Will you all just be quiet? - KyKyuKai - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter 1


Have fun making sense of my tired rambles, because I know I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


The fitness grand pacer test-"

"The earth's radius in meters is six point three seven one million" "Really? Jupiter's is sixty-nine million point nine one one" "Ha! Funny number"

"We should get those shoes, they're cool" "They're too sparkly" "That's they it's so cool!" "They're being worn by like a ten year old girl" "...I don't see what you're getting at"


"That woman to the left is looking at us because she thinks we look like her son who died in a villain attack three days ago"

"That's sad... can we get an F in chat?" "F" "F" "F"

Wincing in pain at the sudden onslaught of the letter F in my head, I sighed as I turned and moved away from the woman. It was sad what happened to her, but the 'Auditory Hallucinations' that is my quirk gives me to communicate isn't really making me feel bad, more just annoyed, but I can at least not be around to remind her to much by sicking around here. Moving down the street to my junior high school I was no longer in sight.

"Aww, our little host is so sweet"

"I really wanted those shoes though"

"I'm going to puke, we should hit someone to make up for the nice act!" "Shush!" "No wait this guy has a point" "Right! Hey go punch that guy!" "Punch him!" "This is why he ignores us" "Then we just have to be louder!"

The sounds just jumbled together but it was way to loud, still, I just pushed them away, even as words began to float in front of me as some of the 'strong' voices kept trying to have a somewhat normal conversation with me. I didn't mind those ones, the nice ones and thankfully they found a way to separate themselves from the rest, probably because I actually acknowledge them. Which from what I'm told 'feeds' them.

Which is the reason why I don't talk to the other ninety-five percent of the hundreds of sounds rooting around in my noggin often, because of the fact that about seventy percent of them all just want me to do what they want, about half of which want violence, and the other twenty-five percent just give me pointless information, which are things I don't need to know about. All of which I don't really want to see in front of me in text form. The most of the voices were distracting enough as is, at least the nice ones know to not pester me to much with their visual ability.

"Hey Koe" Voices in your head and in real life are somewhat easy to tell apart, well, after a few years of practice that is. Mental ones, at least mine, don't have any tone to their words. They words feel different, I can tell if one's being whiny, not because it sounds any different from the others, but because it feels like it's pouting. It's weird, but it's how I know that the voice wasn't some new or unfamiliar one.

"Yes?" Looking at the teen in front of me, he was tall, taller than me at least but height is kind of very changeable. His stark spiky blue hair poked up a bit as I noticed he was wearing a uniform for the same junior high school I was going to... Weird, I can't say I remember him.

"Run" "No let's punch him!" "Anyone else feeling a bit off?" "Shoo! Stranger danger!" "You should leave""We shouldn't be here"

Stranger danger? That's new. Even one of the actual good ones are appearing, the faint, translucent text floating over the teens shoulder was a bit hard to mis.

"Ah good, for a second I thought I got the wrong person!" I just kept walking as he followed after, seemingly having no real reason to not walk in talk which made me feel a bit better, being mobile was good, though something felt a bit off about all this. And it wasn't just the fact that this guy made the voices freak out a bit, which in of itself was a bit worrying. They don't do that often, only when something is heavily stacked against me. Hell, even then they usually just cheer...

"So anyway, the reason why I wanted to talk to you is because I heard that you have a quirk called Omniscience Chatter that lets you just know things right? Well, I was just wondering since mid terms are coming up if you could just, I don't know, let me know the answers?" There was something dangerous in the way he smiled as he looked down at me as a small shiver trailed up my spine along with a hint of exasperation.

"A, B, C, twenty-fourth, top right, D, C, A, C, B, B, B, A, D, C-" "Hey shut up, do you want to get him hurt?" "Quiet!" "He should just hit this guy, asking us for a favor"

"Sorry about my quirk doesn't work like that. I don't just know stuff, it's very random and not really helpful information that I know, nothing about the next test" The lie spilled out of my easily enough. Everyone thinks I had more control over my quirk than I do, and then everyone asks me for things that I don't care or want to know about, and the hundreds of shouting useless voices hurt a lot. Besides, only sometimes do any of them actually know the answer to my question. hundreds, if not thousands of voices, most of which only know random or useless information. Usually the ones who are... demanding are the ones who know stuff and the nice ones are the clueless ones, because f*ck me right?


"Hey, it's not very nice to lie to me" f*ck! I cried out a bit as a heavy and very painful grip landed on my shoulder as the teen squeezed down on me as I felt pain surge throughout my system as the voices started yelling a lot more about getting away or fighting, some even beginning to recite the test answers again. The sounds and pain blared in my head as I reacted out of instinct.

Fist shooting up and nailing the teen in the chin as his head was whipped back as I spun in place, barely getting my shoulder out of the grip before jumping up as he was still stunned and slammed my foot into the side of the guys ribs. A spray of spit shot from his mouth as he doubled over before suddenly and arm show down and locked down onto my leg as he brought up a elbow to try and break my leg, as I saw what looked like a faint mania in his now sparking blue eyes.


I didn't think, seeing the words hovering in the air, I just trusted it, as I leaped barely a foot off the ground on my free leg as I shot it up right underneath the arm of teen who was about to bring it down as the sole of my foot slammed into the chin of the teen as he stumbled back letting me go, to bad I had no way to get my footing right as I slammed onto my back with a loud thud as I gasped out as my head smacked against the sidewalk. Voices swimming in and out of focus as I lay there for just a moment.

"K.O!" "To himself maybe, the other guys still standing" "You're ruining my fun"

"E=MC^2 and gravity from jump kicks equals curb eating, who knew?" "Hey stop that!" "Yeah you dick, it's not funny when he's hurt"

"Ouch, anyone got a medkit?""We're just sound, how would we have a medkit?" "I know CPR!" "This helps nothing" "...Well you don't have to be rude about it"

"Come on Shin get up! I want you to beat his ass!" "Kinky" "Why are you even here?" "Shouldn't we be more worried about him not getting hurt?" "He'll be fine"

"You bitch! I'm going to beat you to a pulp you co*cky little sh*t" Huh? That didn't sound like one of the voices? Oh right, I'm in a fight, and I'm getting the sh*t beaten out of me, or at least that's about to happen... I should do something about that.

Eyes focusing back in on the world around, watching with a faint detached interest for just a moment at a foot coming down to stomp on my head, before realizing kicked in as, with a throbbing head, I rolled out of the way as the foot impacted and slammed into the ground, causing the concrete to crack... f*ck.

Shooting up to my feet, I stumbled back a bit, this was not really my thing... Well that's a lie, a big one, but strength quirks were iffy.


Throwing my body to the side, I stumbled around the side of a nasty punch as I sighed in annoyance. I was to tired and had to big of a head ache for this sh*t, the back flop wasn't that nice either, my body was already to sore to deal with this sh*t. Monday's are suppose to be my resting days...

"I don't suppose you could not?" He just growled at me as he threw another wild punch. Thankfully strong doesn't mean fast, and I am pretty fast as I moved out of the way before taking a step forwards as I buried a fist into his stomach. As he doubled over, I rose a hand over his back and slammed my elbow down onto his head as he crumbled to the ground unconscious. My body aching a bit as I looked down and winced before holding onto my side.

He got a hit in when I wasn't looking, f*cking bruised ribs.

"Oooo, I kind of feel bad, that probably hurts" "His fault he didn't run when we told him to" "I'm pretty sure I remember you being one of the ones wanting to fight" "Can we not argue you two?"

"All of you shut up already! I fought, normally this makes you quiet down, now shut up for a while. I don't need you all to make my head worse" They thankfully quieted down a bit, but that isn't saying much, but I relished in the quieting down of voices, not so much that they stopped talking, more like they just started to mummer instead. Making the background sounds go from distracting to actually in the background.

"Are you ok?"

I looked at that question just floating in the air and the few other variations of the ten or so nicer voices, I just shrugged. I'm in a lot of pain and I'm pretty sure I only just avoided cracking my ribs, but I've also been hurt worse before by idiots who don't know how to regulate their quirks. Heh, like I'm one to talk, I have barely any control over this quirk of mine, I can't even mute the voices, only make them stronger which is just painful.

Speaking of pain, I'll have to take off from the dojo for a few days so I won't accidentally get hurt worse... Maybe two days at best, I really need to get finished with the one I'm on and move onto the next one soon. The entrance exams are in a couple months after all and I do not feel near as prepared as I should be. f*cking massive robots are not things that having voices in your head will help against... I'll have to see if I can pry any information about the test besides beat robot ass from the voices later.

For now, onward, I need to get to school... that I'm late to... God f*cking damn it.


"I wish most of you all would stop being so rude. He would talk to us more" "But he needs to know the melting point of iron alloys!" "Which iron alloys would be good to know the melting point of?" "YES"

" 950570759621032685084075395110460713677431506318655681175045684- " "Would you stop it with Pi? It's like two and a half years now" "No no, let her continue, I want to see how this ends" "..." "-748946848646864865486468"

"Does anyone else find it a bit weird that female fireflies can't fly but male ones can?" "You think that's weird, what about how All for One and One for All are both from the Three Musketeers and the quirks of the two strongest people in the world" "Who you think All Might would be? Athos, Porthos, or Aramis?" "Well-"

"That fight was kind of fun" "Yeah, it was more interesting than those boring spars" "Yeah!" "True" "We should make him fight more!" "Agreed!" "We should demand more fights!" "But how?" "Scream at him? That usually works!" "Also true" "Alright, I think we all are in agreement?" "Yeah!" "Yep" "Uh uh" "Of course" "More fights Woo!" "Sure" "I don't think he'll be happy with this" "But it'll be fun!" "We should spread the word!" "On it!"


School went by fast enough, the voices seemed to even quite down a bit which was nice, though I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. Anyway, right now I was just moving through my home work, looking up every now and again to see if some of the text voices, chat as I sometimes dub them, got the same answer. I don't really know how sentient they actually all are, but they converse with themselves and clearly have independent thoughts and feelings and even different levels of intelligence and knowledge, even if half the time it's things they shouldn't know.

Do I know how they know this stuff? Nope, it's ridiculous and hardly useful, hell sometimes it's a pain in the ass. I do not need to know what my neighbor and his wife and her boyfriend all do in the bedroom while I'm trying to focus in my math class.

The fact of the matter is, I don't know how or why the voices just know stuff but I don't care because that just invites headaches as they try to out compete the others with what they know. Never of which do they actually tell me anything.

On an other side of things, a few of the nicer chat and voices are good to converse with somewhat for my school work, mostly to double check as they all are very eager to get my attention and are not above just shouting the answers at me. They're like dogs, they will scream at you until you pay attention. Though most of them are just content to just talking out loud, knowing that I have no choice but to listen.

Anyway, I got this question correct so the next one and the ones following weren't to difficult. I wouldn't say I'm particularly smart, but having literally a hundred people constantly fact checking and looking over one's work will quickly lead to improvement when it can be found. And if you do that for the last twelve or so years, since I was four, then you end up both with a lot of pointless facts that would lead to great trivia skills, and a pretty damn good grade point average. Though it does feel like cheating sometimes, but since on occasion a lot of the voices just like lying to me about pointless things, which can ruin a test when I'm in a slump or just feeling like trash and don't want to double check can and has led to some poor grades as well. So... Mixed bag.

But those thoughts left after a while as I finished up, moving through the normal motions of the day, before crashing into bed. More than happy to get some sleep, with how quiet the day has been, maybe even more sleep than I'm use to... It was a nice and optimistic thought. Which is wh-

"Hey! We should beat some people up!" "Yeah!" "Sounds legit" "But I wanna sleep!" "Sleep is for the weak!" "She is correct, we should go fight people-" "FOR SPORT" "AND GLORY!" "Fight! Fight! Fight!" "Fight! Fight! Fight!" "Fight! Fight! Fight!" "Fight! Fight! Fight!" "Fight! Fight! Fight!" "Fight! Fight! Fight!" "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

I groaned as I wanted to just place my pillow on my face and try to suffocate the sudden screaming with actual suffocation, but that probably wouldn't work as I sighed before pulling out my slightly outdated phone, plugged in some ear buds and pulled up one of my music playlists and just laid back down. The voices would bitch about it tomorrow, and it barely really helped but concentrating on the music was nicer than being lost in a sea of voices wanting me to go out at like ten at night and punch someone. I know better than to give into their demands now. They'll get bored in a few hours of me ignoring them anyway.


If anyone asks why I'm out at two in the morning, I'm going to blame the voices in my head. I don't care how much of a crazy person that makes me sound. I'm already insane for doing this in the first place, but the voices would notshut up!It's been going on five days now and I haven't been able to sleep! I'm used to bad nights, the voices don't need sleep like I do, so I'm use to being forced to stay awake throughout the night, maybe even two nights in a row at most, but FIVE? I wanted to f*ckingscream.

Which is why I'm looking into alleyways at two in the god damn morning, because the voices finally quieted down to a level that I could actually hear my own thoughts. Does anyone understand how hard it is to do anything when you literally are incapable of hearing your own thoughts over a chorus of chants for you to go out and fight random people at night for five days straight without sleep? Because the answer is very,I can't not stress it enough, very f*cking hard.

Sighing, I kept walking, moving past a few straggling drunks as they walked past. While beating them up would be easy, it just didn't feel right, they were kind of sad already, no reason to add a random beating onto their lives.

Besides I'm not some thug or punk walking around looking for trouble, I really don't want to be out here, like at all, even if the voices want me to, I'm not just going to fight anything and everything around me because they feel like it. I'm only here because if I don't then I'm going to f*cking snap and stab someone.

So I walked on and around, my feet dragging behind me before finally, after what felt like hours, I came upon a scene as a cry rang throughout the air. Sprinting as well as I could without tripping over myself, I made it to the edge of an alley and looked inside in time to see some woman being held at knife point by some guy. He was saying something, but I was to tired and the voices were suddenly much to loud for me to make it out. I just moved before I was thinking about it, not like I could think, that required more energy than I had.

Sprinting forwards, I shot my hand out and landed a punch right into the man's face as I watched as he flew back as a bunch of voices yelled something about his phone number about his financial history. I tuned them out, not of my own free will but because my ears were ringing so badly at the burst of energy I didn't have as I grabbed the woman's arm and just dragged her out onto the street before running with her. Ignoring the shouts and scrambling from the alley behind us.

Being honest, I'm not sure what happened next after that, because I woke up at my house... at three pm, yeah, I blacked out for about ten hours of my life and something happened in it. Thankfully I got the story from the chat, apparently I just kind of zones out and just crashed. Thankfully it was the weekend and I'm in a junior high that doesn't have us go to school on Saturdays.

Small miracles I suppose. Which is good because I got to use my sort of well rested mind to freak the f*ck out about how f*cking stupid I am. What the actual f*ck was I thinking? I wasn't! That's the only answer to that question! Otherwise I would have thought about it for more than three seconds and realized how terrible of an idea it was for me to just walk the f*ck around at night looking for a fight when I could barely walk straight. Which easily could have gotten me killed.

Not to mention that I'm technically a vigilante now, because I have a quirk and took justice into my own hands, and I didn't even think about getting something to even somewhat mask my face. If anyone calls that in I could get in a lot of trouble... I'll admit I'm kind of average looking, besides the built up muscles, I got average brown hair, I'm of average height, I have an average enough face, the only thing not average are my eyes because they change a bit on occasion depending on how many voices are talking. Going from orange to red to pink. Orange being low amounts and pink means a lot... My eyes are normally pink.

God... Doesn't matter, I'm an idiot, nothing makes this better... Well, while admittedly I can't really remember much of last night, I do know I saved someone. That's something at the very least. Still, the way I went about it was so just beyond dumb. It didn't help in the slightest that the voices seemed overly pleasant and a bit annoyed at last nights terrible situation.

"He should have fought more" "I'm just glad he punched that guy, poor girl" "Well she got home fine, and that guy got a broken nose so I'm happy" "I guess"

"Last night was fun, we should do that more often" "Yeah!" "Totally, one guy isn't that much" "I don't think we should push him though, he could have got hurt" "But he didn't! Besides, think about what he could do with actual sleep!" "I guess that's true..."

"Hey Shin! Go fight more tonight! Or else I'll start screaming!" "Seconded!" "Third...ed?" "Is that a word?" "Who cares? Fourthed!"


I winced at the sudden volume in which I was being yelled at as I rolled my eyes as I thought about it for a long moment before sighing and continuing my words. "Not tonight... If you let me sleep and don't bug me while I'm out then I might go out every few days, otherwise I'm going to ignore you all for a few weeks. I don't care if I don't sleep, eventfully I'll crash then they'll put me back on those pills. You all want that? No? Then shut up"

The effect was pretty damn quick. The voices hated those pills almost as much as I did. They made the voices quiet down almost to a mummer at all times, which the voices hated and were scared of. And I hated them because it made me feel wrong, like everything around me was muted, the world was too quiet, to the point of it almost being deafening in of itself, not to mention it made feeling weirdly difficult and made me so tired. So the threat was a real one, because I know that it'll happen if I start getting worse again.

I should have got something better, a simple scarf pulled up over my nose and my barely long enough hair pulled into a tight ponytail is not close to disguising enough, but my eyes are orange at least right now. Not to mention I could get so hurt doing this, I feel so stupid, but the voices were being so blissfully quiet right now that I couldn't help but find this almost nice.

Thankfully, my ribs are feeling a lot better and I've actually slept well last night so now here I was, on some random roof top as I looked around a bit. Free running lessons come in handy I suppose, and by lessons I mean the voices wanting me to learn how to do it when I was young and to stupid to realize that going along with everything the voices said is a bad idea. It's been a while but I'm good with remembering how to do stuff. Though the memory of breaking my leg was now playing in my head a bit as I jumped around but it was easily enough avoidable.

In fact this time around it was a lot easier than I remember, more than likely because I was like ten at the time and now I'm a good bit taller and a whole lot stronger so big jumps are no longer the worrying thing they use to be. It was almost fun as I jumped around, the adrenaline rush was something that I liked to feel, I didn't get that much anymore from the spars I had at my dojo, though dojo is a bit iffy for a term, it's more a self defense place than something that teaches martial arts. I've learned a lot there but nowadays it's just something to do to not get rusty. Though I am a bit excited to start learning about how to use a crossbow.

Yeah, the place teaches how to use weapons, not any that would be actually super fun or useful for hero work like guns, but I've got a decent understanding of a few things among how to fight with just my hands. Such as a staff, escrima sticks, even swords, though compare to how to use a knife it's kind of useless. I'm not going to be toting around a massive blade, or even a bo staff, I'm not a fan of big and bulky, hence why I want a mother f*cking gun!

"Two streets down two people are robbing some teenagers, one was a minor hearing quirk, the other can see in the dark, please be careful"

I sighed a bit as I realized with a faint sense of annoyance that I probably should have actually brought a weapon of some kind with me. Still, I stood up and managed a massive jump across the side of the street, rolling into a run as I moved over and down a bit to the get to the spot one of the chat told me to go as I listened to the faint humming of excitement come from the voices.

Making my way up to the side of a ledge, i looked down at the two, one, the shorter one who had the hearing quirk, had a knife on hand as the three teenagers were cowering, not from him though the knife helped, no, they were being scared by the massive towering form of the other one, if I hadn't been told otherwise and trusted chat more than voice, then I would have thought he had a strength or enhancement quirk.

In a moment, reacting on years or trained half instincts as jumping off of building into jump kicks wasn't a course I took, but it was very effective as I felt a solid crack from underneath the sole of my shoe as a nose gave way underneath the force of gravity as the hit sent the man with the knife to the ground as I rushed forwards, jumping upwards, ready to nail the big guy with a punch when a fist found itself buried into my stomach as I gasped before being tossed away as I barely landed on my feet aas I stumbled backwards.

The man was already rushing at me as I jumped against the wall, using it to spring myself up enough to slam my fist into the side of the massive man's face, only for it to have very lackluster results as I had to kick the side of the behemoth to get away in time before he grabbed onto me as I rolled roughly on the ground.

The voices were all near buzzing with excitement as the adrenaline pumped into my veins as I listened to the teens running out the other side of the alley as I lowered myself into a fighting stance as the man just charged at me. It was stupid, to just stand there, but that's when it happened, dozens of texts appeared in front the man, my eyes rushing to comprehend the ideas and plans written out by chat before me.

Before I knew it, I was running, sprinting right at the man before at the last moment, right as he reached down to grab me, I did what three of chat wanted me to do, all three near all at once. Ducking into a half roll underneath the man's legs, before continuing to run but now to the left as I ran up to a small trash can bin as I ripped the metal lid off from the top and turned just in time to bring up the shield like item to block a massive fist, which bent the top of the thin metal lid in but caught his fist enough that I, with a yell of effort managed to push off from the wall, ripping the lid away from the fist and used the now bent side as a handle as I slammed it into the man's mouth.

Watching with a faint interest as the man stumbled back, blood leaking from the corner of his lips as I landed on the ground before looking up at him for a moment, tilting my head a bit as he just growled out before spitting out what looked like a tooth, but besides that completely fine... Oh f*ck. The voices seemed to suddenly divide in excitement and worry as I just took a deep breath as chat began to outline a number of options that I hadn't considered and some I had.

"Die you brat!" Before I could as so much as read most of the chat suggestions, a fist was brought down on me as I had no choice but to take it as I brought my hands up to guard as the hit rocketed out through my arms up into my shoulders and body as I barely stood underneath the pressure of the single hit as the towering man brought up another fist and shot it down at me as I barely recovered in time to throw myself to the side.

"How about no you steroid chugging dick!" Words just spewed out as I launched up into the air as I grabbed the edge of a fire escape and quickly clambered up onto it as I rolled onto my feet before running forwards and leaping off the side of the landing I was on just in time to avoid the man, with a much less hard fought jump, grasped onto the edge with almost just his sheer height as I managed to grab onto a windowsill of the second floor of the building across from me. Quickly, and painfully, pulling myself up on burning arms as I balanced barely on the edge before doing something even more stupid than being out here in the first place... I jumped at the man.

A drop kick wasn't the brightest move but it worked just as the man was about to let go of the edge of the fire escape, my foot caught the side of his shoulder blade as he was thrown about five feet to the ground with a hard force as he slammed onto his side.

To bad I went down with him as I barely managed a half way sort of ok roll so I didn't break anything, still hurt like a bitch though, as I pushed myself up as I moved quickly up to the man and put my foot through a convenient text that read"Kick here".Ok, so I didn't so much as kick and instead stomped, hard, repeatedly, for about two and a half minutes... What? He really pissed me off.

"Yay we won!" "We aren't dead!" "Do we die if he dies?" "Probably!" "Shouldn't that be worrying with how much we push him to fight for his life?" "Probably!" "That's concerning" "Probably!" "...Are you ok?" "Probably?"

"This was fun" "Agreed!" "Blood for the blood god!" "Is that a reference?" "We're a reference, our whole identity is basically just a rip off of some content creator" "Hey, fourth wall breaks are only allowed once a week" "And what are you doing exactly?" "...sh*t!"

"We should do this more often" "Yeah this was nice" "We even got to help!" "Chat got to help, we just watched" "Hey! Chat's just another name for us, we totally helped" "Keep telling yourself that, you're just jealous you aren't with them" "NO!...Maybe" "Why can't we all be with Chat! I'm just saying it isn't fair" "Because dad doesn't like us"

I tuned out from voice the second I was called dad, they did that on occasion and I did not like it. I'm to f*cking young to be the dad of hundreds of thousands of voices. No that you, though the favoritism comment was totally actuate, but that's on them for being little sh*ts. Anyway, I'm in pain, tired, annoyed, and I now have a headache with how loud the voices got now that the fight was over.

"I told you all to be quiet if I'm going to pander to you all. I'm heading home" I got a bunch of cries of sorry and that they'll be good but I didn't listen. While I really don't like the dad comments, they do act like a bunch of brats most of the time, and one way to handle them is to follow through with punishments, it teaches them to not repeat their mistake because they know I'll follow through.

They were really weird, most of the time they act like their pining for my action like attention starved children but at the same time they're brats who shout at me to do stuff and if I don't then they'll f*cking hold my sleep hostage to get what they want like screaming toddlers throwing a hissy fit. Besides the fact that probably more than a few of them know more than a bit about quantum mechanics and that they are strangely blood thirsty, then I would really see them as only kids.

But they aren't doesn't mean I won't treat most of them like spoiled brats if it helps me out. Shaking my head, I absently sent my thanks to chat, my actually good 'kids' who helped me out. It was a new thing and I could tell most were just trying to help without knowing what to guide me to. I know I saw more than a few from chat that just read "Hit him harder" or things similar, but a few of the messages were actually pretty helpful. If I could get them a bit better at knowing about fighting and combat tatics then they could be very helpful, like how they help me out with school work... I'll have to buy a few books and teach them. After all, while everyone of these voices only know a set amount of information, that doesn't mean they can't learn more.

"School's in session boys, get ready to take notes!""I hope we can actually help""I'll talk to some of the actual ones who know about fighting for some help""That's good, not point making him do everything when we're kind of suppose to know everything"

"I'll do my best to help you kick ass dad!""Come on he just said he doesn't like being called dad""But it's funny!"

"A wise man once said 'something something drop kick a bitch' -Sun Tzu The art of war""Beautiful. Wonderful. Simply outstanding"

"Happy to help Shin, we'll be your HUD""I call being the health bar!""Can we do that?""*Shrugs*""...This changes everything! I forgot we can use other symbols!""We really do only use punctuation marks but we can do a lot more than just that -~9+=/';See?"" 'o' ""Now you're thinking with portals~"

I felt like groaning as chat talked amongst itself, every now and again they have a symbol fade where they spam faces and other things, once they tried to only communicate in it. It was funny for half a day before I wanted their input on something, then I had to decipher hundreds of mocking smiley faces. Honestly I have no idea if chat is actually a lot of separate people, with a lot of overlapping information with some knowing more than others, or a hive mind that pulls from a massive amount of information but some information is only locked to certain voices. They wouldn't ever answer when I ask, something about meta or whatever.

Not like that matters, meta is knowing something in which you shouldn't be able to and my quirk literally has omniscience in the name. I feel like it would make sense if I knew about what my quirk actually is, doubly so when they love telling me stuff I don't need to or want to know about. It makes it very hard to make friends when the voices try to 'impress' me by telling me embarrassing stories about them, or their greatest fears... or unrealized things like kinks. A shudder went through me at that, god those were the worst. I did not need to know in any reality that the nice boy in the next row over would have a dominated thing in a few years.

Shuddering a bit more before just shaking my head as I walked away from the two beaten and bloody bodies, not particularly worried about what happens to them. They'll be picked up by Leftro, a underground hero in this area, in about twenty minutes when they get to this area... Ok, sometimes having voices in your head that tell you random information about people nearby isn't the worst thing. At least when it's helpful and not about how many steps they've taken today.


Do I know what I'm doing yet? Nope, but that's half the fun

Chapter 2


Back for rounded two, aka chapter two, fun... I'm so tired

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text


Mr. Aberson is a teacher who is decidedly underpaid in an understaffed school, in an underloved marriage, not that anyone else knows that. But the point is, he's a grumpy old man who does not appreciate it when brats don't pay attention in class, and the biggest contender for absent minded brat was currently staring at some book on military tactics. Aberson swears to all above that brat must cheat some how to not fall behind with how often the brat just doesn't pay attention to anything around him.

"Koe! If you think you can doze off staring at some book then I'm sure you can answer the question on the board!" It was petty but worth it as the glazed over pink eyes blinked in tired focus as the brats eyes moved up to the board, glancing at the problem then off to the side, like he was reading something on the blank wall to his left, not bother to even pick up a calculator like the little sh*t he was.

"Y equals eight" Before Aberson could start up on his trite of brats needing to pay attention the question was answer, painfully correct at that, as those almost unseeing eyes just trailed back onto the book in front of him as a faint look of annoyance traced over something on the pages as Aberson felt the want to assign a detention to the brat before finally seething out a-

"Correct" The brat didn't even seem to notice as he muttered something under his breath to himself like some idiot as Aberson decided to give out a pop quiz tomorrow on this material just to get back at the brat for being so disrespectful.


"Any reason you want to take those ones home Koe?" Mashee looked at one of his students, one of the ones whose been here the longest, Shin Koe, a strange one who often looked distracted and while a bit to quick to just give up on stuff to move to something else, he was talented enough to get away with it though and was very committed when he was on something so the older man usually let it slide. Shin just glanced over before shrugging at Mashee and said.

"Felt like getting more practice in with them, I'm not going to use a bo staff or anything similar when I;m doing hero work. To cumbersome, even if it is fun to learn about right now" Mashee just rolled his eyes at that, the kid was way to built up on this hero thing, honestly, he tried to dissuade him, but it never seemed to work, no matter how clear he made it that Koe would get a knife in the back before he knew it with how zoned out he always was. Still, at least the kid wasn't stupid.

"Alright, you can take them, but they better not get damaged or your paying for them" The threat didn't seem to do what Mashee had hoped as Koe just sort of stared at something in the air for a long moment, and if Mashee wasn't use to it, he would have said Koe was choosing to ignore him, but before long the pink eyes traced back on him as the boy spoke up.

"These are made of rattan, which does so much crack or splinter as much as soften over repeated use and hits... I'll use duck tape as a binding agent to hold them together, how much" Mashee barely blinked, more than use to this kind of thing from the teen, who's whole personality seemed to be just staring off in the distance and then spitting out random information. Mashee never told him what the sticks were made of, but after that time in which Koe mentioned knowing seventeen different forms of some obscure martial art styles Mashee never even heard of before, he stopped questioning the randomness from his strange student.

"Two thousand yen. Planning on beating them to death already?" Koe's eye twitched in that way when your told something really irritating, though that also wan't anything new so Mashee just ignored the reaction as Koe brought out the required bills before saying.

"Not to death, but I am planning to try to at least practice with them every two days for a few hours, and I don't do things by half. Exams are coming up after all" Mashee just rolled his eyes at that. Honestly, even if the kid did get in, which he wasn't sure how, he asked once about the kids quirk, figuring it was something mind based with how quickly he picked up stuff, but Koe just asked if he ever heard of schizophrenia which answered nothing, he wasn't really sure how far being able to hit someone with a stick will bring him.

"Will they even allow you to bring those with you?" Koe blinked as he stared off for a solid five seconds before shrugging and said.

"Support items are allowed, but I'll ask someone all the same just in case. If not then I'll just improvise" Now wasn't that a scary term to here from the brown haired boy. He's idea of improvising hardly ended well. One time in a free for all based spar where forms where decided to not matter, the kid used the rafters and duct tape in a way that was frankly just terrifying in a weird enough way that he got requests the next day on how to make duck tape of all things an improvised weapon.


Nezu stared down at the request form that made it's way to his desk like all others, usually they were given to other teachers, but he liked to look over them anyway, knowing was more than just half the battle no matter what others say. Reading over the request that had been submitted about four days ago for some simple wooden sticks was hardly anything to cause much concern, unlike some requests for things that practically did most of the test for the examines.

Like a tank. Yes that happened, and while good for a laugh, the idea was ruthlessly put down.

Still, martial arts tools also weren't usually allowed either, this was a test for quirks and personality, so now the question is will this item help this Shin Koe out with his quirk? Picking up the quirk assessment sheet, and in a moment reading it over and fully understood, Nezu sat in his chair for a long moment, reading over the text already ingrained in his mind again barely needing to focus on it to think about the quirks connotations and power.

'Name:Omniscience Chatter

Gives the user the ability to hear countless voices which gives his constant information on anything to everything with the limitation that it is already known in someway and in a certain range of Koe, meaning the 'voices' do not hold the ability to see the future and can often overwhelm Shin Koe with excess stimuli. It is noted that the voices aren't very cooperative and hardly give useful or needed information, choosing instead to give pointless facts or pointless sounds'

Nezu studied the page for a long half moment, thinking about all the ways that such a powerful information gaining quirk could be used before finally setting the page down with a resigned place. The owner of this quirk, Shin Koe, undoubtedly had potential, but this assessment was give two and a half years ago and there was a medical note assigned as well talking about Shin having to take pills at the time that are used to treat mental disorders of similar affects to be able to function in day to day life with how 'loud the voices got when angry'.

Meaning his control over the quirk most certainly hasn't grown by a large margin in that two year period, even if he has learned to fight, with an uncontrollable quirk that could harm him more than help, and with pills that could compromise his judgement in the field. It was frankly an unwise decision to allow him to be admitted to the school. It would be a simple matter of claiming that he was to mentally unsound to be in the hero course.

Still Nezu stared at the paper for a long moment, his mind whirling around the idea of the quirk for a long moment before turning to the computer to his side, resting along with other pages of requests as he pulled up this Koe's school record. A number of violent outbursts when younger, expected for such a stressful quirk, still, nothing in recent years, and even a notice from the school councilor that he had stopped taking the pill in the last two years. Which was interesting

While it was interesting to see someone's medical record being on a grade listing, the main point of interest for the animal with super intelligence was how quickly he managed to no longer need the pills to function. Had something happened? One would assume something to do with the quirk... Perhaps it's not simple voices of unrefined information that Koe had no way to sort through but maybe it held some kind of sentience? A hive mind perhaps?

More and more ideas passed around the animal's mind at speeds that would frighten most normal humans before a decision was reach as he set down the form and marked it as disapproved. Shin Koe would not be allowed to take any weapon into the exam, but he would be allowed to take the exam. It would be on Koe to figure out a way to pass, and if he did then it would give Nezu a chance to see if he was worth it. The principle figured he could always remove him on a case of being mentally unsound if the results were not to his liking anyway.

This in entire process, as Nezu set down the form and picked up another request, had only taken him three minutes.


Randomfan12:Hey have you heard the news?

SharkDiva:News yes love the news mmm news

Littleluger1:You talking about that guy beating the sh*t out of people around the edge ofMusutafu and Cankoon?

Randomfan12:Thankyou! at least someone keeps up with the important sstuf

Randomfan12: @SharkDiva stop being scarsatc

SharkDiva:Why should I care about some new vigilante? And I'll stop being SARCASTIC when you stop misspelling STUFF

Randomfan12:you hurt me

Littleluger1:cause the guys been doing work! Like damn i heard form a freind that this guy beat up like ten people in one night

SharkDiva:Ok correction, why should I care about some insane murderous vigilante?

Randomfan12:they call the cops normally so it's not like theyr leving thme otu to die, adn from what I heard even when thye dont' heros always show up and find the knocked out thugs, it's cool. Like they be all knowing

SharkDiva:So they have a good sense of timing when they beat people up? Yeah, real cool. Also learn to spell


Littleluger:It is a bit funny though cause sometimes the thugs just wake up and leave before the polive get there

SharkDiva:Yeah, hilarious


Who needs this many zip ties and duck tape?

That's the first thought that Miko had when she saw a teenager with dead tired, or dead inside it's hard to tell, pink eyes and premature graying hair walk up to the counter with a hand cart full of zip ties and rolls of tape. Still, she was professional, it was clear this kid had a pretty bad sleep problem so no reason to make him feel worse about it by asking questions, besides with that glazed over expression on his face, Miko isn't even sure he would hear her even if she did say something for small talk, so she just rung him up like anyone else.

Though, as she watched the teen frown to himself as he seemed to think of something before frowning and walking off, giving her a half way apologetic look as he ambled back into the recesses of the shop. It was almost closing time and no one else was in so she didn't say anything as after about two minutes he came back with a large coil of rope, a wide belt, a pair of black climbing gloves, and what looked like six phone holsters for the belt as he set the items on the counter to be checked in.

As a woman who has been checking strange people and their items out for about four years now, this was hardly the strangest things to be bought in combination, so Miko just did her best to just shrug and ring the items up, doing her best to not image a few things in which the rope and tape could be used for, though the belt, gloves, and phone holders did give her some pause.

But did stop her some requesting the required yen and just like that the kid was gone, a faint annoyed look paying on his face as he walked away, a bag of all the strange items under his arm as he walked away. Weird but interesting, the main reason Miko is fine with the night shift, even if it's a bit more unsafe.


I had sticks with me the following weeks that I went out and having something to bludgeon a bitch over the head with makes things a lot easier. Three muggings and one rape attempt were stopped tonight later thanks to chat being all knowing and right now I was just on a building, rubbing my tired eyes. During the day the voices were getting very loud at times wanting more fighting. At least they let chat be the loudest while I was out here on this mockery of patrol I had taken to doing, though adding being up all night on top of my already sh*tty sleep schedule and this wasn't really the best combination but I'm toughing it out.

Honestly this is good experience for actual fighting and with this frankly interesting and good way of using my quirk for actual combat, even if most of the time the suggestions aren't the best, this still helps me consider all my options, the only thing I really have to work with chat on it is my reading speed, ability to react, and their ability to make quick and snappy decisions without getting me killed if I follow their ideas.

It's like one big half improved act that I have to manage as people from the audience are shouting out suggestions, expect instead of being funny for the crowd, I'm beating people up in dark alleyways with wooden stick... I'm over thinking all this.

Shaking my head, I sighed to myself and looked around before reached up and adjusted my hat a bit. Greying hair might point to making people think I'm older but I don't want to risk it. It was just a black beanie that I bought and put a chin strap on, it looked stupid as f*ck and I was getting teased to hell in back by both chat and the voices but it's better than losing the hat and having to get a new one.

Besides what do they know about fashion anyway? They don't even have body's, and who cares if a large number of them can recite more brands or styles than I know exist? That's just being dickhe*ds. All knowing jackasses. Ok, maybe I was a bit annoyed but it was getting kind of hard to focus during the day with how loud they've been, talking among themselves about the events of the night prior. I had to chastise them more than once to let me think properly during class for in other places.

Of course this made me look like a psycho, talking to myself about how the voices in my head should be more quiet, but I'm already mostly a social outcast so I don't really care. To be fair I'm mostly an outcast because I want to be, people are...difficult, and not really my thing. Plus, the voices make actually having friends and fixing that issue really hard, so I've mostly given up on the idea. Doesn't help that I think a few people in my school even think I'm quirkless since our school is very sh*tty on quirk regulation rules and I've never shown anything of my quirk, and that when I do 'use it' people just think I'm insane.

All in all woe is me, truly I have suffered more than anyone else, blah blah blah. Honestly I'm not in the best mood, clearly, but it wasn't really the voices fault, they even tried to clear me up like the bipolar sh*ts they are when I got my rejection letter about being allow to bring a weapon with me. It wasn't unexpected, a few of chat and some of the voices told me already it would be denied but I figured it didn't hurt to ask all the same.

It does make my chances of getting straight into heroics a bit more of a pain in the as though all things considered. Even if I am training chat to be tacticians, that doesn't exactly help my body be a fighting machine. I'm not that strong, stronger than an average person? Yeah, by a good margin at that, but that's just years of conditions, but compared to most combat based quirks, I usually have to level the field, normally with a weapon.

And since that's no longer an option and instead of people who I can exploit the weaknesses of, I have to fight big ass robots to the death with my bare hands. I could do it, I'm strong enough to punch at least a big enough dent into metal if I need to.

Hurts like an absolute bitch but something I can do. But I'll need a lot of points to get in and I doubt I can do that to the level of which I need in a limited amount of time... sh*t. Sighing annoyance, I looked up at the air for a long moment as a number of chat blurbs showed up trying to make me feel better, but I ignored them as I thought about the problem at hand.

I could get into the gen ed class without issue if I fail the hero practical exam, as long as I get enough sleep I'm sure I could pass the tests with more than good enough results, and then I could just wait a while before being allowed in through the sports festival. But that would leave off like two months of schooling I'll miss in the heroics course which would be very annoying and unfortunate... Well, I guess I am getting a lot of practical experience right now at the very least so I won't be to behind I hope.

My thoughts about the future and my back up plans were interrupted as chat posted something right in front of my eyes as I blinked a bit before leaning a bit more back form the edge I was sitting on so I could actually read the words on the blurb before nodding and standing up. A drug deal was going on three streets over. Might as well show up and play a game of wack-a-bitch. After I knock them out I'll also totally steal the cash from them as well. What? Crime might not pay, but that doesn't mean vigilantism doesn't have to as well.

"Yay, fighting time!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!"

"I don't have a good feeling about this" "That's because theirs a pro like two blocks away and it's about to get loud" "Shouldn't we warn him then?" "But think of how funny it'll be!" "Your terrible"

"Down here"

The murmuring of the voices picked up a bit but I ignored them, they did this whenever a fight was about to happen as I landed on a ledge and walked along it until I was looking down at a clearly poor choice in vehicle white windowless van with a case in the back as two people in front of it, bickering over prices from the sound of it. Whatever, let's get this over with.

Reaching down to the belt I was wearing where I had a number of items being held to it with some stitch work and phone holsters, I pulled out my two sticks and sighed... This was a twenty foot drop, I could drop now and walk it of with a faint sting, but I need to surprise one of them. Drop kicks are fun, but very hard to recover from and there is a running van right there and I can't allow them to get anyway now can I...

"Chat, is there anyone in the van? And quirks"

"Yeah two in the front seats""One doesn't want to be there!""He'll still fight though""Rainbow hair and flashlight eyes are in the van!""The one with the case has metal nails that can grow"

"And the one buying?"

I waited for an answer before realizing I wasn't going to get one, which means they don't know. Not unexpected, there were only a few dozen that made up chat and they aren't all all knowing, and I didn't trust the voices to not start screaming if I asked them for something, so I'll have to go in only mostly informed. That's fine, not the first time this has happened.

I need to get moving soon, the bickering is about to break into either a fight or a deal break and I don't want them to get away... I need to disable the van first, meaning getting rid of the driver right away. The alley is to tight and I'm to high up to get a good angle on them right now so I'll have to be creative... Got it.

Moving to the side of the building that was facing the empty street side, I took a deep breath as I felt my heart begin to pump just a bit faster as I prepared my body for the next few minutes before jumping off just a bit before turning and quickly scaling down the side. My new gloves coming in handy on the bricked wall as I nearly fell down twice before my feet touched down as quickly as they could as I kept myself low to the ground as I moved to the edge of the alley corner before moving into action as two sticks found themselves in my hands.

Turning into the alley, I charged at the van as in a near fluid motion a stick was shot through the upper right corner of the glass windscreen, the weak spot for glass like this, as I jumped up onto the hood and slammed the stick in my left hand into the temple of the guy with rainbow hued hair before shooting a foot out and nailing the second one, both out in the three moves as I pulled myself into the van as I moved through the back where the doors were open as I launched myself to the right as I jumped out the side of the way of a balded nail.

before shooting forwards and nailing a punch to the side of the man's head before continuing on with a spinning kick to the man's side as he groaned and stumbled back, the buyer looking at me like I was insane, but I know I'm insane, as I spun on my kneel and threw my second stick right into the man's head as he stumbled back before collapsing onto the ground.

Turning around, I ran forwards and smacked my fist into the temple of the nail quirk guy before he could do anything as he crumpled under the hit where chat told me to punch. Turns out learning about pressure points and where to hit to inflict maximum damage and then making chat learn about them actually comes in handy. Sighing, I shook my hand a bit, the gloves helped a lot with the impact but it still wasn't fun.

Moving over to the door while I absently glanced over to chat as they talked about how a pro was in the area as I climbed back into the van to get my stick, while also grabbing a phone, it was a burner flip phone, the thing was pretty damn old. Most flip phones went out of style like a century ago, though they're mostly in circulation because of how easy they are to make and they don't have the standard tracking stuff you'd find in phones nowadays. I'm totally keeping this, I need a second phone at this point with how often I'm calling the police.

I also took the four wallets and emptied the cash from them, it wan't to much but it was good enough as I yawned into my mask as the voices celebrated something or other quietly as I looked around for a moment, about ready to just leave when multiple of chat appeared in front of me.

"DUCK!" "Move!" "Run!" "Get ou-"

Instinct threw my body to the side as a shot of something string like slammed into the ground as I spun around, sticks back up before suddenly everything was quiet, as I nearly stumbled at howpainfullysilent the world was, as I looked up and stared into the glowing red eyes of a man on the fire escape, a scarf like item floating off his shoulders as long hair trailed up into the air like it was in water.

My throat tightening up at howwrongeverything felt when he moved, jumping down at me as I reacted on built up instinct as I raised my arms up to block the kick as he launched off my arms, onto the ground, nearly sending me on my ass from the force of the kick. As words tumbled out from my mouth before I could help it.

"What did you do?!" They were there, and it was wrong, everything felt wrong, and he did this! I didn't wait for an answer as I rushed forwards, mind dulled in anger, fear, and whatever else was going on in my head as I only got a step close before a foot was planted into my stomach, then a fist to my cheek, and finally something wrapping around one of my arms, near binding me in place as I was thrown to the ground like some animal as a cold dull voice said above me.

"You know vigilantism is illegal right?" Fear was now the main point driving into my soul as I trashed about for a moment before it proved useless as I realized I was trapped with a foot on my back and an arm bound in place. Panic was flooding my head but I pushed it away, I didn't like this, Ihatedthis,and above all, I was terrified that they were gone, but I needed to get out of this first before I had a melt down as my mouth moved before I could decide a plan.

"So is selling drugs and raping people, I figure it cancels out a bit" THINK DAMN IT! The pressure got a bit worse, clearly this f*ck face wasn't the biggest fan of that answer as I flexed my arm a bit, ignoring the way it felt like my single thoughts seemed to be so hollow in the empty space of my mind, testing the tensile strength of this weird capture device, before deciding I couldn't cut it, meaning, I can to get unraveled somehow, but the way it was tangled, if he pulled on it, my arm would get destroyed...

"And? It's my job to deal with stuff like that, not arrogant teenagers who'll get themselves killed" Ok that comment pissed me off more than I would normally admit.

"Oh f*ck off, I'm not out here because I really want to be asshole. But you should be glad I am, not like you f*cks ever seem to be around" There was silence but I took that in stride as I managed to slowly get my left, not entrapped, arm by my belt, as I pulled out slowly from the pocket something I had picked up a few nights ago. Illegal fire crackers. They were on some teenagers but one look at a menacing man in a field with two weapons and they went running.

"And how would you know? From what I've heard your just making a mess of things when their are heroes nearby" I just rolled my eyes a bit at that, yeah, if there was always a hero nearby I wouldn't go fighting, almost all the time I only actually start a fight because I know no one is going to be by in at least a few minutes and the situation needs an immediate resolve. I was stupid here, not asking if some jackass with a power scarf was around.

"Why do you think? It's my quirk, I know my surroundings very well, and news flash, there is never a hero around when they are needed, at least not like there are in the day. Speaking of my quirk, I'd appreciate if I could get that back at some point, this isn't very fun for me" I was spewing bullsh*t, not that he needed to know that as I slowly grabbed a small bit of flint from my pocket, their were small metal plates on the fingertips of my gloves for grip, as I pressed the wick of the cracker between the two metals and snapped just as the man spoke up.

"Then you call it in. No one out here wants some kid dyi-" In a moment, out of instinct I suspect, the man jumped back as a cracking boom came from my side, thankfully sounding a lot more like a gunshot than I expected as I shot to my feet, rolling as I ripped the line of scarf thing off before jumping up onto the van top and then onto a fire escape and sudden there was a yell and then we were in a chase.

Running along roof tops wasn't exactly sustainable as my body screamed at me as I rolled onto a roof just in tie to jump to the side to avoid the scarf just as voices started screaming in my head in panic as I nearly fell over as I stumbled to my feet. A mix of headache and joy filling me right before I stumbled again as I jumped across to another roof, nearly missing as I landed on the other side as the voices flickered out again. Ok, clearly he's got some bullsh*t overpowered quirk that f*cks with other quirks and I f*cking want to stab it, or him, both work.

Clambering up the edge I nearly failed to catch because of this asshole, I rolled onto the roof before sprinting again, I had a very small head start and he clearly knew were I was if he's still f*cking with my quirk, so I need to- There. Stupid idea yes but who cares!

Flinging myself off the building, my head screamed in pain again as the voices were back, all of them roaring about non existence or something as I slammed my chest right onto the guard rail of a fire escape, thank god for fire escapes, as I gasped out in pure pain from the impact as I fell into the bedding of the escape, panting in a lot of pain when Chat appeared in front of my eyes and I only just read the words fall before I put my faith in them as I rolled underneath the guard rail and fell twenty feet straight down.

Crashing into an open dumpster was not fun and was in fact very painful, as I felt my back land on what felt like a bag full of bricks, but I boar with it as I burred myself deep into the rancid smell and just laid there for what felt like hours. Soaking in trash and my own pain, as I listened to the sound of nothing as the voices continued to scream out about dying lights or other things, as it felt like my skull was going to split open, but I couldn't comfort them, even if I really wanted to, because that had been terrifying, for all of us.Finally after what felt like hours, I figured out how to use my words again.

"It's ok everyone, please, calm down. We all are fine" The voices seemed to shimmer down, almost like my sudden voice of calming way actually calming which was good because the crack in my tone made me feel like a fool in the trash.

"I didn't like that" "I was scared dad!" "I don't like him anymore!" "You should punch him!" "No!" "We aren't going by that demon until UA!" "Let's cancel Easerhead!" "That won't work and you know it" "I'm scared" "We all were it's fine" "Dad don't fight him anymore" "Scary"

"Are you ok Shin?" "We aren't ok" "He comes first though" "It hurt" "Is that what death is like?" "Screaming the silence" "I think that's forgiveness" "Can we not joke please?" "Sorry" "Yeah, sorry..." "Shin? I'm scared"

Sighing, I slowly, and painfully, got out of the trash bin before crashing onto my side when my hand slipped as I felt a lot of concern come from the voices as I just started talking, I didn't usually talk back and forth with them all to often, but... I needed to make sure, I hated that, so much more than I hated a lot of things. That empty, lonely, feeling was unmaking. So I just talked.

"I'm here guys, I'm here, we're all here and ok now. Let's go home"

"Yay home!" "..Are you ok?"

"I'm... No, I'm not. I'm really hurt. I think that guy almost broke my arm, and I'm sure I got some very bad bruises everywhere"

"That guy is Easerhead, an underground hero. He... easers quirks when he looks at someone.. It hurt"

"I... I'm sorry you all had to deal with that, I should have left sooner"

"No!Don't be sad Dad!" "We should have warned you!" "I'm sorry"

"Don't call m-...Don't be, you all are capable of mistakes, and it's not like you all knew he was here. Besides, there are to many of you to hear anyway even if a few did know"

"...We won't make you go out for a while, right everyone?"

I smiled a bit as I got an almost overwhelming feeling of support at that. The voices were little sh*ts, and I kind of hate them at times, but we both care about the other, it's obvious if probably not all that healthy. So I just continued on home with a limp and smelling like sh*t with one last thing to say.

"Thank you. I'll try to talk some more with you all then. While I rest" The excitement was kind of cute, and I was sort of glad they were happy, but I just really needed the comfort and reaffirmation that they were still there... I never want to think about feeling so empty ever again, even as that pain ached in my chest as I walked onward.


Aizawa makes a prefect and very nice impression on the voice boy. Sarcasm aside, I have a bit more planned out, but everything is kind of in freeflux for no idea if at some point everything will change or maybe just the main character or something else, who the hell knows.

Chapter 3


More chapters because f*ck sleep

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"One at a time"

Yeah that didn't happen as dozens if not hundreds of voices started talking about random things, rolling my eyes at the volume of them all, as I just started answers for doing my best to reply to whatever voices were at the front of my mind that I could actually comprehend enough to give an answer to. Right now I was out, going to the shop to pick up some groceries for my Mom, so I was getting plenty of weird looks but I ignored them with years of practice.

Though right now I was also half paying attention to chat in front of me, they were talking among themselves, talking about what happened last night, I think they're also trying to find a way to singularize themselves? I didn't really get it, but I think it has something to do with my hive mind theory.

I'm just letting them do their own thing at the moment, I do not know near enough, since they won't tell me, and they aren't asking me for help anyway so I'm giving the voices attention right now. Speaking of.

"No, I'll go back to punching bitches next week, no exceptions" A few groaned, but most of them seemed mostly fine, sure they were blood thirsty little sh*ts, but they also wanted me to not die.

Considering that my entire chest and most of my back were a nasty blueish purple color at the moment and breathing f*cking sucked, it makes sense that they don't want me to go back to fighting yet. Though I think they're also scared of running into Easerhead again, though they also seem almost resigned to it, which was weird. But they said something about spoilers when I asked. Which wasn't that just strange and potentially worrying.

"We should get more shirts while we're here!"

"... Maybe, I'll see if their are any padded ones or things I could use for padding. Getting thrown around and jumping off buildings sucks"

"Oh! What if we use a lot of cotton under our shirt?" "That would be really itchy" "Yeah, something else, I don't want to upset those hurts"

"I could just double layer something and fill cotton inbetween but that sounds really heavy and hot, and it's summer right now"

"It's be cool if we could make our own support gear instead of having to buy all of it" "Yeah! That'd be sick" "We even have funds for it now for the parts!"

"...Actually, that's not a terrible idea. To bad I know nothing about engineering or tinkering. Then again I do have a few hundred people who are experts in it in my head... If you all can find them and not talk over them too much then I'll talk to you all more often ok?"

I got a lot of cheers at that which I assume to be an agreement to my request which was nice. It honestly wasn't that bad talking to them again. Feels almost nostalgic. I stopped really talking to them all on a daily setting after the whole incident a few years back where I had to start taking those pills for a while. This... It's weirdly ice to come to something of an mutual understanding instead of arguing and bickering, and forcing me to know stuff I don't want.

It wasn't exactly like how it was when I was younger, back in I didn't know how to work around the voices, it was either be in pain or do what they wanted, now I'm not stupid so I know how to make sure I'm not being dragged around or suffering by my own damn quirk.

So my point is, while I'm hurting like a bitch, this honestly is... A lot more reconnecting than I thought it would be.

Heh, maybe I'm just going soft...

Well, it doesn't matter, I'll look into support based gear already on the market and try to get some mechanically inclined voices to help me out. Hell, if some of them are nice enough, I might boost them up to chat to make things easier to me. Been a while since I moved the people around. But maybe it wouldn't hurt I guess, I already have a number of the book smart ones in there, what's a few more. Counting that they aren't assholes of course, the voices are were I keep spammers, not chat. I'll have to do a lot of looking in for the equipment I would want but that's fine, not like I'm doing much with my free time anyway.


Sighing, I leaned back a bit, wincing a tad at the strain on my body, as I stared at the graphics paper on my desk as I absently glanced up at the newest additional to chat. I don't really know this one that well, sometimes the voices just won't talk, the ones who have a very singular interest in something, this is one of them.

Which means while this one is basically a mechanical genius for basically everything that uses power, they also don't exactly talk unless I'm the one asking for help or wanting to know something, which I don't mind, it's actually preferable than being spammed with random equations for things that I have no idea about but it also means that I have to ask about every single thing, including if I'm actually doing this who blueprint thing, right.

It's a bit of a hassle and they aren't the biggest fan of explaining, instead of talking in terms that I have no idea about what they mean. Still, it's not like their rude... more completely literal in what they are asked, so I just have to make sure I'm clear in what I'm asking for.

Anyway, right now I'm using a few of chat that know a lot about fashion to design a costume of a kind. Nothing crazy, just something with more protection than the jumper I found in the bottom of my closest.

So far I'm going to have to build most of the parts and then piecemeal them together as I do not have near enough experience in anything to make my own shoes or suits. But modifications shouldn't be to hard, plus I just don't have the tools for it either so.

All in all, it's been going well, I just need to find the stuff for this, and like I said before some of chat are helping me design it in a way that I know what to get so it actually fits and is comfortable for me, which helps for material getting as well, which bonus I guess. Still, this will take some time, but it isn't that big of a deal.

I managed to also find a very quiet voice who knows a lot about medical stuff, not everything, but from them, her? Pronouns are very hard for me, but they were referred to as she by some of the others so I think that's right, anyway, she told me with how bad I got the sh*t kicked out of me, my words, that I'll have at least two weeks before I'm back in business.

So more time to collect stuff and research stuff to make and find somewhere to actually make said stuff.

I figured the voices would be a bit antsy about it, but they were weirdly fine with it. I think they're currently just really happy that recently I've started to spend more time with them. Just talking when I was taking a break or something, honestly it was nice for me as well, but I've already had that talk before so it wasn't nothing too surprising for myself, though with how much the voices seemed to love it, it was a bit nice to know that as well I suppose.


Rubbing my eyes in a exhaustion, I leaned back a bit as I looked down at the 'costume' in front of me. It was kind of overly simple, but I just needed something to help me take a hit rather than anything actually fancy, and this worked. A reinforced track suit made for harsh conditions, the reinforcements were some thick pads of a mix of things to help take the impact, most of it was around me ribs and sides.

The padding kinds of stick out a small bit with how the track suit is kind of tight, but that helps it from being hard to move in.

Anyway, the pants were mostly the same, and I managed to change up the belt and moved around a few items, sewing in pockets on different spots to hold more stuff, or at least make it harder to predict what I'm going to pull out while having them all still in reach.

Of course the escrima sticks where still on the belt but that's fine, the other things being hidden is better for me, doubly considering how it basically saved my ass last time that that f*ckhead hero thought every thing I had was on my belt.

Oh right, I also managed, after going through four pairs and a lot of some drug dealer's hard earned cash, I managed to make the small plates in my gloves into a composite with flint where the thumbs are, so all I have to do is snap a finger against my thumb to get a shower of sparks. Of course they'll wear down and out after a while, but now that I know how to do this it shouldn't be that big of a deal to replace.

All in all, for some really basic sh*t, I've done a lot for my own protection, though I still don't have any 'super cool' equipment, but that's because I don't have the tools for it in the slightest, nor would I have the ability to hide it from my mom if suddenly I'm trudging in truck loads of parts and scarps to tinker on. So while it would be cool to actually make the stuff, though it would no doubt take me weeks to do with all the failures I would have, it's fine for right now. I'm more focused on making the designs for things in the future right now anyway.

Thinking of, I should get back to work on it. So that's what I did.


Misho Koe is a simple enough woman, if you ignored the fact that she is constantly on antipsychotics for the voices in her head. Not like her son of course, no, she's quirkless, while her husband, bless his resting soul, had an intelligence enchant quirk. All in all to say, Misho Koe is a simple woman who works from home because the public is to much for her at times. So she knows very well how her beautiful, amazing, and poor son is doing since he also spends a lot of time at home for a similar reason.

It always hurts her a bit when it's clear in the morning that he didn't get to sleep when he walks out from his room with bags, that are bit worse than they were yesterday, under his eyes, or how he flinches at times when nothing at all happens, or how his eyes never seem to be able to actually focus in on something, like there just to much to pay attention to. And how sometimes just mutters to himself, asking for the silence to just be a bit quieter. Every time it hurts her a bit more, knowing her problems continued on through him, making an amazing quirk almost unusable and so very self-destructive.

But recently something seemed to have changed in her son, it was a small thing, after what seemed to be a particularly nasty spell of sleepless nights, he seemed to get less sleep than normal, which of course she found worrying if it wasn't for how at times Koe would just suddenly smile a small bit or he wouldn't say anything to calm the voices, as he calls them, down. He seemed the same but nothing seemed difficult outside those small things.

The over the following days, he seemed to suddenly start spending more time in his room focusing and pouring over what looked like a bunch of books Misho didn't recognize. It was a strange thing, even more strange when he start to just start talking to his quirk, asking questions or almost acting like he was answering them. It wasn't super uncommon but that was mostly for school work more than anything else, never for personal projects, he didn't like encouraging them.

Did something happen? Was his quirk finally calming down? It was an unrealistic hope, one she gave up the day she was called to his school because he had climbed up onto the roof and jumped, breaking his leg because the voices thought it would be funny.

But now, some weeks even more later, he almost seemed... happy? No, that wasn't the proper term for her poor boy, his eyes seemed still to vacant and almost empty, but he stopped flinching as much, and she's even caught him just talking to the voices, for what must have been hours at a time, just talking about what seemed to be nothing. In a calm, tired deadpan way, that almost showed him like he was in charge, like some tried overworked guardian.

When had it happened? This change?

For once she wasn't talking about him and his quirk, though that to was in question, no, what Misho wondered about was when did her small and amazing boy, grow up so much? They talked, of course they did, she loved her son so much and they always talked for a while almost everyday when he didn't just go to his room to work on one of his many projects it seems like these days. And in that time she never saw it.

The gradual change from the kid who burst into tears at how overwhelmed he was by his own quirk, who she had to teach to know how to be able to focus and understand what was the real world and what was his quirk, to the almost young adult who, while still too tired too and skinny for her likely, had become someone who was finally at a semblance of peace, who could talk to his own quirk like an adult talking to a group of kids, patient, close to understanding, and calm.

It was sudden to Misho but perhaps it shouldn't have been. Her baby's growing up. And it broke her heart just a bit more that she almost missed it.


"CAT CAFE!" "Aren't we suppose to be meeting up someone?" "BUT CATS!" "...Fair enough... CATS!"

"Not going there, maybe after if I have time" That got a few cheers.

"The guy looking at us weirdly is in the middle of a divorce and he's not going to be getting his son"

"Stop telling me about people's marriage statuses... Is his wife getting the son a good thing?"

"Yeah, he's a bit of a dick" "Obliviously, he's rude!" "I think it's funny, looking at how scared he is because we said that!" "Ok yeah that's kind of funny"

Ignoring the rest of what the voices were saying, I continued to walk onward, just heading to an abandoned warehouse at seven in the afternoon. Why? Because a weapons deal was going down there in about an hour and I want rain on it's parade. As to who I know this, well, there are a lot of contacts in that burner phone, and texting is really easy, so a few days of just going back and forth and I now have something of a good understanding of a drug and weapon trafficking ring that was running through my area which was fun.

I've already written down all I know and I'll toss that onto the unconscious body's of the thugs I'm about to beat the sh*t out of, then I'll call the cops and tell them to come over while I'm tying them up, and then a lot of people get arrested, isn't that fun. Yeah, very fun. The only upside to this all is that there should only be like five people, and if I'm going to sneak attack, which I know I will since it's kind of my thing, then I should be able to knock them all out before they can react...

No, their is five of them in an open space, I should make a distraction, which is why I brought a number of those firecrackers with me.

Well, first I need to do some set up, getting my things set up and all that before I spend forty minutes hidden as well as I can be up in some rafters... Fun, alrighty then.

"Alright voices time to quiet down, it's time to get to work, though if you all don't mind, start looking around for any voice that knows a thing about programming. Hacking sounds useful" And with that I turned into an alleyway as the voices dimmed down to a reasonable level as I climbed up the side of the building when I was told I could by Chat before changing into my gear before stretching, it's been about a week and a half of doing stuff, and honestly, weirdly enough, I was kind of missing the fighting a bit.

As I jumped across a few roofs, leaving my bag of my normal clothes on the roof I changed on, I figured it was mostly because I'm an adrenaline junky. Nothing to do about it now though I suppose as I made my way across and before I knew it, I was on a steel rafter up in the top of the warehouse before sitting down on it, positioning myself as best I could so no one could see me while I looked down and waited. Chat started to converse among themselves in this time, with me paying an absentminded amount of attention as they talked about important things.

"So we know one has a water quirk right? What else?" "Two have pointless quirks, hence the want for weapons" "Um, one has a metal control quirk, but it's not that strong" "The last one has something called Wolf, but that's all I know" "Probably an animal quirk" "Should we worry about her being able to smell us?" "...wolveshave a nose about ninety-seven times stronger than a humans, so maybe" "But we're in a slum area, so maybe the pollution will equalize out scent!" "True"

Quirks were good to know so that's something, though I'm also going to have to put into consideration about a few things... Well I got some time so let's get this set up and done.


Shouta Aizawa isn't a very complex guy, let him work during the night, and let him nap during the day and there won't be a problem, but when some kid starts running around and attacking thugs in the middle of the night, that gets thrown out the window.

Admittedly Aizawa shouldn't have been so rough with the kid, but he had been working on a case now a long while now and just reached a dead in, add in Mic being a blabbering idiot and you get an annoyed Eraserhead. Still, that doesn't mean he's angry at the kid, more impressed that he got way in the first place than anything, it shows that he might not die out here.

Though of course he is still worried about the kid, nothing will change that. It's clear the kid is in over his head and someone is forcing him to do this, from what he had said when Aizawa had met him. It also shows that he doesn't even have a name of a kind. Most vigilantes, at least the ones Aizawa has put up with, always are more than gunho about making themselves known. Trying to be a hero, if in a very violent way, though this new kid does fill that role in.

He's a good fighter for a non-combative quirk and probably very little real training. Speaking of the quirk, the kids relies on it to much, sensor quirks aren't super common, but that reliance on a sixth sense can get you killed if you put to much trust into it and it fails to give you what you want. That was clear when the kid nearly failed multiple jumps across three story buildings when Aizawa had to blink.

And yet he still managed to get away. That took a certain amount of natural talent, especially when Aizawa himself excels at stealth and quick take downs.

All of this to say that Shotua doesn't really have a problem with the kid, as long as the right people go down and get arrested, he doesn't care much about who does the fighting, his work with other vigilantes in the past would make any other perception on vigilantism, at least the somewhat ok kind, just illogical. But he is worried that the kid will bite of more than he can chew.

Before Aizawa could think more on it, his phone started to faintly vibrate as he reached up and tapped the side where he had a small earbud so he could talk and communicate with others in a fight if needed as the call connected as he said.


A long moment of silence followed before a confused, if vaguely familiar, voice came over the small speaker in his ear.

"Um, sorry someone gave me the wrong number" And just like that the line was disconnected as Aizawa frowned a bit at that, was this some kind of joke? He doesn't do jokes. There will be hell to pay if Mic gave out his number to some kid. He was about to move to another area on his patrol when the vibrating came back as he paused from his leap before a long frown pulled on his face as he took a small breath before connecting the call.

"I swear if Mic gav-" It was in fact not the voice from early as a much more familiar one came from the speaker

"Eraserhead? I don't know what you're talking about but we just got a tip about a weapons deal and it's on your patrol area, mind checking it out" It was Detective Tsukauchi's voice, with a sigh Aizawa decided this was more important than whatever miss dial just happened as he spoke up.

"Alright, where?"

The location was pretty close nearby as Aiza waarrived through a small skylight and peered inside the building, expecting either nothing and the tip was a dud, or a number of people loading weapons into a few trucks and he'd have to move fast. What he was not expecting was eight people tied to support beams or a large stack of papers in the middle of two trucks just laying on the ground.

Slowly, and carefully, moving down into the warehouse, making sure to keep his eyes on the surroundings in case of traps. Eraserhead moved up to the papers before reaching down and picking them up. On the front was a little note that read.

'I really don't like you but your like the only person in like half a mile of this place, so I guess I'm dealing with you Eraser, make sure to give this to Tsukauchi ok?

Signed- ...I need to think of something, got any ideas?'

Aizawa's eyebrow kind of twitched a bit as he looked down at the signature, alright, now he knows who that voice was, and he knows who did this, but the real question is how in the world did this kid get his number? Pulling out his phone, he went to his contacts and quickly Tsukauchi's number was ringing in his ears as the line connected as a formal greeting came as Aizawa pushed past that and asked a question.

"Where you called on your personal number for the tip?" A long pause came for a moment before the answer came.


Aizawa sighed as he looked around, suddenly having the feeling he was being watched, maybe not with eyes but with something else as he looked around for a long moment before saying.

"The new kid vigilante on the block, he's got a powerful sensor quirk, he called me before calling you, I think he somehow mixed up the numbers because I have a note here saying he knew I would be here. Anyway, the people here are all knocked out and... The rest of these pages talk about some kind of trafficking ring. I think the brat's uncovered something big here with how many pages there are"

"Really?... Bring it in, I'll call some people out there to pick up the villains and collect the weapons. If this kid does have this much information than I doubt he got it from just sitting around, he might be in danger. I'll see if I can get a trace on the number he called me with"

"Already on my way. Looks like this brat's going to be more of a headache than I thought he would be"

"Heh, welcome to my world, before it was just a minor thing but I'm going to put some people on this now to make sure he's safe and doesn't get himself killed... We need a name for his file. Got any ideas?"

Aizawa frowned as he thought about the frankly thrown together look the kid had and those dead inside orange eyes when he had pinned the kid a few weeks back, on top of what must be a lot more powerful sensor quirk than he first thought...


"For his quirk, got it, anything else you can add?"

"Yeah, he's skilled, I was worried he'd get himself killed but it's clear he knows what he's doing, meaning he got training from somewhere, I also wouldn't be surprised if he's just the fighter of a group who are working to bring crimes down"

"Well, we have nothing to go off for that, so we'll just have to catch Watcher if we want to find anyone else involved"

Tsukauchi was right, all Aizawa had to do was find this kid, Watcher, and make sure he couldn't get away. He underestimated Watcher last time, that wouldn't happen again. but for now, the police and him, it seems, are going to be busy for a while.


Watcher huh? I sighed as I looked at chat bubble in front of me that told me what all had gone down. The voices don't really know everything at all times, it's more like theirs a radius and anything in that radius the chat and voices know all about to varying levels. With a sh*t ton of just permanent information just rooting around in them. Because if the voices actually knew every single thing at all times, then there would be at least billions if not trillions of voices in my head on a good day, not the few hundred to thousand that I deal with.

Anyway quirk talk aside, Watcher, it's an ok name, accurate for the voices, and they really liked the name, even calling themselves the watchers instead of just voices like I normally do. Though I will admit, I don't really care for a name, but I guess I have one now, and a police profile of all things... That's a pain in the ass if I ever heard of one, but I'm planning on giving this stuff up in about seven months or so when the entrance exams are held, no reason to go out and fighting crime illegally when I could learn how to do it legally.

I like the rush and all but going out and nearly dying every other night and wrecking my poor sleep schedule isn't really all that fun in the long term. Besides, I'm trying to broaden my understanding of stuff through all this, hence why I had the voices try and sort out who all knows about programmer and in cooler terms, hacking. Why? Because I want to, it could come in handy, and because of the fact that my head's kind of hurting with all the technical engineering mumbo jumbo I've learned over the past few weeks, so why not change things up.

First things first, making my new, stolen from a drug raid, laptop untraceable for things like email and hacking, which means I need a multipurpose vpn to hide my laptops IP and address, and while there are ones online, those can be traced to a person though other means, and since I won't have my hands on them then I won't know exactly what's going on in them, so it's better to just make one from scratch.

It's a good thing I'm a fast typer and a very faster learner, and that the two programmer voices I found and managed to get into chat aren't like the engineer and know how to actually teach.

So all things considered, time to get cracking, in a few days I'm going to finally make my first few pieces of equipment as well so that's nice. But for now, I need to find a programming system to use.


The dead eyed teen was back

That was the first thing Miko thought as she looked up and saw the teen slowly kind of walk in, the bags under his eyes looking as bad as always, as he walked into the shelves of the general store she worked in.

There must be something wrong with that kid for the things he came in to buy, but it's always interesting to see what he gets, one time he came in everyday at almost the same time and bought the same pair of gloves like seven times.

Another time, he came in and bought out the shelves of zip ties again, another it was a bunch of fake prop grenades, a tool kit, and a couple small metal plates. The most recent it was like twenty fifteen gig storage USBs and a device port.

And this time around it was: four science kits for kids, two bags of sugar, two bottles of powdered red and blue dye, a roll of aluminum foil, a box of baking soda and a lighter. Miko could most certainly say this was one of the weirder combinations as the teen must be doing some really weird science project for this stuff to be needed.

Miko almost wanted to ask about it but the glazed over dead expression as the teen looked down at the items with vague disinterest kept her from doing so as she rung him up and bagged the items before handed them all over. The teen just hung all the bags off one of his arms and walked off.


Done, it was an on and off thing for the last few days, but the smoke grandees were complete. It pays to know a hive mind of intelligence some times, other times it's just a pain in my ass, but a few chemistry lessons later and here we are. Pull the flint pin, it'll spark against an inserted metal plate, and it'll ignite a number of chemicals mixed together to produce smoke. Most could be used simply from other sources, but the potassium chlorate was something I had to buy a bunch of kits to get enough of, but I also have a lot of other stuff now as well so that's fun.

The smoke colors come in red, blue, and purple at the moment because why not. It's was mostly the voices annoying me until I gave into coloring the smoke. It was a near thing that I managed to convince them that making rainbow smoke bombs wouldn't actually work like they wanted and not with the supplies I had. Though admittedly those would be kind of awesome... I should totally ask for rainbow smoke grandees when I get a proper hero costume. Thoughts for later.

Right now I had three red and two blue smokes, which were not hard to attack to my belt by the pin so when I pull one of without being careful, it'll just activate, which means in a hurry I don't have to worry about having to get the pins off.

In other news, I've figured out how to break into cameras and CCTV around the city. It was more having to find a way to access the internet or signal they were using to transmit data and then it was a simple mater of accessing the same output to be able to see through them myself in a protected window. Honestly it's just like math for me, well that might not be correct, I've been given advance trigonometry formulations since I was like seven because the mathematicians were very loud. So I've always been kind of head in that.

But programming is kind of different, it's more just knowing the information and knowing how to apply it to get the result wanted, and if there is one thing that I'm pretty good at is memorizing and then repeating stuff until I got it down pat, and since I have a few voices that know every single way possible to apply it and their helping me out when I can make out their voices from the others, then all that's stopping me right now is time, plus I want to learn a couple more things now that I got a basic system in place for cameras...

Though it would be nice to get a program set up to detect in minor terms a fight breaking out, sure chat and the voices already tell me when something is happening but it would be a bit better if I could report crime in areas in which chat and the voices are blind, they can only see in a radius around me, even if they a f*ck ton about what is in that radius, which I'm fine with for a limit, otherwise I know I would be getting updates on what's happening in Africa or something.

Well those plans can come in at a later point I suppose. Though I wouldn't mind also learning how to manipulate camera feeds as well since I can see a lot of ways in which that in particular in helping my plausible deniability if cameras can't prove I've been there.

The voices that knew a lot about subterfuge recommended I do that and it was sound enough advice. So all in all, I'm learning a lot of stuff recently. I don't mind, I love learning but usually it was more random useless information. And this was... decidedly not useless information.

Anyway, it's getting close to midnight so it's about time that I head out again. I've been getting increasingly active during the nights out. Mostly due to the fact I can handle more fights now, since I'm forced to learn how to pace myself better in an actual fight without going easy on a sh*t stain mugger.

Honestly there is way to much crime in this area. Especially at night when heroes seem to almost be no where to be found. Only a few of them actually patrol at night and it's kind of disturbing. I know most heroes are out there for the money or fame or whatever, which I find both relatable and stupid in equal measure, but still, would it hurt for them to actually work at night sometimes?

"But then who would we get to beat up?" "Sometimes I feel like we should be worried that our main source of entertainment is fighting" "Why?" "Not sure, it's not like we really have strong morals or anything"

"Ok, we got a toolbelt now, all we need now is a cape and I think that makes us batman" "But we have powers?" "I mean... We don't have powers, we are the powers so... Yeah Batman!" "All in favor of making Shin make our hero name Batman?" "Aye" "Aye!" "Aye?" "Aye"

"So what do we think fellow sons, daughters, and nons of Shin? Is he truly best dad?" "Yes! I propose we get him a mug" "I mean, he ignored us for like two years even if he is being nicer now" "We kind of deserved it though, we did hurt him bad" "Besides it's not like we can really be neglected, he can't really ignore us even if he wants to" "...True, Shin best dad of voices!" "Dad of the year, 2187! "

Choosing to ignore the comments on my dad status, I stood up out of my chair and stretched a bit before moving over to my window, I kept my supplies on the floor above our apartment, no one was living their and even if someone suddenly moves in, I have the equipment hidden in a small hollow space in the floorboards that took a good full night to make and seem over so it was heard to see.

Anyway, breaking and entering was hardly the worse things I've done, with all the assault charges I'm sure I've racked up, but those are for Watcher to deal with... Who of which I'll be in about ten minutes. Whatever, it's not that big of a deal.

I should think about the ring I'm going to do some looking into, sure I know exactly the operations of it but actual proof that I can properly explain and not call hunches would be nice, otherwise the tips can just be thrown out. Even if I am making a reputation at the moment, no reason to put trust into that, because reputation is hardly always a good thing.

Whatever, time to go get evidence... I should trick out my burner phone to use to be able to interact with my programming software, I mean, it's not like these things don't have the electronics for it. I'll just have to rework it so it can connect from a distance to my laptop who will be running the actual programs. Basically making the phone a remote of a kind while the computer does the processing... I'm going to melt that laptop if I keep this up, the thing isn't that powerful.

I'll work on making my own rig for a proper powerful computer so I don't have to worry about it. All this can come in the following week or two, it shouldn't take that long to figure out, doubly so if I can finally get one of those program voices to chat and have them work on it in the background. Sometimes they can be stubborn or require more effort to move them over.


I like the secondary character moments as a way to show time passing or what Shin is doing outside of what I'm writing to be seen. It adds context clues to some stuff that I can explain upon more later on.

Chapter 4

Chapter Text

Aizawa was beginning to have a really annoying time dealing with this Watcher, a name he didn't think would be so accurate as it turned out to be. The kid most certainly had a team of people or got his hands on some trigger for him to know so much information.

Every time Aizawa thought he was going to run into Watcher because of a tip off or from finding his own places to attack and arrest villains, it always turns out the tip was only one of six given reported on crimes all over the city, all form the same untraceable number, or the villains half the time would either be tied up with a squad car on the way, or Aizawa had to deal with them by himself, with no mention of Watcher until a police car shows up later on, telling him that they got a call two minutes before he even started fighting.

If he does have a group it would make a lot more sense with the sudden improvement to his operations, it was the only real answer, because the other answer was he's quirk is the strongest sensor quirk Aizawa has ever heard of. And such a thing would have a report, and so far on all the sensor quirks he's looked into who could be Watcher, none of them are near strong enough, or lack some other criteria.

So it has to be a group, that's a decision Aizawa and Tsukauchi both came to and agree with. In the last few weeks it's gone from paper evidence that while helped a lot plan raids, was flimsy in court to get the required warrants and sticks with tape on them, to videos from public cameras and smoke bombs. The latter of which Aizawa got when he managed to get into another chase with the kid. He barely had time to cancel his quirk before a wall of blue was in his face.

It was clearly not professional, he knows what those look like and they normally have tear gas in them, but this was just smoke, though Aizawa made sure not to breath in any of it all the same.

With all this in mind, it was worrying, this screamed of a bunch of skilled teens in multiple fields coming together to try and fight crime like some terribly dangerous after school club. But they still couldn't even find out anything on the one person they know is involved. Watcher is still a mystery beyond just vague descriptors, there is to much unknown about him.

This wasn't really Aizawa's main concern, his main concern was getting these clearly mentally insane kids off the street, or at least the one he knows is on the street, before they run into something spunk and good ideas can't beat. While he in the beginning wasn't really sure about kids in general, now that he's been a teacher for so long, he can't just let some teenager just run around unchecked without actual training. No matter how effective they seem to be with the startling high arrest rate.

"Hey Shou, what's wrong?" Aizawa's eye twitched a bit as he looked up from the desk he was sitting at up at Mic. Right, he has a day job as well as a night job, the two should keep separate but his tired mind crossed the two over.

"A case is being particularly stressful" Mic raised an eyebrow at that but didn't ask anything more, on going cases weren't the best thing to bug Eraser out about, especially when he hasn't asked for help. Aizawa just moved over to the teacher's lounge couch and promptly fell onto it as Mic frowned a bit at the lack of energy his friend was showing, sure that wasn't really a new thing for Aizawa but he already got a long nap in this morning that usually tides him over for at least a few more hours.

"Got it! So what are you thinking about the exams coming up? Thinking about expelling some more students to get more nap time?" Aizawa would have rolled his eyes but his face was pressed into the uncomfortable couch so he didn't bother. He never has anything good to say about the exams, they were stupid, impractical, and barely showed the skills of the non combative quirks from the hero trainee wannabes. Even with rescue points, the way of gaining them was to situational and no way to quantify them before hand, it was an uneven mess in terms of practicality, and while he knew Nezu made it that way on purpose, it doesn't make it any better. All of these thoughts in the Eraser hero's head was given in five words.

"If they don't show potential"


I was so tired, way to tired, but I was happy enough. The last few weeks have been a lot of work but I've gotten a lot done. One hundred twenty-eight in three and a half months time is a lot of people to send to jail which is fun, but beyond that I've learned a lot of stuff in the last few weeks, chat has gotten pretty good at giving me options, and ignoring the two run ins with Eraserhead, everything has mostly gone my way.

Sure every couple days I would just kind of lay in bed for a few hours in pain but I've gotten use to that basically. Even finally got that quiet medical voice into chat along with another chemist and a few programming voices so that's fun. I've managed to get a lot more down with my programming and ignoring a few times that I broke into houses of absolute sh*t stains to get certain computer parts, I'm basically being completely moral.

Said computer is pretty good, I had to fix up a few parts and rework them, but now the computers working pretty well, better than the laptop which is what the point of it was. It was near constantly running an algorithm I only mostly understood and took like four days to write out fully, but it f*cking works, though I think the computer will melt at some point but chat says it should be fine as long as I don't have the computer on during the day, where all the people out and about would fry the processor.

So that's fun, besides that, I made some more stuff, the most fun and complex thing that took me most of my daylight hours for a week was a set of goggles, which protected my eyes, and I managed to get minor projectors against the lenses which I tweaked enough to be translucent enough that I could see through them, which I could use to interact and see through camera across the city from my computer, I needed to use the burner phone to actually control it but that's a minor flaw that I couldn't really get around with my current budget.

The other thing they did is I could make is there are small camera, which I took out of a lot of stolen phones from idiotic goons, and reused them and modified then all to be able to use minor infrared capabilities which were streamed to the lenses from the minor projectors so I could very slightly see in the dark. The things were kind of bulky, but I didn't really need to have them do anything else as chat was basically a super computer in of itself if I need to get answers to something, so no real reason to put anything else on them.

Only thing I can do it slim down the designs a bit so they don't feel as clunky but right now they work as well as they could.

Besides that I also made two other things on top of restocking current things like the smokes. Those two things being a small shock pad, which I nearly electrocuted myself on multiple times testing it as insulating took a while to figure out.

Basically, besides needing to buy a solid ten more pairs of gloves, I managed to put small packs of battery in the suit where my arms are, and connected some thick cord wiring up to the palms which were now sowed to the ends of the suit so it's one piece now so everything was connected properly.

Anyway, from there the wires feed up to the metal plates on the four fingers with the thumbs, where the small flint plates where, acted as a grounded. So the whole thing acted sort of like a five point electricity quirk in a way, which was so f*cking cool. The main issue I had was making it so it didn't discharge whenever all five points were on something that I didn't want to shock, primarily me, and when I was climbing.

The answer to that took a while, as clearly I just needed a safety switch that had to be turned off so the batteries could connect to the wires to loop around ready to shock. The question became where to put the switch and if there should be two switches, one for each hand.

In the end, I came up with a simple enough idea that let me be able to turn them off and on without having to make it obvious, just in case I got into another situation like I got into with Eraserhead a month or so back where I needed a surprise to through them off guard without being obvious about it. And the answer I came up with was a small button on the back of the pointer knuckles that had to be held for three seconds, which would then connect the loop to the point finger.

And since the shock gloves won't work unless all four fingers are in the loop, just having one being able to turn off an on was enough, and since I got weirdly flexible fingers and thumbs, I can bend my thumb back enough to reach the knuckles on my pointer finger's to turn them off an on. Simple and effective. They weren't honestly that hard to make being honest, the hardest part was the activation method and making sure it worked on five point contact, which was a safety measure in of itself so they wouldn't discharge when on without me meaning to, and actually insulating and wiring the things, the design was very simple, it was just a pain to sort them out and making sure they were in place properly and making sure the output wasn't enough to kill someone, more just around standard taser power.

And finally up, the last thing, which was just improving my boots... Yeah, that's it, I added and modified the grips on them so I had an easier time climbing and if I hit someone with them then they would hurt a lot more but that's all it was... Yeah... Honestly all my effort went into the goggles and computer programs than anything else beyond going out and beating people up before calling the detective to report the crime.

Oh! I also started using a text to speech thing to disguise my voice, and I've taken to doing more texting than talking, it was a bit dumb to no think of that but I only got like ten or so calls in before I started doing this so it's probably fine, I know the calls weren't recorded... Because I kind of destroyed any computer evidence like last week but that's not really the point.

On a side note, I hacked the police station, just because the voices were curious and I'm trying my best to be more nice and supportive of them, which only sometimes works in all honesty but I'm trying ok. Anyway, I did it also to just see if I could. Took a while but I managed after a few lessons on bypassing locked firewalls among other things.

Most I already knew from the voices liking to talk about it, but it seems that they think Watcher has more than just one person working on fighting crime. I mean, that's kind of right, one one person is working on it, but it just so happens that the one person is a lot more than just one person. It makes sense of course, I doubt anyone expects one teen to suddenly just start doing so much without a lot of help, thankfully I do have a lot of help, they just aren't being creative enough to see more than just the standard form of help. Not that I mind, it makes it even more difficult to find me so whatever.

"Hear that everyone? We're appreciated!" "I feel loved~" "Dad does care!" "Yay!" "We're loved!" "Awww!"


Watcherfan12:So yuo to remember from a while back I wswa talking about that vigilate?


Littleluger1:Does this got somethign to do wiht the name change

Watcherfan12:Yeh! The dudes awesome! my uncles been complaining abotu him but there are even forums about him now

SharkDiva:Forums? Isn't is a bad thing if your police officer uncle says he's a bad guy and he's getting a lot of fame?

SharkDiva:Besides, they might be a girl, or neither

Littleluger1:Nah sorry girl, but he's a dude at least from what the forums are saying

Watcherfan12:yeah uncle t amakawa said a pro met him and so the guys got a dik but partently he's a teen which is cool


Watcherfan1:Anyway parently he got a sensor quirk or something hence the name they gave him 'Watcher'

Littleluger1:A sensor quirk? do they know how strong it is? Or what kind? Range?

Watcherfan1:No idea dude chiil

SharkDiva:So why are you obsessed over him catboy?

Watcherfan12:hye! dont call me catboy

Watcherfan12:i just thikn its cool. I wanna be a pliceman like my uncle and even if its a bit outofbounds its still cool to see people wanting to serve justice without some flashy quirk

SharkDiva:That's surprisingly deep catboy


Watcherfan12:STAHP IT \@o@/

SharkDiva:That why you going to UA? for that hero rep stuff?


Watcherfan12:but yeah, even if its just gen ed. that sh*t looks good on an applicateion plus with a recomdation from t amakawa and i should be good as long as i stuyd hard

Watcherfan12:HeyLittleluger1what's up man you still there

SharkDiva:It's late, he might have gone to sleep already, he's been getting off early for the last few months, something about training or whatever.

Littleluger:I'm here! Just thinking about that sensor quirk. you really goign to UA?

Watcherfan12:yep! im actualy pertty smart

SharkDiva:Yeah, clearly...

Littleluger:That's cool! I'm going to try to get into heroics actually...

Watcherfan12:for real! awesome man. we could have lunch or something when you get in

Littleluger1:uh sure. I got to get in first though, I'm not to sure baout my chances to be honest

Watcherfan12:youll do fine! i belive in yo \o/



Sighing from my laying position a roof top, well more wheezing, my ribs were in a lot of pain, but that's here nor there, I slowly rolled onto my feet. I may or may not have gotten into a fight withfourpeople with psychical enhancer quirks which just wasn't fair. Sure I won in the end, but that's because I cheated the hell out of the fight, every time on got close I zapped it, or used smoke to get into a better position, or just attacked and just simply outpaced their damage until I won.

Needless to say that last plan left some things to be desired, even if I was making the near perfectly optimal moves at all time, it was still I was in a lot of pain and while the voices were being nice and being quiet, I still had a headache all the same, as I groaned in pain from my slouched over, now standing postition, before moving over to another rooftop. Eraserhead will be here in...

"How long I got?"

