effects. The Animator has the _finalword on what a power does or does not do, its range, duration and anything else connected with it.

New Shticks All the new Shticks for this chapter are Superpowers. Their descriptions start on p. 160.

The Green Sparrow

Stuff What would the world of supers be like without nifty gadgets, cool vehicles and strange and powerful weapons? Pretty dull, that's what! Animators should decide in advance how much money the PCs have to spend on equipment and vehicles. Villains don't have to worry about money. When they run out, they just rob another bank!

Cars and Other Vehicles To build a basic car or motorcycle, use the rules in the CarToon Wars chapter. If you want a boat, plane or helicopter, use the same rules and just say the vehicle flies or floats (or does both and drives like a car). That chapter also has lots of weapons and gadgets to choose from. So do the Toonpunk 2020V2 and Star Toon chapters. If you want to build a spaceship (because your character is an Alien), then use the information in Star Toon. That's also the place to find out about robots and other Aliens. Animators need to decide how large and well-equipped a character's spaceship will be. If the ship is too big, the character will be too powerful. This also applies to other weapons. Keep an eye on things. You know how players are. But remember: what is abusive in a normal roleplaying game will just be funny in Toon.

In his Green Sparrow guise, Archie Bowman wears a two-tone green Robin Hood costume with a green mask. As Archie Bowman, professor of medieval history, he dresses in tweed suits. He is 5 feet tall, slender and speaks with a British accent. The Green Sparrow is good and honorable, but he has a touch of Hotshot about him. Bad Shakespearian actors (or quotes) make the Green Sparrow ill and angry. Beliefs & Goals: Protect the people from the outlaws of the land! Be chivalrous in word and deed! Never accept a reward. Spread the word that chivalry is not dead. Always leave a green feather with each villain you defeat. Hit Points: 9 Speed: 6

Muscle: 5 Break Down Door: 6 Climb: 9 Fight: 6 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 5 Throw: 5 Zip: 5 Dodge: 8 Drive Vehicle: 5 Fire Gun (Bow range: 180 ft.): 9 Jump: 8 Ride: 8 Run: 8 Swim: 5 Smarts: 10 Hidelspot Hidden: 10 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 10 Resist Fast-Talk: 10 See/Hear/Smell: 10 SettDisarm Trap: 10 TracWCover Tracks: 10

Hideouts, Fortresses, Inner Sanctums, Outer Sanctums and Other Places


Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk: 6 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 7 Sneak: 9

1 '0

If a player wants his character to have a secret hideaway, he should go ahead and create one. After it's finished, the Animator should check it over before approving it. A good way to handle building costs is to put the character in debt for the amount the hideout cost to build. This will force him to take a second job, appear at supermarket Grand Openings, make commercials and generally scramble to make a buck. (And if you think that ordinary rep0 men are bad, wait until you meet a super enforcer! Hideouts can be large or small, fancy or plain. They can be in caves, warehouses, penthouse apartments, frozen wastelands or even outer space

Shticks: Catfall: 9 Perfect Balance: 9 Flash: 9 Energy Blast (Area Effect): 7 Energy Blast (20,000 volts): 7 Bind (Area Effect, Net): 7 Confuse (Area Effect): 5 Drain OI.luscle): 5 Magnetism (magnetic arrow): 6 Matter Blast (Fist Arrow): 9 Note: All Shticks but Catfall and Perfect Balance are from Gadgets.


(but you can't have mail delivered there). Most hero (or villain) headquarters are disguised as ordinary buildings or land formations. However, since this is Toon, some hideouts will be right out in the open, possibly with dozens of neon signs saying "Splatcave Entrance Here" or "Villain Headquarters - Open 24 Hours!" Even with all that, a Read roll is required to find them.


Hotwheels Kate is a cute teen-aged penguin. She's

5 feet tall, blonde and kind of chubby. She talks and acts like a typical teen-aged airhead. But when she gets scared or angry, she turns into Hotwheels, a 5'9" humanoid iguana. She wears red sneakers, orange shorts and a yellow t-shirt that says "SK8 or Die." She also wears a white helmet and elbow and knee pads. Hotwheels is a Hotshot, a Comedian and a Split Personality. Hotwheels knows she's Kate and doesn't like it. Her big vulnerability is that after she Falls Down, she gets up as Kate, with no powers! She must remain Kate for 2d turns before she can change to Hotwheels. Hotwheels' Shticks are evenly divided between hers and her skateboard's. Beliefs & Goals: I am the gnarliest, most excellent skateboarder in the world! All of those criminal dudes are totally bogus! Always look cool and try new tricks with the board. Find a way to keep from turning back into that loser Kate! Hit Points: 10 Speed: 9

Muscle: 5 Break Down Door: 5 Climb: 5 Fight: 7 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 6 Throw: 6 Zip: 8 Dodge: 10 Drive Vehicle: 8 Fire Gun: 8 Jump: 9 Ride: 10 Run: 8 Swim: 8 Continued on nextpage.


Toon states that each character may only have one gizmo as part of his eight possessions. Well, that's fine for regular Toon, but here in Supertoon we do things differently! Basically, the rule is that the more a hero needs gizmoes, the more he can have! For example, Ultrapig is a very powerful hero. His powers are usually up to any challenge. Because of this, he only gets one gizmo. On the other hand, Splatman (a Wannabe), has no powers and his skills are lousy! He gets at least a dozen gizmoes! Since he's a Wannabe, most of them will either be useless or Shoddy Goods, but at least he has them. As you may have guessed, the number of gizmoes a PC or NPC has is decided by the Animator. Villains should be given gizmoes the same way that heroes are, except that Insane villains never seem to run out of them. It is also possible for a super to get all of his powers from gadgets (or gizmoes). It's expensive, but lets you add or drop powers any time you want. If a player wants to run this kind of super character, the Animator should give him a few extra bucks to spend. Powers via gadgets are not the same as Wearable Weapon costumes, but they go well together.

Costumes Superhero and supervillain costumes come in two basic types: Regular Costumes and Wearable Weapons. A regular costume is just flashy clothing and gives the hero or villain no extra powers, weapons or protection. A Wearable Weapon type costume, on the other hand, does give the wearer something extra. Often, the costume is all or partially armored. Much of the time, a super who wears this kind of costume is powerless without it. Take it away from him, and he's just another guy on the street. Regular costumes don't cost characters anything. Wearable weapons cost whatever their powers add up to. In a game that starts with 250 Skill Points, you could build a 125-point super with a 125-point costume. Players should carefully note which powers belong to the character and which belong to the costume. Animators should note that costumes are also subject to failed skill rolls. For ideas about armor and battlesuits, see the Mektoon chapter. Just be sure the Animator approves everything before you start building a MiniMek or a BattleMek. The same goes for the cybernetic implants in Toonpunk 2020%.

Places to Go In Supertoon, most of the action happens in the Big City. It's got all the places villains like to rob, attack, hold hostage, destroy, hijack and otherwise vandalize. Museums, banks, factories, warehouses, airports, nuclear reactors, shipyards,jails, seats of government - the Big City has them all (and plenty of innocent victims, too)!


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But this is also where most of the heroes live, so the evildoers will have a fight on their hands! Maybe even a pie fight! Hero groups will also have their headquarters here. For examples of hero and villain groups, see People to Meet, below. But there will be times when the scene shifts to the Villain's Headquarters. Heroes will end up here for a couple of reasons. First, they may have tracked the villain down for a final showdown! This often happens just as the headquarters is self-destructing! Everybody, heroes and villains, should have to make lots of Dodge rolls vs. falling things. But often the heroes were captured by the villain so he could put them into some sort of elaborate trap. There should always be at least one way for heroes to escape a trap without Falling Down. If they're too dumb to find it, the Animator can let another hero rescue them, claiming all the glory for himself. That should make some PC supers mad. But in Toon, the heroes might just stumble into the villain's inner sanctum! They might have thought it was a movie theater or a warehouse or a nightclub. About the time they fall into the first trap, they'll figure out what's what. This works especially well if the heroes are idiots or Wannabes. Other places to visit include Outer Space, an Unknown Island (dinosaurs might live there), or an Alternate Reality (just choose a chapter from this book). You could also consider running a Toonish version of your favorite comic books. We've provided several ideas for those sort of adventures in the Things to Do chapter.

People (and Other Things) to Meet

Hotwheels (Continued) Smarts: 4 Hidelspot Hidden: 5 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 5 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 SeefHearISmell: 5 SetIDisam Trap: 4 TracWCover Tracks: 4 Chutzpah: 5 Fast-Talk: 5 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 5 Sneak: 5 Shticks: Bag of Many Things: 6 Incredible Speed (Gadget): 10 Clinging (Gadget): 9 Perfect Balance (Gadgets): 8 Superleap (Gadget): 8 Maximum Boggle: 5 Instant Change: 11 Multiple Forms: 5

Superteams Comic books are crammed full of superteams, both good and evil. If you want to run a superteam Cartoon Series, we've provided a ready-


Splatman Bruce Deranged is a short, chubby, balding human millionaire in his mid-30s. He doesn't act crazy during the day, but at night he puts on his black Splatman outfit (which looks like a sort of inkblot with a cape and cowl) and goes out looking for evildoers to punish. Since Splatman is only a Wannabe hero, that is crazy! Beliefs & Goals: Criminals are a cowardly and superstitious lot. They all tremble at the mention of my name. The Toon Titans are my best friends. I'll always lend them a hand, whether they ask or not. I must never let mv secret identitv be known. Hit Points: 6 Speed: 6

Muscle: 5 Break Down Door: 5 Climb: 6 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 5 Throw: 6 Continued on nextpage.

made team in this chapter. They're called the Toon Titans and they stand for Truth, Justice, Helpfulness and Niceness. There are five members of the Toon Titans described in the sidebars. If you want more members, add them. If you don't have five players, just say that the missing team members went out for pizza and missed the adventure. It could also be lots of fun to play Splatrnan (see sidebar) instead of one of the regular Toon Titans. We've also included a small villain team, the Felonious Four. They should be more than a match for the Toon Titans, provided they can stop arguing among themselves. If your gaming group wants to play villains, they can play the Felonious Four and try to defeat the Toon Titans. All superteams need a headquarters. The Toon Titans' HQ is on the 86th floor of the Umpire's Plate Building in New Pork City. It's a pretty nice place, but the rent is outrageous. We'll let you decide what it looks like.

Things to Do The following adventure ideas are usable as one-shot adventures or parts of a Cartoon Series. A few of them might look a little familiar.

The Dark Fright Returns ..

That Wannabe nutcase Splatman is back and trying to catch the Croaker all by himself. Our heroes have to keep him out of trouble and stop the Croaker's evil plan to make everybody in the city speak in rhyme. (Wouldn't it be funny if the PCs were zapped by the Croaker's rhyme ray? Of course it would.) The Animator should play Splatman and remember that he is incredibly lucky, but a jinx to those around him (including villains).

Revengers Reassemble! Years ago, the Revengers were the official superhero team of New Pork City. Then the Toon Titans came along and pushed them out of the limelight. Well now the Revengers are back! They're trying to make the Toon Titans look like a bunch of goofballs and they're doing a good job of it! Sounds like it's time for the Battle of the Supergroups!

Gloomsday Dr. Gloom has captured several innocent citizens and turned them into duplicates of himself and the rest of the Felonious Four. Now there are three Felonious Fours (the Felonious Twelve?) running around the city! Can the Toon %tans stop them without hurting the duplicates? Or will they just order some Chinese food and rent some movies instead?

The Pun-isher There's a new crusader for justice in New Pork City, a hero who is driving mobsters insane with his horrible puns! The police want him stopped, the public thinks he's a hero and the Toon Titans are due to start


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their vacation in 24 hours. Will they stop this pun-wielding vigilante, will they join him in his pun-ishment to crime, or will they just head off to Dizzyworld? Note: Before running this adventure, Animators should really practice their punning abilities. Test your puns out on your family and friends. They'll be glad to offer their opinions on them!

Crisis of Infinite Mirths A Supertoon/Crawl of Catchoolu crossover adventure! An evil cosmic entity is using moldy, old, bad jokes to permanently Boggle superheroes and villains in countless dimensions! Yes, we did say permanently Boggle! In a last-ditch effort to stop this bozo, a diverse group of heroes and villains must band together and search through the multiverse for the home world of Tsaggywahaha! Note: This game should be run in several episodes, over a period of five or six game sessions. The Animator should have each player play two characters, since at least some of them will become permanently Boggled. You should build Tsaggywahaha on 600 or more points, but give him one fatal weakness. For more info on this horrific humorist, check out the Crawl of Catchoolu chapter.

Buttered Up This adventure starts out a bit differently than most, since nobody in the world has superpowers yet! But a Mysterious Force is plotting to contaminate all the popcorn in the city with alien yak butter. And on one fateful Sunday, everybody who goes to the movies . . . becomes a super! Some of them are nice people, and some are not so nice. Some of their powers are wonderful, and some are silly. But they all have to learn how to control them! Note: The supers in this world should only be built on about 100 Creation Points. This will limit them to either a couple of superpowers with high skill levels or several with low skill levels.

Chumpions! Oh no! Splatman is back and this time he's got his own superhero group - the Chumpions!And even worse, they're managing to fight crime better than the Toon Titans! What will the Toon Titans do?



One day in his lab, Dr. Gloom was trying to build the perfect robotic criminal slave. But he gave the robot far too much intelligence. Since it was now smarter than Dr. Gloom, it broke loose, pounded Gloom flat as a pancake, took a bunch of high-tech gadgets and ran off. Now Mechatron is out to conquer the world, starting with New Pork City. Can the Toon Titans stop him alone, or will they need to team up with Dr. Gloom and the Felonious Four? Note: Mechatron is incredibly powerful and has no sense of humor. He will get extremely angry if anyone manages to Boggle him. He can probably take on the Toon $tans and win, but the Titans and the The Felonious Four together should be able to beat him. His big weakness is Magical attacks.

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Splahnan (Continued) Zip: 5 Dodge: 5 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 6 Ride: 5 Run: 7 Swim: 5 Smarts: 5 Hidelspot Hidden: 5 Identify Dangerous Thing: 6 Read: 5 Resist Fast-Talk: 7 See/HearlSmell: 6 SetIDism Trap: 5 TrackICover Tracks: 5 Chutzpah: 4 Fast-Talk: 4 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 4 Sleight of Hand: 4 Sneak: 5 Shticks: Belt of Many Things: 5 Cosmic Shift: 9 Incredible Luck: 11 Note: Splatman is a well-meaning but totally inept loony. His Belt of Many Things (called the Splatbelt) has lots of gadgets and gizmoes that never work right. That doesn't mean they have no eff?! Many villains (and heroes) have been trashed by Splatrnan's goofy equipment. Other stuff that Splatman might use are the Splatmobile, Splatboat, Splatcopter, etc. Care to guess where he keeps them? That's right, the Splatcave. However, like most Wannabes, his Incredible Luck and Cosmic Shift keep him from Falling Down or getting Boggled.


Dr. Gloom Dr. Gloom (Hector Von Gloom) is over

Zip: 6 Dodge: 8 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 9 Jump: 6 Ride: 6 Run: 8 Swim: 6

6 feet tall. He wears armor that covers him from head to foot, and a metal mask with bobbing fake antennae. He also wears a yellow hooded cloak. He is believed to be a hideously ugly human, but no one knows for sure because he never removes his armor. Dr. Gloom is a World-Conquering Genius and may also be a touch insane. Dr. Gloom's vulnerabilities are high-frequency sound and radiation. Beliefs & Goals: The world will be mine as soon as I rid it of those insufferable Toon Titans! Nobody is my intellectual equal! Think up new engines of destruction and build them. Terrorize the masses and inspire panic. Always have an escape route planned. Don't let anybody mess with my mask or my antennae! Hit Points: 22 Speed: 7

Muscle: 8 Break Down Door: 9 Climb: 8 Fight: 9 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 9 Throw: 8

Smarts: 10 HidelSpot Hidden: 10 Identify Dangerous Thing: 11 Read: 11 Resist Fast-Talk: 10 SeeIHearlSmell: 10 SetIDisarm Trap: 11 Track/Cover Tracks: 10 Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk: 9 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 9 Sleight of Hand: 9 Sneak: 6 Shticks: Toughness (Physical, Armor): 10 Toughness (Energy, Armor): 8 Extra Hit Points: +10 Note: Above, we've listed the Shticks that Gloom always has. In fact, he can have up to a dozen more by fitting the proper modules to his m o r . The only powers he can't have are Mental Powers or Magical Powers. None of his powers is ever at less than a skill level 5. Of course, they're never more than a 10, either.

Jungle Jane Tara Zan is a 6' 6" tall human and a member of the Felonious Four. She wears a leopard-skin bikini and nothing else. The only item she carries is a big hunting knife. She was raised in the jungle and doesn't know much about civilized ways. She really likes Dr. Gloom and will do anything he says. She isn't very smart, and she keeps calling Dr. Gloom "Mr. Gloom," which he hates. Beliefs & Goals: Jungle Jane like Mr. Gloom. Jungle Jane like animals. Superheroes bad. Mr. Gloom say so. Jungle Jane help Mr. Gloom take over world. Hit Points: 14 Speed: 9

Muscle: 8 Break Down Door: 8 Climb: 10 Fight: 9 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 8 Throw: 9 Zip: 8 Dodge: 9 Drive Vehicle: NIA Fire Gun: 8 Jump: 9 Ride: 9 Run: 10 Swim: 8 Smarts: 2 HidelSpot Hidden: 4 Identify Dangerous Thing: 3 Read: 2 Resist Fast-Talk: 4 SeeIHearlSmell:7 SetIDisarm Trap: 4 Track/Cover Tracks: 3

Chutzpah: 2 Fast-Talk: 2 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 2 Sleight of Hand: 2 Sneak: 6 Shticks: Animal Control: 7 Catfall: 8 Extra Hit Points: +10 Perfect Balance: 8 Speak With Animals: 7 Note: Jane is pretty good in a fight, but it's her power to talk to and control animals that makes her dangerous. She is usually with four or five different animals, ranging in size from mice to elephants.


Rockhead His real name is Carey Granite. At 8 feet tall and 2,500 pounds, Rockhead is one big villain! His body is completely made of gray stone. Rockhead is a textbook example of a Tough But Dumb villain. He's also a Hotshot and a Member of the Felonious Four. Beliefs & Go&: Steal! Rob! Destroy! Pulverize! Scare! Bully! Smash! Bend! Fold! Mutilate! Terrorize! Crush! Hit Points: 22 Speed: 4

Muscle: 10 Break Down Door: 11 Climb: 10 Fight: 11 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 11 Throw: 10 Zip: 3 Dodge: 3 Drive Vehicle: 3 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 4 Ride: 3 Run: 5 Swim: 3 Smarts: 2 Hi&/Spot Hidden: 2 Identify Dangerous Thing: 3 Read: 2 Resist Fast-Talk: 3 See/Hear/Smell: 4 SetlDisarm Trap: 2 TracWCover Tracks: 2 Chutzpah: 2 Fast-Talk: 2 PassJDetect Shoddy Goods: 2 Sleight of Hand: 2 Sneak: 2 Shticks: Body of Stone: 5 Extra Hit Points: +10 Invulnerability (Physical): 8 Toughness (Energy): 8 Tunneling: 6 Note: Rockhead's battle style is to wade in and smash anything that isn't on his team. It works pretty well. He is incredibly tough and his stupidity makes him almost immune to mental attacks. The good news is that he can be Fast-Talked very easily.

