How are you coffee? - Whippedrosesandvanilla (2024)

The first time Sasuke lays eyes on him is on a dreary, rainy Thursday evening. The coffee shop is empty, minutes away from closing, when the door chimes. Sasuke glances up from wiping down the wooden counter to see a drenched man saunter in from the downpour outside.

Raindrops cling to his unruly blonde hair, plastering some strands to his forehead. The man shakes off the dampness, sending water droplets flying as his shirt clings to his toned body.

Damp shoes squeak against the tiled floor as he moves towards the counter before settling onto the red vinyl stool, his intense blue eyes scanning Sasuke from behind large framed rain- speckled glasses.

The man nods in greeting. “One black coffee, please,” he requests with a casual charm.

Sasuke responds with a simple nod and turns to the brushed steel coffee machine behind him, commencing the familiar art of brewing. Amidst the measuring of grounds and frothing milk, he can't help stealing glances at the customer from his corner vision. An all-black ensemble, from boots to jacket, that stands out drably against the cafe's warm, rustic decor. A wide-brimmed hat obscures a significant portion of his face, when he has his head down, casting dramatic shadows to accentuate his sharp jawline and conceal his eyes.

Sasuke's curiosity gets the best of him. Is he someone famous? He considers straightening his own ink-black hair and green apron to check his appearance in the glass cabinet, but decides against it with an inward scoff. Why should he care about if he's a celebrity or someone who's walking around incognito?

Finishing up the order, Sasuke pours the freshly brewed coffee into a to-go cup and hands it across the wooden counter to the man. Their fingers brush momentarily, calloused skin against calloused skin, before Sasuke pulls back.

The man meets Sasuke's gaze as he brings the cup to his lips for a sip. The intensity in those eyes is electrifying. It reminds Sasuke of lightning, and how it dances through storm clouds in a dark sky, illuminating the world in brilliant flashes. “This is very good,” the man comments, humming contentedly as he takes another sip.

Sasuke raises an eyebrow, his closest approximation to expressing acknowledgment of the compliment. “Thank you,” he replies, tone clipped but not unfriendly.

“You know, I think this will be my new favorite cafe around here,” the man continues unprompted, his words flowing like a gentle rain-swollen stream. He settles back more comfortably on the stool, cradling the coffee close. "It's cozy, and the coffee is great. Have you been here long?"

“Mn, I opened two weeks ago.”

“Ah, that explains why I haven't discovered this place until now,”the man muses with a small smile, taking another sip. The dark brew has stained his upper lip and Sasuke unconsciously follows the movement of the pink tongue that darts out to lick off the remnants.

He blinks, averting his eyes when he realizes the action. He should go back to cleaning. Sasuke turns his back to grab a rag, starting to wipe the counter down with exaggerated motions. The cafe falls silent except for the occasional splash of rain hitting the pavement outside and the sound of coffee being sipped.

Eventually, the man finishes his drink. He rises from the barstool and heads towards the exit, boots squeaking faintly. But before he steps back out into the pouring rain, he pauses in the door frame, turning back to meet Sasuke who is now watching him. A lopsided smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth as he offers a final parting comment. “I'll be back again.” With that, the bell chimes, and he disappears into the rainy city abyss outside.

“He doesn't even have an umbrella,” Sasuke mutters to himself, eyeing the packed umbrellas in the cafe's umbrella stand.

The second time Sasuke glimpses the man, it's late on a sunny Saturday afternoon. The cafe has a decent lunchtime crowd still milling about. The blonde occupies a corner table by the window, one leg crossed over the other as he cradles a fresh cup of coffee in one hand and a well-worn paperback in the other. His excessively large, circular glasses have been pushed up to rest haphazardly on the crown of his head, tousled hair sticking up at odd angles as if tangled with an entire flock of birds.

He seems to absentmindedly hum a tune under his breath to himself, eyes focused intently on the pages as he turns them periodically with his thumb, taking sips from his cup. But then, a small frown creases his forehead, and he slowly sets his book aside, fingers drumming restlessly against the scratched tabletop. He surveys the room for a few moments, as if searching for someone or something, nose wrinkling slightly. Sasuke observes from his spot behind the counter, hands stilling on the mug he had been cleaning, as he waits for the man's eyes to inevitably land on him.

The man's gaze finally locks on Sasuke, and sure enough, they brighten with recognition. The day before, half of his face had been concealed, but now those eyes are brilliant, arresting, and piercing in their intensity. His features are handsome and well proportioned, albeit a bit rugged.

Sasuke finds himself unable to look away, until the man's lips breaks into a pleased grin and he waves Sasuke over, pointing exaggeratedly to his empty ceramic mug.

“My coffee is finished,” he mouths dramatically across the room.

Sasuke gives the slightest roll of his eyes, but nonetheless plucks up a mug and turns towards the espresso machine. Once he's finished, he carries the coffee over to the man's table. He sets the fresh mug beside the man's elbow with a dull clink of ceramic against wood. The sound draws the man's gaze upward from where it had drifted back to his abandoned book, and his grin returns full force. He sets the book aside, and Sasuke catches the title; how fiction works, it reads.

“Black coffee, right?” he checks, already lifting the cup to take a long drag.

“Yeah,” Sasuke confirms flatly.

“Thank you!” the blonde calls out, an undeniably genuine and hearty smile crinkling the corners of his eyes—one that makes something warm and unfamiliar flutter low in Sasuke's abdomen. “I had no idea when my coffee finished.” he chuckles.

“You're welcome,” Sasuke allows himself to respond gruffly turning to head back to the counter.

“You know,” the man continues, halting him. “In romance novels, this is usually how the fated meeting and the chemistry between the two main love interests begins.”

Sasuke turns, thrown by the non-sequitur. “Okay,” he drawls.

The man laughs, the rich sound spilling past full lips as the corners of his eyes crinkle further with mirth. “ My name is Naruto by the way. I never properly introduced myself the other day. I'm a writer, mostly of romance.”

“Oh?” Sasuke's mouth twitches upwards slightly without conscious thought, the faintest hint of a smile ghosting across his typically impassive features. “That's...interesting.”

Naruto nods with eagerness in response, reaching for his coffee only to nearly upend the whole thing in his enthusiasm. He sloshes some across the table, dark beverage spreading like spilled ink. Sasuke moves to grab some napkins to clean it up before it can spill onto the floor, but Naruto waves him off. He grabs a napkin himself and quickly swipes the coffee, shrugging his shoulders as he continues. “Yeah! I write about all kinds of things. Though lately,” he sighs heavily, dropping the wet napkin after he's done. “I've been really struggling to write anything even remotely good. I had a bit of a meltdown the other day actually, which is why I ended up wandering into your cafe looking for some peace and quiet to regroup.”

The admission tugs at something in Sasuke's chest, and his next words slip out before thinking. “So you're dealing with writer's block then?”

Naruto purses his lips in contemplation. “Hmm, I wouldn't call it that. It's more like I know what I want to write about, but I can't find the right way. Like I'm missing inspiration.”

Sasuke gives a slow nod of understanding. Though he knows nothing about writing. “Well, I hope you're able to find that inspiration again soon,” he offers, the words feeling inadequate even as they leave his mouth.

But Naruto doesn't seem perturbed. In fact, his eyes suddenly regain their mischievous sparkle as a sly grin tugs at one corner of his mouth. “Y'know, you could actually help me with that.”

Sasuke arches one slanted brow skeptically. “Me? How?”

“Well,” Naruto draws the word out, leaning back in his chair in a deceptively casual pose. “You see, the protagonist in my current story - he's this brooding, dark haired guy who owns a quaint little cafe. Handsome as hell, but completely oblivious to all the people pining after him.” He aims a pointed look at Sasuke's way.

“If you're looking for romantic advice, I'm the last person you should ask,” Sasuke deadpanns, already turning to return to his post behind the counter.

“Wait!” Naruto calls after him, and Sasuke glances back over his shoulder. “Why not?”

“Because I've never been in love. So I can't really give you much inspiration on that front.” Why is he having this conversation with a stranger?