"Three minutes and twenty-four seconds at his current pace, he got a tip you were here" "Sorry but we don't know who, it was someone off the side of the street who heard the fighting, he made the connection it was you" "You can get out in one, rest a while"

"Make sure and turn off the gloves before you shock yourself please" "The voltage is basically out of it, most he could do it lightly burn his pants" "Still, it's better so he doesn't hurt himself when he recharged them" "Fair enough"

"Make that four minutes, someone just stopped him asking if he was on his way to a costume party" "I'd pay to see his reaction" "? Most of us can see his reaction. Admittedly it is funny"

"Take a moment to collect yourself then call the cops, also there is a robbery happening about a thirty second run from here" "Oi! He's hurt, don't make him run off right away" "The woman only has a minor sight improvement quirk" "BUT SHE ALSO HAS A KNIFE"

I sighed to myself before shaking my head, time to get running I guess. Chat would have told me if another hero would be able to handle the robbery, so time to get that over with I guess. Stumbling a bit into a run, I rushed across the the roof to build up enough speed to make it to the next, then the one after that as I reached up and tapped a pair of cheep earbuds that I managed to sync to the flip phone and voice program, and also happened to only have one name on speed dial as the tone began as I jumped over another roof top.

"Watcher"Good to know he saved my number already.

"Sup, hey what's my caller ID? Watcher would make sense but what about Watchers? It's be more accurate" I smirked to myself just a tad. I like throwing him off on occasion, though I must say, a quirk that acts like a lie detector, that works through phones and even voice modifications is interesting, but since the voices told me, it wasn't much of an issue for me to work past it, I'm full of half truths after all.

"I don't see how it really matters, but it is Watcher, though I'll take your name idea into consideration, thanks for the tip, now what do you want?"He was talking to much... He thinks I'm still at the original scene that Eraser is about to get to. Looking forwards, I noticed a message from chat saying I was there.

"Just letting you know that the people I just beat the hell out of in the factory that Eraserhead is about to break into all have enhancement quirks so be careful with them. I think they almost broke one of my ribs, I had to shock the hell out of them to keep them down. My hands are still shaking a bit from quirk overuse" He'll have fun with that statement, because I'm not lying, my hands are shaking from pain and nerves, and my quirk is always overused, it's just I said them like they were related when they aren't. There are a lot of ways to trick a quirk like that. But that doesn't matter, as right now off I go with a small hop right off the building edge as I dropped twenty feet down.

Jumping off a building was always a bit nerve wracking but I wanted to make this fast as the bottom of my sole slammed into the head of the woman as she dropped down as I landed on her back, barely stumbling, hey I was getting better at my landings! Anyway, she was out cold as I gave the two women who she had been robbing a tilt of the head to say high before they ran off before turning back to my phone and said happily.

"Oh and send a cop car to the street address I'll text you after I'm a few blocks away. There's some woman who tried to stab what looked like a couple on a night midnight scroll. She failed and is now eating ground, from experience it tastes bitter. Anyway bye bye"

He tried to say something, I ignored it as I hung up just like that before flinching before walking away on slightly wobbly legs, ok maybe jumping from a roof on a hurt leg and painfully sore everything was a bad idea, but whatever. It worked and that should have gotten me some style points at least. After walking away and texting the address like the truthful man I am, while ignoring the spattering of ten out of tens from the voices.

I think it's about time to get home all things considered.

"You going to some party kid?" Blinking, my head slowly turned to the left to look down an alleyway where a man was standing, well, I want to say man, but with how much dead skin was being held up by what looked like staples around his face, I kind of wanted to say he looked like a poorly made quilt. Still, I wasn't really in the mood for a talk with shady men in alleys, you know, because no.

"Why does no one think I'm ever an adult? I'm not that short" Ok, that was not what I wanted to say, but I'm very tired and kind of iffy on my current mental state so whatever. Though the voices did seem a bit... worried, apparently this guy is danger, something about a strong fire quirks and a antsy backstory. His name is Dabi, and his apparently a natural red head?

"You look dead inside enough for it, but you're a missing a certain something" I raised an eyebrow at that as I pulled the goggles off, I had no use for them and my eyes aren't recognizable at night anyway.

"Does looking like a half overcooked pot roast count?" He's eyebrow twitched a bit but he didn't do anything, yet, though I was more than ready to throw down, even if I'm in pain, that hasn't stopped me before, and if he's looking for a fight then if he does have a fire quirk, it's best if I'm close to him than trying to just walk off.

"No, but acting like a little sh*t doesn't help. Why are you out here anyway kid? You not get enough love at home" The voices seemed to take that as an insult as they started either pouting or trying to overly compliment me as I could basically feel my eyes begin to shift in hue, rolling them to hide it a bit while letting Chat start to berate them to make them tone it down, I spoke.

"Not all of us have mommy issues, though fatherly abandonment is somewhere on the check list. But no, I'm out here because it's gross at how little heroes show up at night" In the beginning it was mostly for experience and it still mostly is, but I honestly just hate how little they seem to care about people outside of making it look good. Dabi's eye quirked up a bit at that and said.

"Oh? Aren't you just a little do gooder" I snorted at that.

"I go around beating the sh*t out of people, take what they have and then use it to beat the sh*t out of more people because I want to and call is heroism. I'm not a very good guy, but the heroes are hardly doing it so whatever" He actually smirked a bit at that which was interesting as his, almost dead but to piercing blue, eyes looked me over for a second before he scoffed and said.

"You really do look like your on a way to some poor costume party with how...smacked together you are"

"Well sorry if I can't rock the homeless drab look you got, which you kind of make work by the way so good job on that"

"No you just look like you walked out a thrift shop after stuffing stuff up your shirt to shoplift" Oh this little sh*t.

"So says the guy with the sh*tty dye job he probably bought the pack from a walgreens" He's eyebrow twitched again though the actual annoyance seemed to be missing from his eyes, one of the one parts of his face that can express properly.

"The kid with the bags underneath his eyes worse than mine is talking trash about upkeep? You got balls" Considering he literally had burned off skin bags under his eyes, that said a lot as I snapped back, now just kind of weirdly enjoying the banter, because honestly this is the first human being I've talk to in like a month that wasn't family or a teacher.

"Yeah I got balls, and unlike an old crispy asshole I can still use them" He growled a bit at that. Ok, I think I might have pushed him a bit here, but all he did was just roll his eyes after a moment before walking away. I guess he was done. Whatever. With that I was out. Ignoring the collective hums of interest and all the way to nice and cute nicknames the voices were giving that guy now that it was fairly clear he wasn't going to steam fry my ass... Though, admittedly the guy did make the gross burn scars work.

Graphed emo? What did that one me- Oh, those were skin graphs, that makes more sense... That must have sucked like a bitch, and by the state of them, he really isn't good at not using his quirk for a while is he.

Still, I'm fine with this, he was entertaining enough and didn't have to fight or my life again for the like fourth time tonight on a couple bruised ribs, a limping leg, a pounding headache, and on four hours of sleep.

Personally I think I have enough healing burns and other kinds of elemental injuries already from the varying emitter quirks I've had to deal with, so this is fine.

f*ck, a day later and suddenly this is not fine! I'm really god damn sore at the moment, and school is way to loud. For some reason all the voices, now that it's day, have taken to just started talking among themselves about last night to a painful level. Migraine level at least.

Blinking the slight swimming sights in front of me, I walked on forwards to the store to buy some more over the counter pills for my headache, because I was out.

Normally I wouldn't bother but it's not like these are anti psychotics so it's fine, because those f*cking suck.

Anyway, I'm at the shop now which is good as I walked inside and looked around, ignore the stream of voices talking about how the girl behind the counter is dating her co worker, who happens to have a boyfriend, how the drinks in the small machine are half expired, that the light bulb above me will go out in about two days, or how the tiles under my feet were put there eight years two month and twenty-seven days ago, among other things I was avoiding knowing to the best of my ability.

Moving over to the shelves, I picked up the strongest option which I normally got, I don't like taking pills so it's best to just only have to take as little an amount as possible in my opinion and that means the strong pain relievers. So getting the brand I liked, I walked up to the counter and placed the bottom on the place and looked around for a little while before noticing something on one of the magazine shelves while the girl who was dating a girl who was dating a boy who was secretively gay(Just why to all that?) as I moved up to it and picked up one of the hero magazines, I didn't recognize it but the voices filled me in quickly.

'Weekly Heroic Buzz' Some weekly post that was minor in the way of other more recognizable newspapers, but what had caught my eye was on the front of it was a stylized word under the name of the magazine company which read'Watcher's on the block: The Newest Vigilante'.Yeah that's interesting, flipping it open to the page number listed next to it, I read over the, surprisingly big, article on myself.

A bit outdated, by about two weeks from the description of my gear, but that's unimportant, it wasn't mentioned but apparently according to the voices, I saved a reporter like three and a half weeks ago from a drug dealer met up they had accidentally got to close to... I had no idea they were there and just kicked ass before making some snarky comments, some of the admittedly lamer ones were even quoted here, and then left after sending a message to the detective dude I've been bugging.

Glancing through the paper, it was half praise half questioning why a hero wasn't the one to step in, like you'd expect from a drama rag, but that's whatever. I'm more curious about how they got Watcher as a name to use from the police to use it here in this small paper. I don't really mind, heck if I get more recognition then maybe people around my area will stop being dumb asses who do illegal sh*t. That would be nice I guess, though the fame is a bit meh.

I don't really need the media to go back and forth on me for my every action, I already got hundreds of voices doing that every single day at all times. Setting it down, admittedly not really knowing how to feel about it as a whole, because I mean, I'm really not doing this for the fame or anything, in fact I kind of don't want it for the previous stated reason. I don't need a bunch of idiots yelling at me for being 'mentally unsound' while I'm trying to help them. Whatever, that's what underground pros and vigilantes are for, both of which are things I've either already accomplished or want to be in the future.

So with that, I moved over to the counter, handed over the cash, then instantly popped open the bottle and downed as quickly as I could three pills, ignoring the startled look the girl gave me before walking away, bottle in hand like it was a coffee as I walked out.

It'll take a while until the pills hit so in the mean time, cats. Yeah, that sounds nice. It's been a while since I went to a cat cafe, they're nice and pretty calming all things considered and the voices normally calm down and just make vague sounds of 'aw' which is nice. Plus I know a stop that has some great tea which will help the head pains and body pains, and emotional pains, and existential pains...

Honestly tea is just good for pain.

So I headed over, noticing the way the voices seemed to pick up in excitement when they realized the direction I were walking in. Heading into the small cafe, I smiled a bit as the voices quieted down into a murmuring of quiet anticipation as I headed inside as I looked a number small little furry balls of fluff trot around and in between some of the very few customer's legs. Really there were only two other people in here, one guy with a tuff of purple hair and eye bags I wished I could have instead of my own, and some older looking woman with long graying hair, not like grey is only for old people, I say this because I have way to much grey hair already.

Ignoring them as I walked on by and sat down by the window, I watched as the waiter walked to the back, it's nice when your enough of a regular that you don't have to order. Must be the same with that purple teen.

I know way to much about him since we've been in this place at the same time multiple times already, not that we've ever shared a single conversation but that's never stopped me before from just knowing stuff I don't want to. He does seem lonely though, but that's what the cats are for, thinking of which, here comes one now. A fat little calico who likes pets way to much.

Smiling softly as the fat f*ck jumped up into my lap as I absently give her pets while the voices and even the chat made different levels of coos and awes. Rubbing my hand through the fluffy cat's fur as my tea was delivered, I gave the girl as half competent smile I could realistically manage without it being horrifyingly fake clashing against my 'dull and lifeless creepy eyes' and picked up the tea cup and took a long sip from it as I relaxed into the chair as the calico curled up in my lap.

Life is kind of meh all around most of the time, but this is nice...


Jumping out of the way of another hail of bullets, I shook my head as I tried to shake the pain burning up my side where I had been hopefully just grazed. God damn, this was a pain a real one, f*ck this hurts...

Looking over from behind the cover I had, I winced a bit as I ducked just in time to not get shot again as I looked around to see if I could do anything... Chat wasn't helping, they were kind of panicking after I was shot which is a fair reaction, I'm pretty sure I'm panicking as well with how hard it is to breath at the moment.

"Come out come out little hero. You've been giving me and some of my friends a real pain. It's only fair I inflict double onto you before I let you're bloody body finally die!" Ok then, panic has gone to fear as a cold chill pulled on my chest as I hoped it wasn't shock as I took a deep a breath as I could as I reached down and grabbed onto one of my two remaining smokes, this fight had been going on for a while now.

Ripping it off as blue smoke started to pour from it as I threw it into the air before springing to my feet, ignoring the sudden gunfire at the smoke, I pulled a hand back and flung one of my sticks at the woman before running. What? You think I'm fighting that? f*ck no.

Listening to a strong thunk of the weapon smacking flesh, I jumped up onto a crate and quickly began pulling myself up to my feet to get the hell out of here when suddenly a slicing pain shot up through my leg as I stumbled before tripping off the side of what I was standing on, crashing to the ground in a huff of agony. Why is it always the left leg? Whatever, rolling slowly to my feet I yelled over my shoulder as I limped to the door as fast as I could.

"How about we call the two bullets even huh? Cause death sounds like it would suck" Not my best line admittedly but f*ck you. Stumbling through a door just in time to turn a corner to not get hit by another wave of bullets, I stumbled a bit before barely managing to make my way up onto the roof of the adjacent building right before the bitch shot through the doors as I rolled onto my back in pain while I looked at Chat as they began to calm down enough to tell me what was happening.

Finally after a long while, I slowly got to my feet, stumbling a bit, and glad that there was so much cloth on me, it was adsorbing the blood more than I thought it would... God, this f*cking sucks...

"Anyone know where I can get some cheap and easy stitches without questions and with a mask?" I listened to the voices, now with something of a direction surge to attention, as I could practically feel the worry rolling off them all as I walked onward across the roof for a few steps before I had to sit down.

After a while someone from chat finally piqued up and said.

"Call this number and then ask for Giran. He can set up you with someone and won't care about your status"

Oh great, a broker, I don't like them, most of the time they're just sh*tty people who don't value sh*t. The few times I ran into them or had to deal with them after a bust was to many for me to like this, especially since they hardly ever like vigilantes, but I'll trust chat. Pulling out my burner phone, I typed in the number and called. After a few dial tones, it connected as I spoke up before the man on the other end could say anything.

"I'm willing to pay. Two bullet wounds, one in the leg, another in the right shoulder, you got anyone?"

Listening to the silence on the other end of the phone for a long moment, I wondered if this was another wrong number, it does happen on occasion, but suddenly a kind of slimy voice came from the speaker in my earbud.

"First you tell me who you are and how you got this number and then maybe I'll call someone"Hate it when they know what their doing.

"Name's Watcher, I know a lot of people, heard if I'm in a bad scrap then to call you. Two bullets do that"

"Watcher huh? You've been dealing with a lot of small fries that have been sullying my pool... I'll demand an answer later, but for now one hundred thousand yen and I'll get you patched up"I almost winced at that, one hundred thousand? That's most of everything I have saved up... I can't take a bullet out myself though and I can't leave it in there...

"Fine, have someone meet me on the corner of Tat in the next hour" With that the call was done as I sighed to myself before shaking my head. This was a bad idea... Whatever, I have an hour to get across town to get the cash and back on a bad leg. Why didn't I just say somewhere closer? Because I'm an idiot that's why. God why me.

Chapter 5


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Watcher, now Giran knew a lot of people who would love to pay a lot to know where he would be located, and frankly the idea of calling up a few interested buyers of such information has certainly passed along the man's mind, but in the end he would hold to his word, he already had a smaller medical team, just a driver and a paid off doctor to the address they were given.

Why? Because Giran is not a stupid man, sure he could get some quick cash from Watcher getting cut from the picture, but why would he do something like that?

After all Watcher was making a good job of clearing the field, seven full operations and over two hundred arrests combined from those take downs might sound like a bad thing for any inspiring criminal, but to Giran it just sounded like a great opportunity to help a few prospecting deals and buyers make their own, smaller empires in the open field Watcher was making without realizing.

Sure Watcher will eventually run his use but the police, and while Giran will be the first to the police are a bunch of pigs, they also happen to be pretty competent when they want to be, and they are already on Watcher's trail so Giran doubts he'll be on the field long enough for stir trouble for any long term future operations.

Though something did hang on the man, who was stupid enough to Giran's private number to some vigilante wannabe? Only a couple hand fulls of people should even be aware of his number, this is what he has middle men for after all, so someone must already know Watcher but who out of the list would want some vigilante to have his number of all things?

Truly a question that he couldn't find an answer to, and he doubts Watcher will say anything, the pawn is probably half way across the city away from the medical team the second the bullets were removed and patched. He'll have to ask a few people. If he has a mole then he would damn well like to know about it.


I had to give up on going out for at least two weeks right now, a bullet to the leg will do that to you. The guy that came to patch me up had some magnetism quirk so he could the lead out easily enough without making it worse but it doesn't change the fact that I lost a lot of blood, ruined my body suit, and was barely not walking with a limp, much less running at the moment.

The doctor didn't say as much, mostly because he was just there to fix the immediate issue and nothing else but I have my own team of medical experts, it's just they can't really do surgery on me, and my hands were in no condition to try and do it myself. Anyway, yeah, chat has a medical expert now, which has helped out a lot, though they apparently only know the biology stuff related to humans and bananas for some reason, it's not like that's a massive deal.

At least the other voices are at least nice enough to not be dicks about it, though they're starting to be a bit antsy at the moment, like the little sh*ts they are, their starting to get to comfortable with how I've been to them recently so now they've started to complain a bit that I won't be going out and fighting for a while, so on top of all my current problems, I also had to deal with the fact I was getting even less sleep than normal. Which was predictably annoying.

But I'm making the most of it, using my time at home to repair and get the blood out of my costume, so now it looks even more like poorly designed sh*t. On top of it, I want to rework the battery packs for my five touch gloves so they last longer, the wires have to much loss in them before they reach the fingertips which is bottle necking how long I can use them for.

Among the costume, my healing, school, barely three hours of sleep a night, and fixing up my computer a bit more to run more smoothly and making a new program to search for mentions of me in the police database and online. Mostly to keep track of what the police know without having to try and make sense form the voices and to not have to hack into the god damn police database over and over again, and the secondary thing is just because I'm curious about what all else people have talked about involving Watcher.

That's for later though, for now, I'm just skimming through some hero forums among some talks about the UA entrance exam. I know all about it, even the rescue points because of the voices, but that doesn't really help me. How I see it, I need someway to destroy at least twenty robots of varying pointless basically quirkless, because, being honest here, in combat, I might as well be quirkless. Sure Chat helps but I could work just fine without it and most the time I don't even look at them in a fight because I don't need the advice or don't have time to read it.

So now the question becomes, how can I break around twenty robots without any gear, because ifsticksaren't allowed, I doubt they'll let me have five point shock gloves or smoke bombs. I'll ask when I don't have big of a headache to see if any of the voices around right now happen to know the blueprints of the robots, that way I know exactly how to break them.

And if I don't make it into Heroics, which I know is a possibility, no reason to question against it, then it means I have to go to gen ed, or maybe the support course? I know a thing or two about mechanics now, and a lot about wiring and stuff, but only in very certain areas... I'd have to focus a lot on that for a while now for the next four months but do I want to do that? I'll have actually support people making my gear for me if I get to Heroics later on...

I won't mind knowing it anyway just in case, but I could honestly do that on my own, not to be rude, but I have multiple engineering gods basically in my head who can give me all the advice I want when I need it. Sure I won't get all the tools from the support course, but I doubt I'd be allowed to make personal projects with the equipment so why bother if I can't use it, and it would be very suspicious if I make gear in a class with a lot of cameras and suddenly that gear shows up on some vigilante.

If I really need to I could ask to be allowed to use the workshop place if I really need it or I want to actually have proper tools as long as I'm careful. So all in all, General Education sounds the best, plus that'll look better on an application probably as the Gen Ed course actually even has a number of extra courses you can take that can equal a university credit later on. I'm not sure how that will carry very when I make it to Heroics from the sports festival if I have to go through that way to get there, but it'll still be good all the same I suppose.

I'm thinking to much about all this, simply put, I just have to wait until the exams to see if I fail the heroics or not and if so then I just got to make sure to pass the written exam for Gen Ed, which might be the same as the written exam for heroic, not really sure. But I'm confident in my scores so that's not to much of an issue... I just hope I can get into heroics right away. I would hate to play catch up, but this whole test is unfair to people with non combative quirks, let alone a practically worthless quirk for basic heroics.

Not to say I mind or even dislike my quirk, most of the time, I mean I wouldn't be the same person if I didn't have these voices and they can be super helpful, though it's mostly chat who give me important information which is a bit limited at times. My quirk, if a bit unwieldy, is a perfect quirk in most respects for information gathering, to bad people either think I'm insane and have no control over my quirk or too much control over my quirk and I'm super creepy because they think that means I know what underwear they have on or something equally stupid. Yeah, that's happened way too many times.

Anyway, time to get started on all this stuff I have planned and need to get done I guess.


"Hey mars is actually mostly just rusted iron!" "Think that's cool!High schools and universities in New Zealand are allowed to keep up to a pound of uranium on the premises for educational purposes!" "Why?" "I don't know"

"Coyotes outpace roadrunners by twenty-three miles per hour" "We use imperial here?"

"486579486415613 divided by eighteen is 27032193689756.2777 repeating"

"I know we're suppose to like Aizawa because he's totally a dad and all but I still think he's scary" "No my friend! Don't let the tropes get to you! We must stand strong together!" "Yeah he's ruined us liking him with what he did. I know he didn't mean for it to happen but dying is scary" "What! I just realized something, we died and got no Fs! We weren't given respect!" "...You're an idiot" " Damn, F to that guy"


Miko was beginning to worry this dead eyed kid was crazy or something, at first it was funny, then it was worrying, then kind of weird, and now she wasn't sure what to think as she looked down at the seven science kits that he always bought, a pack of ten novelty grenades, four high quality battery packs, a spool of thick copper wiring, insulting tape, a sowing kit, a small bottle of lighter fluid, a few high grade transformer, what looked like more stuff for electricians to use, not a fourteen year old.

Her hands moving and checking the items out more out of habit than really thinking about doing it as Miko's mind was way to busy wondering what in the world this stuff was going to be used for, as the pink eyed graying teen looked blankly ahead, he looked a lot worse than the last time she saw him, he just looked more disheveled than anything, not to say he looked all that put together before hand but this was something else.

"Hey, um, what are you planning on making with this stuff" The kid actually looked almost surprised at Miko's question, which she figured might have something to do with the fact that she never had asked before or even when the things being brought up to the counter got increasingly weirder and weirder. Finally the kid started talking, though it concerned Miko that he wasn't talking to her.

"Some of you were right, it was this time. I don't know how you all do those points but be happy I guess" Miko almost inched away from the kid who was talking to himself as he stared right into what felt like her soul before finally saying, like he almost forgot Miko was even there. "Nothing special, a friend needs some help rewiring his ceiling fan"

Miko blinked to herself before slowly nodding, something in her gut told her that wasn't what these were being used for but she had no idea if she really wanted to ask anymore as she handed over the bags as the teen handed over the required yen. And just like that Miko was glad to see the strange pink eyed teen was gone. He didn't seem dangerous, not when he looked so tired that a breeze would knock him over, but he was...unsettling, something about his tired, resigned voice just didn't set right with her.


"Are you sure this is a good idea boss? This will mean our end you know" Wino was worried, he didn't have anything besides this organization, no matter how illgeal, it helped put food on his table.

"Half our operations have already been shut down, it's only a matter of time, might as well get one more job done in the midst of the chaos... I should be asking you if you're up for this trigger isn't a joke" Ok so maybe Wino wasn't only worried about his current employment, more worried about having to use a drug, but he's already given his life to his so really this was expected.

"I'll be fine boss, just not sure how long I'll be able to hold it, even if this... Depends on how strong I get" The boss, a man Wino has looked up to for years now, just laid a hand on his shoulder and said in a deceptively calm and controlled voice.

"All we need is an hour at most, you got this, don't let me down" Wino just nodded.


Sighing, I leaned back as I looked down at my gloves, the rest of the suit was fine now, having to use cloth patches to fix it was a bit annoying but it worked, but my most recent idea has slowed down as I'm trying to find a way to make sure it doesn't interfere with the rest of the electrical wiring in my arms and hands... I'll have to put them on the back of my hand, it'll be a bit weird but it's the best spot to have a coil of wiring.

I'll have to make sure they are completely safe as I don't want to kill myself with them, but sense I've upgraded the batteries and the efficiency of the electrical output, and I already fixed the bottleneck problem, a problem with one of the servos dispersing power, this should work fine now.

So a suit upgrade almost done, the suit fixed up and no longer a bloody mess, and I even replaced my sticks with two metal beams that I managed to shorter to the required length. So I'll be packing an extra punch in my hits, though I'll have to get use to the extra weight in my hands.

A number of new and improved smokes, and the program now up and running, and I still got four days to spare before I'm cleared by medical voice number two to go back out to the field. In that time I still made sure to give out a lot of side quests to the police hat I picked up and called in from the safety of my own little secret base... I should really rent this place out or something because I have a full, near, super computer set up in here now and that's a bit harder to explain than a suit in the floorboards.

I got the cash for it, from just starting to do random programming jobs online, which I was using the user name'WatcherWatchingtheWatched'Because honestly the name is growing on me. To bad I don't be able to use it as my hero name unless I want to go to jail but that's for later. Anyway, I've set up a small account that I'm using to funnel the funds into, which I also made a lot more safe than normally should be, among other quality of life things.

So really money isn't much of a problem, not that it ever really was, but I don't like pestering my mom for an allowance when she's working hard. Doubly so when it's for my very illegal operations. Which wraps around to the point, how would I be able to get this little base of mine legally occupied? I'm not old enough to rent it but-...

"Yo, give me ideas for a base to hold my stuff"

"Why don't we just get a cave or something?" "That would be cool" "Hard to get to or find though" "Boo, you're no fun"

"Why not just find an unused place and fix it up?" "That's what he did here, so he could just to do it somewhere else"

"Isn't there a bunch of abandoned warehouses like a district over?" "Yeah! Those would work" "But kids go there all the time to hang out during the day" "Not to mention the drug deals at night"


Leaning back, I looked up at the ceiling while absently sending a slightly scathing text to the detective about how the people he's about to bust is expecting him, before closing the texting app and thought about the suggestions I was able to get out through the chaos of sounds...

I was based out of here because it was close and easy to get to but this is hardly the only place to stay around here... I'm going scouting tonight... I'll take my gear just in case, getting robbed is really common out here... I won't take all of it, I'll just get by with my upper suit and gloves, after I fix the new equipment piece, even if it is a bit suspicious but those don't really scream vigilante costume without my belt of tools and weapons, and I'll wear the scarf and hat in case I need to blend in, but just in my pocket so I don't look out of place. But that's just in case something happens and I need to defend myself, no fights.

I really don't want to have to fight at all, and I'm going to be ignoring the voices who ask me to fight, my leg is still to sore to really do anything serious on it, and while I very weirdly flexible, I don't want to stress my left arm, I'm still having a hard time rotating it fully without small flashes of pain, and I'm giving myself some psychical therapy just in case to make sure I can keep full rotation in it.

But I'm sure it'll be fine, I mean really, what's the worse that could happen while I'm out looking at random empty places I could fix up.


"Eraser, we got another report, we already got most of our officers out and five other underground heroes but we don't have enough men, are you sure you can't find Watcher?" Naomasa Tsukauchi was an overworked and underpaid detective, but if he didn't love his job then he'd be lying. But hardly nothing could prepare him for something like tonight. It was almost like four different gang wars, all at once, scaling most of the city, he was sure some emotion manipulation quirk was in play.

"No, and I haven't heard word from anyone else, he isn't out here"

Tsukauchi wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, for one there wasn't a kid out there in the middle of open warfare, but on the other, he was severally undermanned and needed all the help he could get. Honestly Tsukauchi wasn't even sure most of the people fighting for the 'gangs' were even there willingly, and a group of very smart people who have a habit of finding answers to hard questions wouldn't be unwanted.

"I've called in a number of daytime heroes but most are tired from patrol already, but we have a few coming in" Instantly, Tsukauchi pulled his phone away and called out to some of the staff to get some ambulances out to fifth street, before turning back to the phone with his other hand coming up to pinch his nose bridge, trying and failing to stem the raising headache. "Keep me posted ok? And get to eighth road some people are moving in that location"


Aizawa was not having a good night, as he jumped between two villains, maybe? who he had caught in his capture weapon and yanked hard as the two went flying into each other. Turning around before slamming his foot into the side of a man's head as he crashed to the ground before running forwards before a yell interrupted his thinking. Spinning on instinct to block a hit, he was surprised to see a some what familiar teen being attacked.

It didn't last long as Watcher, in a fluid, if sharp motion, pivoted on his leg, slammed a kick into one of them, jumped off them and slammed a punch into another before spinning around and grabbed on arm that he had no way to seeing, further proving his sensor quirk, as Aizawa watched the woman suddenly convulse and collapse onto the ground.

Three opponents in as many seconds, he was getting better.

But something was off as Aizawa moved over to Watcher, half wanting to try and take him in though he knew this wasn't the time, he watched as the teen stumble a bit on one of his legs and winced in clear pain. Did he get hurt?

"Watcher" Watcher didn't seem surprised as he turned to look over at Aizawa, not like that was a big deal. Surprising a sensor quirk is near impossible unless your quick enough to get past the quirk before the owner of the quirk can react.

"Eraserhead. Fancy seeing you out here. I swear if you attack me I'm going to stab someone, well I say someone, I mean you" Aizawa's eye twitched a bit at that before he shook his head mentally and focused on the problem at hand.

"You not important at the moment" He put a hand on his chest like that was offensive, kid's these days "Do you or you'll irrational group know what's happening?" Watcher rolled his eerily blank eyes, the only thing on his face that could be seen, and said.

"Does it look like I came out here expecting this? I'm in f*cking sweatpants and trainers" Aizawa did not sign up for sass, but he pushed past it and just growled out another question.

"Will you still help?" Watcher rolled his eyes like the brat he was but nodded all the same. Good, even if he wasn't on the right side of the law, they could use all the help they could get.

"I'll even give you some information to help out in finding who is doing this if you promise me something" Never mind, Watcher wanted to play games while lives were at stake. In that moment, Aizawa lost a lot of respect for the teen, but if he knew something he couldn't just let him go off without Eraser learning about something important enough to stop this farce.

"What do you want?" Watcher just looked at him, his eyes seemingly sharpening a bit, sensor quirks make the user's sometime seem zoned out, it's just a side effect of how much information they are taking in that using their own eyes just isn't as important as it is to others'. It showed how strong of a sensor quirk as well that Watcher had for how dead use less his eyes seemed to be, and how almost eerie it was to see them suddenly focus on him, like hundreds of eyes were staring down at him from all angles.

"Never use you're quirk on me again. It was like I was dying" Over dramatic brat, sensor quirks can be jarring to lose, or so Aizawa's been told, but hardly enough to feel like Watcher was dying. Still...

"I'll consider it, what information do you have" Watcher didn't seem impressed with that, even as the two both began to run in a direction that Aizawa didn't know the meaning of, he followed anyway, trusting that Watcher was smart enough to know this wasn't the time for a fight between them when he was half geared at best,

"The group behind it is some group that the police have been bringing down for the past couple months. I've been helping out with the raids. Got shot for it to, twice actually" The recap was unneeded, Aizawa was there for most of them because he seemed to be the one called in the most to deal with Watcher because Eraserhead also mostly worked only at night as well, so every time a tip came from the teen, Aizawa usually was there to help out. Though hearing the teen had gotten shot was very alarming, it explained the minor limp at the very least.

"Get to the point" The teen just grunted in annoyance at being interrupted but that seemed more a token gesture as he was currently scaling up a side of a wall with less success than Aizawa expected as the pro made it up without issue, though the hero accompanied that to the whole getting hot thing, it must have happened not to long ago, and yet he was still out here. That said something at least.

"I was you quirk killer. Basically the f*cks causing this are robbing some place while the police are busy, which is where we are heading"

"And how do you know this for sure" Jumping across two building, in the mean time before Watcher spoke up again

"Because I'm not stupid and have a few geniuses who are working on this in the background" That explained it to Aizawa, he was in contact with his group, they must have been called in before Aizawa got to the teen.

"Are you fine to fight without your weapons?" The teen just jumped down in front of a building with three people in front of it and before Aizawa could jump down to follow him, the pro hero was greeted with an interesting sight. In a moment, mid fall, Wacther had slammed his foot into the face of one, and fell on the thug, knocking them out in an instant, before ducking as a swing he couldn't see went over his head, before he jumped up and slammed a kick into the other man's head before dropping low as he swiped his legs out from underneath him before twisting on a dime and slammed his palm into the last one as blue sparks fired off from the man's chest as he stumbled back and collapsed. Right as that happened Watcher turned back and slammed his foot down onto the dazed second thug, knocking them out as well, right before he could get a knife out.

The kid was skilled and very strong, from what he remembered seeing from the first time he ran into the teen, he was good then, but not that good. His style has also changed now that he didn't have those sticks to use. His growth rate was incredible for just a few months, but he didn't have the stamina, it was clear from the way he leaned on a wall, he was already tired, more than likely from his injuries, running on a bad leg could drain someone quickly, but even ignoring that it was clear he still had a problem with pacing. Still, the kid had a lot of potential for a fighting mostly quirkless.

Dropping down next to Watcher, Aizawa just gave the teen a look, before moving to look at the building they had stopped in front of. A bank, what a clique. Turning back to the panting teen the pro quickly assessed the best questions to ask and then did so.

"How many?" The kid tilted his head like he was listening to something, or that was what he was doing to just focus on what he was feeling. After all, most people with sensor quirks don't really think in the same terms of meters like other people for what they are feeling. After a moment the teen said simply.

"Fifteen, the cameras are down already, most don't have anything psychical for quirks, one of them, one of the three clearing the vault is the one causing this. Two are on other other side of the door, they can't hear us, the other ten are in front of the vault, it would take them ten seconds to get to us, so we need to take them down quick but they both have minor enhancer quirks so do your thing" That was more, a lot more, than Aizawa was expecting, this kid knew what was important, he was just expecting a vague number, not the layout and positions, even quirks... It once again made him wonder just how powerful the teens quirk really was.

"On three then, You take the one on the left, I'll disable their quirks but I won't be able to hold them both in sight at the same time" The teen frowned but nodded all the same and just like that the door was kicked open as Aizawa felt his quirk flare, the familiar feeling of his eyes beginning to dry and his hair floating upwards were canceled out as he lunged at the one of the left, just like Watcher said.

In a moment, his target was immobilize in his capture weapon as he brought the man down to the ground and slammed his foot onto the man's head, it was harsh but he didn't have time to peaceful take downs as he turned his head to the side to focus his on the other just in time to see the teen take a strong hit to the side in the same movement to grasp the man's chest with his open palm as sparks flew before the kid was thrown away, crashing into a desk were he rolled to his feet while the man shrugged the shock off and flung himself at the teen.

That's right as the floor thudded with foot steps as Aizawa had to make the choice to turn his gaze away from the thug Watcher was now dodging fists from to the ten goons who were now in front of him... He had to make this fast as he heard a massive crash behind him as he charged into the group of ten.

Aizawa's scarf instantly caught two as in a twist of the wrist they were slammed into the ground as he jumped up and slammed a kick into one of the smaller one's chest, sending them flying into a desk before twisting and slamming a kick into another's head, sending them to the ground before twisting again as his feet settled on the ground as he spun out of the way of a knife as his hands shot up as the scarf wrapped around the hand as he used it to throw the knife holding into a wall before turning in time to cancel what looked like a minor flame quirk before rushing forwards and taking the woman down.

Moving his body up onto a desk to dodge a sweeping kick before Aizawa used his hands as a pivot to slam a kick into the low to the ground man, sending him down as another crashed sounded from behind him as he barely held hsi focus on the task at hand at the last three as he jumped back to get a view on all three when suddenly a chair of all things was flung over the underground hero, crashing into one of the women's face as the form of Watcher charged forwards, slamming into one and chocking the hell out of them before pulling something from the thugs belt and turned and with one hand flung it, barely turning to see his target as what looked like a knife shot through the air and stabbed deep into the remaining thug's shoulder as he screamed out in pain before Aizawa moved forwards and slammed his head into the wall, knocking him out.

Finally letting his hair fall to his shoulder's Aizawa blinked a few times to get the water back before turning to look over at where Watcher had come from only to see a man slumped over, with his fist buried deep into a wall with a burn mark over the side of his head. It was brutal as it was effective. Turning back to Watcher, who was shaking a bit, holding his side and sitting on a desk, more than likely for his leg, and asked.

"The last three?"

"Not a moment to rest? Fine, one's the boss, has a confidence quirk or something, the other is a bodyguard, she can control her hair to attack, but without that she's worthless, and the last guy is barely even there, he took something I think for his quirk, so he's kind of just zones out in a corner" Aizawa looked at the teen for a long moment before nodding.

From there the take down didn't take more than a could minutes, without their quirks, they all went down quickly just like all villains. But by the time he was able to call Tsukauchi to tell him he caught the ones involved, Watcher had vanished like he was never there. But the kid served his use and he was able to make sure the kid didn't die either, which Aizawa was sure might have happened if Watcher had charged into that bank without him. No matter how skilled the teen might appear, without half his gear, fighting with just his fists, and while still recovering, he would have stood little chance. Not that it mattered now, the teen was safe for another reckless stunt to pull in the near future, something Aizawa was sure would happen.

So now all there was was the clean up.

A few hours later found Eraserhead at the police station, giving his statement to one of his more preferred officer's behind Tsukauchi himself. Sansa Tamakawa was a hard working man who desired the rankings he's received over the years and has earned Aizawa's respect... It helped that Aizawa also loved cats and Sansa had a cat head, but those were just minor unimportant details that Aizawa would deny until the end of the earth.

"Sounds like Watcher alright, the snark is something I think is going to give Tsukauchi grey hair before long" Aizawa rolled his eyes at that. The sass from that problem child was hardly the main thing he would use to describe Watcher, though it was certainly on the list.

"The kids going to get himself killed" Sansa nodded, but they both knew there was nothing the two of them could do about it as annoying as it was. Unless they managed to caught the problem child, nothing was going to be able to stop the teen from the looks of things until he gets himself in a situation were he can't win and get himself hurt or killed.


Four hits, only four throughout the entire night, but those four hits were so bad that it felt like my entire body was broken. It wasn't obviously, as I slowly limped my way to my house, no, not my entire body, but most if not all my chest and back for sure. Not to mention my head was burning, the second I was out of the fights the voices started cheering about how I cared about them enough to make take Eraserhead asshole not use his quirk on them.

Which while true, I just wished they took it quietly, as in not bursted my mental eardrums with how loud they were being, sure they weren't as loud as they could be, not close, which was a small blessing that they knew if they did that I would probably just kind of drop in the middle of the road, but they were still much to loud all things considered.

Still...Tonight wasn't suppose to happen, I could have died, I should have died with Eraser wasn't there as much as I don't really want to admit it, he's a good hero, if an asshole of a person.

Whatever, I just want to get home, get out of this half costume, and pass out for ten hours. This isn't really the worst I've had to deal with but it still sucked, god school is going to be a pain in the ass, not to mention I got to make sure that no one comes in to take over Voga's operations in the coming days now that he's out of the picture, and judging by how hurt I am, that's at least another week I'll need to rest to heal, though I'll have to ask my medical experts to make sure, not that really matters when I'm sure I'm going to have to go out in the next following days to make sure no new and up in coming idiots try to fill the power gap... This is going to suck. I can't wait until UA when I don't have to worry about this anymore. Right?


Most of this was from an outside perspective because why not. Hey, look at that, Shin's actions are having consequences he know has to try and clean up. Isn't that just fun

Chapter 6


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Sansa Ribakyatto, just call him Kya, is a simple enough fourteen year old with a simple enough dream. Nothing fancy like becoming a pro hero, his quirk, half-cat, just wasn't suited for such a thing, sure he had sharp claws but they weren't that sharp, and while he had good hearing, he didn't really like how his ears poked up from the top of his head like a cats, the teasing he got from it always made him uncomfortable, same with his tail. So no he wasn't trying to be some hero always in the spotlight. He wanted to be a police officer, like his uncle.

Why? Because he wanted to help people! And his uncle is the coolest guy he knows, it's simple really. Though recently Kya's attention has been diverted to a new interest, a new vigilante by the name of Watcher, which is like, come on, so bad ass! Sure Kyaknew the guy went around beating people up, but they kind of deserved it, though he did get a lecture from his uncle when he accidentally mentioned it, but come on. A teen his age helping people out was just cool.

It made him want to do the same, not going out and fighting random people of course, that sounded dangerous, no, he wanted to help people out. So when he saw a teen, around his age, walking out of a general store with way to many bags, baggy clothes that contrasted heavily with a skinny body, a clear limp, already graying hair, and the biggest set of bags under his eyes that the cat boy had ever seen, he decided to help him out.

"Hey!" A smile makes the world a better place, at least that's what he hears, so he smiled as he walked up to the clearly sleep deprived teen. Said teen glanced over at him, his dead eyes moving up and down, and suddenly Kya felt like he was being picked apart in every way, like thousands of eyes were looking straight into his soul, and then in the next moment it was gone, the feeling barely present and memorable, but half shock of the kind of attention being aimed at him from just a simple look was almost staggering. The teen himself flinched a bit and said.

"I'm not going to pet his ears, quiet down" And now Kya was confused and kind of worried, how tired was this guy if he was talking to himself, and the bored and deadpan way he said them made the cat boy blush a bit. He really wasn't comfortable with things like people talking about his extra parts. The thought of it made him uncomfortably aware of how clear his blond tail was swishing in the air behind him.

"Oh, did you need something?" That snapped Kya out of his funk as he blushed a bit at being caught just kind of staring at the dude for way to long lost in his own thoughts as he stuttered out a sentence while feeling like an idiot suddenly.

"U-uh, I just wanted to see if you needed help with the bags? You were limping so..." Wait, what if he's disabled and Kya just pointed it! Was that offensive? Oh god. This is so mortifying, even the guy flinched a bit at how terrible that was. This is why he should only talk to people online! That way the only thing people can bother him about his is terrible typing. He should say sorry and just speed walk away before this get wor-

"Stop it, it's kind of cute but it's clear he's uncomfortable with me and is just being nice" Huh? Kya's thoughts were kind of derailed at that as he wondered if the guy really was just talking to himself, said guy just looked at him for a long moment, which was kind of weird before saying.

"Right, sorry. I have a sentient quirk... Correction I have a very loud sentient quirk that loves cats and is demanding pets" Oh! That explained a few things for Kya, but it was kind of weird, though it makes sense why he seems so talk to himself. Wait did he just say-

"Oh! Um, Could it...They? Not? I'm not really comfortable with strangers doing that" The guy just shrugged a bit and said.

"They just do what they want, nothing I can do to stop it. Anyway, here" Huh? Kya looked down at the bag in his hand for a moment before looking over and noticed the tired guy was now walking away... Wait what! Stumbling into a light jog to catch up to the guy he still didn't know the name of, he fell into step, doing his best to not look down at the bag on his arm now, it would be rude, as he couldn't help but ask.

"Hey, um, are you ok?" The guy blinked at that in what looked to be genuine confusion at that. The cat boy couldn't help but think there was no way he didn't know how terrible he looked, but the guy just said with all the emotion of a walnut.

"Oh f*ck no" It was so dry and matter of fact that before he knew it Kya let out a small laugh as he walked along side the tired guy, who looked a bit better, a very faint smile almost pulling on his face. It made this whole so painfully awkward conversation feel more natural as Kya gathered the courage and said.

"Well at least you didn't stutter over yourself trying to ask if you wanted help" He snorted at that.

"Yeah, at least I didn't do that. Nope, all I did was look like I was talking to myself about how your ears are cute" It was weird to snicker at a comment that would normally make him feel uncomfortable. It was the delivery, the mix of board, deadpan, and sarcastic self-deprecation just made it funny. Not like how girls made weird sounds and huddled around him asking if they could touch his ears.

"I guess we both suck at talking huh?" He rolled his eyes at that before saying in the most ass holish bland voice possible.

"Speak for yourself, I'm a god damn delight" It made a laugh burst forth from Kya before he knew what was happening as he felt his chest shake a bit as the faint barely present smile on the weird guys face grew just a small bit, his pink eyes seemingly to gain just a hint of life to them as they moved over to look at Kya who was still shaking a bit, his tail flicking behind him in reaction to his emotions.

"Ha!...Hey, what's your name anyway? Mine's Sansa Ribakyatto, and I've kind of been thinking of you as weird guy or tired guy" He raised an eyebrow at that as Kya suddenly felt those eyes back before he moved his eyes away back to the front of the street as the feeling vanished again, what a weird feeling the catboy couldn't help but think to himself as the tired guy finally answered.

"Koe Shin" Kya nodded, kind of happy at how all this worked out, though he would admit, he still found Koe a bit strange but that was probably because of how he acted more than anything, plus Kya was pretty interested in the Koe's quirk. Sentient quirks were really rare even in these days were so many people have quirks.

"Nice to meet you Koe" He nodded a bit as we continued to walk, idle conversation mostly fading out expect for a few jokes. It took a while in Kya's opinion but that was more because of the limp Koe seemed to have than anything and that was hardly his fault and the catboy was still a bit to nervous to ask about it. And yet in a manner that felt way too soon in a weird way.

"Here you go! Sorry if I was to awkward or anything" Koe just rolled his eyes again, he does a lot of emoting with his eyes which is a bit interesting with how blank they are.

"I talk to myself, you're not the one who's awkward here" That got one last laugh out of Kya before Koe turned and began to head up the stairs of what looked like an apartment complex. Something told Kya though to say one more thing before Koe left earshot, it was random and so dumb to do, but he called out to the tired teen and said.

"Hey! If you ever want to talk to someone who isn't in your head, my handle's Watcherfan12" He stopped for a moment before turning and looking back at the catboy, who saw that confused expression come over his face again before nodding absently and walked up the stairs... Kya felt his face turn a bit red at how dumb he felt as he quickly just walked away. Stupid. He's just some random awkward guy who asked to carry Koe's extra bag, it's not like that makes them friends suddenly!

God he feels like an idiot!

"I love him, can we keep him?" "His ears are so cute!" "I know!" "CATS!" "We need to go to that cafe again soon"

"He seemed nice but I can't wait until we get working so Shin can start using the stuff we bought" "It's just more parts for that one thing, hardly new" "Yeah but we're collecting weapons right? So I want more!"

"Watcherfan12~! We're loved everyone! We have fans" "I hope all our fans are cute catboys" "Why not catgirls?" "I personally will accept all cute cat people!"

The Voices were being dumb as I walked into my apartment, giving a greeting to Mom as I went, though admittedly my mind did go back to Sansa. Ok admittedly he was cute, but that wasn't the reason why, he was just nice which wasweird. No one's nice when I admit to having voices in my head, and sure it was clear he thought it was a bit weird, but he just went with it, not questioning it afterwards when I muttered to myself, and he even talked to the voices directly, asking them to respect his want to not be teased, and sure that didn't happen but he actually did that! It was so weird!

Why was he so nice? I know he genuinely wanted to help, chat told me as such, but still, I only have nice conversations like that when the people in question don't know I hear voices... What! He doesn't know the voices know stuff yet! That's it! That explains why he didn't seem to mind!

Now then, what to do about this? I have no idea, admittedly I was more joking than not when I hinted I was good at social stuff, in fact I suck at it. And I basically had the guys number now, well I do have his actual number from the voices, but my point is he gave me something to connect him with willingly! That never happens!

Should I get discord to talk to him? I'm sure it wouldn't be that big of a deal right? I mean he gave me his handle for a reason right? I'm so confused. What am I suppose to do now? Hmm. I'll get discord and make an account, I already have like ten fake emails I can tie it to so that's fine... What should I make my handle? Something Watcher related or is that to on the nose?... Holy sh*t his handle was Watcherfan12. How did that just click? I'm a f*cking idiot!

Wait no! That doesn't mean he's a fan of the Watcher vigilante, it could have just sounded cool or something, no reason to think he knows about me. Shaking my head, I puled out my phone and began to look over discord and thought about a name before I forgot, the voices instantly spamming names which just sounded like a jumbled mess to me, which is about how they normally sounded when the were loud like this so I just ignored it.

After a while I just put in a name I had been thinking about for a while now, Beholding. It was like Watcher, but more fitting, beholding means something similar but it's not tied to just one person, because I'm not really just one person, I'm one person with hundreds of people jammed in my head, they are the beholders and I am the one who is beholding. Watcher as a name has grown on me, but this one sounded more accurate, more fitting in a way.

Now then, searching Watcherfan12 and... There, only one result, tapping on it and now what am I suppose to do? Message him? I don't even know if he'll see if since he's probably not at his house yet and I don't think he had his phone on him at the time... Damn my inability to know basic social gestures... I'm going to regret this.

"Alright everyone, give me some advice. How am I suppose to message someone?"

f*ck! Wincing a bit at how loud the volume spiked for a moment, I shook my head before looking down at the device in my head, my mind swimming through all the suggestions, only some of which I could really make out, and most of which I discarded, because even I know some of the ideas they are giving are terrible. Finally, in a mild flash of repetitiveness convinced me to type out the following masterpiece.


Truly I am a master conversationalist. Hmm, is the period important? Even chat's now saying that's to formal some how. It's just proper grammar! I'm so confused.

Watcherfan12:shark! I need help! nwo!

SharkDiva:? What? Did you just realize you're trying to get into one of the lowest acceptance rate schools in the country in three months?

Watcherfan12:what? no

Watcherfan12:tell me how to talk to people


Watcherfan12:caues i met a gyu todya and i gave him my handle and he just messagesd me and i have noidea what to do

SharkDiva: You got a crush?

Watcherfan12:huh? no?

Watcherfan12:im just painfuly awkward


Watcherfan12: this is not helping! ¡o¡

SharkDiva: Right, couldn't you just, I don't know, be yourself?

Watcherfan12: thats the worse advies ive ever heard

SharkDiva: Best your getting

Watcherfan12: im doomed

SharkDiva:What you are is dramatic


I just assumed Sansa was busy when he didn't respond the first day, which was more than fine, as I needed the time to work on my stuff and get the most recent upgrade built in. It took some work, and some stuff, but my suit had more armoring in it by using some thing plates, I was now more stab resistant which was something I can attest to being glad to have.

Beyond that I fixed up my shoes a bit, making the iron soles better all around among making the grips better for building climbing rather than rock climbing, and I also thought about adding some shocking power to the boots but that would take forever and would be very wasteful considering I can already knock people out with just a kick if I hit them correctly and hard enough, which I've made a point to do.

Oh, right and I made a mini flamethrower...

Yeah, I'm not going to do anything with it because I don't want to kill anyone, but I have a f*cking flamethrower now which is neat. Honestly I can get by with just the sparkers on my gloves but the voices wanted another weapon and I had the plans for this from one of the builders I now have in chat so I just made it to quiet them down. It took like a day, mostly because I had to make the ignition switch from scratch and make a proper feeding system for the fuel.

Right now I was laying up in my 'base' looking over camera feeds and sending texts at the detective because sleep is not allowed in my household and by that I mean my head, as my eyes traced over to a second monitor I recently set up and looked them over.

Browsing for secret bases online was mostly just looking into foreclosed and currently owner less establishments that no one would want and that don't belong to a bank who would tear it down, that was in an area that I could set up in, in which I could get power to easy, be able to slip in and out without issue, and wasn't to far away.

It sounded as boring as it was, thankfully chat or the voices told me pretty quickly if a building wasn't worth it but it's still been a few hours and nothing so far. The best I found was a small abandoned storage facility that had back up generator systems in place before they were scrapped which I could easily fix back up but it was a local spot that a lot of teens liked to stay at to hang out after school.


Maybe I could use something like that? I mean, the main issue is I can't really do anything face to face to rent a place out because even if I've been working on setting up a second identity, which is still really shaky and only holds up with you don't look the name up in any database that holds public records, the fact that I'm still clearly a teenager, even with my graying streaked hair, which I must say I don't really get. But I guess it's the baby fat that even my now chiseled abs can't fully get rid of.

So, back to my point, what if I just don't be face to face, of course that means nothing actually all that official, but not a place that can be entered by something like staff. An actual storage unit, which I could easily rent over the phone with a voice changer and have the key mailed to some PO box I can also rent, as those places have power, it's illegal to enter one without reason, and as long as payments come in, no one will bother it...

Meaning I need to find one that is nearby. Doesn't even need to be twenty-four/seven as I can easily beat any security system they would have...

Note to self, make sure to get more money and pay rent far in advance to not worry about it, and make sure to find a time to get everything set up all in one night, and work on figuring out a way to make a better protection system for my stuff than a padlock... And maybe how to pick a lock to I know what to defend against, I can just youtube that last one later though if I need to. Of course I need to find one close by in the first place before I do anything.


Blinking in confusion, I looked around to see what had made the sound before reaching down and picked up my phone and blinked again at the notification as a message played on the front screen.


Then another one a moment later as I stared at the phone screen, wondering what to do, then another.


Watcherfan12:sorry if your sleeping

Slowly, ignoring the sudden excitement in the voices, which I was use to somewhat, they like talking about people I interact with, it's why they bet on how long it would take that one shop clerk to ask about the items I was getting. Shaking my head, trying to get them to be quiet, it failed to do anything at all, as I opened up the app and looked it over for a moment before slowly typing into it.

Beholding:I'm always wake, it's how I get my eyes to look so good.

It was just the first thing to pop into my head as I looked at the screen on the right monitor as my eyes drifted over to the time. Two thirty-three am. Looking down at my phone, I typed into again, when it seemed like he wasn't going to post anything.

Beholding:What are you still doing up?

Watcherfan12:craming for highs chool

Beholding:I see

I didn't.


Blinking a bit at the word, I wondered if I was suppose to say something now or not as I waited to see if anything else would show up from him for a minute or two, and by the time I figured he wasn't going to say anything ten minutes had past and I had no idea if he even wanted to continue the conversation since he didn't say anything and now it just kind of felt weird to say something now...

I just closed out the app and set it down on the ground as I looked back over to the two monitors and decided to just keep working on the things at hand and if he messaged me again then I'd answer. Yeah, that's a good enough plan.

Setting the paper down, I sighed as I looked around the classroom, everyone was ignoring me and I was ignoring everyone, like always. But something just felt weird, the voices were giving in indication about what it might be, to busy trying to see who knew the most about some type of cheese that's in France or whatever. So I wasn't to worried, I'm beginning to realize I rely a lot more on my quirk than I realize for things like recognizing danger, and for good reason, if something could threaten me, they let me know, so like I said, I wasn't worried, but something still felt a bit off.

Hmm... Oh! I know what it is. I'm in that in between when my body is coasting off the fact that I had three cups of coffee this morning and I haven't slept in three and a half days now. Why? Great question, honestly no real reason, the voices weren't even that bad right now about it, my body just has gotten so use to the lack of sleep after all these years it just sometimes has it's own fits of natural insomniac issues.

Usually when it's like this I'll take something for it, it makes the voices a bit mad, apparently they go to sleep as well when I take sleep medication, hence why I don't take it all the time, because then I'd have constantly pissed voices, cause apparently sleeping for them is a lot like being stuck in an empty room of nothing for hours on end when they are use to being able to just know what they want in reason of a range of some arbitrary number of meters or something.

I'll just crash when I get home then, I need the sleep even if I am somewhat productive when I don't deal with sleep as much, I really need the rest to heal up a bit more. Yeah, I'll sleep when I get home, then I'll wake up at like three in the morning then I can pester the detective with random case files.

Sighing, I looked over the camera system at what looked like a small shut down mall as a man was having some discussion with some not so friendly individuals. Leaning backwards, I stared at the monitor before pulling up a recording platform and recorded the camera feed so I could look over this one later on.

It was hardly a big thing, probably some thugs, but the way they seemed to walk around each other, with almost respect, it looked more like a proper business meeting, but based on the location, for some criminals. To bad there wasn't any audio, that would have been helpful and it was almost a full city over, I would have no chance to get there in time to listen to them all.

Hmm, now the question becomes should I call the police? I'm been looking out for who might be trying to fill a power gap and these people seem like they'd do that if only on appearance alone, which isn't always credible. And it's not like they're doing anything illegal anyhow, just talking in a semi public space at a weird time at night...

I'll monitor then, set up and copy over my search program but narrow it down onto these people to keep notes on them and if I see anything out of place, then I'll send the footage to the police and have them take them in easy enough. And if I don't find anything then they can just live their weird lives I guess.

It's hardly like this is the first group that I've found that are a bit out of place, but all the other times it turned out to just be a bust so no reason to think otherwise here for the time being at the very least until I have actual proof, and actual evidence for the police because they can't just arrest people who look strange, hell if they could I'd already be in jail.

Absently, as I looked away from the monitors, I'll look over the footage in a while, as I picked up my phone and opened it up, it was late but not to late, only around one and I had a new message.

Honestly I wasn't really sure what was happening between me and Sansa to be honest, he's nice enough, but our conversations only last about five or so messages back and forth before they just kind of ended. I still enjoyed them more than I figured I would, but I never tried to push them, only trying to start a conversation every two or so days just in case he wanted to talk, and he normally did, and it was nice, some times we even started more than one conversation a day but that was iffy. But all that was unimportant, just like the sudden pick up in volume with the voices being happy to see something from the catboy again.



Watcherfan12:whatah doing

Looking up at the monitors in front of me of a camera system that I hacked into and was using to stalk a number of people I think might be criminals to take down in my own form of vigilante justice, I decided to not go with that and instead typed into the app.

Beholding: Nothing at the moment. What about you?

Watcherfan12: t ring to fiinsh up my English homework i got today

Beholding: I'm good with English if you want some help.


I blinked at the messed up spelling before tilting my head to look over at a few of chat's blurbs that were in the air as they talked among themselves, some in English, others in Spanish, some in Russian, though most were in Japanese, or at least were nice enough to write them out in my first language, but needless to say I was very use to and got very good at foreign languages over the years. Sure my pronunciation was absolute garbage but I could read them at least. So I turned back to my phone and typed in.

Beholding: Of course, if you want to that is.

No message popped up for a while and I was kind of worried in some weird way that he thought my offer was weird, it sure felt weird all things considered, I'm not really use to offering to help people, at least not even it involves beating the sh*t out of a person.

Watcherfan12:sure! pls and thx

Beholding:Of course.

Beholding: Got any time in particular or?


Watcherfan12:tmrws staruday so we coudl do it then?

Beholding:Alright then. If you remember where my building is we can met up at noon if that works for you.


And just like that I'm helping someone study and the voices are for some reason combining our names in weird ways. This has been a pretty strange week, at least I'm feeling a lot better now all things considered so no more limp, but I got a few more nights before I'm fully up to par, and besides just making stuff, thinking of things, or talking to the voices and chat, I don't really do stuff during the day anyway so this is fine. Almost nice even.

Shaking my head away from that I looked back to the monitor and started to pull up some more sites I could rent out easily and had enough space for the things I needed and was close enough by. All in all, nothing overly interesting and I found a few places that I'll scout out in the following days, not tomorrow though of course, but maybe Sunday I can look around the places and see if any of them would work for me.

I'll check out the security as well, it needs to be tight enough that no low level thug will want to raid the place for random items in the place where they could find my stuff, as it would be a massive pain to deal with, but not so tight that I can't get in and out without to much issue. I've gotten very good at sneaking when I need to, you would not believe the amount times I was caught off guard by people with annoying sense enhancer or sensor quirks triggered by stuff, which was it's own brand of ironic, that I've learned pretty quickly how to make sure I'm very unnoticeable.

It's a bit hard to tell though sometimes, sounds blend together really easily when I don't focus on it as the overlapping insistent chatter of my quirk blending in with the talk of people on the street or the footsteps around. It was so much to keep track of, so that I never accidentally heard something wrong again or if the foot steps were in my head or not. Mom taught me that, but I never really got use to hearing myself, I know I speak and talk, I know exactly what I'm saying, but I can never hear my voice over my quirks constant talk.

Heh, I'm getting reflective, it doesn't matter really if I have no idea what I sound like, or if I have no idea how to focus to the sound of my own heart beat, or how sometimes I don't notice that I'm not making any sound at all until someone almost bumps into me, it's hardly anything new. Just another fact of life that I deal with like lack of sleep, or constant headaches, or the other things I deal with or lack that normal people don't.

Whatever, marking down a few of the locations I needed to visit before turning the computer into idle running mode and looked over to the last monitor before pulling out my burner and started sending some messages at the detective to get some people out to do a few drug busts and other things, just to keep my record of at least five arrests a night when I work. I don't really know how many I've got thrown in jail, I know it's at least like three hundred now, maybe? The voices are more interested in that than I am.

Doesn't really matter to me, I'm doing good because most heroes are assholes, it makes the voices happy, and I'm actually almost having fun most of the time when I'm not in the process of recovering from burns, cuts, bruises, bullets, and stabs, among other, more strange, injuries from quirks like acid spit and icicles made by crying.

Kya was admittedly nervous as he stood in front of an apartment complex that his friend -was Koe his friend?- lived at. Admittedly he had no idea why he said yes to this, he wasn't that bad at English though it was his weakest subject with maths but he could have managed on his own and not gone out of his comfort zone, and instead sat nice and comfy in his bubble, but Luger somehow convinced him to go out more and Koe seemed like a safe enough choice, plus it became really clear that neither of them had any idea how to talk over messages.

So here he was, as he just kind of stood around, waiting, when he felt his ear perk up a bit at a sound as Kya turned his head in time to see Koe walk down from some steps with a noticeable lack of a limp. It made Kya feel a bit better about some of his comments from the last week as Koe walked down and moved in front of him with the same dead pink eyes as always with a faint wince coming from him at what seemed like nothing. The catboy couldn't help but wonder how loud his quirk must be for an audible wince.

"Hi, so where are we going?" Kya blinked a bit as he noticed the tired teen had a bag on his shoulder as he stared at, or maybe around, Kya for a moment before he realized he should answer.

"Um, well I guess we could go to the park? There are some tables there we could work at?" Honestly Kya thought he'd just study at Koe's and he was just waiting to be let in, but if he didn't want someone who he only met twice in his house then that was completely fair. Koe just gave a halfhearted nod, like he wasn't really there, which Kya wasn't really sure if that meant he didn't really want to be here or it was just because of how tired he looked.

"Alright, I'm going to buy some food on the way then. Do you want anything?" Did he not eat? Kya just shrugged, not making a committed answer so Koe, who was already helping him out as it is, wouldn't feel the need to buy him anything if he didn't want to, though admittedly Kya didn't have a big breakfast, he wasn't going to just ask for something when he didn't have any money. Koe just stared at him for a long moment before saying.

"I'll get you some yakitori. Come on" A weak protest came from Kya but Koe just ignored him, as they walked for a while before they stopped at a stall as Kya tried to convince the tired guy to not buy him it, though even his own words sounded a bit weak to Kya. Honestly yakitori was one of his favorite things to get when he was out, but he still felt a bit bad about it all, a faint flush coming to the boy's cheeks when his sharp ears picked up a comment about sweet couples from the old woman who owned the stall. Koe didn't seem to notice but Kya felt very embarrassed.

"Um, thanks, but you really didn't have to get me anything you know" Koe blinked a bit and tilted his head to the side like he was listening to something else, his quirk Kya guessed, before frowning a bit at what seemed to be nothing, then finally spoke up.

"It's fine, if I minded then you'd be eating the stick and not the food on it" Kya guessed that made him feel a tad bit better, though he was curious about what seemed to almost put the slightly taller teen in a bad mood, before deciding it wasn't his place. Besides, the dry comment was more familiar ground and he let himself slip into a more comfortable state as he replied back.

"And how would your quirk feel about you hurting the guy with cute ears?" Koe rolled his eyes at that and said right before taking a bite of his own stick of meat.

"They'd make some lewd joke about deep throating a furry or something"

Kya nearly tripped on his feet as he sputtered out a sound that was almost like a cat being doused in water while choking, as he felt his face become bright red as a short almost cough like laugh came from Koe as Kya quickly straightened and instantly tried to, on instinct, smack Koe for saying something so terrible, the half aware looking teen somehow, without really looking at him, still chewing on chicken, spun out of Kya's rightous justice as he sputtered out actual words.

"Wah-WHY!" Koe smirked a bit and said with an almost not dead, more smug tone, but still very deadpan.

"You're the one who asked" Kya wanted to smack this guy! How dare he repute Kya's rightous fury with logic!

"You can't just say that! At least do it without the deadpan!" He just blinked a bit before shrugging and said.

"Alright, they would talk about d-" He was so doing this on purpose, Kya was sure of it as he swiped at Koe again who had a almost faint smile on his face now as they kept talking and half arguing for what felt like an hour. And before the catboy knew it, it was already almost seven, the lessons having been over for a few hours, they just sat down and talked, Kya trying to get around the wall of sass and sarcasm that was Koe and Koe trying to get a fun reaction out of Kya.

It was nice, Kya didn't remember the last time he hung out with someone who teased him so damn much, well he could but not one that wasn't at least some what mean spirited. It wasn't like that with Koe, who just seemed to just be like that, without any real venom behind anything he said. Before Kya knew it, he had arranged with the tired teen to meet up again next weekend to talk again, this time about math.

Something Kya mentioned once or twice having some minor problems with and Koe saying hours later he would be fine helping him there are well. For a guy who seemed to never really be paying attention to anything, he sure was a great listener.


I like close relationships between friends, just gives some nice feelings on occasion which is nice enough. Though of course this is some natural awkwardness from the two little idiots. But that's expected.

Will it ever be anything more than friends with all the near tease flirting that seems to be in here? Especially with how Kya reacts? No idea really, I'm not sure yet.

Honestly Koe just doesn't know how to talk to most people in anything other than teasing, sassing, and sarcasm.

Chapter 7


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Renting the unit I wanted was easy, getting in with a computer was decidedly not as easy. I still managed with some simple feedback loops on the cameras, and a quick disabling of the alarm system on the doors to call the police if they are opened during a certain time. I'll script out some code that I can bind to run to a remote or something that's connected to my computer later on so I can just push a button to get into my storage unit and out but that's for later on.

But for right now I'm currently suiting up and making sure everything here is working. Admittedly the internet could be better but I can fix that without to much issue really, just steal some from the building nearby through a minor connection, it'll even make my server location harder to find as well which is fine by me.

Anyway, I was now fully suited up, the only thing still wrong with me was a slight stiffness in my right arm, but I'm not sure that'll ever go away, still, it's barely noticeable so even if it doesn't fade anymore than it already has it's fine. Just warning to not be stupid from now on and to keep some actual weapons me me when I'm going out at night. My five point gloves saved my life when the city went rioting but fighting hand to hand, while easy enough, take a lot more effort than using metal sticks over a guys face.

Shaking my head, I typed some things into my keyboard before setting it up that the place's security wouldn't reactivate until after I left before I headed out.

Right now I wasn't really sure where I was going but I didn't need to, I'll find something for chat will lead me to them, it's easy enough... I really rely a lot on chat. I should give them more attention soon, I've mostly really helped out or talked to the voices for a while and that's really not fair all things considered.

Whatever it's not important right now, right now it's time to start making sure no one dies tonight. Honestly I kind of missed this, the only reason I didn't just ignore the fact that I was in incredible pain, something I've gotten very good at, was because even while I'm out here doing this in the first place, I'm not in face stupid enough to not know what self preservation is.

"Hey, what do you think about Watcher?" I blinked a bit at the sequels from voice as I turned to look a bit at Sansa as we walked down some random spot around the shopping district.

"You mean the vigilante?" I knew exactly who he was referring to, I'm them after all, but seeing the excited nod made something almost pleasant wanted to go into my chest, so I just said. "I think he's cool enough"

"Enough? No scathing comment? You must like him" Rolling my eyes at that, I thought about the question for a while before coming up with a proper answer.

"I guess. Why? You got a crush on him? Because if so then we'll have to resolve our feelings with a fight to the death" That got a nice laugh out of Sansa which is what I was going for. I'm getting better at this social thing, before he said in a sudden almost contemplating tone.

"Nah, nothing like a crush. I don't even think I'm gay... maybe bi but that's besides the point! I just think what he does is really cool" I nodded solemnly at that, while making sure to not flinch at the screams from the voices at this information.

"Ah yes, beating people up in dark alleys. Very cool" He pouted a bit at that before trying to find the word to describe it as I glanced over at chat, where a number of messages popped up in front of me as I frowned reading over what looked like a quickly approaching villain attack. Of all time. Glancing over at Sansa, I muttered under my breath for them to keep me updated on when, the catboy thankfully not even looking at me, now use to my habit to muttering to the voices in my head.

"It's just-... I like that there is someone out there our age that actually cares enough to go out and do something even if it is kind of illegal. It makes me all the more motivated to do good, others to, and I can't wait until I'm with the police force to really be able to help in some way" I blinked a bit at that while the voices were making cooing sounds, as I glanced at chat for a moment before saying.

"Police officer huh? Well hope you get in, it'll make my arrests easier" He looked at me with a hint of confusion as I realized, right, we haven't really talked about what we want to really do for the future, and I knew already because I have stalker voices in my head. So I clarified, "I'm planning on becoming a hero"

"Wait really? How though? You're quirk isn't really all that great... I mean! Sorry Koe's quirk! Just, you all don't seem useful in a fight" The voices were pouting a bit as I just smiled a hint at their annoyance, they deserved it, as my eyes drifted to chat again as I spoke.

"My quirk, for as loud as they are, are actually helpful when it comes to stuff, and I'm actually pretty strong" he raised an eyebrow at that while I absently pulled out my burner phone, one of the few things I kept on me at all times from my vigilante gear, and shot a text at the detective, telling him to get a hero down to the shopping district, among other things.


"Thanks for that sound of confidence" He stuttered a bit at that, it was funny.

"No! I mean, it's just you don't seem like someone who can really even run without falling over into a sleep deprived coma, I can't see you in a high intensity fight" I raised an eyebrow at that and placed a hand on my heart and said to him, while slowly leading us out of the other side of the district where the restaurants, and not the guy who could grow blades from his joints was.

"You wound me, right here. If I had a heart you'd be breaking it" He rolled his eyes at my sarcasm a bit but all the same didn't seem to doubt me much anymore, which was really weird. Honestly this guy always just surprises me at how fine he is with going with whatever happens, and not acting like I was crazy, that's what really got me.

"So where are you planning on going then? You know to study to be a hero"

"UA" I wasn't sure why but it was amusing to see Sansa's eyes just kind of blue screen a bit at that.

"Hyeh?" Oh, he seemed out of it now...hmm.

"You good there? Need a reboot? Where's your power button" That worked as he sputtered a bit as I huffed in amusem*nt at that before said.

"W-what! You're going to UA to?" Surprisingly I don't know as much about him as I do other people, especially with how often we're meeting up now, the voices just like keeping things to themselves about him for some reason, maybe they aren't looking because they being surprised, it explains their reactions. Of course I still know his grandparents names, his blood type, his height in cm, his favorite color and food, even his first crush, but what I did not know was he was going to UA.

"Yes, from the sounds of it you're planning on going as well? Cool" He scoffed a bit before shaking his head a before saying.

"Uh, yeah, I'm trying to get into General Education, obviously you're going to heroics" I nodded at that just in time to listen to a crash and some shouts from somewhere behind us as I didn't bother to turn to look, chat was in front of me, describing the events taking place. The villain will be taken down in a minute or two at most.

"What's happening!" I blinked as I looked over at the slightly bristled form of Sansa, who looked a bit startled at the sudden shouting. I just shrugged and said.

"A villain attack, two heroes are already there" He gave me a look at that but I ignored it as I hummed a bit. What should we get to eat? I could go for something warm, oh, there's a ramen shop over there.

"I should call my uncle" Looking back at Sansa, I tilted my head to the side as he pulled out his phone and called someone, I let him, as the voices told me he was calling his uncle like he said, who's a police officer and a close friend to the detective that I just contacted. Strange how things work like that huh?

"Uncle!" Tsukauchi turned and watched as two kids moved up to talk to his friend Sansa Tamakawa, the detective recognized one as his friends nephew while the other... Looked decidedly worrying. Tsukauchi was use to people who refused to take care of themselves -All Might- and the kid gave off a similar vibe from the way he trailed behind the other. Deciding the others had got this covered for now, he moved over towards the group of three and listened into the conversation.

"Oh, hey Ribakyatto, nice to see your safe. I was kind of worried you might have been to close" Sansa gave his nephew a smile and a clear look over while said nephew gave him a wide shake of the head, the ears on his head shaking about as he quickly said.

"Huh? No! I was just here with my friend, Koe, and suddenly their was shouting so I called you" The kid sure had spirit, in Tsukauchi's opinion it was nice to see the next generation, one that wanted to be apart of the police force at that, having so much energy. Though the same couldn't be said for the other, who's pink eyes were sunken and incredibly baggy, as he spoke in a bored half paying attention voice.

"Plus if anyone tried anything I would break anyone who tried to hurt him so he was fine" Which was why it was strange that it pinged as true, he was being completely serious, strange, Tsukauchi couldn't help but wonder if he might be a hero student, to speak with that confidence, maybe just a powerful quirk then.

"Hey! I'll have you know I can defend myself" The nephew was pouting now as the other teen just rolled his eyes and managed to say one more thing as Tsukauchi finally made his way to them, though something felt a bit off in the way the tired kid's eyes seemed to zone on him for a long, almost intense moment before sliding away, looking as blank as ever.

"What? Kitten got claws?" Sansa junior growled a bit and tried to swipe at the tired kid who, in a weird bit of flexibility, just leaned out of the way at an interesting angle, half paying attention to the slightly shorter boy. That's when Tsukauchi called out to them.

"Hey" Sansa, the officer, turned and instantly saluted, a habit he always did these days mostly because it became habit, not that he needed to around Tsukauchi, not with how long they've known each other. So the detective just turned his head to the two kids and said.

"So you two also called it in" The blank eyed boy didn't say anything while Sansa minor nodded. Tsukauchi gave the kid a smile and said.

"Good job, glad to know that you recognize when something dangerous" The kid got a bit flustered and seemed to stammer over himself, so not a lot of confidence then. Well, he did try to claw out his friends eyes, maybe it's just to authority figures. Thinking of the other kid, Tsukauchi turned to look at him and said.

"And it's good to see that you're willing to protect your friends" The kid just blinked at that, and Tsukauchi could have sworn he saw a flicker of confusion behind his eyes before he winced a bit and muttered something under his breath that sounded like he was chastising someone. Sparing at glance at the other kid, Tsukauchi noted he didn't even seem to notice it. So the tired kid did that often enough then, interesting.

"If you don't mind me asking, would you mind telling me your quirk? From the sounds of it you were confident you could protect him. That kind of stuff is usually found in heroes in training or those with powerful quirks" The kid actually snorted at that like Tsukauchi had something humorous and said in such a bland way that the Detective would have thought he was lying had it not been for his own truth detector quirk.

"I have voices in my head that yell at me" Ok, Tsukauchi could sayhe's encountered a lot of weird and unfortunate quirks that didn't really have any bonuses to them. But this was the first he's heard of a quirk that's basically just a mental illness.

"I see" He rolled his eyes at that, like the kid was doubting very heavily that Tsukauchi actually did understand but didn't say anything else to him and instead just turned to his friend and asked.

"There's a ramen shop over there, want something?" And just like that the kid was walking away. So one is awkward around authority and the other could care less about it, what an interesting duo, not mentioning that quirk. Looking back to the two Sansas', the smaller, more human looking, of the two yelled at the tired kid about being rude before turning and apologizing and then running after him.

A long moment passed as the two policemen stood there before Tsukauchi turned and looked at his friend and said.

"So that's you're nephew huh? Nice kid. Could use some better company though" From the look on Sansa's face, Tsukauchi thought he was agreeing with him.

Slamming my foot into some guys face, I twisted in a moment and threw one of my sticks straight into the nose of another as I twisted around, using the man I had kicked as a pole and sprung at another thug and slammed into him, bringing him down to the ground, bringing my other hand with a stick up and slammed it into the side of his head. Three down.

Standing up, and walking over to retrieve the thing I threw into a guys face, I sighed as I looked around the alley. I was having to branch out a bit more, crime in my area has really lowed a lot. I heard from one of the voices it was down by about forty two percent which was a lot. I know it's because of me kicking the police to do their job better and me also going around basically half the nights of a month kicking ass.

So right now I was about a town over and just wrecking shop. This area was terrible in all honestly, it reminds me of how my area use to be actually. Which really just shows how much of an effect just one asshole can have on crime, so I could only imagine how good things would get if most heroes got off their asses and actually did their jobs without half-assing it.

It was honestly disgusting that someone like me, who has to be creative in making my quirk effective in a fight, is doing the job most pros should be able to do easily, doubly considering they have actual hero training, have adult bodies compared to my fourteen year old ass, and most of them have much more powerful and usable quirks in a fight. Like I mean, come on, I know the guys a massive asshole and over all terrible person, but at least Endeavor has like the highest capture rate of any hero because the guy seems to refuse to do anything but work.

Even if his personality is flaming garbage, at least he takes his job seriously and is shown in his number two rating right behind All Might, another hero who actually doesn't have a garbage personality and also has a massive capture rate, though recently that's been decreasing in the past few years for some reason.

Shaking my head a bit, clearing my own thoughts of how trash society kind of was and how terrible the hero system as a whole was. I just sighed to myself, as I stood up and looked out and down from the building I had climbed up and was resting on as a box from chat showed up, saying there was a kidnapping in progress, pulling out my phone, I typed out a message for the detective, who've I've now met, not that he knew it, and told him about these three before moving off.

As I ran across the roof tops, now that my mind was on it, I couldn't help but think about yesterday in a bit more detail, now that I could look back on it, the conversation I had about Watcher with Sansa coming back now that I could put my focus on it, not worrying about a villain attack while I had no gear on me.

His wording coming back to me. He liked me, well Watcher, because he was someone who did stuff to help even at such a young age... Heh, I, no Watcher, isn't like that. No, I did this because the voices wanted me to, and it was driving me to a breaking point dealing with it. That's why I did this, then it became something I did because I liked the rush, but what about now?

Why am I doing this now?

UA is in two months time after all, so why am I still out here?

Why was I still fighting?

Why did I bother making a full system to help people when I couldn't go out and fight when that wasn't part of my agreement?

I didn't start this because I wanted to help people. Hell, I even wanted to be a hero mostly for the easy way to get money and sating the voices in the beginning, but now? After seeing how terrible most heroes were? After seeing and reflecting on my impact, seeing the now hundreds of forums talking about Watcher and his effect on their neighbors and what he represents...

What am I doing this for now? To help people? It sounded shallow for such a selfless seeming answer. It just didn't sound right. It was a bit about the people, helping and saving them, it was part of it, knowing that I was helping.

But that wasn't all of it.

Now? My drives goal wasn't to help people, it was to make clear how terrible the heroes in this world are. By doing their job better than most of them! It was a drive fueled by spite and want to make things better all around, not something on the surface like wanting to help people, no I wanted people to help people, that's what I want.

Showing others that random people off the street can help others, that heroes aren't everything... Is that what I've been doing? As I've gone through the motions, is that what I've been planning?

Heh, I think I'm sounding like some revolutionist, that's not it. I don't care to truly change society or anything, I just want... I think I just want people's standards to be changed now. For both heroes and civilians. I don't really care if a pro actually cares about saving people, I just want them to not just give up half way and leave people to rot. It's their job, and to me it feels like most pros barely do it.

And it'd also be nice if civilians could for once just realize that maybe they don't need some guy in spandex to save them...

So, as I jumped off a roof and landed on a speeding van holding a kidnapped child, I realized that maybe Sansa wasn't actually to off. At some point my goals for all this shifted so much, and I hadn't even noticed.

But the time for contemplation is over now, I have a kid to save.

Sliding back a bit, my eyes zones in on chat, trusting them with my life, as I grabbed onto the ends of the hands on the roof as I used the momentum and slammed my feet into one of the windows in the back, crashing it as I used the force to let go of the roof and slide easily into the vane through the small window opening as I landed and instantly shot my hand out to the right, where I knew a man was as my gloves discharged for a solid second before I shot forwards, lashing a kick into the other man's chest, sending him into the van side before moving and smacking him in the temple with one of my sticks before moving up to the front sit and grabbed the guy in the drivers by the throat and shocked the hell out of him before grabbing the wheel, knowing from chat that his foot would slide off the accelerator and drifted the car onto a side walk.

With that down, I looked to the passenger side on the left and saw the kid, who was staring at me with widened eyes as I just gave the little guy a tired eye smile to try and convey some level of friendliness as I said to him as I pulled out my phone.

"You're safe now. You'll be back home soon don't worry" Tears seem to begin to leak from the child's face so I took that as a que to leave as I moved out of the back, opening the door up this time as I stepped out as my call connected.

"What is it Watcher?"He sounded genuinely annoyed and very tired, probably because he left the station about twenty minutes ago and from the sounds of it was in bed when I called, but he's reliable. Even if he hates what I'm doing, he also at least treats my intel and 'arrests' seriously.

"Kidnapping. I'll send you an address, get someone here soon. Comforting crying kids isn't exactly something I'm well versed in" I could hear the sound of his very audible sigh from the other end before he nodded and said.

"Alright, I'll get people there soon. Is the kid ok?"I just rolled my eyes at that. If he was bleeding the f*ck out or something I would have demanded he phone in medical assistance.

"Of course he is, a bit shaken but over all fine" This time it sounded like a sigh of relief.

"Alright, give me the address, and stay around, make sure nothing happens"Love of god, does he really think I'm going to risk a kid? Sure I almost respect the guy for how serious he takes his job, but damn does he annoy me a bit at how he seems to think I'm going to make some idiotic mistake. Then again, he might just be calling in some pros to try and get me. Whatever, the only one who actually has tried to catch me is Eraser, all the other ones I've run into just think I'm some underground hero as long as I don't speak and ruin it with my voice. Though that has happened a few times, even got one of my burn scars from a side kick from Endeavor's lot which is justfun.

"Course I'm going to stick around and I'm already tying the people up to a light post, I'm not an idiot. Not that you'd be able to catch, or even see me when you get here" I could almost feel the eye roll on the other side of the phone as I hung up and texted the address to the man as I actually did finish up tying the goons together. Which I would like some appreciation for because doing that with one hand while mid conversation is a lot harder than it sounds.

Watcherfan12:hey whatam i suppose to do when my freinds insane

SharkDiva:Define insane?

Watcherfan12:imean hes got voies in his heahd but thats not het insane part

SharkDiva:How in any world is voices in your head no counted as insane?

SharkDiva:And if that's not the insane part what in the world is?

Watcherfan12:its hsi quirk

SharkDiva:His quirk is havingschizophrenia?

Watcherfan12:idk? bit rude to ask

Watcherfan12:ANYWAY! hes insane because hes talkgin about goin to UA for heroics

SharkDiva:He's hardly got the quirk for it but I don't see why that makes him insane, I mean, a lot of people try to get into heroics

Watcherfan12:yuo havent seen him hes ripped as hell apartsntly but looks liek he's about to flop over like a fish, btu hats not what im getting at

SharkDiva:Then get to the point?


Watcherfan12:anyway i need to coivne hmi its a terible idea and another school is better any shool

SharkDiva:Why? Wouldn't be nice to have a friend at the same place you want to go?

Watcherfan12:yeah but noy him! hes job is just to make me suffer! ¡_¡

SharkDiva:What? Sounds more like a bully than a friend

Watcherfan12:huh? nonono hes great but i cant handle a ful day of him teasing me much less everydya for five days fro thrre yeras ill die you here me die!

SharkDiva:Oh. It's one of these conversation...

SharkDiva:Igot nothing for you, have fun

Watcherfan12:why od you always doom me so?! ¡v¡

SharkDiva is now Offline

Kya sighed as he closed out the app as well and stared up at the ceiling. Honestly he didn't mind, in fact he was excited to see Koe at UA. Just as excited as he was meet Luger, though maybe not as much for Luger. The guy was nice but he was more Shark's friend.

So yeah, he didn't really mind, and was actually looking forwards to it, after all he couldn't really remember the last time he had an actual friend he hung out with irl like this. It was nice, and while he most certainly only had three modes when it came to Koe, flustered, retorting, or laughing along, he never actually found the teasing to be to much like when it was overbearing or mean spirited.

But he did find it very mortifying when Koe did it and everyone looked at the two like they were craze because of what Koe said or how he reacted to what he said. Which personally Kya thinks he's done nothing wrong and it's just unfair at how good Koe is at dodging his smacks. Well, Kya supposed, maybe it's a good thing, he can't be a socially awkward mess around strangers forever or he'll never make a goof officer.

He just really sometimes wishes Koe knew what low key was.

Tsukauchi was not having a good night as he looked over the feed of footage of the shopping district from two days ago, thankfully he wasn't the only one working on reviewing the footage, but it was still a lot to look at even after looking over it during those two days as well. He was looking to see if he could find the person who texted his phone ten minutes before the villain began to attack.

It was Watcher, that was more than obvious.

The only problem is that there were hundreds of male teens with general enough builds to be Watcher who all were on their phones at the time, and only five had orange eyes like Eraserhead has said Watcher has, and they were already cleared none of them had a quirk that was even closely related to Watchers.

Tiredly, the man with the truth quirk rubbed his eyes, more than a little tired all things considered, as he looked through the footage, catching his friend's nephew and his friend, someone he sort disapproved of, before looking away to others before something caught his eye as he looked back at two as he watched as the friend, Koe, pulled out a... Flip phone? Typed something into it and then put it back. Pausing the screen, he leaned in and looked at the screen before moving his eyes up to the timestamp, and just barely got the hour in before the screen flickered out. What?

Panicking he stood up and tried to restart the computer and it turned on, but as he quickly moved over to the video files there was nothing there. All gone in just a moment. Watcher, he or something he works with must have realized this could have happened! In a moment Tsukauchi was heading to the door to the precinct floor only to be stopped as Sansa met him at the door with a look of half annoyance on his face.

"All our video files of the day of the attack are all gone, besides the fight itself" Tsukauchi sighed as he placed a hand on his face as a deep sigh came from the depths of his soul before he finally nodding. As he thought their next move.

"Alright, contact the security there and see if they have the hard copies still, though I doubt it, it doesn't hurt to check" Sansa saluted and walked away as Tsukauchi sighed to himself again, just trying to get the tension from his shoulder's before a single stray thought came to mind... Why did Koe have a flip phone in this day and age? Shaking his head, he was about to dismiss the thought be Koe's strange reaction to Tsukauchi's question of his quirk came back to mind.

He basically laughed at the idea of his confidence coming from a powerful combat quirk or hero training... It was a far stretch, not to mention very unlikely, but he'll ask Eraser more about Watcher, like the tone he uses when he speaks. Even if his voice is distorted over the phone, the man has heard and met Watcher first hand, he might be able to recognize his speech. Worth a shot, though first Tsukauchi is going to look more into this quirk of Koe's, even if it rung true, there are ways to get around Lie Detector he knew.

f*ck, I should have done this sooner, but I had to make sure I got them all at the same time, and I didn't even think about it for the first day, the voices not saying anything about it for some reason. They probably just didn't think about it, they aren't as good about the little things like chat was. But at least I remembered and by that I mean I got reminded.

Though unfortunately I don't think I'll be getting off from this scottfree. The detective saw my burner phone...

I'm going to have to come up with something or some kind of plan if he connects any dots in his head.

This is going to be a pain I can already tell. But that's on me. I was stupid enough to forget about having to worry about the cameras. I shouldn't have but I did so I'll just have to think of something... Maybe look into seeing if I could find any loopholes in the law to get out of this so even if I do get caught I can wiggle my way out. Thankfully I'm a minor so that alone provides leeway, but I also have a massive rap sheet these days as well...

"Alright, Chat and Voices, I need some modern law experts and quirk analyzers, this is serious so please if you don't know much then be quiet. We're going to be making some back up plans and loopholes"

"Hey Ribakyatto" Kya was greeted at the door by his uncle who gave him a smile which he returned, a bit confused sure but happy enough to see him randomly.