Blue Streak


In his flashy, tight-fitting blue and yellow costume, Blue Streak is definitely an eye latching sight. He likes being Blue Streak so much that he hardly ever uses his real identity, I. M. Quick. Blue Streak is a 5-foot-tall, skinny poodle. He speaks with an outrageous French accent. He is a member of the Felonious Four and a Hotshot from the word go. Beliefs & Goals: Nobody ees fastair zan moi! Haveeng monay and fame ees what Ah want. Ah am funniair zan zat neetweet Captain Cheese! Hit Points: 11 Speed: 11

A 7-foot-tall gleaming chrome robot. He has camera-lens eyes and a grill-covered speaker for a mouth. Mechatron is a World-Conquering,Alien, Hotshot Genius. He has no sense of humor; being Boggled is the thing he hates worst. The thing he fears most is magic. He takes triple damage from magical attacks and all other spells have triple duration. Beliefs & Goals: It is my destiny to conquer the world, so I must destroy all who oppose me. Bzzt. Don't run out of oil. Hit Points: 22 Speed: 9

Muscle: 10 Break Down Door: 10 Climb: 10 Fight: 11 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 11 Throw: 10

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 4 Climb: 6 Fight: 8 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 4 mow: 7 Zip: 10 Dodge: 11 Drive Vehicle: 10 Fire Gun: 10 Jump: 10 Ride: 10 Run: 11 Swim: 10


Smarts: 6 HideISpot Hidden: 8 Identify Dangerous Thing: 7 Read: 6 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 See/Hear/Smell: 8 SetJDism Trap: 9 TracWCover Tracks: 6 Chutzpah: 9 Fast-Talk: 9 Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods: 9 Sleight of Hand: 9Sneak: 9 Shticks: Bag of Many Things: 6 Clinging (Linked): 9 Incredible Speed: 11 Perfect Balance: 9 Superleap (Linked): 8 Vibrate: 9 Note: Although Blue Streak is extremely fast, can run along walls and ceilings and is hard to hit, he doesn't have much in the way of defenses. His Clinging and Superleap are linked to his Incredible Speed.

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Zip: 8 Dodge: 9 Drive Vehicle: 8 Fire Gun: 9 Jump: 8 Ride: 8 Run: 10 Swim: 8

Smarts: 11 HideJSpot Hidden: 11 Identify Dangerous Thing: 11 Read: 11 Resist Fast-Talk: 11 See/Hear/Smell: 11 SetJDisarm Trap: 11 TrackICover Tracks: 11 Chutzpah: 9 Fast-Talk: 9 Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods: 9 Sleight of Hand: 9 Sneak: 9 Shticks: Body of Metal: 5 Toughness (Physical): 11 Toughness (Energy): 9 Extra Hit Points: +10 Incredible Strength: 10 Incredible Speed: 9 Invulnerability (Mental): 8 Perfect Balance: 9 Superleap: 7 Supersenses: 8

Note: Mechatron can add up to six more powers at level 7 (anything except Mental or Magic powers) by plugging in the right components. He favors Energy and Matter Blasts, Drain, Force Wall and Flight.


a time. Animated objects will respond only to very simple commands, like "Attack Wonder Slug" or "pick up the car." You can never animate any object bigger than a car. This power does not affect plants.

Superpowers Absorption (4 points) Activation: Normal Range: 30 feet Duration: 1 turn Damage: NIA This power lets you absorb I d points of energy from just about any source, including another super's energy blasts! The energy you absorb is subtracted from their damage roll and whatever is left does normal damage, unless you have a defensive power like Toughness. You can use the absorbed energy to heal I d points of damage to yourself, but only on the next turn (and that's all you can do that turn). After that the energy is gone.

Alter Matter (4 points) Activation: Normal Range: 10 feet Damage: NIA Duration: NIA You can turn any kind of matter into any other kind of matter you want. Examples would be turning Doctor Snarf's steel sword into a rubber sword, or a falling boulder into cotton. You can't change an item's shape or size. This power will work against living matte< because it'sfunny! The change lasts I d turns.

Amphibious (1 point) Activation: Always On Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA You can move about, see, hear and speak as well underwater as you do on dry land. This does not mean you can breathe underwater. You will still have to come to the surface to breathe, but only once every 3 turns!

Animal Control (1 point) Activation: Normal Range: 50 feet Duration: 10 turns Damage: NIA Using this power allows you to mentally control one animal. The animal is under your control for 10 turns and will do anything that doesn't make it get hurt or Fall Down.

Animate (3 points) Activation: Normal Range: 50 feet Duration: 10 turns Damage: NIA No, this power doesn't let you create new cartoon characters! What you can do is cause inanimate objects to become animated. You can control up to three objects at a time, but you have to Animate them one at


Animate Plants (3 points) Activation: Normal Range: 50 feet Damage: NIA Duration: 10 turns This power works exactly like Animate, but only affects non-intelligent plants. You cannot command a plant to grow, bloom, produce fruit or die with this power, but you can make them move around, grab things, etc.

Area Effect (5 points) Activation: Varies Range: Varies Duration: NIA Damage: NIA Area Effect lets powers that normally work against one victim affect everyone in a specific area. At first, this is just a 20-foot circle, but for every 5 additional Skill Points you spend, you can add 5 square feet to the radius. Effect is the same for everyone in the affected area. No separate roll is required to use this power. It's not really a Shtick as much as it is a Shtick-enhancement.

Bind (4 points) Activation: Normal Range: 40 feet Damage: NIA Duration: 6 turns Bind lets you tie something up with whatever sort of substance you choose. It could be a sticky spider web, rope, mud, melted cheese, duct tape or anything else you choose, but you have to decide in advance what your binding substance is. You can buy this power more than once, with a different substance

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every time. Anything that is affected by this power must make a Muscle roll at -2 to escape. All bindings melt away after 6 turns.

Body of.

..(4 points)

Activation: Switchable or Always On Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA With this power, your body is made of some unliving substance. No matter what it's made of, you'll keep your normal shape. Different substances will give you different advantages or problems. The Animator must decide the exact advantages or problems that a specific substance gives. If you want this power to be Always On, you won't need to buy any extra levels of the Shtick, but you probably won't be able to have a secret identity. Some substances will make life difficult or even dangerous! Body of Flame is a good example. A few ideas for bodies are flame, water, ice, metal, mud, guacamole, strawberry jam, glass, incense, orglue.

Bouncing (3 points) Activation: Switchable Range: NIA Duration: NIA Damage: NIA You can turn into a big ball and bounce around! If you feel like showing off, you can ricochet off things as often as you want to before finally stopping, but you have to make another Shtick roll to be successful. You only take half damage from physical attacks, but if they do more than 4 points of damage, you will bounce around uncontrollably for 2 turns.

See/Hear/Smell or super attacks, at -6. Hidelspot Hidden rolls are made at -3. Failed Chameleon rolls could give the others a bonus to spot you! Having this power Always On makes a secret identity impossible.

Clinging (2 points) Activation: Switchable Range: NIA Duration: NIA Damage: NIA You can crawl up walls or walk on the ceiling with this power! If you're falling, this power will let you grab hold of any vertical surface you can reach and stop your fall. If a surface is wet, to remain clinging you must make a Shtick roll every 60 feet you move. If it's oily or greased, you need to roll every 30 feet. Any attack that does more than 6 points of damage will knock you off.

Confuse (3 points) Activation: Normal Range: 60 feet Damage: Special Duration: 2 turns Lets you mentally befuddle any living creature. Once successfully hit, the confused creature will stop whatever it was doing and stand still with a blank look on its face for one turn. On the next turn, it can move and do things at -3 toall rolls. After that, it will be back to normal.

Darkness (3 points)

Activation: Always On Range: NIA Duration: NIA Damage: NIA With Catfall, you always land on your feet and you only take damage if the fall is more than 50 feet - as long as you make your Shtick roll.

Activation: Normal Range: 50 feet Duration: 4 turns Damage: NIA Creates a circle of darkness that is 50 feet wide, with you in the center. It moves with you and lasts 4 tums. Nobody can see through the darkness unless they have Night Vision or Radar sense, including the super in the center of the darkness! Any attacks on a character inside darkness are at -4. The Light power will turn Darkness into Twilight (eliminating the Darkness advantages).

Chameleon (3 points)

Density Control (3 points)

Activation: Switchable or Always On Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA The Chameleon power lets you blend into any background. If you're standing in front of a brick wall, you'll be colored exactly like a brick wall. Stand in front of a tree and you'll be colored like bark. As you move from one place to another, your coloring changes (unless the Animator decides otherwise). When you use this power, all other PCs and NPCs must make any skill roll that affects you, like Fight,

Activation: Normal Range: 50 feet Damage: NIA Duration: 3 turns Make your target so dense it sinks into solid ground, or so insubstantial it floats away. Each use of this power lasts for 3 turns. It works on anything, but remember that a very dense object, or an insubstantial one, will be invulnerable to most physical attacks. What does affect it is up to the Animator. If you want to use this power on yourseZj you must make it Switchable.

Catfall (1 point)


Drain (5 points) Activation: Normal Range: 30 feet Duration: 3 turns Damage: Id The Drain power allows you to drain ld+l of either Hit Points, Attribute Points or SkilYShtick Points from your target. The effects last 3 turns. You must specify which type of points you'll be draining when you buy the power. If you choose Attribute Points, specify the Attribute. (Zip, Smarts, etc.) Please note that unlike Absorption, you do not get to use the drained points - they just disappear. You can never drain more than ld+l per turn, but if you buy Area Effect, you can drain all the occupants of the area. You can buy this power more than once.

Duplication (5 points) Activation: Normal Range: 100 feet Duration: 9 turns Damage: NIA Make exact duplicates of yourself, complete with powers! Sounds good, right? The catch is, after you split into 2 or more dupes, you each only have halfthe Hit Points of the original! In addition, the duplications only last 9 turns and have a range of 100 feet. Any dupe that gets more than 100 feet away from the original will disappear! All Hit Points lost by dupes are totaled and subtracted from the original when they re-merge into one. Duplicates win lots of fights, but they usually Fall Down afterward. You start out with just one duplicate, but for every 5 extra points you spend, you get another duplicate. All duplicates are controlled by the original, so players have to specify which dupe is in charge. Note to Animators: On a roll of 1 or 2, you could have the dupes argue about who's in charge! Maybe they'd even start fighting! Maybe some of them will join the villains !

Elemental Control (4 points) Activation: Normal Range: 60 feet Duration: 6 turns Damage: NIA You can create and control a humanoid being (called an elemental) from one of the following elements: Earth, Air, Fire or Water. The elemental can never be taller than 7 feet. The elemental will do whatever you tell it, even if it leads to its destruction. Your control is effective only within 60 feet and lasts for 6 turns. The elemental will remain for Id more turns and then disperse. You can only control one elemental at a time. If you roll a 12, you create an elemental but it is out of control immediately.


If two elementals under the control of different masters get mixed (as they would if they fought), a really big elemental will be formed and go berserk! Yipes! If the elementals are of diflerent types, they will form a new substance. (Earth + Fire = Lava, Earth + Water = Mud, etc.) If more than two elementals mix, we suggest running away at Incredible Speed!

Energy Blast (5 points) Activation: Normal Range: 60 feet Damage: Id Duration: NIA Energy Blast lets you fire a beam of energy that does ld+2 damage. You can give it any appearance you want (laser beam, fiery blast, photon beam), but then it must always look the same. You can buy Energy Blast more than once to have several types of blast. You can also increase the damage by 2 points for every 2 additional Skill Points you spend, up to a maximum of 2d+4. This increases the cost to buy additional levels of the Shtick.

Extra Hit Points (2 points each) Activation: Always On Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA This power gives you up to 10 extra Hit Points, which are darned handy in Toon! No Shtick Roll is required to use them. Sorry, you can only buy 10, unless your Animator gets tired of listening to you beg.

Flash (3 points) Activation: Normal Range: 30 feet Damage: Special Duration: Id turns You can cause a blinding flash of light to appear anywhere within 30 feet of you. Anyone facing the Flash who fails a Dodge roll at -2 is blinded for ld+l turns. Characters inside an area of Darkness can Dodge at +4. You must shut your eyes while using Flash or you'll be blinded, too.

Flying (4 points) Activation: Switchable Range: Varies Damage: N/A Duration NIA This is just the original Flying Shtick (p. 41 of Toon),but it's great for superheroes! You can fly up to three times your normal Speed per turn!

Force Field (4 points) Activation: Switchable Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA This allows you to put a glowing energy barrier around your body. While it is on, you cannot be af-

fected by any physical or energy attack, even those that don't do damage! The only exception is Flash, which can still blind you. Magic only affects you on a roll of 6 or less. Mental attacks will function normally. While your Force Field is on, you can't eat or drink. If the Animator chooses, other things might become hard to do, like picking things up or using your sense of smell.

Force Wall (5 points) Activation: Normal Range: 40 feet Damage: 2 points Duration: 6 turns This puts a 10'-high, 30'-wide glowing wall anywhere you choose (within 40 feet). You can arrange the wall into any shape you want, provided it remains 30 feet long. It protects anything behind it just like a Force Field, except that your attacks are just as re' stricted as your enemies! Anyone who touches a Force Wall takes 2 points of damage, despite his defenses. The Force Wall lasts for 6 turns. For every 5 additional Plot Points you spend, you can add 10 feet to the Force Wall's length or height.

Gills (2 points) Range: NIA Activation: Switchable or Always On Damage: NIA Duration: see below Gills let you stay underwater as long as you want, but remember to switch them off when you go onto dry land. If you can't switch them off, you'll have to wear a helmet full of water (or a fishbowl) over your head or drown in the air.

Gliding (3 points) Activation: Switchable Range: 100 feet Damage: NIA Duration: NIA Unlike Flying, when you Glide you are unable to increase your altitude. You can move up to 120 feet horizontally per turn, but you also drop 10 feet per turn. So, if you leap from a 100-foot-tall building, you can Glide 1,200 feet before landing. While Gliding, you can do turns, barrel rolls, stalls or any other flying maneuver, providing you wind up 10 feet lower than the previous turn.

Gravity Control (3 points) Activation: Normd Range: 30 feet Duration: 4 turns Damage: Id You can raise or lower gravity in any lO'x10' area within your range. Gravity can go from zero G to 25 times normal! The effect lasts 4 turns. Anything in a zero-G area that isn't connected to the ground will

float up 5 feet per turn. Anything that has its weight increased more than 10 times normal will take ld+l points of damage.

Growth (4 points) Activation: Switchable or Always On Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA When you first buy this power, you can increase your size by 5 feet and your Hit Points by 4. Every 5 Skill Points you spend after that will give you another 5 feet and 4 more Hit Foints. Grow taller than 15 feet and you automatically get Incredible Strength at skill level 10. The disadvantage to all this is that for every 5 feet you grow, your weight triples! Be careful what you walk or sit on. Of course, you'll also have trouble getting through doors and into small cars.

Heat Vision (3 points) Activation: Normal Range: 60 feet Damage: ld+l Duration: NIA This is the ability to shoot laser beams from your eyes, just like the guy with the red cape and the big "S" on his chest! The beams do ld+l damage per turn. They will not melt a mirror (don't ask us why, they just won't). Instead, they bounce off in whatever direction the Animator decides. Heat Vision has a range of 60 feet.

Illusion (5 points) Activation: Normal Range: 100 feet Damage: Fake Duration: 2d turns This is a great power to use on others, because the only way they can keep from being affected is by failing their Smarts roll! With this power, you can affect 3 intelligent creatures within 100 feet of you. Spend 10 extra points and you can affect 3 more creatures ~ n d add another 10 feet to your range. You can make the illusion look and sound like anything you want, whatever its size. Characters who see the illusion will be absolutely convinced that it's real. If they think it's doing them damage, they actually lose Hit Points! But the damage done by an illusion is purely imaginary, so when they reach what they think iq 0 Hit Points, they'll suddenly stop seeing the illusion. The disadvantages to illusions are that they only last 9 turns and if the illusionist fails his Smarts roll, he sees it, too! This will mean that he has lost control of it, so he takes damage just like everybody else. When the illusionist Falls Down, the illusion disappears.


Incredible Speed (6 points) Activation: Switchable Range: Varies Damage: Special Duration: NIA This Shtick is described on p. 43 of Toon. It's also great for supers. When you run with Incredible Speed, add 100 feet per turn to your Speed score. YOUhave to roll against the Shtick every turn you want to move at Incredible Speed.

Activation: Switchable or Always On Range: NIA Damage: +3 points Duration: NIA This is the same Shtick described in Toon on p. 43. It's great for supers.

Instant Change (2 points) Activation: Switchable Range: NIB Damage: N/A Duration: NIA Change back and forth between your secret and your superhero identities in the blink of an eye! Just be sure nobody sees you do it.

Invisibility (5 points) Activation: Switchable or Always On Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA Become invisible and amaze your friends! You will bk completely invisible to anything except Radar Sense, although a Track/Hide Tracks roll at -2 will


reveal your footprints. Anyone with Superhearing or Supersmell can find you on a roll of 5 or less, but he could only hit you with a Fight roll at -4. See p. 43 of Toon for more about Invisibility.

Invulnerability (4 points) Activation: Always On Damage: NIA

Range: NIA Duration: NIA

Link (1 point per link) Activation: Always On Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA With Link, you can cause two or more powers to work at the same time. For example, linking Flying and Shapechange would cause you to change into another shape every time you fly (or fly every time you change shape). Linking Absorption and Energy Blast might cause you to fire an attack back at whoever hit you. There are lots of possibilities, but remember that the Animator has final approval on all combinations and their effects. Once powers are linked, they cannot be used separately unless you have different versions of a power! An example would be Energy Blast: Lightning and Energy Blast: Laser Beam Linked to Flash. Then, the unlinked version would function normally. A Link does not have "levels" - you buy it, and it works.

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Luck Beam (3 points) Activation: Normal Range: 60 feet Duration: one turn Damage: NIA If you hit someone with this beam, they will suddenly have either really great or really terrible luck for 1 turn. The choice is yours, but you must roll 2d to see how good (or bad) the luck is. On a 7 or better, the luck is good (and better as the rolls get higher), but below 7, the luck is bad (with 2 being the absolute worst luck). Animators will have a ball with this one.

Magnetism (3 points) Activation: Normal Range: 60 feet Duration: 3 turns Damage: NIA There are two ways to use this power. The first way lets you magnetize anything, living or not. The effect lasts for 4 turns. Any steel, iron or nickel items within 60 feet of them will be irresistibly attracted to them. The attracted objects may or may not do damage to living magnets, depending on how the Animator feels.

The second way to use Magnetism is to attract a targeted object to yourself. The object usually won't do any damage to you, but beware of sharp objects and running power tools!

Matter Blast (4 points) Activation: Normal Range: 60 feet Duration: NIA Damage: Id This is the Physical version of an Energy Blast. You can give it any appearance you want (mud, water, whipped cream, etc.), but then it must always be the same. See Energy Blast (p. 162) for more details.

Maximum Boggle (5 points) Activation: Always On Range: NIA Damage: Special Duration: 3 turns The Maximum Boggle Shtick is described on p. 7. As a Superpower, it allows you to do a Maximum Boggle, whenever you would have normally Boggled someone.


Mental Attack (4 points) Activation: Normal Range: 30 feet Damage: Special Duration: 5 turns You can do damage by hitting another character with a powerful mental blast. This does 3 points of damage and reduces the victim's Smarts by 1. The effects last 5 turns. A Mental Screen (see below) will help stop a Mental Attack. The same goes for being stupid, since you have to fail your Smarts roll to avoid being hit (no Smarts, nothing to hit).

Mental Screen (4 points) Activation: Always On Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA A Mental Screen helps protect you against all mental attacks, even the ones that don't actually do damage. Any time someone uses a mental power against you, you make a Smarts roll at halfyour normal skill level! If you still make your Smarts roll, you are affected normally. If you fail, though, you are totally unaffected.

Microscopic Vision (2 points) Activation: Switchable Range: 10 feet Duration: NIA Damage: NIA Now you can get a really good look at really small things! Depending upon how powerful the Animator lets you make it, this power might let you see things as small as atoms.

Mind Control (6 points) Activation: Normal Range: 60 feet Duration: 4 turns Damage: NIA When you successfully hit another intelligent creature, you can control it mentally at any distance up to 60 feet. The creature will do anything you tell it, including attacking its friends and being your slave. For every 5 extra Skill Points you spend on this power, you can control another character, up to a maximum of four. If you Fall Down or get Boggled, your control is broken.

