Trancy - YouTube AI Bilingual Subtitles & Language Reactor Pro (2024)

No jumper, cool spot gas in the world today.

I'm back with an old friend Diego.

How are you feeling, Doug?


I feel good.

It's good to be back here, man.

Yeah, it's great to have you back in here.

So I've been wondering what life was like for you lately.

And I was actually hitting you up, trying to get on the phone with you a couple of weeks ago.

We didn't end up doing it because we're both space cases.

But I'm glad that we're in here.

So we can actually have a conversation from the world to see.

Yeah, I've been I've been doing really good, man.

Probably wasn't doing that good last time I saw you.


Yeah, well, how long ago was that?

When the last time you saw it?

I mean, I think it was either 20, I think it was 2019.

I it was when you, yeah, when you came to the house.

Yeah, I was messed up, bro.

Okay, so describe where you were at in your life at that point is at that point You had decided that the LA life was not for you

So you moved to the OC basically and you had a house and you were doing the in the close to the OC Okay,

you kind of like background from but it's crazy you when you get

had come over that was I was pretty down bad like and you could even see in the video I've

seen it a couple times I'm not there like I look like a walking zombie and it's crazy

yeah that was probably one of the worst not the worst but that was a bad time definitely

I remember you being in the the G-Wagon with Chad Tepper and you're both smoking to menthol cigarettes each in your mouth.

I remember after that, I went to London.

So it was definitely 2019.

I to London and a girl bumped me a f*cking menthol cigarette and I tried to hit it and it just gave me such insane flashbacks to being in the G wagon

with so much menthol smoke in my face that I have not been in

able to smoke a menthol so you're not saying yeah yeah I think we're smoking

like five at a time yeah that just is an indicator of how far bad things have

gotten okay so tell me what where were you at at that point in your life that

made you want to like leave the downtown LA life and and and move to the

I think what would ultimately led to me having to leave was was probably financial stability.

Financial stability definitely.

I was going through a rough time.

I broke by any means.

I definitely probably had more money I guess than the average person would in the case but to what I was used to.

was, you know, if that makes a little bit sense.

Well, because at the height of everything with you in 2017 or 2018, whenever, like, your reach is climax, you had, like, multiple apartments, right?


And thing that went into the multiple apartments, it wasn't, like, a flex, like, oh, look, I'm having all this.

I kept getting evicted.


Like, I had one.

I'm gonna move to a nicer one and I let my mom stay at that one got evicted

So I had to get a new one so and then I moved out of there because I got evicted then moved to levels

So that's where like the multiple apartments.

It was just I kept getting evicted But you were paying like 10 a month for one of the apartments.

I remember you telling me levels It was probably eight to anywhere between eight to ten thousand year

And that just that plus the the money I was spending on drugs,

you know that combined like really put a dent And you were basically like cycling girls in and out of the crib like non-stop because I remember

Random girls DMing me and basically saying like hey I'm outside of those hands house right now,

and he's like fell asleep So he won't he won't let us up in the elevator.

Can you get us up?

I'm like, I don't know what the thing I'm gonna do to be able to control this for call real quick.

Yeah, I'm sorry.

You had to deal with that That was fine.

I remember trying to like be like now,

but you can come chill with us He probably got a couple from that I don't think I did I was like really

to be like, did you f*ck any little zen leftovers?

I don't think I did.

That's good, that's good.

Yeah, I would, man, there's so many stories of me leaving my friends down there.

You had to like call up,

you to even get,

and some people would sneak up there, they would take the stairs, and I would just get some weird fans at the door.

Wow, it kind of sketchy.

So I feel like you're someone who really went from not having sh*t to just being famous,

having everybody know you were, getting money coming in all the time.

And it happened so abruptly that the average person that has that kind of glow up is not ready for it,

but you were like mega not ready for it.

Yeah, yeah.

I like the way you put that.

The normal person wouldn't be ready for it, but I super was not ready for it.

That type of whatever it is,

that type of fame,

money, whatever, that will affect anybody at any age, you and especially when you're so young and impressionable, it'll affect you the most.

Yeah, it

was, It was I didn't know how to deal with it and I think a lot of what went into my drug habits was caused by the anxiety, the stress of just everything happening so quick

and all these people now want to interact with me in certain ways and I wasn't used to that.

I'm not going to blame that on it, but obviously it played into my drug addiction, it worked beautifully with it.

Right, because that's one thing I would say is that a lot of people, including myself

at a certain point, you're basically doing as much drugs as you can afford.

Yeah, and that's the problem, and that goes for anybody that has money in any industry.

You have this money, you have an addictive personality per se, and you just are going to spend it.

And my biggest problem was I wasn't taking those fake whatever's on, you know, those are the cheap ones on the street.

I would spend the extra lot of whatever to get the real stuff, you know, prescriptions from like...

that were real basically because yeah I just was not that's where all my money went

based because this is kind of like the early days of us realizing that there was

fentanyl and a lot of pills yeah it was a weird time it's not like how it is now

it was like You didn't really know,

you knew it was something else kind of, and it was bad, but the fat knowledge of them was just like starting.

Because I watched a little documentary last night for some reason that was like seven years old.

And from where I grew up in New Hampshire.

And just like a detox that they were running for, people who were all f*cked up on drugs.

And they in the documentary, the person, the interviewer asked the staff, they say like, what's the worst drug that you guys deal with?

And they're just like, oh heroin.


And they, there's no.

It's weird, right seven years ago.

There was no mention of it,

which is f*cking crazy because soon after that it became like the thing to talk about It exploded and now it's this big epidemic and now every person getting treated and rehab.

It's like, oh fentanyl.

It's question.

You it's why are they in here?


I saw something to that.

I don't know if it was seven years ago.

But they were they were mentioning certain drugs and fentanyl didn't come up either and I was like that's crazy

It is like a fairly new big thing.

I you know, but it's been around for a for a while, I think.

Right, but I remember when little people died, like somebody had to kind of explain it to me.

Yeah, and that's totally understandable.

I think that was a big wake-up call for a lot of people like that, you know, this fentanyl is insane.

You it horrible.

But okay, so before you were famous, how much drugs were you doing on average?

Were you still fully in it, like getting f*cked up every day?

Or did you not really have the money to be doing it every day?

When you have normal person requirements in life, like going to work or some sh*t, it can be kind of to hold that down.

Yeah, I would say, I was dabbling with it

probably like three years before, you know, it would be almost like a weekend thing or it was very sporadic.

It wasn't a consistent, like every day I take this and I go through withdrawals.

Just every once in a while, it was like a social thing, I guess.

And as,

you know,

a year went by another year, I got a little bit worse and worse, and then boom, you know, hit with all that stuff.

Um, I was like, well, now I can afford this even better and I'm stressed out all the time and I have a lot of anxiety.

So you got travel, you got to be on tour, you got to go in front of all these f*cking people.

All of a sudden you have like a real reason to do it.

It's so crazy because looking back, like I can perform very easily.

Now I love performing.

It's it's dope, but I would almost throw up before I had to go do a show.

Like I'd be in the bathroom, like chucking up, like so nervous, even just before like club.

not ready, but that's where, you know, Xanax and all that came into play.

It out a lot.


So, but I mean, I heard you like citing some pretty ridiculous statistics of like what you were taking at a certain point where you said you were taking I think 20 Vicodins and

10 Zans in a day.

I was doing more than that.

Like that is my Blowing to me because I always talk about like oh yeah,

I had the spirit of time where I was doing Xanax I think like a couple times.

I might have to take two bars in a day Yeah,

but and that had me like No idea what was going on with no tolerance.

Yeah, that that might as well be here right there Yeah, but you just like kind of let it spiral out of control at a certain point and that that's what we would let in

the darkest time I would say in my life was when I had never like smoked Perks and stuff like that, you know.

But the last three months when I was addicted, I had started that tin foil.

That whole tweaker.

How do you even get into that mentality?

You know how I got into that?

Because I was always like, I'm not going to be that bad, you know, when I'm over here.

But I was hanging around the wrong people.

And I learned it.

I saw what that they were doing.

And it's like the black and white case study of just,

you know, peer pressure, not peer pressure, but just, you know, you know, bad friends had it around.

And I was like, what's that?

You and then got into it and just led me down.

I was hanging around bad people.

Yeah, especially when your mind is so soft from the fact that you're already getting f*cked up.

And then if you're around people who are doing that kind of stuff.