"Hey! What're you doing here?" His uncle just smiled and walked in as Kya closed the door behind him, still confused. But that feeling quickly was changed up as he found himself sitting down in front of his uncle in the living room, looking at him in confusion.

"So, you're friend's name is Koe right?" Kya blinked in confusion before nodding a bit, wondering why this was important enough to visit as he said.

"Yeah? Koe Shin" His uncle actually pulled out a notepad and wrote that down for some reason as Kya was just kind of lost as to what in the world was happening at the moment.

"What's he like?" Kya leaned back a bit, uncertain of what this was about and even more uncertain about what he was suppose to say to that. Finally he just came up with the answer to just ask and answer.

"Um? Way too tired to be healthy, very sarcastic, surprisingly nice and happy to help, and a bit self deprecating. What's this about anyway?" His uncle just looked and said with a faint twitch of his whiskers, a clear sign his uncle was lying about something.

"I'm just curious about him. He didn't really leave a good impression on me and his quirk is concerning. I'm not sure you should be talking to him" An sudden bit of anger pulsed in Kya as he almost scoffed at that and said.

"He hears voices, I know that's kind of weird but I mean, you have a cat head and dad has super strength it's not the craziest thing" His uncle frowned at that before saying.

"What do you know about his quirk?" Kya blinked a bit at that, what did he know? What did it matter? The guy heard voices, it's not his business about what those voices do or say.

"Nothing? It's not really important" His uncle just sighed before pulling out a sheet and handed it over to Kya, who took it with a bit of confusion and looked it over before balking. It was Koe's quirk registration sheet, or at least a copy of it, of all things. Kya was about to just hand it back, not wanting to infringe on his friends privacy when the name caught his eye. Omniscience Chatter? What? Reading over it a bit, Kya felt his eyes widen a bit before looking up at his uncle who sighed and said.

"He's basically a walking privacy violation who might know every single thing you don't want people to know. The only reason he can actually go anywhere is because he's had to sign a generalized NDA at the age of six to not discuss anything that would be considered a secret that his quirk tells him, on penalty of six years in federal prison, and that's not even talking about how unstable he is. The kid has hundreds of people screaming at him basically at all hours. I think it's to dangerous for you to hang around him"

Kya felt... angry, yeah that's the word, and kind of sad.

"Why did you do that?" His uncle looked up a bit suddenly in confusion as Kya crumpled up the paper and stood up, his anger pushing past respect for a moment and said.

"I know he was a bit weird but was that enough of a reason to look into him like he's some criminal for having to deal with a unstable quirk?" His uncle looked shocked but Kya didn't care, honestly the anger quickly faded out, he wasn't good at being angry, right now he was just kind of sad for Koe. That must be terrible. He knew Koe said they were a bit loud, but hundreds of voices? That's like a stadium worth of people just screaming in your ears. No wonder he doesn't get enough sleep.

"Ribakyatto, I-" The teen cut his uncle off.

"No! Seriously? What reason would you think it's ok to do this?" his uncle frowned before finally snapping a bit and said.

"Because he's dangerous!... Look, he might be a person of interest in one of our cases and if that's the case then I don't want you to talk to him anymore" Person of interest? What? Kya still could barely think of Koe as proactive much less dangerous or criminally inclined. Sure, he guy was weirdly jacked, but still.

Kya didn't say anything, just stood up and walked away, ignoring his uncle. This whole thing just felt so pointed and unfair at his friend. Sure they've only known each other for like a month or so now but Koe was about as close as Kya had to someone his age. As sad as it was to say, it was true.

So he just closed himself off in his room ignoring his uncle before pulling out his phone and just stared at it for a long moment thinking about what he had been told, his mind whirling around the problem in his head.

Never let it be said that Kya wasn't stupid, a bit bad at writing, sure, and maybe not the best at math but he was still raised in a family with a police officer uncle, a lawyer mom, and a businessman father, he grew up learning from his parental figures about how to piece a scene together, and while that skill was still unrefined, all the clues he was given, Koe being dangerous, his quirk giving him practically unlimited information, his want to be a hero, and his unphased reaction to a villain attack, the fact ever now and again he seemed to sport some injury, it could only lead to the only a few things. But they couldn't be right. Could they?

Finally Kya sent the message that showed his plagued thoughts for the last hour or so he had been thinking about all this.

Watcherfan12:koe are you watcher?

After what felt like an entirety, the message was viewed as read, and even longer, as Kya sat down on his bed, just staring at the screen for what felt like ever when the app finally showed Koe was typing.

Kya was not sure at all what to expect, not at all really, it was such a shot in the dark. And in the end, the one thing he did not expect to show up in his feed is what was there. Some how with all his thoughts, Koe still surprised him.

Beholding:Is your uncle still there? We need to talk.


The wallls are beginning to close in! Why? Angst!
Cause....Why not?
I don't know, I'm advancing some plots that I planned to take longer and speeding them up a bit, but that's because I want to actually get to UA before I reach the one thousand word count.

Chapter 8


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The voices were freaking out as I leaned against the windowsill as I looked at the very confused face of Sansa, yeah that was fair. Honestly I still wasn't sure this was a good idea, but I'm trusting chat on this...

"You're in my window...How? We're on the second floor. Wait how do you know where I live?!" I rolled my eyes at that as I climbed into his room, looking around a bit out of a mild curiosity. His room had a few posters of bands, some heroes, and I saw a number of notebooks that I knew he kept his studying materiel in.

"You'd believe me if I said the voices told me?" He blinked a bit before rolling his eyes, seemingly suddenly like the tension fell from him as he said in an annoyed tone.

"Yes, because I know about your quirk now, which you also know I'm pretty sure since you knew my uncle was here" He's smart, he learned about a general, and now pretty out of date, listing of my quirk and it's abilities, which is fully intentional, and already had adjusted to this information. Admittedly the weirdest part of this is he isn't yelling at me yet for being a creep or something... I'm really not looking forward to that part.

"Yeah. Oh and well, I'm pretty sure you can guess how I can scale a building" Sansa blinked a bit at that as he stared at me for a long moment before sighing and just rubbed his head.

"You really are the Watcher?" I just nodded as he kind of just flopped onto his bed and stared at the ceiling for a long moment, I could see from behind his eyes his mind was whirling with questions, as the voices made a few comments that I ignored as chat popped up a few times, asking if I was sure, but I was. I still had my plans just in case anyway. And... Weirdly enough, I kind of just wanted to tell him.

"Why?" It took me a long moment to think of a way to say it. My own revolutions only happening in the last two days and I had no idea how to describe it outside my own mind.

"In the beginning? Because the voices wouldn't shut up about wanting me to fight someone, so I figured at least I could do some good and not just start decking random people" That got a snort from Sansa but before long I continued. "But now? I don't really know. I just... I want to help people realize how kind of sh*t everything is, and that they could help out a little as well"

"How though? I'll admit, you seem pretty strong, seeing you in a tee-shirt showed me that, but how in the world are you the vigilante with over eight hundred take downs?" Eight hundred? Really? I'll admit some days I lose track, because I just don't really care, but damn, that's one hundred thirty-three take downs a month or like... four point four repeating? A night.

"I didn't know it was that many, go me" That got a small laugh out of him, but I still thought about how to answer the question. It really depended on how well he could keep a secret, a lot of my plans rely now on how bad my quirk is described. I mean, Omniscience Chatter and it's abilities were written out when I was five and never really updated besides the range limitation when I was six. That's basically eight years of improvements, learning to corporate, make sense of the voices rambling, the discovery of Chat, and more...

"My quirk has got a lot better, not quieter or anything, and I had ...bad moments over the years but we all figure out how to work around each other or on occasion help each other out. And if them wanting me to beat people up without dying in a ditch. It was easy enough to get a few to wanted to help out because they weren't complete assholes, and like you know my quirk is basically one massive supercomputer of information"

"So you learned to fight from being told how to?"

"No, I learned to fight since I was like eight, there's this self defense place a bit away from where I live. Learned a lot there before I stopped going about five months back. No, what I got from the voices was all the information I need. Where a crime is happening, their quirks, screams when I need to duck or move, even how to build my DIY nightmare gear and how to program among other things"

"Right... It's so unfair you got a cheat code in your head. It's also really sad that they're so loud" Sansa sat up a bit and stared at me, well, I say at me but something about it was different, I figured out want when he spoke. "I think you all like to be loud but, I don't know, could you give him like Sundays off?"

I snorted at that and said.

"Don't bother, they'll say they will and go back to being little sh*ts in about a week at most. You're taking this surprisingly well" Sansa snorted at that and stood up from his bed and moved over to face me and said.

"I'm having a panic attack on the inside considering I gushed about how I thought Watcher was so cool in front of the guy, it's just internal" It was such a him thing to say that a small smile pulled on my face from that as I said.

"Yeah, how do you think I feel? The voices were squeals about meeting a fan right after hearing your handle" That made him turn a bit red as I smirked a bit more at the reaction as he seemed to try his best to not stutter out a bit as he finally asked the question I was expecting from the beginning.

"Why tell me all this? You could have just put in no and left it at that" I didn't say anything for a while. Honestly? I was still thinking about all that. I had a reason of course, and even backing to know he probably wouldn't turn me in, but I wanted to tell him even if I was lacking all that.

"You're too smart to keep this from for long, once the idea was in your head, even if I said no, you'd still keep an eyes on me of course. And if you did become certain enough that I was in fact the Watcher, then I figured you'd lose trust in me, Sansa... And I kind of don't want to lose you as a friend. So instead of that. I'm... telling the truth and hoping that you'll still want to be friends in spite of the fact I beat the sh*t out of people, and no turn me in. I mean, it'd be pointless but still"

Sansa just stared at me for a moment as I looked back, a bit uncomfortable leaving a decision to someone else for the first time in what felt like ever, until finally he scoffed out a laugh and said.

"You're a bad ass but damn are you awkward" The surprise of that comment had me speaking before I recognized maybe I shouldn't be sarcastic, to late.

"I'm pretty sure we agreed thatwe bothwere dysfunction in social norms" He nodded again as I felt a weird weight I hadn't really noticed be lifted off a tad as Sansa didn't say anything about not wanting to talk to me anymore, the normalness of this conversation almost blinding me to that for a moment before he continued.

"Yeah I guess. Still. f*ck man" I nodded a bit at that as we just sort of just looked at each other as I ignored the voices and some of chat who were suggesting things to do. Finally Sansa just sighed and said.

"I guess... No, I won't be telling anyone, but you're going to have to be careful, my uncle is apparently onto you" I nodded a bit at that, weirdly warm at the touch of actual concern before saying simply.

"I wasn't kidding when I said it'd be pointless to report me. I got plenty of plans in place in case they decide to try and arrest me" Sansa rolled his eyes at that and said.

"Oh right, you're stupid smart" I rolled my eyes at that. I wasn't really all that clever, I'm just very good at taking advantage of my surroundings.

"Not that smart, anyway yeah. Just try to not get asked directly by Tsukauchi Naomasa as to if you know anything about me, and if you have to answer just say something vague. His quirk is one big loophole and while I can get by it easily with my own quirk, you can't" Sansa frowned a bit, half pouting which was adorable, as he finally sighed and nodded and said.

"You know this is kind of really cool and all, but it kind of sucks I just have to sit here and do nothing with this information!" Sansa was now actively pouting as I smiled a bit at that, my fears now pretty much fully at rest as the catboy seemed to think about something for a while before suddenly snapping his hands- paws?- and said.

"Wait! I can help you out" I just stared at him for a moment before saying instantly.

"Not a chance" He sputtered a bit in shock at that before saying.

"Wah?! Why not?!" Raising an eyebrow I just said.

"Do you have any combat experience, mechanical expertise, programming knowledge, free running ability, or an ability to go days without sleep and being negatively effected?" Sansa blushed a bit and slowly shook his head before he seemed to think of something before saying.

"Watcher is said to have a team, it's just a theory but one the police believes right? Because you had to get your gear from somewhere and the stuff with cameras right?" I nodded a bit, confused as to what he was getting at to be honest, but he just used that like a spring board and continued to speak out his idea. "Well then what if I help you by observing the cameras while your out?" The idea wasn't necessary a bad one, and it was a lot better than him being anywhere near a fight all things considered but still...

"Aren't you wanting to be a police officer? Last time I checked my rap sheet was a mile long because what I"m doing is still illegal, well, not that anyone should be able to prove it but still" Sansa winced a bit at that and scratched the back of his head, his tail kind of flicking a bit in embarrassment as he spoke after a moment.

"Uh, well, I mean... To be honest, the law is there for a reason and all but sometimes it feel so forced. You can only listen to your family rant about criminals getting away from justice for so long before the appeal of true and righteous justice is kind of a fools dream. I still want to help people of course! But... I don't think their is just one brand of right justice, and even if I'm to young to actually help in one of them, then maybe, I don't know, I could help in this one" ...God damn him and his ability to convince me to do stuff.

"Fine" He's face almost glowed, it was a slight as I looked away a bit and quickly continued on. "BUT! I'm going to be making you somethings for self defense, you're going to learn to us it, and you're going to have to learn free running as well among a number of counter measures I have in place to make sure you don't get hurt. I'm the punching bag here ok?" He pouted a bit but nodded all the same. Good.

"So what should I be called then? Watcher is kind of your thing" I rolled my eyes at that.

"How about nothing? Because no one is going to know anything about you" He pouted a bit and tried to smack me, but I just moved out of the way, much to use to his sad*stic want to hurt me.

"Rude, what if we need to talk and you say my name?" I rolled my eyes at that.

"I talk to hundreds of voices ever day and not any of them have a name, I think I'll manage not saying Sansa" He pouted a bit before stopping and looked at me for a moment before saying in a bit more quiet voice, almost like he was a bit embarrassed.

"Call me Kya" I blinked a bit at that, the voices starting to mutter loudly about how cute he looked about it, as I moved my head space past that and just said.

"Alright Kya. Then call me Shin" He smiled a bit at that and gave me a solid nod as I gave him a smile, one of the bigger ones I could manage and a return nod. This wasn't how I expected this to go but I couldn't see anything to complain about either.

"So, now then, tell me everything ok? Because I have so many question! Like what was your first take down? What gear do you actual use? Is it true you have a mimic of a five point electricity quirk?"

"Brat" Turning to look at Earser, I just gave him a half nod of mild interest, I was busy at the moment and he hasn't really tried to catch me since that near city wide riot a month or so back, so I wasn't worried about him. Now he just kind of showed up like once every two weeks, sure once or twice he tried something, but he held true and didn't use his quirk on me so I didn't even mind to much having to run for my life away from the way too fast man.

"Old man, there's a robbery happening two streets down. I'm busy right now so go deal with that" He scowled but in a moment he was gone as I looked over at chat and continued to wait. This was the meeting place of a number of people. Over the last few days it was clear those five I found in that abandoned mall actually were criminals and right now I was waiting for them to meet up so I could record their conversations about what I believe to be a kidnapping ring.

I actually figured that bit out from one of the voices who were able to get into the heads of those three who had kidnapped that boy from like a week ago. Using that information, I now need to get actual proof for the police, usually I could just beat them up and call the detective who knew enough to ask the right questions, usually it being 'where you committing a crime when you were attacked' which always worked. But two of these five weren't just normal criminals, because I'm not stupid to go into a situation without information.

One was the owner of a massive transportation company, more than likely supplying things like the vans and ships for moving the bodies, and another was a CEO of a company and the leader, being paid off a reasonable sum and the one who overlooked the main 'management of this operation' with one thing they had in common. Some very good lawyers that could have them or their associates out of the police station before the Detective could even have time to ask them a question, much less get an answer from them.

Which means I need proof so the police can actually hold these f*cks long enough to actually get the detective to question them and get them to at least answer one condemning question. After all, the detective's quirk is considered enough proof that is as good as a confession in court, I just got to make sure they have to go there first. Though I also need to find their operations, another reason why I'm out here, so the voices and chat are close enough to be able to get a lot of the operation in my head so I can do a bunch of rescues while the 'bosses' of all this are busy being lead to prison. It'll take longer than just tonight, I need to plan a schedule out to make sure I can hit all the close by storage of kidnap victims in one go so no one can catch on and move them, and for the ones I can't get to in that time... Well.

"Eraser, welcome back, good to see you weren't stabbed" I listened to a grumble behind me, yeah, like he can surprise me when I have almost twenty of chat who are constantly giving me updates of everything around me at near all times. Something I've been getting very good at keeping track of all the information of over the last few months along with chat getting good at using few words to describe big things.

"You haven't moved, are you really that busy that you couldn't tell me they have a man who could make diamond spikes?" I rolled my eyes at that and said quickly.

"Yes actually, I'm going to be unraveling a kidnapping ring that's been getting traction in the next following days and so I'm doing some recon at the moment" Eraser seemed to still at that before moving up to me and said in a low, surprising angry tone.

"What do you know so far?" I looked at the man. Sure we didn't really fight much anymore, but I didn't trust him in the slightest. It wasn't for his quirk, that mild anger faded after a while, doubly once he said he wouldn't use it on my voices anymore, no it was because of how we met, he beat the sh*t out of me, so normally I'd say he could go f*ck himself but I didn't. I'm petty and spiteful, but not when it's meaningless. So I just spoke.

"Just whose in charge, tonight they're meeting up and I'm listening in, recording it also for proof cause they'd lawyer up so fast that the detective will have no chance to ask any questions. I'm also using this to know the locations of where the people, mostly kids, are being held. Once I get them arrested, I'll go on a few raids and get everyone out while the head's cut from the body. I was actually planning on getting you involved anyway, can't be everywhere at once, even if I can see it all. For as much of an asshole as you are, you're still doing your job right"

He seemed to just digest the words, probably to use to my twisted in insults to really react to them anymore. As he seemed to think over somethings when a small muted a bit voice cut into my ear, hardly noticeable really, but I paid attention all the same with no reaction on my face as Kya's voice came over the coms.

"They've arrived, and the devices are now recording, I'll tell you when they leave"I didn't say anything but I didn't need to, I told him if I don't say anything just assume someone is in earshot. So then, the devices, just some tricked out mics I saved from some walkie talkies, as the mic in them are bad enough that they are multi-directional, which also means they pick up audio really easily, and is currently being streamed both to my server and my second earbud.

"The why are you just sitting on some roof when you should be listening in?" I actually leaned back and stared up at Eraserhead trying to convey a 'really?' with just my eyes as he seemed to realize he was asking about how a guy with a 'powerful sensor quirk' wasn't looking at something with his normal senses.

"Good job, you're an idiot. I put the devices up in place before I got there and their recording and will be sent to the Detective soon, but in the mean time I'm staying nearby just in case. I'm not stupid, it's almost like I've been doing this for six months"

"And yet you still lack self preservation skills of a normal fourteen year old"

"Heh? I don't have self preservation? Bitch I love me, I'm f*cking great and want to live as long as possible. In case you haven't noticed, my entire thing is getting people arrested half the time by making other people do the work so I'm not fighting on injuries" The pro actually seemed to stall a bit at that as I rolled my eyes again and said.

"f*cking hell, I'm basically quirkless in a fight besides having better situational awareness than most. I'm not going to jump into any and every fight in front of me. That's beyond stupid. Do you really think I'm out here with nothing of a plan at all?" The man's half moment of silence actually answered that question as I just sighed in annoyance.

"You still have no training and this whole thing is illegal"

"I have more training than most and it's your job to prove what I'm doing is illegal anyway" He gave me a look at that as I rolled my eyes.

"I may be fourteen, but as a friend has once said, I'm stupidly smart. I'm not out here without plans... Seriously do you all just think I'm some kid that just happens to just be really good at fighting and that's it? I get that I got people behind me, but that doesn't mean I'm just the muscle, f*cking hell man" Honestly this whole thing was kind of offensive to actually have this conversation. He really does just think I'm some slightly above average kid whose way over his head. f*cking apparently those eight hundred take downs don't mean anything. This is why people are stupid.

"I don't think you're stupid, just very misguided. Even if you have everything planned out in advanced, there is still always a chance you'll get killed out here, and when that happens, it's going to be mine and the polices fault that a kid died because we couldn't get them off the street" I thought about that actually, not for long admittedly but I did think it through before coming up with an answer.

"Fair enough, but you're misunderstanding something here. I don't really care if you all feel guilt if I get my stomach torn open, not really. Just a nice bonus of being so bad with people, I can't really say I care, I'll even care less when I'm dead, not like I'd let that happen anyway. Because while you're worrying about one death, I'm worrying about the over one hundred people currently being held by criminals along with the many people I've helped or saved, or just effected by being a presence around here"

Eraserhead didn't say anything to that as I stood up and looked out in the distance, listening to my secondary earbud, the conversation was over, and from what I'm seeing from chat, I got what I needed here. I'm leaving.

"I get it. You're a hero, sadly an admittedly good one, not like most of the others, so it's your job to care if I die or whatever, but that's also going to be my job someday as well, so I can't really just give up now can I? I'll text you the details about the warehouses in two days, that's when I'm moving.

With that I jumped off the roof and by the time Eraser moved to the edge to see if he could follow me, I was more than gone as I walked down the empty street in silence for what felt like only seconds before the earbud crackled back on.

"I-um, I said you were stupid smart, not stupidly smart" I blinked a bit, not realizing the thing was going both ways, oops that's surprisingly awkward.

"Well I was paraphrasing, wouldn't sound to go if I said I was stupid then smart, the guy might get the wrong impression" That got a faint huff from him as I continued to walk back to the storage unit of a base that Kya was at.

"I guess... Hey, um, did you really mean that? About worrying about them all? And about other heroes?" I held back a small sigh of exhaustion as I walked down the empty road before saying.

"Yes. I- I don't know. I... Honestly, I don't know what I want anymore about being a hero, I have a few ideas, but really it just feels like the only way I can begin to actually help people legitly. Because I got to be honest, it's a pain in the ass to have to do all the extra steps and manage everything myself when I could have actually people for it" The call was silent for a while before Kya said.

"Well either way, I think you're already a hero, and, I mean, you have me now. I'll try my best to help you out ok?" I huffed a bit at that and said.

"You still can't even control the cameras" That got a weird sound from him as I smiled on the empty road as he started yelling at me about poorly designed interfaces and how he was trying to be cool.

I'm glad I met him.

"Come on man! I can't keep up with you" I sighed as I looked back as Kya, who I might add was just as flexible as I was because of his quirk which also made him a bit stronger and faster than a normal person, which just wasn't fair in my opinion, was trailing behind a bit as I stopped on a low roof and waited. Honestly we had only been going over short buildings, so Kya wouldn't die on accident if he fell.

"Then how about you speed up?" I was still going to wait for him, but the sass in me refused to let a statement go without being snarky. Not that I was upset about him, I learned this sh*t learns ago and I admittedly wasn't the bet teacher, but he's still learning pretty quickly, and didn't get tired near as fast as I thought he would, though he was no were near in good shape as I was, he still had a bit of muscle to him, so that's something, just not any of those muscles are helpful in free running.

"I'm going to smack you when I get over there!" I rolled my eyes at that and just called back.

"Good, that'll give you another incentive" He growled at that like a strangled lion as I made the decision to jump to the next building and stay around one ahead of him until I think he needs a break. Yeah, that's a good idea, it'll keep him motivated to keep up, and not because I don't want to have to dodge him trying to slash my eyes out with his nail like claws.

So that's what happened, I managed to just stay out of his reach, and he kept chasing. Of course I taunted him a few times, got him really prissy and continued to run until I could see him visibly tiring out after making a surprisingly impressive roll for a new runner as I finally let him catch up to me, by that point he was to tire to even bother trying to kill me as he just flopped on his back, his chest moving up in down hard as he tried to catch his breath for a long while before he gasped out in exhausted and asked.

"Why...am...I...doing this...again?" I sat down next to him and just said.

"Because I want you to know how to run like your life depends on it and not trip over yourself at a critical point" He just glared at me and said.

"So you're just teaching me to run away?" I nodded happy that he understood, while he just grumbled and slowly sat up and said. "Then why are you making me one of those shock glove things?"

"Just in case your cornered and I'm not there, you can at least stun a bitch and then run" He rolled his eyes at that but if there is one thing I've gotten nailed into my head over and over again is that it is never a bad thing to be prepared for the worse possible outcome at all times. It's let me only need an actual doctor once which shows with how well preparing works given how much I'm in danger to the amount of times I got hurt enough for a doctor.

"Alright, fine. But no more today ok? Don't you need to be ready for tonight anyway? You're going to be running around a lot" I nodded a small tad at that and just said.

"Yes, but I'm like a f*cking energize bunny, I'm going to be going and going and going" He looked at me closely for a long moment before suddenly just luaghing in my face at that.

"Yeah, but you look like your dead on your feet"

"I always look like this"

"That's my point!"

"At least I don't emote with my tail"

"Oi! You don't even have a tail!"

"That's my point"

"... I hate you"

"So what I'm hearing is that you're ready to start running again"

"N-no! I'm sorry!"

"Hmm... Ok, let's get some food"

"Oh? Alright! What's nearby?"

"... The only good place from what I've been told is the sushi place"

"Heck yeah!"

"So the cat like's fish huh?"


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Kya was somewhat worried about how much this was at once, even as he watched as Shin, well right now Watcher, run across buildings with more ease than Kya thought he never could, bounding up and down them without issue as the cameras traced on him. Some fancy program that Kya was just impressed about. As he watched as Shin finally landed right onto the roof of the first offourplaces be was going to be hitting tonight.

"Might be my record on lives saved in a night, but I should be fine all things considered unless something contrived happens just to f*ck me over. You got the place on camera?"Kya just sighed, he could admit now his friend was alotmore bad ass than he originally thought, and he respected the Watcher and everything that had gone into it as a solo operation a lot more seeing all that went into it and the gear he had to make himself, but he was still just a fourteen year old.

"Yeah, I got a view of the front spot, oh, changed to a camera inside... Looks li- You already know. Right" Kya felt a bit pointless being here, but Shi- Watcher, he's Watcher right now, agreed to let him help so he should at least be able to do something besides just sit and watch as Watcher landed on a roof before saying into the mic.

"Yeah five guys, two with strength quirks, one with a fingernail bullet thing, and the other two are non combative"Just like that Kya watched with fascination as Watcher instantly fell into the building, as the camera shifted to a better angle as he watched as in a fluid motion two metal pipes were thrown and slammed into two heads, one dropping instantly while another stumbled back.

Watcher landing a moment later, slamming his foot into one of the head's as in a motion, he fell back just in time to avoid a punch as a leg came up and slammed into the attacker's chin as he was knocked away as in a motion Watcher used his hands to push himself back onto his feet before swinging his body and slammed his foot into the man he had kicked and had been falling to the floor right in time to have the boot kick the guy right in the temple as he fell to the down.

Watcher threw his left had out as he ducked out of the way of a knife as the back of his palm sparked as one of his sticks that Kya had lost track of flew into his open hand as he slammed his other palm into the knife wielder's chest, shocking them to the ground before bring his returned weapon up in time to block a nail as he rushed forwards and got hit more than once before slamming the man into the ground, as Kya watched in mute horror as the blood was easily picked up on the grey suit as at least four long gashes were along both his shoulders.

"Send the message, I'm unlocking the box then moving to the next site"Kya blinked, his mind connecting the pant panting sound in Watcher's voice to pain as he scrambled to get the burner phone as Shin had called it, out and pressed send to the first message to the Detective who was already aware of the situation from Eraserhead and ready to deploy men. God, Kya really just thought that sentence out and meant it didn't he?

Turning his attention to the screen, he watched as Shin- he couldn't manage to really differentiate them in his head anymore seeing Shin hurt- try his best and failed to comfort the victims a bit, saying something about the police being there soon before he, in a move fitting of his acrobatic skill, scaled up the shipping container in an instant and used the height to leap up to a beam and then climb out of a skylight.

"Are you sure you can keep going?" Kya listened to the scoff coming form the speaker in his earbud as the camera watched as he began to quickly move around and out of rooftops without a moment of rest.

"I don't get to rest. Eraser has already arrested the five and that means that I have until the five get to the police station and one can make a phone call to free everyone"As Kya listned to that and frowned as he settled down into his chair, words he heard two night ago rang in his head.

'I'll even care less when I'm dead' 'Because while you're worrying about one death, I'm worrying about the over one hundred people currently being held by criminals'

He should have got more help. He does know he really doesn't have to do all this mostly by himself? Even now, sure he has the police do the clean up work, which was fine. Sure Kya kind of wish the police got a bit more respect in Shin's eyes, but at least he knew they were there for a reason. And while he got Eraserhead to help him out, it feels more like him just doing it to humor him by making him do something Shin let happen just to make things a bit more convenient for him. In fact that exactly what it kind of felt like for Kya, that he was just being humored.

Shaking his head, he watched with growing worry and concern as Shin took down another base, getting so hard he was flung into a metal crate before having to jump out and move in a way that made Kya's back hurt a bit to think about as he took them all down, now holding his side as he moved up and broke the lock on the basem*nt holding the kids as Kya sent the message out to the detective while another one showed up on the device as he read it before blinking and quickly said to Shin.

"Eraserhead sent a message, the five are all in route, the closest is only three minutes out" Shine didn't even wait this time to try and talk to the kids in the basem*nt he freed, just yelling over his shoulder to wait for the police to show up as he sprinted as hard as he could out the abandoned building before running at a pace that must have made his lungs scream as Kya saw how often Shin's hand went to his ribs.

"Tell Eraser to keep us updated ok? I'm to far away from the police station that I'm not getting very good intel. Also there's a program in my file listings called frogger, opened it up on the second monitor"Kya quickly texted the message out, it taking a minute as he wasn't use to using a number pad to type before finally sending it out as he moved to the computer and opened up the files, not really sure why he was doing it but trusting Shin to have a reason as he opened the program and watched as something that looked like code ran over the screen before a map popped up as a number of red, yellow, and green dots showed up on the map on the roads as he turned back to the phone and said.

"It's done. What do I do with the program?" Kya almost felt bad for asking as the sounds of panting and strain gave way to a gasp as Shin made a massive jump that Kya wasn't sure was possible without an enhancer quirk.

"J-just, see the green and yellow dots? You tap them and they change to red, switch all the ones around the police station to red. It'll buy me at least a few more minutes before the city system reboots itself and cancels the program out"Kya nodded, which kind of was embarrassing since no one could see the movement, but he put that off as he quickly moved the mouse over the lights and started to tap them and watched as they turned red like Shin said. Kya couldn't but ask.

"You hacked the street lights on an off chance I might have to use them?" Kya knew Shin was kind of obsessive when it came to making back up plans. He had asked about a few of his plans if he ever got caught and they were insane. Like, seriously, the guy has a plan for if this storage unit, with zero connection in anyway to him, is found and is some how linked to him.

"Of course? I have a whole list of programs for you in case something happens and I need help"Kya blinked at that before shaking his head and decided to not say anything for the time being as his friend landed on a building roof and stared down into the next building as Kya turned to the burner phone and watched as a new message from 'Homeless Eraser Cap' pop up saying the car was delayed, and then another question asking what Watcher had done.

Looking back up, Kya watched as Sin jumped, moved, hit, and got hit as he seemed to be fighting at least six people, it was strange to watch, before it was kind of hard to tell, but it was clear now, Shin knew exactly where everyone was, give or take, he could keep track of everyone on the battle field, and somehow move around them all. Not perfectly, and Kya winced as he watched Shin get bounced off the floor as he rolled to his feet just in time to take a fist o the gut.

But then Shin just started fighting harder, grabbing the offending arm and in a motion and a sickening crack and a sharp scream that came over the mic, he slammed his arm up and snapped the man's own arm out of place by the elbow before he took him down and used the man's stumbling back to land a kick before spinning around and used his weapons to block a punch before hitting a woman across the face with the metal poles before taking him down as lightning funneled up them from his gloves right into the man's fist.

It was impressive but worrying to watch as Shin took another hit and stumbled so bad that Kya was worried before he recovered and managed to take the last two down before limping over to the backroom and opened it up, this time just braking the padlock off, not bothering with picks as Shin spoke into Kya's ear.

"Third message, now to the last location"Kya was about to demand that Shin take a moment, the frogger program was still working so he had time, but before he could Shin stumbled a bit before half collapsing against a wall as he seemed to be struggling to breath as that demand died in his throat as he instantly started near yelling into the mic.

"Shin! Are you ok? What's wrong! Answer me!" Labored breathing was the only thing to come from the speaker for a long moment before Shin flinched a bit, like someone just screamed at him as he looked up a bit, his eyes weirdly enough looked like they shifted from red to pink as he spoke out in a horse tone as eh moved out of the building.

"S-send Eraser the last location and say that he can go f*ck himself with my awesome self preservation skills"Kya let out a strangled laugh of relief as he quickly pulled out the burner phone and typed out the message, it taking a bit longer to make sure nothing was wrong with the spelling, for once, and sent it to the man.

"You coming back?" Shin seemed to stumble a bit before saying in that horse tone that made his deadpan almost sound pained than dull.

"Yeah"That got another sigh of relief out of the cat boy as he looked up at the ceiling for a long moment before shaking his head. This was so much more stressful than he thought this would be. God, Kya could still feel his heart pounding in his chest.


Yeah, I'll admit I got a bit of a problem with pace, but like I said I'm speeding things up a tad bit, so there isn't just a ton of filler to slog through before the more interesting things happen so here we are.

Kya is now aware of Shin and while he doesn't know everything just yet, he knows the most important things and the police are beginning to close in on Shin, though for some reason he doesn't seem to be to worried.

I wonder what he came up with?

Chapter 9


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Holy hell dude" I just rolled my eyes at his over reaction as I pulled the top of my suit off, along with my head gear, letting my graying hair flop into my face a bit as it kind of hurt to much to raise my arms up enough to fix it.

"I know right, my abs do be hot" He looked like he wanted to smack me for the wildly not the time comment but I didn't care, to busy dealing with the voices make dumb jokes among other comments from them, surprising most were worried. I got a lot more beat up than I thought I would be, then again there was like...twenty? people I had to fight in quick succession without break and I am not so good at group fights. Or when I have to run half way across the city two times over in between without rest. Not to good at that either to be honest.

"No you dead eyed crazy idiot! I'm talking about that!" He points at me chest and I honestly could not tell if he was pointing at the large burn mark on my right side the smaller one on the left side of my stomach, the three long claw scars along my left peck, the many bruises I had gotten in the last hour, the bullet scar in my right shoulder, the many scars long my arms, or the bleeding gashes I had around my body at the moment. So I just looked up and said.

" 'That' does not narrow anything down. There's a first aid kit under the desk" He gave a incredulous look before laughing a bit crazy like before shaking his head and turned and grabbed the kit and tossed it at me before just kind of dropping back onto the ground since I was the one in the chair. Honestly I was a bit glad I was in the chair, I don't really want to hear him go on about my back, since that's much worse than my front, even my legs are almost as bad, but those are covered so.

"You're insane!" I gave him a raised eyebrow at that, because really? Whatever tipped him off? He rolled his eyes at that as I turned and opened the kit up and glanced at Chat, who were talking among themselves about something involving spring and climate change? Oh, there's my medical chat. Ok, first is the cleaning. This'll suck.

"I mean, really Shin? Look at you? No wonder you look dead all the time, if this is what you put yourself through nightly" He worries to much-

f*ck! I winced a tad as I pressed the agent to the cuts. That sh*t stings a bit, okay then, next bandaging them up so I don't get an infection. I'll put some ice on the swelling parts later. F-f*cking ah. I hate having to fix myself up afterwards when I get hurt this much, when the adrenaline fades and I'm just tired and in pain.

"I looked dead along before this. You should look at pictures from when I was a kid, I looked like the kid from every horror movie ever" Hey, there we go, that got a small huff of laughter out of him, now, to try an- huh- Looking up in mute confusion as the bandage was plucked from my hand.

"Come on, lay back a bit, it's clear you can barely move your arms" I just blinked slowly before nodding as I leaned back into the chair, sighing a bit as I let my sore muscles rest just a tad as Kya, being just the greatest, started to wrap up the worst parts that were at angles I couldn't get to easily with my banged up body. Before long it was done as I just stared up at the ceiling before replying to something he had said that was prying on me for some reason.

"It's not every night" He blinked and looked over at me so I just sighed and continued "I don't get this beat up, I over worked myself today, tried and failed to pace myself and got hurt for it, that's on me. I just didn't want anything to happen to those people" Kya made a loud sigh before suddenly a fist came down and bonked me hard on the head as I winced a bit and turned my head to look at Kya who looked at me for a long moment before rolling his eyes and said.

"You're both the smartest and stupidest person I know... You're going to make a great hero but could you not die or get yourself maimed, anymore, in the mean time? Please?" I looked at him, seeing a weird sight in those slit cat eyes of his, actual worry, it was a bit confusing, sure I saw it from Eraser and others, but that was just because I was a person, but his...? It was actual concern for me. The person. Strange. I don't get it.

"I'll most certainly do my best" Kya rolled his eyes at that but I think that's a good enough sign as I pulled my shirt on and then stood up.

"Come on, let's get back to our houses. I need a f*cking nap" Kya laughed a bit at that as we headed out as I absently pressed the button on my computer's desk that disabled the security to this place as we walked out.

"So yesterday is a seven-five right?" "For the three of four raids? I'd say a one hundred, they still got rescued" "But he got someone else to do that, so I don't know, ninety even?" "That's only a B tho!" "Still passing?" "No crime fighting dad of mine is going to have less than a 4.0 GPA on crime fighting!" "I mean at this point if you really think about it, does one bad grade drop an average when there is so much data?" "... I don't know what that means but yes, yes it does!"

"CATS!" "Are you talking about cat the boy or actual cats?" "Either is good!" "True" "I think we're actually going to the Cat Cafe today you two!" "YES!"

"So I know we all agree that Kya is adorable, but does anyone else think it's a bit meh that half of the others want Shin to mush his face and Kya's together?" "We're basically the representation of a fandom of teenagers, shipping is like half of our being. Plus both are gay already so I mean at this point that's on them" "First off, we already broke the fourth wall this week I think so quiet down, second Kya's actually bi" "Still not straight!" "...Point"

"You know what I think would be a good addition? A chainsaw" "Wh-why?" "Because it's a motherf*cking chainsaw!" "Ok, but counter argument, no" "You're no fun" "No, I just don't want to add murder to our list of crimes when we get caught" "Don't you mean if?" "Nah, we both know how this is going to go for the narrative" "Oi! You two, look up someone's already done the fourth wall break!" "Oh sorry!" "Yeah sorry about that" "...Anyway, chainsaw?"

I was currently walking along with a half limp as I headed to my favorite place to drink tea as I looked up and saw a familiar but unfamiliar purple haired teen ahead of me a bit, heading in the same direction.

Ignoring him, while half listening to the voices I headed on into the cat cafe, smiling a very small bit at the feelings of happiness from them as I moved to my table, the purple haired teen doing the same, as I sat myself by a window and he found himself in his corner. Before I knew it, the fat calico was back and rubbing up against my leg as I smiled and reached down and rubbed the little sh*t's head while I waited for my tea.

"Here you go" I have as much of a smile as I could manage to the waitress as she moved back to the counter to get the other teens, Shinso's, tea or whatever as well. Slowly nursing the cup of liquid, I closed my eyes for a moment, just for a second, relaxing into the stream of consciousness around me and the sound of chatter from the real world outside the window.

"Your name is Koe Shin correct?" My nice break was ruined as I looked up and stared into the eyes of the detective, oh f*ck off. Holding back from rolling my eyes, I nodded absently and just tried to reel the voices back a tad as they all pulsed out a bit in worry or excitement as I waved half way caring at the chair across from me and said.

"I'm pretty sure it's illegal to question me without a guardian, but sit down anyway" He smiled a bit but it was a bit forced as he sat down across from me and said.

"This is hardly formal business unless you think you've done something that would warrant me bringing you down to the station" He says that but that question is such a trap. Well, I guess it's time to get started as my eyes moved just a tad to the side and looked at Chat

"Are you straight?"Oh these little sh*ts, so I stared right at the detective and did not answer his question, though it sure sounded like I did.

"No, not at all" True. Tsukauchi almost frowned at that but he held his composure. While it was a loose enough connection at best binding Koe Shin to the Watcher, it was still a connection. He was well versed, having spent years training in self defense, he has a quirk he could almost pull off as a sensor quirk with the right gear, from what Tsukauchi found his grades were great so he was smart enough for it, and there was that flip phone he caught for just a moment. But the answer rang true. Koe Shin doesn't think he's done anything worthy of getting arrested.

"I see, good to hear" The kid just raised an eyebrow at that, like he didn't believe Tsukauchi in the slightest as suddenly it was like he was beingseenin every way underneath those cold and unfeeling eyes before the feeling was gone. What was that? Before Tsukauchi could ask the kid spoke up and said.

"So why are you here then? I highly doubt you've ever been here before" Tsukauchi blinked a bit as the feeling almost vanished from his mind as he said in a calm tone.

"Well to be honest, I'm meeting a friend here. He's a bit of a cat person and I recognized you from that attack on the mall about a week ago. You hang out with Sansa's nephew right? You're friends?" The kid tilted his head as his blank pink eyes just stared at Tsukauchi for a long moment, though the detective wasn't really sure he was actually thinking of an answer or just zoned out, his eyes showed nothing of the things happening behind them.

"His my only friend honestly, well besides the voices but their a bit of a dick most of the time" He frowned at the end of that while Tsukauchi also frowned at that ringing true, but from what he knew Watcher had a group of people, how would that work if he doesn't have anyone he even likes helping him out? It's getting more and more unlikely that this kid is Watcher.

"I see, well I'm glad your getting along" The teen just stared at the detective in a way that was distinctly uncomfortable, so Tsukauchi was quite happy when he turned and saw the man he was waiting for come in.

"Ah Aizawa, Koe, this is the man I was waiting on" Turning to watch the kids reaction...there wasn't one, he was just staring blankly at the two, like he was waiting for them to leave him alone, which was a fair reaction for how out of place this must be to the kid. Tsukauchi guessed he just had the wrong kid, which was good. Honestly the poor teen looked way to out of it and much to worn out to be some sassy vigilante. After all, the poor kid is already going gray from the stress of his quirk probably.

"Come on Aizawa, let's get a table" Standing up, he turned his attention onto the pro who was staring directly at the kid with a hard look in his eyes. Did he see something that the detective didn't? Aizawa spent a lot more time with Watcher than he did after all. Still the hero didn't say anything as they walked past the kids table, before suddenly Aizawa pulled out what looked like a pen and flung it directly at the back of the teens head. Tsukauchi wasn't about to say something when the kid just tilted his head a bit before turning and glared at the two as Tsukauchi watched as in the kids hand was the pen. Did he catch it on the way past his head?

"Rude" Turning back around the teen just tossed it behind him as Aizawa caught it easily before saying.

"That kid is most certainly Watcher" Tsukauchi blinked a bit at that and turned to look at the back of the graying kids head for a moment before asking.

"Are you certain?" Aizawa nodded.

"I don't have any proof, but I'll never forget those eyes, even if they are a different color they're very recognizable. And you felt it to right? That moment when he actually looks at you, not around or blankly, butlooksand feels like hundreds of eyes are pointed at you, seeing everything you are?" Tsukauchi could only nod as Aizawa moved to a table and sat down before instantly reach down and dropping a tabby into his lap before saying.

"He's Watcher all right, but now we have to prove it" Tsukauchi nodded, as he looked back at the kid for a brief moment before the waitress came up to ask for their orders. The kid, if he really was Watcher, had somehow figured out a way to get around and trick his quirk. What a terrifying kid.

"I'll follow him and see if he does anything. Now that I know he doesn't actually have a sensor quirk, I'm sure I can stay out of his range" Tsukauchi hummed before nodding. He'll trust the pros judgement on the situation.

As I walked away from the cafe as I sighed, my plan worked but I wish it wasn't needed. They'll never find enough proof, sure they could spread the word as much as they want but it doesn't really matter because of one thing. I have my quirk licences already because mine is passive quirk that is always on, and even then there is no way to prove that I'm using my very hard to control quirk in anyway. I can get around the detective's quirk by answers an unrelated question that they can't hear so they have no way to prove if I'm using my quirk at all really, and if they can't prove that, then they can't prove what I'm doing is vigilantism.

Sure they might pull ahead and try to convict me on my many crimes that I've racked up, but without them being able to actually concretely prove to everyone that I'm the Watcher, then they can't do anything there either. And if they do spread the word out there about my identity and try to say since it's clear I'm them and should still be charged for the crimes, then I can get around that by sighting a fun law called a citizens arrest, in which citizens, without the help of a quirk, help or stop a villain when heroes have yet to get to the scene. It's a law that was around back when there were more quirkless people than quirked, and no one ever got rid of it, so technically since they can't prove or charge me for using a quirk, being a vigilante, or any of my other crimes, that they know about, since they were stopping other crimes, I'm basically untouchable by the law.

It was a very easy thing to mess up of course, if they ever get any kind of actual proof they can use in a court I'm basically f*cked on all accounts but It doesn't matter to much, the time of the Watcher is going to be fading soon with high school quickly approaching. I'm not giving up on the shoddy as hell suit and the people in this area who feel safe going out now at night. Just I'm not going to be as active until I get my actual hero licenses and then I'll be doing this a lot more then since I don't have to be worried about being arrested.

I'll mostly be making call ins to the police whenever a crime is happening or maybe piss of Eraser by bugging him with the cases as well. Heh, I'm sure Kya is going to be relived to hear that. The guys been obsessive about making sure I was fine, like this was somehow the worst condition I've been in. Nope that still belongs to getting shot twice then getting my body beat to a pulp by a super strength bank robber when I was in sweat pants.

"How do you do that?" Moving my eyes back to look at Kya, I just blinked, having no idea what in the word he was talking about. He suddenly looked a bit more embarrassed and just said.

"Y-you know? The thing when you look at me?" What?

"What?" He blinked a bit now showing he was confused as he spoke.

"You don't know? Um, well, uh, when you focus on me like your trying to- I don't know. It feels like I'm being stared at, but like from everywhere" Oh that. I f*cking forgot about that sh*t. I'm just become so use to not doing that anymore.

"Oh, it's a thing with the eyes being windows to the soul or whatever, so when I'm looking at someone and focusing while the voices are also focusing on you then some times that happens. It's like some sixth sense thing that people told me is some where between very uncomfortable to panic attack inducing so I just don't do it anymore" He blinked at that before saying.

"What focusing on someone?" I just shrugged and said.

"Yeah? Unless I need to intimidate someone or I forget. It's hardly difficult, it's not like it's something that happens when I'm looking a someone it needs more focus than just staring at someone normally... Thinking about it, it's probably something the people I kick the sh*t out of are on the most receiving in of that little quirk of my quirk" Kya blinked at that before shaking his head and said.

"You're really weird and so is your quirk" I just nodded and said in a dull tone.

"Why thank you" He laughed a bit at that as I smiled a tad as I looked up at the ceiling again before standing up.

"Alright, come on, let's shove some algebra into your skull" Kya pouted a bit at that but sat down next down next to me as I watched as he pulled out his notebook on the stuff among his homework and a pencil. I just looked them over, listening to the voices and seeing some of chat begin to work out the questions in their own time. Some much faster than others as I started to help him through the first question when he got caught up on anything.

"Hey Eraser" Aizawa stopped trying to be stealthy as he dropped down behind to Watcher, of should he call him Koe? It doesn't matter right now as he spoke.

"Koe" The teen tilted his head to the side in mocking confusion before turning around as those dead orange eyes stared at him before he looked out to the city again and said.

"Haven't seen you around in a while" Aizawa walked up to the kid and looked out at the city as well for a long moment before saying.

"What do you want kid?" The question seemed to almost catch the kid off guard, though it was very difficult to tell, as he turned back to look at Aizawa as that almost oppressive feeling of being watched of being known came down on him before the kid looked away and just shrugged.

"What do you think? I'm going to be a hero" Aizawa just stared down on at the kid, wondering if he should just take the kid in now? He couldn't sneak up on him like this, that was clear, even if he erased the kids quick that would make him go back to not allowing himself to even be near Aizawa. So instead he just said.

"You know you can be disbarred from most hero schools on sight just with your record, even if they don't know who you are, I do" He just shrugged at the very really threat to his heroing future and said.

"Maybe but you won't do that. Even if you do know" Aizawa almost felt his eyebrow twitch at the problem child's confidence as he spoke.

"Oh yeah? And how do you figure that?" This child actually let out something that was almost close to a laugh at the question and said.

"I mean, you don't want me to die right? You get rid of my already hard chance of getting into heroics and I'll just keep doing this until I die without any support or backing that might have saved me. Plus you teach at UA, I figured you'd want to keep an eye on me" Now that caught Aizawa off guard as he looked at Watcher who blankly stared up at him before saying.

"Damn, you've been trying to stalk me and you don't even know I might be planning on going to the school you teach at?" Aizawa felt his eye twitch at the way he spoke, not confirming or denying anything at all, nothing he could use. "Oh, also could you stop trying to stalk me, you're not as good at stealth as you think you are"

"Will I catch you if I don't?" It was a not question that needed an answer, Aizawa already figured the answer, but the problem child seemed to smirk underneath his mask before falling forwards, right off the roof and by the time Aizawa moved up to the edge himself, the kid was gone. co*cky brat... Aizawa really wished he could say the kid was wrong but he wasn't.

Aizawa wouldn't stop him if he did go to UA, hell it might give him the chance to drill some actual common sense into the kid's head. Along with how to actually not be almost a menace with that attitude of his. But, as much as it sort of pained the pro to admit, the kid was a hero in all but name at this point. Aizawa looked into it, the kid had his own file and in that file was just before a thousand credited or partial credited arrests, and over five hundred people who have been state to have been helped by the Watcher in one way or another.

As painful as it was to admit, the kid even already had a massive following, even if he didn't seem to be to aware of it, thank god. Still just the other day, Aizawa saw the name Watcher on an actual popular newspaper, talking about the good he's done.

But all that said, Aizawa still isn't sure or not if he respects or even trusts the kid. He's much to unstable, even with a front of normalcy, Aizawa knows that no kid who can break people's bone and send them to the hospital without a second thought is all alright in the head. Much less with a sleep schedule that's worse than his own and literal voices in your head.

All that put together simply meant to Aizawa that while the kid did a lot of good, it doesn't mean the kid himself is good or at all even stable... So maybe Aizawa was even a little glad Shin Koe would be going to UA, maybe he on top of fixing the problem child's personality issues could actually help him enough that the amazing potential in him doesn't go out from his own dwindling sanity.

"What are we doing here again?" Kya didn't mind helping his friend out with his shopping just curious, considering how much Shin helps him out it was only fair, even if of all things it was a bit weird that it was shopping he wanted help with.

"To buy stuff? That's usually the reason why people go to shops" Kya rolled his eyes at his friend's choice to be way to literal as his glazed over pink eyes looked over a few shelves before reaching forwards and grabbed a... pack of charging ports and a spool of wiring?

"Well duh, but why are you buying... literally the most random things imaginable?" He actually just stared at Kya for a long moment before shrugging.

"Honestly at this point I just like making stuff, and I still need to finally make you your shock glove. Though I'm going to go with a new design so it's all in one" Oh, Kya nodded a bit though he was kind of glad he wasn't going to have to have something like Shin's set up. It worked sure, but his poor suit looks like it's been patched up so many times with things on it replaced that he really didn't want to look like that disaster.

"If you can fix it so it's in one piece why don't you do that for your own stuff?" Shin looked a bit confused at the question before answering.

"Because it still works, it's clunky but no reason to replace it. Though I might make a set of chock gloves just to have during the day. I'm beginning to like them more than the sticks" Kya rolled his eyes at that. Shin was to practical and not practical at the same time, some times it just didn't make sense.

"What, getting tired of hitting people over the head with iron?" Shin

"It's actually tungsten, which was expensive but yeah, shocking people is easier than lunging around near fifteen kilos worth of weapons" Kya was pretty sure a noise came from his throat at that. They weighed that much? Sure, Kya knew the guy in front of him was built like a body builder even if he was a bit more lean than muscular, but he's seen Shin throw those things off walls fifteen meters away to bounce of with enough force to knock a person out at an angle he couldn't have throw to hit without the ricochet. Not to mention the running with those basically glued to his legs

"H-huh?" Shin shrugged a bit and pulled a set of black gloves off a shelf then some rubber tape stuff and said.

"Well technically it's 7.462320234 kilos each but that's just semantics"

"I- That's not what the gasp of shock was for! How do you run literal miles in ten minutes with like fifty pounds strapped to your legs? How jacked are you?" Shin blinked and seemed to think of something, his zoned out eyes going even more blank before saying.

"It's more like 32.9031 pounds from the metal and in total it's closer to sixty pounds in total but I see your point" Kya felt that Shin really did, in fact, not see the point of what he was trying to get across. Still, if they were most of the weight of his equipment then, like, why?

"Why do you even use the pipes anymore if they're probably just slowing you down and you have better close range options?" Shin actually stopped walking at that as he just sort of stared at a wall of toilet paper for a long minute before saying.

"Honesty? Because I didn't think of it" Kya slowly just placed a hand on his face and sighed. Shin really was the smartest person Kya has ever met, they guy literally had a quirk that let him literally know everything, but damn if he wasn't a dumb ass sometimes. Like how he tried to teach Kya one time about how to dosimplealgebra by trying to describeadvanced statisticalprobabilityof all things.

"You're a dumb ass" He just shrugged and just said.

"Fair, but they do make for good projectiles I guess" Anything weighing that much and in the form of a round metal bar isnota good projectile, Kya doesn't care what Shin says on the matter.

"Get or design something else. Without lunging those things around you'll be so much faster and agile, not that I think you really can be much more of those with how stupidly jacked you are" He nodded faintly which Kya took as a win as he suddenly points at a rack of even more gloves and said to the cat boy.

"Pick a pair out that are comfortable" Shin the instantly grabbed a set of grey ones that weirdly enough matched the long streaks of gray in his longish hair. Kya on the other hand just blinked and looked into the hand basket Shin had which already held about five other pairs of gloves, not counting the pair Shin just tossed in.

"Why not just one of those?" Shin rolled his eyes like Kya was some how suppose to be as omniscient as he was and said.

"These are to make sure everything works out like they need to. Trail runs basically, the ones your picking are going to be ones that need to fit, be comfortable, and that you actually like instead of these boring things" Kya nodded a bit and looked back at the gloves before saying.

"Yeah because gray isn't boring" Shin huffed in muted offense at one of his favorite colors being attacked and said.

"Gray is an amazing color, and there isn't any purple ones there" Kya snorted at how Shin went from gray is the best to it was his second option as he turned his eyes to the selection for a moment before picking out some yellow ones and pulled them on, they were nice enough, comfortable even, though they weren't really wearing gloves, more gripping gloves, but Kya assumed that with all of Shin's tinker mastery, he'd make them more discrete than they are now as he put them into the hand basket.

"Course the blonde goes for the yellow gloves" Kya gave Shin a look at that and said in a sarcastic drawl.

"Ah yes, because grey for the graying teen is so not on the nose" Shin's eyebrow raised at that and decided to not let that go as a back in forth was now inevitable.

"I still mostly got brown hair"

"Barely, dude you're hair is basically two tones"

"Personally I think I rock the grey"

"Yeah until your twenty and it's completely white up there"

"You assume I won't make it work just as much then as I do the grey"

"...Just saying the hair dyes are over there"

"Why do you say that? You want to go grey with me?"

"You're terrible"

"And you're adorable but I at least don't point it out"

"GA-ah?! Get back here so I can smack you!"

The gloves didn't take long, only about a week, a very busy week, one of making sure Kya didn't pass out during paroling hours, mechanical work, blueprinting, helping him out on English, and something the voices referred to as 'vibing' when I was just hanging out with Kya. Oh, and finals for our all exams, hence the reason why a lot of the week was me cramming English adjectives into Kya's head. They were just a side note really.

Now that I've had to apply myself and use my quirk in more than just basic ways, I've collected about fifteen new voices for Chat, all of which were experts in something, and all that taught me alotof stuff, most of the time it wasn't really useful expect for just to know it or for tests so I'm pretty sure I aced the exams.

But then again, I was half aware of the exams in the first place because of how tired I was, but if I was to spaced out then I know chat would have said something. They're much more attentive to the fact that I am in fact human, unlike the voices. Little sh*ts.

Anyway, school's going to be out in a month or so, the exams happen a bit early so schools can have time to compile grades and GPAs and stuff and have it all ready for high school, then there is a small two week break where I'll be taking the UA exams. The written one for General Education, aka my back up plan, because I always need a back up plan these days. Makes me feel all warm and protected. Anyway, that one is before the hero course one, though I think the written exam will be the same for both so I'll only get to take it once. I'll most certainly actually try more on that one than the finals.

Besides that, in terms of gear, the gloves were done. I had to make them more streamlined, so no flint thumb pad, so you'd think it's even more five touch than before, but in reality, I had to strip out a number of device batteries and work them out along the thumb line so it can actually hold enough charge for a spark along with most of the back of the palms.

They were most certainly more fragile as the wiring and batteries were more easy to break up on accident and said batteries could only hold power that would only last a quarter of the time my normal gloves could go for, but they were one piece and could still knock out a few people as long as you knew how to use them properly.

And with two of them, one on each hand, as long as you weren't stupid, they could last for a long while if you used them only when you need to and were careful to not have your hand smacked hard enough to break something or snap a wire. Something I'm working on fixing of course, but it's a hard thing to do without being able to have access to the materials to just make my own gloves with the wires wrapped in a personal synthetic and non conductive fabric.

Anyway, back to the not being stupid with them rule, I forgot to mention I also jammed safety instructions like a terms of service guide into Kya's head about how to turn them on, how to check and what not to do if he even thinks they might be on, how to turn them off, and most importantly, how to use them effectively.

The last one is taking a while admittedly because the cat knew nothing about the first things of self defense. It was kind of embarrassing when he asked why he couldn't do a 'spinney kick grab' like I do. An advanced mix of judo, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and taekwondo perfected over years of work and refined with the use of advanced electric shock gloves personally made which I mastered over months of effort being called a 'spinney kick grab' actually hurt a bit to hear.

Still, he had the flexibility for a few things and he was weirdly eager to let me smack him around a bit to teach him a few thing. I wonder if he's a masoch*st? Doesn't matter and frankly don't want to know. The main point is while I did show him a few things and mocked him until he was beat red about the terms he used for moves, I mostly drilled into his thick head that he knew nothing about fighting and running for his life is always the best move.

Which I also forced him to learn even more about free running. I mean, the voices called it over protective but I just don't want my only real, not in my head, friend to get hurt because he doesn't know how to take care of himself in this very dangerous world. Or at the very least know how to not die horribly while he's working a case. Heh, I wonder what we'll be like in the future, when I'm pestering him with criminals I brought in legally and he has to deal with them.

It-... It was nice, when I use to think about the future, it was only noise, just voices yelling at me while I did whatever I ended up doing, be it actually going through and becoming a hero or settling down and becoming a dentist or something, no matter what, just loudness following me, and that's it. Now though? It's... warm, and the loudness is almost comforting now. I... I never realized just how great my quirk is, not really, not until I felt like I lost it- lost them- and realized just how many uses visual and auditory hallucinations are when they know what they're talking about...

For the first time in years now...

I think I'm happy...

Yeah... I'm happy.


Fluff is fun. So is angst and humor, so in this chapter I just mixed them all in with a healthy dose of co*cky asshole Shin and impending drama of the police basically knowing for certain who Watcher is.

Chapter 10

Chapter Text

"You know... I actually appreciate you all, and I know you all and chat won't be getting as much credit as you deserve for the work you all put in and help me with. Especially in the coming school years, but... I do know, and I love you all for it. Even if you all are little gremlin childs"

"BEST DAD" "I love it here" "We be appreciated everyone!" "We win these!"

"I'm glad we're all happy" "It's been a long time coming" "We haven't really helped" "Nothing we could have done" "I'm just glad he's smiling more" "It is pretty nice"

"We should celebrate!" "How?" "Beat someone up?" "Hell yeah!" "Sounds festive" "I mean when you think about it, people are just pinatas with extra steps"

I smiled a bit as I looked over the setting sun from a Hugh rise building I was on top of as I listened with a bit of amusem*nt at the sounds of voices and chat talking among themselves as I stared up a bit more at the turning red sky. Heh. I think I really am going a bit soft. can't say I mind though.

Well, it's time to get started, with that I stood up and pulled my mask up over the lower part of my face before walking over to the edge. UA is in four weeks now, and I want an actual send off. So, guess it's time to destroy an up in coming drug ring. I'll also have to be a bit careful. Kya isn't out here tonight. Not surprisingly he can't work the same hours that I can, and by that I mean all hours. So he only helps me out mostly on the weekend on sometimes in between.

Doing some light stretches with my arms, ignoring the slight stiffness that wouldn't leave my right arm when I raised it over my hand, and then promptly moved to the side of the building and began to quickly scale down, no issue in the slightest.

Aizawa walked down the halls of UA to a very specific person's office. He honestly wasn't sure if he wanted to do this or not and normally that would be good enough reason to hold back until he was more certain, but it would be down right irresponsible and irrational to not let the principle of UA know that one of the most famous vigilantes in Japan would be in his school in a few weeks.

So with that he walked to the doorway and knocked, his mind working over the way of broaching the topic one last time as he entered when called upon. Pushing the door open to see Nezu sitting at his desk, not looking particularly busy as Aizawa walked in and looked at Nezu, knowing it was best to let the animal have his moment to talk first.

"So, Aizawa, what brings you to my office at this time?" Aizawa just sighed, honestly he a conversation almost planned out in his head, but the fact remains, Nezu was incredibly difficult to talk to, no way of knowing what was going on in that head of his, and to be honest Aizawa was a bit worried what Nezu would do with the information. He wasn't worried for Watcher, more of what Nezu would do with a kid that already seemed to excel in the more technical aspects of heroics as well as the psychical.

"It's about Watcher, I know who he is" Nezu's nose twitched a bit, a clear sign of interest as he finally turned his attention to Aizawa. Or at least his mental focus to the teacher, Aizawa knew what that was like very well now because of said topic of discussion. And, almost surprisingly, Watcher and Nezu had similar eyes, both void of emotion, though for two very different reasons.

"Oh? And I assume you have a reason to not go to the police with this information? I'm aware you're already on the case" Aizawa nodded and sat down in one of the chairs across from the desk and spoke.

"The kid's untouchable, even knowing who he is, we still can't pin him to anything because it's technically just speculation at best in court when it's basically already confirmed. On top of that, the kids smart, I'm certain he's got at least two more plans in case we somehow can prove him as the Watcher, I doubt we'd be able to hold him, not to mention the public outcry" Nezu just nodded, understanding seemingly about the annoyance this had on the teacher before Aizawa continued.

"The reason I'm saying this is because the kid's planning on coming to UA, to Heroics specifically, though I'm not sure if he'll get in against the robots" Nezu's eyes almost seemed to sharpen, much like Watcher, honestly Aizawa saw more than a few similarities between the two, though unlike Watcher, Nezu didn't make him feel so uncomfortable that it made his instincts scream at him to move when the kid looked at him.

"I see. Isn't that quite curious. If you wouldn't mind, who is this student? I believe I would have noticed if there was such a powerful sensor quirk in the list of hopefuls that I've read through" Yeah that was the catch wasn't it? The main reason Aizawa was hesitation to tell the principle about Shin Koe, his quirk. Honestly it wasn't a good one, what good was infinite information if he couldn't control it.

Sure Aizawa thought about maybe the quirk was the reason Koe was so advanced, but looking into it, his quirk was much to unstable, from multiple quirk counselor reports he managed to get his hands on, it was clear the quirk had never been helpful, instead it often bordered on self destructive. The kid nearly accidentally killed himself because of his quirk, he was lucky the only thing he got was a very broken leg. It wasn't even to long ago that it happened, so the chances that his quirk did anything but just scream at him was almost laughable, but that doesn't mean his quirk isn't potentially very powerful in the hands of a genius who would want to push it to the limit, hence his hesitation.

"Shin Koe" Nezu's beady eyes lost focus just for a half second before he nodded an interest look coming over his face as he spoke.

"I see. Isn't that quite curious, I remember him. He requested a weapon for the practical exam. I deemed his quirk much to unstable and decided if he could work past that and prove himself then I might let him into the heroics, but if he's already this good with an unsupportive quirk, I do wonder how far he'll go?" Aizawa noticed a faint pip of interest flare in the animal- mix?- as he hoped he hadn't made a mistake. Nezu was known for making terrifyingly effective heroes, at least the ones who caught his interest and could keep up, but those who did had been mentally very sturdy, not a third of the way insane already.

"You're Watcher!" I blinked a bit and turned and looked at a teenage girl, blonde hair in a bun and in a uniform stained with... Is that blood? Yes, yes it is blood, O negative in fact. My eyes moved up a bit to stare at chat as they listed something out that made this a bit less weird, well not really. The blood was from her, so she hasn't murdered anyone, that's cool.

"Uh, yeah, I am. Normally I'd have a quip here but you're kind of bleeding out and not reacting to it and that's slightly more important than my amazing jokes" She giggled at that as I noticed from her back trialed down a line of blood that was beginning to pool on the floor. Ok, this is getting a bit weird.

"So, anyway, do you need help with that massive gash on your back? Where did you get that anyway?" She didn't say anything on the latter subject, but Chat took it to answer me as my eyes roamed over the information as I frowned a tad. She had a sh*tty life just from the basic stuff I'm seeing here. Whelp, time for my barely working heart to start bleeding. Not literally, I'm going to be annoyed if she stabs me.

"If you wouldn't mind mister Watcher sir" I looked down at her for a moment as I noticed a faint glint of a knife move from her skirt, yeah, I don't want to be stabbed but this girl, Toga, is apparently on the verge of a massive mental breakdown and is most certainly at her breaking point.

"You'll stab me if I go down there, and judging by the blood loss, you're going to die. Is you're thirsty ass dying worth getting a drink?" She blinked at that, looking more confused than worried that I knew way to much about her. Strange girl.

"Can I stab you and you also patch me up?"

"Yeah f*ck off with that bullsh*t. How about I break into a hospital or something and get you a blood bag and some stitches" Toga pouted a bit and I realized this was going to be my night wasn't it? Well, I guess us unstable teens have to stick together.

So that's how I spent my night, dodging knives, sneaking into hospitals, stealing more than a few things more than needed, and taking more blood than I really needed, and by that I stole at least a few gallons of the stuff, just all stuff into the most concerning backpack of all time. I tossed one at Toga, it was kind of interesting to just see her tear into it, and the voices have already decided she's my kid now for some reason.

Anyway, the main take away is I gave her my number and told her to call me when she runs out. It's probably concerning that I've basically become the supplier to an addict, but from Chat, I know she can't control it and the fact that she's been so starved is the reason why she was pushed to the point that I'm pretty sure she would have killed someone soon, if not tonight, if I hadn't interfered. Even then she actually tried to kill me a few times on top of that which was meh.

Honestly life threatening situations are just sort of boring these days, unless it's something special then nothing get my heart pumping as much. Free running is still fun, and the adrenaline is still there but routine has given way for the norm. I'm just use to it now, it's lost the spark that made it fun and that's fine. It's better like this, a calm and rational head is better than an overly excited one.

Anyway, time to do some stalking on that teen...

I should probably explain that a bit. The blood that was on her clothes was from her, and it didn't just show up there one day, no, someone hurt her, and that someone shares the same family as Himiko Toga, so time to do some investigation and then get two trash parents thrown in jail for child abuse then get her into some much needed therapy, and by that I mean get the detective to do it once I have sufficient data.

Sighing, I rubbed my tired eyes as I stared up at the rising sun. I was up all night and now I have school, and I know I"m not going to sleep until this whole psycho girl thing is taken care of... This is going to be a pain in my tired and over worked ass isn't it?

Whatever. I've only been up for like thirty some hours now. I can probably last another day or two before I drop which should be enough time.

Now if only the voices would stop making dad jokes and I'll actually won't have a headache before first bell... Heh, yeah, that ain't happening.


Kya was exhausted and so sore, but he was happy. Even as he limped a bit and dropped basically onto Shin who just rolled his eyes, as the two looked at each other before their eyes moved out and stared at the sky.

"Why'd you get into free running anyway? Because I think I want to get better at this for the view" Something...dark? Kya wasn't sure, but something happened to Shin's eyes when he mentioned that as the two stared out at the amazing sprawling sight of the world in front of them from the amazing view.

"The voices wanted me to, and I was to stupid to realize it was a horrible idea" Kya blinked at that and looked at Shin for a further explanation. He just stared out for a while before pulling his pants leg up and said at the same time Kya gasped.

"I was to young to be smart and the voices didn't know anything about safety because they didn't have a body. It was a very bad year for me. I couldn't walk for almost two months, even with healing quirks being involved. They're actually the only reason I can actually still use the leg like nothing happened to it" Kya was half listening and half staring at the massive amount of scar lines, and a few that looked almost like something was stuck trough his leg... Though, Kya thought with a bit of green coming to his face, it was actually Shin's leg bone sticking out from multiple spots, not the other way around. How busted had the leg been to look so terrible.

"Damn" Shin just sort of shrugged and said.

"I can use it without issue though there were screws put into it, to hold the bone together, the were made from some bone replicator from another quirk so they kind of just assimilated into my leg bone to help heal it to full use but, if you push down a bit you can see where they weren't fully melded" Kya actually turned green as Shin, without looking at all phased, push a bit on the side of his calf enough that Kya could make out at least three bumps along the flesh where the 'screws' must have been.

"That looks...uncomfortable" Shin just shrugged, like it wasn't a big deal, and Kya couldn't help but realize to him, it probably wasn't, it was in his past and with all the injuries and scars he has now, his slightly deformed right leg bone of all things probably wasn't anything special.

"It was, like I said, couldn't walk for a few months, that was the main issue physically, though I also got put on a suicide watch list for a while so that was fun" f*ckingwhat-

"Wh-what do you mean you were put on a watch list?!" Shin rolled his eyes at Kya's perfectly justifiable reaction and said.

"Some idiot thought I wanted to die because the voices were to much to handle or whatever so I was forced to stay one of those two months in the hospital, dosed out of my mind on antipsychotics, which I f*cking hated" Kya just sort of nodded as he noticed actual anger on his face at the mention of the happy pills. Ok then, Kya decided to add that onto the small list of things to not bring up around Shin, along with spinney kick grabs and hair dye.

"Hey, come on, let's get back to running, I wanna at least you pant or sweat a bit from all this" Kya was just changing the topic, and in reality, he was kind of tired and noticeably sore, but it made the anger on Shin's face melt away as he smiled a bit and nodded as he stood up, shaking his pant's leg down and said.

"Yeah yeah. Do know I have so many innuendos I can make from what you just said? I'm actually having a hard time picking out one I want to use to make you a flustered mess" Kya began to quickly move at Shin who was making his way to the edge and just like that Shin shouted one over his shoulder way to loudly as Kya yelled out a mess of syllables and tried to chase the idiot down as he kept talking. Saying things that made Kya want to smack him all the more, but all the same, they both were smiling.

"We have a visitor! No one ever visits!" "Who is it?" "Some Stout?" "I think they're a bear?" "He, and yeah a stout, well his species is technically called M. erminea, part of the weasel family" "Was that one of his options?" "That hasn't happened yet" "But that's his thing?"

I frowned a bit as I looked down at the doorknob to my apartment and hummed before asking chat about it, after all, why would I let myself be surprised if I can help it. The answers were enlightening.

"He's here to talk to you about UA, he's the principle, Nezu" "He knows about what we do at night" "Hey, explain further on that! He knows but isn't barring entrance" "Oh right. It's something about us" "He's already decided that you're purposefully hiding our abilities" "He's very smart Shin, be careful, he's at least as smart as you are"

That last one was for my ego, Nezu, with his super intelligence quirk, is much smarter than I am. I mean, I'm totally fine with stroking my ego and saying I'm pretty f*cking multi talented and pretty smart on top of it, but that's mostly in terms of pure knowledge, which just happens from my quirk, in terms of brain power I have, I'm not sure I'm anything too above average in learning or stuff like that.

Whatever, time to get this started with. And so with that I opened the door and walked in, heading onto our small living room, looked at the principle, sipping what looked like tea, Earl Grey a voice supplied, with my mom looking at him with a hint of nerve, she wasn't good with people that don't look strictly human. Deciding to spare her as much as I could, I spoke up in my normal tone of blandness as I looked at the man in the suit.

"Mom, why is a Stewart Little looking stoat doing at the coffee table?" Mom coughed violently a bit on her tea as I actually felt a bit bad about that. Right, tone down the sass, or in other words, stop talking like myself, at least until she's out of the room. No reason to give her a heart attack about how I'm talking to someone so important.

"Oh? You know I'm a stoat? Most like to take a pick between bear or a mouse, or other such combinations, but that doesn't matter! What does matter is I'm the principle of UA!" He said it cheerfully, but I just looked at the little man for along moment before saying.

"I know, that doesn't answer why you're here. I mean, I know why but you could have just kicked me out with a letter" His eyes narrowed a tad, he wasn't expecting that, I just stared right down at him, and after a moment he laughed a tad and said.

"I have no intention of removing you from my academy, no. I just am coming to a number of houses to talk to the more prospect students, for things like scholarships and other such things. You, Koe, scored near prefect on all your finals and had a near prefect as your GPA, so you're one of the more qualified students for our General Education course" Oh, he's leading with bullsh*t and is using this to judge how I react. Well good luck with that, I hardly reaction in general, much less for stuff I know is bull sh*t, but still...

"Oh, cool. Well if you want to talk about that... Mom can you give us a moment?" I gave her a empathetic look, because I kind of understood about seeing things as she gave me a grateful smile and a hug as she walked out to a different room. Once I was given confirmation she wouldn't over hear us. I sighed and dropped myself into a seat across from the stoat and said.

"Alright then, the Eraser f*cker told you about me then" Nezu's ear twitched a bit as he nodded and said.

"Yes, nice to meet you Watcher, I've heard many things, the attitude being one that was not unsold, do you have something against Eraserhead" I just shrugged at that, no reason to confirm or deny the Watcher part. This was off the books but I didn't trust it, so instead I just said.

"I'm a sass bitch, what can I say? Really I just think he's quirk is a monstrosity but he's almost alright. Though while I'm not to shocked he told you, I do hope none of the other staff know. Mic is quite... bad at secrets from what I've heard" Nezu smiled and hummed and asked.

"How do you know I'm not in fact here to actually kick you out and just wanted to speak to you directly before then to see the type of person you are?" I rolled my eyes at that and leaned back a tad and said in a simple tone.

"You know why, you're already convinced my quirk is actually a lot more in 'control', which is a stupid way of saying it, than it looks from a reporting view" Nezu tilted his head, a tad bit in confusion before saying.

"You don't mind me knowing about this?"

"You're already convinced of it, no reason to bother trying to convince one of the smartest beings on the planet otherwise, just a waste of effort. Besides, I'm going to your school, heroics specifically, and I don't need the one running the place throwing stuff at me to see if I can keep up with what he thinks might be a near worthless quirk. This is simpler" Nezu nodded.

"I find myself agreeing. While complex plans can be fun, simple plans often seem to be the best in the long run" I snorted at that.

"f*ck yeah, that way it's a lot harder to f*ck up" Nezu smiled a tad at that. Well he was already smiling, but this one was actually somewhat real in comparison to the fake ass one he was wearing before hand.

"So then why do you keep your quirk purposefully shown to be unstable and of no use but to get in the way?" Hmm, now the question becomes if I should trust him on this. My eyes absently moved up a tick to the number of chat blurbs in the air, reading through most of them all in a second or two as I made my decision after another second.

"Because I hate society" Nezu's smile faltered at that as he stared at me now expectantly as I rolled my eyes and gave it to him.

"People are stupid idiotic fools. Needing to be saved when they should be able to at least protect themselves somewhat, or know that they don't need a hero or officer at all times. And heroes are terrible at actually doing there job. You would, but most wouldn't believe how little of an affect heroes have on crime, all they really do is just make them just do stuff at night where there is less than a tenth of the amount of heroes out" Nezu hummed a bit and asked.

"I see, but what does this have to do with your being underestimated when in reality you might have one of the strongest information quirks in the world, if not the strongest" I huffed at that and said.

"Because, without people thinking I'm near all knowing and instead just mentally unstable and with a near worthless and completely uncontrollable quirk, then all they'll see if a guy who's basically just quirkless with a mental illness flavoring calling itself a quirk. And if I can become a hero like that, then what do you think would happen?" Nezu's eyes narrowed a tad, showing the brain power whirling behind those cold eyes before he said.

"There would be a near turn around. Showing how quirks, when it comes to at least lower level crime, doesn't matter as much as people think. It'll inspire people to help out more, and those who had to deal with the unfair and high crime rates at night will begin to help out as well. You sound like you want a revolution" I snorted at that. Yeah right.

"Not at all, I'm a guy who runs on spite. Getting people off there asses and helping people out there who need it is just a very nice bonus. Really, I just want to show up and f*ck over all the sh*tty pros out there that let things get this bad in the first place. I've got plenty of things wrong with me, I can admit that, but what I am not is a lazy ass who half asses his job, unlike what seems like most heroes do. It's f*cking sickening, so if I have to become a pro to shove it up their asses that they're f*cking morons then fine by me"

Nezu stared at me for a long moment before smiling a bit before laughing for a long moment then said.

"You are quite the interesting young man. Now, if you don't mind me asking, out of curiosity, how do you plan to get around the robots for the entrance exam?" Interesting question. I just smirked a tad and said to him

"You're in my range and you're the only one in the school who knows the wifi password that the robots use to function... Nah, I'm going to just beat the sh*t out of them, and hope I can get into heroics that way" Nezu looked interested in that so I just sighed and said.

"I'm at worst going to lose a month of one to two hours 'professional' training sessions during class, like that hardly matters. I get that much experience in like a week of effort. I even know the syllabus for the heroics now and I know I won't be missing much but an exercise or two before the festival. Before that it's just teaching a bunch of moronic first years to punch properly. And people get hardons for underdogs so if I can't get in then I'll just do it another way and get attention there" Nezu smiled a tad at that and said.

"You're quite confident that no matter what you'll get into the hero course" I huffed in amusem*nt at that and said.

"I just don't see a point in doubt, though of course not having any backup plans is just arrogance" Nezu nodded before standing up and walked over to the door. I followed, the Stoat couldn't reach the handle without jumping if I didn't. As I gave the man a nod and just like that he was gone as I closed the door before finally sighing. Pressing my hand to my face...

That was more stressful than I thought it would be, honestly I really want to get into heroics the first time, I talk a big game but I really don't want that much spotlight, at least not until I can actually do something with it so I can hold it off at least a while longer. And then of course there was Nezu, who was stressful to talk to, even when I knowhim now, it was still... It was interesting to be on the other side of being broken down into facts and information.

I wonder if he feels the same...


Beholding:From the looks of it, the caps lock.

Neko: not that you aas what did you do to my handel

Beholding: Oh, that. Well, you see I made it more accurate.

Neko: idid not ok you hacking my discrdo

Beholding: Hack? You gave me your phone yesterday when we were running, and you're the one whose password is 1234

Neko: howdid you kno taht!

Beholding: ... You're asking the guy whose whole thing is about omniscience voices how he knew your four digit password?

Neko: ...

Neko: alrigth that was dumb

Neko: im slitt goign to smack you wehn i see you next for this

Beholding:Personally I think i t's interesting you say that when you haven't changed your name back.

Neko: cuase its embarsing to go by watcherfan when i f*ckign knwo how much of a dumbass watcher is!

Beholding: Then I guess you just got to accept your a furry.

Neko: ... im goign to punt you

Beholding: Says the guy who I can put my head on top of.

Neko: my revenge will be sihft and painful


Beholding:Course not.

Neko: i hate that i can here your sarcasm from a text

Beholding:Welcome to the club.

Neko:do i wanna know what that means?

Neko:watever here htis is what i wanted to shwo you before i saw the nane chanfe

I blinked a bit as I looked at the newspaper article that was linked as I opened it up and read over it, it was mostly the same as I was use to, pointless praise and other random stuff that I don't find much interest in, like pointless speculation about my quirk which were all wrong. Honestly five point touch electrification is a popular one right now along with a sensor quirk. Both are way off the mark of course and I see no reason to care about it.

Honestly I don't get how I'm so popular these days as Watcher. Personally I don't really like it, the stares and people yelling at me off the street at night while I'm on patrol is just annoying more than anything. Still, Kya likes to look at the stuff, even making me copy over my search algorithm to his phone so he can keep up to date with anything involving Watcher.

He acts all high and mighty about it, but I can tell even if he thinks Watcher-I- a bit crazier than he thought originally, he still some what looks up to the ideals I'm setting forth, even if most of them are people wanting to put me in a better light than I actually am. Some actually think that I'm giving away the money I've stolen from the criminals to like a charity or something. Yeah. No, the only charity those idiots are funding is my wallet.


My back was slammed into a wall as I brought my legs up and wrapped them around the man's side as I brought my hands up together into a fist and then straight down onto his head. f*cking lightning resistance quirks, growling out in annoyance I brought my hands down a few more times before the f*ck pulled back and slammed my back into the wall again as I couldn't get a hold of my weapon on my lower back at the angle as I finally managed to fall the man as he crumpled, me in his grasp as we fell to the floor.

Slowly, and in great pain, I pulled myself out from under the way to tall man, and kind of just laid there for a few minutes. Because, f*cking hell did that hurt. This is why I do my best to just not get hit. Damn ambushes.

Groaning in effort, I pulled myself up and sighed a bit. f*cking assholes. They didn't even know I would be here, they just thought I was some hero and wanted some street cred. f*cking dickhe*ds.

It's even worse that they some how had great counters to me. One seemed to slow my reaction times down, another was faster than I was, and not to mention this f*ck who was built like a brick house and I couldn't bring down without a lot of effort. Plus literally over a dozen goons with a lot of annoying quirks to deal with. But they were small fries, it's only the limited space that f*cked me up so bad.

I'm to use to open areas that I can exploit fully, you know darkness, cover, things to use to get above them, things like that. Well, whatever, time to call the cops and get out of here. I don't think I bruised that bad this time, only my back feels like sh*t.

I'm getting better at group fighting, though quick take downs are still obviously much easier all things considered. I'm just not built for long combat, whatever, my stamina, my main problem, has been improving by leaps and bounds for a while now so it's not like it's even that big of a deal anymore.

"Hold it right there criminal!" I blinked and looked up a bit at the rafters of this old place and stared right into the eyes of some guy...in a beanie, using a scarf as a mask... and he has an exact copy of my googles on... I hate it here.

"Um, how about no you copy pasting wannabe" He looked down at me for a solid five seconds before screaming and promptly fell off the rafter he was standing on as I just watched, having literally no interest in helping him, as he landed on his back with a thud before scrambling up and bowing to me. I really hate this, and I hate how happy the voices are as well.

"Watcher! It's you! I'm a huge fan! Oh! I can't believe I'm actually talking to you! I know al-" I tuned him out at that point as I just stared at the guy with a hint of just why? Because I mean seriously? I have a copycat now? That's so not cool. Kya's going to have a field day about this when I tell him. Thinking of telling stuff, still need to call the cops. So with that I pulled out my phone an-

"Seriously it's such an honor, I can't believe this is happening right now!" Oh, he's still going. Damn. I really don't want any fanboys. The worse thing is, this guy is clearly in his twenties, he's probably a decade older than me which makes this all new types of nope.

"Uh sure, I'm calling the cops now. So you should probably scram before they get here. I know I am" The guy nodded before quickly leaving as I sighed, happy that was over now... Maybe I should have said something, got him to stop coming out here at night, doubly so dressed like me of all things. That was going to get him killed probably if one of my many, and I really mean many, enemies wants revenge or something equally stupid that I'd expect from petty criminals.

With that, I pulled open my phone and sent the address to the Detective so he can get here... Before leaving the building and then called him. I needed to get the whole thing with Toga off my chest soon. Literally as well, I think, well I know for fact, she probably has a crush on me, mostly because I'm her blood supplier now. Doesn't matter to much longer now though, I got more than enough evidence to get her parents locked up and into a proper home. At least I hope so.

The girl is about as sane as I am, not off the deep end but she was close. I think I saved her actually from the edge. What an interesting thing to do. Saving more than just the person's body or life, saving their mind, or their hope or... future? I don't know, I don't really know the word for it... Whatever, it doesn't matter, I'm doing it now so time to give the details and leave it up to the actual experts, though I will be making sure it's recommended she gets therapy, the girl really needs it with that dissociative identity disorder she has.

"Hi Toga" I could hear the pout behind me, she likes to try and sneak up on me for some reason, I don't really get it, I know it's her, no matter what form she looks like but she doesn't seem to understand that.

"Hey Watchy!" I hummed a bit at the male voice as I turned around and looked at the guy who I gave her the blood of. She likes using her quirk at night, not sure why, but it's none of my business if she wants to look like some middle aged banker. Well maybe that isn't true with how I want her to get into therapy but that's besides the point really.

"What are you doing out here?" Toga dropped down with way more flexibility her current form should allow right next to me on the building edge and said as she swung her feet back and forth.

"Just wanted to explore, looking for Mr. Stainy" I glanced over at her at that. I've heard of Stain, course I have, you don't get to be one of the biggest vigilante's in Japan without being aware of one of the biggest serial killers in Japan claiming vigilante justice for their actions. Of course I've never run into the guy personally, but that's because I stay in my city and only the two cities nearby, not like Stain, who seems to just go everywhere and anywhere with no reason.

"Any reason your looking for a, admittedly ironically said, psycho killer" Toga giggled at that before nodding happily and said.

"Course! I like Stainy, and you, but Stainy a lot more! He's so cool!" I hummed absently at that, just to show that I'm actually listening, I'm not really use to doing that, but Toga doesn't like being ignored. She gets all defensive about it.

"Cause like, he gets to make people all cute with blood! I mean, you do that to, but he does it so much better!" This is why I say she needs therapy, I get it's her quirk, but she seems to never have been taught impulse control or general morals among her main problem. While Stain... I don't know, the guy just seems insane to me, sure he has a somewhat nice message I can almost get behind, since it's a lot like my own, but the way he does things is just so stupid to me.

"Because he kills his victims while I just beat the sh*t out of them?" Toga froze a bit as her legs didn't swing as much for a moment before she pouted a bit and said.

"I mean... Sort of? I don't really care about killing, I just like the blood, and Stainy's really cool, talking about reforming society!" I just hummed again at that. Good to know she doesn't really care about murder, she sure id very much indifferent to it which is it's own kind of worrying, but that's something, she just really likes blood. Which is fine, containable even, as long as you don't starve the poor girl.

"Fair I guess, society is a bit f*cked admittedly, but it's more than just heroes being the problem. I think it's more the hero committee and government, the only sort of goods ones I've met are police, the ones not corrupt that is of course. That's why I'm planning on making them clean their own sh*t up. Without murder if possible" Toga stared at me for a long moment before nodding a tad before slowly saying.

"Yeah... The police are alright I guess" I smiled a small bit at that. I had already heard about what had happened. Toga is now in a foster system and is no longer having to be subjected to the sh*t that is her family. So hearing her say that was most certainly a step forwards from the girl who hated most things and constantly tried to stab me. She's even curbed on the stabbing attempts. It hasn't been to long sine I met her but she's certainly made progress. Now all that's needed now is that therapy... Heh, baby steps I suppose.

Chapter 11


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"What are theses?" I blinked and looked over and stared at few blueprints that were on the drawing table I had carted into my storage unit. Moving over to it and staring over Kya's shoulder, I pointed at the two on the right and said.

"That is the details for my hero costume, the ones on the left are just weapon designs and equipment that I have designed out but can't make because of lack of tools" Kya pulled the costume ones out and looked them over as I headed back to my computer and started pulling up some stuff on it. I was recovering at the moment from an asshole who stabbed me in the back with a blade tongue, so no going out tonight, just 'vibing' as the voices called it, with Kya and calling in crimes when I saw them.

"These are... terrifying, yeah, that's the word. Why in the world do you even need half of this?" I smirked a bit at that and said happily enough.