Mindwarp (4 points) Activation: Normal Range: 1dxlO feet Damage: NIA Duration: Special Mindwarp causes any affected creature to behave in a completely different manner than it did before it got warped! Heroes may become evil, villains may start acting like chickens or birds may try to drive cars! Each creature is affected differently. These changes are decided by the Animator, so look out!

This power will affect all creatures, intelligent or not, within ldxlO feet! The effect lasts for 2d+2 turns. Only a Chutzpah roll will let a victim avoid being affected. Nothing else will work.

Mind Reading (5 points) Activation: Normal Range: 6 Damage: NIA Duration: one turn Know the thoughts of any intelligent creature within 60 feet. You can only read the thoughts of one creature and only for a turn. The person won't know that his mind is being read unless he has Mental Screen. Even then, he won't know who is reading his mind!

Multiple Forms (4 points) Range: NIA Activation: Switchable Damage: NIA Duration: NIA This power lets you have more than one form! Each form has its own powers, weaknesses, skills, shape, species, advantages, attributes and looks. If you want, each can also have a completely different personality. You will need to create a whole new character, with its own character sheet, for each form. Make a Shtick Roll to change forms. (Or the player can decide that a form change is caused by some outside event, not under the character's control.) These new forms must divide the original form's Creation Point total. They do not need to share them equally. A character starting out with 400 points could create a 200-point form, a 125-point form and a 75point form. It is up to the player to decide which form is the original. Any time a form Falls Down, it reverts to the original. If a form is Boggled, it reverts on a roll of 6 or less. Damage is not carried over from one form to the other, but a form retains whatever damage it has taken and does not heal while not in use. Note to Animators: If the forms have different personalities, you may rule that they don't know about each other, don't like each other, don't want to fight villains or anything else that is funny or interesting. All Split Personality supers must buy this power if they want two forms.

Perfect Balance (3 points) Activation: Always On Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA You will almost never trip or stumble, even on wet surfaces, because you have +4 to all Zip rolls. Great for walking tightropes or leaping from roof to roof on speeding cars!

Plant Growth (2 points) Range: 30 feet Activation: Always On Duration: Permanent Damage: NIA Talk about having a green thumb! You can make a plant double its size every time you use this power. If you are using this power on grass or other small plants, you can affect a 10' x 10' square on every turn. The squares can be arranged in any shape you like. Link this to Control Plants and you can really have some fun!

Radar Sense (3 points) Activation: Switchable Range: 60 feet Damage: NIA Duration: NIA Radar Sense allows you to "see" even if your eyes are closed, or you're blinded or in an area of Darkness. You can even see invisible things! You can sense shapes and distances down to the finest detail, but you can't detect colors.

Reflection (4 points) Range: 60 feet Activation: Always On Damage: Varies Duration: NIA You only take half damage from some types of attack and the other half automatically bounces back and hits the attacker! You can buy this twice, for two different types of attacks, but not more than that. Of course, it gives no protection versus non-damaging attacks.

Shadowy Form (3 points) Activation: Switchable Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA In this form, you are a two-dimensional shadow. You can move at your normal speed and even go up walls or along the ceilings! You can see perfectly well in daylight or normal darkness, but you are at -2 in a circle of Darkness. In the dark, you cannot be detected by any form of sight, including Radar Sense. Physical attacks only do half damage, but energy, mental or magical attacks do normal damage. You can use any powers except physical ones while in Shadowy Form.

Shrinking (2 points) Activation: Switchable or Always On Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA Every time you use this power, you can shrink to half the height you were in your last turn. You can't shrink to smaller than ant size. Every time you decrease your size by half, you lose two Muscle Points

and your Speed is cut in half! On the plus side, your Dodge skill goes up by 1 point every time you shrink.

Silence (3 points) Range: 30 feet Activation: Switchable Duration: 6 turns Damage: NIA Creates a 30' x 30' square of absolute silence. No sound can be made inside it. It lasts 6 turns. Remember that while you're in the silenced area, nobody will be able to hear you speak, scream, etc. This could be inconvenient at times.

Speak With.

..(3 points)

Activation: Always On Range: NIA Duration: Permanent Damage: NIA Walk with the animals! Talk with the animals! Whistle and squeak and squawk with the animals - or plants or aliens or machines or whatever else you can think of. You have to buy this power once for each type of thing you want to communicate with.

Speak Underwater (1 point) Activation: Always On Range: NIA Duration: Permanent Damage: NIA The name says it all! You can speak with perfect clarity while submerged.

Stretching (3 points) Activation: Always On Range: 120 feet Duration: Permanent Damage: NIA As described on p. 45 of Toon. In a situation where distance matters, you can can stretch all or part of your body up to 120 feet.

Superleap (3 points) Activation: Always On Range: 120 feet Damage: Varies Duration: NIA You can leap up to 120 feet in a single bound! Superleaping can only be done in a straight line, but you can turn and leap as soon as you land (on your next turn). If anything happens to you while Superleaping, you must make a Shtick roll to lahd without being hurt, unless you're invulnerable to physical damage. If you land on anybody or anything other than the ground, the Animator decides how much damage you did to them.

Supersenses (2 points) Activation: Switchable or Always On Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA

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With Supersenses, you make all your SeeIHearl Smell rolls at +5!

Telekinesis (4 points) Activation: Switchable Range: 60 feet Damage: Varies Duration: NIA Move things around or pick them up using only the power of your mind! The object must be within 60 feet. You can move any item weighing 100 pounds or less 20 feet per turn. Items thrown at something do Id or less damage, but items dropped on something do at least ld+2 damage. If you weigh less than 100 pounds, you can pick yourself up and move through the air at 20 feet per turn like very slow flying.

Telepathy (6 points) Activation: Switchable Range: 200 feet Damage: NIA Duration: NIA Telepathy allows you to communicate mentally with other intelligent creatures. It has a range of 200 feet. To communicate telepathically with aliens or animals, you'll need the Speak With. . . power.

Telescopic Vision (3 points) Activation: Switchable Range: Miles Duration: NIA Damage: NIA You can see things miles away! To see a long way in the dark, you'll need Night Vision, too.

Toughness (2 points) Activation: Always On Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA Toughness lets you shrug off ld+l points of one type of damage, if you make your Schtick roll. The four types of damage are Physical, Mental, Energy or Magical. This power only works on attacks that actually do damage. It won't protect you against an attack that doesn't hurt you, such as Shapechange or Density Control. For every 2 extra Skill Points you spend, you can add 2 more points to your defenses, to a maximum of 2d+2. But if you do this, you also increase the cost for additional levels of the Shtick by the same amount.

Tbnneling (2 points) Activation: Switchable Range: 30 feet Duration: 10 turns Damage: NIA This is for moving though dirt and rocks. You move 30 feet per turn and leave a tunnel behind you that collapses 10 turns later.


Usable on Others (+2 points) Activation: Varies Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: 10 turns This lets a power be used on anybody. Whatever its normal duration, the effects of the power will not last more than 10 turns. The user can cancel the power at any time. To make it work, the super must still make the Shtick roll for the power.

Vibrate (4 points) Activation: Switchable Range: NIA Damage: NIA Duration: NIA Your body can vibrate at an incredible speed. You can even walk through solid objects while vibrating (destroying them like a jackhammer). Vibrating gives you +3 on your Dodge skill. Any physical attack you make does 2 extra points of damage, and any physical damage you take is reduced by 2 points. It's also a great power for making milkshakes or mixing paint.

X-Ray Vision (3 points) Activation: Switchable Range: 60 feet Damage: NIA Duration: NIA X-Ray Vision lets you see through any substance except one. You get to choose which one, but it has to be something pretty common like lead or rubber or chocolate pudding. Range for this power is 60 feet.

Gadgets, Weapons and Other Cool Stuff Guns Most heroes don't carry regular guns, but a few do carry specialized pistols. The only villains who carry regular guns are common thugs and hoodlums who never seem to learn that bullets don't hurt supers! Supervillains have learned that, so some of them carry special pistols, too. Alien supers are more likely to carry ray guns than Earthly supers are. Since aliens often have strange ways of doing things, you never can tell what their ray guns will do! Below is a list of some typically cartoonish guns and ray guns. They all cost $200, have unlimited ammunition (whoever heard of a super running out of ammo?) and have a range of 60 feet. Using any gun, even a super gun, requires a Fire Gun roll.

Glue Gun Fires a big, yucky glob of glue that acts just like the Bind power (seep. 160)when it hits someone. This glue is waterproof, so it can't be washed off easily. It's also highly flammable and will burn off very easily. However, this process is only recommended for supers who are ~nvulnerableto fue. Portable Hole Pistol Just the thing for split-second escapes and trapping villains who don't watch where they're walking. The hole, by the way, is 100 feet deep. Sleeping Gas Gun This gas will put the victim to sleep for 2d+2 turns unless he makes a Muscle roll to hold his breath. Make sure you know which way the wind is blowing before you use this gun. If the user is facing a strong headwind, the gas may put him to sleep! Bubble Gun Whenever you hit something with a shot from this pistol, it is instantly trapped inside a clear bubble that floats upward at 30 feet per turn. The bubble has 10 Hit Points. When it takes its 10th point of damage, it is destroyed, and the person trapped inside it will fall. Cosmic Shift Ray Gun Every time this gun is f ~ e dsomething , extremely screwy happens. It may only affect one being or it may affect everyone. This is another favorite of Animators everywhere! Mind-Switching Ray Gun This one switches the mind of the target into the body of someone else at random (Animator's choice).

This could even include the character who fired the ray gun! The effect lasts at least 6 turns, and often much longer if it's really funny. See Toon, p. 121.

Miscellaneous 0ther Stuff Here's a list of useful gadgets and doodads for supers with few or no powers, or supers with lots of powers that just want a neat looking accessory or two. The cost, range, damage and other factors will vary from item to item. The skill required to use these gadgets will also vary. Some will add a bonus or penalty to a particular skill roll.

Smoke Bombs Range: 40 square feet Cost: $5 each Not Reusable Damage: NIA When one of these goes off, it fills a 4-square-foot area with thick smoke (any color that you choose). This smoke lasts for 6 turns (less, if it's windy) and works just like an area of Darkness. Smoke bombs are the size of ping pong balls. You need to make a Throw roll to use these. You can throw them up to 60 feet.

Giggle Gas Bombs Cost: $5 Range: 40 square feet Damage: Giggle Not Reusable This has the same range as a smoke bomb, but anyone inside the cloud of gas will giggle uncontrollably for ld+2 turns. This makes some supers (StrongJawed Heroes, World-Conquering Geniuses, Tough


But Dumb) really angry. You need to make a T'hrow roll to use these. You can throw them up to 60 feet.

Rope Shooter Cost: $20 Range: 180 feet Reusable Damage: NIA When you need to climb up the side of a building, swing down dramatically into a fight or just hang the laundry out to dry,this is the gadget for you! It looks like a pistol with a fat barrel and a spool of rope attached. All you do is aim at your target (flagpole, window ledge) and fire. A grappling device will shoot through the air with the rope attached and hook securely (you hope) to the target. The grappling device can look like a grappling hook, an eagle claw, a hand or whatever you choose. The gadget will automatically reel in the rope. Most of the time.

High Bounce Sneakers Cost: $30 Range: 100 feet Damage: NIA Reusable Leap high into the air without the need for superpowers! You'll need to make a Jump roll, but you get +l. Failing your roll means that you leap, but the direction is wrong and your landing will hurt!

Jet Pack Cost: $100 Range: 120 feet Reusable Damage: NIA A jet pack lets you fly! The skill roll here is Drive Vehicle roll at -2. Failure means the Animator takes control of the jet pack and flies you around at random until you crash.


This cape gives you the Gliding power (see p. 163). A failed Drive Vehicle roll (at -1) simply means that the cape folded up and you are dropping like a rock.

Sense-O-Helmet Cost: $75 Range: Varies Reusable Damage: NIA While wearing this helmet, you not only get a +3 to your See/Hear/Smell roll, you get one of the super vision powers (X-Ray, Telescopic, Microscopic or Night Vision) absolutely free (but at your n ~ r m a l See/Hear/Smell skill level). You can add more super visions for $25 each. A failed skill roll means that the wrong sense was affected, the helmet quit working or the information received was not quite accurate.

Body Armor Cost: $100 Range: NIA Damage: NIA Reusable Body armor subtracts 2 hit points from all Physical and Energy damage that a character takes. Body armor can look like a normal costume or any sort of apparel.

Atomic Speed Shoes Cost: $150 Range: NIA Damage: N/A Reusable When you activate these shoes, small wheels pop out of the sides and tiny atomic rockets in the heels fire, propelling you along at 200 feet per turn! Using this gadget requires a Drive Vehicle roll at -3 every time you activate the shoes, try to turn or try to stop! Moving through grease, water or other slippery stuff will add an additional -1 to your roll.


Itching Powder

Cost: $50 Range: NIA Damage: ld-1 Reusable This device is better than a Swiss Army Knife! Included in each MultiTool is a full-sized hammer, wrench, screwdriver, wood saw, drill, sander, hacksaw, glass cutter, welding torch, file, wire cutters, flashlight and scissors. When not opened, the MultiTool is about the size of "D" cell flashlight battery. A SetDisarm Traps roll is needed to use it. A failed roll means that you either got the wrong tool (possibly one not listed above) or used the right tool in the wrong way.

Cost: $5 Range: 20 feet Damage: Itchy Not Reusable These small packets of itching powder don't actually do any damage to the victim, but boy, will they itch! The itching lasts for ld+l turns and causes the victim to makeall die rolls at -3. The itching can be relieved in a single turn if the victim jumps in the water or takes a turn off (and takes all his armor off) to scratch.

Villain Traps

Range: 20 square feet Cost: $5 Not Reusable Damage: Trip poiring a bottle of this oil on the ground will cause a 10' x 10' square to become slick and slippery for 2d turns. Any attempt to walk or run across is at -4. If someone fails his roll and trips, he takes 1 point of damage and must roll a 6 or less to get back up.

Cost: $10 Range: NIA Damage: Varies Not Reusable A Villain Trap is a sort of highly specialized Gizmo. Each time the user places a trap on the ground (they all start out the size of a matchbox), it will expand into some sort of device to capture a villain. some of these traps are simple (a pit in the ground) and some are very elaborate (a funhouse that systematically beats the villain to mush). A SetDisarm traps roll at +1 lets you start the trap. If you fail the roll, the trap will either (A) not work at all, (B) not work correctly, (C) catch you or (D) explode.

Wall Climbing Kit Range: NIA Cost: $25 Reusable Damage: NIA This kit contains one pair of suction cup gloves and one pair of suction cup boots. When you use them, you can move along walls or ceilings at your normal Speed minus 10 feet per turn. You must make a Climb roll every other turn on dry surfaces and every turn on

Extra Slippery Oil

Belt of Many Things Cost: $100 Range: NIA Damage: NIA Reusable A Belt of Many Things is a wide belt with 12 small pockets attached to it. It can be used like a Bag of Many Things, with no Shtick roll needed, but only 12 times per session. To use it, make a Sleight of Hand roll at -1. Failure results are up to the Animator, but may include the belt falling off and taking your pants with it. Animators and players are encouraged to add to this list. Other chapters to check out for ideas are CarToon Wars,Mektoon, Toonpunk 2020%. Star Toon and even Atomic Monster Theater:

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The Incredible Origin Generator! To use this set of tables, just roll once on each table and put the results together. Many times, the results will be silly. If you don't like them, re-roll. But if you want to be really silly, you can roll more than once on each table! Or make up new ones! It's almost as much fun as actually playing Toon.

Table A Our Hem 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36 41 42 43 44 45 46 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 63 64 65 66


was exposed to ate bathed in smelled was hit by went on a date with drank shook hands with listened to read a book by danced with was blasted by fell into got stuck in is controkd by was born onlin was caught inside got shocked by moved in with was born to was given created went to a party ontin was bitten by bit read a comic about watched a movies about found sat on messed around with was contacted by designed a game about picked up stared too long at wrote a poem about was boggled by


Table B radioactive waste cosmic rays an ancient, magic ring the Whoopie Cushion of the Gods aliens sulfuric acid a sausage and watermelon pizza a strange, otherworldly light another dimension toxic gases aliens from inside the Earth a spider Walla Walla, Washington a transmutation booth another planet purple and yellow gym shorts a radioactive cream pie an aardvark

a witches' brew a bolt of lightning a gaming convention tiny elves liquid steel a duck a timelspace distorter sentient rutabagas a book of Forbidden Knowledge aliens from Texas a box of cursed bon bons an alien virus a mutant lizard a ray gun, set on "Mutate" a humming stone tablet a moose a volcano a Foogle Bird from the far future

The Great Superhero Name Creation System! Ok, now that you've got an origin, you'll need a really cool name. Oh sure, you could call yourself "Super George" or "Ultra Sally," but people would laugh at you behind your back. Superhero names are often two-parters, so we've given you a way to whip them up quickly and easily. It works the same way that the Origin Generator does, so you can roll more than once for a really bizarre name. The "The" in front of some of the names is optional. If you don't like it, don't use it.

Table B

Table A 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36

The Green Captain The Red Doctor (or Dr.) The Black Mr. (or Mister) The Orange The Amazing The Plaid Sergeant The Blue The Electric Miss The Incredible The White Wonder The Pink The Mighty

41 42 43 44 45 46 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 63 64 65 66

Super The Silver The Yellow Major Ultra Mrs. Ms. The Purple The Golden TheHairy General Robo Professor The Gray The Astounding The Spotted Private The Bronze

11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36

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Avenger Tornado Goliath Action Spaniel Wizard Shadow Flash Justice BoyIGirl Ace Orangutan Lightning Ghost Power Thunder Powerhouse Defender

41 42 43 44 45 46 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 63 64 65 66

Warrior Champion Storm ManIWoman Stooge Wonder Earthquake Blaster Atom Steel Dweeb Businessman Knight Laser Protector Frenzy Adventure Mystery


The Incredibly Silly Vulnerability Table Every superhero (or supervillain) needs to have one thing that they are vulnerable to. One thing that can really knock the stuffing out of them (even if they aren't stuffed). Don't ask us why, it's just one of the Rules of Being Super! Anyway, this table will let you pick a totally screwy vulnerability. Or two. Or three. Whatever seems funniest. 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36 41 42 43 44 45 46 51 52 53 54 55 56 61 62 63 64 65 66

Pickles (dill or sweet) Dirt Saturday morning cartoons Raw eggs Cooked eggs (specify how cooked) Old gym shoes Ping-pong balls Hamsters Crayons Crayons (pastel colors only) Political speeches Rap music Chickens Hubcaps (pre- 1970) Hubcaps (post-1970) Toasters Bubblegum Gorillahair Puns Root Beer Six-sided dice Computers Taco sauce House plants (especially ferns) Elephants Soap operas Fantasy trilogys Pork fried rice Pigs Sweaters (take double damage from turtlenecks) Corn flakes Wallabies Heavy metal music Raisins Jelly donuts (any flavor) Guys named "Bubba"


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Chapter 9:

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Toonpunk 2020172

Glossary First-time visitors to the Toonpunk world may need this handy glossary of common terms. Some of these will be expanded upon in other sections of this chapter.