But so did you get really bad with smoking perks?

And was it that much more powerful?

Were you able to like, actually, was it that much more intense than just popping them?

Yeah, that's what I think led me ultimately.

You know you stop you build a tolerance pretty quickly,

especially when you're taking that amount of drugs Yeah,

I built up a tolerance and you know the bad people I was hanging around with thank God.

They're not a part of my life anymore They were like, oh, yeah, this gets you higher.

You to just smoke, and tried it, and yeah, it did.

It broke through that first initial, like, I was high again.

Because every drug you do,

you kind of get used to it after a Yeah, and then that's what leads you to taking more, and then it just spirals.

But yeah, that's basically how.

Okay, so was that after the house that we're talking about in the year?

Yeah, that was after What it ended up happening

Was yeah,

you me at the Corona house I would leave that house and and I would go live with I would pay rent at my other friend's house

And I just wanted to be in LA.

I was a roommate And that's where I got really bad back.

I so I was back in LA,

you know, back in like the thick of all the stuff and at that house is where it would get really bad.

And it was only the last three months that I was smoking them and stuff.

And I had ran out obviously in the middle of the night.

And I was just rummaging through like the tin foil and stuff.

And I looked at myself in the mirror and like I don't know if it was just me, but I could start seeing.

like real skinny,

you're like,

you know,

when you see someone like that,

like a tweaker kind of,

and I was like,

oh, I can't go out like this, you know, like this is, this is, I've been bad before, but this is like really bad, like I'm going to die like very, very soon.

And I went cold turkey.

And I had like a few seizures that's because that's pretty common right if you go yeah,

yeah, yeah I'm no off of benzos right it's actually kind of crazy you can for the most part go cold turkey off of opiates and you won't really

have too bad of,

I mean,

besides withdrawals obviously,

but the benzos and alcohol, I wasn't on alcohol, but just benzos and alcohol, you get the seizures if you just go cold turkey.

They you to like, wean off it, but you know, it was such a wild time of my life.

Obviously, I was just like, I'm done.

So how bad do the seizures affect you?

Really bad, really bad.

And it sucked because my family had to see them and you know, my girl at the time.

And it was another,

it was just a clusterf*ck of just wake up calls,

All right,

I just survived a few seizures like back to back they they were scary You know the thing about a seizure is like you you black out.

You're not there You're just there one second and then you wake up,

hopefully, you and I just woke up, my head hurt really bad,

like worst it had ever heard,

and crying because you're like,

the best way I can it is like,

you're as crazy,

I mean,

not crazy,

you're as sad as like a human being could like feel,

like I think I was like crying for like my mom,

you know,

it was like real,

real, like fragile emotions right there, and it took a couple weeks to even just bounce back from the seizures, and yeah, that's crazy.


time period though did you totally lose touch with making music or like what was your actual day-to-day like Yeah,

that's that's a good question,

you know, I did lose touch a lot with with music I had some projects that were planned obviously got scrapped and stuff.

I had a lot of plans but I just felt like well one I just felt like

I couldn't continue that like I was gonna die,

you know like like anything I was saying on the internet just They screw all that like I I had to take some time off

To to get better and if I even wanted to think about pursuing music again,

you know like yeah Of course,

I love music and and I'm doing that right now,

you know,

I'm getting married Um, but if I would have continued to just try to push music during that time, it wouldn't have felt right.

Cause it's pretty crazy.

Like you have this period of time where you blew up all of a everybody knows who you are.

And I mean,

like the public tide of opinion just kind of like swung to the other side real quick,

where it became just wanted to make videos about you just like documenting your downfall or whatever and it's like

people love to do that if they see somebody who is becoming successful or rich and

they feel like that person doesn't deserve it or as soon it really is as soon as they realize that people are going to click.

People are going to watch if they make a video saying something negative about somebody that.

sh*t just kicks into overdrive and like it was weird for me as somebody was friends

with you and had known you from before that where it very quickly became like

Everybody online was just like taking every opportunity to kick you when you were down and any little thing

Like oh some guy yells at you in a parking lot for the average rapper

Maybe this isn't even a story or it doesn't hit any of the blog pages or whatever

But with you it got really like amplified and everybody wanted to talk about everything Yeah, negative that was going on and nothing positive.

You know if there was anything good going on for you It was just totally like think of like one of my more positive stories.

I can't think of one really yeah Certain point Yeah,

it was like funny at best or but like for the most part it was just a yeah magnifying glass on anything Yeah,

it was a lot.

Yeah to the left.

Oh You know,

during that,

like, obviously the Tupac stuff was before like anything else, you know, it was the first catalyst of hate that could be, you know, garnered to me.

It was like, obviously that was the stupidest thing.

I was young when I said that, you know, I wish.

I couldn't go back and redo that but it's in the past

But as far as like all these youtubers and stuff when I first started seeing these wave of like videos like you

know Documenting the downfall of what they believe is my downfall.

It really f*cked with me.

It really Messed with me on a scale that I hadn't felt before like yeah

I've gotten death threats from the the two-ball thing trust me

I dealt with a lot of stuff from that death threats all types of stuff

But it's still kind of like a joke because at the end of the

It's like how mad could you really be about me just saying that I didn't like a rapper?

Yeah Yeah,

yeah, but this this felt like way obviously more personal, you know like my character, I felt like I was obviously providing

just false narratives, false, everything, but and it ultimately got to me so bad to where I called the 5150 on myself, and...

So explain how that works.

It's like 5150 you call like the paramedics,

the cops,

whatever, and you say, you know, like I'm feeling like I'm gonna hurt myself or something and then they'll come and get you and put you in a hospital for three days.

Sometimes longer,

but my my deal was that they would release me in three days if I went straight to rehab And I went straight to rehab after that and that's when things finally like it was my

fourth time in rehab But that's when things finally like started to go in a more positive direction So when you go to rehab,

how long were you going for it?

Well, you know, it was the detox part.

It's not the full rehab.

I did a couple weeks of the rehab, I'll get into it.

Like I went to this detox in Skate, it like Huntington Beach, right?

Newport Beach and shout out to Scott Storch and Steve LaBelle, they really helped me get sober.

Like without them, I don't know if I'd be sober.

And just out of the of their heart because you weren't doing business with them.

Yeah, no, no, no business.

Nothing that is,

I had a mutual friend that,

well, obviously I know Scott a bit, but my mutual friend, Steve LaBelle,

and own this rehab called the Heavenly Center, abbreviated, which is THC for regular stuff.

It's like that,

they're trying that whole Cali sober wave where you can, like you could smoke weed in my detox, which I thought was crazy, you know?

You in there for a little while before you get like lead privileges?


You could only hit like the cartridges, you and it's after a five-day blackout period was what they call it.

Yeah, and they had sent me to that.

I I believe, 30 or 31 days, which is a long time for detox.

And then I left and went to two weeks of the actual, their program, but I left, but I, yeah, I've maintained good.

Like everybody thought that me leaving the rehab early was like a sure case that I was going to fail again.

And I kept telling them, and I understand where they're coming from.

I believe that too.

But I just felt like I could do it, you know, and you know.

I'm here, I'm sober.

Was it weird being little Sam in detox or in rehab?

Because whenever you hear about rappers or celebrities going to that kind of thing,

you just wonder, like, what is this like when everybody in there knows who you are?

And meanwhile, you don't know any of them.

They're people to you, but they probably are all looking at you and kind of watching your every move and sh*t, right?

Oh, because the one I went to, it was two people to a room.

It was a nice one.

It was a really nice one.

But, yeah, everybody, it was weird, because everybody did know who I was, obviously.

They were nice.

No, I don't know.

with any weird people or anything but you know it did take away from kind of the

getting away from everything you know because obviously you go there to

escape it did diminish that a little bit but yeah it was just more of a weird

you know thing I'm so used to like

To everywhere I go I will get recognized by still by like one or two people so pretty used to it Yeah,

that's that's got to be a weird part about being you is that you still just kind of can't escape that right?

Yeah, so recognizable.

Yeah, it's it's funny because even I don't know six how many years we've been I've been doing this It's died down a little

bit But it's you would think like oh I can go out and it could be

I obviously know why I'm but But you would I would have thought it would have died down a little bit during like the the hiatus and all that

But if it kind of stayed like a level,

you know of people coming up and asking for pictures I guess that's kind of my whole life in

Certain point it's just sucks when it is like it's a person to give bro Yeah,

and lot of times it's more of a curse, you like for instance I was at the post office.