"Honestly I don't. But I'm taking advantage of the fact that I can get the support course and companies to make me professional stuff" Kya huffed at that and pulled one of the sheets up, it was the one with all the details on the weapons around and in the suit and said.

"This isn't them making professional stuff for you, this is you making them use professional tools and materials to make your stuff" I nodded at that. Honestly the suit was a bit heavy, about twenty-five kilograms of weight, an estimate of weight at least, which I've been over time skimming the weight off so it weighs around the same as my current suit and weapons or even less. Kya did have a point about lugging around a lot of heavy gear impeding my whole thing of being fast and hard to hit.

"Yeah, basically" He laughed a bit at that and continued to look over the paper, seemingly looking pretty much at the gloves mostly, there is a lot of stuff there which makes sense. Most of the weapons are there with how use I am to using my hands to using weapons of a lot of kinds, while my kicks are just straight up just there to f*ck people up with, though I could use somethings for them as well, but those are items I haven't put into it yet. I still got about two weeks before I have to send it in in case I get into the heroics like I want to.

"You're insane man, you could probably get a degree in engineering or something with this" I rolled my eyes at that. I could get a degree in basically anything I want to with my quirk, doesn't mean I'll actually understand the topic. It's like being told the answer to every question, just because I got it right, doesn't mean I understand what I'm doing... Though he might be right about the engineering and mechanic thing, I've learned a lot about that stuff, and chemistry, and programming... and more than a few other things.

"Probably, but who really knows what I'm going to do in university when I get to it" Kya blinked a bit at that and leaned to look at me and said almost confused.

"Aren't you going to be a hero? You only need a hero license and a proper hero high school degree, why would you want to go to uni?" That's actually a good question, but I do have a reason for that, so I just said to the catboy as I absently sent a text to the Eraser, who was close enough, about a mugging happening a few streets away from him.

"Because why not?" Kya didn't seem impressed with that answer so I just said with a slight roll of the eyes. "I want to get a couple degrees, even if I am somewhat all knowing with extra steps, doesn't mean I have the credentials to show it. Plus, I'm going to be an underground hero, completely unrelated to the Hero Committee which pay the daylight heroes so I got to actually get a proper 'job', because the government does not pay a lot to underground heroes"

"Wait really? But isn't the Hero Committee the government branch that pays heroes?" I shook my head absently at that as I watched Eraser kick the sh*t out of the mugger I sicked him on and then said.

"Technically, but they handle relations and publicity more than the actual base pay. Basically, daylight heroes get paid 'extra' to be flashy and gain approval through the rankings via either popularity or crimes contained and villains detained. Hence the current number one and two heroes in the country All Might and Endeavor being paid stupid amounts of money and those that don't have as high a ranking using the Committee to do advertisem*nts for companies and other such stuff. I have no interest in it, and the actual pay for heroics is basically the same as a normal minimum wage job if with better benefits"

"That sounds... Really unfair. Like, the only way to really help people and not be on a shoe string budget is to just go along with the committee or have to be constantly in the public eye" Yeah, that's why I really don't like the Hero Committee, at all, they're basically the reason why hero society has been twisted into the way it is now, an almost unrecognizable mess of money hungry daylight heroes who just want to be famous and saving people or actually doing their main job gets put on the back burner.

"Hence university. I'll make a business or something, technically I could just be filthy rich by abusing the stock market to hell and back, but that violates the sh*t out of my NDA so can't do that. So I actually have to make it legal. I was thinking of a restaurant or something" Kya sputtered a bit at that which I didn't really understand as I panned a camera around and watched with mute interest as some side kick got the sh*t kicked out him before Minesight showed up and dealt with the villain like I knew he would.

"A restaurant? Do you even know how to cook?" That's his issue? I mean, yes, I do know how to cook and I like to think I'm pretty good at it, but even if I wasn't then I'd just hire people who could.

"My mom can't cook. Fire isn't... good for her to be around so I do most of the cooking in my house, and since I have literally a few thousand recipes in my head, I think I know a thing or two" Kya actually blinked at that, I know, because Chat informed me of this apparently very important development, before saying.

"Huh, you seem more the type to accidentally burn water" I snorted at that.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, if you want you can come to my place some time for dinner" The voices made an interesting sound at that, which I just ignored with practice and waited on Kya's answer.

"Um, yeah, sure... Sounds... nice?" Oh god, rolling my eyes a bit more, not that he could see it, as I said to the cat.

"I'm not going to poison you or anything"

"Told the principle huh? That was a fun visit" Eraser was behind me, not really bothering with stealth anymore, not like it's actually ever worked for him before, as I absently sent a message to the detective to have a squad car come round and pick the thugs around me up off the ground and to a cell.

"Of course, it's irrational to not tell the man that someone like you is in the school. Not that he seemed to care, you made an interesting impression on him problem child" I snorted at that and asked.

"Someone like me? You mean dangerously prone to violence, mentally unstable, lack of regard to the law, or some other thing I'm unaware of?" Eraser seemed to rolled his eyes at that, I know because Chat has been having fun recently trying to mimic facial expressions through text, it's been interesting.

"How about all the above? Problem child you are the definition of a safety risk" I felt like rolling my eyes at that and said sarcastically.

"Ah yes, because I've never heard that one before. If you're just here for quirk talk then you can just leave, I really don't want to discuss you're abomination of a quirk right now"

"Why do you hate my quirk so much, it's completely irrational. I figured you'd actually enjoy the silence" I faint twitch echoed across my eyebrow as I felt a deep pool of a lot of repressed trauma from a certain night come to my mind in the form of anger as I scoffed violently at that remark.

"Yeah, it was a lot of f*cking fun to listen to thousands of voices just die" f*ck... Before I could hope to cover that slip up Eraser pushed the topic before I could say anything.

"What do you mean die?" Does he f*cking not know? I turned to look at him with more anger than I felt in a while and then just out came the words. f*ck.

"What do you think you're quirk does? It f*cking 'erases' quirks, and what do you think that means for literally any sentient quirk? What about one made of hundreds of people I've known for my entire god damn life?" Eraser stood there for a long moment as we stared at each other before I let out a sigh and turned away, f*cking sh*t! Why... This is why I don't talk to people about anything important that have traumatized me in some way, it doesn't really lead to good things.

"I'm sorry then, to... all of you in there. I never thought about what happens to a quirk like yours" Ok, what? I'm being...apologized to? That happens outside my head? To me? Huh?

"What?" Eraser sighed and spoke again.

"You're unstable and I'm not sure you're a good fit to be a hero, but all the same, I remember something you told me when you lead me to that bank, using my quirk on you felt like you were dying. I hadn't considered it might have been literal in some way. Even if I hadn't known at the time, I know what it's like to lose someone and no kid you're age that" Him being almost agreeable is a bit... strange. Oh, and f*ck him for saying I'm unstable, a more token f*ck you than anything at this point but still.

"Ok, first off f*ck you blah blah blah. Second off, alright I guess, not like I never lost someone before, but still. I figured my quirk would always stick around in one way or another. Whatever, I'm off, I'm only out here because I wanted to get some running in. Recovering from a stab wound and all, see ya" Before the guy could question the whole being stabbed thing I was out of there in a moment, hopping a few buildings.

Hmm. Leaning back in the chair in my room, I stared up at the ceiling and thought about something. Beingseenis how I've always described the effect that is triggered when both me and my quirk are focusing hard on a target, that feeling, or so I've been told, of hundreds of eyes barring down on you from all sides. It's been about a week since I had that talk about it, but it's been on my mind for a while. Honestly I forgot I could even do that with how little I've thought about it during the more than half a decade since I've decided to stop doing that.

Most of what I've been thinking about is how I could weaponize it.

I mean, it's a minor feeling really, one that I know can easily be pushed aside when there are more important things to worry about, like fighting or focusing on some kind of plan or tactic.

So the main way to use it is not so much in a fight itself but to make people feel uneasy, which is basically the only thing that 'side effect' of my quirk can manage without help. Not using it in combat but to make people more weary and expectant of something besides just pure martial arts skill and a ripped bod. It can throw people off their game, and maybe if i use it suddenly in the middle of a fight, it can destabilize someone long enough to get a winning hit in.

My quirk has never been a combative on in any terms. I've had to literally teach them all about tactics and battle strategy for months for them to become as much of a help as they are now, and really all they do is act as a guide and heads up more than anything. I'm still the one who does all the psychically work, they just let me know if there are any easier solution to perverse energy or something.

So if I could actually make this work in the way I want it to, then I might actually be able to have something almost resembling something I can use in combat... I'm going to have to talk to chat and the voices about it, and see how they effect my eyes when I'm doing this. Plus, maybe if I train it up, I can make it more of a powerful effect on the one beingseen. Hmm, maybe I should also think of a better name than just ' being seen'... I'll think of something later.

I was just doing a normal walk around before on instinct, right as I was the four letter word of 'jump', I dove to the side and leaped up onto a wall out of the way of a knife then another as I pushed off the wall just in time as I landed onto a fire escape before looking up at a roof top where a man in a red scarf was standing, looking down on me with mixed curiosity as dozens of Chat messages appeared around me, telling me his quirk, weaknesses, strengths, and battle plans.

So I did the only thing I could do as we had this staring match, I spoke as my eyes sped across the information in front of me.

"Oh, Stain. I wasn't expecting you to be in Musutafu tonight, in fact I'd rather you not be here at all" The man just stared at me for a long moment before in an instant all the chats in front of me changed to KNIFE' as my hand shot forwards and snatched the serrated blade from the air in a quick motion and spun it into a reserve guard, in case I had to block anymore. No matter what I can not be cut here, and based on the stats and routes in front of me that I'm being shown, I'm not sure I'll faster than him since my best place of escape is the rooftop which he is already on. So I kept on talking

"Really? And here I thought we'd have a chat about things" I think his eyebrow twitched at that. Good, the f*cker deserves to be annoyed if I'm having ot deal with this bullsh*t as well then he gets to deal with me.

"Why should I talk to some scum hero?" I blinked at that. Because I mean, what the f*ck. So I said in my bland tone.

"Um, because I'm not a hero? Are you a f*cking idiot? I'm Watcher. That vigilante no one wants to shut up about for some reason? The fame's kind of pointless but I thought a guy who stalks pros would know about me at least with how much I piss them off" Was it a good idea to taunt a known serial killer who only takes down high profile heroes? Probably not, but that's never stopped me ever before when I fought actual villains rather than thugs.

"Hmm" We just stared at each other for a long moment, with me having no f*cking clue as to what was happening, before he just turned and left. Ok then, what the f*ck? Seriously? What has been these last few weeks? I swear... Shaking my head a bit, mostly trying to get the voices to stop talking so much, I could practically feel my eyes turn red, as I just sort of looked at the knife in my hand for a while.

The blade was good quality, and it was clearly taken care of with how reflective it was in the moonlight of all things, the thing practically gleamed, as I spun it around by the grip a few times. Well, I guess I got a memento of all things. from the hero killer himself, that's neat I suppose. Heh, I wonder how Kya will react to that?

I'll find out tomorrow, for right now, time to call the police and let them know that the hero killer is in town for a few days... I'll toss a text at Eraser as well, letting him know to stay clear. Even without his quirk, the Hero Killer is not someone I want to try and out pace in a fight. I'm not really who would win between us. It all comes down to who gets hit first, just one hit to decide the fight, meaning in other words it all comes down to speed, reaction time, and skill.

Something I have no idea who'd better at from what Chat told me about him. And personally I don't really want to find out either.

"Hey Toga" Said girl plopped herself down next to me with a pout and said.

"You know you could at least pretend to be surprised Watchy" Hmm, side eyeing the girl, she seemed to be in somewhat better spirits. That good.

"But then you wouldn't pout as much and I think it's funny" She pouted even more at that before sticking her tongue at me as I smirked a tad at that. Not that she could see it. "So what are you doing here anyway Toga? if you wanted some blood you should have texted me instead of just showing up" Honestly I thought it was a bit strange she could track me down so well, not even Eraser could do that. She just smiled a bit and said while scratching the back of her head.

"I just wanted to talk Watchy" I just hummed and continued to sit there, waiting on Chat to tell me if anything interesting was happening around us that I needed to deal with. Honestly there wasn't a lot of crime at night anymore in my area. I'm not stupid, I don't think it's stopped, more like just moved to harder to reach areas, moving out of my range of sight, but that still means I'm being a pain in the ass and this area is a lot more safer which is good at least.

"So, like, I don't know if you know but I'm living some people now and they're really weird! Like, they talk to me all the time and I don't really get it" Refocusing my attention on Toga, I listened to what she was saying and half agreed, that did sound weird admittedly, but I'm also a basket case so maybe my agreement isn't what I should be giving...

"Sounds like they just want to get to know you, if you just start living with them, then they probably just want to know what you like or don't like so they don't step on your toes without meaning to. I guess the real question is, do you like them even if they are weird?" Toga frowned a bit, it didn't really work on her face, I found that frowns didn't fit her whole peppy thing.

"Yeah? I mean, they're really weird, asking me how my days been like they care? But I guess it's nice..." Smiling a bit more behind my mask, I nodded as I looked away to the sky for a moment, thinking about what to say, as being comforting or emotional available in general isn't really my strong suit. Finally I came up with something.

"That's good. They probably do care if they're asking, so I recommend you give them a chance ok?" She nodded a bit as the frown shifted to a more pensive look as we just sat there, with me no longer knowing really what to say while the voices hummed with background teasing and comforting at me for my lack of any idea of what I was suppose to say and for my, apparently, 'dad' energy.

Sansa Tamakawa was worried about his nephew, he didn't live with the kid so he didn't know what exactly was happening but every time he visited it seemed like he was sporting more than a few bruises or would flinched a bit when he tried to move a bit to fast.

Every time he tried to ask, Ribakyatto would just ignore his question or want to talk about something else. Sansa wasn't sure if he should be worried about things like bullies or that friend who his friend Tsukauchi is certain is Watcher. Either way, Sansa was worried and the few talks with the kid's parents didn't tell him anything. All his sister said was he seemed more happy recently, while his brother in law just mentioned noticing the bruises but didn't think much of them, saying something about kids playing rough.

Which was why he was visiting Ribakyatto at the moment, as he walked into the house, and looked around for a moment. His parents were out but Sansa knew they wouldn't mind a visit, he some times had to crash on the couch here when he pulled to many all nighters as this place was closer to the police station than his own apartment.

But right as Sansa walked into the house, he heard a loud thud from upstairs before what sounded like a muffled crash. Instantly, his hand went to his sidearm as he quickly moved up the stares, thinking the worse, as he killed, the already open door, in and came across a sight that would be burned into his eyes for a long time.

"Stop-" The words died in his throat as he looked at his nephew, pinned up against a wall, an arm behind his back with the kid, Koe, pressed up against him holding his arm in place, both looking at him with two separate looks on their faces. Ribakyatto looked beyond mortified while Koe just stared at the officer with a blank look for a long moment before saying with the most deadpan tone Sansa had ever heard.

"Instead of charging me with assault, would you believe me if I said your nephew has a masochism thing?" Sansa just sort of stood there, in the entrance of his nephew's room, and watched as Ribakyatto made an interesting sound of mortification and rage and pushed Koe off him, the other kid's arm staying around for a moment before letting go, and instantly tried to rip his friend's(?) throat out with his claws, yelling loudly about not saying that ever again, while the blank looking kid just smirked tiredly at the beet red teen while moving out of the way of each claw without issue.

Finally the trained officer broke out of whatever was stopping him from saying anything and spoke in a loud enough tone to get both of the two's attention, right as Koe spun around Ribakyatto to avoid getting his face maimed.

"Would one of you two like to explain what you were doing?" Koe instantly opened his mouth right as Ribakyatto basically jumped forwards and slammed his hand over said kid's mouth, who just rolled his eyes, though didn't do anything, as Sansa turned to look at his nephew who was still red in the face as he stuttered out something half way understandable.

"W-well, um, S-shin's been helping me out with self defense, and um, we, um, kind of, were fighting?" With how embarrassed by the whole thing Ribakyatto was, Sansa almost wanted to just believe the kid right away, but he was way to flustered for that to be all, even with Koe's words from earlier, he should have calmed down by now. Said kid in question seemed to do something as Ribakyatto shrieked a bit and shot his hand away from Koe's mouth as he said to Sansa, completely ignoring the death glare his friend was giving him.

"I was messing with him, and he doesn't want to admit he was a blushing mess already before you got up here, though I really was helping him with how to escape grapples and stuff. Personally, you should be glad you didn't show up while I wa-" Koe was interrupted as he ducked in time to avoid a smack of the head that he shouldn't have known was coming from Ribakyatto who was back to being pure red... Sansa just nodded a bit, not really sure if that was the true story or not, but it seemed more accurate with how red the blonde was next to the graying teen.

"You're learning self defense?" Ribakyatto shakily nodded as Sansa turned and looked at Koe, who everyone seemed to be sure was Watcher, he could see it. The kid moved much to fluidly and clearly knew how to fight. Which worried the police officer, he wasn't sure it was the best that a vigilante was teaching someone how to fight like him.

"Why not ask your parents to sign you up for a class?" Ribakyatto shrugged a bit while Koe glanced at the teen and then at Sansa, with that blank look back and said.

"Because I don't want it to get in his head to fight at all. I'm just teaching him how to escape common grapples hold, choke points, and how to run for his life" Ribakyatto seemed to actually pout at that while Koe just stared at Sansa with a blank look at somehow seemed to just know to much, but it did make Sansa feel a bit less wary about this whole thing. maybe(?) as he asked to confirm.

"So that's how your getting those bruises?" Ribakyatto just nodded as Sansa felt a bit of relief fill him at that, not as much as it could have been, because he still did not trust that unstable boy around his nephew but at least he didn't seem incline to get him wrapped up in that vigilante nonsense.

"Alright then" Ribakyatto fidgeted a bit while Koe just continued to stare blankly at Sansa, who was no longer sure what to say or do as the three of them just stared at each other for a long moment before suddenly Koe said without context.

"Quiet down, I'm not going to do that" Sansa looked at the kid in confusion while Ribakyatto just smiled a bit, his fidgeting lessening a bit as Koe turned and started to root through a bag the officer assumed he brought with him, and spoke up again.

"Or that. This isn't MMA, I'm not going to show Kya how to choke slam a bitch, though it would be pretty hot" Sansa decided to use that as his que to leave as Ribakyatto seemed to gain a murderous look on his face as he practically leaped at Koe to attempt to hit him again.

In all honesty, Sansa had no idea if that whole...whatever that was, made him feel any better about what's been going on with his nephew or not.

Himiko Toga had an okay life, she didn't really talk to his parents much, and they could be a bit mean, but she liked the blood that came from herself so he didn't mind to much, even if some times in the beginning, the lack of conversations with her family hurt so bad he wanted to just roll over and stop existing, to just become someone else.

But that changed! Things got better for her after she met Watchy! He's a bit weird, but that just means she likes him even more! He's almost like her! And he helped her out a lot! Sure he hasn't said anything but only a few days after he started helping her out with the whole blood thing, which was just the bestest of the best!, his parents went away and she met this really moody guy and now he's living with these two girls and some couple.

And it was nice. A bit weird at times, where Himiko isn't sure why they want her to stay with the rest while they ate, or how the couple seem to always be in the living room when she returns there after school, asking about her day, or even how the other two girls she's living with seem to like talking to her.

The whole thing was so confusing to Himiko, even more so because no one called her Toga anymore, just Himiko, but she liked it, it was a good kind of confusing, even if she's sure he's messing up some times, no one seems to get mad and makes her want to be someone else.

She even is now meeting this nice guy who asks her questions about herself and while it's a bit hard, she always feels a bit better afterward. The guy even told her about an exercise about something or another with pronouns so he's trying to do both of them, though it's a bit weird, it makes her feel nice.

Himiko is Himiko, which hurt a bit to know, to not be able to really be someone else, to be able to escape through someone else's life when her's got a bit to much, but he also wasn't limited to just being Himiko! It was weird, but she likes knowing he could use anything to describe herself. It made her feel a bit more whole.

Himiko is glad he meet Watcher, she liked that he was the first person to ever talk to her without worry or was mean to be mean or how he never got freaked out about her 'weirder' habits.

"I hate you"


"I'm serious, you are just the worst!"


"I have no idea why I know you"

"Because I'm fun"

"Your terrible is what you are"

"I'm hurt"


"But at least I'm not short"

"I'M NOT SHORT YOU ASSHOLE!" I smirked as Kya quickly placed a hand over his mouth, his tail flicking about in mortification as he looked around at the dozen or so people looking at us.

"It's fun that you get so worked up over your height" He glared at me as we walked up to the gates of UA and past before saying.

"It's because I'm completely average!" I rolled my eyes at that and said.

"I know you're exact height in centimetres to the fifteen decimal place. Just admit that you're a bit shorter than other people"

"Never! You all knowing jackass! Besides we're fourteen! We'll get bigger anyway so stop making fun of me!" I just stayed silent, because no way was I giving up on making fun of him on something he got so riled up about. Honestly he really wasn't that short, at best he was like maybe five centimetres shorter than I am at most, which is an inch and a half shorter, nothing too insane but he goes crazy about it which is just hilarious.

"Anyways... Are you worried any about the test?" I glanced over at him and noticed his eyes were a bit downcast, hmm, can't have that.

"No in the slightest, and with how much I've pushed into your thick head you better ace this thing as well" He smiled a bit that before nodding a tad and said.

"Yeah, with how much pointless information about commas you forced on me, I better get a good score on English, not mentioning math, god you're scary at math" Like I haven't heard that before.

"Yeah yeah" He huffed at that and moved forwards a bit so he was walking in front of me, backwards, which wasn't to big of a deal since I refuse to walk quickly for any reason, and said.

"No seriously, your fourteen and you can literally do trigonometry in your head. Seriously, like... What's sin47?" I don't think he even knows what sin is used for or that the formula isn't all that hard to figure out, and I know he has no idea on how to fact check me but all the same I sighed and rolled my eyes before answering after a moment of figuring out the answer then double checking with Chat and then said.

"0.7314 are the first four decimals rounded" Kya just kind of flailed his arms about like I was proving something as I rolled my eyes, but I was pretty glad he was no longer being all worried, it doesn't suit him.

From there we went in, got to our seats, and where now sitting half way across the room from each other as we waited for the test to start as the voices were just using this time to try and gross me out by informing me of all the late night internet searches of the people around me. Teens were really f*cking weird, and I think that coming from me that said something. On a side note, I really hope I never see the dark purple haired kid next to me again. He's really f*cked in the head. I mean seriously, every single night multiple times a night? How has he not died of dehydration?

Anyway, they were nice enough to just mummer in the background when the test came. It was laughably easy, but all tests are really, even the questions I didn't know I got correctly as I just absently moved my eyes up to Chat whenever I was not fully certain in my answer. Sure some took longer than others, like a particularly weird translation questions that got a civil war going in Chat about the correct usage of to, too, and two, but those were rare and far in between.

So now I was done and it's been about... oh, never mind it's been exactly thirty-two minutes, eighteen seconds, and point two three one milliseconds. Cause I needed to know that I guess. Yawning a bit all the same, I twirled the pencil in my hand around a few times before just tossing it up and catching it again on the way down for no reason at all but to do something because I don't like no doing something.

After a while of doing pointless pencil tricks, that got me all types of fun glares from the other exam takers, I didn't really care, like at all. Kya didn't even seem shocked I was f*cking about, just continuing with his own test which was more fine by me. He's the only one here I want to go to UA besides myself.

So a while later, one of the teachers, Ectoplasm if I'm being told the right thing, walked up to me right as I was jumping the pencil, balanced on my pointer finger's knuckle, onto the middle knuckle and so on until it was at my pinky knuckle and then doing it again back to the point knuckle, it was a lot harder than it sounded. Anyway, he was in front of me so I just looked at him for a moment, listening to some interesting comments about his personal life, before holding the test up to him. He just looked at me for a moment before asking as he took the papers.

"Are you giving up?" I just stared at him for a moment, just wondering if all the teachers here are dumbasses who don't have working eyes, before saying.

"No, I finished, like ten minutes ago, so now I'm waiting" His whole mask thing made it hard to gauge his reaction, but I'm pretty sure he raised an eyebrow at that as he walked away while skimming through the test as I just went back to my whole pencil hopping game I made up as Chat and the voices were scoring how well I was doing. It made the waiting some what more interesting and bearable.

Nezu was quite interested in the reports he was getting as he skimmed over the results from the written exam, well not all of them of course, for one the exam only started forty minutes ago and it was designed to be finished in just around an two and a half hours for an average student, an hour and a half around for smart ones, and around thirty to sixty minutes for exceptional ones or those with intelligence enhancing quirks such as himself.

So only those types had finished already, and their tests have been put into a scan machine which automatically grades their work and send it to Nezu so that he can look it over as it also copies the work done on the paper and the paper given for work done by hand. Of course only those that pass would be sent to not clutter up the files but that was not an issue just yet, only said ones with mental enhancer quirks are finished, well most were, like the one that was apprising to the business course, one was for the support course, and of course, the one for heroics.

His was the first one turned in, usually Ectoplasm goes around at the hour and a half mark and checks to see who is done, but apparently Koe had been distracting other people and Ectoplasm had to collect his paper which prompted two other people to turn their own in as well. Of course those two were the ones with the quirk type mentioned before, and their papers reflected it in the normal way, just kids who were faster at putting two plus two together than others. For the math portion their papers were scrawled out with numbers and figures, rushing to be the first ones done no doubt.

But Koe's test was interesting, three questions wrong in total but those were ones that weren't made to be solved by anyone with middle school education and where made to be based on opinion anyway so correctness can be seen as subjective, and out of a two hundred question test there was actually ten of those in total. So already, he scored even with or better than the other two who finished in around the same time, but Nezu expected that for someone with his quirk, which is basically one big answer machine, where something like a test couldn't truly measure his knowledge and intelligence on his own without his quirk.

But what was interesting was the math portion, where the piece of paper was given to do work on, it was completely blank and yet he did not get a single question wrong on that portion. Which was a bit curious, but not overly. The main reason to write things down on paper at all is to keep track of everything by having it in front of you, but if your smart enough then it doesn't matter, something Nezu can do, or if you have someone or in Koe's case, a quirk, to keep track of the figures, then you don't really need to write anything down.

Which wasn't that just curious all things considered, for how many reported voices there are in Koe's quirk, the fact he could give them a figure that they could return when he needs it showed more skill than reported in his quirk which Nezu figured out that Koe can not communicate with his quirk mentally, he has to speak, but Ectoplasm reported nothing such as talking happened during the exam at anytime..

So either Koe, without his quirk, is just smart enough on his own to get every question right mentally, or he's skill over his quirk was greater than reported. Which was something that Nezu wasn't sure the answer of. Sure he got confirmation from the teenager himself about how he had more control over his quirk than it first appeared, even if he didn't like the term, but that didn't warrant an immediate write off.

It was an interesting question to have in Nezu's opinion.

Does having the ability to know everything make one smart in of itself or does the ability to use that much information make you smart in of itself without the knowledge being a factor. Perhaps this will be another riddle for the books, along with the unbeatable spear and unbreakable shield.

All the same, Nezu can't wait to see if he can find an answer.


Stain showed up, why? Not sure really, just wanted to put an interaction there somewhere.

Oh also Toga, yeah, no idea really. They just seem like a character who would be gender fluid even without taking into account the whole identity disorder. And since this is a story I control, I can just kind of do whatever the f*ck I want so here we are. Though as a guy whose always been a guy, I can say I might not have the most information on how to write it properly so sorry and all about that.

Chapter 12


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

After the written exam, honestly, nothing happened, I got lunch with Kya, who gushed over Lunch Rush of all heroes, and then I got a good luck from the cat before he headed out, not before asking about what I got on the exam along with his own score of course. So I told him, just to sate his interest and that was that. Which lead me to the situation where I was now pretty interestingly enough, really missing Kya's presence.

Sitting in the auditorium was boring as I sat down and looked around with half focus as people moved in and about to get to their seats, I didn't know anyone in the seats next to me, but the voices were chatting about something involving green protagonists and angry pomeranians. I didn't really get it to be honest, but that's not really all that important to be honest. They're just weird like that I guess. Nothing I'm not use to-

"What's up UA candidates? Thanks for tuning in to me, your school DJ! C'mon, lemme hear ah yeah!"


"f*ckIN- " At least a hundred eyes pointed right at me but I couldn't care less as I gripped the side of my head as it pounded in pain. God f*cking damn it you all. What in the world would make them think that was a good idea? Well clearly they didn't think. God I'm a step away from having a migraine now.

"Uh, that wasn't the response I was expecting but at least we seem to have some energy here!"I blinked as I looked down at Mic and sighed and rubbed my head while listening to a couple apologizes coming in from the voices, most being nice enough to know not to be assholes and flood me all at once again. God it felt like all of them were screaming at once there, which was decidedly unpleasant.

From there I didn't bother to listen to whatever he was saying, to busy getting my headache under control with a long list of mental and physical tricks I've learned over the years to help stem them off since I didn't bring any headache meds with me, not allowed on ground without permission or something equally stupid. Pain in my ass is what it is, well, pain in my head but from how it feels it's all really relative. Well, I tried to do those but some asshole suddenly made a spotlight of all things come down on me as I noticed some tall robot looking f*cking pointing at me after yelling at some green kid and said.

"And you! How dare you scream such profanity when we all are trying to focus at the task at hand" Oh this air chopping little sh*t.

"Oh? I'm sorry, were the voices inmyhead annoying you? And so sorry that the word f*cking makes you shrink in like a prune" He gasped and looked ready to rebuttal when Mic seemed to decide to defuse the matter and said something about the zero pointer, I didn't bother listening, that whole thing made my headache worse and now there were even more people staring at me for some reason.

Aizawa glanced halfheartedly at the monitors as Mic, the idiot, screamed out the test had began. Instantly a few notable candidates rushed into action, a blonde blasted his way into the sky, one with a bird head rushed in, and a guy with what looked like a tail. And of course a skinny dead eyed teen that were somehow dull but still vibrant pink in color, moving way to fast for his tired form to support.

Aizawa wasn't really sure if the kid would be able to get in through this exam without any equipment what so ever. For his quirk, he might as well be doing everything quirkless and unarmed, something Aizawa knows the kid can do, but only with human targets that have clear and easily to exploit opening and pressure points.

Aizawa himself never was able to actually pass this exam when he was at UA, he had to get into the heroics course through the sports festival, along with Midnight in fact, who got second place.

So maybe he kept a closer eye on the kid than the others, but that's because he knew what the kid was capable of, and admittedly, he was better than Aizawa was at his age, much better, maybe even better than he was almost over a decade and a half ago when he graduated from UA. But that didn't matter as much as one would think as he watched as it almost took half a minute for the kid to bring down just one three pointer.

Doing it at all with it's size and lack of opens besides just brute strength was difficult, mostly because the robots were programmed to be able to respond from attacks at all sides, so the problem child had very little ability to exploit openings. Something, Aizawa noticed, that didn't effect one other exam taker, an invisible person, who didn't register at all on the robot sensors who was taking down the bots without issue because they couldn't fight back.

Moving his eyes over to the explosion blonde, Aizawa noted his potential as well. The teen was bouncing all over the place, racking up points at an incredible speed and his quirk was most certainly very powerful, but the skill in which he was using it was what caught Aizawa's eye. He was impressive, though overzealous in his efforts, and didn't seem to understand pacing as much as some others did.

Turning his attention back to Watcher, the kid was speeding up now, clearly not worrying about pacing as much as Aizawa was use to seeing from the kid as with such a tight time limit he didn't need to hold back as much, not that he could at all if he wanted to take the bots down with raw strength and skill. Speaking of skill, the brat some how ripped am long metal pipe from one of the bots exhaust ports and was using it with efficiency as a staff of all things, hence why he was increasing in speed of take downs, though the way he moved seemed to slow down some.

Crushing five more bots over the following four minutes, even helping a few people out, but no one seemed eager to give many rescue points for it, because it always looked more like the kid wanted to take down the bot than actually help the person he was rescuing but Aizawa figured that's just more a lack of knowledge on Koe than what he was doing. The kid does quick take downs, but against bots, that doesn't work so it looks more wanting to the judges.

But all in all, the brat was doing good, but unfortunately not good enough, as Aizawa listened over the speakers that Mic had stopped the test, just as Koe destroyed one last two pointer. In total his score was twenty-eight villain points and six hero points, the bar to entry being thirty-five at least. He had destroyed ten bots, something that was in of itself impressive for his teenage body. But all the same, he was off, by a single point.

Looking over at the monitor, Aizawa noticed Watcher was just standing there while everyone else was walking away, back to the entrance. After a long moment, the kid just started walking away himself. The blank look in his eyes never fading as the people around him gave him space, be it he was just giving off so much annoyance the others were picking up on it, or he was doing that being watched thing without meaning to. Aizawa still isn't sure if that's apart of the kid's quirk or just something the kid himself can make someone feel.

All the same, he couldn't help but feel a bit bad for the kid, even if he didn't look it, Aizawa was sure the kid knew exactly how many points he had gotten, rescue or other wise. And for being completely on his own, he got a very good score, better than what Aizawa managed, it just wasn't fair for him, for many of the other kids also taking this test that had no hope to beat something like massive robots with their non combative quirks.

And on the other side of the spectrum, there was one kid who managed to blow away the zero pointer in the B arena. The kid had a very powerful quirk, but that lack of control over it was disgusting. One hit and he managed to shatter what looked like every bone in his arm, and both legs. What good was so much power if the kid never bothered to even control it? Still, the judges went crazy over it, being irrational as they were, and so now the kid's going to be in a heroics class.

Aizawa figured he'd give the kid a chance, see if he could figure out a way to save his excuse of a quirk from getting him killed in action, but if not, then he's out. It'd be a shame to waste such a powerful quirk, but without control of it or the ability to get around it's own short comings, then he's simply just a liability. Of course that depends on if the kid is in his class, but he had a feeling he'd be dealing with the green top.

Neko:guess what


SharkDiva:He got into UA

Neko:\o/ dont ruin my moment!

Littleluger1:oh good job

Neko:what about yuo dood?

Littleluger1:nah the f*ckers had god damn robots i had to fight, barely got 5 poitns

Neko:i herad about those my friend managed to get like 30 some points from beting like 15 of those robots

Neko:but it wasnt enugh so hes with me in gen ed

SharkDiva:Wait, the guy whose whole thing is being crazy with voices and stuff broke fifteen massive combat robots?

Neko:i toldyou the guys weirdly badass

Neko:He also got the higest written score out of everyone else in the school so he migth even do the entrance cemory speech!

Litteluger1 is now offline

Neko:is he ok

SharkDiva:He's probably just jealous or something.

SharkDivaLSo how did you do then?

Neko:oh! i got top ten so im hapy

SharkDiva:Really? You? Top ten in the most elite high school in Japan?

Neko:your mean

SharkDiva:I'm realistic

SharkDiva:Still, good job


SharkDiva:Oh by the way what's with the name change?


"Hey Shin" I gave a look to Kya as we joined up and then continued walking onward to somewhere. Kya wouldn't tell me and while I could easily figure it out normally, the voices were on time out for giving me a massive migraine right before I had to take a massive test that I only lost because of a single god damn point. Ok, maybe I was a bit more frustrated than my blank face showed, but I mean come the f*ck on. If I had a single piece of any of my gear I could have won, but no, that's no allowed. Hell, I could have done it with my f*cking flip phone. If I had that then I would have the highest score in history.

"Here we are!" I blinked and looked up at the sign of the building we were in front of. An... Ice cream parlor?

"Ice cream?" I could have thought about something witty but the feeling to bother just felt kind of to dry at the moment so I didn't bother while Kya nodded happily and said.

"Yeah. We both passed the written exam with flying colors didn't we? This warrants celebration!" I looked over at Kya who was smiling like normal before looking back at the building for a long moment before saying.

"Alright" He seemed to deflate a bit for some reason but all the same, he reached over and grabbed my arm, something I still wasn't sure when I let him start doing, and dragged me into the parlor, and then up to the counter as I just sort of stood there and looked up at the board with the options. Ignoring all of the voices asking for a specific flavor or item as Kya instantly spoke up to the woman behind the counter.

"I'd like a chocolate milkshake, make sure it's lactose though" The woman looked at him in confusion, her eyes pointing up at the cat ears while I just rolled my eyes, people are idiots. Kya didn't seem to notice as he turned to me as I just blinked a bit before saying.

"I don't eat ice cream normally. So I have no idea what to get" Kya blinked a bit at that before asking.

"What? Does your mom never pick up a thing of it?" Of course not. She barely goes outside if she can help it.

"I do all the shopping or it gets delivered to the apartment by someone else" Kya looked at me for a moment before saying.

"You're existence is saddening. Um, ok then..." He seemed to think for a moment before turning back to the lady and said. "Get him a normal chocolate milkshake then... with a lot of whip cream"

She just nodded as she moved behind to get the machine working or whatever while I noticed with absent amusem*nt that Kya's tail was basically wagging back and forth in excitement. And before long we were in a booth and Kya was staring at me while I was staring down at the massive cup of brown liquid with a metal straw sticking out of it which was almost buried in whip cream and a cherry.

"Well?" I just moved my eyes up to stare at Kya back and said.

"I'm going to get a face full of whip cream if I try to drink this" He snickered a bit at that as I felt a small bit of tension release a tad from the sound as I sighed before grabbed the glass and tried to get a drink from it, and just like that, my mouth was covered in cream as Kya laughed happily at me as I lifted my head away after getting a drink in... It was good. Huh.

"You look ridiculous!" I rolled my eyes at that as I absently licked the sides of my mouth, getting the whip cream off and smirked a tad for no reason in particular when Kya turned a bit red. Whelp, time to tease the cat.

"And you look a bit hot, drink your milk kittycat" He turned a bit more red at that and hissed a bit but quickly took a long drink from his own glass while looking away from me a bit, clearly trying to stop blushing. I just smiled a bit at the reaction before taking another drink from the glass, this time not getting as much on my face, but Kya still laughed a bit at it. The sound helping melt the rest of the built up annoyance away just a bit more. This was... this was nice.

"Why do you do that?" I looked up at Kya to show I wasn't sure what he was getting at as I continued to drink from the unfairly good tasting drink. Why have I not added this to my daily routine again? "You know, the whole flir- I mean, teasing? thing?"

The voices all suddenly hushed up a bit at that for some reason as I stared at Kya for a long moment, wondering what I was suppose to say, before finally answering with the truth.

"I just find your reactions cute" He looked at me for a moment before shaking his head like I was misunderstanding something though he did look a bit embarrassed about this. I'm confused.

"No like, um... Why, uh, do you find it, me, yo- Why?!" His face was all red now, I'm so god damn confused. What the f*ck is happening? My savior came in the form of chat who quite literally spelled it out for me.

"He doesn't know if you're flirting with him because you're just like that or because you like him romantically in anyway. He's trying to clear the air"

Ah...Hmm. I have no idea how to answer this.

"I...am not good at explaining, and I have no clue about romance in any way but... I am very gay, and I do find you attractive. Is that what I'm suppose to say?" As I said that I glanced at chat who were giving me mixed reviews. I'm not at this actually being emotional stuff. He just stared at me for a long moment before face palming.

"God your clueless... How can you know so smart but be so god damn clueless you dumb ass..." I just blinked a bit as he looked at me for a moment before sighing again and then laughed a tad in ludicrousness before saying.

"Do... Do you want to go on a date sometime?" ...ah... huh? My face feels warm and the voices are screaming and I can't seem to think... I should... Answer? yeah, answering is... that's probably something I should do. That just really caught me off guard... f*ck.

"Sure" Kya blinked before turning a bit red as we just sort of stared at each other as I tried to think of something to say. Finally something just sort of was spat out.

"So does ice cream count as a date? If so we should do this more" Kya laughed a bit, as I smiled a bit in return as well, this was... This was nice.

"You're terrible... Y-yeah, we can get more ice cream later, as a d-date...?" We just stared at each other, because I have no idea if that was a question or not even though I could practically feel the question mark... Finally my mind just defaulted back on what I'm good at. Dry comments and teasing... Was it flirting? I guess it was... He's right, I'm an idiot... When did it become flirting though...? Wait, answering! Right!

"Cool, so is this when we make out?" He squawked out a hiss, turned bright red, and seemed to want to jump over the table and strangle me as I couldn't help it, all these weird emotions and this warmth in my chest, it bubbled up suddenly as I felt my chest heave a bit as I think I was laughing, yeah, I was laughing. God, when's the last time I laughed? Properly laughed? Even Kya calmed down as I continued to just make some sound I couldn't really hear from the voices all cheering about something.

I hadn't realized it at the time, but for the rest of that day, I didn't think once about how angry I was about just barely failing the practical exam.

"IT HAPPENED YASSSSS" "THE SHIP HAS SAILED! f*ck YEA!" "I still think it's a bit weird we put so much focus onto a relationship we can only watch and barely influence at all from the sides lines" "Shut up"

"This is just adorable" "They're so god damn awkward and it's hilarious!" "Shin laughed! Like actually bust a gut laughing, not just mild huffs of half interest! The worlds ending!" "Stop being over dramatic, it's just two teens with crushes" "Well I guess I'll die then"

"Personally I'm just glad Shin is actually beginning to be social again, he has actual friends now and a boyfriend as well" "Are we counting Eraserhead as a friend?" "He's more an acquaintance right?" "I like to think we're friends" "He killed us" "But we got better" "He's keeping our secret" "And he even said sorry to us! Like directly! Only Kya talks to us like that besides Shin!" "True I guess..." "It's nice being talked to like that from Kya..." "Oi, head out of the clouds, he's taken" "Yeah by Shin, who is practically just one of us but with a body" "He's taken you thirsting sh*t!"

"Watchy!" I looked down at Himiko, as she told me to call her, and watched as she quickly managed to get up to me. The girl(? I wasn't sure which to use anymore) was very skilled at climbing and even weirdly enough knife using. I asked her about it once and got a vague answer. Chat informed me later, she took self defense classes but they never worked when she needed them to.

"Himiko" She got up next to me on the roof top as I finished up tying the hands up of a bunch of thugs before pulling my metal stick to me and placed it along the small of my back before turning to look at Himiko who was currently poking one of the thugs in the cheek. She seemed to realize I was looking at her as she looked up and smiled a bit and said happily.

"So guess what?" I just shrugged, as I pulled out my phone and sent a text to the Detective to pick these fools up as Himiko started talking about this boy she meet who she really liked. From the sounds of it, it wasn't a crush, more she just wanted more friends to talk to besides a guy who wears a mask and beats people up. It was a good sign that she was improving a bit, getting better from what she had to deal with.

"Sounds nice. I'm glad your getting some friends that don't beat people up" She giggled a bit at that as I moved and jumped to another roof top, making my way at a slow enough speed that Himiko could keep up without to much issue as we just talked away.

She was an interesting person, and she had a way of just rambling in a way that meant I didn't have to hold the conversation all that much as long as I made it clear I was listening of course, but it was nice.

"Watcher" I blinked and looked over at Aizawa, apparently today is the day of conversations. I got myself a boyfriend, met up with Himiko, and now I'm talking to Eraser after messaging the Detective.

"Sup, are you here to have a deep emotional conversation? Because I've already had like two of those today already and I don't think I'm ready for another" Eraser seemed to roll his eyes underneath his eye guards, which personally I still think are completely unpractical, I know he can't use goggles before his quirk doesn't work through objects, not even glass, but still.

"No, I was just in the area and saw you... How are you doing? You missed the mark by one as I'm sure you already know even though the results won't be going out for another four days" I frowned a that, the joy from the previous day suddenly feeling like it was going to fade, but I just pushed those thoughts aside and said.

"It's whatever. I was at a massive disadvantage I had no real way to get past without breaking multiple laws and getting banned from UA from sneaking gear in. If it was anything more important I would have mind you, but I can get away with going through the sports festival so it's fine" Eraser stared at me for a long moment before saying.

"No it's not. You're angry about it" f*ck him... Sighing, I finally nodded and said.

"Well yeah, it's f*cking annoying as hell and completely unjustified way of taking the test, even with the hero point bull sh*t, but that's life. Everything is annoying as hell" Eraser snorted at that before saying.

"Trust me kid, when it comes to you, I know all about annoying as hell" I huffed a bit at that and stood up.

"Says the old man who has been chasing a fifteen year old for months" Eraser seemed to stall a bit at that and said.

"You're still fourteen aren't you?" Oh right, well, not right, but I just said a number without thinking about it, still whatever.

"Nope, turned fifteen like four days ago" The pro just stared at me for a moment before sighing and nodded and before I knew it he was gone.

Why are people so random? Is my very unimportant birthday somehow a point of contention?

"Mom, I have a question" My mother just turned and gave me a smile from where she just entered the kitchen from. I was currently working on dinner, it was almost done so I figured this was a good enough time to ask her about this whole thing.

"Yes honey?" I pulled the pot off the heat and let it shimmer as I thought about how to phrase the question in my head for a long moment. I could have asked Chat or the voices but they all gotloudwhen I asked their advice about this stuff, so I've just started to not bother.

"Well, what do couples do? Like specifically? Besides the obvious stuff like dates? I don't trust the internet to give me a straight answer on it, so?" Watching in a bit of worry as my mom just straight up dropped the plate she was holding as I lunged forwards a bit and managed to grab it before it shattered on the ground as I looked up at her in confusion, because why did she do that?

"U-uh um. Why do you ask honey?" Why else would I be asking? It was a bit worrying, she sometimes dropped stuff when she was close to an episode before something could calm her down. Those were rare and far in between, but they did happen some times and it was a bit worrying if she was happening now. Still, all the same, I answered as I set the plate on the counter and loaded some dinner onto it.

"Because I've started dating this guy and I'm not sure exactly what I should be doing. I don't think he knows what he's doing either to be honest so it's a bit confusing" Mom just stared at me for a while as I moved the plate to the table and grabbed some silverware. Mom just kind of slowly made her way to the table and started talking. I just listened in while I grabbed my own plate.

"A g-guy? U-h. Well honey... When I first started dating your dad, most of what we did was just simple things. You know, hand holding, talking all the time, hugging, going out to restaurants and other small stuff. Once to a movie, t-though that didn't go to well. We, heh, got interrupted by this whole ruckus that happened and we sent most of that night in a police station. Those were the nice days..."

I nodded absently at that, mostly ignoring the story, I knew that one already, she liked talking about it because dad was so awkward withe the police that the whole thing was more funny then scary, plus she always seemed a bit more happy thinking about dad so might as well let her reminisce for a while. Instead I focused in on the other things she said... Yeah, I could do that. I think. How long as it been since I've given or received actual psychical affection besides from mom on occasion? When was my last hug actually? Weird.

"Thanks, I'll try to do some of that stuff then"

This whole dating thing is very strange and confusing I swear. If Kya wasn't worth it then I wouldn't bother with learning this strange stuff... Why do I hear squealing from the voices?

"So, um, how long have you been known this boy? Do I know him?" Obviously? The only friend I talk to her about is Kya, because there is no way I'm bringing Himiko into my mom's life, way to many ways that could go wrong, though even then it's not that Kya and her have ever met before in person. I don't think they've even talked before, which is less than Kya and Himiko who seem to chat sometimes when she, he, they, find me sometimes out at night.

"A few months, and it's Kya. He asked me out yesterday and so we're dating now I think. It's a bit confusing though to be honest" Mom smiled a bit and seemed to giggle behind her hand a tad at my confusion which I thought was a tad bit rude.

"That's nice dear. So do you really like him?" I blinked at the question and thought about it, I didn't really know much about crushes, but everything I understand about them seems to fit. I lo-, not opening that box, I like being around him, I feel a bit lonely even when I'm with others, I can't wait to see him again, I like just him... Yeah.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure I do" Mom just smiled a bit at that and nodded as we sat down and dug into our meal.


I've made my decisions! Kya and Shin are very gay for each other and it is great and Shin is going to have to deal with the sports festival! Why? ...Uh.
For the romance thing, it's not going to be screamed in the face, I don't think it'll change to much from what it is now expect for titles and sh*t because it's been like two and a half years since I crackled my knuckles at writing actual romantic plots, and while for why... Being honest here, I've recently watched Sk8 the infinity and Horimiya and I just want more cutesy fluff bullsh*t in my life and those two anime completely made my decision for me in regards to this story on a very impulsive move...

Honestly impulsive decisions by the writer could basically just be this stories catchphrase honestly. I plan like nothing!

As for the sports festival, well, Shin is way to meh about trying on things he doesn't want to deal with, and if he got into the heroics course then he wouldn't bother to much with the sports festival so this way I get to make the arc much more dramatic and sh*t.

Chapter 13


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Does anyone find it a bit weird that there is no letter 'B' in numbers until you hit a billion?" "You realize there isn't an 'A' until thousand as well right?" "I know right?! It's so weird!" "Weird is how dolphins sleep with one eye open " "What does that have to do with number?" "It doesn't! I just got the marine-biology information and it's really hard to fit it into a conversation" "Sounds like a terrible coralto have " "That was terrible" "Sharking"

"Does anyone else find it interesting that Shin can't see as many colors as we can? Like he has no idea about all the in between color shades between all the secondary and tertiary colors he does know about" "I find it more interesting that we don't actually have body's to see out of but can still see the world around us like some eldritch abomination of knowledge" "I mean, we do have eyes though, it's just that no one can see them, and Shin doesn't know how to use them yet" "Oi! We shouldn't know that!" "Oh right! Sorry! Ignore me!"

"Ok, you rolled a ten and have a plus four, sorry you failed your check, instead of making it across, you stumble and are now plummeting into the depths" "Huh!... Uh uh uh! I cast Feather Fall!" "Cool, your fall instantly begins to slow, now, you two, you're still up top and have no idea what just happening, and there is now a missing bridge in the wake of your falling friend" "Ok, so I-"

"Kya's here!" "Yay catboy!" "Behind you, about ten feet away, he's about to say-"

"Shin! Thanks for waiting" Turning to look at Kya, I just nodded a bit, a small smile pulling on my face as I began to walk as he quickly fell into step with me. He lived a bit further out than I did from UA, not that it said much, we both still had to catch a train to get there, but it just meant I waited on him so we could go together. Though maybe that wasn't the right way of phrasing it, he was actually up early for me because I had to get there about an hour earlier than I should be and he asked if he could come with. Of course I said yes

"So what class are we in again? I kind of forgot" I tilted my head a bit as I listened into the voices, a number of them jumping up to answer any question that is asked and quickly got an answer.

"We're both in 1C, which is nice" He nodded as a smile pulled on his face, it was nice... Hmm... f*ck it "Here"

"Huh?" I rolled my eyes and grabbed onto Kya's hand and continued to walk while he turned a bit red as we continued to walk along each other. His hand was warm... Heh. What a stupid thought to have, even if it is true.

From there that's just how we walked, even when it would have been easier to just let go for a couple minutes, neither of us seemed to want our hands to move from their location as before I knew it, twenty minutes of conversation and travel had past and we were off the train, standing in front of UA proper as I looked up at building, chat floating around in my vision, statistics of the building flowing out for no real reason along with some really unneeded information from the voices.

"The height of the main building is 120.23 meters tall" "The flooring is mostly made out of wood or a tile composite though in some places there are cement deposits"

"There's a total of four storage cupboards that are known to be good make out spots!" "Ooh, fancy" "A cupboard? Are you seriously asking Shin to drag Kya off to a cupboard when they've only held hands so far?" "...maybe?"

"What are you looking at?" Blinking the focus away from chat, I said to Kya as we walked into the building, absently looking around at the empty halls.

"Just Chat telling me stuff about the place. It was built eighty-six years ago, has twenty-one on site locations for hero training, and there is a basem*nt that the principle doesn't want students to know about. Pretend I didn't say that last one" He laughed a tad at that, the sound was nice. Before I knew it however the voices picked up volume as I turned and hesitatingly let go of Kya's hand as I looked over at him, Eraser.

Kya recognized the man as well, he had been there plenty of times when I had a chat with this hero, but this was the first time we ever actually talked outside of costume, hell, this was the first time we talked in the day because me saying a single word to him. He just looked down at me for a moment before asking.

"You're Shin Koe correct? My name is Shouta Aizawa, the general law teacher here for Heroics and 1As homeroom teacher, I recommend you use my name" He was giving me a hook off from already knowing each other, we both know now that he knows who I am and vise versa, he even basically has a verbal confession from me because of one talk, but he hasn't turned me in yet, and I know he isn't going to... but... Kya reached up and grabbed my arm, making me realize I had just been standing there for way to long... I made my choice. So I smirked and said.

"Got it, though saying Eraser might slip out every now and again. Now then, where am I suppose to go to get the speech thing?" He stared at me and I could tell Kya was a bit anxious about that, but finally the hero just scoffed and said in a tone I didn't recognize.

"Come on, I'll show you... Problem child" Ha, so we're just going to pretend everything is all dandy... I'm fine with that. Though before Aizawa started to walk off, he turned to Kya and asked "By the way, whose this?"

Kya seemed to be about to say something then stopped as I smiled a bit and nudged him and raised an eyebrow before asking.

"Yeah, who are you?" He glared at me as he turned a bit red, but I've totally put him in more embarrassing situations as he looked away for a moment, before latching onto my hand again and said.

"I'm you're boyfriend you jerk" Eraser's eyes actually widened a bit as I smiled a bit more and nodded before saying.

"Oooh, that makes sense. You're cute enough for it" He growled a bit at that and turned a bit more red, maybe that was a bit far. I just squeezed his hand a bit and turned to Eraser and said. "So, where are we heading mister dry eye?"

Eraser just stared for half a second before sighing and started walking with a roll of his eyes and an utterance of something about teenagers. Isn't that just a bit rude. Rolling my eyes, I followed after, with Kya still in my hand.

Kya could barely keep his laughs in, his shoulders were shaking so hard he was worried that he was going to rupture something in his gut as he watched Shin give the most uninspired and completely dead reading of the motivational speech that he was given to read out for the entrance ceremony.

The whole thing was just so funny! The way Shin just kind of dragged himself onto the stage, looked up at everyone staring at him with those vacant pink eyes with heavy dark circles under them, that Kya was sure worried more than a few students but he found kind of endearing at this point, as Shin pulled out a sheet of paper, clearly not having bothered to memorize it, and just started talking about how the year school year was upon us and it was time for celebrations.

it just was so clashing with Shin's actual personality that Kya couldn't help but barely contain his laughter and the way Shin seemed to at time just pause like he couldn't believe he was reading something so sappy just added to it when he got back to reading it.

A few people also found the whole thing funny, Kya was sure of it, though most just looked a bit weirded out at Shin's whole demeanor, which when Kya figured that out, tapered down his good mood a bit, but he still found the whole things just so very Shin like. Completely dead inside and with an amazing amount of dry proclamations. It felt more like a skit on sarcasm than an actual ceremony by the end and Kya loved it.

As Shin walked off the stage to the back and the teacher's were introduced and gave their names, because Aizawa interesting enough in Kya's opinion, as it meant Shin was right about him bailing on his 'big moment' as he called it. Though, as Kya looked at the teachers, he's gaze seemed to stick on Midnight for a while, she was quite... Ow!

Wincing in pain, he turned his head to look at almost... angry? irate? something, Shin who was giving him an unimpressed look, hand still up from where he had flicked Kya on the forehead. When did he even get up here?

"W-what?" Kya felt a bit embarrassed though he wasn't sure why, while Shin just stared at him, and Kya could have swore he was beingseenbefore the feeling vanished as Shin just sighed and looked away, looking... almost... dejected? It was a bit hard to tell with Shin when they weren't simpler emotions, but why would he? Kya was confused.

"It's nothing" Kya wasn't sure if he did something or not.

I don't like Midnight, do I have a reason for that? Honestly, not really, but she can go f*ck herself. Something about her just ticks me off in a way that I usually resolve with a metal pipe to the skull. But I can't really do that, even if I'm sure I could do it if I wanted to... The voices aren't helping giving me ideas of things that I could do.

Thankfully, she wasn't our homeroom teacher, though we did have her for history, a subject I'm sure I know better than her, but all the same, right now I was waiting in our homeroom with the rest of the students while Mic, who was another teacher I didn't like and unfortunately out homeroom teacher, talked about schedules and other bullsh*t.

Another good thing was the seats were long table based and without an actual seating chart so I got Kya to my right, which was nice, though I still felt a bit annoyed at him. Though I wasn't sure why the feeling was in my chest, it just kind of was, even if I really wish it'd go away. And my shoes were killing me as well which was just annoying to deal with, not to mention with so many students around us, the voices are going feral with what they've seen from them all so my head is aching a bit as well.

I really need to talk to the nurse or the principle about headache meds sometime soon so I can be allowed to bring them to school...

Anyway, before long class was out, today was just to get everything sorted out and get people ready for the first real day of school tomorrow, which isn't that just going to be boring. School's never been interesting at all for me, never. I've always known the subjects better than the teachers, even if I didn't always 'know' it at the time. But at least I have a friend, well boyfriend, with me this time, so I can at least help him out with the stuff he's going to struggle with. Aka math. He's really bad at math. Everything else he's actually really good at.

And he's even getting better at math, something that I'm proud of him for...

Hmm. Leaning back a bit, I stared up at the ceiling in boredom, nothing to really do, I didn't even need to listen to Mic's rambling because I had his syllabus from Nezu, and I had the class schedule before he even handed out the papers.

I knew to expect this, of course I did, but god damn, the novelty of the new place has worn itself off fast with the voices trying to compete about who can give me the most pointless information, and so now I'm confused about why I'm somewhat annoyed at Kya, have a headache about the voices, bored as hell from being told stuff I already know, and on top of all of it, I shouldn't be any of those, and I'm kind of angry at myself for that first one. Because I really just don't get it.

I do know I really want to hit something, or someone, someone is also good.

That thought sort of increased a bit as Mic finally shut up and let the students talk among ourselves and I was about to make some dry comment to Kya when I turned and watched as Kya also turned and answered some question the person across from us asked us and suddenly he seemed to be in a conversation with most of the people around us while I just sort of sat there... Ok then.

Looking around the class, I absently ran my eyes over that purple haired guy that is at the cat cafe. He also failed huh? I remember I think the voices said something about him wanting to get into the heroics course. Curious. Obviously brain washing wouldn't exactly work on robots, not with the limitations I know the quirk has from being told, but it is interesting that he wants to get into heroics through the festival. It's anyone in the top three who can change courses, so I guess he might have a chance.

He's quirk is most certainly strong enough for it, doubly so with how I'm the only one here who knows what it does besides that one guy in the top left corner but he hasn't said anything all class and I think he's selectively mute or really socially awkward, one I can relate to a lot more than another.

It was around that time when the bell rang for lunch, then we'd get to go home for the day. This really was a waste of time for a day. Still all the same I got up, and walked out of the classroom as I listened to Kya say something before he was suddenly walking along side me, giving me a smile as we headed to the lunch room. That...made the feeling lessen.

"Hey! You hungry? You kind of booked it out of the class" Right, maybe that was the issue? Can that feeling be caused by hunger?

"Yeah, I skipped breakfast this morning, only had time to make some stuff for my mom and got a thing of toast" Kya frowned a bit and smacked me on the side a bit, I didn't bother moving, it was kind of... nice? I don't get it, but as long as he isn't going for death smacks with those claws of his then I'm good.

"You should have said something, you could have picked up something on the way to school" Huh, I could have done that... Kya just sighed like he read my thought on the matter and face palmed a bit and muttered to himself "You have no common sense dude"

So rude, truly, I am heart broken, but he does have a point so I guess it's fine.

"Well that's what you're here for right? You make it up for both of us" He blushed a bit as I grinned a tad, clearly he didn't think I would hear him, he's so cute sometimes.

"Oh shut up" I just smiled a bit more as we headed to lunch, that uncomfortable feeling was mostly gone now.

"Yay, no more moping" "This is why I recommended the cupboard" "You shut up" "Yeah! Be quiet! How dare you have an opinion!" "Oi! I didn't mean it like that!" "You sure?" "Oh really?" "...I'm being bullied for being the nice one here" "Our whole thing for like the last month has been shipping those two emotionally clueless or inept idiots, let us enjoy this damn it!" "You say that like we also aren't also incredibly sad*stic and love beating people up, teasing is hardly that bad in comparison when you think about it"

"Why don't we just go mess with Eraser?" "Because his boyfriend is right, he needs to eat" "But eating is boring! We can't even really taste it!" "Yeah! It's kind of a waste of time in my opinion" "It's the same with sleeping, we don't need it but he does, just suck it up" "Yeah! Let our boy eat! We can pester the old man later" "Fine, but let's not call Shin our boy? Dad's better!" "Agreed"

"I want that! It looks tasty!" "Really? I was thinking more about whatever that stuff in the top right is" "Gross, that's fish, we don't do that here" "Speak for yourself!" "Yeah!" "Hey Shin! Get some fish!" "Yeah!"

"Quiet down, I don't like fish and you know that. And later, I need to talk to him anyway" I ignored the looked I was getting as I took the some food from the buffet like assortment of foods and walked over and grabbed a thing of water and stood by as Kya finished up getting what he wanted and walked out with me, giving me a curious look as I answered him as I walked over to a mostly free table.

"The voices are being annoying, complaining about how I need to eat to live and other less important things" Kya frowned a bit at that as I set my tray down and looked back to him only to suddenly get poked on the head as I looked down at him as his ear twitched a bit as he said.

"Hey, you all stop being mean! He needs food or he'll just be skin and bones" I blinked a tad as I listened to a wave of chastised apologizes as I let out a small laugh at that and a shake of the head as I sat down as Kya moved around to be sitting in front of me as I gave him a smile and was about to start eating when I blinked a bit as Shinsou, that guy from the cat cafe, sat down about two seats to the left of me as I stared at him for half a second before deciding there wasn't any other places mostly open to sit.

"So anyway, what do you think about our classes so far? I think it's really exciting to be taught by pros!" I nodded a bit, his enthusiasm making me feel a bit better, at least he was seeing the good parts about school, and admittedly it was almost neat to be taught by pro heroes, if it wasn't for the many grudges I have against most pros and the fact I know way to much about some of their personal lives, and just don't like one in particular, I would be agreeing with him.

"Yeah? It's nice I guess, though school is kind of meh for me" Kya rolled his eyes at that and said in between a bite of what looked to be chicken.

"Well you're literally all knowing about the boring stuff so obviously, but that's no reason to not enjoy everything outside of lessons you know?" I stared at him for a long moment before asking to make sure.

"We both are the antisocial and very awkward people we were like two weeks ago right? Because I feel like you're radiating this sickeningly social energy and it burns" He pouted a bit at that before looking away for a moment before finally saying.

"I know, but... I want to actually talk to some more people you know? Like in real life, and I figured high school was enough of a change that I could start. It's really, really kind of exhausting though. Reminds me why I'm an introvert" I thought about that for a while before shrugging and said.

"I don't get it in the slightest, but I got more people than I could ever want to talk to so maybe I'm not the right person to ask" He shrugged a bit though he seemed a bit embarrassed about it now, turning a bit red so I just said. "But that's fine, f*ck knows we both need experience in not being socially inept f*ck ups"

There, there's a laugh.

Walking down the hall, Kya having left to the entrance before me, not really seeing a reason to follow me around like a puppy, though that might be because I made a kitten joke and he was pouting about it at the moment but that's unimportant.

Right now I was heading to the teacher's lounge where I know I'll find Aizawa. I needed to ask him a few things, I could have asked Mic since he was my homeroom teacher but he was loud and I didn't have to bother to make some kind of good impression on Aizawa, we both already ruined that for each other. Plus, it kind of concerned him, and another teacher, but that other teacher is the reason why I'm asking.

Finally, after a moment, I was in front of the door, as I walked in and looked around.


All Might, otherwise known as Toshinori Yagi, was currently in the teacher's. After a rather embarrassing conversation with Aizawa right after the psychical evaluation of his class, the two ended up here.

Neither really talking to the other, though Yagi did try once or twice, the other man just seemed so focused on the student files of class 1A that the words just sort of died in his throat, though the coughing blood didn't help his case. So he too was looking over the files, looking at the quirks and other important information about the students in the class he was going to be teaching tomorrow.

It was a simple thing, more evaluation than anything, a team event that Aizawa wanted Yagi to lead to see each of the students current level, skill in new environments, ability to adapt, and to work in groups. Personally Yagi thought it was a great idea, experience was always the best to learn from in his opinion, though Aizawa did say it was mostly to see what to build on from the flaws of the students from the exercise, but that's why the man had been teaching here for so long while Yagi was painfully new in comparison.

The door suddenly opening distracted Yagi from his thoughts as he watched a... was that a teenager? He was in a school uniform and he was too short to be fully grown already, but his eyes seemed almost haunted, and his hair was shocked with many long grey streaks, it looked almost half gray in all honestly, the only reason Yagi knew it wasn't natural was the clear brown hue that was also in the mix. Still, the question remains, why was a student here? Wasn't the classes already let out for the day?

Right before he was about to ask the teen about that, said kid looked around for a while, his eyes instantly catching on Yagi's, not that he could blame the kid with his pathetic01 form on display. Though, something was off in the way the kid was looking at him, for a brief moment there almost seemed to be shock before it was masked over as Yagi managed to get his words in.

"Ah, hello, do you need something young man?" The kid kept staring at him for a long moment, and suddenly it was Yagi was being watched, like he was in a stadium of fans, his every move being watched and studied, almost like they all were ready to see him make a mistake. The feeling almost made the man almost transform into his mighty form on instinct, base fear of being seen in this form and studied overriding logic, and then suddenly the feeling vanished like it was never there, though... Yagi could have sworn for a moment, the teen's eyes turned from pink to an almost purple color.

"I'm looking for the homeless guy. About this tall, doesn't own a razor, has a sleep schedule that I would envy?" Yagi blinked in confusion before a chair a bit behind him squeaked as Aizawa stood up and stared at the strange child for a long moment before sighing and saying.

"What do you want problem child?" The way Aizawa spoke almost made Yagi lean back, the frankly worrying about of intensity and almost venom in his co-worker's words striking him as bizarre, but before he could get a question in, the kid seemed to want to dig himself a grave as he instantly had something to say.

"A lot of things, money, power, the ability to take naps, a working understanding of human emotions, among other things, but those aren't important at the moment. I need access to the support class's equipment" Yagi swear's he saw the other teacher's eyebrow twitch near violently before the man just sighed and asked.

"And why do you think I would let you have access, much less why do you think I can give you access? That's Power Loaders department" Yagi was so confused as to the nature of these two's relationship, but it was clear they knew each other already. If the unabashed and frankly much to disrespectful tone this tired young man used without hesitation meant anything.

"Because I want to know how to make my own hero costume when it finally comes in and so I want to get use to the tools in that department, and I'm asking you, you killer, because I can insult you without needing to worry about you taking offensive, and because I know you'll take my request to him" Aizawa only sighed to Yagi's surprise before saying.

"I'll ask if it means you don't try and electrocute yourself trying to make yourself gear" The kid placed a hand on his heart like the idea had greatly insulted his pride, even while his face hadn't changed in the slightest as he said.

"That only happened once I'll have you know. Anyway, thanks, I'm out then, someone's waiting on me and I need to go to the nurse as well to get permission to bring headache meds on campus. The voices are little sh*ts in new environments" And just like that the kid was gone as Yagi was left with even more questions as he looked over at Aizawa who just looked even more tired than before, and while he felt a bit bad about maybe making the man more stressed, he couldn't help but ask.

"So who was that? A hero student from class B perhaps" Aizawa simply shook his head and said.

"No, his name is Shin Koe, he's in 1C, and is the most annoying brat I've ever met. But he's also one of the most naturally talent ones as well so I deal with him... He probably knows your secret now by the way" Yagi had nodded up until that part where in the shock of that, a spray of blood shot out from his mouth as he coughed a bit before finally saying.

"He what?" Aizawa sighed a bit and said.

"His quirk, it's very fickle and from what I've seen barely even some what controlled but one thing I've figure out is it tells him things, just random things mostly, but it can be about anything. I wouldn't be surprised if he knows at least one damning thing from every single person he's ever met. You're no exception" Yagi's eyes moved back to the door with a bit of worry, it would explain why the teen had been staring at him, and that half moment of shock he was sure he saw on the young man's face.

"Should I be worried about him saying anything?" Aizawa shook his head, something that was reassuring Yagi supposed.

"No. One thing he does know how to do is keep a secret" The way that the man had said it made Yagi think something else was being hinted at but he couldn't think of anything that it could be so he simply nodded. And that was that. The name Shin Koe was now in the back of his mind, but hardly a kid who could be his main worry right now. His mind went back to the training exercise tomorrow, where he would watch his successor for the first time in true action. Young Midoriya's test would truly begin then.

"Sorry about making you wait on me" Kya jumped a bit as I walked up next to him where he was waiting for me, but he calmed down quickly and just gave me a smile as I absently grabbed onto his hand as we walked away, my mind whirling a bit from the last couple minutes. All Might gave his quirk away huh? And to a kid here of all things, I wonder who this Izuku Midoriya is?

"You ok? Did you not get what you wanted?" I blinked a bit as Kya tugged on my hand a bit because I wasn't walking fast enough, I just nodded and sped up a tad and said.

"No, Recovery Girl is looking into getting me a pass but that'll take a day or two, and Eraser said he'll talk to the support course teacher to allow me access so that's all fine. I just learned some interesting things about some of the teachers. All Might specifically actually" And just like that I could almost see stars in Kya's eyes, he loved All Might. I understood why, the guy kind of just oozed charisma, at least when he's puffed out and looks like he still has his stomach.

"Really! What did you find out?! Come tell me!" I smiled a bit at how eager about it was before nodding a bit. He didn't need to know about All Might's time limit, honestly I think I would have preferred not knowing. So instead I just said.

"Well I won't be giving out his social security number, but his name is actually Toshinori Yagi, and apparently the guy's turning fifty-eight in two months which is interesting. He's exactly two hundred fifty-fifty point eight kilograms heavy, and his favorite color is actually green for some reason" Kya nodded happily as I gave out a few other harmless facts about the hero that no one but me knew about.

"I wonder if we would have gotten stronger somehow if we were the ones who got One for All?" "Don't know, none of us do, that's not really how we work" "I know! That's what theoretical or hypothetical questions are for!" "Fair enough" "Yeah, I have no idea, but I like the idea of Shin with super strength"

"We should get something on the way home!" "Like what?" "I don't know. High ordinance explosives?" "Yeah no" "You're no fun"

"I'm just saying, a flamethrower isn't required and I don't understand why you're trying to make one into your costume"Kya was making good points, but I just ignored those with skilled practice and said to him as I leaped onto a nearby rooftop before glancing down an alleyway, about to go down and stop a crime but not before getting some snark in.

"It's an extra range option, and I actually held off for a while you know. I mean, look above you on the left shelf, that's a prototype flame thrower, too deadly to use though" I heard yelp from him right as I impacted the sole of my boot into a hugs head before spinning around and grabbed another, shocking the hell out of him as he collapsed onto the ground without issue. Turning to the woman I just saved, I gave a half nod and began to walk away while listening to Kya rant about that.

"You left a flamethrower in here?! Is this thing even safe? This thing is massive Shin?! How in the world are you planning on putting this into your suit? Didn't you say you wanted them in your gloves? You don't have room for that"I know I said he's the one with the common sense, but I mean, does he think I'd leave a loaded and possibly unstable weapon just next to him?

"It's completely safe, not even fueled, and I already got a design for it for my hero suit, but I need to make myself my own gear that doesn't stick out like a sore thumb during the Sports Festival, meaning homemade, though I should have access to the Support Course soon so that's a minor point. It's the one advantage I have over the hero course students with their combat quirks that I didn't have for the entrance exam. I get to bring gear" ... Did I just hear a shudder from the under side of the mic?

"I almost feel bad for them if you can make your own gear, but really... Is it a bit weird I can't wait? I lo- like watching you fight like this ok, as Watcher, but the idea of seeing you, actually out there as Shin, being a massive bad ass is kind of..."I smiled a bit as I felt that weird warm feeling spread in my chest again as I sent a message at the Detective before getting back to the roof.

"Aw, were you about to say I was hot?" For a long moment I thought the line went dead as instead of the stutters I was use to, there was just nothing. For half a second I worried I had said something to weird when he finally said.

"Y-yeah, yeah I was"Stopping dead in my tracks at that, right on the edge of a roof, I blinked as suddenly it felt like my face was being burned, was a draft coming through? I should get a better mask that is better at being cool, yeah that's it!

"O-oh. I mean. Thanks?" The 'wit', if it could even be considered as such with how lame it was, came out when nothing else was as I just stood there as their was nothing on the other side of the line as I could only imagine what Kya was thinking? Was I suppose to compliment him back instead of saying thanks like a jackass?! f*ck! Ok, f*cking focus, what should I say now.

"Ah! Um, there's a, um, robbery! Yes! That! Two streets over on your left"Taking those words like a god damn lifeline, I turned and f*cking ran like I was trying to run from the awkwardness. It helped leave whatever that moment was behind thankfully.

"And so little listeners, where is the mistake with the pronoun and verb?" I hate English, why can't there just be one language again? Not that it's difficult, I've been basically fluent since like I was ten, no the reason I hate it is because of how painfully dull it is to be in a class where it's being taught to idiots.

"Yes Listener Sansa?"

"They should be put closer to the beginning, it makes the sentence flow more that way"

"Correct! You see, because of how the sentence is structured-"

At least there is one person in this class who isn't an idiot. It's even better that I know him... Oh? My phone is buzzing, no wait, that's not my phone, that's my burner phone. Only four people have my number, and two don't call me with it and the other is next to me.

"Answer it's important" "ANSWER" "You need to get to her"

That was worrying. Making a movement of pushing my overgrown hair out of my face a bit, I slid an earbud into my ear in the same motion and pressed connect and lightly muttered into the mic.

"Himiko?" Kya looked over at me in a bit of confusion but I just tapped my ear to show I was calling someone, he looked a bit more confused but my focus was pulled away from him as a almost frantic Himiko said over the phone.

"Watchy! T-here's someone in our house. I'm hiding but-" I sprung up, ignoring the looks everyone was giving me as I grabbed my bag and practically jumped out of the seat, to move past Kya who was looking at me worried, get to the walk away between the table desks and was half way out the door before turning back at the stunned class and the very confused Mic before saying.

"I... Really need to take a sh*t, sure that works" And with that I was running down the halls, speaking over the phone in my back pocket as I pulled a pair of gloves out of my backpack.

"I'll be there in a minute, just keep hiding. I'll right here Himiko ok?" I got a muffled agreement sound as I jumped down a flight of stairs, holding my hands out and grabbing a window edge and pulled myself out of it and then jumped right out of the main UA building from the third story, Chat already putting markers in my line of sight allowing me a path an a eta on how far away I was.

Right as I hit the ground, I had rolled and jumped back up and moved in one fluid movement and before i knew it I had scaled up the UA wall and jumped over. Seconds later I was up onto a roof top and sprinting as hard as I could. More than a little glad that UA was in Musutafu where Himiko lived, even if they were on the other side of the damn city, as I sprinted as hard as possible towards their house, barely spending more than a few seconds on any one rooftop.

"Mask!" "Hair as well"

f*ck! Um, tie! As I ran, I pulled my tie off and just loosely wrapped it around the lower side of my head before, from my bag, I pulled out a beanie, not the one I used and had padded for patrols, I only had this one on me to hold my hair out of my face because I haven't gotten a hair cut in like nine months and it was always in my face somewhat. Pulling the edges of said hair into the hat in an uncomfortable fit, I finally was somewhat disguised just in time as Chat stopped pointing me to new rooftops...

There! Jumping down into a harsh roll, I winced in pain at the street digging into the thin cloth I was wearing as I bolted up and slammed my shoulder into the already half open door as I burst into the house as I looked around and then jumped right at the first man I saw, right as a gun had been leveled at me, I slammed a foot into his side, causing the bullet to whiz by me as I used the momentum of the first kick to bring my self up into a twisting side kick as my body was horizontal off the ground as a foot caught the man in the chin, snapping his head to the side as he was thrown onto the ground as I landed in a half crouch.

"What the f*ck!?" Spinning around, I launched myself at the next man as I grabbed onto his shoulder and brought him to the ground in a moment with lightning course off his body form the gloves I was wearing before suddenly I was side tackled before Chat could warn me, as I and the man was thrown over a couch as I landed straight down on what felt like a coffee table as my body went through it as the person on me also crashed on my form as I gasped in pain before bring my hands up to shock the bitch when they were grabbed by another person as I realized I was pinned.

One on top and another holding my hands in place as I struggled a bit in place before I growled out in anger as I felt a third person slam a fist into my face before I managed to get my eyes focused enough as I glared straight up at the one holding my arms in place. Forcing them to beseenas the woman's eyes widened of a moment as just for a second her grip lessened as I ripped my hands from her grasp and slammed one onto the man on top of me's back as I gritted my teeth as I felt the voltage push into him and then into me as I managed to get my hand off before kicking him to the side as I rolled up onto my feet just in time to take a punch to the stomach as I nearly doubled over in pain before looking up and glared at the punched in time to make him stumble before charging, knocking him down as I landed on the floor with him under me.

Shooting my hand out and shocking the ever loving hell out of him as my entire chest and face felt like it was screaming before getting off and turning to look at the woman who backed up. I just glared at her, not even sure why, but I focused down on the woman, making her beseenas much as I could and watched her stumbled back before collapsing onto the ground, her form shaking before she screamed out in fear though it sounded like pain as I walked up to her and slammed my foot down on her head. She was out in a second.

Panting, I looked around for a long moment before sighing as I pressed a hand to my side before calling out to the mostly empty house.

"Himiko! Come out. I'm here. You're safe now!" Where was sh-

"Behind!" "Ducked!" "To the right now!"

Instinct screamed at me as I jumped to the side just in time to avoid being blasted apart like the couch who wasn't so lucky as I spun and turned to look at a man who has his hand out stretched at me with another around Himiko's throat as he looked down at me with a cruel smile on his face and spoke in a grimy tone.

"Safe might be pushing it. Nice to meet you Watcher. I think it's about time you got out of the boss's way"


Fun times. Shin is an emotionally clueless boy who is just a tad jealous, but that's not important right now! The important thing is that Himiko seems to be in a bit of trouble. I wonder how this could have happened? Oh the humanity!

Chapter 14

Chapter Text

"So what? You kill me and I don't do anything to stop it? I got to say, not my scene" The man just smirked at that and seemed to tighten his grip on Himiko's throat, her head began to turn a bit red as she tried to trash a bit as he said.

"Well, if you don't then you'll be helping clean off this little cuties' brain off this wall" I hummed a bit at that to show I was listening when, in fact, I was not listening. Instead speed reading through Chat, with my right hand itching to go to my lower back and throw the metal pipe there at the man's head. But there wasn't a metal pipe there. I wasn't in costume, and from what Chat is telling me, I have two broken ribs because of that fact.

"Hmm, how about no? I mean, you kill her then I kill you Mastsin Kwana, or I'll turn you into the police and give them evidence that your the one who killed your family. Would you like that Kwana? Going to jail for how you killed your daughter, she didn't even know what was happening did she?" His face turned pale at that as I continued to talk

"Not that you meant to kill her of course but she came home early and you panicked. Isn't that right Kwana? Do you remember the face she made as she looked up at you and asked what had happened to mommy? The beginning to mount tears in her eyes before she broke down as you put your hand on her head and-"

"SHUT UP! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" There! He threw Himiko to the side and in that moment two palms were pointed down at me, as I ran right at him as both morphed from the palms into what looked like cannons as I jumped and avoided the first, running along the wall for just a second before jumping off it and slamming my foot into his nose, feeling it shatter with a satisfying crack, as he landed on the ground with a thud.

Instantly, I knelt down, slamming my palm into the center of his chest as he convulsed for a long moment, much longer than I needed to hold it for, before I ripped my hand away and stood up, looking at Himiko who stared back at me before jumping suddenly as I felt her arms wrapped around me in a tight hug as I blinked a bit in shock as I absently pat her a bit on the back.

"Uh, see! I told you you were safe" I felt her nod into my chest as I looked around for a moment, wincing a tad as they gripped onto me a bit tighter right over my hurt ribs, at the seven people all in similar states of unconsciousness. I did this, somehow they knew Watcher was friends with Himiko and they tried to get to me through them, and I hate that so much...

"I need to leave ok? I shouldn't be here, but the police are on the way ok? Ask for Tsukauchi and do not mention me, if he asks about me in anyway, just say the person who saved you was in a uniform you don't recognize, it'll trick his quirk. Ok? You're going to be ok. Alright?" I got another nod as I sighed in relief before moving her outside the house she had been staying at. Their new family wasn't here which was very good, but I still hope this doesn't end up hurting her...

I can't think of that right now. I need to get back to the school, I've only been gone for about six minutes now but I need to do a few things on the way back. Not to mention, I need to get Chat to tell me everything they can about this boss who thinks they can get me through my friends then make them regret every little miserable mistake they've ever made in slighting me by going after my friend.

Pulling out my phone, in a moment, my phone was connected to the calling phone as I spoke into it before the other could.

"Detective, I need a favor" The man on the other end of the call just sighed.

"How did you say you did this deary?" I sighed and scratched the back of my head a bit, a gesture I'm pretty sure was to convey embarrassment with how much Kya some times did it and said.

"I was going to the bathroom and fell down the stairs, the voices got loud about something when I was passing by one of the classrooms and I got distracted" The nurse, Recovery Girl, just sighed and nodded, she wasn't overly suspicious about me but that is probably because I was teen and she had no reason to be suspicious of me.

"Well tell those voices to quiet down, and get more sleep young man! You look like your about to fall over and that's before my quirk which uses energy to heal!" I nodded just in time to have a kiss be planted right on my cheek as I blinked a bit as it felt like she described. Sure my ribs were no longer screaming in pain, only now feeling bruised, but damn my heavy eyes felt now, well, more heavy.

"They won't listen, but it's fine. Normally they know better when I'm doing stuff that needs my attention but all the new stuff to look at is making them all hyper" She nodded a bit empathically while I gave a small mental sorry to the voices, not that they could hear it. A small weird point of contention in my quirk. They can read people's thoughts but they can't read my even though they are in my head, where they talk to each other and I can hear them but not the other way around.

"That is quite unfortunate dear, here, take this and be a bit more careful until they calm down a bit" I gave the woman a small smile and a nod before getting up and leaving. Honestly the woman was really nice, it was weird, she didn't say a single thing or even give me a weird look when it came to my quirk when I talked to her about it yesterday, just nodded and asked if I needed medication for them as well as the headache medication. It was nice. She didn't even blink when I said no.

Anyway, my mind was buzzing at the moment as the voices were discussing stuff and Chat was bringing up all the details I could want about who came after Himiko and why. Giran. That one guy from a few months back who patched me up. The asshole apparently got impatient about me not getting arrested or something. That's all he told his goons who I had Chat rip the information out of.

Still, he pissed me off really badly and so he's at the top of my sh*t list right along side Eraser, who I still owe a punch to the mouth for the whole things with my quirk and his. Sure, I've mostly gotten past it, but I promised myself I'd sucker punch him one day and I don't break my word. So I'm just waiting for a time to actually do it without him going crazy on me.

Not important for the time being though. Right now I need to plan out and dismantle a criminal operation ring because they've pissed me the hell off... No, I can't do that again, while it would be very nice to do, all it would lead to is more open warfare in the streets like the last time I made a power vacuum... sh*t, so what should I do then? I-... maybe if I ca-

"Welcome back little listener, I hope you have a good reason for leaving for so long" I blinked as I realized at some point I got back to my classroom as I looked at Mic and said as I gestured a bit to my purpling jawline.

"Yep, fell down the stairs, broke two ribs and fractured my jaw, hence the bruising. Even got a note for it" Mic's eyes widened a bit as I held out the note the nurse had given me before nodding and said.

"I see, still, next time ask first little listener, I don't know how they did it at your middle school, but here you gotta ask" I nodded absently at that and walked up the row of desks before dropping down next to Kya who was looking at me a bit worried. I just tried smiled a bit to reassure him but I think he saw through it as I muttered to him.

"We'll talk about it after school. I need some help with a... project" He nodded a bit, looking a tad worried, as his eyes seemed to trace along my slightly swelling jaw. I just rolled my eyes and turned to the front as Mic went on about something as my hand went out and grabbed onto his from under the desk. I couldn't see his reaction but I did hear the intake but he just grabbed on as I felt his fingers curl around mine as we sat there.

"Uh, um, hey. If your just going to sit there you could move over and talk to us you know" I blinked as I looked over at the guy Shinsou, who turned to look at Kya who was the one who offered and now looked the right about awkward for such a thing with how long the silence was dragging out.

"You probably shouldn't talk to me" I just looked at him while Kya looked confused and said.

"Cause your quirk is brainwashing right? Sorry but that's stupid. Sit with us if you want or come up with a better reason to be antisocial" Kya gave me a look at that so I just rolled my eyes and told him. "You're the one trying to be more social, not me" He huffed before turning back to Shinsou and said.

"Ignore him, he's an ass. If you want to then talk but if not you can just sit there and be moody" Oh come on, he can be sassy but I can't? I call hypocrisy. I'd call him out on it but he's smiling and I don't want to mess that up.

"You know about my quirk and still want me to talk to you?" I rolled my eyes at that as I turned back to him, from the look in his eyes, I know he recognizes me at least, so I just said.

"Hitoshi Shinsou, 177.1cm tall, you slept exactly five hours and forty two minutes last night, you got an eighty-two on the English page Mic just made us do, and right now the exact thought going through your head is that I'm stalking you. Trust me, my quirk is way creepier than yours could ever be. Often more annoying as well" I got a couple indigent responses from that but most of them just seemed to take my words as a compliment the little sh*ts. Kya just leaned over and smacked me on the arm and said.

"Hey! Don't creep the guy out, and you" He pointed between my eyes at that. "Don't help him in creeping people out!" I rolled my eyes at that while Shinsou just looked at us in very clear confusion. Kya sighed a bit and said.

"His quirk is a bunch of voices in his head that tells him stuff. They also don't care about piracy!" I leaned out of the way when he tried to flick my head and said.

"And I don't care for getting flicked for their crimes" He huffed at that, his ears getting all twitchy and said.

"Oh don't act like you're innocent!" I blinked and asked.

"Mmm, I could totally make you blush right now" He stopped ranting for a moment at that, and seemed to try to think what I was getting at, found it, and instantly turned red as I smiled and said. "Told you"

"Oh shut up!" I just smiled and laughed a bit, that stopped his redness for some reason as he stared at me for a moment before just smiling as well.

"You two are weird" I blinked and looked back at Shinsou who was staring at us, before looking away, like he had no idea why he said that. Kya just nodded a bit and said.

"Yeah, I guess we are. Now, move closer if your going to keep talking" He just blinked a bit like he was still shocked we were talking to him before he sort of just awkwardly stood up and moved so he was sitting next to us. Still not really talking but I could tell just form the way Kya's tail was now moving about, he was really proud of himself for getting the quiet guy to open up a bit.

"Ah Mister Koe, I was opening to catch you before you left" I blinked as I turned to look at Nezu who was staring up at me with curious eyes. I just blinked before giving a nod to Kya, who just rolled his eyes and continued to the gate. I don't like he likes making him wait up on me... I'll take him somewhere after this then. Shouldn't take to long I hope.

"I was recently reviewing the security cameras and noticed something, we have exactly two ten seconds gaps happen over the course of fifteen minutes, in the same time I'm told you left Present Mic's classroom before suddenly visiting Recovery Girl with a set of broken ribs. You wouldn't happen to know anything about someone who is smart enough to get past my security would you?" Ah right, I was in a rush so I didn't loop the feeds back around, should have figured he'd notice.

"Oh yeah. Someone broke into my friend's house, so I broke their nose, and their six buddy's noses as well. In fact, I was about to head out and deal with said idiot. And I know how to get around your system because as I told you, I have your wifi password, I also happen to know how the wifi works on the cameras as well. It just sort of happens like that" Nezu's ear twitched a bit at that before saying.