A.I.: Stands for Artificial Intelligence. Any A.I. with a Smarts over 4 is illegal. Bot: Robot. CAT: Comedy Assault Team Chip: An information chip that can be installed in a "chipdip." Chipdip: A small socket on a piece of cybertech that lets a chip be installed. Cop: Anyone involved in law enforcement, including private investigators. Corpcrime: Crimes committed inside Corpdomes. Corpdome: The huge domed buildings that contain a Megacorp's offices, factories and executive housing. Corptoons: Anyone who works as an executive at a Megacorp. Cracked Up and Out: Term for what happens when a Gloomy is made to laugh (or is Boggled) so much that they lose their Gloominess. Cyberdoc: Street slang for Cybersurgeon. Cyberspace: An artificial, computergenerated world inside the Net. Cybersurgeon: A Technogeek who installs cyberware implants, often illegally. Cybertech: Cybernetic technology or cybernetic technology devices Cyberware: Cybertech devices meant to be implanted in someone's body Cyborgs: Anyone who has had more than half his body replaced by cyberware. Deck: Short for "cyberdeck," the interface device a Netroamer uses to access Cyberspace. Gloomy: Anyone who has been stripped of all joy. Essentially, anyone who isn't a Toonpunk. Gram: Short for computer program. For information about many popular programs, see the Stuf section (p. 182) and the Net Profits Catalog @. 187). Heropunk: A powerful Toonpunk who wears a costume and mask. Loon Out: A form of berserk comic rage that sometimes overcomes Muscleboys and Cyborgs. See p. 178 for the game effects of this. Message of Humor: The creed by which all Toonpunks live: "Lighten up and have some fun! "


Toonpunk 20201h


Welcome To Blight City! It's 2020V2 A.D. and the world is a very serious place. Giant corporations (Megacorps, or just Corps) run everything and control the worldwide computer Net (short for network). Fun is illegal and the law is enforced by the Serious Police, a bunch of real party poopers. There's lots of pollution and everybody is gloomy and sad. But not for long! That's because you are a member of the not-so-secret conspiracy of Toonpunks, and spreading laughs and jokes is your mission in life! You use your unique talents to play tricks on the Megacorps, disturb the status quo and generally shake the foundations of 2lst-century society. Is that fun or what? Just remember that everyone has access to powerful weapons and other high-tech gadgets, especially the Serious Police. Life can be very short in Blight City, but it's never dull. You might even be a computer-hacking Netroamer, adventuring and playing tricks on the Megacorps' own computers. Cyberspace can be any world that a program tells it to be - and being there without proper clearance can get you Boggled, Knocked Down or even (GULP!) Zeroed Out! Keep your mind clear and your Shtick programs ready! Yes, this world is incredibly dangerous and exciting, so enjoy it! Please note that Tooniversal Tours is not liable for damages incurred while breaking the law, but will pay a token fee ($12.50) to any customer who gets Mindfried.

Most characters are Toonpunks, but you can play a member of the Serious Police or a Corptoon if you want. See the descriptions of Commander Glumm (p. 185) and Yugota Scratchanichi @. 183). Any character can have built-in bionic gadgets. Some are very useful. Some are silly. The Animator should let players suggest other gadgets especially silly ones. Everyone gets Id x $1,000 in starting money. After that, they'll have to earn money somehow. That shouldn't be too difficult. In Blight City, employment opportunities are everywhere. Some of them are even honest!

One thing to remember about this world is that looking cool is more important than anything else! If you don't look cool, you won't even be noticed.

Toonpunks A cartoon character with bionic gadgets and a bad attitude - that is, a described below. Othsense of humor. Some Toonpunks ha~es~ecialties, ers just get crazy. Knock-knock joke graffiti, seltzer ambushes, ruthless drive-by Boggling - it's all in a day's play for a Toonpunk.

Netroamers These are the 2lst-century's version of today's computer hackers. The big difference is that Netroamers actually send their minds into Cyberspace. They use cyberdecks (see p. 182) to adventure in the net. Netroamers can enter any system and even access other programs and files, unless they get caught by a securitygram or other protective program. Anybody can get into the Net (see p. 177), but the Netroamers are the best.

Muscleboys These Toonpunks like fighting and combat as much as they do jokes and laughing. Their idea of funny is to drop an anvil on someone's head - four or five times. Muscleboys like to wear body armor, unless most of their skin has already been replaced by armor. Then they just wear a pair of gym shorts (or a bikini, if they're female). All Muscleboys have at least four cyberware implants and most have lots more than that. Muscleboys think Netroamers are nerds and Cops are trouble. Other types of characters don't much matter to them, except Technogeeks.

Glossary (Continued) Mindfried: Having one's Smarts reduced to 2 by a dangerous Trapgram, Bogglegram or Stupidgram. Not always a bad thing, in Toon. See p. 178. Muscleboys/girls: To on p u n k s who like combat and violent slapstick humor. Net: Slang term for the world computer network. Netcrime: Any crime committed in Cyberspace. Netroam: To travel through Cyberspace. Netroamers: Toonpunks who enter the Net, usually for illegal comic purposes. Pinkyplug: A cyberware little finger that allows the user to plug into a cyberdeck. (This may be installed other places -an elephant might have a plug on his trunk,for instance.) Plug In: What a Netroamer does when he sticks his finger in a deck. Realspace: T h e real world, not Cyberspace. Serious Police: Universally accepted nickname for the Corporate Regulators Of Serious Situations (CROSS). Streetcrime: Any criminal activity that takes place on the Street. Suit: Another name for a Corptoon. Technogeek: Someone who can design, build, modify and program cybertech devices. The Street: Slang term for any part of Blight City not inside a Corpdome. Vid: Short for video (TV). Vidmag: Short for video magazine, which you buy on a disposable compact disc. Vidnet: A video network. Worldgram: A program that creates a cyberspace world. Zeroed Out: Having one's sense of humor destroyed. For Toonpunks, this is the worst fate imaginable. See p. 178.

Technogeeks If you need it built, fixed, programmed, modified or invented, a Technogeek can do it. Technogeeks are programmers and engineers who have

Toonpunk 20201h

Toonpunk Perils Techno-Boggle Any time an "augmented" character is Boggled, their implants and other gadgets are likely to spit sparks, smoke, and malfunction. This is only temporary. If you have extenidble arms and laser eyes, and somebody Boggles you, your arms might curl up and snap back a few times, and your eyes might flash on and off and burn WUGGA WUGGA WUGGA into the nearest wall. But after that, you'll be okay. So have fun describing the techno-Boggle. Characters with implants should avoid powerful magnets, stay indoors during electrical storms, avoid very cold places, keep their implants well lubricated, stay fairly dry, keep away from microwave ovens and go in for a checkup every six months or 10,000 miles. Sometimes an implant may pick up 'IV or radio signals from far away. Just ignore them and they'll soon fade out. Maybe. Gremlins do not exist, but if they did, they would love people with implants and bionic gadgets.

decided to work for themselves instead of a Corp. Most Technogeeks are very popular guys on the Street. Technogeeks tend to wear tie-dyed labcoats over multi-colorful shirts and jeans. Technogeeks prefer to spread the Message of Humor by inventing new weapons and gadgets for other Toonpunks to use. Occasionally, they manage to boobytrap the machines at a Corp factory. For that reason, most Technogeeks are wanted by the Serious Police.

Heropunks If the Animator wants to get really strange, he can allow "Heropunks" with lots of Shticks and bionic enhancements. They usually have homemade flashy outfits and use punked-out super-names. They use their mighty powers to really boggle the Megacorps. They're heroes to the regular Toonpunks, and "Most Wanted - Fallen Down or Not" to the cops.

Looning Out After any Techno-Boggle, the Animator rolls two dice. If the result is less than or equal to the number of bionic gadgets the character has, he Loons Out. The Animator takes control of him for 3 turns and can make him do whatever he wants!

Mindfrying Mindfrying occurs when someone is in cyberspace and encounters a particularly dangerous trapgram or Bogglegram (see p. 182). His Smarts score is reduced by 2 for 4d turns, even after he leaves cyberspace.

Zeroing Out Getting Zeroed Out is the absolute worst thing that can happen to anyone in a Toonpunk 2020% game. When you are Zeroed Out, you instantly turn into a huge "0" and start rolling really fast in a random direction. Eventually, you hit something and smash into a zillion pieces and Fall Down. When you get up, you have lost all your ability to have fun, and must be totally serious and depressed until someone finds a way to un-Zero you. There are two ways to get Zeroed Out. In cyberspace, you could get got by a really bad trapgram. In realspace, you could get caught by the Serious Police, who tie you down and make you watch old sitcoms and political speeches until you crack.

Toonpunk 20201.

Cops No matter if they are city police, private eyes or bounty hunters, they're all Cops to the Toonpunks. Most Cops are honest, but not all of them. City police and bounty hunters only handle crime on the Street, but private eyes often go into the Corpdomes. Not all Cops dislike Toonpunks. In fact, since they don't handle crimes against Megacorps, the city police only chase Toonpunks who commit Streetcrimes. The Serious Police don't like this, but the Cops don't care. A few Cops are actually Toonpunk spies! Some Cops specialize in handling Netcrime, and are Netroamers themselves. Cops can have just about any weapon or vehicle they want. City police don't have to pay for these things, but private eyes and bounty hunters do. Many Cops and almost all private eyes and bounty hunters have some cyberware implants.

Cyberspace and Netroaming Any character can travel through Cyberspace by using a gadget called a cyberdeck (see p. 181). The character must jack in to the cyberdeck by a headset or pinky slot. The deck, in turn, must be connected to anything

that plugs into the wall. If you don't have a computer handy, just jack into the toaster. It's all part of the Net. Why go to cyberspace? Because it's the "place" that connects all the phones and computers in the world. When you call your buddy in another city, neither of you moves, but you meet in cyberspace. With a cyberdeck, though, you don't just send your voices - you can see! Basic cyberspace looks like the inside of a gigantic neon jungle-gym. There are bars of light in all colors and shapes. Each character, place and program is represented by a different splash of color, which is constantly changing. It can be very comfusing. Make a Smarts Roll any time you see something, to understand what it is. If you roll a 12, you're automatically Boggled. Therefore, all but the most experienced Netroamers use a Worldgram (see p. 182). This is a chip that makes cyberspace look and act just like an "ordinary" Toon world. Characters look (sort of) like themselves, programs look like buildings or animals, attack programs look like weapons, valuable data looks like money, and so on. Netroamers must follow the rules of the worldgram that they are in unless the Animator decides otherwise, or creates a worldgram with no rules. No matter what programs a Netroamer has, they must blend in with the worldgram unless the Animator thinks they'd be funnier if they didn't.

Getting Around in a Worldgram Once in the Net, just act as though everything you see is real. It is . . . kind of. You can buy special programs (see p. 182) to serve you as weapons, armor and so on. The things that you see are metaphors for the things that are really happening in the net. The Animator tells you what you see and you have to figure out what it means. Some Skills will help; when in doubt, make a Smarts roll.For instance, suppose you're raiding the Skratchanichi Megacorp to swipe a data file of suspected Toonpunks, and replace it with a file of chicken jokes. You're using the Dungeons and Toons worldgram. When you plug in, the first thing you see is a deep, dark forest (the Net). You figure out the way to Skratchanichi and start walking. Soon you are attacked by wolves (random defensive programs). You defeat them and go on. Before long, you see a great black tower (Skratchanichi Megacorp). In front is a huge dragon (the main defensive program). Maybe you try to fast-talk it to let you by; maybe you fight it (good luck!), or maybe you walk around to look for a back door (which netroamers call a "back door." Go figure).

Floyd Blinkingchip Floyd is an intelligent young woodchuck. He is 4 feet tall and likes to wear bright Hawaiian shirts. His hair is cut short and he wears an earring in his left ear. Floyd is a Netroamer. A very good Netroamez He loves to set up elaborate practical joke programs, especially in the Corporate Security areas of cyberspace. Unfortunately, this means that Floyd is wanted by all the big Corps for Netcrime. Of course, they still have to catch him. Floyd uses a Mark IV cyberdeck. He prefers to take Gizmograms into cyberspace with him. Beliefs & Goals: Netroaming is fun, but playing jokes on the Corps is more fun! Never go into the Net unprepared. Always try to look cool. Watch out for Cops, the Serious Police and other enemies. Hit Points: 12 Speed: 5

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 4 Climb: 4 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 5 Throw: 5 Zip: 4 Dodge: 6 Drive Vehicle: 6 Fire Gun: 4 Jump: 5 Ride: 4 Run: 6 Swim: 6 Smarts: 9 HideISpot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 11 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 See/Hear/Smell: 9 SetJDisarm Trap: 9 TracWCover Tracks: 10 Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk: 6 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 6 Sneak: 7 Shtick: Bag Of Many Things: 6

Toonpunk 2020122

Dr. Nicewrench Dr. Nicewrench is a cybersurgeon. He installs, repairs and replaces cyberwear. He is absent-minded and a bit accident prone. Dr. Nicewrench is a fox, who stands 6 feet tall and wears a lab jacket over a T-shirt and white pants. His hair is red and frizzy. Beliefs & Goals: Give the customers good service and they'll come back - especially if you charge less than the competition! Try out new ways of building or fixing things. Don't break expensive tools! Oops! Ouch! Try not to hurt yourself. Hit Points: 9 Speed: 5

Once you're past the guardian, you explore the rooms of the castle (the different Skratchanichicomputers). Every so often you may be noticed by a castle guard or a monster (more defense programs). Deal with them quickly, or they may give the alarm (setting off lots of security programs). Programs which Fall Down won't bother you again on that run. Eventually you find the room you want. There are no guardians, but the door looks funny. Looking closely, you see a string (a Trapgram!) With a Set/Remove Traps roll, you get past it. Inside the room, the high-security databank is represented by a strongbox with a funny lock (another trapgram). You fail your Set/Remove Traps roll, and a spear pops out, doing 4 points of damage to your cyberbody. But you get in and grab the huge, musty book (the data file). In its place you leave the bag of bats (your joke file). Perhaps you grab a few jewels (other interesting information) while you're at it. Now you've got to get out again. If you just "unplug," you'll be safe, but you won't have your loot. So you have to get past the guardians, out of the castle, and back to the place where you entered the Net. But as you leave the strongroom, you see a huge, shadowy form - a gigantic tiger in black armor, with an enormous broadsword. It's Yugota Skratchanichi himself! Uh oh . . .

Muscle: 5 Break Down Door: 5 Climb: 5 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 6 Throw: 5

Skills and Shticks in Cyberspace A Netroamer keeps his normal attributes and skills, and can even get program chips (see p. 182) to improve them! He does not get to take his Shticks into cyberspace. But he can buy Shtickgrams to replace them - or to give him new Shticks - as many as his deck will hold!

Zip: 4 Dodge: 5 Drive Vehicle: 4 Fire Gun: 4 Jump: 5 Ride: 4 Run: 6 Swim: 4

Extra Actions Time passes faster in cyberspace than it does in realspace, so once a Netroamer plugs in, he gets more than one Action per turn! How many Actions he gets is based on what type of cyberdeck he's using. Seep. 187.

Smarts: 10 Hidelspot Hidden: 10 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 10 Resist Fast-Talk: 10 See/Hear/Smell: 11 SetDisarm Trap: 10 TracWCover Tracks: 10 Chutzpah: 3 Fast-Talk: 3 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 7 Sleight of Hand: 3 Sneak: 5 Shtick: Weird Science: 9

Programming In cyberspace, you can temporarily change an existing program by making a Fast-Talk roll (to convince it to change). So, when you hack a security program, you talk it out of attacking you - at least right then! A failed roll will usually cause problems. Outside of cyberspace, just programming on an ordinary computer, make a Read roll to make a small change. To make a big change, or to create a brand-new program, requires the Weird Science Shtick (p. 17). Everything on the net is by definition Weird.

The Denizens of Cyberspace Everything in Cyberspace looks like something else - something normal to the worldgram. The skills See/Hear/Smell, Hidelspot Hidden and Identify Dangerous Thing will be very useful for avoiding booby-trap programs (including those that look harmless but aren't). Most of the creatures in Cyberspace are really programs, there to protect Corporate secrets. This will mean that most of them have Resist Fast-Talk scores of 9 or better. They will also have fairly high Fight rolls. A Netroamer might also encounter: Other Netroamers. They may be friendly, hostile or just silly. They may have programs that disguise them!

Cops. A cop in the Net may be a total poser, or he may be very skilled, able to Boggle you and track you home. Als. An AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is a computer character. Max Playroom (p. 184) is an AI. An A1 won't have a real body outside the net (Max is an exception, but he's special.) But an A1 will have high Netroaming skills, and as many programs as the Animator wants to give it. Natives. Nobody knows where these folks came from, but there are creatures actually living in cyberspace. Sometimes they get irritated with Netroamers . . .

Things to Do in Cyberspace A good Netroamer can get into any computer anywhere. Or any toaster, washing machine, electric toothbrush . . . anything that's plugged into the wall . . . and make it do whatever he wants. (Look out, because if it's unplugged while you're inside, you're Boggled.) Inside a computer, you can get it to do strange things . . . read, change or delete data files . . . insert new files, including interesting virus programs . . . anything to shake up those serious Corps. For more ideas, see the Bibliography, p. 204.

New Rules New Shticks There are no specific new Shticks for this world. Animators can allow any of the ones from Toon and the chapters in this book. In particular, bionic devices could be invented to give any super-power Shtick, or even some of the magical ones. Sense of Direction (p. 32) does work on the Net, and is very handy for finding what you want. Weird Science (p. 17) is required for writing new programs.

Donna DiDead Of all the Toonpunks on the street, Donna is the strangest. Fist of all, she's a platypus, which is pretty strange to begin with. On top of that, she makes herself up to look like a zombie! She wears ripped up jeans and a shirt with holes in it. She always carries a laser pistol and a rubber zombie mask in her Back Pocket. Beliefs & Goals: Zombies are cool! Try to look really dead. See all the zombie movies you can. Down with Corp rule! Be loyal to your friends. Hit Points: 10 Speed: 5

Muscle: 3 Break Down Door: 3 Climb: 3 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 3 Throw: 4 Zip: 4 Dodge: 5 Drive Vehicle: 4 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 4 Ride: 4 Run: 6 Swim: 5 Smarts: 6 Hidelspot Hidden: 6 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 7 Resist Fast-Talk: 7 See/Hear/Smell: 6 SetIDisarm T r a ~6:

Looking Cool In Blight City, nothing is more important than looking cool. If you look cool, you are cool. If you look cool enough, even the cops will leave you alone. Other Toonpunks will want to be your pal, help you do things and will think that you are the coolest person since Elvis. Of course, if someone with a higher Look Cool score than you comes along, you'll be just another schmo. Whenever a fight is about to happen, either side can call for a Cool Off instead. The enemies (or the leaders of each side) look each other over and make cool remarks. The players should act out the poses and attitudes that their characters are striking during the contest. Then each player makes a Chutzpah roll. Whoever made it by the most, wins. (The Animator can give one side a bonus for really cool roleplaying.) After you know who's coolest, you can still fight if you want to. But if one side Cooled Out the other by three or more points, the loser is Boggled and there's no fight. Punks who are cool enough can Boggle the cops and walk away. (Of course, cops who are cool enough can Boggle the punks into surrendering.)

Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk: 7 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 6 Sneak: 8 Shtick: Quick ChangeDisguise: 8

Toonpunk 20201h

Stuff Gibson Wi22iurn.s News is the game and Williams is the name! Gibson is an investigative reporter for the Daily Midnight News Network, the worst of the tabloid news channels. He is a Human, with curly hair and an average build. His favorite outfit is a black jumpsuit and a vidcam helmet, Gibson will help Toonpunks do illegal comic acts, as long as he gets the story. Beliefs & Goals: Do what it takes to get the scoops! Toonpunks are fun to be around and a great source of stories. Always look good for the camera. Keep up on all current Elvis sightings. Hit Points: 10 Speed: 7

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 5 Climb: 6 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 4 Throw: 4 Zip: 6 Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 6 Fire Gun: 6 Jump: 6 Ride: 6 Run: 8 Swim: 6

Smarts: 7 Hidelspot Hidden: 8 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 10 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 SedearlSmell: 7 Semisarm Trap: 7 TracWCover Tracks: 7

Chutzpah: 8 Fast-Tak 10 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 8 Sleight of Hand: 8 Sneak: 9 Shticks: Incredible Luck: 8 Know Obscure Facts: 5

Boy, do we ever have some cool stuff in this chapter! In fact, we have The Net Profits Catalog (see p. 187), which is loaded with goodies! Unfortunately, everything is pretty costly due to 21st-century inflation, so Toonpunks may not start with much stuff. Don't worry - you'll have plenty of chances to earn money while having fun and looking ultra-cool.