I in Lake Forest in Oc now And you know if you if anybody knows Irvine, you know, that's a safe neighborhood.

That's a very safe place in Oh, see, I was at the post office, trying to get my new passport.

And some random, why?

Like this didn't make it on the internet or nothing.

I thought it was, because he was videotaping.

This random white guy just gets out of his car and tries to fight me, bro.

And like, are losing?

I'm like, well, like, I'm not saying anything.

And like, you're bad for the youth.

You're for, like, you could tell he didn't know anything about me, because these are like weird insults.

Like, I was like, what?

And then he was like, I'm gonna kill you and I'm, and he's like my height.

So I'm not.

And I'm just like what is your problem dude he gets back in his car and he's like I'm gonna follow you

I'm gonna kill you.

You know that doesn't happen very often, but it happens enough to where I'm like What the heck is going to be actually falling?

No, no, he didn't but I was just like man What is this guy's issue?

You know like we're like a magnet for people with mental health issues Yeah, I like that one.

Yeah, right?

They're like I feel the vibe man.

Wow or just clout chasing ass people and He was videotaping so I'm sure it was like oh,

this gonna be I don't know what he's planning on with this footage I don't know what it's gonna do but I was for sure that that was gonna be like some viral stuff

Did you see it online at all?

No, no, it didn't end up anyway I think it was because he started calling me some racial slurs and I think he didn't want that video out

because yeah, he screwed himself.

Maybe he was just so fried that he couldn't even figure out how to like upload it to TikTok or how to like get it to TMZ or whatever.

Yeah, he's still maybe it'll still be there one day.

You might see it.


So, okay.

Once you like really start to get clean though,

because I had seen you like kind of trying to get clean or at least trying to moderate your drug use over the years,

but once you finally really got clean, what was the You know, life's a lot different when you're sort of seeing things clearly, right?

Yeah, like obviously I smoke a lot of weed.

I don't think that's bad.

Um, I don't drink hardly at all.

If it is, it's very social, very occasional, and it's not me getting all f*cked up and sh*t.

But, um,

Yeah, in the beginning, obviously, you have to go through some intense withdrawals for like maybe a month or two depending on your usage.

That was the hardest part was just the cold sweats, anybody who's gone through withdrawals know how horrible that is.

And then it got easy, man.

You know, it's just, you take it one day at a time, one day at a time.

If you just do it like that.

and fill your day with activities instead of being cooped up in the house.

That was another big problem I used to have where I would just, I'm still a homebody, but providing yourself with just healthy.

exercise and activities, all the stuff they tell you, man.

I've been trying to to it, you know.

What kind of exercise you do?


That's what they tell me to do.

I need to start, man.


No, definitely.

That could help a lot.

Just sweating and feeling your body be sore.

I tried, though, when I was in the detox, they had a little gym.

I pretending I was doing something.


See, I'm running a lot.

Back in the day, 2017, 2018, whatever, I remember really wishing that you would get cleaned.

but it's kind of feeling like it just wasn't happening.

Like just seemed like you had been so f*cked up

for so long and I remember you telling me about being like really young and having a headache and like,

you know, I don't want to put it on like your parents or whatever.

But like people in your life saying, you know, here, take this pain pill, take whatever.

Like, and that that was like normal to you as a young kid.

And it kind of just felt like I don't know what it's going to take to make Zann be able to break out of this.

Yeah, and that was obviously, yeah, that was bad.

That was echoed by a lot of people that were like,

there's no way he can like get out of this hole that he's in like he is like,

look at him, you know, he's so far gone.

I had to want to change that that's the biggest part is in the past when like you said you would see me attempting to or

You know bullsh*tting trying to be sober online and stuff.

I was like tricking myself into thinking I wanted to get sober But it wasn't like genuine I, it just a trick.

Like wanted, I wanted to be sober, but wasn't committed fully.

It all,

it all changed after I had those seizures and that like it was,

it was a near death experience, you know, really kind of messed me up for that time.

Um, was that your

Yeah, yeah, I mean, maybe a couple of days before,

but definitely, yeah, that's my rock bottom was the seizures, you it biggest wake-up quality.

I almost died, you know, and are scary.

Like, that's how we lost juice world, you know.

That's all I could think of when I would have those seizures is like,

man, bro, please, I just, like, I just don't wanna die, you know, I'm like so scared.

And was a bad rock bottom, yeah.

Yeah, so how long how long have you been actually so before now and have you slipped up at all or has it been clean?

So for the when I was first starting off like I would go sober for like a week two weeks slip up

You know obviously and only happened once or twice,

but I've been sober now for a year and I believe six months Wow, yeah, thank you.

What's like the biggest changes in life though like like like What do you see clearly now that was kind of a mystery or a blur to you earlier on?

Yeah, man, the past it feels like it went like that, you know, it was so it felt so quick because anybody obviously that's

Partakes in drugs and all that.

Well, no, it feels like it speeds up time in the sense You know, it's just if on Zanger one place

And then you don't even know how you ended up at this place and you're at this place Oh man,

like it's just I like I tell people this I wish I could be this person back then and you know I wish I could if I was this person back then

Guaranteed none of that crazy stuff would have happened things would have been handled in a more mature in a proper manner You know,

but we can't change the past obviously I feel very more mature.

I feel way more stable.

I healthy.

I'd eat healthier and stuff like that, but that's a whole nother journey.

You want a fast food diet for the most part?

No, no, I actually eat at home a lot more, but I still dabble in the fast food.

Not like how it used to be.

I to be terrible with that.

I just overall, I feel really, really good mentally.

And still a lot of room for growth and improvement obviously, but compared to what I was, yeah, I really good.

Definitely, we're the girls and the drugs,

do those kinda go hand in hand,

has getting clean meant that you aren't necessarily like hanging out with a

chick every night or there is a couple that I could think of now that definitely I shouldn't have been hanging around that were giving me some stuff

they shouldn't have been giving me you know I mean there was a few bad eggs I like girls man,

you know,

I still like,

that's not the bad thing,

you it's not as crazy as it used to be,

definitely, it's definitely not as crazy as it used to be, but I still, you know, I like girls.


No, I believe you, for sure.

But I mean,

it's all about, like, when I think about the time period of my life before I stopped doing co*ke and Zans and sh*t.

The girls, it just seems like another drug.

It's another thing that I was chasing,

and I remember getting f*cked up on Xanax on Friday Saturday,

and then it would be Sunday night, and I would be texting and DMing every f*cking girl on my phone.

It was like I knew I couldn't get f*cked up anymore because I had to do interviews the next day or whatever.

But I mean while hitting up every single girl because you're just good feelings in general, right?

I 100% agree with that.

They do, they go hand in hand with the drugs and they probably don't help.

You know, you just got to choose the type of people you're around, you know.

That's all it is, but what I'll say about people like me and you, Man, bro, I let me put this way.

I did not get very much puss* in high school.

You know, I wasn't the cool kid.

I wasn't I relate to this.

Yeah, you know, I wasn't the cool kid at all.

I had a couple girlfriends there or whatever.

I wasn't that I got zero ass,

but I was once you actually get success and you have random like I just remember at a certain point random girls would be DMing me and wanting me to

have threesomes with them and their friend and they don't even know me they've never

met me and they want to f*ck me with their friend and they'll just come over it's not

like I to work that is way different than like oh I go to the bar and I like I'm

trying to meet girls and get a girl's number and I'm texting her and I got to like hang

out with her and sh*t like that.

of like attention that you get once you really start popping is way different.

And that's what I'm saying was like you get it like a lot of people obviously unfortunately

won't get it but you know when you're putting like a position like that.

It's you don't even have to do anything.

It comes to you like imagine like that You know like to like anybody would love that bro.

Like that's but it's hard to manage it But it is and that and it starts it'll start f*cking with you mentally to you

know I believe in that too,

and I even remember like having that scenario But the girls would be like oh hey,

I these hands or I have the molly I have like whatever so then it really starts going hand-in-hand where it's like oh,

I'm laying in bed on a f*cking Thursday night clean and like not get f*cked up and it's like,

But you these beautiful girls hitting you a little bit, yeah.

I have to go out and socialize.

I can just have them come over and they're gonna give me drugs that take care of the fact that I'm,

you know, kind of in my head.

Yeah, you couldn't ask for like a more like perfect situation like that.

Right, definitely.

Yeah, you know, it's...