"I see. Truly your quirk is quite the fascinating thing. Does it even become difficult to contain so much information?"

"All the time, I have constant headaches because of the influx of random facts or just pointless words. No idea how much information I take in at a time. A quirk councilor tried to make me quantify the voices once, best I got was six hundred eight teen voices before I passed out. I was a step away from having an aneurysm apparently" Nezu hummed at that and asked.

"So it's not so much the information itself but your ability to comprehended it all at the same time?" I nodded a bit at that. It's sort of how I can make things beSeen, still need a better name for it. When I focus on something I can I guess direct the focus of my quirk outward in a way that can even make the one being focused on notice, and if I do that inward I can understand and even hear the voices and what some of them are saying. Basically what I do at all times and why I look so incredibly out of it all the time.

"So very curious, well. I recommend you do not do such a thing again, I stopped my program from shutting the school down for lock down at my code being changed, because I saw you jump the wall on the way back in, but do not do it again. Even if it was for a friend, this is what heroes are for" I sighed a bit at that but nodded. It was fair enough that I wasn't getting detention or whatever similar to that.

So with that I turned and walked out the school gate, grabbing onto Kya as I went an instantly said.

"Let's pick up something to eat. Then we need to talk about something"

"They did what!" I sighed and nodded as I leaned back in my chair a bit more.

"Yeah, it's only going to get worse but I can hardly make it better on Himiko without moving her entire new family until I can get it resolved, but then I'd somehow have to convinced them and that would burn my entire reserve so that's out of the question. So what we need to do is make them stop, but I have no idea how to force this guy into staying away from her, but sort of arresting him, which I can't do as I've already explained, I have no idea what I could do" Kya sighed and rubbed his head a bit before asking.

"Blackmail maybe?" I thought about it for a long moment before shrugging.

"Possible, but I haven't been by the guy before, and if he's not in my radius at least once then I can't know all his dirty little secrets. And even if i do know them, I can't know for sure that he can't work his way around them given time or is stupid enough to think it's worth the effort anyway, that'd require more than than just a few moments. And I'd have to find him first"

"So what then? How can we find him?" I just shrugged, that was the whole issue, not even Chat could come up with a great plan. They weren't great at free form thinking while they excelled though at using predetermined information, but since we don't have that let, well, here's the problem.

"Uuuh... I don't know, could you trace his number?" I shrugged at that and rolled my chair over to the computer and opened up my programming site that I used for stuff like this and started typing. Then stopped looked back at Kya and said.

"This probably won't work, his phone's like mine, made to be used and not tracked, but I'm going to try with his old number still. But I don't have a program for it because I never needed to track a phone down... Would you mind if I asked you to go visit your uncle and plug a USB drive into his computer to download the program they use?" Kya blinked a bit before asking.

"Can't you just like hack into the police and use their stuff from here like you do with everything else?" I shook my head at that and answered.

"Nah, I can do stuff like files like that because they're shared between all the police computers, but for things that have access to databases I need direct access to, even if it's only for like thirty seconds. I never really needed them because I have the best database in the world in my head for things like face recognition and finger prints, but that doesn't work in this case unfortunately. Unless I program it from scratch and just piggyback on the known files, which is a lot more limited than the national one they use"

"I understood most of that but I'm still a bit lost on why that doesn't work but sure. I'll go over there now if it'll speed up finding this asshole" I smiled a bit at that before thinking about it for a second, stood up and walked over to him before pulling him into a hug. He just stood there for a moment before wrapping his arms around me as we stood there. I could feel his breath against my neck... After a long moment I pulled away.

"I just... wanted to do that" He nodded a bit, before coughed a bit before holding his hand out as I turned and grabbed a USB and handed it to him. He took it and we just stared at each other for a moment before he turned, a small smile on his face, as he walked out. That was...awkward and nice in equal measure.

"Ribakyatto? What are you doing here?" Kya smiled a bit at his uncle, though even to him, it felt a bit forced. He wasn't all that good at this whole calm cool and collected thing like his boyfriend was. But this was for Himiko. A girl that while Kya hasn't talked too much, he still likes and felt bad for, and she's like Shin's only other friend their age. So he just pushed past his lack of knowing what to do and said.

"Just wanted to stop by to see what you were doing" He blinked a bit but nodded all the same, giving Kya a smile which he tried to return, though it felt off.

"Well alright. Nice to see you dropping by, but nothing all that interesting is going on right now" Kya nodded and just walked over to his uncle, gripping maybe a bit to tightly onto the drive in his jacket pocket and said.

"That's fine, when I'm an officer then I'll have to deal with the boring parts to right?" He laughed a bit at that and nodded before turning back to look at his monitor, whatever was on it seemed to hold his attention for a long moment before he turned back to Kya, who had no idea what he was suppose to do now, and gave the cat teen an opening.

"Well, if you're here then I guess I might as well make the trip worth something. I was about to get a refill on coffee, you want anything from the machine?" Kya shook his head a bit to quickly before saying.

"No! I mean, no, me and Shin got something to eat before I headed over here" His uncle seemed to tense a bit at his boyfriends name, though Kya kind of really didn't like the reaction, he withheld saying anything as the man walked out of the room as Kya looked around for a long moment before plugging the device into the computer and waited for some kind of bar to show up or something, nothing happened... Was he suppose to turn it on somehow?

Pulling out his phone, looking around a bit just in case, he opened up an app and quickly sent a message to Shin.

Neko:its just suppose to work rigth? like as soon as its plug in

Kya looked around nervously for a long moment as he watched as the typing symbol appeared by his boyfriend's username before a message finally popped up.

Beholding:Yeah, as long as you plugged it in, did you expect a painfully noticeable and recognizable downloading bar like in the movies? The USB has a light on it that will turn green when it's done. It'll take about a minute and a half in total.

Okay, so maybe Kya felt a bit embarrassed about that but come on! How was he suppose to know that! He was to distracted by being hugged to really ask about it... Is Shin really touched starved or something thinking about it? Because while Kya likes it, like really likes it, it makes him feel warm, but it always feels like Shin's the one who always starts it and Kya kind of wishes he was a bit better at being like that but he wasn't the best with being all touchy, at least not starting it. He just hesitates to much.

Oh! It's green now! Reaching down quickly, he pulled the USB out and stuffed it into his pocket quickly just in time to turn and see his uncle turn the corner and blinked as his uncle, missing a coffee cup, walked in with that detective guy Shin always complained or warned him a bit about.

"Hey Ribakyatto right? Nice to see you again" Uhhh. He looked down at the phone in his hand for a moment and wondered if it would be a bit to rude to just scream for help over the phone through a text when someone was talking to him.

"Uh, yeah" The man just smiled a bit, trying to make Kya feel better but failing miserably at it as Kya swore he felt a sweat bead go down his face.

"Well good to see you but I need to borrow your uncle here for a moment" Kya nodded quickly at that and said.

"That's fine! I should be going anyway! Uh, bye!" Ignoring the slightly weird looks that were being directed at him, Kya quickly made his way out of the police station with more than a little bit faster of a speed walk. Shin owed him something for this! That was so awkward! They were totally going for fish next time they went out together, Shin can eat the bread rolls or something if he doesn't want any fish.

"Doesn't work... Nothing coming up, these phones were basically made to be a pain in the ass for people using them to track an asshole owners down" I sighed a bit as I leaned away from the computer while Kya just frowned next to me, but still... I could maybe work with this. Leaning back in, I pulled out my burner and began to cycle through numbers I had saved in it that the owners of had no idea I knew.

"What are you doing now? Going to give him a ring?" No, though that would be entertaining to listen to the guy squirm, I didn't have enough to intimated him just yet.

"No, you're idea was right, we should use this program to track down a phone. Just because this asshole can't be tracked, doesn't mean any of his friends can't be tracked. And since I happen to have a few hundred criminal contact numbers in my phone in case I ever need them... Well, I just need one that Giran is associated with then get his location information or a lead of some kind from them and go from there" Kya leaned over my shoulder at that as I began to type in phone numbers.

"You have hundreds of numbers of criminals in that phone on the off chance you might need one of them but you don't even have mine?" I rolled my eyes at and said.

"Of course I have yours. And you have my number as well, you just don't look at your contact list much" It was kind of fun listening to him scramble to get his phone out and check.

"Why are you listed as 'That one guy'?" I blinked a bit at that before spinning around and nabbing the phone from his hand and said.

"Ah right, I did this a while ago, here" Handing it back, I smiled a bit as he glared at me from the screen that now read 'That one boyfriend' and asked innocently enough. "Should I have put hot in front of it?"

Maybe turning around to continue to type was inviting a bonk on the head but I huffed a bit at it all the same. Though I probably deserved it admittedly as I continued to punch numbers into the computer program before long I finally came up with something.

"Alright, let's see here... I remember this girl. I got her busted for roughing up some shop keeper. Had a minor magnetism quirk. Made beating her over the head with a metal pipe very difficult, so I shocked her until she passed out. It was around the time the gloves were in their prototype stage before I reworked the wiring inlays to stop bottle necking" Turning a bit to look at Kya who was now leaning over my shoulder again, he just stared a me and said.

"Stop being confusing. So this woman knows Giran?" I just shrugged and said.

"Maybe? Chat says she does but I didn't spend much time around her so not even the voices know much. But all the same, I'll get the information out of the woman if she has any... She's by Shotio right now... That's about a twenty minute train ride away" Kya nodded a bit before standing up and grabbing something off one of the shelves, turning to look at it, it was my metal weapons, a new one, they were more just like a screws length but side enough that I could throw them on Kya's assistance that I can't just huck massive metal rods all the time.

"Here then, take these and your one piece gloves and let's get moving" I blinked at that and gave him a look. He just stared back at me before saying.

"What? We need the information and I'm hungry, there are some nice fish places on the way I want to stop at" I sighed a bit at that before saying.

"Fine, but you're staying away when I'm fighting, and no fish! Pick another restaurant, get a booth or something and I should be there like ten minutes after you" He shook his head at that before saying.

"No, we don't ever get fish because you don't like it, and since you asked me to go embarrass myself in a police station in front of my uncle we eat what I want" I looked at him, he looked at me, and we just sat there for a long moment before I sighed and said.

"Fine, but pick one that at least has good salads or something please" He nodded and smiled brightly at that as I just rolled my eyes at that before pulling my portable gloves out from my backpack and slipped them on. They're charge was a bit low, but I only needed one good jolt at best. That woman was hardly a threat the first time around, she isn't going to be one now.

Looking down at the unconscious body of the woman I though would be a push over and was in fact not a push over while holding my probably even more bruised ribs wasn't very fun.

So apparently her quirk is more than minor magnetism, it specific magnetism over minor metal weighted objects, aka my metal projectiles, which she ripped from my belt and used to pelt me until I got to her. Hurt like a bitch but that's over with and now I was waiting while Chat rooted around in her head to see if there was anything important to be gained from this.

Oh there it is. Thank you Chat... Not so much the location of the man himself, but more people to get information from is good enough in the mean time I suppose. It gives me leads to follow at the very least. Still, it is a noticeable pain in the ass.

I'll deal with that later, right now I just want to get a very late lunch with my boyfriend and just not think about it for a bit... That's not going to happen, but whatever. The people I need to go and deal with are not even in Shotio at the moment so I might as well get some greens in me while the catboy gets some fish.

Then we need to get moving back to the unit so Kya can be safe in that storage room while I go out to deal with this asshole whose trying to kill me. I wonder why things can't ever just be somewhat simple, I mean, really, why'd it have to be some crooked information broker for the underworld criminal network that wants me dead? The worse thing is the ass didn't even go after me and I can't even get him just yet.

Instead I'm in some stupid and infuriatingly painful game of cat and mouse. What's the god damn point of literally being the guy who knows everything if I can't f*cking use it when a friend is in trouble? God damn it!

Before I really realized it, I slammed my fist into a wall, web like cracks appearing right under my now bleeding knuckles as I tried to take a deep breath before placing my head on the wall a I listened without really wanting to, to a lot of voices asking me if I was ok. Ripping my now bleeding fist away from the brick wall, I sighed before saying.

"Yeah, I'm fine you all, I'm just really pissed off at the moment" f*cking idiot criminals, why can't they just be smart enough to realize maybe their line of work is a fools errand and that they shouldn't piss off people who do the whole dismantling criminal organization things for a side job. I wish the world was just filled with people like Kya, very smart, reliable, funny, moral compass, super cute, etc...

Sighing, I looked around for a moment before shaking my hand, it was still gloved and it was going to stay that way, even though I could feel the splits in my knuckles. No reason to have said guy worry over me. He does that enough already and he's to smart and has helped patch me up to many times to not figure out I got this from hitting something that wasn't a person. I just... with all this bullsh*t already, no reason to stress him out more. Just let him enjoy the date while I worry about finding this guy.

"Hey Dabi, long time no talk huh?" I listened to the silence over the phone for a long moment before a raspy voice came over it.

"Who is this" It felt more like a demand than a question, I rolled my eyes at the hero kid's words and said.

"The Watcher, at least that's what they're calling me now, you know, the guy who beats people up for money and calls it justice"

"How did you get my number?"

"I have all the numbers, anyway, do you know an asshole by the name of Giran?" The silence on the other end of the line told me all I really needed, Chat and the voices double confirming just made me more certain as he finally spoke up.

"Maybe, what's it to you?"

"He tried to kill a friend of mine to get to me, that pissed me off so now I need to send a message to him. Let me know where to find him and I won't come after you as well" I actually heard something I think might have been a laugh from the other end of the call as he said.

"You're balls must have dropped heavy if you think you can threaten me kid. You found my phone number, good job, but I'm hardly quaking in my boots" Honestly, this is the second time in two days that I've had to go with the whole emotional and psychological manipulation thing. I don't really like this, but I'm going to make my point whether I like it or not.

"Oh the number wasn't enough Toya? It is Toya right? Toya Toforoki? You know the kid who was suppose to be burned to nothing in a two thousand degree fire from loss of control over his quirk? I wonder how dear old dad would feel about you being alive? Would it ruin any of those revenge fantasies in your head? Personally I don't care about Endeavor, but I do care about Giran. So tell me where he is, or you little plans will be dragged through the mud along with any hope you have of getting revenge"

The silence was different this time, I could distinctively hear the crackling of a fire on the other end, probably out of rage as I smirked to myself as I waited until...

"Who are you?"

"I told you. I'm the Watcher, now tell me what I want to know Toya" I listened to what sounded like a growl before-

"I'll kill you" I just rolled my eyes.

"Get in line buddy, now tell me what I want to know" And he did, as I grinned as I listened to an amazingly true location detail about the little club that Giran liked to stay at during the days and sometimes at night. With that I snapped the phone shut and smirked as I stared down at the device before looking over at the shelves, I think it's about time to show why you don't piss me off. With that I grabbed my mask and got ready.

Chapter 15


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Are you sure you don't want help with this? I'm sure Aizawa wouldn't mind" I shook my head as Kya and I walked to school. I really wanted to just go out and beat the sh*t out of the guy yesterday, but I was tired, and way to sore to just raid a nightclub he wouldn't be at, so instead I was doing research. Looking into the place for things like cameras I would need disabled, exits, and places I could enter from without being seen.

"I'm already asking a favor from him and the Detective already you know that, fast tracking the whole thing with Himiko so the pressure is building on that bastard. I don't like needing him anyway"

"You have trust issues"

"Yeah, my issue is no one deserves my trust. Expect you" He gave me a raised eyebrow at that and a scoff.

"Good answer. So are you just heading out right after school"

"No, I'm going to be using the support course tech to make some... upgrades, to my gloves before I leave. So don't wait up for me during lunch. I'm going to use that period to get everything started, and I should be done around an hour after the bell"

"Are you talking about the flamethrower?"

"Would you be less mad if I said it was more like close combat combustion grenades than a flamethrower?"

"No! That's worse!"

"Ah, then let's just say I'm only upgrading the shock system"

"...Just don't blow up the lab please?"

"So little faith"


"Fine, I promise I won't blow up the lab"

Power Loader was not having a very good day, one of his newest students, Mei Hatsume, was one of the most brilliant, enthusiastic to learn, and all around genius mechanic for her age he had ever met but dear the gods if that mind wasn't coupled with a devil then he wasn't sure what to think. She tried so much in just the last five days of class, most of which he was impressed and terrified of with how often said gear happened to cause explosions.

So as he walked to the engineering room during lunch to get some more papers done and to make sure the students weren't doing anything dangerous with their current project, he wasn't surprised when he listened to an explosion. Honestly he expected it, that crazy girl always worked through lunch. He even recommend to her to take a lunchbox from home if she was going to do it, but she hardly listened to him outside of when he was teaching her something. So he marched up to the door and slammed it open, and walked in, ready to chastise her, only to freeze at the sight in front of him.

Hatsume was leaning over another student who was staring up at Hatsuem in return, not blinking those dull almost dead eyes, and- was he breathing?! Good god, did his student kill someone!

Before Power Loader could have a panic attack, the dead student suddenly started talking.

"Not a single one of you say sh*t to Kya... I don't care if you can't speak outside my head, you're the ones who messed me up... Quiet down" The kid, who seemed to burn the hair off of his right arm, stood up and moved to the desk again as Hatsume leaned over and started talking while Power Load just stood there in confusion.

"So why did that happen? Didn't you say the compound you were using was safe?" Compound? Was this random kid mixing chemicals? That was so beyond unsafe, Power Loader doesn't allow anyone to use the chem lab unless they are second years or know what they're doing, and clearly this kid does not know what he was doing.

"It is safe, it's more bang and force than fire and heat, at best it'll give a nasty concussion and burn some hair. I'd give you the chemical formula but no. Anyway, it went off because the idiots in my head made me wince enough that I accidentally pressed one of the electrode wires cross and burn through the piping, which lead to a premature explosion"

Power Loader blinked a bit, the shock wearing low now, as he watched the two as the graying kid continued to work and add to a base rig for what looked like gloves.

Feeding small metal pipes along the inlays of the padded fabric along to the knuckles were the piping ended in a certain way that Power Loader recognized would allow something like a gas compound to quickly and easily push out effectively without bottle necking. On the other end, down a long glove base that went past the wrists by around five centimetres, were a slightly bulky cuff was located which the pipes all met at a point and then led into with an open screw for something or other.

And was that a base for a battery? Looking at the thing a bit closer as Power Loader walked up to the device, he noticed the twist dial on the back that had a large metal coil wrapped out that Power Loader wasn't sure was suppose to be a power/pressure gauge, an EMP, or a very powerful and focused electron magnate. Though there was other clear wiring coming up the cuff guard up along the sides of the fingers to the pads of each fingertip were what looked like metal plates were and on the thumb Power Loader though that might be flint.

The entire thing was very exposed, with only the base insulated padding was put in place to hold everything in place, so it was more just a skeleton of the end product than something near finished and it was only one of what he assumed to be a pair set.

Finally, the pro hero, who was now basically leaning over them to inspection, moved back a bit and turned to notice the graying teen hadn't even seemed to notice, his eyes so out of it, it was impressive that he was able to write so cleanly into the notebook when he was barely paying attention to it, while Hatsume was looking over the device as well, seemingly lost in the interest of it, asking question after question at the teen who half answered her and half talked to himself strangely enough.

Though not the muttering of a normal person, no he was acting like he was having at least four or five conversations at the same time and his eyes sometimes flickered around like he was reading something that wasn't actually on the notebook in front of him... The strangeness of that scene was enough to remind Power Loader, at the kid, in fact, was not suppose to be in here.

"Who are you? I know my class and most from heroic because I looked over their costumes" Power Loader wasn't sure the kid heard him as he kept talking about adding some other dense gas compound to help propel whatever he was designing before he finally looked up at Power Loader in the eyes and the man flinched. Something about that stare, those pink eyes, it made something creep down his back but nothing had changed, the kid didn't even look like he was looking at him, even as he spoke directly to the man.

"Shin Koe from 1C, Aizawa should have talked to you already. If not then go talk to him" Power Loader blinked at that, he knew what the kid was talking about Aizawa had come to him about letting a student use the lab area for gear, and from what the man said, the kid in question sounded like a genius so he allowed it, under supervision, but he had figured the kid would be from his class not general education. Why would he be in that class and want to design stuff for heroics when he could have just gotten into Support instead?

"I see? You do realize you were suppose to only be doing this stuff when I'm in here as well right" The teen shrugged at that and continued to write things down before moving over to a compression machine used to make canisters for very few things. Like ones to automatically fire air to almost completely nullify recoil from Snipes guns or other such things. Grabbing a number of bigger canisters of multiple dangerous chemicals that were in a metal guard shelf that only Power Loader knew the protect fifteen digit password to.

"Yeah, but that's because Aizawa can't convince you that I'm smart enough to not need being watched... No, he could have, he just wants to make sure I don't make any super weapons. Like I could, this place is lacking in the things I need for that, like Barium-133 or Cadmium-109" The pro was under a very clear impression that maybe Aizawa had a point to not want this kid unsupervised if he's talking about nuclear weaponry like it's a simple thing to make.

To make matters worse, Hatsume seemed to get stares in her eyes at the idea of nuclear fusion for energy production.

"That does not change the fact that you are not allowed to be in here when I'm not" The kid snorted a bit though it didn't sound like it was directed at him, as he started to compress a large amount of multiple dangerous gasses before saying.

"I'm not doing anything dangerous, that thing is a glorified hand taser, and this thing right here is just a ratio-ed mix of nitrogen, nitroglycerin, some hydrogen, and a number of other dense gasses to make the explosive expand in the way I want them to with enough force to hurt like a bitch. Maybe crack a rib or two" Power Loader wasn't sure if the kid was messing with him or not about him mixing violent and explosive chemicals and gasses together was actually dangerous.

"Still, if you're in this lab with me or someone else again then you'll be barred from this place" The kid nodded, half absently at that before saying to him as he took the ten canisters from the machine and placed them down by the table and then attached one of them into the pipe in the wrist cuff before reaching over and dialing the now identified pressure gauge a bit before nodding to himself.

"Alright, in that case, I'm going to be here for an hour or two after school to finish this thing up and make a second one since you're going to be in here anyway" Power Loader looked at the kid as he turned and made some more very minor small talk with Hatsume, who was doing most of the talking, at least for their conversation, as the kid was holding his own to whoever he was talking to, before sighing. If Aizawa hadn't vouched for him, then he would have kicked him out already, but it was clear the kid wasn't an idiot, and if Power Loader stuck around then maybe he can stop the kid from being an exploded kid as well.

"Fine, you only have around another forty minutes before lunch ends, and I want your blueprints for this thing so I can check over it so it doesn't blow up on you" The kid rolled his eyes as he placed the other canisters around a rim for the back of the wrist cuffs before said thing spun a bit at what looked to be a minor motor.

"I don't have the blueprints on me, their in my head, but if you want I can 3D photoscan this thing and label the parts with that device over there. All of the internals are right here already, all's left is wiring it up to work properly and building the padding around the stuff so nothing bends or breaks on me and it can still be used to punch someone in the face with" A memorization quirk reliant on verbal access then? That could be it Power Loader supposed, but it didn't seem to fit right.

"Fine, do it now so I can look it over. And Hatsume if you're going to just stand around and marvel at tech, you can do that on your phone while your eating lunch" Hatsume just cackled a bit before turning and saying with a over dramatic point of the finger.

"Eating is pointless when I have this guy's head to pick! He stared right at baby number fourteen for two seconds and instantly figured out why the motor rotatory was burning itself out at the fifth to tenth rotation! A minor bottle necking on the third servo that lagged the inputs just enough that the scans couldn't pick it up but still enough to over time build up enough friction to burn the system! I must know his secrets!" A tech based quirk then? If he could manage that from one look. Combined with a smart enough person and it would work, but it still didn't explain the one sided conversations he had at random times... Maybe the kid is just crazy.

"Hey you! Look at this! Do you think the lift for these is correct?" The kid seemed to just roll his eyes a tad and turned and looked over the sheet for a long minute and a half while his gear was being scanned before tilting his head a bit like he was looking at something far off before finally saying.

"You need to shave weight off them, right now there is to much drag from gravity on top of a person's weight to make them viable, make the casing better somehow" Power Loader admitted the advice was good but not the best, the issue was the casings weight, it needed that to continue to be stable. A better or more effective lift system would be better over all.

"Any ideas for it?" The pro was actually interested in seeing how the kid would look to solve the problem, he was as such disappointed when the kid ruthless shut down the request with a bland-

"Nope" Hatsume just pouted a bit before nodding sharply, gripped her hand into a fist and almost jumped at another station, saying.

"You're completely right! I need to solve this myself! We're rivals now mister pink eyes!" Power Loader sighed a bit at that while said pink eyed kid blinked and looked at the girl with clear confusion for a moment before rolling his eyes and went back to working on the glove as Power Loader just shook his head and grabbed the blueprints that had been printed out and began to look them over.

The gloves were untested and I had to reinforce them, making them heavier than I wanted them to be, but it was either that or newton's third law was going to snap my wrists in half from explosion backlash from initial impact. Plus they were more bulky then I wanted them to be at the cuffs, but they would work I suppose for the time being until I can get or make better canisters to use for the flaming explosions.

Of course there was also the fact that I wanted my whole gear during vigilante work and hero work to be separate, but there were just prototypes. The things didn't even have color on them, and that was before I was able to get around the whole law being an issue thing. Not to mention Aizawa and Nezu, the only real two people I had to hide such coinciding information from already know what I do for a night job so it's pointless now.

It made me a tad bit annoyed about not being in support instead, but that was a meh thing. Power Loader couldn't teach me anything at the pace I wanted that the voices or chat couldn't show me instead, and I got access to the lab so I basically had the same resources, the only pain in my ass is the pro is annoying about teenagers being around highly dangerous chemicals and machinery without supervision of some kind.

It's annoying but I can get by it without as many issues as one might think would come from such a thing. It's not like I'm trying to make a nuclear reactor or anything, and half of the quirks in heroics are so much more dangerous than my gear.

Hell this glove upgrade is based on that guy with an explosion quirk the voices won't shut up about being a tsundere. Of course they aren't near as powerful and more than just boringly simple explosions, they can also be a flame thrower, though not an amazing one admittedly but there had to be compromises.. well, not really, but I haven't made an air based, easily controllable and direct-able, chemical gas formula to use.

Whatever, basically I made these two things just in case Giran had some more than simple protection around him, which was likely with how many thugs the guy seemed to have available to throw at me. Of course I have no idea how to use them properly yet, but a high powered explosive in an enclosed room is going to send everyone in it to the floor and if I'm expecting it then that alone gives me the advantage even if I get thrown around a bit because of it.

I don't exactly give a sh*t if I bruise up a bit more with how much I want to stab Giran even if all I'm going to do is psychological warfare more than actual attempted murder, sadly.

The anger hadn't gone away in the slightest but I'm use to this emotion, hell, I've been carrying around a lot of this stuff for so long I don't really notice it anymore, well, it's more like I'm so use to the burning in my chest and the roar of blood in my ears that I no longer really recognize it as anger. But if I am not pissed then I'd be lying.

It was more noticeable, itching and almost cloying warmth in my chest, making me more quick to aggression, which normally wasn't a big deal, it was practically my default settings, but the fact of the matter was, I didn't like it. I don't like this feeling, it's not like with Kya or the much lesser nice feelings I get when I'm talking to someone like Himiko or even Eraser on occasion when he isn't being annoying. This warmth felt... I just didn't like it, it was too familiar to feelings I've really tried hard to forget among other...things.

Shaking my head, I pushed my hair a bit out of the way, as I pulled on my mask and a second suit I had made for when my improved gloves had been made, it wasn't as protected as the other, but that was fine, it still was better than not having any on at all.

Pulling on the belt as well, I loaded a number of the metal bars, screws, I'll think of a name at some point for them, metal barrings maybe? Anyway, they were on my right side while my smokes and other more misc gear was on my left, while I placed the metal club along the small of my back. I was ready to go out and get this over with.

The club was stupidly easy to break into, the room Giran was in wasn't so much. Honestly did I need to see him? Not particularly. He's in my range, meaning right now thousands of voices were seeing his entire being, given a while and some time to listen to them and read Chat, I would know everything I could want about this man, but that wouldn't be as potent, a phone call isn't as threatening as someone who can get to you and making them know that fact.

But all the same, I was currently, silently, picking the way to complex, lock, on the door to the room he was in my eyes roaming over minor information, he had two people in there, nothing unsurprising, there was five more spread around the club. Ignoring the rest of what was being read out in front of me, I focused on the voices, learning all I could in between the roaring of useless information to get at the good bits about Giran...


Door's open.

Absently my hands came up and just like that my gloves were primed and ready to take down anyone needed. Took a deep breath, pushing oxygen into my blood to get it kicking into gear, before I literally kicked outward, slamming the door off the hinges. Rushing in was the worst mistake I made that day. Because today was about to go in a very very wrong.

Giran wasn't stupid, he knew Watcher was after him like a blood hound, sure that was on him for not doing as well to get some thugs that wouldn't be made in seconds and have the psychotic kid come down hard on his hired men in minutes. It was impressive sure, but Giran has met a lot of impressive people and he's lived this long in spite of that for a very good reason.

There was no hiding from Watcher, that much was clear. The kid's skill and ability to gain information on anyone was something even Giran envied, and the man was sure even those rumors were diluted from that single time the kid managed to get his number after only a month and some weeks of operating. The kid had skills, and was heavily underestimated in Giran's opinion.

He's seen how the kid works, how he operates, and frankly Giran wants the kid out of the picture. The kid is only a few steps away from deciding that he knows more than enough about the underground and is smart enough to run a network himself, and with his skill at taking down competition, frankly Giran could see the kid and his little gang doing it. Not exactly leaving much room for him in the picture now does it?

Sure killing kids wasn't his style, but that's what other people are for, hence all the people he's hired, through as many back channels and vague requests as possible, as many known and dangerous people as possible. Honestly, Giran only knows about seven of the men, the rest? Well they're all hypothetical now aren't they? And Watcher only ever seems to deal with absolutes.

So Giran was quite pleased to see the faint jiggle from the doorknob in front of him. Only two days, for how secretive Giran was with his locations, he was quite impressed with how quickly the kid had tracked him down. He was much less impressed with the door being kicked off it's hinges as he watched as the kid walked in, his hand shooting off to the side and slamming into one of his goons chests. It did nothing.

Seeing the faint flicker of confusion then panic was an interesting sight as Giran leaned back a bit as he pressed a fun little button under his desk, sending a signal to anyone in the club who wants to 'help' with a very pesky vigilante. And then finally spoke as the second of the two thugs, a man with a very impressive durability quirk, moved in front of the door.

"Watcher, nice to finally meet you, did you know this club happens to have a bouncer that was hired to days ago that can choose if electricity can pass between material? He only allows devices that have been approved for the club to work, you're little shock toy wasn't on the check list last time I checked" Oh? The kid's eyes shifted suddenly, almost like through a hue scale, from orange to red to pink and settled on almost purple as Giran felt a wave of oppression crash down on him, but he's been in much worse tension and simply smirked.

"So I just got to do this the old fashion way? What are twittle Dee and twittle dumb suppose to be able to actually beat me?" The two men growled but the kid was purely focused on him, something was in those near glowing purple eyes, somethingdangerous, the kid had to much pride though, he seems to think he's untrickable, arrogance is what it was in Giran's opinion.

"Well dee has one of the strongest durability quirks I've seen and you have nothing to get around that with, and dumb over there has enough strength to cripple you just with a light squeeze. What I'm saying is get him boys"

The kid actually growled, like some feral animal and almost jumped right at Giran, that look becoming down right something chilling, even to Giran, before he jumped, displaying that insane level of flexibility as he jumped up the mountain of a man with the durability quirk, and wrapped his legs around his throat before throwing his own body back as the two crashed onto the ground, legs tightening harder as he rolled to the side, nearly snapping the man's neck, to roll out of the way of a fist that shattered the ground where Watcher's head just had been.

Durability forced himself up onto his feet and slammed his back into a wall with Watcher in between, Giran just leaned back and watched the show. He had to give it to the brat, he could take a hit.

Finally something happened, just as Durability went down, his neigh unbreakable skin doing nothing for the lack of oxygen to his body, the door slammed open and with it at least ten men, all armed with something, broken bottles, knifes, one even had a brick. The Watcher just groaned in pain before getting up to his feet and just sighed as he jumped around the side of a punch from the strength man just as he pulled out a metal pipe form his back and jumped right at the nearest man.

It was a blood bath, Watcher moving in and out, long slashes of blood spraying from his form as he moved with precision through the knives, even as a brick was cracked over his head, he just jumped off a wall and brought a man down with his body before punching the guy enough times to almost kill him before he was suddenly tackled off and beaten by another as a knife was stuck into his side as Giran finally listened to the sound of the kid breaking as a scream ripped from the kid's throat.

It was.. horrific. Giran, as he stood up and calmly walked out of the room, stepping over the unconscious bodies, wouldn't be surprised if the kid tore something in his throat from that scream. He didn't want to be here anymore, he wasn't much of a killer, and he didn't feel the need to see the deed. The kid was good as dead already so it hardly mattered now. No need to watch the conclusion.

Especially when at least six more men and women rushed past him to the room he was just in. That's just what happens when a kid think's he's in the big leagues gets in the adults way. Still, such a shame, if the kid wasn't so set on playing the hero, he would have offered the brat a job. To ba-


Giran stopped and turned to look down the hallway, confusion beginning to etch on his face. Who would have used an explosion based quirk in doors on some half dead ki-


What in the world?

"Miss me?"

Spinning around he saw the kid, walking- no- stumbling in his direction, and for once Giran couldn't think.

He couldn't register the blood and burn marks all along the kid's now exposed arms, the clothes being torn or blown off, the suit on his body being torn and soaked near red, one of his legs bleeding just as bad as his maimed chest, or even the way the kid's voice overlapped to many times for just one voice.

None of that compared to the kid's face, not the swelling bruises on his face, not the long cut from the bottom of his right ear to his chin, not even the blood dripping down his face from the top of his head where Giran, who couldn't remember at the moment, watched Watcher's head had been put through a wall.

None of that even was close to drawing Giran's attention as was the eyes.All of them. Not the two burning bright violet purple in the kid's head, no, there was more than those two, not four, not eight, not even a hundred, no. There must have been thousands of those glowing eye marks, on the walls, the floors, the ceiling, on thethingsbody, on the air itself, all just staring at him, some how, no matter the angle, he knew, every single one of them where directed right at him,seeinghim.

The kid's eyes, the real one- NO! They all were real, so painfully real, but the ones the kid had originally, were looking down on him focused purely on him, and he felt like something inside of him was beingripped out.Like something no one should ever see, something that not even Giran should know about, was being studied, and ithurt.

Being seen hurt.

"S-stop...Stop, STOP IT!" Thethingjust slowly limped his way to Giran, who had fallen to his knees, his eyes unable to look away from the staring eye symbols, he had to look at them, he didn't want to know they were there, but blinking or closing his eyes just made more appear, in the darkness he could see even more of them, hiding in the unknown. In his head... in the place he should never known existed.

Before he knew it, thethingwas in front of him, looking down at Giran with a look of absolute understanding and such a level of rage that sent Giran to his ass as he slowly, with all pride and logic being forgot, tried to back up, fear plaguing his mind, an animistic instinct telling him if he moved to quickly this beat would lung for him, to kill.

Then the creature spoke, and suddenly the eyes were gone and he remembered where he was, and who was in front of him. It was to much, he could only sit there as this kid- creature-thing, spoke.

"If you ever try anything against me or my people again I will never let you escape my gaze" Those words sounded so out of place for the bleeding out half standing form of a teenager in front of him. But those words, they put something primal into Giran's bones. The idea of ever being seen was terrifying. Because Giran knew now what true sight was, knew how power just a look could be. And he never wanted to know that feeling ever again...

"F-fine! J-just leave!" The kid looked down at him with a look of loathing so great that Giran feared and flinched under those eyes, even if they had changed to yellow, those eyes, no matter the color, would always haunt him.

But when he looked up, no one was there, Giran, whose breath was shaky at best slowly, carefully, stood up and looked around. At the walls, the floors, the ceiling, everything. And he become even more terrified of ever being seen again.

Because in every spot he remembered an eye mark being, there were splinter line cracks along them.


This was fun.

Shin's quirk is more than just auditory and visual hallucinations that just know to much. It's a lot more than just that.

Admittedly I don't have all the things completely worked out just yet for the things that Shin's quirk can do, but Shin is terrifying just with the information aspect, so it'll be fun when the whole eye color and reasoning behind them comes to light and all that.

Chapter 16


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kya was worried, he got a messed up string of words from Shin that he only just translated into Shin needing him at the hideout, as Kya liked to call the storage unit. Which in itself was worrying as Kya ran to the location, half the time jumping over obstacles he would have once just ran around. But this was faster and if Shin stopped using punctuation in texting, much less misspelled something, then Kya knew it must have been bad.

At least he was alive.

That was the one thought on Kya's head, but no matter how many times he tried to call Shin, the jerk never answered, so he ran and ran, and kept on running to the location. By the time he was there, he basically fell into the door way as he moved in. That's when he saw him.

Shin was half laying on the ground, half trying to pull himself up onto the desk chair, a long line of blood making a trail up to him as Kya nearly screamed. He didn't, he's seen worse, he's seen Shin bloodied before as much as he didn't like seeing it, with worry shooting down his thoat at the strangely yellow half lidded eyes from Shin's eyes, so instead he held down the gag at the strong scent of copper in the air and shot to his boyfriend's side, pulling him up into the seat and quickly made to remove his shirt so Kya could see the damage.

"Why didn't you go to a hospital you stubborn idiot?" So what if Kya was almost frantic as he berated his idiot, it was the only thing keeping him stable as he looked at his boyfriends chest. The scars still irked him, maybe him just hurt to see Shin with this stuff on his body, but this? This was something that made Kya want to break down. His left side was near shredded, on his right there was at least a ten inch cut along his side, on his chest there was a brunt marking, and his entire upper body was almost completely purple.

"You stubborn idiot..." Kya shook his head and moved to the first aid kit, it was a lot more tricked out than the last one and Kya could feel the sleepless nights he spent working on making a kit that had everything Shin might need, and the days after school making his uncle sign him up for first responder and first aid lessons.

He moved because he needed to move, to not think about who was in front of him in this state, as he pulled out a cleaning agent and padded it around Shin's body, feeling his own emotions bubbling up and nearly breaking out at every half whimper of pain coming from the guy who barely so much as flinched the last times he had to stitch him up. It hurt to listen to, but he kept going at it. It hurt more if he didn't do something to help.

So that's what he did, for what felt like hours, as he took off the rest of Shin's gear, basically stripping him, as he padded and stitched and put burn cream on him, until most of his body was covered in bandages. Until finally, around the end, Shin's eyes finally seemed to shift back to the orange that Kya was familiar with as a faint and gravel voice spoke up.

"Sorry I worried you" Kya almost wanted to laugh at that, something about hearing Shin just made the fear fade away. Shin was fine, he was fine! Kya stumbled back and landed on his ass as he let out a almost clear cry of relief as his chest shook.

"You stubborn bastard! Why can't you just ask for help?" A croaking laugh came from the teen in the chair before a faint with pained response followed.

"I have you, who else do I need" Kya almost wanted to scream at Shin but instead he laughed. Only this asshole would say that and not even know what that did to Kya's heart as he pushed himself to his feet and moved over to Shin who stared up at him, two large pads on his head, one on his forehead, one on his cheek. Kya didn't care, he moved forwards and before he knew it, grabbed Shin by the shoulder's leaned down and suddenly they were kissing.

It was... Kya was lost for a long moment, he had no idea what was happening expect for who he was with and what they were doing and all to soon it seemed to be over, Kya almost didn't want to but he was running out of air. Pulling back a bit, Kya became aware of how his arms were wrapped around Shin's shoulders as the two just stared at each other for a long moment before Shin gulped a bit before saying.

"I-... Ok, this makes getting the sh*t kicked out me worth it. You're amazing" Kya couldn't help but turn a bit red before glaring at Shin and brought a hand back and flicked him on the forehead and said as Shin winced.

"Nothing is worth you getting beaten up! Take better care of yourself" Shin just smiled a bit.

"I try my best. But in my defense, I got taken off guard" Kya raised an eyebrow at that and couldn't help but ask.

"You got taken off guard? Is that possible?" Shin just nodded, sighing a bit and reached up and rubbed his eyes as Kya noticed his eyes quickly shifting to pink. Reaching up to one of the shelves, Kya pressured some of the higher grade pain killers into Shin's hands as he popped the top and downed a few pills before finally saying after a moment.

"Yeah, I'm...not exactly sure how though. I wasn't paying much attention but I still should have known all people Giran had hired... Unless he didn't hired them, f*cking- I don't suppose you know how annoying not knowing something is" Kya just looked at Shin with an incredulous look on his face as Shin just smiled before saying with a wince as he sat up a bit.

"Yeah, ok, dumb question. I- I think he just made a rumor or something go around and got people who hated me in the club. Because they had no relation to Giran really, Chat just over looked them, I deal with the known, anything with variables of that lead to enough unpredictability is out of my pay grade" Kya frowned at that as he moved over a bit and helped Shin move a bit into a more comfortable position, rubbing his back a bit. It seemed to help and at least helped Kya feel a bit better with all the whirlwind emotions he was feeling right now.

"So, how many people did you take down then?" What? Color Kya interested? Plus, it made Kya feel better when he could hear how much Shin was capable of, it made it easier to let him keep going out when Shin talks about how he took down some mountain of a man with just his legs, or ricocheting metal studs against walls to find his targets. Knowing how badass Shin was helped in some weird way.

"Umm... thirty-eight in total" Kya blinked at that, just out of something to do before looking at Shin with some kind of emotion as he repeated that.

"Y-you? Forty people? Aren't you only good at solo or small group fights?" Shin nodded a bit but for some reason Kya noticed clear confusion dance around Shin's face for a moment before he said.

"Yeah, I dealt with the first twenty or so just through skill, some asshole disabled my shock gloves, and I didn't want to risk an explosion in a confined area with way to many bottles of alcohol. Then I was kind of stabbed, repeatedly, and something happened" The confusion deepened a bit as he said. "I- It felt different, I could suddenly just see sort of. I could almost see the way the explosions would fire off and suddenly... I don't know what I did but I made Giran beseenbut like times ten and now I think I traumatized him? I-... blood loss is making the memories fuzzy and none of the voices or Chat seemed to remember it either"

"That's... not how your quirk works though? You're quirk knows everything as long as you've been around it before or had exposure to it right? Sometimes not even that, and if you caused this thing happening then you or your quirk should have it down to the exact like details. Does this have to do with your eyes being yellow?" It was almost shocking to see the way Shin's eyes widen at that and asked.

"Yellow? You're sure it was yellow? Like...piss gold?" Kya wouldn't have exactly used those words to describe the color, but it was accurate so he just nodded as Shin frowned to himself before looking back and saying. "My eyes are only yellow when the voices are 'sleeping' a term some medical f*ck used when I was forced on antipsychotics. It...muted, the voices to a murmur, it's weird that happened from whatever I did.."

Kya frowned at that and nodded a bit, wondering about that himself before a answer came to the front of his mind as he asked.

"Do you think it could be from quirk overuse? I mean, most quirks have overuse, if you pushed yours so hard that you could make Giran break down in fear, maybe you just pushed them to far and they needed to rest? Like you said, sleeping or something?" Shin frowned a bit at that and looked around a bit, staring at Chat more than likely, before he spoke, though Kya could tell it wasn't really directed at him.

"What was that?... I know... Making some be Seen, doesn't do that though... We'll test it it more later" Shin's eyes suddenly zoned back in on Kya as the catboy just blinked before his boyfriend said "I'm sicking Chat on trying to figure it out, in the mean time... I, uh, could... f*ck it"

Kya was suddenly broke from his confusion as Shin leaned forwards as their faces connected again as they kissed. The shock of it broke the kiss a bit to early for either of their liking as Kya leaned back and looked at Shin who just kind of smiled a bit, though shockingly enough, his face was a faint red as he said.

"Sorry, I just really wanted to do that" Kya just stared at him for a moment before smiling as he leaned back in.



"You're safe now, no one is going to be coming after you again. I'm sorry it happened in the first place"

"...It's fine Watchy. Without you I'd be dead already probably in some alley, though my family is a bit confused so if you could explain it to them..?"

"Heh, if you really want, I could come over after school today and we can hang out"


"Yeah sure, if nothing happens. I'm kind of covered in bandages at the moment so resting with you sounds nice"

"Sure! Could you bring your friend with the cute voice?"

"That cute voice is taken so keep your hands to yourself"

"Aw! Is little Watchy jealous?"

"No... well, yeah"

"You're so cute! I'll behave I promise!"

"Then yeah, I'll see you soon then Himiko, and my names Shin just so you know"

"Ok then Wat-, I mean Shinny!"

"Huh? Are those reporters?" Kya couldn't help but ask for confirmation as he looked at the group of people clinging basically onto the UA gate as he stared at the group while Shin just glanced at the group for a long moment before saying.

"They want something about All Might teaching here. Come on, there's a way around them that Nezu doesn't want students to know about" Kya watched as Shin turned and walked down the side of the campus, completely ignoring the main gate before his brain caught into gear and followed after him, asking.

"Are we allowed to use it?" Kya really didn't want to get into trouble, unlike his way to smart boyfriend, he doubted he could talk his way out of it. And just wasn't that just a bit unfair, Shin is way to good at being charismatic with how sarcastic he is at the same time. Don't Kya wrong, he finds it pretty cool and kind of hot, not that he'd ever admit it, but he does sometimes wish he could do that as well. Just not seem like he was worried about anything. But he knew that was unrealistic, even Shin often got worried, not that he told Kya that, but Kya knew all the same.

"Probably not, but it's better than being molested by the press" He couldn't help but at least nod at that though he still wasn't sure this was a great idea. Shin seemed to pick up on that as he looked back at Kya and said "Don't worry, at worse we might get detention. There's no way they're going to kick one of the smartest students in the school out over using the backdoor"

Ok, that made him feel a bit better. And before long they had entered the campus before splitting up a bit. Shin apparently had something to say to Aizawa, who Kya still thought was a bit scary, and he was going to be getting something to eat. Both of them decided to eat here today for breakfast so they could spend some more time together. It was nice.

"What happened to your face kid?" I glanced up at Aizawa and gave him a smirk and said as I limped up to him.

"Oh, you know, almost died like normal. Heard of that whole thing happening at that club on amenity street?" Eraser raised an eyebrow at that and looked down at me for a long moment before sighing and said.

"You mean the place were almost forty unconscious men and woman were found with most having at least one to two broken bones, a almost collapsed hallway, and clear signs of an explosion in one of the rooms were the body's were found?" I almost collapsed a hallway? I don't remember that but that's something to think about then I suppose, of course instead of saying any of that I just said.

"Yeah that sounds pretty familiar, strange huh? Personally it's on them for bringing so many people, now if you don't mind me, I'm going to limp my ass to homeroom and be in pain before your friend makes it worse with his loudness" I only made it a few steps before Eraser stopped me with a hand on my shoulder as I turned and glanced at the man as he looked at me for a moment before sighing and asked.

"Do you need Recovery Girl?" I stared at him for a long moment, a weird kind of sort of nice feeling sort of built up a bit. Like that feeling I get from when Kya complains about how I need to be more careful or how he doesn't like how people are talking about me. Different but it felt sort of similar... Weird, I don't get it.

"Nah old man, I'm good. I managed to only get stabbed in ways that aren't super dangerous, and I'm way to tired to make her use Heal on me without putting me in a coma. Anyway, go have fun berating your class. Oh! And tell All Might that he should ration his time better, I was being bugged all day two days ago about how he almost ran out of time during class and it was annoying"

"You want me to tell the number one hero to get a heroing schedule because it's annoying you?" What was so confusing about that?

"Yeah, if you don't got the balls for it then I'll do it, if it makes them shut up for a while I'll give his skeleton ass a rant to end all rants" The man gave me a look like I shouldn't be insulting the greatest and most popular hero in the world basically because my quirk is being annoying, but I truly do not care about that sh*t.

"I'll be sure to let him know you know about his problems"

"Yeah, because if missing a stomach is a problem then sure, he has a lot of problems. See you later you narcoleptic old man, I'm going to get a quick breakfast with Kya from the cafeteria" Said old man just sighed and headed off in some other direction as I tilted my head to the side a bit as I read over some information Chat was sending me at the moment... Izuku Midoriya has zero control over One for All huh?

Disappointing to be honest with All Might in his corner, and the way Eraser wasn't going off about said man with the only person who would also know, said teacher has no idea about the quirk transfer. Even more disappointing, in All Might's tact in this case.

Eraser is like the only pro hero that I trust, and so it might make me a bit bias but I do think it's a bit beyond stupid that All Might just seems to be letting some quirkless kid blow himself up with the second strongest quirk I've ever seen- behind my own of course because self worth is important- without even telling the kid's actual teacher who should know why the kid has zero control over a quirk he should have had for about ten years now.

Whatever, All Might and his little successor are no issue of mine at the moment, not even the teen is a problem with his control over his quirk for when the sports festival which is coming up in two and a half weeks.

Maybe afterwards once I'm in the hero course I'll just tell Eraser myself to get that over with so they can actually help the green idiot. Sure maybe I can't talk about to bad, my 'control'- as much as I don't like the term- over my quirk is hardly anything special, but I also don't have a very standard quirk now do I? Sentient quirks are very rare after all and mine is more than a few heads above other sentience based quirks considering mine as a bit more than just one mind in it.

"Alright little listeners! Listen up, today we need to get a Pres and a Vice for this class you dig?" I rolled my eyes at Mic as he drew up on the board in English about how we were going to vote. It was very simple, everyone's name was on the board, and one by one in a line we'd just walk up and put a mark by the name we want, and we couldn't vote for ourselves.

I just tossed my vote at Kya, who actually got enough votes from a few other people because he's all sunshiny to get Vice president, missing president by one point. It was hardly a big deal and Kya seemed happy about it all the same though so I gave him a pat on the back as he came back to his seat after being announced with the girl who got President.

She was some of a rich business guy, decently smart in academic terms but nothing super special, but she was good with people I guess so I'm not to crazy about the voting. Honestly if Kya hadn't wanted a position then I wouldn't have cared in the slightest, which might have something to do with the fact that I didn't get a single vote. But that's because Kya knew I really didn't care about this stuff.

Leading in general like such a hassle that I didn't want to bother with in all honesty, I know it's something I'll have to get use to as it's either that or being lead in a world like this, but still. I just don't see much of a point in dealing with other people when I could just handle things by myself...

Ok, maybe that's not right.

I'm beginning to be forced to realize that maybe I'm not exactly all that brilliant at keeping myself alive sometimes and help is probably the reason why I'm not dead, but still. I don't really like knowing that and frankly put, I'd rather continue with my previous notions of solidarity but damn if that isn't getting harder and harder by the day. Like seriously, when did I get sucked into a small friend group of all things?

Out of all the many weird things that I've done over the last year, this might be the most weird out of all of that. I'm still getting use to it to be honest.

"What happened to you?" I blinked as I looked over at Shinsou who was looking back at be with confusion and worry mixed all over his face. I don't get why, most of it all is under the school uniform, only thing he can see is the pads on my face.

"Stairs, they truly are the worse enemy of humanity" Kya gave me a look at that but I was hardly going to say I made a full frontal assault on a known criminal hide out club, got the absolute sh*t beaten out of me, unlocked some super seeing power that I can barely remember using, and then got patched up by my adorable boyfriend before we made out.

"You are very clumsy" Kya almost laughed a bit at that while I gave him a look before saying.

"I prefer the term easily distracted" Kya did laugh at that one as I rolled my eyes while Shinsou stared at me for a moment before shrugging and saying.

"You said you wanted to get into heroics at some point right? How are you planning on doing that when you can't even walk up and down stairs?" Oh, he's being a bit of a sly little bitch huh?

"I have some ideas, what are you going to do? You're built like a twig" Shinsou seemed to frown at that and seemed to want to make a comment, but instead he turned and gave Kya, apparently the reasonable one of us two, a look, to which my amazing boyfriend said.

"He doesn't look like it but he's pretty strong, and very flexible. And he has like four black belts" Five, but that's not really the point as Shinsou looked at me in shock at that while I just rolled my eyes and said.

"What? I got voices in my head that yell at me, it's stupid to think I can just cruise on by in hero work with a non-combative quirk without training. Hence the twig comment" Shinsou looked a bit suddenly panicked at that. Yeah the guy didn't seem to think about that. I don't really care if he's all edgy about not being liked for his quirk only to go around completely relying on it for everything, that's a decision he's made, but I do find it annoying that it always seems to be the case with quirks like his, no matter how powerful it is, it's useless if he gets choke slammed before he can get a word out.

"If you know so much about fighting, could yo-"

Before he could get another word in, sirens from everywhere started to blare into my ears as I looked up at the things in annoyance. Level three? What's that mean again? Glancing over at chat, I hummed in interest before suddenly standing up as the others followed suit to head on out, expect I was going in a different direction when an arm grabbed onto my hand as I winced a bit. The burns haven't exactly healed yet, as I turned to look Kya with confusion as readable as I could make it.

"Please tell me you weren't thinking about tracking the intruder, who just broke into one of the most secure places in Japan when most of your organs and ribs are bruises and you can barely walk in a straight line" I just stared at him for a long moment before asking.

"And if I said I wasn't going to be doing that?" He sighed and gave me a smile I think was of fondness, or exasperation, either way there was a lot of it there as he said.

"Then you'd be lying to me and we agreed to not do that, now come on. Let's go with the others and let the heroes actually do there job" I looked at him for a second before sighing and nodding as Kya moved in front of me and sort of dragged me by the wrist forwards as I just followed along, glaring at anyone who tried to run us over, which was enough to make most just form a circle around us as they marched out. And I may or may not have muttered under my breath as we went.

"Tell me what's happening Chat" I watched as a number of things popped up in front of my eyes. Who the f*ck is Shigaraki Tomura and why did he destroy the gate before just f*cking off? He isn't with the press, no... He's with some group, meaning this is a distraction for something but what? I have a bad feeling about this. I hate not knowing things! What's the point of literal all knowingness if I never seem to know the important things because of something as annoying as a range limit.

Even if that limit is up to almost half a kilometre on a good day, though it fluctuates up to almost three at random times, that man disappeared almost instantly after destroying the gate... Being a teleportation quirk from someone else on top of that decay quirk... I have a really bad feeling about this. f*ck...

Maybe I'm going to have to give Eraser a talk to later about all this. Something is telling me whatever this is about is going to be involving the hero course.

Heh, now I'm almost glad I don't have to deal with whatever that is while being beaten to hell and back already.

Thinking of, I need to start training again. Experience is good and all, and most certainly something I have in spades now, but I need to get use to my knew gear in a more controlled environment first. I nearly blew my arm off yesterday until I started whatever with my quirk letting me see the prediction of the explosion paths. It was strange, I've never been the one toseebefore.

The following day went by in a blur, informing Eraser to be careful only took a few minutes, but after that it was a rush of activity, and not the kind I was use to. Me, Kya, and Himiko just kind of hung out for a few hours, the events just happening and blurring by. It was fun, a lot of fun. Kya and Himiko clashed just a bit but in a good way somehow. Like, the two... I don't know how to describe it, they got along but in that bickering kind of way I guess.

But it was still fun, and the last night was me testing my gloves. I used the canisters I had on me so I'll have to refill them, but besides that they worked like I expected. Each glove have seven canisters in them that rotated into place when one was emptied, while the rest of the space was taken up by the now much bigger but still not as good battery in my actual suit, but it'll last longer than a couple shocks.

Anyway, each gas canister holds up to five small detonations, each with enough concussive force to throw at least one or two people back a meter or two. Meaning in total with seven canisters on one glove, I have in total thirty-five small concussive blasts at the tips of my fingers, or less if I used the small dial on the back of my hands to let more gas be released at once, making the explosions much bigger.

They were a lot more difficult to control, by a large margin, while the smaller ones could mostly only expand in the way I directed them with the small fuel used, with more fuel, the explosions have a much higher chance of redirecting back enough to burn up my arms and potentially maybe setting off all seven canisters in the glove which would without a doubt kill me or at least give me an impromptu amputation.

Needless to say, I practiced the big ones with only one canister in at a time. But I still didn't make to much progress, the skill requires for it was more difficult than one would expect. I can't shape the charge in anyway with how the device is set up and if I changed how it was set up then the gloves would be about ten times bulkier and just as likely to blow a finger off.

Honestly, not even Chat could tell or show me how the bigger explosions would go in direction. Explosions in open space with a sparker in the form of my glove tips, without factoring in wind and other such outside influence, well, there was to many possibilities for my quirk to be able to compute them all in time for me to have real time information about how the explosion will react.

Meaning, I need experience and time with this new weapon to master it, not get a quick way out like I could with my newest projectile metal studs, which Chat could put a marker on the wall somewhere with the words 'Hit Here' on it which would lead to a prefect ricochet in my favor, all I did need to do there was know how to throw with the proper amount of force.

Sometimes I wonder a bit about how quickly I got use to having a 'HUD' as Chat once called it, but now, dozens of messages in my eye sight, telling me or informing me of things, or tactics was just something I was use to, though Kya did say it made me look even more out of it then when he first met me, but I didn't mind. Keeping track of and utilizing two dozen streams of individual text strings kind of required the ability to focus in more than one spot at the same time, which happens to make a person look very unfocused.

Anyway, I got some training in, hung out with some friends, and warned Eraser, not in that order, and right now we were currently in class at the moment as Midnight, the bitch, was talking about history of some artist from about five hundred years ago. Honestly, it was boring, and she got a couple points wrong, but then again so did the textbooks... Nah, that's on her, because f*ck her.

Honestly, I still haven't come to a conclusion as to why I don't like her. Just something about her just lead to a bad first impression, and consider I have a friend who literally killed a part of me for a while when we first met, it says something about how bad an impression she made. And I don't even really know what that impression was. The first time I saw her was after getting back to the seats after giving that terrible speech for my year's class.

I made said speech as bearable as possible, and maybe made it a little over the top in how I paused some times or reread a line like I wasn't sure if they were serious or not about the speech, but that was to make it more bearable for me and to just give a figurative middle finger to the teachers just to set the mood to what to expect from me... And I kind of wanted to see if I could get Kya to break the awkward air form the student body by making him laugh.

It was too bad that he didn't even mention it, I figured he'd at least say something but he didn't which was a bit disappointing but that felt like weeks ago now even if it hasn't even been seven days yet, not even a full week. Weird.

"Koe! Pay attention, wha-" This wench is interrupting me being moody and self reflective, doesn't she know all teenager's need at least an hour of angst a day to operate?

"1878" Not bothering to look up or even letting her finish her question, as I continued to write down somethings in my notebook. I didn't really need them, I more than enough space to keep all the information I would need to write down just in my head, I don't really forget things, more like I just forget to focus on certain bits of information, though admittedly the blueprints were better to have on paper mostly just so Chat could help me out and give me ideas.

Hence why I was also writing down things in my notebook, it was just something I've done for years now during class since I couldn't just talk to myself like I could outside. I didn't so much care about what other people thought more of it was more than a little annoying to deal with getting in trouble because of it, so this system was born. Kya had called it cute, I didn't get it.

Anyway, right now I was talking back and forth to my quirk through paper and Chat about what in the world I did in that club. They had no idea. That was the one thing, they couldn't look inward, sure they knew every psychical detail about me, but my mind and quirk, even to the quirk themself, I was a complete mystery. At least I would be for mind if I hadn't spent my entire life with them.

My point is, they can't analyze themselves, they have no idea about how they work. The only things I know about my own damn quirk besides the obvious is the more time I spend focusing and giving 'power' to the voices, they can become part of Chat somehow and even then the process is something I don't even really understand. I don't know how I do it, I just sort of just it without thinking about it.

But that's how it is with most quirks, it's just natural, so I never really thought about it, but my whole quirk is based on attention right? I give my attention the voices and they become more powerful and become Chat, and if I pay attention to something on the outside world with enough force, the effect of beingseen, really need that name change soon, happens. But what effect causes the effect that happened when I got to Giran?

The memories were fuzzy to say the least, but... I don't know. All I do know about it is apparently I couldseefor a small faction of time like the voices and Chat can. Not completely and only in the smallest of ways, but it happened, and apparently the force of that made Giran almost sh*t himself in fear...

What happened?

It wasn't me making him beSeen, at least not in the traditional sense, because I was the one whoSaw, or did I make him beSeenwhile ISaw? God, these past tense words are killing me... Still, it was like... I don't know. I can't really remember it, and from what Kya said, it has a negative effect one the voices, maybe this subpower of mine works like a battery of a kind?

Like I store my power of attention into the voices, making them become stronger in the form of Chat, and then I can draw on that power to use whatever I used in that club?

It would make sense that I only just did it. Comparing Chat to the voices in terms of population is like comparing a continent to a single island, and if chat is where this power is coming from... No, but it's also draining the voices, that's why my eyes turned a shade past orange in the wrong direction...

All I know is I have a new ability, where I, me, not my quirk, canSee...

You know what, I'm making names for these damn moves now or at the very least clarifying the terms! This is getting confusing with all these seens, sees, seeings, and saws.


When I use my quirk to make someone be seen can be called... Beholding, or being Beheld... Beheld?... Doesn't have the same ring as... f*ck it, it'sSeen.I've used that term to long to lose it now. It's staying. And for when it's in use, like 'I'm Seen you'... that doesn't work because I'm not the one seeing, it's my quirk... So seen is the only correct way of saying it. This is a headache.

But for the other one, when I'm to one who saw... No, no past tense, I'll just useSeeorSeeing. Because then it'll be me who is using my quirk without the filter of the voices or Chat. Even if it is in some minor way.

Then the only thing to think about is the hallway.

Eraser said I nearly collapsed the hallway but I know I didn't use my gloves there, meaning it was my quirk that did it. Almost like a side effect of meSeeing.But how does that work? Is it something else I did or is it something that happens when I finally learn toSeewhen I want?

I have to many questions about what happened there to make sense of it just yet. I need to find a way to recreate that experience and get some way of recording it so I can look back and see exactly what is happening here.

I know what I'm doing today then. I'll ask Eraser if I can borrow one of the training facilities around campus to see if I can test this whole thing out without accidentally bringing a building down.

Honestly the probability of that happening is like zero, as I don't even know how toSeeon command yet, much less whatever I did in that hall, but it's better than doing it out somewhere in public.

Being even more honest, I was kind of excited. My quirk isn't exactly combative, at least I never thought it would be, but the events at the club showed me something I never though my quirk could do. It could affect the outside world, and if I could control that...

Heh, I might just have a amazing informationandcombative quirk.

So of course, that's when warning bells rang out as Midnight was suddenly running out of class as I frowned to myself as I glanced at Kya who was looking at me for answers that I didn't have. Not until Chat seemed to suddenly focus on the problem as the words appeared in front of me that I didn't want to see.

"Villains got into the Campus and attacked the hero course students that Eraser teaches. He's hurt" f*ck...


Hey, look at that, sixteen chapters later and we finally arrived at the beginning to the MHA original plot. Isn't that neat. Still a few chapters off before the Sports festival begins in proper form but that's because I have an inability to write a quick and steady moving plot.

Chapter 17

Chapter Text

"Hey bastard, glad to see your wake. Well, I say awake, you look more dead than me" Eraser groaned in annoyance, not pain, he's on way to much medication for that. Turning his overly bandages face to look at me as I'm sure he was glaring at me, or he would be if he's eyes weren't covered up so he didn't strain them any.

"What are you doing here problem child" Ungrateful sh*t. Sitting down in one of the chairs, I just shrugged and said.

"You're like one of the two adults I actually like and your in the hospital. What do you think I'm doing here asshole?...Your quirk is a bit f*cked up now" Eraser winced a bit at that, clearly not liking that news, but he needed to hear it. He can't go out and get himself killed. I won't have it.

"I'm aware brat. You don't need to tell me that" I hummed a bit and leaned back before saying.

"Just making sure you know that so you don't do anything stupid" The man almost seemed to want to smack me at that as he asked in the most dead voice I've ever heard.

"The kid who routinely gets beaten up is telling me to take better care of myself?" Sighing, I looked away at that. Yeah, I didn't want him to die, sue me. In fact, in all honesty, it's more than not wanting him to die. Frankly I'mpissedand was trying very hard to not do something stupid like going after the bastard who made that Nomu and hope I figure out how to kill him without a plan. The last time I did that I nearly died, and this man, from what I've been told from Chat, is a lot more dangerous if he can make something that could almost kill All Might, who was more of an idiot than I thought but that rant I'm saving for the man himself.

"Yeah, the kid who gets the sh*t kicked out of him is telling you to be more careful, then that should tell you something bastard" Aizawa was probably giving me an annoyed look but I had to guess still as he said.

"No one died, thankfully, and if they did then it would have been after I was already dead myself" That was... Something I could understand. I hate it when that happens.

"Yeah yeah. And you say I'm the self harming one. I'm going to head out then, at least your conscious so I'll see you at UA on Monday right?" The made just made a grunt so I gave him a smirk before heading to the door before vanishing from view of anyone who might have been looking at the door to the hospital room I wasn't allowed to have been in.

"What are you doing?" I blinked up at Kya as my hands were currently modifying my school shoes in the support course's lab. He probably thinks I'm putting a machine gun or something in them, which while a fun idea, isn't what I was doing, though it does remind me I really should get a gun at some point. I could just make my own but I feel like that wouldn't go over well.

"I'm making these things actually comfortable for my poor feet" I kept forgetting about it so I was going to finally get these things working like they should before the whole sport festival thing in exactly two weeks. And if I happen to add a few things into the soles and sides to make them more viable to use then who could say.

"But those are the ones the school sent with the uniform right? They should be a fit for you" I didn't really get it but the things were somewhat mandatory and being honest here, I only had two other pairs of shoes one were sandles and the other were professional scaling boots with iron soles that I could use to break through brick walls. not exactly the footwear I wanted here. Hence why I still wore these things.

"My foot wasn't made for these shoes" Kya gave me a look at that as I pulled out the padding from the bottom of the shoe and took some of my own out from my bag. They were just simple ones bought from a convince store. I got a very interesting look when I bought these because of what they entail but I hardly cared.

"And how are your feet different than every other foot in this school?" I sighed a bit as I thought about how to explain it as I pushed the pads in before finally saying.

"You know my mom's quirkless right?" He nodded at that as I moved to the next shoe before saying. "Well in quirkless people there is this thing, their feet have an extra toe joint in the pinkies, it's a random thing, apparently quirk evolution overwrote the need for the joint, anyway, quirkless people have different foot shapes than others, meaning the pads in the shoes aren't made for their kind of feet, while for quirked people the pads are built to lessen strain on the toe so it doesn't break on accident from bending on a joint that doesn't exist"

Kya nodded a bit, he clearly didn't know this and didn't seem to understand why I was talking about it, but I just continued and said to him the reasons now that the background information was away.

"Anyway, this 'evolution' only happened about three or four generations back. Enough to change the shoe industry sure and hardly anyone alive who have quirks have this foot issue who are under seventy. So any kid being born these days with parents, who both have quirks who now almost always have the lacking toe joint, will also miss the joint, because genetics, but if a quirkless person has a kid, then it's a mix up as to if that kid will have or not have the joints, because recessive and dominate genes. I happen to still have the joints in my toes so I need to replace the padding in them or else they dig up into my feet at awkward angles"

Kya blinked a bit at that, because he wasn't expecting to be waterboarded with random DNA hiccup information, but he had the information shoved down his throat anyway so he just said.

"Huh, that's neat I guess. So you have some of the marks of a quirkless person but have a quirk?" I nodded as I tossed the shoes to the ground without really bothering to be gentle and pushed my feet into them and said.

"Yep. Just another one of those lovely random things I got. Like my premature graying hair, weirdly color changing eyes, and my sort of photographic memory" Kya huffed a bit and smiled as he walked up to me and poked me on the forehead before saying.

"That last one was just you bragging. Now come on, Shinsou said he wanted to ask you something" I nodded at that as we headed to lunch, as I tossed the now removed shoe pads into a garbage can then said.

"I know, I even already have an answer for him" Honestly, I didn't really want to go with what Shinsou wanted, because frankly I don't like him as much as Kya did, but he was still nice enough and in the end there was no reason to not go with it, though I would say I do find it a bit annoying my own free time is cut down a bit, but only by an hour or so every day for next two weeks, hardly anything too much time to spend in the grand scheme of things, and I also used the time fixing my shoes to make some more canisters before Kya got there so I can practice at night while I'm healing.

Something that I'll have to do for the next two weeks straight without getting hurt again if I don't want to pass out after a few hours of effort and exertion. So I will have to be careful. Honestly not even the bruising from around my body has faded yet, much less the god damnstab wounds.I might have to go to Recovery Girl and just come up with an excuse to speed things along.

I wonder if she'd believe the stairs stabbed me if I said that?

"Ah! F-f*ck" I just stepped away from Shinsou, who I just flip slammed into a training mat in one of the many gyms we could train in. I picked one out of the way and made the mummy give me access to it. Anyway, I say we, this didn't really do much for me, in fact I probably shouldn't be doing this at all with my current state but I'm a stubborn bitch that like so I'm doing it anyway. It's hardly like I'm going to over stress myself from this. The teen is a wet noodle and very flippable.

Shinsou slowly rolled onto his knees before standing up, he was sweating a lot but I just ignored that, not my problem.

"What does tossing me around do exactly?" Kya, who was off to the side laughed a bit at that, yeah, I bet he remembers this type of stuff fondly, that's why he's laughing, not because he's happy to see someone else go through it as well... Ok that's probably the reason, but being fair here, I was a good lot more gentle with Kya.

"A lot of things. You're way behind in terms of hand to hand combat and only have two weeks so I'm making you learn fast the things that can keep you in the fight, how to take a hit, how you should be dodging, and this let's me have fun" He sighed and gave me a glare, but I just stared back at him and waited. Honestly I was being nice enough for the first day I was doing this. Because unsurprisingly, I am a decent teacher.

At least at more psychical stuff, it took a bit to get the handle on teaching stuff like math. Kya still complains a bit that I'm bad at explaining why simple formulas are actually simple.

So when he finally got up and charged me, I just moved in and out of his strikes before putting a fist into his side and backed up as he stumbled from the impact. But if I have to give something to the purple haired teen, he was really determined to be a hero. That determination was showing itself here as he was quickly getting better at recoveries. Either he was just using that determination to push past the pain or he was getting use to it, or both, I wasn't sure, but it worked.

Didn't mean he lasted another minute before he was pinned to the floor as I talked to him about how to escape it and waited until he managed enough of a roll to break most people's holds before letting him get up. Mmm, I wonder if I should let Kya spar against him? It'd be more balanced and it's not like Shinsou would actually be able to hit my boyfriend, not with the must more training I've given him in how to not even be touched in a fight... Nah, no reason to risk it.

"Alright a few more times then I'm going to give you a list of things I want you to do three times a day, an hour before you go to school, once two hours after our sessions here, and once around ten at night" Shinsou nodded as he slowly managed to get onto his feet as I shifted a bit this time instead of just standing in no stance, it was a small thing, but I wanted to show him something.

The second he began to move, I was already in front of him, as I watched his eyes widen just a faction before a fist was almost implanted into his face. It was impressive he dodged, not like I was actually trying to hit him, that would have shattered his nose. But I continued with the momentum and spun around, bringing up elbow up to try and hit him again as he barely managed to duck as I shot a foot out and tripped him as he landed on the ground with a thud when he tried to move away. Watching him gasp a bit, I said.

"Another lesson, don't assume your opponent can only do one thing. A lot of people only do something quirk related which can make them one dimensional fighters, but if you get into the habit of expecting it, like say someone only using punches then-" Shinsou caught on with a wince as he stood up.

"Then you won't expect the kick coming. Yeah, got it" I only nodded as I watched as he took a step away and took a deep breath, before asking.

"And what am I suppose to do when they're too fast to dodge?" I smirked a bit that and said.

"Then you don't dodge and make them regret hitting you" He looked at me for a long moment, not really understanding what I was getting at, but that's fine. He has two weeks to figure it out.

Kya was having an interesting time. He was currently watching his boyfriend throw around his friend in a gym while giving him advice about how to not get thrown around so much. Honestly, it was pretty funny in his opinion. Still, he was only paying half attention. He could only watch the spars for so long before he could only wince in sympathy, knowing just how uncomfortable some of those holds were... So he was texting another one of his friends at the moment.


SharkDiva : Sup

Neko: what are you doing?

SharkDiva : Homework at the moment, just some boring stuff

Neko: cool im watching my boyfriend beat up my freind

SharkDiva : ...

SharkDiva : I'm gonna need context for that one

Neko: oh

Neko: theer training for the sports festival in two weeks

SharkDiva : Ah, I should watch it then, that way I'll finally figure out who this boyfriend of yours is

Neko: i could just send you a picture or we could met up

SharkDiva : Nah, this way is more mysterious

SharkDiva : Besides school is killing me, your lucky your still a first year

Neko: your only like a year ahead of me

SharkDiva : Still makes me older and wiser

Neko: id liek to disagree mis shark

SharkDiva : Fine, don't believe me but you'll regret it

SharkDiva : Anyway, who should I be looking out? I doubt your little boyfriend has a sign above his head that reads 'I'm the crazy one'

Neko: hes not crazy! just really suborr and stupid at times

Neko: and um...

Neko: hed be the most dead looking one

SharkDiva : Dead? Don't you like ooze sunshine and stuff blondy? How are you two dating again?


SharkDiva:Just messing with you. I'm happy your getting out of your shell

Neko:thanks its mostly because fo him thuogh. he keeps makeing me get out of my comfort zone and its kind of nice

SharkDiva:Boy you got it bad

Neko:shut up

Kya sighed a bit as he watched at Shark continued to try and make him embarrassed but honestly, Kya wasn't sure he could get very embarrassed anymore without Shin being the cause of it. His, much to annoying, boyfriend just was way to good at making him turn red and it just wasn't fair.

He toned down on it a bit more recently after they started dating which was nice, but that just meant when he made those way to much comments it caught him even more off guard which also just wasn't fair!

Shaking his head, he looked up and watched just in time to watch as Shinsou was planted on the mat face down as Shin just absently scratched his chin a bit, moving to get ready for another go. Was it weird Kya fought watching Shin fight like this was really hot? Maybe just a bit, but seeing that his boyfriend could break a person without issue was weirdly cool.

It's times like these that I hate people's lack of faith in vigilante justice. I tried to get to the Nomu, but that thing was shipped to tartarus before I could have a chance to have it been seen by Chat so I couldn't get more information about it. I only knew about the Nomu at all because other people knew little things about it but because it itself wasn't in my range I couldn't know anything that anyone else didn't already know.

Sure I could just go break into tartarus, which I know I could do in a couple weeks of planning and healing up fully, but even then the effort alone I'm not sure would be worth it. From what I've taken from the police reports, the thing is brain dead. Sure I could know everything about it, like quirk, who made it, and other things, which would be handy, I have no idea if any of that information will be viable in a few weeks time.

But that's not to say I don't have anything, my quirk isn't only just information in a certain radius around me, no it also just knows alotof information just on it's own. Like that one voice whose forced me to know a few thousand digits of PI or how they constantly give me facts about things that I know they shouldn't know. Like the political climate in Pittsburgh of all places, or how they know so much about how history actually went.

Not to say I'm truly all knowing either, but I at least know a few things about this problem at hand, though the name All for One is most certainly concerning considering One for All is a name of a very strong quirk that I've recently learned about. Hence what I was doing about right now, as I headed to the teacher's lounge where only one person was at the moment.

Without hesitation or care, I pushed the door open and looked around for a moment before walking over to All Might and said without preamble.

"So whose All for One and are they related to your quirk One for All" All Might looked up at me for a long moment before I took a step back from a warning just in time as blood was spewed out of his mouth. "I don't speak in blood, mind repeating that?"

"H-how do you know that name?" I wanted to roll my eyes at that, I know Eraser already talked to him about me and yet he's still surprised, it's annoying.

"Just assume I know everything if I don't say otherwise, it's simpler that way. You didn't answer my question" The man just stared at me with those sunken blue eyes as I just looked at him with my pink ones. Honestly I didn't need him to answer, I didn't even need to be in this room, I just needed Chat to be somewhat in the same building as him and I could know his entire life story, including anything involving someone called All for One, but then I wouldn't be able to vent some of my emotions at this idiot.

"And I don't believe I will young man, you shouldn't worry yourself about such things" Ah, there's my opening, while the man looks somewhat in worry about his archenemy being brought up.

"I'm pretty sure it is my problem considering you were an idiot who can't understand that other heroes exist and that you might be needed for the job you signed up for. Aizawa almost died because your lacking ass is apparently incapable of rationing your time like a normal person" All Might was staring at me in shock, but I really wasn't done yet.

"Like seriously, get a f*cking car or take the bus. That would at least save you like fifteen minutes a day, which from what I understand would have been more than enough to deal with the whole stupid thing with those villains. Not to mention there are things called observation rooms which you could use in separation from the students were they wouldn't be able to tell your body suddenly looks different. Easily saving hours of time" Now All Might was looking more chastised, but I had a lot to say.

"Not to even mention your stupid decisions involving that one guy, Midoriya, like seriously. The dude got his quirk like eleven days ago and you've barely given him like any advice in the slightest nor tell literally any of the teachers that should most certainly know one of their students has zero idea about how to use their quirk and that they need more attention than others because their much farther behind the others" Now All Might was very chastised and doubly mortified with a nice hint of worry. f*ck him, not done.

"This is all without going into the biggest issue, you complete inability to rely on others in the slightest. Seriously, you can run so fast that any extra weight would be trivial, and yet you, without taking anyone with you, just rushed right into action because your an idiot and nearly got yourself killed because of it. Seriously, I get it, your number one, but stop being an idiot and then you might be number one for more than another year" Ok... I think that's most of it... Yeah. That felt good.

"I-... Young man you are terrifying" I nodded a bit at that and said.

"I do get that a lot" He sighed and looked down at his hand for a long moment before saying.

"You're right, I have been talking this much to lax. If you excuse me, I must go speak to someone" I just shrugged and watched him go with bothering to stop him. I knew he was serious, but I also knew he was doing this to avoid my original question, but that was fine. I know all I need to know about All for One now and to say the man was distributing would be an understatement...

The ability to steal and give quirks huh? Heh, and that bastard more than likely made that Nomu meaning he's still alive out there somewhere plotting... What a terrifying concept to know. Looking down, I held up a fist and looked at it for a long moment, just thinking about my own abilities.

I came to terms with that I would never be as strong as All Might or as powerful as Endeavor, those goals never were realistic for a guy like me. I had always been limited to my normal body. In a world like this, knowledge being power only goes so far in the traditional sense and I like to think I push that sense on the daily. But even then, I could do nothing about people like them...

I was fine with that... Completely, I knew that and I was fine with it, I didn't care about being that strong. People like All Might could have that role and take the responsibilities to deal with those villains on that level. I had been content with that knowledge. But now?

Now that I know there are things like Nomu, with multiple quirks, and an immortal that All Might couldn't beat himself?

That ideal of the strongest taking care of the strong was shaken.

If even he couldn't deal with such a man, then what was I going to do against such a force? Talk him to death with his life story? Tell him about how the universe isn't actually expanding like people think?

I was fine with that before... right?

I know I was. Because I knew about how terrifying people could be, how strong people could be, and I just accepted it. I know more about how easy this world could end than anyone, and yet I was fine with it... Deciding if I died then that would be it...

I said that to Eraser once right? About how if I died then I would hardly care anymore about what I'm leaving behind or something like that... But that's not right is it?

Not anymore at least, because if I died then... Well, I have more than just one person I'm leaving behind now.

I don't like this, I don't like how much my thoughts are changing, no. I. I like it, it makes me feel better, but it's so...so-

So f*cking confusing!

Sighing to myself as I sat down in some random chair and looked up at the ceiling for a long moment, thinking and trying to get the sudden headache under control. All for One, he is worrying. I hate that a man like that is even alive to begin with, much less for what he could do to the world, doubly with his very clear intent on global chaos. And if All Might can't f*cking kill the guy then...


It wasn't exactly something my mind wanted to do, just something that happened anyway, as I remembered that conversation with Eraser a few days ago. My quirk, it can be combative in some way, I know that now. It might not be anything grand like those two One for One assholes, but if that man ever comes after UA again, something I can see happening with All Might and his successor here, then I'd just be cannon fodder.

I've gotten around by just dealing with trash thugs, and while I have taken down plenty of actual proper villains, they had always been harder to deal with. Any higher class villain would kill me unless I got the sneak take down in. So there are a few things I could do in case something happens and there is another attack, one do nothing which was never an actual option, two make more gear that will continue to help me deal with average thugs, or three, hope my quirk is actually not just badass but super badass, and train the hell out of it.

No one is saying I can only do one of those, and since I'm not going to be giving up... I'm not going to be getting a lot of sleep in the next few weeks, because after all, I need to get into heroics first before anything.

With that, I stood up and only just noticing, as I left the room, the shattered picture frame on one of the desks. I just stared at it in a bit of confusion before shaking my head and leaving.

Kya wasn't really sure what Shin was doing, but he said it was training and when he tried to explain it, it made Kya's head spin a bit with all the Seeing and Seens and whatever. When he tried to explain the effects of them, Kya also couldn't really understand that either. Not that he couldn't understand the words, but they just didn't make sense to him. He figured it was just a quirk thing, like how Kya was a small bit red-green color blind because of his cat eyes. He just didn't understand how to explain that to people though.

So all the same he sat down on a balcony and watched as Shin was staring at a rock in front of him. They were on a beach front at the moment, while Shin was, but Kya didn't feel like getting sand anywhere so he was sitting up a bit and just watching with interest. They were going to get something to eat after Shin finishes whatever he's trying to do so that was nice.

The main reason why Kya was here besides the date was because Shin couldn't really tell if his eyes were changing color besides a really faint feeling that was easy to miss if he was focused on something, so here he was. He was fine with helping his boyfriend out on this, though Kya was totally going to spring more than a few questions about their most recent math class during their date in a little while.

Those thoughts went out the window as he heard a shout as his eyes shot up in time to watch as Shin, whose eyes were almost glowing a purple color nearly rolled up into his boyfriends head, turning a sickly yellow, as he fell back onto the sand, a trail of blood running from his nose.


I did it. Just for a second, only a second but it happened, for one moment I couldSeeand it was overwhelming. I saw things, just by looking at the rock, I saw how old it was, a number so old it hurt to think about, I saw it's density, I saw it's colors, colors that shouldn't exist, I saw the exact time it would take to make it turn to gravel then to sand, then to dust. I saw so much ithurt, but I saw something that my brain couldn't truly understand. I couldSeeit's potential energy.

A theoretical energy, and I could see it, just resting and sticking around the rock, the sand, the air itself, though air... that was kinetic energy and that's what broke me right after I noticed and tried to Seethe air. It was to much, way to much and it hurt so made that I fell backwards. My vision blurring to nothing, until I couldn't see anything at all.

I didn't know for a long moment what happened after that.

The first thing I came to realize was Kya, his face leaning over mine as sight came back to me as I looked up at him for a long moment before smiling a bit, My mind still fuzzy, the voices somewhere in the distance, as I looked up at that beautiful face. But he looked worried, frowning a bit in dazed confusion, I tried to open my mouth a bit to ask why when the action seemed to start something, suddenly everything was clear, as the voices rushed back as I felt my eyes hum a bit with the color shifting as I gasped a bit as soudn of the world outside my mind returned.

"Shin! Shin are you alright?!" I nodded a bit jerkily before rolling to the side a bit as I tried to get up onto my feet, blinking in confusion as I looked at the sand as drops of red fell down and dropped onto the sand, staining them as I looked at Kya who was at my side, and now helping me up.

"I'm bleeding?" Kya nodded as I stumbled to straighten up a bit more, my body aching, but that was expected, I fell on my back at an awkward angle while I was covered in injuries, but the pounding in my head, and the blood leaking from my nose, I knew, just instinctual, that was from information overload. I saw to much, so much that my head couldn't contain it and I passed out. That was dangerous. I didn't even know I could be overloaded... I'll have to be careful when I try that again.

"What happened Shin? Why did you fall over?!" I sighed a bit as we made our way to a bench as I dropped onto it a bit roughly before trying to figure out in anyway how to say something before finally coming up with the easiest to answer.

"I could See and it was...weird. I could... You know that splash of colors when you close your eyes after looking at something bright?" Kya looked at me in confusion for a long moment before just nodding as i sighed for a second and then said. "Image those colors as one solid color but not really. That's the color of potential energy and Kinetic is like... image if there was a shade between red and orange but with yellow... no wait, it's more like-" Kya suddenly placed a finger on my lips and said.

"So you saw momentum? Or like-... something like that?" I nodded a bit and said as I leaned a bit away from the finger.

"Yeah, among other things, it was to much for my head... Before I think I was in to much pain to actually comprehend anything but the, I don't know, momentum of things, like the explosion path I guess? So I didn't pass out from it, but that doesn't make much sense... Maybe I was seeing something else then. I did see a lot of things so maybe potential and kinetic is just one of the things?" Kya just shrugged and said.

"Maybe, your eyes are back to pink, there were orange for a while and briefly yellow until you woke up and got up. Oh! And I think they turned like bright purple before you passed out" Purple? I leaned back to look at him, making sure he was saying that right. He looked serious enough. Why purple? I guess it's the next stage from pink but still... I don't think my eyes have ever been purple before so that's strange.

"Do any of you know anything?" Kya was still looking at me with worry but I was to focused on this as my eyes roamed over the Chats that appeared in front of me as I read over them, most not really knowing which wasn't a massive help as I frowned a bit before something was pressed into the side of my face as I turned to look at Kya who was pressing a tissue to my still bleeding nose... Right.

"Thanks" He smiled a bit and before I could get back into my thoughts he spoke up again.

"Hey, is this safe for you?" Who cared if it was safe for me? I'm going to learn how to control this. I mean, clearly all I need to do is learn to control what exactly I'mSeeing, like a kind of filter so I'm not flooded over with things I don't need to know.

"I'll be fine, come on, I'm going to try that agai-" Just as I was about to stand up and walk back over to the the rock, my arm was grabbed as I nearly stumbled before turning back to look at Kya with confusion on my face as he just glared at me for a moment before pulling me off to the side. Now I was really confused.

"Yeah, no, we said no lying remember? Come on you stubborn ass, we're going to get something to eat" But-...

"Fine, but afterwards we're coming back here" He shot back at that.

"Only if you stop bleeding by then and you aren't going to rush or I'm just going to take my time eating"


"Really, now come on" I just sighed before nodding as I started to walk in pace, as Kya's hand stopped being hung around my arm and instead fell to hold onto my hand...

Ok, maybe this wasn't that bad.

Chapter 18


One more chapter before everything truly gets started

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The following weeks were... busy. I didn't get much in the way of conversations in with anyone but Kya, Himiko, and Shinsou when I trained him. Most of the time was with Kya, the two of us working and brain storming about my quirk. Finally after two full weeks of effort and a lot of bleeding from my nose, and worryingly once from my eyes, I can now sort of regularlySeeafter a moment of concentration but I can't make someone beSeenwhile I'm doing that, some kind of limit I don't know how to break past yet.

But I think it's what happened in that hallway in the club, when beingSeenby my quirk and me, myself,Seeingoverlap, I think it might be too much strain on the metaphysical plane or whatever for the object or person to deal with and so usually something breaks. Either a person's mental state like with Giran, or an object, like the hallway. It's just a theory because I can barely evenSeeright now for more than a couple seconds, five at max, before I nearly pass out.

It's just to hard tonottake in all the information presented to me and instead try and only see one thing, in the case of what I'm trying to first learn to see is prediction paths of items or even people. It'shardbut I'm beginning to get the hang of it, but after a full year basically now of constantly trying to take in as much information from my quirk as possible, trying to limit this new part of it is incredibly difficult. Hence the very small time limit in which I couldSeewhat I wanted before pointless information flooded my eyes overwhelmed me.