Cyberdecks Cyberdecks are small, black boxes that allow a Netroamer or Programmer to interface with the Net, either in Program Mode or in Cyberspace. Decks are rated by their speed factor and the number of chipdips they have, as well as how many optional features they have. A deck with a speed factor of 2 lets you do 2 actions per turn, while a speed factor of 4 allows 4 actions. The Net Profits Catalog lists several types of Cyberdecks, from stripped-down cheapies to state-of-the-art, fullyloaded, luxury models.

Programs There are 12 basic kinds of grams, or programs, available to the public. Their cost depends on how reliable they are and what they do. Each one is contained on a little chip. These don't count against any limit on possessions; you can have as many as you can get your hands on. Some programs, like Shtickgrams, require a die roll to use. The normal off-the-shelf chip has a skill of 6. Programs that are created or stolen might have a higher die roll, but no program can be better than 11. The basic types of programs are listed below.

Worldgram These generate a specific world in cyberspace. Without a worldgram, cyberspace is different every time you enter it and always very strange. Worldgrams are usually pretty cheap. Weapongrams You use these to fight your way into databases. Weapongrams have no intelligence and must be actively used by the Netroamer. This means if your weapongram is a gun, you must use the Fire Gun skill to use it. The price of weapongrams depends on how much damage they do. Armorgrams These simulate armor, force fields or whatever protection the worldgram allows. These programs are also unintelligent, but you don't need to concentrate on using them. Cost depends on how much protection you get. Shtickgrams Since your natural Shticks don't come with you into cyberspace, you need these to replace them. If you want, you can buy Shtickgrams that are different from your normal Shticks. Basic Shtickgrams don't cost too much, but if you want a better level than 6, you'll have to pay more for it. Boostergrams Your attributes and skills do come with you into cyberspace, but you

can improve them. A boostergram gives you a plus on either a single skill or an attribute. As you probably guessed, boostergrams for one skill are much cheaper than attribute boostergrams. Of course, +1 also costs less than +2.

Bogglegrams Bogglegrams don't do actual damage, they just boggle things. They cost more if they do Maximum Boggling (see p. 7). Bogglegrams are often found as defensive programs, linked to Trapgrams. Creaturegrams This is the intelligent version of a weapongram. Once you tell thein what to do, they will do it until they've accomplished the goal or been destroyed. Price is based on type of creature.

Buddygrams With a buddygram, you have a traveling companion that can help you out by doing simple tasks. Buddygrams aren't very smart, but they can be very useful. Buddygrams are pretty expensive. Gadgetgrams You can't take gadgets into cyberspace, so these programs do the job of simulating them. You can buy a gadgetgram to reproduce anything from a ping pong ball to a starship. Some gadgetgrams can be dozens of different things, but they're generally all of the same type. The more complex the gadget, the more expensive the gadgetgram. You can also buy gimograms, which act just like gizmoes. They usually cost about $1,000! The cost of gadgetgrams is up to the Animator. Trapgrams These programs are designed to do something to other programs, databases, hardware or even someone using a deck. Netroamers will usually encounter them as part of the defenses when they attack a Megacorp system. An Identify Dangerous Thing roll will spot a Trapgram; a SetJRemove Trap roll will let you get past it. If you fail, something awful happens. It may call creaturegrams or live Netroamers. It may cost your cyber-body Hit Points (it can't hurt your real body). It may throw you out of cyberspace. It may Boggle you or do something silly to you. The worst ones can Mindfry you or even Zero you Out. All trapgrams are very expensive. The worse the results, the more costly they are. An Animator who is concerned with realism (what's that) will have only a few of the really nasty trapgrams, and they'll be right at the heart of the megacorp's defenses. They are often combined with one of the other types of programs or even a virus. A turn or two after the main program activates, the trapgram goes off. Only a few trapgrams are legal. All the rest are both illegal and dangerous. Gigglegrams Gigglegrams cause all sorts of problems, but none of the damage is really bad. One example is a gigglegram that causes a series of "knock knock jokes" to flash onscreen during an important speech by a Corp executive. Another might have the machines that build car bodies make

Yugota Skratchanichi Head of Skratchanichi Megacorp. Yugota is a tiger. He stands over 6 feet tall and always wears expensive black suits. He is the richest Corptoon in the world and probably the most powerful. He has no sense of humor at all. Yugota hates Toonpunks - Netroamers in particular. He will not rest until the whole world is a serious place. Beliefs & Goals: Money and power are the best things in life. Be serious at all times. Destroy the Toonpunks and Zero Out all Netroamers! Speed: 8 Hit Points: 14

Muscle: 7 Break Down Door: 7 Climb: 7 Fight: 8 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 7 Throw: 7

Zip: 7 Dodge: 8 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 8 Jump: 7 Ride: 7 Run: 9 Swim: 7 Smarts: 8 Hidelspot Hidden: 8 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 10 Resist Fast-Talk: 10 See/Hear/Smell: 9 SetIDisarm Trap: 8 TracWCover Tracks: 8 Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk: 7 Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods: 7 Sleight of Hand: 6 Sneak: 7 Shticks: Catfall: 10

Toonpunk 20201h

Max Playroom Max is an A1 program with a computergenerated face! He can only be seen on vidscreens and in cyberspace. What's more, when he appears on a vidscreen, the terminal animates, sprouting arms and legs, and Max walks around. He can change his shape to look like any sort of machine. If he Falls Down, the terminal is smashed, but Max doesn't care - 3 turns later he appears on another one. Max looks like a cat in dark glasses and a black-andwhite striped suit. His best friend is Floyd Blinkingchip, who created him. Although he is Corporate Enemy Number One, Max has the highest ratings on the vidnets. Max can appear anywhere in cyberspace that isn't too well-protected. All his attributes and shticks are subroutines in his very complex self-actualization program. Beliefs & Goals: Being an AI is fun! So is breaking into the Corporate vidcasts and setting up jokes in cyberspace! Keep moving around the channels and the Corps will never catch you. Help Floyd and his friends however you can. Be friendly and witty, even to the Serious Police. Hit Points: 16 Speed: 8

them in the shape of bananas. They would still work, but they'd look really screwy. It goes without saying that all gigglegrarns are highly illegal! Despite this, they are fairly inexpensive on the Street.

Viruses A virus is a very special program designed to duplicate itself inside a deck, database or program and then move through the Net looking for others to infect. A virus can contain one or more other programs and can set them off in any order the programmer wants. Viruses are even more illegal than gigglegrams and are a lot more expensive and harder to find.

Implants Cyberwear implants are pretty expensive, and the cost varies based on the quality. A licensed cybersurgeon in a sterile operating room costs much more than a Toonpunk cyberdoc in a fairly clean apartment. So does cyberware made in a factory instead of someone's basem*nt or garage. All cyberware has a chance of failing or malfunctioning. Animators should keep this die roll secret and if a malfunction occurs, roll on the Technogeek Mistake Table (see p. 192). The Net Profits Catalog offers many implants, some with free installation and a one-year warranty (see p. 187).

Muscle: 5 Break Down Door: 5 Climb: 5 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 5 Throw: 5 Zip: 7 Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 8 Fire Gun: 7 Jump: 7 Ride: 7 Run: 9 Swim: 7 Smarts: 9 Hidelspot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 10 Read: 11 Resist Fast-Talk: 10 See/Hear/Smell: 9 SetlDisann Trap: 9 TrackICover Tracks: 10 Chutzpah: 8 Fast-Talk: 9 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 8 Sleight of Hand: 8 Sneak: 9 Shtick: Quick ChangeIDisguise: 10

Toonpunk 20201/2

Weapons There are a few weapons on p. 191, but you can also use weapons from CarToon Wars, Mektoon or Star Toon. In cyberspace, you can use any weapon that world allows.

Vehicles Use the rules from CarToon Wars to build cars and motorcycles. If your Animator says it's okay, you can use the Mektoon rules to build MiniMeks (aka "power armor") or transforming vehicles (see p. 115).

Places to Go The Street The Street is a generic name for any part of Blight City that isn't a Corpdome. Life in most areas is dull and boring because those areas are where the average citizen lives. The areas where the Toonpunks live is another story. There, wacky and wild things are always going on! The Toonpunks are always partying and goofing around. Most of them are usually on the run from the Serious Police, too! Physically, Blight City bears a strong resemblance to New York City as it might look in 100 years or so (with Corpdomes). There are lots and lots of tall buildings and mean streets. Some areas are controlled by Toonpunk gangs like the Savage Grouchos, the New Stooges and the Lords of Comedy. You run the risk of Falling Down or being Boggled when you enter gang turf.

The Corpdomes The Corpdomes are small, safe, clean, boring minicities inside protective domes. The only people who live there full time are Corptoons and their families. All the blue collar citizens who work in the factories live outside the domes and are only allowed to enter them to go to work. Since all of a Corp's resources are in the domes, they are a prime target of Toonpunk activity. This can range from just spraypainting funny graffiti on the outside of a dome to actually breaking into a dome for some subversive clowning around. Security in the Corpdomes is very tight and completely controlled by the Serious Police. They are good at what they do - any Toonpunks who get into a dome will soon be on the run! The Serious Police will Mindfry any trespassers they catch, and they're rumored to Zero Out the ones who really give them a hard time!

Commander Glumm Commander Glumm is leader of the Serious Police. He is a big, tough, seriouslooking Doberman Pinscher. He always wears body m o r and carries a depression dart gun - anybody he hits must roll vs. Chutzpah or be depressed for Id turns. He has very few weaknesses, but the worst one is the fact that he can be Boggled on a roll of 5 or less. If any Toonpunks found that out, Glumm would put them at the top of his "seek and depress" list. Commander Glumm has a deep voice and growls when he is mad. Beliefs & Goals: Toonpunks are the enemies of society and I will not tolerate their antics! Always follow rules and regulations. Don k get boggled! Always wear -Or. Exercise every day. YOw Hit Points: 24 Speed: 6

Muscle: 7 Break Down Door: 7 Climb: 7 Fight: 8 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 7 Throw: 7 Zip: 5 Dodge: 5 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 8 Jump: 5 Ride: 5 Run: 7 Swim: 5 Smarts: 6 Hidelspot Hidden: 8 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 7 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 See/Hear/Smell: 9 SetlDism Trap: 8 TracWCover Tracks: 7 Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Talk: 6 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 6 Sneak: 7 Shtick: Toughness (vs. Physical): 7

- 185-

Toonpunk 20201/2

"Rockin 'Raul" Me wzik "Rockin' Raul" is the number one enemy of MusiCorp, the corporation that has cornered the market on elevator music. Raul has managed to get hold of programs that let him take over the airwaves and play Rock & Roll. Toonpunks love him and the corps want him switched off permanently. Raul is a parrot who dresses in flashy sequined outfits. He wears his hair (feathers?) short and spiky. He's about 5 feet tdi. Raul always carries a laser pistol and his feet are equipped with jetskates. Beliefs & Goals: Always be outrageous! Rock & Roll will never die! Do everything YOU can to mess with Musicorp. Try not to wear the same outfit twice! Always be ready for a fight or a joke! Hit Points: 8 Speed: 6 (8 with jetskates)

Muscle: 5 Break Down Door: 5 Climb: 5 Fight: 7 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 5 ~ h r o w 6: Zip: 5 Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 5 Ride: 5 Run: 7 Swim: 5



Smarts: 6 Hidelspot Hidden: 6 Identify Dangerous Thing: 7 Read: 8 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 See/Hear/Smell: 6 SetIDisarm Trap: 6 TrackKover Tracks: 6


Chutzpah: 8 Fast-Talk: 9 PasslDetect Shoddy Goods: 8 Sleight of Hand: 8 Sneak: 9 Shtick: Incredible Luck: 6

Toonpunk 20205%

People (and Other Things) To Meet Every kind of Toonpunk 2020V2 character, from Corptoons to Renegade AIs to Toonpunks, is represented in the sample characters in the sidebars (pp. 179-186).

Things To Do Neuroprankster Someone has found a way to brainwash Netroamers into doing silly, dangerous or embarrassing things. Sounds like fun! So now you want to find Out who this guy is and learn his tricks. Will you go into cyberspace after him, or will you look for him on the Street? And what will you do if he finds you first?

Count Me Zeroed Crazy Eddie, the wackiest Toonpunk in Blight City, has been Zeroed Out! But just before he went Gloomy, he left a note "Gloomtech . . . Big Zero Project . . . corned beef on rye, no mayo," What could it possibly mean? Looks like a trip into the Gloomtech Corpdome is in order!

Friday Night Pie Fights There's trouble brewing on The Street! It seems that two laughgangs, the Savage Grouchos and the New Stooges, had an argument about who invented the joy buzzer and now they're going to settle matters! Before the night is over, the Streets will run sticky with cream pie filling. '

AI-Yi-Yi! When your computer-generated pal, Max Playroom, tells you about a secret land of outlaw AIs, you are amazed! When he tells you that they want to learn all about humor and fun, you're Boggled! But when he tells you he wants to take you there. . .

Haywired Your hearty little band of Toonpunks has had years of experience breaking into Corpdomes and Corp databases, but now, things are different. You're deep inside the Skratchanichi Corpdome and the Serious Police are hot on your trail! This time, you have to break out! Can your pals in cyberspace do anything to help you? Maybe, but only if they can avoid the newly-created hunterlboggler program code named Toonstalker.

Arcade Runner You thought your laughing days were over when the Serious Police grabbed you, but instead of Zeroing you out, they offered you a deal. All you have to do is find out what made three former S.P. officers become Toonpunks and why they have started substituting arcade game programs for Youth Indoctrination Lessons. - 186 -

Welcome, Netroamers! We've got lots of new items this year, including the Mark V cyberdeck from Hack & Decker International and several new programs from the Legion of Toon. For first-time customers, we offer easy payment plans to fit any budget. You don't have a job? We don't care! You have bad credit? We don't care! You don't expect to pay us? Then we care! For further inforrnation on our credit program, call our offices and ask for Rocco.

Mark IV "Rhino" All of the features of the Mark III, but with six chipdips instead of four and the option of speaking to Realspace directly through your own voice instead of comlinks! Cost: $900.

Cyberdecks Our line of cyberdecks is second to none! This year, Net Profits signed an exclusive contract with Hack & Decker International for distribution of their hot new Mark V "Panther," the most powerful cyberdeck available to private citizens! We also carry a full line of inexpensive decks for home or office use. Note: Modzfying cyberdecks or using them for criminal activity is punishable by fines, imprisonment, behavior modification and long, boring lectures on Good Citizenship.

Mark I "Hawk" This deck is perfect for the beginner. It has two chipdips and a speed factor of 2. It has a comfortable pinky slot and weighs less than 3 lbs. Cost is $200. Mark I1 "Mustang" With three chipdips and a speed factor of 3, this is a good all-around deck for home use. Includes "phone home" circuitry that lets you communicate with Realspace from Cyberspace via your home comlink. Cost is $400. Mark 111 "Tiger" This is our biggest selling n~odel!Look at these features and you'll see why: four chipdips, a speed factor of 3, two pinky slots, phone home circuitry and a special timer chip that can be set to shut off the deck at a predetermined time! NOWon sale for only $700!

Mark V "Panther" The new heavy hitter in the world of cyberdecks! Just Iook at these fantastic features: speed factor of 4, nine chipdips, three pinky slots, anti-Mindfry circuitry (good versus attack rolls of 4 or less), direct voicelink with Realspace, timer chip and a free Dungeons and Toons worldgram! All for a one-time special price of $1,500! Order now to reserve yours!

Programs For All O C C ~ S ~ O ~ S ! Net Profits is proud to offer a complete line of Program Chips from NeuroSoft Technologies. These chips come with a full one-year, money-back warranty against defects when used for lawful purposes only! Each program comes on a separate chip which takes up one chipdip on your cyberdeck. So if you've got a Panther cyberdeck, you can slot nine different programs at once . . . but if you've got a Hawk, you can only use two.

Toonpunk 2020172

Worldgrams The following popular worldgrams are all fully tested at the factory to insure the minimum amount of anomalies. Warning: Tampering with worldgrams can lead to anomalies, temporal paradoxes, mental disorders and possible Zeroing Out. It also voids the warranty. Cost: $50 each.

Dungeons and Toons This is our number one seller. An exciting medieval fantasy world complete with terrifying monsters and mighty magic! Armor, weapon and magic Shtick programs are recommended and available separately. Supertoon A big favorite with young deckers! Superpowers make programming fast and easy! See our large selection of powers under "Shtickgrams." Star Toon Explore interstellar space from your own cyberdeck! This chip is now sold with a four-passenger scoutship gadgetgram at no extra cost!

Weapongrams Our weapongrams are now available in variable mode, meaning that you can change them from one form to another! Get them now at the low price of $75 each!

Low-Tech Weapons Just the ticket for creating pre-gunpowder weapons, like rocks, spears and swords. One program does it all! High-Tech Weapons Everything from a blunderbuss to a bazooka is right at your fingertips with this chip. Ultra-Tech Weapons If you need a Plasma Cannon or a Light Saber, this chip will do the job.

Armorgrams Armorgrams are sold according to the number of Hit Points they add to the wearer. The armor will be whatever armor is appropriate to the worldgram being used. Cost: $20 per Hit Point.

Shtickgrams Net Profits carries the largest selection of Shtickgrams in the world! We guarantee your complete satis-

Toonpunk 2020lh

faction or your money back. Cost: $400 per Shtick chip at level 6; $200 for each point above 6. Choose from the Big List 0' Shticks on p. 203. (Animators: Since these Shticks work only in cyberspace, they do not cost character points.)

Boostergrams These very popular programs are now on sale for the low price of $75 for the first bonus point for individual skills and $400 for the first attribute bonus point. Prices double for the second point, quadruple for the third, and so on.

Bogglegrams A very useful chip, especially when you need to slow down a security program! Bogglegrams cost $50 each and Maximum Bogglegrams cost $150 each. These programs are variable and can resemble anything from a cream pie to a joy buzzer or a bottle of seltzer! Can be used over and over,

Creaturegrams Great for security programming, these are the well known "Vari-Beast" chips that let you to create any creature with Hit Points and damage points at or below the program's maximum. Cost: $5 per Hit Point and $10 per damage point.

Buddygrams Why roam the Net alone when you can take a buddy along? Our Buddygrams have a Smarts of 4, the highest legal level! They can be programmed to do up to a dozen simple tasks and have 10 Hit Points. Cost: $500 each.

Gadgetgrams This section was so large, we had to give it a separate text file! Hundreds of useful items are listed and all of them are on sale! Note: Animators can decide what gadgets and gizmoes to let the Netroamers have in cyberspace, and should price them according to their usefulness.

Trapgrams One of the best security measures money can buy! We sell thousands of them every week. Just the thing for dealing with subversive Toonpunks! Cost: $150 each.

Implants Five years ago, Net Profits began offering highquality cyberware implants to the general public. Today, we are one of the largest implant dealers in the world. All of our implants come with free installation and a one-year guarantee. Below are just a few of our more popular implants.

Armorskin Don't worry about getting knocked down by a single punch - wear Armorskin from Net Profits! This lightweight armor can really take a beating and still look exactly like your normal skin! Price includes custom tailoring. A steal at $3,500. Note: Armorskin adds 25 Hit Points to your character's total. The armor is not affected by magnets. Built-In Cyberdeck When we introduced this product last spring, the demand was so high that we completely sold out of them in two weeks! Now they're back and the demand is sure to be even higher! Available in any model deck, with chipdips placed either in your chest, arm,forehead or neck. A huge seller at $4,000 each, plus the basic cost of your deck. Note: A Built-In Cyberdeck allows you to plug into the Net without using a pinky plug or an external deck. You only need to be within 30 feet of a cornline, computer, hair-dryer or any other plugged-in device. You can have extra chipdips installed for $200 each.

While you are in cyberspace, your physical body will just sit still with its eyes shut. If an implanted deck is damaged, the Animator should be very creative with the problems it causes.