This is crazy with a crazy life especially when you first start popping to because that's one like there's really just this massive

flood of people that have never seen or heard of you before and they want to be around you.

It's such a foreign and new feeling to someone like like me it's like yeah I had friends I was like whatever but like now I have hundreds of

women like literally hundreds and then hundreds of just weird dudes trying to

hang around me and then you know and they have drugs and they have drugs yeah

the weird dudes always have drugs the girls always have drugs and then

especially in LA man LA is a whole different playground when it comes to

that especially back then when you know to the it was very, very much Xanax culture and everything.

Sometimes I wonder if people are still getting f*cked up as crazy as people were at that time because I'm not to it anymore.

So I don't know.

But I remember like talking to people who come to the store

and they'd be talking about going to like Xanax parties

and literally just like a just like a party where everybody in the whole f*cking party is just taking Zans.

And I'm just like, oh f*ck, that's like another level of this sh*t.

I haven't been to those Xan parties so sh*t.

There's another level, man.

Yeah, I don't want to be at a party where like nobody can remember what's going on.

That seems like just a guaranteed way to get you in a bad spot.

Yeah, and you know that this sh*t that

with Xanax is it makes people so angry you know this like and then they just they

get angry for no reason yeah I mean you've had to deal with so many especially when

you had the store I get I know why you move broad it was insane bro yeah off

Melrose I yeah it's insane well it's crazy because it's like around that

same time for both of us you just have this like glow up and And then at a certain point,

it levels off, starts to go down a bit, and you're just kind of like, okay, how do I hold on to this?

What do I try to turn this into, how do I kind of find a way to still get value out of this?

And me, it's just I threw myself into just doing interviews and we got rid of the store and I just go.

really focused on it doing interviews and like building a different host on the platform on the for you

say it was like it was there.

I mean,

it wasn't like a normal story,

you know,

it was I mean,

if I had this space or something like this at the time,

so I was able to actually like do content in a controlled way,

the store might have been cool because I was just meeting so many people and it was great because it was

really raw in that sense.

Yeah, but then at a certain point, it became like just an annoyance.

So we're just in the back, bro.

That guy saw some of the crazy sh*t that happened with someone coming with a gun, right?

Yeah, a couple of times, like back to back.

Yeah, Melrose is if for anybody that doesn't know, Melrose is a crazy street in in Los Angeles.

Yeah, and I'll still stop by Desto Dub's store from time to time because he actually has my old store now.

And you know, he'll have a bunch of people hanging out and it seems his sh*t is kind of like more at a manageable level.

Whereas for us at a certain point, it became just like a target for bullsh*t.

I remember, man, I remember the first time I discovered No Jumper, I like such a, it sounds so cheesy.

I such a big fan,

I was like,

this is cool,

because you were documenting like sh*t,

I was interested in like, you had the X interview and some of the early ones, Pooja and all that.

And was like,

This is special man like you know this is different like there's a lot of other

I don't know what you call it like sources whatever they call it, but this is like It was a part of the culture.

It wasn't just there documenting it like no jumper was like a part of like the whole sound cloud thing.

Like you can't almost have sound cloud without like the no jumper aspect of it.

Well, it was crazy for me because you were the first

rapper that blew up and then I realized like,

oh, I had taken a photo with you outside of like a f*cking bone show or like some random ass show.

And realizing like, oh my God, I already met this dude.

And then like you were just coming to the store on some regular sh*t.

And that was just kind of mind blowing at that time.

I one time I think I'd pissed you off

cause I had come to the back and I think you were tired of everybody knocking on the door.

I was just like you know he had known who I was but like just not picture and he's like Yo,

I was like, okay, man.


Yeah, and when you really start blowing up I was like man, I'm glad I was like glad that you didn't remember that it actually wasn't

me But it was somebody was working for me at the time who was like get the f*ck out of

here Like like really fully like booty your ass out of the back of the store

like because you try you bang on the door while I was going to interview

I understand now that's that's messed up I would have once you blew up I was like

damn I'm glad you doesn't remember that that incident or it seems like I

knew my place at that time I knew you know what was good man yeah definitely but

okay so just to like cover some of the greatest hits from that time period, I was actually there when you got the G-Wagging.

Yeah, a lot of people don't know that.

You were there, you drove me.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I don't think I don't think Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I drove you there and then I remember we drove back to your house afterwards and then I met your mom and sh*t like right after that and got to kind of scope what was

going on because you had like your apartment and then like around the corner you had an

apartment for your mom and like I'm realizing like oh sh*t he is taking on like a lot of

f*cking financial responsibilities in the short time that you had been famous.

the G-Wagon, then that became a big part of the lore because of the fact that you, at one point, what did you do?

Oh, I keyed it, danced it, yeah.

Because keys had been taken away from you, right?

Yeah, yeah, basically, yeah, I was crying about all that.

Like, these are things I'm talking about, like.

If I could be me now, that one it wouldn't have happened, or it would have just been handled very differently.

That, I call that moment, like Britney Spears shave in her head off moment, where it's just, it's very similar.

I'm just, I don't even know what I'm saying.

I'm screaming, I'm crying, I'm skiing.

I wrote some crazy sh*t in that car,

like Like,

I don't know where I was like, maybe going through like a psychosis, but I laugh at sh*t like that, I it, you know?

It's funny, if I don't, you know?

Right, but the G wagon is gone now.

Oh, the G, you know, yeah, this is a good time to like clear up what happened to the G wagon.

I did not sell it for drugs.

I didn't does.

Yeah, people think that narrative was put out there at one point.

Yeah, it was a by whack one hundred I have nothing against whack one hundred at all.

Where did he get that information?

I don't know It's wrong information.

What happened to the car was it needed to it needed something needed like it needed Service service like something was wrong with it.

The was all messed up Something was wrong with it.

So my previous management had And somewhere within, you know, a month goes by, I'm like, where's my car?

You like, I was thinking, wow, this is taking a long time to fix like a little window thing or something.

And I started to realize that my previous management and me were having like a really big fallout.

I'll call it that, just a big fallout.

And we settled what happened with the G-Wagon outside of social media.

It's still confusing, though, to me, because I had a lot of money put into that car.

Maybe not paid off, but enough to where you can't just take the vehicle away.

But it is what it is.

Right, so okay that I just want people to know that it wasn't sold for drugs.

I was down bad But I was not gonna sell that for drugs.

That's a of drugs.

Yeah, I would have been a lot too I would have I probably would have sold the Carver Jugs earlier on if like, you know,

right But okay,

so what actually happened with I'm assuming you and stat your former manager haven't talked in a long time or No, no, we haven't time.

You know, the thing about that is obviously how I approached it was terrible.

And I acknowledge that at the time,

like the lives and all that stuff,

you know,

when I was like,

I had just what happened there is I felt That was like another bottom point not rock bottom,

but I felt Lie to I just felt all these emotions.

I was very angry at things

that They had done in the past And and I really wish I could have reworded that just we did everything,

you that was a terrible way to do it.

But I was all, you know, mentally not stable.

So not blaming that.

But it was just a really another bad time.

How I feel now about stat and all that, I have nothing against him, you know.

I understand what he had to do.

And I understand In the sober state of mind some of the things that I still don't agree with some of them

But I understand a good majority of what was going on

I just couldn't see that clearly at that moment in time and as as this year has passed by and time has gone on

I just want to grow as not just an artist,

but a human being,

you know And I think part of that is is I can't hold regret and and this anger that I used to hold

You know so so much like it would keep me up at night like the this the anger I felt but it was misplaced,

you and and I've as I get older I learned that was a mistake, you know.

Well, because the last thing that me and you went back and forth online was actually about, like, I forget where it was.

It was on live or something where you basically.

Like or something?

You kind of got at stat and accused him of like.

giving you drugs at a certain point or acting like he was happy to sort of see you f*cked up on drugs like

yeah Do you regret saying that or is that something that you still believe to be true that sh*t?

That's crazy I forgot I even said that but I'll clear it up now No, I don't think he was happy at all.

I I think you know deep down Everybody wanted to to get me something like I got how you had brought up earlier

How is this kid gonna get out of this spot?

You stat probably thought the same thing I haven't talked to him in a while,

but I could only imagine You know,

what kind of burden that was to on him,

you know, no, I don't think he was was was happy to see me and that Um, I don't know, I regret saying that, yeah.

Because if he's just, like I noticed that and I think he's, he's a businessman.