Naruto's jaw drops, those tantalizing eyes going comically wide as his brows climbed towards his hairline. “You're kidding! A gorgeous guy like you has seriously never been in love?”

Heat tingles Sasuke's cheeks before he can stop it. He doesn't know how to take the compliment. He's often been told he's a good-looking man, and he's witnessed the giggles and blushes of female customers when they approach to take their orders. However, he's never taken such compliments to heart. Which is why, it surprises him now that his heart skips a beat at the words from this man he barely knows. “I am being serious,” He manages to choke out, hoping that his face isn't as red as it feels. “So like I said, I'm not going to be much help.”

“Unacceptable.” The rapt response has Sasuke blinking in surprise. “You can't be that unromantic,” Naruto insists. “Even if you're not in love, you must have been in a relationship at some point.”

Sasuke shrugs. “No one has caught my attention.”

Naruto huffs, seemingly unsatisfied with the response. “Well then, in that case, I'll just have to make you fall in love with me! That way I can experience the whole thing firsthand as inspiration for my story.”

A startled beat of silence meets this proclamation. Then— “Your money would be two hundred yen. Please make your payment before you leave.”

“I'm dead serious!” Naruto shoots back, setting his empty mug back down with a determined thunk. When Sasuke continues staring blankly, he lets out a put-upon sigh and waves a hand. “Okay, okay, let me explain…”

Though acutely aware more customers could arrive at any moment, Sasuke takes a seat opposite Naruto, inexplicably intrigued and lacking the motivation to stop whatever this was from playing out. “Alright, I'm listening,” he says. Just to humor Naruto.

“So the idea is,” Naruto leans forward, eyes alight with the spark of someone about to share a grand scheme, “I'll start coming around here regularly - multiple times a week, every day if I have to. And each time, I'll interact with you more and try different things to see what makes your heart start racing.”

Rather than comment, Sasuke remains in stunned silence, which Naruto takes as permission to keep talking. “It could be deep, penetrating gazes…” He demonstrates with a smoldering look from under his lashes that has absolutely no effect on Sasuke. “Or maybe picking up your favorite snack or beverage as a gesture of courtship…” Naruto mimes placing an imaginary gift in front of Sasuke, expression softening into a besotted expression that this time does send Sasuke's heart into a tailspin. “I could try cheesy pickup lines, extravagant gifting, acts of heroism and chivalry - you name it! Whatever tips the scales and finally makes you realize you've fallen desperately in love with me.”

By the end of his animated spiel, Naruto's entire body is beaming excitement. He sits back with a flourish, clearly waiting for Sasuke's awed response. To his credit, Sasuke manages to keep his expression neutral for three seconds before a derisive snort escapes him. “That's ridiculous.”

“Nope, nuh-uh. This is the perfect opportunity for me.”

Sasuke is almost tempted to ask how old this guy is, given the way he talks. He looks around Sasuke's age, maybe a few months younger. “If I do fall in love with you, and you manage to write your novel, what happens next?”

Naruto pauses, his face assuming a thoughtful expression. It's evident he hadn't given his own proposition much consideration. “Hmm, then I suppose we both have to wait and see.”

“You're not going to get anything out of this,” Sasuke remarks, already sensing where this conversation is headed.

“Maybe. Maybe not.” Naruto concedes with a nod. “So tell me, are you in, or are you in?”

For a long moment, Sasuke seriously considers walking away right then and putting an end to this ludicrous conversation. He's mere seconds from doing just that when he makes the mistake of catching the pleading expression on Naruto's face. A silent plea. His expression is a silent plea that seems to speak straight to his heart, which is still pounding for reasons Sasuke could not explain. And against his better judgment, he hears himself saying: “...Alright, fine. I'm in.”

This could be an interesting experience at least, even if Naruto's silly plan is doomed to fail from the start. Sasuke hasn't felt even a flutter of real romantic interest in...well, ever. Not towards anyone. He's always been too focused on work, on making his little cafe a success. Dating and falling in love were notions that never even entered his mind, let alone his reality.

But maybe having this human whirlwind of enthusiasm around more often will liven things up a bit. Sasuke's existence has been pretty monotonous and, he's realized in a rare moment of self-reflection, possibly a little lonely at times.

Yeah...could be alright to have someone new to interact with and add some color to his days, even if just temporarily.

Even if Naruto is clearly crazy.

“Really? No take backs.”

“Yeah.” He hopes he won't regret this.

Naruto grins widely and extends a hand.

Sasuke glances at it and then at the writer. “What, are we signing a contract like this?”

“Just take my hand!”


Naruto rolls his eyes. “You know, for the sake of all the romance writers out there— c-can we just shake hands like normal people?”

Sasuke hesitates for a few seconds more, but in the end his hand slides into Naruto's and a tingle runs down his spine.

The next afternoon arrives with clockwork regularity, the cafe door's cheerful chime announcing a familiar whirlwind's return. Sasuke glances up from the counter to find Naruto breezing in, blonde hair gloriously disheveled as if he just rolled out of bed. Untamed tufts stick up every which way, defying gravity in a ridiculous way that makes the corners of Sasuke's mouth twitch upwards.

Does the idiot even own a hairbrush? Sasuke wonders, a fleeting image of Naruto's wild bedhead pressed against his pillows flashing through his mind before he can tamp it down.

Naruto's appearance is so out of place with his crisp, clean surroundings— Sasuke is quickly realizing the blonde man practically radiates a kinetic, chaotic energy he isn't at all accustomed to being around. Yet...doesn't find himself minding in the slightest.

Unable to bite it back in time, a tiny smile escapes as Naruto flops bodily into the corner table he took yesterday, shrugging out of that eye-searing orange jacket.

Orange? The guy certainly has...some color preferences, Sasuke observes with a shake of his head.

For a stretch, Naruto is quiet—well as quiet as a he can be, anyway. He situates himself with his HP laptop, fingers flying with deft ease over the keys while his free hand rakes through his wild locks. He's wearing that look again, the one Sasuke absolutely does not find endearing at all, nope. Brow furrowed in concentration, tip of his pink tongue poking through his plush lower lip as he types.

Sasuke absolutely does not stare at the motion of the slick muscle darting out, nor does he wonder how those lush lips might feel pressed against his own. He absolutely, resolutely does not.

Too busy very much not pondering such thoughts, Sasuke nearly misses the young woman approaching the counter with a timid smile.

“Um, c-can I have some cream?” she asks, pointing at the tiny sealed cups of creamer behind the glass display then at her cup of cappuccino. “For my coffee?”

Snapping out of his...daze, Sasuke grabs one of the cups, places it next to her steaming mug with a deft flick of his wrist. “Here you go.”

“Thanks,” she replies shyly, teeth catching at her glossed lower lip.

Sasuke moves to brew another pot and drizzle the fresh drip over the awaiting grounds. He tries not to be overly aware of the way the woman keeps darting little glances over at him from beneath her lashes, but it's difficult to ignore her presence hovering so intently at his flank.

“Uh...I've n-never seen you in here before,” she pipes up eventually, ducking her head when he meets her gaze.

“Just moved to the area a few weeks ago,” Sasuke explains neutrally, expression carefully impassive.

Her cheeks color fetchingly as another timid smile blooms. “W-well, welcome to the neighborhood then!”

Sasuke offers a polite, if not strained, nod in acknowledgment of her words. “Thank you.” With that, he retreats to continue with his business. A clear dismissal.

But the woman lingers, fidgeting with the tab of her creamer cup. Sasuke can practically feel the weight of her shy stare crawling over the right line of his shoulders. He braces himself for more fumbling, unwanted conversations.

“U-um, if you, y'know...don't mind me asking—”

“Sasuke!” Naruto's overly loud voice cuts clean through the woman's awkward fumbling, making them both start.

Sasuke looks over, somewhat relieved to find Naruto waving at him, eyes bright with open invitation over his laptop screen as if wordlessly urging Sasuke to join him.

For a beat, Sasuke considers it—abandoning his duties to slide into the chair opposite Naruto's, just to bask in that blinding smile and guileless baby blues up close. But he fights off the ridiculous urge. Instead, he offers the barest wave in return, a tiny flick of his fingers that still has Naruto's grin widening.