Extend-0-Limbs "Reach out, reach out and punch someone." With our extendable limbs, you can stand taller and reach farther! You can run faster, too! Cost: $1,500 per arm or leg. Note: Having an Extend-0-Limb is like having the Stretching Shtick, but only for the implanted limbs. Limbs can get stuck in the extended position. Fingertools Tired of not having the right tool for the job? We were too, so we had the people at Digit Tech design these handy electric fingertools for us. Your choice of drill, screwdriver, sander, saw, cuttinglwelding torch, stapler or hot glue gun. Cost: $400. Instant Wings When not in use, these wings fold neatly into hidden slots in your back. During use, they pop out to give you a beautiful set of wings! These wings give you the Flying Shtick, but only at Speed 5. Cost: $2,000. Laser Eyes Why carry a laser pistol around when you can just

Toonpunk 2020442

shoot laser beams from your eyes! Sold singly or in pairs for just $750 each! Note: This should be treated exactly like the Heat Vision from Supertoon; see p. 163.

Pinky Plug Lets you connect to a cyberdeck and enter the net. Each character needs only one - a cyberdeck with multiple plugs can be used by several Netroamers. May be installed on a finger, or anyplace else funny. Cost: $100. Suction Cup Hands and Feet Can you imagine running up the side of a building? Our Suction Cup Hands and Feet will let you do just that! They're also great for getting to those hardto-reach burnt-out light bulbs! Sold only in sets of two hands and two feet. Priced right at $900. Note: Use the Clinging rules from Supertoon, on p. 161. If the character tries to carry a heavy weight while clinging, he has a chance of losing his grip on a roll of 4 or less. X-Ray Eyes Now you can see through solid objects! Our topof-the-line cyberware eyes can switch from normal vision to X-Ray in a flash! Buy one or a pair at our new low price of $600 each. Sorry, they can't see through lead.

Vehicles High-Jump Sneakers Get the jump on the competition with these sneakers from Reeverse. Every leap is followed by a cushioning jet of air, so you land as light as a feather! Available in black, white, red, blue and gray at only $300 per pair. ~ i t e : * ~ r e aweart ing these as having the Superleap Shtick (p. 167). You may leap as often as you like. Jetskates The stylishness of rollerblades coupled with the speed of jet propulsion gives you superspeed while looking good! Just slip them on and take off! Only $500 a pair. Note: Jetskates give you a Speed of 12 for 6 turns. After that, the jets shut off and your Speed drops by 10 feet per turn until you reach your normal Speed. You must wait 3 turns before firing the jets again. If you want to skate along without the jets, add 10 to your

Toonpunk 2020V2

Speed. Using Jetskates requires a successful Drive Vehicle roll at -1. You must make the roll every turn that the jets are on. A failed roll can mean that you crashed or the skates are running wild. To regain control, make a Drive Vehicle roll at -4.

Rocketpack Fly with the eagles, thanks to your Net Profits Rocketpack from Secord AviTech! These new, improved rocketpacks have a much greater speed and range than the original version. In addition, the problem of accidental explosion has been completely eliminated! So strap on your rocketpack and really get on the fast track! Cost: $1,200. Note: Treat as Flying, but a roll must be made every turn. A failure can mean a runaway pack, a crash, an explosion or all three, as well as anything else the Animator likes.

Miscellaneous Items Chameleon Clothes Just the ticket for watching people without letting them watch you! Comes in many popular styles for both men and women. See the Chameleon Shtick in Supertoon (p. 161) for details. Cost: $500. Holoprojector Use this handy item to project virtually any image you choose in 3-D. Why bother with house plants, paintings or even windows, when a holoprojectorcan simulate all of them? Now on sale for only $400 each. Note: Holoprojectors create a very realistic nonmoving illusion. A See/Hear/Smell roll at -1 or an attempt to touch the image will reveal that it's not real. Holoprojectors have a range of 30 feet.

Omnimask Want to see what your factory workers really think of you? Just slip on an Ornnimask and a pair of overalls and you can mingle among them unnoticed! Works great for industrial espionage, too! Only $250 per mask! Note: An Ornnimask can look like anyone you choose. It can also create entirely new faces. The mask will retain the face you want for 10 turns and then it will go blank unless you reprogram it. This mask only changes the wearer's face and head! It has no effect on the body, so if you are a mouse with a lions head, others will eventually notice.

Joy Buzzer Gloves These heavy leather gloves have small joy buzzers built into the backs of the knuckles, so that every time you punch someone, you get a chance to boggle them as well! Boggling will occur on a roll of 5 or less on your Fight roll.

Robotic Watchdog Protect your home and family and have a loyal friend who doesn't eat, shed, chew things, dig holes or pe$orm other canine acts! Available in all breeds and sale priced at $1,000. Note: When building a Robotic Watchdog, use the rules for Pets and Sidekicks in Toon, not the robot rules in Star Toon. The only differences between a Robotic Watchdog and a real dog are that the robot will always be loyal to you, has Toughness vs. Physical and Energy Attacks, and has 30 Hit Points. Other than that, they behave just like real dogs.

Smart Gun This gun fires a laser beam that does ld+2 damage. It gets its name because it has a little robot brain with a Smarts of 4, and can answer simple questions. It also gives a +2 to the user's Fire Gun roll. Cost: $300.


Molasses Gun A gun that fires extra-thick, extra-sticky molasses. It has a 30-foot range and does 2 points of damage. Characters covered in molasses will lose 2 from their Speed and make all Zip and Muscle skill rolls at -2. The effects last until the molasses is washed off.

Not-So-Smart Gun The same as a Smart Gun, but it only has a Smarts of 1, and gives only a +1 to the Fire Gun roll. Cost: $200. For More Ideas: There are lots of things from other chapters that will work for a cybertoony game. And see the Bibliography on p. 204 for more sources.

Here are just a few of our new weapons for 2020115. Note to players and Animators: You can use any weapons in this book, but remember that the better they are, the more they'll cost!

Discombobulating Grenades When one of these grenades explodes, every living thing within 50 feet becomes disoriented and confused. Any action taken by a discombobulated character is at -2. The effects of this weapon last 3 turns. Cost: $100 each.

Toonpunk 2020V2

The "Technogeek Mistake" Table Whenever something goes wrong with a piece of equipment, the Technogeek who made it, installed it or serviced it always gets blamed. Roll one or more times on this table to see what went wrong. Stops working until fixed Starts to glow and get hot Explodes for 3d damage to everything within 30 feet Begins playing music Fizzles, pops and then gets very cold Gives out entirely false information Disintegrates Trapgram goes off, results are Animator's choice User is boggled User Falls Down Gives of sonic vibrations that cause other devices to break down Shoots 100 feet into the air and then explode's Starts to smoke User Loons Out On a roll of 7 or less Users mind is sent to cyberspace, but his body is unharmed Device begins setting off burglar alarms, smoke detectors, etc. User explodes, device is fine

Stops working for ld+l turns Gives off 26 of electrical shock Gets really hot Starts running in reverse Turns off and on at random until fixed bq Loses a small, important part Makes evil chuck&g noises Explodes for Id damage Squirts out lubricating fluid Makes a loud, annoying noise Stops working for 2d turns Melts Falls apart into ld+2 pieces Becomes highly magnetic Starts to vibrate violently Performs a completely different function than normal Shatters like glass Runs at twice normal speed Runs at ten times normal speed


The Randomly Created Worldgram Table If a Netroamer enters cyberspace without using a worldgram, he gets a weird world. Use this table to see which one it is. 11 12 13 14 15 16 21 22 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 34 35 36 41

Mektoon in the Old West (meks instead of horses) Dungeons and Clowns (the monsters wear clown suits) Humanworld (our world) Kids Rule World (kids boss around adults) Teeny Tiny World (one-inch-tallcharacter crossing a city park) Reverse Crawl of Catchoolu (the humans are the bad guys) Toonpunk 1820Y2 (Toonpunks in Victorian England) BikeToon Wars (Bicycles instead of cars) Slasher Movie World (Aiiieee!) TV Sitcom World (Hi, Beav! Hi, Wally!) Giant World (everything is giant-sized except the Netroamer) Video Game World (trapped in a video game) Dinosaurpunk 2020Y2 (dinosaurs instead of Toonpunks) Gangster World (Chicago in the 1920s) Robotworld (the Netroamer is the only person) Plantworld (Plants are the dominant lifeform) All Monster World (everyone is a monster) All Kid World (everyone is a kid) Supervillain World (the Netroamer is the only superhero)

Toonpunk 20201/2

42 43 44

Pro Wrestling World (it's the only sport) Underwater World (glub, glub) Reverse Toonpunk 2020% (Toonpunks rule and the Corps are good guys) 45 Movieworld (put the Netroamer in your favorite movie) 46 Paranoid World (everyone is out to get the Netroamer) 5 1 Space Western World (the Old West in outer space) 52 Duplicate World (all people are identical) 53 Cars of Catchoolu (fight the autodueling horrors) 54 Shapechange World (Netroamer changes shape every other turn) 55 Dungeonpunk 2020Y2 (cybertech instead of magic) 56 Rising Sun (12th-century Japan) 61 Backwards Planet (everything works in reverse) 62 World War I1 Movie World (WWII as it was in the movies) 63 TV Cop Show World (lots of car chases and gun battles) 64 Pirates in Space ("Arr, hoist the warpdrive, maties!") 65 Egypt World (Mummy knows best) 66 Combine two or more of the above worlds

Chapter 10:

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Toony Tyke Adventures

Welcome To Kidworld! A 7-year-old rabbit boy with blond hair that never looks combed. He wears Tshirts, jeans and black sneakers. Danny is always thinking of new mischief to get into. He has a Back Pocket of Many Things. His best pals are Patty, Smitty and Noodles the Wonder Dog.His natural enemies are Miss Feedlebomb, his older brother and sister, and the Combat Nanny. His favorite place is the Treehouse of Doom. His favorite food is chili dogs. Beliefs & Goals: My brother is a big bully and my sister is a pain. Boggling your enemies is fun! Help your pals, no matter what. Collect more baseball cards, comics and bottbcaps. defend the Treehouse of Doom from invaders! Hit Points: 8 Speed: 7

Mwle: 4 Break Dawn Door: 4 Climb: 6 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Tbing: 5 Throw: 5

Zip: 6 Dodge: 7 Drive Vehicle: 6 Fire Gun: 6 lump: 7 Ride: 6 Run: 8 Swim: 6

Smarts: 7 Hidelspot Hidden: 7 Idenhfy Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 7 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 SeeRIearlSmeIl: 7 SetIRisarm Trap: 7 TracMCover Tracks: 7 Chutzpah: 6 Fast-Tak- 7 Pasmetect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 6 Sneak: 8 Shticks: Back Pocket of Many Things: 7 Pet or Sidekick: 6 Wxld Imagination: 10

T a ~ n Tyke y Adventures

Remember all the fun you had when you were a kid? Climbing trees, building forts, playing games and exploring vacant lots? Now think of how much fun it would have been if you were a kid in a carfoon! Well, that's what this chapter is all about! In Kidworld, you can do all of the things you did as a child and all of the things you wished you could do! Crabby old teacher bugging you? Put an exploding cream pie in her desk and Maximum Boggle her! Older brother or sister making your life miserable? Set a water-balloon trap and get even! Need a couple of bucks for a movie? Fast-Talk Dad into giving it to you! Build neat-o, super-keen inventions! Race your coaster cart down the side of a really steep hill! Camp out in the woods with just your pals, your dog and 153 pounds of canned food far company! But beware - you have Enemies out there! Teachers, who don't like Kids and hate to see you do anything but homework. Big Kids, who treat you like a punching bag and take your lunch money. Babysitters, who only want to see how quickly they can send you to bed so y o u 1 miss your favorite TV shows. But worst of all are Older Siblings, whose mission in life is to make things hard for you, take your stuff without asking, beat you up and get you in trouble. Fortunately, you have Friends, too. Grandparents, are the greatest source of protection, food and spare change in the known universe! Pets, who are super smart and will never let you down. Little Kids, who idolize you and are eager to have you share all of the wisdom your age has given you. And finally, there are your Pals, the best buddies in the world! Besides Friends and Enemies, you'll have to deal with Mom and Dad, those two folks you really love, but just can't figure out. Most of the time, they're pretty swell, but once in a while they just defy logic. After all, why on Earth would they leave defenseless Kids home with Evil Babysifters from Venus? So think of what you want to do and then put on your sneakers, fill your pockets with neat junk and come on in to Kidworld!

Character 'Qpes In Kidworld, there are only two types of characters allowed to players: Kids and Pets. If the Animator wants, he can let you play an Enemy, especially if there are many players, and the game involves some sort of battle. Information about Enemies will be found in the People (and Other Things) to Meet section.

Kids Kids are between the ages of 5 and 9. Kids can be any race, species, color or sex the player wants. The Animator can put any limits he wants on possessions or skills, but we recommend that Kids only be allowed Shticks that are normal for their world, like Weird Science, Incredible Luck and Bag of Many Things. But if a Kid uses his Imagination, he can have any Shtick that is appropriate to the setting he has created. If the setting changes, so do the Shticks. All of the Enemies listed in this chapter are every Kid's Natural Enemies, but they can also have specific Enemies as well - like Big Sister's Boyfriend or the big mean dog down the street.

Wild Imagination

When it comes to Beliefs and Goals, Kids have pretty simple ones. Have fun; camping out is fun; be true to your pals; outwit Enemies; my big brother is a jerk; build the best clubhouse in the world - these are all fine Beliefs and Goals for any Kid. For more ideas, check out the sample Kids in this chapter.

Pets It doesn't matter if the Pet is a dog, cat, horse, rat, budgie, iguana, stuffed animal or toy truck - he's one of the Kid's best friends. He loves the Kid and the Kid loves him. But in Toon, Pets are almost as smart as Kids and can do a variety of things that normal animals can't. Kids take this for granted, but Adults will suffer Maximum Boggling (see p. 7) if they see it. Of course, nobody will believe them and the Pet will never do anything special in front of witnesses. Maybe that's why grown-ups talk to themselves so much. Pets are very loyal to their Kids and will try to keep them out of trouble. If the Kid does get in trouble, the Pet will come to his rescue. The Kid will do the same for the Pet, of course.

New Rules and Shticks There is only one new Shtick in this chapter, and it's special: Wild Imagination, described in the sidebar. Every Kid has it automatically, at no character point cost, and can use it whenever the time is right. It's as much a part of being a Kid as hating vegetables or being short.

Wild Imagination allows a kid to transform a piece of junk into a treasure. a dilapidated coaster cart into an Indy race car or his bedroom into a nuclear submarine. Everything and everybody it affects will become part of the new world the kid has created. If a Kid imagines that his backyard is the Amazon Jungle, the grass will turn into a forest, Dad's toolshed will b e come a lost Mayan temple, and any person who enters the yard will be a cannibal headhunter. Everyone acts out his part as though the whole thing were real. Kids can change the setting around or move into an entirely new setting whenever they want. If several Kids want different situations to occur, the Animator can either pick one randomly or throw all the different ideas together! When a Kid uses this Shtick,he doesn't have to change everything. For example, suppose some Kids are being chased by Big Kids who want to beat them up. They might use Wild Imagination to change the Big Kids into trolls or aliens, but everything else will stay the same. Only something of world-shattering proportions (such as Mom yelling for you to come inside this instant) will cause the illusion to fade. Even then, it may creep back a little at a time until the Kid isn't sitting at the dinner table with his family he's eating at the chuckwagon with a bunch of other cowpokes! If the circ*mstances are right. Wild Imagination can be activated and controlled by the Animator ! This is most likely to happen when a Kid is scared, bored or totally absorbed in watching a movie or reading a book Suddenly, the Kid finds himself in a new setting, along with his Pals and his Pets. Except for the Animator's control of the setting, it all works just the same way.

Stuff The following list of stuff is hardly complete, but it does cover many things that well-equipped Kids will either have or want. Some of these things are small enough to fit into a pocket and others are too large to be moved.

Balls Kids always have dozens of baseballs, footballs, tennis balls, ping-pong balls, soccer balls and other

Toony Tyke Adventures

kinds of balls. A few might even have an old bowling ball. Balls can be used as intended or, in an emergency, as weapons.

Baseball Bats Most kids own at least one of these. Good for hitting baseballs or for home- or treehouse-defense against alien monsters.

Bicycles, Skateboards, Rollerskates and 0ther Wheels Patty Patty is a 6-year-old duck girl- Her hair is long and dark. She likes to wear jogging suits with flowers on them. She is cute and has Fast-Talk at 8. Patty thinks Danny is her boyfriend, but hasn't told him yet. Her natural enemies are the Combat Nanny and her sisters. Her favorite food is pizza. Beliefs & Goals: Looking pretty is very important! Danny is a dreamboat! Some day I'm gonna marry him! Help Danny and Smitty with any of their plans. Always carry doggie treats for Noodles. Hit Points: 8

Almost every Kid will have at least one of these and most will have more than one. Just riding a bike, skateboard, etc. requires a Drive Vehicle roll. If players think their PCs will be doing fancy tricks or riding through lots of obstacles fairly often, they should buy the Stunt Driving Shtick from c ~ wars, ~ on p.T32. ~ ~ ~ Animators should remember that bikes get flat tires and chew up pants legs, bearings on skateboards wear out and rollerskate laces can come untied and trip the wearer. Kids who never check these things should pay for their laziness, preferably when it would be funniest.

Muscle: 3 Break Down Door: 3 Climb: 5 Fight: 5 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 3 Throw: 4

Zip: 4 Dodge: 5 Drive Vehicle: 6 Fire Gun: 4 Jump: 6 ~ i d e 5: Run: 8 Swim: 5

Smarts: 7 Hidelspot mdden: 8 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 7 Resist Fast-Talk: 8 See/Hear/Smell: 7 SetIDisarm Trap: 7 TrackICover Tracks: 7

Chutzpah: 7 Fast-Talk: 7 PassDetect Shoddy Goods: 7 Sleight of Hand: 7 Sneak: 7

Shticks: Wild Imagination: 10 Quick ChangeDisguise: 5

Toony Tyke Adventures

Coaster Carts


Also known as soapbox racers, these vehicles only coast downhill. They won't go on level ground or uphill, unless someone is pushing or pulling them. But on a nice steep hill, they can reach speeds in excess of Warp Jillion. A coaster cart is usually not much more than a box or two, some boards, four wheels and a steering wheel. Really fancy models might have a seat, a nice paint job and even brakes (as opposed to sticking your feet out to stop), but they are the exceptions. Most coaster carts look like they will fall apart at any moment. Some do. The mere sight of a coaster cart is enough to cause a Mom to faint! Who knows what might happen if she were to see you screaming down the side of a hill at breakneck speed? Boggle time!

Good Luck Piece Kids often have some object that brings them good luck. This can be a coin, rock, bottlecap, hat or just about anything else. If the Animator

wants to, he can give each Good Luck Piece a die roll to see if it actually works in a given situation. The better the roll, the better the luck. A really great roll might result in a Cosmic Shift (see Toon, p. 40).

Marbles Great for collecting, playing with or tripping up Enemies. Most often carried in a bag hung from your belt.

Slingshots A real necessity for target shooting and holding Enemies at bay. Slingshots can be homemade or fancy high-tech models. They require a supply of ammunition, which can be rocks, marbles, ball bearings or even acorns and nuts.

Toys A kid without toys is like a day without sunshine! In Toon, these toys can have uses that the manufacturer never dreamed of. In fact, a few have even come to life from time to time!

Places to Go Forts, Clubhouses and Treehouses Here's where Kids can go to be with their Pals - and stay away from their enemies. All of these hideouts can be any size the Animator allows and can contain all kinds of nifty features. For a good example, see the Treehouse of Doom, pp. 201-202.

Smm Smitty is a 7-year-old dog inventor with curly hair. He has the Weird Science Shtick at 9. Since his inventions are based on Kid logic, they look like junk to most adults. He wears turtleneck sweaters, jeans, sneakers and a ballcap. Smitty always has at least two Gizmoes in his Back Pocket. He loves watching horror movies and eating chocolate chip cookies. Beliefs & Goals: Think of new ways to make gadgets out of ordinary stuff. Danny, Patty and Noodles are my best pals. Boggle the Combat Nanny as often as you can. Be on the lookout for new horror movies.