He didn't sign you because he like wanted to hang out with you every day.

He signed you because he saw it as like a, a way that he can make a bunch of money.

And didn't want to hang out with me.

Well, but just anybody like if you're, if you're in your forties and you're already

a millionaire and you're in the music business and you're going to sign this young ass kid in his early twenties,

you're probably doing it because you want to make money.


And if I have an artist and I have the option of having them f*cked up on pills or not f*cked up,

I'm going sober all day.

yeah like mate like because people always say like oh somebody's f*cked up on drugs

it's easy to control them or whatever like maybe a little bit like but not

really in most ways yeah I don't see the the pros of keeping someone f*cked up on

drugs like where you're gonna gain too much from that yeah because he wanted

you to be going to shows and touring intensely and working on the music and

And it's hard to keep that stuff going seriously when you're loaded.

Yeah, and some people, God bless their hearts,

can do it better than maybe what I did,

but yeah,

it's just,

man, us, stat, I, I love that, you know, and I appreciate what he did, what he did for me, and I can now say that,

you know,

that I really do,

I do love what he did,

and I appreciate him,

even though I would like to talk to him in the future,

you know, I would like to, if he's open to it, to just talk, to have a conversation.

I want him.

to see where I'm at now maybe he does you know maybe he has seen it I've done some interviews but uh yeah I just want to let him know that I'm good you know

even if it means no And I, you know, obviously want to just talk about some things, you know, right, definitely.

Yeah, like, okay, so when I went to that house in Corona, you had already left Columbia at

that point because the way I remember it going on was that after you and Noah Cyrus dated,

which I don't believe that that was fake because I was around you guys.

You were around.

And seemed like you guys were.

Stupid conspiracy.

Like it was right.



I'm glad because it seemed like you were genuinely like very into each other.

It might have lasted like a week and a half, but you were, you were pretty genuine thing.



But then at a certain point, I think you said that Columbia had arranged it or whatever.

Was there anything by them to sort of like introduce you or to try to?

No, no, there was, there was nothing to that I believe to introduce.

she and I'm not just saying I'm not flexing.

I think she had DM me first and then I DM'd her back and when it was a real genuine connection at first,

I think I went over to her house and but then what ended up happening later down the road when we were more established,

I guess as a couple was we were both obviously signed at the time to Columbia Records.

She had a different manager.

I with a stat there was like some,

some tom foolery,

some f*ckery,

where I was trying to switch over to her management,

and it caused this big thing, and maybe that's where that stems from, but no, the label...

No, I would...

No, the label had nothing to do with that.

Okay, but I remember I had had it.

I did say some stuff like that.

You know, I've said a lot of this dumb sh*t in the heat of the moment that...

I just yeah didn't mean that's probably part of that you feel like she was using you for cloud at that time like after it ended

No, I think she was genuinely upset to be honest.

Yeah, that goes back in I think she was genuinely upset I don't think that was like she's no sires.

I don't feel like she has to just catch you f*cking other girls Yes,

yeah, I think about it probably I can't even think of like a sir.

Yeah, I was I was a scumbag Yeah, right, but you know, if you know this industry, you know that everybody's getting their own right.

It happens Yeah, definitely.

Is she doing welfare stuff?

I a name sometimes.

I don't really pay attention.

I don't star world But yeah, we're we left on good terms the last time I talked there.

I it was like over a year ago I don't really I mean yeah,

I don't matter You know, big things, no Osiris, you know, his name, you know.

I her nothing but the best though.

I got a lot of respect for her.

She's a very, very talented artist.

She was close to the SoundCloud scene at the time because then she did a song with X at the time, right?

I think would go on in a date, I think Smoke Purp too, you know.

That was part of the sound, you know, if you think about it.

Yeah, it's quiet.

She was racking it up right there.

Yeah, you got to go ahead and stress was.

Keeping the community alive right there.

Yeah, shout out to the whole family, man.

I know they hate me.

Oh, do that?

You think?

Oh, can you kick through with Billy Ray at the time, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I brought him some weed.

And we, yeah, we smoked together.

It's a guy, man.

He's a cool guy.

And then I remember when he hopped on the line,

Yeah, that was the or yeah, that was when I had met him they were just about to do that the remix.

Yeah, really Yeah, cuz I remember thinking like oh man.

What an asshole.

He does his song with lona's ex But he wouldn't hop on a little No,

that's of looks like a little saying if you look yeah, man.

That's all love man.

It's all I mean a choice a little nice like it's going crazy for a while.

Probably a good choice, man.

Yeah, definitely.

Just like I have to mention, this that it always stood out to me.

And I feel like I learned an important lesson through you.

Don't do an impromptu meet and greet in a small town or city where like thousands of kids are going to come out because the city will send you a bill

Yes, for the helicopters that have to come up in the year and yeah, but then went when X died

Yeah, we basically did the exact same thing that you did which is we said hey

We're gonna do it,

you know a vigil and you know a couple thousand people came I saw it was insane totally like destroyed the entire block luckily though

There wasn't really much like violence or property destruction and they never build us but I the cops coming by and telling us like,

hey, don't ever do that again.

And we were like, okay.


So wait, did you or not?

Did you get a bill from the?

We did not, but I remember you telling me that you got a bill of like a hundred grand, right?

Yeah, but see, this is how they got me was they were like,

oh, we need to get you out of here, you know, for safety.

But just that's how they were gonna get my information, follow me to where I was going.

They didn't want me to leave from the spot so they, you know, couldn't get in contact.

Yeah, they will bill you for all that stuff, man.

It's wild though,

because like in the case of the X memorial,

it was kind of like,

well, how are you going to bill me or charge me for this when I didn't know that this many of you going to come?

Yeah, they could say like, you should have known.

Like you could have guessed You know who you are, come on.

In reality though, I did know that.

a lot of people are going to come but I didn't know I thought it might be like there was so

I've never seen all that there was a lot I think more than like 2,000 people rose everybody was just

jumping off the roof and like I remember there being a viral clip of everybody hanging off of this

one car yeah 10 people holding onto a car just hanging on the street you know and and that that

just goes into the broader sense of what I meant with no

Jumper being such a big aspect of of the culture and especially sound call culture like like moments like that like the visual

Everybody remembers that moment,

you know,

rest in piece of X a legend obviously But that was an important moment was that visual I remember and I still see you know yesterday was the the anniversary

It was fifth anniversary.

Yeah, I know that f*ck me I'm just thinking about the phone.

It's been five years crazy.

Imagine where X would be now like musically just or yeah Musically man, what what we what kind of sounds would you be making man?

I've had that moment many times where I think you So managed him for like yeah, yeah, I man.

Hey, that's a cool brother.

I remember that.

That's another thing man It's like these moments in history, bro, they're crazy.

But you look back on moments like that and I'm like,

oh, when he said that he wanted me to be his manager,

I should have dropped everything in my life and just gone to Florida and just, I never thought about it.

Post up and really tried to do that.

At the time,

I was so focused on no jumper that there was,

I remember even having a conversation with my girl and being like,

I'm like I might have to really like go to Florida and spend hella time there cuz he wants me to manage him and her

Kind of like realizing like oh,

so that's probably gonna be it for us Yeah,

like sh*t's like how I was our relationship gonna be a thing still if you're just gonna go to Florida and hang out with a of Crazy ass sound bug.

Yeah, when you say that you should have dropped your your stuff and because obviously nobody knew how, like,

you know, where he was gonna be.

But if you would've dropped your stuff,

do you think maybe it wouldn't have worked out and then you would've,

been mad that you had left the no jumper thing in the Yeah,

because like I feel like realistically that maybe, you know, Florida is a crazy place, bro.

Yeah, but if you could have got in obviously and it was like a, yeah, that that's a crazy.

I don't think I could have made everything a tight ship and had it running smoothly,

especially since I didn't even know what a manager did at the time.

I remember hearing about Solomon,

the guy who him and him being on that revenge tour and just like losing his mind

being so unbelievably stressed out the whole time because it was so chaotic.

And I think of it.

I've heard many stories.

Every nose f*cked.

I've heard so many stories from the revenge tour.

I can't even count.

crazy sh*t yeah but I yeah no you would have to deal with a lot of sh*t

you've already had to deal with a lot since I can't imagine man yeah that would have been

over in a while and people forget to just like how controversial he was during

his life to like I remember having an unbelievable amount of pressure being

put on me which is crazy on Twitter from like people to denounce him which is

crazy it's because he had just gotten out I think if that's right when yeah that

happened he had just gotten out and that's when you got Yeah, you know, and then what Vic mens the whole Vic mens it there.