A quiet huff slips past Sasuke's lips. When he refocuses on the lingering woman, she's eyeing them both with open bewilderment, face still tinged pink. Sasuke clears his throat and gestures to her coffee once more.

“Anything else you need?”

The woman jolts, clearly flustered by the exchange she's just witnessed. “O-oh! N-no, nothing else. I'm sorry if I interrupted you two!” She scurries off, but not before darting puzzled glances back over her shoulder at the two of them.


Sasuke watches her go for a beat before his eyes are pulled back to Naruto like a magnet. The blonde is bent over his laptop again. He looks around the cafe; there aren't much customers left. He could use a little break. He unties his green apron and heads over to Naruto's table before he can think better of it.

Naruto is engrossed in his work, unaware of Sasuke's approach until the screech of the chair opposite him being pulled out breaks his focus. He glances up, delighted at finding Sasuke sliding into the seat across from him.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?” he teases, eyes crinkling at the corners.

Sasuke doesn't miss the way Naruto eye's trail unsubtly over the deep vee of his shirt collar before snapping back up to meet his gaze. A tiny thrill goes through him at being so brazenly checked out.

“Seemed like you wanted some company,” Sasuke deflects with a shrug.

Naruto's grin somehow grows even more sh*t-eating. “Nice of you to check in,” he acknowledges. “Seems like my charm is working already.”

Sasuke arches an eyebrow, purposefully keeping his expression impassive despite the strange fluttering in his stomach at being so openly welcomed into Naruto's space. “Don't get too excited. I'm just taking a break.”

“Oh, sure, sure,” Naruto nods, eyes glancing at his laptop screen.

“So, what are you writing on?” Sasuke tips his head, trying to sneak a look at Naruto's laptop screen and the document pulled up. In a move so fast it nearly gives him a whiplash, Naruto snaps the screen closed, shoulders tensing. His cheeks dust with a flush as he averts his gaze, clearing his throat roughly.

“Ah, it's,'s not finished yet. Just...stuff,” he deflects, fidgeting with the computer's edge.

Sasuke blinks, his lips parting in surprise before he can school his features into neutrality once more. “If you say so,” he replies evenly, though his mind whirred.

What is Naruto not showing him?

Naruto's jaw tenses, words mouthed silently as if struggling with something. Sasuke watches the conflict play out openly on his expressive face until his shoulders sag on a deep exhale. “Okay, look…” he begins, meeting Sasuke's gaze with unabashed honesty. “I just wrote a scene with what just happened. You know that woman trying to flirt with you and…” He hesitates, tongue wetting his lips. “I think I got jealous in the process. I needed an excuse to get you away from her and over to me.”

The frank admission catches Sasuke's breath for a second. He swallows against the sudden lump in his throat as heat prickles along the back of his neck. “Really?”

“Mhmm,” Naruto hums. “And let's just say...I don't like to share what's mine.”

Oh. Oh wow.

Naruto's lips curl up into a small pout that makes Sasuke's mouth go utterly dry. His brain is trying to process the lightning bolt of white-hot desire that arcs through him at Naruto's blatant insinuation.

He can't be serious, can he?

“Is that...part of your wooing process?” Sasuke rasps out, proud of how impressively steady his voice stays. He's not sure what to make of…....this dizzying development.

“Is it working?”

Sasuke makes a show of tapping one finger against his chin, deep in contemplation over Naruto's words. But when he replies, his tone remains stubbornly unimpressed. “Mmm, nope. Not really.”

“Tch. How can you say that? I just openly admitted to being jealous over you and you're still unmoved?”

Unable to help himself, Sasuke outright laughs at Naruto's dramatics, feeling Light. Something about this man's sheer force of personality seems to tear down all the usual walls he hides behind. “Yup, unmoved,” he confirms with an easy shrug. “You're going to have to try much harder than that, I'm afraid.”

“Ohhhh I see how it is,” Naruto intones, nodding to himself decisively. “Well then, challenge accepted, Mister Cafe Guy! You just wait…” he trails off suddenly, sitting up pin-straight as his brow furrows in concentration again. One hand flies up to ruffle through his already wild, tangled locks, sending them into fresh disarray.

Sasuke bites the inside of his cheek hard, fingers twitching with an inexplicable urge to reach over and smooth back those maddening golden strands himself. To card his fingers through the silky lengths and discover if they feel as soft as they look.

Wait, what?

“I, uh—” Naruto's gruff voice jars Sasuke from his drifting thoughts. The blonde is eyeing him with renewed intensity, something hot and considering. “I think I have the perfect idea for my next move. Just you wait, Sasuke! It's gonna blow you away for sure.”

Then, before Sasuke can so much as blink, Naruto is pushing up from the table, all restless energy as usual.

“Where are you going?”

“I have to go make some preparations,” he declares, already grabbing his jacket and shoving his laptop into its bag. “But you can count on me being back here tomorrow with the romance offensive of a lifetime!”

Sasuke barely has time to process Naruto's exit—breezing by only to pause and drop a featherlight peak to the corner of Sasuke's lips that has him jolting and leaves his lips tingling—before he's gone. The cafe door chimes loudly in his absence.

“Oh my gosh, did you see that?” A burst of hushed giggles comes from a table not too far from him. The girls seated there are pointing at him with badly concealed whispers of ‘Was that his boyfriend?’ and ‘That was so cute!’

Sasuke's fingertips drift up to graze the corner of his lips, still tingling from Naruto's kiss. His heart thunders, a confused wave of longing crashing over him. He draws in a trembling breath, willing his fluttering heart to calm as he pushes up from the table.

Legs unsteady, Sasuke makes his winding way back towards the counter, surprised he didn't topple over with how uncoordinated and dazed he feels. When he finally reaches the table, he leans over it, resting his head on the edge. “What the hell?” He breathes feeling his face warming up.

That sunny, frenetic, maddeningly human whirlwind may very well end up sweeping him right off his feet without him even realizing it. And he doesn't mind the idea one bit.

The cafe settles into its mid-afternoon drowse, the after-lunch crowd thinning out to just a few lingering customers nursing their coffee. Sasuke stifles a yawn, already looking forward to his break. Just a few more hours until closing time. He strips off his apron, readying himself for a trip to the restroom, when a plastic plate clatters down on the countertop in front of him.

He glances up sharply, finding Naruto grinning at him as he retracts his hand. “Tried this new bakery around the corner,” he says, jerking his chin towards the plate. “Thought you might like a taste.”

Sasuke eyes the dessert dubiously. A thick swirl of chocolate frosting drizzles over what looks like donuts, bright splashes of raspberry and mango icing adding vivid pops of color. Not exactly appetizing. “You know I didn't ask for this, right?” he can't help but point out.

But Naruto just waves a dismissive hand. “Think of it as my first attempt.” He wiggles his ridiculous eyebrows in an exaggerated leer.

Rolling his eyes, Sasuke nonetheless picks up the pastry. Might as well be polite about it. He takes a bite, and his taste buds are immediately flooded with the richness of dark chocolate mingling with the tartness of mixed berries. Hidden beneath is a subtle hint of citrus that dances across his tongue. Despite its uninviting appearance, it is...actually pretty damn good.

“Well?” Naruto prompts after he swallows, looking insufferably smug. “You like it, don't you?”

Sasuke shrugs one shoulder, refusing to give him the satisfaction. “It's alright, I guess.”

That ridiculous smile stretches even wider across Naruto's face. And something about that stupid grin makes Sasuke's heart do an odd little kick in his chest. He knows he doesn't have much of a sweet tooth, but he finds himself polishing off the rest of the pastry anyway.

The next day, Naruto bounces in, notebook tucked under one arm, but most strikingly - he's got a bouquet of bright yellow sunflowers gripped in the other.

Sasuke eyes the sunny blooms as Naruto makes his way to him.

“For you!” Naruto declares.

Sasuke blinks slowly, torn between incredulity and that same traitorous fluttering that's becoming so familiar in Naruto's presence. “You're giving me...sunflowers now?”

“Yup! I saw them at the flower shop down the street and thought they'd brighten up your day. And your cafe.”

