If only you knew - Chapter 36 - Willowmoon81 (2024)

Chapter Text

I woke up, to the sun shining in through the curtains, because we forgot to close them.

We had kina drifted apart in our sleep, but Matt was still holding onto my hand, which was absolutely adorable.

He was laying on his side, and the sun was shining in on him, in such an aesthetic way.

I reached over and took a quick picture.

I laid opposite of him and just enjoyed the moment.

I gently took a piece of hair out of his face and let my hand graze down his cheek softly.

His lips curled up slightly “It’s creepy to watch people sleep you know?” He said, without opening his eyes.

“hmm I feel like there’s an exception” i smiled “Yea? What?” He asked.

“In my opinion it’s never a bad thing to watch someone you’re in love with..” I reached back over caressed his cheek.

He smiled, opening his eyes “I see your point” he just looked up at me.

I scooted over and kissed his lips softly. He pulled me in, but then pulled back a bit “What time is it..?” He asked “Like 10.30, why?” I chuckled.

“I think you know why” he smirked lightly “We have like half an hour until the alarm goes off..” i smiled.

“Well…for what I had in mind, that’s not really enough time” he said making me blush lightly.

“You know, people really think you’re so innocent, and then you say sh*t like that” I chuckled “Can’t help it” he reached over, kissing me slowly.

“Fine, then i have a little extra time to get ready” I smiled getting up “You’re just gonna leave me?” He whined.

“I’m literally six feet away” I chuckled while going into the bathroom.


I went to brush my teeth and do my skincare. When I got to makeup, I heard footsteps.

He looked so tired, rubbing his eyes. He walked up behind me wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder “Babe..” he said “Yea?” I said, loving when he said that.

“Do i have to go into town with you guys today..?” He asked “No, if you’re not feeling it then you can stay here. That’s completely fine” i smiled.

“Okay…i don’t know yet but I’ll think about it”

After I put makeup on I pulled out my vlog camera. The fans had told me they wanted me to vlog more.

I turned it on, after having put my outfit on and Matt was in the bathroom “So hi, you guys wanted me to vlog so that’s what i'm doing. We’re in this cute cabin in Aspen right now. We arrived last night. I’ll post little aesthetic clips to put in don't worry. Today we’re gonna go into the little town, and this is my fit” I turned the camera around.

I showed them in the mirror and did a little spin.

“I’ll link everything if y’all want, I’m so in love with these jeans from urban”

I showed the jeans “Babe, have you seen my charger?” Matt walked out of the bathroom “It’s in that little pocket of your bag” i chuckled “Oh” he went and got it.

“So do we like the fit?” I asked, turning the camera on him. He smiled, probably thinking this was silly.

“Yeah I like the jeans, and all of it actually” he smiled genuinely “I just said that, and now the jeans are Matthew Sturniolo approved” i chuckled while looking into the camera.

Matt laughed and I turned it off.

“Can I put that in?” I asked, packing my camera in my little bag. “Yeah, I probably look like sh*t but it’s fine” he said.

“Noo” I put my bag down and walked up wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Firstly, you literally just woke up. And I think you look adorable, which means the fans will too. They literally die from any glimpse of you, yiu know that” i chuckled.

“They?” He said pulling back with a smirk “We. You look hot with messy hair like this” I looked up at his hair and then he kissed me suddenly, making me giggle.

“You sure you don’t wanna come..?” I asked, putting my shoes on “Yeah, just not feeling it” he said kinda sad.

“That’s okay, I’ll just miss you. I’ll buy you some ugly sh*t from the souvenir shop and you have to keep it” i said walking over to where he was sitting “Of course I’ll keep it” I bent down and pecked his lips “don’t be too bored without me okay?” I said “I’ll try”

“I love you” i said quickly before going to the door “I love you more”

“Aw, is matty poo not coming?” Larray asked “No he’s not feeling great, promised I'd buy him something ugly though” I chuckled.

We got on the bus and I was sitting between Nick and Chris “You’re vlogging again? Omg slay” Nick said as I pulled the camera out “I'm trying my best” i chuckled.

I turned it on “Now we’re on our way into town, it’s like an hour but I’m sure it’ll be worth it” I smiled.

“Omg heeey” Chris took the camera “What the f*ck is up youtube. I'm Chris Sturniolo, this is Luna Green and Nick Sturniolo. And everyone” he turned the camera around the bus and he was so hyper we all laughed.

“And we’re going on the sickest adventure ever!” He said and I took it back “Thank you to Chris” I chuckled.

