Love Island UK 2024 (Summer) - Episode 21 - June 26 - 9pm - ITV2 - Page 14 (2024)

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      Susie_Smith Posts: 7,549

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      26/06/24 - 22:05 #327

      Ciaran’s comment to Harriet was below the belt, quite nasty.

      If Nicole is paranoid, it’s because of his past sleeping around with dozens of girls, not because she’d easily influenced by Harriet.

      Joey is also absolutely awful. I’m no fan of snooty Grace but he’s treated her terribly.


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      Fudd Posts: 168,250

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      26/06/24 - 22:13 edited 26/06/24 - 22:14 #328

      Susie_Smith wrote: »

      Ciaran’s comment to Harriet was below the belt, quite nasty.

      If Nicole is paranoid, it’s because of his past sleeping around with dozens of girls, not because she’d easily influenced by Harriet.

      Joey is also absolutely awful. I’m no fan of snooty Grace but he’s treated her terribly.

      Nicole was paranoid before she found out how many girls he'd slept with. She's been like this since they got together. It's draining, and I think tonight reveals (and I wish we got to see more context than we got) that Ciaran has been told by Nicole that Harriett had been feeding her lines about not trusting him.

      Considering he's been called evil and vile online already I'll be interested to see how the producers handle this. Probably an apology and cold truce tomorrow.


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      Ashling22 Posts: 1,032

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      26/06/24 - 22:15 #329

      WinkleB wrote: »

      Can’t stand Jess 😡 She’s so irritating, desperate and smug. Don’t think the new guy will go for her

      Honestly in the beginning I wasnt a fan and she can be very straight forward and direct in her approach but she genuinely has been a friend to most of the girls and I have seen her comfort them one on one at various stages. I really really want her to get together with Trey even though all the questions were a bit much. She has certainly made her mark in the villa whether you love her or dont and I think she deserves someone far better than slimeball Ronnie


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      DUNDEEBOY Posts: 111,629

      Forum Member


      26/06/24 - 22:16 #330

      Catching up in previous decades Nicole is not someone you would have taken an incorrect wage packet home to.

      Noticed the girls group have split into two now , one group with Harriet and one group with Jess.


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      Ashling22 Posts: 1,032

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      26/06/24 - 22:18 #331

      Susie_Smith wrote: »

      Ciaran’s comment to Harriet was below the belt, quite nasty.

      If Nicole is paranoid, it’s because of his past sleeping around with dozens of girls, not because she’d easily influenced by Harriet.

      Joey is also absolutely awful. I’m no fan of snooty Grace but he’s treated her terribly.

      Harriet needs to grown the hell up though. All that crying is doing my wick in.


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      Warren_Green Posts: 13,582

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      26/06/24 - 22:23 edited 26/06/24 - 22:24 #332

      Ashling22 wrote: »

      tony321 wrote: »

      Jess is about as hot as an iceberg

      I actually disagree I thought she looked sexy tonight

      She was definitely acting desperate to the new guy though no denying that Love Island UK 2024 (Summer) - Episode 21 - June 26 - 9pm - ITV2 - Page 14 (7)


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      Ashling22 Posts: 1,032

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      26/06/24 - 22:26 #333

      Warren_Green wrote: »

      Ashling22 wrote: »

      tony321 wrote: »

      Jess is about as hot as an iceberg

      I actually disagree I thought she looked sexy tonight

      She was definitely acting desperate to the new guy though no denying that Love Island UK 2024 (Summer) - Episode 21 - June 26 - 9pm - ITV2 - Page 14 (9)

      I agree she was asking him too may questions but I am truly happy she at least got to go on a date with him. She is the only woman in there that has no connection and it was nice that he picked her.


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      Warren_Green Posts: 13,582

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      26/06/24 - 22:27 #334

      Ashling22 wrote: »

      WinkleB wrote: »

      Can’t stand Jess 😡 She’s so irritating, desperate and smug. Don’t think the new guy will go for her

      Honestly in the beginning I wasnt a fan and she can be very straight forward and direct in her approach but she genuinely has been a friend to most of the girls and I have seen her comfort them one on one at various stages. I really really want her to get together with Trey even though all the questions were a bit much. She has certainly made her mark in the villa whether you love her or dont and I think she deserves someone far better than slimeball Ronnie