Well, he's certainly got the bright part right, Sasuke thinks dryly. Almost in a daze, he reaches out and takes the proffered bouquet, delicate petals brushing his fingertips. “They're nice.”

The brightness in Naruto's voice is audible. “I'm glad you like them.”

There's a brief awkward pause as Sasuke stares down at the flowers, feeling the telltale warmth of a flush heating his face for reasons he can't quite grasp. He's never had anyone gift him something like this before. The unexpected sweetness of the gesture has his stomach dancing.

“Well? Aren't you going to find a vase and put them on display? Show off your new prestige flowers?”

Sasuke's scowl is automatic, nerves temporarily washed away by a comforting wave of sarcasm. “They're not that big a deal,” he mutters, even as his fingers absently stroke over the bright petals.

“Say that to the old lady who picked this out for me. ‘Your partner must be lovely if you're getting them flowers’ she said,” Naruto fires back with a teasing grin.

“I—we're not—”

“I'm just joking.”

Sasuke can't even summon a glare, too caught up in the breathtaking lines of the laughter framing Naruto's features. He turns away abruptly before the other man can catch the smitten expression overtaking his face, setting aside the sunflowers to find a vase before he can deny their importance any longer.

“Whatever. Just sit down and let me make your stupid coffee already,” he grumbles, the words lacking any bite whatsoever.

“Aye aye, sir!” comes the still-chuckling reply, chair scraping as Naruto settles into his usual spot with a thump.

This relentless idiot…

The next day, the sunflowers stay proudly displayed in a vase on the counter.

It becomes a routine. Naruto is there every single morning, afternoon, evening, already settled into his usual corner spot. The blonde is always hunched over, scribbling in his notebook or typing down on his laptop between long drags from his steaming mug of black coffee that Sasuke supplies steadily.

Most days, the writer is so utterly engrossed in his manic creative flow that Sasuke is little more than a passing afterthought. Naruto will barely glance up from the pages, offering only a distracted half-grin or subtle wink in acknowledgment when Sasuke refills his mug with fresh brew.

During those moments, Sasuke tells himself he doesn't linger at Naruto's table longer than necessary, gaze lingering perhaps a beat too long hoping Naruto would at least look his way. And when he doesn't, he just walks back to his counter, dejected. He absolutely also doesn't get caught up watching the shift of tanned, tendon-lined wrists as Naruto scrawls, or trace the cords of his forearms disappearing beneath ridiculously tight shirtsleeves he constantly has rolled up past his elbows.

No, Sasuke dutifully goes about his own routine—manning the counter, prepping pastries, frothing lattes for his customers. It's business as usual at Brew Havens.

Well...there are a few noteworthy deviations from his usual routine these days, he's forced to admit.

Like the fact that he's started going out of his way to prepare Naruto's coffee just the way he takes it without ever being asked— a deep, rich blend with a hint of caramel undertones. And not just because he knows Naruto will end up forgetting to request it again, completely absorbed as he so often gets. Or how he has taken to swapping out the usual plain mugs for a cheery yellow ceramic one sporting a dizzying pattern of cartoon frogs. Simply because it suits Naruto's vibrant energy.

The strange fluttery warmth in his chest each time Naruto lifts the ridiculous monstrosity of a cup to his lips and pauses, shooting Sasuke a surprised but delighted look over the rim, before ducking his head shyly.

Sasuke takes a particular pleasure in those little gestures, though he still believes this whole endeavor to be an incredulous one, despite the way his body seems to betray him at unexpected moments.

There are handful of afternoons when Naruto would abandon his scribbling session entirely, and let his notebook slap close before pinning Sasuke with an intense look from beneath hooded lashes.

“Hey you,” he'll call out, voice pitched low and smoky in a way that raises the fine hairs along Sasuke's nape. “C'mere a sec, let me try something…”

And then, before Sasuke can make the smart decision to ignore the obvious invitation, Naruto will launch into another attempt at ‘generating romance arc between them’, as he so insists on phrasing it. Some gambits are more laughable than effective, like the horrible pick-up lines Naruto recites with a perfectly straight face and a subtle twinkle in his eye. All of it is so painfully forced and over-the-top that Sasuke can't even bring himself to feel embarrassed.

“Did you invent the airplane? Cause you seem Wright for me!”

“Are you a keyboard? Cause you're just my type.”

“Do you have a Band-Aid? Cause I just scraped my knee falling for you.”

“I'd never play hide and seek with you because someone like you is impossible to find.”

Every. Single. Horrendous. Time.

Sasuke can't help but dissolve into loud peals of laughter and demand to know where on earth Naruto finds these terrible lines. And Naruto just arches a sh*t-eating grin back at him.

“Aww c'mon, you have to admit, that last one was pretty good.” he'll goad, all bravado and swagger. Like he's well aware of exactly how ridiculous he sounds and is indulging in every second of it.

“It was terrible and you know it,” Sasuke will fire back.

But the mischievous glint never leaves those cerulean eyes as they flit over Sasuke's face, seeming to catalogue and savor every reaction he provokes like a treasured thing.

It's at moments like these, heart thudding unsteady against his ribs and his blood rushing hot through his veins, that Sasuke is abruptly reminded of exactly why he agreed to this patently insane idea in the first place.

Sure, he may have told himself Naruto's charms would prove ineffectual. But the truth is becoming harder and harder to ignore with each passing day.

Despite all logic to the contrary, he is charmed. By that crooked smirk, those disarming eyes and infectious laugh, the way his skin positively glows and radiates a warmth so potent it draws Sasuke in.

There are no words for what Naruto makes him feel. But the answer to his question becomes clear in a rush of heady warmth that settles deep in his gut. It is, quite possibly, the start of something nice.

Days pass by without any sighting of Naruto. Each time the cafe door swings open with the jingle of the bell, Sasuke's obsidian eyes snap up, heart drumming with anticipation against his ribs. But it's never him. Just another customer filtering in and out while Sasuke deflates with disappointment.

He knows Naruto has a life outside the cafe. But he never really discussed what those hours were filled with, other than a quick mention here and there of deadlines to meet and conferences to attend. Never in detail.

But he knows that's not the reason Naruto's isn't showing up.

Foolish. Sasuke scowls at himself. Their little...should he call it an argument? No, that wasn't exactly right either. But the point is, the last time he saw Naruto, things weren't exactly pleasant between them. He was being utterly stupid, letting a few ill-chosen words ruin...whatever this is between them.

But it hadn't been just words, had it?

“She's still as beautiful as ever,” Naruto mused with a fond chuckle. “Could have had a real shot with her if I played my cards right back in the day…”

The wistful admission shouldn't have rankled Sasuke the way it did. But green-eyed monster reared its ugly head at the obvious affection warming Naruto's voice when he spoke of his long term friend, Sakura and how they they had run into each other on his way here. Sasuke's nails bit crescent moons into his palms just listening to it.

“Why not just go over to her then,” Sasuke scoffed. “And stop bothering me.”

The words hung heavy between them, Naruto's smile dimming until Sasuke could hardly recognize the man before him.

Realization kicked at his guts. He'd gone too far. “Naruto, I didn't mean…”

“You know what, f*ck you.”

Naruto stormed out, every stride radiating righteous anger. And Sasuke could only watch him go, glacial regret rendering him motionless.

He doesn't blame Naruto for needing space after that. Can't erase the words, wind back time and fix his knee-jerk idiocy. But with Naruto's empty seat glaringly vacant, the hollow ache in his heart throbs.

So, he busies his hands, making Naruto's usual order—black coffee, the dorky froggy mug, and an almond croissant on the side, in case he stops in and still feels up to his usual morning writing.

The drink has already grown cold in the chilled evening air by the time Sasuke finishes up. It's only as he's turning out the cafe lights that he feels a strange pang in his chest, followed by a quiet fluttering warmth. He glances at the counter where he left the drink and pastry bag down before going to flip the closed sign, a wistful smile tugging at his lips. The yellow ceramic mug seems to mock him with its cheerful presence, a reminder of what—who—is missing.

“Even today, huh?”

Squaring his shoulders, he sets out into the cooling night, keys jangling in hand.