It was small progress, something I really didn't like, but not something I let slow me down, as this was something I had no idea I could even do a few weeks ago, any progress was good progress in all honesty. I might not have that opinion if Kya wasn't constantly telling me that this new ability was really cool and made me relax before I got to stressed which lessened my anger about all this by a decent amount and keeping me from probably giving myself brain damage from being too stubborn and over taxing myself before I can recover.

My boyfriend is a f*cking saint.

Anyway, more things happened in those two weeks, going in order, Shinsou sort of lead a declaration of war on the hero students for some reason. Kya asked about it and the answer he gave was something about an intimidation tactic I guess. Did I understand how that was suppose to be intimidating? Not in the slightest, but if I want to scare someone then I have better options available to me.

Besides that and while still on the subject of Shinsou, I beat the sh*t out of him for two weeks until he didn't get the sh*t beat out of him. That might be a bit generous, but he was ok at dodging now, and knew the basics about throwing punches and was very good at taking a punch now which was something. He also got some muscle mass, but two weeks was hardly enough time to change a person's body type fully but he was making progress at least.

Besides that, during, but mostly after training the purple teen, I spent a lot of time with my gloves. How they work is they release gas into the air that I can ignite with a simple snap of my fingers, because of the flint and metal plates on said fingers. And the gas can only go through the pipes when I hold my hand at a certain angle. Like I'm about to snap, the long I hold it the strong it is or I can release some pressure on it and make a bigger explosion in less time with the dial on the back of my hand.

It was more complex than that in other terms, and I had to spend a lot of down time in between everything else learning how to use them properly. It was like with my five point gloves, I had to learn how to not accidentally set the thing off without meaning to or releasing a somewhat toxic gas in the air without igniting it. I've had to learn to hold my hands in a lot of interesting ways.

Ever gone a few nights in a row not being able to use your pinkies because a displacer in your gloves got fried and you were to busy with seven other side projects to tear out the wiring and remake then thing? I do, I still even sometimes pick up things without all five fingers. And now I have a habit of not clenching my fist a certain way and I don't snap, ever, unless I want a fiery explosion to go off.

Even then I've also had to go deep into learning the way explosions react in different environments. Sure, I could nowSeethe path the explosions would take, but I could only get one of those in before I have to stop and not use that ability for a while so I have to learn how to use the... I never came up with a name for it did I? I mean the taser part is called five point touch but the explosion thing? Hmm... I'll call it...Snap bang? No... blast... Blasting caps? Blasting Snap. I like that. Blast Snap? I'll think of a better name in a bit. Back to the recap.

Anyway, I had to use a lot of time to get use to how to aim literal explosions and getting use to them in more than one way. Aiming, which was one of the bigger things to figure out was hardly the only thing. There was learning to count the seconds to predict how big and explosion would be when I set it off, how to optimize and reduce recoil from the explosions, and how to keep track of how much fuel was being used so I knew so many canisters are still in play, among other smaller things, like figuring out how to use more smaller level explosions in things like free running.

Letting me defy gravity a bit with upward propulsion with that lovely and terrifyingly dangerous newton law.

I don't think people realize how terrifying physics are, but when you can literally f*ckingSeegravity for even a few seconds, which by the way is the color in between grey and purple but still somehow both at the same time, yeah that color exists, and is all consuming, then you learn to realize just how crazy it is. And that's coming from someone who literally can answer secrets to the universe itself, which was all kinds of mentally scaring as a kid when you're told about how gravity could realistically flip at any moment if just a single planet moved a couple feet out of the gravitational rotation they have around the sun.

Not even mentioning all the horror stories I've been told before by the voices about all uncaught criminals out there who killed hundreds of people. sh*t's unsettling when your seven... And might be the reason why I could possible have a number of unresolved mental disorders. f*ck knows I'm way to good at violence and seeing violence for it to be normal, not even mentioning all the emotional and social issues that I undoubtedly have.

But those are hardly important, nothing more than a nice and very ignorable footnote in my life that I choose to not deal with.

With that only thing to do is talk about another thing that happened over the two weeks. Honestly those were the important things, besides that... I accidentally marked myself off as a genius with no equal when it got back that I had yet to get wrong a single answer on any test which lead to them thinking I was cheating, which then lead to an interesting talk with Nezu about how school is literally useless for me in all terms.

If it wasn't mandatory and I needed the hero course, then I just wouldn't bother to even go to schools. They literally can't teach me anything, any test they put in front of me I just know the answers to so grading as well is literally pointless beyond belief for me. The only reason I'm bother with a perfect record now is because I'm sleeping more than I had in junior high, which isn't saying a lot admittedly, so it's a lot easier to focus on classes and because high GPA is a lot more important for things like university which I have to deal with later down the road.

So might as well flawless this stuff in the mean time.

Well, not to say I'm perfect at it, sometimes Chat just can't see the answers, because not every one of them can see everything and sometimes none of them can see what I need and since I don't trust the screams of random numbers or words from the voices so it's not like the only thing I got going for me is my quirk, as I really don't like idea that I'm stupid but my quirk isn't. So I study like any good person does and it's still easy enough all things considered. Though the flawless thing might run out at some point once we go into more difficult material... Probably, I'm like really ahead of everyone else in most standard subjects because of how much I've taught myself and can teach myself in a short period of time, besides like maybe history and even then with everything I've been told over the years, I'm still a bit ahead in that though only in certain history subjects.

Thinking of academics at the moment, another thing I was doing was studying a lot into chemistry, so I know how to make over fifty types of bombs from stuff I can find in a supermarket, but there is a bit more to it than that and since I know a sh*t ton about engineering and plenty about physics, I figured I could continue to expand my horizons a bit more so that's also been getting at my time along with some side studies into thermodynamics for other reasons.

Even got a couple more voices, that where in a couple fields of expertise, into Chat as well which was something. Though it was taking a while for them to get adjusted properly into working together with the others in Chat, not to mention me getting use to eight new messages in my line of sight that I have to learn to comprehend with all the others at the near same time, but I did that over the course of two weeks, not all at once, so I managed fine enough at it after a few hours of getting use to them at a time.

It was always a bit weird when someone new joins Chat, for one, I've added over a dozen more over the last year and before that point it was literally like two to three years so the sudden influx in Chat in of itself was a bit crazy, but I didn't mind. I literally have a think tank of the smartest beings alive in my head that I can pull on at anytime I want, I try to not complain as much about them anymore.

Of course the voices are still little sh*ts that I sometimes just want to suffocate with a pillow, but that's always been the case. On a side note, I went to the movies with Kya for a date, yeah, I remembered why I don't do movies or TV shows much when I'm with people. Sure it was fun to watch Kya's reactions, but every time something shocking or crazy happened, I got reminded that I had the movie basically script read to me the second we entered the movie theater, not to mention they always give me migraines.

Not because the movies or bad or even because neither Chat nor the voices realize I don't want to be horribly spoiled about the plot while they're talking about it among themselves. No, it's because every single voice in my head thinks their a comedian and gives a commentary about the movie as it goes. Some just watch with me sure, but none of them know how to be a good audience so my head is alwaysveryloud during movies. Doubly when you mix in the voices who don't care about the movie and just want to talk, as they bombard me with pointless information about all the people around us.

Needless to say it was very painful, but Kya clearly enjoyed it so that was nice at least. Though he did seem to notice I wasn't exactly having fun, and was downing pain meds half way through it. So we talked after, he smacked me for not telling him about it before hand, and we agreed that anymore movie dates could be done at one of our houses or with a projector and a desk at the storage unit... It was nice that he cared so much about something like that even though he enjoyed it. Like I said, saint.

Anyway, it was the day of the sports festival and I've been thinking about the more notable things I've done in the last two weeks, though there have been other things, as I finished getting ready for the coming hours. I made sure to get at least six hours last night, which was about as good as I could get before the voices restarted my noggin and forced me awake unless I was on meds, though thankfully they wanted me to do well, and even right now were talking excitedly about it so they let me sleep as long as they could.

Honestly, the reason they are so jumpy is because I haven't done anything violent in a while and the little sh*ts were blood thirsty gremlins. Mock spars against Shinsou were hardly enough for them anymore and I couldn't go out to get them their fix in the last few weeks either so they were angsty about it. So they were really looking forwards to me kicking some other teenagers asses.

Speaking of time off, I just finished brushing my teeth as I stared at myself in the bathroom window. I didn't have my dress shirt on yet or the other parts of my school uniform besides my pants. But unfortunately I wasn't admiring by great body, instead I was looking at the purple welts along my sides and bare chest and the long stitch scars across my chest and sides that while blended with the rest of the scarring, was still sore and very new. Two weeks isn't that much recovery time for what I went through.

But it's enough, well not really, still hurts a bit when I bend at weird angles and most of my way of fighting is bending and dodging at angles that are awkward for normal people, not to mention all the stuff that goes into free running, but that's not all that important at the moment. I can deal with the pain just fine, it's hardly the first time I've gotten the hell beaten out of me and I got back onto my feet and went back out a lot sooner than two full weeks.

The only reason I waited this long is because I really need to get into the heroics course, there is only two ways of going about it now and I really, and I do mean really, do not want to do the second way. So sports festival it is.

Now then, where is my shirt.

"Aren't you worried any?" I rolled my eyes a bit at that and completely pretended that my hand wasn't a bit to tight around Kya's as I said.

"I've nearly dead a dozen times in the last twelve months, I don't think I get nervous anymore" Kya gave me a long look before nodding a bit and gave my hand a squeeze which made me feel a bit better as he said.

"Of course. You'll do great" Saint, I don't give a f*ck, he's the best and I will stab all those that doubt it.

"Thanks. Make sure and tell Shinsou that as well" Kya nodded a bit at that and said.

"Course he'll do well, he got you to train him"

"Course. He's like my praised student at this point, can't have him embarrass me. I'd die of shame" He nudged me a bit at that.

"You can't even feel shame" I placed a hand over my heart and said.

"Just because your completely right doesn't mean you have to be so blunt and rude about it. Truly no one loves me"

"Hey! I never said that you-" Ok, so maybe it wasn't fair but come on, he leaves himself so open to me.

"Oh! So are you're saying you love me?" He turned bright red suddenly as I smiled a bit and squeezed his hand back as he stared straight ahead, his tail twitching all around like a little spring while his ears were pointed straight up. f*cking cute as hell.

"M-maybe" I-. Ok, I was expecting him to try and smack me or something and now my chest is doing this weird thing and I- I feel warm again? Am I having a stroke? And why are the voices being so loud and... f*cking focus, um. um. um. Why is he the only one who can leave me speechless like this, it's not fair!

"Ah, um. You too" He blinked at that before turning just a hint more red as he ducked his head a bit as I felt like doing the same, but I managed to hold off from that as we continued to walk down the road to the train to UA. That warm feeling blooming up a bit more and more as we walked down the road.

Nothing else really being said, the two of us just enjoying the moment for a long while. Holding onto each other as my mind drifted on the awkward words said just a moment ago as I smiled a bit bigger.

No matter how today turns out. I think I'm already pretty damn happy all things considered. It's strange how often I'm happy now, but I love it and... I love him. Simple as that.

Shinsou liked to think he knew his place in life. Did he like his place? Not at all. Being called a villain in the making for his entire life would do that. And with his drive to be a hero it didn't make anything any more in his favor. But he still knew where he was, he didn't get things like friends. It hurt in the beginning but it was something he just got use to after years of being by himself.

That understanding of his life was broken quickly, right alongside his dream of getting into the hero course. It hurt, but his quirk was pointless against robots and without it then what good was he? That understanding also didn't last long after he joined the General Education course and with it his life got flipped almost because of two guys.

One, Sansa Ribakyatto, who he called Sansa still because he got a half glare from the guy's boyfriend when he tried to call him the same name Koe did, which Shinsou must say was probably one of the most terrifying moments of his life. Anyway, Sansa was nice, open, and very friendly, but very awkward around other people and often went silent for a long time without meaning to unless he was with Koe.

Sansa was the one to bring him into the two's circle, which also included an insane mechanic who sometimes shared lunch with them and a girl that Shinsou thought was kind of cute admittedly but was way to scared of trying anything, Himiko was not right in the head from what he could tell. And that wasn't even mentioning Koe himself who was all sorts of crazy.

Shinsou wasn't really sure what to expect from the two to be honest when he sat down next to them. He recognized Koe, though he didn't know the teen's name at the time, from the two of them often going to the same spot for drinks and to pet cats. Not to say they ever even talked to each other. Something about Koe had put Shinsou off the notion. Sure he looked about as strange as you can without a strong mutation quirk, but it was still there, at some point Shinsou decided it was Koe's eyes.

Shinsou knew zones out from exhaustion, he had insomnia just like Koe did, not as badly clearly, but his point was he knew what someone who was that kind of zoned out looked like better than most, and Koe never was zones out, ever. No, that look reminded him of those people you hear about on the news, those people who were arrested and had a documentary made about them and how they fantasized ways to kill everyone around you. Like they got amusem*nt from a source that just wasn't in reality.

And he thought Koe really was some crazy psychopath right up until he explained his quirk, which also scared the hell out of Shinsou as he talked about things that he shouldn't know about. And then it made sense. Sure admittedly he was still a bit iffy around the guy, as he's clearly unstable so Shinsou thinks it's understandable. Not to say he doesn't like him.

The guy once you get to know him is actually nice, if you look past the way he talks, which is a heavy waterboard of sarcasm and sass. But even then it was never in a way that was mean, and it shocked Shinsou a bit at that. After a life of being told he had a terrible and villainous quirk, which always weighed on him, suddenly just came this guy who probably had it much worse and he just kept moving on, clearly not caring about what other people thought about him and was actually some what nice about it.

It was inspiring in it's own way, even if Shinsou never actually wanted to be like Koe in many other aspects. Just the ability to continue on, ignoring others and chasing after what you want full force without hesitation about those around you. Shinsou didn't think it was possible.

Of course it didn't stop there, sure Koe was nice, and he even helped him out after Shinsou realized just exactly how much he had to catch up in without even realizing he was letting his dream slip by. But honestly out of the three people he could almost call friends now, Koe, while admittedly the most badass, was not even second in terms of who he liked the most.

That went to Sansa and Hatsume, both who just didn't seem to care about things that he always thought so important, and just like being around him. It was shocking, but it was the truth, the two actually talked to him without issue about anything and it was just crazy to him.

Sansa because the guy was just a ball of nice that always just made him feel a bit better and could get Koe into a conversation with ease, and Hatsume who while most certainly just a bit crazy always seemed to make time to talk to him if he wanted, even if she would multitask during their talks.

And it was all around justnicecrazily enough, he liked being around them, and that hurt a bit, making him realize just how alone he was before now, but he dealt with the blows and just moved forwards. Doing his best to not ruin the trust he somehow got in the two who he could actually call his best friends. Though admittedly, he mostly hung around Hatsume outside of school, which was when he met Himiko, but Sansa was literally dating Koe so he could hardly get jealous over it without seeming petty.

Still, his life was flipped in just three weeks, he's now exercising daily, along with sparring, he has friends, multiple of them, and they don't judge him at all. Which Shinsou personally thinks is because all of them, even Sansa who is most certainly the most stable, are to crazy to be able to judge him on anything out of the ordinary. Like how he sometimes passes out in class because of his sleep schedule, or how he quickly eats his lunch, being far to use to bullies come up and making him leave before he was finished.

It was strange, but one thing hadn't changed in the slightest in the last month of schooling, he still wanted to be a hero more than anything else. And today, right now, was about to be the sports festival.

Which is what lead to him in the men's changing room with the rest of class 1C's guys. Some where a bit uncomfortable, Shinsou was a part of that group. He didn't really care about the others. He wasn't into guys, so to him they just looked like skin and meat, no he just didn't like the idea of being stared at while he was changing. He had a few scars on his chest and back, things he really didn't like being looked at. They were in his past, but he still didn't like it.

"f*ck dude, are you ok?" Shinsou tensed up instinctively as he turned, ready to say it was nothing as he quickly pulled the gym uniform onto his chest when he realized, he wasn't being talked to, as he looked over at Koe with almost the rest of the class and nearly said something along the same lines.

The teen looked like he went through a blender in the worse way, there was only a few spots around his body that didn't have some mark on it, most was the bruises but the fact that there was still just that many scars was very worrying. Koe just glanced over at everyone else and rolled his eyes and pulled the shirt on, still showing a few of the scars that went down his arms, before saying.

"I fell down some stairs. And while I appreciate the male form, I'm not interested in any of you so..." The words had an instant effect, a few went flustered and embarrassed, trying to defend their fragile masculinity, a few looked a bit disgusted at his comment, clearly they were the stupid ones in Shinsou's opinion, and most quickly looked away, clearly uncomfortable with the very lame excuse and being caught staring at the most terrifying person in their class.

Shinsou was hardly the only one to recognize that Shin Koe was absolutely terrifying, just the air he gave off most of the time just screamed unapproachable and sometimes during class Shinsou would notice his eyes would turn color, which was a bit weird, but when they did, it felt like someone was pressing down on his body and mind, and it was easy for the others to realize it was Koe. The now almost daily nosebleeds and Sansa smacking him was more than clue enough for even the stupider ones.

Shinsou didn't really like it, but high school rumors are hardly something he can stop. Someone even said he gave a dressing down to All Might himself, which while something Shinsou was sure the crazy and disrespectful teen would do, he really hoped hadn't actually happened because that was like a granteed way to not be able to get into heroics.

But he didn't have time to ask, by the time everyone was done, they were being called onto the field with everyone else. Walking along side Kya and suddenly Koe, who sort of just appeared by the two's side, another reason he didn't really feel all that safe around the guy, besides the fact it was painfully clear that Koe could probably kill him with his hands tired behind his back, was the fact that he didn't make sound, like hardly ever, the only time he does is when Sansa smacks him for sneaking up on him basically and practically none anywhere else.

Though, Shinsou was a bit interested in something else that was a bit off about Koe, he had gloves on at the moment. Shinsou remembered Sansa saying something about self made gear being allowed to be used, but he'd almost forgot that on top of everything else, Koe had the nerve to be unjustly super smart. It was something that made him feel a bit out of place sometimes as Sansa was a near permanent fixture in the top three students of their class without issue and Hatsume was also a mechanical super genius by what he's seen. It made him feel kind of dumb sometimes.

But you don't need to be a genius or someone with some super powerful quirk to be a hero, and that's what he wants to prove today. He'll win. With or without his quirk though he will have to use it if he wants to win against Koe. Shinsou is certain the other teen has gotten over confident from beating him so many times and he is always talking during their spars, telling him how to fight a bit better. All it would take is one slip, one he's use to making when Shinsou's quirk wasn't in play, and he would win.

He had to.

Kya didn't really care much about this competition to be honest, well that wasn't right. He cared a lot about it, but not for himself. But all of his friends at UA and his boyfriend had something riding on this. Both Shin and Hitoshi need to get top three to get into heroics, and while Mei both needed this to make a very good first impression on investors, or that's at least what she said. Honestly Kya doesn't know much about business.

Anyway, he still had to compete, which was fine. Kya was honestly a bit curious about how he'd land on the scales, don't get him wrong, he knew he wasn't going to get close to winning this. Kya did not know a single thing about fighting, at least fighting back without gloves, the best he could hope for is to tire some else out or hope for a first course that would suit him and the few skills he has picked up from Shin. Like first aid, he could ace that.

Thinking of his test dummy of a first aid usee. He turned and looked at Koe, who was walking up along side him. Honestly, he didn't like those other students seeing Koe without his shirt on. Not for some jealously reason, though, admittedly, it did make him uncomfortable a bit in that way to. But it wasn't only that. Kya hated the way they looked at him like he was some attraction.

Hitoshi had told him about the rumors of course, and he told Shin, not that his stubborn boyfriend seemed to care, but he did, a lot.

He hated the way they looked at Shin like he was some weirdo or some exhibit you can't get to close to. Sure he could admit, he hung out with the definition of the weird crowd, he could see that. But he still hated the way the whole school seemed to just ogle his friends, him, and especially his boyfriend. At least the others had the ability to not to out of place as long as they weren't being their weird selves, but him and Shin?

Kya remembers pretty clear why he really didn't like junior high, all the people wanting his attention because they find his quirk interesting or can't take a hint in the slightest, and there are those ones who just don't like any human that isn't expressly human. He's use to the strange looks, even somewhat use to it, but he still hated it all the same, even if a good portion of his class stopped after Shin made it very clear that he would beat the hell out of anyone and everyone for any reason if he thought they were bugging Kya. Something he was grateful for but it did make this whole trying to be social thing difficult, but he didn't mind, he had two new friends and honestly Kya wasn't sure if he could really handle to many more.

While on the other hand of the sticking out and not usually in a good way, there was Shin. He looked about as normal as a baseline human can when they constantly changing eye colors and his graying hair and admittedly near unnerving eyes. But he's just one of those people who just draws attention, as much as Kya knew he didn't like it, it's just how he was, as Watcher it's a good thing, a near beacon of hope for people in rough situations, but as Shin?

Look, Kya loved him, he was his god damn boyfriend and he loved seeing Shin do what he does best, fight, build, learn, improvise, help those in need, you name is, Kya likes it about his boyfriend, but that doesn't mean he's blind to Shin's flaws either. He knew that Shin as a person just didn't inspire the same hope he did in that costume, at least to those that didn't know him like Kya knew him, and no one knew him it seemed and no one wanted to know him.

To normal people, he was just tpo weird or down right crazy in some of his habits that personally Kya just found cute. Like the whole talking to the voices in his head thing. Kya just found it kind of relaxing to see Shin roll his eyes randomly and just start muttering to himself about why he can't just suddenly do a back flip or about how he couldn't just leave class because they were bored.

It's not like he isn't use to the random ticks and honestly Kya likes that he does it without care about it and trusts that Kya won't act all weirded out by the whole thing instead of just not caring, and that difference meant a weird amount to Kya. He use to do that, after they first met, just for a while. And it's nice to see that habit had been broken not to long after.

His self reflection on this whole event and the school's population ended as Kya watched as Midnight, who was wearing his hero costume and distracting a large portion of the male and some female students and audience, started talking about the class rep from 1A giving an address while bending a bit at an awkward angle.

Kya had gotten use to her in various states of outfit. She seemed to like to make a game of making the guys in his class very uncomfortable. Every time she tried that with him however Kya's hand when get squeezed hard enough to district him or make his attention focus away and now he just sort of didn't notice as much anymore. The unusual giving way to routine. Speaking of unusual, Kya watched as some guy with spiky dust blonde walked up to the stage, looked out at everyone before saying.

"I'm gonna win" Kya almost feel the anger coming off everyone around him as he noticed the way Hitoshi tensed up hard as he glared up at the stage, as Kya turned and then glanced at Shin and almost had to do a double take. Shin's eyes, those brilliant pink were practicallyglowing.it was a visual tick that had started happening recently.

Shin said something about them being a result of a new eye color being unlocked, like how his eyes use to be mostly red before he was eight and then they just turned pink one day as the voices got more in volume and now it's like his baseline. Now that his eyes can turn purple, but only in extreme focus, they start to shift to that color when he's giving something a lot of thought. Hence the glowing.

It just showed how clearly focused he was on it as Midnight announced the selection process as a wheel was spun until an obstacle race was selected as Kya glanced at Shin, whose eyes had shifted again, they were now bright orange. He was in that zone he got into when he was about to fight for his life. Kya could see it clearly as the students moved to get into position, Hitoshi moving a bit to stand next to the two of them as they waited for the count down.

All three lowering themselves to get ready to run. Though Kya couldn't help but notice for months of observing Shin, at how his eyes widened just a fraction just as the race begun and suddenly, almost like he hadn't even thought about it, jumped, just in time to avoid a sudden wave of ice shot out from somewhere as Kya managed to do the same.

Instinctively, from months of dodge training, as he avoided the attack as he watched Hitoshi make people carry him across it and Shin suddenly, without hesitation, using the two people's shoulders to jump up and was suddenly wall running across before jumping, easily four or so meters above everyone else to the end of the tunnel.

It had begun.


Just a good old chapter about the last two weeks and our three boys recount of the things that have happened in the past few weeks, for the two that are Shin it talks about most of the entire school year so far which has only been about a month which isn't that much.

Chapter 19


Just felt like adding this because I've been on the wiki a lot recently and seen a lot of the stat blocks for the characters
Power: 2/5 D
Speed: 4/5 B
Technique: 4/5 B
Intelligence: 6/5 S
Cooperativeness: 1/5 F
Headaches: 5/5 A

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Oh?! Would you look at that. Todoroki is starting off with a big wave of ice but the ones from Class 1A didn't get stuck and are moving strong! Hey hey! What's this? Someone is right next to Todoroki even pulling ahead and there not even from heroics! It's Koe from class 1C!"Mic is being as loud as ever.

Todoroki Shouto, I don't like him, he's flashy and a bit over redundant not to mention all the daddy issues, honestly I don't think I'll like anyone from the Todoroki family. As I ran along the ice, the grips on my free running shoes doing more than enough to not slip, I listened to the other contestants slip or fall, but I just ignored them, I was basically half way next to Todoroki as I watched him glare at me with confusion, I just rolled my eyes as I listened to explosions ring out in the distance as the guy in third place began to catch up.

Just in time as I watched as from ahead of us was a number of those robot things from the entrance exam quickly coming up, none of them were an issue. They wouldn't even be able to touch me if I didn't want them to. Then I saw the zero pointers, f*cking hell. I still don't get why they put those things in the exam, I might be able to take one down within a minute or two but even then there was no real point to them with my current equipment but there wasn't a reason to as I watched as Todoroki seemed to decide something else as Chat screamed at me as I jumped up suddenly as I flipped over a massive wall of ice that I didn't see.

Before watching as it continued onward as in an instant one of the zero pointers was frozen as Todoroki continued on as I bounded as well.

"And just like that Todoroki is continuing to try to push his lead with another massive attack! He's someone to watch! Getting in on recommendation he didn't even fight those robots before and let he instantly took one down! But what's this Koe isn't being slowed down in the least, not even bothering to deal with the robots!"I know it's just me, but listening to Mic on top of the murmuring commentary from the voices isn't all that fun. It's just the same thing said over and over again in different ways.

Using the smaller robots and even the zero pointers to gain air as I ran along their sides or body's without issue, easy moving out of the way of them when they tried to hit me as I quickly and without issue passed Todoroki as the next obstacle came up.

Listening to the background as the zero pointer that was frozen by the zero pointer crashed down and someone actually fighting the things. It was ridiculous enough for me to roll my eyes. Honestly, if running is the clear and best way to do this, why even bother dealing with the others or enemies at all. It was just a waste of time and effort.

"Todoroki used his attack for both offensive and defensive purposes. He has good control over his quirk, while Koe isn't bothering with things he can just avoid. Not bothering to waste resources"At least Eraser is being somewhat more insightful about it all.

"That's Koe for you, for those at home, he's pretty clever even if his quirk doesn't back that up with impressive power"And now I'm listening to whining sounds from the voices. I'm punching Mic after this.

Those thoughts were derailed for later as I ran up, barely ahead of Todoroki, to a massive pit that spanned easily at least a few hundred meters, with ropes connecting stone pillars across the pit. I see.

A tight rope, how boring.

I didn't even bother to pause, a full year of intense and practically at times suicidal free running across an entire city means I haveverygood balance, and these ropes were tight enough that they didn't even give as I just ran across the first one presented as I listened to the freezer burn curse and try to glide cross the rope with his ice. I ignored him. The only time someone like him would be a direct threat to me was in a fight, but in a competition of speed and skill? He was nothing but a pest that tried to launch a glacier or two at me.

Jumping from the first tight rope to another without issue as I listened to shouts of people complaining about something or another as I continued to just run like normal. I was only half way across at the moment before suddenly I listened to a scream of rage as someone literally flew over head as Todoroki suddenly made an ice bridge, just strong enough to break under him as he used it to quickly get past the rest of the cannon as I growled in annoyance.

A good ten seconds later I was finished with the pit, as I pushed my legs harder. I had wanted to pace myself and I could easily enough get in the top forty positions available, but I never exactly liked losing, in any sense.

So that's why I wanted second place, though that realize would come later, as I pushed my still sore legs into the gear I used when I needed to be somewhere faster than a car, but here I couldn't cut corners, so I just ran even harder.

I was quickly catching up with burn patch but explosion bitch was a bit ahead still, but that's when we got to the landmine field as I just smirked as the two slowed down to be careful as I just kept running, full force.

"The top three still in the head but now we're getting to the climactic end! Everyone will have to slow down now because your in a mine field, one wrong move and you go boom!"

My eyes roaming everywhere as I stared at the ground a head of me, tracking every single one of chat who were showing me exactly where to step without losing to much speed as I avoided every single mine in the ground without issue. After all, there is no reason for me to bother with being careful if I just know exactly how to get around them.

"Ah! Now we have a fight! Bakugo is suddenly passing Todoroki, using his explosions with skill to just get around the course entirely! While Koe is now half a field ahead, I wonder how much longer that will last? Huh? Bakugo stopped? Is he not worried about Koe? He seems to be mid running battle with Todoroki"Heh, count on fools to be fools, whatever, someone's hurt pride is the least of my issues... Midoriya is about to do something? Fine. He can win by all means. After all, I'm already at the gate.

"Huh?! Koe's already at the gate! But he's not moving anymore, just standing there? Is he milking the victory?"Victory? It would be nice sure, but this is just the first of three battles today, and I see no need to get myself in trouble in the second battle. Who cares about something like the first battle?... Heh. I do, I won it after all, in all but name, but if I want to win a war. I see no reason to rush. That's what idiots do, and thankfully I have a class of them here to help me, even if they are unwilling.

Thinking of which... Let's see here Chat... Three seconds? Ah, ten in total, got it. Smirking just a bit to myself, I turned and began to head to the end of the tunnel.

"Huh? What was with that explosion in the back? Holy hell, Class 1A Izuku Midoriya is suddenly flying over the others and is heading right towards the gate! Will he get there in time?"Yeah, he will, I'm not in a rush at the moment after all.

As I turned back and watched as Midoriya did the one thing I expected, he hit the mines against and was shot forwards as I smirked and moved. Stepping over the finish lines just as he ran in front of me. Simple and calculated. Second place, a safe position where I don't have to worry about the ten million points.

Mic was screaming out about it though the crowd was a bit silent, clearly confused a bit at my actions, but I'm not here to give them a show. I'm here to win the entire thing, and I can't do that if I act like all my issues can be solved by beating people up in a completely level field. So the simple thing to do is just play it smarter than those hero trainees who are blinded by the first goal ahead of them, like it's the only one in their way.

Walking up a bit, listening to the sounds of the crowd, not in the stands but in my head, talk about how I should be trying to ace all these events. Honestly, I might be able to do that if I really tried, but it would be the much more difficult road, and that's not taking into consideration that I'm still healing. My body would give out if I did something like that probably. Besides, what am I going to prove if I beat the sh*t out of everyone here?

I'm trying to rip the hero world down a few pegs and I can't do that if I only show the only good things about heroes is their ability to punch really well. But all the same, I felt my face return to it's natural blank state as I turned and looked over my shoulder as I looked at Bakugo and Todoroki staring at me and Midoriya. I tilted my head a bit as I felt my eyes change back to pink as the voices continued to get louder and louder until they were at normal volume before I turned and moved into the crowd of people still coming in.

I had no reason to care about their wounded pride, because it was clear they cared a lot. It was obvious to me at least that the two had something going on with the green haired kid and as these three are probably the top strongest in their class, I expect they didn't ever even expect an element outside of the class. Like I said, pride, but with a very large dose of arrogance. They can get over themselves.

Moving into the very dispersed crowd of students, I looked around for a long moment before finding the three I was looking for. Kya, Hatsume, and Shinsou. I nearly smiled a tad at the sight of the first one, but that faded along with the nice buzz that everything going my way up until then had created as I looked at Kya. He had a large bruise on his jaw and was holding his side with a clear wince of pain coming over him.

I'm going to kill someone. Simple as that.

Quickly moving over to him, half marching as the idiots around me knew to get out of my way as I couldfeelmy eyes practically humming with color and anger. Purple is the color of anger, fun fact it's not actually red. Trust me, I've been able toSeeemotions before.

"Are you ok?" The words felt stale, I wanted to ask him who did it, but Chat and the voices were screaming that answer at me already. I knew exactly what happened and who I was going to kill. Todoroki and Iida were going todie.Kya just smiled a bit and said.

"I'm fine, I only tripped and got run over a tad, but I'm fine. I'm just glad no one stepped on my tail. What about you mister show off?" Normally the light tease would have made me smile, but now something very familiar was pushing into my chest. I wanted to break someone. He frowned as he leaned in and looked at me for a moment before grabbing onto my shoulder and said.

"Hey, come on, I'm fine. Look, it's a light bruise and you know how quickly these things can fade" I just kept looking at him, at the mark on his face, my mind coming up and discarding plans over and over again to deal with Todoroki. I could beat Iida without issue, he only had his speed and a broken leg would stop him in his track. But Todoroki? I need to attack from his right side and destroy at least his left arm quickly before he can overwhelm me with sheet power and ice. Now then what could I-

My thoughts caught as suddenly a pair of lips were pressed against mine as I blinked back into reality as I looked at Kya who was bright red as he looked away as I realized a bit numbly that we were in a stadium with a few thousand people... Ten thousand seven hundred eighty four people... Was I that out of it?

"Stubborn idiot... I'm fine, now please don't make me do that again, it's embarrassing" Now I just felt a bit bad for making him do that, well he could have slapped me but still. I looked at him for a moment, the plans still there, but that kiss kind of shorted out something in my head, as I gave him a smile before saying.

"Fine, come on, it's listen to Midnight explain this whole calvary battle... Oh we'll need Shinsou for this as well" Kya blinked a bit at that as we moved over to the teen in question and asked.

"Calvary battle? I thought they were random?" I shook my head a bit and said.

"First one is, meaning I couldn't know it, but the one after, the second event, is predetermined, it's why I got second place. You're about to get a kick out of this" Kya nodded a bit before looking around a bit more before asking.

"Shouldn't we get Mei here as well? How many people can we have?"

"Four, but Hatsume is going to be going to another person's team. Well, if I know her personality enough that is" Kya blinked a bit at that before making an ooh sound. I just smiled. He's smart, very smart. I don't usually have to explain things to him unless it's something that he can't reason his way to an answer from, and I like that. Plus, it's pretty hot.

From there, Shinsou jumped a bit when I appeared next to him but that faded after a second, he was getting use to me doing that, a bit boring but it was just for some small amusem*nt on my part. Though before we could talk any, Midnight appeared on the stage and started talking about the next event. It was exactly what I expected as I smiled a small tad while Kya gave me a look at that and Shinsou was looking at me with that look of knowing worry about how I just know things. I don't like the look, but it's expected, everyone gives me that looks. Besides four people.

"You set him up to get destroyed while also showing you're smart enough to predict the events and get ahead by being in second place instead of first. Is it weird that it's weirdly awesome to see you be terrifyingly clever" I gave him a smile at that before responding with.

"Not at all, I find some of the weird things you do awesome as well" He grinned a bit at that as we looked at each other for a long moment before Shinsou coughed a bit, reminding us he was there as he said.

"Not to interrupt this flirting session, but we need to make a plan. I'm assuming you're here because you two want to team up? Koe, you want to be the rider" Kya blushed a bit at him calling us out on that but I just nodded and said.

"You're doing a bad job at not interrupting but yeah, and no, I have a plan that will get us into the second spot but you're going to be the rider" Shinsou looked a bit surprised at that so I continued to explain.

"I'm a close ranged fighter, and with my current gear all my long ranged options would just hurt you two, so I have to be the horse, but here's the thing, no one says that the horse can't collect headbands as well, as long as we have the points and the rider doesn't touch the ground then we're good. So can can go on my merry way getting the headbands while you Shinsou protect them by making people just ignore you with your voodoo sh*t" Shinsou nodded but Kya raised a hand before asking.

"Ok, he's the rider and you're doing your solo thing, that's cool but I'm not exactly strong enough to balance Hitoshi on my shoulder's, much less if we need to run or something" I nodded as I glanced back at Shinsou who seemed to get the message as he looked around the remaining canon fodder before saying.

"Got it, I'll get one that look strong" I nodded as we watched him walk up to some guy with a tail, a martial artist according to Chat, interesting, before the two walked back over to us, the tall person walking with nothing going on behind hiseyes. Yeah, that'll do.

"Alright then, let's get this plan all sorted out then" Kya and Shinsou nodded while the brainwashed guy, which the voices were calling him puppet-chan, which I was ignoring, stood there dumbly while I began to discuss the back up plans I had set into motion the second I knew what the second event was going to be when the first event was selected.

Aizawa was impressed with his students, all of them had passed, some if only barely, but they managed it. If one good thing has come from the attack on the USJ is that they were disillusioned to the real world now and knew not to hesitate in anything they do. It's real world experience Aizawa didn't want them to have in such a situation.

Still he was proud, though he would never admit it, of his students, they were doing good so far but this would be the first real battle between them as class mates, and Aizawa wondered how it would go. He knew of course that two of the teams would advance and maybe another, those being team Bakugo and Team Todoroki. And he had a strong feeling that Team Shinsou would also pass because of the problem child was on that team and was no doubt pulling the strings like he had from the start.

Aizawa would be impressed at the move if he wasn't a bit annoyed at the lack of interest the kid seemed to have in getting first. Sure, Aizawa knew the kid did it completely on purpose to put the pressure on the other budding problem child but still. It ticked him off just a tad that the others were putting their all in it, with the downsides that brought to them, while Koe wasn't.

But perhaps he shouldn't judge the kid to harshly, he saw the way the kid was panting, that level of activity shouldn't have tired him out so much. He was probably still injured from something and was being to stubborn to get Recovery Girl to heal it, and the kid was hardly the type to come close to wearing his heart on his sleeve. The kid had next to no idea on how to work together or accept help from others much less showing much emotion at all.

And of course there was the fact that Aizawa simply did not know Shin Koe as well as he liked to think he did. He had would like to say he knew the kid some what well with all the interactions he had with the kid but the fact of the matter was, the kid was incredibly guarded and while Aizawa liked to think he cared, about really anything, it was hard to tell behind all that spite and sarcasm. Still, he was giving the kid a chance to prove himself, if he did well enough then Shin Koe would be transferred to 1A. Which means Aizawa needs to think if he needs t move anyone out or make the class number uneven.

Thinking about such a situation, Aizawa's eyes moved to the two other 1C students. One was clearly just doing this because his friends were doing this, but the other? The purple haired kid looked serious, he wanted to get to heroics as well... If he impressed Aizawa enough then he would ask for him as well to be sent to his class. The kid's quirk was brainwash, which from the only small descriptor Aizawa was forced to read for this event, it was powerful, if simple to get around. But only if one knew about it's weakness.

Then again, perhaps it would be better if Vlad got this one, but then there is the point of UA is only suppose to have two twenty student classes. That can be stretched, it had before, Aizawa and Midnight were the reason for that, but UA went under some flax for that. Personally Aizawa didn't really care about that stuff but Nezu did and the rat thing signed his paychecks so he was kind of strong armed into caring about it as well.

...Aizawa's eye caught on a particular student of his as everyone was teaming up, Mineta. The kid has already received a number of complaints from other students and it was clear the kid didn't really seem to care to much about heroics for the right reason. Course, not a lot of students in training these days really did this job for the right reason, but that was Aizawa's job to fix and he usually did. But sometimes there was just lost causes.

If the kid did something particularly stupid then Nezu can deal with forty-one students instead of forty. Vlad can decide himself if he wants Shinsou Hitoshi enough to replace a student with if the principle makes a big deal out of it. Mic was back in the booth now as Aizawa shifted a bit to not get smacked by the over hyper man's arm as he hit the speaker button and started to commentate about the match about to begin.

Aizawa, even if he really wished he didn't take this role in the festival he could admit the view was rational enough to make it worth it instead of the loud stands, leaned forwards a bit and watched as everyone seemed to get into position. His eyes roaming across the field, seeing the combinations that had been set up, mostly looking at those from his class, wondering how some of the groups would interact with each other's quirks.

"We about to get blood boys!" "And gals" "And nonbinary pals, got to get everyone involved" "Do we even have a gender?" "I don't see why not, hive mind or no we're all different voices so we can be anything, just like a corny commercial" "Fair enough, I'm an attack helicopter then" "Come on, that joke is literally a few hundred years old" "And it is still funny!" "Hate you all" "Your gender is tsundere" "That doesn't even make sense"

"I feel like we're getting less screen time these days" "That's because there's so much to keep track of that our comedic and lovely comments just aren't needed as much" "We really need get get someone to keep track of these fourth wall breaks. I swear we're over dipping" "I think someone's making a little group for fourth wall stuff in the back area so Shin can't hear us so we can talk about things we shouldn't know about" "Back? We're metaphysical sounds? How does that work" "I don't know, we don't make sense to start with, stop trying to think with logic about how we work"

"Alright time to quiet down everyone, we about to do the fighting stuff!" "Yay! I got the popcorn!" "Hell yeah, love abstract eating" "Oi pass it over, some in the back don't have any" "Sorry!" "So who we thinks going to win?" "Well obviously Shin's team! And I don't know, maybe that One for All dude? He seems fightsy" "Probably Bakugo's team as well, and Todoroki's but I don't like him" "He made Kya fall and get run over, so of course we don't like him!" "Shin will get our revenge, don't worry" "Fair enough. KICK SOME ASS SHIN!" "SSSHHH!" "Yeah quiet the movies about to start!" "...sorry"

My eyes are itchy, they don't shift color this much, going from orange to red to pink to almost purple back to red just to go to orange only to go back up to pink again in under an hour then back down, normally they only change like twice a day at most so the feeling is pretty damn noticeable now as I absently rubbed the edge of my eyes as I felt them go back to orange. Honestly I'm getting good at being able to tell just from how they're feeling about what color they are. Before I mostly knew by voice activity, but I was getting use to feeling the faint hum of whatever when the voices were being loud or I was focusing onSeeing.

"Come on everyone let's see some hands in the air as this student royal is bout to start! Three! Two! One! Go!"

I just smiled as we just stood there, as everyone, and I do basically mean everyone, without fail turned and rushed right at the ten million points. So ridiculous. With our combined five hundred and eighty points, we might even could realistically get at least fourth place just like this if my predictions go perfectly like I want them to. Of course that won't happen, I can already see a few people pulling away from the now flying first place and moving in our direction, but I don't mind. Honestly, I've been itching to actually be able to hurt someone.

"We have two teams approaching, Shinsou, deal with the one on the right. Ask about his dad, that'll get the guy ranting. I'm going to deal with the other" Stepping away from the others, I smiled a bit as I listened to Mic start talking about what I was doing as Aizawa made an off comment that the only rules were to not knock a person off their mount and to keep their own in the air as I crackled my knuckles as I watched a team of four people run at me. Fun.

Class 1B, seven hundred and five points, I'll be taking that thank you. Rushing forwards, I felt that feeling of adrenaline spike in my body as in an instant I was jumping up and around as I flipped out of the way of vines that were trying to stop me as I jumped up, slamming my foot into on of the horses faces as I listened to averynice snapping of a broken nose, as my hand shot forwards right for the band.

"No you don't!" My outstretched hand was knocked out of the way by a steel arm as I pushed off the guy I was on's face and flipped out of the way of another vine as I landed a kick right into the center of the vine user's chest, kicking her hard enough to send her flying back enough to throw her from the group, disabling their balance as I grabbed onto the hem of one of their shirts and pulled myself into a swing as I brought a fist straight down on the back of the metal man's head.

Displacement, speed, angle, and size were the most important factors in being able to break something, or even dent it, and steel had a set bend point at certain forces depending on a large number of factors, the important thing is. I knew where to punch and punched fast enough with the swing of my entire body being put into it that a long crack appeared in the guy's head as he gasped and nearly passed out as I, in the same motion, used my other hand to grab their headband, disabling most of them to come after me, and slipped out from their guard before someone could stop me.

In under ten seconds as I felt the voices roar with glee as I walked away from the three who would need medical attention as I tossed the band up to Shinsou, who was sporting a head band with one hundred sixty-five points on it. We now had one thousand four hundred and ten points, more than enough to get by as I glanced over and looked at the sight of others fighting as well, my eyes dancing across the field as the minutes ticked on, as I and then Shinsou took down two more teams who thought we would be easy as 1A continued to fight among themselves or in Bakugo's case, getting rid of class 1B.

Shinsou was giving me a bit of a look though, probably because I didn't go easy on the other team that was in line of sight of him. I don't think he liked the manic grin on my face as I slammed one of the horses heads into the ground with my foot. This is why I normally wear a mask. Though personally I blame the voices. I think their blood lust is beginning to wear off on me, which might be a bit concerning but whatever.

We were five points shy of two thousand now as I watched as they all fought in front of me, blood sport is surprisingly entertaining to be honest with you as I looked up at the screen as the there teams from 1A rushed at each other as I absently watched the time tick down as the finally draw ended, the score being what it is now. Todoroki in first, Shinsou in second, Bakugo in third, and in fourth Midoriya.

It hadn't gone perfectly, not in the way that would let us get by without issue, but I didn't care, second again. Close enough to first for the time being until the end where I'll win. Though to be honest, two teams, only like seven, very boring people to fight, in all honestly, my hands are still shaking a bit. I really wanted to hit something more, even the voices are a bit disappointing, even if they did have some fun watching the few ok fights.

Next up is the solo fights though, that'll have to be enough until I finish healing up and can go out again and fight without having to worry to much. It's not that big of a deal though. It's more like these last few weeks have been very stressful in a new way for me and I haven't really had the time to vent in the way I got use to. So the chance to let some of my very big amount of anger out in a fight is so very tempting... Damn, I really got some really bad anger issues don't I? Whatever.

"Good job Shin! You're in the finals with Hitoshi!" I blinked as I looked over at Kya who was giving me a massive smile as Shinsou was walking away from the very confused tail guy. Looking back at Kya, I half noticed my hands stopped shaking as I smiled back and said.

"Yeah, we are. You thinking about dropping out from this last round?" Kya blinked a bit before nodding a bit with a small laugh before saying.

"Yeah, while this was pretty fun, I'm not to into fighting by myself, that's more your style" I nodded at that, inwardly pretty damn glad he said that. I wouldn't have stopped him if he wanted to try fighting for a bit, but I really didn't want to see him get hurt considering all those that were left were good fighters, meaning it would be very difficult for me to watch him get hurt. Plus, my kill list is already at two, and it would be unfortunate if I have to expand it.

"Fair enough, then I can wait to hear you cheer me on. Come on, let's get some lunch, I'm f*cking hungry" Kya smiled at that as we walked over to Shinsou who was being nice enough to not interrupt our talk this time, as we headed off as I listened to Kya talk to Shinsou about how he was also glad he made it to the finals as well. I listened of course, but I also was thinking about other things

Only one more event left before I was in the hero course. Just one more.

Admittedly, it hurt a small bit of my admitted pride to not try at the very least to get first in all the events, because I really wanted to. Ihatedlosing but I hated half assing things as well. Honestly these last two events, even if they were admittedly fun, they also made me annoyed just a tad, even if my plans were working just as I wanted them to. They weren't the plans I wanted to use.

That's the other reason why I was going to give my all into this last event, because I don't want only get second anymore, I want first.

Anything else is just a hallow victory, even if I do get into heroics from it. Heh, I'm sure if I told Kya about this, he'd call me a stubborn idiot, but that's fine. He'd be right after all.


Splitting it up into two chapters because why the hell not. Really I have to write out like I think four fights for Shin and plan out the brackets to fit him into it and I just wanted before all that goes down to have a full chapter down. Besides that, we get to see a bit of everyone realizing Shin is a badass and probably a bit unhinged.
I mean, Aizawa has a very good reason to not put his faith into Shin's ability to be mentally sound.

Chapter 20


A slightly different chapter this time around, it's all in Kya's perspective so have fun with that.
Just wanted to try something a bit different, I think it turned out alright

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Kya was happy, sure he decided to not to go to the finals with his three friends who made it but that was his choice. There was much point in it for him beside maybe giving one of his friends a free win if he went up against them. So he was fine in the stands, right above class A and B's classes. As he listened to Mic explain how everything was set up as he waited and watched as a number of people walk among themselves about the last few rounds.

Besides, he got to have even more fun with his friends and boyfriend during the recreational events which were just small games with no point in them besides just to have fun. Though Shin was way to competitive during most of the events, which Kya just found so funny when his boyfriend's eyes just glowed in annoyance when he got third place on the ball race, muttering to himself about how he hadn't calculated for air drag like he should have. He was such a dork some times.

Watching him terrify the other students as he held multiple conversation with himself about the most effective way to roll a ball while using a bunch of mathematics terms and formulas that Kya was pretty sure were half made up was just so ridiculous and funny to him. Why? He wasn't really all that sure why to be honest, but it was fun. And just nice to see him get so worked up on something so not important for once.

Honestly if anyone asked, Kya would probably be the first one to answer that he was an expert on his boyfriend, and he probably would be right in saying that. He knew almost all the time what was going on behind those vacant eyes, even if he's facial expressions were more closer to micro-expressions than anything. A half smile, a faint frown, a slight twitch in the eyebrow. Those were usually the best you could get and Kya was very good at reading them.

And Shin was always worked up, over things that sounded so serious, his quirk, some super villain called All for One, protecting Himiko by forcing his Watcher reputation out, constantly either getting hurt or in recovery. He was always stressed out even if he never really looks like it, there is a very real reason why his hair is beginning to have white strains in it and has been progressively getting more and more graying roots and why he's eyes have such massive bags under them.

It made Kya worried, so worried sometimes, that he stresses himself out to much. Kya really does try to make Shin relax and just have fun by dragging him away from whatever is frustrating him when he can, and he thinks he does a good job, but it's still hard to see the tension in his boyfriends form that no one else seems to notice. So it was actually nice, for once, to see him so worked up over something that Kya knew wouldn't lead to anything.

That for the first time, in honestly who knows how long, Shin was being frustrated about something so normal, so safe. And how that annoyance or stress just so quickly faded when Kya talked to him and distracted him away from the problem, because it wasn't a real problem, that there was no real stakes in play.

Just for a while, he can just be like any other teenager... Kya smiled at that before shaking his head. His life was so weird these days, he's known one of, if not the most, at this point famous vigilantes in all of Japan for more than a few months now, and for the last month he's been dating him as well. Add that on top of learning a lot about the criminal world and how the underground really works for his future in law enforcement, he's also going to the most prestige high school in all of Japan, has learned to go out of his comfort zone enough to get an actual group of friends around him, and just competed in one of the most competitive events of the year.

And he even did pretty well! Getting in the top twenty in the first event and helping get second in the second event. Something that Kya was surprisingly proud of, sure, he'll never be a fighter or a hero like Shin or Hitoshi are going to be, but it was nice to know he wasn't some defenseless princess in distress that couldn't help themself. Besides he didn't want to be the hero, he'd rather be the guy who makes sure the people the heroes take down don't get the chance to get back up and go back out to hurt people.

So he was happy, really happy, with how everything has gone the last few months, he couldn't imagine it going any way other than this that would have made him so happy, if not always a bit on guard and sore. Shin took teaching him self defense seriously, not that he complained. Kya had abs now of all things, and he wasn't going to complain about that!

His thought about how cool it was to be ripped was interrupted as Kya blinked and looked up to the booth as his home room teacher's voice came over the speakers around the stadium.

"Alright then listeners we got the preliminaries! Of course since we had a few drops out and to make it even, we've put a few people back into rotation but they'll be a surprise for later! Right now let's welcome our first match competitors!"

Leaning over the railings a bit Kya looked over the side and watched as two people came out onto the field before frowning a bit before sitting back again, so sue him if he wanted to see his boyfriend throw down. Of course he was going to enjoy all the fighting, something Kya could recognize was probably something wrong with society as a whole that watching people try to maim or kill each other has become something to watch with excitement and interest.

But Kya also recognizes he's a teenager who really doesn't want to have a philosophy debate with himself and how morals on violence have greatly gone down in the last century or so until the most famous job in the world is basically what would be considered basically police brutality not even two centuries ago. He doubly doesn't want to have it right when he's about to watch a bunch of people his age fight each other, those people including his friends and his boyfriend. So just listened back to Mic's commentary.

"One the left side, we have Kirishima! A hard head or has an even harder quirk! And on the right we got Tokoyami! This dark knight and his valiant quirk riding into battle. Whatta say Eraser? How do you think this is going to play out?"

"Kirishima is offense in defense form, but Tokoyami has the versatility, it all depends on who can knock the other out of the ring"

Kya thought about it as well, who would win? He hasn't seen much from the two's quirks. But from the looks of it, the bird guy had a sentient quirk like Shin's but it had an actual body to use, while the red head was some durability quirk. Kya saw it briefly when that massive robot thing went down on him.

Now while Kya wasn't Shin levels of smart when it came to random physics and mathematics information, he didn't need to know that a few tons at least of metal robot falling on something from at least a hundred foot side fall is a lot more force than a very put together shadow. Kya would have noticed if someone here could hit with force that was similar to All Might. Ok, maybe that not that extreme, All Might hit with a lot more zeros behind the force output number, probably, but the point stands.

Kirishima should win this as long as he can get close enough and can knock Tokoyami out before he can try and come up with a plan. Kya knows a few things about getting a win in without needing to even throw a punch, and he's also spent months learning and watching battle tactics in motion, so he kind of knew this type of thing pretty well.

It played out as well as he thought it would. Kirishima didn't really seem to have much of a plan, but he still managed to win easily enough by just rushing forwards and attacking until he won. The quirk of Tokoyami's was strong enough to give Kirishima some pause, more than Kya thought, but the relentless assault could only be so relentless before the quirk almost seemed to get tired out. Kirishima just withstood it until that happened. A terrible long term plan in Kya's opinion, but one that worked in short battles like these he guessed.

From there the next battle came and went, it was Sero, some guy with tape coming from his elbows, and Ibara, who had that vine hair before Shin nearly cracked her ribs. She was the one who took Kya's spot actually, after she got healed up, so that's something. Anyway, the fight boiled down to who could get their line to the other first, and Sero only had two to work with and only seemed to really be able to aim with his right arm not his left while Ibara had a whole head of hair to work with. Ibara won in the end without to much issues.

And then the next fight was announced as Kya jumped up onto his feet and watched with clear interest as Mic called out two names, only one of which he knew.

"Next up got Yuga from class 1A, who has a dazzling gleam, if only from his belly! And across the field is Koe! The guy who doesn't even need some fancy quirk to wreck havoc with his combat prowess alone!"Kya smiled a bit at that, though even he wasn't blind to the sour looks the two hero departments underneath him were giving his boyfriend. They were just annoyed that they feud wasn't staying between the hero courses. Like they were the only ones allowed to do well here.

Looking back over to the square stage, Kya smiled a bit as Shin moved out onto the field with a slow pace, glad to see that he wasn't pushing himself to much. He was still sore all over Kya was sure, and while he knew his boyfriend loved being able to move around and fight, he also knew that Kya would smack the hell out of him if he over stressed himself to much before all the fighting even started.

Hence the reason why he wished Shin would use those gloves or something already, sure he knew about element of surprise until the last possible moment and all that, but seriously? How can the smartest guy Kya has ever met not realize that maybe he should stop being so stubborn and just use his gear to help himself. But if he did that then he wouldn't be the guy with seventy back up plans that Kya knows now would he? Stubborn idiot.

Kya stood up a bit more and leaned over the stands a bit as Mic yelled out for the match to begin.

It... It wasn't close, Shin was amazing at overly brutal and very effective take downs, against a person who can only shoot in a straight line? The match lasted under half a minute, and that's only because Shin took his time getting to the guy with the laser quirk, jumping around the beams as he moved close before in one motion jumped and slammed a kick hard enough to rebound the blonde's head off the ground in a hook kick.

To give Yuga props, that wasn't even what knocked him out, in fact the guy didn't get knocked out, but he was knocked away right after with a shift and clearly painful kick to the stomach sending him out of bounds. People were cheering though it was a bit more subdued from the last two because of the lack of flashy and crazy showmanship, just quick and simple take downs. He couldn't afford to be flashy or over the top unless he just wanted to show off, but to Kya it was clear the lack of something was driving Shin up the wall a bit as he walked away from the stage with a frown on his face.

Admittedly, Kya knew Shin had some problems, he wasn't stupid and like the guy said himself, he was the one with the common sense. But he clearly also never acted on his impulses in a super negative way, usually being able to vent them in a some what more positive direction, even if that direction was beating up thugs and criminals and the occasional proper villain was usually seen as super positive, it worked for him.

So in Kya's opinion, he thinks Shin is backed up a bit, even if Kya's helped also relieve that stress by hanging out and going on dates, there is still some there he was just holding on to just to have it. Kya would say Shin was stubborn again, but he thinks the name 'Shin' and the words 'stubborn idiot' 'were intertwined enough at the two kind of had the same meaning at this point.

"I'm not going to get any actual challenging fights until the semi-finals at best" Kya blinked before turning around and looked at Shin who was walking up to him before rolling his eyes. He was way to quick, Kya bet he rushed a bit just to see if he could shock him.

"Stop sneaking up on me" Shin just did his version of a pout as Kya smacked him on the arm a bit before asking. "You already know the match up?" Shin nodded as he sighed and looked out at the stage, his eyes whirling a bit, taking in it's proportions probably, he did that for every new building the two went to, usually for dates, for some reason before saying.

"Yes. It's a bit of a pain. Oh, sorry by the way, but Shinsou has a small chance of making it past the second round. Unless Aizawa or Vlad gain a soft spot, I'm not entirely sure he's going to be joining the hero course" Kya blinked at that before frowning and looking out at the field as they watched as two girls from class 1A, Uraraka and Yaoyorozu, as they stepped out onto the stage.

"Are you sure?" Shin sighed but nodded.

"Yes, he'll more than likely be going against Todoroki after dealing with Iida, who won't even give him time to talk, unless Midoriya somehow pulls a miracle of some kind out of his self breaking ass and wins against peppermint hair and then doesn't find a way around Shinsou" Kya frowned at that as he looked over to the waiting area, ignoring the fight taking place now in favor of worrying about his friend.

Shinsou was a nice enough guy, and Kya really liked talking to him, he was a bit dry but in a more humorous way than being just that bad at small talk and honestly, he really hoped he could get into heroics with Shin. But a couple weeks at best of psychical training wasn't going to save him from the number two hero's son unless he could trip the guy up... Wait-

"Could you just tell him something really personal about Todoroki? You know, before the fight starts and then like, I don't know, delay reaction his quirk for a few seconds?" Shin blinked once, then twice, then looked up a bit to the stands for a long moment where Kya noticed a giant man that was on fire at the moment, which was kind of weird, before humming and finally said.

"Can his quirk work like that?" Kya didn't bother answering the question not meant for him. And soon enough Shin, after a few more questions to his quirk, turned back to Kya and said "I don't know Todoroki well enough to know how he'd react, but Shinsou's good at pissing people off and I'm very good at knowing things that piss people off so it could work. I'm going to go find him and tell him about some daddy issues. Be back in about fifteen minutes"

Kya gave him a smile and a nod as Shin walked off, his eyes, not changing color but alight with thought about how this changed the tournament up for him before his eyes dulled back out again to the normal way they looked when his mind was only swimming with a few hundred thoughts on top of his own. Kya still doesn't know how Shin's head doesn't blow up from all that information in constant influx.

Even if it isn't all facts and figures, that still a lot of conversations.

Turning back to the fight, Kya watched as Yaoyorozu and Ashido's fight, as Ashido, who was pretty good at moving in and out of the improvised weapons Yaoyorozu seemed to be making, managed to get a solid hit in. It dragged on a while longer, but anything that Yaoyorozu could make, Ashido using acid could just melt.

It was a trail in insanity as Yaoyorozu seemed to not be able to think outside of making more and more things and Ashido only got one hit in and then didn't try it again for a while, having to make sure whatever Yaoyorozu made couldn't be used.

"The fights still going?" Kya just nodded, not really being able to be spooked by Shin's ability to just sort of appear as he continued to watch the two just dance around the idea of actually fighting each other.

"Yeah" Kya just kept watching, now honestly just more curious about who would be able to keep going the longest while Shin was probably nodding at that to his side while Kya keep watching.

"It'll be Ashido, her body makes that acid, which is a lot more powerful than she thinks it is, naturally from sweat as well as being able to produce it from her pours on command, so she has a lot more stamina with her quirk than the other chick which is reliant on mental speed and body fat" Kya pouted a bit at and and elbowed Shin a bit before saying as he continued to watch the fight.

"You all stop reading my thoughts and telling him. It's rude when we're next to each other" Kya smiled a bit as he listened to Shin grumble about something about voices and not being able to help it and that he shouldn't get hit for their crimes. It was cute.

Still, he focused back in onto the fight and like his genius predicted, sooner rather than later, Yaoyorozu almost fell over half way through making a device of some sort, it was half constructed so Kya couldn't really tell what it was meant to be, and Ashido took the chance and quickly pushed Yaoyorozu out of bounds.

"Think I should start making bets on who would win?" Kya snorted a bit at that as he looked at Shin with a 'really?' look before asking.

"You have how much exactly in the floorboards in the storage unit again? Why do you want anymore?" Shin smirked a bit at that and said.

"I don't, but watching people freak out or get all pissed when I'm always right is funny" Kya laughed at that.

"Yeah? Sounds like something you'd like, you're kind of sad*stic"

"Well, yeah, totally, but aren't you the one who said you like watching me fight? Are you sure your not also a sad*st?" Kya gave Shin a half glare at that before looking away. Honesty? Shin might have a point, but to be fair, Kya is pretty sure it's a cat thing, you know, hunting instinct. Half the fun was the chase, being able to play or watch someone get played with until their finished after getting his enjoyment out of it. His uncle was some what similar but for how much more cat like he was in appearance, he didn't get as many instincts from their animal counterpart as Kya did.

It was another, more minor, reason why he figured law enforcement also might be good for him to get those hunting instincts out in a good and positive way, while also just really wanting to do some good in the world. And it was also the reason for the kind of, sorta, tad bit sad*stic tendencies he had but that was hardly his fault! It's a side effect of his quirk, like how Himiko is a step removed from full on blood addiction, and Shin has social issues.

"Just letting you know, your silence is damning" Kya huffed a bit at that and tried to smack at Shin, but this one he dodged, not really looking at Kya, showing it was more out of instinct than anything, he did seem to be studying the field a bit, as Kya said.

"Like you're any better!"

"Well no, I think we've made it clear that I'm a step away from being straight up bat sh*t insane. Personally speaking, the world should be glad I'm not exactly good at being straight anything" The laugh was instant from Kya as the comment caught him way to off guard as he turned and gave his boyfriend a shake of the head.

"Your such a dork" He smiled a bit at that and seemed to drift to Kya's side and muttered to him.

"Yeah, but your not that much better mister" Kya just rolled his eyes and continued to have the staring match with Shin as the next match was called. That explosion guy verses a girl that Kya thinks can affect gravity? Uraraka was her name at any rate, and he expected a simple enough win from the exploding guy. He hadn't paid much attention to her to be honest but explosions seemed a lot more suited for a battle place with nothing to affect with her quirk.

"This is going to be an interesting match, so want to keep staring at each other or? I mean, I don't mind, this view is nice enough but still" Kya felt his face turn a bit red as he huffed at Shin before turning his head sharply to look down at the stage. At the very least, this fight shouldn't last to long right?


Holy sh*t. That girl Uraraka was bad ass, Shin was looking a bit smug as he looked up at the sight of the hundreds of stone shards as they headed down straight onto Bakugo who was staring up at the sight with almost shock. Kya could give props, Uraraka was smart, she didn't go into this without a plan, though he was mostly impressed with her ability to keep getting back up from so many blasts back to back to pull the plan off. That's some determination.

Of course those thoughts only last a few seconds before Bakugo held his hands up and in an instant the sky turned yellow as a wave of heat was the only warning before a massive explosion roared out as the move completely destroyed Uraraka's plan in just a moment as Kya almost stumbled back from the sheer shock wave of power coming from the teen. Because what the f*ck?!

How is a kid their age so powerful already? It was crazy! Turning to look over at Shin, Kya's eyes nearly shot wide as he saw the half smile on his boyfriends face at the sight of the move as his eyes were glowing, not literally, with interest and almost shock at the massive explosion as Kya sighed a bit. Of course, no common sense, Kya swears! Still...

"What's your fascination with him anyway? You based those blasting snap upgrades in those gloves on his quirk right?" Shin glanced over at Kya before answering simply.

"Nothing really about him, his personality is trash, but he's skilled and has a very powerful quirk. One I figured would come in handy so I made my own version of it. Of course, I didn't know he could make his explosions that powerful. Curious" Kya just rolled his eyes, right, Bakugo as a person is nothing more than a minor passing point for Shin, he's more interested in the quirk and the things going into it so he can use it to his own advantage. Pragmatism was kind of Shin's thing when he didn't forget about basic sense to go along with that mind set to not get himself killed.

"Good to know I don't have any competition then" It was a comment that Kya wasn't even sure why he said it, turning a bit red from admitting something he really hadn't wanted to say out loud. Shin just glanced at him, confusing in his face as he said.

"Course not. Like I could stand nearly anyone as much. Nah, you're stuck with me" That made Kya turn a bit redder but for other reasons as he coughed a bit and looked away as well while the girl was carted off the field. Kya becoming very aware of just how close he and Shin were together, they were literally leaning on each other's shoulders basically as they talked and that made Kya feel even more embarrassed for saying something so dumb.

"Hey, you should watch this one, it's going to be funny" Kya blinked and looked over as Mei and that one guy with the lightning quirk walked out onto the field, expected the lightning guy had something on his back. What?

From there, the events could only be described as utter humiliation as Kaminari was used as an advertisem*nt campaign as Kya was laughing loudly from the stands, while Shin's body slightly shook next to him, showing his own mirth at on the matter.

After what was probably a good twenty minutes of just show boating, Mei in the end just walked off the stage, done with her goals and fine with no longer competing as Kya was holding onto Shin's shoulder to not fall over at the hilarity of it all! Because f*cking hell that was incredible!

"I'm so glad she started stalking you" Shin rolled his eyes at that but Kya was being serious, the girl just sort of showed up one day at lunch, proclaiming Shin her rival in engineering, and the proceeded to sit down and eat lunch with them like that series of events some how made sense. The girl had a way of engaging in conversations that the others couldn't. She was so blunt but also surprisingly relatable, talking about how it's hard for her to concentrate on just one 'baby' for long or how she finds people uncomfortable to normally deal with unlike her tools or machines, or even being able to match Shin's mind at times in a way that Kya just can't in terms of information.

"Your saying that because I'm the one she talks physics to. I know I'm kind of good at the stuff, but just because I can know about something doesn't mean I already do know it" Kya rolled his eyes at that and elbowed Shin who just huffed as he replied.

"You know you enjoy it, I remember you talking to her about something about air drag not to long ago" Shin didn't say anything so Kya took that as a win as Kya's eyes quickly traced back to the stage as his friend was called out along with someone named Iida. Kya frowned a bit as he saw the guy who walked out across from Hitoshi. That's the guy who accidentally kicked him on the side when he tripped.

He didn't blame the dude, he clearly had a speed quick and Kya could only imagine how hard it is to suddenly stop when your moving that fast, still hurt though, but a visit to Recovery Girl during the break was enough to fix that up even if it didn't really hurt that bad, Shin kind of dragged him there during the lunch. Kya may have used that time to force Shin to get looked at, and he nearly got the sh*t smacked out of him by the nurse, but being honest here, the idiot kind of deserved it for being to stubborn to get help from the woman who was paid to give help.

So even Shin wasn't as hurt as before when the events started but Kya wasn't sure if it really meant much in the long run. One thing he's learned to not underestimate about his boyfriend is his ability to just power through things. Be it stubbornness of a weird type of patience Kya wasn't sure, but he knows Shin has spent literally over twenty-four hour days of pure work or study on things that made Kya's head spin. Shin was more than just naturally smart, he was also one of the most hard working people Kya has ever met.

Anyway, the match didn't last long as he clapped out his support when the speed guy instantly turned around and walked out of bounds, barely in time for the match to start as Mic called out in confusion as Hitoshi walked away, his hands still in his pockets, clearly happy with himself as the next match was called out as Kya noticed Shin lean forwards a bit, his pink eyes beginning to gain a darker hue to them as Midoriya and Todoroki walked out onto the stage.

"Is this going to be a crazy one?" Shin nodded a tad before saying.

"You could say that. Midoriya is as strong as All Might basically, but he can't control his quirk, hence why he hasn't been using it this entire time, but he won't be able to get around that here, so either he loses or he breaks most of his bones and can't go to the next round. Either way Todoroki has about a sixty some percent chance of winning, ninety if he actually uses his full quirk" That scrawny green haired kid could be as strong as All Might? Holy sh*t. No wonder it breaks his body, he looks like a twig from up where Kya was looking. Still, if he could learn to control it... A second All Might wouldn't be to bad as long as he isn't a jerk.

"Full quirk?"

"Yeah, he's got a duality quirk, you know, those one's that are both your parents quirks, not merged but in separate two parts, like the sides of a coin. His left has ice, his right being fire. But he has daddy issues so he doesn't use the right side because he's an idiot" Shin had more venom in his words than usually, Kya rolled his eyes at that. Another thing Shin had, the ability to hold onto a grudge. Honesty, Kya wasn't even hurt that bad.

Still, it was kind of nice to know Shin cared so much about something so little.

Kya's thoughts were stopped in there track as suddenly the battle began as in an instant a massiveblast of ice was heading straight at Midoriya before said wall was suddenly completely destroyed as Midoriya was now holding a shattered, now purple colored, finger as Kya could only gawk a bit at the sheer force from that hit while Shin tilted his head as his eyes faintly turned purple, just for half a second as he frowned as a small line of blood came from his nose before Shin wiped it away.

The battle was insane, and in the end it ended in a massive explosion of fire and something about thermodynamics that Kya didn't understand. Leaving a barely standing Todoroki and a very unconscious Midoriya left in the ring as Midnight, who had been thrown away from the impact, slowly got up and announced the match in the duel haired teen's favor as he slowly walked away, staring at his right hand in wonder.

Kya was suddenly reminded why he didn't want to be a hero, because f*cking hell, how was he suppose to go against something like those two monster powerhouses? It also made Kya glad Shin was dead set on being an underground hero who deals more with more low key villains, not ones with quirks like those. Seriously, that's the third insanely powerful quirk he's seen from 1A, that's just crazy.

"I hadn't expected that much determination from Midoriya but everything else went about as I thought it would" Kya turned and gave Shin a look, trying to convey to him why he's insane for looking down at the ring with only passive interest and calm being in his blank eyes.

"I... I really hope Hitoshi can deal with him. That guy is crazy, same with the green kid, I can't imagine how messed up his hands are now" Shin nodded at that before saying.

"Very is the answer, he's gotten close to near permanent damage, at best he'll have a hand covered in scars at the very least" Kya glanced at Shin who was absently rubbed his right arm, the exposed skin that was being rubbed was the light burn scars as Kya turned away before asking.

"Are you sure you want to be in a class with those crazy people? I know your crazy as well, but they're also crazy strong" Shin just nodded as a determined look gleamed in his eyes as he continued to stare down at the field before finally saying.

"Of course. They can be as powerful as they want, but I don't care. I'll still win" Kya stared at his boyfriend for a long moment before sighing with a faint smile coming onto his face, at the sheer confidence Shin always gave off, before saying.

"I'm sure"


Kya isn't really all that mentally sound either, at least by standard human levels, but that's because he isn't a standard human, he's a animal person, so his mind is a bit different.
Really, everyone around in their friend group all have something mentally wrong with them in some way. Shinsou is nelgated and has a hard time with self worth, Himiko has identity issues, Hatsume can't connect with people the same way she can with machines, etc.
I find it interesting as a person who is has a few things wrong with my own mental health to show how these types of people live and interact with each other, but that's a conversation for another day.

Chapter 21


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The next match was Kirishima versus Ibara, it wasn't close. In my opinion, Kirishima is to forward, but then again I'm not one who ever would just allow myself to take a hit, but his confidence in his defense means absolutely nothing when someone can control vines and just throw you out of bounds because you just charged forwards without a plan in the slightest.

All in all, the match only lasted a minute as I walked out of the waiting room, heading in the way to my match, with that pink girl, Ashido. Her quirk was fascinating, acid is simple. I know how to many plenty of types of them, but the thing is Mina Ashido doesn't make just one type of acid. I know plenty, ones that eat through concrete, steel, plastic, biological matter, but the thing is Ashido seems to be capable of deciding which of these types of acids she wants to make and can determine how powerful the acid comes out is. Something that was incredibly interesting to figure out what all goes into it.

Her body must be similar to Yaoyorozu's in terms of ability to make what the person in question wants. Expect for Ashido it's more limited to just acidic fluids. It's interesting as well because one uses body fats, while the other comes from more like hydration. I wonder if Ashido's skin tone is like that because her skin needs to hold more moisture in it? Since she does in fact sweat out extremely low powered acid. It's a curious thing to think about.

My thoughts were interrupted as Mic's voice echoed around the entrance to the stage I was currently walking down as I absently adjusted my gloves a bit. My mind continuing to wonder about the quirk and maybe how I could use it in some way.

"And now we have Koe! This weathered looking teen as taken this competition by storm without even using a quirk!"

Weathered? I know I have the hair of someone in their mid sixties but he couldn't have thought of something more interesting? Whatever. My hands were itching as I wanted to trigger the five point charges in my gloves before stopping. I'll do it in the fight, I've not used these things yet because I can't waste any charge in them, unlike the ones in my suit, the shock on these things can't last a few hours and even having the connection primed to be ready to use for to long could lead to losing a few seconds of needed electricity. It's happened before, I don't want it to happen again. I have a scar on my back to remind me of that lesson.

But then again, I wasn't even sure if I needed these, and frankly while it would be very quick, I was really itching to do something more than a quick finish, but I can't have the audience turn on me like they did on Bakugo during his first round fight. That would get me no where in the long run, so just suck it up and focus.

"Hey, no hard feelings when I whoop your butt right?" I blinked back into focus, an ironic choice of wording, as I looked at Ashido, who had just spoken up, and stared for a moment before saying.

"Hard to have feelings for something that's never going to happen. But speaking of injuries, don't over react if I break a bone on accident" Just letting her know in advance. Self control is something I've either always been good at or very bad at. There are reasons that my early life in school is filled with plenty of disciplinary warnings. Most of which got redrawn after it became clear I was 'mentally unwell and could not be held accountable for my actions' f*cking hate psychiatrists.

"I like the confidence, your rocking it! Good luck buddy but I'm winning this!" I just stared at her, not seeing anymore reason to bother with this pointless conversation as Midnight held up a flag before yelling that the fight had begun.

In an instant, Ashido flung her hands out and threw a lot of globs of acid at me, she was smart enough to recognize I was only a threat if I was close enough to her to hit her, but projectile tracking was child's play as I moved in and out of the streams, managing to get close within seconds. Was this exciting or even somewhat stimulating? Well, as I activated my gloves and slammed them into her chest as she convulsed before falling over after an admirable amount of time under the glove. All the same, this didn't last more than half a minute as well and was incredibly boring as I sighed a bit before walking away, my hands continuing to itch just a bit more.

I need to find Kya before the voices tell me about someone who deserves to be beaten up and I snap a bit. Can't have an assault charge on my case in one of the most monitored places in Japan at the moment without a computer on hand to get me out of any incriminating videos.

Sighing, I continued to walk forwards, choosing to ignore the fact that Endeavor was two hallways away as I walked up some stairs to get to the stands, punching him would be nice but I'd also be served extra crispy right after so no thank you. Hatsume should be up there by now, I doubt she'd be in her own class's box, she cares about rules about as much as I do in all honesty.

Shinsou wouldn't be up there though, he was stressing out about normal things and didn't want to be distracted by us and our insanity. I feel like no one really gets that I literally can basically read their minds when they're being very honest about how crazy they think I and the rest of our friends are inside their own head. I mean, it's fine, I get it, I'm not the peek of stability, literally none of us are though and I find it a bit strange that Shinsou seems to think himself the outlier of the group.

Something I find strange, but that's a side point as I continued up the stairs, wincing a bit as I put a bit to much weight onto the back of my left leg. Ok then, there is still some sore spots to deal with, annoying but that's fine, expected even. Still is a pain in the ass, well, leg in this case but the point stands. Anyway, not to long later I was up there with them and watched the following events.

Next match was Bakugo versus Kaminari, it was certainly a fight I guess. Very bright, mostly because pikachu over there shot off a few hundred thousand volts of power, which was just a massive waste of energy, and explosion boy jumped out of the way by propelling himself into the air with his quirk until the shock wave ran out. At that point Kaminari was kind of brain dead so yeah, Bakugo won.

Right now me, Kya, and Hatsume were kind of crowded around each other as we watched out to the field as Shinsou and Todoroki walked out onto the stage. I thought about something to myself for a moment before turning around and saying to the duo.

"I'm heading out, either Shinsou wins in a moment or Todoroki does. Either way, I need to get ready" Kya rolled his eyes at that but said something to me while Hatsume didn't bother to say anything.

"I know you'll know just as soon as we do but you should still watch" I blinked a bit at that and looked back at Kya before blinking again. Was there a point in that? I don't really get it, but he sounds serious... Whatever, it's not like a twenty second difference is going to make that big of a deal in the long term.

"Alright then" Kya smiled a bit to brightly at that, it really was unfair, as I walked up to his side and leaned on him a bit as he leaned back, I hadn't really meant to but we did it anyway, as I stared out into the field for a long moment actively wondering if I couldSeethe words that the two were passing back and forth as Todoroki seemed to be quickly getting riled up.

I mean, probably. I have yet to find something I couldn'tSeein some way, even if the things I would beSeeingwere things like sound waves instead of the words themselves and i have no idea how that was translate in a massively crowded place like this. Hence the reason I wasn't trying it besides the fact that I can'tSeepeople. Objects were easy, well, five seconds max of one or two things I want to see before I start giving myself internal bleeding isn't easy, but it's a lot easier than people.

People have just so much more to look at, emotions, thoughts, body sounds, body's, quirks, growth rates, age, etc, there is just way to much to look at that I can't zone in on the information that I want to see and ignore the rest. At least not for long, a half second at best maybe, any longer than that and I'm pretty sure I'll give myself an aneurysm or a stroke. Like I said before, the color of anger is purple.

Well, technically most negative emotions are shades of purple, most positive ones are shades of yellow. The other colors are for other things, including ones people don't know exist. I think I've described gravity's color at some point. Anyway, the fight was just called to start as I watched Shinsou say one more thing before Todoroki was walking away. Yep, expected when you bring up someone's personal life. Tea kettle's to the face apparently are not good conversational points for Shoto Todoroki. Who knew?

I just smiled a bit at that. Ok, admittedly, that wasn't the most pointless way to use a minute of my life, but I got an image to uphold or something, so I just gave a one arm hug to Kya before turning and walking away. Heading down to the area to wait until my name got called out at. Walking down into the room, I stopped just in time to look at a slightly disturbed looking Todoroki who was walking my way. Oh no.

Turning quickly, I made my way into the walking room before he could get close enough to talk. I was really,really, wanting to hurt someone and he was reallyreallyasking for a punch to the teeth, well multiple punches to the teeth, then a few to the head, and maybe a few broken bones just to make sure. Honesty though, he should just be glad I've stopped saying I'll kill him. A small bit of my grudge was gone from Shinsou.

Sighing again, I rubbed my heavy eyes before straightening up a bit as I continued to wait, ignoring the building and ugly mounting heat in my chest. I'm more use to spite but this amount of anger is most certainly a bit meh to deal with. I really don't like it.

Shaking my head, I stood up after a couple minutes of ignoring the voices, who were really not helping me at the moment, the blood thirsty little sh*ts. Chat was nicer about it but still was giving me way to much information about Ibara and her quirk. I already dealt with her but that was when she was restricted a bit, now it'll be a bit harder to deal with.

I'm not use to a level field to fight on with nothing to use as cover or anything like that. Cities are a lot easier to fight in, honestly I'm missing the ability to use fire escapes to drop kick fools. So I used the time and read through char about her quirk and her abilities for a while, distracting my mind from the annoying thoughts by making plans, running them through my head, before discarding them for another plan. Not to long later my name was called out as I sighed before standing up and heading to the stage.

Walking out onto the field, I listened to the cheers as my eyes shifted back down to orange in that dim feeling as I looked around the crowd for a moment as I listened to Mic call out Ibara's name and giving her some weird name as she walked out onto the field, giving me a cautious look as I just stared at her. My mind continuing to go over the things I knew to expect. Her vines were fast, but not as fast as me, but there was a lot more to dodge than just a few things.

No, she knows to not underestimate me, meaning I'll need to make my way through wave after wave of vines to get close enough to deal with her, I can do it, but I'll need my gloves... Mu opponent in the next round is going to be Shinsou, I'm sure of it, clearly Bakugo is to stubborn and prideful to be quiet so he'll win, and I can get around his quirk without issue. I don't have to worry about conversing power now that Todoroki is out of the picture. Alright then, now let's get started.


Instantly, I was dashing straight at her as I watched dozens of green lines shot out at me as I slammed my foot into the ground as I flipped upward, as my head was aimed towards the ground, I held my right hand below me and snapped.


I felt a faint flash of adrenaline pump into my system as I was flung into the air, right over the first wave of vines as I smiled just a bit as I twisted my body to snap straight down on the dozens of vines, as the fore of the explosion ripped the plant life into pieces as I landed onto the ground, ducking into a roll out of the way of more vines as I sprung up and twisted my body into a jump over some more before twisting again to the side as a vine from behind me tried to trap me as I realized I was near surrounded by the plants and for a moment I smiled fully as I jumped.

I had underestimated just how quickly and how many she could control and what they meant as I was caught in a loop of jumping flipping, and spinning out of the way of vines, managing to blow away the things any time they got to close to me, and so I was quickly cuting through her supply of green hair, but I was also stressing my body out as I flipped backwards, used my hand to push myself off the ground, destroyed another wave of vines before moving forwards again and fought and dodged my way out of the vines.

She was very good at keeping her distance, she could move even while controling so many vines and it was making it hard to pin her down once she started attacking from every angle possible beside from the ground, which was only a small blessing as while I could know where every single vine was coming from, that didn't mean I could always get out of the way in time, hence my need to use blasting snap to save myself, as my mind rushed through plans before settling on one.

Tensile strength... Let's hope this works, I don't have the time to do the math or ask Chat.

Rushing forwards, I jumped and then shot my hand out and grabbed onto the out stretched vine and used it to pull myself up. Fun fact, the speed at which these things are moving at to hit me going in on direction is so strong, that I can temperately use that to bypass gravity by exerting down on it enough to give myself lift as I pulled myself in the air, very happy that the gamble hadn't left me face planting onto the ground as I slammed a foot onto another vine, jumping out of the way of other vines coming at me.

As my hand shot up and wrapped around another vine as I twisted my body and yankedhardon it, using the spin to generate enough momentum to feel the sudden stumble from Ibara throughout the vine as I grinned just a tad bigger as I pushed myself up through another vine, managing to dodge a few more vine as I flung myself out of the web of tangled up vines right down at Ibara who looked up at me in shock before even more vines shot up to intercept me in the air, like I hadn't planned for that.

I stared down at her as suddenly every single vine froze in their place as Ibara stumbled back as she wasSeenby the voices, letting me fly straight at her as my fist slammed into her cheek as she went down so hard her back bounced off the concrete as I landed before spinning on a foot just in time to slam the other leg right into her rebounding chest as she was launched back, stumbled and rolling right to the edge of the ring as I grinned and walked forwards.

I had the time after all, I had made sure that hit had broken two ribs right in the best spot to knock all the air out of her lungs. She couldn't breath and that panic was flooding her to much for her to try and get those vines of her's to attack me as I walked up to her side, reeled back a kick and slammed it into her stomach and watched with muted glee as she was thrown off the stage, landed hard onto the grass field.

The voices roaring with approval as I turned and walked away from her bleeding form as I headed back, not bothering to listen to Midnight's call for my victory as I left the stage. It had lasted a lot more than a minute, and the faint hints of exhaustion was making me smile as my mind and the people in my mind continued to replay the way her body had bounced around.

Honestly, I was being truthful to Kya, people should be really glad that I'm not insane. Sure I'm probably close to it, but that's unimportant, because if I was insane then I'd probably be a villain and I'm not sure anyone would survive that. The only reason I actually don't have control over the world or haven't destroyed it yet, which I honestly couldn't without to much issue, don't roll your eyes, I have more than a few launch codes bouncing around in my head, is because it sounds like a terrible way to spend my time.

Whatever, I yawned a small bit as I listened in to the voices as I sat down in the hallway and rested my head against it, the next match would be over soon, no reason to head back up even if it would be nice to talk to Kya and Hatsume for a while, it's not like I'm not use to being by myself and the voices for a while. Thinking of them, I absently tuned a bit in to the voices chatter and just talked back and forth with them for a while. It'd been a while at that point, so I figured why not.

"Hey dad!? You know the age of consent is now only fif-"

"Don't call me that, and no, bad"

"I know we agreed like no killing and that fight was fun, but come on! We've been so bored!"

"I've been bored to and no, we aren't going to kill anyone, especially not Shinsou. Kya would try to skin us alive"

"Hey! Did you know that the average was to say ahoy when you answered phone a few centuries ago?"

"Yes, just like how I know the first fewthousanddigits of Pi"

"Hey! That's like only like two people and their just competing to see who can go the longest!" "Don't loop us into those two's beef!" "Honestly, I think they'd bee happier doing like long division races instead, they've been competing for like nine years now"

"Yeah, trust me, I'm the one listening to the strings of numbers at random and all hours of the day, everyday, forever" The voices pouted a bit at that as I glanced through Chat as Bakugo, who had walked past me about two minutes before, stomped past me with a furious look on his face. Yep, he just lost to Shinsou alright.

Standing up, I yawned to myself as I listened to the sound of Mic declaring there was suppose to be a break for the last two constants but since Shinsou has yet to do more than just walk out onto the stage for a few seconds before winning and I've had that amount of time already to catch my breath, we were going to go into the final right now. Just like I knew we were going to.

"Quiet down everyone, and if I get caught in his quirk, then get loud" I got some excited murmurs from that as they lowered their volume a bit as the voices became more distant rumble in the back of my head. I understood why, I don't really tell them to get loud, like ever, them being super loud is very painful for me, but that's kind of the point.

Standing up, I headed my way out towards the stage, absently wondering what Shinsou was going to say to piss me off. Not like it would work, probably, but it's not like I have plenty of ways around voice quirks. Though I do wonder if I could... I guess I'll find out.

Hitoshi Shinsou was nervous. He was a step away from winning the sports festival, but his last hurdle was probably the most dangerous one yet. Koe wouldn't let him win, even if he helped him get past that crazy powerful ice guy. No, Koe wasn't going to just let that happen, meaning Shinsou was going to have to do somethings he was worried about doing.

Normally he wouldn't mind using anything to get further, he wasn't above saying anything to get his opponents into his quirk. But Koe was his friend, sure he was an unstable friend who he was kind of scared of, but a friend all the same. And while Shinsou had a lot of things he could say that would give him some response, he wasn't sure he really wanted to say them.

For a lot of reasons, for one, the only things he could say that could get a response out of Koe where things that if they didn't work, Shnisou was pretty sure he'd be spending a while in a hospital. And the other being he didn't want to ruin things just because he wanted to win that badly... But he really did want to win, but without his quirk he couldn't do that!

It was a hard decision, one that Shinsou wasn't even sure he wanted to make, but he didn't have a choice as he watched as Koe walked out onto the stage, his eyes were red for a moment before turning to orange. Something Shinsou never really got an answer about how his eyes worked, it was linked to his quirk some how but that's besides the point. Right as Koe stepped into hearing range, Shinsou realized just how close to winning he was... It was a hard choice but he made his decision.

"I know you crazy and all, but are you sure your insane enough to think you're good enough for Kya, but maybe he's to dumb to realize he's in danger from you" the look in Koe's eyes suddenly made Shinsou want to run, but he held his ground continued to talk.