Do you remember that was after you passed?

Yeah, yeah, I'm just talking about any anybody, you know that tries to denounce.

I don't agree with them at all I think everybody has problems that that

you know in their everybody has skeletons in their closet they have things that

they might not be too proud of but it's about like just getting better

working past that with all made mistakes it is crazy though too because when I

watched the ex documentary maybe a year ago when I came out that seeing like what that girl Geneva went through,

it just really made me realize like,

oh, me and a lot of other people really like

turned a blind eye to whatever the f*ck was going on with her because of the fact that it was convenient for us.

And nobody wanted to, you know, necessarily like dig into the details of what was happening.

And when you look at the fact that she wasn't even able

to have like a normal job and she was having his fans show up at the donut shop,

she was working at sh*t,

like it did make me feel like,

you know like like I don't know like I don't know what I would have done

because at the end of the day my allegiance to somebody that I have a with

is not gonna allow me to like go on social media and say like hey I disavowed

this behavior yeah yeah I'm just not gonna do that to him but I don't know like I

definitely could have been more caring about whatever the f*ck she was going

on too yeah I I'm right there with the There's a lot of things I could have done differently.

Yeah, definitely.

What was your relationship with Aaron Carter and Carter?

I I think we had talked I Think we had we had texted a little bit.

I'd seen him on your your podcast.

Okay, we didn't like I wouldn't say we knew I mean we had message.

I think a couple of Nothing of like substance.

Oh, okay.

I thought you guys would tap in more.

No, no, it's sad.

What happened to bro, man Yeah, it's it's terrible.

Yeah, I mean that's well, you it's I first I mean obviously everybody knows Aaron Carter from You know growing up and stuff, but

um When I first saw him like I guess resurface it was on this podcast.

I'm sure a lot of people too.

He had a whole wave where he was just showing up all the time acting crazy as f*ck and he came here one time like and I still have this big ass painting this clown painting

in my room or in my office that he just dropped off which a bunch of people pointed out after the fact like oh this is

what people do before they like kill themselves or overdose or whatever is that they start giving away all their possessions and sh*t.

So I always kind of wonder, like, did he have a hunch that his time was ticking at that point?

I think, yeah, because I mean, I wasn't around him, but he was pretty messed up, right?

On like stuff, or are you at Psalmer?

I mean, he would always say that he was sober, but then he wouldn't be acting sober at all.

And I think his version of sober was involved being on a sh*tload of medication.

doctors and sh*t yeah so he almost felt like it was validated you know like it

wasn't like almost like an addiction or something yeah and it's weird when I

think about it too because like I got hit up by this documentary crew to do to do

like the documentary that came out a little while ago about him and I'm just at

the point where I don't even trust anyone like in the to like tell this kind of thing.

I'm like,

I didn't even respond because I was like,

they're going to try to turn me a villain in the It's been some some stupid narrative that I would paint,

you know,

because he would come on here and be on the f*cking funniest time possible of just being hilarious,

being ridiculous, being super extreme, coming in with a girl saying that he was about to get married to her two days.

And you know,

we're approaching that and like,

you know,

having a good time with it and laughing about it And it's like it only seems f*cked up once he's

gone Soon after and it's like oh he was in a period where he needed help and you were just laughing at him

And it's like f*ck I I didn't know that we were dealing with his last days there,

you know,

it's f*cked up I mean You couldn't have like nobody had known if he was gonna,

you know, obviously it was an accidental overdose I believe, right?

Yeah, something like that You know, I know too many details, but you never know when someone's someone's gonna go or of course

There's some things that you probably wish you could have done differently Way it is, you know, do you have any?

like famous person encounters or like just wild things that happen to you during your

rise that stands out to you now as just being kind of ridiculous like hard to believe that it's even real.

Like you know like any type of way really.

Yeah good or bad things that have happened.

hooking up a Riley Reid was a milestone because as a teenager it was like man bro

you know you just jerking off there thinking right just jerking off there

whatever you know but then like actually getting a mirror it was cool that was

probably like I know I've done a lot of cooler stuff probably but that was like my first like wow What is like,

you know, like life is so weird, like, like, and I introduce you guys.

I remember, but I think I did.

He might have.

Yeah, you might have because I remember her because she actually

has a clip on impulsive where she describes hooking up with you as if it was, you know, not great.

Basically saying your day game was trash.

How does that hit?

I probably was.

I was off Zans at the time.

I remember her kind of telling me that at the time as well.

You know, it was like I had a problem like getting it up when you're off Zans, bro.

And I speak to a lot of people back then.

I'm fine now, but.

Yeah, you know, we have some problems, definitely.

I still appreciate it, and I think she's a nice person, so.

Yeah, no, she's cool.

Because still, me and my girl will go, and like, our kids will hang out.

get married?


She stopped doing p*rn.

Okay, I know, but she only do like girl p*rn then?

She does stuff with her husband as well.

Okay, yeah, I was just curious.

I saw it get married.

But we hang out on some super normal regular ass sh*t with our kids,

which is kind of wild just to think about,

like, cause even watching that clip on

impulsive of her talking about her time spent with you,

I was just like, whoa, it's kind of wild for me to see her still kind of playing like the p*rn star role.

Whereas like I had her on the podcast maybe a year ago and she was kind of just acting like a real person.

version of her I know I don't know I probably don't know that version to be

honest I mean yeah we had a little you know we didn't react and stuff but it

felt like maybe that persona was on I don't know I you know it is what it is.

Uh, yeah, it was probably not the best back then.

She was looking for love with pump at the time too.

You know, she, it was weird because I felt like it was pump and someone else than me.

I felt like there was like a list.

There's always like a list, you know, like, like, same like tan emoji.

I think she had someone with like pump too, right?

Or don't even know, bro.

It's all I think.


Like, right?

Like, isn't it just blend in?

I her being insanely thirsty for pumping, like desperately trying to get me to hook her with backstage.

Because I did a vlog called the day in the live a little pump and she she was like so thirsty to get backstage and even take a photo with

And that's what I saw.


Yeah, and and it seemed like that was very briefly lived Then I think I was next in line and that that was more of like a

That lasted longer.

I you would say yeah, but it's always like a line boats.

It's f*cking weird Right,

but the weird thing with Tana is that I saw a clip of her on some podcast where she was kind of she wasn't trying to sh*t on you

But H3H3 was kind of trying to like know sure in the direction of like, you know, saying something bad about you.

And it was kind of funny because it's like, I remember you being very excited, Tana, to spend time with Lil Xan.

She was geeked about hooking up with the other time.

Thank you.

And, and, and we're our relationship stands now is like, obviously she said a lot

of f*cked up sh*t even you know in the past whatever it's part of her brand

you know it's it gets clicks it gets views when you can title something you know

for some reason and she understands it's that people are still interested in

anything Tana slash Lil Xan related and she's a very smart very smart

business woman I'll I'll commend her on that so she knows how to to use her

brand you know to her benefit yeah we're we're on good terms I understand why she

says certain things you know right definitely um This is the other crazy thing that she said is well,

she said you ate her ass Yeah,

I probably did yeah any other famous ass as you might have ate at the time or do you have any recollection of Tana's ass?

That want to it's nice.

I it was good.

It was good.

It good like, you know, she's a clean girl.

She's a very strawberry Strawberry skin skittles Yeah, I'll probably be in a lot of girls asses out too in the past.

Okay, I don't do that so much anymore That's the Xanax thing.

Yeah, I think is it it might be right you f*cked up on bars You'll definitely do now isn't that I feel like there was like a very demon part of me that doesn't exist anymore

now It's probably the drugs, huh?

Yeah, well she even said that in the thing about you She's like, you know when you're f*cked up on Zanz you'll suck toes.

You'll do whatever like everything kind of seems like a good Everything goes you're very open a suggestion whereas when you're sober you have like in your mind like oh,

these are the things I'm not into yeah,

and then that just goes away and it's funny because that's how I am more now more like like yeah I'm not as adventurous.

I guess maybe as very more tamed and the best thing she said about you was she said that you had a maid

who was your cousin but that it was actually just a good girl another girl you were

f*cking and you were having her come over and clean your house right in front of this other girl

that you were f*cking in Tana I used to have some wild wild things have been And that played out multiple times,

man, with different girls.