Later that night, Sasuke sits alone in his dimly lit room, the silence almost suffocating. He's perched on the edge of his bed, phone clutched in his hand, thumb hovering uncertainly over the screen. A deep frown etches itself into his features as a troubling thought hits him—through all their encounters, he has never once asked for Naruto's number.

“Too busy keeping him at arm's length and getting jealous,” he chastises himself, the bitterness of his own voice echoing in his room.

Cursing his own stupidity, Sasuke opens Instagram. He quickly navigates to the search bar and types in “Naruto,” holding his breath as the results populate. There, fifth down, is an account bearing Naruto's bright smile and twinkling eyes in the profile picture.

Sasuke’s thumb hesitates over the profile, a tumult of emotions churning within him: regret, longing, guilt. Even if we can’t talk, there’s no harm in looking, he reasons with himself, trying to quell the anxiety gnawing at him. Before he can second-guess himself, his thumb taps on the icon.

The page loads, and at the top, an image of Naruto holding that ridiculous froggy mug greets him. In the background, Sasuke’s profile is visible, slightly turned as he pours coffee, steam rising in gentle curls. Sasuke’s mind races back to that day, vividly recalling Naruto’s insistence on taking photos with it. The hashtags beneath the photo read #favouritecoffeeshop, #favoritecoffeemug.

He scrolls further, more photos appearing —snapshots of the café, pastries, and beverages, some with Sasuke in the frame, others without. Then there is an image of Naruto with an old man with long white hair, holding a green book titled ‘Icha-Icha Paradise,’ captioned #ninetooearly #sagepublishednewbook and #pervert.

Sasuke’s finger moves almost of its own accord, scrolling through Naruto’s life. Pictures of nature, bowls of ramen, and endless selfies fill the screen. Finally, he lands on a picture of himself, focused intently on pouring coffee into Naruto's mug, completely unaware of the camera. There's the hashtag #handsomebarrister. #noladies,heistaken.

Sasuke smiles at the captions, but he is more taken aback by how gentle and serene his own features look, a slight smile playing at the corner of his lips. A soft, unexpected laugh escapes him. “Ah, sh*t,” he mutters, running a hand through his hair.

What is he doing? Stalking Naruto’s page in a desperate attempt to feel close to him, when it is his own damn fault they haven’t talked. He is about to exit the page when he notices the green active icon next to Naruto’s name.

Naruto is online.

His breath catches. Should he message him? “What do I even say?” he mutters to himself.

His mind races, dredging up half-formed sentences and questions. “Hey, it's been a while.” No, too casual. “Sorry for being such a dick.” Too heavy. “You still like that froggy mug?” Too random.

He lets out a frustrated sigh, his thoughts a chaotic mess. “Damn it,” he curses under his breath.

Without giving himself another second to overthink, he taps on the message icon. The chat window opens, a blank slate waiting to be filled. Sasuke's fingers tremble slightly as he begins to type:

~Hey, Naruto.

He pauses, reading the words over and over. It feels inadequate, a mere whisper of what he truly wants to say.

What if he doesn't reply? His inner voice is a cruel whisper.

He shakes his head, dispelling the doubts. He's come this far. Taking a deep breath, he presses send. The message shoots off into the digital void, leaving Sasuke staring at the screen, heart pounding in his chest. Seconds stretch into minutes. Each passing moment amplifies his anxiety. He stares at the screen, willing a response to appear. Then, just as he's about to give up, the typing indicator pops up.

Sasuke's eyes are glued to the screen as Naruto's reply materializes.

~Hey, Sasuke! Long time. How've you been?

A flood of relief washes over him. He quickly types back.

~I've been alright. You?

~I'm good. I'm okay. A bit surprised to see your message though. What's up?

Sasuke stares at Naruto's reply. What can he say?

~I've been a mess without you.

He backspaces, jaw clenching.

~The truth is, I miss you. I miss your smile, your laugh, your….

Delete. He closes his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose as he draws in a steadying breath. When he opens them again, his gaze is resolute.

~Naruto, I was an idiot. I shouldn't have said that…

His fingers stilled, the words refusing to take shape. “f*ck.”

Since when is he this much of a coward? He tries again.

~Listen, can we meet up? There are things I need to say to you. In person.

He hits send, then set his phone down, resting his elbows on his knees and burying his face in his hands as he mentally counts. At number fifteen, his phone vibrates, startling him out of his skin. He snatches it up with trembling hands.

~Sure, I'm free tonight if you want to come over? My place isn't much but it's home.

Come over? Naruto wants him to come over? To his place? He glances at the time on his screen. It's 10:47 pm. It's late. Far too late for a casual visit.

But this isn't a casual visit. And if he wants to see Naruto, this is his best option. His only option, if he doesn't want to wait any longer. He sends back a simple reply

~What's your address?

Naruto texts him the address, along with the name of his apartment complex. Sasuke quickly plugs the information into the map application, relief washing over him as the route shows up on his screen.

~I'll be there in thirty.

Sasuke arrives at Naruto's apartment precisely fifteen minutes before the designated time. Not because he took the fastest route or anything. And definitely not because he couldn't wait. He was feeling...excited, anticipation thrumming through his veins at seeing the blonde again after too many days without his bright smile and presence.

He double-checks the apartment number on his phone screen before heading up. As he approaches the building, the old floorboards groan under his feet. His nose wrinkles at the faint aroma of weed lingering in the hallway, mingling with another unidentifiable odor he'd rather not dwell on.

Naruto lives here? He's more worried for him than concerned.

A few stairs up, he reaches Naruto's floor and locates door number 15. The plain, unassuming door looms before him. Sasuke draws in a deep breath and knocks firmly three times. He waits. Then waits some more. There's a beat of silence before he hears a loud thud from behind the door, followed by an exclamation of “Ow, dammit!”

Sasuke quirks an eyebrow as rapid footsteps patter towards the door. It swings open with a click, revealing Naruto clad in loose grey sweatpants hanging low on his hips. His tanned chest is bare, hair still damp from a recent shower. Droplets of water trail tantalizingly down his toned abdomen, disappearing beneath the waistband of his pants—

“Hey,” Naruto rasps, sounding out breath.

Sasuke's throat goes dry as he hungrily drinks in the sight before him. The lean muscles of Naruto's arm ripples as he rubs at the back of his neck awkwardly. Sasuke has to force his gaze back up to Naruto's face, cheeks flushing when he realizes he's been blatantly checking the other man out.

“Hey. Were you showering?” Sasuke asks, clearing his throat.

Naruto flashes Sasuke a sheepish grin. “Yeah, just finished up.” He steps back, gesturing for Sasuke to enter. “Come on in.”

Sasuke steps inside, toeing off his shoes and setting them neatly aside by the entrance. He glances around, taking in the small cluttered apartment. Books are strewn haphazardly across every surface, clothes abandoned in random places. Dishes are piled precariously in the sink and empty ramen cups litter the kitchen counter.

“Quite the bachelor's pad you've got here,” Sasuke remarks dryly.

“Yeah, sorry about the mess,” Naruto offers, clearing his throat. “I didn't have time to clean before you got here. You did say thirty minutes.”

‘It's fine,” Sasuke waves a dismissive hand. His gaze drifts back to Naruto, lingering on the defined lines of his abdomen. “You live alone?”

Naruto nods, leading Sasuke further into the living room. “Yeah, just me. You can take a seat here.” He rushes to snatch up a bright yellow jacket from the couch. “I'll be right back.”

Before Sasuke can respond, Naruto disappears through a door, jacket in hand. Sasuke takes the opportunity to wander around, curiosity piqued by this glimpse into Naruto's life beyond the cafe.

The walls are painted a soft blue, the furniture worn but comfortable looking. A bookshelf lines the corner of the wall, crammed full of manga, novels, and magazines. A row of framed photographs on the other side catches Sasuke's eye—Naruto with who looks like his parents, Naruto grinning brightly in a graduation gown, posing with two older men who must be friends or family. Naruto holding a key belonging to the black Audi behind him.

Sasuke wonders where he car is now. He's never seen Naruto drive it and he didn't notice it outside either. He checks out a couple more pictures. In each photo, Naruto looks so carefree and happy.