"Like seriously, I'm beginning to think Kya's stupid as well for not bothering to realize how little steps away you are from being clinically insane"

"I'm going to break you if you don't shut up now" There! Instantly, right as Midnight called for the match to begin, Shinsou forced his quirk at activate, calling out at Koe.

"Turn around and leave the ring!" For half a second Shinsou was happy, that half second was lost as Koe kept walking right at him, did it not work? Stumbling back, Shinsou nearly tripped over at the look of rage on Koe's face. Ok, maybe taunting and pissing off someone who was close to insane and could kill him was a bad idea. Koe is getting really close now.

"What? You think you can just say break me and think that's enough of a threat? What's that even mean?" Koe continued to walk, his eyes beginning to glow, literally, as he stared down at Shinsou as suddenly Shinsou winced as suddenly he was being looked at, the feeling was so sharp suddenly he barely stopped from turning and running. It reminded him so much of being watched with suspicious eyes by everyone who knew him from junior high. And he didn't want to get feel like that ever again.

"Shinsou is out of bounds! Koe wins!" H-huh?

Looking down, he realized in a terrifying second, that Koe had led him to the edge of the arena and Shinsou himself put himself out of bounds. Looking back up at Koe, who was still just looking ahead at him, though the glare was replace back with that bland and blank look, said.

"I wanted to see if I could win the last one without beating you to a pulp. Kya would have been pissed if I broke one of your bones on accident" Shinsou suddenly felt a bit sh*tty, sure Koe wasn't the most stable person, but he hadn't even thought about how Koe would have struggled against the decision to hurt him. He just assumed he would without hesitation.

"U-uh, sorry abo-" Before he could, the glare as back as the words died in his throat as Koe's eyes stared down at him with a sharp purple glare and said.

"Never insult my boyfriend again" Shinsou only managed to nod a bit before as that feeling vanished as a hand was placed on his shoulder as Koe said in a tone that might even be able to be called pleasant on anyone else.

"Good. Now then, come on we have a reward ceremony to deal with" Shinsou just opened his mouth before closing it again as he watched as Koe walked past him. Shinsou doesn't know if he'll ever be able to tell if that guy truly really felt anything like normal people. But Shinsou guessed he did know one thing about the guy. Koe cared a lot about Sansa, and Shinsou probably crossed a line.

But even knowing that, Shinsou couldn't help but wonder, how did he avoid getting trapped in his quirk?

All Might liked to say he was a good judge of character, it's how he recognized the potential in Young Midoirya, how he was able to build connections to get himself to the top so quickly, how he managed to know the right people to help him in his times of need, and how those people never once let something slip that he could not afford slip. His history with All for One, his deteriorating health, his successor, everyone who knows even one of those things and many other things has All Might's complete trust.

All expect one.

Shin Koe. He hadn't really paid much attention to the lad. He was some kid in general ed who had a quirk that let him learn things about people but was very sporadic in what was told, from what he understood from Aizawa. But then he had another talk with the young man and made him worried. The things the young man knew was dangerous, and while he did bring up good points, the things he knew, the way he just said them so causally, it made the number one hero nervous.

Aizawa's comforting words about the kid being able to keep his mouth shut vanishing in the number one's hero's mind.

He was planning on confronting the kid sometime soon but he had been busy, dealing with trying to find a way to help young Midoriya use his quirk and trying to figure out a way to tell Aizawa about One for All. And then he saw young Koe fight in the sports festival.

Originally he was almost impressed by the young man's ability to move, but that's when he's ability to judge character came into play as he observed the young man who could have won but chose not to. The ability to want to win, to get as far as possible was one that was needing in this line of work, so to just decide it was not worth it just for some smaller advantage later on showed the type of person Koe was to All Might. He was manipulative and fine with stepping on those give himself an advantage even if it could lead to injury of others.

Then the Calvary race happened and while All Might will admit he kept a very close eye on his successor and no one else, he had looked over it again during the break after having a conversation with young Midoriya, and saw the way young Koe seemed to gleam with excitement in the way he destroyed the teams going after them, knocking out the riders and nearly sending multiple of the horses to the nurse without hesitation or mercy. And that smile.

It was the first real expression on the kid's face that he had seen, and it reminded him of those villains who laughed as they destroyed lives and building without care of those who would suffer. It painted a worrying picture of the young man.

And finally came the battle round which flipped what All Might expected to see on it's head. Shinsou, a boy with an impressive quirk took down the two strongest in the class that All Might taught. Which in itself was unexpected for All Might to see, but what had been most surprising was Koe. The kid was leagues above everyone else in the tournament. Winning his matches in moments of getting close to his target. Like a hunter stalking up then baring down and killing his target in an instant.

In fact the only times he didn't win right away was when he was fighting young Ibara, who's quirk was prefect to deal someone like Koe, but even then it didn't matter against the kid's pure skill, speed, and ability to almost just seem to know what to do at all times. Something that would have impressed All Might if it wasn't for the fact the young man was grinning that same grin that some times haunts All Might's nightmares as he gave the young woman a concussion, broke three ribs, and gave her internal bruises without even blinking, not even bothering to look worried as he walked away, not sparing a single look back.

And then there was the finally round, where he seemed to just ignore young Shinsou's quirk and just scared the young man out of the arena before giving the teen a smile and a pat on the shoulder before just walking away like nothing had happened. Like he hadn't psychologically tortured the young man into doing exactly what he wanted, probably just to see if he could.

The kid was skilled but clearly not someone that could be trusted, in fact if he hadn't seen the kid actually care about someone, Aizawa being the person in this case, then he would have assumed the kid was at least a sociopath with extreme sad*stic tendencies or even a psychopath. Even then, as it stands, All Might wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if this kid got those combat skills from illegal deeds. Even if he didn't have any proof, it fit.

The kid was in the prefect position to become a villain. The same kid who knew his and young Midoriya's secret. Needless to say, it made him nervous about the young man who simply gave him a raised eyebrow when he gave Koe his first place medal, almost like he was saying to All Might that he knew exactly what he was thinking and wasn't impressed with his conclusions.

Right after that All Might decided to go and find the one person who seemed to know a bit about this Shin Koe, and see if he could get some advice about how to handle this situation he found himself in.

He found Aizawa in the break room, on the couch trying to get some sleep. The number one hero almost felt bad about interrupting his rest since he was still clearly recovering from the attack that All Might should have been there to stop, but this matter was more pressing than that as he spoke.

"Young Koe won. You know him right? You must be pleased" Aizawa slowly opened his eyes and looked at All Might for a moment before saying.

"Yes I do know him, I don't see why you want to know" All Might flinched a bit at that. Aizawa was always just a bit too good at cutting straight to the point, but All Might supposed this was something the older man needed to ask and formalities weren't really necessary now.

"He's... Violent, overly so even if it is effective, and frankly from what I've seen, he's got real blood lust in those eyes. I'm worried about his future" Aizawa seemed to want to just roll back onto the couch, but he didn't, instead the bandaged man just sighed and sat up a bit more and said.

"You're right, the kid's unstable, but he's also from what I've seen the most skilled person in this year and might even have the most potential out of them all" Admittedly, that hit All Might a bit in his pride in his young successor, but he pushed past it.

"But potential doesn't change the fact the young man is unwell. Should he even be in this school? Those gloves he was wearing could do a lot of damage and he made them here" Aizawa did sigh at that as he looked over at All Might for a long moment before saying.

"The kid needs to be here. While he's here I can try to help lead him to the proper path. I'm going to ask to move him into my class after kicking Mineta to gen ed" The information nearly floored All Might. Was he really going to send one of his students down to make room for a young man that would be better suited for villainy than heroism?

"But how can you say that?"

"The real question is how you can say Koe doesn't deserve a chance at doing good just because he has some things holding him back and making it harder on him than most? If I'm remembering right, you allowed Bakugo to unleash a move that destroyed an entire building at a student who, if he hadn't shattered his own arm to redirect it, would have most certainly died in that room. If that isn't an example of overuse of violence I'm not sure what is" All Might flinched at that. That hadn't been his most proud moment.

"Young Bakugo has the drive to succeed though, you saw the way he pushes himself into everything he does. Koe doesn't seem to have the same drive, instead he seems to just be doing this to do it. I don't trust someone who seems to only be doing what seems to be the most interesting at a time. It's a path that will lead him to villainy sooner than later I'm sure" Aizawa's eyes glowed red suddenly as his hair began to float, showing very visibly his annoyance, as he leveled a glare at All Mitght and said.

"Not all people have the desire to be number one, and not everyone should. Koe wants to be an underground hero, and even if it isn't for the perfect reason, he wants to do good, to motivate people to do better all the same. And if we don't give him a chance to prove that he's capable of doing good and see that he has enough control to chose to also not do bad then we will have failed as teachers" All Might wanted to argue against the point itself, but he couldn't, he couldn't be the number one hero if he was unable to say that people didn't deserve a chance, but he couldn't help but still try at another angle.

"And what of young Mineta? Does he not deserve the same chance?" Aizawa rolled his eyes at that and shut that idea down hard.

"Mineta has had his chance. The last month of school has been his chance, it's more time than I've given to most but he has shown zero growth in character and even today tricked the female students in 1A to dress in outfits just so he could check them out better. He does not have the potential or natural talent to back up the issues that come with him" All Might couldn't help but frown at that.

"That's a harsh way of looking at things Aizawa"

"It's a harsh world, not even you can think that everyone is good and dandy in the hero industry. I've had more than a few students in my class who went onto being successful heroes who were all sociopaths or things similar. This isn't a profession of doing good, it's a profession of hurting those who do bad. The heroes like you just choose to hold onto those old ideals, they're the real heroes, but that doesn't mean they're the only ones. It's why I've allowed Bakugo to stay in the class this long, he has enough talent to get by with his incredible anger issues and inferiority complex issues. Because I know he'll be a great hero, and with enough guidance along the way he might even be a real one as well"

All Might couldn't argue with that as he finally sighed and sat down. Not really knowing what to do now. Aizawa was right about his want to guide the boy, but his suspicious was hardly lowered any. Aizawa spared the number one hero a glance before saying.

"Are you only now realizing what I meant when I said the kid knew things about you?" All Might looked at Aizawa in shock while the tired man just looked a bit annoyed at All Might as he said.

"I get you probably have some big world shattering secret or whatever but get over it. You're hardly the only person in the world who Koe has dirt on. Like I said before, I don't think there is a single person out there that Koe doesn't know something damning on after meeting them. And last time I checked, he has no real interest to use that knowledge. I'll admit, he's one of the most dangerous people in the world in terms of amount damage he could do with what's in his head, but he still wants to be a hero and that has to count for something. You don't have to trust him, but don't act like he's some villain either, he's probably gotten enough of that in his life" All Might finally nodded before sighing.

"I suppose your right. And if he truly will be joining your class the least I can do is try my best to guide him down the right path" Aizawa just nodded.

But the fact of the matter was, All Might still did not trust young Koe, and he even more did not trust what young Koe would do with the information he knows about him. But there was nothing he could do about it now. He'd just have to be patient to see if his worries truly were warranted or not as much as the number one hero didn't like it.


Shin won, that's nice. All Might doesn't trust Shin in the slightest, not so nice. To be honest, Shin is really bad at first, second, or even third impressions I feel like so it's understandable.

Chapter 22


Deep chapter coming up and stuff. Since there was mostly just fighting and action the last chapters, time for some character development and stuff to begin.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"You did it!" I was assaulted with a hug, as I just smiled a small bit and nodded as I pushed my mom off my chest as I looked down and gave her a smile as she grabbed the medal All Might gave me before looking up at me again and smiled.

"I knew you could do it! I saw Kya on Tv as well, he looked like he was having fun as well. I'm so glad you two met each other" I just smiled and nodded as I looped the gold off my neck and handed it to her. She loved things like this, and I knew she was going to hang it somewhere noticeable soon. Probably on the small mantle we have in our small living room.

"Yeah, he had fun, well, he mostly had fun during the mini games, I found them infuriating" Mom just laughed at that and nodded as she moved around, holding the item up in her hands as she rounded around some rooms, looking to find a place to put it.

"I saw! You looked ready to just pop the ball and be done with it!"

"Well, they just said we had to get the ball there, no one said it had to be inflated when it go there. Kya wouldn't let me do that though" She nodded again at that before finally placing the item onto the mantle right where I knew she'd want it to be before turning back and asking.

"And this means you'll be allowed to transfer to the hero course you wanted?" I nodded as I walked up to the kitchen and opened the fridge, it was late, I had gone out and celebrated already with Kya, Shinsou, Himiko, and Hatsume, so it was time to get dinner ready for Mom.

"Yeah, Aizawa, the homeroom teacher for 1A already gave me the papers, you just have to sign them. And my other friend, Shinsou? Well, he got invited to 1B on Aizawa's suggestion so Vlad will be teaching him" Mom clapped her hands together with excitement and said.

"Oh, honey I'm so proud of you!" I just nodded as I turned on the stove, letting the pan I set on it heat up as I grabbed some neutral oil in to not char whatever I put into it.

SharkDiva:Your boyfriend is a freak of nature


SharkDiva: Your. Boyfriend. Is. A. Freak. Of. Nature

Neko: you atlking about the sports festivel?

SharkDiva: Obviously! You didn't tell me the guy was a freaking acrobat and could make explosions

Neko: to be fair the explosinos thing is because he made a waponize glove

SharkDiva: The words weaponized gloves do not make this any better

SharkDiva: Your boyfriend is crazy

Neko: i think ive said this already

SharkDiva: Yeah but like damn the guys insane. Are you sure he has voices in his head because he seems to have eyes around him instead

Neko: oh! your talking about hsi fight with eth girl with eh green hair rigt? I told you he's badass, it was so f*cking cool

SharkDiva: I found it terrifying but good for you I guess

SharkDiva: So how's classes been besides the whole break in thing and the random tournament arc you went through

Neko: its been nice! i told you about hitoshi and mei right?

SharkDiva: T he other two probably insane people you've like of just sucked into your friend group?

Neko: yeah!

SharkDiva: It says something that I can describe your friends as just insane and you agree

Neko: i dont see your point

SharkDiva: Whatever, I'm guessing they're nice as well?

Neko: yeah! theyre great but they btoh are goign into hte hero course now and mei si in support so im alone in my class now which is a bit sad

SharkDiva: You'll be fine, you still got lunch to talk to everyone and you to and from the school with your boyfriend as well

Neko: true i guess

Neko: so have you been doing?

SharkDiva: I've been fine, nothing as exciting as you, but I have started working on some new ideas for my business class

Neko: oh? i could help out my dad talks about business all the time so i know some stuff

SharkDiva: Really? Well I wouldn't say no to some extra eyes

"What you doing here?" I blinked as I looked at one of the people I wanted to kill as my eyes stared up into Iida's before he flinched back as he wasSeenas I walked past and noticed a large portion of eyes were on me as I glanced around the room, Aizawa wasn't here yet, unfortunate. Whatever, walking to the back of the class where my new desk was I looked at them all, most of which were staring back at me before saying.

"I'm taking the purple prev's spot, anyone have a problem with that keep it to yourself. I don't give a sh*t" With that I sat down and yawned a bit before placing my head on the desk and closed my eyes. I was very tired, I haven't slept in the last few days, instead using the nights to work through alotof built up need to hurt people. I doubt the police minds to much, ninety some arrests over the weekend was pretty decent, though I doubt the hospitals would agree but whatever.

"That is no way to introduce yourself! And to have the audacity to just go to sleep?" I frowned a bit at that as I looked up at stared at Iida for a long moment before saying.

"No, I won't break his leg, that would make Eraser annoyed... Fair, I won't really care... Sure I can punch Todoroki at that point as well" Everyone was looking at me with interesting variations of confusion and worry as I stared at Iida for another long moment, listening and reading before saying.

"I think going for the spine would be a bit to soon" A few people actually froze at that as something interestingly dark passed over the speed freaks eyes, but I really couldn't care less as I stared back up at him before forcing him to stumble back from anotherSeen,cause it was funny, as I felt my eyes glow before Aizawa suddenly walked in, looked around, noticed everyone staring at me before sighing in well deserved annoyance and finally said.

"As I'm sure he's already pissed you all off, his name is Shin Koe, ignore it if he starts talking to himself that's just his quirk, he'll be taking Mineta's place because of misconduct. Try to get along, I'm mostly talking to you Problem Child" I rolled my eyes a bit at that and dropped my head back onto the desk and said.

"I'm not getting along with two people in this class, robot here is one of them. The rest I'm completely indifferent to. Deal with it or find a way to out blackmail me Eraser" That got a few gasps out of people while Eraser just sighed before saying.

"Are you being petty over something?" I just gave him a thumbs up at that while the man was probably questioning his life choices for a while before just moving over to the front desk and started roll, doing another thumbs up when he got to my name. Classes are going to get a lot more boring I'm sure from now on. I won't even get to talk to Kya anymore.

After this I'm just going to nap for the rest of the day, if I have a test then the teachers' could wake me up, if not, a single zero won't effect me to much in the grand scheme of things. The voices can just deal with it, they've gotten their fill of bloodshed for a while.

"Before anything else get's started for the day, we have a few things we need to get over with. Starting with some hero informatics" I blinked a bit and adjusted my head to stare up at Eraser as I listened to an uptake in interest from the voices. They knew something I didn't.

"You need code names. Time to pick your hero identities" I winced a bit, not from the sudden volume of the people in the class, though they were loud, no, it was from the voices vaulting suggestions at me as I rolled my eyes at some of their ideas. Before they suddenly choked up a bit and a lot went quiet as I noticed absently that Eraser was using his demon quirk to get the other teens under control. I really still hate that quirk. At least he wasn't using it on me, it's just the voices got scared when they saw the quirk in general.

From there Eraser went on a spiel about how we were special snowflakes or whatever for getting requests for internships and that we still needed to work hard. Like I didn't know that, before he called out our results as I glanced up at the projector and tilted my head.

Six hundred ninety-two. For winning, that's pretty low, but that's because my quirk is a liability to anyone reading into my file from a blind point of view. Simple as that, while people like Todoroki and Bakugo got the requests for very shows of power, even if they got knocked out early on. They weren't to far above me though, the highest one being Todoroki who had two thousand.

"In past years it's been more spread out, but because of showings or just clear power potential, it's more sharp" I just rolled my eyes at, yeah don't pull any punches. I know I set it up this way, or rather I it continue to be this way, but at times I just feel a bit annoyed that people don't recognize just how great the voices can be. Whatever, I hardly care that much about what other people think.

"No matter the results, you're going to be interning with someone, and for our transfer student, ignore these postings, you have to intern with someone at the school to make sure your caught up on everything you missed in the first month of school along with making sure your costume is worked out and ready to go" I glanced up at him a bit and glared, tempted to make himSeenbut held back and just sighed before saying.

"I could call bullsh*t but being honest here, to tired to bother. Just don't place me with Mic, I just got rid of dealing him. And doubly for Midnight, I don't like her" Eraser just rolled his eyes while I noted the students around me seriously seemed put off by my inability to respect people, they better just get use to it. Clearly Eraser already has as he just rolled his eyes and called for Midnight, because speak of the she-devil and all that, to enter the classroom to help us out for our names.

Ignoring whatever bullsh*t she was saying, I looked at the whiteboard I was given before just scrawling my chosen name onto the thing before yawning a bit before dropping my head back down. That was until Midnight called at me suddenly.

"Well well, looks like we got a boy who knows what he wants, if your finished get up here and show the class!" I knew there was a good reason I can't stand her. Sighing, I pulled myself up onto my feet before slowly making my way up to the front before setting the board down and said with the same emotion I gave everything in my life.

"The All Knowing Hero: Beholding" Midnight hummed a bit at that.

"A nice base, but bit pretentious, and using adjectives isn't th-" She tried to reach for my board but I moved it out of her reach and walked away as she tried to speak, not particularly caring what she had to say.

"I don't care about your advice, it's the name I'm using" With that conversation ended, I slumped my ass back to my desk and dropped my head onto it with a thud as I listened to the voices snicker about that.

From there the others came up and talked about whatever the f*ck they wanted to be called, the voices making a running commentary on the choices, some I even snorted or huffed at about some of the things they suggested or joked about. And who calls themselves Deku? Useless as a name is literally the exact opposite of something inspiring to people being saved, doubly so when it's from a guy whose going to be the strongest person alive one day. It'll make him sound like a hypocrite. At least in my opinion.

Anyway, blah blah blah, Eraser talked about making a decision soon to those that had to deal with picking a place to intern at, while I just continued to rest my eyes and before I knew it, the school day had begun. I slept through history with Midnight, half just because I'm spiteful like that, and the other half because I was just honestly tired. I nearly passed out again during English, but we were doing a lot of reading and the voices were being little sh*ts so I didn't really have the chance.

But finally, after way to long, lunch rolled around as I stood up and instantly moved to the door only to get called at by the pink one. Ashido if I'm remembering right.

"Hey! Where you going?" I blinked at that and looked over at her before saying.

"Lunch, like a normal person. I don't got to deal with your decision making problems" She pouted a bit before asking.

"Well why don't you stick around anyway? Get to know your classmates and stuff!" Yeah, like I've ever had to actually do that.

"No thanks, I know more than I want to about you all. Plus I actually have friends outside of this classroom so bye" With that I walked out of the room with a yawn as I made my way to the lunchroom. Listening to some not so subtle insults being thrown at my back as I walked down the hall, absently yawning into my hand as I went.

Could I not be so passive aggressive against my fellow classmates? Well obviously, but it's clear some of them don't like me for kicking the prev out, and others don't like that I kicked anyone out at all. Besides, while I didn't really care about what they think about me, like in the slightest, I figured shock exposure is the best way to force them to get use to me. Heroics is going to require a lot more cooperation than gen ed, even if I really rather it didn't.

I'm not good at working with people usually, doubly with people I don't know. I just sighed and shook my head, it didn't matter to much, just something I'm going to have to learn to deal with by making sure other people don't get in my way in the field. Maybe I could ask the others for pointers about how to actually be 'approachable'... even if it does sound a bit painful.

... Ok first I'm going to ask Kya if such a thing is even worth it in the first place.

"AHH" I was bored, so incredibly bored, as I flipped the red headed Kirishima onto his back as my legs wrapped around his throat as I held one of his arms at a very painful angle. My adrenaline junkie self was finding sparring without quirks with class 1A so incredibly boring. Literally, everyone one of these idiots couldn't last more than a minute and I was so f*ckingbored.

"Koe wins again. Get up. Now then, everyone has sparred a bit so let's get moving to something else" I sighed at All Might's voice coming over the speaker in the gym room we were in as Kirishima slowly got up, holding his arm a bit. I might have been a bit overly aggressive with some of them, but their cries of pain were the only things giving me entertainment from all this.

"Nice hold man! You're pretty manly! No one's even managed to hit you yet" I glanced over at Kirishima for a long moment, remembering that Kya said getting along with at least a couple of them wouldn't be the worst thing, tried my best to hold onto those words, and said.

"I don't have a quirk that helps in combat in a general sense, so quirkless fighting is kind of all I can do" I gave a small mental apology to the voices and Chat at that, but it was my plan to let them be underestimated so abilities like beingSeenand my ability toSeecame from no where and catch people off guard. The guy just grinned even bigger and said.

"That just makes you even more awesome. What's your quirk anyway?" This is already draining my energy. Why does he have so much energy? It looks so exhausting.

"I have a few hundred voices in my head that yell stuff at me" He blinked a bit at that before wincing a bit at that. Obvious reaction. He's predictable as well as being way to hyper. I really don't get this social thing, nor do I like it.

"Damn man, sounds rough" I just shrugged as we moved over to an obstacle course. Great, another boring thing to do. Sighing to myself, I looked up at the thing for a short moment, my eyes moving around as my mind built the best path to take, shaving out about half of the course and I could finish it in about half a minute.

To save myself, I'll try to shave that down further to only fifteen seconds.

"Hey honey, are you ok?" I blinked a bit as I stared at Mom for a long moment before nodding a bit. I didn't think I looked much worse than usual so was I suppose to, actually... the voices were being weirdly quiet...? Oh... It's today.

"I'm fine mom, what about you? You ok?" She sighed a bit and looked over at a picture on the fridge, an old one with wear around the edges of us, with dad. One of the last photos of us before he died. My hair hadn't even started graying at that point, it was so long ago now... I almost forgot today was the day he died. I felt decidedly sh*tty about that.

"I'll be fine dear. Now come on, let's get ready for the day" I nodded. I wouldn't be at school today, that's fine, nothing important was happening as I looked back at the photo for a long moment before heading to the fridge and opened it up before calling over to my mom, who was looking through a flower catalog of flowers in our area, before sighing and saying back.

"I'm going to call in my absence then I'll get breakfast started" She nodded as I looked back at the fridge before closing. Honestly, I just wanted hungry anymore as I headed back to my room to get my phone. But instead just dropped my ass into my sit before looking up at the ceiling for a long moment before sighing and asking.

"How are all you feeling? Don't... don't waterboard me with facts to distract me, just let it out. Come on" I took a deep breath as Ifeltit. I wasn't emotionally connected to the voices or even chat, we didn't share the same feelings, but I could still hear and could practicallyfeel the mix of sadness and other emotions pouring out from them as I just sat there and stared ahead, letting them let it out. Noticing just how detached I felt from them.

Reaching up and absently rubbed my eyes, they were dry, completely. I haven't cried for him in years, I haven't cried in years period, but the voices were always more emotionally vulnerable than I was. They didn't have a reason to toughen up over the years, not like I had to. They weren't the ones with the body...

It doesn't matter, pulling out my smartphone, I opened it up after a few more minutes of just listening to the voices before dialing in the number and held it up to my ear.

"This is Aizawa Shouta, who is this?" Formal huh? I bet the only reason that's happening is because he doesn't know this number, but I doubt he'd like it if I used my vigilante phone for something like this.

"It's me Eraser, using the home phone this time. Just letting you know I'm going to be out today. Mind telling Mic, I would call him but I don't want to deal with him right now" I wondered briefly what was going on behind the other end of the phone before he answered back in an almost worried tone.

"Kid, I've seen you walk off cracked ribs before, what happened that you need to lay up for the day?" Oh, he thinks I'm hurt. It felt a bit nice that he was trying to be worried, but right now, the start of this day alone has already put a drain on my emotions so I just sighed and said.

"I'm fine, nothing new wrong at least. Just I'm visiting the dead today" Eraser seemed to go silent as I waited for him to put the pieces together, he was smart, and I know he read all about my personal life when he figured out that I was the Watcher. He knows what I meant.

"I see, sorry then. I'll see you Monday" I gave a halfhearted sound of agreement before ending the call before moving to favorites and looked at the other number in the phone for a long moment before pressing it. After a couple long rings, enough to make me feel a bit bad, the slightly groggy voice of Kya came over the phone into my ear.

"Shin? Something wrong?"

"No, just wanted to let you know I'm not going to be at UA today" I listened to the sound of something rustling in the background before his voice came through the phone a bit sharper, showing he was more awake as he asked.

"Are you sure nothings wrong? You sound off" He just wasn't fair, knowing me so well. I sighed a bit but answered honestly all the same.

"Today's my dad's death anniversary. I'm going to spend the day with my mom" The phone line was quiet for a long moment before finally.

"Do..do you want to talk about it?" I-... I didn't really know? When's the last time I talked to anyone about dad besides mom? I just shook my head before saying.

"Not right now... Maybe later. I'll talk you later ok?" I got a sound of agreement as I hung the phone up as I slid my phone onto the bed before standing up and moving over to my closest. I was fine with whatever grungy or baggy clothes I had in there normally, but today... Well, if I didn't then the voices would pester me until I put on something that at least resembled formal. And it was the least I could do for mom. She was always hit by this day harder.

Not to say I'm some emotionless husk, but... Ok, yeah it hurt some what, but the pain I vaguely remembered dulled into all the other pain I've been in, and it's been years now. Sure, I remember him, but honestly... I know more about him from my quirk and Mom than I do from the man himself. I just don't know how much was him anymore or what I just get mixed up with things I've been told.

... It doesn't matter, he's dead and today is the day it happened, just a few years removed, so time to get off my ass and help mom cope with it. We're going to be going out today and she'll need me there to help her. She doesn't go out on most days and now we're going to go out and visit a grave. I need to be there, for both her and the voices. But first, time to make something to eat for her. She needs it.

So that's what happened, most of the day was in quietness, for me it was deafening as even the voices quieted down to a murmur by the time we left the house, and the day itself seemed to be muted, even if the sun was bright, there was barely anyone walking around, and Chat itself just wasn't there like they normally were. I felt bare, almost, in the way that I had lost the ability to see properly.

It was uncomfortable, it sort of made me feel alone, a feeling I really didn't like because of how little it happened to me. But I didn't say anything, they shouldn't have to comfort me of all people.

In the end, we got to the grave site and I let mom go ahead and lay some flowers down on the grave as I looked away a bit. I wasn't good at comfort, I never was, but these days always made me wish I could be as I just stood there like it was the right thing to do when I knew it wasn't as I listened to the voices mutter some light sounds of conversations, most not directed at each other or even me, no they were aimed at the stone in front of us.

That's what the next hour was, me standing there, listening to them talk to dad, without a single word coming from me. Because I had no idea what to say. I never did, maybe not all of my mental problems came from my quirk... I want Kya, because right now I just feel so...empty. It felt... I don't know but I didn't like it, and I really didn't like how familiar it felt to how I was not even a full year ago.

"I have a door you know" I shrugged a bit as I looked at Kya before climbing in through the window and sat down on his bed and just sat there as he looked at me for a long moment before sitting down next to me as I leaned my side against him, honestly, I needed the comfort right now. It made me feel even more better as I felt his arm wrap around me side.

"What's wrong" Oh so much. So many things that I choose to ignore. There is more than one reason why I hate this day, it makes me to retrospective and it always hurts to realize just how void I feel.

"Am I broken?" It was the best way to sum it up as Kya tensed against my side.

"W-what? Of course not!"

"I don't feel things right, I don't really have a working moral compass, I... I can't even manage anything but just to stand there when everyone else is giving their words" Kya hugged me a bit tighter at that.

"Is this about your dad?" I nodded. "What's the matter? You never cared about this before?"

"This isn't new, it happens every time this day...The voices... I... They care so much about him, they miss him, I can tell, I can basically feel their loss. But I justdon't feel it myself and it always makes me realize... For them being the quirk, I sure don't act like the human being out of us some days" Kya was silent for a long moment, the voices being nice enough to continue to be quiet, before-

"I... What can you remember about your dad?" It was so out of the blue, so off topic, that I turned a bit to look down at him confusion, but he just gave me a smile and waited. So I thought about it, what did I remember? Not the stories, the things I was told about him, what didIremember? It took me a moment, but I finally answered.

"He... he was understanding, and always so excitable" Kya nodded and urged me to continue on as I finally thought of something else to say. "He... He didn't use he/him pronouns with me, not after my quirk came in. It was always them/they because he was so happy to have more kids, saying the voices were my younger brothers and sisters and that I was the older brother, cause I was older by almost five years when they came in. Mom hated it, she, she didn't like, still doesn't like, humanizing them, not really. But dad loved it, and it had always made me feel better back then. It made me feel less different, made the voices feel more included, made us just feel closer to each other I guess... That changed after he died..."

Kya's arm tightened just a bit more around me as I wrapped an arm around him as we just leaned against each other, my mind replaying those thoughts before I finally continued, minutes later.

"I knew before mom did, and the voices knew before I did. They just... I guess it was crying, as close as they could be to crying. That... I- I don't know, I just knew something bad happened. After that the voices got angry, lashing out I guess in anger or sadness. They were so loudit hurt so bad and I just... I don't know, I just went with what they said, to numb to really care and to in pain to try and argue. Eventually I broke my leg, and got forced on medication and suddenly I was almost alone for months, the voices were barely there and I just stopped feeling for a while. Just went through the motions of life. It's called dissociating apparently. Anyway, by the time I got off the meds...I don't know, something changed, the voices stopped seemingly caring, they even started calling me dad instead as a joke. Like they were trying to forget after being forced to sleep for so long and-... and they started being loud just to be loud, telling me things I didn't want to know, forcing me to hear things I didn't want to hear, and that's how it was for years, until... until about a year ago"

"That's when it got better?" I let out a small huff of crude laughter at that before saying.

"No, god no, it got worse, I got into a fight and the voices nearly drove me insane because they wanted to do it again. By the time I finally agreed I hadn't slept in almost a full week, I could barely stand and over the following week I nearly died multiple times even after I started to get some help from Chat. It didn't get any better until Chat and the voices died" Kya's arms tightened around me a bit at that as he asked quietly.

"Eraserhead?" I nodded.

"We-...we really got off on a bad foot. But... it helped. I was terrified, even if they hurt me so much, they were my family voices I knew for basically my entire life, and suddenly they were gone. It was worse for them, they talked about how it felt todie...It was a bad night for us, but it made us confront each other and start talking, actually talking, again and then something great happened a little while later" Kya seemed curious so I couldn't help but smile a tad and said.

"I met you... You made me start talking to people again outside of my head. You were the first friend I had in years, and you're the best person in my life" He just smiled as I leaned in a bit more as we just held onto each other for a long moment.

"I-I'm, glad I could help you so much" I just smiled and said a bit.

"Stop it, I'm the one trying to be snappy here" Kya snorted a faint bit before finally saying.

"You're not broken... I-...You're... You're the most stubborn and most amazing person I've ever met. And yeah, your a bit emotionally and socially challenged but that doesn't mean your broken. It just means it takes a bit of help some times for you to figure things out. Nothing wrong with that and with how focused you are on logic, it makes sense. There is nothing wrong with needing help some times right?" Help? I hate getting help from people... most people...

"I-... I guess" He smiled a bit more at that as I felt that faint void feeling in my chest lessen a bit at the sight of such a bright and amazing smile. He really just wasn't fair with how great he is... I looked up a bit as I felt his head press against the inside of my shoulder, feeling his hair on my neck and throat, before saying softly.

"I love you" I wasn't really sure he heard me, but finally, after a few long moments, I heard him whisper back.

"Love you too" For just this one moment, it was me and him, and it was enough to make me feel whole again with the sounds of faint murmurs in the back ground fading out for just the moment.


Shin is an interesting character with plenty of reasons for why he's so f*cked, but he still tries so that's cool. Just felt like adding in something to show that Shin is still human and somethings can in fact make him sad instead of even more angry or spite filled.

Chapter 23


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Oh come on Watchy! Your no fun!" I sighed a bit as I looked across from Himiko with the same dead look I had given them since they brought up the idea.

"Not in a million years, I'm not going to have you risk your life just because you want to fight. Become a hero or something if that's what you want to do, it's what I'm doing" She pouted at that.

"But that's boring! I have to take classes and stuff for that!"

"Martial arts tournaments?"

"Then I can't make people bleed!"

"Then become a doctor, that way you can cut up people and get paid for it" Himiko opened their mouth to respond to that before closing it again, seemed to think about it, before shrugging and saying with a pout.

"But that's like even more classes!" Oh god why me. I'm not some councilor to talk about future goals to. Kya would be so much better at this.

"Yeah, but blood is a lot more involved during those classes... And you'd probably even be able to get a quirk licence if you become a doctor to turn into patients so you can do any follow up scans yourself that you missed during a visit as long as you get a fresh sample which I'm sure you could without to much issue as long as you explain it" Himiko hummed a bit at that, seemingly a lot more interested in the idea than she was a moment ago, before pouting and pointing a finger at me.

"You just don't want my help" I nodded without hesitation.

"Correct, I'm out here and alive still because I'm good at this, you would probably die. No offense but you shouldn't do something so reckless. Leave that to the professional and the idiots" Himiko giggled a bit before asking way to innocently.

"And which of the two are you?" Oh this little sh*t... Well, might as well go along with it


"Are you sure actually talking to my classmates is something I should be doing? Their so...energetic, it hurt to be around it for so long" Kya just sighed but nodded as I frowned to myself as I thought about that. It just didn't seem worth it.

"Hey, you said you wanted to start and figure out this whole empathy with strangers thing right?" Yeah but-

"Well yeah, but it's difficult. Why can't people be like you, that way I'd actually want to interact with them" Kya just huffed at that and elbowed me as I frowned in annoyance, it was a serious complaint.

"That's not how empathy works, just because you don't like someone doesn't mean you can just piss them off until they go away"

"Yeah, that's the part I'm struggling with. Do you have any idea how hard it is to hold back my sass? It's like one of my most descriptive adjectives along with hot and humble" At least Kya smiled a bit at the joke but unfortunately it didn't distract him enough.

"Well you're certainly one of those things, sassy that is" Ouch.

"That hurt, deep"

"Good now tell me what actually is the issue ok? Saying their to bright and cheerful doesn't explain anything" Why is he so bent on helping me? It's so much easier when I just decide to not put in the effort to care! But he was so happy when I asked if he could help me with this stuff. He called it a big leap or whatever. I didn't really get it up he was smiling a lot and I really didn't want to see him disappointed. If only it was that easy when it came to everyone else.

"It's just... Like- They just so naive that it hurts. Seriously, I get they probably grew a little from the villain attack at the USJ, not to mention all the trauma some of them have, but none of them seem to understand the outside world, what it's actually capable of. It's just... How can I relate to idiots? Like seriously, why do I have to deal with idiots who just smile at me when I beat them in a spar. They should realize that if it was real, then I could have killed them, or-" Kya held up a hand as I blinked a bit but stopped all the same in my rant.

"I- think- I understand why you're having a hard time with this" I nodded, really wanting an answer, because this was really annoying me, they were really annoying me, it was more a mix of both to be honest with you. So I wasn't amused when he raised a hand and flicked me on the forehead.

"You've always been disillusioned about life, like seriously, your depressions as f*ck some times. I get it, growing up in a house constantly on topic of criminals or corporate bail outs made me realize life isn't all that great sometimes, but that doesn't mean it's all sh*t either. You're just way to stressed about all the bad parts cause you surround yourself by them that you can't see the good things that the others focus on" That isn't an answer.

"I think I just said I find their optimism stupid and annoying, your not giving me anything here" He just sighed and shook his head.

"Your clueless" I nodded instantly at that.

"Yes! That is the problem I'm having. Come, on explain it to your clueless boyfriend please?" Kya looked at me for a moment before smiling and shook his head.

"Your to serious. They're teenagers who probably only have gone through a few rough moments, they aren't like us. You can't expect everyone to know what you can or see things the same way, you should know that better than literally everyone. That's the whole point of empathy, to see things from other people's perspective"

"Yeah but it's annoying and difficult. Are you sure I can't just get by with hitting people I don't like?" Kya's unimpressed look was answer enough as I just sighed before nodding.

"Alright fine. I'll...try. But no promises, I really don't see myself getting along with anyone in my class, some of them are just weird. Like that one guy, the french wannabe? I'm more fluent then him in the language, he just does it because he thinks it makes him look more interesting. Not to mention his obsession with cheese of all things" Kya laughed a bit at that before nodding.

"I know, you don't have to be prefect at it, I think we both know you're never going to be great at this, but I'm proud that your trying" He's proud... That made me feel weird. I kind of like that though.

"Alright problem child, first things first, I need to see your current limit so you're going to go through the exercises here then your going to spar with Ectoplasm so I can properly see your fighting abilities" I nodded as I absently adjusted my gym uniform as I looked out at the field, this was going to be boring.

"Yeah yeah, let's get this over with" I didn't really see much of a point in any of this, like what's this going to show them? I know how to fight and I'm a bad ass, that's all they should need to know and just give me my license already, but apparently that's not actually a good reason. So I just sucked it up, I wanted this after all, as I moved up to the first test, a fifty meter dash and got ready, tensed, and then ran as fast as I could. Just because I didn't really care about this doesn't mean I'll half ass it. The robot monitor chimed in quickly after.

"3.26 seconds!"

I nodded half absently at that as I stood up after sliding a bit from running to fast to just stop, doubly on the sports dirt the field was made of which made sliding and traction easier. Moving over to look at Eraser, who was writing my score down, before looking up and just pointing to the next thing, a device on a table, one of Chat told me it was a grip tester, boring. I gave Eraser a look at this before saying.

"You know, I could just tell you the scores I'll get right?" He didn't seem amused as he pointed at the device again as I just rolled my eyes and dealt with his stubbornness. If this is what Kya has to put up with with how often he calls me stubborn then I need to treat him to something fancy to make up for it. Maybe some place that has some good sea food, that'd be nice, well for him, but I'm sure they'll have something for me as well that isn't fish related. With that I grabbed the device and clenched my hand around it tight as I could before reading the number out.

"78.4 Kilograms" Eraser just nodded before writing down the score as I just, without care at all to the device, dropped it on the table. If he wanted any form of easy cooperation then he's talking to the wrong guy.

From there the tests came and went, I barely was able to clear the jump pit. Then I got one hundred and four in a minute for the side steps thing. Sixty point two three meters from the ball throw. The distance run was just me running for like two hours which I must say earned Eraser a lot of sass and sarcastic comments, but besides banter, that's all that really happened there. Next was the seated toe touches, which, well, if you've paid attention to how flexible I am, then it's clear I did more than well in that one. And finally there was the sit ups, which I got a little over seven hundred in the ten minutes I had to do them in. And once you factor in even more sarcastic comments and a small back and forth banter fight between me and Eraser and that's all there was to the last four hours of my life. Besides some light conversations between me and the voices and Chat.

All in all, I was a bit tired from so much activity, mostly just all running, but frankly I was very far away from actually being exhausted or anything so dramatic. Right now I was waiting on Eraser to tell me something Chat already figured out after I finished the last event and got my score for it. The only reason I didn't is because the hobo got pissy when I got him things I shouldn't know. At least when it comes to him or whatever he is doing.

"You got fourth when compared to everyone in your class problem child" I nodded absently as I yawned a bit before saying.

"Obviously, I'm just pure peek human, not like the others who have bodies that are superhuman. Now then, let's go see Ectoplasm, I want to blow some steam off" Eraser rolled his eyes at that.

"We were already going to do that brat, come on" I nodded and followed after him to one of the gyms as I let my eyes roam over chat as the voices were spiking up a bit in excitement at the prospect of an actually good fight. Honestly I was curious as well about how well I would do. I've made it a point to not ever fight against pro heroes. Eraser is actually the closest I've gotten to it, and he kind of kicked my ass.

To be fair, I was very fresh to actually fighting and had very little experience in real combat, and he's kind of literally everyone's hard counter, doubly for me since he's probably the only person in this school who is better at pure fighting skill, even now probably. So it's a fair assumption that he would kick my ass, though I gotta say, with my quirk... I'd say we might have even odds in straight combat, with our gear? I'd probably win. At least I'd think so.

It just depends on if he keeps his promise about not f*cking with my voices. Because then I could force him to beSeenwhich in of itself would give me an opening, and I only ever need one, quick and effective take downs have kind of become my thing after all. I could probably be an assassin if you think about it. Not to say I don't know how to brawl either, since most of my first few months were me just beating on people before they could put to much beating on me, but I prefer this way a lot better.

Much less injuries this way, not like that means I don't still get some every now and again, but it's a lot better. Anyway, we just got to the gym place as I looked around the area, it was very open spaced, speaking of my fighting style, this was most certainly not it. But I guess he's seen more than enough of how I use environmental factors and now Eraser wants to see what I can do outside of that since the Sports Festival didn't really show it off to much.

"Alright, your going to spar with Ectoplasm's clones until I think I have a good idea of your abilities. Since they are just clones, there is no need for you to hold back any so go wild" This is going to be fun, the voices started screaming almost in wanton abandon for something I've held off for a long time now. And I honestly couldn't say there was a reason to not to here, plus I've always sort of wanted to try going all out. Not in the sense of fighting with eeverything you have, I've done that plenty, no, in the sense of fighting by doing anything necessary.Anything.

"Wish you would have led with this, it's going to be fun. Alright Ecto just start sending them at me. I want how many I can get rid of before to many show up" The voicesroaredwith excitement as a smile spread onto my face as Chat began to give me statistics over his quirk. I wasn't strong enough to just one shot them normally with just a normal punch or kick. If I had something to build momentum on, like say any environment that wasn't flat like this, then it wouldn't be an issue, but since this was a gym floor... I really couldn't hold back any. I'm going to enjoy this.

The man just nodded as from his mouth came a clone before it's form shot itself at me as I just stood there for half a second, just sizing it up with my own eyes, noting how this one was going to be a copy of the rest of the ones I'll be fighting before I came to an understanding right as the clone appeared in front of me and swung back to kick me as I just smiled and side flipped over the clone, my arms coming up, one on his shoulder across from me, and the other holding the clone's head in a choke hold as I planted a foot on it's back and for the first time Ikilledsomething, as I yanked and listened to faux bone snap under me as I let down and dropped to the ground as the clone broke apart. The voices seemingly melting in joy in the background.

Eraser and Ectoplasm were staring at me with some kind of expression on their faces, I just rolled my eyes and said with the smile still on my face.

"What? It's not like their actually alive and you said to do what I wanted, now come on. I was having fun" Ectoplasm turned to look at Eraser, who just stared at me for a long moment before sighing and nodded. And just like that I was back to fighting. There was no point in trying to knock them out, it took to long to beat them down and the same time if not longer to kill as it did to get a proper angle in to knock them out, I had to kill them all as quickly as possible just to stay ahead of the influx of new clones, and even then it was a close thing. But it was fun, a lot of fun. I forgot how fun fighting just to fight actually was.

And the voices were yelling with joy with each neck snapped, it just sort of blended together after a while before finally the clones ran out. For a half second I nearly thought about jumping at the real Ectoplasm, but I've most certainly had my fun as I took a deep breath as I was pantinghardat the moment as Eraser seemed to be thinking about something for a moment before saying.

"Well now that you've gone through as many killing strike as you have, I'm almost impressed with how much control you have over yourself" I just shrugged, the smile beginning to fade as the voices started to just whine about wanting more. Greedy little sh*ts.

"Course, I don't kill people period. But you have no idea how much the voices in my head want me to kill others. This was certainly a nice break of pace to say the least. Oh, and just image for every fetal strike, I just broke the clones' legs to cripple them and put them out of the fight that way" It didn't help because of the mask, but I'm pretty sure Ectoplasm was looking at me with worry, probably because he just watched me murder him over and over again with more than likely a crazy smile on my face.

"I already was problem child. Just make sure to not get into the habit of killing blows, that's only for last resortsandonly after you have all your training and have a license" I nodded before saying.

"I know, I'm not exactly striving for serial killer hero over here. I got self control. Here that you little sh*ts? No more death" They were pouting, I could hear it in their complaints but I ignored it as I turned my focus back to Eraser and said. "So what's the verdict then Eraser? Besides the fact that I'm clearly great" The man seemed to want to face palm but instead simply said.

"Your reaction time, technique, and skill are all incredible. With your gear from your hero costume you could probably deal with a number of villains now" He's never this nice, where is it "But" And there it is. "You're stamina is still clearly your biggest issue though, you only were fighting for a couple minutes but your panting like you ran a few marathons. Not to mention you pause sometimes, even if it's only for a half second before you do something that usually works for you, that period can get you killed"

"Sorry if getting feedback takes a second, both me and the voices don't exactly work at super speeds. Beside that, you literally had me run a marathon a few minutes ago in case you forgot, but fair enough. I'm not built for drawn out fights, it's why I end them so quickly" Eraser nodded before saying.

"Yes but it won't always work like that as I'm sure you know" Obviously.

"Which is why I have gear, in the form of my hero costume. When are we going to work with that by the way"

"Stop trying to get away from my point. You don't have any real combative points with your quick so you can't take conditioning seriously enough" I sighed at that before nodding and saying.

"Yeah, I know, and I've done pretty well at it. You're not saying anything new to me. In case you've forgotten, I kind of have a few hundred voices who give me tips and points to focus on" Eraser sighed at that but it was true. I don't care what he says, teacher's are completely pointless for me, and frankly I could be using this time for something better.

"But do those voices have actual experience?" I raised an eyebrow at that, it was such a dumb thing to say.

"I believe the whole Omniscience part in Omniscience Chatter should answer that" Eraser's eyebrow twitched.

"Just because you know something doesn't mean you also know the best way to execute something, that's what experience is for. It doesn't matter how many books you read, you'll never preform surgery correctly without training. That's what I'm saying, just because you might know some ways to train your body doesn't mean they're the best ways, or that you couldn't be doing something different" Fine, if he really wanted to do this.

"Alright then, what could I be doing better? I have a near prefect diet for my body's needs, which I know down to the fifth decimal of calories I need, I get tons of exercise, most of which can be used for stamina training, I know more than well enough how to pace myself from this experience you're talking about, and in case that ever fails, like I said before I have tons of gear I can use for almost any situation which I think I would be getting more out of practicing right now then having this conversation"

Eraser just glared down at me for a long before letting out a sound through gritted teeth.

"The thing you could be better at is being a respectable member of society problem child. If you fight everyone who tries to help you then you'll get no where in life. Learn how to not be an outcast" Oh he really wants to do this then.

"Oh! So sorry if my issu-" I wanted to say more, oh how I really wanted to say more, to make a bunch of scathing remarks, but Kya's words played on my mind 'There is nothing wrong with needing help some times right?' after a long, painful moment of holding my tongue, I finally grunted and said. "What do you want from me then? I'm not some social master and manipulator. Half the time I don't even feel things right so what do you want from me Eraser?"

"I want you to actually try" Try? f*ckingtry?Who the f*ck does he think he's talking to? A long burning anger flared up into an inferno at that.

"Oh go f*ck yourself" I flipped the man off, turned and walked away, ignoring his yells at me to come back. Was it petty? Yes, but f*ck him! Try? f*cking try? Does he think Idon't?Does he think that little of me? That I like being socially inept on the best of days? That I f*cking like knowing that I can't feel things like other people? Like I hadn't just had a break down in front of my boyfriend not even two days ago over it!

Actuallytry! Could he be anymore condensing. f*cking asshole

Even the f*cking psychiatrists once gave me better advice than that and I hate those people and everything they stand for. With that I stomped off the, thought of wanting to break something in my mind.

Kya was some what worried, Shin texted him that he was going to leave early to let him know to not wait up on him and that was that. Kya almost wanted to text back why, but something felt off about it so he waited.

And by waited, the second classes were over he went to the place he figured Shin would be if he was pissed off about something and didn't want to talk to anyone, minus the storage unit, the support engineering room. Where he was probably pouring over ideas for things to use in the future to cause the maximum amount of damage possible to human's squishy body's without actually killing.

A somewhat worrying hobby that Kya's tried to curb, along with that one time Shin mentioned he had a plan to kill everyone he's ever met, Kya's pretty sure he was joking about that, but it's Shin, the guy has a plan for most things when it comes to fights or him doing probably illegal things. Anyway, Kya was heading to the support room when he sort of almost bumped into Aizawa, who looked kind of pissed about something in Kya's opinion... What did Shin do?

"A-ah, hey sir? Do you know why Shin left early today?" Aizawa turned to look at Kya with a look that he was pretty sure could only be described as annoyance at life itself. Definitely something Shin did then.

"Your boyfriend can't communicate or take any form of criticism. He through a hissyfit when I told him that" Kya frowned a bit at that. That didn't sound like Shin at all, sure he was stubborn as hell, but even if he wasn't going to just go along with his, or their friends suggestions, he at least heard them out and usually even explained why he didn't think they'd be a good idea or something similar. Then again, Shin got along with Kya and their friends, Aizawa was much more touch and go in Kya's eyes about the friendship between the two, if it could be called that. Still...

"That doesn't sound like Shin, he respects you enough to at least listen, even if he'll ignore it. You probably just said something that pissed him off, like a lot, normally he's good at keeping his temper in check" Kya could only think of a few things that actually pissed Shin off enough to make him snap, most involved threatening or hurting Kya himself or his friends, and since Aizawa didn't have another new scar on his face or was in the hospital, Kya didn't think it was that one. Aizawa on the other hand frowned suddenly, like he hadn't actually considered it anymore than Shin just being temperamental. Like that made any sense. Sure, he was a bit crazy but bipolar wasn't on the list.

"I didn't say anything worth making him go running off. I just said he should at least try to be better with people or else no one will bother helping him if he doesn't want to be an outcast" Ah, Kya almost winced at that, because, yeah, that would most certainly do it. Honestly he was kind of mad on Shin's behalf as well.

"Yeah that would do it. You should apologize next time you see him, otherwise he's just going to keep building on that grudge until he punches you or something" Honestly, Kya was half convinced the man sort of deserved a punch. The man himself on the other hand didn't seem so sure as he just raised an eyebrow before, though looking honestly confused, and said.

"And why is that"

"Because he is trying, a lot. You saying that probably made him feel like you were stomping on his effort, like your condensing his efforts. He absolutely hates doing things by halves and he hates even more being looked down at for anything. You kind of hit both those buttons and probably a few others at the same time by implying he's to messed up to realize it" Shin was to stubborn at times, but he was good at realizing he was wrong, so he probably saw Aizawa's comment as a personal insult at him.

"I see... You're probably right" The man didn't say anything more and simply walked away as Kya frowned a bit as he passed. Kya has gotten pretty good at reading people over the last few months, it's kind of a requirement when your boyfriend doesn't really do facial expressions like most people. So to him, though it could have been in his mind, Kya could have sworn, he though Aizawa almost looked guilty for the lackluster answer he gave.

Aizawa was some what worried about the problem child. Nothing new there, he always was some what concerned about either what the kid was doing or who he was doing it to. The second one usually wasn't a problem, the people who got on the wrong side of the brat usually deserved a broken bone or two.

But today was different, today had been enlightening in a way he hadn't thought about. The brat could kill, the brat knew he could kill, and he didn't even flinch when he did kill something that looked human, that looked like his teacher. In fact, he only sped up through the spar exercise, getting more and more brutally efficient in collapsing windpipes or snapping neck or hits strong enough to cause deadly amounts of enteral bleeding.

It had frankly been concerning to watch the teen do that all with a grin on his face, like he was finally doing something he had been thinking about for ages. And in a way, it was, he even said as much that his quirk itself had demanded death. To say that was concerning was a understatement, and admittedly it even shook Aizawa a bit to see this teen he was trying to save from a worse life, honestly not having any real issue, in fact being terrifying good, at murder.

Not real murder of course but the point stood, and Aizawa could admit, for a moment he could almost see All Might's point about the kid, and that led to a moment he wasn't proud of. This was one of those times he could admit, he failed as a teacher. He hadn't thought about how Koe hadn't kill anyone before and said with certainty he never would, and just assumed that because he could do something like that so easily, that he was more dangerous than he thought.

Like that self made wall, that most certainly self made moral, didn't really mean anything. When it actually meant everything, showing the kid's own determination to not be some twobit thug or villain. To be a hero instead even with literally hundreds of things telling him daily to be one.

And then Aizawa basically told him to try to not be such a bad person basically.

Like he said, Aizawa failed as a teacher in that moment, he didn't even realize it until the problem child's boyfriend of all people basically spelled it out for him. Aizawa honestly never really put to much thought into Koe's quirk, sure it was powerful if what Nezu was saying is true and he actually has more control over it than it appears, something Aizawa was personally almost certain of even before hand, and it fit the problem child to a Tee with the way to cunning plan he set out to mess with society.

But that doesn't mean the quirk also can't be just as much a detriment as it can be a boon. Look at Midoriya, the kid was undoubtedly one of the strongest, physically, students Aizawa has ever taught, might just be the strongest period, but that power can with a downside, a massive bone shattering one. Physical power came with physical backlash of equal amount. Almost a f*cked version of law of exchange.

So then the question becomes, what kind of backlash would the problem child get from such a powerful mental quirk? A quirk that is made up of hundred of constantly talking voices, all with their own thoughts and opinions, but all wanting to hurt people. What backlash would that cause on the user?

It was never a question Aizawa actually ever thought about, not for the brat in question. He just always assumed, wrongfully, that the kid was just messed up in the head and the kid was just to damn stubborn to ever try and get better. But now that he was actually thinking about?

The amount of willpower Koe must have to still be his own person, to still have his own ideals, to not just give into what is literally inescapable group pressure at all times for years on end. Well the amount he must have to do that is frankly staggering to Aizawa. And on top of everything else he's done and continues to do throughout the last year, trying to actually help people.

The kid probably tries harder than anyone Aizawa has ever met.

The cat brat was right, he needed to give an apology.

So that was what he was doing, walking to the gym he knew the problem child would be in. He wasn't a fool, the kid was still unstable and in a angry fit like that, the second the kid left he asked Nezu to tell him if the kid was using one of the sites to train at. Hoping the brat would try to burn off his -at the time assumed- temper tantrum. He was right, the brat went to sight gamma of all places.

He didn't know if he was there now, but it was worth a shot. Aizawa wasn't ready for what he found when he entered the gym.

The place looked trashed, there was a number oval shaped cracks along the walls that couldn't have been made with fists, and the glass windows had been shattered, strangely enough said glass fell straight down, not in or out so it was impossible to tell from which direction it was broken, but those two things paled in comparison to the middle of the concrete flooring.

There was a massive eye symbol cracked out right in the center of the gym, spanning almost half way to the walls, the cracks running deep into the ground from what Aizawa could see, nothing short of a water jet would get lines like this, but they wre frayed and cracked, like it was blunt force. Even then, that wasn't the most confusing part, much less the most worrying

That belonged to the fact that there was a pool of blood right in the center of the eye, right where the iris was suppose to be.

What in the world had the problem child done here? The apology in his mind giving way for the time being with questions.


Character building whoo! Aizawa has always been on the outside view in when it came to Shin, that's beginning to change just a bit, Himiko might or might not become a doctor in the future which would be hilarious as a sitcom, and Kya is just being great as always. While Shin is beginning to really try his hand at something he's always struggled with and had problems understanding because as stated before, Kya is great. Plus just a nice seasoning of drama and maybe quirk progression as well, isn't that just fun.

Chapter 24


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

I figured something out aboutSeeingand making something beSeenat the same time. A term I still need to coin, I was thinking about reusingBeheldfor when I'm using the two at the same time on something. Anyway, the trick of it is, I can't take information in, I have toSeebut be blind to what is being shown to me, I have to be so focused on the target, that even the information I get from them is deemed unimportant.

That's when something is truly beingBeheld,when everything is laid bare and it no longer matters, because that information itself shouldn't be present, it shouldn't be possibly known, and it has a backlash on reality itself when that happened.

At least I think. It's still a work in progress and since the voices know nothing about all this, I have to kind of come up with the terms and what is actually happening myself. Plus it's something I only did once on semi-purpose when I was beyond pissed off, when I was angry enough to choose to ignore the information, just wanting to focus on something besides my anger and feelings. It's a bit more complex than that, but the massive eye shape I left in the floor showed me that I was on the right track.

It's annoying though, beingSeenis such a simple power in comparison, all I have to do is just direct my focus onto something and then they are forced to realize just how small they are under the voices' gaze. It's something I can do whenever I want, and can easily make more powerful by simply just asking the voices to focus their attention on someone. I believe I told Kya once about how I nearly drove someone insane by doing that once, because with more voices or Chat being focused on one person instead of everything around me, the effects can increase by a margin. Not sure how much, because measuring my quirk in terms of mental damage it gives people is a bit difficult.

But all the same it's easy enough. The same can not be said with the other two abilities I've figured out, the problem stemming from only one of those powers and the lack of control I have over it.

Seeing, the ability for me to gaze at things and people and know things about them, only limited by the amount of information that I can take in at the same time without melting my brain. An ability that I have to continually use just to build up my tolerance, and am constantly pressing the limits on because it's honestly my most versatile ability. It's in a more advance and yet limited way of having the same power as the voices and Chat.

In all honesty I doubt I'll ever be able to see all there is, somethings are just harder on my head than others, prediction paths aren't to terrible, but more rules of reality type things like gravity and time f*cking floor me after staring at me for more than half a second, kind of like how people really hurt to look at. The concept of them are so massive that I can't truly comprehend them even if I canSeethem.

So the question of true mastery comes in the form of choosing what to master to use for more than a few seconds. Being able to say, become use enough to seeing prediction paths alone for even a minute or two without serious backlash alone would massively, and I do mean massively, increase my ability in a fight beyond what is currently is and would allow Chat to be able to help me in other ways. It's all about picking what will help me the most and that I should learn toSeebefore leaving it to Chat.

Of course that's way more easy said than done, my limit of five seconds has been hard earned through at least a hundred near migraine given practice runs, but ability to focus and expand what I'mSeeingwithout overloading me is near impossible, the same with limiting what I'mSeeingto nothing. Which is where the last power comes in play.

Beheld. The level of focus it requires to just notSeeanything at all when I'mSeeingfeel impossible. I've never been able to say just block out the voices, and my main problem withSeeingis I just can't block any of it out like I should. I instinctively just try to take in more than I should and I start bleeding because of it.

Which is the greatest downside of course, the reason why I have a time limit onSeeingand why I can't just practice until I master making things beBeheld. Cause I'll literally kill myself if I over stress it to much. Literally. I had the medical experts in Chat do a look at my vitals and body while I wasSeeingand the effects aren't pretty. Nothing that will kill me as long as I give myself breaks and don't keep spamming it without respite. So Kya probably saved my life by stopping me when I first figured it out.

Not to say it doesn't come without costs, the bleeding is an issue that won't ever be solved properly, my body just can't handle the strain, and it's either I bleed from the nose or eyes or I rupture something in my body, one's better than the other as eyes and noses have paths already built in for leaking, not so much a colon. That's another thing, I bled from my eyes when IBeholdbut not to much when ISee, that's when I get nose bleeds, not sure why, apparently it's different stresses on different parts of the brain and eyes. I don't get it.

Oh, and the chances of me going fully grey and maybe even white before I'm twenty have sky rocketed, but I probably won't go bald, just lose my hair color. At least that's what Chat said which is something at least. I wonder if I'll look good with white hair? Well at the very least it would be very easy to dye which might be interesting. Kya seemed interested in that once, I could ask him about it. Besides my hair is mostly just grey now anyway to be honest, only like thirty percent of it is brown these days.

So anyways, with the interesting things out of the way. Time to also mention my state of being, since all of that whole quirk training thing happened about fifteen minutes ago as I was now walking out of the gates of the school, having to go to a bathroom to wash the blood off my cheeks, I was still pissed beyond belief.

Though the rage at Eraser has mostly faded into something more like annoyance. Because f*ck him, the bastard doesn't get to say that to my face without me being pissed, but surprisingly enough I wasn't honestly feeling that spite I'm use to. I mean, it's there, I kind of need that sh*t to function, but it's not really directed so much at him, I'm just angry at him for being an f*cking dickhe*d who doesn't understand sh*t.

And that's f*cking weird.

I hardly ever care about what people think about me, period. Even this whole empathy thing is more a test in seeing if I can understand other people but I still don't have much interest in other people understanding me back. At least I thought so, but... I don't know. Being honest here, I sort of like Eraser, it's mostly just respect though as while he was a personality I like f*cking with, he as a person isn't all that interesting to me.

Is that cold? Yes. But it's me, cold is my state of being, I break bones for a living for f*ck sake.

So why did I care so much? It might be the reason why I wasn't as angry as I was not to long ago, because I was confused as to why I got so angry in the first place. Did I really care about his opinion on me? I...- Not to long ago I would have gave a solid no, but now?

I'm just confused.

That's just how I am these days after trying out this whole 'actively semi-social' thing. Well besides stressed and in pain, but those two weren't new things...

God some times I really wish it wasn't worth it to learn and deal with all this stuff. But it is... It's very worth it.

Shaking my head to get the face I was picturing out of my mind, I sighed and looked around, honestly I shouldn't be out of school yet and I didn't want to placate Mom about why I'm home early so,... since my head's pounding to much at the moment for me to try any more experiments with my quirks o none of that for the time being.

I'll head to the storage unit then and work on some code for a project I've had in mind for a while now, and with how complex it is, I'll need the time to actually type it all out and trouble shoot it for a while before I can actually use it like I want. It's a long term project I actually want to finish soon so it can be used in a timely manor

Then after that, no idea, maybe I'll pester the Detective or something. I could go out for a while and just beat the sh*t out of people but that's a slope right into a run in with some jackass pro who wants to take down the famous Watcher or whatever.

Though being honest here, I really did want to go beat some face in. It's just a nice way to relax... Maybe I could convince Ectoplasm to lean me clones to kill when I'm pissed off, that could be my version of a stress ball or something. Thinking about that thought... It was easier than I thought it would be, like a lot easier. I knew I could kill, I can break someone's leg with just a right aimed kick after all, snapping a neck doesn't require near as much force, but it was strange...

I enjoyed it the same as I did with just breaking bones. Sure I know it's different, the clone wasn't actually a human, but is that a difference other people could make so easily? I'm not sure, honestly I don't care. That's not the issue I have, the issue is, I can tell, even if it's not completely on the mark, I could kill or incapacitate and the difference doesn't mean much to me, in fact I get that same sad*stic thrill out of it that has been growing in me since I started this whole vigilante thing.

The voices influence I know that, but still... It was a bad joke, I shouldn't ever do that again, even if they are just clones. I-... I don't want to be able to do that, to have it be an instinctual way of dealing with my enemies, much less something I could do without even thinking about until later.

I don't ever want to kill another person. Even if I don't have some morally good or amazing reason for, I just don't want to cross that line. Simple as that.

"Are you sure I have to actually talk to him about it all? Ignoring him is easier" Kya was giving me that look again, the one that I didn't like looking at because it made me feel bad. I don't like that look.

"Yes I'm sure you dork. Come on, you don't hide from your problems"

"You're right, I beat them up instead. But that's not an option here"

"You can also talk about them and work them out remember? You actually are some what good at that"

"Yeah, but that's because I like you, and I know Chat and the voices better than anyone. That's easy, this... isn't"

"And since when have you cared about difficult?" How am I suppose to argue against that?

"I don't like it when you have good points" He smiled a bit at that and just said.

"You'll do fine, now come on already" I just sighed but nodded, Kya's hand pulling me along, not letting me walk at a more slow pace.

I don't like talking about feelings, at least I really don't like talking about feelings to adults, it just felt... I have bad memories about that sort of stuff. And Eraser, while I some what respect the bitch, I wasn't really sure in all honesty what I'm suppose to do. I wasn't just going to break up open like an egg and spill all this stuff to him, I don't trust him that much.

And I wasn't planning on letting him off the hook either, that comment, it still pisses me off a bit, but unlike plenty of my other problems, I can't really avoid this one. And Kya was unfairly good at convincing me to do stuff, I have no idea how in all honesty, but he managed to talk me into going to a fish place where he managed to convince me to actually give the f*cker another chance. Really, he talks about not being good at talking but I somehow can just never say no.

I don't get it. But I also can't say I mind. It's weird.

Aizawa and I were just staring at each other at the moment. The second I had walked into the classroom he just stared at me and I just stared back. I was tempted, oh so tempted, to make a joke about it just to see him get annoyed, but I held off. I do my best to hold onto my promises and Kya got one from me so I wasn't going to be a sh*t to him, for now at least. Beside, Chat told me he had something to say that I would want to hear. He's just to stubborn to say it immediately.

Though I didn't mind, I knew as well from Chat exactly what he was going to be asking me right after he gets the first part off his chest and honestly I don't know how to answer just yet. For all my planning ahead. I kind of didn't really think about how I'd explain it when I finally showed how strong my quirk could be.

"Before you say anything and ruin the moment I have a few things to say and ask" Rude, accurate but rude "I'm just going to say... I'm sorry for saying that you don't try when it comes to others. That was short sighted compared to-" He seemed to pause, like he was suddenly about to say something not good as I just rolled my eyes and said before I could think of holding a word or two back.

"All the f*cked things wrong with my head without even counting the voices thing? Yeah, you can say it, it's not a secret" Eraser just grunted before saying.

"Yeah that... I've read for file, after asking Nezu I even got your psychiatrist report as I'm sure you know" I sighed a bit at that and nodded. Of course I knew, it's why I as dreading this conversation happening, I f*cking hate people telling me what's wrong with me like it's something I should just sit there and listen to, because f*ck them what do they know about me. Moving over to one of the desks, I sat down on top of it just to not stand as Eraser moved to lean on the wall in front of me before continuing.

"Confirmed antisocial personality disorder, minor dissociation problems, possible psychosis, dangerous mood swings, probable depression, and your probably somewhere on the autism spectrum" I frowned at that before saying with more spite than I really wanted.

"Your point?"

"You have had at one point or another five points at least that are the most common mental disabilities found in villains and criminals" I rolled my eyes at that, his point? "And your still trying to be a hero, with a terrifyingly dangerous information gathering quirk. That counts for a lot, more than I had originally thought. I had said something about it to someone else once, but even then I didn't really get it until I had a chat with your little boyfriend" Ah right, Kya did mention that. He's was to good at this people thing.

"He has a tendency to be really good at knowing what to say" Eraser just nodded with a sigh as we continued to look at each other for a moment before Chat reminded me it was still my turn to say something as I finally said "Bur besides that... whatever. Just don't f*cking say that try sh*t to me again ok?" He nodded at that before his eyes suddenly sharpened as I rolled my eyes, yeah yeah, here it comes.

"Now that that's out of the way, mind telling me exactly what you did to gym gamma? I had to get Cementoss to come in and repair it, not to mention the windows, which should have been near unbreakable unless you have a strength quirk, which you don't brat" I sighed at that and almost felt like looking away from Eraser at that but finally just said.

"I know Nezu told you about how I'm underselling just how much I can really get from the voices, but I also sort have not told you about just how powerful my quirk can be theoretically. And if I do tell you, you tell no one, it's suppose to be an ace not some common thing that everyone knows about got it?" Eraser stared at me for a long moment before nodding as I leaned back a bit at that and thought about just how to describe it.

"Alright then, in layman's terms... I got more than just voices, I also see things as well, text streams that I've labeled Chat, they use to be apart of the voices, anyway, basically what I can get from them is-" This was going to take a while, and even then, I undersold somethings, like how strong I thinkBeholdCould get in the future, or how I can make beingSeenworse on someone, just letting him know the very basics of what what Chat did, somethings I couldSee, and letting him know what that feelings of beingSeenactually was.

It was a bit weird telling him all this stuff, but I confined myself to saying it all moments after I had destroyed the gym floor, knowing there wasn't exactly a way I could easily cover that up, besides at least it was only Eraser, who was realistically, the only adult I trusted to know about this, besides, he was -ugh- right about something. He could help me, the voices and Chat can't tell me anything about my quirk's other abilities, so maybe a guy whose job is teaching people to control and master their quirks would be able to give me something to work off of.

Finally after I finished, Eraser placed a hand on his head, before saying after a long moment.

"Let me get this straight, you have a full group of like fifty voices in this 'chat' thing who all are experts in different things who teach you stuff who you've also taught dozens of tactic books to and use to massively boost your combat sense and fighting skills. And that's just the mosttameof all your abilities I'm just now learning about, which also include, from how you explained, being able tosee and then break reality itself into the shape of an eye at the cost of nearly killing yourself"Well when it says it like that, it does in fact sound a bit crazy.

"Yeah basically. I'm kind of a badass" Eraser stared at me for a long moment before pressing his head a bit further into his hands before pulling his hands down across his face before finally saying.

"You're... There is nothing I can realistically help you with when it comes to fighting and tactics, clearly your already trying your best in a mental standpoint, and from the sounds of it, the only thing you need is quirk control over these abilities you've only just figured out in the past two months. That correct?" I nodded at that before saying.

"Basically, though of course I do need to get my hero costume and actually get some experience in it. You were actually some what right about the surgery analogy. The voices and Chat can't be translated to muscle memory... I might be able toSeethat though in other people and mimic it..." What was that one eye power from that weird anime that the voices raved about when I was younger? Shargan? Sharingin? Something like that, I wonder if I could do that copy thing that thing could. Be interesting to test once I figure outSeeingpeople.

"It doesn't matter if you can't even use it for more than a few seconds. You have the right idea about it though, over time you'll build a resistance to it, being able to use it for a longer time, the information flow will stop once you have more experience in it. So it's all about just training until you figure it out like I'm sure you know. It's similar to how I learned to use my quirk" I gave him a look at that.

"I think extremely excess information overload on the frontal temporal lobe so bad it causes bleeding from the nose and eyes are a bit different than you getting dry eye" He gave me a glare at that before saying.

"Same idea, now come on. I need to think about the best way to train your quirk, so in the mean time, let's get our costume, and discuss why a few of your gear requests were denied or put on hold until you gain proper qualification to use them" Oh right, I knew what he was talking about even before I stood up and moved over to the wall where the costumes were stored in.

"Your talking about the gun right?" Eraser gave me a look at that.

"Of course I'm talking about the gun problem child, why in the world did you think you could get away with asking for two loaded pistols? Even if they are loaded with nonleathal rubber bullets, and were made to not have as much firing power, a wrong hit could still kill" I rolled my eyes at that.

"In your class you have a guy who could turn someone into a skid mark with a punch, a guy who is literally a walking grenade, and a girl who could literally melt my body into a puddle. A self designed, fully functional and mostly nonlethal gun that I will only ever use when an enemy is far out of my reach is hardly the most dangerous thing on me. Hell, if I overclocked the gloves, I could kill with the five point shock alone, not to mention the amount of control that goes into the flamethrower and blasting snap" Eraser's eyebrow twitched at that before sighing and nodding.

"Yeah, your technically correct, but gun laws are still in place, meaning you need to get a licence to carry, and that's because that gun you designed happens to be able to use real bullets as well. Something I'm sure you didn't just over look" They caught that? Well I guess it is the support company and courses' job to make sure everything is in place and will work without issue. They probably know my gear as well as I go.

"Fine fine, sometime this week give me the paper test to ace then bring me to a range so I can show I know gun safety and that I don't miss" Eraser rolled his eyes at that before saying.

"I know Watcher has never used a gun before, don't be arrogant just because your a teen who wants a hand cannon" He dare mocks a dream I've had for like a year and a half now? How could he. Whatever.

"Yeah I know, but I also have some people called Chat who can literally work as a laser sight basically, as long as I can see I can hit my target as long as they aren't moving faster than two hundred meters a second or smart enough to know how to dodge before I fire. Oh and get the Detective when you get someone from the police to make sure I know what I'm doing" Eraser seemed confused at that one.

"Why him? I know you figured some way of getting around his quirk, something that I want to know by the way, but why do you want to risk that?" He thinks too much in the next move, not moves ahead. I wonder how well I would be at playing chess? Not really time to think about this, but I've never actually played much. I mean, it's kind of boring when you know what your opponent is going to do before they do it.

"Because I'm careful enough to get around his quirk, which I won't tell you how, the entire time and since I'm certain he's going to try and trip me up during the whole thing, then I can continue to build more and more lack of credible information he can use in court" Eraser just stared at me for a moment before saying.

"There are times I want to how your mind works, then there are times I really don't. Come on, get your case and go change and met me in the gym we were at yesterday" I thought about saying something about that but but held back and instead said.

"Yeah sure"

From there it was just be going to the changing room and putting the costume on. It was...weird. To be in something I designed down to the last thread, but had no part in actually making. Personally though, I'm just glad they got my redesigns and actually worked them in whenever I made something and wanted it added.

It took a while, and it was honestly strange to not feel stitch lines in the suit where it had been slashed open and repaired, or the slight dig in my arms were the batteries had been personally designed to be interwoven so there wasn't random bugles in the outfit to impede arm movement. The boots were comfortable, not the ones I had to replace the padding in so I didn't accidentally break a toe in while free running. These ones fit perfectly.

On the back of my left arm was also a small computer screen that I had to be a bit more careful of, but was invaluable to be able to access my codes and be able to use my pre-self-made programs on the fly to hack anything if I need to.

Then there was my belt, which was personally my favorite of it all. On my right was a number of personally level smoke gernades and a number of metal stubs on both sides that I could use as throwable projectiles, and on the back, along the belt, as a metal stick, that was actually a rod that could, when twisted in the right way, could extend up to a meter and a half long, meaning if I needed, I had my stick or a quarterstaff on hand.

The gloves weren't near as bulky, the design for them being more streamlined and fixed with more time and care being put into them than I could have with the time I had for the prototype I used in the Sports Festival. Not to mention the new port slits where my wrists were that had a personalized air based combustion system that would let me fling out literal flames like I was a dual haired kid with daddy issues...

Ok, I'm already a dual haired kid with daddy issues but the point stands.

Anyway, the costume was perfect, as I looked down at my new mask, it was a scarf that I could pull up over my face, to cover the metal thin plate guard that was already in place that could filter my breathing out. The though costume was a massive redesign of Watcher's admittedly, but the scarf was the most clear showing of that, though it also had another reason behind it. Any way or direction I pulled on it, it would unravel into my hand and with the metal line fibers woven into it, I could use it effectively as a whip, rope, or garrote without issue.

Pulling it around my neck, another thing it did was guard that vital point, I pulled it up over my lower face and nodded to myself. I didn't need goggles anymore, I had a fiber camera in my suit that did it's job and I figured once I master being able to See the few things I need, then being able to just have thermal vision naturally wouldn't be that hard. I did it once, I just got to learn to only do that and not die from it. Same with X-ray, though that sh*t was trippy.

Besides, I no longer have a reason to hide my hair or eyes, two of my most identifiable traits. I'm going to be a hero after all, besides, my hairs going to go fully grey then white in the next few years, after that point, it's not really identifiable is it? White's a normal enough hair color, if a bit more rare than brown.

I shook my head a bit and smiled under the grey mask before turning and walking out of the room in my dark colored suit. I had some training to do after all.


I'm not really sure how well I did it in the beginning because I only had a very rough outline for his character at the time, but Shin as a person is very socially confused, he hides that up behind his showing of knowing exactly what people are feeling and how he always has something to say witty. But underneath all that, it's because he honestly doesn't really know how to have a deep conversation with someone about those feelings. Kya's the first person he's probably had a meaning conversation with that wasn't in his head in literal years that he had naturally. He's not good at them, he finds them uncomfortable and near distressing with how confused or uncertain he is about them, but he just pushes or represses those feelings and tries to keep it light with jokes or small meaningless insults.

I don't know. Shin as a character is very deep and very flawed, or at least I want him to be, but at times I think my own inability to find ways to write that out correctly or perfectly limit him a bit as a character. There isn't enough raw showings I guess.
Oh well, that's one's a bit on me for writing such a messed up dude who is very hard to change but somehow stubbornly staying in place at the same time.

Chapter 25


You know, I've found Shin as the type of person to be a very high INT but painfully low WIS kind of character.
Like, he could f*cking flatten you in seconds when it comes to brain power, but boy is he people stupid and common sense derails him like no ones business.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Dude your costume looks so cool!" I smiled a bit and nodded at how enthusiastic Kya sounded as I showed him a few pictures I took on my phone when Eraser was busy with my in my costume. "Seriously... No offensive, the Watcher suit shows how anyone, even on a budget, can be a hero themselves as long as they try. But this... You look like a hero Shin!"

"I do?" I blinked a bit as I gave him a look, honestly, I wasn't sure yet, the suit was amazing, every bit of it was designed for me, I knew that, I designed it myself, but it just fit so well, there was no imbalance I had to compensate for when I moved, the gloves reacted to the slightest triggers, and I frankly liked the parts I gave to the company. Making the costume itself look stylish rather than just a full thing of tactical gear and a scarf. But hero? Kya just smiled so brightly at me and said

"Oh course! I can't wait until I start seeing Beholding in the news, saving orphans or something" I smiled and felt a faint warmth come up from my throat as I think a small laugh came out. I've been doing that a bit recently, not often, but it happend more than I could ever remember in recent memory, it felt nice.

"Orphans huh? Personally I was aiming for saving the world or something but if you say so" Kya ribbed me a bit with a laugh of his own as we just stared at each other for a moment as I realized just how close we were to each other, our shoulders pressed together as we stared down at my phone screen with my costume on it for a long moment before Kya blinked a bit and pointed at something on the screen.

"Hey, why is that there?" I blinked as I looked at the photo, my eyes trying to find what he was looking at while the voices started making sounds of something. I didn't get it, but I did find what I was looking for form his point as I answered.

"It's a cat head pin, I put a few of them on the belt, see" I pointed my finger at the two next to it right besides the buckle, where a pride flag pin was next to a green cross ribbon which had in small text 'mental health' written across it. I thought it was funny at the time. Looking back up at Kya's confused face, I answered.

"The actual pins holding them to the costume are actually a tension wrench, rake pick, and a hook. I figure if I get kidnapped or something they'll at least leave me with pride pins or whatever and I could use those to get out of handcuffs without breaking or dislocating my thumb" Literally everything on my costume is there for a reason and I can use it for something practical. Kya just raised an eyebrow at that.

"You put pride pins on you so you can escape a kidnapping? No wait! Why is there a cat pin?" I blinked a bit before reaching up and giving his head a pat, absently rubbing his right ear in a way I accidentally did once and he got all embarrassed after almost purring. I thought it was f*cking adorable and being honest here, was looking for an excuse to do this again as I said.

"This costume is to show the parts of Watcher that I'm bringing with me, and making into a hero. Your a part of that. It was either a pin or I start wearing cat ears, and I think they look cuter on you" He turned a bit red before leaning away a bit and shoulder bumped me.

"You're so embarrassing" I just grinned a bit and said.

"You love me anyway" Kya huffed a bit as a small smile pulled on his lips as he said.

"Course I do. Now come on, let's get going, movie night remember? We're doing it at my place tonight" I smiled, my chest turning warm as I nodding as I walked after him. Reaching forwards as my hand grabbed onto his as I moved to his side.

We just existed next to each other, when I felt my eyes catch on Chat, and before I knew it, I pulled off to the left enough to pull Kya out of the way just as someone tried to shoulder check him. He stumbled a bit as I turned my attention to a guy who looked at us as he past and scoffed as he walked away, Chat telling me all I needed to know about why he did that. f*cking scum.

"Hey come on it's fine" I blinked before sighing and nodding, as we turned and kept walking.

"I really want to go break his teeth in" My hand got squeezed at that to help distract me as the voices reared up wanting blood.

"And I'm happy you aren't, come on, one idiot isn't worth it. Right?" ... Yeah... I still really want to break him though. I should have forced him to beSeenat least but I didn't think about it, I'm a fool. "Oi! Stop thinking about it, you're just going to work yourself up"

"I'm known, doesn't make it easy" He just nodded, I could tell he didn't like it either but he was right, I can't just beat or insult all the people I really don't like. But I don't just not like that man, I f*cking hate him. Because how dare he?

I took a long breath in and then let it out along with as much anger as I could... It didn't get much, I'm going out as Watcher tonight.

Jumping down, mid twist, my hell slammed down into a thugs head as his face was slammed and rebounded off a wall as I landed and stared down at his friend, making him beSeenas he froze in place as I twisted to the side as a metal pole was jabbed where my spine had just been as I spun around the pole before my fist slammed directly into the fact of the man as he held backwards as I pulled my metal stick out and threw it into a wall that had a turn in it.

The metal rebounded and slammed directly into the face of a fourth goon as I walked up to the frozen and trembling man I hadSeenbefore holding my hand out as the metal pipe flew into my hand as I spun it in my hand before bringing it up and slamming it into his temple as he crumpled into a heap as I sighed in almost disappointment as I placed the metal along my back as I looked around the four unconscious and burly men for a moment then shook my head.

It was so trivial and almost boring these days, sure it was still necessary for my plans, not to mention it's effect on the crime rates in my area, and all but still. It was just so dull in a way. The only times I had much of a issue is when I'm unprepared or I'm somehow surprised by a lot of numbers, and even then I've learned how to make people getSeenin under even half a second. And it's not like I can only use it on one person at a time, though it does lessen the effect for the amount of people, so even then group fights haven't been that difficult anymore either.

Heh, I remember when this was so difficult just to beat one or two thugs, much less a proper villain. Honestly I don't feel that much better, even when I know that's not true, it just more feels like the thugs just aren't as strong as they use to be, which I guess in another way is also true... Whatever, the Watcher is continuing to serve his purpose in this suit so that's all there is to it.

Though I really wish people would stop with putting me in papers or blogging about me. I don't find it really as amusing as people would think. Doesn't matter right now though I suppose. Time to get the detective on these idiots.

"Alright, now the first thing you wa-" I tuned Snipe out as I instead examined the weapon in front of me, it was a real gun, apparently I had to learn with this so I knew what to expect and to realize the 'dangers' of live firearms. Like I didn't already know, I have two bullet scars on me to prove I know just how deadly these things are. "Alright, let's see what you do naturally then I'll correct you until you have a proper form down and know how to at least not miss"

"Miss?" I said it like a question as I grabbed a set of earmuff as the others did the same, I could feel the Detective gazing at my back as I picked up the gun, Chat thinking they were being funny or genuinely trying to help as I got an almost game like guide about how to how, load, and slide a bullet into the camber of the pistol as I moved through the actions quickly enough before gripping the gun as I held it up without bother to level it to my eyes as instead I looked down range to the target, where on it Chat had placed a little 'Hitting Here' message as I adjusted my grip to get use to angle movements before-


The recoil was greater than I had original expected as my hands were forced to move up a bit as I was about to shoot again, already sort of getting use to the barrel lines, but the gun as pulled from my hands as I blinked at the lost, before frowning as I nearly leveled a glare at Snipe. I don't like things being taken from me.

"You shouldn't aim like that, it's way more often then not going to go extremely wide and you won't be able to predict the bullet pat-" Oh this ass.

"How about you look at the bullseye before you start talking about how I can't hit sh*t?" He turned to look at the target as I reached forwards and picked up the gun from his grip and leveled it up again and said.

"Like I said. Miss?" With that I aimed and fired a couple times, and being honest here, I just wanted to show up a bit because I found this whole thing a bit pointless, as in the ten bullets I fired, a small, tight circle was outlined around the first bullet which was in the center of the target. The slide caught after that, which I knew it would as I yawned a bit before pulled the magazine out and then placed both parts down onto the range table in front of me before pulling off my muffs and said to the two.

"So that proof enough that I know how to aim and handle a gun? I already aced the written part about safety as well so..." The two just stared at me for a long moment before the Detective finally nodded and said.

"Yes, quite impressive, how did you do that?" I glanced at Chat who know well enough to give me something to say to explain it well enough without giving anything away, as I looked at the given question before answering.

"I just lined the barrel up, accounted for air drag, distance, angle, gun power, caliber, etc. It's simple math, quicker than using my eyes at least" That comment was just to freak them out a bit. It's always amusing when people realize I'm much smarter than they are. I couldn't see Snipe's face, cause of the mask, but I knew that comment was making his head swim. Like he gets to say he aims either, he has a homing quirk.

"A-ah. Um, yes, your quite the shot" No sh*t

"Ah! All Might, I was wondering if I'd run into you here!" All Might spun around suddenly at the sound of his friends voice as he watched as Tsukauchi walked down the halls of UA. What was the man doing here for.

"Tsukauchi! What are you doing here?" His friend smiled a bit but All Might could see some tension in his shoulder's.

"I was here to look over and make sure a student in your class could get a gun license" Gun license?! Who in 1A would need something so barbaric? Perhaps young Yaoyorozu? She could make one after all and it would be best if she had a license in case of such an event, but she wasn't at the school at the moment, on her internship. Everyone was. Well besides-

"Are you referring to young Koe?" Tsukauchi simply looked at the number one hero for a long moment before nodding and saying.

"Shin Koe? Yes, I was actual how did you know" What would young Koe want something like a license for a gun for? A ranged option? He can't really always get close to his target after all All might supposed.

"He's the only one here, and the only one I could think of who would want such a weapon" Weapons like those were lethal devices, this continued to paint the young man in an unflattering light.

"Really? I looked over the plans he has for his own gun, it's mostly nonlethal which fits with what I know about the kid, and with his showing off, I doubt he'll kill with it" Know about the kid? Has Tsukauchi run into the young man somewhere before?

"Do you know much about young Koe?" Tsukauchi suddenly had that face All Might recognized as when he said something about something All Might shouldn't know about, he only got that face when it was about an open case. What had Koe been involved in to have an open police case about or in contact with him? Of course his friend tried to cover it up quickly enough. Though that itself was almost enough to make All Might forget about it.