I was a wild person.

Yeah, definitely.

OK, and then I also wanted to say, OK, so recipes to P&B rock.

That was somebody you had a real relationship with.

And even when I was watching the Steve-O interview that you did,

which is probably like your last major interview,

you were saying like,

Oh, yeah, like I got an album coming out and P&B Rock might hop on one of the songs or whatever.

So you guys had an actual friendship.

Yeah, that was before he passed.


Um, yeah, yeah, that was that.

Well, it's not going to happen anymore, obviously, but yeah, there was a time

where he had sent me a couple of opens that I still haven't heard.

I I can't wait to I want that to come out no matter what, because they were very good records.

P&B Rock,

everybody, you know, when he passed away, unfortunately, he saw everybody posting, you know, their own, you know, stories with them or clips or photos of them.

It seemed like he had touched so many people.

Like, people I didn't even realize, you know, were posting, like, this, I was like, wow.

So was such a nice f*cking dude.

The last time we had hung out was Las Vegas New Year's, New Year's Eve.

I was in my friends like, ironically, another GWAG and not mine.

We're driving to the club and, you know, none of us are drunk or anything.

We're smoking weed.

We're bumping some of our music.

I he was playing some unreleased.

And I get pulled over by the cops because I was like, I guess I was going 100.

I didn't realize.

I have at this point in my life I have a suspended license to and I'm in the car with me P&B rock

And it's like two friends,

you know,

I'm like this is gonna be interesting So we get pulled over and and obviously I'm like I'm screwed

I don't want to tell them I don't have a license and I get out the car they tell me to get out and

Just talk them out like I literally talked them into just letting me go.

It took like 25 minutes I was like, please officer.

We're just some rappers like they didn't know why I was at all We're just filling ourselves.

We're playing our music this New Year's And by the like man it worked like 30 minutes later

He it was like a slap on the wrist.

Maybe a ticket,

but they let me go and Just the most memorable point from our last encounter and he used to call me speed racer after that really yeah

He wouldn't ever let me drive the whip if I was Yeah,

I mean cuz it's like a lot of times I interview people and then I never really see him again or I'll see him And it's whatever,

but I would always see him in the airport I seen him like three different times in the airport people you see at the airport a lot.

Yeah, yeah I have that with I've seen Anderson pack a couple times and then actually in

Bronson I've seen a few times in the airport too.

I don't even think I ever said hi.

I was just like You should definitely have said that.

Yeah, I don't.



There was this other thing that came out that was kind of viral for like a day.

You were supposed to tour with this band, the Dropout Kings.

And they framed it like basically you just f*cked off on the tour.

And you put out a statement that said, I dropped off the tour because your management and booking agents were taking advantage of me.

Your team dropped the ball.

Your team did not have any accommodations or travel or anything a tour should.

You just wanted to promote your homies under my name and we tried to work it out but your team is obviously new at this.

So how did that go down?

That was, that all stemmed from just, you know, business, like, it was bad business.

What, what they, I, I didn't have the management I have now, that was just before I had linked

up with my new management, which, you know, it very good.

I was still kind of like, I don't know how you describe it, I didn't have a manager at that time.

like my friend who's a good friend of mine who's also a producer that was almost stepping in as a manager kind of part I guess and he had said all that I'm not putting up

no bad things on him he didn't know what he was getting to either but we had kind of formed this whole idea of going on tour with the we didn't even know it was with

people at first like they didn't even mention that till down the road and it just led and then I got new

management They started to uncover that these things weren't right these people weren't as legit as they were

The money wasn't there for traveling just to get around it was very unorganized

So of course he did the rational thing of just pulling out completely before we you know went on this cluster f*ck of a tour.

I don't even know what it would have been and he could see that I was still in the early stages of like Getting sober and I was doing good.

So felt like also you need to,

going back out on the road is the worst thing right now, you to someone trying to stay sober.

So it was a mixture of mainly bad business on their part and just wanting to use that time to rest, I guess.

Right, okay.

Yeah, but they, you know, they have probably a different version of events, but that's on them.

But people kind of tried to use it as part of this narrative of like the downfall of like,

oh, nobody was gonna go to the ships anyway, so that's why he pulled out.

I was really true to that.

No, I, there's no truth.

I didn't even see any ticket counts or any of the shows.

It felt like it was so early that there wasn't any, it was so unorganized.

There was no how many ticket sales there.

The lady had like, I don't know if she had tricked them.

Yeah, it was very just unprofessional in it and we realized that and that's what we pulled out

Right, but I never saw whether there was people showing up not I don't know I can't speak to that

Like I never saw any numbers You know,

do you feel like you know,

you're kind of past the point in your career where you should be necessarily doing random janky ass tours with bands that are like I don't know if they're legit or not.

I don't know how I don't know either.

I don't know much about them,

but that just goes into more of the whole thing of we didn't at first We didn't even realize that there was gonna be a band on it.

That was almost slipped under It was because she was managing those were her artists that were put on so she kind of slipped that in like yo

We're gonna do this tour and then also Here's some good PR for my,

you know, and that's what it felt like a hundred percent So that's another big reason we pulled out.

Yeah, it was just a bad bad deal And then there was there was another clip of you actually eating sh*t on stage was that that was a recently though

That was relatively recently.

Yeah, that was like a few months ago.

I did a show.

I opened up for polo G in far North Dakota and it's like some Looney Tunes sh*t,

bro It's you see the one f*cking thing of water like the banana peel and hit that slick Everybody thought it was super funny.

I stopped the show I was like yo

We got to stop the show and then I made a joke about myself and I'm like oh we can keep going

You actually got f*cked up there.

What do you mean when you when you fell?

Oh, no, I heard my ankle a little bit But it was more I had to play this off like like I would I didn't look that stupid enough

I'm actually glad I felt because it helped everything that goes viral ends up helping,

you really yeah So I'm glad like I actually ate sh*t in a weird way because when's the last time you actually put music out because in that

you were acting like you're about to put out music soon, but then it hasn't actually happened since then.

Yeah, that was like the Wild West to where I didn't really have a manager figure or a team.

So I was kind of just spitballing, freestyling, kind of some things that I wanted to do.

And obviously I got good management and they told me.

You know,

this is how you got to do things differently,

you you can't just drop this,

do this,

you know,

it's got to be planned and and we've ultimately decided that now is the time to to to get back into it,

you know, and we plan on dropping, you know, new at this point every month.

So you're gonna be just dropping music videos and kind of trying to warm sh*t up before you drop a project.

Yeah, I really, I really am excited.

people to hear this next record I'm putting out because it is it's it's what I wish I could have been making previously too.

It's very mature.

It's not you know the similar topics I guess is it's very mature and it's just like the evolution.

If you're a fan of my music It's exciting, man.

It's the evolution of everything.

Right, definitely.

Yeah, that's good to hear that you're excited about and everything.

Who tried to charge you $200K for a feature?

Yeah, I love that I can finally talk about this.

Because fact fact by the the was was was was inspired by the the by was Nobody, that wasn't about a feature at all.

That was actually talking about someone charging that price for a show, like to perform.

I'm good friends with,

I won't name them obviously,

but I'm good friends with these people that had told me that this one artist,

who's on the come up,

I'll give him that, had tried to charge them 200K, and I was drunk in Spain at a sold out show.

I was just kind of, I didn't think that was gonna be viral.

I was just kind of venting on my story.

And then when I get back to America, obviously I didn't have service on the way.

So that whole time that I was in the air, that whole story was formulating, so I couldn't get my two cents in.

No, that was just me echoing a frustration on my friend, and that had nothing to do with the feature.

It was him charging that for a show.

But played it like it was, That's understandable.

I feel like you can charge 200k for a show.

I mean no no like a feature.

Maybe oh, yeah I mean, maybe that's a I know.

I don't feel like that.

I wouldn't be that no I didn't seem like that.

I mean ye if we found out that you was charging somebody 200k for a feature It's like the same thing with you like if I had found out that at a certain point you had

been able to charge that much It's like yeah

if you're at that moment in your career where you can charge that much you better

f*cking do it because realistically that part of your career is probably not gonna last forever

not everybody gets to be you know Drake or play by Cardi or someone who has like a 10-year

f*cking career where there's only a handful of those rappers now like see if you would have done that shot to eat.

I have understood.

I be like, yes, you know, he's popping.


Yeah, definitely.

Just misunderstanding.