“We’re literally going thrifting and to a market, relax” Nick said as I pointed the camera to him.

“How do you always have this much energy?” I asked Chris, as he was jumping around the parking lot “I have no clue” he laughed.

We went into the first store, which was so cute.

I went to look at winter gloves and Chris walked over “Here put this on” he showed me the ugliest hat i had ever seen “Fine, if you put one on too” i said “Fine” he said.

We put them on and looked at ourselves in the little mirror “I don’t think I’ve ever looked worse with a hat on” i chuckled.

“Sab! Take a picture” Chris handed her his phone.

“C’mon pose” we posed back to back, trying to look cool and Ness and Sabrina were dying laughing.

“What’s happening over here?” Nick asked “Oh my” Larray said, seeing the hats “That’s really not your colour babe” Oliver said, looking disgusted.

I bought a magnet of course, and found a cute little necklace, with a horse on it “I know I said something ugly but I kinda like this” i showed Nick:

“Oh yeah, I’m sure he’s gonna actually like wear that. Buy it” he smiled.

I bought it and then we went to the thrift store.

I pulled my camera out again and quickly told them what store we had been in.

I found the cutest dress in the world and Nessa made me try it on. She tried on some jeans.

I put it on and couldn’t decide. So I facetimed Matt from the changing room “Hi” he looked confused.

“Hi, I need help. Do we like this dress?” I asked and turned the camera, to show him in the mirror “Yeah we definitely do, bit cold for right now maybe” he chuckled.

“I know that, but I just felt like I had to have it, you know?” I said looking at myself in the mirror “Buy it, it looks really beautiful on you..” he said.

“Aww!” I heard Nessa in the other stall “Is that Matty?” She asked “Hi nessa” he chuckled “Hii” she said excitedly.

“Well thank you for your input, I’ll go buy it now” I chuckled and we hung up.

I also got a purse and pulled the camera back out “So Luna just found THE dress” Nessa said dramatically.

“It’s beautiful for sure, i have to be buried in it i think” i chuckled “Oh definitely, and plus” she kinda walked into frame “It’s loverboy approved, so there’s no way she couldn’t get it” she chuckled “Alright” i said shutting it off.

We went to put our stuff in the bus and had already spent hours in the town.

I had just been listening to music, when Nick poked my shoulder and pointed.

Chris had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I smiled immediately. It meant so much to me, that we were still friends. Of course things were difficult but he's one of my best friends and it means a lot, that he’s comfortable like this with me again.

I just looked back at Nick, ‘cause he probably thought the same thing.

We arrived back and I was the first one to walk in, to Matt on the couch. I dropped my bags and ran over kinda jumping on him, making him laugh.

“Didn’t you guys have fun?” He asked “Yeah, but you weren’t there” I said, hugging him tightly. He just pulled me in more.

I got up excited, to show what we’d bought and we all did a little haul for him. It was so funny.

“Lu! The necklace " Nick said “sh*t I almost forgot. I know I promised ugly. But personally i love it; Nick does too” i handed him the little bag and he unpacked it.

“Oh sh*t this is sick! Oh I’ll definitely keep this” he looked up at me “Really? You like it?” I asked “I love it, thank you” I walked over and he kissed me softly.

“Alright enough from the old married couple. I was thinking drinks?” Larray said.

We ordered a bunch of food and had a couple drinks. Of course the boys didn’t.

It was just so fun, I decided not to vlog because it was just so wholesome, being with the people I love.

We did make a couple tiktoks though.

Then Larray and Oliver sang karaoke for us.

Larray was really drunk, so it was so funny.

I loved how everyone was getting along.

We were sitting on the couches and they were singing over by the speaker “He’s not gonna wanna go to the lake early tomorrow morning” Chris laughed

“Nah he’s too cool for hangovers, he told me” Nick chuckled.

They finished and Nessa got up. She put on a song and thank god I was tipsy, or I would’ve hated her for this.

Nick point of view:

I sat next to Matt, as we watched Nessa drag Luna over to the speaker.

They held bottles as microphones and started singing “la vi en rose”. I knew it was because they were both a little drunk, but it was so funny and Luna was kinda good at it too.

They were laughing and holding around each other. Larray, Sabrina and Oliver, had started swaying their arms, which was hilarious

I looked over at Matt, who had leaned forward, with his elbows on his knees and was completely entranced.

I huffed lightly and he smiled softly “I gotta marry her..” he said.

I was completely shocked, because he did not seem like he was kidding.