A small smile tugs at Sasuke's lips as he studies the snapshots of Naruto's life. So this is who he is beyond Brew Havens - warm, chaotic, perfectly suited to the whirlwind of a man Sasuke has come to know. He turns away, intending to settle on the couch, when a stack of papers on the coffee table catches his eye.

He picks them up, quickly scanning the words printed on the cover; ‘How are you, Coffee.’ It reads.

Oh, this must be Naruto's novel.

Sasuke turns the first page and reads through it. He follows along, reading how the sunny protagonist first meets the brooding cafe owner and is immediately captivated by him, making a declaration to win over the aloof man. A soft chuckle escapes Sasuke's lips as he reads about the protagonist's attempts to catch the cafe owner's eye - buying him coffee and pastries, leaving flirtatious notes on napkins. Getting him flowers and gifts.

Sasuke laughs outright when he gets to the part where the protagonist, jealous after witnessing the cafe owner's interactions with others, boldly pulls him into a searing kiss. The memory of when Naruto actually brushed his lips over his flashes through Sasuke's mind. So that's why he did it. It's funny how Naruto wrote that scene, yet the reality had felt so genuine and sincere. The emotion behind it palpable. He can't say he's not pleased with that revelation.

As he continues reading, Sasuke's heart races, the words painting vivid pictures of the growing tension, the heated glances and charged moments between the protagonist and the cafe owner. He recognizes echoes of their own lingering conversations, glances, the spark of awareness that has been simmering between himself and Naruto.

Just as he's about to reach the most intimate moments, a throat clears behind him.

“Sorry, I-”

Sasuke whirls around, the stack of papers gripped tightly in one hand. Naruto has re-emerged, now clad in a faded sweater that hugs his toned form in all the right ways. His eyes widen when he sees the manuscript in Sasuke's hand.

“You're not supposed to be reading that,” Naruto's voice is strained. Alarmed.

“Why? Afraid I'll see how whipped you are for me?” Sasuke teases, a full-blown grin stretching across his face as he waves the manuscript up tauntingly.

Red blooms across Naruto's cheeks, coloring them a pretty shade of scarlet. “G-give that back!” He lurches forward, hands outstretched to snatch the pages away.

But Sasuke is too quick, easily evading Naruto's grasp and holding the manuscript high over his head, using his height to his advantage. “Make me,” he challenges with a smirk.

Naruto lets out a frustrated growl, jumping fruitlessly in an attempt to retrieve his work from Sasuke's grip. “Give it!” he demands petulantly.

The childish pout adorning Naruto's lips only spurs Sasuke on, and he can't resist teasing him further. He sidesteps again, only it causes the blonde to stumble forward from the misplaced momentum.

“sh*t!” Naruto curses, grasping the front of Sasuke's shirt to steady himself.

Sasuke lets out a muffled “oof!” as he's yanked off balance. In a tangle of flailing limbs, they tumble gracelessly onto the carpeted ground, Naruto's body blanketing Sasuke's.

The papers go flying as their limbs wind up tangled in an undignified sprawl, their bodies, chests, press flush together in a way that leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination. The air in Sasuke's lungs rushes out of him in an embarrassing groan at the delicious friction.

Naruto's heart pounds in a rhythm that matches his own, deafening in the stillness of the apartment. It takes every ounce of restraint Sasuke has not to grind shamelessly against the enticing pressure. The urge to flip them over and devour the pout still on Naruto's lips is so damn overwhelming.

“I'll uhm—” Naruto stammers, making a move to disentangle them.

Before he can think better of it, Sasuke snakes an arm around Naruto's trim waist, anchoring him in place. “Wait.” The single word slips past his lips unbidden, but there's no time to regret it or care. Not when the effect on Naruto is instant. The air crackles with an electricity that is almost tangible at their closeness. And for the first time, Sasuke notices how long Naruto's eyelashes are. They make his eyes look so deep, so pretty.

His gaze lingers hungrily, committing every detail to memory. When it drops to Naruto's inviting lips, a ragged sigh escapes him. “ I want to kiss you so bad.”


Sasuke should feel ashamed for the admission that falls unheeded from his lips. He should. But he won't.

Naruto's pupils blow wide, his breath hitching in a warm exhale that ghosts over his mouth.

The weight of Naruto's heated gaze scorches Sasuke's skin, leaving him feeling exposed and vulnerable in a wholly new way. But strangely, he doesn't recoil from it. This time, he craves that searing openness. The need to close the scant distance separating them and taste the soft curves of Naruto's lips is a physical ache. Sasuke's eyes flick up to meet Naruto's smoldering stare, and the banked heat simmering there has his mouth going dry with want.

“I'm sorry for how I reacted the last time we spoke,” Sasuke murmurs, the words tumbling out in a husky rasp. “You were right, it was immature of me.” He takes a shuddering breath before forcing out the rest. “Sakura is your friend, and you two deserve to reconnect after so long apart.”

A weighted pause stretches between them as Naruto processes Sasuke's words. A tiny crease forms between his brows as his gaze drops to Sasuke's lips. Then, a rumbling chuckle escapes him, quiet and smooth.

A rueful smile tugs at the corners of Naruto's mouth as he leans in closer, their noses brushing. “You really don't know how cute you are when you get jealous.”

A scowl instantly pulls at Sasuke's features as heat prickles the back of his neck. But before he can fire off a biting retort, Naruto closes the hairsbreadth distance between them.

Warm, plush lips mold against Sasuke's in a gentle kiss that has him melting bonelessly further into the coarse rug. A contented sigh escapes as he savors the softness of Naruto's mouth moving with reverence over his own. He tastes like mint toothpaste and something sweet that is distinctly Naruto, intoxicating and addictive all at once.

It starts tentative, their movements uncoordinated. But then Naruto angles his head, deepening the kiss, and white-hot sparks erupt behind Sasuke's closed eyelids. He cards his fingers through those golden locks, the strands damp and silky as he imagined them to be.

When Naruto's tongue slides against Sasuke's lower lip, Sasuke parts for him with a breathy moan. Their tongues tangle in a languid dance as Sasuke maps and memorizes every dip, every ridge, every contour of Naruto's searing mouth. Hands roam with hunger, tracing the flex of muscle, the jut of bone, brushing over sensitive areas and eliciting breathy whimpers that Sasuke swallows greedily. Each exploratory touch, each slide of calloused fingertips leaves a trail of sparking embers in its wake.

This is so much better than any fantasy he could have possibly conjured.

They break apart only when oxygen becomes an absolute necessity. Naruto presses his forehead to Sasuke's, chests heaving as they both pant for air.

“f*ck,” Sasuke rasps out, voice wrecked with longing. A primal rush of satisfaction floods him at the sight of Naruto's equally debauched state—hair mussed, lips swollen, cheeks flushed. He looks utterly ravished.

“Sasuke...can I ask you something?” Naruto's voice is low, husky from their heated kisses.

Mutely, Sasuke nods, his brain still foggy with lust.

Azure eyes dart away briefly before returning to lock intensely with Sasuke's obsidian gaze. “Would you consider officially becoming my inspiration?” Naruto swallows thickly, adam's apple bobbing. He clears his throat, but it's still roughened when he continues. “I mean...will you date me? Unless I've been reading you completely wrong this whole time?”

Sasuke bites down on his tongue to keep from blurting out a rash response. Even as the heat of Naruto's skin against his palm when he reaches down to lace their fingers together in a tight grip.

He's imagined this moment countless times since Naruto first propositioned flirting with him under the guise of inspiration. Sure, he tried denying the growing feelings at first. Brushed them off as a fleeting infatuation. But lying hasn't gotten him anywhere but lost these past few, lonely days without Naruto's bright presence. And now he knows without a shadow of a doubt that he wants this—wants Naruto—more than he's ever wanted anything before.

And that's a first.

“I want you. I don't want to hide what I feel for you anymore.” Naruto's voice takes on a thick, syrupy quality that has arousal unfurling low in Sasuke's belly. “To be honest, I've been watching you since day one. Even before you opened the cafe. From the very first moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I had to meet you somehow. And when I did...well, you know the rest.”