So, okay, what is important to you at this point in life?

Are we ever going to see like a little zan, the family man, are you ever going to impregnate one of these girls or what?

Yeah, that's the goal, right?

Um, I, I feel For the future, you know, I just want to keep growing whether it's just musically or I want to do a lot of different things

I want to get into acting.

I to get into producing I want to get into this plan.

I want to do all that.

I want to do all the things that I feel like I was robbed of during my previous thing.

I so busy.

I was on drugs all the time.

Now it's like,

now it's my time to just be me and to show people that I'm not that crazy kid like I used to be,

and I'm not all f*cked up on drugs again.

It's almost like,

you know,

like a second chance,

you know,

whether people give me a second chance or not,

I'm here to show them that, you know, You know, it's worth your time to check it out, you know.


Are you working on the music with anybody in particular or is it all you?

Because I feel like you are likable in your star and people at the end of the day,

if the music lives up to the fact that you have a dope personality and an image that's clearly captivating to people,

I feel like there will, that people will.

narrative of you kind of switching your life around it's just gonna have to

like really be accompanied by the music like being really great like you

know the the great part of your career where you blew the f*ck up was because

betrayed was a really f*cking great song and it's like like,

you know, I think then if as the album came out and the album wasn't very well received, that's when everybody started hating on you.

And kind of like that for most artists,

you know,

like, as soon as Chancellor put out an album that people didn't like, it didn't matter that Chancellor Rapper was this, like, but it figure before that,

you know?

Yeah, yeah, it's, it's, it's just part of the game.

You we all know we get into and we sign up for this, uh, That, I didn't like that album very much either.

Um, I remember listening to it and being like, damn, you know, what, what I will say about

that album though is I don't really like it that much,

but I will acknowledge like it is a classic in the sense that like you see the cover,

you know, it's a very, you know, it's just a memorable sound cloud thing, you know, it's stolen that bucket.

It was a moment in time.

Yeah, it was a moment in time.

So I give it that credit like it's a classic in that sense.

Uh, it was, it was just mismanaged, you know, bad engineers on it, um, bad communication.

It just that album was just a everything of bad communication, just mental instability just put together and obviously it wasn't well received.

This time this next project is what I wish I could have made my first project like yeah It's a classic whatever.

This is my in my own mind my first body will work like that matters You know and yeah,

that one had betrayed and colorblind now that those were good songs cool songs But this one is is the one that matters because betrayed was all you it's only you had anybody helping you with

music back No,

no betrayed man I wrote betrayed on on like a f*cking janky ass washing machine in like a trap garage,

you know All myself,

I didn't think I f*cking created the best thing since like sliced bread or anything I was like oh personally tastes like Skittles like this is funny,

you know what I mean, and then we did it It was so simple.

It wasn't like over making this magnet record it was like oh we're just kids making music and people liked it you know

so definitely but so are you working with anybody oh yeah my bad producers that

you feel like are capable of helping you to sort of like elevate your sh*t or

songwriters yeah a lot of things you'll notice obviously the music coming up is

that there's a more instruments a lot more guitars pianos things that I

always wanted to implement in the past but just couldn't for for some reason or

another there's a lot of its music I love instruments and and live instruments

and and yeah as far as who I'm working with just the same people you know no big

names or really anything a couple big names as features but Uh,

just the same people that have stuck by me and, um, and keep me down and good people, you know, that's good to hear.

And I mean, I'm just super happy about you being sober.

Thank you.

It is like with the face tattoos and sh*t,

I feel like people are going to, it's going to take a while before people accept that you're sober.

Like you're going to have to probably get the word sober.

It's you're f*cking forever.

Because just kind of give off a zand out vibe regardless.

But as soon as you walked in here,

I was like, Oh, like, I can feel the energy that you're, you're not like living in this f*cking cloud.

I used to come in your sauce, man, fall asleep on the table.


Uh, like I said, I feel.

I feel really good, you and whether people will give me a second chance or not.

I'm just here to plead my case to explain some things that had happened in the past.

And I appreciate you for letting me on in to, you know, explain that obviously and just show people.

The right side of me that you know that that they didn't really get to see in the past.

Yeah, definitely Yeah, cuz I mean it's it's motivational to me, too

Like I've been sober since January 2019 besides drinking a little bit here and there I actually stopped smoking weed like a month ago,

which is kind of a weird thing that I'm still not I'm not sure is gonna last forever.

Yeah, yeah, it might be a hard one for me, too Yeah, definitely but I mean just seeing anybody from that time period

Who's able to sort of elevate and get past the sh*t that you run before is very motivational to me.

Thank you That means a lot to me.

Yeah, no doubt.

So when is this album gonna actually be out?

We're thinking September, right?

Yeah, September and the the new single comes out on the 30th of this month and yeah We have a show in LA

Yeah, so that wins that.

Where you playing set?

We're doing a small show 17 20.

Oh, yeah, that's why I do my Zanderiki on everything the way back in the day.

Yeah, but more as small.

We're starting off obviously small rooms intimate rooms And we're just gonna build up again,

you know,

definitely I mean,

it's it's crazy when I think about it where there was a couple of different Lil Xan shows that I went to,

including one where it was some like EDM group or some sh*t.

Oh yeah.

It was that the no vote.

Hippy sabotage.

Hippy sabotage.

And I remember like you coming out and the audience like your young Hispanic female fan based just going absolutely insane.

like hold your ear is like they screamed so loud.

Yeah, that was a good show.

It makes me wonder where a lot of those girls are at now.

They're still sticking around.

What are they doing?

I don't know.

Yeah, eating at you though.

Yeah, hopefully not overdosing.

Yeah, not overdosing.

Oh, that was one thing that Tana said she basically kind of said in that H3C clip that you.

That the hot cheetos thing was like a cover-up for you Overdosing on other things was that true at any point?

Oh the the cheeto thing.

I never used the word overdose It was I had I had gone to the hospital because I actually did eat too many hot Cheetos funny enough

And I threw up a little bit of blood not nothing crazy,

but enough to make me think oh I should go to the hospital I'm going on tour tomorrow.

So I went to the hospital and then I wanted people to think yo I'm I wanted them.

No, I'm going on tour.

So I made this dumb video saying yo,

it's all good I just went to the hospital for Cheetos,

but whatever I go to sleep And then the first blog the next day had somehow titled overdose and then every blog after that just picked up that same

Keyword overdose and it just became like this f*cking big stupid thing and I'm like, okay We ran with it obviously right.

Yeah, cuz it was like too good like we got to run with this and it just you know We didn't expect no that wasn't you would think that was like some pre-planned

Marketing sh*t.

No, that accidental like all accidental and we couldn't believe how many people cared You know what I mean, but that's a certain level of fame where the blogs and the media will actually like come

up with the viral Storyline for you even if it's not really that connected to what you actually said

But I mean I can say I moved here from the east coast and one thing that kind of surprised me back in like 2010

Was like oh there are hot Cheetos in every f*cking

store I see kids eating hot Cheetos everywhere I go like it's so popular and when I lived in New York and sh*t

That was not a f*cking thing granted like much lower percentage of that now though with the hot cheetos.

I don't know.

I'm really in the streets to like monitor the hot cheetos consumption, but probably there's probably hot cheetos.

It's just like you see that everywhere, especially out here though.

Yeah, I think that that's I don't need them that much anymore though.

I think they're all right.

If they're around,

I will eat it and I don't find them to be like that hot That's why I was always kind of

The idea of you overdosing on it.

Yeah, it uh, it burns like the the stomach lining and that's it's like a city Well, I will see people who work here eating a bag of hot Cheetos at like 10 in the morning

And I realize that that's their breakfast.

Yeah, that's not a yeah, that's not a substantial breakfast right there These would be my breakfast some eggs or bacon

Get a peanut butter bar peanut butter.

That's what we need.

Yeah, from protein.

All right, Lil Xan, I appreciate you.

And are you thinking about changing to Diego at any point?

Or have you kind of forgot about that plan for?


You know a lot of people know me as Diego as well,

and they've heard that in the past I just want to keep it open to both right now,

you know Maybe one day we'll commit to the fully changing it but for right now.

I like Diego I like being called Zann maybe not the little seems a little corny Yeah,

I call me either or you know, I like both of them for right now big exam.

Actually, I'm yeah We should do big then like that better you do that.

Yeah, all right little Zann.

I appreciate you dog Thank you much love.

Thank you for coming through

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.