Hit Points: 8

Speed: 6

Muscle: 4 Break Down Door: 4 Climb: 6 Fight: 4 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 4 Throw: 5 Zip: 5 Dodge: 6 Drive Vehicle: 5 Fire Gun: 5 Jump: 5 Ride: 6 Run: 7 Swim: 5

Haunted Houses Every world in the Tooniverse is required by Cosmic Law to have at least one old, abandoned, creepy-looking house. Any Kid can tell you that these old houses are packed with ghosts, werewolves, vampires and psycho killers. Of course, what these houses really do is activate a Kid's Wild Imagination and cause them to think up all sorts of strange and scary things. An adventure in a Haunted House is always fast-paced and full of thrills, chills and Boggles. For a change of pace, you could have the house be haunted by older brothers or sisters who want to scare the Kids. Then, when the Kids find out what's really going on, it's their turn to do some scaring! If that doesn't sound like enough fun, you could throw in a few real ghosts or monsters just to stir things up.

Inside Your Own Home On a rainy day, you're pretty much stuck inside the house. What can you do there? Well, by letting your Wild Imagination loose, you can transform your house into any place you like. Try a castle (where you are a prisoner of Queen Mom I), a starship ("Dad, I canna push the engines any harder or they'll blow fer sure!"), a pirate ship (can you make your big brother walk the plank?).

Smarts: 9 Hidelspot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 10 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 See/Hear/Smell: 9 SetIDisarm Trap: 9 TracklCover Tracks: 9

Chutzpah: 4 Fast-Talk: 5 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 4 Sleight of Hand: 4 Sneak: 7 Shticks: Bag of Many Things: 8 Weird Science: 9 Wild Imagination: 10

Toony Tyke Adventures

Noodles the Wonder Dog Noodles is a small, scruffy-looking mutt. He is white with black markings. He's very smart, for a dog. Noodles loves Danny, Patty and Srnitty. He hates mailmen, cats and baths. He is scared silly of the Combat Nanny. When the kids are in the Treehouse of Doom, Noodles stands guard below it. Noodles' favorite food is spaghetti and meatballs. and eats are fun chase! protect the from gers, including (Gulp!) the Combat N~~ I Avoid baths and thevet! Beg patty for doggie treats. Yum! Hit Points: 9 Speed: 7

Muscle: 3 Break Dawn Door: 3 Climb: 3 Fight: 6 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 3 b w :3

Then invite your Pals over and watch movies. Before long, you'll find yourselves in the movie, where you can do all sorts of fun things. Horror movies, spy movies, westerns and comedies are big favorites among Kids. Why, you could even go into a cartoon! Hrnrn . . .

The Woods Any spot with more than a dozen trees is a "woods" as far as Kids are concerned. The Woods are a great place to have adventures, build forts and hide from your Enemies. YOUCan Camp out, as long the woods are within sight of your house or you have your dad with you. This is because of the commonly-known fact that woods at night are a favorite gathering spot for everything from bears to the living dead. No kid in his right mind would ever walk through a woods at night unless he has absolutely no other options or it's on a dare. Even then, they won't walk, they'll run as fast as they can!

School No kid is sure just who invented school, but the general belief is that it was the same bunch of adults who ran the Spanish Inquisition. Parents don't understand this, so, you're stuck with going. However, that doesn't mean you can't try to have fun while waiting for the final bell to ring!

Around Town Have bike, will travel! There are plenty of fun places to visit and lots of interesting adventures in the average Town. Video arcades, movie theaters, shopping malls, pet shops and junkyards are always good places to go. Just beware of roving packs of Older Siblings or Big Kids.

Gun: NIA Jump: 6 Ride: 6 Run: 8 Swim: 6

Smarts: 5 Hidelspot Hidden: 8 Identify Dangerous Thing: 7 Read: N/A Resist Fast-Talk: 7 See/Hear/Smell: 10 SetlDisarm Trap: 5 TrackICover Tracks: 8 Chutzpah: 5 Fast-Tak 5 Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods: 5 Sleight of Hand: NIA Sneak: 7

People (and Other Things) to Meet A lot of folks out there hate seeing kids have a good time. These are "Enemies" and should be Boggled, konked, tricked and otherwise flamboozled every chance you get. Here are the worst of the bunch.

Older Siblings Mom and Dad must have found these big dummies at an animal shelter! They dress funny, act stupid around their friends and act like they know it all. Older Siblings take your stuff, beat you up, get you in trouble and eat all the cookies without giving you any! What jerks! Since Older Siblings are so much bigger, stronger and faster than you are, your only weapon is infomation! Did your big brother accidentally scratch the paint on Dad's new car? Let him know that youknow! Was that guy your older sister was kissing someone your parents hate? Maybe you should discuss this with her! For grown-ups, this is called blackmail, but kids call it health insurance!



'ble Luck: 7 De t Cats: 9 De ct Mailmen: 7 Detect Spaghetti & Meatballs: 9

Toony Tyke Adventures

Big Kids The only real difference between Big Kids and Older Siblings is that you aren't related to Big Kids! Using information against Big Kids

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doesn? usually work. A far more effective way of dealing with them is to rig up lots of traps in a Woods and then get them to chase you into it. With any luck, you can Boggle them into leaving you alone or make them Fall Down so you can escape.

Teachers Teachers come in two varieties. The Nice Teachers don't give much homework out and try to help you get through your sentence (12 years in most places) as pleasantly as possible. They make learning pretty painless and often pay no attention to note passing or low-level spitball fights. They come as close to being "cool" as adults can. Mean Teachers are the exact opposites of Nice Teachers. They can hear gum being chewed from 90 feet away, possess some sort of note-passing detection sense and give out homework every day including Fridays! Mean Teachers have no sense of humor. Perhaps because of this, all Kids in Kidworld feel it is their duty to boggle Mean Teachers every chance they get. There is no end in sight to this conflict, so keep your spitballs wet and your rubber bands ready!

Baby- sitters There are two kinds of babysitters: Grandparents and Hired Mercenaries. Grandparents are the greatest folks on Earth, and kids look forward to having them around. The Hired Mercenaries, on the other hand, are only a little better than your Older Siblings! These crafty and cold-hearted teenagers rigidly enforce parental rules. They can't be reasoned with, blackmailed or bought, so the only thing a Kid can do is resort to trickery. But be warned: these people are sneaky! You'll have to be daring and innovative to pull the wool over their eyes!

Miss Feedlebomb

Zip: 3 Dodge: 4 Drive Vehicle: 5 Fire Gun: 3 Jump: 3 Ride: 3 Run: 4 Swim: 4

Smarts: 6 Hidelspot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 8 Read: 11 Resist Fast-Talk: 11 See/Hear/Smell: 7 SetDisarm T r a ~6:

Chutzpah: 4 Fast-Talk: 5 PasslDetect Shoddy Goods: 5 Sleight of Hand: 4 Sneak: 6 Shticks: Detect Kids Having Fun: 9 Teleport: 8

Toony Tyke Adventures

The Combat Nanny The Combat Nanny is a robot made to look like a human teen-aged girl. Of course, she does have four arms! She wears a red jumpsuit with lots of pockets. Her hair is curly and blonde. She is the best babysitter money can buy. Kids have a hard time fooling her or getting away with anything while she's on duty. However, despite being tough and having a lot of Shticks, the Combat Nanny isn't too hard to Boggle. Beliefs & Goals: I was made to babysit children and I will use all my powers to do the job correctly. Be on the lookout for any tricks the kids might play. Keep the house neat. Hit Points: 30 Speed: 8

Muscle: 7 Break Down Door: 7 Climb: 7 Fight: 7 Pick Up Heavy Thing: 7 Throw: 7 Zip: 7 Dodge: 8 Drive Vehicle: 7 Fire Gun: 7 Jump: 8 Ride: 7 Run: 9 Swim: 7 Smarts: 8 HideISpot Hidden: 9 Identify Dangerous Thing: 9 Read: 10 Resist Fast-Talk: 9 See/Kear/Smell: 8 SetlDisarm Trap: 8 TrackJCover Tracks: 9 Chutzpah: 4 Fast-Talk: 4 PassIDetect Shoddy Goods: 6 Sleight of Hand: 7 Sneak: 8 Shticks: Bag of Many Things: 7 Bind (webshooter): 7 Coat of Arms: 9 Incredible Speed: 8 Incredible Strength: 7 Perfect Balance: 6 Radar Sense: 8 Stretching (arms only): 6

Toony Tyke Adventures

Things to Do The Great Race Your coaster carts are ready to go and that big, steep hill - the one your parents told you to stay away from - will be your racecourse. Can you get to it without being stopped by Mom, Dad or your Older Siblings? Once you do get there, it's a hard two-hour trip to the top. But then again, the ten-minute ride to the bottom is worth it . . . ifyou survive!

The Haunted House Somebody dared you to go into the old, abandoned and rumored to be haunted house on the hill. So here you are, inside and determined to get to the attic window, where you can win the dare by waving to the other Kids. Hey, you've got your pals with you, right? And this house wasn't really the home of a family of axe murderers, right? And those strange sounds are just mice, right?

The Combat Nanny After every babysitter for 20 miles around said no to them, your parents were forced to try "Combat Nanny, Inc." Now she's here, and she's part machine! Can you outwit a babysitter with four arms, superspeed, radar tracking and a webshooter? Here's your chance to find out!

Not Quite Home Alone Your parents have gone away for the weekend and left you at the mercy of your Older Siblings! But help is on the way, because your Pals and faithful dog are coming to rescue you. Once they do that, wouldn't it be fun to get your sister and brother battling each other? Sure it would!

Last Day of School It's the last day of school, and you are determined to have some fun! Your teacher, Mrs. Feedlebomb, is just as determined not to let you have any! It's time for a battle of wits that will stretch from the science class to the gym to the cafeteria.

One Campout, With Monsters Oh boy! You and your Pals have talked your Dads into taking you on a campout! Hiking, eating hotdogs, roasting marshmallows and best of all, creepy ghost stories! Won't it be great? Won't it get even better when those college kids begin their "Famous Monsters Costume Party and Campout" in the very same woods? You bet it will!

Battle at the Treehouse of Doom Hey, you and your Pals didn't mean to get your Older Siblings in trouble by telling your folks about the party they all snuck off to! But they all got grounded and now you're in a treehouse with an army of older brothers and sisters swearing that they'll come up and pound you! Little do they know that this is no ordinary treehouse, but the mighty Treehouse of Doom!

The Treehouse of Doom Built in a big old oak tree, this mighty sky fortress has three levels. The outside walls are decorated with hubcaps, garbage can lids and other forms of -or. All the windows have shutters and can be closed tight. In case of a prolonged siege, the Kids keep enough water and food in the treehouse to last an entire afternoon. The lower limbs of the tree have been sawed off to make climbing difficult. The following description is based on ideas from real, live Kids, so it's as authentic as possible.

Lower Level This level is 10' x 10' x 5' high and is 20 feet off the ground. There is a trap door in the center of the room. A rope ladder, or a box for supplies or Pets, can be lowered to the ground. There are a few smaller trapdoors, too, for dropping water balloons on the attacking forces. A supply of 15 water balloons is stored in a bucket in the corner, along with a box of walnuts (ammunition you can eat) and a plastic bag full of flour. The flour is only used after the attackers are good and wet.

The room is furnished with an old couch, two beanbag chairs and shelves made out of crates. These shelves hold comicbook, baseball cards, rock collections and other valuable stuff. There are posters of superheroes, rock stars and sports figures on all of the walls. The ceiling is covered with 1,743 bottle caps. A flashlight hanging from a string is the only light. A wooden ladder nailed to the tree leads to the room above.

Middle Level This is the largest section. It is circular and goes all the way around the tree. It's about 7' wide all the way around and 6' high. It has a picture window made out of an old car windshield. This window is protected

from breakage on the outside by wire mesh. Other windows have no glass, but do have shutters. This level can connect with the nearby house via a drawbridge made out of an meta1 ladder. When lowered, it rests on the window sill of a bedroom. The foot of the drawbridge is just below a small door on the West wall ofthe middle mom- Crossing the drawbridge is done slowly, unless retreating from an older sibling. This room has a couple of mattresses covered by sleeping bags, several wooden boxes for chairs and fables, an ice chest full of candy, sodas and potato chips, and several boxes of weapons and ammo. The walls and ceiling are painted white, blue, green, orange and yellow, with lots more posters. On the ceiling is an honest-to-goodness electric light! Music is provided by a portable stereo.

This is the command center and arsenal of the Treehouse of Doom. The parts that overhang the lower level have more small trapdoors for dropping things On unwanted visitors. They are also used to yell threats and taunts. A walkie-talkie allows con~ersationwith in trees Or Best of all are three pipe cannons spaced around the mom- Projectiles (mostly oranges from a nearby tree) are fired from these cannons by strong rubber bands made of bicycle inner tubes. Rate of f ~ Ve N ~ from Kid to Kid. A clever boobytrap, the "Sucker Rope," hangs from the bottom of this level. To the enemy, it looks like a climbing rope. But it's only tied to the stub of a limb and can be quickly released when the enemy is about halfway up. Another cunning trap is the "Clobbering Bags of Sand." There are three of these burlap bags, each

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Toony Tyke Adventures


weighing about five pounds and filled with sand. They are each tied to a rope that is in turn tied to a limb. When a string inside the treehouse is pulled, these bags come simultaneously swinging down with enough force to knock several fair-sized teenagers down. Any attacker who gets the bright idea to climb up one of these ropes will find out that it won't hold his weight. In the unlikely event that an enemy manages to get into the treehouse, speedy escape is possible via the "Skyway of Terror." The Skyway is a rope with one end tied around the trunk of the tree just below the uppermost level. The other end is tied to a much smaller tree in the neighbors' yard. A pulley is hooked up to the rope and an old swing seat hangs from a short piece of rope below it. All an escaping Kid needs to do is sit in the seat, kick off from the treehouse roof and

scream all the way to safety. Fortunately, no Kid has been forced to use this escape route yet.

Upper Level This is the smallest room, only a 5-foot cube, reached by a ladder from the room below. This is the "Crow's Nest," 50 feet above the ground, with a superb view of the surrounding countryside. From this room's windows (one in each wall), the lookout can keep an eye on the enemies' movements and report back to the command center via the hose phone. To aid the lookout in his important mission, a pair of binoculars is kept handy. There is also an instant camera, which is used to take photos of embarrassing enemy retreats. The only weapons in the Crow's Nest are a few water balloons and a handful of walnuts.

The Treehouse of Doom Scale in feet

1 square = 1 foot

Toony Tyke Adventures

Big List 0'Shticks Page numbers with a T refer to the Toon rulebook. Other page numbers refer to this book .

The Original Shticks From Toon

Bag of Many Things (5 points) .....T38 Change Shape (5 points) ..........T38 Coat of Arms (4 points) ...........T39 Cosmic Shift (4 points) ...........T40 Detect Item (2 points) ............ T41 Flying (4 points) ............ .T41, 162 Hypnosis (5 points) ..............T41 Incredible Luck (3 points) .........T42 Incredible Speed (6 points) ....T42. 164 Incredible Strength (5 points) . .T43. 164 Invisibility (5 points) ........ .T43. 164 Pet or Sidekick (3 points) ..........T44 Quick ChangeDisguise (3 points) ...T45 Stretching (3 points) ..........T45. 167 Teleport (6 points) ...............T46 Usable on Others (+2 points) .......T47

Everywhere, All The Time!

Maximum Boggle (5 points) .... .7. 165

Atomic Monster Theater

Weird Science (5 points) ........... 17 Talk To Monsters (3 points) ......... 17 Hash Of Brilliance (4 points) . . . . . . . 17

CarToon Wars

Stunt Driving (4 points) ............ 32 Sense of Direction (2 points) . . . . . . . .32

Crawl Of Catchoolu

Know Obscure Facts (4 points) . . . . . .55

Dungeons and Toons Magic Resistance (15 points for level 3; 10 per additional level178 Affect Fires (2 points) ............. 92 Armor (5 points) ..................92 Bag O'Bees (3 points) .............92 Blindness (4 points) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Blurry Form (3 points) .............93 Change Clothes (2 points) ..........93 Color Change (2 points) ............ 93 Control Small Creatures (3 points) ...93 Deafness (4 points) ...............93 Detect Magic (4 points) ............93 Dinsdale's Digging Dog (4 3 points) . . 93 Exploding Egg-Saladball (5 points) ...93 Fast Food (2 points)

Fogrnan (3 points) ................ 94 Fork in the Road (5 points) .........94 Friendliness (5 points) .............94 Gooey Spot (3 points) .............94 Grab (4 points) ...................94 Greaseball (3 points) ..............94 Greasy Spot (4 points) .............95 Guacamoleball(4 points) ........... 95 Heal (5 points) ...................95 KAPOW! (4 points) ...............95 Invis-0-Dust (4 points) ............95 High Voltage Handshake (4 points) ...95 Levitate (5 points) ................95 Eight (2 points) ...................96 Melvin's Mystical Mouth (2 points) . .96 Mirrorshades (2 points) ............96 Naptime (4 points) ................ 96 Nervousness (4 points) .............97 OpenIClose Door (3 points) .........97 Peter's Perilous Pieball (6 points) ... -97 Protection (5 points) ...............97 Rampaging Rabbit (5 points) ........97 Rapid Transit (3 points) ............97 Sidney's Stinky Sneakers (4 points) ...97 Sound Bite (4 points) ..............97 Spring Rain (2 points) .............97 Time Out (4 points) ...............97 Tim's Terrible Toys (5 points) .......98 Wall of Fog (3 points) .............98 Wall of Jello (4 points) . . . . . . . . . . . . .98 Wall of Sparn (4 points) ............98 Wind Window (3 points) ...........98 Zelda's Zombie Zap (2 points) . . . . . . .98

Star Toon

Alien Empathy (2 points) ..........126 Strange Power (cost varies) ........127


Absorption (4 points) .............160 Alter Matter (4 points) ............160 Amphibious (1 point) .............160 Animal Control (1 point) ..........160 Animate (3 points) ...............160 Animate Plants (3 points) . . . . . . . . . .160 Area Affect (5 points) .............160 Bind (4 points) ..................160 Body Of ... (4 points) ............161 Bouncing (3 points) ..............161 Catfall (1 point) ................. 161 Chameleon (3 points) .............161 Clinging (2 points) ...............161 Confuse (3 points) ...............161 Darkness (3 points) ...............161 Density Control (3 points) .........161 Drain (5 points) .................162

Duplication (5 points) .............162 Elemental Control (4 points) .......162 Energy Blast (5 points) ............162 Extra Hit Points (2 points each) . . . . .162 Flash (3 points) ..................162 Flying (4 points) ............ T41.162 Force Field (4 points) .............162 Force Wall (5 points) .............163 Gills (2 points) ..................163 Gliding (3 points) ................163 Gravity Control (3 points) .........163 Growth (4 points) ................163 Heat Vision (3 points) .............163 Illusion (5 points) ................163 Incredible Speed (6 points) . . . . T42, 164 Incredible Strength (5 points) . . T43, 164 Instant Change (2 points) ..........164 Invisibility (5 points) ........ T43.164 Invulnerability (4 points) .......... 164 Light (2 points) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164 Link (1 point per link) .............164 Luck Beam (3 points) . . . . . . . . . . . . .165 Magnetism (3 points) .............165 Matter Blast (4 points) ............165 Maximum Boggle (5 points) .... .7, 165 Mental Attack (4 points) ...........166 Mental Screen (4 points) . . . . . . . . . . .166 Microscopic Vision (2 points) ......166 Mind Control (6 points) ...........166 Mindwarp (4 points) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166 Mind Reading (5 points) ...........166 Multiple Forms (4 points) .......... 166 Perfect Balance (3 points) ..........166 Plant Growth (2 points) . . . . . . . . . . .167 Radar Sense (3 points) ............167 Reflection (4 points) ..............167 Shadowy Form (3 points) ..........167 Shrinking (2 points) ..............167 Silence (3 points) ................167 Speak With ... (3 points) ..........167 Speak Underwater (1 point) ........167 Stretching (3 points) ......... T45, 167 Superleap (3 points) ..............167 Supersenses (2 points) ............167 Telekinesis (4 points) .............168 Telepathy (6 points) ..............168 Telescopic Vision (3 points) ........168 Toughness (2 points) ..............168 Tunneling (2 points) ..............168 Usable On Others (+2 points) .......168 Vibrate (4 points) ................168 X-Ray Vision (3 points) ...........168

Toony 'Qke Adventures Wild Imagination (Free to all kids)

. .195

Big List 0'Shticks

Bibliography The following sources may prove useful for expanding on the parodies in this book. This is by no means an exhaustive list; there are far too many to mention in this small space.