      It was like she was interrogating him , Trey wants to have fun in there not marry her Love Island UK 2024 (Summer) - Episode 21 - June 26 - 9pm - ITV2 - Page 14 (11)


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      Warren_Green Posts: 13,582

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      26/06/24 - 22:28 #335

      Ashling22 wrote: »

      Warren_Green wrote: »

      Ashling22 wrote: »

      tony321 wrote: »

      Jess is about as hot as an iceberg

      I actually disagree I thought she looked sexy tonight

      She was definitely acting desperate to the new guy though no denying that Love Island UK 2024 (Summer) - Episode 21 - June 26 - 9pm - ITV2 - Page 14 (13)

      I agree she was asking him too may questions but I am truly happy she at least got to go on a date with him. She is the only woman in there that has no connection and it was nice that he picked her.

      I think she has a connection with Ronnie still but nothing ever will come of it Love Island UK 2024 (Summer) - Episode 21 - June 26 - 9pm - ITV2 - Page 14 (14)


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      Irishdave Posts: 2,227

      Forum Member


      26/06/24 - 22:46 #336

      Can someone please vote Joey out of the villa ASAP please? He is a vile egomaniac who has zero intentions of settling down with someone Love Island UK 2024 (Summer) - Episode 21 - June 26 - 9pm - ITV2 - Page 14 (16)


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      asdasinsburys Posts: 1,385

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      26/06/24 - 23:15 #337

      Entertaining show tonight ....though some of the campmates are annoying... Jess & Nicole especially


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      Warren_Green Posts: 13,582

      Forum Member


      26/06/24 - 23:27 #338

      How funny would it be if Joey pies off Grace and Jessy choses someone other then Joey Love Island UK 2024 (Summer) - Episode 21 - June 26 - 9pm - ITV2 - Page 14 (19)Love Island UK 2024 (Summer) - Episode 21 - June 26 - 9pm - ITV2 - Page 14 (20)


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      Jennyloo Posts: 14,224

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      26/06/24 - 23:38 #339

      DUNDEEBOY wrote: »

      Catching up in previous decades Nicole is not someone you would have taken an incorrect wage packet home to.

      Noticed the girls group have split into two now , one group with Harriet and one group with Jess.

      I fascinated by the Welshness if there is such word 😀. Ciaran seems so laid back his accent exudes that so well. Nicole has that fussy little Welch woman that never stops twittering.


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      Jennyloo Posts: 14,224

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      26/06/24 - 23:46 #340

      Irishdave wrote: »

      Can someone please vote Joey out of the villa ASAP please? He is a vile egomaniac who has zero intentions of settling down with someone Love Island UK 2024 (Summer) - Episode 21 - June 26 - 9pm - ITV2 - Page 14 (23)

      He’s no different than Ronnie boy. It’s better than them all being cosy, cosy like Sean and Tilda who make me feel slightly sick! Like a bit of drama me. Plus the new Jesse is head and shoulders above Grace. She was brought in for that reason.
      The producers know what they’re doing! That’s why they have these types of games to stir things up. Better than the. Silly physical games they used to have outside the villa.


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      AutumnGirl Posts: 254

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      26/06/24 - 23:56 edited 27/06/24 - 00:07 #341

      Just caught up
      The whole Joey/Grace thing kind of felt made up and they'll be back together next episode, although quite good acting if it is made up.
      If its real, Joey really is a bigger player than Ronnie, and with what Grace said about how he spoke to her outside the villa makes him sound so much worse.
      I hope Samantha is watching though. She must be having a good laugh at the situation.

      Jess comes off so desperate and she's taken over from Tiffany for the most annoying facial expressions. I can't see anyone coming in for her now.

      Wow, where did that come from with Ciaran? I guess he's upset with Harriet for something we haven't seen, not nice to say what he said.
      Jess wasn't nice laughing either.

      Probably the first time I've thought how sweet Ronnie is, sticking up for Harriet like that (even if she was his second choice after Tiffany) nice of him to say she's first choice with him to Ciaran.


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      Zarla Posts: 5,695

      Forum Member

      27/06/24 - 00:24 #342

      Catching up ...

      Love Island Producer: How can we tempt Joey away from Grace?

      Casting Director: I've found a girl who looks like Grace but has much bigger boobs.

      Joey to Jessy: You're going to be trouble.

      Joey: I just feel with Grace there's something missing ...

      Yes, that would be D cup boobs ...