They sang louder, kinda taking me out of it. But then I looked over at Chris, and he was looking at her the exact same way.

Jesus christ this was not gonna be fun for anyone.

Luna point of view:

Nessa and I finished the song and honestly it was so fun.

I went and sat back down with Matt “Personally I think you have to become a popstar now” Nick said “Alright, let’s call Scooter Braun” i chuckled and Matt smiled as well.

“I didn’t know you knew french” he said “Just a little, mostly that and a couple other songs. God i love that song, it’s from-“

“How i met your mother” Chris finished and Nick looked confused between us.

“You binged that show so much during covid, i don’t think I’ll get the intro out of my head” Matt chuckled and started singing it, and Chris joined in, so i did too.

“Okay where was I when you decided to learn that?” Nick chuckled “Probably with your boyfriend” Chris said “Alright” Nick got up.

A little later, a very drunk Nessa convinced some of us to go into the hot tub outside.

Matt and I were the first ones down there. When we got in, I was immediately pulled into his lap and he kissed me.

“Matt” I chuckled and pulled back a bit “They’re literally coming in like a second” I chuckled “Can’t I enjoy that second then..?” He asked.

He had one hand on my waist, the other going up to cup my cheek, and I completely melted into his hand.

He caressed my cheek and just looked at me.

Chris point of view:

I went and changed to go in the hottub, since Nessa was drunk and not taking no for an answer.

I grabbed my towel and went downstairs to go outside.

I immediately paused at the door, feeling my heart being ripped out of my chest.

Today had been so good. Luna and I had bonded so well on the little trip and it felt like things were like old times. Like she was my best friend again.

But then I had to look at her while she sang, and it physically hurt, knowing she wasn’t mine anymore.

And now she was looking so in love, while sitting in Matt’s lap in the hottub.

The pink lights making her look so beautiful. I watched as he held her cheek and she smiled even more, looking at him.

Just as I was turning back, Nick walked down “You’re not coming?”

Nick point of view:

I watch Chris rush back towards his room “I just uhm forgot something”

I was so confused, but then I turned and knew why.

It was such a mess. Matt basically admitted he wants to marry Luna and Chris realising he’s not over her.

“Hate to break up the fun here, but someone has to” i said and they pulled apart, looking slightly guilty “Sorry” Luna smiled innocently, getting off him as I got in.

“It’s fine, just no f*cking in here. I read somewhere that people get infected and sh*t” i said “Omg really?” Matt said shocked and everyone else joined.

Chris eventually joined too, looking just a bit too cheerful.

“Remember the time you brought those ugly goggles when my parents got a jacuzzi?” Luna asked Chris and he kinda lit up “I do, and don’t sh*t on them. As if you didn’t ask to borrow them right after” he pointed his finger and she laughed.

Luna point of view:

We were getting out of the hottub and Matt very cutely wrapped a towel around me.

I sniffed and then gasped, making both Nick and Chris turn.

Everyone else had gone back inside “Not this again” Chris chuckled “What?” Nick asked.

“She’s smelling snow” Matt smiled “Are we being for real? Girl it’s just cold. Let’s go inside” Nick said

“I would bet so much money that we’re gonna wake up to snow” i said as we walked on “Yeah we believe you” Matt chuckled, and I shoved him.

Back in our room i had just finished drying my hair and put on one of Matt's t-shirts

He wasn’t even on his phone, just waiting for me “God I regret drinking that wine” I chuckled getting into bed “Nah it was fun” he smiled.

“Not when you feel hungover already” i sighed laying my head on my pillow “Aw really?” He moved over and kissed me softly, slowly continuing down my neck “Hm, you know that’s already helping a lot” I said letting him.

He continued down and his hands moved down as well. He got to my right thigh and I kinda tensed.

I had worn a bandaid in the hottub but it fell off.

He paused as well, looking down at it.

He very gently ran his thumb over it “Uhm…is this new..?” He asked “I’m sorry i-“

“Stop. Don’t apologise, I'm not trying to make you feel bad. I just wanna know..” he looked back up at me “Yeah it’s like a week old..” I swallowed.

“Why didn’t you call..?” He asked “I knew you had an early meeting and I just didn’t wanna bother you..” i said “It wouldn’t have bothered me..” he sighed.

“I’m just sorry I wasn’t there with you..” he said looking back down at it “It’s fine, im okay” i sighed “You promise..?” He asked “I promise..”

He bent down and very softly placed a couple kisses around all of my scars, before going between my thighs

If only you knew - Chapter 36 - Willowmoon81 (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.