Sasuke's eyebrows shoot up in surprise, disbelief etched across his features. “Since day one? Really?”

Naruto lets out an incredulous scoff, shaking his head. “Is that all you got from what I said?” He squeezes Sasuke's hand meaningfully. “Yes, Sasuke, since day f*cking one. Now answer my question already. Will you go out with me?”

Feigning nonchalance, Sasuke pretends to mull it over, his thumb absently tracing nonsensical patterns across Naruto's knuckles. “Hmm, let me think about it…”He can't hold back the amused quirk of his lips any longer. Tightening his grip, he tugs Naruto in closer until their lips are flush once more. “I love you,” he confesses simply.

Naruto blinks dazedly for a beat before his words fully register. “R-really?” A brilliant grin slowly stretches across his cheeks. “No take backs on that.”

Fondness washes over Sasuke in a warm wave. He rolls his eyes exaggeratedly before leaning in to capture those smiling lips in a chaste, lingering kiss. “Idiot,” he murmurs against Naruto's mouth. “I literally agreed to your little game even though I thought it was a fool's effort from the start. Why else would I do that unless I already liked you?”

“Ah sh*t, you're right,” Naruto chuckles, kissing him back. When they part, his eyes are bright with unbridled joy. “So I guess that means it's a yes to dating me? Officially?”

“Yes,” Sasuke sighs in feigned exasperation. “Yes, I will officially inspire you.”

Their mouths fuse together down to the molecular level, allowing their tongues to tangle and mate. Sasuke brands Naruto words, his own unspoken promises into his heart and soul with every brush of his hands through Naruto’s hair and press of his hips.

And he tells Naruto how much he has missed him, how much he loves him, with every swipe of tongue against tongue, every whispered gasp, every ragged exhale. If he has to say what happens next, he's about to use every inch of his body to show Naruto more of those things too.

“Your room?” Sasuke whispers against his lips.

“My room.”

Sasuke's tongue runs down Naruto's neck, hot and wet, stopping to suck lightly at the tender skin. Naruto gasps, downright needy and desperate for more. Their hard dicks bump and rub together in the most tortuous friction imaginable, and Sasuke knows that the only way either of them will be satisfied is after wringing each other dry of cum and sweat.

A rumble works its way past Naruto's throat when Sasuke flick his tongue over his nipple with expert precision, and his hips buck up instinctively, seeking more of that delicious friction. He's grinding himself against Sasuke, rubbing their co*cks together with frantic urgency.

“Tell me if you don't like something I do,” Sasuke says, barely audible over Naruto's panting breaths.

Naruto nods, eager to comply. “I like it. Keep going.”

Sasuke obliges, lowering his head to draw attention to Naruto's hardened peaks. He sucks one into his mouth, lightly grazing the bud with his teeth while his finger plays with the other. The lewd sound Naruto makes sends sparks shooting straight to his groin.

Naruto arches his back into his bed, and the furniture groans in response. Sasuke runs his hand down Naruto's body, his tongue still licking and sucking. His fingers skim along the ridges of muscle, over his belly button, dragging past before coming to rest on his clothed erection.

Naruto moans, pushing into Sasuke's hand as he messages through his sweatpants. “You can take it off,” he says hoarsely, eyes fluttering close.

Without missing a beat, Sasuke hooks his thumbs into the elastic band and tugs the garment off Naruto's legs, freeing his swollen co*ck. He’s just as hard as Sasuke— red, and throbbing. The tip glistens with precum, slick with desire. On impulse, Sasuke wraps his hand around it. Its warm. “Do you want me to put it in my mouth?”

Naruto lets out a strangled noise that sounds like affirmation.

“Hmm, I have another idea.”

Just as quickly as Naruto eyes had closed, they snap right back open when Sasuke undoes the zipper of his trousers. Wide and alert and full of both lust and want. “What are you—”

Sasuke leans over, taking Naruto's mouth with his as he brings their co*cks together. They slip and slide together, each bump of the heads sending bolts of lightning down Sasuke's spine at an unprecedented rate. Pre-cum leaks from both tips, coating their dicks with sticky fluid as Sasuke's hand pumps them.

“T-that feels so good,” Naruto gasps against his lips.

“It does, doesn't it?” He didn't even know he's capable of jacking them off like this, but here he is. Doing just that. And he's loving every second of it.

Naruto's hips buck upwards, matching Sasuke stroke for stroke. His moans become more audible with each hip thrust.

Sasuke increases his pace, thrusting his length alongside Naruto's. He can feel his climax building fast. His balls draw up tight, ready to explode any second. He slows his strokes, pulling back enough to look Naruto in the eye as he speaks. “Do you have lube?”

“In my drawer,” Naruto answers and turns slightly, arm reaching out to open said drawer. While Naruto's searching for the lube, Sasuke rids of his shirt, throwing it somewhere behind him.

Naruto finally locates the bottle and hands it over to Sasuke. Without hesitating, he pops open the bottle, spreading the cool, gluey, liquid on his right hand. He dips his head low until his lips are inches away from Naruto's co*ck. He kisses the tip while he strokes himself.

“Have you done this before?” Naruto breathes is short of air as he asks.

Sasuke gives him a smug smile. “It shouldn't be that hard.”

“You don't have to if you can't—ah!”

Sasuke envelopes Naruto's shaft fully in one swift motion and his stomach coils into a tight pit of want. A tangy taste fills his taste buds as his head bobs up and down, working on to find a rhythm he thinks Naruto would likes.

Trembling fingers dig into his dark hair, pushing him deeper as their owner's hips arch upward—far enough that the tip of his co*ck reaches Sasuke's throat.


Whatever he plans on saying dies in his mouth. Sasuke's right hand move towards Naruto's warm entrance. He circles around the rim of muscles with his lubricated finger before pushing a single digit in.

“Oh,” Naruto tenses at the intrusion, sounding half-delirious already. “Oh.”

“Does it hurt?” Sasuke mumbles around his shaft.

“Don't speak with that in your mouth!”

Sasuke looks up to see his face. He's met with Naruto's lust filled eyes fixed on him. His ears are red, one hand slapped over his mouth while the other grips the sheets tightly.

He looks like he's on the verge of crying.

Sasuke's dick twitches in response. He adds another finger inside, twisting and scissoring to loosen Naruto's hole.

“Ah f*ck!”

Naruto is wet inside. Dripping and producing more slicky precum. It fills Sasuke's mouth, evades his tongue. The combination of his blowj*b and fingers pumping in and out turns Naruto into a squirming mess. His breathing becomes heavier as Sasuke inserts another finger inside him. “Sasuke, keep that up and I'm gonna come soon.”

Head spinning with lust, co*ck straining, Sasuke stops his ministrations and pulls back with a wet pop. The taste lingering on his tongue as he withdraws his fingers. “We can't have that happening, yet.”

He pours more lube on his aching co*ck, rubbing it to spread evenly. “Open your legs for me.”

Naruto complies instantly, spreading his thighs to give Sasuke ample room to position himself between them. “You''re pretty, Naruto.” Sasuke breathes out, admiring the view before him. Naruto's skin glows golden under the soft light in his room. There are a few strands of shiny hair, like he had waxed himself.

For Sasuke, perhaps?

“So are you,” Naruto replies softly, locking eyes with Sasuke.

Sasuke lines himself up with Naruto's entrance, teasing it with his tip before gently easing his co*ck inside. They groan in unison, Sasuke chest tightening before it expands with an exhale.

“Breathe. Don't forget to breathe.” He's not sure who he's talking to. He's going delirious himself.

Naruto's hands reach up to cup his chin, pulling his face down until their lips meet into a deep, wet, obscene kiss. Sasuke breaks away momentarily to check if Naruto is okay, but Naruto pulls him back in, crashing their lips together once again. Sasuke can feel the wet moisture streaming down his cheeks.

He's probably doing that so he doesn't scream. Sasuke muses. He bottoms out with a hiss, sparks burning behind his shut eyelids. He keeps still to allow Naruto adjust to his size. Then, he starts moving. Gradually. Unhurried. Naruto's walls clench around his dick, sending a jolt through his entire system. “Ah…” the groan that leaves his mouth is unbidden as his hands dig into Naruto's hips.