"Well not really, my friend Sansa's nephew is dating Koe so I know somethings" Koe? The probable psychopath was dating someone? Curious, he hopes the young man in question doesn't get hurt, people like Koe can be dangerous and unpredictable, even to those they think they love.

"I see. If you don't mind, what's your opinion on the young man?" All Might was curious, sure he trusted Aizawa and would go with his ideals but his friend was a good judge of character as well. Tsukauchi sighed before saying.

"He's very... extra. To the point of it being self harming or harmful to the others. Not to say that's a bad thing, in the case of hero work, it's probably a good thing, but I can't imagine he's had an easy home or social life because of it. It's probably why he wants to be a hero so much, it's his outlet for who he is... Without it, I'd be worried about what he'd do with his life" All Might frowned at that.

"I'm not sure I understand?" Tsukauchi seemed to have to take a moment to find a way to explain it before finally saying.

"He... From what I've seen, he doesn't do things by half measures. He takes chances but they don't seem like chances, more like... More like he just knows things are going to work out. I don't mean to speak ill of the kid, but frankly, he creeps me out. Those eyes..." All Might could only nod, he understood what he was talking about. Those eyes, no matter the color, though pink was the worse, always just seemed to not see anything, to unfocused, but those unfeeling eyes nearly triggered All Might's instinct to transform into his mighty form once, his entire body shaking from being seen like that.

He didn't understand it, but it was something he wouldn't soon forget.

My gun was now resting comfortably in it's holster on my costume on my right side as I leaned against a wall and waited on Eraser to come and tell me what we were doing today. The voices and Chat already told me it was just more costume practice which was just boring, but it was needing, I needed to still get use to this all and Ectoplasm was easy enough to take down without issue as I got use to the placement of my gear.

Really, besides that the last four days it had mostly just been boring besides the thing that happened on the first day, it's mostly just been getting use to my costume. I understood why, in terms of actual tips or heroic work, I already just knew them from experience, and we both knew that I knew how to fight more than well enough already and I didn't need his help to improve, that was another thing I could only get better at through my own method of fighting, hence a lot of spars with Ectoplasm's clones.

I mean, he was also suppose to be catching me up on heroics information stuff, the thing he actually teachers, hero laws, police cooperation, priority cases, etc. But I also knew that, I had to learn a lot about quirk law because of the whole semi-illegal vigilante stuff I've been getting up to. Among the actual illegal things I just do because, you know, no moral compass blah blah blah.

Course it wasn't just sparring, I was also 'training' in some other things, Eraser seemed to decide my best assets were my speed and flexibility, which he could actually force me to do better in by just making me do the stretches I did already but more. My joints were a bit more sore than normal, but I guess it was helping out a bit, I couldn't tell much of a different. And of course there was just a lot of laps I did, and all the quirk training.

Honestly that 'training' was just me nearly killing myself over and over on Eraser's instructions whenever my head stopped pounding enough that I could almost think straight, I was probably losing to much blood but the 'extreme' training that Kya would have smacked me over the head for let meSeefor a few seconds longer before I nearly pass out. Still bleed though even before I pass out, but that's just stress on the body, I'm training to lessen the stress on my mind.

To be honest, it showed some results besides almost holding it for eight seconds now, I couldSeeeven faster which was something, and I was getting good at being able to consistently see motion prediction of things, so that's a slight step in the right direction as when I first started it just all slammed into my eyes and I just had to look at it all, no way of really searching for what I want, I just saw what I saw.

After the two weeks I couldSeewhat I wanted somewhat but it was hard to focus on it, now, I still get overwhelmed after only a few seconds, but I can choose to see what I want also which is something. It's not that good for me though. The pain is massive and it's hard to sleep after these extensive days. The stress it's putting on me is insane, I'm feeling sore all over and I haven't even done anything extreme enough to warrant it. So I'm probably just going to tell Eraser to suck it up and that I'll keep training my quirk the way I had been before, three to maybe four times spread out through the day, that way I give my body the break it really needs.

I think I spotted at least two more patches of gray that are going to begin to grow out... I need to get a hair cut, reached up to the side of my shoulder, I pinched a few strands of brown and grey hair as I lifted it up enough that I could look at it. It was really long nowadays, beginning to go past my shoulders even. Being honest, I sort of don't mind it like this but it gets in the way I've noticed... Maybe I could start wearing it in a hair band?

How would I look with a pony tail? This is so unimportant it nearly made me smile a bit as I thought about how I was thinking about how I should style my hair to keep it from my face. At some point I guess I'll go to a barbershop and see if I could ask for some advice about it, I don't trust Eraser, he looks like a hobo, and the voices would have a field day with suggestions. Kya might have some advice, but he keeps his hair in between short and shaggy. I doubt he knows much about longer hair.

I never really thought about this actually, I always just went to a shop and got it cut how they wanted it, usually it went short and I just waited until it got to long and got it cut again. I had to, we don't have any scissors at home, I'm not going to use a knife to give myself a cut. So why am I thinking about this now?

Heh, I got no idea. I'll just tie it up in the future until I settle on some style I guess, it's not like it's that bad, and like I said, I kind of like it like this as well even, it's surprising. I'm hardly one who really cares about this sort of thing, but... I guess it's because of this costume huh? I just... Got an itch for actually looking almost presentable at the moment I guess, and it's weird, but everything is so that's hardly new.

Hmm. I'm over thinking, reaching up I rubbed my eyes before stopping as the voices suddenly started talking about something, as I looked up a bit and frowned as I listened in before asking.

"Tell what are they talking about?"

"Something about Stain in Hosu?" "Who cares about that guy though?" "Himiko?" "She likes Watcher now more though" "Not a competition you two"

"It's a news report on one of the screens in the campus that they are seeing, Stain was spotted there" "Yeah but we knew that, cause that jerk who hit Kya went there for revenge" "Oh right, not sure then, they're just talking about Stain"

"Stain's ideology, which is just stupid, ours is better" "True, but I think a storm might be coming" "Yeah remember how Himiko almost started murdering cause of Stain?" "We should do something about that" "Like what? Shin doesn't preach ideology" "But Watcher could?"

"Ew, I don't feel like preaching anything, the whole point of me doing all this is so even the idiots can see that a normal person can take a stand, even the crazy ones. I'm doing this so I don't have to talk" I got a bombardment of messages and things from the voices about how that just means Stain is going to have a bunch of followers at some point, f*cking cults...

"You all sure he's going to blow up soon and get all this attention? Sure he's somewhat popular but we all know Watcher and his methods are mostly what people think these days when it comes to vigilantism" Ok so maybe I was a bit happy with how widespread my whole message got to, not for the right reasons probably. I just really liked that I managed to do it all just like I had planned. And it was getting people off their asses as well.

Still... That is a lot of yeses. Apparently the society structure is about to change. I really wish they could be more clear about things like this. Apparently it's just something they just know sometimes, like when an economic crash is about to happen, it's not anything the voices got from one person, but from all the people around, in the city that move in and out of my range at times. It's something like that. Bits of information that build a bigger picture.

The voices only get excited or hyper like this over the subject when it's a big change or at least a shift that's going to affect me... But is it going to affect me or Watcher?

Stupid question, the answer is yes to both of them more than likely, we're the same person after all, so... I'm going to have to come up with a plan, I hadn't though Stain's 'murder for a better tomorrow' plan would last longer than a year or two at best before he finally got himself caught or killed with his message not really going anywhere. Then again I'm sure that's what people thought about me and I've crumbled empires... Was it arrogance that I didn't plan for this or I simply didn't think of it?

Both aren't good answers, I'm not suppose to be blinded to things, I'm literally calling myself Watcher and Beholding, two names that are always meant tosee.But I can't yet imagine a scenario in which his popularity would explode like the voices seem to believe it will, and if I can't predict how it will happen then I can't make countermeasures... I'm going to have to think about this some more and think as well about what I need to do.

I'm going to have to rely a lot on the reputation that Watcher as built up but how is the question. Because I can't just let the streets get flooded with a new wave of vigilantes, some might think that's what I might stand for as the Watcher, but it's not, it's to not rely on others for things you should do yourself, to not half ass your jobs and roles in life. People going out on the street to get themselves killed or kill others is not on that list.

Sighing, I reached up and rubbed my head, I'm going to have a migraine soon I'm sure of it, this is a pain in the ass, just as I thought I could start not bothering with the Watcher identity as much, and finally start moving on from it, and yet here we are, with me having to pull hard on it and make another splash, but this wasn't isn't to strike fear into the underworld, like when I basically nullified Giran or took down every single criminal organization in mine own and the close by cities.

Not, this was pointed directly pointed at the public, as a warning for them to stay away, but how should I manage it? Maybe go to Hosu myself and see if I can root this issue out at the head? I always did wonder how I would manage against Stain... Of course I never wanted to actually see how that would turn out, but... I might not have a chioce. Honestly I don't care much about whoever he murders over there, but society is already at a tipping point, I can't allow it to fall the wrong way.

This is getting complicated...

I made a mistake, I made a very bad mistake. Running for my life, holding my gashed open side, as I listened to pro after pro screamed as fire roared around my ears, as crashes happened while the voices screamed about All for One and Nomus. It made my head spin as I ran before slamming my shoulder into a door and shut it behind me as I collapsed to the ground.

To be fair, I was expecting one man that I was half certain I could beat, fully certain if I got the drop on him, and instead I nearly got my side ripped open from a f*cking Nomu before the streets were flooded with them, then f*cking Endeavor showed up and I nearly got crispy fried...f*ck.

Looking down at the soaked in blood upper part of my suit, I sighed as I reached up and pulled my mask scarf off and wrapped it around my side. I needed to stem the bleeding before I died, I was already getting a bit cold and I was nearly set on fire not to long ago... What am I going to do now? Chat's telling me all I need to know about this situation. Damn League of Villains. You were already on my sh*t list, all this means is I'm going to break you all doubly so.

At least I f*cking took down that one Nomu, the one with the claw hands, f*cking bastard went down after I fried shocked it's already brain dead brain. I have no clue if that killed the monster but I know there is no saving it, I knew that just from the few things Chat told me about how they were made. It was disgusting. Though it was interesting to note about bio-splicing and quirk giving.

I think I know the most about the quirk All for One, than anyone else now that I've had a good look at one of those things... Hell I might even be able to sudo-replicate it even, the quirk itself is just-... I'm not going to think about this while I'm bleeding out and society is about to begin a paradigm shift. I need to find a way to at least slow it down or make it harder on-... I need a rival, an ideology to compete with Stains when it comes to things like this...

f*ck. This is the option I had been trying to avoid, but if I can't head it of then...

I really hate public speaking. Fine, let's get this over with. Pulling out my phone, I opened the camera app and moved it to video before flipping it as I looked back at myself for a moment before frowning, right, I have to hide my face... I'm not sending this out now and I know I can figure out some editing software, I'll need to disguise my voice as well... Let's get this started then.

What to say?...


I guess just be Watcher right? Sarcastic, slightly morbid, and never serious.

"Why hello there! My name is Watcher, you've problem seen a picture of me or something from the newspapers, they never could get a good shot though. I'd love to give you all a look at my amazing form, but I'm sort of bleeding out here... I'm in Hosu, and honestly, I'm not sure I'll get out alive. I took one of those monsters down, but...Heh, anyway, no reason to be down. I did everything I could, if I could feel my legs I'd still be out there, but... Whatever, the point of this is simple. I'm content, I did everything I could to help you all, to not half ass a single recuse, to not give in and accept others will deal with mine and others problems. I might die, and because I lived my life to the fullest, by being a real hero... I think I can say I'm fine with it. If I don't die then yay me right? Heh-Ah! fu-ck... I'm out of time, I think that was a rib finally giving. So... final words? Be the change you want to see right? Tearing down is fine and all, but be the ones to help build it up as well... Hope to save you later"

Video end...

I wasn't hurt near as bad as I acted, but it'll get the point across as I stared down at the screen with orange eyes, before slowly, with a wobble, stood up and moved to a window. I had a long night ahead of me after all. I need to get this out in the next two hours at least, and of course there is that whole, guts being held in with a scarf thing. It's not that bad, but f*ck does it hurt...

Well... Let's get this started then.

Stain, I never imagined this was the way I was going to fight you if...

Let our ideologies war on then.


I could have put in the Nomu fight but like... I just really didn't feel like it plus the chapter was already dragging a bit, so...
But besides that we got an interesting stage set as it is, I wonder how that's going to play out, cause f*ck knows I don't plan anything when it comes to this story, I just write and pray that it turns out not sh*tty. Sort of how I structure my life to be honest.

Chapter 26


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

One point eight seven million views... I might or might not have hacked a few social networks to help make my video go viral but I needed to to keep up with the viral video of Stain screaming his briefs at the top of his lungs before passing out. Honestly, it was meh, maybe it's one of those lack of empathy things but I can't see why anyone would agree to his philosophy of 'murder all those who don't match my ideals' because, just saying, that's literally never worked out well in the history of forever.

Honestly, was this the right move? I don't really know, but it's the move I had to make with the choices I had. But it's going to lead to death, I just hope this path lessens the amount of it. I knew what I was doing though, I knew I was going to have as close to blood on my hands as I'll ever allow cause of this action. I made it perfectly to frame Stain, who is now being seen as a League member, as the reason why I, as Watcher, almost died, and all those following my beliefs see it as Stain trying to kill me, it discredits his own beliefs because it's against mine.

Not all people see it that way, but most civilians know that out of the two, the Watcher is the one they want on the streets more. But in those that don't see society as a good thing, those that want to tear it down? Their the ones who are going to take to Stain's methods and I can't stop that, but with this... I'm getting my own followers to comeback them, making the public view of these people as wrong and dangerous. Making it harder and harder for this to spread.

It's going to be a civil war in the underground for a while I know that, and I'm sure people will die for this battle and I... I'm not sure how to feel about it, but it's either that or let this go unchecked and spread further and further, allowing the League to go unchecked in gathering members by using Stain. It was on me, that I allowed that mad man to stay out there for so long, I can admit that, but this is all I can do now that he has been dealt with.

I didn't like this, I don't like having such a powerful influence in people, to be able to know my decisions were causing these things. It was stressful damn it! To the point I wasn't sure it was even worth it, this is one of those times that knowing things just feels so god damn heavy. And yet so damn useless.

I could kill every single person on this planet, I honestly could, I know enough about launch codes, military secrets, business secrets, that I could insights wars between the world itself in days and everyone could be dead before the week ends, but I can't stop just one group of idiot villains, or not let anyone die from my own mistakes. Mistakes I shouldn't have made in the first place...

I know so much, but can't do anything with most of it, or I can't risk using it, or it's just f*cking useless. It's so f*cking annoying.

"Ow?" Kya had just smacked me as I frowned a bit as I absently shifted my weight a bit to put off some standing tension off my right side.

"WHAT THE HELL SHIN!" I just blinked again and looked at him for a long moment before something clicked.

"Oh you saw the video" Ok, maybe that wasn't the best way to say that.

"No f*cking sh*t I saw it! Glad to see your alive, it means I can beat you to death myself!" I moved out of the way of his hands as he tried to cut me open with his claws. As I just was now confused a bit before another thing clicked in my head... Oh.

"Your angry at me because I didn't tell you it was mostly fake?" Kya just puffed up a bit and I thought for a second he was going to lung at me, when instead his shoulder's started to shake a bit as I felt panic start to pulse in me as I noticed his eyes seemed to start to water up. What the f*ck!?

"You IDIOT! You didn't think to tell me you were hurt or that you were making a last will video that I could only watch ! I was so worried you idiot" I-... Oh... Kya pressed himself into my chest as I didn't bother to wince from the pain as I just wrapped my arms around him as he did the same, almost desperately as I suddenly felt so much like sh*t...

"I'm sorry, I-... I didn't even think about it, I was just so- No, it doesn't matter, I'm... sorry, I'm so sorry" He just hugged me tighter as I just held him as I realized... I can't just do things like that. I hadn't- I was to caught up in my own pity party and thinking about this whole Stain and League business that I forgot to let him know. The most important person in my life, the guy I tell everything to, and I forget to tell him something like this? I'm an idiot.

"You better be, you... I was scared" It hurt how small he sounded at that, frowning, I leaned down a bit as I rested my chin a bit on the top of his head and said.

"I'm not going anywhere, it'll take a lot more than that to kill me... And besides, you think my last message would be something so corny and painfully hopeful and content sounding? No, if I'm going out I'm going out in pure spite you hear?" He laughed a bit at that and I felt the knot in my chest lessen just a bit, but I still felt like sh*t... Oh god, I need to call Himiko, or at least send her a text... Knowing her she probably found it hot that I was bleeding out, she doesn't worry as much, but still.

"You need to be more careful out there, I don't- I just- I can't lose you ok?" I knew how that felt... So I just agreed, I wouldn't die. Simple as that right?

"You ok Problem child?" I nodded a bit as I looked at Eraser, who looked very tired, though I think I did see concern in those eyes of his, ok, that's on me, I forgot about him when I was contacting people who knew who I was under that mask. To be fair I had been distracted at the time, only getting a text to Himiko before Kya- Anyway, answering time.

"Course, almost got some guts ripped out by one of those Nomu things and I know way to much about quirk gene manipulation now but that's about it" Eraser raised an eyebrow at that but didn't say anything else as we looked at each other for a moment before he finally sighed before saying.

"Go to Recovery Girl" I raised an eyebrow at that.

"You have a good excuse to give her as to why I have three claw gouges in my right side?" His answer was simple and unrefined

"No, so give her a bad one and get yourself patched up, stop being stubborn" Doesn't he know that's like one of my main characteristics is that I'm way to stubborn for my own good? Whatever, as much as I don't want to admit it, he's right, I really haven't taken advantage as much as I should of the nurse here. But to be fair, it's very hard to explain my injuries... I'll say I tripped down the stairs with a knife or something if she just doesn't just straight up use her quirk on me.

"Fine, what are we doing after that? We only have today and tomorrow after all left really, and I'm not going to overly stress my quirk out, it's not good for my health" He seemed to want to raise a point about me caring about my health but didn't, which was appreciated though his next comment wasn't as appreciated.

"You're going to tell me why exactly you wanted to go to Hosu in the first place and nearly get yourself killed and then made yourself go viral with a video of all things" Oh god this sh*t.

"If you really want to know, the reason is simple. Society manipulation. Stain made a message that night, one that was going to catch like wild fire and I can't have that, it'll lead to making the future more annoying, so I used Watcher's standing to head it off at the pass as well as I could at the time. I was just going to beat the sh*t out of Stain myself and just leave it at that, but I got distracted on the way there" He raised an eyebrow at that but come on, one of those things literally dropped on me, if I had time to react, then I wouldn't even have left that fight with a scratch.

"I see, go get healed up problem child, once you get back, we're going to go over somethings you can actually use that 'beheld' power of yours in actual combat to drive it into your skull why a super move like that would be very useful" I can literally destroy things with my mind, I think the ideas about how to use that are pretty self explanatory, but I nodded all the same as I walked in the direction of the nurse's office, though... I do wonder... Eye symbols, I think I saw one of those when I wasSeeingnot to long ago. Strange.

"Hey Shinsou! How's your week been?" I glanced up at Shinsou who was standing next to a wall at the moment by the school, probably waiting on us -no wait, he was- since he had to leave for his own internship, like I said Aizawa was bullsh*tting, he just didn't want to subject another pro to me without knowing how to deal with my brand of insanity.

"It was... Interesting Sansa, I'll say that. Ms. Joke needs... I want to say help" Ms. Joke? Well, their quirks are some what similar I suppose so that's something. Kya jumped at that though as he said excitedly.

"Really?! I love Ms. Joke, I think she's hilarious" Shinsou nodded a bit at that and nodded a bit with a faint smile.

"Yeah, she's actually pretty nice, she's also a teacher even. So I got to learn a lot from her, you know about other ways to use my quirk, or how to get it activated" Kya continued to chat with Shinsou happily about it as the two talked while I continued to think about a few things to myself. Mostly wondering about how all I was suppose to get along with the idiots in my class. I only had half a week of class time with them and yet I don't think I could get along with most of them...

But I also promised I'd at least be more civil to them all... Hmm. I'll be myself, by that, heavily sarcastic and a bit dickish, but I'm not going to be actively hostile. Well that's a lie, f*ck Iida and Todoroki, those two don't get any remorse from me in the slightest. But besides that, I guess I don't have to be as unapproachable as I was not to long ago to them.

I mean, they all seem kind of stupid to be honest, so I could probably get away with first impressions by just saying I was full of head pains or something. It wouldn't be untrue either, because I certainly consider the voices to be a lot of head pains. Besides that, it's not like I really care if they forgive me or not, if they do then I put up with them more, if not then I don't have to deal with them, simple as that.

Though it's not like the entire class is a hive mind, some could be all buddy buddy and the others could hate me.

"So Koe, what did you this week?" I blinked as I focused back on my surroundings, Kya had left as Shinsou and I were heading to the hero department classrooms, I just shrugged and said.

"A lot of sparring and things like that, oh and I got a gun license" Shinsou nearly tripped under himself as I smirked a bit at that, as he shot a look at me.

"They gave you a gun? Are they as insane as you are?" Honestly, you'd think they'd look into things like mental condition or force me to get a psych-eval, but they didn't so all future endeavors with my gun are on them... I need to name the gun, all my other weapons have names to them, but that is just GUN... Hmm.

"Probably at least some what insane more than likely" He didn't seem very impressed with that answer.

"Probably, at least, somewhat, more than likely... So basically, certainly insane" I nodded, glad to see he was paying attention to what I was saying. He just rolled his eyes though I did notice he smiled a bit at that. Glad to see me scaring the absolute sh*t out of him didn't leave him scared or anything. Honestly, I had no qualms at the time of just beating his ass, but then he started insulting Kya, and well, it was either scare him or revoke his bone privileges.

Before anything else could be said we passed by class 1B as Shinsou split off as I gave him a nod as I continued to walk on my own for a couple seconds before finally making my way to my classroom as I opened it up and walked in, looking around at the people in here, most people where already here actually, as I moved to my seat and dropped into it and let my eyes roam over Chat who were talking about what the teens around me were talking about...

It was about me, well, Watcher and Stain... I leaned back a bit in my chair to listen in to their conversation. It seemed that it was Kirishima, Ojiro, Sero, and Ashido were the ones talking about it.

"Look, I'm just saying, it's more manly to give your all into something than just to murder those who don't agree with you" Kirishima, the 'manly' one seemed pretty adamant about it. He does seem like the hard work trumps all kind of person. Ashido nodded but said in a stubborn tone.

"Well obviously, but you got to give it to Stain, he had true determination and drive" Kaminari seemed to decide to jump into the conversation at that.

"Personally I think they both are kind of cool you know? Like, one's a pure hard worker, and the other is someone who will do anything for their goals" He got glared at for that as Sero muttered something about him being a middle man. I just rolled my eyes at that pure hard worker? I just don't slack off, unlike everyone else it seems these days.

My eyes slid from them to Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida as they walked in, those three... They're the ones who took down Stain in the end. Sure he wasn't really trying against them, two of them, I can read that and not even from Chat. Stain was way to skilled to be taken down by those two unless he was holding back against them. Even with that new ability of Midoriya's, five percent huh? Curious... He's quirk is a bit like my own, limiting what he's capable of to not hurt himself. I haven't really figured that last one out yet, but I'll get there.

What else is ther- Oh... Heh, All Might just got scold to hell and back by Eraser. Didn't I say I was going to tell Eraser myself at some point about One for All? I got distracted I guess, to be fair the last few weeks of my life have been very busy and full with more migraine level headaches than I want to count. Oh well, Eraser knows now and I can't wait to see the impact this causes.

Honestly, All Might is still holding way to much back in terms of information, I mean seriously, he has a super villain arch nemesis out there and the f*cker is still alive, not that All Might thinks so. The bitch is too stubborn to admit that maybe punching the dude face off wouldn't have been enough..

Heh, Bakugo just walked in and his head just went poof, that's entertaining. Honestly the angry pomeranian is funny when he's all pissy, but that could be because I like watching people suffer and anger is a part of that... Hmm, that would be pretty f*cked up. Whatever.

I was about to just drop my head back onto the desk and just try to close my eyes for a while, cause being honest here, the voice were being little sh*ts at the moment, but before I could do something nice like that Kirishima walked up to me and asked with way to much energy.

"So what did you do during your internship" I blinked at that, wondered how to respond, because I kind of had to now that I was doing this whole 'effort with people' thing, before deciding sarcasm.

"I beat the sh*t out of Ectoplasm mostly, then shot Ectoplasm, then I did some laps, before killing Ectoplasm some more" Technically that was in the wrong order, Kirishima blinked a bit at that before laughing nervously a bit before saying.

"So you, uh, were working with Mr. Ectoplasm"

"Mostly with Eraser actually but I liked beating up the math teacher more" Kirishima smiled a bit as I noted his sharp teeth as the voices made a few comments and talked about a few things about the guy that I didn't really care about. What was I going to do with his blood type or orientation? I really couldn't care less.

"Sounds like you had fun?" I could almost hear the question mark which was a bit random, I don't think my tone is that bland... Ok, I wouldn't know really to be fair but still.

"Yes, and you and that metal guy went off and punched a lot of things, good for you" The dyed red head blinked and looked a bit confused at that as I rolled my eyes and said before he could ask. "I told you, my quirk tells me stuff"

"Wait, so like, you have voices in your head that tell you whatever you want? That's so sick dude!" A couple people in the class turned to look at me at that as I just stared blankly up at the teen before saying.

"Not whatever I want, they just talk about stuff around me or among themselves and I have to just deal with it" Kirishima tilted his head to the side as I could already see the misunderstanding being built in front of me. Oh joy, this conversation, whatever, might as well get it out of the way now.

"That doesn't sound to bad, you just listen in and you learn things right?" I frowned at that before saying.

"I don't get to just listen in, it's just there, always in the background with hundreds of voices screaming things in my ear at all times of the day and night. A lot of which is use less or things I don't want or care about knowing" Kirishima winced a bit at that before trying his best to be optimistic, it was kind of gross to watch.

"The information can't be that bad right?"

"I could tell everyone in this room your life story, the reason you dye your hair, give your social security number out, and that thing you did with your dick and quirk in junior high" He turned bright red at that as I just kept staring at him before saying "Now imagine that but for every single person I've ever met, it's annoying, very loud, not to mention distracting"

I figured that was going to be it, usually people don't want to be around me when they know I know things like that about them, but surprisingly he just seemed to calm down after a few seconds before proclaiming with way to much energy.

"So manly! You gotta be real tough to deal with all that! Not to mention even if it is a bit destructive, it's still really helpful for knowing things right? What's it name anyway?" I just blinked. This was not the reaction I was expecting, damn bright and colorful f*cker. The voices are being all pushy now, wanting to be his friend. They're to much like puppies some times, a bit of kindness and they're suddenly all lovely and sh*t, f*cking confusing little sh*ts.

"They're quirk name is Omniscience Chatter but I just refer to them as the voices" He smiled a bit at that and leaned in a bit before saying as he got just a bit to close to me.

"That's such a cool quirk name, better than Hardening at least" Yeah, I suppose I got that going for me I guess? But to counter that I got the name Shin, which is literally like top five most common Japanese male names. "Um, so like is that why you were so moody the first few days?" Moody?

"I'm always a sh*t person to be around. But if you must know, I get constant migraines and don't really sleep much" He winced a bit at that as I just rolled my eyes, yeah, get all embarrassed about it and leave me alone, this whole thing isn't as bad as I figured it would be, but damn if it isn't still confusing.

My thoughts on the matter were stopped as the class day begun as the red head walked off to his desk, I absently noticed and read from Chat about how a number of people were giving me looks or reevaluating me, like I really cared, though most were positive so I guess that's something at least. Whatever, let's get this day done with.

Kirishima was a man's man, or at least he likes to believe so, spending all his time training to make sure he could be the hero like he based his name off of, Crimson Riot. It's why he threw himself into these heroic course events, and always loved suiting up into his costume or even just the gym uniforms for exercise and training, it meant he was getting closer to his dreams!

... Though that recently changed, now he found heading to the locker room more quiet than it had been in the past, everyone did, and it all had to do with the transfer student. The guy seemed like a cool enough dude, he was wicked good at fighting and when he wasn't having a bad day cause of his quirk, he even seemed to be good at talking, though today had been the only example of that.

Still, the fact remained, Kirishima couldn't really figure the guy out, he was super manly, don't get him wrong, he won the sports festival after all, but the guy had scars like everywhere beside noticeable spots, and it was kind of worrying. Because those marks don't just happen, some were clearly from people trying to hurt him, or bad accidents he must have been in. It lead a very conflicting image of Koe to the red head.

But he put those thoughts aside, even if it was a bit tense in the locker room as everyone got suited up in their costumes, no one looking at the corner where Koe was faintly muttering to himself in, a bit that made a lot more sense now that Kirishima actually got an answer about what the dual haired teen's quirk did.

Before long that didn't matter to much though as they all headed out to the field, Koe trailing behind Kirishima noticed, but the hype of doing something new over shadowed that feelings as he looked at All Might who was standing proudly like the hero he was as the massive man looked around and quickly gone onto explaining the event.

It was simple enough, and after some questions, Kirishima watched as Midoriya, Ojiro, Iida, Koe, and Sero were all placed around the city like maze of pipes and walls. The goal was to use a signal to get to All Might first, it was cool in Kirishima's opinion, though it wasn't really something that would work with his quirk, he just wasn't made for something like this, a few people in this class weren't made for things like mobility.

And out of all the people on the field right now, it was clear who had the disadvantages, Midoriya and Koe. The other's seemed to share that opinion.

"So who do you think is going to win?" Kaminari seemed only some what interested in the whole thing though it was probably going to be the closest or really the quickest out of all the groups to go.

"I think it's going to be Iida, even if he is hurt, he's still really fast" Uraraka was supporting her friend, though Kirishima wanted to get in on this.

"I think it's going to be Sero, his quirk was made for things like this, the others won't stand a chance" Yaoyorozu seemed to agree.

"Yes, your probably right, though this isn't really fair to Midoriya, he can't even use his quirk without hurting himself" Kirishima could agree with that though Tsu seemed to find something to say about that.

"Neither does Koe's but he's really really flexible and quick, I remember him just speeding though the obstacle race" Oh right! Koe got second in that right? But still.

"Yeah, but now there isn't anything to slow the others down here. And they all got quirks that will help them, Koe's quirk can't help him at all here. It might even get in the way" Tsu nodded a bit at that, seemingly agreeing.

Before anymore conversation could even be held, the game suddenly started as All MIght called for it to begin as the camera they were watching panned over the city as Kirishima whooped out a sound of cheer as he saw his body Sero instantly just shot forwards.

"See! I told you! His quirk is just great for this, why go through the maze when you can just go over it!" A few classmates nodded as their attention turned to the tape user, a small '1st' holding in the top right of the screen, when suddenly Midoriya, in a flash of green lightning of all things shot past Sero and started to zip through the course.

"Holy heck! Since when could he do that!"

"Hey! Check it out, look how he's moving"

"Your right, that almost looks like-"

"Hey! Those are my moves!" Bakugo was right, Midoriya was moving just like Bakugo did when he was in the air, at least the form was the same with the way Midoriya was holding his arms and hands.

"Should't he be breaking his bones?"

"Maybe he figured out how to control his powers some more? He migh-"


"WHAT" Almost every yelled that out as suddenly the camera panned over to the spot All Might was standing where Koe was just there, leaning on the railing looking almost bored with a sash over his shoulders. Though it was hard to tell with the mask and Koe not really emoting much to begin with.

"What in the world! When did he get there!" Kirishima couldn't help but agree with Mina's shout of surprise, everyone figured he was in last or something, no one was even half was through the course to All Might yet either, how did he get there so fast?

"Did anyone see what happened?" Kirishima shook his head, still surprised at what he just saw.

"No! The camera was on the others the entire time!"

"Do you guys think he started before the others? I mean, he doesn't have any quirk to help him out there, he's basically quirkless at this stuff" Kirishima had no idea how to answer any of those questions, but to be honest, it wasn'tthatcrazy. The guy single handedly served everyone's asses to themselves whenever they sparred, it was clear he was strong and knew how to fight, and he always had awesome times on those running courses.

"I think the more important thing here is Midoriya, he was all hopping and stuff, you know, before he fell"

"Your right, I wonder what changed during his internship"

"Why don't you guys just ask him yourself? He's going to get back here in a minute" Oh right, Tsu made a good point!

After a bit of waiting, everyone watched as the five walked back to the group, most people talking to Midoriya which was fair, though Kirishima's eyes drifted over to Koe who was pulling down his mask and absently wiped his nose... Was that blood? Did the dude bang his face off something when he was rushing to All Might? That must have hurt. But he didn't look hurt though, his nose was just bleeding.


"Hey Koe! Want to eat lunch with us?" Kirishima was a bit disappointed when the teen just shook his head as he slowly walked over to a table more in the back where that guy Shinsou, who Kirishima only sort of remembered from the Sports Festival, a girl with pink hair also from the sports festival, and another guy, blonde this time, with...cat ears? Weird. But the guy did say once he did have friends.

It might have been a bit mean, but Kirishima had kind of thought Koe just said that to avoid talking to the others. Yet... He seemed to just slide into whatever the conversation was about as the blonde guy with the weird ears suddenly turned red and tried to punch Koe as he just moved out of the way while taking a bit of his food before getting grabbed and shook around a bit by the girl with the pink hair as she seemed to be saying something to him, while he smiled. Like actually smiled, it was kind of weird to see the guy actually seem almost lively as he turned to the cat guy and talked to him.

"What are we looking at?" Kirishima nearly jumped out of his skin as he jerked up straight as Mina leaned over his shoulder to try and look in the same direction he had been looking.

"Nothing!... I was just wondering who Koe was hanging out with" Mina blinked a bit at that before leaning forwards a bit more as Kirishima got uncomfortable with how close she was when she suddenly said.

"Huh, I know the purple and pink one but who do you think that blondy is? He's cute, and those ear look adorable"

"If you say so, I don't know though, you ask him later though, it's not manly to just watch our classmates, for now let's just eat" Mina pouted a bit but went along with his request as she sat down next to him along with some of the others and got to eating.


Interesting chapter, just the second half of the thing that happened last chapter along with some good old class bonding, why Kirishima's perspective? Not sure honestly, but I know Deku's whole group is a no go for them getting along in the future for the mistakes of Iida and Todoroki, and out of the rest of the cast Bakugo is to pissy to write for, and I wanted to do a male for the locker scene, and I don't really care about the rest of the male cast beside those mentioned so... Kirishima won the lottery.

Chapter 27


Yo, been a while huh? Yeah, I got... burnt out I guess on this, honestly this chapter has been done since may of last year to be honest, but I always liked to have an additional chapter done a head of time before I post anything, and this one just sort of stuck around for ages, and I realized it was getting to the point where the website I use to write was going to delete this soon, so I was like, I should actually post this. Being honest, no idea if I'll continue past this point, but that would be fun. I've reread this work while I was editing and fixing up this chapter, and I realized just how sleep deprived I was when I wrote to that I hadn't noticed all the insane amount of grammar mistakes, that's kind of embarrassing, so at the bare minimum I think I'll go back and fix them up. Maybe I'll even work on fixing the messed up tags, that'd be good.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Anyone else think this character development stuff is boring?" "Suck it up, it's going to be over soon enough so stop complaining, besides it's needed, it's no fun if a character just stays the same, and Shin deserves it" "Doesn't mean it's fun for us. we even got painted as the bad guys" "We kind of were early on don't you think?" "Hey! I resent that statement"

"The average cumulus cloud weighs roughly 1.1 million pounds you know" "Why imperial? Say that it's498,951kilos or something" "But then you wouldn't correct me and now both measurements are here so no one has to see or fact check just how heavy that is in a system they know" "... You could have just said both at the same time" "But that isn't as fun though!"

"Did we ever actually get a ship name for Shin and Kya?" "None of them stuck, like there wasKin, Sin, Kansa, Sha. They just don't have a good pairing name" "I liked Kin, it has secondary meanings" "Gross" "Use what you want, it doesn't really matter to much" "You have committed the greatest shipper sin imaginable"

"Ugh, finals are only in a week! Why do we have to do this stuff" I just gave Kya a pat on the back as he laid his head in the textbook in front of him. He was at the top of his class still, but he stresses out about this stuff so much. It was kind of cute.

"You'll do fine, now come on, your just stressing yourself out, look you know this formula, so just work it through" He sighed but nodded as he lifted his head up and stared in horror at the equation for a moment before grabbing a sheet of note paper and started to write out on it for a minute or so before looking up at me as I leaned over and stared at the answer. It was correct of course, so I smiled and said. "Told you, you knew how to do it"

"Heh, I guess so. I just... Ugh, I'm not good at tests like this, I just over think them" I nodded, I remembered how antsy he got about the UA entrance exam, but he got in the top ten applicants out of hundreds of other test takers. He's really smart, but he's too annoyingly humble to accept that.

"You'll be just fine, just focus on them a question at a time ok? That way you can't get overwhelmed. I know you'll do great" He nodded, looking a lot better now as he lifted his head up a bit before saying.

"Yeah I guess, still stressful though, what about you? Don't you have to do something extra for heroics?" I nodded as I motioned my hand to get him to start the next problem, math still wasn't his greatest suit, but once I got better at explaining things and formulas, I was able to help him out a bit more in it. He pouted before nodding and moved to start it.

"Yeah, we got to fight a teacher in pairs of two, or get to the gate before they can stop us. I'm teamed with Kirishima with Cementoss being our opponent. Not that the others know that yet"

"Shouldn't you tell them about it? Or at least your teammate?" I thought about that, for a long second, before shrugging.

"Probably but this way is funnier in my opinion. Besides I'm trying to get my pettiness out in small ways" Kya laughed at that as he moved the paper over to show me the answer he got, I smiled happily enough at the right answer and gave him a nod as he did a small fist pump a bit in celebration as I just rolled my eyes, he was goofy sometimes, but it just translated into being adorable.

"You would do something like that. Still, haven't you started getting along with some of them?" Sort of?

"I guess? I talk to Kirishima maybe like once a day, and Mina seems to like to ask questions about things I know about her for some reason, I think she likes being stalked. But I don't think we're friends. I certainly don't like them as much as say I like Hatsume" Kya snorted a bit at that.

"Why do you still call her and Hitoshi by their formal names anyway? You can use their first" I can? Weird.

"Oh, you sure?" He nodded as I was a bit more confused now "Wouldn't they say something about it? And they call me Koe still anyways. Only Himiko also calls me Shin" Kya sighed a bit at that before shaking his head and looked up at me and said.

"That's because you call them by their last names, so they don't think they can call you Shin" But wouldn't the opposite be true then? Or...

"Why can't they just say that then?"

"Probably cause your all hard to read like so they don't know if they should do it or not" What?

"People are confusing and weird" Kya just nodded at that, he seemed to get that which was fair. This all is probably new to him as well, it's unfair how quickly he's gotten good at this whole social thing. Oh well, at least one of us isn't struggling. Back to work then I suppose "Alright, come on, four more of these problems then I want to see how your doing in English. I remember you had an issue in conjunctions"

"Hey!...I wasn't that bad..." I just gave a soft smiled at his pout.

"Eraser, so we going to talk about Midoriya then?" The man looked at me very unamused as I just stared back at him, he called me here, he can actually start the conversation, I just decided that I didn't want to deal with the build up to the actual topic so I skipped that part.

"So you did know and didn't think to tell me before the big oaf did?" Ah, he's being all pissy about how I wasn't the one to say something sooner.

"Honestly, I don't care much at all about Midoriya or All Might, but to give myself some defense, I told All Might to tell you back after the USJ thing. So his waiting is on him"

"I see. So you don't care about the strongest quirk in the world is able to be passed down?" I shook my head at that and said.

"No. Why the f*ck would I care? I don't got it so I couldn't care less about it" Eraser sighed at that before rubbing his temple and said.

"If you know things about my students that are crucial to my teaching them to be heroes, tell me. Okay Problem Child?"

"Yeah fine, but don't get all pissy at me if I don't write reports on them or something equally time consuming. I think I qualify enough as a stalker as it is" Eraser just got a twitch on his eyebrow which I was internally pleased to see, glad I haven't lost my touch, before turning and walking out, he didn't have anything else to talk to me about anyways.

Heading out the door, I sighed to myself as I looked around a bit before shaking my head as I listened to the voices comment on somethings that have happened recently, mostly about that All for One f*cker.

"No, and the base was already swapped out by the time I went to investigate, f*ck knows how they changed the location of the bar but with the resources they have access to, I can see it being possible. It's annoying though. This All for One bitch is the most annoying"

"Agreed!" "Yeah!" "We should punch him!" "Is that a good idea?" "Yeah what if he tries to steal us?" "Does that count as kidnapping?" "If we get kidnapped then we all just start screaming until he gives us back!" "Love that plan! Let's start practicing"

"Don't start screaming, I already have a headache and I was planning on training you all today so more head pain isn't wanted"

"Aww" "You sure?" "Come on! Just a little scream?"

"Don't. If you want to do something go bug that Pi guy, he's coming around to hearing range again and I've lost count of where he is a long time ago so let him count somewhere else"

"On it!" "Let's get ready to bully!" "Where is he?" "No idea, let's go find him!" "Yay!"

"But I wanna scream..." "It's fine, we an just talk facts for a while" "Yay! So, did you know thatwood frogs can hold their pee for up to eight months?" "Really? That's kind of strange, then again I don't pee so..." "Me neither but Shin does and he goes a lot more than once in eight months!" "True"

"Hey, are we just going to ignore the last post was months-" "Shush! No fourth wall breaks anywhere but the room in the back!" "Sorry! But still, is it that hard to write?" "Give the writer a break, the dude's got a busy life" "I'd rather punch him..."

I tuned them out as much as one can tune out the thoughts in one's head as I continued to walk along the hallway as I yawned into my palm a bit as I walked. I was so tired these days. I had to go out a lot more these nights, crime rates had started to turn up again so I was really busy, even though they aren't as bad as I think they could have been, it doesn't change the fact that the already villain-inclined people went to Stain anyway, my message doing nothing to stop them.

It was a pain in the ass but I was managing it as well as I could all things considered, but it didn't leave me with a lot of sleep. I don't think I've slept in the past two days now that I'm thinking about it... f*ck, I'm going to have to get a nap in soon or I'm going to fall over and crash, not to mention finals are coming up soon as well which is a pain in my ass.

I'll pass them with flying colors of course, but the actually heroics final will be more difficult. Cementoss is a very difficult opponent for me. Field controllers in general aren't the best match ups for me, so it would be best if I just escaped and told Kirishima to hold the teacher off from me while I went and won for us. I mean, I could probably win against him in a fight if I had to, his moves are predictable and while fast, I'm sure my reaction speeds are faster and I have Blasting Snap for things like this anyway, so that's a moot point to say I couldn't just get to him because I don't have enough power to get through those walls. It would just take a little while, but the second I get next to him...

I'll think more on it later, I'm sure I'll get points knocked off if I do it all on my own anyways, which normally I won't give a sh*t about, but it would also mean Kirishima would probably fail the test then and I'm sort of warming up to his way too way high spirited personality.

Sort of how you can build a resistance to pain, it still hurts but it takes more before it's truly painful.

"Hey hey! Koe, what'd yah get on the midterms anyway? You weren't in the class when we took it the first time" I looked up at the frantic looking Mina, she had demanded I call her that for some reason, and I didn't have the energy at the time to bother doing anything else so I just went with it, before saying.

"I got first in general ed" Her arms fell to her side before started ranting something about me not allowing to be smart as I just raised an eyebrow while Kaminari managed to get Yaoyorozu to teach him stuff when suddenly Mina was staring at me from way too close as she said.

"Teach me as well! You're like a genius!" Why is she so- Oh, she got nineteen out of the twenty people who were in this class at the time. She's stupid then. Got it. The rest seemed to start to hover around Yaoyorozu though Mina seemed set on staring at me, waiting on an answer. I just blinked a bit, thought about it, wondered if it would be worth the effort, remembered something about being more social with classmates, sighed, then finally said.

"Yeah alright, I'm helping two other people though so I'm not just going to be focusing solely on you" She threw her arms up into the air and whooped a bit which I thought was a bit strange but didn't say anything about it for the time being. I wonder if they'll get along, I know Shins- No, wait, Hitoshi, probably won't care, and I know Kya won't, but...

My eyes glanced over at Mina where she was celebrating, she was very hyper, and from what I know about her, I think she's interested in Kya and so if she tries anything then I will have to destroy her entire being...

Is that extreme?

Eh, doesn't matter, she just better not try anything and she'll be just fine. Besides, she might just be like everyone else and just find Kya cute because of his whole catboy status. I can't really fault her for that, he is pretty adorable. And pretty in general.

"Yo, I brought an idiot to study with us. She'll ask to call her Mina so just accept it and move on" Mina pouted a bit at the blunt introduction as she looked at the two looking back at her as Koe dropped into a seat across from them. The first was a teen she would have called dead tired looking if she hadn't met Koe, he also got second during the Sports Festival if she's remembering right. He was pretty powerful to beat both Todoroki and Bakugo back to back basically. Though she honestly had no idea what he did to manage that.

But the other one was the one she was some what interested in, smiling at the curious looking blonde with the cute cat ears and even a tail to match, she said happily.

"Nice to meet you!" He nodded as his ears twitched a bit when smiling softly, his eyes looking away a bit, it was so adorable! His words only increased that as he said.

"Uh, yeah, nice to meet you. I'm Sansa Ribakyatto" Riba? No, Atto? Sounds silly... Kya? Mina liked that.

"I'm Shinsou Hitoshi" Hito? Hmm, Shi? Shin? No, that's just Koe's first name...

"Hi! Thanks for helping me out!" Mina turned away a bit to look back at Koe to give him a smile as well, after all, while she first found him a bit... distant, he was nice enough, and pretty funny when you get around the heavy sarcasm. But instead of the normal bland and zoned out look she was use to, Mina nearly flinched back at the cold look he was giving her, like she was nothing more than a germ under a microscope. It sent shivers up her spine!

"Hey! Shin knock it off, she's here to study not get freaked out" The look lessened instantly as the bland face came back as Mina could suddenly breath again. Though, was that embarrassment on Koe's face from being called out? He never looks like that from what Mina could remember. Oooh, and that prolonged look at the other boy. This might be more juicy than just ogling Sansa.

"Right. Come on then. Mina your lacking in basically everything so just listen in and ask questions when I'm helping these two since their struggles are in different subjects" Mina opened her mouth to try and defend her pride but the raised eyebrow she got before she could even say anything made her hang her head. Yeah ok, Koe had a point, doesn't mean she had to be happy about it though!

But as it turns out, Koe was surprisingly good at teaching, sure she got lost a lot, but the fellow teen barely blinked, and just explained it better, almost like he knew the exact problem she was having but couldn't find the words to describe just why she was struggling... Actually that might be exactly what he was doing, but Mina wasn't complaining about it! This felt a lot more productive than she thought it would be, though she did have some questions about her fellow students.

For one Shinsou was really quiet, he didn't talk much unless it was to Sansa or Koe, though he did steal looks at her every now and again for some reason. But that wasn't really all that weird, he was still nice enough, and while he wasn't really loud, he did crack a few jokes, so Mina was pretty sure he liked being around the other two enough to joke about.

Then there was Sansa, who was just way too smart and dense for Mina to take! He seemed to just soak up whatever Koe was talking about without issue, and yet the two talked the most, sharing laughs, though Mina has yet to actually hear Koe laugh, he was clearly having fun, not to mention the shared looks for the way Koe leaned a bit to close to Sansa when he was looking over his shoulder, and the way Sansa would go a bit red at the act.

Both of them were clearly so painfully in love and the two didn't seem to notice! It was too natural yet with hints of awkward for her to take! She kind of wanted to smush the two's faces together already! It hasn't even been two full hours yet!

Was she a bit disappointed to see that? Not really, she likes teasing and watching this kind of stuff unfolding more than actually being a part of it to be honest. Though she was a bit confused about how Sansa could fall for a guy like Koe, who seemed about as emotionally clued in as a stick of deodorant, but hey, that wasn't for her to say, the two clearly have known each other for a while.

Doesn't mean she can't speculate and make wild assumptions that were probably false! That's half the fun in matchmaking after all!

Before long though Koe had left along with Shinsou to go get some stuff for them to eat while they finished up the study session, which at this point Mina thought had dragged on for way too long for a normal study break, but she also is beginning to think the three are also just using this as a chance to vibe out for a while, while still being productive. The thought was earth shaking for the pink girl, who knew you could do both at the same time?!

Anyway, she wasn't not going to take advantage of this situation as she turned to Sansa who was looking at something in his textbook and said.

"So... how long have you all known each other?" Sansa blinked a bit and seemed to have to think about it for a long moment before finally answering with.

"It's been about eight months now since I met Shin, and only about three since I met Hitoshi" Ooh, recent feelings coming to the surface then?

"Oh really? That means you met Shinsou at school, what about Koe? How'd you meet him?" Sansa turned a bit red at that and coughed, looking faintly embarrassed as Mina knew she struck gold.

"Hah-a, well... um, I wanted to help him out because he was carrying a lot of bags back to his apartment, and we, uh, kind of, both made idiots of ourselves when we tried to talk" Oh god it was better than she thought! Awkward idiots in love is the best!

"Oh? Well you're to still know each other right? So it couldn't have been that bad" Sansa turned a bit more red at that and said.

"I wanted to die at the time it was so bad... but we got past it and now... I'm really happy so it was more than worth it" He was smiling way to fondly, this is so much better than any show!

"We're back, Mina get your head out the gutter, here" Mina's back went ramrod straight as a take out container was placed in front of her as Koe seemed to just appear out of no where, she glanced at Sansa, who didn't even seem shocked as he took another take out box from Koe as Shinsou walked up to the table and sat down with his own in his lap. Mina just blinked before wondering why they got something so extra, she was just expecting like vending machine snacks or something, though she did wonder what they got her- Oh!

"Okra and natto? How'd you know it's my favorite?" Koe just raised an eyebrow at that as she realized that was a bit of a dumb question as she just decided to dig in as Koe dropped down next to Sansa and rested up against him as he got out his own food.

Hmm... They are really close? Maybe they aren't just really dense? It's not like Mina actually asked or anything, but it just didn't seem right, you know? Like, Koe just didn't really seem like the type to be open enough about something like his feelings to start dating. Though, she really doesn't know them at well still...

"Hey, you two dating?" Koe raised an eyebrow at that while Sansa looked a bit red and embarrassed. Well that didn't answer anything.

"Obviously, so if you wouldn't mind stop thinking about how we're dense, that'd be lovely, it's been distractedly loud" Now Mina turned a bit red, well, darker pink, as Sansa smacked Koe on the side as he turned and looked at his now identified boyfriend and said. "What? I just answered her question" Sansa just frowned and poined a finger in between Koe's eyes.

"And you were listening to her thoughts. I thought I told you all to stop doing that?" Koe rolled his eyes while Mina was just confused and a bit lost as he just said.

"They agreed to not listen to your thoughts, everyone else is way to much to convince them of. Even if they do like you, that isn't happening any time soon" Sansa just pouted as Mina looked back and forth between the two, trying to figure out what that all meant when Shinsou, who was sitting a bit off to the left of her just said.

"Just get use to it, it's less confusing that way" Mina could only nod a bit at that. Still not really knowing what was going on with the two to be honest. Though she was a bit disappointed, she couldn't really tease them about being oblivious if they were dating for pete's sake! Oh well, at least the two looked some what cute together, the whole dead in the eyes thing Koe had going on kind of ruined it a bit though. But that might have just been her...

Oh well! At least she was still learning a lot from this study session! A few more of these and she'll ace the mid terms!

"Hey Shinny!" I turned and stared at Himiko as she ran over towards me as I blinked a bit as I turned back to the shelf again and picked up a can of tomato paste and looked around the can for a moment before putting it back, it's expiration date was a lie, it had expired two days ago, and my respect for it's company has plummeted. Expiring can food was incredibly difficult.

"Hey Himiko, what are you doing here?" I knew already, but, you know, social ques and all. I'm told they are important, and while honestly I don't care that much, Himiko doesn't like it when I answer her questions before she could ask them or just don't ask my own because I already know the answer. She says its mean, I don't get it, but went along with her gripes all the same.

"I'm doing some shopping, it's for my new little brother's birthday!" I nodded and looked around at her cart, she had a number of things in there, most were good for cake, other...weren't as good.

"You should go back and change that flour out, the brand is really low quality, and you should look for a different icing, that one is terrible after it's refrigerated for more than a day" I know a lot about cooking ingredients.

"Oh? I didn't know you liked baking. What brands do you recommend then Shinny?" I just walked past her to the isle she had come from and looked around before pulling a few things off the shelf and dropped it into the hand basket she had before saying.

"I just like cooking. And I know a lot about it because the voices don't like being quiet, ever" She giggled a bit at that but it was true. I knew so f*cking much about just every single ingredient I've ever used. It just means I'm pretty damn good at cooking, but it led to something I sort of enjoy to being a bit of a pain when the voices scream at me about why apples are better than oranges or something similar. God that debate lasted hours.

"That's cool! Thanks!" I just nodded as I watched her run off to the front to pay... I just shook my head, I had no idea what to say to keep a conversation like that going so there wasn't a point, time to get the rest of what I need for tonight dinner and then head on out, simple as that... Oh f*cking...

"Everyone get on the floor! And you! Give me everything in the register" Everyone get on the floor? What does he think this small grocery store is? A bank? God, honestly, this is so dumb. Whatever. Moving over to the front, I noted Himiko was looking a bit worried, but seemed to calm down as she noticed me approach without a care, Chat was already bringing up information about this guy, something about being in debt to a loan shark. People are just stupid.

"H-hey! Get back or I swear!" Oh, there's the gun, I was wondering if he was going to point it at me, well now this counts as self defense.

In an instant, I stared at the man as he was suddenlySeen, as he gasped out in shock, his hand began to shake as I pounced suddenly, and that was it, he was on the ground, unconscious, while I held a now dented can of tomato paste in a hand, as I rolled my eyes as I looked over the gun in my other hand now... It was kind of nice, I know I won't be able to keep it but still... Whatever.

"Catch" I tossed the gun to the clerk, who yelped and nearly dropped it two times before grabbing it. I just yawned a bit before moving back to the shelves, I still needed to get a good can of tomatoes, I kept getting interrupted before I could buy them. Hmm, this one will work. I picked up the can and tossed it in and grabbed another one that wasn't as good but good enough, and dropped them into the basket. God... I'm going to have to go to the police station now... The cops are going to be here in three and a half minutes and I still need to go and find like ten other things...

f*ck, I'm so god damn tired, I haven't slept in literal days now, I'm beginning to feel it... I need to sleep tonight and try to get some rest in class tomorrow, because then it's finals time and that's going to be a pain if I'm tired while I'm fighting.

Maybe I could get a nap in as well when I get home? It's not that late and I'm sure Mom won't mind if I start dinner a bit later than normal...

Kya wanted to hang out with me and Mei tonight though... Hmm. I'll text him now about it and see if he minds. Well, I know he won't but it's best to let him know I need a rest, though that's just going to make him call me and ask if I'm ok and while I don't mind, the police are about to break down the door and I'm not sure if it's exactly a good thing to tell Kya I'm calling him from a police station...

"Police, everyone alright?!" Hmm. I'll see how long this takes and then decide from there I suppose... Wait, why don't I just explain it here and say I'm in a rush or something? God, how tired am I if I can't think to use basic common sense?

Will, Kya would say I never think with that, but the point stands... Right, police officer looking around. Ok then, I got this.

"Yeah, everything fine, just that guy waved a gun around so I knocked him out" I leaned out from the shelf I was behind to give a halfhearted wave at the police man as I leaned back and grabbed a couple cans of corn and dropped them into the basket as the policeman person said after a long moment of trying to sort that out in his mind.

"I see, did anyone here use a quirk?" I called back to him as I looked at a seasonings pack.

"He did, he has a minor command quirk, I didn't use mine" The lie slipped through like all my lies did. The police officer nodded a bit. As he wrote something down in his notebook as I just rolled my eyes as I picked another thing off the shelf and moved over to the register before saying. "Oh, he also had a gun, I gave it to this chick... I have my own bag" I waved off the woman behind the counter, who looked painfully confused about what was happening, as I pulled out the bag I brought with me. I just don't like throwing away the plastic bags, just a waste but they fall apart to easily to be able to reuse them.

This was a weird day I swear...

"Hey Koe! How'd you think you did?" I yawned a bit as I watched as Aizawa took the papers away before saying.

"I got a perfect score" Kirishima got that confused look on his face while Mina just looked put out, so I explained.

"I know what everyone here got on their tests already, well, I don't know what three people got but still" He made an 'ohhh' face as I felt like rolling my eyes. He wasn't slow or anything, but he wasn't the quickest on the uptake from what I've seen either.

"Right, your quirk... Man that's not really fair" Fair? Really? I rolled my eyes at that as I leaned back a bit and said.

"If you want voices screaming numbers and names in your ear while your taking your finals then be my guess" Kirishima had the decency to wince a bit at the idea of that.

"Ahh, yeah no thanks" Yeah, no kidding. Mina jumped in at that.

"You sure you got a perfect score though? I think I barely passed!" Yeah, she didn't do the best on the test but I just think she's not good at them like how Kya freezes up on them a bit, because I know I pounded enough information into her skull for her to get a decent enough score.

"You did pass so don't worry about it, but not by a lot, only a eighty-two but it is passing" She blinked at that before throwing her arms up and celebrating while I just blinked a bit in confusion. I know she's a solid C to D student, but I didn't think a high C would make her that happy... Oh hey, General Education just finished and Kya got first.

Just like I knew he would, I'm going to mess with him about that later because of how stressed he was about it this morning and the week leading up to it. After I make him celebrate his good score of course. Maybe we could go out and get ice cream with the others, I know Hitoshi was secretly stressed out about it, though Mei didn't care to much about the tests and then proceeded to ace them without my help. But she's just naturally a super genius so that was just expected.

Hmm... I'll wait to hear about how Hitoshi does on the practical exam before I send a message to them all in the group chat thing we have now, that way it won't be awkward if he f*cks up in the practical, but it's just fighting a teacher, he should be fine as long as he is creative enough to get one of them to respond. And since I know he'll be facing Mic, I know he'll be fine. That man blabbers about anything and everything, to the point I'm pretty sure it's on a subconscious level.

Even if it takes a little while to get him to hear Hitoshi over Mic's own screams, he should be fine, besides, he has a teammate to help him out so he'll more than likely pass. Either way, it's time to get the practical out of the way. I already know more than enough plans to take down Cementoss just by myself but I also know that Eraser pinned me up with Kirishima because he wants to know if I'm actually capable of working together with someone so I can't do everything myself, but...

Honestly? I have no idea how to fight with someone else. I'm great at cooperating with Kya or the voices and Chat, but they were never with me in the fight in the way I was, being actually in the action, doing things, so I'm not exactly sure what to do here...

Well I'll just wing it, that's usually how I fight anyway, all the plans and back up plans I have mostly revolve around things outside of fights or before fights actually start, and while I've thought up a number of plans, I just... Don't really know how to use Kirishima in a way that doesn't just get in my own way.

This is be a learning experience all the same I guess.


This chapter was neat I guess, just being able to reread my old words was fun in a way, though I did have to make some things work better as well as I'm not nearly in the same mind space as I was to all the other chapters before this one where humor was certainly a strong presence in the story, especially with Chat and the Voices, but thankfully most of the work was here, I just added an extra joke or two in here as I went.

Chapter 28


Guess I am continuing this for a bit longer, that's fine, I got into the swing of it, and actually made me remember that posting on this site was a thing I could do. I might just start doing that with all my stuff to be honest. I mean, I've already switched over my username to the right one, cause otherwise it might be confusing, plus, I remembered that I don't really give a sh*t, which helps when thinking about a lot of things that keep me from doing stuff.

Chapter Text

"You knew didn't you?" I nodded at Kirishima's question as we sat on the bus to head to the battle field we were going to use today.

"It's sort of impossible to surprise me with stuff this like. But besides me thinking it would be funny to see people's reactions, I did get told by Eraser to not tell you all" Not that I really cared about Eraser telling me that, but it was a good reason to get out of him being annoyed at me. Kirishima sighed a bit before shaking his head and pulled on a smile out of no where, it was weird.

"Yeah, I should have expected that. Kind of dumb that we didn't ask the omnipresent guy about what our practical test was going to be about huh?" He's using the wrong word and it is bugging me.

"Omniscience, not omnipresent, and not really but, yeah, that's on you lot" He laughed a bit and nodded.

"Oh yeah right. So like do you got a plan for this test? You seem like the scheming type" Is that an insult or not? I can't really tell because with how painfully cheerful and open he is. It seems like it would be with those reasons but because he's so open and cheerful I can't really tell... Whatever, I don't really care that much, besides scheming is a great word to describe me with anyways.

"Yeah, I got a bunch, though it depends on what you want to do, because honestly, most of my plans involve mostly just me doing stuff and I know Eraser would love to fail me to prove I don't know how to work with others" Kirishima blinked at that and seemed to think about it for a long moment before asking.

"Well, what has us passing?" Oh that is a question that shouldn't be asked, I have like fifteen plans that involve winning because the win condition is a bit loose.

"We could beat Cementoss in about five different ways, or one of us could distract him and the other go to the gate, another is doing both just to show off. Honestly, I probably have a plan for anything if you ask for something specific" There was a reason I was doing this now, there are mics in this bus and I know Eraser is probably listening into our conversations, and even if he wasn't doing that from there, then he could just use the mic in my suit in the form of the earbud I have, or the one that Kirishima was given. But he's using the bus ones right now.

"Uh... That's a lot of options man. I don't know, I hadn't really thought about it past that taking him down is probably worth more points right?" I just nodded, he wasn't wrong, though the idea he hadn't thought this through at all was a bit annoying, but not surprising to be honest, he didn't think to plan ahead, but he also didn't know this was going to happen. "So, like, what's our best option for the best grade?"

"You distract Cementoss while I sneak around and then beat the sh*t out of him, we get the take down bonus, and we both get to do something" Honestly that was the only plan I had in mind for Kirishima to actually do something, and all he really did was amount to staying out of my way and being a target for a few minutes. Any rational person would say that it sounded like I just wanted them out of my way, he just smiled and gave a sharp grin.

"Alright! That's the kind of simple plan I can get behind!" I held back from saying it was because he was a simple mind, and instead just nodded, my head tilting to the side as I listened to a few Voices chattered about in my direct hearing about some dumb things, as Chat floated around my vision, letting me know some stuff about where we were heading. "You can count on me alright? He won't even know what hit him!"

"That is the plan" He let out a boisterous laugh as I just glanced away.

It was going to be interesting.

This was also the first real test I'll have in my hero costume... This certainly will be interesting.

Izuku Midoriya was fidgeting about and currently very nervous, his battle with All Might with Kacchans help was one of the last tests of the day, and knowing his former best friend, there was less than a point to try and actually make a plan with him until the fight was right in front of them. He just hoped they'd pass, but right now his eyes were locked on the many screens showing most of the sites that the fights would be taking place on. It was about to begin.

Uraraka was next to him, as they watched as the two forms of their fellow classmates, stepped into the cityscape. Kirishima looked hyped, flexing his fists and looking around, eager to fight, his costume the same as it always was, simple and to the point. While the other student, Koe, just stared ahead, not looking around or seeming at all nervous or excited. He just... was.

Midoriya wasn't quite sure just what he thought about the new student to their classroom just yet, he's already had a talk with All Might about him, and just how incredible his quirk was. Frankly, Midoriya really wanted to ask him about it, but he also wasn't really sure what he was suppose to do to break the ice, after all, if he asked about Koe's quirk, was Koe in turn allowed to ask about his? Did Koe even need to?

The idea of infinite knowledge was incredible, but it was also pretty intimidating, and Koe by himself, was scary enough as is to be honest, like all the compressed rage and fight talent of Kacchan with the outer demeanor colder than even Todoroki back at the start of the year.

Midoriya had to admit, out of all his classmates, Koe was the strongest in terms of fight capabilities, he's even seen the teen take down even Ojiro, who was a super incredible martial artist, even without relying on his quirk, before Koe showed up, he was easily at the top of the class. He couldn't help but be amazed at the amount of effort clearly went into every action the teen had to do to get to the point he's at now at such a young age.

Then over the speakers of the computer, Midoriya listened to the sound of the alarm going off, before-

Team Kirishima and Koe, practical exam... Ready. Go!

Midoriya tensed as his eyes moved to the screen, this was going to show him just how serious the teachers were going to be, neither of the two's quirks had any real strength here that would give them an advantage. In fact, Cementoss from wat Midoriya has seen, was a perfect counter to both in many aspects, it didn't matter if Koe could take him down if he got close enough, because he wouldn't be able to get close enough without being swallowed into the floor, and everyone knew that Kirishima couldn't hold his quirk for long, he'd probably last longer than Koe who really had nothing to be able to defend himself, but that was it in the end.

Their only real chance to be able to pass was to run, that was the advantage that they were given, Koe was incredibly fast and Kirishima was a perfect distraction for him to be able to get to the gate.


"Wait, where'd he go?" He didn't have an answer to Uraraka's question, one moment the two were walking into the city, the next Koe was gone from view. Just how good was he at stealth? Still, he was going for the gate, that was the smartest decision. Still, not the most heroic, leaving Kirishima to fight alone left a bad taste in his mouth. It wasn't really Koe's fault, but Midoriya has yet to get a... good feeling from him.

It was like Todoroki, but even he wasn't as cold as Koe, and unlike Todoroki from before the Festival, Koe had friends, a bunch of them, and from what he's over heard from Mina's gossiping, he was even dating someone, it just... didn't sound right, how does someone surrounded by friends stay so... cold? Midoriya wasn't even sure it was the right word to describe Koe. He just... didn't seem to care about the world around him if he couldn't exploit it somehow to his own warped sense of humor.

To be honest, Koe reminded him of Shigaraki in a strange ways. A warped view of the world built by their own issues, the desires to seemingly do whatever they wanted without a single care for anyone around them, that... anger when things didn't go their way. He only saw it in faint flashes for Koe, but Midoriya has had to be observant since the day he was diagnosed as quirkless.

Whenever he would lose anything in their classes, be it a quirk test, or training exercise, Koe would just get this... anger, it wasn't shown often, it barely even appeared on his face, but a person watching could tell how much he loathed being beaten at anything. It was scary, it wasn't like Kacchan's anger that was as loud as it was explosive, telling everyone just what he was thinking and feeling, that was a kind of rage that Midoriya knew to expect and almost even how to deal with. Koe's was a cold fury that just seemed to make him sharper and more methodical. And equally more brutally efficient. It was silent as well, if you didn't look you'd never notice it.

"Oh! Look Deku! There's Cementoss" Midoriya blinked back into reality, as his eyes sharpened, with a furrow on his brow, Koe was incredibly fast, like, almost super human given his lack of a quirk for speed, he should be at the gates by the time that Kirishima got that close to Cementoss. What was the play?

Neither had time to say anything else, their attention being stuck to the screens, as Midoriya watched as Kirishima charged, straight ahead, his body hardening as Cementoss placed his hands to the ground, and in an instant dozen of walls were placed in front of him, blocking the path Kirishima had to prop hero, he was testing the waters, not bothering to go all out, or even close to it, just providing an obstacle for the first student while waiting on the other to make their move.

Cementoss was looking around, and once again Midoriya had to wonder just what Koe was up to. One of Cementoss' lessen known abilities was, while he could shape concrete into any form he wanted, he had to know just what and where the concrete was to be able to move it how he wanted, it was all sight based, that meant when he was linked up to a large source of it, and was actively trying, he could sense people who were on concrete.

It's what made him an incredible rescue hero in city environments, not only for his combat prowess alone, which was impressive in it's own right. So for Cementoss to not know where Koe was, it meant that Koe was aware of that, and was somehow managing to avoid anything in Cementoss' large range that had anything with concrete in it, which should be impossible with what Midoriya knew about Koe's quirk, it implied a level of control the other teen had said and implied he didn't have.

Before he could think about it, Kirishima had charged ahead, slamming his fists right into the first wall, breaking his way through as he charged on ahead, slamming his way through with a surprising amount of speed, to the point that Cementoss had to pump more concrete into making the walls so he wouldn't breath through, and in seconds, a wave had formed, and seemed ready to swallow Kirishima whole.

Midoriya felt himself tense, despite himself knowing this was just a test and the teacher wouldn't actually hurt any of the students to any actual dangerous levels.

That thought clearly didn't go both ways as suddenly there was a bang, then another and another, as Cementoss jerked back, stumbling a few times holding his chest, no, more cradling his hands, in a look of faint pain, as Midoriya realized what happened.

"Koe shot him?!" Before he could try and think about just why the teen had a gun, several more shots rang out, but they were to late, as a wall of concrete appeared to shield him, as the now identified rubber bullets just bounced off the wall. In the mean time, Kirishima had managed to get out of the way, stumbling a bit, but charging at Cementoss all the same, as Mirodirya frowned, this didn't change much, Koe gave away his position to save Kirishima, and while two was better than one, Koe wouldn't be able to do the same thing again, and Kirishima was to tired to be much help now.

For a test it was the wrong move, but if this had been real, it was the best Koe could do to keep Kirishima alive, was he acting as if this was a real battle? Midoriya felt that Koe didn't seem the type to... do anything like that when he didn't have to. It didn't mesh with what he had seen of the other's personality, so why had he done it outside of just thinking about his grade? Was there any other reason?

before he could think of it, there was a blue, shooting from the roof of one of the smaller building and... Holy crap!

"He just jumped!" The words slipped out as Uraraka called out right after.

"Is he crazy! That fall is going to hurt!" No, Koe was probably crazy, but every single one of his actions was focused and with reason, and this time was no different.

Midoriya couldn't help but gasp as he watched as Koe's hands shot behind his back, held in a weird way, but with his legs pulled up, and the angle of his body-

A near perfect form of his own Jump Style, and Kacchan's way of moving in the air, but he didn't have either of their quirks so- Before he could think about it, he watched as twin explosions ripped in to the air behind Koe as he was launched forwards at an incredible speed right at Cementoss, who spun, hearing the sound, just in time to raise a wall, as Koe's body twisted in the air, a leg shooting out for what would have been a devastating kick.

Under normal curc*mstances, Koe's leg should have snapped under the strain of just how fast he was moving, heading straight for a concrete wall, but somehow, his body, mid air, contorted in a way, that by the time he made it ot the wall, he more of less rolled along it, before sprining up, over the top, pressing both boots to the sides, and Midoriya watched another imnpossible feat, as it seemed like air was blasted out from the soles of Koe's feet.

Just like Gran Torino! Shooting him forwards, though not as elegantly, straight at Cementoss, who focused his attention on the teen, as a number of concrete slabs shot up and moved to seemingly slam into the teen, he didn't even stop, just rolling and running across every single one that was flung at him, dodging and moving out of the way of ones he shouldn't have even been able to see.

Leaping into the air, with another blast of air, when a wall separated Koe from Cementoss, Midoriya wasn't even sure he was allowed to be surprised anymore, as he watched Koe reel back a fist, that then promptly lit on fire as he flung his hand down, blasting a stream of flames straight down at the three wall near in-closed space that Cementoss had put himself in, a wall barely managed to come up, as the flames crashed into the roof, before suddenly Kirishima was there, charging into the still open wall as Koe landed on the roof he had just fried before slipping down into the space right after Kirishima.

Midoriya had no idea what happened in the next few seconds, but he did watch as a number of cracks of lightning seemed to come from the enclosed space before the screen showed the form of Cementoss being pulled out, cuffs on his hands, hislimbs spasming and twitching like he had been heavily shocked.

Just how many types of quirks did Koe find a way to copy through what Midoriya could only assume support gear?

Koe already had skill and technique, but in that costume, he had explosions, fire throwing, some kind of lightning melee tool, that metal baton on his back, an incredible increase in speed from those boots, a freaking gun, and whatever else he had on him. It was incredible, just keeping track of that many options for a numeral person would be to many to consider, it's why heroes had one or two staples and then a set of super moves when those abilities didn't work out.

But for someone like Koe who must have had the ability to think things through at incredible speeds, having that many options did nothing to overwhelm him.

It was seriously impressive. Like trying to learn and master at least four types of quirks, dealing with his own, and being able to balance them all.

Not to mention Kirishima did exactly what he needed to do, buying time for Koe in the moment's he needed it, they didn't exactly work together, but they covered each other well enough when it came down to it...

He could only hope him and Kacchan would be able to work that well when it came to it, but he had a feeling it wasn't going to happen.

Doesn't mean he wasn't going to give it his all!

The costume held up in a short mock fight, though the boots needed some modifications, how they worked was they built up propulsion over time and could be used in one big blast of air that I could use to fling myself forwards when needed, but the build up time was just unremarkable, I'd barely be able to use them in a real fight. I'll have to see about adjusting them, I didn't have much of a chance to use them in a real fight when I was being angsty with Eraser.

As well, I wasn't used to using the computer on my left arm to regulate pressure for just about every system in my suit, it was uncomfortable and no where near natural as I needed it to be, plus it was kind of stupid that I needed both arms to be able to do that in general, it was a flaw with both suits, I should see if I can find a way to get two pads on each hand that can be interacted with just the fingers to regulate pressure for both hands and legs.

The five touch worked well, but those were long since tested, and the Flamethrower worked, though it wasn't a constant stream, more... A Flame Throw, though the rate at which it burned through a canister was like I used Blasting Snap a dozen times over just for that one attack, so I should look into making an alternate formula in replace of the one I'm using now, unlike Blasting Snap's formula, I hadn't had nearly the same amount of time to workshop this one.

Not to mention the flames lost so much power for every meter it got away from me, and this was suppose to be one of my alternatives for long range, but the force behind the flames wasn't that much, which wasn't to surprising, but it did tell me i should keep this in mind for more mid distance fighting instead of relying on it for anything past five meters, give or take. Besides, at that point, I could just use my gun... I also need to get my second gun at some point, but apparently that takes another test after a while of having one.

Which I personally thought was incredibly stupid, and that's because it was. Still, nothing to complain about there, the gun worked as a gun does, by shooting down all those that oppose me. So no complaints, honestly the Voices seemed to love the gun a bit to much to be honest, but it worked out well enough.

All in all, the test was fine, it was easy enough, honestly the most difficult thing was finding the will power to answer all of Kirishima's questions afterwards about all my gear, I didn't... really mind answering normally, it was hardly the first time I've done something like that, I've actually all but tossed the blueprints at Mei, and talked about the costume more than once with Kya since showing him, but it was a bit weird to do that with someone who wasn't directly in my friend group.

Honestly because everyone else would just nod or ask incredibly detailed questions while Kirishima just got loud and made a lot of impressed sounds more than anything actually constructive. I wasn't sure I liked it yet, but I also liked having my ego inflated, so I just dealt with it. He wasn't... that bad.

Or at least, I've slowly stopped wanting to punch him in the face every time he looked to filled with happiness.

That's totally progress.

"Yes! We passed!" I managed a small smile as I just wrapped my arms around Kya as he practically jumped into my chest for a hug as he laughed a small bit in relief. He was so tense about tests that it was normally cute, but this was something else. I had no idea why he was always so stressed to be honest, it was one of those weird emotion things, but he seemed happy so I was in turn, happy as well.

"Yeah, first in both our classes, glad to see you're finally managing this whole math thing" He just huffed, but didn't do a damn thing to pull away as I just kept my smile, this was nice.

"So, I'd normally just let you two flirt, but I really need a guy who knows everything to tell me what the f*ck is needed for a training camp" I blinked before frowning as I glanced up at Hitoshi who winced a bit, sensing my displeasure with the interruption, Kya, who must have sense the same thing, elbowed me just a bit to hard as I grunted a bit before letting go as he slipped out before spinning to look at Hitoshi with a squinting look in his eyes.

"What training camp?" Now it was Hitoshi's time to look confused.

"The Summer one? All hero students are going on one during Summer break, well, everyone who passed at least, we got one guy who failed cause he can't work with others, but still, it's taking up the first full week at least from what Vlad told my class" Kya nodded, slowly, and I suddenly had a bad feeling about this, as he spun around and jabbed a finger into my chest, looking up at me with annoyance.

"And did you know about this?" I... nodded? I'm pretty sure that's what I was suppose to do. "And why wasn't I told that I would be spending the start of Summer Break by myself by my boyfriend?" Ah, I believe I've figured out the problem. I wasn't sure I appreciated the snickering that came from both the Voices and Hitoshi as I tried to think of something to say to get out of this.

"I forgot?" Kya made this weird little hissing sound that was kind of cute, but also told me I seemed to have used the wrong words. Well then, wasn't this just an incredibly unfortunate way to die.

"When are you leaving?" I... honestly didn't know, I just sort of assumed that Eraser would show up and kidnap me if I didn't show up... Uh... Ah, thank you Chat, you are the only ones I can depend on in this trying time.

"In three days, we have the rest of the weekend off and once last class tomorrow, but we are leaving from U.A. next Monday, then we'll be gone until about the week after's Tuesday, depending on traffic and stuff" Kya frowned, genuinely looking upset for a moment, and I totally understood that, honestly with everything that I've been dealing with over the last two weeks, the training camp honestly just slipped my mind for the most part, I hadn't really considered that I'd be spending it away from Kya.

"We're spending the entire weekend together, and you aren't going to be doing a single thing else understood?" I blinked, before slowly nodding, I had plans as Watcher, but being honest here, Kya was more important, so I just managed a nod.

"Done, we can do something tomorrow after school and plan our weekend" That got a smile out of him and made me feel less like a failure of a boyfriend, so that was good.

I was reminded from Chat about Hitoshi sort of just standing around, looking awkward, clearly knowing better than interrupting Kya when he was annoyed, and not at all wanting to get between boyfriend stuff, but still needing an answer. Which was fair, the last time he did something like a camp, he was seven and he spent the whole time avoiding everyone case they kept picking on him... I didn't really want to know that, but that's how it is with literally everyone I've ever met. Anyways, I turned over and glanced at him to get his attention.

"We're going to get a guide thing about it tomorrow about all the things we need to bring by Monday" He nodded, thankfully, before half speed walking away, which was fair.

It also meant no one was around for Kya to get all embarrassed when I did this.

"Hey?" He leaned back a bit and looked up at me, just in time for me to lean down and press my face against his. as he let out a soft yelp before melting into the kiss.

"Hey Koe, wanna join us when we go get everything? You don't really seem the type to go out much" I let my eyes move up and stare at Kirishima who was giving me a slightly questioning look. I just blinked.

"No" He blinked before sighing, giving me that what can you do look, but not pressing the matter, Mina had no such restraint.

"Ooh, are you busy doing something else?" She leaned in and just gave her a look... I wasn't quite sure what I felt about Mina, she wasn't exactly bad, a bit overly bubbly but she got along with my friends, even if she was kind of stupid. Plus she wasn't nearly as annoying after she stopped giving Kya eyes, though her thoughts on me and Kya were giving the voices a lot of... ideas about things we should do.

She had a really dirty mind, it was almost inspiring.

"I'm spending the weekend with Kya since I'll be gone for the camp" Mina gave a grin at that, clearly enjoying hearing about our relationship, she was weird like that.

"Cute! What are you going to do?"

"Preferably him, but that would be moving a bit to fast so probably not" Mina choked on her spit as she tried to say something, while everyone around me gave me a side eye for the comment before going back to what they were saying.

"Gah! You can't just say something like that!"

"Why not?" She just shrugged.

"I don't know? It's just not a thing people in relationships do! Aren't you suppose to be embarrassed or something?" I raised an eyebrow at that.

"I've had a live audience of hundreds for every single even remotely humiliating moment of my life since I was a kid, making comments from everything from when I sh*t to jack off, not to mention all the things I hear about the people around me. I am literally unable to feel embarrassment or shame anymore" She opened her mouth, closed it, opened it again, before just giving up.

"Yeah, that's a fair point" I nodded, ignoring the Voices preening in my head about what they clearly thought was a compliment. If I didn't have shame anymore then I'm sure I would die every other day of my life from them alone.

"Ever notice how Chat doesn't have as much screen time as us?" "It's cause they're all boring and responsible while we're fun and quirky!" "Or it could be that they don't really speak, they just sort of appear as words, so they don't talk as much unless it's with us or Koe about something specific" "Damn, you said what I said, but like, forty times more boring just after I said we didn't do that"

"Whose ready for a training camp arc!" "Me!" "We going to get them gains!" "Hell yeah! We're going to get swoll!" "Oh great, you made it cringe" "We are literal voices talking about working out, how was that the cringe part?" "He said Swoll" "Point" "I'm being bullied! Help!" "For good reason!" "Well I'm not the one who ruined the bit!"

"Sooo... on a scale of one to ten, how bad do you think this is going to go?" "Given everything... fifteen?" "Hey! We don't know it's going to be that terrible!... It might not go past nine" "Yeah, cause that makes it sound better" "Better than fifteen"

"I'm sad, we're going to lose our daily catboy!" "I know right, this is a great unjustice and we should right a scathing review about lack of catboys!" "We're going to a training camp run by a group of furries though?" "Oh sh*t, you right!" "think we can get Shin to adopt them all?" "Adopt? I'm thinking more harem route" "Girl! That's gross, all of them are like, twice our age!" "But then we'd get catgirls!" "You may be into that, but Shin's boring" "Yeah, he only likes guys, super boring! Get some variety I say!" "How about we just get Shin to give them all pats and belly rubs and see if we can lure them back home with promises of milk" "... I can't tell if that's a pet joke or a dirty joke" "Yes!"

Neko: shark!!! I'm sad!!!

SharkDiva:That sounds like a problem for your boyfriend and not a girl trying to enjoy her summer break

Neko: Dont remind me! shins going to some dum school thing for the first week so im alone!!

SharkDiva:Don't you have other friends?

SharkDiva:I remember you talking about some crazy girl and another tired dude

Neko:Hitoshi's gone too! andits not the same plus there are two of them and both are busy as well

SharkDiva:Why am I not surprised that everyone you know is crazy?

Neko:because your mean and think the wosrt about me?

SharkDiva:No, I think it's because it's true

SharkDiva:Literally all your irl friends are crazy

Neko:well yeah but...


Neko:Anyways i'm lonely! Halp \*o*/


Neko: //*^*//

SharkDiva:Oh don't act hurt you baby

Neko: My hearts been broken to may timrs!

SharkDiva: Your autocorrect has the same issue

Neko:could yo go one convo withou bulling me on that!

SharkDiva:I mean, I could, but will I? Hmm...


Neko:guess no one loves me anymore!

SharkDiva:Yeah, I'm sure.

SharkDiva:Look if you're that desperate to hang out, then we can meet up if you want?


SharkDiva:Yeah sure

SharkDiva:Normally I wouldn't, cause I'm literally a shark so that usually scares friends in person, but since your boyfriend is...

Neko:Shins scarier, I know

SharkDiva:It's worrying that you know your boyfriend is a terrifying creature of horror and you don't see anything wrong with that.

Neko:Look... I mean...

Neko:It's hot?

SharkDiva:Gross, did not need to know you have a prey kink


Neko: Shuttt!

Neko: I donttt!!!!!

Neko: Sharkk!!!

I had taken to resting in the back, my eyes closed, as I tried to ignore the hyperness from both the class of children around me and the Voices in my head chattering about as excitedly as they could about every single camping stereotype I could think of. It was already exhausting as I had taken to just be laying down in the back, waiting on the bus to get to the cliff where Eraser was planning on trying to murder me on.

But until then I'm going to try and get some rest, no point in wasting energy. Plus it gave me a chance to some b ack from not sleeping last night. Kya had this idea for a sleepover at my place, and it was fun, like, a lot of fun, but we didn't really sleep, instead we spent most of the time playing games, talking, and just hanging out. Mom was thrilled, getting to meet him, and thankfully she didn't have any issues about it which was nice.

Normally people with inhuman looking quirks had a habit of setting her off, but I've been showing her pictures of Kya for a while, getting her used to what he looks like, and usually that was the best way to get her to not freak out about anything. On top of that, I also had to sort out everything for her to make sure she didn't starve to death. I mean, she was a grown woman who could handle herself, but it felt wrong to not be there either to make dinner and stuff, even if she said she could handle it, I still made a bunch of stuff and sort of just jammed it into the fridge so all she has to do is microwave it.

It should work itself out, Mom could handle herself, she's managed it just fine for a long while before I could even handle my own issues, but it just made me feel better that she didn't have to do more than necessary when I was around.

Not to mention I felt kind of like trash about not being able to see Kya for so potentially long, I wouldn't have signal out where we were going, so I wouldn't be able to contact him for the whole week and the idea of that was kind of killing me slowly to be honest. I haven't honestly gone more than a day without talking to him in... months at least. It left a bad taste in my mouth more than anything at the idea.

Of course, that's why I made a plan for it, but still, the idea of it wasn't nice.

My thoughts lasted on the subject for a while, only being broken up by the Voices talking about something and wanting my opinion, or talking with Chat about things that I had them think about for a while, they were still a real powerful think tank so I often just let them do their own thing about coming up with new ideas for my stuff.

Then we stopped, as I just hummed before slowly sitting up as I watched as everyone walked off the bus, as Eraser moved over to the back, staring down at me, I just stared back up.

"So we both are aware you're finally trying to kill us all. Is this your attempt to silence the truth before your students become aware of your evil plot?" He looked like he regretted walking up to me. Which was good, I preferred that to be people's experience when they have to talk to me. It keeps the annoying ones away.

"I'm not killing anyone brat. Now get up and get moving"

"So I can be chased around by earth monsters all day? No, I think I'm good" Eraser's eyebrow twitched violently at that.

"Get up Problem Child, your stamina needs work"

"You have a sat phone right? I want one call a day"

"You're not going to be able to bargain out of this"

"I think you'll find that I really can" Eraser honestly had nothing to say to my words that wouldn't be a lie, we both knew I had the most bargaining power on the planet, and it was just a matter of time before he would give in. Out of the two of us, I was more stubborn, and I wasn't the one on a time limit, every second in here was another he wasn't out there keeping his schedule.

He knew that of course, he wasn't stupid, he even managed to predict that by getting here a few minutes earlier than he normally would arrive, because he knew I would be a pain in the ass. It was kind of nice he was beginning to get used to dealing with me. It was also hilarious he thought that he could deal with me at all.

"What do you want the phone for?"

"I have a very needy boyfriend" His face scrunched up in a look of absolute pain as I just smirked.

"Not once a night, every three days, I need to keep it charged and on me, the calls last less than half an hour, and I swear if I hear something I don't want to, then you're banned from any events on the trip and will have detention until the end of next semester. Now get off the bus" Detentions weren't a massive threat on their own, otherwise he would have lead with that, but they were a massive waste of time and therefore annoying to deal with all the same, and as such something I wouldn't want to deal with.

This was his way of trying to compromise with me instead of trying to bully me into a corner like he could with the other students. It was probably out of respect for me, but also because he knew if he didn't then I would be the biggest pain in the ass he could imagine for the rest of this trip if I didn't get at least somewhat my way.

That's the problem with trying to control someone who knows everything and is way too willing to abuse said knowing, especially when you aren't in a position where you can actively beat the hell out of said someone for being a constant petty asshole, there isn't really much that you can do but compromise. And since Eraser knew nothing would come from trying to strangle me to death besides getting fired and a probable concussion.

"Fine" Getting up, and with my plan being a success, we moved off the bus as everyone made some questions about why we were stopping here the second Eraser was in sight, I just ignored them, instead I glanced over to the near by car which was currently holding both Mandalay and Pixie-Bob, as well as some traumatized kid. Being close to them made the Voices get all excited about being close to even more cat people, they were fakes though, and I seriously still don't understand the obsession with cats to be honest.

I just know I now have access to my own cat, and that was more than enough for me.

Now I just have to figure out how to not die from being thrown off a cliff...

Hmm, maybe I should have argued a bit more?

Will you all just be quiet? - KyKyuKai - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.