Atomic Monster Theater

"The Cthulhu Mythos. " H.P. Lovecraft and others. This vast interconnected series, by some of the greatest fantasists of the 20th century, spans dozens of books and more than half a century.


Crawl of Catchoolu

Psychotronic Film Encyclopedia. The Golden Turkey Awards. Joe Bob Goes to the Movies. Joe Bob Briggs. War of the Worlds.H.G. Wells. The original aliens-try-to-takeover-the-planet book.

Savage Henry. Matt Howarth. Bizarre, hilarious metaphysical science-fantasy features the Lord Cthulhu (who usually wears snazzy business suits, and who plays synthesizer in an experimental rock band) along with many other strange characters.




Ultra Klutz. An obscure comic series about a giant robot who comes to Earth and tries to become a superhero.

Call of Cthulhu. Chaosiurn, Inc. The roleplaying game based on Lovecraft's mythos. It has over a dozen well-done supplements.



It Came From the Late-Lute Show. Stellar Games. The original B-movie roleplaying game. Attack of the Humans. Rapport Games. You play the monsters!

MoviesITelevision Any Japanese monster movie. Bambi Meets Godzilla. Short but sweet. Mystery Science Theater 3000.

CarToon Wars

Dungeons and Toons

Comics/Periodicals Car Warriors.(1991) MarvelJEpic Comics. A gritty look at the Car Wars world. CarToons Magazine. Classic gonzo automotive humor.

Games/Supplements Deluxe Car Wars. (1991) Steve Jackson Games. See what the parody is all about - the original game. Car Wars Compendium (1990) Steve Jackson Games. All the Car Wars rules, plus rules for boats, helicopters and hovercraft. Perfect for generating new ideas for the CarToon Wars purist. Uncle Albert's Catalog from Hell. (1992) Steve Jackson Games. A huge book of stuff for cars, planes, boats and helicopters - see the "Uncle Schmalbert's Showroom" chapter. Muskogee Mayhem. (1989) Steve Jackson Games. A funny Car Wars adventure pack.

Books The following books explore the inherent humor in hack-nslash fantasy. Another Day, Another Dungeon Greg Costikyan. Yes, the same Greg Costikyan who originally wrote Toon. The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. The Myth Adventures series by Robert Asprin. The Ebeneezum series by Craig Shaw Gardner. The Dancing Gods series by Jack L. Chalker.

Comics/Periodicals Dragon. TSR Games. The official Dungeons & Dragons magazine, with articles about new monsters, magic items, spells, and a humor section that likes to poke fun at the game's cliches (see especially the continuing cartoon strip Yamara.)


Movie~elevision Speed Racer. Mad Max, The Road Warrior and Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome. Death Race 2000. Starring David Carradine. A cross-country race where the winner was the one who killed the most pedestrians. Was also made into an arcade game. The Cannonball Run. A very free fictionalization of the crosscountry race. Smoky and the Bandit. 'Nuffsaid. The Dukes of Hazard.


Cast a Deadly Spell. This made-for-HBO movie stars Fred Ward as hard-boiled P.I. Howard Philip Lovecraft in a world where almost everybody can do magic. The Gate. n o kids conjure up a hideous demon by reading the lyrics off a heavy-metal album out loud. Beetlejuice. Both the movie and the cartoon show are excellent - each in its own way. Ghostbusters.

Dungeons & Dragons, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons and their TSR Games. Tunneb and Dolls. Flying Buffalo, Inc. An early D&D competitor whose best feature is that it doesn't take itself too seriously.

MoviedI'elevision Dungeons & Dragons. The cartoon series, where the Dungeon Master pops in every once in a while to give the characters advice. Unintentionally hilarious. Monty Python and the Holy Grail. A classic.

- 204 -


Fantasy movies that tried to be serious, but weren't: The Sword and the Sorcemr: The Dungeonmustel: Conan the Barbarian. Conan the Destroyer and Red Sonya.

Captain Jack. Mike Kazaleh. Fantagraphics books. Holo Brothers. Fantagraphics books.


Mektoon Comics/Periodicals Ninja High School. Ben Dunn. Transfers all the elements of popular Japanese mecha to a middle-America high school. Appleseed. Matsamune Shirow. Serious cyberpunwrobot comic from Japan with a lighter touch than most.

GamesISupplements Mekton 11. R. Talsorian Games. Probably the best mime-style robot combat game out there. Battletech. FASA. Big mechs slug it out. Hundreds of different mech types.

GURPS Space. Steve Jackson Games. Stm Dek, the Roleplaying Game. FASA. Teenagers From Outer Space. R. Talsorian Games.

Movies/Television Star Trek. Star Trek: The Next Generation. Star Trek I-VZ. Paramount Pictures. Spaceballs. Me1 Brooks. Dark Star: Space Ghost. Space cartoon.

Toonpunk 2020v2




Robot Jox. A cheesy movie that doesn't try to be funny. Japanese anime. These are the films that the RPGs are based on. More mecha-oriented Japanese imports are coming to the U.S. all the time. Many are grim in tone, but some are hilarious.

Neuromuncel: William Gibson. The definitive cyberpunkgenre novel. Sequelled by Count Zero and Mom Lisa Overdrive. Mirrorshades. Edited by Bruce Sterling. A fantastic collection of short stories.


Comics/Periodicals Mondo 2000. Cyberpunk magazine.

Comicsfferiodicals Captain Carrot and his Zoo Crew, DC Comics. A zany anthropomorphic supertearn. Damage Control, Marvel Comics. Have you ever wondered who cleaned up after all those super-battles? Try this. The Inferior Five, DC Comics. An obscure classic from the 60s that featured the world's most inept superteam. Not Brund Ecch and What Th', Marvel Comics. Marvel series that parodies their own and everybody else's superheroes. Megaton Man, Donald Simpson. Kitchen Sink Press. Really fumy and well-drawn. Normalman, Renegade Press. Plastic Man, Jack Cole. DC Comics. One of the fumiest comics from the golden age. Gnatrat. Various publishers. Hilarious anthropomorphic Batman parody. E-Man, Joe Staton, various publishers. Gonzo comic that walks the line between adventure and parody.



Toony Tyke Adventures

Champions. Hero Games. GURPS Supers. Steve Jackson Games. and Vigilantes. Fantasy Games Unlimited.

Cyperpunk 2020. R. Talsorian Games. The first cyberpunkspecific roleplaying game. Written in a very gritty style that can easily be parodied. Who would do something like that? GURPS Cyberpunk (1990) Steve Jackson Games. Dark Conspiracy. Game Designers Workshop. Cyberhorror. SWowrun. FASA. Cyberfantasy. Elves with implants and Orcs with attitude. Has an amusing vocabulary. Cyberspace. Iron Crown Enterprises. Lots of fun tables!

MoviedTelevision Blade Runnel: Starring Hanison Ford and Sean Young. Presents a very dystopian view of the future. Tmn. Disney. One of the first movies to visualize cyberspace. Any D i e Pair movie from Japan. Teen-aged girls in bikinis blow up all sorts of stuff.

Comicsfferiodicals Calvin and Hobbes. Bill Watterson. A kid, a tiger, an attitude and a really Wild Imagination. Peanuts. Charles Schultz. The classic "kids" comic strip. Linle Lulu. Marge (just Marge). The classic "kids" comic book.

MoviedTelevision Supe@ends. Batman (TV show). Mighty Mouse (especially the Ralph Bakshi series).

GamesISupplements The Adventures of Wlly Beamish. Computer game.

Star Toon


Innumerable fan parodies in all media.

Books The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. Douglas Adams.

- 205 -

liny Toon Adventures. Warner Bros. and Steven Spielberg. Little Rosie. Muppet Babies. Rugrats.


INDEX For specific Shticks. see the Big List 0'Shticks on p. 203. Accessories, 46; Mek 118. Alien Invaders, 14. 16,108. Aliens, 124,132-134,150; artifacts, 128; environments, 126. Ammunition, 42. Armor, Artifacts, 60-63. Attacks, 9. Attributes, 140. Autoduelling, 25.30. Axes, 80. Babysitters, 199. Badgers, 74. BattleMeks, 116. Beige Mage, 74. Bicycles, 196. Big Kids, 198. Bikers, 27.36. Binding attacks. 10. Blastini. Betty, 29. Blight City, 176. Blinkingchip, Floyd, 179. Blorg, 64. Blue Streak, 159. Boggle attacks, 7,10,43,76, 165; Techno-Boggle, 178. Books, 56. Bows, 81. Bradley, 32. Buying Stuff, 80. Captain Cheese, 150-151. Cars. 27, 153; construction, 27, 28; customizing, 29. Cartoon series, 11-12. Catchoolu, 64.65; M y t h 52.65-70. Chan, Amy, 115. Character Sheet, 207-208. Character types, 5.6. Clamera. 20.23. Clubhouses, see Fom. Clubs, 80. Coastal Fishing Viages, 19. Coaster carts, 196. Combat Nanny. 200. CornbiMeks, 116. Commander Input. 127. Cops, 16,27,178,181. Corpdomes. 185. Corps. 176; corptoons, 176. Corvette, George "Little Red," 37. Costumes. 154. Crasher, Dr. Beaverly. 128129. Crasher, Ensign Wastely, 131. Crashing, 31. Criminal Masterminds, 108, 112-113. Crossbows, 8 1. Cultists, 52.53. curses, 106. Custom Add Ons, 27. Cyberdecks, 177, 178,182, 187. Cyberspace, 177-181.


Damage. 79. Danny, 194. Defensive shields, 138. D i a d , Donna, 181. Dogs,74. Dr. Gloom, 158. Dr. M, 60. Dr. Nicewrench 180. Dragon, Lance, 85-86. Dragons, 92. Drive units, 135. DriverlGunners, 26. Drivers, 26. Driving, 30. Dropped weapons, 44. Dungeons, 86. Edgar. 63. Elderly Gods. 51-53. Enemy Space. 128. Energy attacks. 10. Falling Down, 8. Felonious Four. 156. Fighters, 76. Five Second Rule, 10. F i n g Things, 3 1. Flamethrower, 42. Forbidden books. 56. Fortresses, 153. Forts, 197,200-202. Gator, Elwood "Jaws," 31. Ghost Towns, 36. Ghosts, 90. Giant Creatures, 14, 16. Giant Hamster, 21. Giant Mutant Foogle Bird, 3 Giant Turtles. 20.23. Giants, 92. Gibson. Mule. 58. Gizmoes, 9, 154. Glob, 21,23. Glossary, 176-177. G l u m Commander, 185. Good luck piece, 196. Grandparents, 199. Graves. Professor Doug. 18. Green Sparrow, 153. Gummites, 133. Gunners, 26. Guns, 168. Hammers, 80. Hand Grenades, 44. Haunted Houses. 197. Hero types, 149. Heropunks, 178. Hideouts, 153. Hit Points. 29. Hotshots, 150. Hotwheels, 154-155. Implants, 184,189. Insane villains, 152. Insanity, 54; losing. 54; regaining, 55. Investigators, 52,53. Ironbelly, Snorin, 75-76. Jenkins, Billy. 23. Jones, J.T., 115. Jungle Jane, 158. Kag "Crazy" Bob, 26. Kazoolam, 112,113,114. Kids, 194. Klangirons, 132-133.

Knives. 80. Known Space, 127. Laboratories. 19; alien, 19. LaGorge. Lt.Porky, 130. Little Kids. 16.23. Long, Lucky Larry, 115. Looking cool, 181. boning Out, 178. Lost Cities, 63. Magic items, 99; miscellaneous, 100. Magic, Catchooloid.55; Dungeonr and Toons.77. Magical attacks, 10. Malevolent, Marcus, 6&61. Maps, 8. Marbles, 197. Marlowe. Spade. 60. Maximum Boggle, 7,76,78, 165. Mechanic, 26. Mechatron, 157,159. Megacorps. 176. Mek Pilots, 110. Mek Techs, 110. Meks, 109; computers, 118; movement, 117; operation. 111; senrors. 117. Mektoon Record Sheet, 121. Melee Weapons, 80. Mellin, Scoop, 20. Mental attacks, 10. Mewzik. "Rockin' Raul," 186. Mice, 75. Mick the Knife. 100. Mighty Pipsqueak. 152. Military Bases. 19. Mitary Man, 15. Milton. 32. Mindfrying. 178. Mines, 45. MiniMeks, 116. Miss Feedlebomb. 199. Missile Weapons, 8 1. Moles, 91. Money, 80.11 1. Monsters, 70.89. Motorcycles, 28. Mousekatonic University, 62; Illustrated Guide, 65. Mummies, 89. Muscleboys/guls. 177. Mutant Animals, 36. Mutants, 108, 113. Naht-Unkamen, 87. Natives. 181. Net Profits Catalog, 187. Net, 176, 177. Netroamers, 177,180, 181. Netroaming, 178. New alien races. 128. New rules, 7, 17,30,54,125, 152.181. 195. New Shticks., 126,152,181,195. New spells, 98. Nitrous Oxide, 46. Noodles the Wonder Dog, 198. N o d powers, 152. Normal Stuff. 77-79. Occult Research Equipment, 58. Octopians, 21. Off-road driving. 3 1. Officer Canard, 33. Older Siblings, 198. Other dimensions, 129. Outer space, 112, 124.

Outlaws, 26,36; spacers, 124. Patty. 196. Personality chips, 140. Pets, 195. Pickacard, Capt Jean Nuke, 124-125. Pistols. 40. Playroom, Max, 184, 186. Polearms, 80. Poprok, Jeff. 113. Porcs, 9 1. Potions. 101-102.105. Power Sources, 116. Powerstones, 101. Pretty Great Old Ones, 52. Private citizens, 124. Programming, 180. Programs. 182.187. Props, 11. Rabbit, Jack, 28. Raccoon, Rachael, 57. Races, 73.74. Radios, 18. Rajid, 59. Ramming, 3 1. Ranges, 8. Recapping. 10. Record sheets, 10.49.121, 144-145,207-208. Regular speed, 125. Ritles, 40. Rings, 101. Robot design sheet, 145. Robots, 125,139-140. Rockhead, 159. Rollerskates. 1%. Rover the Bold, 73. Sanity, 54. Sarge, 27. School. 198. Scientific Stuff, 18. Scientists, OM,14; Young. 14. Scrolls, 101. Serious Police, 176. Shields. 8 1. Ship systems. 135. Shtick chips, 140. Shtickgrams, 182,188. Shticks, 17.32-33.55.78. 126-127, 152, 181, 195, 203. Skateboards, 1%. Skeletons. 89. Skill chips. 140. Skill names, 9. Skill points. 7. Skratchanichi. Yugota. 183. Slime Aliens, 21,22. Slimes, 91. Slingshots. 82. 197. Slugasaurus, 20.23. Srnitty. 197. Smuggins, Dayglo. 82. Snod Lt., 131. Solo, zax, 112. Sound effects, 11. Spacefleet personnel, 124. Spears, 81. Special armor coatings, 39. Speed 8.31. Spell Points, 77.78. Spells, 55-56.92; casting time, 77; duration, 77; fumbles, 78; range, 77. Spider. Boris D.. 84. Splatman, 156-157. Squidziila,20.22.23. Squirrels. 74. Star Men, 22.

Star Toon ship record, 144. Starships, 125; construction, 134-139; size, 135. Sticky attacks, 10. SbXePaths, 109-111. Strong-Jawed Hero, 149. Shyker. Commander Quill. 126. Super gadgets. 168-171. Super names. 173. Super origins, 172. Superpowers, 152,160-168. Superstar mles. 7. Superteams, 155-156. Supervillain types, 151. Swords, 80. Teachers. 199. Techno-Boggle. 178. Technogeeks, 177. Teenagers, 15. Television, 18. Temples, 63, 88. Thieves, 76. Thrown Missiles, 82. Xres. 29.45. Toad Wanior. 38. Tombs, 63. Toon Titans, 156. Toonpunks, 176, 177. Tough But Dumbs, 151. Town of Dale. 82-86; map, 83. Towns, 82. Toy, Counselor Banana, 131. Toys, 197. Transforming attacks, 10. Transforming. 111. TransMeks. 116. Transport, 56. Traps. 107. Treehouse of Doom, 200.201 202; map, 202. Treehouses, 197. Trembly, Dexter, 54. Wisted Ridge, Colorado, 33, 37; map, 34. UltraPig, 149. Uncle Spud, 36. 39. Uncle Spud's Catalog, 29. 33. 39-47. Undead, 89. Unknown Space, 128. User-Friendly Dungeon of Splanmg!. 102; map, 103. Vampires, 90. Vehicle Record Sheet, 49. Vehicles, 18. 153. 184, 190. V i s e s , 184. Vulnerability, 174. Wandering. Carol. 17. Wandering. Dr. Amos. IS. Wands, 101. Warped speed, 125. Weapon fire, 30. Weapons, 18,29,30,40,79, 118, 136, 168, 184, 191. Weud worlds, 128. Werecreatures, 91. Whips, 81. Wiffleman, W~lfred,53. Williams, Gibson, 182. WlZards, 77. World-ConqueringGenius. 151. Worldgrams, 179. 182. 188. Zap. 17. Zeroing Out, 178. Zok, Supreme High Commander, 21-22. Zombies. 90.


Copyright Q 1992 by Steve Jackson Games. Permission to photocopy.





Skill Level


MUSCLE Break Down Door Climb Fight Pick Up Heavy Thing Throw


Dodge Drive Vehicle Fire Gun ~ump Ride Run Swim




Hidelspot Hidden Identify Dangerous Thing Read Resist Fast Talk SeelHearISmell Set/Disarm Trap TracklCover Tracks

CHUTZPAH Fast-Talk PassIDetect Shoddy Goods Sleight of Hand

Skill Level


Skill Level


Errata This is the known errata for the print version of Tooniversal Tour Guide when this PDF was created: Page 40: Teflon Coating does not add hit points. Page 70: Zok-Hotdog has two legs in the picture and four legs in the text. Should we split the difference and call it three? Does anybody care? He certainly doesn’t! Page 74: In the third paragraph under Squirrels, Squirrels get +2 to the See skill, not to See rolls. Page 96: In the Mirrorshades description, “9 or less” should read “9 or more.” Page 98: The Wall of Spam is 50 feet wide. (Try whispering that to a stranger sometime. It will liven up his day.) Page 102: The Potion Table referred to in the first paragraph is on p. 105. Page 119: An Itchy Ray costs $2,500. Page 131: In the first paragraph about Lieutenant Snorf, the page reference should be to p. 132. Page 152: The Mighty Pipsqueak’s skill in Pass/Detect Shoddy Goods should be 5, not 50. (Though you can play

her with 50 if you really want to . . .) Page 160: The cost for the Amphibious super-power should be 2 points, not 1. Under Area Effect, change “5 square feet” to “5 feet.” Page 162: For Energy Blast, the Damage number should be 1d+2. Page 164: Under Incredible Speed, change the page reference to p. 42. Under Invulnerability, delete the reference to Damage Resistance. Wrong game system, folks! Page 178: Under Cyberspace and Netroaming, the page reference should be to p. 182. Page 184: Under Implants, second paragraph, the page reference should be to p. 189. Page 186: “Rockin’ Raul” Mewzik’s speed is 7 with jetskates. Page 190: Jetskates, when not turned on, increase your speed by 1 — not 10! Page 203: Magic Resistance is on p. 78, and Fast Food is on p. 93. Page 203: Dinsdale’s Digging Dog costs 3 points, and Amphibious costs 2 points.

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