He draws out, then pushes in again to set the pace. Each thrust leaves Sasuke wanting more and more of Naruto.

“... you feel so f*cking good.”

“Sasuke…” Naruto crosses his arms around Sasuke's neck and his feet dig into his ass, pulling him closer just the same. “Too full. It’s too—ughh.” His voice breaks as Sasuke slides out of him halfway and slams into him again.

Naruto's insides is impossibly wet, sloppy, warm. It feels like—like, it feels like nothing else before. Naruto is all around him, and the friction between their bodies makes every muscle in Sasuke's body sing with ecstasy. They kiss again, swallowing each other's moans and groans as Sasuke's rhythm becomes frantic. Their movements are disheveled, clumsy; but neither seem to care, too lost in the moment.

Naruto pants, whimpering as his nails rake across Sasuke's back. Sasuke is sure there's going to be enough red scratches by tomorrow. “Sasuke, please…”

“Please what?” Sasuke thrusts harder, making sure to hit the right spot each time. He's read about that spot online and he hopes he's getting it right. Naruto lets out a strangled noise on cue.


“So good,” Sasuke rasps into the his ear, “So f*cking good, sweetheart.”

“Sweetheart? Really?”

“You don't like it?”

“Not your style.”

“Babe then?”

Naruto moans, high-pitched and broken, moving his hips along with Sasuke.

Sasuke smirks. Babe it is.

He slides one of his hands under Naruto's hips, lifting him up so he can sink even deeper. The other one slips around to wrap around Naruto's dick, pumping him with the same speed he buries himself into Naruto, drawing louder noises from their mouths.

Naruto's head arches back, his walls tightening. The pace is quickening, each stroke driving them closer to the edge.

“I—I love you too, Sasuke…” The sounds he makes become frantic, erratic and out of rhythm. His arms and legs tremble, clinging on to Sasuke's back as he's racked with wave after wave of drawing org*sm.

Heat pools in Sasuke's stomach, his movements becoming frenzied. He's so close, but he's not ready to finish. Not yet. He doesn't want to leave the heat of Naruto's body. At least, not until Naruto's ready. He slows, breathing harsh and ragged. His skin is hot, burning with need, but he still manages to hold himself together long enough to make sure that Naruto's alright.

“Are you okay? Does it hurt?”

“I'm close. So keep going, please.” It's not a plea this time. It's more of a demand, a request for release. And Sasuke obliges, burying himself deeper as his hand continues stroking Naruto's dick.

“Let's come together then.”

He can feel Naruto tense as he clenches down around him. Hot, tight, and—

f*ck—” Sasuke's words cut off into a low, ragged growl, hips bucking wildly. They come together in a series of jerky movements, hands clutching tightly to each other, neither able to pull away even if they tried.

White, thick, creamy liquid spurts all over Sasuke's chest and stomach and he feels himself shooting off deep inside of Naruto, filling him to the brim. Their lips meet into another sweet kiss, a kiss of tenderness. Emotion. Love. Lust. Gratitude for each other's existence. Sasuke closes his eyes and savours every single second of it. When their breathing slows and their limbs become heavy, Sasuke finally slips out of him and collapses onto the bed, bringing Naruto close and nestling him against his chest.

Naruto hums with content as Sasuke buries his nose into golden tresses, inhaling the soothing scent of his shampoo.

Naruto lifts his head off his chest. Sasuke cracks open one eye to see what's got him all fidgety. A playful smile brightens his features, blue eyes sparkling with mirth. “Will you spend the night with me?”

“Do you want me to?”

Naruto lets out an unabashed laugh. “Of course.”

Sasuke chuckles and pulls the blankets over their naked, sweaty bodies. He shifts closer, until his bare chest is pressed to Naruto's, skin on skin. He tangles their legs together and nuzzles the top of his head. “Then, yes. I would love to stay.”

“Good. I wouldn't let you go even if you wanted to leave.”

A slow smile curves Sasuke's lips, a peaceful sigh escaping as Naruto presses his mouth against his collarbone in a soft kiss.

“Go to sleep.”

They're both sticky, exhausted, and blissed out beyond comprehension. And as Naruto's breathing evens out, drifting into the even cadence of slumber, Sasuke knows, he'll stay.

No matter what.

The aroma of coffee hangs thickly in the air, intermingling with the mouthwatering scents of sugar, cream, and vanilla. Sasuke hums, taking in the comforting scent of his cafe—the sounds of espresso machines, the tinkling of chimes as customers enter and exit. It's not always so crowded this early, but it's nice to see his establishment getting a bit more popular by the day.

“Hey boss man, how are you and your sunshine boyfriend doing?” Sakura drawls from where she's cleaning one of the tables, a coy grin adorning her delicate features.

Sakura started working for him some weeks ago. They had mended fences soon after he and Naruto made things official, and it was her who had nudged Naruto to begin with. That fact isn't lost on Sasuke, and he's immensely grateful for her support, both in the personal and business aspect. She's a talented barista, quick-witted and a hard worker to boot, so naturally he offered her a full-time job once he realized the potential she has.

She accepted on the spot.

Sasuke steps behind the counter, already reaching for hus green apron. “We're good.” The words fall out effortlessly now, unlike those first, tentative steps he and Naruto took in the early weeks of their newfound relationship.

After that night at Naruto's place, the night Sasuke's mind will never be able to forget—and the morning that followed, a lifetime of moments shared—they spent practically every day together, exploring the newness of their feelings in tandem with the excitement of being in a new relationship. If he thought the first time he saw Naruto was the most memorable moment, Sasuke can honestly say he had another thing coming. Being with Naruto had quickly become something he looked forward to at the end of every day.

“Well, I'm glad you two—”

“Sasuke!” The door to the cafe flings open, bells clanging wildly, cutting off whatever Sakura was going to say next. In walks Naruto, a wide grin on his face that further brightens when his gaze settles on Sasuke's own. Sasuke's chest swells with that now familiar warmth, spreading like a wildfire in his veins as his mouth automatically curls into a smile of his own. “I just got my book published! My editor called me about a half hour ago! She loves it.”

Sasuke is moving before the words register fully, and he wraps Naruto in a crushing embrace, unable to contain the elation surging through him. “That's amazing news, Naruto.”

“I know right, I can't believe it. My first novel. It's finally happening!” The joy shining in Naruto's eyes are contagious, and Sasuke is certain it mirrors his own expression. He pulls back far enough to plant a chaste kiss to Naruto's mouth.


Naruto's answering laugh is bright and melodic.

“You two get a room already, for crying out loud,” Sakura pipes in from the corner, and both men turn to see her watching them with a fond, yet exasperated, look on her face.

Sasuke arches a brow in her direction, but before he can make a snarky comment, Naruto beats him to it. “You know, in romance novels, this is the part where the MC knees before the protagonist and brings out a ring to pop the big question,” he says cheekily. He's looking at Sakura but Sasuke knows those words are directed to him.

Sakura chokes out a snort. Sasuke only rolls his eyes. “Don't push it,” he huffs good naturedly.

“Yeah yeah, I know. You're not ready for marriage just yet.”

“Mmm, but I am ready for a celebration dinner tonight at our place. How does Italian sound?”

“Only if you're cooking.”

“Obviously. Can't have you burning down the kitchen again,” Sasuke smirks at Naruto's reaction.

“It was a one time thing! Besides, you distracted me.” Naruto protests with a pout.

“I didn't—”

Their easy banter is interrupted by Sakura's exaggerated clearing of throat. “As much as I'd love to watch you two love birds flirt in X-rated codes all day, there are customers on their way.”

Sure enough, Sasuke hears the telltale jingling of the front door, signaling incoming patrons. He reluctantly releases his hold on Naruto, giving him a quick peck on his cheek. “Italian it is then.”

And as Naruto beams up at him with such unrestrained happiness, Sasuke's heart threatens to burst with emotion. He's never felt this content, this complete before. This is his life now. And he wouldn't change a single thing.

Life is good.

As good as it can be with Naruto by his side.

How are you coffee? - Whippedrosesandvanilla (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Views: 5666

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.