      Nicole & Cieran - hard to believe she is 25. She acts more like a jealous 18 year old in her first relationship. That fast frantic talking she does is horrible.

      Jess' arrogance is off putting and she also sounds a bit dense. All her conversation with Trey is flirtation without any substance.

      Trey is a more attractive, less bitchy version of Cieran and will be very popular. Seems slightly more intelligent than the average Love Island zombie.

      Grace & Joey arguing ... she is much sharper and more articulate than he is (not hard). Completely out talked him. Joey is as shallow as a dog's water bowl.


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      fluffychick Posts: 356

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      27/06/24 - 03:52 edited 27/06/24 - 03:57 #343

      I like Cieran a lot. He might be young but he is very intuitive and has solid morals, which he isn’t afraid to speak up about. Nicole is a total nightmare, she’s way more immature than Cieran ironically, even though she thinks she is the wise one. I hope he finds someone nice in Casa that isn’t constantly dragging him down and causing drama like Nicole is. Although sleeping with 120 girls by 21, wtf?? I’d be questioning that.

      Don’t get me started on Harriet. Great TV but I wish she had more confidence in herself and didn’t come across as so desperate. Ronnie is a total weasel and why she went back to him I don’t understand. Yes Cieron was too harsh with Harriet tonight but she was wrong when she said Cieron was so immature it’s embarrassing. He isn’t the most immature. That comment would be better directed at Nicole or even Harriet herself imo.

      Mimi and Ayo invisible and just SO boring. They just repeat what the other says, yet somehow say nothing at all.

      Liking Uma and Wil so far. Most genuine connection in there according to the edit of the show.

      Joey is a total pig. Grace must be insane if she’s honestly considering “opening up” more to Joey so he can have the same connection with her as he had with new girl Jessy in 20 minutes of meeting her. I’d run a mile personally. He comes across as entitled and arrogant.

      And Jess takes pride on being some kind of Uber strong opinionated female, yet is still basically pining after weasel Ronnie. She is coming across increasingly desperate, which is sad to see.

      Sean and Matilda are nauseating. They both try way too hard and Sean’s flirting is cringe and so full.on. Matilda seems to be happy with literally anything so it doesn’t matter what Sean is actually like. “Oh so you murdered someone who didn’t like your sweets, ,that’s soooo cute, I love that” says Matilda.


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      David_Robinson1 Posts: 2,670

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      27/06/24 - 06:13 #344

      Sorcha_27 wrote: »

      ~V~ wrote: »

      PossiblyDanny wrote: »

      Ronnie cracking up that Ciaran slept with a 48 year old

      I’m older than that and frequently get chatted up by chaps in their early twenties. I think it’s more of a conquest thing

      A lot of younger men love an older woman Love Island UK 2024 (Summer) - Episode 21 - June 26 - 9pm - ITV2 - Page 14 (28)

      I can't believe that. I'm 75 and I don't fancy anyone over 95...


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      Zarla Posts: 5,695

      Forum Member

      27/06/24 - 08:12 edited 27/06/24 - 08:15 #345

      Trying to think like shallow Joey whose choices are 100% influenced by looks ...

      Jessy doesn't look as good in a bikini as Grace does (flat ass & long body) and she doesn't have that long neck and ballerina type head shape that Grace has, or blue eyes. I can see Joey circling back to Grace and when they're outside together he'll pay for her to get a boob job so she meets his exacting aesthetic 'standards'... all the while being only 5ft 8 himself and stuffed with Botox.


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      1fab Posts: 20,120

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      27/06/24 - 08:24 edited 27/06/24 - 08:28 #346

      I think Joey's attraction to the new girl is purely due to the fact that things have been cooling off a bit between him and Grace. That all started with the Omar situation, and then Joey blamed Grace for causing them to be in the bottom four couples in the public vote. He realises Grace is not quite the Stepford wife he needs to make him look good.


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      haribo_hockey Posts: 3,610

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      27/06/24 - 09:16 #347

      1fab wrote: »

      I think Joey's attraction to the new girl is purely due to the fact that things have been cooling off a bit between him and Grace. That all started with the Omar situation, and then Joey blamed Grace for causing them to be in the bottom four couples in the public vote. He realises Grace is not quite the Stepford wife he needs to make him look good.

      Exactly that!



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    Love Island UK 2024 (Summer) - Episode 21 - June 26 - 9pm - ITV2 - Page 14 (2024)
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